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BIOSURGICAL NEWS                                                                            Volume 1, Issue 1
                                                                                                                                           November 2002

                                                Introduction to Biosurgery and the Biosurgical News
                                                Welcome to this the first gical Research Unit began to wounds, often in situations
                                                edition of      the Biosurgical produce sterile maggots of the where traditional treatments
                                                News!                           green bottle, Lucilia sericata, un- had proved ineffective.
                                                                                der the brand name of LarvE.          During the last five years
                                                Biosurgery is a term that
                                                has been coined specifi-                                              maggot therapy has grown
                                                cally to describe the use                                             in popularity and the use of
                                                of maggots in the treat-                                              LarvE is now regarded by
                                                ment of infected and                                                  many as the treatment of
                                                necrotic wounds.                                                      choice for a variety of
                                                                                                                      wound types.
                                                This ancient treatment
                                                was first used in Western                                             Biosurgical News has
                                                medicine during the                                                   been introduced as a vehicle
                                                American Civil War, but                                               to provide both new and
                                                came to prominence after                                              existing users of LarvE with
                                                the First World War when                                              information on recent devel-
                                                Baer, an American ortho-                                              opments in this area and as a
                                                paedic surgeon, described                                             forum for an exchange of
                                                the use of the technique                                              ideas and experiences.
                                                for the treatment of                                                  Each edition will cover a
                                                osteomyelitis in the                                                  wide range of topics, some
                                                pre-antibiotic era.                                                   of which will be light-
                                                Following the discovery of The treatment attracted consid-            hearted in tone whilst others
                            Biosurgical News

                                                penicillin, the therapy was erable interest in the nursing will be more serious in nature.
                                                largely forgotten until it was press and media with the result Contributions are invited from
                                                resurrected in America by that, despite the somewhat un- all practitioners of maggot
                                                Sherman in the mid 1980s.       conventional nature of the tech- therapy to future editions of
                                                Maggot therapy was reintro- nique, many hospitals around this newsletter. Please contact
                                                duced into the United King- the UK began to use maggots the editor at the address shown
                                                dom in 1995 when the Biosur- for the management of problem on page four.

                                                LarvE: Produced by the NHS for the NHS
                                                LarvE are produced by the        testing dressings and medical
                                                Biosurgical Research Unit,       devices, and is believed to be the      Inside this issue:
                                                part of the Bro Morgannwg        only NHS laboratory accredited
                                                                                                                    LarvE: An award winning product            2
                                                NHS Trust, based in the Prin-    by the United Kingdom Ac-
                                                cess of Wales Hospital in        creditation Service (UKAS) for LarvE in veterinary practice
                                                Bridgend.                        its work in this field .
                                                                                                                    Spreading the word                         2
                                                The BRU is actually part of      Staff from a variety of scientific
                                                                                                                    Maggot therapy in the 2nd                  3
                                                the Surgical Materials Testing   disciplines are involved in mag- World War
                                                Laboratory (SMTL), a depart-  got production to ensure that
                                                ment that has been involved   these are produced to the high-           LarvE and the diabetic foot            3
                                                in wound management for       est possible standard as might            Maggots in the treatment of            3
                                                many years.                   be expected from an NHS-based             pressure sores
                                                The laboratory specialises in organization.                             Become a registered maggot user!       4
Page 2                                                                                                BIOSURGICAL NEWS

         LarvE: An award winning product
         The unique nature of the LarvE project           This is not the first award that the BRU has received, for
         was recognized in 2001 when the Biosurgi-        in 1999 the LarvE brand of maggots was granted Millen-
         cal Research Unit was granted a Queen’s          nium Product Status.
         Award for Innovation.
         This was presented by His Royal Highness
         the Duke of Kent when he visited the
         SMTL earlier this year.
         During his visit the Duke was given a tour
         of the production unit including the fly
         room, where the adult insects are kept, the
         ‘nursery’ where the young maggots are
         raised prior to dispatch, and the clean room
         areas where the aseptic manipulations are
         carried out.
         The Duke was also shown the various
         pro cesses involved in the production of
         sterile maggots, and he later spoke to a pa-
         tient who had previously undergone a pro-
         longed course of maggot treatment which
         had prevented the amputation of his foot!
         The Duke also toured the rest of the SMTL
         to learn a little about the testing work of His Royal Highness, The Duke of Kent presenting the Queen’s Award to
         the department.                                  Dr Steve Thomas, Director of the Biosurgical Research Unit.

         LarvE win a veterinary award!
         Despite the widespread use of          culitis, an infection of fatty tissue   wound that progressed rapidly
         maggots in human wound man-            on the flanks, which led to tissue      to healing.
         agement, to date the use of mag-       breakdown and the formation of          This article was subsequently
         gots in veterinary medicine has        a large necrotic wound.                 award the ‘William Hunting
         been somewhat limited.                 Repeated surgical debridement           Award’ which is awarded annu-
         Nevertheless, in 2001, the Veteri-     and antibiotic injections failed to     ally for the best contribution to
         nary Record, the leading veterinary    eliminate the problem, so mag-          the Veterinary Record from
         journal in the United Kingdom,         gots were used as a treatment of        practitioners
         published an article that described    last resort.
         the use of LarvE in the treatment
                                         The paper described how the Bell, N. J., Thomas, S. . Veterinary Record
         of an elderly female donkey1.   maggots removed all the infected 2001; 149: 768-770
         The donkey suffered from panni- material resulting in a clean

         Spreading the word
         The Biosurgical Research Unit has      South West .                 ment to education and training,
         recently appointed three new                                        a further series of training days
                                                All are very experienced in the
         members to its team.                   wound management field and   has been arranged for 2003.
         These are based in different parts     will undoubtedly prove be an These days are always oversub-
         of the United Kingdom to meet          invaluable resource for practitio-
                                                                             scribed so early booking is
         local needs for education and          ners of maggot therapy in their
         training in the use of LarvE.          respective areas. All three may be
                                                                             For further information and
         The three new staff members are        contacted via the Biosurgical Re-
                                                                             registration forms contact Tony
         Clare McIver, who works in the         search Unit.                 Fowler, Customer Services
         North East region, Pat Holman,         Training Days                Manager by phone or email
         who works in the North West, and       As part of the BRU’s commit- (
         Andy Carthew who covers the
VOLUME 1 , I S S U E 1                                                                                                                        Page 3

                            Maggot therapy during the second world war
                          Since Napoleonic times, the history of maggot therapy has been closely linked to military conflicts . Many soldiers
                          with appalling battlefield injuries had their wounds infested with maggots, which may have actually saved their
                          lives by preventing the development of septicaemia.
                           Less familiar perhaps, are accounts of soldiers who, perhaps in the absence of more traditional medicines, were
                          given maggot therapy during the Second World War. An insight into one officer’s experience was given in a
                          letter that was recently written to the BRU in response to an article that appeared in a national newspaper and
                          is reproduced her with his permission.
                          I was interested to read the article    which was less painful than using a      Our poor diet and primitive liv-
                          on Maggot Therapy in the Times          scalpel (albeit a bamboo one)            ing conditions in the jungle pre-
                          Magazine of 31 August 2002 and          otherwise shrieks of pain rent the       vented normal healing. We never
                          particularly about your work in         air!                                     had this problem in Singapore or
                          this field.                             The next step was to sprinkle sul-       Malaya.
                          You might be interested to learn        phonilamide powder (good old             I am not sure where we got our
                          that POWs working on the ‘Death         M&B 693) on the wound and the            maggots from - possibly fer-
                          Railway’ in Thailand during the         ulcer healed beautifully.                mented rice - but we were not all
                          Second World War used maggots           Sometimes a skin graft was carried       that curious to find out and the
                          on their leg ulcers with great suc-     out but this wasn't too popular          kitchens were out of bounds for
                          cess.                                   though it did provide a protective       us!
                          After the maggots had done their        coating on the wound.                    MHC Burns, Major (Retired), late
                          work the ulcers were syringed out       The slightest scratch from a bam-        Indian Army.
                          with Eusol or saline solution,          boo and an ulcer formed rapidly.
“Ancient dwellers
in the land of
Canaan chose Baal,
                          LarvE in the treatment of the diabetic foot: an account of a new
king of the flies, as
                          application technique
                          The management of foot ulcers           multidisciplinary approach to the        involved the use of a zinc
their chief god.”
                          in diabetic patients is both costly     treatment of a patient with an           impregnated stocking which
                          and time consuming, and many            extensive heel wound resulted in         s u ccessfully prevented the
                          patients are at risk of amputation.     complete healing and prevented           maggots from escaping and
                          In a recent case history, that will     an amputation.                           protected the surrounding skin
                          be published in full on the web-        The application of maggots               from excoriation.
                          site, Debbie Ruff, Vascular             played an important part of this         For full details of this and other
                          Nurse, Pennine Acute Hospitals          treatment as they rapidly cleansed       case histories see:
                          NHS Trust, and Melanie                  the wound which in turn allowed
                          Stephens, Lecturer Adult Nurs-          the process of granulation to take
                          ing, Department of Nursing,             place.
                          University of Salford have              The treatment was enhanced by a
                          described how a structured              new application technique that

                          Maggots in the treatment of pressure sores
                          Sherman, the leading exponent           treated and 49 conventionally            n o n-maggot-treated wounds
                          of maggot therapy in the United,        treated wounds.                          (p<0.001).
                          States has recently published the       Eighty percent of maggot treated         The area of conventionally-
                          results of an analysis of the treat-    wounds were completely                   treated wounds increased by
                          ment of 103 patients with 145           debrided, while only 48% of              1.2cm 2/week, but the area of-
                          pressure ulcers. Fifty of these         wounds were completely debrided          maggot-treated wounds decreased
                          patients, with a total of 61            using conventional treatment             by 1.2cm 2/week.
                          wounds, received maggot therapy         alone (p=0.021).
                          at some point during their treat-       Within three weeks maggot                Sherman,R.A. Maggot versus conserva-
                          ment.                                   treated wounds contained one-            tive debridement therapy for treatment of
                          Debridement and wound healing                                                    pressure ulcers, Wound Repair and Regenera-
                                                                  third the necrotic tissue (p=0.05)       tion, 1992, 10:(4), 208-214.
                          were quantified in 43 maggot-           and twice the granulation tissue of
Page 4

                              Become a ‘registered maggot user’
                              As part of the Biosurgical Research                to register simply send an email to   Name
                              Unit’s commitment to promoting           with the
                              education and training in all aspects             word ‘register’ in the subject line.   …………………………
                              of maggot therapy, we are setting up              Alternatively complete the details     Position
                              a database of maggot users.                       in the panel below and return it in    …………………………
                              Individuals whose details are                     an envelope to the BRU at the          Address
                              included in this database will receive            address shown below.                   …………………………
                              a personal copy of each edition of                By registering in this way you can     …………………………
                              Biosurgical News as well as informa-              ensure that you are kept up-to-date    …………………………
                              tion on other publications or events              in this interesting and developing     Phone
                              related to maggot therapy.                        area of wound management.              …………………………
                              Membership of the group is free.                                                         Email

                              Maggots on the ‘net’
                              Few would dispute the value of                will shortly be relaunched.
                              the internet as a source of infor-            In the coming months, this new site         Key web addresses
                              mation on virtually any topic and             will develop into a freely available
                              maggot therapy is no exception.               resource for anyone who has an             Biosurgery Home Page:
                              The SMTL first established an                 interest in biosurgery.          
                              internet presence in 1996, then, in           One important section will consist of
                              1997, the laboratory introduced               case studies on maggot therapy that
“Maggots the                                                                                                           World Wide Wounds:
                              ‘World Wide Wounds’, the                      illustrate the use of the technique in a
larvae of flies,              world’s first peer-reviewed                   variety of wound types.          
                              electronic wound management                   Some of these case studies will also
caterpillars are the
                              journal.                                      be summarised in this and future           Email:
larvae of butterflies         Although the SMTL web site has                editions of Biosurgery News.
or moths, and                 had a Biosurgery section for many             The first of these new case studies is
                              years, this is being updated and              summarised on page 3.
grubs are the
larvae of beetles.”

                              On a lighter note ….
                              I’ve come to help that job you do
                              I do not munch nor bite nor chew                                 A maggot’s year: November
                              I liquefy slough and take it away
                              With all nasty bugs-even MRSA.

                              Please help me to do a really good job
                              Like you, I’m not cheap, I cost a few bob
                              If you cover me well – so that I can’t breathe
                              I won’t take the food, but any small chance to

                              If you leave me too wet, I’ll choke and I’ll drown
                              And you’ll never find me, you’ll think I’ve left town
                              If you leave me too dry, I’ll shrivel away
                              ‘I’ll need two more pots’ to Mary you’ll say.

                              The moral here told is simple and fact
 Biosurgical Research Unit    Read my instructions and don’t be a prat.
 SMTL                         Some moistened fresh gauze and change every
 Princess of Wales Hospital   day…
 Coity Road                    I’ll be worth every penny that you’ve had to pay
 Bridgend                     Remember, if I leave a bloody red trail
 CF31 1RQ                     That shows I’m working and not that I’ve failed
                                                                                         ‘Guy Forks’ thought he had found a way of
 Phone: 01656 752820
 Fax: 01656 752830            If in any doubt ring the contact that’s given                   removing slough faster than usual!
 Email:    So I can do well in this short life I’m living.
                                                             Mair Fear 2002

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Noticias larvas

  • 1. BIOSURGICAL NEWS Volume 1, Issue 1 November 2002 Introduction to Biosurgery and the Biosurgical News Welcome to this the first gical Research Unit began to wounds, often in situations edition of the Biosurgical produce sterile maggots of the where traditional treatments News! green bottle, Lucilia sericata, un- had proved ineffective. der the brand name of LarvE. During the last five years Biosurgery is a term that has been coined specifi- maggot therapy has grown cally to describe the use in popularity and the use of of maggots in the treat- LarvE is now regarded by ment of infected and many as the treatment of necrotic wounds. choice for a variety of wound types. This ancient treatment was first used in Western Biosurgical News has medicine during the been introduced as a vehicle American Civil War, but to provide both new and came to prominence after existing users of LarvE with the First World War when information on recent devel- Baer, an American ortho- opments in this area and as a paedic surgeon, described forum for an exchange of the use of the technique ideas and experiences. for the treatment of Each edition will cover a osteomyelitis in the wide range of topics, some pre-antibiotic era. of which will be light- Following the discovery of The treatment attracted consid- hearted in tone whilst others Biosurgical News penicillin, the therapy was erable interest in the nursing will be more serious in nature. largely forgotten until it was press and media with the result Contributions are invited from resurrected in America by that, despite the somewhat un- all practitioners of maggot Sherman in the mid 1980s. conventional nature of the tech- therapy to future editions of Maggot therapy was reintro- nique, many hospitals around this newsletter. Please contact duced into the United King- the UK began to use maggots the editor at the address shown dom in 1995 when the Biosur- for the management of problem on page four. BIOSURGICAL RESEARCH UNIT LarvE: Produced by the NHS for the NHS LarvE are produced by the testing dressings and medical Biosurgical Research Unit, devices, and is believed to be the Inside this issue: part of the Bro Morgannwg only NHS laboratory accredited LarvE: An award winning product 2 NHS Trust, based in the Prin- by the United Kingdom Ac- cess of Wales Hospital in creditation Service (UKAS) for LarvE in veterinary practice 2 Bridgend. its work in this field . Spreading the word 2 The BRU is actually part of Staff from a variety of scientific Maggot therapy in the 2nd 3 the Surgical Materials Testing disciplines are involved in mag- World War Laboratory (SMTL), a depart- got production to ensure that ment that has been involved these are produced to the high- LarvE and the diabetic foot 3 in wound management for est possible standard as might Maggots in the treatment of 3 many years. be expected from an NHS-based pressure sores The laboratory specialises in organization. Become a registered maggot user! 4
  • 2. Page 2 BIOSURGICAL NEWS LarvE: An award winning product The unique nature of the LarvE project This is not the first award that the BRU has received, for was recognized in 2001 when the Biosurgi- in 1999 the LarvE brand of maggots was granted Millen- cal Research Unit was granted a Queen’s nium Product Status. Award for Innovation. This was presented by His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent when he visited the SMTL earlier this year. During his visit the Duke was given a tour of the production unit including the fly room, where the adult insects are kept, the ‘nursery’ where the young maggots are raised prior to dispatch, and the clean room areas where the aseptic manipulations are carried out. The Duke was also shown the various pro cesses involved in the production of sterile maggots, and he later spoke to a pa- tient who had previously undergone a pro- longed course of maggot treatment which had prevented the amputation of his foot! The Duke also toured the rest of the SMTL to learn a little about the testing work of His Royal Highness, The Duke of Kent presenting the Queen’s Award to the department. Dr Steve Thomas, Director of the Biosurgical Research Unit. LarvE win a veterinary award! Despite the widespread use of culitis, an infection of fatty tissue wound that progressed rapidly maggots in human wound man- on the flanks, which led to tissue to healing. agement, to date the use of mag- breakdown and the formation of This article was subsequently gots in veterinary medicine has a large necrotic wound. award the ‘William Hunting been somewhat limited. Repeated surgical debridement Award’ which is awarded annu- Nevertheless, in 2001, the Veteri- and antibiotic injections failed to ally for the best contribution to nary Record, the leading veterinary eliminate the problem, so mag- the Veterinary Record from journal in the United Kingdom, gots were used as a treatment of practitioners published an article that described last resort. the use of LarvE in the treatment The paper described how the Bell, N. J., Thomas, S. . Veterinary Record of an elderly female donkey1. maggots removed all the infected 2001; 149: 768-770 The donkey suffered from panni- material resulting in a clean Spreading the word The Biosurgical Research Unit has South West . ment to education and training, recently appointed three new a further series of training days All are very experienced in the members to its team. wound management field and has been arranged for 2003. These are based in different parts will undoubtedly prove be an These days are always oversub- of the United Kingdom to meet invaluable resource for practitio- scribed so early booking is local needs for education and ners of maggot therapy in their essential. training in the use of LarvE. respective areas. All three may be For further information and The three new staff members are contacted via the Biosurgical Re- registration forms contact Tony Clare McIver, who works in the search Unit. Fowler, Customer Services North East region, Pat Holman, Training Days Manager by phone or email who works in the North West, and As part of the BRU’s commit- ( Andy Carthew who covers the
  • 3. VOLUME 1 , I S S U E 1 Page 3 Maggot therapy during the second world war Since Napoleonic times, the history of maggot therapy has been closely linked to military conflicts . Many soldiers with appalling battlefield injuries had their wounds infested with maggots, which may have actually saved their lives by preventing the development of septicaemia. Less familiar perhaps, are accounts of soldiers who, perhaps in the absence of more traditional medicines, were given maggot therapy during the Second World War. An insight into one officer’s experience was given in a letter that was recently written to the BRU in response to an article that appeared in a national newspaper and is reproduced her with his permission. Sir, I was interested to read the article which was less painful than using a Our poor diet and primitive liv- on Maggot Therapy in the Times scalpel (albeit a bamboo one) ing conditions in the jungle pre- Magazine of 31 August 2002 and otherwise shrieks of pain rent the vented normal healing. We never particularly about your work in air! had this problem in Singapore or this field. The next step was to sprinkle sul- Malaya. You might be interested to learn phonilamide powder (good old I am not sure where we got our that POWs working on the ‘Death M&B 693) on the wound and the maggots from - possibly fer- Railway’ in Thailand during the ulcer healed beautifully. mented rice - but we were not all Second World War used maggots Sometimes a skin graft was carried that curious to find out and the on their leg ulcers with great suc- out but this wasn't too popular kitchens were out of bounds for cess. though it did provide a protective us! After the maggots had done their coating on the wound. MHC Burns, Major (Retired), late work the ulcers were syringed out The slightest scratch from a bam- Indian Army. with Eusol or saline solution, boo and an ulcer formed rapidly. “Ancient dwellers in the land of Canaan chose Baal, LarvE in the treatment of the diabetic foot: an account of a new king of the flies, as application technique The management of foot ulcers multidisciplinary approach to the involved the use of a zinc their chief god.” in diabetic patients is both costly treatment of a patient with an impregnated stocking which and time consuming, and many extensive heel wound resulted in s u ccessfully prevented the patients are at risk of amputation. complete healing and prevented maggots from escaping and In a recent case history, that will an amputation. protected the surrounding skin be published in full on the web- The application of maggots from excoriation. site, Debbie Ruff, Vascular played an important part of this For full details of this and other Nurse, Pennine Acute Hospitals treatment as they rapidly cleansed case histories see: NHS Trust, and Melanie the wound which in turn allowed Stephens, Lecturer Adult Nurs- the process of granulation to take ing, Department of Nursing, place. University of Salford have The treatment was enhanced by a described how a structured new application technique that Maggots in the treatment of pressure sores Sherman, the leading exponent treated and 49 conventionally n o n-maggot-treated wounds of maggot therapy in the United, treated wounds. (p<0.001). States has recently published the Eighty percent of maggot treated The area of conventionally- results of an analysis of the treat- wounds were completely treated wounds increased by ment of 103 patients with 145 debrided, while only 48% of 1.2cm 2/week, but the area of- pressure ulcers. Fifty of these wounds were completely debrided maggot-treated wounds decreased patients, with a total of 61 using conventional treatment by 1.2cm 2/week. wounds, received maggot therapy alone (p=0.021). at some point during their treat- Within three weeks maggot Sherman,R.A. Maggot versus conserva- ment. treated wounds contained one- tive debridement therapy for treatment of Debridement and wound healing pressure ulcers, Wound Repair and Regenera- third the necrotic tissue (p=0.05) tion, 1992, 10:(4), 208-214. were quantified in 43 maggot- and twice the granulation tissue of
  • 4. Page 4 Become a ‘registered maggot user’ As part of the Biosurgical Research to register simply send an email to Name Unit’s commitment to promoting with the education and training in all aspects word ‘register’ in the subject line. ………………………… of maggot therapy, we are setting up Alternatively complete the details Position a database of maggot users. in the panel below and return it in ………………………… Individuals whose details are an envelope to the BRU at the Address included in this database will receive address shown below. ………………………… a personal copy of each edition of By registering in this way you can ………………………… Biosurgical News as well as informa- ensure that you are kept up-to-date ………………………… tion on other publications or events in this interesting and developing Phone related to maggot therapy. area of wound management. ………………………… Membership of the group is free. Email ………………………… Maggots on the ‘net’ Few would dispute the value of will shortly be relaunched. the internet as a source of infor- In the coming months, this new site Key web addresses mation on virtually any topic and will develop into a freely available maggot therapy is no exception. resource for anyone who has an Biosurgery Home Page: The SMTL first established an interest in biosurgery. internet presence in 1996, then, in One important section will consist of 1997, the laboratory introduced case studies on maggot therapy that “Maggots the World Wide Wounds: ‘World Wide Wounds’, the illustrate the use of the technique in a larvae of flies, world’s first peer-reviewed variety of wound types. electronic wound management Some of these case studies will also caterpillars are the journal. be summarised in this and future Email: larvae of butterflies Although the SMTL web site has editions of Biosurgery News. or moths, and had a Biosurgery section for many The first of these new case studies is years, this is being updated and summarised on page 3. grubs are the larvae of beetles.” On a lighter note …. I’ve come to help that job you do I do not munch nor bite nor chew A maggot’s year: November I liquefy slough and take it away With all nasty bugs-even MRSA. Please help me to do a really good job Like you, I’m not cheap, I cost a few bob If you cover me well – so that I can’t breathe I won’t take the food, but any small chance to leave. If you leave me too wet, I’ll choke and I’ll drown And you’ll never find me, you’ll think I’ve left town If you leave me too dry, I’ll shrivel away ‘I’ll need two more pots’ to Mary you’ll say. The moral here told is simple and fact Biosurgical Research Unit Read my instructions and don’t be a prat. SMTL Some moistened fresh gauze and change every Princess of Wales Hospital day… Coity Road I’ll be worth every penny that you’ve had to pay Bridgend Remember, if I leave a bloody red trail CF31 1RQ That shows I’m working and not that I’ve failed ‘Guy Forks’ thought he had found a way of Phone: 01656 752820 Fax: 01656 752830 If in any doubt ring the contact that’s given removing slough faster than usual! Email: So I can do well in this short life I’m living. Mair Fear 2002