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Sofia Kharissova     #2                                     7-A        Mrs. Tere

                             “El mundo de la flojera”

“Esfuérzate por contestarlo Daniel” me decía la maestra mientras borraba el
pizarrón. “Ya sabes que hacer…”

Una cosa es que sepa, y otra que quiera, pensaba.

“Haz un esfuerzo. Ya llevo dos horas tratando de enseñarte” dijo la maestra.

“Disculpe, pero tengo que retirarme” le mentí a la maestra saliendo del salón.

Al llegar a casa, lo único que quería era ver televisión. También esperaba que
no hubiera nadie en casa, ya que sabía que me preguntarían si hice la tarea.
Sin darme cuenta, me quede dormido.

Cuando desperté, me sorprendí. Me encontraba en la orilla de un lago que
tenia agua cristalina. El aire estaba de lo más limpio y había frutas en casi
todos los árboles y arbustos que estaban ahí. ¿Como es que había llegado

Hacia un poco de calor, así que decidí meterme al agua.

Nade y nade hasta que tope con algo. Algo muy caliente…y esponjoso. Saque
la cabeza del agua y vi algo gigante, una criatura blanca y con mucho pelo.

“¡Ahhhh!” grité cuando me di cuenta que era un oso polar.

“¡Ahhhhh!” Contesto el oso con un grito igual. “¿Quién eres?” preguntó el oso
cuando se hubo tranquilizado.

Al escuchar eso me quede plasmado. Tenía muchas preguntas y no sabía
como contestarlas.

“¿Cómo es que hablas?” le pregunté al oso cuando llegué a la orilla del lago.

“En el mundo de la flojera todo es posible. Supongo que debes saberlo ya que
tu eres el creador” contesto.

“¿Cómo dices? ¿¡Yo!?” respondí.

“Pues así es. Tú creaste todo esto. Como eres tan flojo todo esta para servirte
y…” el oso comenzó a tartamudear muy tristemente. “Tu me trajiste aquí. En la
escuela dijiste que yo vivía en donde hay mucho sol, por eso tengo que vivir en
estas temperaturas…”

“Oh” fue lo único que logre decir. “¿Qué se supone que debo hacer?”
“Encontrar tu propio camino” contestó el oso en el mismo momento que
brincaba al agua.


Me vestí, y seguí caminando. No tenía idea hacia donde iba, pero lo hacía con
un insignificante propósito: encontrar mi propio camino. ¿Y para que? Mis
padres como quiera se harán cargo de mí. Me pagarán los estudios y me
ayudarán en mi vida, ¿para que buscar lo que no necesito?

Seguí mis propios pensamientos hasta que vi algo precioso. Era un árbol de
pan. En el había muchos panecillos de diferentes tamaños y sabores.

Me acordé que en las clases de la escuela había mencionado que el pan crece
en árboles. Y por eso me había sacado baja calificación.

A lo lejos vi a una vaca. Muy grande y bonita. Me acerque a ella.

“Hola, no sabes donde pue…” comencé a decir.

“Te voy a comer” contestó la vaca.

“Ehh! Pero tu comes pasto, solamente pasto” tartamudeé.

“¡No! Daniel en sus clases dijo que soy carnívora…”dijo la vaca.

“¡No!, no, no! Tú eres omnívora. ¡No! Carnívora o herbívora….” Decía sin

“Como es que no sabes, ¡si es tan fácil!” dijo la vaca.

“¿Entonces no me vas a hacer daño?” pregunté.

“Claro que no. Pues ya dijiste lo que verdaderamente soy” contestó la vaca al
mismo tiempo que galopeaba hacia el pastal.

En este mundo todo le parecía extraño a Daniel. Desde el oso polar hasta la
vaca y aun no se podía acostumbrar a que los animales hablaran.

Caminó y caminó hasta ver un castillo. El se sentía feliz de que hubiera llegado
con alguien que lo pudiera ayudar.

Al llegar a las puertas del castillo se encontró con dos guardias.

“Déjenme pasar, por favor” pedía Daniel.

“¿Cuánto es siete por ocho?” preguntó uno de los guardias.

“Mmm, creo que cincuenta y…. ¿seis?” contestó inseguro Daniel.
“Pasa” ordeno el guardia bajito.


¡Wow!, pensaba Daniel. El jardín era hermoso. Con las flores más bellas y
coloridas. También tenía una fuente y estatuas.

Daniel se quedó absorto en sus pensamientos y sin darse cuenta llego a las
puertas del castillo.

Toc, toc, toc. Daniel toco la enorme puerta.

“Pasa” se escuchó una pequeña vocecilla.

Daniel miro a su alrededor pero no vio a nadie.

Al entrar Daniel vió a un hombre sentado en su trono.

“¿Por qué vienes?” Pregunto el hombre.

“Ehm…”se asustó Daniel. “Quiero volver a casa”

“Volverás a tu casa” dijo el hombre. “Pero antes tendrás que resolver este

“¿Enigma?” pregunto Daniel.

“Si” dijo el hombre. “Dos hombres llevan seis costales de naranjas pero…”

“¡Daniel despierta!” dijo una voz familiar. “Despierta”

Abrí los ojos un poco asustado.

“¿Mama?” me sorprendí al ver a mi madre. “¿Qué? ¿Cómo? ¿Ah?”

“Daniel, tienes que hacer la tarea. Ya esta anocheciendo” me dijo mi mamá.

“¡Si! Enseguida voy”

Mi madre se quedó asombrada, ya que nunca quería hacer tarea.

Desde ese entonces me di cuenta que la flojera no va con los estudios y las
actividades que tenemos. También aprendí que hay que hacer todo con calidad
y esfuerzo para obtener mejores resultados. Teniendo en mente las metas de
nuestro futuro.
The girl and the dog….

       Once upon a time, in a small town there was a girl named Sandra.
She was walking in the streets when she saw a dog walking around the park, she took
the dog to her house and she gave him food and water because the dog was very thirsty
and hungry.

       Her mother didn’t like animals at all but this time she let Sandra have the dog.
Every Sunday Sandra washed her dog, and played with him everyday. She had a lot of
fun experiences with the dog.

       One day when she came back from school she realized that her dog was missing,
because her dog was always waiting for her with a ball in his mouth to play.
Sandra was very sad so her mother and her went out to the streets to look for him,
unfortunately they didn’t find him.

       The next day they went out again and this time they were lucky, because this
time they did find the dog. Sandra was very happy because she had her dog back.

       As the time passed, she realized that her dog was very intelligent, and that he
could be in a dog competition so Sandra took her dog to a place named Royal Dog.
There, they trained Sandra’s dog, so that he could beat other dogs.

       In the competition, Sandra’s dog, was very well trained and did great so it
wasn’t a surprise for Sandra that her dog won the first place.

Sandra’s dog continued to be a great and smart dog and won a lot of cups, medals and

       One night Sandra’s dog heard a noise down in the kitchen, he went down ans
saw a man stealing everything, so he woke up everyone and they called the police.
When the police came they captured the man, and now Sandra’s dog was a Hero

       The next day he appeared in the news as the Hero dog!!!!
If someone would see him, they wanted to have a Picture with him because now he was
very but very famous.

       One day Sandra noticed that his dog didn’t wanted to play or eat, she was very
worried, and the next day she decided to take him to the veterinarian, so they could
check him up and find what was wrong.

               When the vet checked him, she told Sandra that her dog was not in good
condition, and that she needed to say goodbye to him.

       The next day she took him to the vet so to sleep her dog.
Sandra was very sad, but at the same time happy, because it was the greatest dog she’d
ever had.
Dogs are part of you, part of your family, they just give you love every day.

Erica Gonzalez   #13 7th A
AlanVenegas #29 7E
                  The House of the Sprits Ghost

This story begins in 1987, in a house where a family lived. This family
lived in front of a strange old house. The house in front was big and, at
the first glance, you could see that the house had been alone for a long
time. Every night they heard the screaming of a boy coming from that
house. Nobody knew exactly who lived in there, some said the house
was haunted by a boy and other said that a boy lived there a long time
ago but he never came out. One day, a boy named Paul couldn’t sleep
because he heard voices outside so he looked through the window and
saw a very white boy in the street staring at him, then Paul blinked,
and the boy was in the old house still looking at him, his eyes were red
and his hand was pointing at him. Immediately after, Paul couldn’t see
anything, he disappeared.
Six years later, in 1993, in the same town, the same street, the same
house which had been alone since the last family moved because of the
death of one of their children and no one else had lived there since
then. A recently married couple wanted to buy a house.
They found house beautiful, because they didn’t know its story so they
moved in.
After 3 years the wife got pregnant and was going to have a baby. One
night when she was arriving after she was with her friends she threw a
can on the other house’s garden. When she was coming in her house,
she heard a sound so she turned around and saw a boy with red eyes
and his hand was pointing at her.
After the incident, her husband was taken to a mental hospital and
finally died as his little boy and his wife did before.
Now it’s 2007. A husband and his wife had a boy named Arthur and a
girl named Ann, both of them were 11 years old. They liked to play in
the street and they never imagined what had happened in the house
that was in front of them or even what had happened in their own
house. Until one day, some boys of their school told them all the
frightening stories. Some weren’t true, other ones a little bit true but
no one knew the exact stories.
One day Arthur told Ann that it would be interesting to look inside the
other house and check if all the stories they heard were true, if a ghost
lived in there or not. Ann didn’t want to go inside and she told Arthur
that it was a bad idea because maybe the house had an alarm and the
police could punish them and they could get in big trouble if someone
still lived there, but the real reason was that she was very scared about
the stories they had told her and she knew it was impossible that
someone would live there.
One day, when they were coming from school, they noticed three
things from the house in front that were very strange. One was that
inside the house a light of a room was turned on. They looked at each
other. They didn’t know what to say. At first they thought that maybe
the government took the house and were selling it. That was a very
reasonable answer. But the second thing was that if someone was
looking at the house they probably had a car, but there was no car
parked outside. Well, in part that wasn’t so strange. They could get by
a taxi or someone else could have brought them. However, the most
strange and at the same time scary, was that they began to hear
screams. It wasn’t a simple scream, these screams were frightening
and long, with pain, horrifying screams, thriller screams. The children
ran to their house. They didn’t know what was happening in the other
house. They didn’t have any idea of what was happening. As they
entered to their house they looked for their parents, they were so
frightened and didn’t know who screamed. Maybe a boy could scream
only to scare them, they thought, but, the screams were telling them
they had to go away from that house and away from that street. It was
a feeling inside them, like a little feeling that grows bigger and bigger
as the time passed. Each minute was counting and each minute was so
important. They didn’t waste their time.
As soon as they found their parents they told them what had happened.
They told their parents that they had to go out immediately, to leave
the house, but the parents thought it was only a story or that they had
heard those noises because of their imagination.
They kept on telling they had to go away form that house, but their
parents didn’t hear them and they punished them. That night they
were so frighten that they were under their beds. Their parents told
them that there was nothing to be scared about but they were insane
with fear.
Their parents went to an important meeting that night, living them
alone. Arthur and Ann insisted their parents to stay with them but the
parent were already angry at them and went out anyway.
That night, that special night, was a total nightmare to everyone in that
street. There were three mistakes that Ann and Arthur did that night.
When their parents left, they immediately went to their parents room
that was right in front of the other house. That was the first error. The
second one was that was turning the lights off. And the third and the
worst mistake of all was to be in front of the window.
At 12 o’clock midnight, they received a phone call. They couldn’t
answer it. They were so scared. They looked slowly through the
window, very slowly, and in there, in the other house; they saw a boy, a
very white boy, his hand was pointing at them, and red, intense red
Then everything became dark. When they opened their eyes again,
they were in another house and in front of them a sphere, a big white
sphere with white things inside it, but they couldn’t see very well what
was. Then they turned around and saw the boy looking at them. They
shouted. Then he spoke, a slow, scaring, soft voice came out of his
mouth and said, “Thank you for offering your spirits.” The first one to
talk was Ann, “Who are you? What do you want from us? Why did
you scream all the time? What happened to your eyes?” Arthur could
see she was completely panicked and the boy noticed it too and
responded, “Well I will respond all your questions one by one. I am
Jack Morton and I was killed here by my father. I want your spirit,
your soul. I didn’t scream. Look at that sphere carefully.” They both
looked at the sphere and something was inside them, but they needed a
little more time to recognize it…..then they both screamed. Inside the
sphere they could see the faces of other people. Then at the back of the
room they saw bodies, dead bodies, without eyes, full of red, stinking
blood. One was of a little, tiny baby. The boy continued, “Now I’ll
answer your last question. What happened to my eyes and to me was
that my father hated me and I hated him too. One day he went to my
room and took the eyes off from me, he killed me and took my spirit
with him to this house. That happened many years ago but I
discovered I couldn’t go to heaven or to hell without a spirit, so, I
brought my father here and did what he did to me, but then I found
another problem, his spirit wasn’t pure. He had killed and robbed a lot
of people.
Then I finally understood that my job was, I was meant to be the only
a ghost I had to punish everyone else for what my father did to me,
taking the habitants of that house to another world of pain and
suffering, just as I feel right now. So you children are next, sorry.”
“No!!!!!”, both children replied, “Please noooo!” They closed their eyes
and never opened them again.

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Sofia Kharissova

  • 1. Sofia Kharissova #2 7-A Mrs. Tere “El mundo de la flojera” “Esfuérzate por contestarlo Daniel” me decía la maestra mientras borraba el pizarrón. “Ya sabes que hacer…” Una cosa es que sepa, y otra que quiera, pensaba. “Haz un esfuerzo. Ya llevo dos horas tratando de enseñarte” dijo la maestra. “Disculpe, pero tengo que retirarme” le mentí a la maestra saliendo del salón. Al llegar a casa, lo único que quería era ver televisión. También esperaba que no hubiera nadie en casa, ya que sabía que me preguntarían si hice la tarea. Sin darme cuenta, me quede dormido. Cuando desperté, me sorprendí. Me encontraba en la orilla de un lago que tenia agua cristalina. El aire estaba de lo más limpio y había frutas en casi todos los árboles y arbustos que estaban ahí. ¿Como es que había llegado ahí? Hacia un poco de calor, así que decidí meterme al agua. Nade y nade hasta que tope con algo. Algo muy caliente…y esponjoso. Saque la cabeza del agua y vi algo gigante, una criatura blanca y con mucho pelo. “¡Ahhhh!” grité cuando me di cuenta que era un oso polar. “¡Ahhhhh!” Contesto el oso con un grito igual. “¿Quién eres?” preguntó el oso cuando se hubo tranquilizado. Al escuchar eso me quede plasmado. Tenía muchas preguntas y no sabía como contestarlas. “¿Cómo es que hablas?” le pregunté al oso cuando llegué a la orilla del lago. “En el mundo de la flojera todo es posible. Supongo que debes saberlo ya que tu eres el creador” contesto. “¿Cómo dices? ¿¡Yo!?” respondí. “Pues así es. Tú creaste todo esto. Como eres tan flojo todo esta para servirte y…” el oso comenzó a tartamudear muy tristemente. “Tu me trajiste aquí. En la escuela dijiste que yo vivía en donde hay mucho sol, por eso tengo que vivir en estas temperaturas…” “Oh” fue lo único que logre decir. “¿Qué se supone que debo hacer?”
  • 2. “Encontrar tu propio camino” contestó el oso en el mismo momento que brincaba al agua. “Gracias…”conteste. Me vestí, y seguí caminando. No tenía idea hacia donde iba, pero lo hacía con un insignificante propósito: encontrar mi propio camino. ¿Y para que? Mis padres como quiera se harán cargo de mí. Me pagarán los estudios y me ayudarán en mi vida, ¿para que buscar lo que no necesito? Seguí mis propios pensamientos hasta que vi algo precioso. Era un árbol de pan. En el había muchos panecillos de diferentes tamaños y sabores. Me acordé que en las clases de la escuela había mencionado que el pan crece en árboles. Y por eso me había sacado baja calificación. A lo lejos vi a una vaca. Muy grande y bonita. Me acerque a ella. “Hola, no sabes donde pue…” comencé a decir. “Te voy a comer” contestó la vaca. “Ehh! Pero tu comes pasto, solamente pasto” tartamudeé. “¡No! Daniel en sus clases dijo que soy carnívora…”dijo la vaca. “¡No!, no, no! Tú eres omnívora. ¡No! Carnívora o herbívora….” Decía sin saber. “Como es que no sabes, ¡si es tan fácil!” dijo la vaca. “¿Entonces no me vas a hacer daño?” pregunté. “Claro que no. Pues ya dijiste lo que verdaderamente soy” contestó la vaca al mismo tiempo que galopeaba hacia el pastal. En este mundo todo le parecía extraño a Daniel. Desde el oso polar hasta la vaca y aun no se podía acostumbrar a que los animales hablaran. Caminó y caminó hasta ver un castillo. El se sentía feliz de que hubiera llegado con alguien que lo pudiera ayudar. Al llegar a las puertas del castillo se encontró con dos guardias. “Déjenme pasar, por favor” pedía Daniel. “¿Cuánto es siete por ocho?” preguntó uno de los guardias. “Mmm, creo que cincuenta y…. ¿seis?” contestó inseguro Daniel.
  • 3. “Pasa” ordeno el guardia bajito. “Gracias” ¡Wow!, pensaba Daniel. El jardín era hermoso. Con las flores más bellas y coloridas. También tenía una fuente y estatuas. Daniel se quedó absorto en sus pensamientos y sin darse cuenta llego a las puertas del castillo. Toc, toc, toc. Daniel toco la enorme puerta. “Pasa” se escuchó una pequeña vocecilla. Daniel miro a su alrededor pero no vio a nadie. Al entrar Daniel vió a un hombre sentado en su trono. “¿Por qué vienes?” Pregunto el hombre. “Ehm…”se asustó Daniel. “Quiero volver a casa” “Volverás a tu casa” dijo el hombre. “Pero antes tendrás que resolver este enigma.” “¿Enigma?” pregunto Daniel. “Si” dijo el hombre. “Dos hombres llevan seis costales de naranjas pero…” “¡Daniel despierta!” dijo una voz familiar. “Despierta” Abrí los ojos un poco asustado. “¿Mama?” me sorprendí al ver a mi madre. “¿Qué? ¿Cómo? ¿Ah?” “Daniel, tienes que hacer la tarea. Ya esta anocheciendo” me dijo mi mamá. “¡Si! Enseguida voy” Mi madre se quedó asombrada, ya que nunca quería hacer tarea. Desde ese entonces me di cuenta que la flojera no va con los estudios y las actividades que tenemos. También aprendí que hay que hacer todo con calidad y esfuerzo para obtener mejores resultados. Teniendo en mente las metas de nuestro futuro.
  • 4. The girl and the dog…. Once upon a time, in a small town there was a girl named Sandra. She was walking in the streets when she saw a dog walking around the park, she took the dog to her house and she gave him food and water because the dog was very thirsty and hungry. Her mother didn’t like animals at all but this time she let Sandra have the dog. Every Sunday Sandra washed her dog, and played with him everyday. She had a lot of fun experiences with the dog. One day when she came back from school she realized that her dog was missing, because her dog was always waiting for her with a ball in his mouth to play. Sandra was very sad so her mother and her went out to the streets to look for him, unfortunately they didn’t find him. The next day they went out again and this time they were lucky, because this time they did find the dog. Sandra was very happy because she had her dog back. As the time passed, she realized that her dog was very intelligent, and that he could be in a dog competition so Sandra took her dog to a place named Royal Dog. There, they trained Sandra’s dog, so that he could beat other dogs. In the competition, Sandra’s dog, was very well trained and did great so it wasn’t a surprise for Sandra that her dog won the first place. Sandra’s dog continued to be a great and smart dog and won a lot of cups, medals and recognitions. One night Sandra’s dog heard a noise down in the kitchen, he went down ans saw a man stealing everything, so he woke up everyone and they called the police. When the police came they captured the man, and now Sandra’s dog was a Hero Dog!!!! The next day he appeared in the news as the Hero dog!!!! If someone would see him, they wanted to have a Picture with him because now he was very but very famous. One day Sandra noticed that his dog didn’t wanted to play or eat, she was very worried, and the next day she decided to take him to the veterinarian, so they could check him up and find what was wrong. When the vet checked him, she told Sandra that her dog was not in good condition, and that she needed to say goodbye to him. The next day she took him to the vet so to sleep her dog. Sandra was very sad, but at the same time happy, because it was the greatest dog she’d ever had.
  • 5. Dogs are part of you, part of your family, they just give you love every day. Erica Gonzalez #13 7th A
  • 6. AlanVenegas #29 7E The House of the Sprits Ghost This story begins in 1987, in a house where a family lived. This family lived in front of a strange old house. The house in front was big and, at the first glance, you could see that the house had been alone for a long time. Every night they heard the screaming of a boy coming from that house. Nobody knew exactly who lived in there, some said the house was haunted by a boy and other said that a boy lived there a long time ago but he never came out. One day, a boy named Paul couldn’t sleep because he heard voices outside so he looked through the window and saw a very white boy in the street staring at him, then Paul blinked, and the boy was in the old house still looking at him, his eyes were red and his hand was pointing at him. Immediately after, Paul couldn’t see anything, he disappeared. Six years later, in 1993, in the same town, the same street, the same house which had been alone since the last family moved because of the death of one of their children and no one else had lived there since then. A recently married couple wanted to buy a house. They found house beautiful, because they didn’t know its story so they moved in. After 3 years the wife got pregnant and was going to have a baby. One night when she was arriving after she was with her friends she threw a can on the other house’s garden. When she was coming in her house, she heard a sound so she turned around and saw a boy with red eyes and his hand was pointing at her. After the incident, her husband was taken to a mental hospital and finally died as his little boy and his wife did before. Now it’s 2007. A husband and his wife had a boy named Arthur and a girl named Ann, both of them were 11 years old. They liked to play in the street and they never imagined what had happened in the house that was in front of them or even what had happened in their own house. Until one day, some boys of their school told them all the frightening stories. Some weren’t true, other ones a little bit true but no one knew the exact stories. One day Arthur told Ann that it would be interesting to look inside the other house and check if all the stories they heard were true, if a ghost lived in there or not. Ann didn’t want to go inside and she told Arthur that it was a bad idea because maybe the house had an alarm and the police could punish them and they could get in big trouble if someone still lived there, but the real reason was that she was very scared about the stories they had told her and she knew it was impossible that someone would live there.
  • 7. One day, when they were coming from school, they noticed three things from the house in front that were very strange. One was that inside the house a light of a room was turned on. They looked at each other. They didn’t know what to say. At first they thought that maybe the government took the house and were selling it. That was a very reasonable answer. But the second thing was that if someone was looking at the house they probably had a car, but there was no car parked outside. Well, in part that wasn’t so strange. They could get by a taxi or someone else could have brought them. However, the most strange and at the same time scary, was that they began to hear screams. It wasn’t a simple scream, these screams were frightening and long, with pain, horrifying screams, thriller screams. The children ran to their house. They didn’t know what was happening in the other house. They didn’t have any idea of what was happening. As they entered to their house they looked for their parents, they were so frightened and didn’t know who screamed. Maybe a boy could scream only to scare them, they thought, but, the screams were telling them they had to go away from that house and away from that street. It was a feeling inside them, like a little feeling that grows bigger and bigger as the time passed. Each minute was counting and each minute was so important. They didn’t waste their time. As soon as they found their parents they told them what had happened. They told their parents that they had to go out immediately, to leave the house, but the parents thought it was only a story or that they had heard those noises because of their imagination. They kept on telling they had to go away form that house, but their parents didn’t hear them and they punished them. That night they were so frighten that they were under their beds. Their parents told them that there was nothing to be scared about but they were insane with fear. Their parents went to an important meeting that night, living them alone. Arthur and Ann insisted their parents to stay with them but the parent were already angry at them and went out anyway. That night, that special night, was a total nightmare to everyone in that street. There were three mistakes that Ann and Arthur did that night. When their parents left, they immediately went to their parents room that was right in front of the other house. That was the first error. The second one was that was turning the lights off. And the third and the worst mistake of all was to be in front of the window. At 12 o’clock midnight, they received a phone call. They couldn’t answer it. They were so scared. They looked slowly through the window, very slowly, and in there, in the other house; they saw a boy, a
  • 8. very white boy, his hand was pointing at them, and red, intense red eyes. Then everything became dark. When they opened their eyes again, they were in another house and in front of them a sphere, a big white sphere with white things inside it, but they couldn’t see very well what was. Then they turned around and saw the boy looking at them. They shouted. Then he spoke, a slow, scaring, soft voice came out of his mouth and said, “Thank you for offering your spirits.” The first one to talk was Ann, “Who are you? What do you want from us? Why did you scream all the time? What happened to your eyes?” Arthur could see she was completely panicked and the boy noticed it too and responded, “Well I will respond all your questions one by one. I am Jack Morton and I was killed here by my father. I want your spirit, your soul. I didn’t scream. Look at that sphere carefully.” They both looked at the sphere and something was inside them, but they needed a little more time to recognize it…..then they both screamed. Inside the sphere they could see the faces of other people. Then at the back of the room they saw bodies, dead bodies, without eyes, full of red, stinking blood. One was of a little, tiny baby. The boy continued, “Now I’ll answer your last question. What happened to my eyes and to me was that my father hated me and I hated him too. One day he went to my room and took the eyes off from me, he killed me and took my spirit with him to this house. That happened many years ago but I discovered I couldn’t go to heaven or to hell without a spirit, so, I brought my father here and did what he did to me, but then I found another problem, his spirit wasn’t pure. He had killed and robbed a lot of people. Then I finally understood that my job was, I was meant to be the only a ghost I had to punish everyone else for what my father did to me, taking the habitants of that house to another world of pain and suffering, just as I feel right now. So you children are next, sorry.” “No!!!!!”, both children replied, “Please noooo!” They closed their eyes and never opened them again.