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Paris Container Day - 13 juin 2017
Nomad, l’orchestration made in HashiCorp
Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR
Architecte virtualisation
Lead DevOps
Cloud Builder
Je suis...
Bastien Cadiot (@bcadiot) | @YesWeScale
HashiCorp User : Terraform, Consul, Vagrant
Et … utilisateur de Nomad depuis la version 0.1.0
Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
#ContainerDayFRParis Container Day 2017
Au commencement...
En réalité...
Un monde de conteneurs
Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR
Nos clientsNos clients
La démo n’est pas la réalité
Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR
L’environnement de dev n’est pas la production
Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR
Comprendre l’architecture n’est pas optionnel
Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR
Une installation compliquée est rarement un bon
signe pour l’avenir
Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
#ContainerDayFRParis Container Day 2017
● Rationaliser
● Simplifier
Pourquoi orchestrer ?
Rappel des principes
● Ordonnancer
● Prioriser
● Standardiser
● Densifier
● Piloter
● Sécuriser
Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR
Trendy - Kubernetes Stable - Mesos Easy - Swarm
Quels sont les choix ?
Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR
Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR
Distribué Flexible Simple
● Multi-datacenter
● Multi-cloud
● Hautement disponible
● Any Runner
● Service et batch
● Isolation
● Service unique
● Configuration simple
● Librairies stables
Pourquoi Nomad ?
Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR
Dessine-moi une infrastructure Nomad
Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
#ContainerDayFRParis Container Day 2017
Etape 1 : Création d’un cluster Nomad
● Instanciation de 3 VM serveurs
● Installation de Consul et Nomad Server
● Instanciation de 3 VM clients
● Installation de Consul Client, Nomad
Client, et Docker
Etape 2 : Création d’une appli Nomad
● Création du fichier job
● Enregistrement du job sur le cluster
● Vérification du lancement de
Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
Init & Run
Besoin : Déployer une application sur une infra
de conteneurs
Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR
"bootstrap_expect": 3,
"server": true,
"datacenter": "gce-west1",
"data_dir": "/var/consul",
"log_level": "INFO",
"enable_syslog": true,
"bind_addr": "",
"client_addr": "",
"advertise_addr": ""
Etape 1 - Initialisation
Fichiers de configurations (Serveurs)
region = "europe"
datacenter = "gce-west1"
data_dir = "/var/nomad"
bind_addr = ""
advertise {
rpc = ""
http = ""
serf = ""
server {
enabled = true
bootstrap_expect = 3
consul {
address = ""
Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR
Etape 1 - Démo
# consul members
Node Address Status Type Build Protocol DC
client-europe-1 alive client 0.8.3 2 gce-west1
client-europe-2 alive client 0.8.3 2 gce-west1
client-europe-3 alive client 0.8.3 2 gce-west1
server-europe-1 alive server 0.8.3 2 gce-west1
server-europe-2 alive server 0.8.3 2 gce-west1
server-europe-3 alive server 0.8.3 2 gce-west1
Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR
Etape 1 - Démo
# nomad server-members
Name Address Port Status Leader Protocol Build Datacenter Region
server-europe-1.europe 4648 alive false 2 0.5.6 gce-west1 europe
server-europe-2.europe 4648 alive true 2 0.5.6 gce-west1 europe
server-europe-3.europe 4648 alive false 2 0.5.6 gce-west1 europe
# nomad node-status
ID DC Name Class Drain Status
47e449e7 gce-west1 client-europe-3 <none> false ready
e53bb5ae gce-west1 client-europe-1 <none> false ready
f3e16921 gce-west1 client-europe-2 <none> false ready
Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR
Etape 2 - Running
Fichier de configuration (Job)
job "pcd2017" {
region = "europe"
datacenters = ["gce-west1"]
type = "service"
group "webs" { … }
group "database" { … }
group "webs" {
count = 2
task "frontend" {
driver = "docker"
config {
image = "bcadiot/app-pcd2017:1.0"
service {
port = "http"
resources {
cpu = 200
memory = 64
network {
mbits = 100
port "http" {
static = 80
Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR
Etape 2 - Démo
Job run
# nomad run -address= app.nomad
==> Monitoring evaluation "db7e8098"
Evaluation triggered by job "pcd2017"
Allocation "16dc6ad2" created: node "e53bb5ae", group "webs"
Allocation "b606c351" created: node "f3e16921", group "database"
Allocation "f8c7662f" created: node "f3e16921", group "webs"
Evaluation status changed: "pending" -> "complete"
==> Evaluation "db7e8098" finished with status "complete"
Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR
Etape 2 - Démo
Job status
nomad status
ID = pcd2017
Name = pcd2017
Type = service
Priority = 50
Datacenters = gce-west1
Status = running
Periodic = false
Parameterized = false
Task Group Queued Starting Running Failed Complete Lost
database 0 0 1 0 0 0
webs 0 0 2 0 0 0
ID Eval ID Node ID Task Group Desired Status Created At
16dc6ad2 db7e8098 e53bb5ae webs run running 06/12/17
23:25:05 CEST
b606c351 db7e8098 f3e16921 database run running 06/12/17
23:25:05 CEST
f8c7662f db7e8098 f3e16921 webs run running 06/12/17
23:25:05 CEST
Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
#ContainerDayFRParis Container Day 2017
Etape 3 : Création d’un datacenter France
● Création d’un datacenter chez un cloud
provider Français (OVH)
● Instanciation de 3 VM serveurs
● Installation de Consul Server
● Jonction avec les serveurs Europe
● Instanciation de 1 VM client
● Installation de Consul Client, Nomad
Besoin : Mise à jour pour un besoin client
Etape 4 : Mise à jour d’une appli Nomad
● Modification du fichier job pour ajouter
les contraintes
● Mise à jour du job sur le cluster Nomad
● Vérification de l’application
Extend & Update
Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR
Etape 3 - Extending
Fichier de configuration (Nomad Client)
region = "europe"
datacenter = "france"
data_dir = "/var/nomad"
bind_addr = ""
advertise {
rpc = ""
http = ""
serf = ""
client {
enabled = true
node_class = "data"
Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR
Etape 3 - Démo
# consul members -wan
Node Address Status Type Build Protocol DC
server-europe-1.gce-west1 alive server 0.8.3 2 gce-west1
server-europe-2.gce-west1 alive server 0.8.3 2 gce-west1
server-europe-3.gce-west1 alive server 0.8.3 2 gce-west1
server-ovh-france-1.localdomain.france alive server 0.8.3 2 france
server-ovh-france-2.localdomain.france alive server 0.8.3 2 france
server-ovh-france-3.localdomain.france alive server 0.8.3 2 france
Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR
Etape 3 - Démo
# nomad node-status
ID DC Name Class Drain Status
e9a30fd3 france client-ovh-france-1.localdomain data false ready
47e449e7 gce-west1 client-europe-3 <none> false ready
e53bb5ae gce-west1 client-europe-1 <none> false ready
f3e16921 gce-west1 client-europe-2 <none> false ready
Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR
Etape 4 - Updating
Fichier de configuration (Job)
job "pcd2017" {
datacenters = ["gce-west1", "france"]
group "webs" { … }
group "database" { … }
group "database" {
count = 1
constraint {
attribute = "${node.class}"
value = "data"
constraint {
attribute = "${node.datacenter}"
value = "france"
Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR
Etape 4 - Démo
Job run
# nomad run -address= app.nomad
==> Monitoring evaluation "22cc22e9"
Evaluation triggered by job "pcd2017"
Allocation "f8c7662f" modified: node "f3e16921", group "webs"
Allocation "689de99d" created: node "e9a30fd3", group "database"
Allocation "16dc6ad2" modified: node "e53bb5ae", group "webs"
Evaluation status changed: "pending" -> "complete"
==> Evaluation "22cc22e9" finished with status "complete"
Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR
Etape 4 - Démo
Job status
nomad status
ID = pcd2017
Name = pcd2017
Type = service
Priority = 50
Datacenters = gce-west1,france
Status = running
Periodic = false
Parameterized = false
Task Group Queued Starting Running Failed Complete Lost
database 0 0 1 0 1 0
webs 0 0 2 0 0 0
ID Eval ID Node ID Task Group Desired Status Created At
689de99d 22cc22e9 e9a30fd3 database run running 06/12/17
23:32:32 CEST
16dc6ad2 22cc22e9 e53bb5ae webs run running 06/12/17
23:25:05 CEST
b606c351 db7e8098 f3e16921 database stop complete 06/12/17
23:25:05 CEST
f8c7662f 22cc22e9 f3e16921 webs run running 06/12/17
23:25:05 CEST
Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
#ContainerDayFRParis Container Day 2017
Etape 5 : Création d’une région Nomad
située aux USA et liaison des deux
● Création d’un VPC chez un cloud provider
Américain (AWS)
● Instanciation de 3 VM serveurs
● Installation de Consul Server, et Nomad
● Jonction de la nouvelle région avec la
région Europe
● Instanciation de 3 VM clients
● Installation de Consul Client, Nomad
Client, et Docker
Besoin : Accompagner la montée en puissance
Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR
"bootstrap_expect": 3,
"server": true,
"datacenter": "aws-west2",
"data_dir": "/var/consul",
"log_level": "INFO",
"enable_syslog": true,
"bind_addr": "",
"client_addr": "",
"advertise_addr": ""
Etape 5 - Scaling
Fichiers de configurations (Serveurs)
region = "us"
datacenter = "aws-west2"
data_dir = "/var/nomad"
bind_addr = ""
advertise {
rpc = ""
http = ""
serf = ""
server {
enabled = true
bootstrap_expect = 3
consul {
address = ""
Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR
Etape 5 - Démo
# consul members -wan
Node Address Status Type Build Protocol DC alive server 0.8.3 2 aws-west2 alive server 0.8.3 2 aws-west2 alive server 0.8.3 2 aws-west2
server-europe-1.gce-west1 alive server 0.8.3 2 gce-west1
server-europe-2.gce-west1 alive server 0.8.3 2 gce-west1
server-europe-3.gce-west1 alive server 0.8.3 2 gce-west1
server-ovh-france-1.localdomain.france alive server 0.8.3 2 france
server-ovh-france-2.localdomain.france alive server 0.8.3 2 france
server-ovh-france-3.localdomain.france alive server 0.8.3 2 france
Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR
Etape 5 - Démo
# nomad server-join
Joined 1 servers successfully
# nomad server-members
Name Address Port Status Leader Protocol Build Datacenter Region
server-europe-1.europe 4648 alive false 2 0.5.6 gce-west1 europe
server-europe-2.europe 4648 alive true 2 0.5.6 gce-west1 europe
server-europe-3.europe 4648 alive false 2 0.5.6 gce-west1 europe 4648 alive false 2 0.5.6 aws-west2 us 4648 alive true 2 0.5.6 aws-west2 us 4648 alive false 2 0.5.6 aws-west2 us
Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR
Pour finir...
Sécurité Stockage
Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
#ContainerDayFRParis Container Day 2017
Questions ?
Sources :
Twitter : @bcadiot
Merci !
Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp

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Nomad, l'orchestration made in Hashicorp - Bastien Cadiot

  • 1. #ContainerDayFR Paris Container Day - 13 juin 2017 Nomad, l’orchestration made in HashiCorp
  • 2. Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR Architecte virtualisation Lead DevOps Cloud Builder … Je suis... Bastien Cadiot (@bcadiot) | @YesWeScale HashiCorp User : Terraform, Consul, Vagrant Et … utilisateur de Nomad depuis la version 0.1.0 Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp 2
  • 3. #ContainerDayFRParis Container Day 2017 Au commencement... En réalité... Un monde de conteneurs Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp 3
  • 4. Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR Nos clientsNos clients La démo n’est pas la réalité Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp 4
  • 5. Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR L’environnement de dev n’est pas la production Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp 5
  • 6. Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR Comprendre l’architecture n’est pas optionnel Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp 6
  • 7. Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR Une installation compliquée est rarement un bon signe pour l’avenir Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp 7
  • 8. #ContainerDayFRParis Container Day 2017 ● Rationaliser ● Simplifier Pourquoi orchestrer ? Rappel des principes ● Ordonnancer ● Prioriser ● Standardiser ● Densifier ● Piloter ● Sécuriser Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp 8
  • 9. Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR Trendy - Kubernetes Stable - Mesos Easy - Swarm Quels sont les choix ? Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp 9
  • 10. Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
  • 11. Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR Distribué Flexible Simple ● Multi-datacenter ● Multi-cloud ● Hautement disponible ● Any Runner ● Service et batch ● Isolation ● Service unique ● Configuration simple ● Librairies stables Pourquoi Nomad ? Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp 11
  • 12. Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR Dessine-moi une infrastructure Nomad Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp 12
  • 13. #ContainerDayFRParis Container Day 2017 Etape 1 : Création d’un cluster Nomad ● Instanciation de 3 VM serveurs ● Installation de Consul et Nomad Server ● Instanciation de 3 VM clients ● Installation de Consul Client, Nomad Client, et Docker Etape 2 : Création d’une appli Nomad ● Création du fichier job ● Enregistrement du job sur le cluster Nomad ● Vérification du lancement de l’application Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp 13 Init & Run Besoin : Déployer une application sur une infra de conteneurs
  • 14. Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR { "bootstrap_expect": 3, "server": true, "datacenter": "gce-west1", "data_dir": "/var/consul", "log_level": "INFO", "enable_syslog": true, "bind_addr": "", "client_addr": "", "advertise_addr": "" } Etape 1 - Initialisation Fichiers de configurations (Serveurs) region = "europe" datacenter = "gce-west1" data_dir = "/var/nomad" bind_addr = "" advertise { rpc = "" http = "" serf = "" } server { enabled = true bootstrap_expect = 3 } consul { address = "" } 14 Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
  • 15. Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR Etape 1 - Démo Consul # consul members Node Address Status Type Build Protocol DC client-europe-1 alive client 0.8.3 2 gce-west1 client-europe-2 alive client 0.8.3 2 gce-west1 client-europe-3 alive client 0.8.3 2 gce-west1 server-europe-1 alive server 0.8.3 2 gce-west1 server-europe-2 alive server 0.8.3 2 gce-west1 server-europe-3 alive server 0.8.3 2 gce-west1 15 Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
  • 16. Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR Etape 1 - Démo Nomad # nomad server-members Name Address Port Status Leader Protocol Build Datacenter Region server-europe-1.europe 4648 alive false 2 0.5.6 gce-west1 europe server-europe-2.europe 4648 alive true 2 0.5.6 gce-west1 europe server-europe-3.europe 4648 alive false 2 0.5.6 gce-west1 europe # nomad node-status ID DC Name Class Drain Status 47e449e7 gce-west1 client-europe-3 <none> false ready e53bb5ae gce-west1 client-europe-1 <none> false ready f3e16921 gce-west1 client-europe-2 <none> false ready 16 Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
  • 17. Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR Etape 2 - Running Fichier de configuration (Job) job "pcd2017" { region = "europe" datacenters = ["gce-west1"] type = "service" group "webs" { … } group "database" { … } } group "webs" { count = 2 task "frontend" { driver = "docker" config { image = "bcadiot/app-pcd2017:1.0" } service { port = "http" } resources { cpu = 200 memory = 64 network { mbits = 100 port "http" { static = 80 } } } } } 17 Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
  • 18. Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR Etape 2 - Démo Job run # nomad run -address= app.nomad ==> Monitoring evaluation "db7e8098" Evaluation triggered by job "pcd2017" Allocation "16dc6ad2" created: node "e53bb5ae", group "webs" Allocation "b606c351" created: node "f3e16921", group "database" Allocation "f8c7662f" created: node "f3e16921", group "webs" Evaluation status changed: "pending" -> "complete" ==> Evaluation "db7e8098" finished with status "complete" 18 Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
  • 19. Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR Etape 2 - Démo Job status nomad status -address= pcd2017 ID = pcd2017 Name = pcd2017 Type = service Priority = 50 Datacenters = gce-west1 Status = running Periodic = false Parameterized = false Summary Task Group Queued Starting Running Failed Complete Lost database 0 0 1 0 0 0 webs 0 0 2 0 0 0 Allocations ID Eval ID Node ID Task Group Desired Status Created At 16dc6ad2 db7e8098 e53bb5ae webs run running 06/12/17 23:25:05 CEST b606c351 db7e8098 f3e16921 database run running 06/12/17 23:25:05 CEST f8c7662f db7e8098 f3e16921 webs run running 06/12/17 23:25:05 CEST 19 Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
  • 20. #ContainerDayFRParis Container Day 2017 Etape 3 : Création d’un datacenter France ● Création d’un datacenter chez un cloud provider Français (OVH) ● Instanciation de 3 VM serveurs ● Installation de Consul Server ● Jonction avec les serveurs Europe ● Instanciation de 1 VM client ● Installation de Consul Client, Nomad Besoin : Mise à jour pour un besoin client Etape 4 : Mise à jour d’une appli Nomad ● Modification du fichier job pour ajouter les contraintes ● Mise à jour du job sur le cluster Nomad ● Vérification de l’application Extend & Update 20 Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
  • 21. Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR Etape 3 - Extending Fichier de configuration (Nomad Client) region = "europe" datacenter = "france" data_dir = "/var/nomad" bind_addr = "" advertise { rpc = "" http = "" serf = "" } client { enabled = true node_class = "data" } 21 Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
  • 22. Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR Etape 3 - Démo Consul # consul members -wan Node Address Status Type Build Protocol DC server-europe-1.gce-west1 alive server 0.8.3 2 gce-west1 server-europe-2.gce-west1 alive server 0.8.3 2 gce-west1 server-europe-3.gce-west1 alive server 0.8.3 2 gce-west1 server-ovh-france-1.localdomain.france alive server 0.8.3 2 france server-ovh-france-2.localdomain.france alive server 0.8.3 2 france server-ovh-france-3.localdomain.france alive server 0.8.3 2 france 22 Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
  • 23. Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR Etape 3 - Démo Nomad # nomad node-status ID DC Name Class Drain Status e9a30fd3 france client-ovh-france-1.localdomain data false ready 47e449e7 gce-west1 client-europe-3 <none> false ready e53bb5ae gce-west1 client-europe-1 <none> false ready f3e16921 gce-west1 client-europe-2 <none> false ready 23 Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
  • 24. Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR Etape 4 - Updating Fichier de configuration (Job) job "pcd2017" { ... datacenters = ["gce-west1", "france"] ... group "webs" { … } group "database" { … } } group "database" { count = 1 … constraint { attribute = "${node.class}" value = "data" } constraint { attribute = "${node.datacenter}" value = "france" } ... } 24 Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
  • 25. Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR Etape 4 - Démo Job run # nomad run -address= app.nomad ==> Monitoring evaluation "22cc22e9" Evaluation triggered by job "pcd2017" Allocation "f8c7662f" modified: node "f3e16921", group "webs" Allocation "689de99d" created: node "e9a30fd3", group "database" Allocation "16dc6ad2" modified: node "e53bb5ae", group "webs" Evaluation status changed: "pending" -> "complete" ==> Evaluation "22cc22e9" finished with status "complete" 25 Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
  • 26. Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR Etape 4 - Démo Job status nomad status -address= pcd2017 ID = pcd2017 Name = pcd2017 Type = service Priority = 50 Datacenters = gce-west1,france Status = running Periodic = false Parameterized = false Summary Task Group Queued Starting Running Failed Complete Lost database 0 0 1 0 1 0 webs 0 0 2 0 0 0 Allocations ID Eval ID Node ID Task Group Desired Status Created At 689de99d 22cc22e9 e9a30fd3 database run running 06/12/17 23:32:32 CEST 16dc6ad2 22cc22e9 e53bb5ae webs run running 06/12/17 23:25:05 CEST b606c351 db7e8098 f3e16921 database stop complete 06/12/17 23:25:05 CEST f8c7662f 22cc22e9 f3e16921 webs run running 06/12/17 23:25:05 CEST 26 Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
  • 27. #ContainerDayFRParis Container Day 2017 Etape 5 : Création d’une région Nomad située aux USA et liaison des deux régions ● Création d’un VPC chez un cloud provider Américain (AWS) ● Instanciation de 3 VM serveurs ● Installation de Consul Server, et Nomad Server ● Jonction de la nouvelle région avec la région Europe ● Instanciation de 3 VM clients ● Installation de Consul Client, Nomad Client, et Docker Besoin : Accompagner la montée en puissance Scaling 27 Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
  • 28. Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR { "bootstrap_expect": 3, "server": true, "datacenter": "aws-west2", "data_dir": "/var/consul", "log_level": "INFO", "enable_syslog": true, "bind_addr": "", "client_addr": "", "advertise_addr": "" } Etape 5 - Scaling Fichiers de configurations (Serveurs) region = "us" datacenter = "aws-west2" data_dir = "/var/nomad" bind_addr = "" advertise { rpc = "" http = "" serf = "" } server { enabled = true bootstrap_expect = 3 } consul { address = "" } 28 Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
  • 29. Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR Etape 5 - Démo Consul # consul members -wan Node Address Status Type Build Protocol DC alive server 0.8.3 2 aws-west2 alive server 0.8.3 2 aws-west2 alive server 0.8.3 2 aws-west2 server-europe-1.gce-west1 alive server 0.8.3 2 gce-west1 server-europe-2.gce-west1 alive server 0.8.3 2 gce-west1 server-europe-3.gce-west1 alive server 0.8.3 2 gce-west1 server-ovh-france-1.localdomain.france alive server 0.8.3 2 france server-ovh-france-2.localdomain.france alive server 0.8.3 2 france server-ovh-france-3.localdomain.france alive server 0.8.3 2 france 29 Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
  • 30. Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR Etape 5 - Démo Nomad # nomad server-join Joined 1 servers successfully # nomad server-members Name Address Port Status Leader Protocol Build Datacenter Region server-europe-1.europe 4648 alive false 2 0.5.6 gce-west1 europe server-europe-2.europe 4648 alive true 2 0.5.6 gce-west1 europe server-europe-3.europe 4648 alive false 2 0.5.6 gce-west1 europe 4648 alive false 2 0.5.6 aws-west2 us 4648 alive true 2 0.5.6 aws-west2 us 4648 alive false 2 0.5.6 aws-west2 us 30 Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp
  • 31. Paris Container Day 2017 #ContainerDayFR Pour finir... Sécurité Stockage Réseau Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp 31
  • 32. #ContainerDayFRParis Container Day 2017 Questions ? Sources : /bcadiot/ParisContainerDay_2017 Twitter : @bcadiot Merci ! 32 Nomad, l’orchestration made in Hashicorp