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2014 Obria Healthcare
Social Media Plan
Executive Summary | Page 2
Why Social Media | Page 3
Tactical Implementation | Page 4
Social Media Channel Focus | Page 4
Social Media Profile Development | Page 5
Audience Targeting | Page 8
Account Management | Page 8
Growth Strategies | Page 10
Post Frequency | Page 12
Content Strategy | Page 13
Message Mix | Page 13
Sample Content Calendar | Page 15
Sample Engagement Campaigns | Page 16
Additional Best Practices for Success | Page 17
Audience Engagement & Growth Measurement | Page 20
Audience Growth Rate | Page 21
Engagement Growth Rate | Page 21
Website Traffic Measurement | Page 23
Conclusion | Page 23
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY___________________________________________________________
As a faith-based, life-affirming organization dedicated to providing an alternative to what the
booming abortion industry is offering, Obria Healthcare is committed to serving women and
men in crisis—empowering and educating them—and fostering hope in situations that feel
overwhelmingly hopeless.
Over the past year, we have taken aggressive steps to become a fully-integrated, accredited
healthcare provider, offering top-notch primary medical care along with education, support and
empowerment. We have also collaborated with various medical providers and research
facilities and sought out diverse funding and grant opportunities. By leveraging this generous
support from private donors and organizations, such as the United States Conference of
Catholic Bishops (USCCB), we are now in a position to impact young peoples’ environments on a
much wider scale.
However, we recognize that in order to have the opportunity to change lives, we have to get
them in the door first. The following social media plan outlines Obria Healthcare’s intentions for
building a strong online presence where our target audience spends the majority of their
engaged time: social media networks.
At Obria Healthcare, we provide what the abortion industry can’t – hope in the future and
meaning in life – and we are determined to share that message with as many people as
WHY SOCIAL MEDIA____________________________________________________________
A well-designed social media program will give our organization the ability to speak directly to
potential Obria Healthcare target audiences—engaging them where they spend the most time,
sharing news via a timely and relevant platform, and carrying peer recommendation and word-
of-mouth marketing in a magnified fashion. These two-way, socially viral conversations also
pack an unprecedented value proposition for enhancing brand recognition and generating
potential patient and donor interest.
With adequate funding, a robust Obria Healthcare social media awareness campaign will be
designed to reach out directly to consumers, as well as:
 Create viral excitement and generate peer-to-peer marketing awareness.
 Convert brand loyalists into brand ambassadors—and offer them a platform to share
their endorsement of the Obria Healthcare difference.
 Listen to and interact with our target audiences.
 Engage former, current and potential patients in ways that keep them interested.
 Weave relevant and influential content into the social web.
 Organically enhance SEO through free online presence boosting tools, such as Google
 Expose followers and their networks to our core messages.
 Drive traffic to our website—where clinic appointments can be booked and important,
confidential questions can be answered.
Fortunately, because social media has become a platform that is easily accessible to anyone
with internet access, Obria Healthcare will also acquire the opportunity to deliver its message
of love and acceptance to previously unreachable or disconnected audiences.
TACTICAL IMPLEMENTATION_____________________________________________________
The following pages provide an overview of Obria Healthcare’s comprehensive social media
strategy. This plan covers how each channel will be set up, how our team intends to manage it,
the content we intend to present, who we intend this outreach to speak to, how we will
monitor these channels and measure the success of our outreach.
Social Media Channel Focus
Obria Healthcare intends to focus campaigns and tactics on the following social media channels:
Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Google Plus. These four social media networks have grown
into relevant, important tools for any business because of their extreme popularity—more than
half of the world’s Internet users are also Facebook users—and because they are free to use for
anyone with access to an Internet connection.
Of the social internet’s 2.1 billion global users:
 1.19 billion are active Facebook users.
 1 billion are active YouTube users.
 540 million are active Google Plus users.
 500 million are active Twitter users.
By building a robust and meaningful social media campaign around these networks, Obria
Healthcare will have the opportunity to connect with millions of potential patients, donors and
supporters of our ministry.
Social Media Profile Development
To activate accounts on the aforementioned social media channels, the Obria team will take the
following steps:
 Facebook. At least one Page Manager from the Obria team will be assigned to manage
our public page. The manager’s personal Facebook profile/account will be linked to the
organization’s Facebook page.
The following steps outline the Facebook account set-up phase:
 Our profile graphics will be developed to include:
o Cover photo
o Page icon picture
 Obria will fill out all basic information for the “About the Organization” section of
the page to include:
o “About Us” Description
o Contact Information
o Hours of Operation
o List of Awards
o List of Services
o Mission Statement
o Additional Managers
 Additional set-up steps are noted below:
o All Obria employees, or volunteers associated with our organization, will
be invited to “Like” the page.
o After 26 Likes, our vanity URL can be
secured for branding consistency and SEO presence.
 Twitter. The following steps outline the Twitter account set-up phase:
 We will develop graphics to include:
o Custom Profile Skin
o Header Background Image
o Profile Image
 We will fill out the basic information to include:
o The Obria Healthcare name
o Location of our Headquarters
o Link to our Website
o Bio (i.e., company description and link to our Facebook)
 Additional setup is noted below:
o The Obria team will setup initial lists (e.g., Employees/Volunteers,
Resources, Partners) and add 10 profiles to each list
 YouTube. The Obria team will setup a YouTube channel which will be tied to an assigned
manager’s Google account. The following steps outline how we will take on the YouTube
channel account setup phase:
 We will develop graphics to include:
o Custom Cover Image
o Channel Icon Image
 We will fill out the basic information, under the About and Settings sections, to
o Obria Healthcare Description
o Contact Information
o Links to our Additional Social Media Pages
o Link to our Website
 Additional setup is noted below:
o We will setup at least 5 initial playlists for various topics and resources
o We will connect Obria’s other social media accounts to our new channel
o We will subscribe to at least 10 initial relevant channels
 Google Plus. The Obria team will set up a Google Plus business page which will be tied
to an assigned manager’s Google account.
 We will develop graphics to include:
o Cover Image
o Page Icon Image
 We will fill out the basic information, under the About and Settings sections, to
o About Obria Healthcare Description/Introduction
o Contact Information
o Hours of Operation
o Setup of links
o Tagline
o Additional Managers
 Additional setup is noted below:
o The Obria team will connect our YouTube and Google Plus pages so that
YouTube videos can be viewed from our Google Plus page.
o The Obria Page will be submitted to Google Plus Local
o The Obria team will create at least 5 initial circles (e.g., industry leaders,
employees/team members, business contacts/leads, field/industry news,
top organizations for outreach).
o After 10 followers and 30 days, the Obria team will change the Page URL
to a customized Page URL featuring the Obria name.
Audience Targeting
Obria’s social media initiative will be intended for a target audience of men and women,
between the ages of 13-39 years old, living within 25 miles of Obria Healthcare locations.
This age demographic not only spends a great deal of time interacting across social media
channels, but is also treated most frequently at our clinics. An image displaying this campaign
audience targeting based on the current Obria locations can be found below.
*The reach above is specific to Facebook alone. Additional platforms will magnify this reach exponentially.
Account Management
The Obria team will follow a cross-platform approach where content is developed and shared
across multiple platforms to maximize exposure and viral impact. This content may be revised
or adapted to fit within the restrictions of each individual platform (e.g., Twitter limits word
count to 140 characters). Additionally, certain platforms may be restricted to a particular type
of content (e.g., you can only upload video content to YouTube). The following steps outline
Obria Healthcare’s planned account management phase. Many steps here are explained in
further detail throughout this plan:
 Obria’s ongoing content developing and posting to include:
o Infographics
o eBooks
o Whitepapers
o YouTube videos
o SlideShare presentations
o Images
o Quotes
o Surveys/Polls
o Relevant, third-party articles from reputable sources
 Obria’s ongoing engagement efforts with our target audience to include:
o Responding to comments and messages
o Sharing and commenting on relevant target audience posts, tweets and videos
o Interacting with and reaching out to target audience members and friends of
o Promoting “Like Us/Follow Us/Subscribe” messaging in eBlasts and other
marketing collateral
 Obria’s ongoing lead generation efforts to include:
o On Facebook, development of landing pages with forms that offer content in
exchange for information will further Obria’s lead generation efforts and enable
us to better tailor our content to the interests of our target audience over-time
o On Twitter and YouTube, new lists and playlists will be created as needed and
regular additions to these lists and playlists will be made
o On Google Plus, new circles will be created as needed and regular additions to
the circles will be made
 Ongoing campaign management to include:
o Setup and management of sponsored posts/tweets/pages
o Setup and management of paid/promotional ads
o Setup and management of event/offer posts (Facebook)
o Setup and management of contest landing pages (Facebook)
o Tracking in insights and analytics to adjust strategies for future campaigns
Growth Strategies____________________ _____ _____________________________
Obria Healthcare’s social media following will be of critical importance in dispersing our
content, mission and message of supportive sexual health resources. A loyal following will also
increase our clinics’ ability to be found and generate patient leads, all while growing our online
footprint. To follow are planned follower building/growth strategies:
 eBlast outreach. Early on in the building of Obria Healthcare’s social media presence,
we will send out a message to all email contacts asking them to “Like” our Facebook,
follow our Twitter, join our Google Plus circle and view/share our YouTube videos,
increasing the early grass-roots visibility and awareness of our pages.
 Secure vanity URLs. and are both currently available. Claiming these
URLs will allow for Obria Healthcare to maintain branding consistency and gain a greater
SEO presence.
 Integration with communication. The Obria team plans to add the below hyperlinked
widgets to the Obria Healthcare Twitter, YouTube, Google Plus and Facebook accounts
in each team member’s email signature to direct all those with which Obria team
members communicate to our growing social media pages and informative content:
 Social sharing features. Within our monthly eNewsletter, we will include social media
icons and a “Share this Post” prompt under each patient story, clinic spotlight and piece
of news. When these are made easily available to readers, our content will be more
frequently disseminated by our audience directly to their peers, giving our mission
credibility and our message greater reach beyond Obria’s direct network of fans and
followers. See below image for an example of our intended eNewsletter addition:
 Advertising & sponsored stories. The Obria team seeks to earn likes and engagement by
providing the right content, to the right people, at the right time. When organizations
use social media for business purposes, its posted content competes with thousands of
others across the Internet and various social networks. By utilizing a mix of
sponsored/paid options on social media platforms, an organization can effectively target
a specific audience in the short-term until it has gained enough of a footprint, with
exposure on these platforms, to attract desired actions without paid promotion.
Social media advertisements help to build social media followings, as they are crafted to be
highly targeted and relevant to specific audiences. Promoted posts deliver posted content to
Obria’s target audience, encouraging them to engage with the page via a like, comment or
share, or to follow a link to a landing page. Three sample advertisements, for which content is
applicable across all channels, have been placed below.
For an Obria Healthcare social media advertising campaign, during which we will
simultaneously run advertisements and promoted posts—the Obria team has proposed a $500
budget per 30-day period, to be continually monitored for effectiveness through the
measurement tactic, A/B testing.
o A/B testing: Running an advertisement alongside a promoted post—known as
A/B testing—is a simple way to determine which campaign content and outreach
method performs better. The Obria team will start out with a combination of
posting, paid promotion and outreach efforts on each channel, as a preferred
method for long-term success. This tactic will take the guesswork out of our social
media budgeting and ensure that our decisions are data-backed. By measuring
the impact of Obria messaging, images and calls-to-action with A/B testing, our
team can expect positive results and gain valuable audience insight.
Post Frequency
As Obria Healthcare aims to become a well-known resource in the sexual health arena, the
Obria team hopes to make a minimum of 10 social media interactions per networking channel,
per day by checking in every 2 hours, Monday – Friday, to respond to follower engagement,
retweet or share valuable sexual health information and like or follow influential names in the
life-affirming healthcare realm.
FACEBOOK: Obria Healthcare will post via Facebook 3-5 times per week, check our
page daily for engagement and to respond to our followers. Obria’s social media
following will be of critical importance in dispersing our content, mission and
message of supportive sexual health resources. With the largest number of active
users on the Facebook network, building a loyal following will also increase our
ability to be found and generate patient leads, all while growing our online footprint.
GOOGLE PLUS: Obria will post on Google Plus 3-5 times per week, check our page
daily for engagement and to respond to our followers. A Google Plus profile will
allow us to build a loyal fan base and grow our web presence. Our followers and
former patients can show their appreciation with ratings of our clinics and reviews
of their care, use the +1 button to endorse our content and re-share our posts
across the web to expand our audience.
TWITTER: Obria Healthcare will post 5 times per week to Twitter, and check the
Twitter account daily to interact with other Twitter followers, retweet, etc. several
times per day. Twitter is a more fast-paced platform, so updates can get lost quickly.
Taking some time each day to engage on Twitter is crucial to building our
followership and driving engagement.
YOUTUBE: Obria Healthcare will aim to post a new video to its YouTube channel
once every 4-6 weeks. Video is a powerful and accessible medium by which to
spread the health offerings and benefits of Obria Healthcare – the intent for this
medium of social media is stories of quality rather than videos in quantity.
Content Strategy
The Obria Healthcare social media program will focus on attracting target audience attention
with content that inspires readers to share it with their social networks and encourages trust in
the Obria brand. As these messages of brand awareness and life-affirming health resources
spread from user to user, it will presumably resonate with those in need of support and
answers in regards to their sexual health — because it will appear from a trusted peer, as
opposed to an organizational advertisement or commercial.
Message Mix
Incorporating a generous mix of well-balanced of content, whether brand-focused, resource
oriented, shared industry news or informational graphics, will keep both our earned and
organic audiences engaged. For every three posts on any given social media network, only one
should be self-promotional. The Obria team has decided to utilize the following post types
interspersed with brand-serving calls-to-action.
 HEALTH EDUCATION POSTS: These posts, which may often be written directly from the
Obria Healthcare doctors and nurses of our clinics, will include statistical and fact-based
information on sexual health, STDs, pregnancy options, health myths, etc.
 THIRD-PARTY ARTICLES: The Obria team will share articles/news from third-party
sources, providing a quick post with our life-affirming perspective on it or why we
believe it to be valuable to our audience.
 PRACTICE UPDATES: Obria will also share updates on what’s going on “behind the
scenes” at your offices and clinics to “humanize” the brand. These can be something
simple, like new medical equipment/technology that has been donated, important new
hires, an update from a conference, etc. to show our followers what we’re up to on a
regular basis.
 PHOTOS: Photos have been a proven way to drive engagement – Facebook users are
twice as likely to respond to any update that includes an image. Wherever possible, the
Obria Healthcare team will include images with our posts.
o Our team will optimize photos in the following ways:
 Use an Image Optimizer tool, allowing images to load quickly
wherever placed
 Set the properties or details for the image (i.e., Title, Subject, Rating,
Tags, Authors, Date Taken, etc.)
 Confirm that images are the recommended size for each social
network before posting
 Include a targeted keyword and the Obria Healthcare name in each
image’s filename when saving a picture
 All images will have captions whenever possible
 Alt tags will be created in HTML whenever possible
 DRIVERS TO WEBSITE & CLINICS: Obria will post interactive content that is specifically
designed to transform social media followers into Obria Healthcare patients and
resource reliants. Below are two examples of interactive website and social media tabs
to assist those interested in finding clinics near them and receiving frequent sexual
health information and advice directly. Both images via
o To drive traffic to the Obria Healthcare website and clinics, our team will also
create social media landing pages with clear calls to action for followers to fill
out brief informational forms in exchange for complimentary, downloadable and
educational sexual health content. This tactic will not only help our organization
to track and gain insight as to the demographic of visitors clicking and requesting
the content, but it will also serve as beneficial information to further segment
Obria’s target audience demographic when engaging in any social media
efforts—all while positioning us as a knowledgeable health resource to our
 PROMOTIONAL UPDATE: While promotional/marketing posts will be the most
infrequent of all ideas included above, these posts would include generic brand
messaging, etc. to continue to reinforce Obria’s identity to its core audiences.
Sample Content Calendar
Obria Healthcare intends to post a generous mix of content to engage our target audience and
establish Obria as a sexual health resource for care and knowledge. A sample copy deck can be
found below:
Date Facebook and Google Plus Twitter
Follow #TruthFromObria. All April long as we’ll be sharing
shocking STD facts and statistics with you throughout STD
Awareness Month. Don’t let yourself be another number,
come in to Obria Healthcare today for free-of-charge STD
#TruthFromObria will share shocking STD facts all April
long for #STDAwarenessMonth. Visit to find free STD testing.
Check out Nick Cannon's powerful video about his
mother's choice to give life
Did you know that Obria provides FREE medical
consultations, STD and HIV/AIDS testing, pregnancy tests,
ultrasounds and prenatal care? Find an Obria clinic near
you today:
Obria provides FREE medical consultations, pregnancy
tests, STD testing, ultrasounds and prenatal care. Visit: to find a clinic near you.
RT: @CDCSTD #Women are less likely to have
symptoms of STDs such as #chlamydia & #gonorrhea
compared to men; Test so you know!
Friday Fathers play an invaluable role in the lives of their children.
Obria is here to help you become the best father you can
be with free resources about what to expect and how to
best enjoy the gift of fatherhood. Visit for more information, to connect
with other dads at The Dad Project, or to meet with an
Obria counselor one-on-one.
Fathers play a crucial role in their children’s lives. Visit for free resources or to meet
with an Obria counselor.
Having somewhere to turn that’s free from judgment—
where you can share your concerns with caring medical
professionals who’ve helped thousands get through what
you may be experiencing today—can make all the
difference. Visit to find a kind place
to turn.
Obria is an ear to listen, a shoulder to cry on and a
place free from judgment. Visit
to find a kind place to turn.
RT: @cdchep DYK that #HepC often has no symptoms
& ppl can live for decades w/out feeling sick? Learn
Obria has information for young parents on all of the
options available to them during unplanned pregnancies
#ItsYourChoice. Visit to learn more.
Unplanned pregnancy? Obria has information for
young parents on all of the options available to you
RT: @gimmeshelter @RosarioDawson brings the pain
of a broken family to @gimmeshelter. See her struggle
#TruthFromObria: Undiagnosed STDs cause up to 24,000
women to become infertile each year. SHARE this fact to
help Obria spread awareness.
#TruthFromObria: Undiagnosed STDs can cause up to
24,000 women to become infertile each year.
This map from Men’s Health, illustrating just how many
Americans are living with Chlamydia, may shock you and
change your mind about waiting to get tested
#TruthFromObria #STDAwarenessMonth
This Men’s Health map shows just how many
Americans live with Chlamydia – still waiting to get
tested? #TruthFromObria #STDAwarenessMonth
RT: @StMotherTheresa “Not all of us can do great
things. But we can do small things with great love.”
#motherteresa #hope #love
#TruthFromObria: Each year in the U.S., over 30 million
men and women contract an STD.
SHARE this fact to help Obria spread awareness.
#TruthFromObria: Each year in the U.S., over 30
million men and women contract an STD.
RT: @DrMerminCDC #STD data show numbers & rates
of reported #chlamydia & #gonorrhea cases are
highest in Americans bwtn ages 15 & 24.
It takes a lot of courage, faith and love to parent your baby
through adoption—a gift beyond measure. If you’re
considering adoption, Obria can help by educating you on
the different types of adoption, the adoption process and
where to find qualified adoption agencies. Visit for more information.
It takes courage, faith and love to parent your baby
through adoption. If you’re considering adoption,
Obria can help:
Monday #TruthFromObria: More than 65 million Americans have an
incurable STD. Do you know which STDs are curable and
which aren’t?
#TruthFromObria: More than 65 million Americans
have an incurable STD.
RT: @DalaiLama If you dedicate yourself to helping
others, you’ll be happier.
Wednesday If you find yourself overwhelmed by post-abortion
emotions that are difficult to process, please visit our
website to join a Post-Abortion Support Group: Obria caregivers are here to walk
beside you during this trying time.
If you find yourself overwhelmed by difficult post-
abortion emotions, visit
Sample Engagement Campaigns
Obria Healthcare will regularly roll out meaningful, engagement-focused and audience-growing
campaigns. Samples are below:
 Faces of Obria: These moving, curated success stories—detailing the experiences of
former patients—can be shared as pictures, videos or written stories across Obria’s
targeted social media channels. These can be told from the perspective of Obria
volunteers, nurses, doctors or the patients and their families themselves.
 Obria Answers: This educational Q&A series will allow anyone with a Facebook or
Twitter account to submit questions anonymously or post their sexual health questions
with the hashtag #AskObria. Ideally, each week a new Obria clinician or nurse will
answer these questions with medical knowledge and supportive messaging.
 #TruthFromObria: Obria Healthcare social media channels will regularly share facts
about promiscuity, abortion, STDs, etc. for our followers and their networks to gain
education and insight. The intent of this campaign will be to join the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC) in raising awareness for the prevalence of STDs, as well as
other sexual health facts that will encourage those procrastinating getting tested to
come into an Obria clinic for free STD testing, whereby gaining familiarity with the brand
that may lead them back during times of unplanned pregnancy.
 The Heart of Obria: At the heart of our organization are our volunteers, doctors, and
nurses, those on the front lines of sexual healthcare. These invaluable people are the
Heart of Obria, as they help so many individuals and save the lives of so many babies
day after day, year after year. Via a campaign spanning Facebook, Google Plus and
Twitter – Obria intends to regularly spotlight these individuals by including a brief
sentence or two introducing the a “Heart of Obria,” along with a picture that will display
an impressive number along the bottom of the photo, such as “1,000 Hours
Volunteered” or “865 Babies Saved.” Each story will have a link to a full Heart of Obria
story on our website.
Additional Best Practices for Success_______________________________________________
 Tagging. By tagging the pages of like-minded organizations, upcoming events, and
influential people in our posts, they will then be posted to that tagged page’s profile.
This will help increase Obria’s Facebook visibility and ultimately, audience size, by
prominently displaying our posts for people who have not yet been exposed to our
 Post questions and respond. Posts that include a prompt for conversation or a question
have been proven to receive 70% above average engagement. By starting a meaningful
conversation with Obria followers, we will not only engage them but maintain their
interest as well.
 Use the “reply” feature. When readers or followers ask questions on Facebook page,
the Obria team will use the “reply” feature, on comments section, to answer back. Posts
that include responses from a brand’s page receive 14% more comments than posts
which did not include replies. Answering the questions or responding to the comments
of our audience directly will help them to feel as a relevant and important part of our
social media community.
 Post "sneak peeks." Involving an audience in behind-the-scenes content with posts such
as clinic, patient and volunteer spotlights will help our followers to feel connected to our
mission and those behind it. These meaningful posts, or looks into a company readers
may not otherwise see, are proven to create brand loyalty.
 Use hashtags. A hashtag is created by simply tagging a keyword in your tweet or post
with the pound, number, or hash symbol (#) for easy social searching on networks.
Hashtags give users an easy way to group conversations and promote regular sharing.
To businesses, hashtags offer enhanced digital reach and conversational value to build
audience and sell a more integrated brand experience.
 The favorites-follower rule. By clicking ‘favorite’ on another a like-minded
organization’s Tweet, they will likely reciprocate by following the Obria page. This
method will helps us to gain targeted following by first finding Tweets that match our
interests and targeted keywords. This strategy will offer our page a high-quality,
engaged following.
 Retweet content. When the Obria team sees something worth sharing in our stream, we
will always retweet it – meaning that we are sharing another organization’s/someone
else’s Twitter content with our own followers. By retweeting content from third-party
Twitter account, Obria’s Twitter will accomplish two things:
o It will help us to connect with other influencers on Twitter.
o It will show our followers that we are active in and committed to our online
 Update content on a regular basis. Obria’s YouTube channel will maintain and grow our
viewers by consistently refreshing our channel with new, engaging and powerful videos
every 3-4 weeks.
 Study user comments. By reading and cataloging user comments on live Obria videos—
along with videos from similar channels and pages—our team will gain valuable insight
into our audience’s reaction to our video content and gather ideas for future videos.
 Optimize Video Content for Search. As YouTube is owned by Google, Google’s search
engine ranking algorithm gives preference to videos from YouTube in Google search
results under the “Video” search tab. To help increase our ranking in local search engine
results, the Obria team will optimize all videos uploaded to YouTube in the following
o In Advanced Settings, under Video Manager, the office address location will be
entered in the search field. The YouTube Trends Map will display the most
popular videos on the map depending on each viewer’s location, making our
videos more visible to those near an Obria clinic.
o A link to our official website will be placed at the beginning of the video
description. In Basic Information, under Video Manager, all videos will have a
title and description with relevant keywords and the Obria Healthcare name.
o In frames near the end of the video, the Obria Healthcare name, address and
phone number will be added, as text within videos can be “read” out of the
data by Google’s interpretation algorithms.
o In Basic Information, under Video Manager, business category, clinic location
names and relevant keywords will be added as tags to each video.
o Videos will also be added to our business listing in Google Places and associated
with a Google Plus Local Page.
Google Plus:
 Reach out to those who have partnered with or utilized Obria Healthcare services to
request reviews. The posting of numerous, quality reviews on our Google Plus page, via
reviewers’ individual Google Plus accounts, is a contributing factor in the Google
algorithms’ page ranking in search engine results.
 Link placement. When posting, our team will place links between text
phrases/sentences, rather than at the end of them—a strategy proven to receive more
o In a study analyzing the length of 200,000 posts containing links, the highest
click-through rates were on links that appeared approximately one-quarter of the
way through the text.
 Shortening links before including them in posts using, a free-of-charge link-
shortening website, will allow our team to track click-throughs more easily.
 Keyword hashtags. Keyword hashtags give users an easy way to host group
conversations and offers businesses the ability to track the popularity and use of these
relevant keywords.
 Google Plus communities. Sharing Obria’s Google Plus posts in relevant Google Plus
communities will give our content far greater visibility and opportunity for engagement.
 Selective follows. When users add Obria Healthcare to their circles, our team will not
instantly add back but rather be strategic with who we add into our circles.
o Google’s algorithm often gives more of a boost in ranking (SEO) to pages that are
in more circles than they have circled themselves.
Audience Engagement & Growth Measurement ______________________________________
The Obria team will employ to gauge audience growth and engagement via Crowdbooster—a
social media marketing solution that fuses targeted recommendations and data-driven insights
to help brands achieve online influence.
Crowdbooster’s intuitive analytics will help the Obria team to measure:
 How well our content resonates on social media (based on impressions, retweets,
mentions, replies, impressions, likes and comments) with real-time graphs and tables
 The effectiveness of a one-time social media campaign or the benefits of long-term
engagement, i.e. follower and fan growth over time
 Influential audience segments by uncovering followers with high online influence,
allowing our team to foster and maintain relationships with them
 Loyal followers and fans. Engaging the fans that interact with Obria’s social media
channels most will allow us to cultivate and maintain a brand community
Audience Growth Rate
Tracking our audience growth rate (displayed in sample growth charts for Facebook and Twitter
below) will allow us to evaluate Obria’s marketing efforts over any selected time period. For
example, our team will be able to individually measure which campaigns garnered the most
attention, resulting in new followers, and which events or posts match up with the highest
growth-rate periods in our page’s history.
Engagement Growth Rate
On social media, Obria’s engaged users will be the people that took action our page or with our
content—e.g. liking, sharing, commenting, re-tweeting.
Engaged content also impacts SEO algorithms positively, encouraging the chances of Obria
Healthcare coming up in organic search results on specific social channels and major search
By tracking the rate our of social media channels’ engagement growth, Obria can make
engagement data meaningful and actionable, while monitoring how our social media efforts are
resonating with Obria’s established follower base. A post-specific engagement measurement is
displayed in a Twitter sample graph below:
With this capability, the Obria team can also measure the average engagement rate—which
compares your posts’ engagement with your overall follower base—in order to determine how
engaged our followers are as a whole.
Lastly, having access to our page’s engagement calculations is of vast benefit to the Obria
brand’s social media strategy because it also illustrates when our target audience is most active
on each specific network. Accordingly, the Obria team will note the particular days and times
that we receive more engagement and interaction from our audience, and make
complimentary adjustments to the days and time of day at which we post on each network.
Website Traffic Measurement
A/B testing and measurement of key performance indicators (KPIs) with analytics software,
such as Google Analytics, will help the Obria team to only invest time, money and energy into
the social media efforts that are the most effective for achieving Obria’s organization goals.
Each social media platform has their own Ad Manager and Analytics areas to view performance,
but Google Analytics is a preferred platform for analyzing direct and referral traffic sources,
including social media sources, to specific landing pages on Obria’s official website and to the
website as a whole. Google Analytics will enable our team to look at traffic patterns on the
website once a visitor gets there—how is each Obria visitor navigating throughout the website,
what content they are engaging with most and how they are engaging with it (e.g., social
shares, comments, clicks, video views/plays, etc.).
Google Analytics also allows users to view audience/visitor demographics in order to determine
how much of our targeted audience is actually coming to the Obria website and engaging in
desired actions. Additionally, our team will have the ability to discover new target audiences.
With ongoing review of this information, Obria can figure out which content is most engaging
and of interest to our target audience and funnel our team efforts toward creating more of this
The initial setup of an Obria Google Analytics account will consist of the following:
 Setup of Different Profiles
 Setup of User Management Settings
 Setup of Social Settings
 Setup of Code on Official Site
 Linking of Adwords and Adsense
Accounts (if applicable)
 Setup of Filters
 Setup of Advanced Segments
 Setup of Custom Reports
 Setup of Goals
 Setup of Ecommerce
 Setup of Custom Alerts
 Setup of Channel Groupings
Social media offers nonprofit brands like Obria Healthcare an efficient, inexpensive and
effective way to generate peer-to-peer marketing awareness, expose our target audience and
their network to our life-affirming ministry and build the trust of potential patients in need of
sexual health resources. Social media—when used strategically over time—is the most
powerful form of marketing and audience engagement available to any brand.
The impact social media has on SEO is only increasing, as search engines are now taking social
cues like social media shares into account when ranking content—meaning the more followers
our team can get to share Obria’s content in social media, the more quickly we will build a
reputable online presence.
A comprehensive and meaningful social media strategy can make an impact on our world for
good, both on and offline.
With the current sexual health landscape plaguing the young people of today, it is critical to
invest the necessary time and resources for building and maintaining a top-notch social
presence for Obria Healthcare.
# # #
Prepared by:
Beyond Fifteen Communications, Inc. |
With questions, contact:
Leslie Licano, Beyond Fifteen Communications, Inc.
949.733.8679 x 101 |

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Obria Healthcare Social Media Plan

  • 2. OBRIA HEALTHCARE 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary | Page 2 Why Social Media | Page 3 Tactical Implementation | Page 4 Social Media Channel Focus | Page 4 Social Media Profile Development | Page 5 Audience Targeting | Page 8 Account Management | Page 8 Growth Strategies | Page 10 Post Frequency | Page 12 Content Strategy | Page 13 Message Mix | Page 13 Sample Content Calendar | Page 15 Sample Engagement Campaigns | Page 16 Additional Best Practices for Success | Page 17 Audience Engagement & Growth Measurement | Page 20 Audience Growth Rate | Page 21 Engagement Growth Rate | Page 21 Website Traffic Measurement | Page 23 Conclusion | Page 23
  • 3. OBRIA HEALTHCARE 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY___________________________________________________________ As a faith-based, life-affirming organization dedicated to providing an alternative to what the booming abortion industry is offering, Obria Healthcare is committed to serving women and men in crisis—empowering and educating them—and fostering hope in situations that feel overwhelmingly hopeless. Over the past year, we have taken aggressive steps to become a fully-integrated, accredited healthcare provider, offering top-notch primary medical care along with education, support and empowerment. We have also collaborated with various medical providers and research facilities and sought out diverse funding and grant opportunities. By leveraging this generous support from private donors and organizations, such as the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), we are now in a position to impact young peoples’ environments on a much wider scale. However, we recognize that in order to have the opportunity to change lives, we have to get them in the door first. The following social media plan outlines Obria Healthcare’s intentions for building a strong online presence where our target audience spends the majority of their engaged time: social media networks. At Obria Healthcare, we provide what the abortion industry can’t – hope in the future and meaning in life – and we are determined to share that message with as many people as possible.
  • 4. OBRIA HEALTHCARE 3 WHY SOCIAL MEDIA____________________________________________________________ A well-designed social media program will give our organization the ability to speak directly to potential Obria Healthcare target audiences—engaging them where they spend the most time, sharing news via a timely and relevant platform, and carrying peer recommendation and word- of-mouth marketing in a magnified fashion. These two-way, socially viral conversations also pack an unprecedented value proposition for enhancing brand recognition and generating potential patient and donor interest. With adequate funding, a robust Obria Healthcare social media awareness campaign will be designed to reach out directly to consumers, as well as:  Create viral excitement and generate peer-to-peer marketing awareness.  Convert brand loyalists into brand ambassadors—and offer them a platform to share their endorsement of the Obria Healthcare difference.  Listen to and interact with our target audiences.  Engage former, current and potential patients in ways that keep them interested.  Weave relevant and influential content into the social web.  Organically enhance SEO through free online presence boosting tools, such as Google Plus.  Expose followers and their networks to our core messages.  Drive traffic to our website—where clinic appointments can be booked and important, confidential questions can be answered. Fortunately, because social media has become a platform that is easily accessible to anyone with internet access, Obria Healthcare will also acquire the opportunity to deliver its message of love and acceptance to previously unreachable or disconnected audiences.
  • 5. OBRIA HEALTHCARE 4 TACTICAL IMPLEMENTATION_____________________________________________________ The following pages provide an overview of Obria Healthcare’s comprehensive social media strategy. This plan covers how each channel will be set up, how our team intends to manage it, the content we intend to present, who we intend this outreach to speak to, how we will monitor these channels and measure the success of our outreach. Social Media Channel Focus Obria Healthcare intends to focus campaigns and tactics on the following social media channels: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Google Plus. These four social media networks have grown into relevant, important tools for any business because of their extreme popularity—more than half of the world’s Internet users are also Facebook users—and because they are free to use for anyone with access to an Internet connection. Of the social internet’s 2.1 billion global users:  1.19 billion are active Facebook users.  1 billion are active YouTube users.  540 million are active Google Plus users.  500 million are active Twitter users. By building a robust and meaningful social media campaign around these networks, Obria Healthcare will have the opportunity to connect with millions of potential patients, donors and supporters of our ministry.
  • 6. OBRIA HEALTHCARE 5 Social Media Profile Development To activate accounts on the aforementioned social media channels, the Obria team will take the following steps:  Facebook. At least one Page Manager from the Obria team will be assigned to manage our public page. The manager’s personal Facebook profile/account will be linked to the organization’s Facebook page. The following steps outline the Facebook account set-up phase:  Our profile graphics will be developed to include: o Cover photo o Page icon picture  Obria will fill out all basic information for the “About the Organization” section of the page to include: o “About Us” Description o Contact Information o Hours of Operation o List of Awards o List of Services o Mission Statement o Additional Managers  Additional set-up steps are noted below: o All Obria employees, or volunteers associated with our organization, will be invited to “Like” the page. o After 26 Likes, our vanity URL can be secured for branding consistency and SEO presence.
  • 7. OBRIA HEALTHCARE 6  Twitter. The following steps outline the Twitter account set-up phase:  We will develop graphics to include: o Custom Profile Skin o Header Background Image o Profile Image  We will fill out the basic information to include: o The Obria Healthcare name o Location of our Headquarters o Link to our Website o Bio (i.e., company description and link to our Facebook)  Additional setup is noted below: o The Obria team will setup initial lists (e.g., Employees/Volunteers, Resources, Partners) and add 10 profiles to each list  YouTube. The Obria team will setup a YouTube channel which will be tied to an assigned manager’s Google account. The following steps outline how we will take on the YouTube channel account setup phase:  We will develop graphics to include: o Custom Cover Image o Channel Icon Image  We will fill out the basic information, under the About and Settings sections, to include: o Obria Healthcare Description o Contact Information o Links to our Additional Social Media Pages o Link to our Website  Additional setup is noted below: o We will setup at least 5 initial playlists for various topics and resources o We will connect Obria’s other social media accounts to our new channel o We will subscribe to at least 10 initial relevant channels
  • 8. OBRIA HEALTHCARE 7  Google Plus. The Obria team will set up a Google Plus business page which will be tied to an assigned manager’s Google account.  We will develop graphics to include: o Cover Image o Page Icon Image  We will fill out the basic information, under the About and Settings sections, to include: o About Obria Healthcare Description/Introduction o Contact Information o Hours of Operation o Setup of links o Tagline o Additional Managers  Additional setup is noted below: o The Obria team will connect our YouTube and Google Plus pages so that YouTube videos can be viewed from our Google Plus page. o The Obria Page will be submitted to Google Plus Local o The Obria team will create at least 5 initial circles (e.g., industry leaders, employees/team members, business contacts/leads, field/industry news, top organizations for outreach). o After 10 followers and 30 days, the Obria team will change the Page URL to a customized Page URL featuring the Obria name.
  • 9. OBRIA HEALTHCARE 8 Audience Targeting Obria’s social media initiative will be intended for a target audience of men and women, between the ages of 13-39 years old, living within 25 miles of Obria Healthcare locations. This age demographic not only spends a great deal of time interacting across social media channels, but is also treated most frequently at our clinics. An image displaying this campaign audience targeting based on the current Obria locations can be found below. *The reach above is specific to Facebook alone. Additional platforms will magnify this reach exponentially. Account Management The Obria team will follow a cross-platform approach where content is developed and shared across multiple platforms to maximize exposure and viral impact. This content may be revised or adapted to fit within the restrictions of each individual platform (e.g., Twitter limits word count to 140 characters). Additionally, certain platforms may be restricted to a particular type of content (e.g., you can only upload video content to YouTube). The following steps outline Obria Healthcare’s planned account management phase. Many steps here are explained in further detail throughout this plan:  Obria’s ongoing content developing and posting to include: o Infographics o eBooks o Whitepapers o YouTube videos o SlideShare presentations o Images o Quotes o Surveys/Polls o Relevant, third-party articles from reputable sources  Obria’s ongoing engagement efforts with our target audience to include:
  • 10. OBRIA HEALTHCARE 9 o Responding to comments and messages o Sharing and commenting on relevant target audience posts, tweets and videos o Interacting with and reaching out to target audience members and friends of employees o Promoting “Like Us/Follow Us/Subscribe” messaging in eBlasts and other marketing collateral  Obria’s ongoing lead generation efforts to include: o On Facebook, development of landing pages with forms that offer content in exchange for information will further Obria’s lead generation efforts and enable us to better tailor our content to the interests of our target audience over-time o On Twitter and YouTube, new lists and playlists will be created as needed and regular additions to these lists and playlists will be made o On Google Plus, new circles will be created as needed and regular additions to the circles will be made  Ongoing campaign management to include: o Setup and management of sponsored posts/tweets/pages o Setup and management of paid/promotional ads o Setup and management of event/offer posts (Facebook) o Setup and management of contest landing pages (Facebook) o Tracking in insights and analytics to adjust strategies for future campaigns
  • 11. OBRIA HEALTHCARE 10 Growth Strategies____________________ _____ _____________________________ Obria Healthcare’s social media following will be of critical importance in dispersing our content, mission and message of supportive sexual health resources. A loyal following will also increase our clinics’ ability to be found and generate patient leads, all while growing our online footprint. To follow are planned follower building/growth strategies:  eBlast outreach. Early on in the building of Obria Healthcare’s social media presence, we will send out a message to all email contacts asking them to “Like” our Facebook, follow our Twitter, join our Google Plus circle and view/share our YouTube videos, increasing the early grass-roots visibility and awareness of our pages.  Secure vanity URLs. and are both currently available. Claiming these URLs will allow for Obria Healthcare to maintain branding consistency and gain a greater SEO presence.  Integration with communication. The Obria team plans to add the below hyperlinked widgets to the Obria Healthcare Twitter, YouTube, Google Plus and Facebook accounts in each team member’s email signature to direct all those with which Obria team members communicate to our growing social media pages and informative content:  Social sharing features. Within our monthly eNewsletter, we will include social media icons and a “Share this Post” prompt under each patient story, clinic spotlight and piece of news. When these are made easily available to readers, our content will be more frequently disseminated by our audience directly to their peers, giving our mission credibility and our message greater reach beyond Obria’s direct network of fans and followers. See below image for an example of our intended eNewsletter addition:  Advertising & sponsored stories. The Obria team seeks to earn likes and engagement by providing the right content, to the right people, at the right time. When organizations use social media for business purposes, its posted content competes with thousands of others across the Internet and various social networks. By utilizing a mix of
  • 12. OBRIA HEALTHCARE 11 sponsored/paid options on social media platforms, an organization can effectively target a specific audience in the short-term until it has gained enough of a footprint, with exposure on these platforms, to attract desired actions without paid promotion. Social media advertisements help to build social media followings, as they are crafted to be highly targeted and relevant to specific audiences. Promoted posts deliver posted content to Obria’s target audience, encouraging them to engage with the page via a like, comment or share, or to follow a link to a landing page. Three sample advertisements, for which content is applicable across all channels, have been placed below. For an Obria Healthcare social media advertising campaign, during which we will simultaneously run advertisements and promoted posts—the Obria team has proposed a $500 budget per 30-day period, to be continually monitored for effectiveness through the measurement tactic, A/B testing. o A/B testing: Running an advertisement alongside a promoted post—known as A/B testing—is a simple way to determine which campaign content and outreach method performs better. The Obria team will start out with a combination of posting, paid promotion and outreach efforts on each channel, as a preferred method for long-term success. This tactic will take the guesswork out of our social media budgeting and ensure that our decisions are data-backed. By measuring the impact of Obria messaging, images and calls-to-action with A/B testing, our team can expect positive results and gain valuable audience insight.
  • 13. OBRIA HEALTHCARE 12 Post Frequency As Obria Healthcare aims to become a well-known resource in the sexual health arena, the Obria team hopes to make a minimum of 10 social media interactions per networking channel, per day by checking in every 2 hours, Monday – Friday, to respond to follower engagement, retweet or share valuable sexual health information and like or follow influential names in the life-affirming healthcare realm. FACEBOOK: Obria Healthcare will post via Facebook 3-5 times per week, check our page daily for engagement and to respond to our followers. Obria’s social media following will be of critical importance in dispersing our content, mission and message of supportive sexual health resources. With the largest number of active users on the Facebook network, building a loyal following will also increase our ability to be found and generate patient leads, all while growing our online footprint. GOOGLE PLUS: Obria will post on Google Plus 3-5 times per week, check our page daily for engagement and to respond to our followers. A Google Plus profile will allow us to build a loyal fan base and grow our web presence. Our followers and former patients can show their appreciation with ratings of our clinics and reviews of their care, use the +1 button to endorse our content and re-share our posts across the web to expand our audience. TWITTER: Obria Healthcare will post 5 times per week to Twitter, and check the Twitter account daily to interact with other Twitter followers, retweet, etc. several times per day. Twitter is a more fast-paced platform, so updates can get lost quickly. Taking some time each day to engage on Twitter is crucial to building our followership and driving engagement. YOUTUBE: Obria Healthcare will aim to post a new video to its YouTube channel once every 4-6 weeks. Video is a powerful and accessible medium by which to spread the health offerings and benefits of Obria Healthcare – the intent for this medium of social media is stories of quality rather than videos in quantity.
  • 14. OBRIA HEALTHCARE 13 Content Strategy The Obria Healthcare social media program will focus on attracting target audience attention with content that inspires readers to share it with their social networks and encourages trust in the Obria brand. As these messages of brand awareness and life-affirming health resources spread from user to user, it will presumably resonate with those in need of support and answers in regards to their sexual health — because it will appear from a trusted peer, as opposed to an organizational advertisement or commercial. Message Mix Incorporating a generous mix of well-balanced of content, whether brand-focused, resource oriented, shared industry news or informational graphics, will keep both our earned and organic audiences engaged. For every three posts on any given social media network, only one should be self-promotional. The Obria team has decided to utilize the following post types interspersed with brand-serving calls-to-action.  HEALTH EDUCATION POSTS: These posts, which may often be written directly from the Obria Healthcare doctors and nurses of our clinics, will include statistical and fact-based information on sexual health, STDs, pregnancy options, health myths, etc.  THIRD-PARTY ARTICLES: The Obria team will share articles/news from third-party sources, providing a quick post with our life-affirming perspective on it or why we believe it to be valuable to our audience.  PRACTICE UPDATES: Obria will also share updates on what’s going on “behind the scenes” at your offices and clinics to “humanize” the brand. These can be something simple, like new medical equipment/technology that has been donated, important new hires, an update from a conference, etc. to show our followers what we’re up to on a regular basis.  PHOTOS: Photos have been a proven way to drive engagement – Facebook users are twice as likely to respond to any update that includes an image. Wherever possible, the Obria Healthcare team will include images with our posts. o Our team will optimize photos in the following ways:  Use an Image Optimizer tool, allowing images to load quickly wherever placed
  • 15. OBRIA HEALTHCARE 14  Set the properties or details for the image (i.e., Title, Subject, Rating, Tags, Authors, Date Taken, etc.)  Confirm that images are the recommended size for each social network before posting  Include a targeted keyword and the Obria Healthcare name in each image’s filename when saving a picture  All images will have captions whenever possible  Alt tags will be created in HTML whenever possible  DRIVERS TO WEBSITE & CLINICS: Obria will post interactive content that is specifically designed to transform social media followers into Obria Healthcare patients and resource reliants. Below are two examples of interactive website and social media tabs to assist those interested in finding clinics near them and receiving frequent sexual health information and advice directly. Both images via o To drive traffic to the Obria Healthcare website and clinics, our team will also create social media landing pages with clear calls to action for followers to fill out brief informational forms in exchange for complimentary, downloadable and educational sexual health content. This tactic will not only help our organization to track and gain insight as to the demographic of visitors clicking and requesting the content, but it will also serve as beneficial information to further segment Obria’s target audience demographic when engaging in any social media
  • 16. OBRIA HEALTHCARE 15 efforts—all while positioning us as a knowledgeable health resource to our audience.  PROMOTIONAL UPDATE: While promotional/marketing posts will be the most infrequent of all ideas included above, these posts would include generic brand messaging, etc. to continue to reinforce Obria’s identity to its core audiences. Sample Content Calendar Obria Healthcare intends to post a generous mix of content to engage our target audience and establish Obria as a sexual health resource for care and knowledge. A sample copy deck can be found below: Date Facebook and Google Plus Twitter Monday Follow #TruthFromObria. All April long as we’ll be sharing shocking STD facts and statistics with you throughout STD Awareness Month. Don’t let yourself be another number, come in to Obria Healthcare today for free-of-charge STD testing: #TruthFromObria will share shocking STD facts all April long for #STDAwarenessMonth. Visit to find free STD testing. Check out Nick Cannon's powerful video about his mother's choice to give life Wednesday Did you know that Obria provides FREE medical consultations, STD and HIV/AIDS testing, pregnancy tests, ultrasounds and prenatal care? Find an Obria clinic near you today: Obria provides FREE medical consultations, pregnancy tests, STD testing, ultrasounds and prenatal care. Visit: to find a clinic near you. RT: @CDCSTD #Women are less likely to have symptoms of STDs such as #chlamydia & #gonorrhea compared to men; Test so you know! Friday Fathers play an invaluable role in the lives of their children. Obria is here to help you become the best father you can be with free resources about what to expect and how to best enjoy the gift of fatherhood. Visit for more information, to connect with other dads at The Dad Project, or to meet with an Obria counselor one-on-one. Fathers play a crucial role in their children’s lives. Visit for free resources or to meet with an Obria counselor. Monday Having somewhere to turn that’s free from judgment— where you can share your concerns with caring medical professionals who’ve helped thousands get through what you may be experiencing today—can make all the difference. Visit to find a kind place to turn. Obria is an ear to listen, a shoulder to cry on and a place free from judgment. Visit to find a kind place to turn. RT: @cdchep DYK that #HepC often has no symptoms & ppl can live for decades w/out feeling sick? Learn more Wednesday Obria has information for young parents on all of the options available to them during unplanned pregnancies #ItsYourChoice. Visit to learn more. Unplanned pregnancy? Obria has information for young parents on all of the options available to you #ItsYourChoice:
  • 17. OBRIA HEALTHCARE 16 RT: @gimmeshelter @RosarioDawson brings the pain of a broken family to @gimmeshelter. See her struggle today: Friday #TruthFromObria: Undiagnosed STDs cause up to 24,000 women to become infertile each year. SHARE this fact to help Obria spread awareness. #TruthFromObria: Undiagnosed STDs can cause up to 24,000 women to become infertile each year. Monday This map from Men’s Health, illustrating just how many Americans are living with Chlamydia, may shock you and change your mind about waiting to get tested #TruthFromObria #STDAwarenessMonth This Men’s Health map shows just how many Americans live with Chlamydia – still waiting to get tested? #TruthFromObria #STDAwarenessMonth RT: @StMotherTheresa “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” #motherteresa #hope #love Wednesday #TruthFromObria: Each year in the U.S., over 30 million men and women contract an STD. SHARE this fact to help Obria spread awareness. #TruthFromObria: Each year in the U.S., over 30 million men and women contract an STD. RT: @DrMerminCDC #STD data show numbers & rates of reported #chlamydia & #gonorrhea cases are highest in Americans bwtn ages 15 & 24. Friday It takes a lot of courage, faith and love to parent your baby through adoption—a gift beyond measure. If you’re considering adoption, Obria can help by educating you on the different types of adoption, the adoption process and where to find qualified adoption agencies. Visit for more information. It takes courage, faith and love to parent your baby through adoption. If you’re considering adoption, Obria can help: Monday #TruthFromObria: More than 65 million Americans have an incurable STD. Do you know which STDs are curable and which aren’t? #TruthFromObria: More than 65 million Americans have an incurable STD. RT: @DalaiLama If you dedicate yourself to helping others, you’ll be happier. Wednesday If you find yourself overwhelmed by post-abortion emotions that are difficult to process, please visit our website to join a Post-Abortion Support Group: Obria caregivers are here to walk beside you during this trying time. If you find yourself overwhelmed by difficult post- abortion emotions, visit #YouAreNotAlone Sample Engagement Campaigns Obria Healthcare will regularly roll out meaningful, engagement-focused and audience-growing campaigns. Samples are below:  Faces of Obria: These moving, curated success stories—detailing the experiences of former patients—can be shared as pictures, videos or written stories across Obria’s targeted social media channels. These can be told from the perspective of Obria volunteers, nurses, doctors or the patients and their families themselves.
  • 18. OBRIA HEALTHCARE 17  Obria Answers: This educational Q&A series will allow anyone with a Facebook or Twitter account to submit questions anonymously or post their sexual health questions with the hashtag #AskObria. Ideally, each week a new Obria clinician or nurse will answer these questions with medical knowledge and supportive messaging.  #TruthFromObria: Obria Healthcare social media channels will regularly share facts about promiscuity, abortion, STDs, etc. for our followers and their networks to gain education and insight. The intent of this campaign will be to join the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in raising awareness for the prevalence of STDs, as well as other sexual health facts that will encourage those procrastinating getting tested to come into an Obria clinic for free STD testing, whereby gaining familiarity with the brand that may lead them back during times of unplanned pregnancy.  The Heart of Obria: At the heart of our organization are our volunteers, doctors, and nurses, those on the front lines of sexual healthcare. These invaluable people are the Heart of Obria, as they help so many individuals and save the lives of so many babies day after day, year after year. Via a campaign spanning Facebook, Google Plus and Twitter – Obria intends to regularly spotlight these individuals by including a brief sentence or two introducing the a “Heart of Obria,” along with a picture that will display an impressive number along the bottom of the photo, such as “1,000 Hours Volunteered” or “865 Babies Saved.” Each story will have a link to a full Heart of Obria story on our website. Additional Best Practices for Success_______________________________________________ Facebook:  Tagging. By tagging the pages of like-minded organizations, upcoming events, and influential people in our posts, they will then be posted to that tagged page’s profile. This will help increase Obria’s Facebook visibility and ultimately, audience size, by prominently displaying our posts for people who have not yet been exposed to our mission.  Post questions and respond. Posts that include a prompt for conversation or a question have been proven to receive 70% above average engagement. By starting a meaningful conversation with Obria followers, we will not only engage them but maintain their interest as well.  Use the “reply” feature. When readers or followers ask questions on Facebook page, the Obria team will use the “reply” feature, on comments section, to answer back. Posts
  • 19. OBRIA HEALTHCARE 18 that include responses from a brand’s page receive 14% more comments than posts which did not include replies. Answering the questions or responding to the comments of our audience directly will help them to feel as a relevant and important part of our social media community.  Post "sneak peeks." Involving an audience in behind-the-scenes content with posts such as clinic, patient and volunteer spotlights will help our followers to feel connected to our mission and those behind it. These meaningful posts, or looks into a company readers may not otherwise see, are proven to create brand loyalty. Twitter:  Use hashtags. A hashtag is created by simply tagging a keyword in your tweet or post with the pound, number, or hash symbol (#) for easy social searching on networks. Hashtags give users an easy way to group conversations and promote regular sharing. To businesses, hashtags offer enhanced digital reach and conversational value to build audience and sell a more integrated brand experience.  The favorites-follower rule. By clicking ‘favorite’ on another a like-minded organization’s Tweet, they will likely reciprocate by following the Obria page. This method will helps us to gain targeted following by first finding Tweets that match our interests and targeted keywords. This strategy will offer our page a high-quality, engaged following.  Retweet content. When the Obria team sees something worth sharing in our stream, we will always retweet it – meaning that we are sharing another organization’s/someone else’s Twitter content with our own followers. By retweeting content from third-party Twitter account, Obria’s Twitter will accomplish two things: o It will help us to connect with other influencers on Twitter. o It will show our followers that we are active in and committed to our online community.
  • 20. OBRIA HEALTHCARE 19 YouTube:  Update content on a regular basis. Obria’s YouTube channel will maintain and grow our viewers by consistently refreshing our channel with new, engaging and powerful videos every 3-4 weeks.  Study user comments. By reading and cataloging user comments on live Obria videos— along with videos from similar channels and pages—our team will gain valuable insight into our audience’s reaction to our video content and gather ideas for future videos.  Optimize Video Content for Search. As YouTube is owned by Google, Google’s search engine ranking algorithm gives preference to videos from YouTube in Google search results under the “Video” search tab. To help increase our ranking in local search engine results, the Obria team will optimize all videos uploaded to YouTube in the following ways: o In Advanced Settings, under Video Manager, the office address location will be entered in the search field. The YouTube Trends Map will display the most popular videos on the map depending on each viewer’s location, making our videos more visible to those near an Obria clinic. o A link to our official website will be placed at the beginning of the video description. In Basic Information, under Video Manager, all videos will have a title and description with relevant keywords and the Obria Healthcare name. o In frames near the end of the video, the Obria Healthcare name, address and phone number will be added, as text within videos can be “read” out of the data by Google’s interpretation algorithms. o In Basic Information, under Video Manager, business category, clinic location names and relevant keywords will be added as tags to each video. o Videos will also be added to our business listing in Google Places and associated with a Google Plus Local Page.
  • 21. OBRIA HEALTHCARE 20 Google Plus:  Reach out to those who have partnered with or utilized Obria Healthcare services to request reviews. The posting of numerous, quality reviews on our Google Plus page, via reviewers’ individual Google Plus accounts, is a contributing factor in the Google algorithms’ page ranking in search engine results.  Link placement. When posting, our team will place links between text phrases/sentences, rather than at the end of them—a strategy proven to receive more engagement. o In a study analyzing the length of 200,000 posts containing links, the highest click-through rates were on links that appeared approximately one-quarter of the way through the text.  Shortening links before including them in posts using, a free-of-charge link- shortening website, will allow our team to track click-throughs more easily.  Keyword hashtags. Keyword hashtags give users an easy way to host group conversations and offers businesses the ability to track the popularity and use of these relevant keywords.  Google Plus communities. Sharing Obria’s Google Plus posts in relevant Google Plus communities will give our content far greater visibility and opportunity for engagement.  Selective follows. When users add Obria Healthcare to their circles, our team will not instantly add back but rather be strategic with who we add into our circles. o Google’s algorithm often gives more of a boost in ranking (SEO) to pages that are in more circles than they have circled themselves. Audience Engagement & Growth Measurement ______________________________________ The Obria team will employ to gauge audience growth and engagement via Crowdbooster—a social media marketing solution that fuses targeted recommendations and data-driven insights to help brands achieve online influence. Crowdbooster’s intuitive analytics will help the Obria team to measure:  How well our content resonates on social media (based on impressions, retweets, mentions, replies, impressions, likes and comments) with real-time graphs and tables  The effectiveness of a one-time social media campaign or the benefits of long-term engagement, i.e. follower and fan growth over time
  • 22. OBRIA HEALTHCARE 21  Influential audience segments by uncovering followers with high online influence, allowing our team to foster and maintain relationships with them  Loyal followers and fans. Engaging the fans that interact with Obria’s social media channels most will allow us to cultivate and maintain a brand community Audience Growth Rate Tracking our audience growth rate (displayed in sample growth charts for Facebook and Twitter below) will allow us to evaluate Obria’s marketing efforts over any selected time period. For example, our team will be able to individually measure which campaigns garnered the most attention, resulting in new followers, and which events or posts match up with the highest growth-rate periods in our page’s history. Engagement Growth Rate On social media, Obria’s engaged users will be the people that took action our page or with our content—e.g. liking, sharing, commenting, re-tweeting. Engaged content also impacts SEO algorithms positively, encouraging the chances of Obria Healthcare coming up in organic search results on specific social channels and major search engines.
  • 23. OBRIA HEALTHCARE 22 By tracking the rate our of social media channels’ engagement growth, Obria can make engagement data meaningful and actionable, while monitoring how our social media efforts are resonating with Obria’s established follower base. A post-specific engagement measurement is displayed in a Twitter sample graph below: With this capability, the Obria team can also measure the average engagement rate—which compares your posts’ engagement with your overall follower base—in order to determine how engaged our followers are as a whole. Lastly, having access to our page’s engagement calculations is of vast benefit to the Obria brand’s social media strategy because it also illustrates when our target audience is most active on each specific network. Accordingly, the Obria team will note the particular days and times that we receive more engagement and interaction from our audience, and make complimentary adjustments to the days and time of day at which we post on each network.
  • 24. OBRIA HEALTHCARE 23 Website Traffic Measurement A/B testing and measurement of key performance indicators (KPIs) with analytics software, such as Google Analytics, will help the Obria team to only invest time, money and energy into the social media efforts that are the most effective for achieving Obria’s organization goals. Each social media platform has their own Ad Manager and Analytics areas to view performance, but Google Analytics is a preferred platform for analyzing direct and referral traffic sources, including social media sources, to specific landing pages on Obria’s official website and to the website as a whole. Google Analytics will enable our team to look at traffic patterns on the website once a visitor gets there—how is each Obria visitor navigating throughout the website, what content they are engaging with most and how they are engaging with it (e.g., social shares, comments, clicks, video views/plays, etc.). Google Analytics also allows users to view audience/visitor demographics in order to determine how much of our targeted audience is actually coming to the Obria website and engaging in desired actions. Additionally, our team will have the ability to discover new target audiences. With ongoing review of this information, Obria can figure out which content is most engaging and of interest to our target audience and funnel our team efforts toward creating more of this content. The initial setup of an Obria Google Analytics account will consist of the following:  Setup of Different Profiles  Setup of User Management Settings  Setup of Social Settings  Setup of Code on Official Site  Linking of Adwords and Adsense Accounts (if applicable)  Setup of Filters  Setup of Advanced Segments  Setup of Custom Reports  Setup of Goals  Setup of Ecommerce  Setup of Custom Alerts  Setup of Channel Groupings CONCLUSION___________________________________________________________________ Social media offers nonprofit brands like Obria Healthcare an efficient, inexpensive and effective way to generate peer-to-peer marketing awareness, expose our target audience and their network to our life-affirming ministry and build the trust of potential patients in need of sexual health resources. Social media—when used strategically over time—is the most powerful form of marketing and audience engagement available to any brand. The impact social media has on SEO is only increasing, as search engines are now taking social cues like social media shares into account when ranking content—meaning the more followers
  • 25. OBRIA HEALTHCARE 1 our team can get to share Obria’s content in social media, the more quickly we will build a reputable online presence. A comprehensive and meaningful social media strategy can make an impact on our world for good, both on and offline. With the current sexual health landscape plaguing the young people of today, it is critical to invest the necessary time and resources for building and maintaining a top-notch social presence for Obria Healthcare. # # # Prepared by: Beyond Fifteen Communications, Inc. | With questions, contact: Leslie Licano, Beyond Fifteen Communications, Inc. 949.733.8679 x 101 |