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Steve Singh
Prof. Seelig
A Crash Course on Creativity
1 November 2012

Assignment #2: Observation Lab

Store #1: Target
Location: Brooklyn, NY

Before you enter the store:

Does the store draw you in? If so, how?
       Yes. Warmth and escalators.

Is the door open or closed?

How does this make you feel?
      Makes sense because it's cold outside.

How big is the sign lettering and in what font?
      Fairly large sign at side of building. Capital letters. Non-serif.

What does it tell you about the store?
      Clean, wholesome, corporate.


What is the color scheme of the store? How does this affect you?
       A modern blend of red and white. Reminds me Christmas is a month away.

What type of floor does the store have? How does this effect the environment?
       Linoleum tiles of various but bland shades. Easy on the feet but sticky around the food

How high is the ceiling? How does this feel?
       Tall ceilings make the environment feel spacious, even more so because it is on the
second floor.

How brightly lit is the store? How does this affect you?
       Lights are evenly distributed across the ceiling. Boring overhead lighting, not moody or
How loud is the environment?
      Moderate noise level. Not deafening. Can carry on conversation without having to shout.

What is causing the noise?
       Chatting customers, escalators and the beeping of registers.

Is there music playing? If so, does it fit the environment?

Is the store warm or cold?
        Warm. Might need to shed a layer.

Is the store crowed with merchandise or is it sparse?
        Densely crowded but organized. Aisles are clear enough for several people to walk
abreast even with shopping carts.

Does the store have a distinctive smell?
       Not that I can sense.

Where is the cash register located?
      Near the entrance.

How visible is the store security?
      Uniformed security guards posted near escalators and elevators.

How long do you want to stay in this store?
      20-30 minutes

Does the environment influence the perceived value of the merchandise?
       Definitely. It caters to the average, middle-class consumer.


How long does it take before a sales person initiates contact?
       There is next to no initiative by the sales personnel to engage the customer. The patron
asks for help as needed.

Does the salesperson have a script to follow with each customer?
       No, besides the perfunctory conversation at the cash register.

Does the salesperson treat different customers differently?

What is the ratio of salespeople to customers?
       Fully staffed but long lines.
What age and gender are the employees?
       Females (Teens - 30s) are cashiers. Males (Teens - thirties) stock shelves, wrangle carts or
are security.

Are the salespeople using the store products?
Do the salespeople have a uniform?
       Yes. They match the color scheme.
Do the salespeople match the stores image?
       No. The reflect the populace of the area.


What is the first product that you notice?
       The boardgame Taboo in the bargain section.

Is there a central display table with featured products?
        No, all the merchandise is organized in departments.

Where are items that are “for sale” located in the store?
      Near the entrance, several feet away from where the shopping carts are located.

How are the products arranged? By function? By price? By color?
      Function and price.

Are there free samples or demonstrations?

What products are at eye level?
      Name brand products for respective departments.

What items in the store are in the least accessible locations?
       Most expensive, like jewelry and electronics.

Where are the most and least expensive products located?
       Most expensive are locked up in displays, the least expensive in bargain bins near the

Are the prices of the products easy to find?

Are there impulse items near the cash register?
       Yes, mostly candy and tabloids.

Are most customers alone or with someone else? What is the relationship?
      Accompanied usually by family.

What is the average age and gender of the customers?
       Females around 20-55 years old.

When a customer enters the store, do they tend to walk in the same path or direction?
      Yes, it is designed for them to loop around the store.

How long do customers stay in the store, on average?
      45 - 60 mins

Do customer touch the products? Is this encouraged?
       Yes, because they are accessible. They must find a sales person if they wish to inspect an
item that is locked away.

Do most customers appear to be on a mission or are they browsing?
       Both. The frequent shopper knows exactly what they want and where to find it. Those
there during a sale or who make a trip there, or are with others usually browse around.

What percent of customers purchase products in the store?

Other Observations: I've only been in Target a few times in my life. It feels just like any other
department store, in terms of layout, products and management.
Store # 2 - Bulletproof Comics and Games
Location: Brooklyn, NY

Before you enter the store:

Does the store draw you in? If so, how?
       Yes. I've passed by it many a time while taking public transit. The bold lettering and font
caught my eye.

Is the door open or closed?

How does this make you feel?

How big is the sign lettering and in what font?
        The superscript is larger and yellow. The subtitle is smaller and white. Both are non-serif
and all capital letters.

What does it tell you about the store?
      Visual impact is important because their merchandise is all about visual stimulation.


What is the color scheme of the store? How does this affect you?
       Plain. Highlights the merchandise.

What type of floor does the store have? How does this effect the environment?
       Whitish-gray linoleum. Adds to the blandness of the color scheme.

How high is the ceiling? How does this feel?
        Small. Coupled with the plethora of merchandise on the walls and counter, it makes it feel

How brightly lit is the store? How does this affect you?
      Dim. Lends a dingy feel to the plain design.

How loud is the environment?
      Quiet except for the television display.

What is causing the noise?
       T.V. in the rear of the store highlighting a new video game.

Is there music playing? If so, does it fit the environment?
        No music.
Is the store warm or cold?
        Warm but not uncomfortable.

Is the store crowed with merchandise or is it sparse?
        Packed with items for sale.

Does the store have a distinctive smell?
       Yes, kind of musty.

Where is the cash register located?
      In the middle of the store.

How visible is the store security?
      Security cameras mounted on top shelves.

How long do you want to stay in this store?
      30-45 minutes

Does the environment influence the perceived value of the merchandise?
       Yes. Gives one the sense that they could haggle prices here.


How long does it take before a sales person initiates contact?
      Less than 5 minutes.

Does the salesperson have a script to follow with each customer?

Does the salesperson treat different customers differently?
       Ye. They are slightly more wary against youth without supervision.

What is the ratio of salespeople to customers?
       Only three employees. However, the store is rather small.

What age and gender are the employees?
      Male (~25 to 30 years old)

Are the salespeople using the store products?

Do the salespeople have a uniform?
Do the salespeople match the stores image?
       Yes. They look like average guys.


What is the first product that you notice?
       Skateboards on top shelf racks.

Is there a central display table with featured products?
        Yes. It doubles as a counter.

Where are items that are “for sale” located in the store?

How are the products arranged? By function? By price? By color?
      Type and genre.

Are there free samples or demonstrations?
       Yes. The t.v. in the rear.

What products are at eye level?
      DVDs, trading cards, fitted caps and video game controllers.

What items in the store are in the least accessible locations?
       Those behind glass cases and behind them.

Where are the most and least expensive products located?
       Most expensive are under lock and key. The least expensive are on revolving wooden

Are the prices of the products easy to find?
       No. Small stickers with printed price are stuck on the edges or sides.

Are there impulse items near the cash register?


Are most customers alone or with someone else? What is the relationship?
      Usually with friends around their age.

What is the average age and gender of the customers?
       Males (young teens to late twenties)

When a customer enters the store, do they tend to walk in the same path or direction? -
Yes, straight ahead further in to the store.

How long do customers stay in the store, on average?
      20-30 minutes.

Do customer touch the products? Is this encouraged?
       Some, depending on the product. Others are in plastic or locked away.

Do most customers appear to be on a mission or are they browsing?
      Fair share of both. The older customers know what the want. The younger ones browse.

What percent of customers purchase products in the store?

Other Observations: I haven't been in a store like this in ages. Was a bit nostalgic.
Store #3 - Food Mart
Location: Bronx, NY

Before you enter the store:

Does the store draw you in? If so, how?
       No. There are better delis in my neighborhood. It's only convenience is its proximity to
my house and ATM.

Is the door open or closed?

How does this make you feel?
      Not bothered at all. Used to it.
How big is the sign lettering and in what font?
      Large red letters, non-serif, all caps on a green background.

What does it tell you about the store?
      They try really hard to attract customers.


What is the color scheme of the store? How does this affect you?
       Inside is rather plain.

What type of floor does the store have? How does this effect the environment?
       Tile floor with some black rugs here in the aisles that the janitor has to ask customers to
sometimes step off if he has to clean it.

How high is the ceiling? How does this feel?
      Average height. It does not bother me.

How brightly lit is the store? How does this affect you?
      They are open late. You can spot the awning from a block away. It serves as a beacon
when other stores are closed.

How loud is the environment?
      Usually quiet save the hum of the refrigerators.

What is causing the noise?
       The humming of the fridges, food being cooked or the guys talking behind the counter.

Is there music playing? If so, does it fit the environment?
        Yes, usually something of Middle-Eastern origin. It is fitting because of the guys who
own the store.
Is the store warm or cold?
        Usually a bit chilly.

Is the store crowed with merchandise or is it sparse?
        They are always stocked but sometimes don't have the exact brand I'm looking for.

Does the store have a distinctive smell?
       Not unless something is cooking.

Where is the cash register located?
      At the beginning of one of the two aisles. The counter is set pretty high up.

How visible is the store security?
      Not at all, unless they have trained their cat to attack shoplifters.

How long do you want to stay in this store?
      10 mins maximum.

Does the environment influence the perceived value of the merchandise?
        Yes. It is recently constructed. Their food is just a tad more expensive than other delis in
the area.


How long does it take before a sales person initiates contact?
      They don't unless you buy something or know you personally.

Does the salesperson have a script to follow with each customer?

Does the salesperson treat different customers differently?

What is the ratio of salespeople to customers?
       Usually there is 3 guys, one at the counter, one cook, and one guy cleaning up.

What age and gender are the employees?
      Male (Mid 20s - 30s)

Are the salespeople using the store products?
       Sometimes they have a coffee or soft drink behind the counter.

Do the salespeople have a uniform?
Do the salespeople match the stores image?


What is the first product that you notice?
       Herr's Potato Chips

Is there a central display table with featured products?
        No but they do have pictures of dishes on the outside window along with respective

Where are items that are “for sale” located in the store?
      Usually there is no such deal.

How are the products arranged? By function? By price? By color?
      By type of food or drink.

Are there free samples or demonstrations?

What products are at eye level?
      Junk food.

What items in the store are in the least accessible locations?
       Tobacco and lottery tickets.

Where are the most and least expensive products located?
        Most expensive are behind the counter. Least expensive usually at eye level in one of the

Are the prices of the products easy to find?

Are there impulse items near the cash register?
       Yes, usually candy or snacks.


Are most customers alone or with someone else? What is the relationship?
      Usually alone. Sometimes with a friend or family member.

What is the average age and gender of the customers?
       Male and female (kids to senior citizens).
When a customer enters the store, do they tend to walk in the same path or direction? -
      Yes, either straight to the counter or down one of the aisles.

How long do customers stay in the store, on average?
      10-20 minutes.

Do customer touch the products? Is this encouraged?
       Yes they touch the products but put it back if they don't buy it or can't afford it.

Do most customers appear to be on a mission or are they browsing?
      They usually go in knowing what they want.

What percent of customers purchase products in the store?

Other Observations:
Store #4 - Feel Beauty Supply
Location: Brooklyn, NY

Before you enter the store:

Does the store draw you in? If so, how?
       Not immediately.

Is the door open or closed?

How does this make you feel?
      Draws attention to the glass display outside.

How big is the sign lettering and in what font?
      Huge, yellow, serif font.

What does it tell you about the store?
      That it is trying hard to attract patrons.


What is the color scheme of the store? How does this affect you?
       None really. It highlights the scores of body-less mannequins on the walls.

What type of floor does the store have? How does this effect the environment?
       Red and blue linoleum. The contrast clashes with the grace, elegance and downright
femininity of the products.

How high is the ceiling? How does this feel?
      Low ceiling, makes the store feel claustrophobic.

How brightly lit is the store? How does this affect you?
      Very brightly. Draws attention to merchandise.

How loud is the environment?
      Not loud at all.

What is causing the noise?
       Occasional chatter.

Is there music playing? If so, does it fit the environment?
         Yes. The song playing when I came in was by Stevie Wonder. It thought it was rather
fitting, since the store is kind of funky.
Is the store warm or cold?
        Rather warm. Downright hot under the lights.

Is the store crowed with merchandise or is it sparse?
        Crowded. Every shelf seems about to topple.

Does the store have a distinctive smell?
       Yes. But it might be because of the lights.

Where is the cash register located?
      At the right of the entrance.

How visible is the store security?
      Not at all.

How long do you want to stay in this store?
      Can't wait to leave. Too warm.

Does the environment influence the perceived value of the merchandise?
       Yes. So many choices are overwhelming but also makes the products seem cheaply made
or gaudy even.


How long does it take before a sales person initiates contact?
      Less than two minutes.

Does the salesperson have a script to follow with each customer?
       No, besides the perfunctory greetings.

Does the salesperson treat different customers differently?

What is the ratio of salespeople to customers?
       More customers than staff.

What age and gender are the employees?
       Female (teens - twenties and occasionally older). Two males (one teenager, the other
around 30s)

Are the salespeople using the store products?
       Yes. One was donning a pink wig.

Do the salespeople have a uniform?
Do the salespeople match the stores image?


What is the first product that you notice?
       Rainbow afro wig in the window.

Is there a central display table with featured products?

Where are items that are “for sale” located in the store?
      None visible.

How are the products arranged? By function? By price? By color?
      By color, then priced by length or quantity.

Are there free samples or demonstrations?

What products are at eye level?
      Wigs and hair accessories.

What items in the store are in the least accessible locations?
       Those on the highest shelves. Usually hygiene products.

Where are the most and least expensive products located?
      Most expensive on highest shelves, least on the bottom.

Are the prices of the products easy to find?
       Yes. Large yellow signs with black ink.

Are there impulse items near the cash register?
       Yes, mostly accessories.


Are most customers alone or with someone else? What is the relationship?
      Yes, usually accompanied by family members.

What is the average age and gender of the customers?
       Female (20s-40s)

When a customer enters the store, do they tend to walk in the same path or direction?
      No, they disperse or are led by a sales associate to proper aisle.
How long do customers stay in the store, on average?
      15-30 minutes

Do customer touch the products? Is this encouraged?
       Yes and yes.

Do most customers appear to be on a mission or are they browsing?

What percent of customers purchase products in the store?

Other Observations:
Store #5 - Morris Park Pizza
Location: Bronx, NY

Before you enter the store:

Does the store draw you in? If so, how?
       No. It is a small hole in the wall type of establishment.

Is the door open or closed?
        Usually open.

How does this make you feel?

How big is the sign lettering and in what font?
      Serif, small size in the middle of the awning.

What does it tell you about the store?
      Recently renovated.


What is the color scheme of the store? How does this affect you?
       Wooden panels and tables. Has an old school kind of feel.

What type of floor does the store have? How does this effect the environment?
       Orange linoleum. Adds to the nostalgia of it all.

How high is the ceiling? How does this feel?
      Small ceiling but has always felt the same size.

How brightly lit is the store? How does this affect you?
      Dimly lit, sometimes not at all. Takes a moment to adjust but I'm used to it.

How loud is the environment?
      Moderate amounts of noise.

What is causing the noise?
       Usually there is a large fan on behind the counter. I-C-E-E machine. Bus stop outside the

Is there music playing? If so, does it fit the environment?

Is the store warm or cold?
Ordinarily warm.

Is the store crowed with merchandise or is it sparse?
        Sparse, only two tables.

Does the store have a distinctive smell?
       Yes. Fresh pizza.

Where is the cash register located?
      Past the first set of tables.

How visible is the store security?
      Not at all.

How long do you want to stay in this store?
      As long as it takes to pay for my order.

Does the environment influence the perceived value of the merchandise?
        Yes. It's old and kind of dingy. The prices have gone up in recent years but that's due to


How long does it take before a sales person initiates contact?
      As long as it takes the customer to step up to the counter.

Does the salesperson have a script to follow with each customer?

Does the salesperson treat different customers differently?
       Yes, depending on if they know them personally.

What is the ratio of salespeople to customers?
       Usually there are 1 or 2 guys behind the counter. At max, 6 or 7 customers.

What age and gender are the employees?
      Male (30's-50's)

Are the salespeople using the store products?

Do the salespeople have a uniform?

Do the salespeople match the stores image?

What is the first product that you notice?
       Calzones or beverages in the fridge.

Is there a central display table with featured products?

Where are items that are “for sale” located in the store?
      On top of the counter.

How are the products arranged? By function? By price? By color?
      Organized by type and quantity.

Are there free samples or demonstrations?

What products are at eye level?
      I-C-E-Es, garlic knots, calzones, soda and Snapple.

What items in the store are in the least accessible locations?
       Two liters of soda.

Where are the most and least expensive products located?
       The most expensive are behind the counter. The least expensive is probably a bottle of
water in the fridge.

Are the prices of the products easy to find?
       No, unless it is their daily special.

Are there impulse items near the cash register?


Are most customers alone or with someone else? What is the relationship?
      Alone. If someone sits down to eat it is usually with a friend or their child.

What is the average age and gender of the customers?
       Males (kids to adults), females (adults)

When a customer enters the store, do they tend to walk in the same path or direction?
      Same path, usually straight to the counter unless someone is already there.
How long do customers stay in the store, on average?
      10-15 minutes

Do customer touch the products? Is this encouraged?
       Not unless it's a beverage and not unless they're going to buy it.

Do most customers appear to be on a mission or are they browsing?
      Everyone almost always knows what they want or decide within 5 minutes.

What percent of customers purchase products in the store?

Other Observations: Have been going here since childhood. Hasn't changed a bit (besides
prices) and that's the reason I keep going back.
Store #6 - Alingan Wines and Liquors
Location: Astoria, NY

Before you enter the store:

Does the store draw you in? If so, how?
       Yes. The neon sign that says "Open"

Is the door open or closed?

How does this make you feel?

How big is the sign lettering and in what font?
      Small, sans-serif, white letters.

What does it tell you about the store?
      They don't care much about appearances.


What is the color scheme of the store? How does this affect you?
       None besides a cheap roll out rug from the door half way in to the store. Doesn't affect
me much.

What type of floor does the store have? How does this effect the environment?
       Rug on carpet. Adds to the laid-back attitude of the store.

How high is the ceiling? How does this feel?
      Moderately high. Adds some much needed breathing room because the store is narrow.

How brightly lit is the store? How does this affect you?
      A few over light heads, enough to read the labels and prices.

How loud is the environment?
      Pretty quiet.

What is causing the noise?
       Loudest noise is the jingling of the door whenever someone opens it.

Is there music playing? If so, does it fit the environment?

Is the store warm or cold?
Comfortably warm.

Is the store crowed with merchandise or is it sparse?
        Crowded with bottles. Hard to maneuver at times.

Does the store have a distinctive smell?
       Not that I notice.

Where is the cash register located?
      A few steps on the right as you walk in.

How visible is the store security?
      Not at all.

How long do you want to stay in this store?
      10-15 minutes.

Does the environment influence the perceived value of the merchandise?
       Yes. Prices are affordable, if not, cheap.


How long does it take before a sales person initiates contact?
      Around 2-3 minutes.

Does the salesperson have a script to follow with each customer?

Does the salesperson treat different customers differently?

What is the ratio of salespeople to customers?
       Two employees. Usually 3 or 4 customers at a time.

What age and gender are the employees?
      Male (Late 20's- mid 30's)

Are the salespeople using the store products?
       More than likely, when no one is watching.

Do the salespeople have a uniform?

Do the salespeople match the stores image?

What is the first product that you notice?
       Brandy or Vodka.

Is there a central display table with featured products?

Where are items that are “for sale” located in the store?
      Behind the counter.

How are the products arranged? By function? By price? By color?
      Variety, Price, Proof.

Are there free samples or demonstrations?

What products are at eye level?
      Mid-tier alcohol.

What items in the store are in the least accessible locations?
       The most expensive and the easiest to shoplift.

Where are the most and least expensive products located?
      The most expensive are on the top shelf. The least expensive under the counter.

Are the prices of the products easy to find?
       No. Small signs, sometimes just a marker on a slip of paper.

Are there impulse items near the cash register?


Are most customers alone or with someone else? What is the relationship?
      Usually with a friend or date.

What is the average age and gender of the customers?
       Male and female (21 - late 30's)

When a customer enters the store, do they tend to walk in the same path or direction?
      Yes, usually looping around boxes of wine.

How long do customers stay in the store, on average?
10 - 20 minutes

Do customer touch the products? Is this encouraged?
       Yes but only encouraged if they are going to buy.

Do most customers appear to be on a mission or are they browsing?
      Most definitely on a mission.

What percent of customers purchase products in the store?

Other Observations:

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Singh, Assn. 2 - Observation Lab

  • 1. Steve Singh Prof. Seelig A Crash Course on Creativity 1 November 2012 Assignment #2: Observation Lab Store #1: Target Location: Brooklyn, NY Before you enter the store: Does the store draw you in? If so, how? Yes. Warmth and escalators. Is the door open or closed? Closed. How does this make you feel? Makes sense because it's cold outside. How big is the sign lettering and in what font? Fairly large sign at side of building. Capital letters. Non-serif. What does it tell you about the store? Clean, wholesome, corporate. Environment: What is the color scheme of the store? How does this affect you? A modern blend of red and white. Reminds me Christmas is a month away. What type of floor does the store have? How does this effect the environment? Linoleum tiles of various but bland shades. Easy on the feet but sticky around the food court. How high is the ceiling? How does this feel? Tall ceilings make the environment feel spacious, even more so because it is on the second floor. How brightly lit is the store? How does this affect you? Lights are evenly distributed across the ceiling. Boring overhead lighting, not moody or accented.
  • 2. How loud is the environment? Moderate noise level. Not deafening. Can carry on conversation without having to shout. What is causing the noise? Chatting customers, escalators and the beeping of registers. Is there music playing? If so, does it fit the environment? No. Is the store warm or cold? Warm. Might need to shed a layer. Is the store crowed with merchandise or is it sparse? Densely crowded but organized. Aisles are clear enough for several people to walk abreast even with shopping carts. Does the store have a distinctive smell? Not that I can sense. Where is the cash register located? Near the entrance. How visible is the store security? Uniformed security guards posted near escalators and elevators. How long do you want to stay in this store? 20-30 minutes Does the environment influence the perceived value of the merchandise? Definitely. It caters to the average, middle-class consumer. Personnel: How long does it take before a sales person initiates contact? There is next to no initiative by the sales personnel to engage the customer. The patron asks for help as needed. Does the salesperson have a script to follow with each customer? No, besides the perfunctory conversation at the cash register. Does the salesperson treat different customers differently? No. What is the ratio of salespeople to customers? Fully staffed but long lines.
  • 3. What age and gender are the employees? Females (Teens - 30s) are cashiers. Males (Teens - thirties) stock shelves, wrangle carts or are security. Are the salespeople using the store products? No. Do the salespeople have a uniform? Yes. They match the color scheme. Do the salespeople match the stores image? No. The reflect the populace of the area. Products: What is the first product that you notice? The boardgame Taboo in the bargain section. Is there a central display table with featured products? No, all the merchandise is organized in departments. Where are items that are “for sale” located in the store? Near the entrance, several feet away from where the shopping carts are located. How are the products arranged? By function? By price? By color? Function and price. Are there free samples or demonstrations? No. What products are at eye level? Name brand products for respective departments. What items in the store are in the least accessible locations? Most expensive, like jewelry and electronics. Where are the most and least expensive products located? Most expensive are locked up in displays, the least expensive in bargain bins near the entrance. Are the prices of the products easy to find? No. Are there impulse items near the cash register? Yes, mostly candy and tabloids.
  • 4. Customers: Are most customers alone or with someone else? What is the relationship? Accompanied usually by family. What is the average age and gender of the customers? Females around 20-55 years old. When a customer enters the store, do they tend to walk in the same path or direction? Yes, it is designed for them to loop around the store. How long do customers stay in the store, on average? 45 - 60 mins Do customer touch the products? Is this encouraged? Yes, because they are accessible. They must find a sales person if they wish to inspect an item that is locked away. Do most customers appear to be on a mission or are they browsing? Both. The frequent shopper knows exactly what they want and where to find it. Those there during a sale or who make a trip there, or are with others usually browse around. What percent of customers purchase products in the store? 75-85% Other Observations: I've only been in Target a few times in my life. It feels just like any other department store, in terms of layout, products and management.
  • 5. Store # 2 - Bulletproof Comics and Games Location: Brooklyn, NY Before you enter the store: Does the store draw you in? If so, how? Yes. I've passed by it many a time while taking public transit. The bold lettering and font caught my eye. Is the door open or closed? Closed. How does this make you feel? Wary. How big is the sign lettering and in what font? The superscript is larger and yellow. The subtitle is smaller and white. Both are non-serif and all capital letters. What does it tell you about the store? Visual impact is important because their merchandise is all about visual stimulation. Environment: What is the color scheme of the store? How does this affect you? Plain. Highlights the merchandise. What type of floor does the store have? How does this effect the environment? Whitish-gray linoleum. Adds to the blandness of the color scheme. How high is the ceiling? How does this feel? Small. Coupled with the plethora of merchandise on the walls and counter, it makes it feel claustrophobic. How brightly lit is the store? How does this affect you? Dim. Lends a dingy feel to the plain design. How loud is the environment? Quiet except for the television display. What is causing the noise? T.V. in the rear of the store highlighting a new video game. Is there music playing? If so, does it fit the environment? No music.
  • 6. Is the store warm or cold? Warm but not uncomfortable. Is the store crowed with merchandise or is it sparse? Packed with items for sale. Does the store have a distinctive smell? Yes, kind of musty. Where is the cash register located? In the middle of the store. How visible is the store security? Security cameras mounted on top shelves. How long do you want to stay in this store? 30-45 minutes Does the environment influence the perceived value of the merchandise? Yes. Gives one the sense that they could haggle prices here. Personnel: How long does it take before a sales person initiates contact? Less than 5 minutes. Does the salesperson have a script to follow with each customer? No. Does the salesperson treat different customers differently? Ye. They are slightly more wary against youth without supervision. What is the ratio of salespeople to customers? Only three employees. However, the store is rather small. What age and gender are the employees? Male (~25 to 30 years old) Are the salespeople using the store products? No. Do the salespeople have a uniform? No.
  • 7. Do the salespeople match the stores image? Yes. They look like average guys. Products: What is the first product that you notice? Skateboards on top shelf racks. Is there a central display table with featured products? Yes. It doubles as a counter. Where are items that are “for sale” located in the store? Yes. How are the products arranged? By function? By price? By color? Type and genre. Are there free samples or demonstrations? Yes. The t.v. in the rear. What products are at eye level? DVDs, trading cards, fitted caps and video game controllers. What items in the store are in the least accessible locations? Those behind glass cases and behind them. Where are the most and least expensive products located? Most expensive are under lock and key. The least expensive are on revolving wooden racks. Are the prices of the products easy to find? No. Small stickers with printed price are stuck on the edges or sides. Are there impulse items near the cash register? Yes. Customers: Are most customers alone or with someone else? What is the relationship? Usually with friends around their age. What is the average age and gender of the customers? Males (young teens to late twenties) When a customer enters the store, do they tend to walk in the same path or direction? -
  • 8. Yes, straight ahead further in to the store. How long do customers stay in the store, on average? 20-30 minutes. Do customer touch the products? Is this encouraged? Some, depending on the product. Others are in plastic or locked away. Do most customers appear to be on a mission or are they browsing? Fair share of both. The older customers know what the want. The younger ones browse. What percent of customers purchase products in the store? ~85% Other Observations: I haven't been in a store like this in ages. Was a bit nostalgic.
  • 9. Store #3 - Food Mart Location: Bronx, NY Before you enter the store: Does the store draw you in? If so, how? No. There are better delis in my neighborhood. It's only convenience is its proximity to my house and ATM. Is the door open or closed? Closed. How does this make you feel? Not bothered at all. Used to it. How big is the sign lettering and in what font? Large red letters, non-serif, all caps on a green background. What does it tell you about the store? They try really hard to attract customers. Environment: What is the color scheme of the store? How does this affect you? Inside is rather plain. What type of floor does the store have? How does this effect the environment? Tile floor with some black rugs here in the aisles that the janitor has to ask customers to sometimes step off if he has to clean it. How high is the ceiling? How does this feel? Average height. It does not bother me. How brightly lit is the store? How does this affect you? They are open late. You can spot the awning from a block away. It serves as a beacon when other stores are closed. How loud is the environment? Usually quiet save the hum of the refrigerators. What is causing the noise? The humming of the fridges, food being cooked or the guys talking behind the counter. Is there music playing? If so, does it fit the environment? Yes, usually something of Middle-Eastern origin. It is fitting because of the guys who own the store.
  • 10. Is the store warm or cold? Usually a bit chilly. Is the store crowed with merchandise or is it sparse? They are always stocked but sometimes don't have the exact brand I'm looking for. Does the store have a distinctive smell? Not unless something is cooking. Where is the cash register located? At the beginning of one of the two aisles. The counter is set pretty high up. How visible is the store security? Not at all, unless they have trained their cat to attack shoplifters. How long do you want to stay in this store? 10 mins maximum. Does the environment influence the perceived value of the merchandise? Yes. It is recently constructed. Their food is just a tad more expensive than other delis in the area. Personnel: How long does it take before a sales person initiates contact? They don't unless you buy something or know you personally. Does the salesperson have a script to follow with each customer? No. Does the salesperson treat different customers differently? Yes. What is the ratio of salespeople to customers? Usually there is 3 guys, one at the counter, one cook, and one guy cleaning up. What age and gender are the employees? Male (Mid 20s - 30s) Are the salespeople using the store products? Sometimes they have a coffee or soft drink behind the counter. Do the salespeople have a uniform? No.
  • 11. Do the salespeople match the stores image? No. Products: What is the first product that you notice? Herr's Potato Chips Is there a central display table with featured products? No but they do have pictures of dishes on the outside window along with respective prices. Where are items that are “for sale” located in the store? Usually there is no such deal. How are the products arranged? By function? By price? By color? By type of food or drink. Are there free samples or demonstrations? No. What products are at eye level? Junk food. What items in the store are in the least accessible locations? Tobacco and lottery tickets. Where are the most and least expensive products located? Most expensive are behind the counter. Least expensive usually at eye level in one of the aisles. Are the prices of the products easy to find? No. Are there impulse items near the cash register? Yes, usually candy or snacks. Customers: Are most customers alone or with someone else? What is the relationship? Usually alone. Sometimes with a friend or family member. What is the average age and gender of the customers? Male and female (kids to senior citizens).
  • 12. When a customer enters the store, do they tend to walk in the same path or direction? - Yes, either straight to the counter or down one of the aisles. How long do customers stay in the store, on average? 10-20 minutes. Do customer touch the products? Is this encouraged? Yes they touch the products but put it back if they don't buy it or can't afford it. Do most customers appear to be on a mission or are they browsing? They usually go in knowing what they want. What percent of customers purchase products in the store? 80% Other Observations:
  • 13. Store #4 - Feel Beauty Supply Location: Brooklyn, NY Before you enter the store: Does the store draw you in? If so, how? Not immediately. Is the door open or closed? Closed. How does this make you feel? Draws attention to the glass display outside. How big is the sign lettering and in what font? Huge, yellow, serif font. What does it tell you about the store? That it is trying hard to attract patrons. Environment: What is the color scheme of the store? How does this affect you? None really. It highlights the scores of body-less mannequins on the walls. What type of floor does the store have? How does this effect the environment? Red and blue linoleum. The contrast clashes with the grace, elegance and downright femininity of the products. How high is the ceiling? How does this feel? Low ceiling, makes the store feel claustrophobic. How brightly lit is the store? How does this affect you? Very brightly. Draws attention to merchandise. How loud is the environment? Not loud at all. What is causing the noise? Occasional chatter. Is there music playing? If so, does it fit the environment? Yes. The song playing when I came in was by Stevie Wonder. It thought it was rather fitting, since the store is kind of funky.
  • 14. Is the store warm or cold? Rather warm. Downright hot under the lights. Is the store crowed with merchandise or is it sparse? Crowded. Every shelf seems about to topple. Does the store have a distinctive smell? Yes. But it might be because of the lights. Where is the cash register located? At the right of the entrance. How visible is the store security? Not at all. How long do you want to stay in this store? Can't wait to leave. Too warm. Does the environment influence the perceived value of the merchandise? Yes. So many choices are overwhelming but also makes the products seem cheaply made or gaudy even. Personnel: How long does it take before a sales person initiates contact? Less than two minutes. Does the salesperson have a script to follow with each customer? No, besides the perfunctory greetings. Does the salesperson treat different customers differently? No. What is the ratio of salespeople to customers? More customers than staff. What age and gender are the employees? Female (teens - twenties and occasionally older). Two males (one teenager, the other around 30s) Are the salespeople using the store products? Yes. One was donning a pink wig. Do the salespeople have a uniform? No.
  • 15. Do the salespeople match the stores image? Yes. Products: What is the first product that you notice? Rainbow afro wig in the window. Is there a central display table with featured products? No. Where are items that are “for sale” located in the store? None visible. How are the products arranged? By function? By price? By color? By color, then priced by length or quantity. Are there free samples or demonstrations? No. What products are at eye level? Wigs and hair accessories. What items in the store are in the least accessible locations? Those on the highest shelves. Usually hygiene products. Where are the most and least expensive products located? Most expensive on highest shelves, least on the bottom. Are the prices of the products easy to find? Yes. Large yellow signs with black ink. Are there impulse items near the cash register? Yes, mostly accessories. Customers: Are most customers alone or with someone else? What is the relationship? Yes, usually accompanied by family members. What is the average age and gender of the customers? Female (20s-40s) When a customer enters the store, do they tend to walk in the same path or direction? No, they disperse or are led by a sales associate to proper aisle.
  • 16. How long do customers stay in the store, on average? 15-30 minutes Do customer touch the products? Is this encouraged? Yes and yes. Do most customers appear to be on a mission or are they browsing? Browsing. What percent of customers purchase products in the store? 50% Other Observations:
  • 17. Store #5 - Morris Park Pizza Location: Bronx, NY Before you enter the store: Does the store draw you in? If so, how? No. It is a small hole in the wall type of establishment. Is the door open or closed? Usually open. How does this make you feel? Welcome. How big is the sign lettering and in what font? Serif, small size in the middle of the awning. What does it tell you about the store? Recently renovated. Environment: What is the color scheme of the store? How does this affect you? Wooden panels and tables. Has an old school kind of feel. What type of floor does the store have? How does this effect the environment? Orange linoleum. Adds to the nostalgia of it all. How high is the ceiling? How does this feel? Small ceiling but has always felt the same size. How brightly lit is the store? How does this affect you? Dimly lit, sometimes not at all. Takes a moment to adjust but I'm used to it. How loud is the environment? Moderate amounts of noise. What is causing the noise? Usually there is a large fan on behind the counter. I-C-E-E machine. Bus stop outside the entrance. Is there music playing? If so, does it fit the environment? No. Is the store warm or cold?
  • 18. Ordinarily warm. Is the store crowed with merchandise or is it sparse? Sparse, only two tables. Does the store have a distinctive smell? Yes. Fresh pizza. Where is the cash register located? Past the first set of tables. How visible is the store security? Not at all. How long do you want to stay in this store? As long as it takes to pay for my order. Does the environment influence the perceived value of the merchandise? Yes. It's old and kind of dingy. The prices have gone up in recent years but that's due to inflation. Personnel: How long does it take before a sales person initiates contact? As long as it takes the customer to step up to the counter. Does the salesperson have a script to follow with each customer? No. Does the salesperson treat different customers differently? Yes, depending on if they know them personally. What is the ratio of salespeople to customers? Usually there are 1 or 2 guys behind the counter. At max, 6 or 7 customers. What age and gender are the employees? Male (30's-50's) Are the salespeople using the store products? No. Do the salespeople have a uniform? Yes. Do the salespeople match the stores image? Yes.
  • 19. Products: What is the first product that you notice? Calzones or beverages in the fridge. Is there a central display table with featured products? Yes. Where are items that are “for sale” located in the store? On top of the counter. How are the products arranged? By function? By price? By color? Organized by type and quantity. Are there free samples or demonstrations? No. What products are at eye level? I-C-E-Es, garlic knots, calzones, soda and Snapple. What items in the store are in the least accessible locations? Two liters of soda. Where are the most and least expensive products located? The most expensive are behind the counter. The least expensive is probably a bottle of water in the fridge. Are the prices of the products easy to find? No, unless it is their daily special. Are there impulse items near the cash register? No. Customers: Are most customers alone or with someone else? What is the relationship? Alone. If someone sits down to eat it is usually with a friend or their child. What is the average age and gender of the customers? Males (kids to adults), females (adults) When a customer enters the store, do they tend to walk in the same path or direction? Same path, usually straight to the counter unless someone is already there.
  • 20. How long do customers stay in the store, on average? 10-15 minutes Do customer touch the products? Is this encouraged? Not unless it's a beverage and not unless they're going to buy it. Do most customers appear to be on a mission or are they browsing? Everyone almost always knows what they want or decide within 5 minutes. What percent of customers purchase products in the store? 90% Other Observations: Have been going here since childhood. Hasn't changed a bit (besides prices) and that's the reason I keep going back.
  • 21. Store #6 - Alingan Wines and Liquors Location: Astoria, NY Before you enter the store: Does the store draw you in? If so, how? Yes. The neon sign that says "Open" Is the door open or closed? Closed. How does this make you feel? Indifferent. How big is the sign lettering and in what font? Small, sans-serif, white letters. What does it tell you about the store? They don't care much about appearances. Environment: What is the color scheme of the store? How does this affect you? None besides a cheap roll out rug from the door half way in to the store. Doesn't affect me much. What type of floor does the store have? How does this effect the environment? Rug on carpet. Adds to the laid-back attitude of the store. How high is the ceiling? How does this feel? Moderately high. Adds some much needed breathing room because the store is narrow. How brightly lit is the store? How does this affect you? A few over light heads, enough to read the labels and prices. How loud is the environment? Pretty quiet. What is causing the noise? Loudest noise is the jingling of the door whenever someone opens it. Is there music playing? If so, does it fit the environment? No. Is the store warm or cold?
  • 22. Comfortably warm. Is the store crowed with merchandise or is it sparse? Crowded with bottles. Hard to maneuver at times. Does the store have a distinctive smell? Not that I notice. Where is the cash register located? A few steps on the right as you walk in. How visible is the store security? Not at all. How long do you want to stay in this store? 10-15 minutes. Does the environment influence the perceived value of the merchandise? Yes. Prices are affordable, if not, cheap. Personnel: How long does it take before a sales person initiates contact? Around 2-3 minutes. Does the salesperson have a script to follow with each customer? No. Does the salesperson treat different customers differently? No. What is the ratio of salespeople to customers? Two employees. Usually 3 or 4 customers at a time. What age and gender are the employees? Male (Late 20's- mid 30's) Are the salespeople using the store products? More than likely, when no one is watching. Do the salespeople have a uniform? No. Do the salespeople match the stores image? No.
  • 23. Products: What is the first product that you notice? Brandy or Vodka. Is there a central display table with featured products? Yes. Where are items that are “for sale” located in the store? Behind the counter. How are the products arranged? By function? By price? By color? Variety, Price, Proof. Are there free samples or demonstrations? No. What products are at eye level? Mid-tier alcohol. What items in the store are in the least accessible locations? The most expensive and the easiest to shoplift. Where are the most and least expensive products located? The most expensive are on the top shelf. The least expensive under the counter. Are the prices of the products easy to find? No. Small signs, sometimes just a marker on a slip of paper. Are there impulse items near the cash register? No. Customers: Are most customers alone or with someone else? What is the relationship? Usually with a friend or date. What is the average age and gender of the customers? Male and female (21 - late 30's) When a customer enters the store, do they tend to walk in the same path or direction? Yes, usually looping around boxes of wine. How long do customers stay in the store, on average?
  • 24. 10 - 20 minutes Do customer touch the products? Is this encouraged? Yes but only encouraged if they are going to buy. Do most customers appear to be on a mission or are they browsing? Most definitely on a mission. What percent of customers purchase products in the store? 100% Other Observations: