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That night, the wind was howling around the school. It was a silent night only to be break by an owl hooting and the
sound of rustling dried leaves in the chilly breeze.

SFX: (wind howling, owl hooting, rustling leaves)

Ammar looked upon the moon.

SFX :( loud ticking of the clock)

The clock struck at 2 o’clock. Ammar felt very upset and he needed some space to think thoroughly. He keeps thinking
about her. He hoped to find some peace that night. Indeed the chilly breeze gave him the spirit that encourage him even
more to help the girl that has caught his eyes somehow.

Ammar                 This is the journey that I must encounter. God puts me here. It’s His
                      plan that it will be the girl that I put my eyes on to be in this situation.
                      So, I just have to carry on and trust Him the Almighty.


SFX : ( nisha screams, very loudly)

Ghost                 Don’t go!~ Let’s play. You promised me. (sad tone)
Nisha                 No! Go away you crazy girl! No, you are not even a human… (Voice
                      become shaky)

SFX : ( panting breathe)

Ghost                 What? But…. You promised me! Don’t you?!! (thunderous voice)
                      We will play together forever… (A witch, creepy laugh)

Nisha is a free-spirited teenager. Being the only child in the family sometimes makes her such a spoilt annoying
girl. She hardly had any friends ever since she was a little kid. She comes from a wealthy family background
and was never exposed to hardship. She loves throwing tantrums.

SFX : Classroom noise

Friend 1              Nisha, can you please reach that pencil for me?
Nisha                 Why don’t you do a favour for yourself? It’s not that far anyway.
Friend 1              Oh, come on Nisha~ Please. It won’t hurt helping your friend.
Nisha                 Yes. It won’t hurt you too. Plus, you need some walk to lose that fat of

SFX : (Nisha laughing)

Indeed she is immature and arrogant.
One day her parents sent her to a boarding school which taught her to be independent and how to mingle and
be nice to others. She went to the boarding school with a reluctant heart and she did not dare to protest her
parents’ decision because deep down she always know that parents’ decision are always the best. Nisha had
this good side of her. She never speaks against her parents.

SFX : Door being knock. Knock knock.

Papa                  Nisha,.. Nisha..?

After a while, Nisha’s father entered his daughter room.

SFX : Door creaking

SFX : Loud, head-banging music

Papa                  Nisha, no wonder you don’t answer me. Now, don’t blame me for not
                      knocking your door.
Nisha                 I’m not blaming anybody. What’s the matter papa?
Papa                  I heard from “Mak Cik Beah” you’ve got an offer letter to a boarding
                      school. Congrats darling.
Nisha                 Yeah. Thank you. But don’t expect I’ll accept the offer.
Papa                  What? But, why darling?
Nisha                 Ah, papa. From what I heard boarding school is just a hellish place. It’s
                      a real torture over there. You won’t let me go right papa?
Papa                  Hahaha. What nonsense. You must hear them wrong. You must go~ I
                      promise sooner or later you will find it heaven over there. It’s what we
                      call twists and turns of life. Believe me darling.
Nisha                 Papaaa~~ But,,,
Papa                  No no. No more excuses. You must go.
Nisha                 No way papa. Over my dead body. No!
Papa                  Nishaaa..
Nisha                 Uhhhh *sigh* Alright alright. You’re always right.
Papa                  Now, that’s my girl.

When she first arrived, she was shocked to see the room which is called dorm and it has at least 18 people in it.
Plus, the locker was so small compared to what she had back at home. She sighed heavily.

SFX: sighing, stomping her feet

Nisha                 Oh snap! Where can I put all my belongings..? My goodness!!
Roomate               Errr, excuse me. I’m Anis, your roommate. Nice to know you..
Nisha                 Ohh yes. I’m Nisha. Nice to know you too.
Roomate               Where do you come from? I’m from Johor.
Nisha                 Ah, Anis. Can we just skip this introduction? I’m busy right now. Can’t
                      you see? *sigh*
Anis                  Oh, I’m sorry. Do you need my help?
Nisha                  No thanks! *arrogantly*

Anis walks away with frown face.

SFX : Locker being slammed

Nisha                  Curse this locker!! It’s just..too small.. Urggghhh!

Nisha complains about everything including the “Dewan Selera’s” food.

(SFX : Bell ringing)

Person 1 :                 Nisha,let’s eat. You haven’t eaten anything since this morning right?
Nisha :                    Nah,, no thanks. I would rather eat my biscuits than eat those “food”. I
                           mean, how can you even call them food? Geez.
Person 1 :                 Nisha, you should be grateful for the food. Don’t you think about our
                           brothers and sisters in Palestine? They hardly got any food to eat.
Nisha:                     Why should you compare us to them? It’s their own problem.

She never joins her friends to eat lunch or dinner there. She has no friends and slowly began to become
rebellious and very rude towards everyone including her seniors.

SFX : Classroom noise

(SFX: Girls gossiping around)

Student 1 :                Did you hear? There is a new student that is really rude towards our
Student 2 :                Wow, that is really brave of her! But, I think she will taste her own
                           medicine soon enough though. People like her often taste their own
                           medicine after a while
Student 3:                 I hope we can see that girl being in a sorry state one day. (Evil Chuckles)
One evening, as she was bored, she watched the girlsplay netball.

SFX : Ball bouncing. Court noise

Then, she saw two girls carrying a beautiful carved wooden which she has never seen before. Due to curiosity,
she approached the girls.

Nisha                  Hey! What are you guys carrying?
Girl 1                 Errrr… What? This one?
Nisha                  Yeahhh
Girl 2                 Its congkak~
Nisha                  Congkak? It seems interesting. What do you use the congkak for?
Girls                  It’s a game!
Nisha                  Oh really? Can you teach me how to play it? I’ve never seen this thing
                       before. Like never in my life.
Girls                  *Laughing* Ahah~ Sure. Follow us.

SFX : Congkak/Marble sounds.
Surprisingly, every time she plays, she will always win even though she has never played it before.

Nisha                 Yeahhhh!~ I win! Agaiiin.
Girl                  It’s getting boring. *sigh*
Nisha                 Haha. You just don’t know how to play.
Girl                  Believe me. It’s just your luck today.
Nisha                 No no. You’re just jealous

Nisha soon becomes addicted with it and she can never get enough with it. She even played it during night
without knowing the consequences from playing “congkak” late at night. One night, after the prep class bell

SFX : Bell ringing

She quietly sneaked out from her dorm and went to the equipment room where the “congkak” was placed.

SFX : Creaking door

She secretly hid the congkak under her bed. When she wants to play it, she realized that no one was interested
to play with her as everyone was so sleepy and tired.

Nisha                 Anis, do you want to play congkak?
Anis                  Urrmmm.. Sorry. I’m sleepy. Plus, aren’t you afraid of playing congkak
                      at night?
Nisha                 Duh~ Come on. Release your tension! Why should I be scared?
Anis                  You know why. Please don’t play congkak at night.
Nisha                 What are the things that I should know anyway? Uh fine if you don’t
                      want to play. Just say it. Hypocrite!
Anis                  Up to you buddy. Good night!

She asked everyone in her dorm. Unfortunately, everyone just looked away and refused to play. She frowned
and sighed again. Then she climbed into her bed and tried to sleep but she could not.

Nisha                 One sheep, two sheep, three sheep…. Like seriously ~ Why is it so hot

Suddenly, the curtain beside her bed fluttered as though there was a breeze passing through it. However, Nisha
ignored it. She was still thinking about the “congkak”.

SFX : Breeze

Nisha                 Hurmmm, I wish someone would want to play congkak with me…

Later on, a girl appeared from beside her bed without her realizing.

Ghost                 I will play with you.
The owner of the voice, was a pretty young girl with a long pony-tailed hair. Nisha got energized and jumped
from her bed. Without suspecting anything, Nisha just played along with her. After all, Nisha won all the way
around. Soon, Nisha excused herself to go to sleep but the girl refused to let her go. However, Nisha ignored the
girl’s tantrum.

Nisha                 It’s already 3am. Let’s just go to sleep.
Ghost                 No, play with me until dawn.
Nisha                 What??.. No! We have class tomorrow don’t we? I promise, we will play
                      it again tomorrow night.
Ghost                 Oh really? Ok! *cheerful tone*

Days after, Nisha went to bed early. She doesn’t keep her promise. Then, she encountered a bad dream. She
saw herself hanging from the tree branch. Her throat had been slit which caused so much blood that she was
nearly decapitated. The wind swung her corpse back and forth so that it thumped against the tree. Bump, bump,

SFX : Sound of corpse bumped against tree

Then, the mysterious girl appeared out of nowhere with the Congkak which was covered in blood. Nisha
screamed out loud when she woke up from her nightmare.

SFX : Nisha screams

She felt relieved that it was just a dream.

SFX : Phew! Sound

Night after, when the lightning flashed, thunder roared and the sky went red in torrential downpour,

SFX : Thunder roaring,heavy rain

Nisha saw the figure of a girl then it disappears. That night, she can’t sleep because she keeps hearing the
sound of the rolling marbles. Sometimes, the sound of marbles bouncing seems to be played beside her.

SFX : Rolling marbles, Bouncing marbles.

She tossed and turned on her bed until she realizes the sun has come up. She felt drained out and exhausted. She believes
she was being disturbed by the spirit of the congkak.

That morning, she tells her classmates but none of them believe what she said except for Ammar who is quite religious
and a trustworthy person in school. He knew this paranormal thing does exist and he wants to help her.

Classmate             Nisha, why do you look so tired. You even have an eye-bag. Did you stay
                      up all night?
Nisha                 Uh~ No, actually something bothers me.
Classmate             Poor you. What happened? You can tell me if you want to share
Nisha                 Actually… I’m not sure if you will believe this or not but…
Classmate             What? Just tell me.. I’ll help
Nisha                The spirit of the congkak has been disturbing me since last two weeks. I
                     can’t bear it anymore.
Classmate            Whh.. Whhaat? Hahahahaha *big laugh* Are you done with your
                     prank? *Laugh*
Nisha                No, I’m serious!
Classmate            *Laughing* Ok! Let’s see who believe you

Her classmate spread the story to the whole class. Only one boy raises his hand.

Classmate            Ammar, you do believe in her?
Ammar                I don’t know if it’s the story is true or not, but I do believe those things
                     called “ghost” or “spirit” exist.

During recess, Nisha approaches Ammar…

Nisha                Hi. Assalamualaikum. I’m Nisha.

Ammar looked up from his book and smiled at Nisha.

Ammar                Waalaikumussalam. What’s the matter Nisha?
Nisha                I’m sorry if I’m disturbing you. But, may I ask you some question
Ammar                No, it’s ok plus we’re classmates. Is it regarding the story that the girls
                     roared up just now.

Nisha nodded silently trying to hide her heart-breaking face. She felt sad because no one believed her.

Ammar                Don’t take this matter to heart. At least, someone believes you. I do.
Nisha                I know I shouldn’t take what they say seriously because all these while I
                     treated them badly. I never appreciated the things they did for me.
                     What goes around comes around and… why did you believe in me?
Ammar                I’m glad to hear that you have realized your habit in doing things. Just
                     like what I said, I believe in God and I believe the “things” are also one
                     of His creations.
Nisha                *sigh* I’ve been in the wrong path. But, I have repented. I always pray
                     to Him to ease my life.
Ammar                Alhamdulillah. Don’t pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to
                     endure the hard ones.
Nisha                I don’t know if I’m strong enough. I can’t take this anymore.
Ammar                Nisha, you can do this. If He brings you to it. He will bring you through
                     it. Put your trust in Him

Nisha feels her burden has been lightened up and she feels a bit embarrassed. Even though she can’t gain her friend
trusts, she knows, she can’t waste her time looking back at what she has lost. She has to move on. Her mom always said
that life is not meant to be travelled backwards.

Ammar                Nisha?
Nisha                Oh sorry. I’ve been thinking of something. By the way, thanks a lot
Ammar                 Don’t mention it. I’m glad that I could help you.

Nisha left him a meaningful smile. She was glad that she had met with someone like him as her… classmate.

Since then, Ammar always gives her a piece of paper which has his hand-written doa written on it. Ammar asked her to
remember and memorize the doa. After a week, on a Friday night, the congkak sound was not heard anymore. But the
mysterious girl who played with her before, appeared every night and asked her to play the congkak again.

Nisha thought God has been testing her. So, she ignored it again and went to sleep. When she was looking up at the
ceiling, the semi-transparent figure of the congkak’s spirit hovered above her. Her eyes was gleaming with red fury while
holding the congkak and crying. She tried to recite a few verses that Ammar gave her. The image disappeared but then
she heard a raspy, very loud whisper directly at her left ear as though someone was standing very close next to her.

SFX : Crying ghost, Whisper, breathe blows.

She felt a cold rush of air on the side of her head as though someone was breathing icy breaths on her cheeks.

SFX : Deep breathe, heart thumping loud and madly

The icy breaths had her startled so much that she scream and quickly jumped down from her bed and ran out of her dorm.

SFX : Running and gasping air sound

She ran towards the field as she saw the girl was after her. Her heart was thumping so hard that she could hear her heart

SFX : Heart thumping heavily

She screams as if she wants the whole worlds know. Then, Nisha collapsed. When she opened her eyes, she saw Ammar
and the other boys coming. Ammar recites the azan.

SFX : Azan, The ghost wails, and sound of fire burning something

Surprisingly, after he recites the Azan, the Congkak burst into fire and the last thing that could be heard was the wailing
of the ghost. Only after that, the girl disappears from her sigh,t and she was saved. The next day..

Nisha               Ammar, I want to thank you and the others for what you have done last night.
Ammar               You are welcome Nisha
Nisha               But, how did you know my whereabouts?

Ammar smiled

Ammar               I felt that last night’s breeze was simply different than the others. As I was
                    confirming with myself that it was just a normal night, I heard your scream. I
                    don’t know how or why but your voice reached me even though the field is quite
                    far from the boys’ hostel.
Nisha               That is amazing but still I still don’t get why you should help a girl like me? And
                    because of me, you faced hardships just to find and save me from that thing.
Ammar               It is not very common for me to say this but I felt like I needed to protect you. That
                    is why you are always under my gaze fromthe very first day you came here.
From that day onwards, Nisha behaved herself and she had learned a very painful experience. She keeps in mind that
when Allah tests us, it is never to destroy us. But He is preparing us for an even greater gift. Plus, she won’t throw
tantrums any more. Anger always begins with madness and ends with regrets.

(SFX: Violin playing @ piano playing that indicates the drama is over)

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Radio Drama Script Congkak

  • 1. Prologue That night, the wind was howling around the school. It was a silent night only to be break by an owl hooting and the sound of rustling dried leaves in the chilly breeze. SFX: (wind howling, owl hooting, rustling leaves) Ammar looked upon the moon. SFX :( loud ticking of the clock) The clock struck at 2 o’clock. Ammar felt very upset and he needed some space to think thoroughly. He keeps thinking about her. He hoped to find some peace that night. Indeed the chilly breeze gave him the spirit that encourage him even more to help the girl that has caught his eyes somehow. Ammar This is the journey that I must encounter. God puts me here. It’s His plan that it will be the girl that I put my eyes on to be in this situation. So, I just have to carry on and trust Him the Almighty. Suddenly~ SFX : ( nisha screams, very loudly) Ghost Don’t go!~ Let’s play. You promised me. (sad tone) Nisha No! Go away you crazy girl! No, you are not even a human… (Voice become shaky) SFX : ( panting breathe) Ghost What? But…. You promised me! Don’t you?!! (thunderous voice) We will play together forever… (A witch, creepy laugh) Nisha is a free-spirited teenager. Being the only child in the family sometimes makes her such a spoilt annoying girl. She hardly had any friends ever since she was a little kid. She comes from a wealthy family background and was never exposed to hardship. She loves throwing tantrums. SFX : Classroom noise Friend 1 Nisha, can you please reach that pencil for me? Nisha Why don’t you do a favour for yourself? It’s not that far anyway. Friend 1 Oh, come on Nisha~ Please. It won’t hurt helping your friend. Nisha Yes. It won’t hurt you too. Plus, you need some walk to lose that fat of yours. SFX : (Nisha laughing) Indeed she is immature and arrogant.
  • 2. One day her parents sent her to a boarding school which taught her to be independent and how to mingle and be nice to others. She went to the boarding school with a reluctant heart and she did not dare to protest her parents’ decision because deep down she always know that parents’ decision are always the best. Nisha had this good side of her. She never speaks against her parents. SFX : Door being knock. Knock knock. Papa Nisha,.. Nisha..? After a while, Nisha’s father entered his daughter room. SFX : Door creaking SFX : Loud, head-banging music Papa Nisha, no wonder you don’t answer me. Now, don’t blame me for not knocking your door. Nisha I’m not blaming anybody. What’s the matter papa? Papa I heard from “Mak Cik Beah” you’ve got an offer letter to a boarding school. Congrats darling. Nisha Yeah. Thank you. But don’t expect I’ll accept the offer. Papa What? But, why darling? Nisha Ah, papa. From what I heard boarding school is just a hellish place. It’s a real torture over there. You won’t let me go right papa? Papa Hahaha. What nonsense. You must hear them wrong. You must go~ I promise sooner or later you will find it heaven over there. It’s what we call twists and turns of life. Believe me darling. Nisha Papaaa~~ But,,, Papa No no. No more excuses. You must go. Nisha No way papa. Over my dead body. No! Papa Nishaaa.. Nisha Uhhhh *sigh* Alright alright. You’re always right. Papa Now, that’s my girl. When she first arrived, she was shocked to see the room which is called dorm and it has at least 18 people in it. Plus, the locker was so small compared to what she had back at home. She sighed heavily. SFX: sighing, stomping her feet Nisha Oh snap! Where can I put all my belongings..? My goodness!! Roomate Errr, excuse me. I’m Anis, your roommate. Nice to know you.. Nisha Ohh yes. I’m Nisha. Nice to know you too. Roomate Where do you come from? I’m from Johor. Nisha Ah, Anis. Can we just skip this introduction? I’m busy right now. Can’t you see? *sigh* Anis Oh, I’m sorry. Do you need my help?
  • 3. Nisha No thanks! *arrogantly* Anis walks away with frown face. SFX : Locker being slammed Nisha Curse this locker!! It’s just..too small.. Urggghhh! Nisha complains about everything including the “Dewan Selera’s” food. (SFX : Bell ringing) Person 1 : Nisha,let’s eat. You haven’t eaten anything since this morning right? Nisha : Nah,, no thanks. I would rather eat my biscuits than eat those “food”. I mean, how can you even call them food? Geez. Person 1 : Nisha, you should be grateful for the food. Don’t you think about our brothers and sisters in Palestine? They hardly got any food to eat. Nisha: Why should you compare us to them? It’s their own problem. She never joins her friends to eat lunch or dinner there. She has no friends and slowly began to become rebellious and very rude towards everyone including her seniors. SFX : Classroom noise (SFX: Girls gossiping around) Student 1 : Did you hear? There is a new student that is really rude towards our seniors. Student 2 : Wow, that is really brave of her! But, I think she will taste her own medicine soon enough though. People like her often taste their own medicine after a while Student 3: I hope we can see that girl being in a sorry state one day. (Evil Chuckles) One evening, as she was bored, she watched the girlsplay netball. SFX : Ball bouncing. Court noise Then, she saw two girls carrying a beautiful carved wooden which she has never seen before. Due to curiosity, she approached the girls. Nisha Hey! What are you guys carrying? Girl 1 Errrr… What? This one? Nisha Yeahhh Girl 2 Its congkak~ Nisha Congkak? It seems interesting. What do you use the congkak for? Girls It’s a game! Nisha Oh really? Can you teach me how to play it? I’ve never seen this thing before. Like never in my life. Girls *Laughing* Ahah~ Sure. Follow us. SFX : Congkak/Marble sounds.
  • 4. Surprisingly, every time she plays, she will always win even though she has never played it before. Nisha Yeahhhh!~ I win! Agaiiin. Girl It’s getting boring. *sigh* Nisha Haha. You just don’t know how to play. Girl Believe me. It’s just your luck today. Nisha No no. You’re just jealous Nisha soon becomes addicted with it and she can never get enough with it. She even played it during night without knowing the consequences from playing “congkak” late at night. One night, after the prep class bell rang, SFX : Bell ringing She quietly sneaked out from her dorm and went to the equipment room where the “congkak” was placed. SFX : Creaking door She secretly hid the congkak under her bed. When she wants to play it, she realized that no one was interested to play with her as everyone was so sleepy and tired. Nisha Anis, do you want to play congkak? Anis Urrmmm.. Sorry. I’m sleepy. Plus, aren’t you afraid of playing congkak at night? Nisha Duh~ Come on. Release your tension! Why should I be scared? Anis You know why. Please don’t play congkak at night. Nisha What are the things that I should know anyway? Uh fine if you don’t want to play. Just say it. Hypocrite! Anis Up to you buddy. Good night! She asked everyone in her dorm. Unfortunately, everyone just looked away and refused to play. She frowned and sighed again. Then she climbed into her bed and tried to sleep but she could not. Nisha One sheep, two sheep, three sheep…. Like seriously ~ Why is it so hot tonight? Suddenly, the curtain beside her bed fluttered as though there was a breeze passing through it. However, Nisha ignored it. She was still thinking about the “congkak”. SFX : Breeze Nisha Hurmmm, I wish someone would want to play congkak with me… Later on, a girl appeared from beside her bed without her realizing. Ghost I will play with you.
  • 5. The owner of the voice, was a pretty young girl with a long pony-tailed hair. Nisha got energized and jumped from her bed. Without suspecting anything, Nisha just played along with her. After all, Nisha won all the way around. Soon, Nisha excused herself to go to sleep but the girl refused to let her go. However, Nisha ignored the girl’s tantrum. Nisha It’s already 3am. Let’s just go to sleep. Ghost No, play with me until dawn. Nisha What??.. No! We have class tomorrow don’t we? I promise, we will play it again tomorrow night. Ghost Oh really? Ok! *cheerful tone* Days after, Nisha went to bed early. She doesn’t keep her promise. Then, she encountered a bad dream. She saw herself hanging from the tree branch. Her throat had been slit which caused so much blood that she was nearly decapitated. The wind swung her corpse back and forth so that it thumped against the tree. Bump, bump, bump… SFX : Sound of corpse bumped against tree Then, the mysterious girl appeared out of nowhere with the Congkak which was covered in blood. Nisha screamed out loud when she woke up from her nightmare. SFX : Nisha screams She felt relieved that it was just a dream. SFX : Phew! Sound Night after, when the lightning flashed, thunder roared and the sky went red in torrential downpour, SFX : Thunder roaring,heavy rain Nisha saw the figure of a girl then it disappears. That night, she can’t sleep because she keeps hearing the sound of the rolling marbles. Sometimes, the sound of marbles bouncing seems to be played beside her. SFX : Rolling marbles, Bouncing marbles. She tossed and turned on her bed until she realizes the sun has come up. She felt drained out and exhausted. She believes she was being disturbed by the spirit of the congkak. That morning, she tells her classmates but none of them believe what she said except for Ammar who is quite religious and a trustworthy person in school. He knew this paranormal thing does exist and he wants to help her. Classmate Nisha, why do you look so tired. You even have an eye-bag. Did you stay up all night? Nisha Uh~ No, actually something bothers me. Classmate Poor you. What happened? You can tell me if you want to share Nisha Actually… I’m not sure if you will believe this or not but… Classmate What? Just tell me.. I’ll help
  • 6. Nisha The spirit of the congkak has been disturbing me since last two weeks. I can’t bear it anymore. Classmate Whh.. Whhaat? Hahahahaha *big laugh* Are you done with your prank? *Laugh* Nisha No, I’m serious! Classmate *Laughing* Ok! Let’s see who believe you Her classmate spread the story to the whole class. Only one boy raises his hand. Classmate Ammar, you do believe in her? Ammar I don’t know if it’s the story is true or not, but I do believe those things called “ghost” or “spirit” exist. During recess, Nisha approaches Ammar… Nisha Hi. Assalamualaikum. I’m Nisha. Ammar looked up from his book and smiled at Nisha. Ammar Waalaikumussalam. What’s the matter Nisha? Nisha I’m sorry if I’m disturbing you. But, may I ask you some question Ammar No, it’s ok plus we’re classmates. Is it regarding the story that the girls roared up just now. Nisha nodded silently trying to hide her heart-breaking face. She felt sad because no one believed her. Ammar Don’t take this matter to heart. At least, someone believes you. I do. Nisha I know I shouldn’t take what they say seriously because all these while I treated them badly. I never appreciated the things they did for me. What goes around comes around and… why did you believe in me? Ammar I’m glad to hear that you have realized your habit in doing things. Just like what I said, I believe in God and I believe the “things” are also one of His creations. Nisha *sigh* I’ve been in the wrong path. But, I have repented. I always pray to Him to ease my life. Ammar Alhamdulillah. Don’t pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure the hard ones. Nisha I don’t know if I’m strong enough. I can’t take this anymore. Ammar Nisha, you can do this. If He brings you to it. He will bring you through it. Put your trust in Him Nisha feels her burden has been lightened up and she feels a bit embarrassed. Even though she can’t gain her friend trusts, she knows, she can’t waste her time looking back at what she has lost. She has to move on. Her mom always said that life is not meant to be travelled backwards. Ammar Nisha? Nisha Oh sorry. I’ve been thinking of something. By the way, thanks a lot Ammar.
  • 7. Ammar Don’t mention it. I’m glad that I could help you. Nisha left him a meaningful smile. She was glad that she had met with someone like him as her… classmate. Since then, Ammar always gives her a piece of paper which has his hand-written doa written on it. Ammar asked her to remember and memorize the doa. After a week, on a Friday night, the congkak sound was not heard anymore. But the mysterious girl who played with her before, appeared every night and asked her to play the congkak again. Nisha thought God has been testing her. So, she ignored it again and went to sleep. When she was looking up at the ceiling, the semi-transparent figure of the congkak’s spirit hovered above her. Her eyes was gleaming with red fury while holding the congkak and crying. She tried to recite a few verses that Ammar gave her. The image disappeared but then she heard a raspy, very loud whisper directly at her left ear as though someone was standing very close next to her. SFX : Crying ghost, Whisper, breathe blows. She felt a cold rush of air on the side of her head as though someone was breathing icy breaths on her cheeks. SFX : Deep breathe, heart thumping loud and madly The icy breaths had her startled so much that she scream and quickly jumped down from her bed and ran out of her dorm. SFX : Running and gasping air sound She ran towards the field as she saw the girl was after her. Her heart was thumping so hard that she could hear her heart beats. SFX : Heart thumping heavily She screams as if she wants the whole worlds know. Then, Nisha collapsed. When she opened her eyes, she saw Ammar and the other boys coming. Ammar recites the azan. SFX : Azan, The ghost wails, and sound of fire burning something Surprisingly, after he recites the Azan, the Congkak burst into fire and the last thing that could be heard was the wailing of the ghost. Only after that, the girl disappears from her sigh,t and she was saved. The next day.. Nisha Ammar, I want to thank you and the others for what you have done last night. Ammar You are welcome Nisha Nisha But, how did you know my whereabouts? Ammar smiled Ammar I felt that last night’s breeze was simply different than the others. As I was confirming with myself that it was just a normal night, I heard your scream. I don’t know how or why but your voice reached me even though the field is quite far from the boys’ hostel. Nisha That is amazing but still I still don’t get why you should help a girl like me? And because of me, you faced hardships just to find and save me from that thing. Ammar It is not very common for me to say this but I felt like I needed to protect you. That is why you are always under my gaze fromthe very first day you came here.
  • 8. From that day onwards, Nisha behaved herself and she had learned a very painful experience. She keeps in mind that when Allah tests us, it is never to destroy us. But He is preparing us for an even greater gift. Plus, she won’t throw tantrums any more. Anger always begins with madness and ends with regrets. (SFX: Violin playing @ piano playing that indicates the drama is over)