SlideShare a Scribd company logo
- Change to first person (I/me/my)
- Add examples
- Breakout questions to be part of PM (non-fillable)
- Debrief questions more precise
- How to video re Portal (Carrie)
- Differentiate by level
- Differentiate questions for New Grads (reach out)
- Include different modalities like polls & videos
- Review Outgrow questions for Module 4 (Doug)
- Uncertain if Bell allow AC emails to get through security (Doug/Zoltan)
Internal process – AC on hold re emails
Email communication
Step What One-off For each Module Who
1 First name, last name, BU and email goes into AC 2 days
before start
2 Initial email goes out from AC with (1) PM (2) Portal
instructions & QR/link and (3) link to Welcome video
24 hours prior
to Module
3 Pairing of Accountability Partners and shared with
Module 1
4 Link in chat for attendance and NPS/feedback in
During each
5 Booking first Impact Coaching sessions in outlook During Module 1 Amy
6 Post module email (1) how to prep for IC (2) meet AP
(3) confirm IC meeting, (4) application tracker, etc.
1-3 hours post
7 Summary and post NPS/feedback
- Bell Channel (Robyn)
- Imported from Outgrow to AC (Cara)
EOD Module Robyn & Cara
Initial email to registered participants FALL 2020
Dear Participant,
Please find the details of the CP3 People Leaders virtual training you are
enrolled in.
1. Program Overview :
This program will provide you with the tools and resources to engage your
stakeholders to exceed your desired business results by leading others and
creating an impact.
• Timeline :
Session 1 : 2 hrs: Power of You Zoom video session
Impact Coaching 1: 45 min intake coaching with an accountability partner and
Session 2 : 2 hrs: Power of Connection Zoom video session
Session 3 : 2 hrs: Power of Peers Zoom video session
Impact Coaching 2: 30 min mid-point coaching with an accountability partner
and coach
Session 4 : 2 hrs: Power of Impact Zoom video session
Virtual Session Details :
Ø Virtual via zoom platform. Refer calendar invites for zoom meeting details
Ø 4 X 2 hour mandatory sessions every other week.
Ø All Impact coaching sessions are mandatory
Ø Note: A camera* is needed to participate in this session.
*You can use your phone as a camera as well. Video option needs to be
Should you have any questions regarding your participation in this
program, please contact the Leadership Development Team
Pre Program Requirements Checklist
1. Pre-Session :
¨ Run Zoom in browser*
-Do not download/install zoom app on your office computer
¨ Download the participant manual here.
¨ Watch the pre-module video here
¨ Complete 3-min survey on your learning needs
2. During the session :
¨ Join the session on time
¨ Have a comfortable un-disturbed setting
¨ Check internet connection and enable camera
¨ Close all other apps, outlook and BETC
¨ Use headset or earphone for better clarity
¨ Two displays/screens can enhance your experience
3. Completion Credits :
To receive completion credits participant has to :
¨ Attend all the sessions.
¨ Complete assignments
¨ Complete all impact coaching.
*Note: All zoom sessions use enhanced security of meeting id and password,
which is in calendar invites you received from CareerZone. Do not share or
pass on the invites to others
Initial email to registered participants WINTER 2021
Dear Participant,
Please find the details of the XXXXX (CP2 Professional) virtual training
you are enrolled in.
1. Program Overview :
This program will provide you with the tools and resources
to engage your stakeholders to exceed your desired business results by
leading others and creating an impact.
• Timeline :
Session 1 : 2 hrs: Power of You Zoom video session
Impact Coaching 1: 45 min intake Impact Coaching with an
Accountability Partner and Impact Coach
Session 2 : 2 hrs: Power of Connection Zoom video session
Session 3 : 2 hrs: Power of Peers Zoom video session
Impact Coaching 2: 45 min mid-point coaching with an Accountability
Partner and Impact Coach
Session 4 : 2 hrs: Power of Impact Zoom video session
Virtual Session Details :
Ø Virtual via zoom platform. Refer calendar invites for zoom meeting
Ø 4 X 2 hour mandatory sessions every other week.
Ø All Impact coaching sessions are mandatory
Ø Note: A camera* is needed to participate in this session.
*You can use your phone as a camera as well. Video option needs to be
Should you have any questions regarding your participation in this
program, please contact the Leadership Development Team
Pre Program Requirements Checklist
1. Pre-Session :
¨ Run Zoom in browser* here
-Do not download/install zoom app on your office computer
¨ Download the participant manual here.
¨ Watch the pre-module video and download the participant portal ADD PORTAL here
¨ Complete 3-min survey on your learning needs
¨ Think about the following before Module 1:
a. What do I want to impact (business impacts)?
b. What could I share about myself with my team or a member of my team, that could benefit
c. A current situation where giving or receiving feedback would benefit me or others.
d. A person or behaviour where in an ideal world, I could effectively challenge.
2. During the session :
¨ Join the session on time
¨ Have a comfortable un-disturbed setting
¨ Check internet connection and enable camera
¨ Close all other apps, outlook and BETC
¨ Use headset or earphone for better clarity
¨ Two displays/screens can enhance your experience
3. Completion Credits :
To receive completion credits participant has to :
¨ Attend all the sessions.
¨ Complete assignments
¨ Complete all impact coaching.
*Note: All zoom sessions use enhanced security of meeting id and password, which is in calendar invit
you received from CareerZone. Do not share or pass on the invites to others
Initial email to registered participants- TO REVISE
Veuillez trouver les détails de la formation virtuelle sur les Notions de base en
leadership pour laquelle vous vous êtes inscrit.
Aperçu du programme :
Le programme de formation virtuelle Notions de base en leadership
suscite la réflexion et vous inspire à songer à la façon dont vous dirigez les gens à
l’intérieur de Bell. Ce programme met l’accent sur la pratique, en employant des outils
éprouvés pour mobiliser vos intervenants, afin que vous soyez reconnu comme une
personne qui dépasse les résultats commerciaux souhaités en dirigeant les autres et en
créant un impact dans votre unité d’affaires.
Échéancier :
• Module 1 : 2 heures : Le pouvoir en vous Séance vidéo avec Zoom
• Séances de coaching d'impact 1 : Coaching de 45 minutes avec un coach d'impact
et un partenaire d'imputabilité
• Module 2 : 2 heures : Le pouvoir de la connexion Séance vidéo avec zoom
• Module 3 : 2 heures : Le pouvoir des pairs Séance vidéo avec Zoom
• Séances de coaching d'impact 2 : Coaching de 45 minutes avec un coach d'impact
et un partenaire d'imputabilité
• Module 4 : 2 heures : Le pouvoir de l’impact Séance vidéo avec Zoom
Détails de la séance virtuelle :
• Virtuelle par le biais de la plateforme Zoom. Consultez les invitations au calendrier
pour obtenir les détails de la réunion sur Zoom.
• Quatre modules obligatoires de deux heures toutes les deux semaines.
• Toutes les séances de coaching d'impact sont obligatoires.
• Remarque : Une caméra* est nécessaire pour participer à cette séance. Vous pouvez
aussi utiliser votre téléphone comme caméra. L’option vidéo doit être activée.
Si vous avez des questions concernant votre participation à ce programme, veuillez
Liste de contrôle préliminaire des exigences du programme
1. Avant la séance :
• Lancez Zoom dans le navigateur*
• Ne téléchargez pas et n’installez pas l’application Zoom sur l’ordinateur de
votre bureau.
• Téléchargez le cahier du participant ici.
• Visionnez la vidéo qui précède le module et télécharger le portail ici.
¨ Remplissez le sondage de trois minutes sur vos besoins en matière
Nous vous suggérons quelques pistes de réflexion avant de commencer le
module 1 :
a. Sur quoi est-ce que je veux avoir un impact (impacts sur l’entreprise) ?
b. Que puis-je partager sur moi-même avec mon équipe ou un membre de mon
équipe, qui pourrait m’être bénéfique ?
c. Une situation courante dans laquelle donner ou recevoir une rétroaction
serait bénéfique pour moi ou pour d’autres personnes.
d. Une personne ou un comportement que je pourrais, dans un monde idéal,
remettre en question avec efficacité.
2. Durant la séance :
• Joignez-vous à la séance à temps.
• Installez-vous dans un environnement confortable et sans dérangement
• Vérifiez la connexion Internet et activez la caméra.
• Fermez toutes les autres applications, comme Outlook et BCTE.
• Utilisez un casque d’écoute ou un écouteur pour une meilleure clarté.
• Deux écrans peuvent améliorer votre expérience.
3. Crédits :
Pour recevoir des crédits, le participant doit faire ce qui suit :
• Participer à toutes les séances.
• Terminer les tâches affectées.
¨ Participer à toutes les séances de coaching sur les répercussions.
*Remarque : Toutes les séances Zoom utilisent une sécurité accrue de
Pre module 1 data collection from Participant
Winter/Spring 2021
Pre-Assessment portal
• Name
• What Business Unit are you from? (drop down/other)
• What Time Zone do you work in? (drop down)
• How committed am I to leading differently from this program? (1-
• I am comfortable with receiving feedback from my leader(s)
and peers? (1-10)
• What are my top 3 development priorities I want to learn from this
• How did you hear about this program? (drop down/other)
• Priorités en matière de développement
Participant Portal Key messages for Video (Carrie)
• WELCOME: We look forward to seeing you for Module 1 of your Leadership/Professional Foundations program
• PURPOSE: Foundations program comes with a toolkit called a "Participant Portal"
• BEFORE you attend Module 1, make sure to:
• Click on the link in the email to access the Participant Portal
• Register by creating your own account
• Answer the set of questions
• BEST PRACTICE is to set up the Portal on your desktop or mobile device so it's easily accessible during the
modules and all the times for quick reference
• We will cover more about the Portal in Module 1 and if you want to get familiar with it, the Portal allows you to :
• Take notes and learn how to use each tool/concept
• Tracks the number of times you practice using the tools/concepts of each module
• Don't for to do this BEFORE Module 1 begins.
• Looking forward to seeing you
Fall 2020 OUTGROW
• Name
• Email
• Cohort
• Module
• What is your Business Unit (BU)?
• How likely are you to recommend this
module to a colleague or friend?
• What is the primary reason for your score?
• What is the one thing we could do to make
it better?
• What could we do to make you say
• What was most useful? What
recommendations do you have to improve
or amplify the virtual learning experience?
• Who else would benefit from this module or
• What else would you like to share?
Module 1-4 End of module
Winter/Spring 2021 OUTGROW
• Name
• Email
• Cohort
• Module
• What is your Business Unit (BU)?
• How likely are you to recommend this module
to a colleague or friend? (1-10 with 9-10
being a recommend)
• What is the primary reason for your score?
(For ALL)
• What is the one thing we could do to make it
better? (For Detractors)
• What could we do to make you say “WOW”?
(For Neutrals)
• What was most useful? (For Promotors)
• What recommendations do you have to
improve or amplify the virtual learning
• Who else would benefit from this module or
• What else would you like to share?
Module 1-4 End of module
• The purpose of my coaching would be?
• The expected outcome of my coaching would be?
• I would benefit from additional 1:1 impact coaching
• If no, would you prefer to stay with your current
accountability partner or change?
• The actual outcome of my coaching will be? (to be
filled in when finished coaching)
Module 4 additional questions (in portal) • What is your #1/#2/#3 Skill Gap that you want
to close now? Ex: Change readiness,
delegation to development, framing business
cases, influencing leader choices, internal
project pitches, proving impact...
• How important is your identified #1/#2/#3 Skill
Gap? (1-10)
• How would you rate your current ability for your
#1/#2/#3 Skill Gap? (1-10)
• How likely are you to recommend your Impact
Coach to a friend a colleague? (1-10)
• When do you expect to know the impact from
your Impact Statement?
• Are you interested in: A) Bell Leadership
Advanced Impact Assessment (Y/N)
• Are you interested in: B) Bell Leadership Impact
Coaching (Y/N)
• Rank the Coaching offering in order of interest
(3, 6, Unlimited)
• Congratulations! You have unlocked an
exclusive offer
to access monthly BrainTrusts when you sign-
up for Unlimited Impact Coaching. Would you
like to join monthly BrainTrusts? (Yes/No)
• For additional support, leave your name and
Bell email address
Module 4 additional questions
You have completed Module 1: The Power of You of your Leadership Foundations experience. In advance of your Intake Impact Coaching
Session, you will have needed to:
•Identify your preliminary Impact Project statement
•Use pages 19-22 of your participant manual as a reference. Reflect on the following:
•IMPACT: What impact do you I want to have on the business considering your purpose and profit?
•METRICS: What metrics could you I use to measure the impact? Get to a dollar value ($) of (Saving time, saving money, increasing revenue,
increasing efficiency, increasing effectiveness, etc.)
•ASSUMPTIONS: What assumptions am I making in determining my metrics?
• ME: How will I personally show up differently as a leader? (Eg. mindset, communication, confidence, resilience, mental health, etc.) Identify
3 actions.
•MY TEAM/STAKEHOLDERS: What actions will I take differently? (Eg. people to align with, process, resources, etc.) Identify 3 actions.Who do
I want to get aligned with my impact? What resources do I need?
•ACTION: What are the 2-3 primary actions to achieve the impact?
•Meet with your accountability partner
•Your accountability partner has been pre-assigned. Meet with them prior to the impact coaching session to review/discuss yours and your
partner’s impact statement.
•Check your availability
If you haven't already done so, confirm your availability for your Impact Coaching session.
If you or your accountability partner are not available for your pre-assigned Impact Coaching time, book a new time
using by emailing your Impact Coach. Depending on who you got your calendar invitation from and suggest 2-3 alternate times,
that will suit you and your accountability partner(s).
Your Impact Coach will be either:
The impact coaching session will support you create an impact on your development (professionally and personally), on the business, your team, peers and/or
Bonjour à tous,
Vous avez completé le module 1 : Le pouvoir de vous de votre expérience des notions de base en leadership. Avant votre séance de coaching pour impact, vous devez :
•Identifier votre déclaration d’impact
•Utiliser la page 14 du cahier de participation comme de référence. Réfléchissez aux éléments suivants :
•IMPACT : Quel impact voulez-vous avoir sur l’entreprise en considérant votre objectif ou passion?
•MESURES : Quelles mesures pourriez-vous utiliser pour mesurer votre impact ? (1. Productivité et efficacité 2. Revenus 3. Économies 4. Fidélisation et satisfaction des
employés 5. Satisfaction de la clientèle)
•HYPOTHÈSES : Quelles hypothèses puis-je faire quant à la détermination de mes mesures ?
•VOUS : Comment allez-vous diriger (ex. mentalité, communication, confiance, etc.)
•ÉQUIPE/INTERVENANTS : Qu’allez-vous faire en tant que leader pour diriger / utiliser différemment (ex. ressources, personnel, processus, outils)
•ACTIONS : Quelles sont les deux ou trois principales actions atteindre votre impact ?
•Rencontrer votre partenaire d’imputabilité avant la séance de coaching pour impact pour examiner et discuter votre impact.
•Vérifier votre disponibilité : Vérifier auprès de votre partenaire d’imputabilité pour vous assurer que l’heure vous convient. Si ce n’est pas le cas, envoyez-nous quelques
La séance de coaching pour impact vous aidera à créer un impact sur votre développement (professionnel et personnel), sur l’entreprise, votre équipe, vos pairs et/ou
vos leaders.
Au plaisir de vous revoir,
AC data to collect
• How committed are you to leading differently from this
program? (Adalo)
• I am comfortable with receiving feedback from my leader(s)
and peers? (Adalo)
• What are the top 3 development priorities I want to learn from this
program? (3 fields) (Adalo)
• Accountability Partner 1
• Accountability Partner 2
• Impact Statement 1 with 5 fields
• Impact Statement 2 with 5 fields
• Impact Statement 3 with 5 fields
Priority B
• Tracker (summary) by module
AC data to collect
Active Campaign Who From where To where
First name CARA Robyn Excel
Last name CARA Robyn Excel
Organization CARA Robyn Excel
Initial Cohort (CP2 Pro date) CARA Robyn Excel
Email CARA Robyn Excel
Language CARA Robyn Excel
Facilitator CARA Robyn Excel
FND Impact Coach CARA Robyn Excel
Attendance M1 Facilitator Manual
Attendance M2 Facilitator Manual
Attendance M3 Facilitator Manual
Attendance M4 Facilitator Manual
Attendance FND IC Session #1 Impact Coach Manual
Attendance FND IC Session #2 Impact Coach Manual
Active Campaign Who From
Time Zone Cara Adalo
How committed are you to
leading differently from this
Cara Adalo
What are the top 3
development priorities?
Cara Adalo
Proactive Prep:
1. Why am I taking this program and what is my commitment to leading differently. (portal)
2. Identify my top 3 development priorities (portal)
EMAIL: Think about the following before Module 1:
a. What do I want to impact (business impacts)?
b. What could I share about myself with my team or a member of my team, that could benefit me?
c. A current situation where giving or receiving feedback would benefit me or others. d. A person or
behaviour where in an ideal world, I could effectively challenge.
Set yourself up for success
17 Participant Manual – Reference only
Participant Portal – Active engagement
Leadership Foundations
Latest Releases
Module 1: Power of You Module 2: Power of Connection Module 3: Power of Peers Module 4: Power of Impact
PG. 1
You want progress
Shift: from what we can control to how we can lead
Leaders committed to support you drive your development
Led Canadian Olympic Team to 14 Gold
Medals at Vancouver 2010 Winter
Increased business impact of
clients by over 55 million
Leading learners to help the
impossible seem achievable
for 20+ years
Increase business impact by
over $750 billion
Supporting learners to achieve
their impact with ease
Guiding leaders to achieve their
development goals
86% reduction in
subscriber churn
Since 1989, over 1 million participants proved they know
better than expensive consultants and did it themselves.
Increase sales
Exceeded sales
targets for 1st time
in 12 years
Same approach: participant-driven
Accelerated client
onboarding, software
implementation and
purchase of
additional modules
From $800M
to $1.4B in a year
with same team
Diverse Talent
>$1 million in profit
proven from each
What is participant-driven learning?
Leadership Foundations
WHY: To rapidly develop your leadership
capabilities and accelerate your impact
HOW: Participant-driven with a focus on
practice, application and impact
WHAT: Four 2-hour modules with Proactive Prep to
support practice with an Accountability Partner,
Impact Coaching, and achieve an Actual Impact to
move you and your leadership toward mastery
PG. 2
People Leaders: Learning Outcomes
PG. 3
Professionals: Learning Outcomes
PG. 4
Leadership Foundations: Outline
(15 mins)
(15 mins)
(15 mins)
(15 mins)
Power of
(2-hour module)
Power of
(2-hour module)
Power of You
(2-hour module)
Power of
(2-hour module)
Triad Impact Coaching
(45 minutes)
Triad Impact Coaching
(45 minutes)
2 weeks
2 weeks
2 weeks
Our PAINS and GAINS as a CP2 Professional inside Bell
GAIN: The opportunities you create
PAIN: The challenges you face
Module 1: The Power of You
By Learn2
2020 • 4 songs • 3.5 hours
1 Proactive Prep 00:05:00 IIIIIIIIIIIII
Module 1 2:00:00 IIIIIIIIIIIII
3 Accountability Partners and Application 1:00:00 IIIIIIIIIIIII
4 Triad Impact Coaching 00:45:00 IIIIIIIIIIIII
PG. 5
Statement from person A
Pause... Choose WYSIITMB Respond
Pause... Choose WYSIITMB Respond
Pause... Choose WYSIITMB Respond
PG. 6
What you said is important to me because… WYSIITMB
What made you decide to take this program?
François: I am unsure what to expect from this
program as a professional here at Bell because I don't
have a team. I am prepared to keep an open mind
Sola: PAUSE...WYSIITMB I too wasn't sure what to
expect. My leader told me that they see me as a
leader and the course would help with my leadership
François: PAUSE...WYSIITMB...
PG. 7
Breakout groups
My toolkit – use now
How committed am I to leading differently?
X = 6 min
Y = Practice the Pause, Choice and WYSIITMB
Z = Understand level of commitment to change and learning PG. 8
How did the pause, choice and WYSIITMB impact the quality of my
How was the outcome of the commitments?
What else did I learn?
PG. 9
Development process
Unconscious incompetence - Stage 1 (0 to 2)
You don’t know what you don’t know
Conscious incompetence - Stage 2 (3 to 5)
You know what you want to do and you don’t have the
skills to do it yet
Conscious competence - Stage 3 (6 to 8)
You know what you could do, and you know how to do it,
and it takes a lot of conscious effort
Unconscious competence - Stage 4 (9 to 11)
You know what you could do, and how to do it, and it
flows naturally from you
PG. 10
PG. 11
EXAMPLE of Development process – Be a change agent
Stage 1 - Unconscious incompetence
People should agree to change when it's logical
Stage 2 - Conscious incompetence
I remind myself to meet with key team members before
making changes
Stage 3 - Conscious competence
I actively engage, consult, listen, collaborate
before expecting change to happen
Stage 4 - Unconscious competence
I automatically meet people where they are to understand
their resistance before making changes
I want to be known as an effective leader at Bell
What are my top 3 development priorities?
PG. 12
Bell Leadership Success Profile BLSP
PG. 13
PG. 14
EXAMPLE – top 3 development priorities
How to effectively communicate
with executive team
Presentation skills
How to create/motivate a
high-performing team
My toolkit – use now
What are my top 3 development priorities
X = 8 min
Y = Reflect on my top 3 development priorities for my PGP
Z = I want to get known as an effective leader at Bell
PG. 15
Share in chat:
What are my development priorities?
What else did I learn?
PG. 16
Grammy = My impact
My business impacts PG. 17
Leading at Bell
Me and my value
My leader(s)
Leader’s leader(s)
Build the best
Drive growth
with innovative
Deliver the
Operate with
agility and cost
Engage and
invest in our
PG. 18
My team, peers, stakeholders
Connect your impact to Strategic Imperatives
What new permanent solution could I implement within the next quarter?
1. Productivity/efficiency 2. Revenue gain 3. Cost savings 4. Retention/satisfaction 5. Customer value
Team/ Project
Build the best
Drive growth with
Deliver the most
Operate with
agility and cost
Engage and invest
in our people PG. 19
Possible impact projects
1. Productivity/efficiency 2. Revenue 3. Cost savings 4. Employee retention/satisfaction 5. Customer satisfactio
Office/ Project
Build the best
Drive growth with
Deliver the most
Operate with
agility and cost
Engage and invest
in our people PG. 20
• Reduce turnaround time for
network facility checks
• Increase sales of digital
transformation product
• Create a lessons learned
repository to eliminate same
mistakes saving time
• Improve service assurance
data quality
• Improve Information
Security streaming reporting
• Reduce time wasted in
meetings and make process
more effective
EXAMPLE – What new permanent solution could I implement in the next quarter?
2 3
What actions will I take differently?
(Eg. people, process, tools, etc.)
As measured by
I want to impact
Using the following assumptions
ME: How I will personally
show up differently as a
leader? (Eg. Mindset, communication,
PG. 21
1. Productivity/efficiency 2. Revenue 3. Cost savings 4. Employee retention/satisfaction 5. Customer satisfaction
2 3
What actions will I take differently?
(Eg. people, process, tools, etc.)
As measured by
I want to impact
Using the following assumptions
ME: How I will personally
show up differently as a
leader? (Eg. Mindset, communication,
PG. 22
Speed up grievance management
reduce grievance timelines by 10% with an annual savings of $125K
Average: # grievances x # hours saved x $ cost/hour
1. Remain confident and calm
when faced with resistance
2. Find champions across teams
and proactively communicate
the benefits of the project
3. Lean into conflict to find a
win-win solution
1. Align with my leader and keep
them updated monthly on
2. Report metrics/ROI of impact
project to leaders, peers,
3. Arrange time monthly to brief
management and improve their
knowledge of
pending grievances
EXAMPLE – Impact Project
Who needs to know?
Listening as a noun instead of a verb
lis·ten (noun)
We have a listening for each person. Some listenings are large
(we are “all ears” for them). Some listenings are small (we
barely tolerate them). Our listening affects what and how much
we hear from them
Big Listening
I have a big listening for: These people have a big listening for me:
Small Listening
I have a small listening for: These people have a small listening for me:
PG. 23
Listening in my world
Listening in your world
EXAMPLE – Listening in my world
Big Listening
I have a big listening for:
• My leader
• Most of my team
• Sola from BBM
These people have a big listening for me:
• Mabety in Finance
• Muhamed from Bell Media
Small Listening
I have a small listening for:
• Senthil from my team
• Client X
• François my peer in my BU
These people have a small listening for me:
• My leader/manager
• Senthil from my team
• François my peer in my BU
PG. 24
My toolkit – use now
How am I listened to (For people leaders: add "and my team")?
Who has a big and small listening of me?
X = 6 mins
Y = Reflect and discuss my listening and the listening of me
Z = Awareness of my listening of others and theirs of me before choosing action
PG. 25
What did I learn about my listening of others and how will I address it?
What did I notice about others' listening of me and what am I prepared
to do?
What else did I learn?
PG. 26
1.Choose not to hear it
1.Choose to hear it and don’t accept it
1.Choose to hear it and accept it
1.Choose to hear it, accept it and apply it
PG. 27
PAUSE and CHOOSE when receiving feedback
1-minute tool
Step I Say My Words
- Their perspective (Share)
- Their action (Give/Get feedback)
- Their behaviour (challenge behaviour)
Share Impact And the impact...
Way forward
PG. 28
1-minute tool
Step I Say My Words
- Their perspective (Share) ...You…
I just heard that you have been appointed to lead the new
diversity, equity and inclusion project for our BU.
Congratulations. You are an excellent choice especially given
how you led everyone through the system integration project
Share Impact And the impact...
In case you didn't know, I am passionate about inclusion and it
would mean a great deal to me to be part of this new initiative.
Way forward
So what do I need to do to be part of this project?
EXAMPLE – 1-minute tool – Share voice
PG. 29
Step I Say My Words
- Their action (Give/Get feedback) ...You… I appreciate how you support me and care for my development.
Share Impact And the impact...
As a result, I trust you to give me some constructive feedback
about my leadership skills because I want to continue to grow as
a leader.
Way forward
Therefore, I want to know what you see as my blindspots that
would support my development.
EXAMPLE – 1-minute tool – Give/Get feedback
PG. 30
Step I Say My Words
- Their behaviour (challenge behaviour) ...You…
I can see that you are committed to delivering a high-quality
report to us on time and sometimes without all the information.
Share Impact And the impact...
The impact when you don't consult with us before finalizing the
report is that you don't get the whole perspective and the report
may not be as valuable as it could be.
Way forward
Therefore, what do you think about taking the time now before
the next quarter to identify the information that would make
your report even more helpful/valuable for us.
EXAMPLE – 1-minute tool – Challenge behaviour
PG. 31
My toolkit – use now
Targets for practice
Think about:
What could I share about myself with my team or a member of my team, that could benefit me?
A current situation where giving or receiving feedback would benefit me or others.
A person or behaviour where in an ideal world, I could effectively challenge.
PG. 32
Practice 1-minute tool in all 3 contexts
X = 8 min
Y = Practice 1-minute tool to: share, give/get feedback, challenge behaviour
Z = Confident applying 1-minute tool in different contexts
PG. 33
Share in chat:
What did I learn about the impact of acknowledging the other person first?
How could this effect our listening as CP2 Professionals?
What else did I learn?
PG. 34
Me as a leader -
Big Listening
Challenge Behaviour
My Teams/Peers/
My business impacts
Sharing builds the ME side of my triangle
Giving/Getting feedback builds the TEAMS/STAKEHOLDERS side of my triangle
My business impacts
My Teams/Peers
/Stakeholders -
Big Listening
Feedback: Blind spots
Challenge behaviour
Me as a leader
Creating impact grows the Business Impact side of my
You - Shares My Teams/Stakeholders -
Feedback: Blind spots
Challenge behaviour
Me as a leader -
Give/Get feedback
Challenge behaviours
Click on chat link
Module 1: The Power of You
By Learn2
2020 • 4 songs • 3.5 hours
1 Proactive Prep 00:15:00 IIIIIIIIIIII
2 Module 1 2:00:00 IIIIIIIIIIII
Accountability Partners and Application 1:00:00 IIIIIIIIIIII
4 Triad Impact Coaching #1 00:45:00 IIIIIIIIIIII
Pathway to performance
1 2 3 4 5 6
Using skill for the
first time. Feels
unnatural and need
(Use notes)
Applying skills in
new places, with
new people
(Check in with notes
Applying skills
(No need for notes)
Using skills in a
unique and
proactive situation
Intentionally shifting
existing behaviours
and using skill using
under stress
Impact was not as
intended. Learn
from impact, adjust
and use skill again
PG. 35
My toolkit – use now
My Accountability Partner
Based on your self-assessment
My Accountability Partner Assignment
Based on my self assessment
Meeting times
Following today's module:
1. Create my Impact Project
2. Track application in portal to get to mastery (deliberate practice)
3. Complete Proactive Prep for Module 2
PG. 36
In my Breakout with my Accountability Partner:
1. Get the contact details of my Accountability Partner
2. Confirm meeting times with my Accountability Partner to review my Impact Project prior to my Impact
Coaching session
3. Check email about my Triad Impact Coaching and confirm my availability with my Triad Impact
Coaching session time or propose a new time
My toolkit – use now
2 3
actions will I take differently?
(Eg. people, process, tools, etc.)
As measured by
I want to impact
Using the following assumptions
ME: How I will personally show
up differently as a leader? (Eg.
Mindset, communication, confidence)
PG. 37
1. Productivity/efficiency 2. Revenue 3. Cost savings 4. Employee retention/satisfaction 5. Customer satisfaction
Module 2: The Power of Connection
By Learn2
2020 • 4 songs • 3.5 hours
Proactive Prep 00:15:00 IIIIIIIIIIIII
2 Module 2 2:00:00 IIIIIIIIIIIII
3 Accountability Partners and Application 1:00:00 IIIIIIIIIIIII
4 Triad Impact Coaching #1 00:45:00 IIIIIIIIIIIII
My toolkit – Proactive Prep for next module
X = 6-8 mins
Y = Commit to hold each other to account for mastery and impact
Z = Confirm Impact Coaching and meeting times
Meet my accountability partner
Proactive Prep:
1. Practice applying the tools from Module 1.
2. What challenge am I having achieving my Impact Project?
3. Where am I in conflict?
4. Examples of when someone said or did something to upset me?
5. Where am I facing resistance to change?
Leadership Foundations
Latest Releases
Module 1: Power of You Module 2: Power of Connection Module 3: Power of Peers Module 4: Power of Impact
Module 1: The Power of You
By Learn2
2020 • 4 songs • 3.5 hours
1 Proactive Prep 00:15:00 IIIIIIIIIIII
2 Module 1 2:00:00 IIIIIIIIIIII
Accountability Partners and Application 1:00:00 IIIIIIIIIIII
4 Triad Impact Coaching #1 00:45:00 IIIIIIIIIIII
My application to mastery (deliberate practice)
My application to mastery
Top performers
Share benefits of deliberate practice and ripple effect
Module 2: The Power of Connection
By Learn2
2020 • 4 songs 3.5 hours
1 Proactive Prep 00:15:00 IIIIIIIIIIII
Module 2 2:00:00 IIIIIIIIIIII
3 Accountability Partners and Application 1:00:00 IIIIIIIIIIII
4 Triad Impact Coaching #1 00:45:00 IIIIIIIIIIII
PG. 38
Me and my value
My leader
Leaders leader
Build the best
Drive growth
with innovative
Deliver the
Operate with
agility and cost
Engage and
invest in our
PG. 39
My team/stakeholders
Connecting to Strategic Imperatives
My business impacts
PG. 40
Leading at Bell
Coach as Conductor
What do you want to
achieve inside the focus?
Where are you
now in this
What are the
next steps
moving forward
on this focus?
What are your options for
this focus? PG. 41
GROW Coaching Model
Goal - What do you want to
Reality - Where are you now? Options - What are the
Way Forward – What are the
next steps?
What’s on your mind?
What’s your overall objective for the
What could that enable you to do?
What are you prepared to do to
achieve it?
What’s happening now? Describe the
What are some possible causes?
How does it impact you? Others?
Overall performance?
What have you done about it so far?
What happens if no action is taken?
What is the best and worst option and
Who else could add a helpful
perspective on options?
What does the ideal outcome look like?
What other ways could you achieve
this outcome?
What actions worked well in similar
What is your preferred approach and
What is the best way to take massive
What action is the smallest, easiest,
most productive?
What obstacles might you expect?
How could you prevent them?
When are you going to start?
Other Goal questions Other Reality questions Other Options questions Other Way Forward questions
PG. 42
Add more GROW Coaching Questions specific to our situation
My toolkit – use now
Ideal coaching behaviours
1 = less than ideal coaching behaviours 11 = Ideal coaching behaviours
PG. 43
0 11 0 11
0 11 0 11
GROW coaching conversation about a challenge achieving my impact
X = 12-14 mins
Y = Coach my partner to work through the challenge of my impact
Z = Comfortable using the GROW coaching tool
PG. 44
How does coaching benefit us as a CP2 Professionals?
As a leaders, where could we use coaching more frequently?
What else did I learn?
PG. 45
Transition image that shows a reaction - deer in the headlights
Toward reward, away from threat
Amygdala –
controls response
Toward Reward
Fight, flight or
freeze threat
Refocus, reframe,
reimagine response
PG. 46
How to remember the most common perceived threats
PG. 47
S tatus
C ertainty
A utonomy
R elatedness
F airness
PG. 48
Discover my triggers
My Amygdala is triggered by a perceived threat
to my:
An example for me is:
PG. 49
My Amygdala is triggered by a perceived threat
to my:
An example for me is:
Status I chair our cross-functional meetings to assess new project
requests. My leader just told me that I won't be chairing them
any longer.
Certainty Our team was restructured. I don't know who I report to.
Autonomy I have monthly check-ins with my leader. They now want us to
meet bi-weekly.
Relatedness Ever since I changed BU, I am no longer included in my old
team's activities.
Fairness My leader didn't approve my request for Coaching as a PD
opportunity, but they approved other team members' request
EXAMPLE – Triggers
My toolkit – use now
X = 8 minutes
Y = Self-awareness to lead to change in behaviour
Z = Clarity on your blindspots
What triggers me and how do I react when my amygdala is hijacked? What is the
ripple effect of my reaction?
PG. 50
Where/when do we as CP2 Professionals have to handle others being triggered
What do I realize about my triggers/reaction to their triggers?
What else did I learn?
PG. 51
Reaction Cycle
72 bpm
Quality of Judgment
1 – Trigger
2 – Escalation
3 – Crisis, often recurring
4 – Recovery
5 – Depression
6 – Rejuvenate
PG. 52
How do you recover?
My Notes
Be aware that you are triggered and
take a deep breathe
Think about how/what else could
have been intended
Focus on the positive/your happy
Move away from the situation
before escalating
Take time to replenish your
How to deescalate/recover when triggered
PG. 53
Result of deescalation or recovery
• Decreased time to normal
• Less extreme reaction
• Greater quality of judgement
PG. 54
Approaches to conflict
Where am I in conflict?
My approach to conflict:
Their approach to conflict:
My strategy to resolve the conflict:
PG. 55
Expedient solution, Either/or…
Uncooperative Cooperative
Does not address needs
or expectations
Wants to be seen
as team player
Find a solution
Greater good, often win-win
Passionately focused
"We don't have time to argue about
who leads, your team and do this and
and we'll do that."
Uncooperative Cooperative
"It doesn't matter to me
whose team gets credit."
"I defer to your
experience, what do you
"This solution allows us to
both satisfy both our priority
"I want my & my team's
innovation to be recognized."
EXAMPLE – Approaches to conflict
Where am I in conflict? With manager in sales enablement department
My approach to conflict: Accommodating
Their approach to conflict: Competing
My strategy to resolve the conflict: Spend time understanding her why
PG. 56
My toolkit – use now
X = 6-8 minutes
Y = Coaching conversation about conflict: my/their approach, strategy to resolve the
Z = Identify specific way forward to resolve conflict
Practice a GROW coaching conversation about where I am in conflict
PG. 57
Describe where I am in conflict and what I learned about my approach/response to
Give an example of my "Way forward" to resolve the conflict.
What else did I learn about conflict?
PG. 58
How to resolve conflict
Breathe: Take a breath
Focus: Reflect on your intended goal
Say: Acknowledge the reality of your role in the conflict
Do: Identify options for collaboration
Regroup: Once implemented, revisit learnings together
PG. 59
Embracing Resistance Example
Resistance separates me from my impact
Perceived Threats
PG. 60
What I hear or see What others feel and do
Step 1: PAUSE to focus on them… to evaporate resistance
Perceived Threats
PG. 61
What I hear or see What others feel and do
Step 2: ACKNOWLEDGE to evaporate resistance
Thank you for...
Acknowledge their world
I am sorry for...
Acknowledge impact
I understand that you...
Acknowledge return to reward state
You are committed to...
Acknowledge pivot to reward
What you said is important because...
PG. 62
What I hear or see What others feel and do
Step 3: ASK a Way Forward question to return to the impact
Way forward
to reward and away from threat
PG. 63
Thank you for taking the time to meet.
I understand that you may have doubts
about designing a new agile project
delivery method for large projects.
I appreciate that you have had bad
experiences with the transition to agile that
negatively impacted your team.
It's important to me to get your buy-in
Your experience will help all of us avoid the
same mistakes of the past.
EXAMPLE – Embrace resistance
Way forward: How could I get an hour of your time next week to discuss these changes?
PG. 64
Resistance I face
Their Language​ From whom​
Most common resistance I face​
Most challenging resistance I face​
Resistance I will face to
achieve my impact​
PG. 65
Their Language​ From whom​
Most common resistance I face​
​I have too many priorities and can't
get this done for Friday
​Peer on my team (Michael)
Most challenging resistance I face​
​The scope of this project keeps
changing and I don't know that my
priority should be
​An engineer on my project
Resistance I will face to
achieve my impact​
​This has always been this way,
why do we need to change it
​My Sr. Leader
PG. 65
EXAMPLE – Resistance I face TO COMPLETE
Identify resistance
What is the actual language of the resistance?
How they say it to me:
What is likely their perceived SCARF threat?
Check the one that applies:
o Status
o Certainty
o Autonomy
o Relatedness
o Fairness
PG. 67
Embracing resistance - Application
Step 2: Acknowledge their world
Best practice includes a minimum of 5
acknowledgement-focused statements where
you acknowledge them, their work, and their
world. Practice the Power of Pause to choose
how to Acknowledge - remember WYSIITMB.
Step 3: Ask an open-ended Way Forward
question starting with 'What' or 'How’
Question targets the reward or result you both
want. AVOID asking about the resistance or the
source of the resistance as that is just the
amygdala's reaction and not real.
What or How…
Way Forward
toward Reward
What needs to be true…?
What could you do…?
What would you recommend…?
How could you…?
PG. 68
My toolkit – use now
How could I respond differently when facing resistance?
X = 12 min
Y = Practice using embracing resistance framework
Z = Respond differently when encountering resistance PG. 69
What did I learn about myself and how I respond to resistance?
What could we do differently when encountering resistance?
What else did I learn?
PG. 70
Impact of Embracing Perceived Resistance and
Returning to Reward State
• Decreased time to normal
• Less extreme reaction
• Greater quality of judgement
• Decreased time to normal
• Less extreme reaction
• Greater quality of judgement
• Increased productivity
Click on chat link
Pathway to performance
1 2 3 4 5 6
Using skill for the
first time. Feels
unnatural and need
(Use notes)
Applying skills in
new places, with
new people
(Check in with notes
Applying skills
(No need for notes)
Using skills in a
unique and
proactive situation
Intentionally shifting
existing behaviours
and using skill using
under stress
Impact was not as
intended. Learn
from impact, adjust
and use skill again
My toolkit – use now
Following today's module:
1. Rapid progress on my Impact Project especially by embracing resistance
2. Track M1 and M2 application in portal to get to mastery (deliberate practice)
3. Complete Proactive Prep for Module 3
In my Breakout with my Accountability Partner:
1. Confirm meeting times over next 2 weeks with my Accountability Partner
2. Confirm/Attend Impact Coaching Session #1
PG. 71
Module 2: The Power of Connection
By Learn2
2020 • 4 songs 3.5 hours
1 Proactive Prep 00:10:00 IIIIIIIIIIII
Module 2 2:00:00 IIIIIIIIIIII
3 Accountability Partners and Application 1:00:00 IIIIIIIIIIII
4 Triad Impact Coaching 00:30:00 IIIIIIIIIIII
My toolkit – Prepare for next module
X = 6-8 mins
Y = Commit to hold each other to account for mastery and impact
Z = Confirm Impact Coaching and meeting times
Meet with my Accountability Partner
Proactive Prep:
Think about
1. Reflect on the application of the tools/concepts from Module 1 and 2.
2. What challenge do I have where I could benefit from the experience of my peers?
3. How am I doing from a mindset or mental health perspective?
4. What type of the conversations am I or others around me having?
Leadership Foundations
Latest Releases
Module 1: Power of You Module 2: Power of Connection Module 3: Power of Peers Module 4: Power of Impact
Deliberate practice
My business impacts
• Pause
• Acknowledgement/
• Leading at an 11
• Leadership triangle
• Report Impact
• 1-minute tool
• Listening as a noun
• Stages of development
• Ripple effect
• GROW coaching
• Approaches to conflict
• Triggers/SCARF
• Recovery/Rejuvenation
• Embrace resistance
Module 2
Module 1
How what I learned fits within BLSP
My business impacts
How impact conversations drive results
• Be the Customer
• Raise Your Game
• Lead with Confidence
• Get It Done
• Know the business
• Think Critically
• Succeed as a Team
• Communicate
• Influence and
• Drive Team
• Build and Leverage
• Transform the Business
• Execute our Strategy
How to lead others
How I show up as a leader
My application to mastery (deliberate practice)
My application to mastery
Top performers
Share benefits of deliberate practice and ripple effect
Module 3: The Power of Peers
By Learn2
2020 • 4 songs • 3.5 hours
1 Proactive Prep 00:15:00 IIIIIIIIIIII
Module 3 02:00:00 IIIIIIIIIIII
3 Accountability Partners and Application 00:30:00 IIIIIIIIIIII
4 Triad Impact Coaching #2 00:45:00 IIIIIIIIIIII
PG. 72
You lead in unprecedented times
We lead in unprecedented times
How to
PG. 73
PG. 74
What leadership challenge do you face as a consequence of VUCA?
​VUCA the solution Specific action I will take to address my challenge
VISION – Collaborating inclusively within and
across business units
​UNDERSTANDING - Developing capabilities
within and across business units
​CLARITY - Finding solutions to generate clarity
within and across business units
AGILITY – Creating change within and across
business units
My leadership challenge is: _____________________________________________
PG. 75
EXAMPLE – Leadership challenge as a consequence of VUCA – TO COMPLETE
My leadership challenge is: Some team members don't understand how this
project connects to the Strategic Priorities
​VUCA the solution Specific action I will take to address my challenge
VISION – Collaborating inclusively within and
across business units
​Connect with Sarah in Finance and Shabaz my Engineer
to get their diverse perspectives the relevance of this
project for their respective teams
​UNDERSTANDING - Developing capabilities
within and across business units
​Get Sarah and Shabaz to share a 1 min video on our next
team meeting
​CLARITY - Finding solutions to generate clarity
within and across business units
​Invest 15 min with Ralph (my biggest challenge) asking
questions on what holes he sees in this project
AGILITY – Creating change within and across
business units
Assign a different person each week to report on the
connection of this project to their department
How to use VUCA the solution as a CP2 Professional leader?
X = 6-8 minutes
Y = How to use VUCA solution as a leader
Z = Get known and continue to develop as a leader in challenging circumstances
PG. 76
How will I think/behave differently in this VUCA context?
What else did I learn?
PG. 77
BrainTrust Best Practice
What are BrainTrusts? Why BrainTrusts?
BrainTrusts combine the collective experience of 4-6
4-6 leaders in a peer mentoring circle to identify the
the way forward for business challenges in 30 minutes.
Faster leader upskilling and faster action.
Leaders harness their networks and stakeholders to
to solve business challenges.
All leaders benefit from understanding others'
challenges, gaining perspective and learning from
lived experience.
Tips for BrainTrusts
Choose a leader or facilitator to keep process moving. No advice, telling or recommendations
Only sharing of lived experience so everyone learns
learns from experience
PG. 78
BrainTrust - Peer Mentoring Circle - 30 min
1. Each share one challenge 2. Choose one to solve 3. Ask clarifying questions 4. Share experiences 5. Commit to action
1 min each share 2 min to choose 5 min of questions 7 min sharing experiences 5 min to determine action
Problem - My version of the challenge for
me/my team
Opportunity - What are the possibilities to
impact the business? Use “What If…”
Why - is this so important?
• Choose the challenge that will help you
• Be strategic
• What are the consequences of this decision?
• What are your obligations?
• How could the solution align with Bell
values and strategic priorities?
• What could you live with?
• What have you tried before?
• Say “In my experience….” or "what has
worked before..."
• Avoid “you should” or “you must”
• Be specific
• How could you measure success?
• How do you want to be held accountable?
PG. 79
Participate in a BrainTrust
X = 30 mins
Y = Understand how to run my own BrainTrust
Step 1 - Define a challenge I most want to solve - 5 minutes
Define Challenge Share Challenge
2 minutes 1 minute each
Problem - Describe the challenge for
me/my team
Opportunity – How could solving the
challenge impact the business?
Why - is this important to achieve your
Challenge statement
Complete the statement
P –
O –
W -
• Take turns sharing your challenge
• One team member summarize in chat
PG. 80
Define Challenge Share Challenge
2 minutes 1 minute each
Problem - Describe the challenge for
me/my team
Opportunity – How could solving the
challenge impact the business?
Why - is this important to achieve your
Challenge statement
Complete the statement
Problem – I am working on a project where I
need input from a cross-section of team
members. When I request feedback, I don't
get it by that deadline.
Opportunity – Solving the problem would
reduce the time I waste chasing people; it
would reduce the level of frustration and
ensure everyone's perspective is considered
Why - Receiving the feedback on time
ensures that the launch date is not
• Take turns sharing your challenge
• One team member summarize in
EXAMPLE – Step 1 Define challenge
PG. 81
Step 2 - Choose one challenge to solve - 2 minutes
Choose one challenge to solve Share
2 minutes to choose • Share when another is better than your own
• Share when another helps you with your challenges
• Share when you could learn from another
• Share chosen challenge and leader name in chat
• Articulate what challenges also help you
• Be strategic
• Vote if you have to
PG. 82
Step 3- Clarify with questions - 5 minutes
Ask clarifying questions Clarify your understanding with questions
5 minutes of questions Practice GROW coaching questions
• What’s happening now? Describe the situation
• What are some possible causes?
• How does it impact you? Others? Overall performance?
• What have you done about it so far?
• What happens if no action is taken?
• What is your reality?
• What options already attempted?
• What options do you see now?
• What consequences?
• What obligations exist?
• How does solution align with strategic priorities?
• What could you live with?
PG. 83
Step 4 - Share experiences - 7 minutes
Share experiences Sharing your lived experience
7 minutes of sharing experiences • Share relevant real-life experiences
• Share what has worked for you
• Share approaches you’ve attempted even if they did not work
• Listen for your challenge
• Everyone takes away what is useful for them
• Practice WYSIITMB when layering onto shares
• Practice PAUSE when replying
• Say “In my experience….”
• Avoid “you should” or “I would…” or “you must”
PG. 84
Step 5 - Commit to action - 5 minutes
Commit to action Sharing accountability for action
5 minutes to determine action Support challenge owner to get specific actions
Questions to ask them:
• What is your preferred approach and why?
• What is the best way to take massive action?
• What action is smallest, easiest, most productive?
• What obstacles might you expect? How could prevent?
• When are you going to start?
• What support do you want from us?
• Who do you want as an accountability partner?
• Identify specific actions
• How could you measure success?
• What support do you want to be held accountable?
From whom?
PG. 85
What did I value about a BrainTrust?
How do I see myself using a BrainTrust?
What else did I learn?
PG. 86
BrainTrust variations
Declare one challenge then start at step 3
Everyone brings the challenge affecting the business most
Gather similar challenges, like how to mitigate effects of COVID, how to
reduce cycle time, accelerate results, etc.
Report progress
BRAINTRUST B & C – Impact & Theme - 30 min
Participants focus on a pre-determined topic identified together or by the organizer of the BrainTrust
1. Share my priority challenge
within the pre-determined topic
2. Choose priority challenge 3. Ask clarifying questions 4. Share experiences 5. Commit to action
1 min each share 2 min to reflect 7 min of questions 7 min sharing experiences 8 min to determine action
• P – Problem - share my priority challenge
related to the topic
• O - Opportunities – What are the benefits to
solving my primary challenge for me/team/
business? Use “What If…”
• W - Why is this so important
• As a group, choose the priority
challenge to solve
• What resources are available ?
• Who has what role/responsibility?
• What are the expectations of others?
• What was tried in the past?
• What is the timeline?
• What is the ripple effect?
• What are the unintended consequences of
choosing this priority?
• How does solving this challenge align with our
• Say “In my experience….” or "What I
have seen that works is..."
• Avoid “you should” or “you must”
• What are the top-3 actions?
• What does success look like?
• With whom do I want alignment?
• How do you want to show up as a
PG. 87
BRAINTRUST D- Individual Reporting – 30 min
Eg: 6 Participants focus on sharing their progress – 24 mins
1. Share my priority challenge and
2. Ask clarifying questions 3. Share experiences 4. Commit to action
1 min each share = 6 mins 1 min of questions per challenge = 6 mins 2 shares per challenge = 6 mins
1 min per person to determine
action = 6 mins
• P – Problem - share my priority challenge
• O - Opportunities – share my progress (I.e. opportunities
to solve my challenge)
• W – What's my way forward?
• What resources do you need?
• What's getting in the way?
• What is the timeline?
• What have you tried?
• What are the unintended consequences of choosing this
• How does solving this challenge align with our values?
• Say “In my experience….” or "What I have seen
that works is..."
• Avoid “you should” or “you must”
• Take turns so everyone shares their experience
• What are my top-3 commitments?
PG. 88
Results-based versus reasons-based conversations
PG. 89
Asks why you did?
Oriented to the past
Disengaging others
Creating victims
Asks how we could?
Oriented to the future
Growing others
Creating outcomes
Sounds like
Yes, and...
How can we...?
What if we...?
They could...
We would need to…
Here’s what we still need to
Sounds like
If only...
Why can’t we...
They should...
They won’t…
Fine, I'll try
See it, Own it, Solve it,
Speaks from “I… or We…”
Acknowledges others’ effort
with “you statements”
Shares control
Explores root causes to solve
Blames using “You” statements
Avoids responsibility, blames
Ignores or waits to see
“It's not my job”
Avoids ownership + initiative
PG. 90
1. Given the challenges we are facing, how could we re-prioritize our tasks?
2. Yes, and we could work with our internal audit team to help us identify the risks in doing
it this way.
3. What needs to be true for us to show impact on the business?
4. How would these changes to the report be a value-add for your team?
5. What else could we do?
1. Given the challenges we are facing, we can't complete our tasks.
2. Yes but there are risks.
3. They should see the impact that we are having on the business.
4. Why can't they just use the report we give them?
5. They won't be interested in listening to my perspective. I tried before.
EXAMPLE – Results vs Reasons based conversations
Where am I – Above or Below?
Where are my conversations – Results vs Reasons?
X = 12-15 minutes
Y = Reflect on how what impacts where I am and what I say things
Z = Self-awareness of the ripple effects of where I am mental health and conversations
PG. 91
What could I share that other may be feeling/thinking?
What makes "the line" relevant for me as a leader?
How does where I am and what I say impact those around me?
What else did I learn?
PG. 92
Click on chat link
Pathway to performance
1 2 3 4 5 6
Using skill for the
first time. Feels
unnatural and need
(Use notes)
Applying skills in
new places, with
new people
(Check in with notes
Applying skills
(No need for notes)
Using skills in a
unique and
proactive situation
Intentionally shifting
existing behaviours
and using skill using
under stress
Impact was not as
intended. Learn
from impact, adjust
and use skill again
My toolkit – use now
1. Progress with my Impact Project. To present next module
2. Confirm meeting times over next 2 weeks with my Accountability Partner
3. Confirm/Attend Impact Coaching Session #2
4. Track application in portal to get to mastery (deliberate practice)
5. Complete Proactive Prep for Module 4
PG. 93
Module 3: The Power of Peers
By Learn2
2020 • 4 songs • 3.5 hours
1 Proactive Prep 00:15:00 IIIIIIIIIIII
2 Module 3 02:00:00 IIIIIIIIIIII
Accountability Partners and Application 00:30:00 IIIIIIIIIIII
4 Triad Impact Coaching #2 00:45:00 IIIIIIIIIIII
X = 6-8 mins
Y = Commit to hold each other to account for mastery and impact
Z = Confirm Impact Coaching and meeting times
Meet with my Accountability Partner
Proactive Prep:
1. Prepare to present my Impact Project status
2. What is my vision for myself in 3-5 years
Leadership Foundations
Latest Releases
Module 1: Power of You Module 2: Power of Connection Module 3: Power of Peers Module 4: Power of Impact
Deliberate practice
• Pause
• Acknowledgement/
• Leading at an 11
• Leadership triangle
• Report Impact
• 1-minute sharing tool
• Listening as a noun
• Stages of development
• Ripple effect
• GROW coaching
• Approaches to conflict
• Triggers/SCARF
• Recovery/Rejuvenation
• Embrace resistance
Module 2
Module 1
Module 3
• Pathway to performance
• 6Cs Leadership
• BrainTrust
• Above or Below the line
• Results vs Reasons
My application to mastery (deliberate practice)
My application to mastery
Top performers
Share benefits of deliberate practice and ripple effect
Module 4: The Power of Impact
By Learn2
2020 • 4 songs • 3.5 hours
1 Proactive Prep 00:15:00 IIIIIIIIIIII
2 Module 4 02:00:00 IIIIIIIIIIII
3 Accountability Partners and Application going forward 00:30:00 IIIIIIIIIIII
4 Triad Impact Coaching #2 00:45:00 IIIIIIIIIIII
PG. 94
Share Experiences
CHOOSE the conversation that will be most valuable to me
1. How to embrace resistance and collaborate?
2. How to challenge senior leaders?
3. How to use my voice and influence others?
4. How to use SCARF and above/below the line?
X = 12-15 minutes
Y = The most valuable conversation for me at this moment
Z = Learn from the shared lived experiences of my peers
Choose 1:
1. How to embrace resistance and collaborate?
2. How to challenge senior leaders?
3. How to use my voice and influence others?
4. How to use SCARF and above/below the line?
5. What else (other)?
Join that breakout room & be ready to report back
What are our insights?
What else did I learn?
1. How to embrace resistance and collaborate?
2. How to challenge senior leaders?
3. How to use my voice and influence others?
4. How to use SCARF and above/below the line?
5. What else (other)?
PG. 95
Results of creating an impact
1. Productivity/efficiency 2. Revenue 3. Cost savings 4. Employee retention/satisfaction 5. Customer satisfaction
Office/ Project
Build the best
Drive growth
with innovative
Deliver the most
Operate with
agility and cost
Engage and
invest in our
What resonates most with me and my leader?
2. 70% change
3. Saved $25K/quarter per person
4. Saved $21 million/year
1. Improved Customer Experience
Annualized impact quantifies the amount of an impact over a
• Most budgets, plans, forecasts are annual so quarterly gains can be multiplied by 4,
monthly gains by 12, and weekly gains by 52
• Calculating annualized ROI takes 2 variables: the ROI on the impact for a given
period and the duration of the impact
Tool: ROI Calculator
Leaders want numbers and context - Annualized Impact
My annualized impact and ripple effects
Immediate results
ROI Duration Annualized ROI
Ripple effect results
ROI Duration Annualized ROI
Ripple 1
Ripple 2
Ripple 3
PG. 96
Immediate results
ROI Duration Annualized ROI
20K 3 months 100K
Ripple effect results
ROI Duration Annualized ROI
Ripple 1 - Team
5K 3 months 20K
Ripple 2 - Apply to
other projects
3K 1 month 36K
Ripple 3 - Time
1K 1 week 52K
Total ROI = 208K
PG. 97
EXAMPLE – annualized impact and ripple effects
My toolkit – use now
2 3
What actions will I take differently?
(Eg. people, process, tools, etc.)
As measured by
I want to impact
Using the following assumptions
ME: How I will personally
show up differently as a
leader? (Eg. Mindset, communication,
Speed up grievance management
reduce grievance timelines by 10% with an annual savings of $125K
Average: # grievances x # hours saved x $ cost/hour
1. Remain confident and calm
when faced with resistance
2. Find champions across teams
and proactively communicate
the benefits of the project
3. Lean into conflict to find a
win-win solution
1. Align with my leader and keep
them updated monthly on
2. Report metrics/ROI of impact
project to leaders, peers,
3. Arrange time monthly to brief
management and improve their
knowledge of
pending grievances
EXAMPLE – Impact Project
How could I collaborate?
What support could I give?
Share my impact statement
(Impact, Progress, Projected economic impact)
eport Back
Share your impact statement
(Impact, Progress, Projected economic impact)
My Notes
What others know about me What others don't know about me?
Surface knowledge
about me
How I want to be known
What others share with me to grow
me as a leader
Johari Window
What I don't know is even possible
PG. 98
Making an impact for 3-5 years
M. Bibic
Sept 2024
My vision for myself 3-5 years from now
Me as a leader My
My business impacts
PG. 99
Me as a leader
• I will have
stepped into my
power and place
in the world by
letting go of the
fear that
holds me back
• I will get my CPA
• I will create the
conditions for my
team and others
around me to be
authentic and
My business impact
• I will sell $3M in digital
transformation products in the
next 3 years
PG. 100
EXAMPLE – My vision for myself 3-5 years from now
Participant interactive portal
How do my top 3 competencies/skills align with my 3-5 year vision?
How do my Top 3 competencies/skills support my vision?
X = 12-15 minutes
Y = Results-based conversation about my Top-3 priorities
Z = Understand how to progress, get known and have an impact
PG. 101
What did I learn about myself?
What did I learn about what I want?
What else did I learn
PG. 102
How leaders are developed
PG. 103
My Commitments
To continue leading at Bell, these I commit to: I will complete my commitments by:
PG. 104
To continue leading at Bell, these I commitment
I will complete my commitment by:
• Seeing my Impact Project through the
• End of Q3
• Resolving my conflict with Dao from BBM • Next Friday
• Revise my PGP • End of Q1
• I will find a sponsor to support my growth and
• Next 2 weeks
• I will enroll to be a Certified agile and SCRUM
• End of Q2
PG. 105
EXAMPLE – My Commitments
Participant interactive portal
What is important to me about the 6Cs leadership model?
X = 6-8 minutes
Y = Reflect on how 6Cs impacts my leadership
Z = Get known and continue to develop as a leader in challenging circumstances
PG. 74
The first step that I commit to is...
PG. 100
...this is what you said
We heard you...
I want:
• To continue my leadership growth and development
• To go deeper into the content
• More time to customise the course content for my specific situation
• To further explore and understand the theory behind the tools/concepts to better integrate into my leadership
• Other team members who are not eligible for the course to learn some of the tools/concepts
• Additional support on my current or future impacts/projects or other initiatives
Coming Soon: Impact Coaching
Leadership Foundations
Module 1: Power of You Module 2: Power of
Module 3: Power of Peers Module 4: Power of Impact
A) Bell Leadership Impact Assessment
Where to from here?
• Package of 3, 6 or unlimited over a 12-month period
• Unlimited includes choice of Impact Coach and BrainTrusts
• 30-minute individual sessions or 45-minute with an accountability
• No pre-requisite required for this offering
B) Bell Leadership Impact Coaching
• Bell Leadership Advanced Impact Assessment empowers you the
participant to advance your impact statement and enhance your PGP
through coaching
• A 3-step process
• Pre-requisite for this offering is completion of any Leadership
Foundations program upon reporting results of impact project
Click on chat link
Module 4: The Power of Impact
By Learn2
2020 • 4 songs • 3.5 hours
1 Pre-video 00:05:00 IIIIIIIIIIII
2 Module 4 02:00:00 IIIIIIIIIIII
3 Accountability Partners and Challenges 00:30:00 IIIIIIIIIIII
4 Triad Impact Coaching 00:30:00 IIIIIIIIIIII

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Orchestrate Impact Modules All Slides

  • 1. WINTER/SPRING 2021 LEADERSHIP/PROFESSIONAL FOUNDATIONS DONE: - Change to first person (I/me/my) - Add examples - Breakout questions to be part of PM (non-fillable) - Debrief questions more precise - How to video re Portal (Carrie) TO DO: - Differentiate by level - Differentiate questions for New Grads (reach out) - Include different modalities like polls & videos - Review Outgrow questions for Module 4 (Doug) ISSUES: - Uncertain if Bell allow AC emails to get through security (Doug/Zoltan) 1
  • 2. Internal process – AC on hold re emails 2 Email communication Step What One-off For each Module Who 1 First name, last name, BU and email goes into AC 2 days before start Robyn 2 Initial email goes out from AC with (1) PM (2) Portal instructions & QR/link and (3) link to Welcome video 24 hours prior to Module Cara 3 Pairing of Accountability Partners and shared with facilitator During Module 1 Cara 4 Link in chat for attendance and NPS/feedback in Outgrow During each Module Facilitator 5 Booking first Impact Coaching sessions in outlook During Module 1 Amy 6 Post module email (1) how to prep for IC (2) meet AP (3) confirm IC meeting, (4) application tracker, etc. 1-3 hours post Module Cara 7 Summary and post NPS/feedback - Bell Channel (Robyn) - Imported from Outgrow to AC (Cara) EOD Module Robyn & Cara
  • 3. Initial email to registered participants FALL 2020 3 Dear Participant, Please find the details of the CP3 People Leaders virtual training you are enrolled in. 1. Program Overview : This program will provide you with the tools and resources to engage your stakeholders to exceed your desired business results by leading others and creating an impact. • Timeline : Session 1 : 2 hrs: Power of You Zoom video session Impact Coaching 1: 45 min intake coaching with an accountability partner and coach Session 2 : 2 hrs: Power of Connection Zoom video session Session 3 : 2 hrs: Power of Peers Zoom video session Impact Coaching 2: 30 min mid-point coaching with an accountability partner and coach Session 4 : 2 hrs: Power of Impact Zoom video session Virtual Session Details : Ø Virtual via zoom platform. Refer calendar invites for zoom meeting details Ø 4 X 2 hour mandatory sessions every other week. Ø All Impact coaching sessions are mandatory Ø Note: A camera* is needed to participate in this session. *You can use your phone as a camera as well. Video option needs to be enabled. Should you have any questions regarding your participation in this program, please contact the Leadership Development Team Pre Program Requirements Checklist 1. Pre-Session : ¨ Run Zoom in browser* -Do not download/install zoom app on your office computer ¨ Download the participant manual here. ¨ Watch the pre-module video here ¨ Complete 3-min survey on your learning needs 2. During the session : ¨ Join the session on time ¨ Have a comfortable un-disturbed setting ¨ Check internet connection and enable camera ¨ Close all other apps, outlook and BETC ¨ Use headset or earphone for better clarity ¨ Two displays/screens can enhance your experience 3. Completion Credits : To receive completion credits participant has to : ¨ Attend all the sessions. ¨ Complete assignments ¨ Complete all impact coaching. *Note: All zoom sessions use enhanced security of meeting id and password, which is in calendar invites you received from CareerZone. Do not share or pass on the invites to others
  • 4. Initial email to registered participants WINTER 2021 4 Dear Participant, Please find the details of the XXXXX (CP2 Professional) virtual training you are enrolled in. 1. Program Overview : This program will provide you with the tools and resources to engage your stakeholders to exceed your desired business results by leading others and creating an impact. • Timeline : Session 1 : 2 hrs: Power of You Zoom video session Impact Coaching 1: 45 min intake Impact Coaching with an Accountability Partner and Impact Coach Session 2 : 2 hrs: Power of Connection Zoom video session Session 3 : 2 hrs: Power of Peers Zoom video session Impact Coaching 2: 45 min mid-point coaching with an Accountability Partner and Impact Coach Session 4 : 2 hrs: Power of Impact Zoom video session Virtual Session Details : Ø Virtual via zoom platform. Refer calendar invites for zoom meeting details Ø 4 X 2 hour mandatory sessions every other week. Ø All Impact coaching sessions are mandatory Ø Note: A camera* is needed to participate in this session. *You can use your phone as a camera as well. Video option needs to be enabled. Should you have any questions regarding your participation in this program, please contact the Leadership Development Team Pre Program Requirements Checklist 1. Pre-Session : ¨ Run Zoom in browser* here -Do not download/install zoom app on your office computer ¨ Download the participant manual here. ¨ Watch the pre-module video and download the participant portal ADD PORTAL here ¨ Complete 3-min survey on your learning needs ¨ Think about the following before Module 1: a. What do I want to impact (business impacts)? b. What could I share about myself with my team or a member of my team, that could benefit c. A current situation where giving or receiving feedback would benefit me or others. d. A person or behaviour where in an ideal world, I could effectively challenge. 2. During the session : ¨ Join the session on time ¨ Have a comfortable un-disturbed setting ¨ Check internet connection and enable camera ¨ Close all other apps, outlook and BETC ¨ Use headset or earphone for better clarity ¨ Two displays/screens can enhance your experience 3. Completion Credits : To receive completion credits participant has to : ¨ Attend all the sessions. ¨ Complete assignments ¨ Complete all impact coaching. *Note: All zoom sessions use enhanced security of meeting id and password, which is in calendar invit you received from CareerZone. Do not share or pass on the invites to others
  • 5. Initial email to registered participants- TO REVISE 5 Bonjour, Veuillez trouver les détails de la formation virtuelle sur les Notions de base en leadership pour laquelle vous vous êtes inscrit. Aperçu du programme : Le programme de formation virtuelle Notions de base en leadership suscite la réflexion et vous inspire à songer à la façon dont vous dirigez les gens à l’intérieur de Bell. Ce programme met l’accent sur la pratique, en employant des outils éprouvés pour mobiliser vos intervenants, afin que vous soyez reconnu comme une personne qui dépasse les résultats commerciaux souhaités en dirigeant les autres et en créant un impact dans votre unité d’affaires. Échéancier : • Module 1 : 2 heures : Le pouvoir en vous Séance vidéo avec Zoom • Séances de coaching d'impact 1 : Coaching de 45 minutes avec un coach d'impact et un partenaire d'imputabilité • Module 2 : 2 heures : Le pouvoir de la connexion Séance vidéo avec zoom • Module 3 : 2 heures : Le pouvoir des pairs Séance vidéo avec Zoom • Séances de coaching d'impact 2 : Coaching de 45 minutes avec un coach d'impact et un partenaire d'imputabilité • Module 4 : 2 heures : Le pouvoir de l’impact Séance vidéo avec Zoom Détails de la séance virtuelle : • Virtuelle par le biais de la plateforme Zoom. Consultez les invitations au calendrier pour obtenir les détails de la réunion sur Zoom. • Quatre modules obligatoires de deux heures toutes les deux semaines. • Toutes les séances de coaching d'impact sont obligatoires. • Remarque : Une caméra* est nécessaire pour participer à cette séance. Vous pouvez aussi utiliser votre téléphone comme caméra. L’option vidéo doit être activée. Si vous avez des questions concernant votre participation à ce programme, veuillez Liste de contrôle préliminaire des exigences du programme 1. Avant la séance : • Lancez Zoom dans le navigateur* • Ne téléchargez pas et n’installez pas l’application Zoom sur l’ordinateur de votre bureau. • Téléchargez le cahier du participant ici. • Visionnez la vidéo qui précède le module et télécharger le portail ici. ¨ Remplissez le sondage de trois minutes sur vos besoins en matière d’apprentissage. Nous vous suggérons quelques pistes de réflexion avant de commencer le module 1 : a. Sur quoi est-ce que je veux avoir un impact (impacts sur l’entreprise) ? b. Que puis-je partager sur moi-même avec mon équipe ou un membre de mon équipe, qui pourrait m’être bénéfique ? c. Une situation courante dans laquelle donner ou recevoir une rétroaction serait bénéfique pour moi ou pour d’autres personnes. d. Une personne ou un comportement que je pourrais, dans un monde idéal, remettre en question avec efficacité. 2. Durant la séance : • Joignez-vous à la séance à temps. • Installez-vous dans un environnement confortable et sans dérangement • Vérifiez la connexion Internet et activez la caméra. • Fermez toutes les autres applications, comme Outlook et BCTE. • Utilisez un casque d’écoute ou un écouteur pour une meilleure clarté. • Deux écrans peuvent améliorer votre expérience. 3. Crédits : Pour recevoir des crédits, le participant doit faire ce qui suit : • Participer à toutes les séances. • Terminer les tâches affectées. ¨ Participer à toutes les séances de coaching sur les répercussions. *Remarque : Toutes les séances Zoom utilisent une sécurité accrue de
  • 6. Pre module 1 data collection from Participant 6 Winter/Spring 2021 Pre-Assessment portal • Name • What Business Unit are you from? (drop down/other) • What Time Zone do you work in? (drop down) • How committed am I to leading differently from this program? (1- 10) • I am comfortable with receiving feedback from my leader(s) and peers? (1-10) • What are my top 3 development priorities I want to learn from this program? • How did you hear about this program? (drop down/other) • Priorités en matière de développement
  • 7. Participant Portal Key messages for Video (Carrie) 7 • WELCOME: We look forward to seeing you for Module 1 of your Leadership/Professional Foundations program • PURPOSE: Foundations program comes with a toolkit called a "Participant Portal" • BEFORE you attend Module 1, make sure to: • Click on the link in the email to access the Participant Portal • Register by creating your own account • Answer the set of questions • BEST PRACTICE is to set up the Portal on your desktop or mobile device so it's easily accessible during the modules and all the times for quick reference • We will cover more about the Portal in Module 1 and if you want to get familiar with it, the Portal allows you to : • Take notes and learn how to use each tool/concept • Tracks the number of times you practice using the tools/concepts of each module • Don't for to do this BEFORE Module 1 begins. • Looking forward to seeing you
  • 8. Fall 2020 OUTGROW 8 • Name • Email • Cohort • Module • What is your Business Unit (BU)? • How likely are you to recommend this module to a colleague or friend? • What is the primary reason for your score? • What is the one thing we could do to make it better? • What could we do to make you say “WOW”? • What was most useful? What recommendations do you have to improve or amplify the virtual learning experience? • Who else would benefit from this module or program? • What else would you like to share? Module 1-4 End of module (Outgrow) Winter/Spring 2021 OUTGROW • Name • Email • Cohort • Module • What is your Business Unit (BU)? • How likely are you to recommend this module to a colleague or friend? (1-10 with 9-10 being a recommend) • What is the primary reason for your score? (For ALL) • What is the one thing we could do to make it better? (For Detractors) • What could we do to make you say “WOW”? (For Neutrals) • What was most useful? (For Promotors) • What recommendations do you have to improve or amplify the virtual learning experience? • Who else would benefit from this module or program? • What else would you like to share? Module 1-4 End of module (Outgrow)
  • 9. IN MODULE 4 TO REVISE 9 • The purpose of my coaching would be? • The expected outcome of my coaching would be? • I would benefit from additional 1:1 impact coaching • If no, would you prefer to stay with your current accountability partner or change? • The actual outcome of my coaching will be? (to be filled in when finished coaching) Module 4 additional questions (in portal) • What is your #1/#2/#3 Skill Gap that you want to close now? Ex: Change readiness, delegation to development, framing business cases, influencing leader choices, internal project pitches, proving impact... • How important is your identified #1/#2/#3 Skill Gap? (1-10) • How would you rate your current ability for your #1/#2/#3 Skill Gap? (1-10) • How likely are you to recommend your Impact Coach to a friend a colleague? (1-10) • When do you expect to know the impact from your Impact Statement? • Are you interested in: A) Bell Leadership Advanced Impact Assessment (Y/N) • Are you interested in: B) Bell Leadership Impact Coaching (Y/N) • Rank the Coaching offering in order of interest (3, 6, Unlimited) • Congratulations! You have unlocked an exclusive offer to access monthly BrainTrusts when you sign- up for Unlimited Impact Coaching. Would you like to join monthly BrainTrusts? (Yes/No) • For additional support, leave your name and Bell email address Module 4 additional questions (Outgrow)
  • 10. POST MODULE EMAIL TO REVISE FR 10 Hello, You have completed Module 1: The Power of You of your Leadership Foundations experience. In advance of your Intake Impact Coaching Session, you will have needed to: •Identify your preliminary Impact Project statement •Use pages 19-22 of your participant manual as a reference. Reflect on the following: •IMPACT: What impact do you I want to have on the business considering your purpose and profit? •METRICS: What metrics could you I use to measure the impact? Get to a dollar value ($) of (Saving time, saving money, increasing revenue, increasing efficiency, increasing effectiveness, etc.) •ASSUMPTIONS: What assumptions am I making in determining my metrics? • ME: How will I personally show up differently as a leader? (Eg. mindset, communication, confidence, resilience, mental health, etc.) Identify 3 actions. •MY TEAM/STAKEHOLDERS: What actions will I take differently? (Eg. people to align with, process, resources, etc.) Identify 3 actions.Who do I want to get aligned with my impact? What resources do I need? •ACTION: What are the 2-3 primary actions to achieve the impact? •Meet with your accountability partner •Your accountability partner has been pre-assigned. Meet with them prior to the impact coaching session to review/discuss yours and your partner’s impact statement. •Check your availability If you haven't already done so, confirm your availability for your Impact Coaching session. If you or your accountability partner are not available for your pre-assigned Impact Coaching time, book a new time using by emailing your Impact Coach. Depending on who you got your calendar invitation from and suggest 2-3 alternate times, that will suit you and your accountability partner(s). Your Impact Coach will be either: The impact coaching session will support you create an impact on your development (professionally and personally), on the business, your team, peers and/or
  • 11. POST MODULE EMAIL TO REVISE FR 11 Bonjour à tous, Vous avez completé le module 1 : Le pouvoir de vous de votre expérience des notions de base en leadership. Avant votre séance de coaching pour impact, vous devez : •Identifier votre déclaration d’impact •Utiliser la page 14 du cahier de participation comme de référence. Réfléchissez aux éléments suivants : •IMPACT : Quel impact voulez-vous avoir sur l’entreprise en considérant votre objectif ou passion? •MESURES : Quelles mesures pourriez-vous utiliser pour mesurer votre impact ? (1. Productivité et efficacité 2. Revenus 3. Économies 4. Fidélisation et satisfaction des employés 5. Satisfaction de la clientèle) •HYPOTHÈSES : Quelles hypothèses puis-je faire quant à la détermination de mes mesures ? •VOUS : Comment allez-vous diriger (ex. mentalité, communication, confiance, etc.) •ÉQUIPE/INTERVENANTS : Qu’allez-vous faire en tant que leader pour diriger / utiliser différemment (ex. ressources, personnel, processus, outils) •ACTIONS : Quelles sont les deux ou trois principales actions atteindre votre impact ? •Rencontrer votre partenaire d’imputabilité avant la séance de coaching pour impact pour examiner et discuter votre impact. •Vérifier votre disponibilité : Vérifier auprès de votre partenaire d’imputabilité pour vous assurer que l’heure vous convient. Si ce n’est pas le cas, envoyez-nous quelques options. La séance de coaching pour impact vous aidera à créer un impact sur votre développement (professionnel et personnel), sur l’entreprise, votre équipe, vos pairs et/ou vos leaders. Au plaisir de vous revoir,
  • 12. AC data to collect 12 • How committed are you to leading differently from this program? (Adalo) • I am comfortable with receiving feedback from my leader(s) and peers? (Adalo) • What are the top 3 development priorities I want to learn from this program? (3 fields) (Adalo) • Accountability Partner 1 • Accountability Partner 2 • Impact Statement 1 with 5 fields • Impact Statement 2 with 5 fields • Impact Statement 3 with 5 fields Priority B • Tracker (summary) by module
  • 13. AC data to collect 13 Active Campaign Who From where To where First name CARA Robyn Excel Last name CARA Robyn Excel Organization CARA Robyn Excel Initial Cohort (CP2 Pro date) CARA Robyn Excel Email CARA Robyn Excel Language CARA Robyn Excel Facilitator CARA Robyn Excel FND Impact Coach CARA Robyn Excel BU CARA Adalo Attendance M1 Facilitator Manual Attendance M2 Facilitator Manual Attendance M3 Facilitator Manual Attendance M4 Facilitator Manual Attendance FND IC Session #1 Impact Coach Manual Attendance FND IC Session #2 Impact Coach Manual Active Campaign Who From where To whe e Time Zone Cara Adalo How committed are you to leading differently from this program? Cara Adalo What are the top 3 development priorities? Cara Adalo
  • 14. MODULE 1 BEGINS HERE Proactive Prep: 1. Why am I taking this program and what is my commitment to leading differently. (portal) 2. Identify my top 3 development priorities (portal) EMAIL: Think about the following before Module 1: a. What do I want to impact (business impacts)? b. What could I share about myself with my team or a member of my team, that could benefit me? c. A current situation where giving or receiving feedback would benefit me or others. d. A person or behaviour where in an ideal world, I could effectively challenge.
  • 15. Set yourself up for success 17 Participant Manual – Reference only Participant Portal – Active engagement
  • 16. OVERVIEW FANS ALSO LIKE ABOUT CONCERTS ARTIST Leadership Foundations PLAY FOLLOWING … Latest Releases Module 1: Power of You Module 2: Power of Connection Module 3: Power of Peers Module 4: Power of Impact PG. 1
  • 18. Shift: from what we can control to how we can lead
  • 19. Leaders committed to support you drive your development Led Canadian Olympic Team to 14 Gold Medals at Vancouver 2010 Winter Games Increased business impact of clients by over 55 million Leading learners to help the impossible seem achievable for 20+ years Increase business impact by over $750 billion Supporting learners to achieve their impact with ease Guiding leaders to achieve their development goals
  • 20. Customer Retention 86% reduction in subscriber churn Since 1989, over 1 million participants proved they know better than expensive consultants and did it themselves. Increase sales Exceeded sales targets for 1st time in 12 years Same approach: participant-driven Faster Implementation Accelerated client onboarding, software implementation and purchase of additional modules Improve Productivity From $800M to $1.4B in a year with same team Develop Diverse Talent >$1 million in profit proven from each cohort
  • 22.
  • 23. Leadership Foundations WHY: To rapidly develop your leadership capabilities and accelerate your impact HOW: Participant-driven with a focus on practice, application and impact WHAT: Four 2-hour modules with Proactive Prep to support practice with an Accountability Partner, Impact Coaching, and achieve an Actual Impact to move you and your leadership toward mastery WHY HOW WHAT PG. 2
  • 26. Leadership Foundations: Outline Proactive Prep (15 mins) Proactive Prep (15 mins) Proactive Prep (15 mins) Proactive Prep (15 mins) Power of Peers (2-hour module) Power of Connection (2-hour module) Power of You (2-hour module) Power of Impact (2-hour module) Triad Impact Coaching (45 minutes) Triad Impact Coaching (45 minutes) PRE DURING POST 2 weeks application 2 weeks application 2 weeks application
  • 27. Our PAINS and GAINS as a CP2 Professional inside Bell GAIN: The opportunities you create PAIN: The challenges you face
  • 28. ALBUM Module 1: The Power of You By Learn2 2020 • 4 songs • 3.5 hours PAUSE … # TITLE 1 Proactive Prep 00:05:00 IIIIIIIIIIIII Module 1 2:00:00 IIIIIIIIIIIII 3 Accountability Partners and Application 1:00:00 IIIIIIIIIIIII 4 Triad Impact Coaching 00:45:00 IIIIIIIIIIIII PG. 5
  • 29. Statement from person A Pause... Choose WYSIITMB Respond Pause... Choose WYSIITMB Respond Pause... Choose WYSIITMB Respond A B PG. 6 What you said is important to me because… WYSIITMB
  • 30. What made you decide to take this program? François: I am unsure what to expect from this program as a professional here at Bell because I don't have a team. I am prepared to keep an open mind though. A François B Sola EXAMPLE - WYSIITMB Sola: PAUSE...WYSIITMB I too wasn't sure what to expect. My leader told me that they see me as a leader and the course would help with my leadership development. François: PAUSE...WYSIITMB... PG. 7
  • 33. My toolkit – use now
  • 34. How committed am I to leading differently? PAUSE and CHOICE and WYSIITMB X = 6 min Y = Practice the Pause, Choice and WYSIITMB Z = Understand level of commitment to change and learning PG. 8
  • 35. Debrief: How did the pause, choice and WYSIITMB impact the quality of my conversation? How was the outcome of the commitments? What else did I learn? PG. 9
  • 36. Development process Unconscious incompetence - Stage 1 (0 to 2) You don’t know what you don’t know Discovery Conscious incompetence - Stage 2 (3 to 5) You know what you want to do and you don’t have the skills to do it yet Learning Conscious competence - Stage 3 (6 to 8) You know what you could do, and you know how to do it, and it takes a lot of conscious effort Performing Unconscious competence - Stage 4 (9 to 11) You know what you could do, and how to do it, and it flows naturally from you Mastery PG. 10
  • 37. PG. 11 EXAMPLE of Development process – Be a change agent Stage 1 - Unconscious incompetence Discovery People should agree to change when it's logical Stage 2 - Conscious incompetence Learning I remind myself to meet with key team members before making changes Stage 3 - Conscious competence Performing I actively engage, consult, listen, collaborate before expecting change to happen Stage 4 - Unconscious competence Mastery I automatically meet people where they are to understand their resistance before making changes
  • 38. I want to be known as an effective leader at Bell What are my top 3 development priorities? MUTE MUTE MUTE CHOOSE 3 PG. 12 CHOOSE 1 CHOOSE 2
  • 39. Bell Leadership Success Profile BLSP PG. 13
  • 40. MUTE MUTE MUTE PG. 14 EXAMPLE – top 3 development priorities How to effectively communicate with executive team Presentation skills How to create/motivate a high-performing team
  • 41. My toolkit – use now
  • 42. What are my top 3 development priorities X = 8 min Y = Reflect on my top 3 development priorities for my PGP Z = I want to get known as an effective leader at Bell PG. 15
  • 43. Share in chat: What are my development priorities? What else did I learn? PG. 16
  • 44. Grammy = My impact
  • 45. My business impacts PG. 17 Leading at Bell
  • 46. Me and my value My leader(s) Leader’s leader(s) Build the best networks Drive growth with innovative services Deliver the most compelling content Champion customer experience Operate with agility and cost efficiency Engage and invest in our people PG. 18 My team, peers, stakeholders Connect your impact to Strategic Imperatives
  • 48. What new permanent solution could I implement within the next quarter? 1. Productivity/efficiency 2. Revenue gain 3. Cost savings 4. Retention/satisfaction 5. Customer value You/Leader Team/ Project BU Bell Customers Build the best networks Drive growth with innovative services Deliver the most compelling content Champion customer experience Operate with agility and cost efficiency Engage and invest in our people PG. 19 Peers/stakeholders Possible impact projects
  • 49. 1. Productivity/efficiency 2. Revenue 3. Cost savings 4. Employee retention/satisfaction 5. Customer satisfactio You/Desk Office/ Project BU Bell Customer Build the best networks Drive growth with innovative services Deliver the most compelling content Champion customer experience Operate with agility and cost efficiency Engage and invest in our people PG. 20 Team/stakeholders Examples: • Reduce turnaround time for network facility checks • Increase sales of digital transformation product • Create a lessons learned repository to eliminate same mistakes saving time • Improve service assurance data quality • Improve Information Security streaming reporting • Reduce time wasted in meetings and make process more effective EXAMPLE – What new permanent solution could I implement in the next quarter?
  • 50. IMPACT 1 2 3 MY TEAMS/STAKEHOLDERS: What actions will I take differently? (Eg. people, process, tools, etc.) As measured by I want to impact Using the following assumptions ME: How I will personally show up differently as a leader? (Eg. Mindset, communication, confidence) PG. 21 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. MY IMPACT PROJECT 1. Productivity/efficiency 2. Revenue 3. Cost savings 4. Employee retention/satisfaction 5. Customer satisfaction
  • 51. IMPACT 1 2 3 MY TEAMS/STAKEHOLDERS: What actions will I take differently? (Eg. people, process, tools, etc.) As measured by I want to impact Using the following assumptions ME: How I will personally show up differently as a leader? (Eg. Mindset, communication, confidence) PG. 22 Speed up grievance management reduce grievance timelines by 10% with an annual savings of $125K Average: # grievances x # hours saved x $ cost/hour 1. Remain confident and calm when faced with resistance 2. Find champions across teams and proactively communicate the benefits of the project 3. Lean into conflict to find a win-win solution 1. Align with my leader and keep them updated monthly on progress 2. Report metrics/ROI of impact project to leaders, peers, stakeholders 3. Arrange time monthly to brief management and improve their knowledge of pending grievances EXAMPLE – Impact Project
  • 52. Who needs to know?
  • 53. Listening as a noun instead of a verb lis·ten (noun) We have a listening for each person. Some listenings are large (we are “all ears” for them). Some listenings are small (we barely tolerate them). Our listening affects what and how much we hear from them
  • 54. Big Listening I have a big listening for: These people have a big listening for me: Small Listening I have a small listening for: These people have a small listening for me: PG. 23 Listening in my world
  • 55. Listening in your world EXAMPLE – Listening in my world Big Listening I have a big listening for: • My leader • Most of my team • Sola from BBM These people have a big listening for me: • Mabety in Finance • Muhamed from Bell Media Small Listening I have a small listening for: • Senthil from my team • Client X • François my peer in my BU These people have a small listening for me: • My leader/manager • Senthil from my team • François my peer in my BU PG. 24
  • 56. My toolkit – use now
  • 57. How am I listened to (For people leaders: add "and my team")? Who has a big and small listening of me? X = 6 mins Y = Reflect and discuss my listening and the listening of me Z = Awareness of my listening of others and theirs of me before choosing action PG. 25
  • 58. Debrief: What did I learn about my listening of others and how will I address it? What did I notice about others' listening of me and what am I prepared to do? What else did I learn? PG. 26
  • 59. 62 1.Choose not to hear it 1.Choose to hear it and don’t accept it 1.Choose to hear it and accept it 1.Choose to hear it, accept it and apply it PG. 27 PAUSE and CHOOSE when receiving feedback
  • 61. Step I Say My Words Acknowledge - Their perspective (Share) - Their action (Give/Get feedback) - Their behaviour (challenge behaviour) ...You… Share Impact And the impact... Way forward So... Therefore... PG. 28 1-minute tool
  • 62. Step I Say My Words Acknowledge - Their perspective (Share) ...You… I just heard that you have been appointed to lead the new diversity, equity and inclusion project for our BU. Congratulations. You are an excellent choice especially given how you led everyone through the system integration project Share Impact And the impact... In case you didn't know, I am passionate about inclusion and it would mean a great deal to me to be part of this new initiative. Way forward So... Therefore... So what do I need to do to be part of this project? EXAMPLE – 1-minute tool – Share voice PG. 29
  • 63. Step I Say My Words Acknowledge - Their action (Give/Get feedback) ...You… I appreciate how you support me and care for my development. Share Impact And the impact... As a result, I trust you to give me some constructive feedback about my leadership skills because I want to continue to grow as a leader. Way forward So... Therefore... Therefore, I want to know what you see as my blindspots that would support my development. EXAMPLE – 1-minute tool – Give/Get feedback PG. 30
  • 64. Step I Say My Words Acknowledge - Their behaviour (challenge behaviour) ...You… I can see that you are committed to delivering a high-quality report to us on time and sometimes without all the information. Share Impact And the impact... The impact when you don't consult with us before finalizing the report is that you don't get the whole perspective and the report may not be as valuable as it could be. Way forward So... Therefore... Therefore, what do you think about taking the time now before the next quarter to identify the information that would make your report even more helpful/valuable for us. EXAMPLE – 1-minute tool – Challenge behaviour PG. 31
  • 65. My toolkit – use now 68
  • 66. Targets for practice Think about: What could I share about myself with my team or a member of my team, that could benefit me? A current situation where giving or receiving feedback would benefit me or others. A person or behaviour where in an ideal world, I could effectively challenge. PG. 32
  • 67. Practice 1-minute tool in all 3 contexts X = 8 min Y = Practice 1-minute tool to: share, give/get feedback, challenge behaviour Z = Confident applying 1-minute tool in different contexts PG. 33
  • 68. Share in chat: What did I learn about the impact of acknowledging the other person first? How could this effect our listening as CP2 Professionals? What else did I learn? PG. 34
  • 69. Me as a leader - Big Listening Share Feedback Challenge Behaviour My Teams/Peers/ Stakeholders My business impacts Sharing builds the ME side of my triangle
  • 70. Giving/Getting feedback builds the TEAMS/STAKEHOLDERS side of my triangle My business impacts My Teams/Peers /Stakeholders - Big Listening Share Feedback: Blind spots Challenge behaviour Me as a leader
  • 71. Creating impact grows the Business Impact side of my triangle You - Shares My Teams/Stakeholders - Share Feedback: Blind spots Challenge behaviour Me as a leader - Share Give/Get feedback Challenge behaviours
  • 73. ALBUM Module 1: The Power of You By Learn2 2020 • 4 songs • 3.5 hours PAUSE … # TITLE 1 Proactive Prep 00:15:00 IIIIIIIIIIII 2 Module 1 2:00:00 IIIIIIIIIIII Accountability Partners and Application 1:00:00 IIIIIIIIIIII 4 Triad Impact Coaching #1 00:45:00 IIIIIIIIIIII
  • 74. Pathway to performance 1 2 3 4 5 6 NEW MORE APPLY SOLVE CHANGE RECOVER Using skill for the first time. Feels unnatural and need support (Use notes) Applying skills in new places, with new people (Check in with notes after) Applying skills naturally/ organically (No need for notes) Using skills in a unique and proactive situation Intentionally shifting existing behaviours and using skill using under stress Impact was not as intended. Learn from impact, adjust and use skill again PG. 35
  • 75. My toolkit – use now
  • 76. My Accountability Partner Based on your self-assessment
  • 77. My Accountability Partner Assignment Based on my self assessment Name Email Mobile Meeting times Following today's module: 1. Create my Impact Project 2. Track application in portal to get to mastery (deliberate practice) 3. Complete Proactive Prep for Module 2 PG. 36 In my Breakout with my Accountability Partner: 1. Get the contact details of my Accountability Partner 2. Confirm meeting times with my Accountability Partner to review my Impact Project prior to my Impact Coaching session 3. Check email about my Triad Impact Coaching and confirm my availability with my Triad Impact Coaching session time or propose a new time
  • 78. My toolkit – use now
  • 79. IMPACT 1 2 3 MY TEAMS/STAKEHOLDERS: What actions will I take differently? (Eg. people, process, tools, etc.) As measured by I want to impact Using the following assumptions ME: How I will personally show up differently as a leader? (Eg. Mindset, communication, confidence) PG. 37 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. IMPACT PROJECT 1. Productivity/efficiency 2. Revenue 3. Cost savings 4. Employee retention/satisfaction 5. Customer satisfaction
  • 80. ALBUM Module 2: The Power of Connection By Learn2 2020 • 4 songs • 3.5 hours PAUSE … # TITLE Proactive Prep 00:15:00 IIIIIIIIIIIII 2 Module 2 2:00:00 IIIIIIIIIIIII 3 Accountability Partners and Application 1:00:00 IIIIIIIIIIIII 4 Triad Impact Coaching #1 00:45:00 IIIIIIIIIIIII
  • 81. My toolkit – Proactive Prep for next module
  • 82. X = 6-8 mins Y = Commit to hold each other to account for mastery and impact Z = Confirm Impact Coaching and meeting times Meet my accountability partner
  • 83. MODULE 2 BEGINS HERE Proactive Prep: 1. Practice applying the tools from Module 1. 2. What challenge am I having achieving my Impact Project? 3. Where am I in conflict? 4. Examples of when someone said or did something to upset me? 5. Where am I facing resistance to change?
  • 84. OVERVIEW FANS ALSO LIKE ABOUT CONCERTS ARTIST Leadership Foundations PLAY FOLLOWING … MONTHLY LISTENERS 12,000 Latest Releases Module 1: Power of You Module 2: Power of Connection Module 3: Power of Peers Module 4: Power of Impact
  • 85. ALBUM Module 1: The Power of You By Learn2 2020 • 4 songs • 3.5 hours PAUSE … # TITLE 1 Proactive Prep 00:15:00 IIIIIIIIIIII 2 Module 1 2:00:00 IIIIIIIIIIII Accountability Partners and Application 1:00:00 IIIIIIIIIIII 4 Triad Impact Coaching #1 00:45:00 IIIIIIIIIIII
  • 86. My application to mastery (deliberate practice)
  • 87. My application to mastery Top performers Share benefits of deliberate practice and ripple effect
  • 88. ALBUM Module 2: The Power of Connection By Learn2 2020 • 4 songs 3.5 hours PAUSE … # TITLE 1 Proactive Prep 00:15:00 IIIIIIIIIIII Module 2 2:00:00 IIIIIIIIIIII 3 Accountability Partners and Application 1:00:00 IIIIIIIIIIII 4 Triad Impact Coaching #1 00:45:00 IIIIIIIIIIII PG. 38
  • 89. Me and my value My leader Leaders leader Build the best networks Drive growth with innovative services Deliver the most compelling content Champion customer experience Operate with agility and cost efficiency Engage and invest in our people PG. 39 My team/stakeholders Connecting to Strategic Imperatives
  • 90. My business impacts PG. 40 Leading at Bell
  • 92. FOCUS GOAL What do you want to achieve inside the focus? focus? REALITY Where are you now in this focus? WAY FORWARD What are the next steps moving forward on this focus? OPTIONS What are your options for this focus? PG. 41 GROW Coaching Model
  • 93. Goal - What do you want to achieve? Reality - Where are you now? Options - What are the options? Way Forward – What are the next steps? What’s on your mind? What’s your overall objective for the future? What could that enable you to do? What are you prepared to do to achieve it? What’s happening now? Describe the situation. What are some possible causes? How does it impact you? Others? Overall performance? What have you done about it so far? What happens if no action is taken? What is the best and worst option and why? Who else could add a helpful perspective on options? What does the ideal outcome look like? What other ways could you achieve this outcome? What actions worked well in similar situations? What is your preferred approach and why? What is the best way to take massive action? What action is the smallest, easiest, most productive? What obstacles might you expect? How could you prevent them? When are you going to start? Other Goal questions Other Reality questions Other Options questions Other Way Forward questions PG. 42 Add more GROW Coaching Questions specific to our situation
  • 94. My toolkit – use now
  • 95. Ideal coaching behaviours 1 = less than ideal coaching behaviours 11 = Ideal coaching behaviours PG. 43 QUESTIONS ”CHATTY” AS DESIGNED LISTENING ADVICE-Y/TELL KEEN LISTENING INSIGHTFUL SURFACE DEEPENING ACTIONABLE VAGUE SPECIFIC 0 11 0 11 0 11 0 11
  • 96. GROW coaching conversation about a challenge achieving my impact X = 12-14 mins Y = Coach my partner to work through the challenge of my impact Z = Comfortable using the GROW coaching tool PG. 44
  • 97. Debrief: How does coaching benefit us as a CP2 Professionals? As a leaders, where could we use coaching more frequently? What else did I learn? PG. 45
  • 98. Transition image that shows a reaction - deer in the headlights
  • 99. Toward reward, away from threat Avoid Survival Amygdala – controls response Perceived Threat/Danger (Disengaged) Toward Reward (Engaged) Fight, flight or freeze threat response Refocus, reframe, reimagine response PG. 46 Approach Creation
  • 100. How to remember the most common perceived threats PG. 47 S tatus C ertainty A utonomy R elatedness F airness Toward Reward Away Threat
  • 101. PG. 48 Discover my triggers My Amygdala is triggered by a perceived threat to my: An example for me is: Status Certainty Autonomy Relatedness Fairness Other
  • 102. PG. 49 My Amygdala is triggered by a perceived threat to my: An example for me is: Status I chair our cross-functional meetings to assess new project requests. My leader just told me that I won't be chairing them any longer. Certainty Our team was restructured. I don't know who I report to. Autonomy I have monthly check-ins with my leader. They now want us to meet bi-weekly. Relatedness Ever since I changed BU, I am no longer included in my old team's activities. Fairness My leader didn't approve my request for Coaching as a PD opportunity, but they approved other team members' request Other EXAMPLE – Triggers
  • 103. My toolkit – use now
  • 104. X = 8 minutes Y = Self-awareness to lead to change in behaviour Z = Clarity on your blindspots What triggers me and how do I react when my amygdala is hijacked? What is the ripple effect of my reaction? PG. 50
  • 105. Debrief: Where/when do we as CP2 Professionals have to handle others being triggered most? What do I realize about my triggers/reaction to their triggers? What else did I learn? PG. 51
  • 106. Reaction Cycle Time Heart Rate 72 bpm Quality of Judgment 1 – Trigger 2 – Escalation 3 – Crisis, often recurring 4 – Recovery 5 – Depression 6 – Rejuvenate PG. 52
  • 107. 115 How do you recover?
  • 108. My Notes RECOGNIZE & BREATHE Be aware that you are triggered and take a deep breathe RE-FRAME Think about how/what else could have been intended RE-CENTER Focus on the positive/your happy place REMOVE Move away from the situation before escalating REJUVENATE Take time to replenish your energy How to deescalate/recover when triggered PG. 53
  • 109. Result of deescalation or recovery • Decreased time to normal • Less extreme reaction • Greater quality of judgement PG. 54
  • 111. Approaches to conflict Where am I in conflict? My approach to conflict: Their approach to conflict: My strategy to resolve the conflict: PG. 55 COMPROMISING Expedient solution, Either/or… Uncooperative Cooperative Cooperativeness Assertiveness Unassertive Assertive AVOIDING Does not address needs or expectations ACCOMMODATING Self-sacrifice Wants to be seen as team player COLLABORATING Find a solution Greater good, often win-win COMPETING Power-oriented Passionately focused
  • 112. COMPROMISING "We don't have time to argue about who leads, your team and do this and and we'll do that." Uncooperative Cooperative Cooperativeness Assertiveness Unassertive Assertive AVOIDING "It doesn't matter to me whose team gets credit." ACCOMMODATING "I defer to your experience, what do you recommend?" COLLABORATING "This solution allows us to both satisfy both our priority needs." COMPETING "I want my & my team's innovation to be recognized." EXAMPLE – Approaches to conflict Where am I in conflict? With manager in sales enablement department My approach to conflict: Accommodating Their approach to conflict: Competing My strategy to resolve the conflict: Spend time understanding her why PG. 56
  • 113. My toolkit – use now
  • 114. X = 6-8 minutes Y = Coaching conversation about conflict: my/their approach, strategy to resolve the conflict Z = Identify specific way forward to resolve conflict Practice a GROW coaching conversation about where I am in conflict PG. 57
  • 115. Debrief: Describe where I am in conflict and what I learned about my approach/response to conflict? Give an example of my "Way forward" to resolve the conflict. What else did I learn about conflict? PG. 58
  • 116. How to resolve conflict 01 02 03 04 05 PAUSE Breathe: Take a breath GOAL Focus: Reflect on your intended goal REALITY Say: Acknowledge the reality of your role in the conflict OPTIONS Do: Identify options for collaboration WAY FORWARD Regroup: Once implemented, revisit learnings together PG. 59
  • 118. Resistance separates me from my impact RESISTANCE ME SCARF Perceived Threats THEM PG. 60 What I hear or see What others feel and do
  • 119. Step 1: PAUSE to focus on them… to evaporate resistance RESISTANCE ME SCARF Perceived Threats THEM PG. 61 What I hear or see What others feel and do
  • 120. Step 2: ACKNOWLEDGE to evaporate resistance Acknowledge Thank you for... Acknowledge their world I am sorry for... Acknowledge impact I understand that you... Acknowledge return to reward state You are committed to... Acknowledge pivot to reward What you said is important because... ME THEM PG. 62 What I hear or see What others feel and do
  • 121. Step 3: ASK a Way Forward question to return to the impact Way forward to reward and away from threat ME THEM PG. 63
  • 122. ME SCARF THEM Thank you for taking the time to meet. I understand that you may have doubts about designing a new agile project delivery method for large projects. I appreciate that you have had bad experiences with the transition to agile that negatively impacted your team. It's important to me to get your buy-in Your experience will help all of us avoid the same mistakes of the past. EXAMPLE – Embrace resistance Way forward: How could I get an hour of your time next week to discuss these changes? PG. 64
  • 123. Resistance I face Their Language​ From whom​ Most common resistance I face​ Most challenging resistance I face​ Resistance I will face to achieve my impact​ PG. 65
  • 124. Their Language​ From whom​ Most common resistance I face​ ​I have too many priorities and can't get this done for Friday ​Peer on my team (Michael) Most challenging resistance I face​ ​The scope of this project keeps changing and I don't know that my priority should be ​An engineer on my project Resistance I will face to achieve my impact​ ​This has always been this way, why do we need to change it ​My Sr. Leader PG. 65 EXAMPLE – Resistance I face TO COMPLETE
  • 125. Identify resistance RESISTANCE What is the actual language of the resistance? How they say it to me: What is likely their perceived SCARF threat? Check the one that applies: o Status o Certainty o Autonomy o Relatedness o Fairness Notes: PG. 67
  • 126. Embracing resistance - Application Step 2: Acknowledge their world Best practice includes a minimum of 5 acknowledgement-focused statements where you acknowledge them, their work, and their world. Practice the Power of Pause to choose how to Acknowledge - remember WYSIITMB. Step 3: Ask an open-ended Way Forward question starting with 'What' or 'How’ Question targets the reward or result you both want. AVOID asking about the resistance or the source of the resistance as that is just the amygdala's reaction and not real. STEP 1: Acknowledge Acknowledge Acknowledge Acknowledge Acknowledge What or How… How… Way Forward toward Reward Reward Question SAMPLES: What needs to be true…? What could you do…? What would you recommend…? How could you…? PG. 68
  • 127. My toolkit – use now
  • 128. How could I respond differently when facing resistance? X = 12 min Y = Practice using embracing resistance framework Z = Respond differently when encountering resistance PG. 69
  • 129. Debrief: What did I learn about myself and how I respond to resistance? What could we do differently when encountering resistance? What else did I learn? PG. 70
  • 130. Impact of Embracing Perceived Resistance and Returning to Reward State • Decreased time to normal • Less extreme reaction • Greater quality of judgement • Decreased time to normal • Less extreme reaction • Greater quality of judgement • Increased productivity
  • 132. Pathway to performance 1 2 3 4 5 6 NEW MORE APPLY SOLVE CHANGE RECOVER Using skill for the first time. Feels unnatural and need support (Use notes) Applying skills in new places, with new people (Check in with notes after) Applying skills naturally/ organically (No need for notes) Using skills in a unique and proactive situation Intentionally shifting existing behaviours and using skill using under stress Impact was not as intended. Learn from impact, adjust and use skill again
  • 133. My toolkit – use now Following today's module: 1. Rapid progress on my Impact Project especially by embracing resistance 2. Track M1 and M2 application in portal to get to mastery (deliberate practice) 3. Complete Proactive Prep for Module 3 In my Breakout with my Accountability Partner: 1. Confirm meeting times over next 2 weeks with my Accountability Partner 2. Confirm/Attend Impact Coaching Session #1 PG. 71
  • 134. ALBUM Module 2: The Power of Connection By Learn2 2020 • 4 songs 3.5 hours PAUSE … # TITLE 1 Proactive Prep 00:10:00 IIIIIIIIIIII Module 2 2:00:00 IIIIIIIIIIII 3 Accountability Partners and Application 1:00:00 IIIIIIIIIIII 4 Triad Impact Coaching 00:30:00 IIIIIIIIIIII
  • 135. My toolkit – Prepare for next module 146
  • 136. 147 X = 6-8 mins Y = Commit to hold each other to account for mastery and impact Z = Confirm Impact Coaching and meeting times Meet with my Accountability Partner
  • 137. MODULE 3 BEGINS HERE Proactive Prep: Think about 1. Reflect on the application of the tools/concepts from Module 1 and 2. 2. What challenge do I have where I could benefit from the experience of my peers? 3. How am I doing from a mindset or mental health perspective? 4. What type of the conversations am I or others around me having?
  • 138. OVERVIEW FANS ALSO LIKE ABOUT CONCERTS ARTIST Leadership Foundations PLAY FOLLOWING … MONTHLY LISTENERS 12,000 Latest Releases Module 1: Power of You Module 2: Power of Connection Module 3: Power of Peers Module 4: Power of Impact
  • 139. Deliberate practice My business impacts • Pause • Acknowledgement/ WYSIITMB • Leading at an 11 • Leadership triangle • Report Impact • 1-minute tool • Listening as a noun • Stages of development • Ripple effect • GROW coaching • Approaches to conflict • Triggers/SCARF • Recovery/Rejuvenation • Embrace resistance Module 2 Module 1
  • 140. How what I learned fits within BLSP My business impacts How impact conversations drive results • Be the Customer • Raise Your Game • Lead with Confidence • Get It Done • Know the business • Think Critically • Succeed as a Team • Communicate Effectively • Influence and Engage • Drive Team Effectiveness • Build and Leverage Talent • Transform the Business • Execute our Strategy How to lead others How I show up as a leader
  • 141. My application to mastery (deliberate practice)
  • 142. My application to mastery Top performers Share benefits of deliberate practice and ripple effect
  • 143. ALBUM Module 3: The Power of Peers By Learn2 2020 • 4 songs • 3.5 hours PAUSE … # TITLE 1 Proactive Prep 00:15:00 IIIIIIIIIIII Module 3 02:00:00 IIIIIIIIIIII 3 Accountability Partners and Application 00:30:00 IIIIIIIIIIII 4 Triad Impact Coaching #2 00:45:00 IIIIIIIIIIII PG. 72
  • 144. 158 You lead in unprecedented times
  • 145.
  • 146. Vison Understanding Clarity Agility Action We lead in unprecedented times Stability Certainty Simplicity Clarity Comfort Volatility Uncertainty Complexity Ambiguity Discomfort OLD VUCA How to manage PG. 73
  • 147. PG. 74 What leadership challenge do you face as a consequence of VUCA? ​VUCA the solution Specific action I will take to address my challenge VISION – Collaborating inclusively within and across business units ​UNDERSTANDING - Developing capabilities within and across business units ​CLARITY - Finding solutions to generate clarity within and across business units AGILITY – Creating change within and across business units My leadership challenge is: _____________________________________________
  • 148. PG. 75 EXAMPLE – Leadership challenge as a consequence of VUCA – TO COMPLETE My leadership challenge is: Some team members don't understand how this project connects to the Strategic Priorities ​VUCA the solution Specific action I will take to address my challenge VISION – Collaborating inclusively within and across business units ​Connect with Sarah in Finance and Shabaz my Engineer to get their diverse perspectives the relevance of this project for their respective teams ​UNDERSTANDING - Developing capabilities within and across business units ​Get Sarah and Shabaz to share a 1 min video on our next team meeting ​CLARITY - Finding solutions to generate clarity within and across business units ​Invest 15 min with Ralph (my biggest challenge) asking questions on what holes he sees in this project AGILITY – Creating change within and across business units Assign a different person each week to report on the connection of this project to their department
  • 149. How to use VUCA the solution as a CP2 Professional leader? X = 6-8 minutes Y = How to use VUCA solution as a leader Z = Get known and continue to develop as a leader in challenging circumstances PG. 76
  • 150. Debrief: How will I think/behave differently in this VUCA context? What else did I learn? PG. 77
  • 151. BrainTrust Best Practice What are BrainTrusts? Why BrainTrusts? BrainTrusts combine the collective experience of 4-6 4-6 leaders in a peer mentoring circle to identify the the way forward for business challenges in 30 minutes. minutes. Faster leader upskilling and faster action. Leaders harness their networks and stakeholders to to solve business challenges. All leaders benefit from understanding others' challenges, gaining perspective and learning from lived experience. Tips for BrainTrusts Choose a leader or facilitator to keep process moving. No advice, telling or recommendations Only sharing of lived experience so everyone learns learns from experience PG. 78
  • 152. BrainTrust - Peer Mentoring Circle - 30 min 1. Each share one challenge 2. Choose one to solve 3. Ask clarifying questions 4. Share experiences 5. Commit to action 1 min each share 2 min to choose 5 min of questions 7 min sharing experiences 5 min to determine action Problem - My version of the challenge for me/my team Opportunity - What are the possibilities to impact the business? Use “What If…” Why - is this so important? • Choose the challenge that will help you • Be strategic • What are the consequences of this decision? decision? • What are your obligations? • How could the solution align with Bell values and strategic priorities? • What could you live with? • What have you tried before? • Say “In my experience….” or "what has worked before..." • Avoid “you should” or “you must” • Be specific • How could you measure success? • How do you want to be held accountable? accountable? PG. 79
  • 153. Participate in a BrainTrust X = 30 mins Y = Understand how to run my own BrainTrust
  • 154. Step 1 - Define a challenge I most want to solve - 5 minutes Define Challenge Share Challenge 2 minutes 1 minute each Problem - Describe the challenge for me/my team Opportunity – How could solving the challenge impact the business? Why - is this important to achieve your impact? Challenge statement Complete the statement P – O – W - • Take turns sharing your challenge • One team member summarize in chat PG. 80
  • 155. Define Challenge Share Challenge 2 minutes 1 minute each Problem - Describe the challenge for me/my team Opportunity – How could solving the challenge impact the business? Why - is this important to achieve your impact? Challenge statement Complete the statement Problem – I am working on a project where I need input from a cross-section of team members. When I request feedback, I don't get it by that deadline. Opportunity – Solving the problem would reduce the time I waste chasing people; it would reduce the level of frustration and ensure everyone's perspective is considered Why - Receiving the feedback on time ensures that the launch date is not compromised. • Take turns sharing your challenge • One team member summarize in chat EXAMPLE – Step 1 Define challenge PG. 81
  • 156. Step 2 - Choose one challenge to solve - 2 minutes Choose one challenge to solve Share 2 minutes to choose • Share when another is better than your own • Share when another helps you with your challenges • Share when you could learn from another • Share chosen challenge and leader name in chat • Articulate what challenges also help you • Be strategic • Vote if you have to PG. 82
  • 157. Step 3- Clarify with questions - 5 minutes Ask clarifying questions Clarify your understanding with questions 5 minutes of questions Practice GROW coaching questions • What’s happening now? Describe the situation • What are some possible causes? • How does it impact you? Others? Overall performance? • What have you done about it so far? • What happens if no action is taken? • What is your reality? • What options already attempted? • What options do you see now? • What consequences? • What obligations exist? • How does solution align with strategic priorities? • What could you live with? PG. 83
  • 158. Step 4 - Share experiences - 7 minutes Share experiences Sharing your lived experience 7 minutes of sharing experiences • Share relevant real-life experiences • Share what has worked for you • Share approaches you’ve attempted even if they did not work work • Listen for your challenge • Everyone takes away what is useful for them • Practice WYSIITMB when layering onto shares • Practice PAUSE when replying • Say “In my experience….” • Avoid “you should” or “I would…” or “you must” PG. 84
  • 159. Step 5 - Commit to action - 5 minutes Commit to action Sharing accountability for action 5 minutes to determine action Support challenge owner to get specific actions Questions to ask them: • What is your preferred approach and why? • What is the best way to take massive action? • What action is smallest, easiest, most productive? • What obstacles might you expect? How could prevent? • When are you going to start? • What support do you want from us? • Who do you want as an accountability partner? • Identify specific actions • How could you measure success? • What support do you want to be held accountable? From whom? PG. 85
  • 160. Debrief: What did I value about a BrainTrust? How do I see myself using a BrainTrust? What else did I learn? PG. 86
  • 161. A. FOCUS BrainTrust variations Declare one challenge then start at step 3 Everyone brings the challenge affecting the business most Gather similar challenges, like how to mitigate effects of COVID, how to reduce cycle time, accelerate results, etc. Report progress B. IMPACT C. THEME D. REPORTING
  • 162. BRAINTRUST B & C – Impact & Theme - 30 min Participants focus on a pre-determined topic identified together or by the organizer of the BrainTrust 1. Share my priority challenge within the pre-determined topic 2. Choose priority challenge 3. Ask clarifying questions 4. Share experiences 5. Commit to action 1 min each share 2 min to reflect 7 min of questions 7 min sharing experiences 8 min to determine action • P – Problem - share my priority challenge related to the topic • O - Opportunities – What are the benefits to solving my primary challenge for me/team/ business? Use “What If…” • W - Why is this so important • As a group, choose the priority challenge to solve • What resources are available ? • Who has what role/responsibility? • What are the expectations of others? • What was tried in the past? • What is the timeline? • What is the ripple effect? • What are the unintended consequences of choosing this priority? • How does solving this challenge align with our values? • Say “In my experience….” or "What I have seen that works is..." • Avoid “you should” or “you must” • What are the top-3 actions? • What does success look like? • With whom do I want alignment? • How do you want to show up as a leader? PG. 87
  • 163. BRAINTRUST D- Individual Reporting – 30 min Eg: 6 Participants focus on sharing their progress – 24 mins 1. Share my priority challenge and progress 2. Ask clarifying questions 3. Share experiences 4. Commit to action 1 min each share = 6 mins 1 min of questions per challenge = 6 mins 2 shares per challenge = 6 mins 1 min per person to determine action = 6 mins • P – Problem - share my priority challenge • O - Opportunities – share my progress (I.e. opportunities to solve my challenge) • W – What's my way forward? • What resources do you need? • What's getting in the way? • What is the timeline? • What have you tried? • What are the unintended consequences of choosing this priority? • How does solving this challenge align with our values? • Say “In my experience….” or "What I have seen that works is..." • Avoid “you should” or “you must” • Take turns so everyone shares their experience • What are my top-3 commitments? PG. 88
  • 164.
  • 165.
  • 166. Results-based versus reasons-based conversations PG. 89 Behaviours Ownership Accountability Responsibility Behaviours Blame Excuses Denial Results Reasons Asks why you did? Oriented to the past Judging Disengaging others Creating victims Asks how we could? Oriented to the future Developing Growing others Creating outcomes Sounds like Yes, and... How can we...? What if we...? They could... What/How? We would need to… Here’s what we still need to do… Sounds like But... If only... Why can’t we... They should... Can/Do? They won’t… Fine, I'll try Actions See it, Own it, Solve it, Speaks from “I… or We…” Acknowledges others’ effort with “you statements” Shares control Explores root causes to solve it Actions Blames using “You” statements Avoids responsibility, blames process Ignores or waits to see “It's not my job” Avoids ownership + initiative
  • 167. PG. 90 Results Reasons 1. Given the challenges we are facing, how could we re-prioritize our tasks? 2. Yes, and we could work with our internal audit team to help us identify the risks in doing it this way. 3. What needs to be true for us to show impact on the business? 4. How would these changes to the report be a value-add for your team? 5. What else could we do? 1. Given the challenges we are facing, we can't complete our tasks. 2. Yes but there are risks. 3. They should see the impact that we are having on the business. 4. Why can't they just use the report we give them? 5. They won't be interested in listening to my perspective. I tried before. EXAMPLE – Results vs Reasons based conversations
  • 168. Where am I – Above or Below? Where are my conversations – Results vs Reasons? X = 12-15 minutes Y = Reflect on how what impacts where I am and what I say things Z = Self-awareness of the ripple effects of where I am mental health and conversations PG. 91
  • 169. Debrief: What could I share that other may be feeling/thinking? What makes "the line" relevant for me as a leader? How does where I am and what I say impact those around me? What else did I learn? PG. 92
  • 171. Pathway to performance 1 2 3 4 5 6 NEW MORE APPLY SOLVE CHANGE RECOVER Using skill for the first time. Feels unnatural and need support (Use notes) Applying skills in new places, with new people (Check in with notes after) Applying skills naturally/ organically (No need for notes) Using skills in a unique and proactive situation Intentionally shifting existing behaviours and using skill using under stress Impact was not as intended. Learn from impact, adjust and use skill again
  • 172. My toolkit – use now 1. Progress with my Impact Project. To present next module 2. Confirm meeting times over next 2 weeks with my Accountability Partner 3. Confirm/Attend Impact Coaching Session #2 4. Track application in portal to get to mastery (deliberate practice) 5. Complete Proactive Prep for Module 4 PG. 93
  • 173. ALBUM Module 3: The Power of Peers By Learn2 2020 • 4 songs • 3.5 hours PAUSE … # TITLE 1 Proactive Prep 00:15:00 IIIIIIIIIIII 2 Module 3 02:00:00 IIIIIIIIIIII Accountability Partners and Application 00:30:00 IIIIIIIIIIII 4 Triad Impact Coaching #2 00:45:00 IIIIIIIIIIII
  • 174. 189 X = 6-8 mins Y = Commit to hold each other to account for mastery and impact Z = Confirm Impact Coaching and meeting times Meet with my Accountability Partner
  • 175. MODULE 4 BEGINS HERE Proactive Prep: 1. Prepare to present my Impact Project status 2. What is my vision for myself in 3-5 years
  • 176. OVERVIEW FANS ALSO LIKE ABOUT CONCERTS ARTIST Leadership Foundations PLAY FOLLOWING … Latest Releases Module 1: Power of You Module 2: Power of Connection Module 3: Power of Peers Module 4: Power of Impact
  • 177. Deliberate practice Impact • Pause • Acknowledgement/ WYSIITMB • Leading at an 11 • Leadership triangle • Report Impact • 1-minute sharing tool • Listening as a noun • Stages of development • Ripple effect • GROW coaching • Approaches to conflict • Triggers/SCARF • Recovery/Rejuvenation • Embrace resistance Module 2 Module 1 Module 3 • Pathway to performance • VUCA • 6Cs Leadership • BrainTrust • Above or Below the line • Results vs Reasons
  • 178. My application to mastery (deliberate practice)
  • 179. My application to mastery Top performers Share benefits of deliberate practice and ripple effect
  • 180. ALBUM Module 4: The Power of Impact By Learn2 2020 • 4 songs • 3.5 hours PAUSE … # TITLE 1 Proactive Prep 00:15:00 IIIIIIIIIIII 2 Module 4 02:00:00 IIIIIIIIIIII 3 Accountability Partners and Application going forward 00:30:00 IIIIIIIIIIII 4 Triad Impact Coaching #2 00:45:00 IIIIIIIIIIII PG. 94
  • 181. Share Experiences CHOOSE the conversation that will be most valuable to me 1. How to embrace resistance and collaborate? 2. How to challenge senior leaders? 3. How to use my voice and influence others? 4. How to use SCARF and above/below the line?
  • 182. X = 12-15 minutes Y = The most valuable conversation for me at this moment Z = Learn from the shared lived experiences of my peers Choose 1: 1. How to embrace resistance and collaborate? 2. How to challenge senior leaders? 3. How to use my voice and influence others? 4. How to use SCARF and above/below the line? 5. What else (other)? Join that breakout room & be ready to report back
  • 183. Debrief: What are our insights? What else did I learn? 1. How to embrace resistance and collaborate? 2. How to challenge senior leaders? 3. How to use my voice and influence others? 4. How to use SCARF and above/below the line? 5. What else (other)? PG. 95
  • 185. Results of creating an impact 1. Productivity/efficiency 2. Revenue 3. Cost savings 4. Employee retention/satisfaction 5. Customer satisfaction You/Desk Office/ Project BU Bell Customer Build the best networks Drive growth with innovative services Deliver the most compelling content Champion customer experience Operate with agility and cost efficiency Engage and invest in our people Team/stakeholder
  • 186. What resonates most with me and my leader? 2. 70% change 3. Saved $25K/quarter per person 4. Saved $21 million/year 1. Improved Customer Experience
  • 187. Annualized impact quantifies the amount of an impact over a year • Most budgets, plans, forecasts are annual so quarterly gains can be multiplied by 4, monthly gains by 12, and weekly gains by 52 • Calculating annualized ROI takes 2 variables: the ROI on the impact for a given period and the duration of the impact Tool: ROI Calculator Leaders want numbers and context - Annualized Impact 203
  • 188. My annualized impact and ripple effects Immediate results ROI Duration Annualized ROI Ripple effect results ROI Duration Annualized ROI Ripple 1 Ripple 2 Ripple 3 PG. 96
  • 189. Immediate results ROI Duration Annualized ROI 20K 3 months 100K Ripple effect results ROI Duration Annualized ROI Ripple 1 - Team impact 5K 3 months 20K Ripple 2 - Apply to other projects 3K 1 month 36K Ripple 3 - Time repurposed 1K 1 week 52K Total ROI = 208K PG. 97 EXAMPLE – annualized impact and ripple effects
  • 190. My toolkit – use now
  • 191. IMPACT 1 2 3 MY TEAMS/STAKEHOLDERS: What actions will I take differently? (Eg. people, process, tools, etc.) As measured by I want to impact Using the following assumptions ME: How I will personally show up differently as a leader? (Eg. Mindset, communication, confidence) Speed up grievance management reduce grievance timelines by 10% with an annual savings of $125K Average: # grievances x # hours saved x $ cost/hour 1. Remain confident and calm when faced with resistance 2. Find champions across teams and proactively communicate the benefits of the project 3. Lean into conflict to find a win-win solution 1. Align with my leader and keep them updated monthly on progress 2. Report metrics/ROI of impact project to leaders, peers, stakeholders 3. Arrange time monthly to brief management and improve their knowledge of pending grievances EXAMPLE – Impact Project
  • 192. dd-value: How could I collaborate? What support could I give? Share my impact statement (Impact, Progress, Projected economic impact)
  • 193. eport Back Share your impact statement (Impact, Progress, Projected economic impact)
  • 194. My Notes What I know about my self What I don’t know about my self What others know about me What others don't know about me? Surface knowledge about me How I want to be known What others share with me to grow me as a leader Johari Window OPEN AREA HIDDEN AREA BLIND SPOT UNKNOWN & UNTAPPED What I don't know is even possible PG. 98
  • 195. ME FOR Making an impact for 3-5 years M. Bibic Sept 2024
  • 196. My vision for myself 3-5 years from now Me as a leader My teams/stakeholders My business impacts PG. 99
  • 197. Me as a leader • I will have stepped into my power and place in the world by letting go of the fear that holds me back • I will get my CPA designation My teams/stakeholders • I will create the conditions for my team and others around me to be authentic and successful My business impact • I will sell $3M in digital transformation products in the next 3 years PG. 100 EXAMPLE – My vision for myself 3-5 years from now
  • 199. How do my top 3 competencies/skills align with my 3-5 year vision? MUT E MUT E MUT E CHOOSE 1 CHOOSE 2 CHOOSE 3
  • 200. How do my Top 3 competencies/skills support my vision? X = 12-15 minutes Y = Results-based conversation about my Top-3 priorities Z = Understand how to progress, get known and have an impact PG. 101
  • 201. Debrief: What did I learn about myself? What did I learn about what I want? What else did I learn PG. 102
  • 202. How leaders are developed PG. 103
  • 203. My Commitments To continue leading at Bell, these I commit to: I will complete my commitments by: PG. 104
  • 204. To continue leading at Bell, these I commitment to: I will complete my commitment by: • Seeing my Impact Project through the completion • End of Q3 • Resolving my conflict with Dao from BBM • Next Friday • Revise my PGP • End of Q1 • I will find a sponsor to support my growth and development • Next 2 weeks • I will enroll to be a Certified agile and SCRUM Master • End of Q2 PG. 105 EXAMPLE – My Commitments
  • 206. What is important to me about the 6Cs leadership model? X = 6-8 minutes Y = Reflect on how 6Cs impacts my leadership Z = Get known and continue to develop as a leader in challenging circumstances PG. 74
  • 207. Debrief: The first step that I commit to is... PG. 100
  • 208. ...this is what you said We heard you... I want: • To continue my leadership growth and development • To go deeper into the content • More time to customise the course content for my specific situation • To further explore and understand the theory behind the tools/concepts to better integrate into my leadership behaviour • Other team members who are not eligible for the course to learn some of the tools/concepts • Additional support on my current or future impacts/projects or other initiatives Coming Soon: Impact Coaching
  • 209. Leadership Foundations Module 1: Power of You Module 2: Power of Connection Module 3: Power of Peers Module 4: Power of Impact PG P A) Bell Leadership Impact Assessment Where to from here? • Package of 3, 6 or unlimited over a 12-month period • Unlimited includes choice of Impact Coach and BrainTrusts • 30-minute individual sessions or 45-minute with an accountability partner • No pre-requisite required for this offering B) Bell Leadership Impact Coaching • Bell Leadership Advanced Impact Assessment empowers you the participant to advance your impact statement and enhance your PGP through coaching • A 3-step process • Pre-requisite for this offering is completion of any Leadership Foundations program upon reporting results of impact project
  • 210.
  • 212. ALBUM Module 4: The Power of Impact By Learn2 2020 • 4 songs • 3.5 hours PAUSE … # TITLE 1 Pre-video 00:05:00 IIIIIIIIIIII 2 Module 4 02:00:00 IIIIIIIIIIII 3 Accountability Partners and Challenges 00:30:00 IIIIIIIIIIII 4 Triad Impact Coaching 00:30:00 IIIIIIIIIIII WHAT IS MY ONE INSIGHT FROM THE PROGRAM THAT HAS CHANGED MY MINDS OR BEHAVIOUR?