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The Use
of Technology
in Social Service and Social Work
Diploma Education
and Practice in Canada
Asif Khan, Elaine Spencer, Nellie Sheppard and Lisa Shaw-Verhoek
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
• ACESS: Association of College Educators
in Social Services and Social Work
Diploma Programs in Canada
• Algonquin College
• Sheridan College
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
ACESS/ACCC Affinity Group
• ACESS is a national, bilingual organization, founded in 2003, that
advocates for the advancement of social services and social work
diploma programs
• ACCC was an early supporter. ACESS was an “Affinity Group” and
guidance was provided by Paul Brennan from ACCC
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
• Governed by a Steering Committee which represents the constituent
groups of the organization (Province or Territory, Francophone,
• Opportunity for new constituency group from Saskatchewan and
Manitoba and Maritime Provinces if Social Service Diploma
Programs are established in those regions
• ACESS is sustained through membership fees and any donated
proceeds from the annual conference
• Currently have approximately $5000.00 in a community account
which is handled by Treasurer Elizabeth Radian and co-signer Alan
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
• Develop and exchange information that supports the
education of students in social services and social work
• Support the learning needs of faculty by:
 Identifying, developing and sharing resources
 Developing a program registry
 Advocating for the profession
 Advocating for the needs of students and
 Advocating for the needs of diverse communities across Canada
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
• ACESS holds an annual conference and meeting,
rotating jurisdiction host from west to east
• In 2013 at the annual ACESS Conference AGM held at
Conestoga College in Kitchener, the membership of
ACESS voted to support multi-jurisdictional research into
the use of technology in SW/SSW.
• The results form the basis of our presentation today
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
Personnel with this project
• ACESS Advisory Committee comprised of Professors/Instructors
from Ontario, Quebec, Alberta, Nunavut, British Columbia
• Nellie Sheppard (Sheridan College SSW Gerontology Program) and
Lisa Shaw-Verhoek (Algonquin College SSW Program Perth
• Kerry Milford (Algonquin College Applied Research Manager Perth
• Sarah Abbott (MBRI Graduate, Project Co-ordinator)
• Asif Khan, Algonquin College MRBI Student, Researcher
• Thais Saito, Algonquin College MRBI Student, Researcher
• Nancy Johansen, Algonquin College MRBI Program Co-ordinator,
Project Advisor/Professor
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
Marketing Research and Business Intelligence Program
• One year, intensive graduate certificate program that prepares students
for employment in the marketing research and business intelligence field
• All students gain real work experience during the year
• A fast track towards obtaining the Certified Marketing Research
Professional (CMRP) designation
• Close coordination with MRIA and marketing research industry
• Application of current research tools, including SPSS, FluidSurveys and
• Solutions to actual business problems using advanced, applied
marketing, competitive intelligence and statistical techniques
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
Advisory Personnel/Institutions
• Alan Knowles, McEwan University, Advisory Committee Chair
• Elaine Spencer, Red Deer College, ACESS Alberta Rep
• Elizabeth Radian, Red Deer College, ACESS Research Subcommittee
• Deb Wandler, Selkirk College, ACESS British Columbia Rep
• Michelle Proulx, Sault College, ACESS Aboriginal Rep
• Elaine Sauriol, Collège Boréal, ACESS Francophone Rep
• Marie-Josée Girouard, Cégep de Trois-Rivières, ACESS Quebec Rep
• Francine Daniel, Collège Vieux Montréal, ACESS Quebec Rep
• Vivian O'Brien, Nunavut Arctic College, ACESS Northern Rep
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
• ACESS ($1000 voted on at AGM)
• Algonquin College Innovation Fund ($6000 toward one Fall 2013
and Winter 2014 course release for Lisa)
• Algonquin College Health and Wellness Funds NSERC (to pay for
document translation and honorariums for the students)
• Algonquin College Mobile Learning Fund (for additional honorarium
for the students)
• Sheridan College (Complementary hours for Nellie)
• McEwan University (Conference Call Support for ACESS)
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
• Since the early days of social work and social welfare
communication has been a prime component of supporting
personal and community change.
• More recently, the development of new technologies has had a
major impact on social work and social service work.
• Examples of technology that have changed the way SW/SSW
is conducted include the telephone, computers, recording
mechanisms, internet and more recently social media.
• With them, new problems and challenges arrived on how to use
technology in the SW/SSW work.
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
• These new challenges led to informal associations interested
in exchanging information and experiences
• The establishment of HUSITA (Human Services Information
Technology Applications) was one of the landmarks of a more
ethical and effective use of IT
• In 2005, the US National Association of Social Workers and the
Association of Social Work Boards developed the ‘Standards for
Technology and Social Work Practice’ to help the industry
improve their performance when it came to technology
• They state that the social workers should acquire the
necessary skills to use technology appropriately
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
• In Canada, however, there has been little guidance as to the
use of technology in SW/SSW
• In Ontario, the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice has one
reference to technology where it indicates on page 26 that “Client
records, whether they are paper files or electronic files such as
computer diskettes, are kept in an area that is not accessible to
persons who have no legitimate interest in the records, and
where the privacy of the records may be secured by lock and
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
• The Canadian Association of Social Workers’ Guidelines for
Ethical Practice also has only one reference to technology on
page 11 where it states “Social workers take precautions to
ensure and maintain the confidentiality of information transmitted
to other parties through the use of computers, electronic mail,
facsimile machines, telephone answering machines and other
electronic technology. Social workers inform clients of the limits
to confidentiality that may apply to these forms of
communication.” http://www.casw-
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
• Another issue is digital exclusion or the digital divide and how
this can marginalize human service educators, students and
practitioners in agencies
• Several diploma programs in Canada have begun to integrate e-
learning into their programs. ACESS member and former Co-
Chair Alan Knowles at McEwan University has done some
research in this area focusing on hybrid and face to face
modalities in SW/SSW education
• There is a need for research on the use of technology in
SW/SSW diploma education and how it technology is used
in practice in agencies and organizations. Before a
technology plan for innovation is designed, there is a need for
evidence on its effectiveness.
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
• With that in mind, ACESS, under the leadership of its members
Lisa Shaw-Verhoek and Nellie Sheppard, and lead by
Algonquin College and Sheridan College, leaders in applied
research and innovation, decided to conduct research on this
topic and share it on the provincial, national and international
• Since no research in Canada has been conducted on this
subject, several questions were asked before the research
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
• How are Canadian College SW/SSW Programs
integrating technology in their learning process?
• How are Canadian Social Service Agencies using
technology in practice?
• How are Social Service Worker students using
information technology at school, at field placement and
in their personal lives?
• Do SSW’s working in agencies feel that they need more
direction in the area of information technology and
practice? What are the ethical dilemmas that have arisen?
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
Problem Statement
• Technology is changing the face of every
industry, but social workers/social service
workers are not prepared for those changes
• SW/SSW Codes of Ethics do not include info
about technology and practice. Some
jurisdictions are creating info outside of the
Codes of Ethics.
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
Problem Statement
• SW/SSW Educators must
teach this information in
order to prepare students
for field placements and
graduates for
• Where do they get their
teaching materials?
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
Problem Statement
• In order to create an effective national plan to
help prepare for the future, further knowledge is
necessary to understand how much access
SW/SSW have to technology and how they are
using it in education and practice
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
Research Objectives
1. To determine the level of proficiency in the use of technology
of students, educators and practitioners,
2. To explore the types of software and hardware they are
using, if any, and the burden it represents,
3. To assess their need for training and the preferred method of
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
Research Objectives
4. To investigate the use of social media in SW/SSW
5. To assess the level of awareness of the ethical use of
technology in SW/SSW
6. To evaluate their level of satisfaction with the support
mechanisms available to solve conflicts derived from the use of
social media and SW/SSW
7. To investigate the level of awareness of technology waste.
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
Applied Research Dept.
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
Research Ethics Boards
• Nellie and Lisa applied to the Research Ethics Boards at
Algonquin College and Sheridan College
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
• NSERC funding
• Tri Council
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
Research Involving Humans
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
Certificate of Approval
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
Research Design
Secondary Research
Shaw-Verhoek, L., Sheppard, N., 2013. Information technology in
Social Service Work education and practice in Canada
Conducted by ACESS before deciding to do primary research
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
Research Design
Descriptive Research - Quantitative
Online survey
Snowball recruitment, i.e. by referral
Students, educators and practitioners of social work/social service work
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
Methodology - Sampling
• Non-probability Sampling
• Cannot estimate a margin of error
• Do not use chance selection procedures
• Rely on the researcher’s personal judgment as he or she can
decide what elements to include in the sample
• Cannot extrapolate results to the population with scientific validity
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
Snowball Sampling
• Used when potential respondents are hard to reach, e.g. there is
no list available In this technique an initial group of respondents is
selected randomly and subsequent respondents are referred by the
initial respondents
• Used when respondents are more likely to participate if referred by
a trusted source, e.g. a colleague, professor
• Respondents may not represent all segments of the population,
e.g. they may be more “connected” to their community
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
The initial list of respondents was formed by:
• Personal contacts – ACESS committee members, their
colleagues, contacts and students
• Program coordinators were contacted and asked to send the
survey to other educators and their students
• Searching for relevant SW/SSW agencies nationally online,
who were contacted by the research team
• Research agencies in 9 provinces
• United Way Canada agreed to distribute near survey closure
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
Methodology - Quantitative
Target audience/Online Survey
• Students currently enrolled in SW/SSW diploma programs
in Canada
• Students in field placements
• Educators currently working in SW/SSW diploma
programs in Canada
• Practitioners currently working in SW/SSW agencies in
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
Methodology - Quantitative
• The survey was conducted in both official languages
English and French
• Revised translation done by Société Gamma Inc.
• Pre-testing of the survey occurred between March 1st to March 9th,
• Average time taken to complete the survey: 14 minutes
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
Methodology - Quantitative
• The online survey remained open for 54 days, from March 10th ,
2014 to May 2nd, 2014
• Geographic reach involved Canada nationally
• 250 reminders were sent by the student team
• Lisa used the Ontario SSW Professor Listserv and Vice
President Academic List in Ontario to push the survey out to
Ontario colleges
• phone calls by ACESS committee members to colleagues and
personal contacts. Emails were sent to ACESS members.
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
Methodology - Quantitative
• Completion rate: 70%
• Number of participants: 476
• Number of responses per question - Ranges from 333 to 476*
• Since there was no initial list of respondents, 476 respondents
who voluntarily participated in the survey is considered a good
• Based on the amount of respondents and the data collected,
important conclusions can be drawn
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
• Time restraints
• The survey was initially scheduled to be open for two
weeks. When it was discovered that lists of potential
respondents would not be made available, the project
timelines were extended to allow for snowball recruiting
• Acquiring a list of respondents
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
• Due to confidentiality policies, Colleges are not allowed to
give students’ names and agencies were not inclined to
give a list of their members.
• Literacy level of respondents
• During pre-testing, varying literacy levels of certain
respondents was brought to the attention of the research
team. Further editing ensured that all respondents could
easily complete the survey
• Limited internet access in some parts of Canada
particularly in the North and rural areas
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
Limitations (Unanticipated)
• Translation: The time taken to translate the
survey into French was longer than expected
• Having a large committee increased the time
to coordinate final edits. Professors are busy
people and the advisory committee members
were volunteering their time
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
Research Ethics Boards
• Submitting the project to two
boards of ethics was a long
and complicated process
• The application was approved
by Algonquin College
• It was approved with
suggestions by Sheridan and
would have to go back to the
committee for final approval
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
Research Ethics Boards
• Once the survey was already launched, other
Colleges said it had to be submitted and
approved by their own Research Ethics Boards
• REBs meet once per month at most colleges
• Multi-site application form is deceiving!
• Lack of co-operation by colleges created a major
barrier for Applied Research of this type
• Irony: Sheridan College students did not
complete the survey
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
• When a project is approved by an REB at
one college in Canada, other colleges
should accept that REB Certificate
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
Project Schedule
January February March April May
Problem &
250 reminders
Analysis Average survey
time 14 minutes
Questionnaire design &
FluidSurveys programming
476 participants
(70% completion rate)
• 476 total responses with 70% completion rate
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
32% College
15% B.A or Masters in
Social Work
30% Income less than
58% Majority were young
(age 16-34)
26% Age 45 and above
82% Most respondents
were female
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
Where respondents live
0 10 20 30 40 50
Outside Canada
Saskatchewan & Nova Scotia
Northwest Territories
British Columbia
• Top 3 provinces in terms of respondents: Ontario, Quebec, and Alberta
• 82% of the respondents live in Ontario and Quebec
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
Do you have the necessary technology to succeed in your program?
• 20% SW/SSW practitioners/educators mentioned lack of technology to
succeed in their work
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
Workplace/institution policy for handling/safe disposal of e-waste
• 2/3 of the students were unaware of their institution/agency policy for
handling/safe disposal of electronic waste
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
Do you have the necessary technology to succeed in your program?
Half of the respondents believe it is extremely important for their
institution/workplace to have a disposal policy on e-waste
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Extremely unimportant
Somewhat unimportant
Neither important or unimportant
Somewhat important
Extremely important
n = 334
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
Social media use in work and personal sphere
• 42% of the respondents (most
students) were using Facebook for
educational purposes and 24% for
their work.
• More respondents are using
LinkedIn for personal reasons than
for work reasons.
• 40% of the respondents are using
some type of social media in their
agency or field placement.
• Skype was mentioned by some
respondents for work as a means
of talking to clients.
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
Don't know
Type of Internet use
• 52% of the respondents use cable for their Internet connection
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
When facing an ethical dilemma related to the use of social media and
other technologies in SW/SSW, where would you look for guidance?
• Most respondents said
that, when facing an
ethical dilemma, they
would look for guidance in
the SW/SSW Code of
Ethics (63%) or consult
with another Social
Worker/Social Service
Worker (65%). Other
important sources of
guidance were the
SW/SSW Regulatory
Body, the Agency
Director or Manager and
Use of Technology- ACESS Project
Social media and work
Though most respondents do not use social media in their work, 64% of
the respondents strongly agree or somewhat agree that they are
concerned with the potential problems that the use of social media can
cause in their relationships with clients.
Strongly Disagree
Somewhat disagree
Neither agree or
Somewhat agree
Strongly agree
“I am concerned about the
use of social media and
potential ethical
challenges including the
potential for dual
relationships between
workers and clients”n= 331
Thank you
The Use of Technology in Social Service and Social Work
Diploma Education and Practice in Canada

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National research study

  • 1. The Use of Technology in Social Service and Social Work Diploma Education and Practice in Canada Asif Khan, Elaine Spencer, Nellie Sheppard and Lisa Shaw-Verhoek
  • 2. Use of Technology- ACESS Project Partners • ACESS: Association of College Educators in Social Services and Social Work Diploma Programs in Canada • Algonquin College • Sheridan College 2
  • 3. Use of Technology- ACESS Project 3
  • 4. Use of Technology- ACESS Project ACESS/ACCC Affinity Group • ACESS is a national, bilingual organization, founded in 2003, that advocates for the advancement of social services and social work diploma programs • ACCC was an early supporter. ACESS was an “Affinity Group” and guidance was provided by Paul Brennan from ACCC 4
  • 5. Use of Technology- ACESS Project ACESS • Governed by a Steering Committee which represents the constituent groups of the organization (Province or Territory, Francophone, Indigenous) • Opportunity for new constituency group from Saskatchewan and Manitoba and Maritime Provinces if Social Service Diploma Programs are established in those regions • ACESS is sustained through membership fees and any donated proceeds from the annual conference • Currently have approximately $5000.00 in a community account which is handled by Treasurer Elizabeth Radian and co-signer Alan Knowles 5
  • 6. Use of Technology- ACESS Project ACESS Goals • Develop and exchange information that supports the education of students in social services and social work programs • Support the learning needs of faculty by:  Identifying, developing and sharing resources  Developing a program registry  Advocating for the profession  Advocating for the needs of students and  Advocating for the needs of diverse communities across Canada 6
  • 7. Use of Technology- ACESS Project ACESS • ACESS holds an annual conference and meeting, rotating jurisdiction host from west to east • In 2013 at the annual ACESS Conference AGM held at Conestoga College in Kitchener, the membership of ACESS voted to support multi-jurisdictional research into the use of technology in SW/SSW. • The results form the basis of our presentation today 7
  • 8. Use of Technology- ACESS Project Personnel with this project • ACESS Advisory Committee comprised of Professors/Instructors from Ontario, Quebec, Alberta, Nunavut, British Columbia • Nellie Sheppard (Sheridan College SSW Gerontology Program) and Lisa Shaw-Verhoek (Algonquin College SSW Program Perth Campus) • Kerry Milford (Algonquin College Applied Research Manager Perth Campus) • Sarah Abbott (MBRI Graduate, Project Co-ordinator) • Asif Khan, Algonquin College MRBI Student, Researcher • Thais Saito, Algonquin College MRBI Student, Researcher • Nancy Johansen, Algonquin College MRBI Program Co-ordinator, Project Advisor/Professor 8
  • 9. Use of Technology- ACESS Project Marketing Research and Business Intelligence Program • One year, intensive graduate certificate program that prepares students for employment in the marketing research and business intelligence field • All students gain real work experience during the year Program • A fast track towards obtaining the Certified Marketing Research Professional (CMRP) designation • Close coordination with MRIA and marketing research industry Industry • Application of current research tools, including SPSS, FluidSurveys and iTracks. • Solutions to actual business problems using advanced, applied marketing, competitive intelligence and statistical techniques Tools 02
  • 10. Use of Technology- ACESS Project Advisory Personnel/Institutions • Alan Knowles, McEwan University, Advisory Committee Chair • Elaine Spencer, Red Deer College, ACESS Alberta Rep • Elizabeth Radian, Red Deer College, ACESS Research Subcommittee Member • Deb Wandler, Selkirk College, ACESS British Columbia Rep • Michelle Proulx, Sault College, ACESS Aboriginal Rep • Elaine Sauriol, Collège Boréal, ACESS Francophone Rep • Marie-Josée Girouard, Cégep de Trois-Rivières, ACESS Quebec Rep • Francine Daniel, Collège Vieux Montréal, ACESS Quebec Rep • Vivian O'Brien, Nunavut Arctic College, ACESS Northern Rep 10
  • 11. Use of Technology- ACESS Project 11
  • 12. Use of Technology- ACESS Project Funders • ACESS ($1000 voted on at AGM) • Algonquin College Innovation Fund ($6000 toward one Fall 2013 and Winter 2014 course release for Lisa) • Algonquin College Health and Wellness Funds NSERC (to pay for document translation and honorariums for the students) • Algonquin College Mobile Learning Fund (for additional honorarium for the students) • Sheridan College (Complementary hours for Nellie) • McEwan University (Conference Call Support for ACESS) 12
  • 13. Use of Technology- ACESS Project BACKGROUND
  • 14. Use of Technology- ACESS Project Background • Since the early days of social work and social welfare communication has been a prime component of supporting personal and community change. • More recently, the development of new technologies has had a major impact on social work and social service work. • Examples of technology that have changed the way SW/SSW is conducted include the telephone, computers, recording mechanisms, internet and more recently social media. • With them, new problems and challenges arrived on how to use technology in the SW/SSW work. 14
  • 15. Use of Technology- ACESS Project Background • These new challenges led to informal associations interested in exchanging information and experiences • The establishment of HUSITA (Human Services Information Technology Applications) was one of the landmarks of a more ethical and effective use of IT • In 2005, the US National Association of Social Workers and the Association of Social Work Boards developed the ‘Standards for Technology and Social Work Practice’ to help the industry improve their performance when it came to technology • They state that the social workers should acquire the necessary skills to use technology appropriately 15
  • 16. Use of Technology- ACESS Project Background • In Canada, however, there has been little guidance as to the use of technology in SW/SSW • In Ontario, the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice has one reference to technology where it indicates on page 26 that “Client records, whether they are paper files or electronic files such as computer diskettes, are kept in an area that is not accessible to persons who have no legitimate interest in the records, and where the privacy of the records may be secured by lock and key.” 16
  • 17. Use of Technology- ACESS Project Background • The Canadian Association of Social Workers’ Guidelines for Ethical Practice also has only one reference to technology on page 11 where it states “Social workers take precautions to ensure and maintain the confidentiality of information transmitted to other parties through the use of computers, electronic mail, facsimile machines, telephone answering machines and other electronic technology. Social workers inform clients of the limits to confidentiality that may apply to these forms of communication.” http://www.casw- 17
  • 18. Use of Technology- ACESS Project Technology 18
  • 19. Use of Technology- ACESS Project Background • Another issue is digital exclusion or the digital divide and how this can marginalize human service educators, students and practitioners in agencies • Several diploma programs in Canada have begun to integrate e- learning into their programs. ACESS member and former Co- Chair Alan Knowles at McEwan University has done some research in this area focusing on hybrid and face to face modalities in SW/SSW education • There is a need for research on the use of technology in SW/SSW diploma education and how it technology is used in practice in agencies and organizations. Before a technology plan for innovation is designed, there is a need for evidence on its effectiveness. 19
  • 20. Use of Technology- ACESS Project Background • With that in mind, ACESS, under the leadership of its members Lisa Shaw-Verhoek and Nellie Sheppard, and lead by Algonquin College and Sheridan College, leaders in applied research and innovation, decided to conduct research on this topic and share it on the provincial, national and international levels. • Since no research in Canada has been conducted on this subject, several questions were asked before the research began. 20
  • 21. Use of Technology- ACESS Project Questions • How are Canadian College SW/SSW Programs integrating technology in their learning process? • How are Canadian Social Service Agencies using technology in practice? • How are Social Service Worker students using information technology at school, at field placement and in their personal lives? • Do SSW’s working in agencies feel that they need more direction in the area of information technology and practice? What are the ethical dilemmas that have arisen? 21
  • 22. Use of Technology- ACESS Project MANAGEMENT PROBLEM
  • 23. Use of Technology- ACESS Project Problem Statement • Technology is changing the face of every industry, but social workers/social service workers are not prepared for those changes • SW/SSW Codes of Ethics do not include info about technology and practice. Some jurisdictions are creating info outside of the Codes of Ethics. 23
  • 24. Use of Technology- ACESS Project Problem Statement • SW/SSW Educators must teach this information in order to prepare students for field placements and graduates for employment. • Where do they get their teaching materials? 24
  • 25. Use of Technology- ACESS Project Problem Statement • In order to create an effective national plan to help prepare for the future, further knowledge is necessary to understand how much access SW/SSW have to technology and how they are using it in education and practice 25
  • 26. Use of Technology- ACESS Project Research Objectives 1. To determine the level of proficiency in the use of technology of students, educators and practitioners, 2. To explore the types of software and hardware they are using, if any, and the burden it represents, 3. To assess their need for training and the preferred method of learning. 26
  • 27. Use of Technology- ACESS Project Research Objectives 4. To investigate the use of social media in SW/SSW 5. To assess the level of awareness of the ethical use of technology in SW/SSW 6. To evaluate their level of satisfaction with the support mechanisms available to solve conflicts derived from the use of social media and SW/SSW 7. To investigate the level of awareness of technology waste. 27
  • 28. Use of Technology- ACESS Project Applied Research Dept. 28
  • 29. Use of Technology- ACESS Project Research Ethics Boards • Nellie and Lisa applied to the Research Ethics Boards at Algonquin College and Sheridan College 29
  • 30. Use of Technology- ACESS Project NSERC • NSERC funding • Tri Council 30
  • 31. Use of Technology- ACESS Project Research Involving Humans 31
  • 32. Use of Technology- ACESS Project Certificate of Approval 32
  • 33. Use of Technology- ACESS Project RESEARCH DESIGN
  • 34. Use of Technology- ACESS Project Research Design Secondary Research Shaw-Verhoek, L., Sheppard, N., 2013. Information technology in Social Service Work education and practice in Canada Conducted by ACESS before deciding to do primary research 34
  • 35. Use of Technology- ACESS Project Research Design Descriptive Research - Quantitative Online survey Snowball recruitment, i.e. by referral Students, educators and practitioners of social work/social service work 35
  • 36. Use of Technology- ACESS Project METHODOLOGY
  • 37. Use of Technology- ACESS Project Methodology - Sampling Method • Non-probability Sampling • Cannot estimate a margin of error • Do not use chance selection procedures • Rely on the researcher’s personal judgment as he or she can decide what elements to include in the sample • Cannot extrapolate results to the population with scientific validity 37
  • 38. Use of Technology- ACESS Project Snowball Sampling • Used when potential respondents are hard to reach, e.g. there is no list available In this technique an initial group of respondents is selected randomly and subsequent respondents are referred by the initial respondents • Used when respondents are more likely to participate if referred by a trusted source, e.g. a colleague, professor • Respondents may not represent all segments of the population, e.g. they may be more “connected” to their community 38
  • 39. Use of Technology- ACESS Project Recruiting The initial list of respondents was formed by: • Personal contacts – ACESS committee members, their colleagues, contacts and students • Program coordinators were contacted and asked to send the survey to other educators and their students • Searching for relevant SW/SSW agencies nationally online, who were contacted by the research team • Research agencies in 9 provinces • United Way Canada agreed to distribute near survey closure 39
  • 40. Use of Technology- ACESS Project Methodology - Quantitative Target audience/Online Survey • Students currently enrolled in SW/SSW diploma programs in Canada • Students in field placements • Educators currently working in SW/SSW diploma programs in Canada • Practitioners currently working in SW/SSW agencies in Canada 40
  • 41. Use of Technology- ACESS Project Methodology - Quantitative • The survey was conducted in both official languages English and French • Revised translation done by Société Gamma Inc. • Pre-testing of the survey occurred between March 1st to March 9th, 2014 • Average time taken to complete the survey: 14 minutes 41
  • 42. Use of Technology- ACESS Project Methodology - Quantitative • The online survey remained open for 54 days, from March 10th , 2014 to May 2nd, 2014 • Geographic reach involved Canada nationally • 250 reminders were sent by the student team • Lisa used the Ontario SSW Professor Listserv and Vice President Academic List in Ontario to push the survey out to Ontario colleges • phone calls by ACESS committee members to colleagues and personal contacts. Emails were sent to ACESS members. 42
  • 43. Use of Technology- ACESS Project Methodology - Quantitative • Completion rate: 70% • Number of participants: 476 • Number of responses per question - Ranges from 333 to 476* • Since there was no initial list of respondents, 476 respondents who voluntarily participated in the survey is considered a good number • Based on the amount of respondents and the data collected, important conclusions can be drawn 43
  • 44. Use of Technology- ACESS Project Limitations • Time restraints • The survey was initially scheduled to be open for two weeks. When it was discovered that lists of potential respondents would not be made available, the project timelines were extended to allow for snowball recruiting • Acquiring a list of respondents 44
  • 45. Use of Technology- ACESS Project Limitations • Due to confidentiality policies, Colleges are not allowed to give students’ names and agencies were not inclined to give a list of their members. • Literacy level of respondents • During pre-testing, varying literacy levels of certain respondents was brought to the attention of the research team. Further editing ensured that all respondents could easily complete the survey • Limited internet access in some parts of Canada particularly in the North and rural areas 45
  • 46. Use of Technology- ACESS Project Limitations (Unanticipated) • Translation: The time taken to translate the survey into French was longer than expected • Having a large committee increased the time to coordinate final edits. Professors are busy people and the advisory committee members were volunteering their time 46
  • 47. Use of Technology- ACESS Project Research Ethics Boards • Submitting the project to two boards of ethics was a long and complicated process • The application was approved by Algonquin College • It was approved with suggestions by Sheridan and would have to go back to the committee for final approval 47
  • 48. Use of Technology- ACESS Project Research Ethics Boards • Once the survey was already launched, other Colleges said it had to be submitted and approved by their own Research Ethics Boards • REBs meet once per month at most colleges • Multi-site application form is deceiving! • Lack of co-operation by colleges created a major barrier for Applied Research of this type • Irony: Sheridan College students did not complete the survey 48
  • 49. Use of Technology- ACESS Project Recommendation! • When a project is approved by an REB at one college in Canada, other colleges should accept that REB Certificate 49
  • 50. Use of Technology- ACESS Project Project Schedule January February March April May Research Problem & Objectives Pretest . Snowball Survey Online Survey 250 reminders Analysis Average survey time 14 minutes Questionnaire design & FluidSurveys programming English & French 476 participants (70% completion rate) SPSS • 476 total responses with 70% completion rate 03
  • 51. Use of Technology- ACESS Project Demographics SW/SSW Educators/ Practitioners/ Students (n=333) 32% College certificates/diplomas 15% B.A or Masters in Social Work 30% Income less than $20,000 58% Majority were young (age 16-34) 26% Age 45 and above 82% Most respondents were female 04
  • 52. Use of Technology- ACESS Project Where respondents live 1% 1% 1% 1% 2% 4% 9% 37% 45% 0 10 20 30 40 50 Outside Canada Saskatchewan & Nova Scotia Yukon Northwest Territories Nunavut British Columbia Alberta Quebec Ontario n=407 • Top 3 provinces in terms of respondents: Ontario, Quebec, and Alberta • 82% of the respondents live in Ontario and Quebec 05
  • 53. Use of Technology- ACESS Project Do you have the necessary technology to succeed in your program? • 20% SW/SSW practitioners/educators mentioned lack of technology to succeed in their work 06
  • 54. Use of Technology- ACESS Project Workplace/institution policy for handling/safe disposal of e-waste • 2/3 of the students were unaware of their institution/agency policy for handling/safe disposal of electronic waste 07
  • 55. Use of Technology- ACESS Project Do you have the necessary technology to succeed in your program? Half of the respondents believe it is extremely important for their institution/workplace to have a disposal policy on e-waste 8% 6% 16% 20% 50% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Extremely unimportant Somewhat unimportant Neither important or unimportant Somewhat important Extremely important n = 334 08
  • 56. Use of Technology- ACESS Project Social media use in work and personal sphere • 42% of the respondents (most students) were using Facebook for educational purposes and 24% for their work. • More respondents are using LinkedIn for personal reasons than for work reasons. • 40% of the respondents are using some type of social media in their agency or field placement. • Skype was mentioned by some respondents for work as a means of talking to clients. 09
  • 57. Use of Technology- ACESS Project 3% 5% 8% 8% 13% 23% 44% 52% Dial-up Other Fiber Don't know Satellite DSL Mobile Cable n=394 Type of Internet use • 52% of the respondents use cable for their Internet connection 10
  • 58. Use of Technology- ACESS Project When facing an ethical dilemma related to the use of social media and other technologies in SW/SSW, where would you look for guidance? • Most respondents said that, when facing an ethical dilemma, they would look for guidance in the SW/SSW Code of Ethics (63%) or consult with another Social Worker/Social Service Worker (65%). Other important sources of guidance were the SW/SSW Regulatory Body, the Agency Director or Manager and friends 11
  • 59. Use of Technology- ACESS Project Social media and work Though most respondents do not use social media in their work, 64% of the respondents strongly agree or somewhat agree that they are concerned with the potential problems that the use of social media can cause in their relationships with clients. 9% 12% 15% 41% 23% Strongly Disagree Somewhat disagree Neither agree or disagree Somewhat agree Strongly agree “I am concerned about the use of social media and potential ethical challenges including the potential for dual relationships between workers and clients”n= 331 12
  • 60. Thank you The Use of Technology in Social Service and Social Work Diploma Education and Practice in Canada

Editor's Notes

  1. Comment t6!!
  2. Comment t6!!
  3. Results may be a good estimate of the population; however, they cannot be extrapolated to the entire population since there is no way of determining the probability of selecting any particular element of the sample.
  4. Comment t17
  5. *Some participants declined to answer the final demographic questions.
  6. T36 I don’t know the numbers