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READ in Europe Erasmus+ project
Characters (in order of
Ayse - young, usually happy girl;
Ayse's father
Ayse's mother
Mr Ali
Ayse's grandmother - caring, typical
Mr Nadim - He is tall, has dark hair,
wearing a coat with a hat. He always
carries a small suitcase with himself.
Taxi driver
People at court
ACT 1, Scene 1
There is parallel scene: on the left side is Ayse's room, and on the right
side is a living room and a kitchen in the background.
Ayse's room is all messy and it gives artistic impression; walls are
painted and clothes are scattered all over the bed. A blank canvas is near
the window with a busy street view. A stunning picture of Istanbul is on
the wall. There is a desk full of painting accessories: brushes, newspaper,
scissors, mod podge, acrylic paint, blank paper etc. There is a shelf with
her school books.
Living room on the other side is clean and cosy. There are a sofa, coffee
table and TV. In the background are kitchen elements, and AYSE'S MOTHER is
AYSE opens the window. Birds are singing. She goes to the canvas, picks up
the painting brush and looks around to find her inspiration. Just one look
on the beautiful picture of Istanbul gives her the necessary inspiration.
She starts painting.
AYSE: (standing up) I wonder what Istanbul looks like. Even though my
parents come from Turkey, I've never been there. I mean, I love Rome, but
Istanbul is hidden deep inside my heart. Just from seeing the pictures, I
can imagine myself walking down its streets and getting new inspiration on
every corner. I'm turning 20 today and my birthday wish is to visit the
city and see its beauty. I hope I will get my chance soon.
She sits on the chair and continues painting.
We are watching the second part of the scene. Traditional Turkish music
playing in the backround. Ayse's mother is cooking and TV is on. The door
open. AYSE'S FATHER enters the living room with a briefcase and birthday
AYSE'S FATHER: Good afternoon, darling.
AYSE'S MOTHER: Good afternoon, dear. What a lovely cake. Let's go to Ayse
and wish her a happy birthday.
Turkish music is fading out as Ayse's parents walk to her room. They enter
her room and sing the 'Happy birthday' song.
AYSE'S FATHER: Happy birthday darling!
AYSE'S MOTHER: Happy birthday! Make a wish!
Ayse blows the candles and makes a wish. Parents hug her and give her an
AYSE'S FATHER: This is your birthday present. We are sure you will like it.
AYSE: Thank you very much, this is a wonderful surprise. What is this?
AYSE'S MOTHER: We decided it is time for you to visit Istanbul. It is a
trip to Turkey and tickets to Hagia Sofia.
AYSE: (happily) I can't believe you made my wish come true. When are we
AYSE'S FATHER: Tomorrow morning.
AYSE: So soon? Thank you,thank you! I need to start packing immediately.
AYSE'S MOTHER: Honey, pack your warm clothes, it might be cold there during
this time of the year.
AYSE: Don't worry, I will.
Parents leave the scene. Ed Sheeran's song „Galway girl“ is playing and she
starts packing her things and dances at the same time. She is very happy.
She goes to bed, and turns the lights off.
Act 1, Scene 2
Ayse comes out of Hagia Sofia and starts exploring the city. She is very
happy. She walks around and we hear a lot of different sounds of Istanbul's
bazar, people bargaining, kids playing and laughing, bird singing. She sits
under a tree and starts sketching Hagia Sofia. She is chewing her pencil
while waiting for an inspiration. She then sees a stranger. The music in
the background is now intense.
AYSE I wonder who that man is, he looks so mysterious and different. It
seems like he's looking for something. Why do I feel so uncomfortable?
Maybe I should just talk to him and find out.
She approaches him very carefully and he finally looks at her.
AYSE (quietly) Hello!
MR ALI is tall and handsome. He is wearing a suit and looks very serious.
He has short black hair, dark brown eyes and a moustache.
MR.ALI: (in deep voice) Hello, young girl! How can I help you?
AYSE: I am just curious. It seems like you are looking for something. Who
are you?
MR. ALI: My name is Ali, and I'm a lawyer.
AYSE: What are you looking for?
MR. ALI: I cannot tell you. It's a complicated situation and you wouldn't
AYSE: Maybe I would.
MR. ALI: All right. Somebody was killed, and I’m looking for the murderer.
AYSE: (shocked) You must be joking. How … (her phone rings and she answers)
Okay mom, I’ll be there soon. (she hangs up) I have to go Mr Ali! Goodbye!
Ayse leaves in a hurry, suspicious. She turns her head one more time to Mr
Ali, wondering if he is telling the truth. He is still looking at her. She
goes home.
ACT 2, Scene 1
int. at Ayse's grandparents' house (in the guestroom) in Turkey; morning
The guestroom is really simple only consists of a bed and a small table wit
a chair. There is a turkish decoration.
Ayse is lying in her bed, tossing because she can't sleep. We can hear her
thoughts as she's thinking about Mr. Ali's investigation. Bird sounds sign
that it is already morning.
Props on stage: bed, hairbrush, maybe a pulover that she can put on; a bag
in which she can put the food;
Sound: we can hear Ayse's thoughts as she's thinking about the
investigation....we want to make the impression of morning with bird
Ayse: young, usually happy girl; curious;helpful
Ayse's grandmother: caring, typical grandmother
AYSE: (inside thoughts)It was interesting to meet Mr Ali yesterday. He is a
really handsome man. I can't help thinking about him. Maybe I will go and
meet him again today. Who knows? Maybe I can help him with his
investigation. It will be a really exciting experience!
She wakes up, already has some shorts ant a shirt on, and puts a pullover
on. She brushes her hair, gets her bag and is about to leave. Her
grandmother steps in, they have their conversation.
AYSE: What's wrong grandma?
AYSE'S GRANDMOTHER: Won't you have any breakfast?
AYSE: Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, I dont' eat breakfast.
AYSE'S GRANDMOTHER: That's a pity. At least take some tea and sandwiches
with you.
AYSE: Okay. Thank you.
AYSE'S GRANDMOTHER: Be careful. Bye.
AYSE: Bye.
The grandmother hands a sandwich and some tea to her. Ayse puts it in her
bag and she leaves.
Act 2, Scene 2
In front of the museum.
Props on stage: the bracelet
Sound: we can hear people chatting as a background noise
Mr. Ali- he was murdered
Mr. Nadim - detective, looks suspicious to the audience, but Ayse doesn't
suspect anything
She comes to the stage very excited about meeting Mr Ali again. She sees
the big crowd in front of the museum and sees the dead body laying near the
entrance. Ayse is curious to see what has happened and tries to get closer
to the dead body. After a few seconds she understands that the man laying
on the ground is Mr.Ali. She is so shocked that she can’t move. She stands
there speechless for quite a long time when suddenly a stranger bumps into
her.Mr. Nadim is standing in the corner suspiciously.
He bumpes into Ayse on purpose, and they have their conversation. She backs
away and steps on the bracelet. She takes it up from the ground and shows
it to Mr. Nadim. She is surprised by the fact that it is Mr. Ali's wife's.
She notices something on the floor and picks it up. She is looking at it
wondering what it could be.
MR NADIM: (loiters around Ayse and bumps into her) Oh...sorry.
AYSE: No it's nothing.
MR NADIM: Why are you standing here? Did you know the man?
AYSE: (in a shocked voice) Yes, I met him yesterday and he was
investigating a murder and now he's dead.
MR NADIM: I am a detective and I was a good friend of Mr. Ali. He died
during the investigation and I'm here to find out how.
When Asye hears these words she starts shaking, she puts her hand on her
lips and she is walking backwards. While she is walking backwards she steps
on something. Ayse looks down and sees that it is a bracelet. It is made of
gold with a diamond in the middle. She picks it and up shows it to the
AYSE: Um sorry, but I have justfound a bracelet.
MR NADIM: Oh really, show it to me.
I think you've just found a clue.
MR NADIM: Yes and I think it belonged to Mr. Ali's wife.
AYSE: (in a surprised voice) Whaaaaaat.
End of scene
ACT 3 Scene 1
MR. NADIM - detective
AYSE - girl
Sophia Museum
AYSE is shaking
Mr. Nadim is pacing back and forth. He's lost in his thoughts.
MR. NADIM: I must find a way to put blame on Ayse so she could be the
suspect, because she was at both crime scenes.
He's rapt , after a few seconds he has an idea and he smiles, he's absorbed
in his thoughts
MR. NADIM: Maybe I could make her my assistant, so she could be close to
Then Mr. Nadim talks to Ayse
MR. NADIM: Could you tell me your name?
AYSE: I’m Ayse
MR. NADIM: I need some help to find out who the murderer is and I can’t do
this by myself. Would you like to be my assistant?
Ayse is really surprised by this offer
AYSE: You know this is really unexpected, I need some time to think.
MR. NADIM: Yes, I understand,’ I give you my business card here’s my
number, call me when you have the answer.
Mr. Nadim takes his business card from his wallet and he gives it to Ayse
that takes the card and puts it in her bag.
MR. NADIM: See you soon.
AYSE: Bye.
The detective walks away and leaves the scene.
End of scene
MR. NADIM - detective
AYSE - girl
2 parallel scenes: Ayse's home and Nadim's home
A few days pass and Ayse still isn't sure about what to do. While Ayse is
still thinking Mr.Nadim is getting more and more suspicious about her.
In AYSE's house:
AYSE: I still don't know what to do, I'm not sure.
(In the meantime , in Mr. Nadim's house)
MR. NADIM: Now I'm nearly sure that my suspicious about Ayse are real.I do
hope she will call me and become my assistant. This way I could put the
blame on her.
In AYSE's house
AYSE is thinking loud while she is working on her painting.
AYSE: I should take this opportunity, it could be my chance to find myself.
AYSE quickly stands up , she takes her bag and she starts to look for the
business card in it and when she finds it she takes the phone and calls
The phone rings in Mr. Nadim's house.
AYSE: Hello, is that Mr.Nadim?’
MR. NADIM: Yes, is that Ayse calling?
AYSE: Yes and I finally decided that I would like to help you
MR. NADIM: Great
AYSE: When can we start?’
MR. NADIM: Right now, come to the museum entrance.
AYSE: Okay
Ayse quickly grabbes her bag and runs through the door. While she is
running she starts to feel something strange about Mr. Nadim, she is
falling in love.
AYSE: Oh! He’s so amazing and charming!
And she leaves the scene.
End of scene
MR NADIM - detective
AYSE - girl
In front of the museum
In the Street , on her way to the museum, Ayse is running and thinking
aloud to herself…)
AYSE: I think I‘m gone mad, he will never be into me.
(near the museum Ayse showing her feelings after seeing the detective
standing there all alone her heart started beating like crazy.)
MR NADIM: What’s wrong?
AYSE: Oh nothing, I am just thinking about how my life is going to change
if this case goes well.
MR NADIM: What do you mean?
AYSE: Well if this goes well I think I’m going to try to become a
MR NADIM: Really! That’s great! Maybe we could be a team.
(When Ayse hears these words she almost starts jumping out of happiness but
she doesn’t want to show him that she is into him. She calms down after a
AYSE: Yes, that’s a great idea.
MR NADIM: Okay, we didn’t meet here to talk about our future.
AYSE: Right.
MR NADIM: Today in the morning I got a call from the lawyer's wife.
AYSE: And what did she say?
MR NADIM: She said that she had lost her bracelet 2 days ago and now she
was asking me for help, because that bracelet was from her husband and she
would like to get it back.
AYSE: So she doesn’t know that she lost it near the crime scene?
MR NADIM: I don’t think so.
(The detective takes out a paper from his suitcase and gives it to Ayse).
AYSE: What is this?
MR NADIM: It’s an address, it leads to the lawyers wife’s apartment. Go
there and ask some questions.
AYSE: Okay, but aren’t you coming with me?
MR NADIM: No, I have to do some stuff. I believe in you, you can do this
all by yourself!
(After hearing those words Ayse shows how deeply in love she is.)
The detective is gone.
End of scene
MR NADIM - detective
AYSE - girl
In the street
In Mr Nadim's house
Ayse is thinking aloud in the Street while waiting for a taxi and is still
talking to herself.
AYSE: Okay Ayse don’t mess this up.
I should go by taxi, because it’s quite far away.
Ayse stops a taxi and while she is getting in the car she drops the paper
with the address.
TAXI DRIVER: Where shall we go?
Ayse desperately wants to give the taxi driver the paper with the address
but she can’t find it anywhere.
AYSE: Stop for a little bit, please. I think I have lost my paper.
She continues to look for the paper all round her, erywhere.
AYSE: No no no…not now…
Inside the car: Ayse takes the detective’s business card and wants to call
him but he doesn't answer. She sees his address on the other side so she
decides to go to his house. Ayse gives the address to the taxi driver.
AYSE: I have lost the address so I will go to Mr Nadim's house instead.
Take me here, please!
At Mr Nadim's house
When they get there Ayse pays the taxi driver and goes to detective’s door.
She knocks but no one opens. She knocks again but still no answer. She
tries to open his door and the door isn’t locked. She opens the door and
Place: Nadim’s house, living room
Ayse enters the house. She stands there for a few seconds and doesn’t know
what to do. A woman who is tied up and whose mouth is stripped starts to
make some noises to get Ayse’s attention. Ayse quickly reacts and goes to
look for something sharp to cut the ropes. Finnaly, she finds a knife. Ayse
goes to the woman and cuts the rope and takes the tape off her lips.
A WOMAN: Thank you! We must hurry! He is going to kill us!
AYSE: Wh…wh…who are you? And what are you doing here? Who are you talking
about? Who has done it to you?
A WOMAN: I was captured by a strange man and he put me to sleep. When I
woke up I was tied up here.
AYSE: When did this happen and what did the man look like?
A WOMAN: It happened two days ago and the man was tall, he had dark short
hair and he always had a suitcase with him.
AYSE: No way, no way, it can’t be…but why…? Ayse says is a hesitant voice
A WOMAN:Is everything alright?
AYSE: I think I know who the man was. It must have been Mr Nadim. I think
you should leave now before he comes back.
A WOMAN: I will go but what about you?
AYSE:I’ll wait here for him.
A WOMAN: Be careful! Thanks again.
The woman walks out and Ayse shouts after her
AYSE: Wait! Ayse takes the bracelet out of her pocket, Could this be
A WOMAN:Yes! I thought I had lost it when I was captured!
AYSE: Here,you are. Take it.
Ayse gives the woman her bracelet.
A WOMAN: Thank you!
AYSE: No problem, now go.
The woman leaves.
Ayse sits down and waits for Mr.Nadim.
Ayse is still waiting for Mr Nadim, who finally arrives.
MR NADIM: What are you doing here? Why aren’t you at the apartment I’ve
sent you?
AYSE: Would you mind explaining everything? Why were you keeping a woman
here all tied up?
MR NADIM: Okay, I will explain everything. It was actually me who killed
the lawyer.
AYSE: Why?
MR NADIM: Because his wife was the love of my life. All three of us have
known each other since school days, we were best friends. Ali and me wanted
to become detectives all our lives. I loved his wife all my life and one
day they got married… my heart was torn to pieces. Since then I have been
planning how to kill him so that his wife would be mine.
AYSE: You're a monster! So why did you need my help to find out who the
murderer is?
MR NADIM: In that apartment ,whose address I gave you, I was waiting for
you with the police, because I wanted to put all the blame on you about
killed the lawyer, claiming that the bracelet is yours and so on.
AYSE: And why was here a girl tied up?
MR NADIM: Because she saw how I killed the lawyer.
AYSE: And to think I was in love with... whispers to herself
MR NADIM: Now that you know too much I’ll have to kill you!
Mr.Nadim quickly grabs a knife and starts coming closer to Ayse, they start
fighting but after a while the police comes inside.
POLICEMAN: Put the weapon down and put your hand up!
MR NADIM: Lucky you Mr Nadim says to Ayse
The police arrests Mr.Nadim and takes him to jail.
THE WOMAN: That's him! He is the man who kidnapped me and killed that poor
man! The woman screams pointing at Mr Nadim.
POLICEMAN: Calm down, everyone! We are taking this man into custody. We
will also take you to the hospital Madam for a quick check-up.
The ambulance takes Ayse to hospital for a check-up
End of scene
ACT 6 Scene 1
In the hospital
Ayse's mother
Ayse's father
The hospital room is simple, because she isn‘t injured very much and
doesn’t need any special treatment. There is a bed.
Ayse is laying in a bed while the nurse is checking her. Then her parents
walks in. We can hear some sort of a beeping, probably from a heart
Props on stage : bed, heart monitor, Ayse’s things, decorations that
usually are in hospital rooms.
Sounds: Beeping sound of a heart monitor
Ayse’s family walks in the hospital room
AYSE'S MOTHER : Oh my God… Ayse are you okay? She hugs her and starts
AYSE : I'm okay, don’t worry!
AYSE'S DAD to nurse: Is she okay?
NURSE: Everything is fine, she doesn’t have any bruises or wounds, she can
go home.
AYSE'S DAD : Great!
End of scene
After two weeks :
We can see that Ayse is sitting on her bed, and we can hear her thoughts
AYSE: Even two weeks aren’t enough for me to get this situation out of my
head. How could I be so naive? And I thought that this man will fall in
love with me and we will be partners... He nearly killed me. He was ready
to put me to jail. I hope he gets his punishment. I must find out what his
sentence is...
Ayse decides to go to the court to find out Mr.Nadim’s judgement. She
walks out of the house, and gets a taxi. We can hear how the taxi arrives.
While going to the court, she gets stuck in traffic. (Traffic noises). She
gets out of the car and walks the rest of the road on foot.
Props: A taxi.
Sounds: traffic noises
Mr Nadim
People at court
At court
There aren’t a lot of people at court, Ayse sits in the back of the room.
The judge is speaking. Theirs is a flag of Turkey behind the judge
Props: benches, a desk, judge’s hammer, a flag.
Sounds: We can hear the judge talking, apart from that there's silence.
AYSE to Mr Nadim: I'm happy you're here.
MR. NADIM:If you came here to judge me or something get out you silly girl!
AYSE: No need to be this harsh. I just came to say that I’m going to become
a detective because I want to save people from people like you! I hope you
rot in hell.
Mr. Nadim tries to attack Ayse, but the guard stops him, and she walks out
of there

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Murder in istanbul script

  • 1. READ in Europe Erasmus+ project Characters (in order of appearance): Ayse - young, usually happy girl; curious;helpful Ayse's father Ayse's mother Mr Ali Ayse's grandmother - caring, typical grandmother Mr Nadim - He is tall, has dark hair, wearing a coat with a hat. He always carries a small suitcase with himself. Taxi driver Woman Policeman Nurse Judge Guard People at court
  • 2. ACT 1, Scene 1 INT. AT HOME, ROME – AFTERNOON There is parallel scene: on the left side is Ayse's room, and on the right side is a living room and a kitchen in the background. Ayse's room is all messy and it gives artistic impression; walls are painted and clothes are scattered all over the bed. A blank canvas is near the window with a busy street view. A stunning picture of Istanbul is on the wall. There is a desk full of painting accessories: brushes, newspaper, scissors, mod podge, acrylic paint, blank paper etc. There is a shelf with her school books. Living room on the other side is clean and cosy. There are a sofa, coffee table and TV. In the background are kitchen elements, and AYSE'S MOTHER is cooking. AYSE opens the window. Birds are singing. She goes to the canvas, picks up the painting brush and looks around to find her inspiration. Just one look on the beautiful picture of Istanbul gives her the necessary inspiration. She starts painting. AYSE: (standing up) I wonder what Istanbul looks like. Even though my parents come from Turkey, I've never been there. I mean, I love Rome, but Istanbul is hidden deep inside my heart. Just from seeing the pictures, I can imagine myself walking down its streets and getting new inspiration on every corner. I'm turning 20 today and my birthday wish is to visit the city and see its beauty. I hope I will get my chance soon. She sits on the chair and continues painting. We are watching the second part of the scene. Traditional Turkish music playing in the backround. Ayse's mother is cooking and TV is on. The door open. AYSE'S FATHER enters the living room with a briefcase and birthday cake. AYSE'S FATHER: Good afternoon, darling. AYSE'S MOTHER: Good afternoon, dear. What a lovely cake. Let's go to Ayse and wish her a happy birthday. Turkish music is fading out as Ayse's parents walk to her room. They enter her room and sing the 'Happy birthday' song. AYSE'S FATHER: Happy birthday darling! AYSE'S MOTHER: Happy birthday! Make a wish! Ayse blows the candles and makes a wish. Parents hug her and give her an envelope. AYSE'S FATHER: This is your birthday present. We are sure you will like it. AYSE: Thank you very much, this is a wonderful surprise. What is this?
  • 3. AYSE'S MOTHER: We decided it is time for you to visit Istanbul. It is a trip to Turkey and tickets to Hagia Sofia. AYSE: (happily) I can't believe you made my wish come true. When are we leaving? AYSE'S FATHER: Tomorrow morning. AYSE: So soon? Thank you,thank you! I need to start packing immediately. AYSE'S MOTHER: Honey, pack your warm clothes, it might be cold there during this time of the year. AYSE: Don't worry, I will. Parents leave the scene. Ed Sheeran's song „Galway girl“ is playing and she starts packing her things and dances at the same time. She is very happy. She goes to bed, and turns the lights off. Act 1, Scene 2 EXT. ISTANBUL, IN FRONT OF HAGIA SOFIA - MORNING Ayse comes out of Hagia Sofia and starts exploring the city. She is very happy. She walks around and we hear a lot of different sounds of Istanbul's bazar, people bargaining, kids playing and laughing, bird singing. She sits under a tree and starts sketching Hagia Sofia. She is chewing her pencil while waiting for an inspiration. She then sees a stranger. The music in the background is now intense. AYSE I wonder who that man is, he looks so mysterious and different. It seems like he's looking for something. Why do I feel so uncomfortable? Maybe I should just talk to him and find out. She approaches him very carefully and he finally looks at her. AYSE (quietly) Hello! MR ALI is tall and handsome. He is wearing a suit and looks very serious. He has short black hair, dark brown eyes and a moustache. MR.ALI: (in deep voice) Hello, young girl! How can I help you? AYSE: I am just curious. It seems like you are looking for something. Who are you? MR. ALI: My name is Ali, and I'm a lawyer. AYSE: What are you looking for?
  • 4. MR. ALI: I cannot tell you. It's a complicated situation and you wouldn't understand. AYSE: Maybe I would. MR. ALI: All right. Somebody was killed, and I’m looking for the murderer. AYSE: (shocked) You must be joking. How … (her phone rings and she answers) Okay mom, I’ll be there soon. (she hangs up) I have to go Mr Ali! Goodbye! Ayse leaves in a hurry, suspicious. She turns her head one more time to Mr Ali, wondering if he is telling the truth. He is still looking at her. She goes home. ACT 2, Scene 1 int. at Ayse's grandparents' house (in the guestroom) in Turkey; morning The guestroom is really simple only consists of a bed and a small table wit a chair. There is a turkish decoration. Ayse is lying in her bed, tossing because she can't sleep. We can hear her thoughts as she's thinking about Mr. Ali's investigation. Bird sounds sign that it is already morning. Props on stage: bed, hairbrush, maybe a pulover that she can put on; a bag in which she can put the food; Sound: we can hear Ayse's thoughts as she's thinking about the investigation....we want to make the impression of morning with bird sounds... Characters: Ayse: young, usually happy girl; curious;helpful Ayse's grandmother: caring, typical grandmother AYSE: (inside thoughts)It was interesting to meet Mr Ali yesterday. He is a really handsome man. I can't help thinking about him. Maybe I will go and meet him again today. Who knows? Maybe I can help him with his investigation. It will be a really exciting experience! She wakes up, already has some shorts ant a shirt on, and puts a pullover on. She brushes her hair, gets her bag and is about to leave. Her grandmother steps in, they have their conversation. AYSE: What's wrong grandma? AYSE'S GRANDMOTHER: Won't you have any breakfast?
  • 5. AYSE: Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, I dont' eat breakfast. AYSE'S GRANDMOTHER: That's a pity. At least take some tea and sandwiches with you. AYSE: Okay. Thank you. AYSE'S GRANDMOTHER: Be careful. Bye. AYSE: Bye. The grandmother hands a sandwich and some tea to her. Ayse puts it in her bag and she leaves. Act 2, Scene 2 In front of the museum. Props on stage: the bracelet Sound: we can hear people chatting as a background noise Characters: Ayse Mr. Ali- he was murdered Mr. Nadim - detective, looks suspicious to the audience, but Ayse doesn't suspect anything She comes to the stage very excited about meeting Mr Ali again. She sees the big crowd in front of the museum and sees the dead body laying near the entrance. Ayse is curious to see what has happened and tries to get closer to the dead body. After a few seconds she understands that the man laying on the ground is Mr.Ali. She is so shocked that she can’t move. She stands there speechless for quite a long time when suddenly a stranger bumps into her.Mr. Nadim is standing in the corner suspiciously. He bumpes into Ayse on purpose, and they have their conversation. She backs away and steps on the bracelet. She takes it up from the ground and shows it to Mr. Nadim. She is surprised by the fact that it is Mr. Ali's wife's. She notices something on the floor and picks it up. She is looking at it wondering what it could be. MR NADIM: (loiters around Ayse and bumps into her) Oh...sorry. AYSE: No it's nothing. MR NADIM: Why are you standing here? Did you know the man? AYSE: (in a shocked voice) Yes, I met him yesterday and he was investigating a murder and now he's dead. MR NADIM: I am a detective and I was a good friend of Mr. Ali. He died during the investigation and I'm here to find out how.
  • 6. When Asye hears these words she starts shaking, she puts her hand on her lips and she is walking backwards. While she is walking backwards she steps on something. Ayse looks down and sees that it is a bracelet. It is made of gold with a diamond in the middle. She picks it and up shows it to the detective. AYSE: Um sorry, but I have justfound a bracelet. MR NADIM: Oh really, show it to me. I think you've just found a clue. AYSE:Really?! MR NADIM: Yes and I think it belonged to Mr. Ali's wife. AYSE: (in a surprised voice) Whaaaaaat. End of scene ACT 3 Scene 1 CHARACTERS MR. NADIM - detective AYSE - girl THE FIRST SCENE TAKES PLACES IN ISTAMBUL IN FRONT OF THE ENTRANCE OF Agia Sophia Museum AYSE is shaking Mr. Nadim is pacing back and forth. He's lost in his thoughts. MR. NADIM: I must find a way to put blame on Ayse so she could be the suspect, because she was at both crime scenes. He's rapt , after a few seconds he has an idea and he smiles, he's absorbed in his thoughts MR. NADIM: Maybe I could make her my assistant, so she could be close to me. Then Mr. Nadim talks to Ayse MR. NADIM: Could you tell me your name? AYSE: I’m Ayse MR. NADIM: I need some help to find out who the murderer is and I can’t do this by myself. Would you like to be my assistant? Ayse is really surprised by this offer AYSE: You know this is really unexpected, I need some time to think. MR. NADIM: Yes, I understand,’ I give you my business card here’s my number, call me when you have the answer.
  • 7. Mr. Nadim takes his business card from his wallet and he gives it to Ayse that takes the card and puts it in her bag. MR. NADIM: See you soon. AYSE: Bye. The detective walks away and leaves the scene. End of scene ACT 3 SCENE 2 THEATRE SCENE CHANGES Charachters: MR. NADIM - detective AYSE - girl 2 parallel scenes: Ayse's home and Nadim's home A few days pass and Ayse still isn't sure about what to do. While Ayse is still thinking Mr.Nadim is getting more and more suspicious about her. In AYSE's house: AYSE: I still don't know what to do, I'm not sure. (In the meantime , in Mr. Nadim's house) MR. NADIM: Now I'm nearly sure that my suspicious about Ayse are real.I do hope she will call me and become my assistant. This way I could put the blame on her. In AYSE's house AYSE is thinking loud while she is working on her painting. AYSE: I should take this opportunity, it could be my chance to find myself. AYSE quickly stands up , she takes her bag and she starts to look for the business card in it and when she finds it she takes the phone and calls Mr.Nadim. The phone rings in Mr. Nadim's house. AYSE: Hello, is that Mr.Nadim?’ MR. NADIM: Yes, is that Ayse calling? AYSE: Yes and I finally decided that I would like to help you MR. NADIM: Great AYSE: When can we start?’ MR. NADIM: Right now, come to the museum entrance.
  • 8. AYSE: Okay Ayse quickly grabbes her bag and runs through the door. While she is running she starts to feel something strange about Mr. Nadim, she is falling in love. AYSE: Oh! He’s so amazing and charming! And she leaves the scene. End of scene ACT 4 SCENE 1 CHARACTERS: MR NADIM - detective AYSE - girl In front of the museum In the Street , on her way to the museum, Ayse is running and thinking aloud to herself…) AYSE: I think I‘m gone mad, he will never be into me. (near the museum Ayse showing her feelings after seeing the detective standing there all alone her heart started beating like crazy.) MR NADIM: What’s wrong? AYSE: Oh nothing, I am just thinking about how my life is going to change if this case goes well. MR NADIM: What do you mean? AYSE: Well if this goes well I think I’m going to try to become a detective. MR NADIM: Really! That’s great! Maybe we could be a team. (When Ayse hears these words she almost starts jumping out of happiness but she doesn’t want to show him that she is into him. She calms down after a while) AYSE: Yes, that’s a great idea. MR NADIM: Okay, we didn’t meet here to talk about our future. AYSE: Right. MR NADIM: Today in the morning I got a call from the lawyer's wife. AYSE: And what did she say? MR NADIM: She said that she had lost her bracelet 2 days ago and now she was asking me for help, because that bracelet was from her husband and she would like to get it back.
  • 9. AYSE: So she doesn’t know that she lost it near the crime scene? MR NADIM: I don’t think so. (The detective takes out a paper from his suitcase and gives it to Ayse). AYSE: What is this? MR NADIM: It’s an address, it leads to the lawyers wife’s apartment. Go there and ask some questions. AYSE: Okay, but aren’t you coming with me? MR NADIM: No, I have to do some stuff. I believe in you, you can do this all by yourself! (After hearing those words Ayse shows how deeply in love she is.) The detective is gone. End of scene ACT 4 SCENE 2 CHARACTERS: MR NADIM - detective AYSE - girl TAXI DRIVER In the street In Mr Nadim's house Ayse is thinking aloud in the Street while waiting for a taxi and is still talking to herself. AYSE: Okay Ayse don’t mess this up. I should go by taxi, because it’s quite far away. Ayse stops a taxi and while she is getting in the car she drops the paper with the address. TAXI DRIVER: Where shall we go? Ayse desperately wants to give the taxi driver the paper with the address but she can’t find it anywhere. AYSE: Stop for a little bit, please. I think I have lost my paper. She continues to look for the paper all round her, erywhere. AYSE: No no no…not now…
  • 10. Inside the car: Ayse takes the detective’s business card and wants to call him but he doesn't answer. She sees his address on the other side so she decides to go to his house. Ayse gives the address to the taxi driver. AYSE: I have lost the address so I will go to Mr Nadim's house instead. Take me here, please! TAXI DRIVER: Okay! At Mr Nadim's house When they get there Ayse pays the taxi driver and goes to detective’s door. She knocks but no one opens. She knocks again but still no answer. She tries to open his door and the door isn’t locked. She opens the door and enters. ACT 5, SCENE 1 Characters: AYSE A WOMAN Place: Nadim’s house, living room Ayse enters the house. She stands there for a few seconds and doesn’t know what to do. A woman who is tied up and whose mouth is stripped starts to make some noises to get Ayse’s attention. Ayse quickly reacts and goes to look for something sharp to cut the ropes. Finnaly, she finds a knife. Ayse goes to the woman and cuts the rope and takes the tape off her lips. A WOMAN: Thank you! We must hurry! He is going to kill us! AYSE: Wh…wh…who are you? And what are you doing here? Who are you talking about? Who has done it to you? A WOMAN: I was captured by a strange man and he put me to sleep. When I woke up I was tied up here. AYSE: When did this happen and what did the man look like? A WOMAN: It happened two days ago and the man was tall, he had dark short hair and he always had a suitcase with him. AYSE: No way, no way, it can’t be…but why…? Ayse says is a hesitant voice A WOMAN:Is everything alright? AYSE: I think I know who the man was. It must have been Mr Nadim. I think you should leave now before he comes back. A WOMAN: I will go but what about you? AYSE:I’ll wait here for him. A WOMAN: Be careful! Thanks again. The woman walks out and Ayse shouts after her
  • 11. AYSE: Wait! Ayse takes the bracelet out of her pocket, Could this be yours?’ A WOMAN:Yes! I thought I had lost it when I was captured! AYSE: Here,you are. Take it. Ayse gives the woman her bracelet. A WOMAN: Thank you! AYSE: No problem, now go. The woman leaves. Ayse sits down and waits for Mr.Nadim. ACT 5, SCENE 2 Ayse is still waiting for Mr Nadim, who finally arrives. MR NADIM: What are you doing here? Why aren’t you at the apartment I’ve sent you? AYSE: Would you mind explaining everything? Why were you keeping a woman here all tied up? MR NADIM: Okay, I will explain everything. It was actually me who killed the lawyer. AYSE: Why? MR NADIM: Because his wife was the love of my life. All three of us have known each other since school days, we were best friends. Ali and me wanted to become detectives all our lives. I loved his wife all my life and one day they got married… my heart was torn to pieces. Since then I have been planning how to kill him so that his wife would be mine. AYSE: You're a monster! So why did you need my help to find out who the murderer is? MR NADIM: In that apartment ,whose address I gave you, I was waiting for you with the police, because I wanted to put all the blame on you about killed the lawyer, claiming that the bracelet is yours and so on. AYSE: And why was here a girl tied up? MR NADIM: Because she saw how I killed the lawyer. AYSE: And to think I was in love with... whispers to herself MR NADIM: Now that you know too much I’ll have to kill you! Mr.Nadim quickly grabs a knife and starts coming closer to Ayse, they start fighting but after a while the police comes inside. POLICEMAN: Put the weapon down and put your hand up! MR NADIM: Lucky you Mr Nadim says to Ayse
  • 12. The police arrests Mr.Nadim and takes him to jail. THE WOMAN: That's him! He is the man who kidnapped me and killed that poor man! The woman screams pointing at Mr Nadim. POLICEMAN: Calm down, everyone! We are taking this man into custody. We will also take you to the hospital Madam for a quick check-up. The ambulance takes Ayse to hospital for a check-up End of scene ACT 6 Scene 1 In the hospital Characthers: Ayse Ayse's mother Ayse's father Nurse The hospital room is simple, because she isn‘t injured very much and doesn’t need any special treatment. There is a bed. Ayse is laying in a bed while the nurse is checking her. Then her parents walks in. We can hear some sort of a beeping, probably from a heart monitor. Props on stage : bed, heart monitor, Ayse’s things, decorations that usually are in hospital rooms. Sounds: Beeping sound of a heart monitor Ayse’s family walks in the hospital room AYSE'S MOTHER : Oh my God… Ayse are you okay? She hugs her and starts crying AYSE : I'm okay, don’t worry! AYSE'S DAD to nurse: Is she okay? NURSE: Everything is fine, she doesn’t have any bruises or wounds, she can go home. AYSE'S DAD : Great! End of scene
  • 13. ACT 6 SCENE 2 After two weeks : We can see that Ayse is sitting on her bed, and we can hear her thoughts AYSE: Even two weeks aren’t enough for me to get this situation out of my head. How could I be so naive? And I thought that this man will fall in love with me and we will be partners... He nearly killed me. He was ready to put me to jail. I hope he gets his punishment. I must find out what his sentence is... Ayse decides to go to the court to find out Mr.Nadim’s judgement. She walks out of the house, and gets a taxi. We can hear how the taxi arrives. While going to the court, she gets stuck in traffic. (Traffic noises). She gets out of the car and walks the rest of the road on foot. Props: A taxi. Sounds: traffic noises ACT 6 SCENE 3 Characters: Ayse Judge Mr Nadim Guard People at court At court There aren’t a lot of people at court, Ayse sits in the back of the room. The judge is speaking. Theirs is a flag of Turkey behind the judge Props: benches, a desk, judge’s hammer, a flag. Sounds: We can hear the judge talking, apart from that there's silence. AYSE to Mr Nadim: I'm happy you're here. MR. NADIM:If you came here to judge me or something get out you silly girl! AYSE: No need to be this harsh. I just came to say that I’m going to become a detective because I want to save people from people like you! I hope you rot in hell. Mr. Nadim tries to attack Ayse, but the guard stops him, and she walks out of there THE END