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Ocular Embryology
Presentation By:
Kartik Kumar Gupta
B. Optometry-2nd Year
BV(DU)MC School of Optometry
Presentation Layout
1. Introduction on general embryology
2. Ocular embryology
3. Milestone in the development in ocular structure
4. Congenital anomalies of the eye and its adnexa
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Spermatogenesis, Oogenesis and Zygote formation
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Female Reproductive System
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Development Of Zygote
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Embryological Term
1. Oocyte (L. Ovum = egg): Female germ or sex cells
produced by ovaries.
2. Sperm (Gr. Sperma = seed): Male germ cells produced by
3. Zygote: Cell formed by union of a sperm and secondary
oocyte (ovum). The zygote is the earliest stage of embryo
(i.e., the beginning of the new human being).
4. Conceptus: Product of conception, i.e., embryo along with
its extraembryonic membranes.
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Embryological Term cont’d…
5. Cleavage: Series of mitotic divisions of the zygote to form
early embryonic cells—the blastomeres.
6. Morula (L. Morus = mulberry): Solid ball of 12–32 cells
(blastomeres) formed 3–4 days after fertilization, just at
the time when embryo enters the uterus.
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Embryological Term cont’d…
7. Blastocyst (Gr. Blastos = bud, Kystis = bladder):
o It forms at late morula stage when fluid passes into
intercellular spaces between the inner and outer layers of
cells and forms a fluid-filled cavity.
o The blastocyst is divided into two parts: an outer layer called
trophoblasts and inner cell mass called embryoblast.
o The cavity of blastocyst (blastocele) separates the
trophoblast from the inner cell mass except for a small area
where they are in contact.
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Embryological Term cont’d…
8. Implantation: Attachment and subsequent embedding of
blastocyst into uterine endometrium, where it develops
during gestation. Implantation occurs between fifth and
seventh day after fertilization.
9. Gastrulation: Formation of three germ layers (ectoderm,
mesoderm, and endoderm) in the embryo. It is the most
characteristic event during the third week of gestation.
10.Neurulation (Gr. Neuron = nerve): Process by which neural
plate forms the neural tube.
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Embryological Term cont’d…
11.Embryo (Gr. Embryon): Developing human from
conception to eighth week in uterus. This period is called
embryonic period (or period of organogenesis). By the end
of this period primordia of all the major structures of the
body are formed.
12.Primordium (L. Primus = first + Ordior = to begin):
Beginning or first discernible indication of an organ or
13.Fetus (L. Unborn = offspring): Developing human from
ninth week to birth. During this period (fetal period),
differentiation and growth of the tissues and organs
formed during the embryonic period takes place.26-06-2020 18
Embryological Term cont’d…
14.Abortion (L. Aboriri = to miscarry): Expulsion of a
conceptus (embryo or fetus) before it is unable, i.e.,
capable of living outside the uterus.
15.Gestation (L. Gestatio = bearing, carrying in the womb):
The duration of embryo in the uterus from fertilization of
the ovum until delivery (the period of normal pregnancy).
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Embryologic Derivation of Ocular Structures
Surface ectoderm gives rise to:
Corneal epithelium
Conjunctival epithelium
Epithelium of eyelids and cilia, meibomian glands, and
glands of Zeis and Moll
Epithelium lining nasolacrimal system
Lacrimal gland and epithelial lining the lacrimal apparatus
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Embryologic Derivation of Ocular Structures cont’d…
Neural ectoderm gives rise to:
Retinal pigment epithelium
Neural retina
Optic nerve fibers
Epithelium of ciliary body
Epithelium of iris
Iris sphincter and dilator muscles
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Embryologic Derivation Of Ocular Structures Cont’d…
Neural crest gives rise to:
Corneal stroma (which gives rise to Bowman’s layer)
Corneal endothelium (which gives rise to Descemet’s
Most (or all) of sclera
Trabecular structures
Uveal pigment cells
Uveal connective tissue
Ciliary muscle
Meninges of optic nerve
Vascular pericytes
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Fig. Optic Fissure26-06-2020 28
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Optic Cup and Lens Vesicle
Choroidal fissure develops on the inferior aspect of the optic cup and optic
Lens vesicle enters into the optic cup
Optic vesicle invaginate to form double layer optic cup
lens pits
Optic vesicle comes in contact with surface ectoderm; form lens placode
Proximal part connected to forebrain constricted to form optic stalk
Optic vesicle
Optic groove/sulcus
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Development Of Various Part Of
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Lens sutures
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Development Of Eyelid, Conjunctival Sac And
Lacrimal Gland Cont’d…
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Milestone In The Development
Of Ocular Structures
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Pre-embryonic Period (Fertilization To End Of 3rd Week)
Formation of the principle germinal layer
Formation of neural plate and neural groove
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Embryonic Period (Beginning Of 4th To End Of 8th Week)
22 Days:
Appearance of optic pits in the neural fold.
25 To 28 Days:
Invagination of primary optic vesicle
Beginning of lens placode formation
Condensation of mesoderm determining extraocular
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5th Week Of Embryonic Period
Full development of primary optic vesicle
Earliest appearance of the primitive and marginal zones of
the presumptive retina.
Beginning of invagination of optic vesicle to form optic cup
Formation of the lens pit
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5th Week Of Embryonic Period Cont’d….
Ophthalmic artery emerges from the internal carotid
Development of embryonic fissure
Hyaloid artery emerges from the primitive dorsal
ophthalmic artery
Lens pits has developed into a closed vesicle in contact with
surface ectoderm.
Hyaloid artery enters the embryonic fissure and reaches up
to posterior pole of the lens vesicle.
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6th Week Of Embryonic Period
Lens vesicle become hollow sphere detached from ectoderm
Hyaloid artery takes part in the formation of the posterior
part of the tunica vasculosa lentis.
Beginning of the closure of embryonic cleft in its mid-
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6th Week Of Embryonic Period Cont’d….
Second stage of retinal differentiation with formation of
primitive inner nuclear layer.
Formation of lens fibers from posterior epithelial cells of
lens vesicle.
Almost complete closure of embryonic fissure except at
anterior and posterior extent.
Optic nerve fibers travelling proximally into optic nerve.26-06-2020 47
6th Week Of Embryonic Period Cont’d….
Beginning of development of secondary vitreous.
Choriocapillaris is completely formed.
Double layer of cells at the surface ectoderm forms the
corneal epithelium.
Orbital mesoderm begins to differentiate into extraocular
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7th Week Of Embryonic Period
• Distal end of the embryonic fissure is completely closed.
• Differentiation of inner and outer neuroblastic layers of
retina affected by appearance of transient fibre layer of
Chievitz at posterior pole.
• Rudiments of lids have developed into definite folds and the
fibers of the orbicularis oculi muscle begin to surround the
eye.26-06-2020 49
7th Week Of Embryonic Period Cont’d….
Formation of anterior portion of tunica vasculosa lentis
Proximal remnant of embryonic fissure closed.
Beginning of nerve fibres crossing to form optic chiasma
Separation of corneal epithelium and endothelium by
acellular layer.
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7th Week Of Embryonic Period Cont’d….
Nuclei of primary lens fibres disappears.
Lids folds gradually covers the eyes.
Canaliculi are present.
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8th Week Of Embryonic Period
Optic chiasma is fully formed.
Penetration of acellular layer of cornea by mesoderm to
form corneal stroma.
Pupillary membrane is completely formed.
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8th Week Of Embryonic Period Cont’d….
• Beginning of the anterior chamber can be recognized.
• All the motor nerves of the eye have reached the extraocular
9th Week
• Ciliary body is begins to appear.
• Secondary vitreous is fully evident.
• Y-suture are now apparent in the embryonic nucleus of the
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10th Week Of Embryonic Period
Zonule makes its appearance Bowman’s membrane is
Tenon’s capsule begins to form in the equatorial region.
Fibers of the orbicularis oculi are forming.
At the end of this period, optic tract have formed.
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11th Week Of Embryonic Period
Macula begins to differentiate.
Differentiation of the occipital cortex appears.
The hyaloid system is maximally developed.
Rectus muscles are well differentiated and levator separates
from superior rectus.
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4th Month
• Ciliary processes are fully formed.
• Secondary vitreous develops considerably.
• Lashes and gland of the lids appear and the plica is well formed.
• Tenon’s capsule is fully formed.
• Orbital walls are well developed.
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5th Month
Myelination in the geniculate body is evident.
All layers of the choroid are now visible and melanoblasts
appear in its external portion.
Iris is fully developed.
Extraocular muscles have differentiated their tendinous insertion
Dural sheath of the optic nerve can be distinguished.
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6th Month
Dilator pupillae begin to form.
Sphincter muscle of the pupil is fully differentiated.
Descemet’s membrane has appeared.
Anterior chamber angle is forming peripherally.
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7th Month
Rods are differentiated in the retina.
Fovea become obvious.
Bergmeister’s papilla begins to atrophy.
Lacrimal canaliculi have opened on the lid margins and the
tarsus is well formed in the upper lids.
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8th Months
All layer of the retina are extensively developed throughout.
Retinal vessels have reached the ora.
Fetal nucleus of the lens is complete.
Circulation of the anterior segment is complete.
Angle of anterior chamber is formed completely.
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9th Month
• Diameter of the globe increase to 16 to 17mm.
• Except macula, general development of the retina is now
• Retinal vessels reach the periphery.
• Infantile nucleus of the lens begins to appear.
• Pupillary membrane and hyaloid vessels have disappeared.
• Formation of the physiologic cup of the disc begins.
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At Term
Apart from the fovea, the retina is fully developed.
Myelination of optic nerve fibre has reached lamina
Coiled remnants of the hyaloid artery have attached
anteriorly up to the posterior lens capsule and float freely in
Cloquet’s canal.
Lacrimal glands are still undeveloped and tears are not
Nasolacrimal duct has reached the nasal cavity but is
frequently separated from the inferior meatus by a
membrane.26-06-2020 62
Postnatal period
Angle between orbital axes is 180 degree, at birth 71 degree
and 68 degree in adult.
Volume of the orbit at birth is 10.3 ml, 22.3ml at 1 year and
reaching the adult volume of 30 ml by 6-8 years.
Bony interorbital distance is hypoteloric due to absence of
frontal and ethmoid air cells which gives the appearance of
Optic canal at birth is actually a foramen but later becomes
canal, and at 1 year its length is 4mm.
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Lids And Lacrimal Apparatus
Vertical Dimensions
• Infants: 8-8.5mm
• 1-10 year: 9mm
Horizontal Dimensions
• At Birth: 18mm
• 1-10 year: rapid increase to adult level of 30mm
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Lacrimal System
Excretory and secretory functions of the lacrimal apparatus
are operational in most normal infants at birth.
Basal and reflex tear secretion in more than 80% infants at
birth, psychic and emotion tearing occurs several months
after life.
Development of NLD is complete at birth.
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Low at birth 7.8±0.4 mm Hg and increases 1mmHg/year for
5 years to reach adult level.
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Uveal Tract And Pupil
Dilator pupillae is poorly developed and does not reach
adult proportions until about the 5th year.
Iris stromal pigments develops after birth; so in white races
this tissue is initially light blue in colour for sometimes.
Pupillary light reaction is normal at birth.
Pars plana zone at birth is underdeveloped and pars plicata
is within just behind limbus.
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• Lens capsule increase in thickness especially anteriorly.
Hyaloid remnants at the posterior capsule gradually atrophy
through childhood.
• Nucleus: Although, the infantile nucleus is present at birth it
continues to grow by accumulation of new fibers up to
• Cortex: the accretion of new fibers forms cortex, which
continues through out life.
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• Development of retina lags behind rest of the retina and thus
considerable changes occur after the birth.
• Differentiation of all layers proceeds during the first 4
months, at the end of which period the characteristic foveal
reflex is present on ophthalmoscopy.
• Macula is barely functional at birth. Histologically and
functionally mature by 4 years.
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Macula cont’d…
Histologic Maturity:
1. Foveolar diameter (rod-free zone)
Birth : 1100 micrometre
15 – 45 months : 700 – 750
2. Foveal cone maturation is completed by 15 months.
3. Foveal cone density
Birth: 18 cones/100
45 m: 31 cones
Adult: 42
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Macula Cont’d…
Functional Maturity:
Visual fixation is present at birth and is well developed by 2
Visual following is well developed by 3 months.
Differentiation of fovea is completed by 4 months and
characteristic foveal reflex is present on ophthalmoscopy.
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Optic Disc
1. At birth, the disc is relatively and uniformly pale when
compared to the pink colour of the older disc.
2. However, this changes to the normal adult pink colour by about
6 months to 1 year of age.
Physiological Cupping:
1. Not seen in premature infants or underdeveloped full term
infants, such that the optic disc may appear grey at birth
resembling optic nerve atrophy.
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Peripheral Fundus
Still lacks the pigmentation of the adult.
The choroidal vessels are distinctly visible.
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Optic Nerve And Upper Visual Pathway
Myelination proceeds from occipital cortex downward and is
not complete until the end of the fourth month.
 Myelination of the optic nerve begins during foetal life at
the lateral geniculate body and reaches the optic disc around
the time of birth.
Normally, the myelin does not extend anterior to the
cribriform plate.
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Refractive Status
• Term infant : +0.62 – 2.24D
• Increases up to 7 years of age
• Then decreases and stabilizes by 14-15 years
• Myopic shift:
- In hypermetropes - 0.12 D / year
- In myopes - 0.55 D / year
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Visual Acuity
• Postnatal maturation of visual pathway plays an important
role in development of vision.
• The 1st year of life remains the dynamic and plastic period for
visual development.
• Any pathology during this period will impair its development.
• The visual system remains malleable at least during first
decade of life, and attention to this plasticity is considered
for the prevention and treatment of amblyopia.
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Maturation Of Vision
• Optokinetic nystagmus is well developed at birth.
• Accommodation is well developed by 4 months.
• Ocular alignment becomes stable by 1 month.
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Levels Of Visual Acuity
Visual acuity 1 months 2 months 6 months Age at which 6/6 is
6/120 6/60 6/30 20-30 months
6/120 6/60 6/30 24-36 months
VEP 6/120 6/60 6/6-6/12 6-12 months
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• Development of stereopsis roughly parallels the
development of visual acuity. It can be demonstrated at 3 – 6
months of age and rapidly improves thereafter.
• Stereopsis ( titmus ) at adult level is achieved by 7 yrs.
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Visual Fields
Using suitable kinetic perimetry, the monocular visual fields
in new-borns extend 28 degrees to left and right of the
vertical meridian, and 11 degrees above and 16 degrees
below the horizontal meridian.
Rapid expansion in dimension of the visual fields follows,
and at 1 year of age the superior visual field is comparable to
that of adults.
By 10 years of age, adult visual field size is attained.
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Eye Movements
Initially, eye movements are irregular and not conjugate.
But by 5 – 6 weeks, the eyes can follow a light over a
considerable range.
Pursuit of small objects occurs at about 3 months and
transition from reflex to conscious fixation becomes
apparent; but conjugate fixation is not accurate until about 6
months, until convergence is established.
Corrective fusion reflexes are fully functional towards the
end of 1st year.
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Visual Milestones
Age Visual Milestones
• 29 weeks Gestation Pupillary reaction to light
• 30 weeks G to Birth Dislike bright light
- turns to subdued light
• Birth - 1 week Fixation present
- Follow horizontally moving
targets –OKN and vestibular
eye movements well
- Visual acuity on Acuity cards
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Visual Milestones continued…
Age Visual Milestones
• 4 weeks – 8 weeks Fixation well developed
- Follows vertically moving
- Fusion develops
- Watches mother’s face intently
for prolonged duration
- Watches toys held in front of
- Doll’s head eye movements
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Visual Milestones continued…
Age Visual Milestones
• 3 months Watches movements of own hands
- Reaches out to interesting
- Prefers photographs, mirror
faces to patterns
• 4 months Foveal differentiation completed
Accommodation developed
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Visual Milestones continued…
Age Visual Milestones
• 5 months Blink response to visual threat
- Grasps object and explores with
• 6 months - VEP acuity adult level (6/6)
- Stereopsis on PLT well
- Fusional convergence well
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Visual Milestones continued..
Age Visual Milestones
• 9 months Visual differentiation of objects,
picks up small objects
• 18 months Visual acuity (Acuity cards : (6/6)
• 3 years Vision 6/9 - 6/6 On Tumbling E /
HOTV (Recognition)
- Contrast Sensitivity adult level
• 5 – 7 years Stereopsis well developed
• 10 years End of critical period for
monocular deprivation (synapse
formation completed)26-06-2020 86
Congenital Anomalies
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Persistent Pupillary Membrane
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Coloboma Of Iris
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Congenital Aniridia
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Coloboma Of Eyelid
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Congenital Ptosis
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Bergmeister’s Papilla
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Ocular Albinism
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Retinopathy Of Prematurity
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Persistent Hyperplastic Primary Vitreous
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  • 1. Ocular Embryology Presentation By: Kartik Kumar Gupta B. Optometry-2nd Year BV(DU)MC School of Optometry
  • 2. Presentation Layout 1. Introduction on general embryology 2. Ocular embryology 3. Milestone in the development in ocular structure 4. Congenital anomalies of the eye and its adnexa 26-06-2020 2
  • 3. Spermatogenesis, Oogenesis and Zygote formation 26-06-2020 3
  • 14. Embryological Term 1. Oocyte (L. Ovum = egg): Female germ or sex cells produced by ovaries. 2. Sperm (Gr. Sperma = seed): Male germ cells produced by testes. 3. Zygote: Cell formed by union of a sperm and secondary oocyte (ovum). The zygote is the earliest stage of embryo (i.e., the beginning of the new human being). 4. Conceptus: Product of conception, i.e., embryo along with its extraembryonic membranes. 26-06-2020 14
  • 15. Embryological Term cont’d… 5. Cleavage: Series of mitotic divisions of the zygote to form early embryonic cells—the blastomeres. 6. Morula (L. Morus = mulberry): Solid ball of 12–32 cells (blastomeres) formed 3–4 days after fertilization, just at the time when embryo enters the uterus. 26-06-2020 15
  • 16. Embryological Term cont’d… 7. Blastocyst (Gr. Blastos = bud, Kystis = bladder): o It forms at late morula stage when fluid passes into intercellular spaces between the inner and outer layers of cells and forms a fluid-filled cavity. o The blastocyst is divided into two parts: an outer layer called trophoblasts and inner cell mass called embryoblast. o The cavity of blastocyst (blastocele) separates the trophoblast from the inner cell mass except for a small area where they are in contact. 26-06-2020 16
  • 17. Embryological Term cont’d… 8. Implantation: Attachment and subsequent embedding of blastocyst into uterine endometrium, where it develops during gestation. Implantation occurs between fifth and seventh day after fertilization. 9. Gastrulation: Formation of three germ layers (ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm) in the embryo. It is the most characteristic event during the third week of gestation. 10.Neurulation (Gr. Neuron = nerve): Process by which neural plate forms the neural tube. 26-06-2020 17
  • 18. Embryological Term cont’d… 11.Embryo (Gr. Embryon): Developing human from conception to eighth week in uterus. This period is called embryonic period (or period of organogenesis). By the end of this period primordia of all the major structures of the body are formed. 12.Primordium (L. Primus = first + Ordior = to begin): Beginning or first discernible indication of an organ or structure. 13.Fetus (L. Unborn = offspring): Developing human from ninth week to birth. During this period (fetal period), differentiation and growth of the tissues and organs formed during the embryonic period takes place.26-06-2020 18
  • 19. Embryological Term cont’d… 14.Abortion (L. Aboriri = to miscarry): Expulsion of a conceptus (embryo or fetus) before it is unable, i.e., capable of living outside the uterus. 15.Gestation (L. Gestatio = bearing, carrying in the womb): The duration of embryo in the uterus from fertilization of the ovum until delivery (the period of normal pregnancy). 26-06-2020 19
  • 20. Embryologic Derivation of Ocular Structures Surface ectoderm gives rise to: Lens Corneal epithelium Conjunctival epithelium Epithelium of eyelids and cilia, meibomian glands, and glands of Zeis and Moll Epithelium lining nasolacrimal system Lacrimal gland and epithelial lining the lacrimal apparatus 26-06-2020 20
  • 21. Embryologic Derivation of Ocular Structures cont’d… Neural ectoderm gives rise to: Retinal pigment epithelium Neural retina Optic nerve fibers Neuroglia Epithelium of ciliary body Epithelium of iris Iris sphincter and dilator muscles 26-06-2020 21
  • 22. Embryologic Derivation Of Ocular Structures Cont’d… Neural crest gives rise to: Corneal stroma (which gives rise to Bowman’s layer) Corneal endothelium (which gives rise to Descemet’s membrane) Most (or all) of sclera Trabecular structures Uveal pigment cells Uveal connective tissue Ciliary muscle Meninges of optic nerve Vascular pericytes 26-06-2020 22
  • 30. Optic Cup and Lens Vesicle Choroidal fissure develops on the inferior aspect of the optic cup and optic stalk Lens vesicle enters into the optic cup Optic vesicle invaginate to form double layer optic cup lens pits Optic vesicle comes in contact with surface ectoderm; form lens placode Proximal part connected to forebrain constricted to form optic stalk Optic vesicle Optic groove/sulcus 26-06-2020 30
  • 31. Development Of Various Part Of Eyeball 26-06-2020 31
  • 40. Development Of Eyelid, Conjunctival Sac And Lacrimal Gland Cont’d… 26-06-2020 40
  • 41. Milestone In The Development Of Ocular Structures 26-06-2020 41
  • 42. Pre-embryonic Period (Fertilization To End Of 3rd Week) Formation of the principle germinal layer Formation of neural plate and neural groove 26-06-2020 42
  • 43. Embryonic Period (Beginning Of 4th To End Of 8th Week) 22 Days: Appearance of optic pits in the neural fold. 25 To 28 Days: Invagination of primary optic vesicle Beginning of lens placode formation Condensation of mesoderm determining extraocular muscles. 26-06-2020 43
  • 44. 5th Week Of Embryonic Period Full development of primary optic vesicle Earliest appearance of the primitive and marginal zones of the presumptive retina. Beginning of invagination of optic vesicle to form optic cup Formation of the lens pit 26-06-2020 44
  • 45. 5th Week Of Embryonic Period Cont’d…. Ophthalmic artery emerges from the internal carotid Development of embryonic fissure Hyaloid artery emerges from the primitive dorsal ophthalmic artery Lens pits has developed into a closed vesicle in contact with surface ectoderm. Hyaloid artery enters the embryonic fissure and reaches up to posterior pole of the lens vesicle. 26-06-2020 45
  • 46. 6th Week Of Embryonic Period Lens vesicle become hollow sphere detached from ectoderm Hyaloid artery takes part in the formation of the posterior part of the tunica vasculosa lentis. Beginning of the closure of embryonic cleft in its mid- portion. 26-06-2020 46
  • 47. 6th Week Of Embryonic Period Cont’d…. Second stage of retinal differentiation with formation of primitive inner nuclear layer. Formation of lens fibers from posterior epithelial cells of lens vesicle. Almost complete closure of embryonic fissure except at anterior and posterior extent. Optic nerve fibers travelling proximally into optic nerve.26-06-2020 47
  • 48. 6th Week Of Embryonic Period Cont’d…. Beginning of development of secondary vitreous. Choriocapillaris is completely formed. Double layer of cells at the surface ectoderm forms the corneal epithelium. Orbital mesoderm begins to differentiate into extraocular muscles. 26-06-2020 48
  • 49. 7th Week Of Embryonic Period • Distal end of the embryonic fissure is completely closed. • Differentiation of inner and outer neuroblastic layers of retina affected by appearance of transient fibre layer of Chievitz at posterior pole. • Rudiments of lids have developed into definite folds and the fibers of the orbicularis oculi muscle begin to surround the eye.26-06-2020 49
  • 50. 7th Week Of Embryonic Period Cont’d…. Formation of anterior portion of tunica vasculosa lentis Proximal remnant of embryonic fissure closed. Beginning of nerve fibres crossing to form optic chiasma Separation of corneal epithelium and endothelium by acellular layer. 26-06-2020 50
  • 51. 7th Week Of Embryonic Period Cont’d…. Nuclei of primary lens fibres disappears. Lids folds gradually covers the eyes. Canaliculi are present. 26-06-2020 51
  • 52. 8th Week Of Embryonic Period Optic chiasma is fully formed. Penetration of acellular layer of cornea by mesoderm to form corneal stroma. Pupillary membrane is completely formed. 26-06-2020 52
  • 53. 8th Week Of Embryonic Period Cont’d…. • Beginning of the anterior chamber can be recognized. • All the motor nerves of the eye have reached the extraocular muscles. 9th Week • Ciliary body is begins to appear. • Secondary vitreous is fully evident. • Y-suture are now apparent in the embryonic nucleus of the lens. 26-06-2020 53
  • 54. 10th Week Of Embryonic Period Zonule makes its appearance Bowman’s membrane is forming. Tenon’s capsule begins to form in the equatorial region. Fibers of the orbicularis oculi are forming. At the end of this period, optic tract have formed. 26-06-2020 54
  • 55. 11th Week Of Embryonic Period Macula begins to differentiate. Differentiation of the occipital cortex appears. The hyaloid system is maximally developed. Rectus muscles are well differentiated and levator separates from superior rectus. 26-06-2020 55
  • 56. 4th Month • Ciliary processes are fully formed. • Secondary vitreous develops considerably. • Lashes and gland of the lids appear and the plica is well formed. • Tenon’s capsule is fully formed. • Orbital walls are well developed. 26-06-2020 56
  • 57. 5th Month Myelination in the geniculate body is evident. All layers of the choroid are now visible and melanoblasts appear in its external portion. Iris is fully developed. Extraocular muscles have differentiated their tendinous insertion Dural sheath of the optic nerve can be distinguished. 26-06-2020 57
  • 58. 6th Month Dilator pupillae begin to form. Sphincter muscle of the pupil is fully differentiated. Descemet’s membrane has appeared. Anterior chamber angle is forming peripherally. 26-06-2020 58
  • 59. 7th Month Rods are differentiated in the retina. Fovea become obvious. Bergmeister’s papilla begins to atrophy. Lacrimal canaliculi have opened on the lid margins and the tarsus is well formed in the upper lids. 26-06-2020 59
  • 60. 8th Months All layer of the retina are extensively developed throughout. Retinal vessels have reached the ora. Fetal nucleus of the lens is complete. Circulation of the anterior segment is complete. Angle of anterior chamber is formed completely. 26-06-2020 60
  • 61. 9th Month • Diameter of the globe increase to 16 to 17mm. • Except macula, general development of the retina is now complete. • Retinal vessels reach the periphery. • Infantile nucleus of the lens begins to appear. • Pupillary membrane and hyaloid vessels have disappeared. • Formation of the physiologic cup of the disc begins. 26-06-2020 61
  • 62. At Term Apart from the fovea, the retina is fully developed. Myelination of optic nerve fibre has reached lamina cribrosa. Coiled remnants of the hyaloid artery have attached anteriorly up to the posterior lens capsule and float freely in Cloquet’s canal. Lacrimal glands are still undeveloped and tears are not secreted. Nasolacrimal duct has reached the nasal cavity but is frequently separated from the inferior meatus by a membrane.26-06-2020 62
  • 63. Postnatal period Orbit Angle between orbital axes is 180 degree, at birth 71 degree and 68 degree in adult. Volume of the orbit at birth is 10.3 ml, 22.3ml at 1 year and reaching the adult volume of 30 ml by 6-8 years. Bony interorbital distance is hypoteloric due to absence of frontal and ethmoid air cells which gives the appearance of pseudostarbismus. Optic canal at birth is actually a foramen but later becomes canal, and at 1 year its length is 4mm. 26-06-2020 63
  • 64. Lids And Lacrimal Apparatus Vertical Dimensions • Infants: 8-8.5mm • 1-10 year: 9mm Horizontal Dimensions • At Birth: 18mm • 1-10 year: rapid increase to adult level of 30mm 26-06-2020 64
  • 65. Lacrimal System Excretory and secretory functions of the lacrimal apparatus are operational in most normal infants at birth. Basal and reflex tear secretion in more than 80% infants at birth, psychic and emotion tearing occurs several months after life. Development of NLD is complete at birth. 26-06-2020 65
  • 66. IOP Low at birth 7.8±0.4 mm Hg and increases 1mmHg/year for 5 years to reach adult level. 26-06-2020 66
  • 67. Uveal Tract And Pupil Dilator pupillae is poorly developed and does not reach adult proportions until about the 5th year. Iris stromal pigments develops after birth; so in white races this tissue is initially light blue in colour for sometimes. Pupillary light reaction is normal at birth. Pars plana zone at birth is underdeveloped and pars plicata is within just behind limbus. 26-06-2020 67
  • 68. Lens • Lens capsule increase in thickness especially anteriorly. Hyaloid remnants at the posterior capsule gradually atrophy through childhood. • Nucleus: Although, the infantile nucleus is present at birth it continues to grow by accumulation of new fibers up to puberty. • Cortex: the accretion of new fibers forms cortex, which continues through out life. 26-06-2020 68
  • 69. Macula • Development of retina lags behind rest of the retina and thus considerable changes occur after the birth. • Differentiation of all layers proceeds during the first 4 months, at the end of which period the characteristic foveal reflex is present on ophthalmoscopy. • Macula is barely functional at birth. Histologically and functionally mature by 4 years. 26-06-2020 69
  • 70. Macula cont’d… Histologic Maturity: 1. Foveolar diameter (rod-free zone) Birth : 1100 micrometre 15 – 45 months : 700 – 750 2. Foveal cone maturation is completed by 15 months. 3. Foveal cone density Birth: 18 cones/100 45 m: 31 cones Adult: 42 26-06-2020 70
  • 71. Macula Cont’d… Functional Maturity: Visual fixation is present at birth and is well developed by 2 months. Visual following is well developed by 3 months. Differentiation of fovea is completed by 4 months and characteristic foveal reflex is present on ophthalmoscopy. 26-06-2020 71
  • 72. Optic Disc Colour: 1. At birth, the disc is relatively and uniformly pale when compared to the pink colour of the older disc. 2. However, this changes to the normal adult pink colour by about 6 months to 1 year of age. Physiological Cupping: 1. Not seen in premature infants or underdeveloped full term infants, such that the optic disc may appear grey at birth resembling optic nerve atrophy. 26-06-2020 72
  • 73. Peripheral Fundus Still lacks the pigmentation of the adult. The choroidal vessels are distinctly visible. 26-06-2020 73
  • 74. Optic Nerve And Upper Visual Pathway Myelination proceeds from occipital cortex downward and is not complete until the end of the fourth month.  Myelination of the optic nerve begins during foetal life at the lateral geniculate body and reaches the optic disc around the time of birth. Normally, the myelin does not extend anterior to the cribriform plate. 26-06-2020 74
  • 75. Refractive Status • Term infant : +0.62 – 2.24D • Increases up to 7 years of age • Then decreases and stabilizes by 14-15 years • Myopic shift: - In hypermetropes - 0.12 D / year - In myopes - 0.55 D / year 26-06-2020 75
  • 76. Visual Acuity • Postnatal maturation of visual pathway plays an important role in development of vision. • The 1st year of life remains the dynamic and plastic period for visual development. • Any pathology during this period will impair its development. • The visual system remains malleable at least during first decade of life, and attention to this plasticity is considered for the prevention and treatment of amblyopia. 26-06-2020 76
  • 77. Maturation Of Vision • Optokinetic nystagmus is well developed at birth. • Accommodation is well developed by 4 months. • Ocular alignment becomes stable by 1 month. 26-06-2020 77
  • 78. Levels Of Visual Acuity Visual acuity 1 months 2 months 6 months Age at which 6/6 is achieved Optokinetic nystagmus 6/120 6/60 6/30 20-30 months Preferential looking 6/120 6/60 6/30 24-36 months VEP 6/120 6/60 6/6-6/12 6-12 months 26-06-2020 78
  • 79. Stereopsis • Development of stereopsis roughly parallels the development of visual acuity. It can be demonstrated at 3 – 6 months of age and rapidly improves thereafter. • Stereopsis ( titmus ) at adult level is achieved by 7 yrs. 26-06-2020 79
  • 80. Visual Fields Using suitable kinetic perimetry, the monocular visual fields in new-borns extend 28 degrees to left and right of the vertical meridian, and 11 degrees above and 16 degrees below the horizontal meridian. Rapid expansion in dimension of the visual fields follows, and at 1 year of age the superior visual field is comparable to that of adults. By 10 years of age, adult visual field size is attained. 26-06-2020 80
  • 81. Eye Movements Initially, eye movements are irregular and not conjugate. But by 5 – 6 weeks, the eyes can follow a light over a considerable range. Pursuit of small objects occurs at about 3 months and transition from reflex to conscious fixation becomes apparent; but conjugate fixation is not accurate until about 6 months, until convergence is established. Corrective fusion reflexes are fully functional towards the end of 1st year. 26-06-2020 81
  • 82. Visual Milestones Age Visual Milestones • 29 weeks Gestation Pupillary reaction to light • 30 weeks G to Birth Dislike bright light - turns to subdued light • Birth - 1 week Fixation present - Follow horizontally moving targets –OKN and vestibular eye movements well developed. - Visual acuity on Acuity cards (6/120) 26-06-2020 82
  • 83. Visual Milestones continued… Age Visual Milestones • 4 weeks – 8 weeks Fixation well developed - Follows vertically moving objects - Fusion develops - Watches mother’s face intently for prolonged duration - Watches toys held in front of face - Doll’s head eye movements 26-06-2020 83
  • 84. Visual Milestones continued… Age Visual Milestones • 3 months Watches movements of own hands - Reaches out to interesting objects - Prefers photographs, mirror faces to patterns • 4 months Foveal differentiation completed Accommodation developed 26-06-2020 84
  • 85. Visual Milestones continued… Age Visual Milestones • 5 months Blink response to visual threat - Grasps object and explores with finger • 6 months - VEP acuity adult level (6/6) - Stereopsis on PLT well developed - Fusional convergence well developed 26-06-2020 85
  • 86. Visual Milestones continued.. Age Visual Milestones • 9 months Visual differentiation of objects, picks up small objects • 18 months Visual acuity (Acuity cards : (6/6) • 3 years Vision 6/9 - 6/6 On Tumbling E / HOTV (Recognition) - Contrast Sensitivity adult level • 5 – 7 years Stereopsis well developed • 10 years End of critical period for monocular deprivation (synapse formation completed)26-06-2020 86
  • 101. Persistent Hyperplastic Primary Vitreous 26-06-2020 101