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Motivation Theory, And Theory Y
Shilan Shah
Professor Khoury
MGT 201–04: Management Principles
5 December 2014
Motivation Paper
Motivation acts a force to energize and direct behavior in the workplace (Myers 329) so that
employees perform tasks to a high degree. It is motivation that retains employees in a company
because improper motivation acts as a deterrent to productivity and joy. Whether physiological,
emotional, or incentive based, motivation affects our lives everyday and induces our natural drive to
thrive and succeed. Many psychological theories explain the different ways employees may become
motivated, such as Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Herzberg's two factor theory, and theory Y, based
on how appealing a stimuli may be to an employee's needs.
A successful company only exists if its employees are properly motivated. However, finding the
right types of motivation proves to be difficult considering the variety of employees within the
company. While one employee may appreciate vacation time, another may feel he is not properly
motivated to do more for the company. One employee may crave recognition, while another finds
solace in completing their work without any applause. Also, in terms of incentives, it would be hard
to distinguish employees who work intrinsically to perform quality work from those who work
extrinsically for the reward. Too much of a stimuli leads to habituation and employees may
ultimately become demotivated (Myers 340). Without motivation, however, employees
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McGregor’s Theory X and Y Essay
Managing resources efficiently and effectively is the most fundamental goal for organisation which
aims to maximise individual and social prosperity. Therefore, the management theory is constantly
developing. In 20th century, there were several management theories proposed such as scientific
management, administrative management, behavioural management, etc. as increasingly aware of
human are crucial element of the organisation and vital in influencing overall organisational
performance, Douglas McGregor who studied about how workers' behaviour effect the manager's
leadership, proposed Theory X and Y (Waddell et al. 2007). It is no doubt this conventional concept
still correct in 21st century, however, business environment is significant ... Show more content on ...
2007). Kermally (2005, p.36) explain that McGregor believed 'how managers manage people in
practice depends on what assumptions they make about workers'. It means that which kind of
leadership managers choose, according to how managers perceive workers' attitudes toward their
job. Managers believe their workers related to Theory X and Y normally use strict supervision
approaches to reduce workers' control on their job, in contrary, managers allow workers to be
innovative and willing to authorise more responsibility to Theory Y workers (Waddell et al. 2007).
McGregor (1960a) assumed workers refer to Theory X are lazy, hate to work, responsibility
aversion and more concern about lower levels of human needs rather than pursuing self–
achievement. McGregor (1960a) suggests that managers should supervise and control the workers in
order to adjust their behaviour and neutralise heir negative attitudes toward work, even punish and
push them to achieve a minimal level of performance. Punishment is necessary because of the
nature of inherently lazy. Managers would find encouraging them to perform better by reward
maybe only valid in a short–term as lazy workers eventually submit adequate effort as they do not
pursuit self–actualisation (McGregor 1960a). in a word, managers centralise the decision making
power, set rules, SOPs and procedures to guide workers what they should process and monitor the
process in order to safeguard the minimal requirement of performance is achieved
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Mcgregor's Xy Theory
Karl Nagra Karl Nagra Lecturers Name: Graham Orr Management & eBusiness Due Date: 27 April
McGregor's XY Theory
In 1960, American social psychiatrist, Douglas McGregor wrote a book titled 'The Human Side Of
Enterprise'. It was in this book that McGregor first proposed his famous XY theory. McGregor's XY
Theory is a type of motivational management. McGregor's theory is incredibly simple yet effective.
Most of the fundamental elements of the XY Theory rely solely on how the manager views their
employees. Even though McGregor's theory is over fifty years old, it is still relevant today. Authors
have tried to modernise the theory but the basics remain the same. Laurie J. Mullins describes
Theory X type workers as having an "Instrumental ... Show more content on ...
Perception can now become an issue. For example a if a manager has experience with an
organisation of primarily managing X type workers. If they are then promoted or moved to a
position which requires a Theory Y type management style, they are likely to take time to adjust to
this new style. During this adjustment phase, the workers under their control will start to perceive
the manager as "a poor listener, seeking culprits for failures, holding on to responsibility but shifting
accountability to subordinates..." (Allan Chapman, Once this perception is
made, it will be very difficult to undo and can be damaging to the workers. This can also work to the
opposite. If the manager begins to put trust into people that can handle it, the workers can start to
perceive that their job roles are more important than they actually are. This, in an already
predominantly Y type worker, this can cause the worker to become more motivated and willing to
do work. The website dictates three ways to improve a workers
performance. These are, "Enlarge the Role: by increasing the scope of a team member's role you add
variety and creative opportunities, meeting their ego needs, and thus subtly encouraging them to
work harder. Engage: participate closely and be transparent with the team on all major decisions. By
providing the team with influence over the decisions made you allow them to
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Theory X and Theory Y
McGregor (1960) described two views on human motivation: Theory X and Y. Theory X, the more
conventional one, holds the view that people are in themselves not intrinsically motivated to work
and even attempt to avoid it, that people have no ambition, are resistant to change, are not
particularly intelligent and that people only work for money and security. Management's objective is
to direct employees efforts, motivating them, controlling them and modifying their behavior to
ensure that they behave in line with the organization's needs and goals.
In contrast, Theory Y holds the view that work can be child's play. People are committed, can work
autonomous and still reach their work objectives, act responsible and are creative in ... Show more
content on ...
We will first discuss the characteristics of modern society implying the shift to more Y–motivated
people. Then we will discuss the obstacles inhibiting organization to move towards more Y–
supporting organizations.
Characteristics of Modern Society supporting Y
One of the major characteristics of modern society is "globalization". Johnson (2002) stated that
globalization is a recent phenomenon in human history. Five developments where of major
influence in making globalization possible and effective (Johnson, 2002). We will make use of one
of these characteristics to underline the fact that people in modern society are Y–motivated.
Knowledge– there has been an enormous increase in knowledge since 1750 (Johnson, 2002). Even
LOI, a Dutch learning–institute, is advertising with it, "The Netherlands are getting smarter".
Current developments in modern society show a trend toward a society with more higher educated
people. The amount of higher educated people is rising. In 2012 the Dutch population consisted of
28% higher educated people, in 2003 this was only 23% (CBS, 2012).
We believe that the work done under people expressing Theory Y often is knowledge intensive
work. Johnson (2002) already stated that there is much more knowledge available nowadays. Also
we spotted a trend among the Dutch population that the amount of higher
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Theory X And Theory Y Summary
Douglas McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y
Douglas McGregor in his 1960 management book he proposed the two motivational theories which
is the theory x and theory y and that made his mark on history. This motivational theories help
managers perceive employee motivation.
Motivational Theory X
A Theory X manager assumes the following:
Most do not to work and come up excuses
Most don't have high aims with lots of responsibilities and needs someone to spoon fed them
Not all think out of the box to solve problems in the organizations.
Not everyone like changes as they are not technologically updated
The Hard Approach and Soft Approach
Under Theory X, management approaches to motivation range from a hard approach to a soft
Theory ... Show more content on ...
McGregor stressed that Theory Y management does not imply a soft approach.
Applying Theory Y Management – Business Implications
In the event Theory Y holds true, an organization can use these principles of scientific management
to enhance employee motivation:
Decentralization and Delegation – If firms decentralize control and reduce the number of levels of
management, managers will have more subordinates and consequently will be forced to delegate
some responsibility and decision making to them.
Job Enlargement – Broadening the scope of an employee's job adds variety and choices to satisfy
ego needs.
Participative Management – Consulting employees in the decision making process pushes their
creative capacity and provides them with some control over their work environment. Ms Hogan
adopted this but she was not aware of some of the employees' needs to retire in the near future.
Performance Appraisals – Having the employee set objectives and participate in the process of
evaluating how well they were met.
If properly implemented, such an environment would result in a high level of motivation as
employees work to satisfy their higher level personal needs through their
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Comparing Mcgregor's Theory Y And Whole Foods
McGregor's Theory Y has a positive view on employees. This theory believes that employees will
do well when they are given the ability to do so. This is a Theory that trusts that humans are mostly
committed to making the company that they work for successful.
McGregor's Theory X views people in a negative light. This theory assumes that most employees or
people in general, dislike working and do not work unless they have to. It believes that people need
to threaten to produce results.
While Whole Foods' management has definitely adopted a Theory Y management sytle, they refer to
their management theory as Conscious Capitalism. This management style is "based on core values
that promote making the world and lives of people better
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Mc Gregors Theory X and Y
The foundation of McGregor's theory has direct links to Taylor's study of scientific management: a
study of scientific management as a link between human beings and their jobs which in turn need to
be re–constructed to maximise efficiency (Waddell et al. 2007, p. 43). Many researchers and
scholars have developed theories based on the work of F.W. Taylor. McGregor, Maslow and others
who assisted to improve the view of human relation tried to prove that there is another side to the
traditional perspective of workers (Bartol and Martin 1998, p. 52).This literature review will be
focusing on the evolution of McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y in relation to the development of
management theory. Moreover will be explaining the definition of X ... Show more content on ...
47–48). Managers who hold the belief in Theory Y are likely to exercise a participatory style,
discussing with their subordinate voicing their opinion, and encouraging them to take part in
decision making (Lewis, Goodman and Fandt 1998, p. 56). Management's main aim is to structure a
proper working environment in order to achieve their higher–order personal goals by achieving
organizational objectives (Bloisi, Cook and Hunsaker 2007, p. 205).
The organizations of 21st century are in a more dynamic world where technology, education and
research and better economic conditions are vastly improving. It becomes gradually more important
for managers to hold the set of assumptions about human behaviour that McGregor has proposed in
his Theory If an individual holds Theory X assumptions then he will not be logical and responsive
to data, therefore, will have limited choice of managerial style. In regard to Theory Y, he can wisely
choose from variety of options (Schein 1975, p. 7). Having worked for 15 years in many types of
organization, Schein (1975, p. 3) believes that organizations need more Theory Y managers at all
levels especially at higher levels. However, few companies still practice Theory X management
(Daft 2003, p.48), but many are applying Theory Y concept of management such as Hewllet
Packard (Waddell et al. 2007, p. 56) and SOL cleaning service, and it has proved to be a success.
They consider everyone equal and value each employee's
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The Theory X And Theory Y
Douglas McGregor, a social psychologist in the 1960's, developed two theories for workplace
employees (Theory X and Theory Y, 1996–2016). Theory X describes employees as unmotivated,
irresponsible, they need to be controlled, and they dislike working. Theory Y describes employees
as responsible, enthusiastic, motivated, and imaginative. As an employee, not in a Management
position, I can say I appreciate a manager who follows the Theory Y description. Since I feel that
way as an employee, I will strive to be that type of Manager. I will participate, guide, lead, and
motivate my employees to want to do a good job, and truly love what they do every day. I do
believe that there are many employees in the workforce who do not like to work. When I come
across someone with these characteristics, it will be my job to change their views. A low dose of
responsibility will most likely motivate people to do better. Unfortunately, there are still many
people who have the pessimistic view on life, and nothing will change their ways. Participating and
interacting with employees on a day to day basis shows your interest in their role. I can understand
how applying Theory Y in large organizations may be difficult, but with the right management in
place, each department can be managed with Theory Y roles. I believe many companies give up on
the chance to give their employees the responsibility because it is easier to control and direct
without consideration or involvement from the
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Douglas McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y Essay
Douglas McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y
Biography of Douglas McGregor
Douglas McGregor was born on 1906 in Detroit, America. In 1895, it was here that his grandfather,
Thomas McGregor started his business and given its name as, McGregor Institute. The business
provides assistance to Great Lakes sailors and other transient labour. The
Institute provided shelter, warmth and food to approximately 100 men every year. When Thomas
McGregor passed away, his son Murray McGregor
(Douglas's father) continued to manage the business. During high school, Douglas McGregor
worked as a night clerk and played the piano and organ at the chapel services. At work, he became
familiar with the employees and their problems. In 1936, McGregor ... Show more content on ...
At M.I.T., McGregor spent two thirds of his time at teaching and as an
Executive Director of the Industrial Relations Section. He spent one third of his time as a consultant.
Between 1943 and 1945, he had left
M.I.T to work at Dewey Almy Company, which manufactures rubber goods.
He was a Director of Industrial Relations in that institution. Since
1940, he has been a consultant in human relations for that industry.
The general manager of Dewey Almy Company stated that McGregor liked to explore and
experiment in human relations with the company. The company offered McGregor a free–hand in
determining its industrial relations policy because; many of his experiments became very successful.
The business and the workmen have full confidence in him.
For many years, McGregor worked as a consultant for several industries and labour undone in the
East and Middle West. He has taken care of the wage and salary administration, contract
negotiation, foreman training, grievance handling, executive development programs, union and
management co–operation programs and problems of organisational structure and function.
He has been a member of the panel of arbitration of the American
Arbitration and tree labour disputes for various companies and union.
McGregor has been a speaker for management and labour groups in United
States and Canada. Also, he has been in charge of conferences on human
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Leadership Styles Of The X Theory And The Y Theory
ven John Wooden definition of success is refreshing and unique: Wooden states that success is a
peace of mind which is a direct result of self– satisfaction knowing you made the effort to become
the best of which you are capable. This paper will seek to describe Wooden's Pyramid of Success
and how it fits the business environment in my work place. Also, this paper will identify similarities
and differences within the Pyramid of Success by comparing it to leadership styles of the X Theory
and the Y Theory. Throughout the Pyramid of Success John Wooden identifies different rationales
for each aspect, we will provide our understanding of all his aspects. Lastly, we will attempt to
create a new pyramid of success and develop a step by step strategy that allows members to use it
and adapt to it. John Wooden Pyramid Style Reflected in CLPHA John Wooden Pyramid of building
blocks directed toward leadership. Each example is shared through his basketball coaching
experiences, but can be applied back to everyday life and business. Working as the Director of
Operations for CLPHA our training and development is based on the philosophy of Wooden, which
focuses team work, value and success. Wooden stresses team spirit as an eagerness to sacrifice
personal interests or glory for the welfare of all. The team comes first. Here at CLPHA we work as a
team. We hold team meetings two or three times weekly. We have a database that we can collaborate
as a team and share ideas and opinions
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Essay on Theory X and Theory Y
Theory X and Theory Y, developed by Douglas McGregor, grew out of opposition towards classical
management methods. Classical management theorists, such as Fredrick Taylor, focused on
scientific training and efficiency and did not account for personal and behavioral issues, such as
management styles or job satisfaction. McGregor saw these deficiencies in the classical school of
management which lead him to develop a theory of management that would factor the importance
of the individual worker. If a manager could tap into the feelings and attitudes of their workers, then
the manager would be able increase their employee's motivation which would then increase
production. McGregor's theory viewed the employee as a person and not as a machine ... Show
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Theory X was labeled by McGregor as being a "hard" style of management, where hard meant that
management would have close supervision on its workers, as well as having strong control and
coercion. He determined that a hard style would not be effective for production and organization
that practiced this style would have restricted output and workers would distrust management,
therefore there would be a need for a softer side of management. McGregor based his evaluation of
Theory X manager's on Abrahams Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs theory (Barnett).
As stated earlier, only when the basic needs are met, then a person will be motivated to pursue the
next level. McGregor stated that because most workers have basic physical and safety needs met,
he/she will only be motivated to satisfy higher needs, such as esteem and self actualization.
Therefore, management must be able to provide workers with opportunities to satisfy their higher
needs or they will not be motivated to perform their organizational duties (Barnett). Because Theory
X fails to satisfy the higher needs of the worker, a different set of assumptions need to be made to
account for them, thus McGregor developed an alternative he called Theory Y.
Theory Y was created by McGregor because he believed that its assumptions would lead to a more
effective style of management. McGregor stated that peoples work effort was as
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The Theory Of Body Types, And The Y Chromosome Theory
Alyssa Bursott Dr. Stephanie Spars SOC 100 – Introduction to Sociology March 26, 2016 Deviance
Many different theories exist regarding deviance. Biological, psychological, and sociological
perspectives have applied their different thought processes to produce many theories. Some of these
ideas have been discredited, however some remain significant today. Sociological theories differ
from biological and psychological theories by looking at external factors rather than internal ones.
Biological theories on deviance are the result of looking for answers that are specific to certain
individuals, namely, criminals and non–criminals. Theorists in this respect look for pathological
factors, idealizing the concept that criminals cannot help but be criminals due to genetic
predispositions (Livesey 4). Three major theories have emerged from the biological perspective:
Lombroso's Theory, Sheldon's Theory of Body Types, and the Y Chromosome Theory. First,
Lombroso's Theory stems from the mid 1800s, a time when individuals traditionally believed,
"crime was a characteristic of human nature (Crossman 2014)." This theory, produced by Italian
criminologist Cesare Lombroso, concludes that criminals are physically different from non–
criminals. Some examples of these differences are large ears, a twisted nose, long arms, and
asymmetry of the face and head. Lombroso also believed that "tattoos were markings of born
criminals because the stood as evidence of both immortality and
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Theory X And Y : Theories
M Indira Ananda
Individual Assignment
Theory X and Y are theories founded by Douglas McGregor, a professor from MIT Sloan School of
Management, which are inscribed in his book, "The Human Side of Enterprise" in 1960. This essay
will explain about the theories used in human resources, which according to McGregor are vital in
the success of one's company. Theory X is the theory who assume people to dislike work or just
want to work if they received orders from superiors. While the theory Y assumes people love to
work and will do the job without waiting for orders from a superior and always wanted to do the
best for the manager. Both of these theories describe about motivation of human and role of
management behaviour. The theories assemble the factors of production, including human resources
for the economic benefit of the firm, organisational communication and organisational development.
In this essay we will discuss in detail about theory X and Y, and application to individual and
First is theory X. In theory X, people very lazy to work and just work if they like the job or received
commands from their manager and want to earn wage without working to much. The characteristic
of theory X can be anti social, does not thank or praise, does not participate, unconcerned about staff
welfare, or morale, takes criticism badly and likely to retaliate if from below or peer group. From
this result we know that management believes that workers need to be
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Chapter 01 Organizational Behavior
Chapter 01 Organizational Behavior: The Quest for People–Centered Organizations and Ethical
True / False Questions 1. | People–centered practices are associated with higher profits and lower
employee turnover. True False | 2. | Power can be provided to employees via centralization. True
False | 3. | Providing training for employees leads to lower employee turnover. True False | 4. | Trust
can be built in organizations through the sharing of critical information. True False | 5. |
Organizations are a social invention helping us to achieve things collectively that we could not
achieve alone. True False | 6. | OB is an interdisciplinary field dedicated to better understanding and
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True False | 32. | Social capital is productive potential resulting from strong relationships, goodwill,
trust, and cooperative effort. True False | 33. | Trust, mutual respect, teamwork, and cooperative
effort are dimensions of human capital. True False | 34. | Positive social interactions can have
favorable impacts on cardiovascular health and the immune system. True False | 35. | Good
management requires a clear purpose and a bias toward action. True False | 36. | Henry Mintzberg
observed that managers typically devote large blocks of time to planning. True False | 37. |
According to Wilson's managerial skills research, an effective manager controls details by being
overbearing. True False | 38. | The Wilson managerial skills research yields the lesson that dealing
effectively with people is what management is all about. True False | 39. | Managers with high levels
of skill mastery tend to have better subunit performance and employee morale than managers with
lower levels of skill mastery. True False | 40. | According to the Wilson managerial skills research,
effective female and male managers have significantly different skill profiles. True False | 41. | The
successful 21st century manager shares access to power and key information. True False | 42. | A
successful 21st century manager uses formal authority as the primary source of influence.
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The Theory X And Y Leadership Model
For decades, social psychologists and management professionals have studied numerous approaches
to successful leadership and the motivations behind them. A leadership style can be defined as a
leaders characteristic behavior when directing, motivating, guiding, and managing groups of people
(Cherry, 2006). In order to lead people more effectively, it is critical to understand the assumptions
and influences of different leadership styles. Additionally, one must comprehend what motivates the
team members involved and how their behaviors can drive a certain style of leadership. We will
begin our analysis by discussing Theory X and Y and then look into three other styles: authoritarian,
democratic, and laissez–faire. Lastly, we will decide which style is most often needed in today's
fast–paced world. Over 50 years ago, social psychologist Douglas McGregor developed the Theory
X and Y leadership model, which has been further validated through modern research. According to
McGregor, there are two fundamental approaches to managing people: (1) many managers lean
toward Theory X and "generally get poor results, especially over the longer run," and (2)
enlightened managers mostly use Theory Y, which produces better performance and results while
enabling people to develop and grow (Friesen, 2012). Theory X is a more authoritative and
traditional style because it assumes workers dislike working and will avoid responsibility, must be
controlled or forced to deliver what's needed, and
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Theory X Vs Theory Y Essay
Theory X vs Theory Y: A Manager's Choice
Beliefs and assumptions about what motivates members of a team strongly influence a management
style. An authoritative style of management is geared towards the belief that team members dislike
work; On the other hand, when employees take pride in doing a good job, management will tend to
adopt a more participative style (, 2015). These two management styles are
formulated by Theory X and Theory Y respectively. These theories resulted from an idea devised by
Douglas McGregor and were noted in his 1960 book "The Human Side of Enterprise." The book
covers a fundamental clarification between the two management styles and has developed the basis
of future analysis on the subject ... Show more content on ...
The principals of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs outline our behavior and actions as being driven by
a 'hierarchy' of needs; lower level needs, like survival, must be satisfied before motivation moves on
to meet higher level needs, such as 'connection feeling' and self–actualization (, 2012).
Theory X merely satisfies lower–level physical needs which therefore results in limiting
productiveness. "Man is a wanting animal," wrote McGregor, "as soon as one of his needs is
satisfied, another appears in its place" (, 2008).
In this Theory, when the physiological, safety, and social needs are all reasonably provided, the
employee's needs become satisfied, thus rendering them stagnant and without further motivational
fuel, and the organizational motivation dampens.
Theory Y is a total contrast to Theory 'X '. McGregor believed that people desire to learn and that
work is a natural activity to the extent of developing self–discipline and self–development
(, 2001).
In McGregor's 1960 published article, The Human Side of Enterprise, he mentions a process in in
regards to Theory Y of creating opportunities, releasing potential, removing obstacles, encouraging
growth, and providing guidance –as Peter Drucker called it, "management by objectives" in contrast
to "management by control" (McGregor, 1960, pp. 12 {7}).
Also, noted in McGregor's 1960 article, of Theory Y, he introduces a participative style of
management that is
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Difference Between Soft And Soft Hrm
Soft HRM is defined as a "high commitment work system, which is aimed at eliciting a commitment
so that behaviour is primarily self–regulated rather than controlled by sanctions and pressures
external to the individual and relations within the organization are based on high levels of trust".35
Another essential part of Soft HRM is the importance of communication and the goal of flexibility
and adaptability. Theoretically the employee doesn't only comply with the companies goals, but
positively commits himself to its values and aims, and by that see a meaning in their work .The
commitment employee's show can only be achieved through trust, training, development and the
freedom of autonomous and self–controlled work.
Hard HRM is often considered as the opposite of Soft HRM, as it is defined as "quantitative,
calculative and business–strategic [mean] of managing the "headcount resource""36 and sees the
employee more like a resource, similar to other components of the production. The HR policies and
practices are coherent with the strategic goals set by the company and aim to increase the general
competiveness of the company. Following, the management expects the employees to be unwilling
to work and has to take control over his actions to secure the companies stability and
competiveness. The employee is instrumentalized.
Soft and Hard HRM
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Leadership Theory X And Theory Y
Leadership Theories
The concept of Transformational Leadership was initially introduce be leadership expert and
presidential biographer James McGregor Burns (About, 2015). This type of leadership requires for
leaders and followers to have a connection like no other where mutual respect and trust has to be the
foundation of the working relationship. The idea is that in the end everyone results benefited in one
way or another. A different approach on leadership is Douglas McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y.
Managers who get involved with Theory X believe that workers need to be constantly supervised.
On the other hand, Theory Y suggests that employees themselves are well disciplined and have
control as of how they will achieve their goals. ... Show more content on ...
My dad's background as an accountant and my interest in the profession prevent me from wanting to
continue my employment at my current location. In regards my peers, most of them also have
ambitions. Some have decided to stay and build up their employment history with one employer
instead of moving around every time work slows down. Others want to move up in the company and
since opportunities exists, it has caught their attention and their efforts are centralized on achieving
that goal. Throughout this course and for the purpose of this project, two styles of leadership from
three different theories caught my attention. After deciding to look for a different working
environment once I obtain an Accounting Degree, I plan to use a combination of two leadership
theories to pass along the basic knowledge of our operations to someone else.
The first theory I will explain is called Transformational Leadership. According to Krishnan (2004),
Transformational Leadership consists of four factors – charisma or idealized influence, inspirational
leadership or motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration. On his article he
explains that the relationship between leader and followers and their purposes can begin with both
parties feeling completely unrelated to each other. That being said, constant communication and
daily interaction allows for any negative gaps to slowly close and have the participants realize that
everyone needs
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Philosophy Of Leadership
Argue which leadership philosophy is most common from your perspective, McGregor's Theory X
or McGregor's Theory Y?
Theory X is more dominant. Leaders have to work hard at motivating employees because they
believe people don't like work. Leaders have to direct and control people because they believe
employees lack self–motivation. Leaders need to tell employees what to do how to do it and when to
do it. Introduction to Leadership, (p. 84–86)
2. Argue which style of leadership is most effective, Task Style or Relationship Style?
The Task–oriented leadership is the most effective leadership style. An organization needs focus on
the goals to accomplish the mission. Most organizations may use midrange style between Task–
oriented and Relationship–oriented
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McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y Questionnaire
Question Response:
How do your two scores relate to your experience at work?
The two scores from the "X–Y Theory" Questionnaire indicate the situation and management style
of the organization is at 58 while my personal preferences is 62. They are close, but could be better.
The intent of this analysis is to evaluate how these scores relate to the experiences of being
employed by the organization I am a member of. In general, the management team attempts to
create Theory Y environment, starting with the CEO who concentrates on creating a healthy,
productive environment entirely focused on goal attained and shared accountability and
responsibility. One of the core foundational elements of Theory Y management is the continual
reinforcement and focus on individual accountability and responsibility (Burke, 2011). An adjunct
part of this trait of Theory Y management is the ability to create a very high level of autonomy,
mastery and purpose at the individual level to further accentuate long–term learning (Kopelman,
Prottas, Davis, 2008). The organization I am a member of strives to do this with generous
educational programs and initiatives to create greater levels of insight and intelligence into the core
areas of knowledge our company relies on.
Experiences in our organization have also ranged from the mildly autocratic or transactional from a
leadership standpoint. The company however, especially in engineering departments, is continually
working to create more of a
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The Human Side Of Enterprise
Douglas McGregor was an American professor and psychologist who is most famous for his book,
The Human Side of Enterprise, published in 1960. In this work, he conceives and examines two
theories of behaviors in the workplace. They are known as Theory X and Theory Y. These distinct
theories describe how individuals generally behave at work and how different types of managers
might govern their employees. They have been used over the years to help managers to understand
their employees' needs, behavior and how to better manage their staff. These theories can be
analyzed and broken down into three of many sub–topics: Motivation, Leadership Style and
Conflict Resolution. The two basic labels that McGregor created describe the assumptions that
managers might make about their employees' views on motivation and behavior. According to
McGregor's (1960) Theory X, "the average man is by nature indolent" and is typically self–centered
and lacks ambition (p. 2). In this situation, managers are forced to act in an authoritarian manner.
They must coerce their employees to do their jobs, because the assumption is that workers take little
to no initiative. Theory X demonstrates that workers view money and job security as their primary
motivator. Conversely, Theory Y states that people actually enjoy working and will actively seek out
greater responsibility. Managers in this scenario would encourage and emphasize the empowerment
of their employees and would provide a surplus of
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Theory X, Theory Y
Theory X, Theory Y by Douglas McGregor is a motivation theory. Douglas McGregor is a social
psychologist and applied two sets of assumptions to the organizational structure called Theory X
and Theory Y. His theory is based on managerial views of human beings. In his book, The Human
Side of Enterprise, he outlined a new role for managers. He stated that managers should assist
subordinates in reaching their full potential, rather than commanding and controlling. Theory X is
negative and Theory Y can be stated as the opposite, positive. Douglas concluded that managers
shaped their behavior towards workers based on either the X or Y views.
Theory X presumes that average employees dislike work, are lazy, dislike responsibility, and must
be ... Show more content on ...
Theory X and Y call for managers to examine their assumptions about human nature and see how
these models lead to managerial practices. These assumptions will be reflected in management
attitudes toward employees, the kind and amount of participation they allow, and the outcomes they
expect. The strength of McGregor's theory is its significance. When McGregor formulated his
theory, companies competed on their ability to mass produce goods. Today, however, paying
attention to the human aspect is a requirement if any organization. Without a powerfully motivated,
highly skilled, self–reliant human resource, organizations do not stand a chance to survive, much
less compete. McGregor's theory provides the solution to problems related to the human aspect of
an organization.
Some of the weaknesses in McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y theory are that there is only so
much money that can be offered as motivation and only so much control that can be applied. People
change and so do motivators. McGregor states that a satisfied need no longer motivates. This theory
has no evidence to support Theory X or Theory Y. There's no validity in the assumption that
managers who modify their actions or behaviors will lead to more motivated workers (textbook
citation p177). It is part of the manager 's job to exercise control and influence, and there are
situations in which this
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Douglas Mcgregor's Theory X And Theory Y
Task 2.4–Motivation of staff
Douglas McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y
Douglas McGregor in his 1960 management book he proposed the two motivational theories which
is the theory x and theory y and that made his mark on history. This motivational theories help
managers perceive employee motivation.
Motivational Theory X
A Theory X manager assumes the following:
Most do not to work and come up excuses
Most don't have high aims with lots of responsibilities and needs someone to spoon fed them
Not all think out of the box to solve problems in the organizations.
Not everyone like changes as they are not technologically updated
The Hard Approach and Soft Approach
Under Theory X, management approaches to motivation range from a hard approach to a soft
Theory x
The hard approach ... Show more content on ...
McGregor stressed that Theory Y management does not imply a soft approach.
Applying Theory Y Management – Business Implications
In the event Theory Y holds true, an organization can use these principles of scientific management
to enhance employee motivation:
Decentralization and Delegation – If firms decentralize control and reduce the number of levels of
management, managers will have more subordinates and consequently will be forced to delegate
some responsibility and decision making to them.
Job Enlargement – Broadening the scope of an employee's job adds variety and choices to satisfy
ego needs.
Participative Management – Consulting employees in the decision making process pushes their
creative capacity and provides them with some control over their work environment. Ms Hogan
adopted this but she was not aware of some of the employees' needs to retire in the near future.
Performance Appraisals – Having the employee set objectives and participate in the process of
evaluating how well they were
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The Theory X And Theory Y Essay
The ability to predict the behavior of employees in an organization is a key element in encouraging
and ensuring that employees to produce desired results. Some employees usually take great pride in
their work and obtain satisfaction from performing their duties well. Such employees are innately
motivated (Douglas McGregor: Theory X and Theory Y, 2015). Other employees are never proud of
their work. They simply work because they believe that they cannot survive without their jobs. Such
employees are externally motivated (they require an outside force to compel them to perform their
duties) (Theory X and Theory Y: Understanding Team Member Motivation, 2016). These ideas
about employee behavior and much more have been developed by social psychologist and
management professionals, such as Douglas Mc Gregor, Abraham Maslow, and Herzberg, in the
form of theories to help managers and employees predict each other's behavior. This paper focuses
on the Theory X and Theory Y, which were both developed by Douglas McGregor. It describes the
theories and analyzes their effectiveness in predicting human behavior.
Theory X and Theory Y
Unlike other theories that usually focus on employees, Theory X and Theory Y focus on managers
and the perceptions they have about their employees, which in turn influences their behavior
towards their employees (Theory X and Theory Y: Understanding Team Member Motivation, 2016).
Different managers have different perceptions about the things that motivate
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A Biblical Application Of Theory X & Y
A Biblical Application of Theory X & Y Theories X & Y have existed since the times of the Bible.
Through analytical evaluation of situations in the Bible, we can see the results of using either theory.
Background Theory X & Y was officially expounded (and named) by Douglas McGregor, a social
psychologist at MIT in the 1960s. His idea was that there are two fundamentally different styles of
management. Theory X is an authoritarian concept where one assumes that individuals work
reluctantly, without motivation. On the other hand, Theory Y is a libertarian concept where one
assumes that people will perform beyond their duties if they are motivated and are dedicated to the
overall goals set forth for them. McGregor first published his ideas in his book, The Human Side of
Enterprise. One of the experiences he had that influenced his thoughts was from work that he did at
his grandfather's establishment for temporary workers in Detroit. Because he was a close
acquaintance of Abraham Maslow, who developed "Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs," McGregor
wished to counter the scientific approach on management ("Douglas McGregor," 2008) and named
Theories X & Y. Theory X Theory X takes the position that the average human being is "lazy and
self–centered, lacks ambition, dislikes changes and longs to be told what to do" (Stewart, 2010). It
portrays the perspective that a worker avoids responsibility and has to be controlled every step of
the work process. There is little to no delegation of
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Theory X and Y
You have just been promoted to supervisor of a large department in your company. The previous
supervisor was terminated because of low morale and performance of his department. You had been
attending night school to earn your bachelor's degree in management and remember, from one of
your courses, how important it is to listen to your employees. Before coming in and making
wholesale changes, you have spent the first several weeks on the job meeting casually with each
employee about his or her views on the company, the department, and his or her own work efforts.
Although you receive a lot of varying feedback, one common thread of employee concern is the
very autocratic approach that the former supervisor used when dealing with his ... Show more
content on ...
The rewards encourage employees to work harder and smart which helps the bottom line for
employers. Theory Y management is a good choice under the conditions that rewards are not given
for every little achievement. That means no giving rewards for a job that is supposed to be done, but
rewards for put in the extra work it good. A democratic decision to be made would be what action to
take in a failing project. By allowing each team member to help with the decision making process,
there may come a better idea for how to deal with a problem. Rewards can include early release of
Friday's and a casual Monday for group efforts. Rewards for individual personnel can be a pay raise
or a paid vacation.
If a manager understands these two theories, they can use the positive attributes of each theory
under certain circumstances. Every decision made does not need to be a group decision and making
a sole decision when its needed is the right way to go. Under high stress situations, making a
decision can bring the team members out of the stress and happier on the other side that the manager
was there to make the decision. Also, a manager who helps employees in their career is the ones
who bring up the morale of their employees. The manager should also understand these two theories
to avoid the negative attributes, such as never assuming an employee
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Theory X and Y: Style Management
Theory X describes a results–driven manager who issues deadlines and ultimatums, is elitist, does
not build teams, is a one–way communicator and a poor listener, and a whole host of other negative
traits. This is the "authoritarian" style, and while MacGregor's (Chapman, n.d.) treatment of this
manager is overwhelmingly negative, these types of people often become managers because they
deliver results. Theory Y managers, by contrast, as known as "participative" and are characterized
by a host of positive adjectives.
According to the survey (Chapman, 2002), my situation falls into a score of 45, which means that I
am subject to generally Theory Y management. According to the second part of the same survey, I
scored a 69, meaning that I strongly prefer Theory Y style management.
I think that these two scores largely relate to my experience at work. My own score is not at all
surprising. I am an intelligent, independent person and I am accustomed to charting my own course
in life. For me, it is very important that I am in a work environment that values me as a person with
unique contributions to make. I do not fit in well with most corporate cultures because of that, and I
never have. I have had some difficulty, therefore, finding a good company to work for. It seems to
me that there are not really a lot of companies that lean so heavily towards the Y scale. Those that
do exist can be very difficult to get into, which tells me something else about human nature.
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Compare And Contrast Gregregor's Theory X And Theory Y Dougles Mc. Gregor's Theory X and Theory Y:
Dougles Mc. Gregor an American social psychologist, came up with the theory of theory X and
theory Y. In the year 1960, he published his book "The Human side of Enterprise", which talks
about behaviour of individuals at work. McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y has become a basic
principle for the development of the positive management styles and techniques. This theory has
become the basics for the study of organisational development and improving organisational culture.
Theory X (Authoritarian Management Style):
The tendency of the average human being is to dislike work and to avoid it if they can.
If the average human being is to work hard then they need to be controlled and threatened by their
They dislike responsibility ... Show more content on ...
Theory X assumes that human beings dislike to work hard but theory Y assumes that human beings
work in a natural process.
2. Theory X assumes that people do not have ambitions and try to avoid responsibilities. Theory Y
assumes that people are ambitious regarding their career and try to prove themselves through hard
3. Theory X considers people to be less creative. Theory Y considers people to be more creative and
their ideas should be taken into consideration in organisational decision making.
4. Theory X gives importance to lower level of needs while theory Y gives importance to higher
level of needs.
5. In theory X, people lack self motivation and need external supervision at work, but in theory Y,
people are considered to be self motivated and would prefer self control.
6. Theory X emphasises centralisation of authority whereas theory Y emphasises decentralisation.
7. Theory X emphasises autocratic style of leadership while theory Y emphasises democratic style
of leadership. Peter Drucker's (Management by Business Objective):
In 1954, Peter Drucker came up with the idea of management by business
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Psychodynamic Theory Applied To The Case Of Y Chun
Y–Chun is a 35–year–old biracial (White and Asian American) female presenting to counseling per
recommendation of her physician. Y–Chun has been experiencing headaches, upset stomach, and
difficulties falling and staying asleep. Additionally, Y–Chun has noticed that she is generally short
tempered and on edge. The psychodynamic theory of individual psychology, typically referred to as
Adlerian therapy, can be applied to the case of Y–Chun in order to understand her presenting
concerns and how these problems may have developed. There are several important concepts of
individual psychology that should be addressed in order to appropriately conceptualize Y–Chun's
case from an Adlerian framework. These concepts include family constellation, ... Show more
content on ...
From infancy, Y–Chun recognized that she was helpless, and this helplessness was characterized by
feelings of inferiority. Inferiority feelings are considered a normal condition of all people and are
identified as a foundation for human striving. Thus, Y–Chun's feelings of inferiority are not treated
as a sign of weakness; rather, these feelings encourage her to strive for superiority. Y–Chun has
worked to compensate for her feelings of helplessness by striving for competence and perfection.
Y–Chun is currently juggling a number of tasks in which she is attempting to demonstrate her
competence, such as going to school, working, and raising her children, and it is likely that her
desire to achieve superiority is contributing to her current symptomology. It is important to
recognize, however, that Y–Chun's yearning for superiority does not necessarily mean she is striving
to be superior to others. Instead, it means that Y–Chun has been and will continue to attempt to
move from a perceived lower position to a perceived higher position (Corey, 2009). In sum, feelings
of inferiority and a desire for superiority will guide Y–Chun's behaviors, thoughts, and feelings
throughout her
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Analyzing Mcgregor's Theory Y
As Whole Foods developed their core values, McGregor's Theory Y was clearly a driving influence.
Whole Foods developed their business model around seven key core values, only one of which
focused around profit (Cheretis & Mujtaba, 2014). The core value that best embodies McGregor's
Theory Y is " supporting team member happiness and excellence" (Cheretis & Mujtaba, 2014, p. 7).
By focusing on the employees, as individual, valuable assets to the company, Whole Foods builds
their brand with a commitment from within. McGregor's Theory Y focuses on employees' natural
desires to succeed and thrive given the opportunity, just as Whole Foods does, instead of a collective
tool to accomplish the company's goals (Kinicki & Kreitner, 2013). McGregor's
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The Theory and Practice of Spin-Out Management Essay
Spin–out management: Theory and practice
New startups often use internet to interact with their clients through which they detect low
circulation cost and increase innovative goods. Most of the firms are flop because they cannot adopt
new changes. For innovations, Internal R&D department is very essential for any evidence
(Chesbrough, H. 2003a). High–technology companies do heavily investment for R&D department
for revolution, because companies consider it challenging and this direct companies towards spin–
off (Ferrary, M. 2008).
Multinationsla or larger firm's strategies are not flexible as compare to small firms, because small
firms can easily merge or change their strategies according to the environment. Since in mid 1980,
most of ... Show more content on ...
In external spin–out companies are working independently but in internal spin–out companies are
work under the supervision of parent company.
By implementing spin–out management increases flexibility. It can decrease harmful aspects of
large companies such as structure and weak innovation.
In spinout speculation, spinouts are too tight to the parent organization and its not let the spinout to
collect the benefits on its own business model and create its own values. He also criticized that the
first potential disadvantage for an organization to set–up spinouts is the high risk of failure. (Lord et
al., 2002)
Spinout has freedom to decide about its own direction, which is not always in route with the
advantage of the parental organization. (Chesbrough, 2003)
Spin–outs ongoing as internal startups will only earn earnings from cost advantages in the long run.
(Jagersma, 1997)
Motivation: The Not–So–Secret Ingredient of High Performance
McGregor, D. (1960), an American social psychologist, predictable his renowned X–Y theory in his
1960 book 'The Human Side of Enterprise'. Theory x and theory y are still denoted normally in the
field of administration and stimulus, and even as more recent studies have questioned the hardness
of the model, McGregor's X–Y Theory skeleton an related basic principle from which to advance
positive administration style and methods. McGregor's XY Theory remains central to organizational
development, and to improving
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Theory Y Whole Foods
Theory Y refers to positive assumptions and how employees that are positive in the work
environment thrive (Kreitner, & Kinicki, 2013). Whole Foods embraces this theory and makes a
point to hire positive people for employees to represent the company. Whole Foods sales totaled
approximately $14.2 billion in the year 2014 (Whole Foods Market, 2015). Human capital is
important for a business to thrive. Theory Y shows how positive and happy employees flourish for
themselves and the business they work. A study from the winter of 2012 showed a group of
managers that utilized the Theory Y method (Kopelman, Prottas & Faulk, 2012). These managers
found by using positive and empowering skillsets with their employees, the employees' not–so–
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Evolution Of Management : Theory X And Y, And Theory Z
Evolution of Management
Blake Schwengler
Tarleton State University Abstract
We will examine the evolution of management beginning with the timeframe of the industrial
revolution thru today's management. Management theories included in this time contains the Human
Relations/ Behavioral School of Management, Classical School of Management, Contingency
Approach, the Scientific Approach, Theory X and Y, and Theory Z. The present style and classical
style of management will be compared and contrasted to each other and how they apply to my job.
Evolution of Management
During the 1900 and into the later 1920's, the Industrial Revolution sparked one of the first
managerial theories introduced to the United States; the Classical school of thought. This theory
arose when issues began with factory systems. At the time of the Industrial Revolution, the United
States had taken on many non–English speaking immigrants who felt their working conditions were
not satisfactory and who also felt they were inadequately and improperly trained for the positions
they held. Upper management noticed these issues with their employees and soon took actions to
find a solution. Efficiency was the main focus for traditional or classical management which
included bureaucratic, scientific and administrative management. Bureaucratic management has a
much more structured approach to things; division of labor, set rules and guidelines and hierarchy
are a few characteristics of bureaucratic
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John Mackey, Cofounder and Co-CEO of Whole Market,...
John Mackey, Cofounder and Co–CEO of Whole Market, Believes in "Conscious Capitalism" (pp.
29 & 30)
What role, if any, does McGregor's Theory Y play at Whole Foods? Explain.
Mackey clearly took notes on McGregor's theories on how and why people are the way they are at
work. He took more to the Theory Y side: the moral and loyal view of people at work. Mackey feels
that he and the company are viewed and based on the more heroic side of things, meaning that he
aims to not only provide to the world his services and products but to also leave some type of
impact. Mackey states that it is more important to value your conscious business versus maximizing
on your profits and the shareholder values. Mackey also calls on the theory of ... Show more content
on ...
That is what animates me personally. That is what animates the company. I resisted that purpose for
a long time, by the way. I actually thought we were in some variant of service–that is was really
about fulfilling the good. The team members consistently told me I was wrong, that we had a
different purpose. It was this more heroic purpose.
Outdated (Theory X) Assumptions Modern (Theory Y) Assumptions About People
About People At Work at Work
1. Most people dislike work; 1. Work is a natural activity, like play or rest.
They avoid it when they can. 2. People are capable of self–direction and self–
2. Most people must be coerced and control if they are committed to objectives.
Threatened with punishment before 3. People generally become committed to
They will work. People require close organizational objectives if they are rewarded
Direction when they are working. For doing so.
3. Most people actually prefer to be 4. The typical employee can learn to accept and
Directed. They tend to avoid seek responsibility.
Responsibility and exhibit little ambition. 5. The typical member of the general population
They are interested only in security. Has imagination, ingenuity, and creativity.
McGregor's Theory Y (pg. 8– )
In 1960, Douglas McGregor wrote a book entitled The Human Side of Enterprise, which
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Theory X and Y
douglas mcgregor – theory x y
Douglas McGregor 's XY Theory, managing an X Theory boss, and William Ouchi 's Theory Z
Douglas McGregor, an American social psychologist, proposed his famous X–Y theory in his 1960
book 'The Human Side Of Enterprise '. Theory x and theory y are still referred to commonly in the
field of management and motivation, and whilst more recent studies have questioned the rigidity of
the model, Mcgregor 's X–Y Theory remains a valid basic principle from which to develop positive
management style and techniques. McGregor 's XY Theory remains central to organizational
development, and to improving organizational culture.
McGregor 's X–Y theory is a salutary and simple reminder of the natural rules for managing ...
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Theory X managers are facts and figures oriented – so cut out the incidentals, be able to measure
and substantiate anything you say and do for them, especially reporting on results and activities.
Theory X managers generally don 't understand or have an interest in the human issues, so don 't try
to appeal to their sense of humanity or morality. Set your own objectives to meet their organisational
aims and agree these with the managers; be seen to be self–starting, self–motivating, self–
disciplined and well–organised – the more the X theory manager sees you are managing yourself
and producing results, the less they 'll feel the need to do it for you.
Always deliver your commitments and promises. If you are given an unrealistic task and/or deadline
state the reasons why it 's not realistic, but be very sure of your ground, don 't be negative; be
constructive as to how the overall aim can be achieved in a way that you know you can deliver.
Stand up for yourself, but constructively – avoid confrontation. Never threaten or go over their
heads if you are dissatisfied or you 'll be in big trouble afterwards and life will be a lot more
If an X theory boss tells you how to do things in ways that are not comfortable or right for you, then
don 't questioning the process, simply confirm the end–result that is required, and check that it 's
okay to 'streamline the process ' or 'get things done more
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Historical Management Theories Of The's X & Y Theory And...
Historical management theories
There are several management theories that have been developed over the years. From Taylors
Scientific Theory to McGregor's X&Y theory and Fayol's Administrative theory, the evolution of
these theories has brought change and increased quality to management. New theories, trial and
error and interaction have assisted managers with applying the correct theories to shape their
organizational performance improving efficiencies and in many cases, the workplace environment
as a whole.
Organization Summary
The organization I work for, Acme Services, Inc. is a data company that acts on as a vendor for
financial institutions. The company provides a variety of options to assist these institutions with
lowering their information delivery costs and provides their customer's faster delivery, lower costs
and easier accessibility.
Current Organizations Approach to Management
While the organization has evolved in size over the years including the layers of management, the
management approach remains similar. The President and CEO leads the company. There are four
departments that each have a Vice President assigned to it. Each Vice President oversees the
department and has a Director to develop it. Each Director has a Manager for administration of daily
activities and tasks. The reporting process is essentially a ladder from the bottom to the top and top
to bottom.
Employee interaction is regulated to the department in which an employee works in.
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Kansas City Crime Prevention Study
Chris Cox
Policing and Society
Exam 2 Short Answers
Question 1
Theory X and Theory Y were created by Douglas McGregor. Theory X has 8 points that include:
productive enterprise is under the control of management, with regards to people, this is an attempt
to control their efforts, to motivate them, controlling their actions, and changing the way they act,
and if this is not done, people will docile and resist the needs of the organization and the every day
man does what he can to work as little as possible. Theory X also says the every day man is not
ambitious, does not like responsibility, would rather follow than lead, is self–centered, does not like
for things to change, is very gullible, and not very bright. Theory X represents the ... Show more
content on ...
Administrative discretion and enforcement discretion are the two types of discretion. Administrative
discretion is the officer having the freedom to make fair decisions about the corse of action to be
taken. Enforcement discretion is how officers enforce the laws while making sure that order is kept
within the area. Three variables used when understanding discretion used by officers include
offender, situational, and system varialbes. Offender variables consist of things such as the sex,
ethnic background or even the age of offender. Situational variables are considered to be how
serious the offense is, such as a minor speeding violation compared to a hit and run. System
variables are described as the relationship the offender has to certain groups of people, such as if
they are a relative to another officer, the attitude of the community, or the views of the
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McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y
McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y
Human beings have been studied systematically and objectively for many years to determine if they
are resistant to work or self–governing. In addition, managers who tend to utilize McGregor's
Theory X generally receive poor results from their employees. This report essay will address
McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y in contrasts to include how these theories benefit the criminal
justice system. The sections that will be discussed are: Theory X, Theory Y, Behavioral
Management Theories and conclusion.
McGregor's Theory X According to McGregor's Theory X, it can best be described as employees
who have issues with taking responsibility to go to work with the desire to work and who are ...
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This tends to help boosts the moral in the work place and brings about positive results.
Frederick Herzberg developed a list of factors based on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, that's more
related to work. This theory is called the two–factor theory and is also called the motivation–
hygiene theory. (Robbins, p.205)
According to Herzberg the hygiene factors are considered to be the dissatisfiers and the motivators
are the satisfiers. These factors are taken totally from the work environment and feeds off the other.
If there are no dissatisfiers present in the job then satisfiers cannot be utilized. For an example: John
Doe is not happy with his current salary, status or job security which causes him to be negative in
the work place. The satisfier (motivator) is then set in place to invigorate the employee towards
advancements, achievements or growth.
In addition, Elaine Rogers a columnist for Tweak Your Biz wrote a blog referencing the Theories X
and Y. Human nature, beliefs and values seems to be valid in regards to the work place and appears
to be more relevant now than during the previous years because leadership is now more
empowering over employees, clients, colleagues and peers and the management is becoming more
examined. (Rogers, 2012) Ms. Rogers gathered by Ms. Rogers indicated that Abraham Maslow
based his findings on the basic human needs which evolved around the expressiveness and
capabilities of people.
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Comparing Maslow And Theory Y
Motivation according to Kelley (2014) is the 'process through which managers build the desire to be
productive and effective in their employees'. If an employee is motivated, they are more likely to be
productive and generally staff turnover is low. The problem of worker motivation is that workers are
not seen as humans, they have a lack of freedom at the workplace and lack of job fulfilment. Taylor
and McGregor Theory X argue that there is not a problem with worker motivation, workers will be
obedient because of fear of losing their job motivates them to do well. Whereas Maslow and
McGregor's Theory Y argues that there is a problem with worker motivation because of class
conflict between the worker and the manager. The ... Show more content on ...
An example of motivation is when production workers began tracking their performances in an
attempt to break the record (Haefner, 2011). Their highest record was set when the workers
continued to work after their shift; they decided to no longer take their breaks. The reason for this
success was changing management style from Theory X (does not trust workers) to Theory Y (does
trust workers). This shows the impact freedom can have on employees and how it motivates them to
work harder to increase production and output.
To understand the problem of worker motivation we must understand Capitalism. Capitalism
involves conflicts of interests between management and workers. According to Knights and
Willmott (2012) Marxism is when workers are described as a 'social animal rather than a self–
seeking individual'. They further state that production is motivated by the 'pursuit of profit and the
accumulation of capital'. This shows that managers are more interested in profit than workers needs.
Similarly Taylor states that motivation comes from money and profit for management, whereas
workers would want higher wages, thus suggests a conflict in capitalist society (Knights and
Willmott, 2012). This conveys the importance of capitalism in regards to motivation in society and
how workers are not seen as humans. Though in a modern society, Taylorism is viewed out–dated
because workers are no longer motivated by just financial incentives, they are after
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Motivation Theory, And Theory Y

  • 1. Motivation Theory, And Theory Y Shilan Shah Professor Khoury MGT 201–04: Management Principles 5 December 2014 Motivation Paper Motivation acts a force to energize and direct behavior in the workplace (Myers 329) so that employees perform tasks to a high degree. It is motivation that retains employees in a company because improper motivation acts as a deterrent to productivity and joy. Whether physiological, emotional, or incentive based, motivation affects our lives everyday and induces our natural drive to thrive and succeed. Many psychological theories explain the different ways employees may become motivated, such as Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Herzberg's two factor theory, and theory Y, based on how appealing a stimuli may be to an employee's needs. A successful company only exists if its employees are properly motivated. However, finding the right types of motivation proves to be difficult considering the variety of employees within the company. While one employee may appreciate vacation time, another may feel he is not properly motivated to do more for the company. One employee may crave recognition, while another finds solace in completing their work without any applause. Also, in terms of incentives, it would be hard to distinguish employees who work intrinsically to perform quality work from those who work extrinsically for the reward. Too much of a stimuli leads to habituation and employees may ultimately become demotivated (Myers 340). Without motivation, however, employees ... Get more on ...
  • 2. McGregor’s Theory X and Y Essay Managing resources efficiently and effectively is the most fundamental goal for organisation which aims to maximise individual and social prosperity. Therefore, the management theory is constantly developing. In 20th century, there were several management theories proposed such as scientific management, administrative management, behavioural management, etc. as increasingly aware of human are crucial element of the organisation and vital in influencing overall organisational performance, Douglas McGregor who studied about how workers' behaviour effect the manager's leadership, proposed Theory X and Y (Waddell et al. 2007). It is no doubt this conventional concept still correct in 21st century, however, business environment is significant ... Show more content on ... 2007). Kermally (2005, p.36) explain that McGregor believed 'how managers manage people in practice depends on what assumptions they make about workers'. It means that which kind of leadership managers choose, according to how managers perceive workers' attitudes toward their job. Managers believe their workers related to Theory X and Y normally use strict supervision approaches to reduce workers' control on their job, in contrary, managers allow workers to be innovative and willing to authorise more responsibility to Theory Y workers (Waddell et al. 2007). McGregor (1960a) assumed workers refer to Theory X are lazy, hate to work, responsibility aversion and more concern about lower levels of human needs rather than pursuing self– achievement. McGregor (1960a) suggests that managers should supervise and control the workers in order to adjust their behaviour and neutralise heir negative attitudes toward work, even punish and push them to achieve a minimal level of performance. Punishment is necessary because of the nature of inherently lazy. Managers would find encouraging them to perform better by reward maybe only valid in a short–term as lazy workers eventually submit adequate effort as they do not pursuit self–actualisation (McGregor 1960a). in a word, managers centralise the decision making power, set rules, SOPs and procedures to guide workers what they should process and monitor the process in order to safeguard the minimal requirement of performance is achieved ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Mcgregor's Xy Theory Karl Nagra Karl Nagra Lecturers Name: Graham Orr Management & eBusiness Due Date: 27 April 2012 McGregor's XY Theory In 1960, American social psychiatrist, Douglas McGregor wrote a book titled 'The Human Side Of Enterprise'. It was in this book that McGregor first proposed his famous XY theory. McGregor's XY Theory is a type of motivational management. McGregor's theory is incredibly simple yet effective. Most of the fundamental elements of the XY Theory rely solely on how the manager views their employees. Even though McGregor's theory is over fifty years old, it is still relevant today. Authors have tried to modernise the theory but the basics remain the same. Laurie J. Mullins describes Theory X type workers as having an "Instrumental ... Show more content on ... Perception can now become an issue. For example a if a manager has experience with an organisation of primarily managing X type workers. If they are then promoted or moved to a position which requires a Theory Y type management style, they are likely to take time to adjust to this new style. During this adjustment phase, the workers under their control will start to perceive the manager as "a poor listener, seeking culprits for failures, holding on to responsibility but shifting accountability to subordinates..." (Allan Chapman, Once this perception is made, it will be very difficult to undo and can be damaging to the workers. This can also work to the opposite. If the manager begins to put trust into people that can handle it, the workers can start to perceive that their job roles are more important than they actually are. This, in an already predominantly Y type worker, this can cause the worker to become more motivated and willing to do work. The website dictates three ways to improve a workers performance. These are, "Enlarge the Role: by increasing the scope of a team member's role you add variety and creative opportunities, meeting their ego needs, and thus subtly encouraging them to work harder. Engage: participate closely and be transparent with the team on all major decisions. By providing the team with influence over the decisions made you allow them to ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Theory X and Theory Y McGregor (1960) described two views on human motivation: Theory X and Y. Theory X, the more conventional one, holds the view that people are in themselves not intrinsically motivated to work and even attempt to avoid it, that people have no ambition, are resistant to change, are not particularly intelligent and that people only work for money and security. Management's objective is to direct employees efforts, motivating them, controlling them and modifying their behavior to ensure that they behave in line with the organization's needs and goals. In contrast, Theory Y holds the view that work can be child's play. People are committed, can work autonomous and still reach their work objectives, act responsible and are creative in ... Show more content on ... We will first discuss the characteristics of modern society implying the shift to more Y–motivated people. Then we will discuss the obstacles inhibiting organization to move towards more Y– supporting organizations. Characteristics of Modern Society supporting Y One of the major characteristics of modern society is "globalization". Johnson (2002) stated that globalization is a recent phenomenon in human history. Five developments where of major influence in making globalization possible and effective (Johnson, 2002). We will make use of one of these characteristics to underline the fact that people in modern society are Y–motivated. Knowledge– there has been an enormous increase in knowledge since 1750 (Johnson, 2002). Even LOI, a Dutch learning–institute, is advertising with it, "The Netherlands are getting smarter". Current developments in modern society show a trend toward a society with more higher educated people. The amount of higher educated people is rising. In 2012 the Dutch population consisted of 28% higher educated people, in 2003 this was only 23% (CBS, 2012). We believe that the work done under people expressing Theory Y often is knowledge intensive work. Johnson (2002) already stated that there is much more knowledge available nowadays. Also we spotted a trend among the Dutch population that the amount of higher ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Theory X And Theory Y Summary Douglas McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y Douglas McGregor in his 1960 management book he proposed the two motivational theories which is the theory x and theory y and that made his mark on history. This motivational theories help managers perceive employee motivation. Motivational Theory X A Theory X manager assumes the following: Most do not to work and come up excuses Most don't have high aims with lots of responsibilities and needs someone to spoon fed them Not all think out of the box to solve problems in the organizations. Not everyone like changes as they are not technologically updated The Hard Approach and Soft Approach Under Theory X, management approaches to motivation range from a hard approach to a soft approach. Theory ... Show more content on ... McGregor stressed that Theory Y management does not imply a soft approach. Applying Theory Y Management – Business Implications In the event Theory Y holds true, an organization can use these principles of scientific management to enhance employee motivation: Decentralization and Delegation – If firms decentralize control and reduce the number of levels of management, managers will have more subordinates and consequently will be forced to delegate some responsibility and decision making to them. Job Enlargement – Broadening the scope of an employee's job adds variety and choices to satisfy ego needs. Participative Management – Consulting employees in the decision making process pushes their creative capacity and provides them with some control over their work environment. Ms Hogan adopted this but she was not aware of some of the employees' needs to retire in the near future. Performance Appraisals – Having the employee set objectives and participate in the process of evaluating how well they were met. If properly implemented, such an environment would result in a high level of motivation as employees work to satisfy their higher level personal needs through their ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Comparing Mcgregor's Theory Y And Whole Foods McGregor's Theory Y has a positive view on employees. This theory believes that employees will do well when they are given the ability to do so. This is a Theory that trusts that humans are mostly committed to making the company that they work for successful. McGregor's Theory X views people in a negative light. This theory assumes that most employees or people in general, dislike working and do not work unless they have to. It believes that people need to threaten to produce results. While Whole Foods' management has definitely adopted a Theory Y management sytle, they refer to their management theory as Conscious Capitalism. This management style is "based on core values that promote making the world and lives of people better ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Mc Gregors Theory X and Y The foundation of McGregor's theory has direct links to Taylor's study of scientific management: a study of scientific management as a link between human beings and their jobs which in turn need to be re–constructed to maximise efficiency (Waddell et al. 2007, p. 43). Many researchers and scholars have developed theories based on the work of F.W. Taylor. McGregor, Maslow and others who assisted to improve the view of human relation tried to prove that there is another side to the traditional perspective of workers (Bartol and Martin 1998, p. 52).This literature review will be focusing on the evolution of McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y in relation to the development of management theory. Moreover will be explaining the definition of X ... Show more content on ... 47–48). Managers who hold the belief in Theory Y are likely to exercise a participatory style, discussing with their subordinate voicing their opinion, and encouraging them to take part in decision making (Lewis, Goodman and Fandt 1998, p. 56). Management's main aim is to structure a proper working environment in order to achieve their higher–order personal goals by achieving organizational objectives (Bloisi, Cook and Hunsaker 2007, p. 205). The organizations of 21st century are in a more dynamic world where technology, education and research and better economic conditions are vastly improving. It becomes gradually more important for managers to hold the set of assumptions about human behaviour that McGregor has proposed in his Theory If an individual holds Theory X assumptions then he will not be logical and responsive to data, therefore, will have limited choice of managerial style. In regard to Theory Y, he can wisely choose from variety of options (Schein 1975, p. 7). Having worked for 15 years in many types of organization, Schein (1975, p. 3) believes that organizations need more Theory Y managers at all levels especially at higher levels. However, few companies still practice Theory X management (Daft 2003, p.48), but many are applying Theory Y concept of management such as Hewllet Packard (Waddell et al. 2007, p. 56) and SOL cleaning service, and it has proved to be a success. They consider everyone equal and value each employee's ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Theory X And Theory Y Douglas McGregor, a social psychologist in the 1960's, developed two theories for workplace employees (Theory X and Theory Y, 1996–2016). Theory X describes employees as unmotivated, irresponsible, they need to be controlled, and they dislike working. Theory Y describes employees as responsible, enthusiastic, motivated, and imaginative. As an employee, not in a Management position, I can say I appreciate a manager who follows the Theory Y description. Since I feel that way as an employee, I will strive to be that type of Manager. I will participate, guide, lead, and motivate my employees to want to do a good job, and truly love what they do every day. I do believe that there are many employees in the workforce who do not like to work. When I come across someone with these characteristics, it will be my job to change their views. A low dose of responsibility will most likely motivate people to do better. Unfortunately, there are still many people who have the pessimistic view on life, and nothing will change their ways. Participating and interacting with employees on a day to day basis shows your interest in their role. I can understand how applying Theory Y in large organizations may be difficult, but with the right management in place, each department can be managed with Theory Y roles. I believe many companies give up on the chance to give their employees the responsibility because it is easier to control and direct without consideration or involvement from the ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Douglas McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y Essay Douglas McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y Biography of Douglas McGregor Douglas McGregor was born on 1906 in Detroit, America. In 1895, it was here that his grandfather, Thomas McGregor started his business and given its name as, McGregor Institute. The business provides assistance to Great Lakes sailors and other transient labour. The Institute provided shelter, warmth and food to approximately 100 men every year. When Thomas McGregor passed away, his son Murray McGregor (Douglas's father) continued to manage the business. During high school, Douglas McGregor worked as a night clerk and played the piano and organ at the chapel services. At work, he became familiar with the employees and their problems. In 1936, McGregor ... Show more content on ... At M.I.T., McGregor spent two thirds of his time at teaching and as an Executive Director of the Industrial Relations Section. He spent one third of his time as a consultant. Between 1943 and 1945, he had left M.I.T to work at Dewey Almy Company, which manufactures rubber goods. He was a Director of Industrial Relations in that institution. Since 1940, he has been a consultant in human relations for that industry. The general manager of Dewey Almy Company stated that McGregor liked to explore and experiment in human relations with the company. The company offered McGregor a free–hand in determining its industrial relations policy because; many of his experiments became very successful. The business and the workmen have full confidence in him. For many years, McGregor worked as a consultant for several industries and labour undone in the East and Middle West. He has taken care of the wage and salary administration, contract negotiation, foreman training, grievance handling, executive development programs, union and management co–operation programs and problems of organisational structure and function. He has been a member of the panel of arbitration of the American Arbitration and tree labour disputes for various companies and union. McGregor has been a speaker for management and labour groups in United States and Canada. Also, he has been in charge of conferences on human relations
  • 10. ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Leadership Styles Of The X Theory And The Y Theory ven John Wooden definition of success is refreshing and unique: Wooden states that success is a peace of mind which is a direct result of self– satisfaction knowing you made the effort to become the best of which you are capable. This paper will seek to describe Wooden's Pyramid of Success and how it fits the business environment in my work place. Also, this paper will identify similarities and differences within the Pyramid of Success by comparing it to leadership styles of the X Theory and the Y Theory. Throughout the Pyramid of Success John Wooden identifies different rationales for each aspect, we will provide our understanding of all his aspects. Lastly, we will attempt to create a new pyramid of success and develop a step by step strategy that allows members to use it and adapt to it. John Wooden Pyramid Style Reflected in CLPHA John Wooden Pyramid of building blocks directed toward leadership. Each example is shared through his basketball coaching experiences, but can be applied back to everyday life and business. Working as the Director of Operations for CLPHA our training and development is based on the philosophy of Wooden, which focuses team work, value and success. Wooden stresses team spirit as an eagerness to sacrifice personal interests or glory for the welfare of all. The team comes first. Here at CLPHA we work as a team. We hold team meetings two or three times weekly. We have a database that we can collaborate as a team and share ideas and opinions ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Essay on Theory X and Theory Y Theory X and Theory Y, developed by Douglas McGregor, grew out of opposition towards classical management methods. Classical management theorists, such as Fredrick Taylor, focused on scientific training and efficiency and did not account for personal and behavioral issues, such as management styles or job satisfaction. McGregor saw these deficiencies in the classical school of management which lead him to develop a theory of management that would factor the importance of the individual worker. If a manager could tap into the feelings and attitudes of their workers, then the manager would be able increase their employee's motivation which would then increase production. McGregor's theory viewed the employee as a person and not as a machine ... Show more content on ... Theory X was labeled by McGregor as being a "hard" style of management, where hard meant that management would have close supervision on its workers, as well as having strong control and coercion. He determined that a hard style would not be effective for production and organization that practiced this style would have restricted output and workers would distrust management, therefore there would be a need for a softer side of management. McGregor based his evaluation of Theory X manager's on Abrahams Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs theory (Barnett). As stated earlier, only when the basic needs are met, then a person will be motivated to pursue the next level. McGregor stated that because most workers have basic physical and safety needs met, he/she will only be motivated to satisfy higher needs, such as esteem and self actualization. Therefore, management must be able to provide workers with opportunities to satisfy their higher needs or they will not be motivated to perform their organizational duties (Barnett). Because Theory X fails to satisfy the higher needs of the worker, a different set of assumptions need to be made to account for them, thus McGregor developed an alternative he called Theory Y. Theory Y was created by McGregor because he believed that its assumptions would lead to a more effective style of management. McGregor stated that peoples work effort was as ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Theory Of Body Types, And The Y Chromosome Theory Alyssa Bursott Dr. Stephanie Spars SOC 100 – Introduction to Sociology March 26, 2016 Deviance Many different theories exist regarding deviance. Biological, psychological, and sociological perspectives have applied their different thought processes to produce many theories. Some of these ideas have been discredited, however some remain significant today. Sociological theories differ from biological and psychological theories by looking at external factors rather than internal ones. Biological theories on deviance are the result of looking for answers that are specific to certain individuals, namely, criminals and non–criminals. Theorists in this respect look for pathological factors, idealizing the concept that criminals cannot help but be criminals due to genetic predispositions (Livesey 4). Three major theories have emerged from the biological perspective: Lombroso's Theory, Sheldon's Theory of Body Types, and the Y Chromosome Theory. First, Lombroso's Theory stems from the mid 1800s, a time when individuals traditionally believed, "crime was a characteristic of human nature (Crossman 2014)." This theory, produced by Italian criminologist Cesare Lombroso, concludes that criminals are physically different from non– criminals. Some examples of these differences are large ears, a twisted nose, long arms, and asymmetry of the face and head. Lombroso also believed that "tattoos were markings of born criminals because the stood as evidence of both immortality and ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Theory X And Y : Theories M Indira Ananda 4005168 Individual Assignment Theory X and Y are theories founded by Douglas McGregor, a professor from MIT Sloan School of Management, which are inscribed in his book, "The Human Side of Enterprise" in 1960. This essay will explain about the theories used in human resources, which according to McGregor are vital in the success of one's company. Theory X is the theory who assume people to dislike work or just want to work if they received orders from superiors. While the theory Y assumes people love to work and will do the job without waiting for orders from a superior and always wanted to do the best for the manager. Both of these theories describe about motivation of human and role of management behaviour. The theories assemble the factors of production, including human resources for the economic benefit of the firm, organisational communication and organisational development. In this essay we will discuss in detail about theory X and Y, and application to individual and corporate. First is theory X. In theory X, people very lazy to work and just work if they like the job or received commands from their manager and want to earn wage without working to much. The characteristic of theory X can be anti social, does not thank or praise, does not participate, unconcerned about staff welfare, or morale, takes criticism badly and likely to retaliate if from below or peer group. From this result we know that management believes that workers need to be ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Chapter 01 Organizational Behavior Chapter 01 Organizational Behavior: The Quest for People–Centered Organizations and Ethical Conduct True / False Questions 1. | People–centered practices are associated with higher profits and lower employee turnover. True False | 2. | Power can be provided to employees via centralization. True False | 3. | Providing training for employees leads to lower employee turnover. True False | 4. | Trust can be built in organizations through the sharing of critical information. True False | 5. | Organizations are a social invention helping us to achieve things collectively that we could not achieve alone. True False | 6. | OB is an interdisciplinary field dedicated to better understanding and ... Show more content on ... True False | 32. | Social capital is productive potential resulting from strong relationships, goodwill, trust, and cooperative effort. True False | 33. | Trust, mutual respect, teamwork, and cooperative effort are dimensions of human capital. True False | 34. | Positive social interactions can have favorable impacts on cardiovascular health and the immune system. True False | 35. | Good management requires a clear purpose and a bias toward action. True False | 36. | Henry Mintzberg observed that managers typically devote large blocks of time to planning. True False | 37. | According to Wilson's managerial skills research, an effective manager controls details by being overbearing. True False | 38. | The Wilson managerial skills research yields the lesson that dealing effectively with people is what management is all about. True False | 39. | Managers with high levels of skill mastery tend to have better subunit performance and employee morale than managers with lower levels of skill mastery. True False | 40. | According to the Wilson managerial skills research, effective female and male managers have significantly different skill profiles. True False | 41. | The successful 21st century manager shares access to power and key information. True False | 42. | A successful 21st century manager uses formal authority as the primary source of influence. ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Theory X And Y Leadership Model For decades, social psychologists and management professionals have studied numerous approaches to successful leadership and the motivations behind them. A leadership style can be defined as a leaders characteristic behavior when directing, motivating, guiding, and managing groups of people (Cherry, 2006). In order to lead people more effectively, it is critical to understand the assumptions and influences of different leadership styles. Additionally, one must comprehend what motivates the team members involved and how their behaviors can drive a certain style of leadership. We will begin our analysis by discussing Theory X and Y and then look into three other styles: authoritarian, democratic, and laissez–faire. Lastly, we will decide which style is most often needed in today's fast–paced world. Over 50 years ago, social psychologist Douglas McGregor developed the Theory X and Y leadership model, which has been further validated through modern research. According to McGregor, there are two fundamental approaches to managing people: (1) many managers lean toward Theory X and "generally get poor results, especially over the longer run," and (2) enlightened managers mostly use Theory Y, which produces better performance and results while enabling people to develop and grow (Friesen, 2012). Theory X is a more authoritative and traditional style because it assumes workers dislike working and will avoid responsibility, must be controlled or forced to deliver what's needed, and ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Theory X Vs Theory Y Essay Theory X vs Theory Y: A Manager's Choice Beliefs and assumptions about what motivates members of a team strongly influence a management style. An authoritative style of management is geared towards the belief that team members dislike work; On the other hand, when employees take pride in doing a good job, management will tend to adopt a more participative style (, 2015). These two management styles are formulated by Theory X and Theory Y respectively. These theories resulted from an idea devised by Douglas McGregor and were noted in his 1960 book "The Human Side of Enterprise." The book covers a fundamental clarification between the two management styles and has developed the basis of future analysis on the subject ... Show more content on ... The principals of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs outline our behavior and actions as being driven by a 'hierarchy' of needs; lower level needs, like survival, must be satisfied before motivation moves on to meet higher level needs, such as 'connection feeling' and self–actualization (, 2012). Theory X merely satisfies lower–level physical needs which therefore results in limiting productiveness. "Man is a wanting animal," wrote McGregor, "as soon as one of his needs is satisfied, another appears in its place" (, 2008). In this Theory, when the physiological, safety, and social needs are all reasonably provided, the employee's needs become satisfied, thus rendering them stagnant and without further motivational fuel, and the organizational motivation dampens. Theory Y is a total contrast to Theory 'X '. McGregor believed that people desire to learn and that work is a natural activity to the extent of developing self–discipline and self–development (, 2001). In McGregor's 1960 published article, The Human Side of Enterprise, he mentions a process in in regards to Theory Y of creating opportunities, releasing potential, removing obstacles, encouraging growth, and providing guidance –as Peter Drucker called it, "management by objectives" in contrast to "management by control" (McGregor, 1960, pp. 12 {7}). Also, noted in McGregor's 1960 article, of Theory Y, he introduces a participative style of management that is ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Difference Between Soft And Soft Hrm Soft HRM is defined as a "high commitment work system, which is aimed at eliciting a commitment so that behaviour is primarily self–regulated rather than controlled by sanctions and pressures external to the individual and relations within the organization are based on high levels of trust".35 Another essential part of Soft HRM is the importance of communication and the goal of flexibility and adaptability. Theoretically the employee doesn't only comply with the companies goals, but positively commits himself to its values and aims, and by that see a meaning in their work .The commitment employee's show can only be achieved through trust, training, development and the freedom of autonomous and self–controlled work. Hard HRM is often considered as the opposite of Soft HRM, as it is defined as "quantitative, calculative and business–strategic [mean] of managing the "headcount resource""36 and sees the employee more like a resource, similar to other components of the production. The HR policies and practices are coherent with the strategic goals set by the company and aim to increase the general competiveness of the company. Following, the management expects the employees to be unwilling to work and has to take control over his actions to secure the companies stability and competiveness. The employee is instrumentalized. Soft and Hard HRM ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Leadership Theory X And Theory Y Leadership Theories The concept of Transformational Leadership was initially introduce be leadership expert and presidential biographer James McGregor Burns (About, 2015). This type of leadership requires for leaders and followers to have a connection like no other where mutual respect and trust has to be the foundation of the working relationship. The idea is that in the end everyone results benefited in one way or another. A different approach on leadership is Douglas McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y. Managers who get involved with Theory X believe that workers need to be constantly supervised. On the other hand, Theory Y suggests that employees themselves are well disciplined and have control as of how they will achieve their goals. ... Show more content on ... My dad's background as an accountant and my interest in the profession prevent me from wanting to continue my employment at my current location. In regards my peers, most of them also have ambitions. Some have decided to stay and build up their employment history with one employer instead of moving around every time work slows down. Others want to move up in the company and since opportunities exists, it has caught their attention and their efforts are centralized on achieving that goal. Throughout this course and for the purpose of this project, two styles of leadership from three different theories caught my attention. After deciding to look for a different working environment once I obtain an Accounting Degree, I plan to use a combination of two leadership theories to pass along the basic knowledge of our operations to someone else. The first theory I will explain is called Transformational Leadership. According to Krishnan (2004), Transformational Leadership consists of four factors – charisma or idealized influence, inspirational leadership or motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration. On his article he explains that the relationship between leader and followers and their purposes can begin with both parties feeling completely unrelated to each other. That being said, constant communication and daily interaction allows for any negative gaps to slowly close and have the participants realize that everyone needs ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Philosophy Of Leadership Argue which leadership philosophy is most common from your perspective, McGregor's Theory X or McGregor's Theory Y? Theory X is more dominant. Leaders have to work hard at motivating employees because they believe people don't like work. Leaders have to direct and control people because they believe employees lack self–motivation. Leaders need to tell employees what to do how to do it and when to do it. Introduction to Leadership, (p. 84–86) 2. Argue which style of leadership is most effective, Task Style or Relationship Style? The Task–oriented leadership is the most effective leadership style. An organization needs focus on the goals to accomplish the mission. Most organizations may use midrange style between Task– oriented and Relationship–oriented ... Get more on ...
  • 21. McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y Questionnaire Question Response: How do your two scores relate to your experience at work? The two scores from the "X–Y Theory" Questionnaire indicate the situation and management style of the organization is at 58 while my personal preferences is 62. They are close, but could be better. The intent of this analysis is to evaluate how these scores relate to the experiences of being employed by the organization I am a member of. In general, the management team attempts to create Theory Y environment, starting with the CEO who concentrates on creating a healthy, productive environment entirely focused on goal attained and shared accountability and responsibility. One of the core foundational elements of Theory Y management is the continual reinforcement and focus on individual accountability and responsibility (Burke, 2011). An adjunct part of this trait of Theory Y management is the ability to create a very high level of autonomy, mastery and purpose at the individual level to further accentuate long–term learning (Kopelman, Prottas, Davis, 2008). The organization I am a member of strives to do this with generous educational programs and initiatives to create greater levels of insight and intelligence into the core areas of knowledge our company relies on. Experiences in our organization have also ranged from the mildly autocratic or transactional from a leadership standpoint. The company however, especially in engineering departments, is continually working to create more of a ... Get more on ...
  • 22. The Human Side Of Enterprise Douglas McGregor was an American professor and psychologist who is most famous for his book, The Human Side of Enterprise, published in 1960. In this work, he conceives and examines two theories of behaviors in the workplace. They are known as Theory X and Theory Y. These distinct theories describe how individuals generally behave at work and how different types of managers might govern their employees. They have been used over the years to help managers to understand their employees' needs, behavior and how to better manage their staff. These theories can be analyzed and broken down into three of many sub–topics: Motivation, Leadership Style and Conflict Resolution. The two basic labels that McGregor created describe the assumptions that managers might make about their employees' views on motivation and behavior. According to McGregor's (1960) Theory X, "the average man is by nature indolent" and is typically self–centered and lacks ambition (p. 2). In this situation, managers are forced to act in an authoritarian manner. They must coerce their employees to do their jobs, because the assumption is that workers take little to no initiative. Theory X demonstrates that workers view money and job security as their primary motivator. Conversely, Theory Y states that people actually enjoy working and will actively seek out greater responsibility. Managers in this scenario would encourage and emphasize the empowerment of their employees and would provide a surplus of ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Theory X, Theory Y Theory X, Theory Y by Douglas McGregor is a motivation theory. Douglas McGregor is a social psychologist and applied two sets of assumptions to the organizational structure called Theory X and Theory Y. His theory is based on managerial views of human beings. In his book, The Human Side of Enterprise, he outlined a new role for managers. He stated that managers should assist subordinates in reaching their full potential, rather than commanding and controlling. Theory X is negative and Theory Y can be stated as the opposite, positive. Douglas concluded that managers shaped their behavior towards workers based on either the X or Y views. Theory X presumes that average employees dislike work, are lazy, dislike responsibility, and must be ... Show more content on ... Theory X and Y call for managers to examine their assumptions about human nature and see how these models lead to managerial practices. These assumptions will be reflected in management attitudes toward employees, the kind and amount of participation they allow, and the outcomes they expect. The strength of McGregor's theory is its significance. When McGregor formulated his theory, companies competed on their ability to mass produce goods. Today, however, paying attention to the human aspect is a requirement if any organization. Without a powerfully motivated, highly skilled, self–reliant human resource, organizations do not stand a chance to survive, much less compete. McGregor's theory provides the solution to problems related to the human aspect of an organization. Some of the weaknesses in McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y theory are that there is only so much money that can be offered as motivation and only so much control that can be applied. People change and so do motivators. McGregor states that a satisfied need no longer motivates. This theory has no evidence to support Theory X or Theory Y. There's no validity in the assumption that managers who modify their actions or behaviors will lead to more motivated workers (textbook citation p177). It is part of the manager 's job to exercise control and influence, and there are situations in which this ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Douglas Mcgregor's Theory X And Theory Y Task 2.4–Motivation of staff Douglas McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y Douglas McGregor in his 1960 management book he proposed the two motivational theories which is the theory x and theory y and that made his mark on history. This motivational theories help managers perceive employee motivation. Motivational Theory X A Theory X manager assumes the following: Most do not to work and come up excuses Most don't have high aims with lots of responsibilities and needs someone to spoon fed them Not all think out of the box to solve problems in the organizations. Not everyone like changes as they are not technologically updated The Hard Approach and Soft Approach Under Theory X, management approaches to motivation range from a hard approach to a soft approach. Theory x The hard approach ... Show more content on ... McGregor stressed that Theory Y management does not imply a soft approach. Applying Theory Y Management – Business Implications In the event Theory Y holds true, an organization can use these principles of scientific management to enhance employee motivation: Decentralization and Delegation – If firms decentralize control and reduce the number of levels of management, managers will have more subordinates and consequently will be forced to delegate some responsibility and decision making to them. Job Enlargement – Broadening the scope of an employee's job adds variety and choices to satisfy ego needs. Participative Management – Consulting employees in the decision making process pushes their creative capacity and provides them with some control over their work environment. Ms Hogan adopted this but she was not aware of some of the employees' needs to retire in the near future. Performance Appraisals – Having the employee set objectives and participate in the process of evaluating how well they were ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Theory X And Theory Y Essay The ability to predict the behavior of employees in an organization is a key element in encouraging and ensuring that employees to produce desired results. Some employees usually take great pride in their work and obtain satisfaction from performing their duties well. Such employees are innately motivated (Douglas McGregor: Theory X and Theory Y, 2015). Other employees are never proud of their work. They simply work because they believe that they cannot survive without their jobs. Such employees are externally motivated (they require an outside force to compel them to perform their duties) (Theory X and Theory Y: Understanding Team Member Motivation, 2016). These ideas about employee behavior and much more have been developed by social psychologist and management professionals, such as Douglas Mc Gregor, Abraham Maslow, and Herzberg, in the form of theories to help managers and employees predict each other's behavior. This paper focuses on the Theory X and Theory Y, which were both developed by Douglas McGregor. It describes the theories and analyzes their effectiveness in predicting human behavior. Theory X and Theory Y Unlike other theories that usually focus on employees, Theory X and Theory Y focus on managers and the perceptions they have about their employees, which in turn influences their behavior towards their employees (Theory X and Theory Y: Understanding Team Member Motivation, 2016). Different managers have different perceptions about the things that motivate ... Get more on ...
  • 26. A Biblical Application Of Theory X & Y A Biblical Application of Theory X & Y Theories X & Y have existed since the times of the Bible. Through analytical evaluation of situations in the Bible, we can see the results of using either theory. Background Theory X & Y was officially expounded (and named) by Douglas McGregor, a social psychologist at MIT in the 1960s. His idea was that there are two fundamentally different styles of management. Theory X is an authoritarian concept where one assumes that individuals work reluctantly, without motivation. On the other hand, Theory Y is a libertarian concept where one assumes that people will perform beyond their duties if they are motivated and are dedicated to the overall goals set forth for them. McGregor first published his ideas in his book, The Human Side of Enterprise. One of the experiences he had that influenced his thoughts was from work that he did at his grandfather's establishment for temporary workers in Detroit. Because he was a close acquaintance of Abraham Maslow, who developed "Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs," McGregor wished to counter the scientific approach on management ("Douglas McGregor," 2008) and named Theories X & Y. Theory X Theory X takes the position that the average human being is "lazy and self–centered, lacks ambition, dislikes changes and longs to be told what to do" (Stewart, 2010). It portrays the perspective that a worker avoids responsibility and has to be controlled every step of the work process. There is little to no delegation of ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Theory X and Y You have just been promoted to supervisor of a large department in your company. The previous supervisor was terminated because of low morale and performance of his department. You had been attending night school to earn your bachelor's degree in management and remember, from one of your courses, how important it is to listen to your employees. Before coming in and making wholesale changes, you have spent the first several weeks on the job meeting casually with each employee about his or her views on the company, the department, and his or her own work efforts. Although you receive a lot of varying feedback, one common thread of employee concern is the very autocratic approach that the former supervisor used when dealing with his ... Show more content on ... The rewards encourage employees to work harder and smart which helps the bottom line for employers. Theory Y management is a good choice under the conditions that rewards are not given for every little achievement. That means no giving rewards for a job that is supposed to be done, but rewards for put in the extra work it good. A democratic decision to be made would be what action to take in a failing project. By allowing each team member to help with the decision making process, there may come a better idea for how to deal with a problem. Rewards can include early release of Friday's and a casual Monday for group efforts. Rewards for individual personnel can be a pay raise or a paid vacation. If a manager understands these two theories, they can use the positive attributes of each theory under certain circumstances. Every decision made does not need to be a group decision and making a sole decision when its needed is the right way to go. Under high stress situations, making a decision can bring the team members out of the stress and happier on the other side that the manager was there to make the decision. Also, a manager who helps employees in their career is the ones who bring up the morale of their employees. The manager should also understand these two theories to avoid the negative attributes, such as never assuming an employee ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Theory X and Y: Style Management Theory X describes a results–driven manager who issues deadlines and ultimatums, is elitist, does not build teams, is a one–way communicator and a poor listener, and a whole host of other negative traits. This is the "authoritarian" style, and while MacGregor's (Chapman, n.d.) treatment of this manager is overwhelmingly negative, these types of people often become managers because they deliver results. Theory Y managers, by contrast, as known as "participative" and are characterized by a host of positive adjectives. According to the survey (Chapman, 2002), my situation falls into a score of 45, which means that I am subject to generally Theory Y management. According to the second part of the same survey, I scored a 69, meaning that I strongly prefer Theory Y style management. I think that these two scores largely relate to my experience at work. My own score is not at all surprising. I am an intelligent, independent person and I am accustomed to charting my own course in life. For me, it is very important that I am in a work environment that values me as a person with unique contributions to make. I do not fit in well with most corporate cultures because of that, and I never have. I have had some difficulty, therefore, finding a good company to work for. It seems to me that there are not really a lot of companies that lean so heavily towards the Y scale. Those that do exist can be very difficult to get into, which tells me something else about human nature. I ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Compare And Contrast Gregregor's Theory X And Theory Y Dougles Mc. Gregor's Theory X and Theory Y: Dougles Mc. Gregor an American social psychologist, came up with the theory of theory X and theory Y. In the year 1960, he published his book "The Human side of Enterprise", which talks about behaviour of individuals at work. McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y has become a basic principle for the development of the positive management styles and techniques. This theory has become the basics for the study of organisational development and improving organisational culture. Theory X (Authoritarian Management Style): The tendency of the average human being is to dislike work and to avoid it if they can. If the average human being is to work hard then they need to be controlled and threatened by their superior. They dislike responsibility ... Show more content on ... Theory X assumes that human beings dislike to work hard but theory Y assumes that human beings work in a natural process. 2. Theory X assumes that people do not have ambitions and try to avoid responsibilities. Theory Y assumes that people are ambitious regarding their career and try to prove themselves through hard work. 3. Theory X considers people to be less creative. Theory Y considers people to be more creative and their ideas should be taken into consideration in organisational decision making. 4. Theory X gives importance to lower level of needs while theory Y gives importance to higher level of needs. 5. In theory X, people lack self motivation and need external supervision at work, but in theory Y, people are considered to be self motivated and would prefer self control. 6. Theory X emphasises centralisation of authority whereas theory Y emphasises decentralisation. 7. Theory X emphasises autocratic style of leadership while theory Y emphasises democratic style of leadership. Peter Drucker's (Management by Business Objective): In 1954, Peter Drucker came up with the idea of management by business ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Psychodynamic Theory Applied To The Case Of Y Chun Y–Chun is a 35–year–old biracial (White and Asian American) female presenting to counseling per recommendation of her physician. Y–Chun has been experiencing headaches, upset stomach, and difficulties falling and staying asleep. Additionally, Y–Chun has noticed that she is generally short tempered and on edge. The psychodynamic theory of individual psychology, typically referred to as Adlerian therapy, can be applied to the case of Y–Chun in order to understand her presenting concerns and how these problems may have developed. There are several important concepts of individual psychology that should be addressed in order to appropriately conceptualize Y–Chun's case from an Adlerian framework. These concepts include family constellation, ... Show more content on ... From infancy, Y–Chun recognized that she was helpless, and this helplessness was characterized by feelings of inferiority. Inferiority feelings are considered a normal condition of all people and are identified as a foundation for human striving. Thus, Y–Chun's feelings of inferiority are not treated as a sign of weakness; rather, these feelings encourage her to strive for superiority. Y–Chun has worked to compensate for her feelings of helplessness by striving for competence and perfection. Y–Chun is currently juggling a number of tasks in which she is attempting to demonstrate her competence, such as going to school, working, and raising her children, and it is likely that her desire to achieve superiority is contributing to her current symptomology. It is important to recognize, however, that Y–Chun's yearning for superiority does not necessarily mean she is striving to be superior to others. Instead, it means that Y–Chun has been and will continue to attempt to move from a perceived lower position to a perceived higher position (Corey, 2009). In sum, feelings of inferiority and a desire for superiority will guide Y–Chun's behaviors, thoughts, and feelings throughout her ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Analyzing Mcgregor's Theory Y As Whole Foods developed their core values, McGregor's Theory Y was clearly a driving influence. Whole Foods developed their business model around seven key core values, only one of which focused around profit (Cheretis & Mujtaba, 2014). The core value that best embodies McGregor's Theory Y is " supporting team member happiness and excellence" (Cheretis & Mujtaba, 2014, p. 7). By focusing on the employees, as individual, valuable assets to the company, Whole Foods builds their brand with a commitment from within. McGregor's Theory Y focuses on employees' natural desires to succeed and thrive given the opportunity, just as Whole Foods does, instead of a collective tool to accomplish the company's goals (Kinicki & Kreitner, 2013). McGregor's ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Theory and Practice of Spin-Out Management Essay Spin–out management: Theory and practice New startups often use internet to interact with their clients through which they detect low circulation cost and increase innovative goods. Most of the firms are flop because they cannot adopt new changes. For innovations, Internal R&D department is very essential for any evidence (Chesbrough, H. 2003a). High–technology companies do heavily investment for R&D department for revolution, because companies consider it challenging and this direct companies towards spin– off (Ferrary, M. 2008). Multinationsla or larger firm's strategies are not flexible as compare to small firms, because small firms can easily merge or change their strategies according to the environment. Since in mid 1980, most of ... Show more content on ... In external spin–out companies are working independently but in internal spin–out companies are work under the supervision of parent company. By implementing spin–out management increases flexibility. It can decrease harmful aspects of large companies such as structure and weak innovation. In spinout speculation, spinouts are too tight to the parent organization and its not let the spinout to collect the benefits on its own business model and create its own values. He also criticized that the first potential disadvantage for an organization to set–up spinouts is the high risk of failure. (Lord et al., 2002) Spinout has freedom to decide about its own direction, which is not always in route with the advantage of the parental organization. (Chesbrough, 2003) Spin–outs ongoing as internal startups will only earn earnings from cost advantages in the long run. (Jagersma, 1997) Motivation: The Not–So–Secret Ingredient of High Performance McGregor, D. (1960), an American social psychologist, predictable his renowned X–Y theory in his 1960 book 'The Human Side of Enterprise'. Theory x and theory y are still denoted normally in the field of administration and stimulus, and even as more recent studies have questioned the hardness of the model, McGregor's X–Y Theory skeleton an related basic principle from which to advance positive administration style and methods. McGregor's XY Theory remains central to organizational development, and to improving ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Theory Y Whole Foods Theory Y refers to positive assumptions and how employees that are positive in the work environment thrive (Kreitner, & Kinicki, 2013). Whole Foods embraces this theory and makes a point to hire positive people for employees to represent the company. Whole Foods sales totaled approximately $14.2 billion in the year 2014 (Whole Foods Market, 2015). Human capital is important for a business to thrive. Theory Y shows how positive and happy employees flourish for themselves and the business they work. A study from the winter of 2012 showed a group of managers that utilized the Theory Y method (Kopelman, Prottas & Faulk, 2012). These managers found by using positive and empowering skillsets with their employees, the employees' not–so– positive ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Evolution Of Management : Theory X And Y, And Theory Z Evolution of Management Blake Schwengler Tarleton State University Abstract We will examine the evolution of management beginning with the timeframe of the industrial revolution thru today's management. Management theories included in this time contains the Human Relations/ Behavioral School of Management, Classical School of Management, Contingency Approach, the Scientific Approach, Theory X and Y, and Theory Z. The present style and classical style of management will be compared and contrasted to each other and how they apply to my job. Evolution of Management During the 1900 and into the later 1920's, the Industrial Revolution sparked one of the first managerial theories introduced to the United States; the Classical school of thought. This theory arose when issues began with factory systems. At the time of the Industrial Revolution, the United States had taken on many non–English speaking immigrants who felt their working conditions were not satisfactory and who also felt they were inadequately and improperly trained for the positions they held. Upper management noticed these issues with their employees and soon took actions to find a solution. Efficiency was the main focus for traditional or classical management which included bureaucratic, scientific and administrative management. Bureaucratic management has a much more structured approach to things; division of labor, set rules and guidelines and hierarchy are a few characteristics of bureaucratic ... Get more on ...
  • 35. John Mackey, Cofounder and Co-CEO of Whole Market,... John Mackey, Cofounder and Co–CEO of Whole Market, Believes in "Conscious Capitalism" (pp. 29 & 30) What role, if any, does McGregor's Theory Y play at Whole Foods? Explain. Mackey clearly took notes on McGregor's theories on how and why people are the way they are at work. He took more to the Theory Y side: the moral and loyal view of people at work. Mackey feels that he and the company are viewed and based on the more heroic side of things, meaning that he aims to not only provide to the world his services and products but to also leave some type of impact. Mackey states that it is more important to value your conscious business versus maximizing on your profits and the shareholder values. Mackey also calls on the theory of ... Show more content on ... That is what animates me personally. That is what animates the company. I resisted that purpose for a long time, by the way. I actually thought we were in some variant of service–that is was really about fulfilling the good. The team members consistently told me I was wrong, that we had a different purpose. It was this more heroic purpose. Outdated (Theory X) Assumptions Modern (Theory Y) Assumptions About People About People At Work at Work 1. Most people dislike work; 1. Work is a natural activity, like play or rest. They avoid it when they can. 2. People are capable of self–direction and self– 2. Most people must be coerced and control if they are committed to objectives. Threatened with punishment before 3. People generally become committed to They will work. People require close organizational objectives if they are rewarded Direction when they are working. For doing so. 3. Most people actually prefer to be 4. The typical employee can learn to accept and Directed. They tend to avoid seek responsibility. Responsibility and exhibit little ambition. 5. The typical member of the general population They are interested only in security. Has imagination, ingenuity, and creativity. McGregor's Theory Y (pg. 8– ) In 1960, Douglas McGregor wrote a book entitled The Human Side of Enterprise, which ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Theory X and Y douglas mcgregor – theory x y Douglas McGregor 's XY Theory, managing an X Theory boss, and William Ouchi 's Theory Z Douglas McGregor, an American social psychologist, proposed his famous X–Y theory in his 1960 book 'The Human Side Of Enterprise '. Theory x and theory y are still referred to commonly in the field of management and motivation, and whilst more recent studies have questioned the rigidity of the model, Mcgregor 's X–Y Theory remains a valid basic principle from which to develop positive management style and techniques. McGregor 's XY Theory remains central to organizational development, and to improving organizational culture. McGregor 's X–Y theory is a salutary and simple reminder of the natural rules for managing ... Show more content on ... Theory X managers are facts and figures oriented – so cut out the incidentals, be able to measure and substantiate anything you say and do for them, especially reporting on results and activities. Theory X managers generally don 't understand or have an interest in the human issues, so don 't try to appeal to their sense of humanity or morality. Set your own objectives to meet their organisational aims and agree these with the managers; be seen to be self–starting, self–motivating, self– disciplined and well–organised – the more the X theory manager sees you are managing yourself and producing results, the less they 'll feel the need to do it for you. Always deliver your commitments and promises. If you are given an unrealistic task and/or deadline state the reasons why it 's not realistic, but be very sure of your ground, don 't be negative; be constructive as to how the overall aim can be achieved in a way that you know you can deliver. Stand up for yourself, but constructively – avoid confrontation. Never threaten or go over their heads if you are dissatisfied or you 'll be in big trouble afterwards and life will be a lot more difficult. If an X theory boss tells you how to do things in ways that are not comfortable or right for you, then don 't questioning the process, simply confirm the end–result that is required, and check that it 's okay to 'streamline the process ' or 'get things done more ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Historical Management Theories Of The's X & Y Theory And... Historical management theories There are several management theories that have been developed over the years. From Taylors Scientific Theory to McGregor's X&Y theory and Fayol's Administrative theory, the evolution of these theories has brought change and increased quality to management. New theories, trial and error and interaction have assisted managers with applying the correct theories to shape their organizational performance improving efficiencies and in many cases, the workplace environment as a whole. Organization Summary The organization I work for, Acme Services, Inc. is a data company that acts on as a vendor for financial institutions. The company provides a variety of options to assist these institutions with lowering their information delivery costs and provides their customer's faster delivery, lower costs and easier accessibility. Current Organizations Approach to Management While the organization has evolved in size over the years including the layers of management, the management approach remains similar. The President and CEO leads the company. There are four departments that each have a Vice President assigned to it. Each Vice President oversees the department and has a Director to develop it. Each Director has a Manager for administration of daily activities and tasks. The reporting process is essentially a ladder from the bottom to the top and top to bottom. Employee interaction is regulated to the department in which an employee works in. ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Kansas City Crime Prevention Study Chris Cox Policing and Society 3/6/15 Exam 2 Short Answers Question 1 Theory X and Theory Y were created by Douglas McGregor. Theory X has 8 points that include: productive enterprise is under the control of management, with regards to people, this is an attempt to control their efforts, to motivate them, controlling their actions, and changing the way they act, and if this is not done, people will docile and resist the needs of the organization and the every day man does what he can to work as little as possible. Theory X also says the every day man is not ambitious, does not like responsibility, would rather follow than lead, is self–centered, does not like for things to change, is very gullible, and not very bright. Theory X represents the ... Show more content on ... Administrative discretion and enforcement discretion are the two types of discretion. Administrative discretion is the officer having the freedom to make fair decisions about the corse of action to be taken. Enforcement discretion is how officers enforce the laws while making sure that order is kept within the area. Three variables used when understanding discretion used by officers include offender, situational, and system varialbes. Offender variables consist of things such as the sex, ethnic background or even the age of offender. Situational variables are considered to be how serious the offense is, such as a minor speeding violation compared to a hit and run. System variables are described as the relationship the offender has to certain groups of people, such as if they are a relative to another officer, the attitude of the community, or the views of the ... Get more on ...
  • 39. McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y Introduction Human beings have been studied systematically and objectively for many years to determine if they are resistant to work or self–governing. In addition, managers who tend to utilize McGregor's Theory X generally receive poor results from their employees. This report essay will address McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y in contrasts to include how these theories benefit the criminal justice system. The sections that will be discussed are: Theory X, Theory Y, Behavioral Management Theories and conclusion. McGregor's Theory X According to McGregor's Theory X, it can best be described as employees who have issues with taking responsibility to go to work with the desire to work and who are ... Show more content on ... This tends to help boosts the moral in the work place and brings about positive results. Frederick Herzberg developed a list of factors based on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, that's more related to work. This theory is called the two–factor theory and is also called the motivation– hygiene theory. (Robbins, p.205) According to Herzberg the hygiene factors are considered to be the dissatisfiers and the motivators are the satisfiers. These factors are taken totally from the work environment and feeds off the other. If there are no dissatisfiers present in the job then satisfiers cannot be utilized. For an example: John Doe is not happy with his current salary, status or job security which causes him to be negative in the work place. The satisfier (motivator) is then set in place to invigorate the employee towards advancements, achievements or growth. In addition, Elaine Rogers a columnist for Tweak Your Biz wrote a blog referencing the Theories X and Y. Human nature, beliefs and values seems to be valid in regards to the work place and appears to be more relevant now than during the previous years because leadership is now more empowering over employees, clients, colleagues and peers and the management is becoming more examined. (Rogers, 2012) Ms. Rogers gathered by Ms. Rogers indicated that Abraham Maslow based his findings on the basic human needs which evolved around the expressiveness and capabilities of people. ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Comparing Maslow And Theory Y Introduction: Motivation according to Kelley (2014) is the 'process through which managers build the desire to be productive and effective in their employees'. If an employee is motivated, they are more likely to be productive and generally staff turnover is low. The problem of worker motivation is that workers are not seen as humans, they have a lack of freedom at the workplace and lack of job fulfilment. Taylor and McGregor Theory X argue that there is not a problem with worker motivation, workers will be obedient because of fear of losing their job motivates them to do well. Whereas Maslow and McGregor's Theory Y argues that there is a problem with worker motivation because of class conflict between the worker and the manager. The ... Show more content on ... An example of motivation is when production workers began tracking their performances in an attempt to break the record (Haefner, 2011). Their highest record was set when the workers continued to work after their shift; they decided to no longer take their breaks. The reason for this success was changing management style from Theory X (does not trust workers) to Theory Y (does trust workers). This shows the impact freedom can have on employees and how it motivates them to work harder to increase production and output. Capitalism: To understand the problem of worker motivation we must understand Capitalism. Capitalism involves conflicts of interests between management and workers. According to Knights and Willmott (2012) Marxism is when workers are described as a 'social animal rather than a self– seeking individual'. They further state that production is motivated by the 'pursuit of profit and the accumulation of capital'. This shows that managers are more interested in profit than workers needs. Similarly Taylor states that motivation comes from money and profit for management, whereas workers would want higher wages, thus suggests a conflict in capitalist society (Knights and Willmott, 2012). This conveys the importance of capitalism in regards to motivation in society and how workers are not seen as humans. Though in a modern society, Taylorism is viewed out–dated because workers are no longer motivated by just financial incentives, they are after ... Get more on ...