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By Emily Lee
1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or
    challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
FRONT COVER          Follows the rule           My outlined masthead with a
                     of thirds                  dark drop shadow contrasts
                                                with the white font colour.
                                                This is a serif font.
  Consistent font
  colour contrasts
    with the blue
   background of                                Bright flash at the top of the
     the photo.                                 magazine, in a star shape,
                                                looks different and stands out to
                                                the consumers

      Main image
                                                      Sans Serif

  Cover lines
                                                         San serif font with a drop
                                                        shadow, bevel and emboss
                                                              and a stroke

                                                     Issue Date
     Main Cover
     Line that
     anchors the
     main image

                                                 Barcode at the bottom, it is the least
                                        Price    important
     • In my music magazine I have stuck to the same codes and conventions that I have established in my
     research in any music magazine. Most of the mastheads that I have researched stretch across the page of
     the magazine whilst some like to be on the left hand side. I have decided that the masthead would be more
     recognisable if I had it stretched across my magazine.

                                                Also the colours for the
                                                magazine is quite simple and
                                                plain, contrasting the
                                                background and the main
                                                image, therefore making it
                                                stand out.

                                              In addition, there are three
                                              articles on each side of the rule
                                              of thirds, keeping it
                                              straightforward and uncluttered.
                                              Also the emphasis on certain
                                              words using a different font
                                              making them eye catching, “ Lily
                                              Allen Dodd” and “20” both are an
                                              example of this.

                                                                            Compared to the magazine on the right hand side,
I have also added a stroke of pink and a drop shadow                        which influenced me to create a similar magazine,
of purple to highlight the name. Also in my research                        there are some similarities. One of them is the rule
most of the front covers has one block coloured                             of 3 that has been applied to both magazines. The
background and this is what I decided to incorporate in                     rule of 3 creates a neat and tidy magazine, one
my music magazine.                                                          that is instantly easy to read.
       There are some differences that I have made to challenge the conventions of a front cover.

                                                                                     The bright flash that I have added
                                                                                     entices customers to buy the
                                                                                     magazine. However, flashes are not
                                                                                     always placed on magazines. The
                                                                                     reason that I have placed a flash in
                                                                                     my music magazine is to add some
                                                                                     colour into my magazine, as there
                                                                                     are only the white font and the blue

                                                                                       Another difference is the barcode,
                                                                                       price and issue date; all of these are
                                                                                       at the bottom right hand corner in
                                                                                       my music magazine, I had a difficult
The dark drop shadow that I
                                                                                       decision on where to place it
have added so that it brings
                                                                                       because in my research the
out the masthead so it is
                                                                                       barcode, price and issue date all
visually noticeable.
                                                                                       vary in each issue of each
CONTENTS PAGE                                                                   Clear contents
                                                                                masthead spreads
 Sub titles on the                                                              out across the page
 contents page so that it                                                       to make it noticeable
 is clear for the readers to
 come across the article
 that they want.

                                                                                 Different photos on
                                                                                 the right relate to
                                                                                 other articles inside
                                                                                 my music
                                                                                 magazine. These
                                                                                 are indicated by
  Page references
                                                                                 page references so
                                                                                 the articles are
                                                                                 easy to find.

 The bright blue sans
 serif font to contrast
 with the white
 background and the
 main image.                                                                      Page number

                               Main Image in the middle of the page to show
                               the reader that the person in the image is the
                               main “talk” of this music magazine.
Similarities   Both of the mastheads are spread
               across the top of the page making it
               clear for the audience to spot.

                  Both of these magazines
                  have sub titles for the
                  articles to go under, this
                  makes it apparent to the

                   In my music magazine, I
                   decided to incorporate
                   this similar layout to the
                   right using a main image
                   in the middle of the page
                   because it makes the
                   page very eye-catching.

                    Another similarity is the
                    different photos on the
                    right hand side to show
                    that there are other articles
                    in the magazine.

                 On the pictures they have a page reference,
                 this makes it easier for the reader to find that
                 specific article following the codes and
                 conventions for any magazine.
       There are some differences that I have made to challenge the conventions of my contents page.

Page reference in a
serif font makes it
straightforward for the
readers to find the
exact page for the
article that they need.

                                                                                              Page number at the
                                                                                              bottom right hand
                                                                                              corner to show that the
                                                                                              music magazine is
                                                                                              organised and it is a lot
                                                                                              more accessible for the
   Double Page Spread                            logo in the           Article Headline,
                                  Drop Capital   article               serif font


                                                                                             to the

 Main Image
 fills ¾ of the

                                                                                           Q and As

                                                        Names in different                  Page number
                  Matched up the two                    colours to show
                  background colours                    whose talking
Large bold sans serif headline
    Similarities                                                                       so that the readers are able to
                                                                                       find the article even when
                                                                                       they flicked through the

                                                                                  The article is in
                                                                                  columns so that it
                                                                                  makes it easier for
                                                                                  the reader to read
                                                                                  instead of one big
                                                                                  paragraph, also
                                                          Drop Capital shows
                                                                                  splitting it into
                                                          that it is a start of
                                                                                  columns fill the
                                                          the article and it
                                                                                  spaces of the
                                                          establishes the

                               Page numbers at the bottom
                               corners of each page to
                               represent the page number
                               which makes it simple for the
The main image fills up ½      readers to an article
of the double page spread
which instantly grabs the
attention of the reader, and
the blue background
connotes peace, freedom
and power relating to the
how they wrote their song.

Colourful page
number that
stands out
from other
page numbers.

                 I have decided to include Polaroids so that the article looks fun and
                 interesting by adding a bit of colour to the back ground of the Polaroids.
                 This also relates to the genre of pop because most of the pop
                 magazines that I have researched have a very colourful magazine even
                 in the articles.
2. How does your media product represent particular social

The representation of my music magazine are
mainstreamers who listen to the majority of
music that are on the radio, TV programmes
etc. This would be pop, R&B and rock as
shown in my questionnaire results after they
were collated together.
I have also incorporated different ethnicities
and race in my images to show an unbiased
representation of a particular social group and   What m usic people listen to?
to associate egalitarian of the music industry.

                                                                                  Hip Hop
                                                                                  Elect ro
                                                                                  Heavy Met al
                                                                                  Count ry
                                                                                  Ot her
In addition, although my music magazine is
aimed for guys and girls, it is particularly in
favour for the girls as all my images are
girls, there is no representation of any guys
at all, and this is a problem because there
are the same amount of boys as there are
girls so that is 50% of the audience that
will not buy this magazine. Also the pink
stroke and purple drop shadow for the
name Lily Allen-Dodd does not help the
fact that the magazine is for both genders
even though it is a girl’s name.

                                      Furthermore, the background of my
                                      music magazine is blue/purple which
                                      also suggests that the target audience
                                      is aimed for girls and this does not
                                      connote the target audience that was
                                      originally intended. However the
                                      magazine does portray the pop and
                                      R&B genre because of the smiley
                                      images of the two girls posing which
                                      relates to the mood of the songs in both
                                      Pop and R&B.
3. What kind of media institution might distribute

                       your media product and why?

For my music magazine I would like Bauer because the IPC company does not publish many music
magazines. The only music magazine they have done is NME, although that was a big hit in the 50s.
So in terms of a big hit, IPC have done very well with their NME magazine. On the other hand Bauer
has a broad media variety which ranges from magazine to radio to TV and to their own independent

Some of the well known music
magazines from Bauer are Q, Kerrang,
Mojo, Empire and Heat. These
magazines are very well known around
the Uk, Kerrang had the highest
circulation to date of 85,377 in July to
December 2006..On the other hand
NME’s circulation was 33,875, down
17.3% year on year . In addition, Bauer
have been the top 3 with their music
magazines , Empire, Mojo and Q in
2010 as shown on the picture, with NME
in 9th place which is gradually
decreasing in their figures, which is why
I prefer Bauer to be my publisher as
they have sustainable numbers. And
more experience dealing with music
4. Who would the audience be for your media
My target audience is for both males and females aged around 11 – 17 years old. I have targeted
young teenagers because the majority of them are “mainstreamers” and they spend most of their
time listening to music whether its via the radio, TV or internet. On some occasions teenagers
want to buy a music magazine because it is colourful or for the free poster of their favourite
band/artist. This is why I have taken this idea and put it in my own music magazine which
matches with the codes and conventions of a professional music magazine. I think this should be
aimed at all teenagers from any social class A,B,C1,C2,D,E, however, on the whole teenagers
who are from B,C1,C2,D are the most likely to buy my music magazine.

The profile of a teenager who
is most likely to buy my music
magazine is:
Favourite Bands: N-Dubz,
Justin Bieber, Take That,
Jessie J, Rihanna.
Favourite TV Programmes:
Horrible Histories, Big Bang
Theory, CSI,
Hobbies and Interests:
Football, Basketball, Hockey,
Drums, Electric Guitar, Cycling
Education: School
5. How did you attract/address your audience?

In my music magazine, there are a variety of fonts, colours and
images which appeal and keep the reader interested in my magazine.
All of these bright colours and fonts appeal to my audience as this is
how a pop or R&B music magazine would attract their audience as all
of these colours would make the magazine less sophisticated giving it
an informal tenor. One of the main things that catches the eye of an
audience is the main image, the masthead and any flashes.
The sans serif font and serif
font was used in the front         The front cover isn’t
cover , which highlighted both     cluttering the blue           Whilst the yellow flash
the Pop and R&B genre              background so that the        instantly grabs their
because the font gives an          readers are able to access    attention because yellow
impression of what type of         it easily. The colour blue    is associated with
music magazine it is or how        connotes peace and            happiness, energy and
formal or informal the tenor for   calmness which gives the      intellect.
the magazine is which leads        reader time to read article
to what audience the magazine      headlines.
is aimed at.
This masthead is
bright blue at the
top of the page so   These range of
it makes it stand    pictures make it
out to the reader    visual for the
                     readers and it
                     attracts them
                     because the
                     teenagers would
                     rather look at the
                     pictures than the
                     writing itself.
The artists names
                                                                that are highlighted
                                                                show the importance
                                                                 that they are being
                                                                featured on a double
                                                                page spread article.

                                                              Columns make it easy for
                                                              the reader to read. Also
                                                              the article is in a Q and A
                                                              format which makes the
                                                              reader feel as those they
                                                              are in that interview. The
                                                              highlighted names shows
                                                              who is talking so the
                                                              reader doesn’t get
                                                              confused between the two
These canted Polaroids make the article a lot more fun and
                                                              artists. The questions are
exciting for the reader to read. Pictures like these are
                                                              in a different colour to
important as it automatically captures the awareness of the
                                                              demonstrate the
reader making them concentrate when reading the article as
                                                              difference from the
they will be able to follow what is happening.
6. What have you learnt about technologies from the
       process of constructing this product?
I have used Adobe In Design and Photoshop to create my music magazine. For my front cover, I used Photoshop. It was fairly
easy to use, once you got used to it. When I started my music magazine, I had an original plan of how I wanted my music
magazine to look like. When using these programs, I have learnt a great deal producing my music magazine. These are some of
the techniques that I have learnt in Photoshop.


In these 2 photos I have learnt to use Drop Shadow with an
additional angle to the shadow for example in my masthead it
is 29 degrees, the shadow would edge left. I can also change
the colour of the shadow and the opacity to make the shadow         2
darker or lighter depending on how I would like the masthead
to be. With the “Lily Allen-Dodd” text, I have used a Bevel
and Emboss, and a stroke, I have used these two because I
wanted the outline of the word in pink, so I have clicked on
Inner Bevel so that the whole word is individually outlined in
pink. The stroke allows me to choose the colour I want for the
outline of the word. This looked too plain so I decided to add
a purple drop shadow to bring out the name.
Original Image   From the original image, I have edited the photo so it looked
                 more professional for my music magazine. I did this by adjusting
                 the levels on the photo, making the photo brighter by adjusting
                 the red/green/blue input level. I have also flipped the image
                 because the articles fit in better with the guitar neck on the left,
                 so I flipped the canvas horizontally.
Here on the left is
                       the text icon, it’s
                       what I use to write
                       my article headlines

On the right after I have filled in my text in
the text box I then can change the font,
size, colour and softness of the letters. So
with my articles on the front cover, I
decided to the font should be Arial Rounded
Bold, size of 34, softness of the letters
“smooth” and the colour is white as it a
unisex colour and it contrasts with the blue
From the previous slide,
this is another way that I
could change the font,
colour and size. It also
allows me to underline
words, make them bold so
they stand out.
And this is my final copy of my Front Cover music magazine
For my contents page, I did most of it on Adobe In Design, In Design was very different to
  Photoshop and needed some expert advice along the way. Along the process of making my
  contents, I discovered a quick and simple way of importing the images that I wanted, the size
  that I wanted to. This saved me a lot of time, instead of decreasing the size of the picture by
  going to one of the corners to keep shrinking it by using the mouse.

                                                                         With this rectangle tool, I simply
                                                                         draw a square box, go to file,
                                                                         import, click on the photo I want
                                                                         and when it opens up, you
                                                                         won’t be able to see the photo
                                                                         as it is too large to fit in the
                                                                         box, so you right click, scroll
                                                                         down to fitting and then you
                                                                         choose fit content to frame. The
                                                                         box that you have draw
                                                                         depends on how the picture will
                                                                         be fitted. I had to try a few
                                                                         times before I could find the
                                                                         correct box for my photo so
                                                                         they wouldn’t look squished or
                                                                         stretched in any way.

I have used this rectangle tool for the 3 square
photos on the right hand side.
The screenshot on the left
                                      shows the features of
                                      editing text. This is the
                                      same as Photoshop,
                                      which was one of the
                                      methods I found that was
                                      simple as easy to use.

The screenshot on the right shows
the features of how to change the
text colour. This was harder to use
than Photoshop because you had
to highlight the text, click on
swatches, make sure the T box
was on top otherwise it wouldn’t
change the colour of the text and
then click on the colour that you
wanted. However, if the colour
wasn’t in the swatches panel you
have to go to colour, click on the
colour you wanted than click add
to swatches, which was quite
confusing compared to Photoshop.
For the contents page, I wanted a image of an artist down the middle of the contents page as inspired by
the Paramore Christmas Billboard edition. This was not as simple as I thought. Firstly in order to create
my main image on my contents page, I had to capture a person, in this case, Lily, on a plain background
or a blue screen. I decided to use the blue screen as the contrast of the blue background and the product
stood out, therefore I was able to use the whole image without editing for the whole of my music
magazine as shown in my front cover, contents and double page spread.

After I decided what image I was going
to use, I had to edited it in Photoshop.
Firstly I had to crop my photo, so it
would be easier to edit.
After cropping the photo, I
then had to use the magic
wand tool to crop out the
only part of the image I
wanted which was Lily and
the guitar. I had to right
click and as soon as I
clicked on the image, most
of Lily and the guitar was
highlighted however there
were some bits that the
magic wand missed out. So
I then had to press Shift
and continue clicking on
the blue bits until 98% of it
had been highlighted. I
then press delete to
remove any traces of the
blue that was highlighted.
This was not finished as there were still bits of blue still
surrounding the image. I had to then use the Polygonal
Lasso tool. By using this tool, it allowed me to cut out
all the blue bits that surrounded Lily.

                                                This is the
                                                edited version    This is the one that I used for my
                                                of the original   contents page, as you can see I
                                                photo.            have put a transparent
                                                                  background so that my texts are
                                                                  able to overlap the image.
This is my final version of my contents page that I
have created on Adobe InDesign.

In my double page spread I have
inserted columns to my article to
follow the codes and conventions of
a music magazine. To do this I had
to click into the text, click the ¶ on
the top left and then increase the
number of columns.
To make the Drop
                                 Capital for the
                                 introduction of the
                                 article, I highlighted
                                 the “I” and clicked on
                                 paragraph and the
                                 drop cap number of
                                 lines, as seen in the

With the Polaroids, I used a
website called Picnik to
create the Polaroid effect and
adding a coloured
background to create a more
interesting double page
In the introduction of the article, there are 2 logos
of “Mixed”. I have included the logo as it reminds
the reader of what magazine they are reading.
When I included this, I knew I could get the logo
from my masthead on the front cover, however
when I placed it into the article, the background
was not the same. So I had go to Photoshop, print-
screen the masthead and paste it as an new
image. I then made it transparent by decreasing
the opacity level and I was then able to copy and
paste it back into my article.
This is the final adaptation of my double page spread.
7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do
you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to
                 the full product?
                I have learnt a great deal from when I
                started my preliminary task. One of
                the many things that I have learnt is
                the plain background when you take
                an image. It makes everything a lot
                easier, especially when you choose
                the colours for your front cover. In
                my preliminary task, I did not use a
                plain background which made things
                very difficult as I wasn’t able to co-
                ordinate the colours with the
                background and I had trouble placing
                the article headlines. As you can see
                from the picture on the right, the
                colour of the text contrasts with the
                background making it unclear for the
                reader. There are to many colours in
                the background in my preliminary
                magazine. Whilst with my music
                magazine, I used a blue screen, so I
                was able to quickly choose the
                colours I wanted for my article
                headlines and the colours theme
                used for the rest of the magazine.

                 White text

               text to show

                Barcode in
                 the same
                                  Masthead spread
                                  across the page, it
                                  looks more

                                 Added a flash to
                                 brighten the
                                 magazine and to
                                 draw attention to

                                Only used one
                                colour for the text
                                to keep it plain, not
                                over complicate it.

      No header or footer, to
      keep music magazine
      simple                                  Decided to put the main article at the bottom so
                                              it doesn’t disturb the main image, still anchoring
                                              the image. I am able to make the name stand
                                              out at the bottom with any size and font.
Summary of what I’ve learnt

                       In my old preliminary task, the one
                       major thing that I forgot to add in my
                       contents page was the headlines for
                       the articles, making it look really
                       messy and unorganised. However, I
                       did learn from my mistake and
                       categorised my articles with
                       headlines. In my music magazine, I
                       looks a lot more organised than the
                       preliminary contents. The layout on
                       the right looks very neat and tidy
                       because it follows the rule of thirds,
                       but the one on the left doesn’t, and it
                       rotated images on the left doesn’t
                       help with the layout, it makes
                       everything very messy. The pictures
                       on the right contents were planned, I
                       had an idea of what pictures and
                       what poses I wanted in my music
                       magazine, however, on the left, I just
                       took anything and anyone, without
                       having much thought put into it.
                  Contents is
                   spread out
                across the page,
                and both colours
                 match with the
                 colour scheme

               I have kept the
                same style for
                   the page
                reference but
                 outlined in a
               different colour


                The individual gap
               between each letter
               is less wider on the


               Main Image in the
                centre, relate to
                  front cover

                Images on left
                rotated, looks
              messy, on right less
               means neater.

                                        Stylised page
                                      references to add
In my preliminary task,
I did not create a
double page article, so
I was anxious of what
and how I will produce
in my music
magazine. I really had
to think and plan out
an idea before making
my music magazine.
One thing, I did not
want to do was to dive
straight in, not
knowing what I was

  Firstly, I had to research many double page articles to get some inspiration of
  what my magazine would look like. After, I had to plan how to layout my music
  magazine. From the pictures that I had already taken of Lily and Tembi, I had an
  idea that it wanted Polaroids to make it look fun and quirky.
But this meant deciding what photos to put in the Polaroids. I took more photos than I
needed so choose the best ones. Originally I was just going to fit one main image of Lily
and Tembi, but when I put it in, they looked very stretched out, so when I decreased the
image that’s when I went onto Picnik and made colourful Polaroids to add next to my
main image.

 From the images, I instantly knew that they were solo artists and I made a quick
 decision that Tembi was going to feature in Lily’s new single. The introduction that I
 wrote was more than intended, but that didn’t bother me. The columns, I initially
 planned for 4 columns, but it looked to squashed together and didn’t look very tidy, so I
 opted for 3 instead, which was a better option.
Audience Feedback on my
music magazine

   This is my questionnaire
   that I got 20 people to fill
   out, 10 boys and 10 girls.
Looking at the results for the
                                      questionnaire, the majority of
                                      people thought that this magazine
                                      is looked quite professional with
                                      the majority scoring my music
                                      magazine a 6/10. I am happy as
                                      no one thought of the music
                                      magazine as really professional or
                                      really bad.

The majority of the people would
like to buy my music magazine,
which is a positive however some
of the guys wouldn’t because it
seemed too girly. This means that
I didn’t achieve my target audience
in terms of gender.
When I got the results back for this
                                       question, the age was quite
                                       accurate. Some people thought
                                       that the magazine was younger
                                       than I intentionally planned. From
                                       the graph, it shows that people
                                       thought it was aimed for an
                                       younger audience than late teens.

These results show that the genre
for my music magazine is quite
precise with the common result of
Pop. This is want I intended so this
is a good indication that my
magazine is for mainstream fans
who listen to pop and R&B.
This is another one of the
important questions that was being
asked. From the questionnaire, 17
people out of 20 said that they
thought my magazine was for a
female audience only. This is
worrying, as it was for both
genders. Only 3 people said it was
for both females and males. This
is a negative representation for my
magazine as my target audience
for gender has not been achieved.
For any successful magazine, you
would have to meet all criteria's
and I did not do this, therefore it
would not be at a high professional
standard and my magazine would
not get published.

Overall I feel that I have learnt and improvement massively compared
to what I have achieved in my preliminary task. I think my music
magazine looks more professional now but there are still some areas
that I need to improve. The questionnaire results were not as
accurate as I only surveyed 20 people, so the outcome would vary if I
chose a larger group to survey. The audience feedback was
significant as I now know what to change if I were to publish my music
magazine to Bauer.

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My evaluation

  • 2. 1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? FRONT COVER Follows the rule My outlined masthead with a of thirds dark drop shadow contrasts with the white font colour. This is a serif font. Consistent font colour contrasts with the blue background of Bright flash at the top of the the photo. magazine, in a star shape, looks different and stands out to the consumers Main image Sans Serif Font Cover lines San serif font with a drop shadow, bevel and emboss and a stroke Issue Date Main Cover Line that anchors the main image Barcode at the bottom, it is the least Price important
  • 3. Similarities • In my music magazine I have stuck to the same codes and conventions that I have established in my research in any music magazine. Most of the mastheads that I have researched stretch across the page of the magazine whilst some like to be on the left hand side. I have decided that the masthead would be more recognisable if I had it stretched across my magazine. Also the colours for the magazine is quite simple and plain, contrasting the background and the main image, therefore making it stand out. In addition, there are three articles on each side of the rule of thirds, keeping it straightforward and uncluttered. Also the emphasis on certain words using a different font making them eye catching, “ Lily Allen Dodd” and “20” both are an example of this. Compared to the magazine on the right hand side, I have also added a stroke of pink and a drop shadow which influenced me to create a similar magazine, of purple to highlight the name. Also in my research there are some similarities. One of them is the rule most of the front covers has one block coloured of 3 that has been applied to both magazines. The background and this is what I decided to incorporate in rule of 3 creates a neat and tidy magazine, one my music magazine. that is instantly easy to read.
  • 4. Differences There are some differences that I have made to challenge the conventions of a front cover. The bright flash that I have added entices customers to buy the magazine. However, flashes are not always placed on magazines. The reason that I have placed a flash in my music magazine is to add some colour into my magazine, as there are only the white font and the blue background. Another difference is the barcode, price and issue date; all of these are at the bottom right hand corner in my music magazine, I had a difficult The dark drop shadow that I decision on where to place it have added so that it brings because in my research the out the masthead so it is barcode, price and issue date all visually noticeable. vary in each issue of each magazine.
  • 5. CONTENTS PAGE Clear contents masthead spreads Sub titles on the out across the page contents page so that it to make it noticeable is clear for the readers to come across the article that they want. Different photos on the right relate to other articles inside my music magazine. These are indicated by Page references page references so the articles are easy to find. The bright blue sans serif font to contrast with the white background and the main image. Page number Main Image in the middle of the page to show the reader that the person in the image is the main “talk” of this music magazine.
  • 6. Similarities Both of the mastheads are spread across the top of the page making it clear for the audience to spot. Both of these magazines have sub titles for the articles to go under, this makes it apparent to the reader. In my music magazine, I decided to incorporate this similar layout to the right using a main image in the middle of the page because it makes the page very eye-catching. Another similarity is the different photos on the right hand side to show that there are other articles in the magazine. On the pictures they have a page reference, this makes it easier for the reader to find that specific article following the codes and conventions for any magazine.
  • 7. Differences There are some differences that I have made to challenge the conventions of my contents page. Page reference in a serif font makes it straightforward for the readers to find the exact page for the article that they need. Page number at the bottom right hand corner to show that the music magazine is organised and it is a lot more accessible for the consumers.
  • 8. Magazine Double Page Spread logo in the Article Headline, Drop Capital article serif font Polaroids Introduction to the interview Main Image fills ¾ of the page Q and As format Names in different Page number Matched up the two colours to show background colours whose talking
  • 9. Large bold sans serif headline Similarities so that the readers are able to find the article even when they flicked through the magazine. The article is in columns so that it makes it easier for the reader to read instead of one big paragraph, also Drop Capital shows splitting it into that it is a start of columns fill the the article and it spaces of the establishes the magazine. convention Page numbers at the bottom corners of each page to represent the page number which makes it simple for the The main image fills up ½ readers to an article of the double page spread which instantly grabs the attention of the reader, and the blue background connotes peace, freedom and power relating to the how they wrote their song.
  • 10. Differences Colourful page number that stands out from other page numbers. I have decided to include Polaroids so that the article looks fun and interesting by adding a bit of colour to the back ground of the Polaroids. This also relates to the genre of pop because most of the pop magazines that I have researched have a very colourful magazine even in the articles.
  • 11. 2. How does your media product represent particular social groups? The representation of my music magazine are mainstreamers who listen to the majority of music that are on the radio, TV programmes etc. This would be pop, R&B and rock as shown in my questionnaire results after they were collated together. I have also incorporated different ethnicities and race in my images to show an unbiased representation of a particular social group and What m usic people listen to? to associate egalitarian of the music industry. pop R&B Hip Hop Grime Dance Elect ro Rock Heavy Met al Classical Count ry Ot her
  • 12. In addition, although my music magazine is aimed for guys and girls, it is particularly in favour for the girls as all my images are girls, there is no representation of any guys at all, and this is a problem because there are the same amount of boys as there are girls so that is 50% of the audience that will not buy this magazine. Also the pink stroke and purple drop shadow for the name Lily Allen-Dodd does not help the fact that the magazine is for both genders even though it is a girl’s name. Furthermore, the background of my music magazine is blue/purple which also suggests that the target audience is aimed for girls and this does not connote the target audience that was originally intended. However the magazine does portray the pop and R&B genre because of the smiley images of the two girls posing which relates to the mood of the songs in both Pop and R&B.
  • 13. 3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? For my music magazine I would like Bauer because the IPC company does not publish many music magazines. The only music magazine they have done is NME, although that was a big hit in the 50s. So in terms of a big hit, IPC have done very well with their NME magazine. On the other hand Bauer has a broad media variety which ranges from magazine to radio to TV and to their own independent websites.
  • 14. IPC OR BAUER ???? Some of the well known music magazines from Bauer are Q, Kerrang, Mojo, Empire and Heat. These magazines are very well known around the Uk, Kerrang had the highest circulation to date of 85,377 in July to December 2006..On the other hand NME’s circulation was 33,875, down 17.3% year on year . In addition, Bauer have been the top 3 with their music magazines , Empire, Mojo and Q in 2010 as shown on the picture, with NME in 9th place which is gradually decreasing in their figures, which is why I prefer Bauer to be my publisher as they have sustainable numbers. And more experience dealing with music magazines.
  • 15. 4. Who would the audience be for your media product? My target audience is for both males and females aged around 11 – 17 years old. I have targeted young teenagers because the majority of them are “mainstreamers” and they spend most of their time listening to music whether its via the radio, TV or internet. On some occasions teenagers want to buy a music magazine because it is colourful or for the free poster of their favourite band/artist. This is why I have taken this idea and put it in my own music magazine which matches with the codes and conventions of a professional music magazine. I think this should be aimed at all teenagers from any social class A,B,C1,C2,D,E, however, on the whole teenagers who are from B,C1,C2,D are the most likely to buy my music magazine. The profile of a teenager who is most likely to buy my music magazine is: Favourite Bands: N-Dubz, Justin Bieber, Take That, Jessie J, Rihanna. Favourite TV Programmes: Horrible Histories, Big Bang Theory, CSI, Hobbies and Interests: Football, Basketball, Hockey, Drums, Electric Guitar, Cycling Education: School
  • 16. 5. How did you attract/address your audience? In my music magazine, there are a variety of fonts, colours and images which appeal and keep the reader interested in my magazine. All of these bright colours and fonts appeal to my audience as this is how a pop or R&B music magazine would attract their audience as all of these colours would make the magazine less sophisticated giving it an informal tenor. One of the main things that catches the eye of an audience is the main image, the masthead and any flashes.
  • 17. The sans serif font and serif font was used in the front The front cover isn’t cover , which highlighted both cluttering the blue Whilst the yellow flash the Pop and R&B genre background so that the instantly grabs their because the font gives an readers are able to access attention because yellow impression of what type of it easily. The colour blue is associated with music magazine it is or how connotes peace and happiness, energy and formal or informal the tenor for calmness which gives the intellect. the magazine is which leads reader time to read article to what audience the magazine headlines. is aimed at.
  • 18. This masthead is bright blue at the top of the page so These range of it makes it stand pictures make it out to the reader visual for the readers and it attracts them because the teenagers would rather look at the pictures than the writing itself.
  • 19. The artists names that are highlighted show the importance that they are being featured on a double page spread article. Columns make it easy for the reader to read. Also the article is in a Q and A format which makes the reader feel as those they are in that interview. The highlighted names shows who is talking so the reader doesn’t get confused between the two These canted Polaroids make the article a lot more fun and artists. The questions are exciting for the reader to read. Pictures like these are in a different colour to important as it automatically captures the awareness of the demonstrate the reader making them concentrate when reading the article as difference from the they will be able to follow what is happening. answer.
  • 20. 6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
  • 21. I have used Adobe In Design and Photoshop to create my music magazine. For my front cover, I used Photoshop. It was fairly easy to use, once you got used to it. When I started my music magazine, I had an original plan of how I wanted my music magazine to look like. When using these programs, I have learnt a great deal producing my music magazine. These are some of the techniques that I have learnt in Photoshop. 1 In these 2 photos I have learnt to use Drop Shadow with an additional angle to the shadow for example in my masthead it is 29 degrees, the shadow would edge left. I can also change the colour of the shadow and the opacity to make the shadow 2 darker or lighter depending on how I would like the masthead to be. With the “Lily Allen-Dodd” text, I have used a Bevel and Emboss, and a stroke, I have used these two because I wanted the outline of the word in pink, so I have clicked on Inner Bevel so that the whole word is individually outlined in pink. The stroke allows me to choose the colour I want for the outline of the word. This looked too plain so I decided to add a purple drop shadow to bring out the name.
  • 22. Original Image From the original image, I have edited the photo so it looked more professional for my music magazine. I did this by adjusting the levels on the photo, making the photo brighter by adjusting the red/green/blue input level. I have also flipped the image because the articles fit in better with the guitar neck on the left, so I flipped the canvas horizontally.
  • 23. Here on the left is the text icon, it’s what I use to write my article headlines On the right after I have filled in my text in the text box I then can change the font, size, colour and softness of the letters. So with my articles on the front cover, I decided to the font should be Arial Rounded Bold, size of 34, softness of the letters “smooth” and the colour is white as it a unisex colour and it contrasts with the blue background
  • 24. From the previous slide, this is another way that I could change the font, colour and size. It also allows me to underline words, make them bold so they stand out.
  • 25. And this is my final copy of my Front Cover music magazine
  • 26. For my contents page, I did most of it on Adobe In Design, In Design was very different to Photoshop and needed some expert advice along the way. Along the process of making my contents, I discovered a quick and simple way of importing the images that I wanted, the size that I wanted to. This saved me a lot of time, instead of decreasing the size of the picture by going to one of the corners to keep shrinking it by using the mouse. With this rectangle tool, I simply draw a square box, go to file, import, click on the photo I want and when it opens up, you won’t be able to see the photo as it is too large to fit in the box, so you right click, scroll down to fitting and then you choose fit content to frame. The box that you have draw depends on how the picture will be fitted. I had to try a few times before I could find the correct box for my photo so they wouldn’t look squished or stretched in any way. I have used this rectangle tool for the 3 square photos on the right hand side.
  • 27. The screenshot on the left shows the features of editing text. This is the same as Photoshop, which was one of the methods I found that was simple as easy to use. The screenshot on the right shows the features of how to change the text colour. This was harder to use than Photoshop because you had to highlight the text, click on swatches, make sure the T box was on top otherwise it wouldn’t change the colour of the text and then click on the colour that you wanted. However, if the colour wasn’t in the swatches panel you have to go to colour, click on the colour you wanted than click add to swatches, which was quite confusing compared to Photoshop.
  • 28. For the contents page, I wanted a image of an artist down the middle of the contents page as inspired by the Paramore Christmas Billboard edition. This was not as simple as I thought. Firstly in order to create my main image on my contents page, I had to capture a person, in this case, Lily, on a plain background or a blue screen. I decided to use the blue screen as the contrast of the blue background and the product stood out, therefore I was able to use the whole image without editing for the whole of my music magazine as shown in my front cover, contents and double page spread. After I decided what image I was going to use, I had to edited it in Photoshop. Firstly I had to crop my photo, so it would be easier to edit.
  • 29. After cropping the photo, I then had to use the magic wand tool to crop out the only part of the image I wanted which was Lily and the guitar. I had to right click and as soon as I clicked on the image, most of Lily and the guitar was highlighted however there were some bits that the magic wand missed out. So I then had to press Shift and continue clicking on the blue bits until 98% of it had been highlighted. I then press delete to remove any traces of the blue that was highlighted.
  • 30. This was not finished as there were still bits of blue still surrounding the image. I had to then use the Polygonal Lasso tool. By using this tool, it allowed me to cut out all the blue bits that surrounded Lily. This is the edited version This is the one that I used for my of the original contents page, as you can see I photo. have put a transparent background so that my texts are able to overlap the image.
  • 31. This is my final version of my contents page that I have created on Adobe InDesign.
  • 32. ¶ In my double page spread I have inserted columns to my article to follow the codes and conventions of a music magazine. To do this I had to click into the text, click the ¶ on the top left and then increase the number of columns.
  • 33. To make the Drop Capital for the introduction of the article, I highlighted the “I” and clicked on paragraph and the drop cap number of lines, as seen in the screenshot. With the Polaroids, I used a website called Picnik to create the Polaroid effect and adding a coloured background to create a more interesting double page spread.
  • 34. In the introduction of the article, there are 2 logos of “Mixed”. I have included the logo as it reminds the reader of what magazine they are reading. When I included this, I knew I could get the logo from my masthead on the front cover, however when I placed it into the article, the background was not the same. So I had go to Photoshop, print- screen the masthead and paste it as an new image. I then made it transparent by decreasing the opacity level and I was then able to copy and paste it back into my article.
  • 35. This is the final adaptation of my double page spread.
  • 36. 7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product? I have learnt a great deal from when I started my preliminary task. One of the many things that I have learnt is the plain background when you take an image. It makes everything a lot easier, especially when you choose the colours for your front cover. In my preliminary task, I did not use a plain background which made things very difficult as I wasn’t able to co- ordinate the colours with the background and I had trouble placing the article headlines. As you can see from the picture on the right, the colour of the text contrasts with the background making it unclear for the reader. There are to many colours in the background in my preliminary magazine. Whilst with my music magazine, I used a blue screen, so I was able to quickly choose the colours I wanted for my article headlines and the colours theme used for the rest of the magazine.
  • 37. Similarities White text Underlined text to show importance Barcode in the same position
  • 38. Differences Masthead spread across the page, it looks more noticeable Added a flash to brighten the magazine and to draw attention to consumers Only used one colour for the text to keep it plain, not over complicate it. No header or footer, to keep music magazine simple Decided to put the main article at the bottom so it doesn’t disturb the main image, still anchoring the image. I am able to make the name stand out at the bottom with any size and font.
  • 39. Summary of what I’ve learnt In my old preliminary task, the one major thing that I forgot to add in my contents page was the headlines for the articles, making it look really messy and unorganised. However, I did learn from my mistake and categorised my articles with headlines. In my music magazine, I looks a lot more organised than the preliminary contents. The layout on the right looks very neat and tidy because it follows the rule of thirds, but the one on the left doesn’t, and it rotated images on the left doesn’t help with the layout, it makes everything very messy. The pictures on the right contents were planned, I had an idea of what pictures and what poses I wanted in my music magazine, however, on the left, I just took anything and anyone, without having much thought put into it.
  • 40. Similarities Contents is spread out across the page, and both colours match with the colour scheme I have kept the same style for the page reference but outlined in a different colour Page reference
  • 41. Differences The individual gap between each letter is less wider on the right. Headlines Main Image in the centre, relate to front cover Images on left rotated, looks messy, on right less means neater. Stylised page references to add significance
  • 42. In my preliminary task, I did not create a double page article, so I was anxious of what and how I will produce in my music magazine. I really had to think and plan out an idea before making my music magazine. One thing, I did not want to do was to dive straight in, not knowing what I was doing. Firstly, I had to research many double page articles to get some inspiration of what my magazine would look like. After, I had to plan how to layout my music magazine. From the pictures that I had already taken of Lily and Tembi, I had an idea that it wanted Polaroids to make it look fun and quirky.
  • 43. But this meant deciding what photos to put in the Polaroids. I took more photos than I needed so choose the best ones. Originally I was just going to fit one main image of Lily and Tembi, but when I put it in, they looked very stretched out, so when I decreased the image that’s when I went onto Picnik and made colourful Polaroids to add next to my main image. From the images, I instantly knew that they were solo artists and I made a quick decision that Tembi was going to feature in Lily’s new single. The introduction that I wrote was more than intended, but that didn’t bother me. The columns, I initially planned for 4 columns, but it looked to squashed together and didn’t look very tidy, so I opted for 3 instead, which was a better option.
  • 44. Audience Feedback on my music magazine This is my questionnaire that I got 20 people to fill out, 10 boys and 10 girls.
  • 45. Looking at the results for the questionnaire, the majority of people thought that this magazine is looked quite professional with the majority scoring my music magazine a 6/10. I am happy as no one thought of the music magazine as really professional or really bad. The majority of the people would like to buy my music magazine, which is a positive however some of the guys wouldn’t because it seemed too girly. This means that I didn’t achieve my target audience in terms of gender.
  • 46. When I got the results back for this question, the age was quite accurate. Some people thought that the magazine was younger than I intentionally planned. From the graph, it shows that people thought it was aimed for an younger audience than late teens. These results show that the genre for my music magazine is quite precise with the common result of Pop. This is want I intended so this is a good indication that my magazine is for mainstream fans who listen to pop and R&B.
  • 47. This is another one of the important questions that was being asked. From the questionnaire, 17 people out of 20 said that they thought my magazine was for a female audience only. This is worrying, as it was for both genders. Only 3 people said it was for both females and males. This is a negative representation for my magazine as my target audience for gender has not been achieved. For any successful magazine, you would have to meet all criteria's and I did not do this, therefore it would not be at a high professional standard and my magazine would not get published.
  • 48. Conclusion Overall I feel that I have learnt and improvement massively compared to what I have achieved in my preliminary task. I think my music magazine looks more professional now but there are still some areas that I need to improve. The questionnaire results were not as accurate as I only surveyed 20 people, so the outcome would vary if I chose a larger group to survey. The audience feedback was significant as I now know what to change if I were to publish my music magazine to Bauer.