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Runninghead:FinalProject-OptionII:PlanaRoboticRoverMarsMission 1
Redover (Red Rover) is another giant step towards exploring the red planet. Redover will
be the next Mars rover, similar to Curiosity, which is about 3.5 years into its time on Mars. In
this mission Redover will be looking for more detailed data about what is beneath the red skin of
Mars. This Mars rover is equipped with a high-resolution microscope that can be combined with
a camera to get better images from the rock layers and the ancient surface. In some perspectives,
Mars is a planet, pretty similar to Earth. Having an atmosphere, a hydrosphere, a cryosphere, and
a lithosphere, makes Mars to have a similar environment as Earth (Olson & Craig, 2012). The
question is, if Mars had a biosphere, finding the answer to this question will help to figure out if
life could ever be thriven in there.
Redover will be launched in 2022 to discover the existence of life in the past or present as
its overall goal. Mission objectives are to trace the existence of water, look for other signs of life
in the planet, and find out how the climate changed over time. Traveling to Mars has been the
human’s dream.
Water, The most essential sign of life:
Curiosity on its journey to Mars, found signs of water, starting by finding an ancient lake
at Yellowknife (Aerospace Scholars JSC, 2016). Redover’s mission is to discover the surface
and subsurface of Mars in order to collect more data to support the fact of existence of water,
evaluate the quality of the existed water, and estimate the amount of water that has been on the
Martian surface. Based on the latest observation scientist believe that water had flown on the
Runninghead:FinalProject-OptionII:PlanaRoboticRoverMarsMission 2
surface of Mars. Redover can drill the areas that water had possibly existed, and collect
samples of minerals like clays and analyze them in its onsite laboratories by X-ray diffraction
analysis. Phyllosilicates can be an indication of water’s finger print in the soil. Later on the
samples can be heated up in the oven to see if water vaporizes of the sample for more proofs.
Redover will cruise on red surface of Mars to see the trace of water in forms of river, delta, and
lake deposit or by the deposited minerals in the cracks. Rover will use the microscope and its
camera to take high quality images and transfer them to the Earth for further analysis.
A Search for Existence of Life in Mars:
Redover will be directed to land on a place that the probability of existing life signs is
high. The most important habitability signs are water, crucial chemical ingredients, and
energy sources. Once the signs of water are found in a site, rover can look for other key
elements of habitability. Redover will collect samples from different layers of rock by either
drilling, scooping, and using its laser features, samples can be transferred to the onsite
chemistry laboratory for the further analysis or stored to be taken to Earth. Materials
contained in the rock samples will be broken down after being heated up to high temperatures.
Given enough amount heat to the samples and gradually increasing the temperature will help
Redover to determine the existed elements in the rock samples. According to an article
published by “We know that most of the current Martian atmosphere consists
of carbon dioxide. If carbonate minerals were formed on the Martian surface by chemical
reactions between water and the atmosphere, the presence of these minerals would be a clue
that water had been present for a long time, perhaps long enough for life to have developed”
(Life - Mars Exploration Program). They key chemical ingredients of life are Carbon,
Oxygen, Hydrogen, Sulfur, and phosphorus. In addition to water and the key ingredient of
Runninghead:FinalProject-OptionII:PlanaRoboticRoverMarsMission 3
life, life also requires energy, thus, Redover will look for sources of energy besides the
sunlight on the Martian surface. Any signs of subsurface microbes could be an indication of
energy sources on Mars (Life - Mars Exploration Program).
How the Climate Changed over the time on Mars?
Based on the images and data received from Mars, there are evidences, proving the fact
that water was flowing on the surface of Mars as liquid water. Knowing the fact that Mars is
dry on its surface now, it is useful to know how and why the climate had changed on Mars.
This information is reserved in the layers of rock. In this mission rover will go to the areas
such as Mount Sharp to collect samples from different layers that had formed and stacked on
top of each other over the time to analyze and figure out the history of Mars. This will help to
find out how the climate went from warm to cold. Redover will collect samples to be sent to
Earth if possible for further advanced analysis.
Landing Site:
Aeolis Mons would be the first stop of the Redover to initiate collecting and analyzing the
samples therefore, the plan is to land the rover on a wide flat area, in a close range to the
Mount Sharp. Mount Sharp is the first stop, since it is a mountain, it would be easier for the
rover to have an access to the different layers of rocks and collect samples.
Pre-launch activities: It’s the pre-launch activities that will initiate the mission and determine the
future of the mission. This essential phase will contain important stages such as designing the
mission as well as the rover, building the rover, assembly, operating tests, shipping the rover
to the launch location, and the final assembly. Timing in this stage is very important since,
the final rocket needs to be completed, possibly tested, and be ready to be launched by a
Runninghead:FinalProject-OptionII:PlanaRoboticRoverMarsMission 4
specific date that can’t be changed. There will be only one launch, one successful launch,
therefore; everything needs to be perfect and planned ahead.
Launch: Redover will point at where Mars is going to be then it will follow a trajectory that gets
the rover to its destination with the least amount of fuel possible, this trajectory is called
Hohmann Transfer Orbit. The orbit of the Redover will be “so that it’s following a larger
orbit around the Sun than the Earth. Eventually that orbit will intersect the orbit of Mars, at
the exact moment that Mars is there too” (Cain, 2013). Depending on the velocity of the
spacecraft and the fuel used, the time that it takes for the Redover to arrive to Mars differ.
Redover is planned to be launch two years after M2020, on September 2022.
Cruise: Cruise stage is known as the time interval between launch and approaching to the
Martian atmosphere. The Redover will perform corrections on the altitude, direction, flight
path, temperature of all the of all spacecraft systems, and direction of antenna which it is
facing towards if necessary in order maintain the spacecraft in the proper direction and
condition on its way to Mars.
Approach: After the cruise stage, the space craft will start the preparation process for entry,
descent, and Landing stage. Redover’s condition will be checked and prepared before
entering the Martian atmosphere. Final trajectory adjustments, altitude corrections for
communicating purposes, and entry stage software initiation, all happen in this phase.
Entry: Once the spacecraft enters the Martian atmosphere, the entry, descent, and landing (EDL)
phase began. “Entry, descent, and landing for Mars Science Laboratory mission will include
a combination of technologies inherited from past NASA Mars missions, as well as exciting
new technologies. Instead of the familiar airbag landing of the past Mars missions, Mars
Runninghead:FinalProject-OptionII:PlanaRoboticRoverMarsMission 5
Science Laboratory will use a guided entry and a sky crane touchdown system to land the
hyper-capable, massive rover” (Mars Science Laboratory, 2011). Precision landing
techniques will be used in this mission and the entry phase would be guided. After entering
the Martian atmosphere, the spacecraft will be capable of redirecting itself in order to have a
higher precision in the landing process and to make a successful touchdown in to the
preselected landing site. During the guided entry maneuvers, the spacecraft’s orientation will
be adjusted if needed. This correction can be done by the existed thrusters on the backshell.
The friction in the atmosphere will slow down the spacecraft, and heat up the lower part of
the shell (heat shield), while the Redover will be at a reasonable temperature inside the shell.
As the spacecraft gets closer to the Martian surface the parachute pops out, so the heat shield
after that. After a couple of seconds, the used radar system on the Redover begins to calculate
speed and altitude which determines when to start powered descent. Four miles after,
Redover will start a freefall after separating from the backshell and gets ready to start the
descent phase.
Descent: In the beginning of the decent phase, the assembled retrorockets under the rover will
fire in order to take the Redover away from the backshell and parachute to avoid any possible
crash. Sky Crane maneuver won’t be used in this mission since the retrorockets under the
Redover, will take the rover to the Martian surface. The retrorockets will continue firing to
have the rover decent with an appropriate speed at the corresponding height by using the
information provided by the radar system. Around twenty feet above Mars surface the
Redover’s speed reaches to 1.5 mph (2.4 kmph).
Runninghead:FinalProject-OptionII:PlanaRoboticRoverMarsMission 6
Landing: As the Rover reaches to fifteen feet above the landing location, the wheels and the
suspension system pop into the place with the speed of 1 mph (1.6 kmph). The rover slows
down to finally touch the surface of the red planet for the face time with a speed of 0.61 mph
(0.97 kmph). After landing Redover computer will switch from EDL mode to surface mode.
First drive: First drive is known as the period of time at which engineers examine the rover to
ensure the rover is in a “safe State” and ready to move on to the objectives. Redover will be
program to take a picture as soon as it lands and send it to the Earth. In the sol 0 Redover will
be asked to send basic health information to Earth and do a simple operation test such as
moving the mobilized features and taking a picture, this would give enough data to NASA’s
engineers and scientists a good idea about the Redover’s health situation. In this stage
Redover will disengage the retrorockets, to be able to move freely after.
Surface operations: Redover will be regularly receiving a set of commands and operation lists to
carry out. Operation such as recording videos, taking pictures, moving towards the
objectives, sample collection, sample analysis, and data communication, will be the possible
operation of the Redover.
1. Project Manager
• Educational Background
Bachelors of Science in System Engineering
Masters of Science in System Engineering
Runninghead:FinalProject-OptionII:PlanaRoboticRoverMarsMission 7
Masters of Science in Project management
• Tasks
Plan an exact time frame for the mission including the pre-launch activities, and the
Communicate with the other members of the project
Ensure that all the tasks are done as planned and properly
2. Rover engineer
• Educational background:
Bachelors of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Masters of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Masters of Science in Applied Mechanics
• Tasks
Participate is designing the rover
Participate in the building and assembling process of the rover
Designing sample processing system
Designing and building the communication antenna
3. Flight System Manager
• Educational background
Bachelors, S.B. Aeronautics and Astronautics
Bachelors, S.B. Physics
Doctorate, M.B.A. Aeronautics and Astronautics
Runninghead:FinalProject-OptionII:PlanaRoboticRoverMarsMission 8
• Tasks
Plan a safe and efficient flight for the spacecraft before and after entering the Martian
Operate the spacecraft during the flight
plan a schedule and timeline for throughout the flight
4. Research Scientist
• Educational Background
Bachelors, S.B. Atmospheric Science
Masters, M.S. and Ph.D., Geophysics and Space Physics
Masters, M.S. Geological Sciences
• Tasks
Do researches about the mechanisms behind change in Martian climate with time
Designs models of the Martian atmosphere for entry, descent, and landing process
Identifying the organic and inorganic molecules in rocks sediments, and ice
Analyzing the samples by using spectroscopy techniques
Analyze the communicated data from Mars
5. Rover Driver and Mobility Flight Software Designer and Developer
• Educational Background
B.S. in Applied Mathematics (Minor in Computer Science)
Bachelors of Science in Computer Science
Ph.D. in Computer Science
• Tasks
Operate the Redover
Runninghead:FinalProject-OptionII:PlanaRoboticRoverMarsMission 9
Operate the robotic arm
Ensure that the process of sample collection is properly done
Develop the autonomous vision and navigation software
Develop the essential software for the rover in order to achieve the mission goals
Along this mission, Education and Public Outreaching is a part of mission's goals. In this
project, NASA will reach out to a list of universities, colleges, educators, industries, Community
Organizations museums, and parks, due to their interests towards the mission.
“NASA's Office of Education (OE) communicates education resources and information
about NASA's missions and technological and scientific advances to numerous stakeholders”(
Dunbar & Phillips, 2012). In this mission NASA will involve the students, parents, educators,
and public by using the various sources such as downloadable learning applications on NASA
web site, social media, and networking presence, YouTube and, interactive resources. Interactive
resources would let participant to be directly involved in this space mission. The Digital
Learning Network can also be used to make a connection between the students and mission
personnel. The information about the mission is accessible through internet for the public,
educators, and students.
As a part of outreach, NASA will host a set of public events to engage more people with
the mission. For example a public contest will be hosted by NASA with the purpose of
increasing the public education by asking volunteers to make posters about the mission and
Redover itself. Public will be invited to watch live videos from the spacecraft during the launch
and landing. Hosting mission-related workshops is another type of public events that is planned.
Runninghead:FinalProject-OptionII:PlanaRoboticRoverMarsMission 10
Public will be invited to visit the facility in prior to launch and after the launch in days such as
Visitor Day Tour and Visitor Day Tour.
Distributing materials among the people can be useful to achieve the outreaching goals in
this mission. Supplies flyers, posterns, and booklets will be provided to increase the public
education about the mission. Shirts, toys, pens, wristbands, and decals can also be distributed to
promote the mission.
Olson, J., & Craig, D. (2012, April 06). Voyages: Charting the Course for Sustainable Human
Space Exploration. Retrieved January 17, 2016, from Report_508_6-4-12.pdf
Aerospace Scholars JSC (Director). (2016, January 14). NCAS Spring 2016 Mars Curiosity
Webinar with Dr. Vasavada [Video file]. Retrieved January 30, 2016, from
Life - Mars Exploration Program. (n.d.). Retrieved February 03, 2016, from
Mission Timeline - Mars Science Laboratory. (n.d.). Retrieved February 09, 2016, from
Cain, F. (2013, May 8). How Long Does It Take to Get to Mars? Retrieved February 09, 2016,
Mars Opposition. (n.d.). Retrieved February 01, 2016, from
Runninghead:FinalProject-OptionII:PlanaRoboticRoverMarsMission 11
Cain, F. (2013). How Long Does it Take to Get to Mars? - Universe Today. Retrieved February
01, 2016, from
Mars Science Laboratory Guided Entry at Mars, Artist's Concept - Mars Science Laboratory.
(2011, March 20). Retrieved February 10, 2016, from
We are the Martians. (n.d.). Retrieved February 8, 2016, from
Diarra, C. (n.d.). Mars Exploration Education and Public Outreach. Retrieved February 7, 2016,
Dunbar, B., & Phillips, V. (19, 2012, November 19). Education, Outreach, and Public Affairs.
Retrieved February 10, 2016, from

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NCAS Final Project. Redover

  • 1. Runninghead:FinalProject-OptionII:PlanaRoboticRoverMarsMission 1 SalarTabesh 10February2016 Abstract Redover (Red Rover) is another giant step towards exploring the red planet. Redover will be the next Mars rover, similar to Curiosity, which is about 3.5 years into its time on Mars. In this mission Redover will be looking for more detailed data about what is beneath the red skin of Mars. This Mars rover is equipped with a high-resolution microscope that can be combined with a camera to get better images from the rock layers and the ancient surface. In some perspectives, Mars is a planet, pretty similar to Earth. Having an atmosphere, a hydrosphere, a cryosphere, and a lithosphere, makes Mars to have a similar environment as Earth (Olson & Craig, 2012). The question is, if Mars had a biosphere, finding the answer to this question will help to figure out if life could ever be thriven in there. Redover will be launched in 2022 to discover the existence of life in the past or present as its overall goal. Mission objectives are to trace the existence of water, look for other signs of life in the planet, and find out how the climate changed over time. Traveling to Mars has been the human’s dream. Water, The most essential sign of life: Curiosity on its journey to Mars, found signs of water, starting by finding an ancient lake at Yellowknife (Aerospace Scholars JSC, 2016). Redover’s mission is to discover the surface and subsurface of Mars in order to collect more data to support the fact of existence of water, evaluate the quality of the existed water, and estimate the amount of water that has been on the Martian surface. Based on the latest observation scientist believe that water had flown on the
  • 2. Runninghead:FinalProject-OptionII:PlanaRoboticRoverMarsMission 2 surface of Mars. Redover can drill the areas that water had possibly existed, and collect samples of minerals like clays and analyze them in its onsite laboratories by X-ray diffraction analysis. Phyllosilicates can be an indication of water’s finger print in the soil. Later on the samples can be heated up in the oven to see if water vaporizes of the sample for more proofs. Redover will cruise on red surface of Mars to see the trace of water in forms of river, delta, and lake deposit or by the deposited minerals in the cracks. Rover will use the microscope and its camera to take high quality images and transfer them to the Earth for further analysis. A Search for Existence of Life in Mars: Redover will be directed to land on a place that the probability of existing life signs is high. The most important habitability signs are water, crucial chemical ingredients, and energy sources. Once the signs of water are found in a site, rover can look for other key elements of habitability. Redover will collect samples from different layers of rock by either drilling, scooping, and using its laser features, samples can be transferred to the onsite chemistry laboratory for the further analysis or stored to be taken to Earth. Materials contained in the rock samples will be broken down after being heated up to high temperatures. Given enough amount heat to the samples and gradually increasing the temperature will help Redover to determine the existed elements in the rock samples. According to an article published by “We know that most of the current Martian atmosphere consists of carbon dioxide. If carbonate minerals were formed on the Martian surface by chemical reactions between water and the atmosphere, the presence of these minerals would be a clue that water had been present for a long time, perhaps long enough for life to have developed” (Life - Mars Exploration Program). They key chemical ingredients of life are Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen, Sulfur, and phosphorus. In addition to water and the key ingredient of
  • 3. Runninghead:FinalProject-OptionII:PlanaRoboticRoverMarsMission 3 life, life also requires energy, thus, Redover will look for sources of energy besides the sunlight on the Martian surface. Any signs of subsurface microbes could be an indication of energy sources on Mars (Life - Mars Exploration Program). How the Climate Changed over the time on Mars? Based on the images and data received from Mars, there are evidences, proving the fact that water was flowing on the surface of Mars as liquid water. Knowing the fact that Mars is dry on its surface now, it is useful to know how and why the climate had changed on Mars. This information is reserved in the layers of rock. In this mission rover will go to the areas such as Mount Sharp to collect samples from different layers that had formed and stacked on top of each other over the time to analyze and figure out the history of Mars. This will help to find out how the climate went from warm to cold. Redover will collect samples to be sent to Earth if possible for further advanced analysis. Landing Site: Aeolis Mons would be the first stop of the Redover to initiate collecting and analyzing the samples therefore, the plan is to land the rover on a wide flat area, in a close range to the Mount Sharp. Mount Sharp is the first stop, since it is a mountain, it would be easier for the rover to have an access to the different layers of rocks and collect samples. Timeline Pre-launch activities: It’s the pre-launch activities that will initiate the mission and determine the future of the mission. This essential phase will contain important stages such as designing the mission as well as the rover, building the rover, assembly, operating tests, shipping the rover to the launch location, and the final assembly. Timing in this stage is very important since, the final rocket needs to be completed, possibly tested, and be ready to be launched by a
  • 4. Runninghead:FinalProject-OptionII:PlanaRoboticRoverMarsMission 4 specific date that can’t be changed. There will be only one launch, one successful launch, therefore; everything needs to be perfect and planned ahead. Launch: Redover will point at where Mars is going to be then it will follow a trajectory that gets the rover to its destination with the least amount of fuel possible, this trajectory is called Hohmann Transfer Orbit. The orbit of the Redover will be “so that it’s following a larger orbit around the Sun than the Earth. Eventually that orbit will intersect the orbit of Mars, at the exact moment that Mars is there too” (Cain, 2013). Depending on the velocity of the spacecraft and the fuel used, the time that it takes for the Redover to arrive to Mars differ. Redover is planned to be launch two years after M2020, on September 2022. Cruise: Cruise stage is known as the time interval between launch and approaching to the Martian atmosphere. The Redover will perform corrections on the altitude, direction, flight path, temperature of all the of all spacecraft systems, and direction of antenna which it is facing towards if necessary in order maintain the spacecraft in the proper direction and condition on its way to Mars. Approach: After the cruise stage, the space craft will start the preparation process for entry, descent, and Landing stage. Redover’s condition will be checked and prepared before entering the Martian atmosphere. Final trajectory adjustments, altitude corrections for communicating purposes, and entry stage software initiation, all happen in this phase. Entry: Once the spacecraft enters the Martian atmosphere, the entry, descent, and landing (EDL) phase began. “Entry, descent, and landing for Mars Science Laboratory mission will include a combination of technologies inherited from past NASA Mars missions, as well as exciting new technologies. Instead of the familiar airbag landing of the past Mars missions, Mars
  • 5. Runninghead:FinalProject-OptionII:PlanaRoboticRoverMarsMission 5 Science Laboratory will use a guided entry and a sky crane touchdown system to land the hyper-capable, massive rover” (Mars Science Laboratory, 2011). Precision landing techniques will be used in this mission and the entry phase would be guided. After entering the Martian atmosphere, the spacecraft will be capable of redirecting itself in order to have a higher precision in the landing process and to make a successful touchdown in to the preselected landing site. During the guided entry maneuvers, the spacecraft’s orientation will be adjusted if needed. This correction can be done by the existed thrusters on the backshell. The friction in the atmosphere will slow down the spacecraft, and heat up the lower part of the shell (heat shield), while the Redover will be at a reasonable temperature inside the shell. As the spacecraft gets closer to the Martian surface the parachute pops out, so the heat shield after that. After a couple of seconds, the used radar system on the Redover begins to calculate speed and altitude which determines when to start powered descent. Four miles after, Redover will start a freefall after separating from the backshell and gets ready to start the descent phase. Descent: In the beginning of the decent phase, the assembled retrorockets under the rover will fire in order to take the Redover away from the backshell and parachute to avoid any possible crash. Sky Crane maneuver won’t be used in this mission since the retrorockets under the Redover, will take the rover to the Martian surface. The retrorockets will continue firing to have the rover decent with an appropriate speed at the corresponding height by using the information provided by the radar system. Around twenty feet above Mars surface the Redover’s speed reaches to 1.5 mph (2.4 kmph).
  • 6. Runninghead:FinalProject-OptionII:PlanaRoboticRoverMarsMission 6 Landing: As the Rover reaches to fifteen feet above the landing location, the wheels and the suspension system pop into the place with the speed of 1 mph (1.6 kmph). The rover slows down to finally touch the surface of the red planet for the face time with a speed of 0.61 mph (0.97 kmph). After landing Redover computer will switch from EDL mode to surface mode. First drive: First drive is known as the period of time at which engineers examine the rover to ensure the rover is in a “safe State” and ready to move on to the objectives. Redover will be program to take a picture as soon as it lands and send it to the Earth. In the sol 0 Redover will be asked to send basic health information to Earth and do a simple operation test such as moving the mobilized features and taking a picture, this would give enough data to NASA’s engineers and scientists a good idea about the Redover’s health situation. In this stage Redover will disengage the retrorockets, to be able to move freely after. Surface operations: Redover will be regularly receiving a set of commands and operation lists to carry out. Operation such as recording videos, taking pictures, moving towards the objectives, sample collection, sample analysis, and data communication, will be the possible operation of the Redover. Personnel 1. Project Manager • Educational Background Bachelors of Science in System Engineering Masters of Science in System Engineering
  • 7. Runninghead:FinalProject-OptionII:PlanaRoboticRoverMarsMission 7 Masters of Science in Project management • Tasks Plan an exact time frame for the mission including the pre-launch activities, and the journey Communicate with the other members of the project Ensure that all the tasks are done as planned and properly 2. Rover engineer • Educational background: Bachelors of Science in Mechanical Engineering Masters of Science in Mechanical Engineering Masters of Science in Applied Mechanics • Tasks Participate is designing the rover Participate in the building and assembling process of the rover Designing sample processing system Designing and building the communication antenna 3. Flight System Manager • Educational background Bachelors, S.B. Aeronautics and Astronautics Bachelors, S.B. Physics Doctorate, M.B.A. Aeronautics and Astronautics
  • 8. Runninghead:FinalProject-OptionII:PlanaRoboticRoverMarsMission 8 • Tasks Plan a safe and efficient flight for the spacecraft before and after entering the Martian atmosphere Operate the spacecraft during the flight plan a schedule and timeline for throughout the flight 4. Research Scientist • Educational Background Bachelors, S.B. Atmospheric Science Masters, M.S. and Ph.D., Geophysics and Space Physics Masters, M.S. Geological Sciences • Tasks Do researches about the mechanisms behind change in Martian climate with time Designs models of the Martian atmosphere for entry, descent, and landing process Identifying the organic and inorganic molecules in rocks sediments, and ice Analyzing the samples by using spectroscopy techniques Analyze the communicated data from Mars 5. Rover Driver and Mobility Flight Software Designer and Developer • Educational Background B.S. in Applied Mathematics (Minor in Computer Science) Bachelors of Science in Computer Science Ph.D. in Computer Science • Tasks Operate the Redover
  • 9. Runninghead:FinalProject-OptionII:PlanaRoboticRoverMarsMission 9 Operate the robotic arm Ensure that the process of sample collection is properly done Develop the autonomous vision and navigation software Develop the essential software for the rover in order to achieve the mission goals Outreach Along this mission, Education and Public Outreaching is a part of mission's goals. In this project, NASA will reach out to a list of universities, colleges, educators, industries, Community Organizations museums, and parks, due to their interests towards the mission. “NASA's Office of Education (OE) communicates education resources and information about NASA's missions and technological and scientific advances to numerous stakeholders”( Dunbar & Phillips, 2012). In this mission NASA will involve the students, parents, educators, and public by using the various sources such as downloadable learning applications on NASA web site, social media, and networking presence, YouTube and, interactive resources. Interactive resources would let participant to be directly involved in this space mission. The Digital Learning Network can also be used to make a connection between the students and mission personnel. The information about the mission is accessible through internet for the public, educators, and students. As a part of outreach, NASA will host a set of public events to engage more people with the mission. For example a public contest will be hosted by NASA with the purpose of increasing the public education by asking volunteers to make posters about the mission and Redover itself. Public will be invited to watch live videos from the spacecraft during the launch and landing. Hosting mission-related workshops is another type of public events that is planned.
  • 10. Runninghead:FinalProject-OptionII:PlanaRoboticRoverMarsMission 10 Public will be invited to visit the facility in prior to launch and after the launch in days such as Visitor Day Tour and Visitor Day Tour. Distributing materials among the people can be useful to achieve the outreaching goals in this mission. Supplies flyers, posterns, and booklets will be provided to increase the public education about the mission. Shirts, toys, pens, wristbands, and decals can also be distributed to promote the mission. References: Olson, J., & Craig, D. (2012, April 06). Voyages: Charting the Course for Sustainable Human Space Exploration. Retrieved January 17, 2016, from Report_508_6-4-12.pdf Aerospace Scholars JSC (Director). (2016, January 14). NCAS Spring 2016 Mars Curiosity Webinar with Dr. Vasavada [Video file]. Retrieved January 30, 2016, from Life - Mars Exploration Program. (n.d.). Retrieved February 03, 2016, from Mission Timeline - Mars Science Laboratory. (n.d.). Retrieved February 09, 2016, from Cain, F. (2013, May 8). How Long Does It Take to Get to Mars? Retrieved February 09, 2016, from Mars Opposition. (n.d.). Retrieved February 01, 2016, from
  • 11. Runninghead:FinalProject-OptionII:PlanaRoboticRoverMarsMission 11 Cain, F. (2013). How Long Does it Take to Get to Mars? - Universe Today. Retrieved February 01, 2016, from mars/ Mars Science Laboratory Guided Entry at Mars, Artist's Concept - Mars Science Laboratory. (2011, March 20). Retrieved February 10, 2016, from We are the Martians. (n.d.). Retrieved February 8, 2016, from Diarra, C. (n.d.). Mars Exploration Education and Public Outreach. Retrieved February 7, 2016, from Dunbar, B., & Phillips, V. (19, 2012, November 19). Education, Outreach, and Public Affairs. Retrieved February 10, 2016, from