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NAME: __________________________________________ IS
CLASS: 006 007
Exam 2 Extra Credit. All answers are one sentence, or sentence
fragment, at most.
Chapter 4: Answer chapter 4 exercise question 4-1, ignore
bullets that follow question. Name three such issues, and
describe each.
Chapter 5: Answer chapter 5 exercise question 5-2, ignore
bullets that follow question. Name four such technologies, and
define each.
Chapter 6: answer chapter 6 exercise question 6-3, ignore
bullets that follow question. Name five such tools, and
define/describe each.
Running head: [INSERT TITLE HERE]
Student Name
Allied American University
Author Note
This paper was prepared for [INSERT COURSE NAME],
Part II:
Use Internet search engine to answer the following questions.
This essay should be at least one page in length.
1. What percentage of the world's total electricity is produced
by wind power? Cite your sources using APA style format.
2. Will wind power someday replace fossil fuels? Explain.
Part III:
Discuss the world energy problem. What types of renewable
and alternative energy technologies will promote economic
growth for a sustainable environment in the 21st century?
Isolate some of the issues, support with specifics, and outline
some possible solutions. Be sure to cite your sources using
APA style format. This report should be at least one page in
IS 3003
Chapter 6
The Globe and Mail
It is the largest newspaper in Canada; is considered the NYT
and USA Today all in one; It wants to enjoy the subscribership
of every household in Canada, but it has a problem with trying
to house the information needed on all the homes in Canada
Its problem with storing and retrieving information started with
the practice of storing everything on a mainframe that was hard
to use for retrieving and analyzing; this led to large amounts of
data relating to specific areas being downloaded to smaller
computers which created pockets of data processing interests
that became unwieldy; data was not integrated and difficult to
analyze without the relationships to other data being available
There were inconsistent database systems in use, such as MS
Access, SQL Server, Foxbase Pro, and even Excel; updating
information was difficult because the latest information was
back on the mainframe, and had to be downloaded again to get
to new info
Getting to potential new subscribers was almost impossible;
even information on existing subscribers was a problem
security-wise, because it was stored in many places thus causing
potential security breaches with inconsistent controls
In 2002, Globe and Mail acquired SAP NetWeaver BW, a data
warehousing platform (platform versus program: platform is a
capability to build several programs, whereas a program is just
that); the general definition of NetWeaver is that it is an
application builder from SAP for integrating business processes
and databases from a number of sources while exploiting the
leading Web services technologies;
All information is now aggregated within the SAP NetWeaver
system in which applications for analyzing and using database
items can be built and changed quickly; additionally, the
database is available quickly for warehousing and mining
The investment paid for itself in one year
This example points out the extreme importance of data
management; management decision making was also enhanced
by more effective use of available info
Boost in efficiency was caused by:
Making the globe and mail data easier to locate and assemble
The SAP NetWeaver system integrated info from all sources
available to the paper
Duplications were eliminated, and synchronization of data
sources was achieved
A database is – based on computer files, records and items;
contains data on people, places, and things; the archetypical
database is the phone book which is a record of people who use
phones that are listed (accessible to the public)
Most non-computer databases, namely paper records, rolodex
files, folders, notes, etc. are sequential and can only be
reviewed in a certain order
Data and file structures
Databases are usually organized as relational databases
These are 2-dimensional tables where each subject, e.g.,
customers, is organized as a set on entities (records), which
contain things like names of each customer, address, phone, and
each entity has a set of attributes (as mentioned above – names,
addresses, etc. associated with each customer; so, each set of
rows is a group of entities (records); each set of columns is a
set of attributes; each entity has one or more attributes
Each relational file may link to another file so that its data are
available to that file as needed, and so on
Records are also called tuples
Relational database
Each record contains an attribute referred to as a key field to
which the database software will go to retrieve, update, delete,
or rearrange that record; the key field may also be called the
primary key field; if a key field is duplicated as in the case of a
name, another field will uniquely identify one from the other
by, possibly the SSN; the SSN then becomes the primary key
sometimes “foreign keys” are implanted in a record for
purposes of allowing the DBMS software to veer away from the
current file of say parts records to look at information about the
suppliers of such parts
An entity-relationship diagram is a diagram of how the various
files relate to one another
Normalization in DBMS systems
is the process of streamlining
redundant data
Referential integrity – refers to
keeping the relationships between
coupled tables consistent
The DBMS database management system (DBMS) is a specific
type of software for creating, storing, organizing, and accessing
data from a database
MS Access is a DBMS for desktops
MS SQL Server is a DBMS for large mainframes
IBM DB2 is a DBMS for large mainframes
MYSQL was a popular open-source DBMS for mid-range and
large scale systems until it was bought out by Oracle as a way
of eliminating competition
In order to construct a DBMS, one must first define the data
that goes into the system; this is done through a data dictionary;
MS Access has a rudimentary capability
Most all DBMS have a data manipulation language used to add,
change, and delete data into and from the database
In order to use the system, the vendor has to provide a
structured query language (SQL); it is a form of data
manipulation language
All DBMS have a report generator facility to print and in many
cases to simulate data changes over time, or some other
parameter (what-if games)
Non-relational databases are designed for large data sets that
allow simple queries over very large record sizes
The phone companies use such databases for managing
telephone information; NYNEX (Verizon) has a telephone
database of over 20 M numbers that it can search in less than ½
second for a specific number; that’s why 411 information is so
Cloud databases are also popular; Amazon operates a very large
capability using software from all the standard vendors; pricing
is based on usage which means amount of storage, and time of
Big data problems
Big data is a new term in our technology lexicon; it refers to
very large numbers of records with very large numbers of
attributes; the size is thought to be in excess of billions to
trillions of records
Data warehouse is a database that stores data of potential
interest to decision makers;
Data mart is a subset of the data warehouse database; it is a
highly focused portion of the organization’s data placed in a
separate database for a specific purpose
Business intelligence infrastructure
HADOOP – is an open source software framework managed by
the Apache Software Foundation; it enables distributed parallel
processing of huge amounts of data across low cost computers
In-memory computing is the use of a computer’s RAM (random
access memory), main volatile memory, for data storage; the
standard method is for disk storage
The advantage of in-memory storage is for much faster than
using disk memory; the issue is that there has to be a lot of
RAM; if this additional amount is available, much more can be
Data mining
Online analytical processing (OLAP) – a methodology that
allows multi-dimensional data analysis; it allows users to view
data in several ways
Data mining – is all about searching very large databases to
infer rules and future behaviours, forecasting the effects of
these decisions; information includes associations, sequences,
classifications, clusters, and forecasts
Associations – one-to-many connection; occurrences linked to a
single event, such as a fiscal start point
Sequences – events linked over time, and possibly by
progressions of activity
Classification – patterns that describe the group to which the an
item belongs, e.g., a limited partnership, that is a high risk
investment vehicle, that uses several strategies, that makes use
of derivatives and leverage, is called a hedge fund
Clustering – no groups have yet been defined, but items tend to
congregate around some item; a graph of many events that seem
to fall close to each other, define a cluster
Forecasting – uses a series of values obtained from basic
formulas, and uses them to forecast trends, i.e., what other
values will be at some future date
Text and web mining
Text mining – a methodology where text is analyzed for key
elements (words and/or phrases), and discover patterns and
relationships; patterns may be a recurrence of context,
associations, clustering, etc.; relationships may be associations
to a single event, or attribute
Sentiment analysis – mining of text comments (phrases,
sentences, or paragraphs) to detect favorable or unfavorable
opinions about specific subjects
Web mining – a technique that examines traffic, word usage,
trends of various types, associations, etc. to determine what
people are interested in, and what triggers their interests
Information policy
Information policy – specifies the organization’s rules for
sharing, disseminating, acquiring, standardizing, classifying,
and inventorying information
Data administration – is an element of the organization that is
responsible for the policies and procedures by which data is
managed as an organizational resource
The Gartner Group, a marketing consultant company, reported
recently that 25% of all data collected and stored by large
companies is inaccurate; even the best data cannot be reduced to
information, directly or inferred, without accurate collection;
data quality is a problem; a new requirement in many
companies, therefore, is the data quality audit; this is a
structured survey of the accuracy and completeness of the
IS 3003
Chapter 5B
Programming languages for business
Tools for Business applications are embodied in various
programming languages
COBOL – was originally developed specifically for business
applications in the 1960s; it is referred to as a legacy language
because there are many better-supported, more capable, and
faster languages available for these purposes
C, C++ - starting in the early 1970s, C and its variants have
been available; these languages are extremely flexible and
efficient for business apps;
Algol, Pascal – these languages have features that are far
beyond COBOL, but have not been widely adopted, because
they were mostly used in the academic, and scientific
communities, and not thought of as business tools
Visual Basic – this language runs on MS Windows platforms,
and is an all round tool for business as well as other areas;
Basic is an interpretative language which runs a bit slower than
executable object code (compiled software
JAVA – this language is operating system independent (it can
run on any O/S); it was developed by Sun Micro; it allows
programmers to create code applets that can be downloaded and
run on CPUs that have the JAVA client software
Desktop tools
Software package – this is pre-written, pre-coded,
commercial/private software that eliminates the need for
companies to write their own software using any of the
languages just discussed
Word processing software – stores input characters representing
letters or symbols, and expresses them on command to a
display, printer, or document
Oriental languages are pictogram-based meaning words are
expressed as pictures; more recently, words have been broken
down into sounds (syllables), again represented by pictures,
analogous to the old short hand dictation systems
Productivity software
Spreadsheet software – this is valuable for applications where
calculations using pieces of data, embedded in the frame, are
used, and numerical results displayed; these systems use grids
of rows and columns to organize such information
Data management software – although spreadsheet programs are
powerful tools, data management software is better for creating
and manipulating lists, and for merging files
Presentation graphics – is the use of software to convert
numerical data into charts, and other types of graphs; also
included could be sound, animation, photos, and video
Productivity software
Software suites – the archetypical suite is MS Office of various
Web browsers – used for the display of web pages and other
content, accessing the web; browsers are used to display all
multimedia (voice, print, video, graphics)
HTML/HTML5 – these are page description languages, meaning
they specify, through instructions provided by a programmer,
where the text, pictures, video, and graphics will go on a web
page; they also allow one to link to outside pages via embedded
Web services
XML (extensible markup language) – is the foundation
technology for web services; XML allows a programmer to
specify the presentation, communication, and storage of data,
all in the same programming scheme
SOA (Service oriented architecture) – a collection of web
services that are used by firms to build an SOA; this is a set of
self-contained services that communicate with each other to
create a larger software application; all large software vendors,
e.g., IBM, HP, MS, Oracle, etc. provide platforms that support
SOA frameworks
IS 3003
Chapter 5A
Cloud computing
Cloud computing is a set of services, such as processing of
various sorts, storage, applications, DBMS, and other services
that are provided in different arrays for a fee by the vendor to
the user, or buyer
Virtualization is a form of cloud computing where different
software capabilities may be mixed, priced, and offered to the
buyer; this mixture of capabilities may represent different O/Ss,
and various arrays of computational functionality
The NIST (national institute of standards and technology)
defines cloud computing as having the following characteristics:
On demand self-service – users may obtain computing
capabilities, such as server time, and network storage as needed
and on their own
Ubiquitous network access – cloud services may be accessed
using standard network and Internet devices, including mobile
Location independent resource pooling – computer resources are
pooled to serve multiple users
Rapid elasticity – computing resources can be quickly
provisioned (initiated), or changed to meet changing demand
Measured service – it means that charges are made based on
time and resources used
Other definitions
Cloud infrastructure as a service – customers pay for resources
(processing, storage, networking, etc.) from cloud service
providers; Amazon sells its excess capacity to various users,
such as Netflix
Cloud platform as a service – customers use infrastructure and
programming tools supported by the cloud provider to develop
their own applications
Cloud software as a service – customers use software hosted by
a vendor on the vendor’s cloud
Public cloud – owned and maintained by a cloud service
provider, and made available to the public, or industry
private cloud – is operated solely for an organization
On-demand computing – purchasers pay for only the services,
and computing power they use
Green computing or green I.T. – involves the creation, use, and
disposal of computational resources so as to reduce their impact
on the environment
High performance and power savings processors – this is
another way to reduce power requirements and hardware sprawl,
namely to use more efficient, power–saving processors, and to
plan processor loading so as to minimize hardware numbers
The green data center
The typical data center consumes about 100 times more power
than the typical office building; power and cooling costs have
Companies are looking to “green” or power efficient solutions
to such problems; the standard metric is Power Usage
Effectiveness (PUE); it is defined as the ration of total annual
power consumed by the data center divided by how much is
annually by an equivalent array of I.T. equipment
The lower the ratio, the more desirable the target; 1.0 is the
desired target, but 2.0 is the usual value obtained
Virtualization, previously discussed, is the tool of choice for
green computing, because reduces the number of servers and
storage devices by optimizing services
Google’s new data center has a PUE of 1.16; Yahoo’s latest data
center has a PUE of 1.08; FedEx’s newest data center in
Colorado is located at 6000 ft to take advantage of
environmental factors to achieve a low PUE
The Carbon Disclosure Project predicted that by 2020,
companies with over $1B in revenues will be able to save
$12.3B and reduce annual carbon output by 200M barrels of oil
High performance power savings
Power requirements may also be reduced by using multi-core
processors; these devices perform various tasks simultaneously
on a single chip
A multicore processor is defined as an integrated circuit to
which two or more processor cores have been attached to
increase performance (speed), reduce power, cause more
efficient processing of simultaneous tasks
N-core processors are common today; your laptop probably has
a dual-core processing chip
The incentive to save power is not just part of the “green”
initiative; there is a big incentive for computer companies to
reduce power needs in order to preserve battery power and
prolong the use of a single charge to power a mobile device
Autonomic computing
Some computer scientists believe that large array processing is
not possible any more; so, another approach is being explored
and has been for the past 20 years at least
The approach is called autonomic computing; it is roughly
defined as being self-configuring systems that optimize
themselves, and are self-healing, self-reconfiguring, self-
Virus, malware, firewall, and other such programs are
autonomic of sorts; they automatically configure, reconfigure,
defeat virus and other attacks, update themselves, and can under
certain circumstances recover from nullification
Infrastructure software
O/S is the software that manages and controls the activities of a
Other O/S terms of importance are:
GUI (graphical user interface) – provides a picture of the
various controls, icons, bars, and boxes that allow the user to
direct the processing work of the CPU
Multitouch – allows user to implement swipe, dust, sweep, etc.
motions to control various activities
Chrome O/S – a light weight O/S that is accessed through the
web browser and provides applications, and data storage
Android – open-source O/S for mobile devices; open-source
means that the software package is available to all and under
certain restrictions is free or very low cost; any changes made
by a developer can either be uploaded back to host, or may be
kept and used by the developer
UNIX – multi-user, multi-tasking O/S developed by Bell Labs
in 1969; it supports a high degree of networking, and
Linux – similar to UNIX, but is very robust and low cost
(usually free); is low cost alternative to Oracle, and expensive
O/Ss; is a favorite for running back office servers and LANs; it
is also an open-source product;
Other well-known open-source software is Apache HTTP web
server, and Mozilla Fire Fox
IS 3003
Chapter 5
Case Study - Facebook
Facebook’s $59B in market cap (worth) has to come from
somewhere; the Facebook management has always said that
Facebook would be free to join and always will be; It has over
1B subscribers, and that costs a lot of money to maintain,
upgrade, change, and support
The answer, just like for Google, is advertising; if advertising
goes away, so does the free aspect of this service; Facebook
does not have I.P., assets, property, or large cash reserves; it
has the personal information on over 1B people that it sells to
anyone, as well as ads for which it obtains revenues;
In 2013, Facebook made $4.2B in advertising after having had
their IPO in 2012
Why is the collection of personal data not to your advantage?
In spite of partnering with the Dept. of labor to help people find
jobs, helping people find lost pets, and helping law enforcement
track down criminals, Facebook has a dark side
It is able, and has succeeded in building complete pictures of its
users; such information can be used to further the aims of
government, and other undesirable organizations to control you
by controlling your access to things of interest to you
The standard argument is that your personal information will
never be used against you even if you have done nothing wrong;
but nothing is stopping Facebook either, especially when the
government is enticing (through threats, access, or rewards)
Facebook to give up information about you
Making money is good, but Facebook has a terrible reputation
for mishandling private information
How Bad is it?
Consumer Reports did a study recently showing that of the
150M they canvassed, at least 4.8M were willingly sharing data
that could be used against them readily
Such information included travel plans that could be used by
“bad guys” to plan break-ins, liking an article on a health
treatment that insurers could use to deny coverage, not
adjusting privacy controls (13M), becoming part of a group
defined by credit card companies to modify their treatment of
you based on similar profiles of other people, etc.
93% of the people canvassed by Consumer Reports said people
should be asked before their data can be used; 72% want to be
able to opt-out of online tracking
The value of Facebook is based on its ability to leverage the
personal data of its subscribers
An Austrian law student was able to obtain his Facebook
personal information from the Facebook Dublin office; Ireland
has more stringent laws about
It was 1222 pages long
It covered only 3 years of subscribership
It included deleted wall postings, and messages with sensitive
personal comments, as well as deleted email addresses
It also included his photo postings
The Facebook collection of photos grows by 250M every day
Its sponsored stories service allows database users to see all of
the numbers of businesses and products that subscribers and
their friends are using
Graph search, a search engine of sorts, allows strangers to type
in your name and obtain photos of you and your friends, and
just about any information pertaining to your circle of
The EU has stricter controls over Facebook and similar
collection websites, but Facebook is continuing to collect all it
can for revenue reasons
The Army Pursues I.T.
The U.S Army is the biggest purchaser of I.T. equipment and
services of any organization in the world; in 2013, it spent
$34.1B; the number of government data centers is 2094 in 2011
although the OMB has ordered the closing of 30% of all
government data centers by 2015
DISA (Defense Information Systems Agency) is an overlay
organization that supports all branches of the military; with its
own array of I.T. services comprised of a private cloud and
everything that implies; The approach to DoD I.T. is for all
services to try DISA first, and then fall back on Army data
centers afterwards.
The old military philosophy was also aimed at one server – one
application; now virtualization allows for one server – several
applications; fewer servers allow the same workload; The
military is also experimenting with mobile computing
(information on the go) as opposed to receiving information via
telecom and then acting on same
What are the pros and cons of any large scale I.T. network?
The more equipment that is added to a system, the more costly
the system becomes, in terms of personnel as well as equipment;
But complexity also plays a role in increasing costs because
problem identification, load balancing, switch overs, backing
up, and over all control become much more difficult, and
therefore time consuming and costly
There are also many questions, such as, how close to full
capacity are servers going to be allowed before action is to be
taken by software controllers to balance the load? this issue of
fractional capacity may mean an unexpected breakdown; are hot
backups available? are more important operations going to be
relegated to specific or virtual servers?
Data center – a facility housing computers and associated
peripherals, such as telecom, data storage, security, backup
power, a series of networks (intranet, Internet interface,
extranets), etc.
Infrastructure components – the elements of the I.T.
infrastructure are CPUs, software (System O/S, and
applications), data management technology (software),
telecom/networking technology (hardware and software), tech
services (integration and legacy software)
Data management software – organizes, manages, and processes
data from inventory, customers, and vendors
Legacy systems – older systems of various types still used and
part of the network’s integrated whole
Types of computers and terms
PC – desktop or laptop CPUs used as stand alones, or parts of
an integrated computer system
Workstation – a PC with more capability, usually graphics, or
special processing hardware
Mainframe – large, high capacity, high performance CPU that
can process large amounts of data rapidly
Supercomputer – specially designed for tasks that require
extremely rapid and complex calculations with thousands of
variables and thousands of equations
Grid computing – virtual networking of all computers on a
network to obtain the highest level of capability for that
Client server computing
Distributed processing – it is the use of several computers
linked by a telecom network for processing purposes
Central processing – it is a network consisting of a large
capacity computer (possibly with one or more backups) that
links many workstations via a telecom network
Client/server computing – splits processing between 2 basic
groups both of which are on one network; the client specifies
requirements, and the server provides the client with application
Multi-tiered (N-tiered) client-server architectures – multi-level
networks, each tier being defined by web servers, application
servers; sometimes additional levels are defined by security,
region, complexity, etc.
Web server – servicing web pages
Applications server – servicing various applications for specific
activities, requests, or reporting
Storage technology
Laws have made the needs for storage a strategic issue for
companies; laws like Sarbanes-Oxley have put a big emphasis
on long-term storage which creates demand which in turn incurs
costs for companies
Magnetic disks, otherwise known as hard drives, are the most
widely used means of storing data; for mobile devices,
MacBook Air, tablets, etc. the memory used is called solid state
drives (SSDs)
Other forms of storage include optical discs, and magnetic tape
Storage networking is where contemporary storage is capable of
dividing and replicating data among multiple devices linked
Storage area networks (SAN) link many storage devices via
their own network; the SAN creates a large pool of storage
capability that can be shared among several users
SAN and Client-server networks
San with more detail
The mobile platform
Smartphones, iPhones, and Blackberry’s form the backbone of
the new mobile world
They are the conduits for texting, email, surfing, etc.
These devices are also supported by such devices as Surfaces,
Kindles, iPads, Nooks, e-book readers, etc.
So long as data can be reduced to meaningful information, the
trend towards mobile usage by managers, as well as workers,
will continue to grow; don’t forget the ethical dilemmas
concerning employee assigned company resources that
employees occasionally use for personal needs
Consumerization of I.T. and BYOD
The consumerization of mobile devices starts with strictly
private use that spreads to commercial organizations; then
comes software services originally targeted at consumers, by
such companies as Google, Yahoo, Gmail, Dropbox, Microsoft,
and so on
The notion of BYOD (bring your own device) has arisen
because of such initial targeting that soon became swept up in
the commercial usage of mobile information needs; this is
where the ethical concerns of mixing personal activity with
company activity began
So, if companies want more productivity from their employees,
they have to allow the employees to use their own mobile
Moore’s Law
Moore's law is the observation that the number of transistors in
a dense integrated circuit doubles approximately every two
The observation is named after Gordon E. Moore, the co-
founder of Intel and Fairchild Semiconductor, whose 1965 paper
described a doubling every year in the number of components
per integrated circuit,[
Nanotechnology - The science of using individual atoms and
molecules to construct devices that can fit into micrometer and
nanometer volumes to accomplish some function of importance
Quantum computing – uses Qubits (subatomic particles) that can
be in more than one state (1, or 0) at once; this allows
computations to become non-deterministic, and can solve
problems using brute force methods; the Verona messages were
solved via brute force, but took several years to do so using
digital computers
Virtualization – the configuring of CPUs so that they look to an
interfacing workstation like a Windows, Unix, Linux, or iOS
system all at the same time; VMware is currently the most
visible virtualization provider
IS 3003
Chapter 4
Pirates and the web
The Game of Thrones drew more than 11 million subscribers as
watchers in 2012, but an additional estimated 4 million watched
free; WHY?
Piracy has taken off with better equipment, more players, and
better ways getting at the materials; streaming has been a
blessing and a curse for content providers
Cable TV subscriptions have been decreasing, DVD sales
dropping, and movie attendance declining; could all of this be
because of piracy?
Pirated content may cost the U.S. economy as much as $58B
each year in lost jobs and taxes
Streaming has been at the core of much of the problem; video
streams can be redirected to storage for later illegal
redistribution, and branched for simultaneous illegal sharing
Websites like Pirate Bay using BitTorrent file sharing
technology have been among the worst offenders
Search algorithms have been skewed to hide such sites, virus-
like programs, like Carnivore, have been used to identify video
and audio theft, and to apply content recognition codes to
certain lines within a video frame to help prevent illegal
The vertical blanking interval has been used to prevent copying
Apple’s iTunes store has actually helped prevent piracy by
charging a small amount for the product so as to make theft less
Ethical and social issues related to systems
The past 10 years have been challenging for global business
Numerous legal cases have been adjudicated that have resulted
in many tarnished reputations among other things
Legal and ethical judgments are, more than ever, an issue for
the manager
Table 4.1 presents a small sampling of cases that have impacted
large companies in recent years
What are ethics
Ethics – the principles of right and wrong that individuals,
acting as free moral persons, use to make choices; like other
technologies, IT can be used to achieve social progress
Ethical issues, in so far as IT is concerned, have been given new
urgency by the rise of the Internet, and electronic commerce;
For example, in a simple ecommerce transaction, occurs the
safeguarding of customer information, the integrity of the actual
transaction, and carrying out the commitments by the seller
The Ethical Model from an I.T. point-of-view
Moral dimensions
The five moral dimensions of the information age are:
(1) information rights and obligations – what rights do
individuals have?
(2) property rights – how will IP be protected?
(3) accountability and control – who will be accountable for
harm done to individual and collective information rights?
(4) system quality – what standards are to be put in place to
protect individual rights
(5) quality of life – what values should be preserved? What
institutions should be protected? What cultural values are to be
Technology trends that prompt ethical issues
Computer power – dependence on computers creates critical
operational issues
Decline in data storage costs – everything about everybody can
be collected and used against them
Data analysis advances – advanced algorithms can be used to
establish linkages, and inferences to objects not possible in
years gone by
Networking advances – transport of information, access of same
at most any location with connections
Mobile device growth – individual cell phones may be easily
Profiling – use of computers to fuse data from many sources and
create electronic dossiers on individuals
Seemingly simple algorithms, such as Double-Click, are used
for collecting data on target individuals for the purpose of
directed advertising; unfortunately, these same “viruses’ may be
used to collect other things about their targets
Other, similar malware, is used to collect legal records about
people, under such names as ChoicePoint; this software
accumulates records of individuals that can later be used
A capability called NORA (nonobvious relationship awareness)
creates powerful profiling
Carnivore and Prism
Carnivore was an early FBI program that could “surf” the
Internet in search of terrorists; this program was deleted for
jurisdictional reasons (it was not in the FBI charter to chase bad
guys with software)
Later Prism was created by NSA to do the same with added
features, but this program was exposed by Snowden; it is still in
operation, but even fewer people know so
There is currently a convergence of commercialism and spying
that has created a partnership of high tech and secret
government activities for mutual benefit
Ethics in an information society
Basic concepts
Responsibility means that one accepts the costs, duties, and
obligations of decisions made
Accountability means assigning responsibility to one taking, or
not taking, an action
Liability means that responsibility has consequences;
individuals in a society sometimes lay claims against one who
has a responsibility to do, or not do something
Due process is a feature of liability such that one has the right a
assure that rules are applied equally and justly where liability is
Ethical analysis
How should one analyze an ethical situation?
Identify and describe the facts clearly – who, what, when,
where, and how
Define the conflict or dilemma – the higher ordered values
claimed by the opposing parties always have two or more
Identify the stakeholders – identify those who have an interest
in the outcome of the “game”
Identify the options – none of the possible outcomes will
probably satisfy either party entirely; compromise is always the
name of the game
Identify the potential consequences – ask, if one were to always
choose a single option consistently, “what would be the effect
over time?”

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  • 1. NAME: __________________________________________ IS 3003 CLASS: 006 007 Exam 2 Extra Credit. All answers are one sentence, or sentence fragment, at most. Chapter 4: Answer chapter 4 exercise question 4-1, ignore bullets that follow question. Name three such issues, and describe each. 1. 2. 3. Chapter 5: Answer chapter 5 exercise question 5-2, ignore bullets that follow question. Name four such technologies, and define each. 1. 2. 3. 4. Chapter 6: answer chapter 6 exercise question 6-3, ignore bullets that follow question. Name five such tools, and define/describe each. 1.
  • 2. 2. 3. 4. 5. [INSERT TITLE HERE] 2 Running head: [INSERT TITLE HERE] [INSERT TITLE HERE] Student Name Allied American University
  • 3. Author Note This paper was prepared for [INSERT COURSE NAME], [INSERT COURSE ASSIGNMENT] taught by [INSERT INSTRUCTOR’S NAME]. Part II: Use Internet search engine to answer the following questions. This essay should be at least one page in length. 1. What percentage of the world's total electricity is produced by wind power? Cite your sources using APA style format. 2. Will wind power someday replace fossil fuels? Explain. Part III: Discuss the world energy problem. What types of renewable and alternative energy technologies will promote economic growth for a sustainable environment in the 21st century? Isolate some of the issues, support with specifics, and outline some possible solutions. Be sure to cite your sources using APA style format. This report should be at least one page in length. IS 3003 Chapter 6 1
  • 4. The Globe and Mail It is the largest newspaper in Canada; is considered the NYT and USA Today all in one; It wants to enjoy the subscribership of every household in Canada, but it has a problem with trying to house the information needed on all the homes in Canada Its problem with storing and retrieving information started with the practice of storing everything on a mainframe that was hard to use for retrieving and analyzing; this led to large amounts of data relating to specific areas being downloaded to smaller computers which created pockets of data processing interests that became unwieldy; data was not integrated and difficult to analyze without the relationships to other data being available 2 There were inconsistent database systems in use, such as MS Access, SQL Server, Foxbase Pro, and even Excel; updating information was difficult because the latest information was back on the mainframe, and had to be downloaded again to get to new info Getting to potential new subscribers was almost impossible; even information on existing subscribers was a problem security-wise, because it was stored in many places thus causing potential security breaches with inconsistent controls 3
  • 5. In 2002, Globe and Mail acquired SAP NetWeaver BW, a data warehousing platform (platform versus program: platform is a capability to build several programs, whereas a program is just that); the general definition of NetWeaver is that it is an application builder from SAP for integrating business processes and databases from a number of sources while exploiting the leading Web services technologies; All information is now aggregated within the SAP NetWeaver system in which applications for analyzing and using database items can be built and changed quickly; additionally, the database is available quickly for warehousing and mining purposes 4 The investment paid for itself in one year This example points out the extreme importance of data management; management decision making was also enhanced by more effective use of available info Boost in efficiency was caused by: Making the globe and mail data easier to locate and assemble The SAP NetWeaver system integrated info from all sources available to the paper Duplications were eliminated, and synchronization of data sources was achieved 5
  • 6. A database is – based on computer files, records and items; contains data on people, places, and things; the archetypical database is the phone book which is a record of people who use phones that are listed (accessible to the public) Most non-computer databases, namely paper records, rolodex files, folders, notes, etc. are sequential and can only be reviewed in a certain order 6 Data and file structures Databases are usually organized as relational databases These are 2-dimensional tables where each subject, e.g., customers, is organized as a set on entities (records), which contain things like names of each customer, address, phone, and each entity has a set of attributes (as mentioned above – names, addresses, etc. associated with each customer; so, each set of rows is a group of entities (records); each set of columns is a set of attributes; each entity has one or more attributes Each relational file may link to another file so that its data are available to that file as needed, and so on Records are also called tuples 7
  • 7. Relational database 8 Each record contains an attribute referred to as a key field to which the database software will go to retrieve, update, delete, or rearrange that record; the key field may also be called the primary key field; if a key field is duplicated as in the case of a name, another field will uniquely identify one from the other by, possibly the SSN; the SSN then becomes the primary key field sometimes “foreign keys” are implanted in a record for purposes of allowing the DBMS software to veer away from the current file of say parts records to look at information about the suppliers of such parts 9 Part_numberPart_nameUnit_priceAssembly_refSupplier_number 10 FOREIGN KEY
  • 8. Entity-relationships An entity-relationship diagram is a diagram of how the various files relate to one another Normalization in DBMS systems is the process of streamlining redundant data Referential integrity – refers to keeping the relationships between coupled tables consistent 11 The DBMS database management system (DBMS) is a specific type of software for creating, storing, organizing, and accessing data from a database MS Access is a DBMS for desktops MS SQL Server is a DBMS for large mainframes IBM DB2 is a DBMS for large mainframes Oracle MYSQL was a popular open-source DBMS for mid-range and large scale systems until it was bought out by Oracle as a way of eliminating competition 12 In order to construct a DBMS, one must first define the data
  • 9. that goes into the system; this is done through a data dictionary; MS Access has a rudimentary capability Most all DBMS have a data manipulation language used to add, change, and delete data into and from the database In order to use the system, the vendor has to provide a structured query language (SQL); it is a form of data manipulation language All DBMS have a report generator facility to print and in many cases to simulate data changes over time, or some other parameter (what-if games) 13 Non-relational databases are designed for large data sets that allow simple queries over very large record sizes The phone companies use such databases for managing telephone information; NYNEX (Verizon) has a telephone database of over 20 M numbers that it can search in less than ½ second for a specific number; that’s why 411 information is so efficient Cloud databases are also popular; Amazon operates a very large capability using software from all the standard vendors; pricing is based on usage which means amount of storage, and time of storage 14 Big data problems Big data is a new term in our technology lexicon; it refers to
  • 10. very large numbers of records with very large numbers of attributes; the size is thought to be in excess of billions to trillions of records Data warehouse is a database that stores data of potential interest to decision makers; Data mart is a subset of the data warehouse database; it is a highly focused portion of the organization’s data placed in a separate database for a specific purpose 15 Business intelligence infrastructure HADOOP – is an open source software framework managed by the Apache Software Foundation; it enables distributed parallel processing of huge amounts of data across low cost computers In-memory computing is the use of a computer’s RAM (random access memory), main volatile memory, for data storage; the standard method is for disk storage The advantage of in-memory storage is for much faster than using disk memory; the issue is that there has to be a lot of RAM; if this additional amount is available, much more can be achieved 16 Data mining Online analytical processing (OLAP) – a methodology that allows multi-dimensional data analysis; it allows users to view data in several ways Data mining – is all about searching very large databases to
  • 11. infer rules and future behaviours, forecasting the effects of these decisions; information includes associations, sequences, classifications, clusters, and forecasts 17 Associations – one-to-many connection; occurrences linked to a single event, such as a fiscal start point Sequences – events linked over time, and possibly by progressions of activity Classification – patterns that describe the group to which the an item belongs, e.g., a limited partnership, that is a high risk investment vehicle, that uses several strategies, that makes use of derivatives and leverage, is called a hedge fund Clustering – no groups have yet been defined, but items tend to congregate around some item; a graph of many events that seem to fall close to each other, define a cluster Forecasting – uses a series of values obtained from basic formulas, and uses them to forecast trends, i.e., what other values will be at some future date 18 19
  • 12. Text and web mining Text mining – a methodology where text is analyzed for key elements (words and/or phrases), and discover patterns and relationships; patterns may be a recurrence of context, associations, clustering, etc.; relationships may be associations to a single event, or attribute Sentiment analysis – mining of text comments (phrases, sentences, or paragraphs) to detect favorable or unfavorable opinions about specific subjects Web mining – a technique that examines traffic, word usage, trends of various types, associations, etc. to determine what people are interested in, and what triggers their interests 20 Information policy Information policy – specifies the organization’s rules for sharing, disseminating, acquiring, standardizing, classifying, and inventorying information Data administration – is an element of the organization that is responsible for the policies and procedures by which data is managed as an organizational resource The Gartner Group, a marketing consultant company, reported recently that 25% of all data collected and stored by large companies is inaccurate; even the best data cannot be reduced to information, directly or inferred, without accurate collection; data quality is a problem; a new requirement in many companies, therefore, is the data quality audit; this is a structured survey of the accuracy and completeness of the
  • 13. database 21 IS 3003 Chapter 5B 1 Programming languages for business Tools for Business applications are embodied in various programming languages COBOL – was originally developed specifically for business applications in the 1960s; it is referred to as a legacy language because there are many better-supported, more capable, and faster languages available for these purposes C, C++ - starting in the early 1970s, C and its variants have been available; these languages are extremely flexible and efficient for business apps; Algol, Pascal – these languages have features that are far beyond COBOL, but have not been widely adopted, because they were mostly used in the academic, and scientific communities, and not thought of as business tools Visual Basic – this language runs on MS Windows platforms, and is an all round tool for business as well as other areas; Basic is an interpretative language which runs a bit slower than executable object code (compiled software JAVA – this language is operating system independent (it can
  • 14. run on any O/S); it was developed by Sun Micro; it allows programmers to create code applets that can be downloaded and run on CPUs that have the JAVA client software 2 Desktop tools Software package – this is pre-written, pre-coded, commercial/private software that eliminates the need for companies to write their own software using any of the languages just discussed Word processing software – stores input characters representing letters or symbols, and expresses them on command to a display, printer, or document Oriental languages are pictogram-based meaning words are expressed as pictures; more recently, words have been broken down into sounds (syllables), again represented by pictures, analogous to the old short hand dictation systems 3 Productivity software Spreadsheet software – this is valuable for applications where calculations using pieces of data, embedded in the frame, are used, and numerical results displayed; these systems use grids of rows and columns to organize such information Data management software – although spreadsheet programs are powerful tools, data management software is better for creating and manipulating lists, and for merging files Presentation graphics – is the use of software to convert
  • 15. numerical data into charts, and other types of graphs; also included could be sound, animation, photos, and video 4 Productivity software Software suites – the archetypical suite is MS Office of various years Web browsers – used for the display of web pages and other content, accessing the web; browsers are used to display all multimedia (voice, print, video, graphics) HTML/HTML5 – these are page description languages, meaning they specify, through instructions provided by a programmer, where the text, pictures, video, and graphics will go on a web page; they also allow one to link to outside pages via embedded URLs 5 Web services XML (extensible markup language) – is the foundation technology for web services; XML allows a programmer to specify the presentation, communication, and storage of data, all in the same programming scheme SOA (Service oriented architecture) – a collection of web services that are used by firms to build an SOA; this is a set of self-contained services that communicate with each other to create a larger software application; all large software vendors, e.g., IBM, HP, MS, Oracle, etc. provide platforms that support SOA frameworks
  • 16. 6 IS 3003 Chapter 5A 1 Cloud computing Cloud computing is a set of services, such as processing of various sorts, storage, applications, DBMS, and other services that are provided in different arrays for a fee by the vendor to the user, or buyer Virtualization is a form of cloud computing where different software capabilities may be mixed, priced, and offered to the buyer; this mixture of capabilities may represent different O/Ss, and various arrays of computational functionality The NIST (national institute of standards and technology) defines cloud computing as having the following characteristics: 2 On demand self-service – users may obtain computing capabilities, such as server time, and network storage as needed
  • 17. and on their own Ubiquitous network access – cloud services may be accessed using standard network and Internet devices, including mobile devices Location independent resource pooling – computer resources are pooled to serve multiple users Rapid elasticity – computing resources can be quickly provisioned (initiated), or changed to meet changing demand Measured service – it means that charges are made based on time and resources used 3 Other definitions Cloud infrastructure as a service – customers pay for resources (processing, storage, networking, etc.) from cloud service providers; Amazon sells its excess capacity to various users, such as Netflix Cloud platform as a service – customers use infrastructure and programming tools supported by the cloud provider to develop their own applications Cloud software as a service – customers use software hosted by a vendor on the vendor’s cloud 4 clouds Public cloud – owned and maintained by a cloud service provider, and made available to the public, or industry private cloud – is operated solely for an organization
  • 18. On-demand computing – purchasers pay for only the services, and computing power they use Green computing or green I.T. – involves the creation, use, and disposal of computational resources so as to reduce their impact on the environment 5 High performance and power savings processors – this is another way to reduce power requirements and hardware sprawl, namely to use more efficient, power–saving processors, and to plan processor loading so as to minimize hardware numbers 6 The green data center The typical data center consumes about 100 times more power than the typical office building; power and cooling costs have skyrocketed Companies are looking to “green” or power efficient solutions to such problems; the standard metric is Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE); it is defined as the ration of total annual power consumed by the data center divided by how much is annually by an equivalent array of I.T. equipment The lower the ratio, the more desirable the target; 1.0 is the desired target, but 2.0 is the usual value obtained 7
  • 19. Virtualization, previously discussed, is the tool of choice for green computing, because reduces the number of servers and storage devices by optimizing services Google’s new data center has a PUE of 1.16; Yahoo’s latest data center has a PUE of 1.08; FedEx’s newest data center in Colorado is located at 6000 ft to take advantage of environmental factors to achieve a low PUE The Carbon Disclosure Project predicted that by 2020, companies with over $1B in revenues will be able to save $12.3B and reduce annual carbon output by 200M barrels of oil 8 High performance power savings Power requirements may also be reduced by using multi-core processors; these devices perform various tasks simultaneously on a single chip A multicore processor is defined as an integrated circuit to which two or more processor cores have been attached to increase performance (speed), reduce power, cause more efficient processing of simultaneous tasks N-core processors are common today; your laptop probably has a dual-core processing chip The incentive to save power is not just part of the “green” initiative; there is a big incentive for computer companies to reduce power needs in order to preserve battery power and prolong the use of a single charge to power a mobile device 9
  • 20. Autonomic computing Some computer scientists believe that large array processing is not possible any more; so, another approach is being explored and has been for the past 20 years at least The approach is called autonomic computing; it is roughly defined as being self-configuring systems that optimize themselves, and are self-healing, self-reconfiguring, self- optimizing Virus, malware, firewall, and other such programs are autonomic of sorts; they automatically configure, reconfigure, defeat virus and other attacks, update themselves, and can under certain circumstances recover from nullification 10 Infrastructure software O/S is the software that manages and controls the activities of a computer Other O/S terms of importance are: GUI (graphical user interface) – provides a picture of the various controls, icons, bars, and boxes that allow the user to direct the processing work of the CPU Multitouch – allows user to implement swipe, dust, sweep, etc. motions to control various activities Chrome O/S – a light weight O/S that is accessed through the web browser and provides applications, and data storage facilities 11
  • 21. Android – open-source O/S for mobile devices; open-source means that the software package is available to all and under certain restrictions is free or very low cost; any changes made by a developer can either be uploaded back to host, or may be kept and used by the developer UNIX – multi-user, multi-tasking O/S developed by Bell Labs in 1969; it supports a high degree of networking, and communications Linux – similar to UNIX, but is very robust and low cost (usually free); is low cost alternative to Oracle, and expensive O/Ss; is a favorite for running back office servers and LANs; it is also an open-source product; Other well-known open-source software is Apache HTTP web server, and Mozilla Fire Fox 12 IS 3003 Chapter 5 1
  • 22. Case Study - Facebook Facebook’s $59B in market cap (worth) has to come from somewhere; the Facebook management has always said that Facebook would be free to join and always will be; It has over 1B subscribers, and that costs a lot of money to maintain, upgrade, change, and support The answer, just like for Google, is advertising; if advertising goes away, so does the free aspect of this service; Facebook does not have I.P., assets, property, or large cash reserves; it has the personal information on over 1B people that it sells to anyone, as well as ads for which it obtains revenues; In 2013, Facebook made $4.2B in advertising after having had their IPO in 2012 2 Why is the collection of personal data not to your advantage? In spite of partnering with the Dept. of labor to help people find jobs, helping people find lost pets, and helping law enforcement track down criminals, Facebook has a dark side It is able, and has succeeded in building complete pictures of its users; such information can be used to further the aims of government, and other undesirable organizations to control you by controlling your access to things of interest to you The standard argument is that your personal information will never be used against you even if you have done nothing wrong; but nothing is stopping Facebook either, especially when the government is enticing (through threats, access, or rewards) Facebook to give up information about you Making money is good, but Facebook has a terrible reputation for mishandling private information 3
  • 23. How Bad is it? Consumer Reports did a study recently showing that of the 150M they canvassed, at least 4.8M were willingly sharing data that could be used against them readily Such information included travel plans that could be used by “bad guys” to plan break-ins, liking an article on a health treatment that insurers could use to deny coverage, not adjusting privacy controls (13M), becoming part of a group defined by credit card companies to modify their treatment of you based on similar profiles of other people, etc. 93% of the people canvassed by Consumer Reports said people should be asked before their data can be used; 72% want to be able to opt-out of online tracking The value of Facebook is based on its ability to leverage the personal data of its subscribers 4 An Austrian law student was able to obtain his Facebook personal information from the Facebook Dublin office; Ireland has more stringent laws about It was 1222 pages long It covered only 3 years of subscribership It included deleted wall postings, and messages with sensitive personal comments, as well as deleted email addresses It also included his photo postings The Facebook collection of photos grows by 250M every day 5
  • 24. Its sponsored stories service allows database users to see all of the numbers of businesses and products that subscribers and their friends are using Graph search, a search engine of sorts, allows strangers to type in your name and obtain photos of you and your friends, and just about any information pertaining to your circle of acquaintances The EU has stricter controls over Facebook and similar collection websites, but Facebook is continuing to collect all it can for revenue reasons 6 The Army Pursues I.T. The U.S Army is the biggest purchaser of I.T. equipment and services of any organization in the world; in 2013, it spent $34.1B; the number of government data centers is 2094 in 2011 although the OMB has ordered the closing of 30% of all government data centers by 2015 DISA (Defense Information Systems Agency) is an overlay organization that supports all branches of the military; with its own array of I.T. services comprised of a private cloud and everything that implies; The approach to DoD I.T. is for all services to try DISA first, and then fall back on Army data centers afterwards. The old military philosophy was also aimed at one server – one application; now virtualization allows for one server – several
  • 25. applications; fewer servers allow the same workload; The military is also experimenting with mobile computing (information on the go) as opposed to receiving information via telecom and then acting on same 7 What are the pros and cons of any large scale I.T. network? The more equipment that is added to a system, the more costly the system becomes, in terms of personnel as well as equipment; But complexity also plays a role in increasing costs because problem identification, load balancing, switch overs, backing up, and over all control become much more difficult, and therefore time consuming and costly There are also many questions, such as, how close to full capacity are servers going to be allowed before action is to be taken by software controllers to balance the load? this issue of fractional capacity may mean an unexpected breakdown; are hot backups available? are more important operations going to be relegated to specific or virtual servers? 8 definitions Data center – a facility housing computers and associated peripherals, such as telecom, data storage, security, backup power, a series of networks (intranet, Internet interface, extranets), etc. Infrastructure components – the elements of the I.T. infrastructure are CPUs, software (System O/S, and
  • 26. applications), data management technology (software), telecom/networking technology (hardware and software), tech services (integration and legacy software) Data management software – organizes, manages, and processes data from inventory, customers, and vendors Legacy systems – older systems of various types still used and part of the network’s integrated whole 9 Types of computers and terms PC – desktop or laptop CPUs used as stand alones, or parts of an integrated computer system Workstation – a PC with more capability, usually graphics, or special processing hardware Mainframe – large, high capacity, high performance CPU that can process large amounts of data rapidly Supercomputer – specially designed for tasks that require extremely rapid and complex calculations with thousands of variables and thousands of equations Grid computing – virtual networking of all computers on a network to obtain the highest level of capability for that network 10 Client server computing Distributed processing – it is the use of several computers linked by a telecom network for processing purposes Central processing – it is a network consisting of a large
  • 27. capacity computer (possibly with one or more backups) that links many workstations via a telecom network Client/server computing – splits processing between 2 basic groups both of which are on one network; the client specifies requirements, and the server provides the client with application services Multi-tiered (N-tiered) client-server architectures – multi-level networks, each tier being defined by web servers, application servers; sometimes additional levels are defined by security, region, complexity, etc. 11 Web server – servicing web pages Applications server – servicing various applications for specific activities, requests, or reporting 12 Storage technology Laws have made the needs for storage a strategic issue for companies; laws like Sarbanes-Oxley have put a big emphasis on long-term storage which creates demand which in turn incurs costs for companies Magnetic disks, otherwise known as hard drives, are the most widely used means of storing data; for mobile devices, MacBook Air, tablets, etc. the memory used is called solid state drives (SSDs)
  • 28. Other forms of storage include optical discs, and magnetic tape Storage networking is where contemporary storage is capable of dividing and replicating data among multiple devices linked together Storage area networks (SAN) link many storage devices via their own network; the SAN creates a large pool of storage capability that can be shared among several users 13 SAN and Client-server networks 14 San with more detail 15 The mobile platform Smartphones, iPhones, and Blackberry’s form the backbone of the new mobile world They are the conduits for texting, email, surfing, etc. These devices are also supported by such devices as Surfaces, Kindles, iPads, Nooks, e-book readers, etc. So long as data can be reduced to meaningful information, the
  • 29. trend towards mobile usage by managers, as well as workers, will continue to grow; don’t forget the ethical dilemmas concerning employee assigned company resources that employees occasionally use for personal needs 16 Consumerization of I.T. and BYOD The consumerization of mobile devices starts with strictly private use that spreads to commercial organizations; then comes software services originally targeted at consumers, by such companies as Google, Yahoo, Gmail, Dropbox, Microsoft, and so on The notion of BYOD (bring your own device) has arisen because of such initial targeting that soon became swept up in the commercial usage of mobile information needs; this is where the ethical concerns of mixing personal activity with company activity began So, if companies want more productivity from their employees, they have to allow the employees to use their own mobile devices 17 Moore’s Law 18 Moore's law is the observation that the number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit doubles approximately every two years.
  • 30. The observation is named after Gordon E. Moore, the co- founder of Intel and Fairchild Semiconductor, whose 1965 paper described a doubling every year in the number of components per integrated circuit,[ Nanotechnology Nanotechnology - The science of using individual atoms and molecules to construct devices that can fit into micrometer and nanometer volumes to accomplish some function of importance Quantum computing – uses Qubits (subatomic particles) that can be in more than one state (1, or 0) at once; this allows computations to become non-deterministic, and can solve problems using brute force methods; the Verona messages were solved via brute force, but took several years to do so using digital computers Virtualization – the configuring of CPUs so that they look to an interfacing workstation like a Windows, Unix, Linux, or iOS system all at the same time; VMware is currently the most visible virtualization provider 19 IS 3003 Chapter 4 1
  • 31. Pirates and the web The Game of Thrones drew more than 11 million subscribers as watchers in 2012, but an additional estimated 4 million watched free; WHY? Piracy has taken off with better equipment, more players, and better ways getting at the materials; streaming has been a blessing and a curse for content providers Cable TV subscriptions have been decreasing, DVD sales dropping, and movie attendance declining; could all of this be because of piracy? Pirated content may cost the U.S. economy as much as $58B each year in lost jobs and taxes 2 Streaming has been at the core of much of the problem; video streams can be redirected to storage for later illegal redistribution, and branched for simultaneous illegal sharing Websites like Pirate Bay using BitTorrent file sharing technology have been among the worst offenders Search algorithms have been skewed to hide such sites, virus- like programs, like Carnivore, have been used to identify video and audio theft, and to apply content recognition codes to certain lines within a video frame to help prevent illegal uploads The vertical blanking interval has been used to prevent copying Apple’s iTunes store has actually helped prevent piracy by charging a small amount for the product so as to make theft less
  • 32. attractive 3 Ethical and social issues related to systems The past 10 years have been challenging for global business Numerous legal cases have been adjudicated that have resulted in many tarnished reputations among other things Legal and ethical judgments are, more than ever, an issue for the manager Table 4.1 presents a small sampling of cases that have impacted large companies in recent years 4 What are ethics Ethics – the principles of right and wrong that individuals, acting as free moral persons, use to make choices; like other technologies, IT can be used to achieve social progress Ethical issues, in so far as IT is concerned, have been given new urgency by the rise of the Internet, and electronic commerce; For example, in a simple ecommerce transaction, occurs the safeguarding of customer information, the integrity of the actual transaction, and carrying out the commitments by the seller 5
  • 33. The Ethical Model from an I.T. point-of-view 6 Moral dimensions The five moral dimensions of the information age are: (1) information rights and obligations – what rights do individuals have? (2) property rights – how will IP be protected? (3) accountability and control – who will be accountable for harm done to individual and collective information rights? (4) system quality – what standards are to be put in place to protect individual rights (5) quality of life – what values should be preserved? What institutions should be protected? What cultural values are to be supported? 7 Technology trends that prompt ethical issues Computer power – dependence on computers creates critical operational issues Decline in data storage costs – everything about everybody can be collected and used against them Data analysis advances – advanced algorithms can be used to establish linkages, and inferences to objects not possible in years gone by Networking advances – transport of information, access of same
  • 34. at most any location with connections Mobile device growth – individual cell phones may be easily tracked 8 spying Profiling – use of computers to fuse data from many sources and create electronic dossiers on individuals Seemingly simple algorithms, such as Double-Click, are used for collecting data on target individuals for the purpose of directed advertising; unfortunately, these same “viruses’ may be used to collect other things about their targets Other, similar malware, is used to collect legal records about people, under such names as ChoicePoint; this software accumulates records of individuals that can later be used A capability called NORA (nonobvious relationship awareness) creates powerful profiling 9 Carnivore and Prism Carnivore was an early FBI program that could “surf” the Internet in search of terrorists; this program was deleted for jurisdictional reasons (it was not in the FBI charter to chase bad guys with software) Later Prism was created by NSA to do the same with added features, but this program was exposed by Snowden; it is still in operation, but even fewer people know so
  • 35. There is currently a convergence of commercialism and spying that has created a partnership of high tech and secret government activities for mutual benefit 10 Ethics in an information society Basic concepts Responsibility means that one accepts the costs, duties, and obligations of decisions made Accountability means assigning responsibility to one taking, or not taking, an action Liability means that responsibility has consequences; individuals in a society sometimes lay claims against one who has a responsibility to do, or not do something Due process is a feature of liability such that one has the right a assure that rules are applied equally and justly where liability is concerned 11 Ethical analysis How should one analyze an ethical situation? Identify and describe the facts clearly – who, what, when, where, and how Define the conflict or dilemma – the higher ordered values claimed by the opposing parties always have two or more points-of-view Identify the stakeholders – identify those who have an interest in the outcome of the “game”
  • 36. Identify the options – none of the possible outcomes will probably satisfy either party entirely; compromise is always the name of the game Identify the potential consequences – ask, if one were to always choose a single option consistently, “what would be the effect over time?” 12