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Consuming web services
asynchronously with Futures
and Rx Observables
Chris Richardson
Author of POJOs in Action
Founder of the original
Presentation goal

Learn how to use (Scala)
Futures and Rx
Observables to write simple
yet robust and scalable
concurrent code
About Chris

About Chris

Founder of a buzzword compliant (stealthy, social, mobile,
big data, machine learning, ...) startup
Consultant helping organizations improve how they
architect and deploy applications using cloud, micro
services, polyglot applications, NoSQL, ...


The need for concurrency
Simplifying concurrent code with Futures
Consuming asynchronous streams with Reactive

Let’s imagine you are building
an online store









+ mobile apps

Application architecture




Product Info Service



Review Service

Front end server
Web Application




API gateway


How does the client get product
Product Info Service







Product details - client-side
Product Info Service







good network

Product details - server-side
Product Info Service








One roundtrip

Product details - server-side
aggregation: sequentially
Product Info Service






Higher response time :-(

Product details - server-side
aggregation: parallel
Product Info Service






Lower response
time :-)

Implementing a concurrent
REST client
Thread-pool based approach
executorService.submit(new Callable(...))
Simpler but less scalable - lots of idle threads
consuming memory
Event-driven approach
NIO with completion callbacks
More complex but more scalable

And it must handle partial failures

The need for concurrency
Simplifying concurrent code with Futures
Consuming asynchronous streams with Reactive

Futures are a great
concurrency abstraction
How futures work
Main thread

Worker thread or






Simple way for two concurrent activities to communicate safely
Client does not know how the asynchronous operation is
Easy to implement scatter/gather:
Scatter: Client can invoke multiple asynchronous operations
and gets a Future for each one.
Gather: Get values from the futures

Front-end server design: handling
GetProductDetails request





REST client using Spring @Async
trait ProductInfoService {
def getProductInfo(productId: Long):
class ProductInfoServiceImpl extends ProducInfoService {
val restTemplate : RestTemplate = ...

asynchronously in
thread pool

def getProductInfo(productId: Long) = {
new AsyncResult(restTemplate.getForObject(....)...)

A fulfilled Future

class ProductDetailsService
@Autowired()(productInfoService: ProductInfoService,
reviewService: ReviewService,
recommendationService: RecommendationService) {
def getProductDetails(productId: Long): ProductDetails = {
val productInfoFuture = productInfoService.getProductInfo(productId)
val recommendationsFuture =
val reviewsFuture = reviewService.getReviews(productId)
val productInfo = productInfoFuture.get(300, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
val recommendations =
recommendationsFuture.get(10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
val reviews = reviewsFuture.get(10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
ProductDetails(productInfo, recommendations, reviews)

class ProductController
@Autowired()(productDetailsService : ProductDetailsService)
def productDetails(@PathVariable productId: Long) =

Not bad but...
class ProductDetailsService
def getProductDetails(productId: Long): ProductDetails = {
val productInfo =
productInfoFuture.get(300, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)

Not so scalable :-(

Gathering blocks Tomcat
thread until all Futures

... and also...
Java Futures work well for a single-level of asynchronous

#fail for more complex, scalable scenarios
Difficult to compose and coordinate multiple concurrent
See this blog post for more details:
Better: Futures with callbacks
no blocking!
def asyncSquare(x : Int)
: Future[Int] = ... x * x...
val f = asyncSquare(25)

Partial function applied to
successful outcome

f onSuccess {
case x : Int => println(x)
Applied to failed outcome
f onFailure {
case e : Exception => println("exception thrown")
Guava ListenableFutures, Spring 4 ListenableFuture

Java 8 CompletableFuture, Scala Futures

callback-based scatter/gather
Messy, tangled code
(aka. callback hell)

Composable futures hide the mess
Combines two futures

val fzip = asyncSquare(5) zip asyncSquare(7)
assertEquals((25, 49), Await.result(fzip, 1 second))

val fseq = Future.sequence((1 to 5).map { x =>

Transforms list of futures to a future

assertEquals(List(1, 4, 9, 16, 25),
Await.result(fseq, 1 second))

Scala, Java 8 CompletableFuture (partially)

zip() is asynchronous

(o1, o2)

f3 = f1 zip f2


Implemented using callbacks


Transforming futures
def asyncPlus(x : Int, y : Int) = ... x + y ...
val future2 = asyncPlus(4, 5).map{ _ * 3 }
assertEquals(27, Await.result(future2, 1 second))
Asynchronously transforms

Scala, Java 8 CompletableFuture (partially)

Chaining asynchronous operations
Calls asyncSquare() with the eventual
outcome of asyncPlus()

val f2 = asyncPlus(5, 8).flatMap { x => asyncSquare(x) }
assertEquals(169, Await.result(f2, 1 second))

Scala, Java 8 CompletableFuture (partially)

Scala futures are Monads
Two calls execute in parallel

(asyncPlus(3, 5) zip asyncSquare(5))
.flatMap {
And then invokes asyncPlus()
case (a, b) =>
asyncPlus(a, b) map { _ * 2 }
result onSuccess { .... }

Rewrite using ‘for’
Scala futures are Monads
Two calls execute in parallel

val result = for {
(a, b) <- asyncPlus(3, 5) zip asyncSquare(5);
c <- asyncPlus(a, b)
} yield c * 2
result onSuccess { .... }

‘for’ is shorthand for
map() and flatMap()

And then invokes


ProductInfoService: using
Scala Futures
import scala.concurrent.Future

Scala Future

class ProductInfoService {
def getProductInfo(productId: Long): Future[ProductInfo]
= {
Future { restTemplate.getForObject(....) }

Executed in a threaded pool
ProductDetailsService: using
Scala Futures
class ProductDetailsService ...

Return a Scala Future

def getProductDetails(productId: Long) : Future[ProductDetails] = {
val productInfoFuture = productInfoService.getProductInfo(productId)
val recommendationsFuture =
val reviewsFuture = reviewService.getReviews(productId)
for (((productInfo, recommendations), reviews) <productInfoFuture zip recommendationsFuture zip reviewsFuture)
yield ProductDetails(productInfo, recommendations, reviews)


Gathers data without blocking
Async ProductController: using
Spring MVC DeferredResult
class ProductController ... {
def productDetails(@PathVariable productId: Long)
: DeferredResult[ProductDetails] = {
val productDetails =
val result = new DeferredResult[ProductDetails]
productDetails onSuccess {
case r => result.setResult(r)
productDetails onFailure {
case t => result.setErrorResult(t)

Spring MVC

Convert Scala Future


Servlet layer is asynchronous
the backend uses thread
Need event-driven REST
Spring AsyncRestTemplate
New in Spring 4
Mirrors RestTemplate
Can use HttpComponents NIO-based AsyncHttpClient
Methods return a ListenableFuture
JDK 7 Future + callback methods

Yet another

ProductInfoService: using the
class ProductInfoService {
val asyncRestTemplate = new AsyncRestTemplate(
new HttpComponentsAsyncClientHttpRequestFactory())

override def getProductInfo(productId: Long) = {
val listenableFuture =
baseUrl, productId)
toScalaFuture(listenableFuture).map { _.getBody


Convert to Scala Future and get entity

Converting ListenableFuture to
Scala Future
def toScalaFuture[T](lf : ListenableFuture[T]) :
Future[T] = {
val p = promise[T]()
Creates a promise = producer API
lf.addCallback(new ListenableFutureCallback[T] {
def onSuccess(result: T) { p.success(result)}
def onFailure(t: Throwable) { p.failure(t) }
Propagate outcome to promise
Return future
Now everything is nonblocking :-)
We have achieved scaling Nirvana

WT*#*# is my code doing?
Operations initiated in one thread but fail in another
Lack of a full stack trace can make debugging difficult
Inherent problem of async/event driven programming
Futures make it very easy to forget to handle errors
someFuture.foreach { handleTheHappyPath }

Error is quietly ignored: similar to an empty catch {}


The need for concurrency
Simplifying concurrent code with Futures
Consuming asynchronous streams with Reactive

Let’s imagine you have a
stream of trades
you need to calculate the 15
minute rolling average price of
each stock
Where is the high-level
abstraction that simplifies
solving this problem?

Not applicable to infinite

Pipes and Filters
e.g. Spring Integration
Complex event processing (CEP)

Not bad but tends to be an external DSL,
heavy weight, statically defined, ...

Introducing Reactive
Extensions (Rx)
The Reactive Extensions (Rx) is a library for composing
asynchronous and event-based programs using
observable sequences and LINQ-style query operators.
Using Rx, developers represent asynchronous data
streams with Observables , query asynchronous
data streams using LINQ operators , and .....
About RxJava
Reactive Extensions (Rx) for the JVM
Original motivation for Netflix was to provide rich Futures
Implemented in Java
Adaptors for Scala, Groovy and Clojure
RxJava core concepts
An asynchronous
stream of items
trait Observable[T] {
def subscribe(observer : Observer[T]) : Subscription



Observer[T] {
onNext(value : T)
onError(e : Throwable)

Used to

* Note: with v0.17 subscribe() takes a Subscriber = Observer++
Comparing Observable to...
Observer pattern - similar but adds
Iterator pattern - mirror image
Push rather than pull
Future - similar but
Represents a stream of multiple values
So what?

Fun with observables
val oneItem = Observable.items(-1L)
val every10Seconds = Observable.interval(10 seconds)
val ticker = oneItem ++ every10Seconds
val subscription = ticker.subscribe ( new Observer[Long] {
override def onNext(value: Long) = { println("value=" + value)










Creating observables
Observable.create({ observer: Observer[T] =>
called when
Called when observer
Subscription{ .... }

* Note: with v0.17 create() takes a Subscriber = Observer++
Creating observables from
Query AWS
Scala Futures
def getTableStatus(tableName: String) = {
val future = dynamoDbClient.describeTable(new DescribeTableRequest(tableName))
Observable.create({ observer : Observer[DynamoDbStatus] =>
future.onComplete {
case Success(response) =>
case Failure(t: ResourceNotFoundException) =>
case Failure(someError) =>

Transforming observables
val tableStatus = ticker.flatMap { i =>"{}th describe table", i + 1)
Status1 Status2






+ Usual collection methods: map(), filter(), take(), drop(), ...
Back to the stream of Trades
averaging example...

Calculating averages
class AverageTradePriceCalculator {
def calculateAverages(trades: Observable[Trade]):
Observable[AveragePrice] = {
case class Trade(
symbol : String,
price : Double,
quantity : Int

case class AveragePrice(
symbol : String,
price : Double,

Using groupBy()

APPL : 401


IBM : 405


CAT : 405


APPL: 403


groupBy( (trade) => trade.symbol)

APPL : 401

APPL: 403
IBM : 405
CAT : 405

Observable[GroupedObservable[String, Trade]]

Using window()

APPL : 401

APPL : 405

APPL : 405



5 minutes
APPL : 401

APPL : 405

APPL : 405

APPL : 405

APPL : 403

30 secs

30 secs

APPL : 405

APPL : 405



Using foldLeft()

APPL : 402


APPL : 405


APPL : 405


foldLeft(0.0)(_ + _.price)
foldLeft(0.0)(_ + _.quantity)

APPL : 404.4


Using flatten()

APPL : 401

APPL: 403
IBM : 405
CAT : 405



APPL : 401

IBM : 405


CAT : 405

APPL: 403
Calculating average prices
def calculateAverages(trades: Observable[Trade]): Observable[AveragePrice] = {
trades.groupBy(_.symbol).map { symbolAndTrades =>
val (symbol, tradesForSymbol) = symbolAndTrades
val openingEverySecond =
Observable.items(-1L) ++ Observable.interval(1 seconds)
def closingAfterSixSeconds(opening: Any) =
Observable.interval(6 seconds).take(1)
tradesForSymbol.window(...).map {
windowOfTradesForSymbol =>
windowOfTradesForSymbol.fold((0.0, 0, List[Double]())) { (soFar, trade) =>
val (sum, count, prices) = soFar
(sum + trade.price, count + trade.quantity, trade.price +: prices)
} map { x =>
val (sum, length, prices) = x
AveragePrice(symbol, sum / length, prices)

Consuming web services asynchronously is essential
Scala-style Futures are a powerful concurrency abstraction
Rx Observables
even more powerful
unifying abstraction for a wide variety of use cases




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Futures and Rx Observables: powerful abstractions for consuming web services asynchronously (devnexus2014)

  • 1. Consuming web services asynchronously with Futures and Rx Observables Chris Richardson Author of POJOs in Action Founder of the original @crichardson @crichardson
  • 2. Presentation goal Learn how to use (Scala) Futures and Rx Observables to write simple yet robust and scalable concurrent code @crichardson
  • 4. About Chris Founder of a buzzword compliant (stealthy, social, mobile, big data, machine learning, ...) startup Consultant helping organizations improve how they architect and deploy applications using cloud, micro services, polyglot applications, NoSQL, ... @crichardson
  • 5. Agenda The need for concurrency Simplifying concurrent code with Futures Consuming asynchronous streams with Reactive Extensions @crichardson
  • 6. Let’s imagine you are building an online store @crichardson
  • 11. Application architecture Desktop browser REST REST HTML/ JSON Product Info Service Recomendation Service REST Review Service Front end server Web Application Mobile browser Native mobile client REST API gateway JSON @crichardson
  • 12. How does the client get product details? Product Info Service getProductInfo() Browser/ Client ? Front-end server getRecommendations() Recommendations Service getReviews() Review Service @crichardson
  • 13. Product details - client-side aggregation Product Info Service getProductInfo() getProductInfo() Browser/ Client getRecommendations() getReviews() Front-end server getRecommendations() Recommendations Service getReviews() Requires good network performance Review Service @crichardson
  • 14. Product details - server-side aggregation Product Info Service HTML or JSON getProductInfo() Browser/ Client getProductDetails() Front-end server getRecommendations() Recommendations Service getReviews() One roundtrip Review Service @crichardson
  • 15. Product details - server-side aggregation: sequentially Product Info Service getProductInfo() getProductDetails() Front-end server getRecommendations() Recommendations Service getReviews() Higher response time :-( Review Service @crichardson
  • 16. Product details - server-side aggregation: parallel Product Info Service getProductInfo() getProductDetails() Front-end server getRecommendations() Recommendations Service getReviews() Lower response time :-) Review Service @crichardson
  • 17. Implementing a concurrent REST client Thread-pool based approach executorService.submit(new Callable(...)) Simpler but less scalable - lots of idle threads consuming memory Event-driven approach NIO with completion callbacks More complex but more scalable And it must handle partial failures @crichardson
  • 18. Agenda The need for concurrency Simplifying concurrent code with Futures Consuming asynchronous streams with Reactive Extensions @crichardson
  • 19. Futures are a great concurrency abstraction @crichardson
  • 20. How futures work Main thread Worker thread or event-driven initiates Client get set Asynchronous operation Outcome Future @crichardson
  • 21. Benefits Simple way for two concurrent activities to communicate safely Abstraction: Client does not know how the asynchronous operation is implemented Easy to implement scatter/gather: Scatter: Client can invoke multiple asynchronous operations and gets a Future for each one. Gather: Get values from the futures @crichardson
  • 22. Front-end server design: handling GetProductDetails request ProductDetailsController getProductDetails() ProductDetailsService Proxies getProductDetails() ProductInfoService getProductInfo() ReviewService getReviews() RecommendationService getRecommendations() RestTemplate @crichardson
  • 23. REST client using Spring @Async trait ProductInfoService { def getProductInfo(productId: Long): java.util.concurrent.Future[ProductInfo] } @Component class ProductInfoServiceImpl extends ProducInfoService { val restTemplate : RestTemplate = ... Execute asynchronously in thread pool @Async def getProductInfo(productId: Long) = { new AsyncResult(restTemplate.getForObject(....)...) } } A fulfilled Future @crichardson
  • 24. ProductDetailsService @Component class ProductDetailsService @Autowired()(productInfoService: ProductInfoService, reviewService: ReviewService, recommendationService: RecommendationService) { def getProductDetails(productId: Long): ProductDetails = { val productInfoFuture = productInfoService.getProductInfo(productId) val recommendationsFuture = recommendationService.getRecommendations(productId) val reviewsFuture = reviewService.getReviews(productId) val productInfo = productInfoFuture.get(300, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) val recommendations = recommendationsFuture.get(10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) val reviews = reviewsFuture.get(10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) ProductDetails(productInfo, recommendations, reviews) } } @crichardson
  • 25. ProductController @Controller class ProductController @Autowired()(productDetailsService : ProductDetailsService) { @RequestMapping(Array("/productdetails/{productId}")) @ResponseBody def productDetails(@PathVariable productId: Long) = productDetailsService.getProductDetails(productId) @crichardson
  • 26. Not bad but... class ProductDetailsService def getProductDetails(productId: Long): ProductDetails = { val productInfo = productInfoFuture.get(300, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) Not so scalable :-( Gathering blocks Tomcat thread until all Futures complete @crichardson
  • 27. ... and also... Java Futures work well for a single-level of asynchronous execution BUT #fail for more complex, scalable scenarios Difficult to compose and coordinate multiple concurrent operations See this blog post for more details: @crichardson
  • 28. Better: Futures with callbacks no blocking! def asyncSquare(x : Int) : Future[Int] = ... x * x... val f = asyncSquare(25) Partial function applied to successful outcome f onSuccess { case x : Int => println(x) Applied to failed outcome } f onFailure { case e : Exception => println("exception thrown") } Guava ListenableFutures, Spring 4 ListenableFuture Java 8 CompletableFuture, Scala Futures @crichardson
  • 29. But callback-based scatter/gather Messy, tangled code (aka. callback hell) @crichardson
  • 30. Composable futures hide the mess Combines two futures val fzip = asyncSquare(5) zip asyncSquare(7) assertEquals((25, 49), Await.result(fzip, 1 second)) val fseq = Future.sequence((1 to 5).map { x => asyncSquare(x) }) Transforms list of futures to a future assertEquals(List(1, 4, 9, 16, 25), Await.result(fseq, 1 second)) Scala, Java 8 CompletableFuture (partially) @crichardson
  • 31. zip() is asynchronous Outcome1 f1 (o1, o2) f3 = f1 zip f2 f3 Implemented using callbacks Outcome2 f2 @crichardson
  • 32. Transforming futures def asyncPlus(x : Int, y : Int) = ... x + y ... val future2 = asyncPlus(4, 5).map{ _ * 3 } assertEquals(27, Await.result(future2, 1 second)) Asynchronously transforms future Scala, Java 8 CompletableFuture (partially) @crichardson
  • 33. Chaining asynchronous operations Calls asyncSquare() with the eventual outcome of asyncPlus() val f2 = asyncPlus(5, 8).flatMap { x => asyncSquare(x) } assertEquals(169, Await.result(f2, 1 second)) Scala, Java 8 CompletableFuture (partially) @crichardson
  • 34. Scala futures are Monads Two calls execute in parallel (asyncPlus(3, 5) zip asyncSquare(5)) .flatMap { And then invokes asyncPlus() case (a, b) => asyncPlus(a, b) map { _ * 2 } } result onSuccess { .... } x2 Rewrite using ‘for’ @crichardson
  • 35. Scala futures are Monads Two calls execute in parallel val result = for { (a, b) <- asyncPlus(3, 5) zip asyncSquare(5); c <- asyncPlus(a, b) } yield c * 2 result onSuccess { .... } ‘for’ is shorthand for map() and flatMap() And then invokes asyncPlus() x2 @crichardson
  • 36. ProductInfoService: using Scala Futures import scala.concurrent.Future Scala Future @Component class ProductInfoService { def getProductInfo(productId: Long): Future[ProductInfo] = { Future { restTemplate.getForObject(....) } } } Executed in a threaded pool @crichardson
  • 37. ProductDetailsService: using Scala Futures class ProductDetailsService ... Return a Scala Future def getProductDetails(productId: Long) : Future[ProductDetails] = { val productInfoFuture = productInfoService.getProductInfo(productId) val recommendationsFuture = recommendationService.getRecommendations(productId) val reviewsFuture = reviewService.getReviews(productId) for (((productInfo, recommendations), reviews) <productInfoFuture zip recommendationsFuture zip reviewsFuture) yield ProductDetails(productInfo, recommendations, reviews) } } Gathers data without blocking @crichardson
  • 38. Async ProductController: using Spring MVC DeferredResult @Controller class ProductController ... { @RequestMapping(Array("/productdetails/{productId}")) @ResponseBody def productDetails(@PathVariable productId: Long) : DeferredResult[ProductDetails] = { val productDetails = productDetailsService.getProductDetails(productId) val result = new DeferredResult[ProductDetails] productDetails onSuccess { case r => result.setResult(r) } productDetails onFailure { case t => result.setErrorResult(t) } Spring MVC DeferredResult ≅ Future Convert Scala Future to DeferredResult result } @crichardson
  • 39. Servlet layer is asynchronous BUT the backend uses thread pools Need event-driven REST client @crichardson
  • 40. Spring AsyncRestTemplate New in Spring 4 Mirrors RestTemplate Can use HttpComponents NIO-based AsyncHttpClient Methods return a ListenableFuture JDK 7 Future + callback methods Yet another “Future”! @crichardson
  • 41. ProductInfoService: using the AsyncRestTemplate class ProductInfoService { val asyncRestTemplate = new AsyncRestTemplate( new HttpComponentsAsyncClientHttpRequestFactory()) override def getProductInfo(productId: Long) = { val listenableFuture = asyncRestTemplate.getForEntity("{baseUrl}/productinfo/{productId}", classOf[ProductInfo], baseUrl, productId) toScalaFuture(listenableFuture).map { _.getBody } } Convert to Scala Future and get entity @crichardson
  • 42. Converting ListenableFuture to Scala Future def toScalaFuture[T](lf : ListenableFuture[T]) : Future[T] = { val p = promise[T]() Creates a promise = producer API lf.addCallback(new ListenableFutureCallback[T] { def onSuccess(result: T) { p.success(result)} def onFailure(t: Throwable) { p.failure(t) } }) p.future } Propagate outcome to promise Return future @crichardson
  • 43. Now everything is nonblocking :-) We have achieved scaling Nirvana @crichardson
  • 44. WT*#*# is my code doing? Operations initiated in one thread but fail in another Lack of a full stack trace can make debugging difficult Inherent problem of async/event driven programming Futures make it very easy to forget to handle errors someFuture.foreach { handleTheHappyPath } Error is quietly ignored: similar to an empty catch {} block @crichardson
  • 45. Agenda The need for concurrency Simplifying concurrent code with Futures Consuming asynchronous streams with Reactive Extensions @crichardson
  • 46. Let’s imagine you have a stream of trades and you need to calculate the 15 minute rolling average price of each stock @crichardson
  • 47. Where is the high-level abstraction that simplifies solving this problem? @crichardson
  • 48. Future[List[T]] Not applicable to infinite streams @crichardson
  • 49. Pipes and Filters e.g. Spring Integration + Complex event processing (CEP) Not bad but tends to be an external DSL, heavy weight, statically defined, ... @crichardson
  • 50. Introducing Reactive Extensions (Rx) The Reactive Extensions (Rx) is a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences and LINQ-style query operators. Using Rx, developers represent asynchronous data streams with Observables , query asynchronous data streams using LINQ operators , and ..... @crichardson
  • 51. About RxJava Reactive Extensions (Rx) for the JVM Original motivation for Netflix was to provide rich Futures Implemented in Java Adaptors for Scala, Groovy and Clojure @crichardson
  • 52. RxJava core concepts An asynchronous stream of items trait Observable[T] { def subscribe(observer : Observer[T]) : Subscription ... } Notifies trait def def def } Observer[T] { onNext(value : T) onCompleted() onError(e : Throwable) Used to unsubscribe * Note: with v0.17 subscribe() takes a Subscriber = Observer++ @crichardson
  • 53. Comparing Observable to... Observer pattern - similar but adds Observer.onComplete() Observer.onError() Iterator pattern - mirror image Push rather than pull Future - similar but Represents a stream of multiple values @crichardson
  • 55. Fun with observables val oneItem = Observable.items(-1L) val every10Seconds = Observable.interval(10 seconds) val ticker = oneItem ++ every10Seconds val subscription = ticker.subscribe ( new Observer[Long] { override def onNext(value: Long) = { println("value=" + value) }) ... subscription.unsubscribe() -1 0 1 ... t=0 t=10 t=20 ... } @crichardson
  • 56. Creating observables Observable.create({ observer: Observer[T] => ... Function observer.onNext(...) called when ... Observer observer.onCompleted() subscribes ... observer.onError(...) Called when observer ... unsubscribes Subscription{ .... } } }) * Note: with v0.17 create() takes a Subscriber = Observer++ @crichardson
  • 57. Creating observables from Query AWS Scala Futures def getTableStatus(tableName: String) = { val future = dynamoDbClient.describeTable(new DescribeTableRequest(tableName)) Observable.create({ observer : Observer[DynamoDbStatus] => future.onComplete { case Success(response) => observer.onNext(DynamoDbStatus(response.getTable.getTableStatus)) observer.onCompleted() case Failure(t: ResourceNotFoundException) => observer.onNext(DynamoDbStatus("NOT_FOUND")) observer.onCompleted() case Failure(someError) => observer.onError(someError) } Subscription({}) }) } Propagate@crichardson outcome
  • 58. Transforming observables val tableStatus = ticker.flatMap { i =>"{}th describe table", i + 1) getTableStatus(name) } Status1 Status2 t=0 t=10 Status3 ... t=20 ... + Usual collection methods: map(), filter(), take(), drop(), ... @crichardson
  • 59. Back to the stream of Trades averaging example... @crichardson
  • 60. Calculating averages class AverageTradePriceCalculator { def calculateAverages(trades: Observable[Trade]): Observable[AveragePrice] = { ... } case class Trade( symbol : String, price : Double, quantity : Int ... ) case class AveragePrice( symbol : String, price : Double, ...) @crichardson
  • 61. Using groupBy() Observable[Trade] APPL : 401 100 IBM : 405 300 CAT : 405 150 APPL: 403 300 groupBy( (trade) => trade.symbol) APPL : 401 APPL: 403 IBM : 405 CAT : 405 Observable[GroupedObservable[String, Trade]] ... @crichardson
  • 62. Using window() Observable[Trade] APPL : 401 APPL : 405 APPL : 405 ... window(...) 5 minutes APPL : 401 APPL : 405 APPL : 405 APPL : 405 APPL : 403 30 secs 30 secs APPL : 405 APPL : 405 ... Observable[Observable[Trade]] @crichardson
  • 63. Using foldLeft() Observable[Trade] APPL : 402 100 APPL : 405 200 APPL : 405 200 foldLeft(0.0)(_ + _.price) / foldLeft(0.0)(_ + _.quantity) APPL : 404.4 Observable[AveragePrice] Singleton @crichardson
  • 64. Using flatten() Observable[Observable[AveragePrice]] APPL : 401 APPL: 403 IBM : 405 CAT : 405 ... flatten() APPL : 401 IBM : 405 Observable[AveragePrice] CAT : 405 APPL: 403 @crichardson
  • 65. Calculating average prices def calculateAverages(trades: Observable[Trade]): Observable[AveragePrice] = { trades.groupBy(_.symbol).map { symbolAndTrades => val (symbol, tradesForSymbol) = symbolAndTrades val openingEverySecond = Observable.items(-1L) ++ Observable.interval(1 seconds) def closingAfterSixSeconds(opening: Any) = Observable.interval(6 seconds).take(1) tradesForSymbol.window(...).map { windowOfTradesForSymbol => windowOfTradesForSymbol.fold((0.0, 0, List[Double]())) { (soFar, trade) => val (sum, count, prices) = soFar (sum + trade.price, count + trade.quantity, trade.price +: prices) } map { x => val (sum, length, prices) = x AveragePrice(symbol, sum / length, prices) } }.flatten }.flatten } @crichardson
  • 66. Summary Consuming web services asynchronously is essential Scala-style Futures are a powerful concurrency abstraction Rx Observables even more powerful unifying abstraction for a wide variety of use cases @crichardson