SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Question                         Chapters
Does the store draw you in?      Yes, the prospect of knowledge and knowing I can take
                                 as long as I need
Is the door open?                Outside door to parking is closed, but is rich looking
                                 wood and inviting, mall entrance is wide open
How big is the sign?             Outside 1.5 meters high, inside 1 meter, heavy serif
What does it make you feel about Like you will literary material
the store?
How does this make you feel?     Entrance is so big it is like a giant maw going to eat me

What is the colour scheme of the    earth tones, but a giant red wall for magazines. (wanted
store?                              to avoid the red) wanted to stay in other areas
What types of flooring does this    laminate
How does flooring affect            tiles seem so very cheap, laminate feels more inviting,
environment?                        and carpet gives a sense of home.
How high is the ceiling?            10 meters, felt too empty
How brightly lit is the store?      Well lite, warm halogen lighting, was calm willing to stay

How loud was the store?             moderate noise, enough to cover conversations 3
                                    meters away
What is causing noise?              music
Does music fit environment?         Yes
Store warm or cold                  room temp
Is the store crowded with           mostly sparse, crowded in toys
merchandize or sparse?
Does the store have a distinctive   no smell, except near candles
Where is the cash register          By the two entrances, several at the front and one at the
located?                            rear
How visible was store security?     Several cameras hanging from ceiling and RFID gates
How long do you want to stay in     Days. Culture of sitting down leafing through books with
the store?                          a warm drink makes you not want to leave.
Does the environment influence      No, I think products and quality do.
the perceived value of
How long does it take before a      no contact unless you seek it out.
sales person initiates contact?
Does a salesperson have a script    No
to follow with each customer?

                                                                         Page 1
Does a salesperson treat different Yes, based on age, need.
customers differently?
What is the ration of salespeople 1:40
to customers?
What Age are employees?            20-50
What gender?                       Various
Are salespeople using the store no
Do the salespeople have a          yes, logo vests
What is the first product you      Novels
Where are the items that are “for all over
sale” in the store?
How are products arranged?         By Genre, function
Are there free samples/demos? no
What products are at eye level? Tops selling books
What items are in the least        toys
accessible locations?
Where are the most expensive       At the back in an audio/video section
items located?
Where are the least expensive      N/A
items located?
Are the prices easy to find?       Yes, on back cover
Are there impulse items near       yes, not grabbed often
Are most customers alone or with Yes, friends
someone else?
What is the average age of the     45
What is the average gender of      female
the customer?
When a customer enters the         No, people seek different genres
store, do they tend to walk the
same path/direction?
How long do people stay in the     60 minutes
Do customers touch the             yes
Is this encouraged?                yes
Are customers browsing or on a browsing
What percent of customers          10%
purchase products?

                                                                     Page 2
Green Earth
Question                         Green Earth
Does the store draw you in?      Not after the redesign. The store seems less cluttered
                                 but less authentic
Is the door open?                Mall entrance so wide open, but displays are by
How big is the sign?             .75 meter high, sans serif, green
What does it make you feel about makes me feel like walking into a local pharmacy
the store?
How does this make you feel?     Had room enough but was not going to disappear
What is the colour scheme of the earth tones, comfortable
What types of flooring does this laminate
How does flooring affect
How high is the ceiling?         5 meters, visual line at 3.5 meters and dark paint above
                                 helped make it more cozy
How brightly lit is the store?   Well lite, warm halogen lighting, was calm willing to stay

How loud was the store?             moderate noise, enough to cover conversations 3
                                    meters away
What is causing noise?              music
Does music fit environment?         Yes
Store warm or cold                  room temp
Is the store crowded with           entrance was sparse, cabinets were packed tight
merchandize or sparse?
Does the store have a distinctive   Smells like scented candles
Where is the cash register          On a side wall midway through the store
How visible was store security?     none seen
How long do you want to stay in     Long enough to see all of the cool trinkets and oddities.
the store?                          Even able to strike up interesting conversations with
                                    staff. 20 minutes
Does the environment influence      No, I think products and quality do.
the perceived value of
How long does it take before a   5 minutes
sales person initiates contact?
Does a salesperson have a script No
to follow with each customer?

Does a salesperson treat different No
customers differently?
What is the ration of salespeople 1:10
to customers?
What Age are employees?            <25
What gender?                       Female
Are salespeople using the store no

                                                                       Page 3
Green Earth
Do the salespeople have a           yes, all black
What is the first product you       Statues
Where are the items that are “for   all over
sale” in the store?
How are products arranged?          By customer interests, (knives and piercings together)
Are there free samples/demos?       no
What products are at eye level?     Larger items
What items are in the least         posters
accessible locations?
Where are the most expensive        In glass cases
items located?
Where are the least expensive       In baskets on shelves
items located?
Are the prices easy to find?        Yes, on stickers
Are there impulse items near        yes, not grabbed often
Are most customers alone or with    yes, friends
someone else?
What is the average age of the      30
What is the average gender of       mixed
the customer?
When a customer enters the          Yes, most travel counter clockwise
store, do they tend to walk the
same path/direction?
How long do people stay in the      20 minutes
Do customers touch the              yes
Is this encouraged?                 yes
Are customers browsing or on a      browsing
What percent of customers           10%
purchase products?

                                                                      Page 4
Question                            Dollarama
Does the store draw you in?         No
Is the door open?                   Mall entrance so wide open
How big is the sign?                1 meter high, very yellow and thick
What does it make you feel about    Only after my money
the store?
How does this make you feel?        Get in and get out quickly
What is the colour scheme of the    Green and yellow. (money and gold) felt cheapened
store?                              somehow.
What types of flooring does this    tile
How does flooring affect
How high is the ceiling?            5 meters, felt very full, shelves were tall
How brightly lit is the store?      Overly bright, dayglow florescent, wanted to leave
How loud was the store?             moderate level of noise
What is causing noise?              registers
Does music fit environment?         N/A
Store warm or cold                  room temp
Is the store crowded with           packed very tightly
merchandize or sparse?
Does the store have a distinctive   Smells like plastic and rubber manufacturing
Where is the cash register          4 registers at the only entrance/exit
How visible was store security?     Several cameras hanging from ceiling and RFID gates
How long do you want to stay in     Get in, pay and get out. 5 minutes to rush up and down
the store?                          isles.
Does the environment influence      No, I think products and quality do.
the perceived value of
How long does it take before a      no contact unless you seek it out.
sales person initiates contact?
Does a salesperson have a script    No
to follow with each customer?

Does a salesperson treat different N/A
customers differently?
What is the ration of salespeople 1:20
to customers?
What Age are employees?            20-50
What gender?                       Female in front
Are salespeople using the store no
Do the salespeople have a          no
What is the first product you      balloons
Where are the items that are “for all over
sale” in the store?

                                                                         Page 5
How are products arranged?         by function
Are there free samples/demos?      no
What products are at eye level?    seasonal
What items are in the least        small items in low bins
accessible locations?
Where are the most expensive       N/A
items located?
Where are the least expensive      N/A
items located?
Are the prices easy to find?       Yes, on stickers
Are there impulse items near       yes, grabbed frequently
Are most customers alone or with   no, singles
someone else?
What is the average age of the     35
What is the average gender of      female
the customer?
When a customer enters the         no, random isles
store, do they tend to walk the
same path/direction?
How long do people stay in the     10 minutes
Do customers touch the             no
Is this encouraged?                no
Are customers browsing or on a     mission
What percent of customers          70%
purchase products?

                                                              Page 6
Question                            Chelsea home Furniture
Does the store draw you in?         No, I am not in the market for furniture
Is the door open?                   Mall entrance so wide open
How big is the sign?                1 meter high, mixed fonts
What does it make you feel about    sign was designed by someone at home
the store?
How does this make you feel?        Had room enough but was not going to disappear
What is the colour scheme of the    warm earthtones /leather
What types of flooring does this    carpet
How does flooring affect
How high is the ceiling?            4 meters, ceiling was beige, felt a little dirty.
How brightly lit is the store?      Warmer florescent lighting (screw in bulbs)
How loud was the store?             none
What is causing noise?              none
Does music fit environment?         N/A
Store warm or cold                  room temp
Is the store crowded with           had furniture arranged comfortably, room to get from
merchandize or sparse?              setup to setup
Does the store have a distinctive   Smelled like leather
Where is the cash register          1 register near the back wall of the store
How visible was store security?     None seen
How long do you want to stay in     Want to lounge a little and test out many pieces of
the store?                          furniture. Planning/daydreaming is fun. 1/2 hour
Does the environment influence      No, I think products and quality do.
the perceived value of
How long does it take before a      5 minutes
sales person initiates contact?
Does a salesperson have a script    No
to follow with each customer?

Does a salesperson treat different N/A
customers differently?
What is the ration of salespeople 1:2
to customers?
What Age are employees?            50
What gender?                       Spouse team
Are salespeople using the store no
Do the salespeople have a          no
What is the first product you      Lounge chairs
Where are the items that are “for all over
sale” in the store?
How are products arranged?         by matching sets

                                                                       Page 7
Are there free samples/demos?      no
What products are at eye level?    paintings
What items are in the least        mirrors
accessible locations?
Where are the most expensive       N/A
items located?
Where are the least expensive      N/A
items located?
Are the prices easy to find?       Yes, on folded cards
Are there impulse items near       no
Are most customers alone or with   Yes, couples
someone else?
What is the average age of the     40
What is the average gender of      mixed
the customer?
When a customer enters the         no
store, do they tend to walk the
same path/direction?
How long do people stay in the     20 minutes
Do customers touch the             yes
Is this encouraged?                yes
Are customers browsing or on a     browsing
What percent of customers          0%
purchase products?


                                                           Page 8
Question                            West 49
Does the store draw you in?         Yes, interesting clothing, accessories, and
                                    snow/skateboard videos to watch
Is the door open?                   Mall entrance so wide open, but displays are by
How big is the sign?                .6 meter high, thick orange, sans serif, trendy font

What does it make you feel about Trendy, young
the store?
How does this make you feel?     Had room enough but was not going to disappear,
                                 displays were inviting
What is the colour scheme of the very bright and youthful products but wood and brick
store?                           walls gave authentic feel
What types of flooring does this laminate/carpet
How does flooring affect
How high is the ceiling?         5 meters, visual line at 3.5 meters and dark paint above
                                 helped make it more cozy
How brightly lit is the store?   Well lite, warm halogen lighting, was calm willing to stay

How loud was the store?             higher level of noise
What is causing noise?              music
Does music fit environment?         definitely, added energy
Store warm or cold                  room temp
Is the store crowded with           very full, but organized
merchandize or sparse?
Does the store have a distinctive   no smell
Where is the cash register          3 registers at an island in the middle of the store
How visible was store security?     2 cameras visible 1 focused on display case
How long do you want to stay in     Long enough to see all of the cool trinkets and oddities.
the store?                          Even able to strike up interesting conversations with
                                    staff. 1/2 hour.
Does the environment influence      No, I think products and quality do.
the perceived value of
How long does it take before a   5 minutes, or look as if you need help.
sales person initiates contact?
Does a salesperson have a script No
to follow with each customer?

Does a salesperson treat different yes, based on interest and need
customers differently?
What is the ration of salespeople 1:5
to customers?
What Age are employees?            <25
What gender?                       Mixed
Are salespeople using the store yes

                                                                        Page 9
Do the salespeople have a           no, but dress trendy
What is the first product you       Go pro cameras
Where are the items that are “for   on shelves and tables
sale” in the store?
How are products arranged?          by sex, then function
Are there free samples/demos?       no
What products are at eye level?     hats, sunglasses
What items are in the least         watches, belts
accessible locations?
Where are the most expensive        in glass cases
items located?
Where are the least expensive       in baskets near register
items located?
Are the prices easy to find?        Yes, clear labels on shelves
Are there impulse items near        yes, not grabbed often
Are most customers alone or with    Yes, parent teenager
someone else?
What is the average age of the      18
What is the average gender of       male
the customer?
When a customer enters the          Yes, store layout encourages it
store, do they tend to walk the
same path/direction?
How long do people stay in the      20 minutes
Do customers touch the              yes
Is this encouraged?                 yes
Are customers browsing or on a      browsing
What percent of customers           15%
purchase products?

                                                                      Page 10
Question                          Churchill' s Mens Wear
Does the store draw you in?       No, very stiff looking staff who don't look like they enjoy
                                  average people
Is the door open?                 Mall entrance so wide open
How big is the sign?              1 meter high, serif, thin font
What does it make you feel about Like it belongs in New york, and you will pay alot
the store?
How does this make you feel?      entrance seemed restrictive, and only high rollers
What is the colour scheme of the blond euro styling wood, gave a sense of upscale
What types of flooring does this laminate
How does flooring affect
How high is the ceiling?          5 meters, shelves were tall, but store was thin.
How brightly lit is the store?    well lit white lighting but not painful
How loud was the store?           none
What is causing noise?            none
Does music fit environment?       none
Store warm or cold                room temp
Is the store crowded with         organized
merchandize or sparse?
Does the store have a distinctive no smell
Where is the cash register        back rear wall of the store.
How visible was store security? none seen
How long do you want to stay in Prices made me feel uncomfortable. Quality peaked my
the store?                        interest. Staff were unsettling
Does the environment influence No, I think products and quality do.
the perceived value of
How long does it take before a    immediate
sales person initiates contact?
Does a salesperson have a script No
to follow with each customer?

Does a salesperson treat different Yes, based on age, sex and appearance
customers differently?
What is the ration of salespeople 1:2
to customers?
What Age are employees?            >50
What gender?                       Men
Are salespeople using the store yes
Do the salespeople have a          yes, dress code – suits
What is the first product you      suits

                                                                      Page 11
Where are the items that are “for   all over
sale” in the store?
How are products arranged?          by designer
Are there free samples/demos?       no
What products are at eye level?     shirts and jackets
What items are in the least         suits
accessible locations?
Where are the most expensive        on hangers
items located?
Where are the least expensive       On a single table
items located?
Are the prices easy to find?        no, tags hidden inside shirts
Are there impulse items near        no
Are most customers alone or with    yes, couples
someone else?
What is the average age of the      40
What is the average gender of       male
the customer?
When a customer enters the          Yes, limited space
store, do they tend to walk the
same path/direction?
How long do people stay in the      10 minutes
Do customers touch the              yes
Is this encouraged?                 no
Are customers browsing or on a      browsing
What percent of customers           0%
purchase products?

                                                                     Page 12
Colour of light was more important than amount of light.
different materials on floor gave different sensations of home and comfort.
All of the shops except 1 used similar colours but to different effectiveness
All stores had the same temperature (mall environment)
Interactions with staff strongly influenced how long I wanted to stay.
Most people at a mall are with someone else. Skewed results
It was how people were dressed not their attractiveness that influenced my wanting to shop there.

                                                   Page 13

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  • 1. Chapters Question Chapters Does the store draw you in? Yes, the prospect of knowledge and knowing I can take as long as I need Is the door open? Outside door to parking is closed, but is rich looking wood and inviting, mall entrance is wide open How big is the sign? Outside 1.5 meters high, inside 1 meter, heavy serif What does it make you feel about Like you will literary material the store? How does this make you feel? Entrance is so big it is like a giant maw going to eat me What is the colour scheme of the earth tones, but a giant red wall for magazines. (wanted store? to avoid the red) wanted to stay in other areas What types of flooring does this laminate have? How does flooring affect tiles seem so very cheap, laminate feels more inviting, environment? and carpet gives a sense of home. How high is the ceiling? 10 meters, felt too empty How brightly lit is the store? Well lite, warm halogen lighting, was calm willing to stay How loud was the store? moderate noise, enough to cover conversations 3 meters away What is causing noise? music Does music fit environment? Yes Store warm or cold room temp Is the store crowded with mostly sparse, crowded in toys merchandize or sparse? Does the store have a distinctive no smell, except near candles smell? Where is the cash register By the two entrances, several at the front and one at the located? rear How visible was store security? Several cameras hanging from ceiling and RFID gates How long do you want to stay in Days. Culture of sitting down leafing through books with the store? a warm drink makes you not want to leave. Does the environment influence No, I think products and quality do. the perceived value of merchandise? How long does it take before a no contact unless you seek it out. sales person initiates contact? Does a salesperson have a script No to follow with each customer? Page 1
  • 2. Chapters Does a salesperson treat different Yes, based on age, need. customers differently? What is the ration of salespeople 1:40 to customers? What Age are employees? 20-50 What gender? Various Are salespeople using the store no products? Do the salespeople have a yes, logo vests uniform? What is the first product you Novels notice? Where are the items that are “for all over sale” in the store? How are products arranged? By Genre, function Are there free samples/demos? no What products are at eye level? Tops selling books What items are in the least toys accessible locations? Where are the most expensive At the back in an audio/video section items located? Where are the least expensive N/A items located? Are the prices easy to find? Yes, on back cover Are there impulse items near yes, not grabbed often cash? Are most customers alone or with Yes, friends someone else? What is the average age of the 45 customer? What is the average gender of female the customer? When a customer enters the No, people seek different genres store, do they tend to walk the same path/direction? How long do people stay in the 60 minutes store? Do customers touch the yes products? Is this encouraged? yes Are customers browsing or on a browsing mission? What percent of customers 10% purchase products? Page 2
  • 3. Green Earth Question Green Earth Does the store draw you in? Not after the redesign. The store seems less cluttered but less authentic Is the door open? Mall entrance so wide open, but displays are by entrance How big is the sign? .75 meter high, sans serif, green What does it make you feel about makes me feel like walking into a local pharmacy the store? How does this make you feel? Had room enough but was not going to disappear What is the colour scheme of the earth tones, comfortable store? What types of flooring does this laminate have? How does flooring affect environment? How high is the ceiling? 5 meters, visual line at 3.5 meters and dark paint above helped make it more cozy How brightly lit is the store? Well lite, warm halogen lighting, was calm willing to stay How loud was the store? moderate noise, enough to cover conversations 3 meters away What is causing noise? music Does music fit environment? Yes Store warm or cold room temp Is the store crowded with entrance was sparse, cabinets were packed tight merchandize or sparse? Does the store have a distinctive Smells like scented candles smell? Where is the cash register On a side wall midway through the store located? How visible was store security? none seen How long do you want to stay in Long enough to see all of the cool trinkets and oddities. the store? Even able to strike up interesting conversations with staff. 20 minutes Does the environment influence No, I think products and quality do. the perceived value of merchandise? How long does it take before a 5 minutes sales person initiates contact? Does a salesperson have a script No to follow with each customer? Does a salesperson treat different No customers differently? What is the ration of salespeople 1:10 to customers? What Age are employees? <25 What gender? Female Are salespeople using the store no products? Page 3
  • 4. Green Earth Do the salespeople have a yes, all black uniform? What is the first product you Statues notice? Where are the items that are “for all over sale” in the store? How are products arranged? By customer interests, (knives and piercings together) Are there free samples/demos? no What products are at eye level? Larger items What items are in the least posters accessible locations? Where are the most expensive In glass cases items located? Where are the least expensive In baskets on shelves items located? Are the prices easy to find? Yes, on stickers Are there impulse items near yes, not grabbed often cash? Are most customers alone or with yes, friends someone else? What is the average age of the 30 customer? What is the average gender of mixed the customer? When a customer enters the Yes, most travel counter clockwise store, do they tend to walk the same path/direction? How long do people stay in the 20 minutes store? Do customers touch the yes products? Is this encouraged? yes Are customers browsing or on a browsing mission? What percent of customers 10% purchase products? Page 4
  • 5. Dollarama Question Dollarama Does the store draw you in? No Is the door open? Mall entrance so wide open How big is the sign? 1 meter high, very yellow and thick What does it make you feel about Only after my money the store? How does this make you feel? Get in and get out quickly What is the colour scheme of the Green and yellow. (money and gold) felt cheapened store? somehow. What types of flooring does this tile have? How does flooring affect environment? How high is the ceiling? 5 meters, felt very full, shelves were tall How brightly lit is the store? Overly bright, dayglow florescent, wanted to leave quickly How loud was the store? moderate level of noise What is causing noise? registers Does music fit environment? N/A Store warm or cold room temp Is the store crowded with packed very tightly merchandize or sparse? Does the store have a distinctive Smells like plastic and rubber manufacturing smell? Where is the cash register 4 registers at the only entrance/exit located? How visible was store security? Several cameras hanging from ceiling and RFID gates How long do you want to stay in Get in, pay and get out. 5 minutes to rush up and down the store? isles. Does the environment influence No, I think products and quality do. the perceived value of merchandise? How long does it take before a no contact unless you seek it out. sales person initiates contact? Does a salesperson have a script No to follow with each customer? Does a salesperson treat different N/A customers differently? What is the ration of salespeople 1:20 to customers? What Age are employees? 20-50 What gender? Female in front Are salespeople using the store no products? Do the salespeople have a no uniform? What is the first product you balloons notice? Where are the items that are “for all over sale” in the store? Page 5
  • 6. Dollarama How are products arranged? by function Are there free samples/demos? no What products are at eye level? seasonal What items are in the least small items in low bins accessible locations? Where are the most expensive N/A items located? Where are the least expensive N/A items located? Are the prices easy to find? Yes, on stickers Are there impulse items near yes, grabbed frequently cash? Are most customers alone or with no, singles someone else? What is the average age of the 35 customer? What is the average gender of female the customer? When a customer enters the no, random isles store, do they tend to walk the same path/direction? How long do people stay in the 10 minutes store? Do customers touch the no products? Is this encouraged? no Are customers browsing or on a mission mission? What percent of customers 70% purchase products? Page 6
  • 7. Furniture Question Chelsea home Furniture Does the store draw you in? No, I am not in the market for furniture Is the door open? Mall entrance so wide open How big is the sign? 1 meter high, mixed fonts What does it make you feel about sign was designed by someone at home the store? How does this make you feel? Had room enough but was not going to disappear What is the colour scheme of the warm earthtones /leather store? What types of flooring does this carpet have? How does flooring affect environment? How high is the ceiling? 4 meters, ceiling was beige, felt a little dirty. How brightly lit is the store? Warmer florescent lighting (screw in bulbs) How loud was the store? none What is causing noise? none Does music fit environment? N/A Store warm or cold room temp Is the store crowded with had furniture arranged comfortably, room to get from merchandize or sparse? setup to setup Does the store have a distinctive Smelled like leather smell? Where is the cash register 1 register near the back wall of the store located? How visible was store security? None seen How long do you want to stay in Want to lounge a little and test out many pieces of the store? furniture. Planning/daydreaming is fun. 1/2 hour Does the environment influence No, I think products and quality do. the perceived value of merchandise? How long does it take before a 5 minutes sales person initiates contact? Does a salesperson have a script No to follow with each customer? Does a salesperson treat different N/A customers differently? What is the ration of salespeople 1:2 to customers? What Age are employees? 50 What gender? Spouse team Are salespeople using the store no products? Do the salespeople have a no uniform? What is the first product you Lounge chairs notice? Where are the items that are “for all over sale” in the store? How are products arranged? by matching sets Page 7
  • 8. Furniture Are there free samples/demos? no What products are at eye level? paintings What items are in the least mirrors accessible locations? Where are the most expensive N/A items located? Where are the least expensive N/A items located? Are the prices easy to find? Yes, on folded cards Are there impulse items near no cash? Are most customers alone or with Yes, couples someone else? What is the average age of the 40 customer? What is the average gender of mixed the customer? When a customer enters the no store, do they tend to walk the same path/direction? How long do people stay in the 20 minutes store? Do customers touch the yes products? Is this encouraged? yes Are customers browsing or on a browsing mission? What percent of customers 0% purchase products? Observations: Page 8
  • 9. West49 Question West 49 Does the store draw you in? Yes, interesting clothing, accessories, and snow/skateboard videos to watch Is the door open? Mall entrance so wide open, but displays are by entrance How big is the sign? .6 meter high, thick orange, sans serif, trendy font What does it make you feel about Trendy, young the store? How does this make you feel? Had room enough but was not going to disappear, displays were inviting What is the colour scheme of the very bright and youthful products but wood and brick store? walls gave authentic feel What types of flooring does this laminate/carpet have? How does flooring affect environment? How high is the ceiling? 5 meters, visual line at 3.5 meters and dark paint above helped make it more cozy How brightly lit is the store? Well lite, warm halogen lighting, was calm willing to stay How loud was the store? higher level of noise What is causing noise? music Does music fit environment? definitely, added energy Store warm or cold room temp Is the store crowded with very full, but organized merchandize or sparse? Does the store have a distinctive no smell smell? Where is the cash register 3 registers at an island in the middle of the store located? How visible was store security? 2 cameras visible 1 focused on display case How long do you want to stay in Long enough to see all of the cool trinkets and oddities. the store? Even able to strike up interesting conversations with staff. 1/2 hour. Does the environment influence No, I think products and quality do. the perceived value of merchandise? How long does it take before a 5 minutes, or look as if you need help. sales person initiates contact? Does a salesperson have a script No to follow with each customer? Does a salesperson treat different yes, based on interest and need customers differently? What is the ration of salespeople 1:5 to customers? What Age are employees? <25 What gender? Mixed Are salespeople using the store yes products? Page 9
  • 10. West49 Do the salespeople have a no, but dress trendy uniform? What is the first product you Go pro cameras notice? Where are the items that are “for on shelves and tables sale” in the store? How are products arranged? by sex, then function Are there free samples/demos? no What products are at eye level? hats, sunglasses What items are in the least watches, belts accessible locations? Where are the most expensive in glass cases items located? Where are the least expensive in baskets near register items located? Are the prices easy to find? Yes, clear labels on shelves Are there impulse items near yes, not grabbed often cash? Are most customers alone or with Yes, parent teenager someone else? What is the average age of the 18 customer? What is the average gender of male the customer? When a customer enters the Yes, store layout encourages it store, do they tend to walk the same path/direction? How long do people stay in the 20 minutes store? Do customers touch the yes products? Is this encouraged? yes Are customers browsing or on a browsing mission? What percent of customers 15% purchase products? Page 10
  • 11. Churchills Question Churchill' s Mens Wear Does the store draw you in? No, very stiff looking staff who don't look like they enjoy average people Is the door open? Mall entrance so wide open How big is the sign? 1 meter high, serif, thin font What does it make you feel about Like it belongs in New york, and you will pay alot the store? How does this make you feel? entrance seemed restrictive, and only high rollers welcome What is the colour scheme of the blond euro styling wood, gave a sense of upscale store? What types of flooring does this laminate have? How does flooring affect environment? How high is the ceiling? 5 meters, shelves were tall, but store was thin. How brightly lit is the store? well lit white lighting but not painful How loud was the store? none What is causing noise? none Does music fit environment? none Store warm or cold room temp Is the store crowded with organized merchandize or sparse? Does the store have a distinctive no smell smell? Where is the cash register back rear wall of the store. located? How visible was store security? none seen How long do you want to stay in Prices made me feel uncomfortable. Quality peaked my the store? interest. Staff were unsettling Does the environment influence No, I think products and quality do. the perceived value of merchandise? How long does it take before a immediate sales person initiates contact? Does a salesperson have a script No to follow with each customer? Does a salesperson treat different Yes, based on age, sex and appearance customers differently? What is the ration of salespeople 1:2 to customers? What Age are employees? >50 What gender? Men Are salespeople using the store yes products? Do the salespeople have a yes, dress code – suits uniform? What is the first product you suits notice? Page 11
  • 12. Churchills Where are the items that are “for all over sale” in the store? How are products arranged? by designer Are there free samples/demos? no What products are at eye level? shirts and jackets What items are in the least suits accessible locations? Where are the most expensive on hangers items located? Where are the least expensive On a single table items located? Are the prices easy to find? no, tags hidden inside shirts Are there impulse items near no cash? Are most customers alone or with yes, couples someone else? What is the average age of the 40 customer? What is the average gender of male the customer? When a customer enters the Yes, limited space store, do they tend to walk the same path/direction? How long do people stay in the 10 minutes store? Do customers touch the yes products? Is this encouraged? no Are customers browsing or on a browsing mission? What percent of customers 0% purchase products? Page 12
  • 13. observations Observations: Colour of light was more important than amount of light. different materials on floor gave different sensations of home and comfort. All of the shops except 1 used similar colours but to different effectiveness All stores had the same temperature (mall environment) Interactions with staff strongly influenced how long I wanted to stay. Most people at a mall are with someone else. Skewed results It was how people were dressed not their attractiveness that influenced my wanting to shop there. Page 13