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Driving Innova on and Collabora on
in Corporate Communica ons
PR Leaders,
Making Waves
abisile believes that
practitioners need to continue
proactively adopting and
integrating technology
into their PR strategies.
Executive Vice President
VOL 06 I ISSUE 09 I 2023
Ed or's
Ed or's
Ed or's
ublic relations (PR) is a crucial aspect of modern
Pbusiness and communication strategies. It
involves managing the relationship between an
organization or individual and the public, with the aim
of building a positive image, managing reputation, and
fostering effective communication. Over the years,
numerous PR leaders have emerged, leaving a
significant impact on the industry and shaping its
Effective public relations (PR) leaders possess a unique
set of skills and qualities that enable them to navigate
the dynamic and challenging world of communications.
PR leaders are skilled strategists who can see the big
picture and develop comprehensive plans to achieve
organizational goals. They understand how PR fits into
the overall business strategy and can align
communication efforts with broader objectives.
Communication lies at the heart of PR, and leaders in
this field excel in both written and verbal
communication. They can articulate ideas clearly,
convey messages effectively to various audiences, and
adapt their communication style to different channels
and platforms.
PR leaders have a deep understanding of the media
landscape. They stay updated on current events,
emerging trends, and evolving platforms. They know
how to leverage media opportunities, pitch stories
effectively, and build relationships with journalists to
secure positive coverage. PR leaders think outside the
box and are constantly seeking innovative ways to
engage audiences. They are creative storytellers
capable of developing compelling narratives that
resonate with their target audiences. They embrace
new technologies and adapt to changing
communication trends.
The PR landscape is ever evolving, and leaders in this
field must be adaptable and resilient. They embrace
change, stay open to new ideas, and can quickly adjust
their strategies to meet evolving demands. They remain
composed in the face of challenges and are determined
to find solutions.
Embracing the journey of the leaders in the niche,
CIOLook sheds light on Most Impressive PR Leaders,
Making Waves in the Industry, 2023. Flip through the
pages and indulge in the success stories that spotlight
the epitome of excellence along with the innovations
that these leaders are empowering in the dynamic
business arena.
Have a Delightful Read!
Abhishek Joshi
Spotlighting the Attributes
of Perpetual Success
Driving Innova on and Collabora on
in Corporate Communica ons
Emergence of Women Leadership
in the Dynamic Industry
All Insiders
Comprehending the Essential
Aspects of PR
How is Technology enhancing
PR operations?
Senior Editor Alan Swann
Executive Editors AbhishekJoshi
Alex Spellman
Visualizer Dave Bates
Art & Design Director Revati B.
Associate Designer Ankita P.
Senior Sales Manager Sihanee M., Rouniyar A.
Customer Success Manager Jack Ryan, Prathamesh
Sales Executives Prajwal, Rohit
Technical Head Prachi Mokashi
Technical Consultant Victor Collins
June, 2023
Copyright © 2023 CIOLOOK, All
rights reserved. The content
and images used in this
magazine should not be
reproduced or transmitted in
any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical,
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otherwise, without prior
permission from CIOLOOK.
Reprint rights remain solely
For Subscription
Pooja M Bansal
Research Analyst Eric Smith
SEO Executive Ravindra Kadam
Company Name
Marcus Liem
Public Relations
Boston Consulting Group partners with leaders in business and
society and works closely with clients to embrace a
transformational approach aimed at benefiting all stakeholders.
Danielle Dunne
Senior Vice President,
Marketing and
GCI Health is one of the most highly recognized global
integrated healthcare communications agencies in the world.
GCI Health
Boston Consulting
Group (BCG)
Thabisile Phumo
Executive Vice
Sibanye-Stillwater is a multinational mining and metals
processing Group with a diverse portfolio of projects and
investments across five continents.
Danielle Cassady
Sr. Director,
UPS is a transportation and logistics company, offering
innovative solutions to customers.
Kerten Hospitality
Kerten Hospitality is a mixed-use, ESG and lifestyle operator
managing and operating hotels, branded residences, serviced
apartments, workspaces, and business/social hubs.
Velina Nacheva
Head of
Featured Person
Most Impressive
PR Leaders,
Making Waves
Driving Innova on and Collabora on
in Corporate Communica ons
Cover Story
abisile believes that
practitioners need to continue
proactively adopting and
integrating technology
into their PR strategies.
Executive Vice President
ith over two decades of experience in
corporate communication and leadership
positions across various organizations,
making significant contributions, Thabisile Phumo
made waves with her expertise and innovative
approach to corporate communications.
Today as the Executive Vice President: Stakeholder
Relations at Sibanye-Stillwater and Executive
Committee Member of the World Communication
Forum Association, Thabisile leads from the forefront.
Let us learn more about Thabisile's professional life.
The Journey Begins
Thabisile Phumo had always planned on pursuing an
academic career after qualifying as a corporate
communications practitioner 27 years ago. This
because her career began at the University of South
Africa where she was exposed to academics leading in
the communication field. However, with limited
experience, she decided to venture into the industry
first, believing it would benefit her future academic
aspirations. Over the years, Thabisile has worked for
various organizations in the public relations and
corporate affairs sectors, including Anglo American
Platinum, the United Nations High Commissioner for
Refugees, and the Commission for Gender Equality. She
had also contributed to academic projects in
collaboration with colleagues at the University of
Johannesburg, serving as President of the Public
Relations Institute of Southern Africa and is currently
an executive committee member of the World
Communication Forum Association. She has
contributed to the industry as a course facilitator,
speaker and participated in various industry
recognition programmes both locally and globally.
For the past nine years, Thabisile had been with
Sibanye-Stillwater, holding various positions, and is
currently the Executive Vice President for Stakeholder
Relations in the Southern Africa region. Her extensive
experience in the mining industry, spanning over 22
years, had allowed her to specialize in her field and take
advantage of growth opportunities and challenges that
helped her find her niche. Through her journey,
Thabisile learned a lot about herself, particularly her
strengths and limitations, which shaped her into today's
Driving the Change
Thabisile's field centers on people, relationships, and
creating meaningful impacts through collaboration.
Over the years, she had been privileged to meet
individuals from diverse backgrounds who have worked
with her and her colleagues toward sustainable
outcomes. In her current position as the Executive Vice
President for Stakeholder Relations in the Southern
Africa region at Sibanye-Stillwater, Thabisile is
responsible for co-creating programs that directly
impacted people's lives. These programs are delivered
as part of the company's social investment initiatives,
which focus on creating social value which includes
developing critical social infrastructure in areas around
the company's operations, such as schools and clinics.
Thabisile recognizes the importance of such programs
in improving the quality of life for people living in these
areas and is passionate about ensuring their success.
Through her work, Thabisile continues to leverage
relationships towards a shared vision, working with
others to create a lasting positive impact on the
communities she serves.
Values to the Core
For Thabisile, fairness and transparency are the core
values that guide her career. Working in different
contexts with conflicting stakeholder interests, she
believes it essential to always maintain transparency
and fairness in dealings with all parties involved. These
values are critical in building trust and credibility,
enabling her to navigate complex situations effectively.
Thabisile holds the same values in her personal life and
believes they are essential in fostering positive
relationships and creating a just and equitable society.
For her, these values were not just principles to uphold
at work but a way of life that reflected her character
and integrity.
Tech To Go
Thabisile acknowledged that technology had
significantly bridged the resource and information
divide, enabling progress and ease of doing business or
engaging with stakeholders. However, in her operating
context, she recognizes the need to address the issue of
digital exclusion, which was still prevalent in many
developing countries. Despite technology becoming
more accessible, significant barriers still prevent many
her journey,
abisile learned a
lot about herself,
particularly her
strengths and
limitations, which
shaped her into
today's leader.
people from accessing it, including poverty, lack of
infrastructure, and limited digital literacy. As a result,
Thabisile knew that she needed to be mindful of these
challenges when developing programs that aimed to
incorporate technology as a tool for change. She
believed it was essential to ensure that no one was left
behind and everyone had access to the tools and
resources needed to participate fully in the digital age.
Through her work, Thabisile continues to advocate for
digital inclusion, recognizing its potential to transform
lives and create opportunities for people in her
Waving the Magic Wand
As a member of the WFCA which has enhanced her
understanding of global public relations (PR),Thabisile
believes that PR remains more relevant today than it
did in the past. She recognizes that PR allows
organizations to collaborate more with stakeholders
toward achieving sustainable and mutually beneficial
business goals. However, she is concerned that
practitioners seem to be surrendering PR strategies to
technological advancements. Thabisile believes that
practitioners needed to continue proactively adopting
and integrating technology into their PR strategies.
She recognizes that technology is constantly evolving
and advancing, but she thinks that solid PR strategies
must remain the driving force for the practice.
Thabisile's wish is for practitioners to stay on the front
foot of technology, constantly exploring new ways to
incorporate it into their work while maintaining a
strong focus on strategy, ethics, and best practices in
PR. Thabisile remains committed to staying at the
forefront of the industry through continually seeking
new and innovative ways to deliver results for her
organization while upholding the values underpinning
her practice. She says, "I think the biggest shift is
multi-dimensional PR, which means that corporations have
to be content with the fact that they no longer hold the
prime position in driving their PR strategies, and therefore
require a significant paradigm shift towards an integrated
approach that takes to account the plurality of the
operating context and multiple players."
Looking Beyond
Thabisile had always envisioned herself as an academic
in the long run; therefore, she had plans to return to
school to transition into that space eventually. She has
been fortunate enough to have the opportunity to
participate in the academic space part-time. This
included collaborating as a co-editor of a book titled
Strategic Communication: South African Perspectives.
Through her involvement in academia, Thabisile gained
valuable experience and knowledge that would be
instrumental in her pursuit of a career in academia. She
remaines committed to learning and growing in her
profession, and she is eager to transition into academia
when the time is right.
Bequeathing Guidance
Thabisile believes that the PR sector required constant
innovation to remain relevant, and she sees this as an
opportunity for those who cement themselves in the
profession. She understood that by staying at the
forefront of industry trends and developments, she
could thrive in her career and contribute to shaping the
profession's future. Thabisile is committed to staying
up-to-date with the latest advancements in technology
and communication and exploring new and innovative
ways of engaging with stakeholders. She knew that by
embracing change and taking a proactive approach, she
could continue to make meaningful contributions to the
PR sector and her organization.
abisile had always
envisioned herself as an
academic in the long
run; therefore, she has
plans to return to school
to transition into that
space eventually.
of PR | June 2023 |
All Insiders
ublic Relations is a sector that deals with
activities ensuring the organization has a
strong brand image. Moreover, in today’s
fast-paced world, where information travels faster
than lightning speed, organizations must have a solid
plan to be the king of the PR market. Whether it is a
launch of a new product, managing a crisis or simply
trying to build brand awareness, primary aspects of PR
make all the difference and are essential to know about.
As the name suggests, people are the most important
factors of the PR industry and planned as well as
sustained PR activity helps organizations to create a
social climate favorable for its growth. For the survival
of any organization, the primary factors of any PR
strategy are important to understand and this article
takes you on a tour of knowing the aspects of PR, a
reputation protector.
Successful Relationship with the Public
In the world of public relations, building strong
relationships is crucial. Sometimes the general public
creates a bad opinion of any company. To tackle this
situation, establishing strong public relations, which
promotes stronger relationships with the public, this
mentality could be modified. Whether it’s with clients,
journalists or other industry professionals, having a
network of trusted contacts can make all the difference
in achieving success. By nurturing these relationships,
organizations can gain valuable insights, access new
opportunities and ultimately build a stronger brand.
While building as well as maintaining healthy
relationships with the public, knowing the public, | June 2023 |
its pain points and requirements has the utmost
importance. For that, PR professionals must discover
the characteristics of the perfect client by conducting
research. Based on these traits, they can set the
Effective Communication
Effective communication is the cornerstone of
successful public relations. It involves not only
conveying a message clearly but also understanding the
audience of any organization and tailoring customized
messages to their needs and interests. In order to be an
effective communicator, it’s important to listen actively,
ask questions and be open to feedback. Improving
communication skills includes practising active
listening; repeating what has been heard and
understanding the message correctly.
Another key aspect of effective communication is
choosing the right channels to reach your audience.
Whether it’s social media, email or face-to-face
meetings, each channel has its own strengths and
weaknesses. By understanding the right audience and
their preferences, organizations can choose the
channels that will be most effective in reaching them.
Additionally, it’s important to be consistent in message
contexts and contents across all channels to avoid
confusion or mixed messages. It is beneficial to create a
message that highlights these issues and explains
precisely how offered products are making a significant
difference in their lives. Additionally, it is important to
reach out to the audience using the language and
medium they are most inclined to consume.
Knowing the Competition
While mastering the art of PR, having knowledge of the
competition in the same industry can be worth its
weight in Gold. It is the most crucial aspect of the PR
industry and understanding the competition can give
organizations a major advantage in this field. By
studying competitors, they can also gain valuable
insights into their strategies, strengths and
weaknesses. This knowledge can help them stay ahead
of the game, develop better strategies and adapt to
changes in the market.
By analyzing what works and what doesn’t work for
competitors, organizations can create more effective
campaigns that resonate with their target audience.
Staying up to date with the competition is essential in
the PR industry. By monitoring competitors’ actions,
organizations can identify trends and changes in the
market that may affect their own strategies.
Crisis Management
In today’s fast-paced world, crises can occur at any
time. Whether it’s a natural disaster, a data breach or a
scandal involving any organization, having a crisis
management plan in place is essential. A crisis
management plan outlines the steps that the
organization will take in the event of a crisis, helping it
to respond quickly and effectively.
When creating a crisis management plan, it’s important
to consider all possible scenarios and develop a plan for
each one. This includes identifying key stakeholders,
establishing clear lines of communication and outlining
specific actions that need to be taken. It’s also
important to regularly review and update the plan to
ensure that it remains relevant and effective.
Success Measurement
Measuring the success of a PR campaign is crucial for
determining whether the effort put in has yielded
positive results or not. Metrics and analytics play a vital
role in measuring the effectiveness of PR efforts. One
way to measure the success of a PR campaign is
through media monitoring. This involves tracking
mentions of the brand or company in the media, such as
online news articles, social media posts and blogs. By
analyzing the sentiment of these mentions, the
organization can determine whether the overall
perception of its brand has improved or not.
Building strong relationships is the foundation of
successful public relations. By communicating
effectively and having a crisis management plan in
place, organizations can navigate any situation with
confidence. Moreover, by measuring success through
metrics and analytics, they can continue to improve and
grow. It is just not this; PR professionals have the power
to shape perceptions, influence decisions and make a
difference in the world creating positive change. | June 2023 |
Emergence of
in the
Women Leadership
Dynamic Industry
n today's fast-paced and ever-evolving world, the
Idemand for diverse leadership has never been
greater. As industries become increasingly complex
and interconnected, fresh perspectives and varied skills
have become essential. Women leaders have emerged
as catalysts, driving the growth of women's leadership
in dynamic industries. Their impact is felt not only
within their organizations but also in inspiring future
generations of women to fearlessly pursue leadership
Breaking Stereotypes and Overcoming Challenges
The emergence of women leaders in dynamic industries
marks a significant departure from traditional gender
roles and stereotypes. They have defied societal
expectations and risen to prominent positions across
diverse sectors such as technology, finance, healthcare,
and more. Through their accomplishments, they have
demonstrated that leadership knows no gender
However, the path to success for women leaders has
not been without challenges. Deep-rooted biases, glass
ceilings, and unconscious prejudices have hindered
their progress. Nevertheless, they have shown
remarkable resilience, determination, and exceptional
competence in navigating these obstacles. By doing so,
they have shattered the glass ceiling and opened doors
for countless aspiring women leaders.
Promoting Diversity and Inclusion
One of the significant contributions of women leaders
in dynamic industries is their unwavering commitment
to promoting diversity and inclusion. They understand
that diverse teams, with equal representation, lead to
better outcomes. By fostering environments that
encourage participation from individuals of all genders,
backgrounds, and cultures, they create a sense of
belonging. Initiatives like the "Lean In" movement, led
by Sheryl Sandberg, Chief Operating Officer of
Facebook, empower women to overcome biases and
pursue their ambitions. Women leaders drive
innovation, creativity, and problem-solving capabilities,
giving dynamic industries a competitive edge.
By championing diversity and inclusion, women leaders
have created a sense of belonging for their teams. They
have empowered employees to bring their unique
perspectives to the table, leading to increased
innovation, creativity, and problem-solving capabilities.
In turn, this has given dynamic industries a competitive
edge in an increasingly global and interconnected
Mentoring and Empowering Future Generations
Women leaders, including myself, actively participate in
mentorship programs to empower and uplift the next
generation of leaders. I have had the privilege of being
involved in mentoring programs such as the Accelerate
HER program by DIFC FinTech Hive and the Start AD
program by NYUAD - an Academy for Women
Entrepreneurs Program, which focuses on nurturing
women entrepreneurs, and the vision for accelerating
business incubators startups.
Through these initiatives, I have witnessed first-hand
the transformative power of mentorship. | June 2023 |
By sharing knowledge, experiences, and expertise, we
inspire and guide young women to overcome challenges
and fearlessly pursue leadership roles in dynamic
industries. By actively participating in mentoring
programs, we strive to create a supportive ecosystem
that fosters the growth and success of aspiring women
Driving Organizational Success
Safra Catz, the CEO of Oracle Corporation, has
spearheaded significant growth and innovation,
keeping the company at the forefront of the technology
landscape. Women leaders play a crucial role in driving
organizational success. Their unique leadership styles,
characterized by collaboration, empathy, and effective
communication, foster positive work cultures and
cohesive teams. Research consistently shows that
gender-diverse leadership teams deliver superior
financial performance and higher levels of innovation.
Women leaders bring fresh perspectives, alternative
problem-solving approaches, and a holistic
understanding of stakeholder needs. Their inclusive
leadership style engages and empowers teams,
resulting in higher employee satisfaction, retention, and
Women leaders act as catalysts in the emergence of
women's leadership in dynamic industries. They break
barriers, challenge stereotypes, and drive positive
change. Their contributions transcend their
organizations, inspiring future generations of women
leaders and transforming the industry landscape.
Moving forward, it is essential for organizations and
society as a whole to recognize and support the
advancement of women leaders. By fostering an
environment of equality, diversity, and inclusion, we can
harness the full potential of talented women. Let us
create a future where dynamic industries thrive with
women leaders at the forefront, driving innovation and
shaping a more inclusive and successful world. | June 2023 |
How is
Operations? | June 2023 |
echnology has spread far and wide around the
Tglobe covering each possible sector, enhancing the
operations and smoothening processes. The Public
Relations industry, not being an exception, has also started
incorporating technological advancements into its
processes. The concept is both fascinating and crucial to
adapt and implement and this intersection of technology
and PR is more important than ever for companies to stay
ahead of the curve.
Embracing new technologies in order to effectively
communicate with the audiences, the technology has
revolutionized the field of PR including the rise of social
media to the use of data analytics and automation. It is
mandatory for PR professionals to implement these
technologies, adapt to the changes in their industry and stay
up to date with the latest trends and tools.
This article sheds light on how technology has impacted the
PR sector and enhanced its operations to give better results.
Social Media
In the PR sector, communication is perhaps more important
than anything else. As a result, the majority of
communication-related technologies have historically had
an impact on the development of the public relations sector
in one way or another. For instance, the expansion of social
media networks has permitted the emergence of micro-
influencers, who have significant public perception and | June 2023 |
positioning power over any business. Anyone who can
build and maintain a following on social media like
Facebook or Twitter is considered to have some kind of
influence, including the capacity to improve or damage a
company’s reputation.
With the introduction of ‘unfiltered’ or ‘less-scripted
content,’ the pandemic accelerated the appeal of ‘micro-
influencers.’ The influencer marketing industry is huge and
incredibly lucrative for brands since it allows them to
connect with audiences and potential customers that
traditional PR strategies cannot. A few easy words here and
there can enhance the brand’s trustworthiness, reputation
and ability to draw in new clients. And hence, with this,
regular customers are serving as excellent brand
ambassadors. There are software programs made
specifically for influencer marketing including Klear,
Upfluence, Creator.Co, Grin, etc. With these tools, the
metrics of any influencer campaign are evaluated and
Big Data
With the introduction of technology, the PR industry has
experienced a digital upheaval. Media research and
monitoring have been the most crucial aspects of PR and
technology improvements have completely changed the
method of achieving the same. Instead of tiring traditional
methods, today’s PR professionals are focusing on online
impressions and reputations; big data is a big help here. Big
data can be defined as huge, varied collections of numbers,
facts and information that can only be discovered, gathered
and assessed digitally.
Big data analysis provides incredibly valuable insights into
the field of public relations. And hence, PR professionals
are better comprehending long-term market trends and
anticipating future changes by delving deeply into big data
research. Accurate and exact forecasting is enabling
companies or brands to prepare a successful PR strategy.
Digital Marketing
Any PR plan must prioritize its target audience in target
demographics as engagement is a vital part of a strong PR
strategy. Today, internet advancements foster brand
awareness and because of a big paradigm change, digital
marketing is taking a huge space in the enhancement of PR
processes. Ranking well on search engines is crucial since
Google and other search engines like Bing and Yahoo
provide significant traffic to websites. For that, a strong
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) plan that uses a variety
of approaches is needed.
Today’s PR professionals are implementing these digital
strategies for their brand recognition and client business
growth. They focus on relevant recognized keywords,
updating content that suits consumer requirements,
metadata, URL, alt tags, back-linking, etc.
AR and VR
Today, PR consultancies increasingly draw from sources
other than just images, TV shows and interviews. The game
for brands and the way they interact with the audience has
been radically altered by streaming. Holograms, augmented
reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are currently making a
steady comeback in PR strategies. Brands and companies
have already employed AR-driven filters, which were made
popular by Snapchat and are now being used by Instagram
to create memorable content.
AR and VR are used to highlight a product’s special
qualities or show how it works. Brand stories are told using
AR and VR in a more interesting and participatory way.
Games and other interactive experiences that engage
customers and increase brand awareness are made using AR
and VR. For customers or employees, they are used to
provide immersive training and educational experiences.
Moreover, events, events, trade exhibitions and other brand
activations are using AR and VR for their brand awareness.
Final Words
Anyone can share information. However, effective delivery
is the key toward success and the PR industry with
technological advancements is the best example of it.
Technology has not only enhanced PR processes but also
become the most vital part of any brand’s success.
Technology is the next frontier for the best PR experiences,
which is a timeless talent. It has permanently changed the
public relations industry, especially in recent years with
successful PR plans and campaigns and seen potential
growth. | June 2023 |
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Most Impressive PR Leaders, Making Waves in the Industry, 2023.pdf
Most Impressive PR Leaders, Making Waves in the Industry, 2023.pdf
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Most Impressive PR Leaders, Making Waves in the Industry, 2023.pdf

  • 1. Phumo Driving Innova on and Collabora on in Corporate Communica ons Most Thabisile Impressive PR Leaders, Making Waves inthe 2023 Industry, Thabisile abisile believes that practitioners need to continue proactively adopting and integrating technology into their PR strategies. ThabisilePhumo Executive Vice President VOL 06 I ISSUE 09 I 2023
  • 2.
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  • 5. ublic relations (PR) is a crucial aspect of modern Pbusiness and communication strategies. It involves managing the relationship between an organization or individual and the public, with the aim of building a positive image, managing reputation, and fostering effective communication. Over the years, numerous PR leaders have emerged, leaving a significant impact on the industry and shaping its practices. Effective public relations (PR) leaders possess a unique set of skills and qualities that enable them to navigate the dynamic and challenging world of communications. PR leaders are skilled strategists who can see the big picture and develop comprehensive plans to achieve organizational goals. They understand how PR fits into the overall business strategy and can align communication efforts with broader objectives. Communication lies at the heart of PR, and leaders in this field excel in both written and verbal communication. They can articulate ideas clearly, convey messages effectively to various audiences, and adapt their communication style to different channels and platforms. PR leaders have a deep understanding of the media landscape. They stay updated on current events, emerging trends, and evolving platforms. They know how to leverage media opportunities, pitch stories effectively, and build relationships with journalists to secure positive coverage. PR leaders think outside the box and are constantly seeking innovative ways to engage audiences. They are creative storytellers capable of developing compelling narratives that resonate with their target audiences. They embrace new technologies and adapt to changing communication trends. The PR landscape is ever evolving, and leaders in this field must be adaptable and resilient. They embrace change, stay open to new ideas, and can quickly adjust their strategies to meet evolving demands. They remain composed in the face of challenges and are determined to find solutions. Embracing the journey of the leaders in the niche, CIOLook sheds light on Most Impressive PR Leaders, Making Waves in the Industry, 2023. Flip through the pages and indulge in the success stories that spotlight the epitome of excellence along with the innovations that these leaders are empowering in the dynamic business arena. Have a Delightful Read! Abhishek Joshi AbhishekJoshi Spotlighting the Attributes of Perpetual Success
  • 6. Phumo Driving Innova on and Collabora on in Corporate Communica ons 08 Story
  • 7. C X O 18 A R T I C L E S Emergence of Women Leadership in the Dynamic Industry All Insiders Comprehending the Essential Aspects of PR 14 Tech-Talks How is Technology enhancing PR operations? 20
  • 8. CONTENT Senior Editor Alan Swann Executive Editors AbhishekJoshi Alex Spellman DESIGN Visualizer Dave Bates Art & Design Director Revati B. Associate Designer Ankita P. SALES Senior Sales Manager Sihanee M., Rouniyar A. Customer Success Manager Jack Ryan, Prathamesh Sales Executives Prajwal, Rohit TECHNICAL Technical Head Prachi Mokashi Technical Consultant Victor Collins June, 2023 Copyright © 2023 CIOLOOK, All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from CIOLOOK. Reprint rights remain solely with CIOLOOK. FOLLOW US ON WE ARE ALSO AVAILABLE ON Email For Subscription CONTACT US ON Pooja M Bansal Editor-in-Chief SME-SMO Research Analyst Eric Smith SEO Executive Ravindra Kadam
  • 9. Brief Company Name Marcus Liem Director, Public Relations Boston Consulting Group partners with leaders in business and society and works closely with clients to embrace a transformational approach aimed at benefiting all stakeholders. Danielle Dunne Senior Vice President, Marketing and Communications GCI Health is one of the most highly recognized global integrated healthcare communications agencies in the world. GCI Health Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Thabisile Phumo Executive Vice President Sibanye-Stillwater is a multinational mining and metals processing Group with a diverse portfolio of projects and investments across five continents. Sibanye-Stillwater Danielle Cassady Sr. Director, Leadership Communications UPS is a transportation and logistics company, offering innovative solutions to customers. UPS Kerten Hospitality Kerten Hospitality is a mixed-use, ESG and lifestyle operator managing and operating hotels, branded residences, serviced apartments, workspaces, and business/social hubs. Velina Nacheva Head of Communications Featured Person Most Impressive PR Leaders, Making Waves inthe 2023 Industry,
  • 10. Phumo Driving Innova on and Collabora on in Corporate Communica ons Thabisile Cover Story abisile believes that practitioners need to continue proactively adopting and integrating technology into their PR strategies.
  • 12. W ith over two decades of experience in corporate communication and leadership positions across various organizations, making significant contributions, Thabisile Phumo made waves with her expertise and innovative approach to corporate communications. Today as the Executive Vice President: Stakeholder Relations at Sibanye-Stillwater and Executive Committee Member of the World Communication Forum Association, Thabisile leads from the forefront. Let us learn more about Thabisile's professional life. The Journey Begins Thabisile Phumo had always planned on pursuing an academic career after qualifying as a corporate communications practitioner 27 years ago. This because her career began at the University of South Africa where she was exposed to academics leading in the communication field. However, with limited experience, she decided to venture into the industry first, believing it would benefit her future academic aspirations. Over the years, Thabisile has worked for various organizations in the public relations and corporate affairs sectors, including Anglo American Platinum, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, and the Commission for Gender Equality. She had also contributed to academic projects in collaboration with colleagues at the University of Johannesburg, serving as President of the Public Relations Institute of Southern Africa and is currently an executive committee member of the World Communication Forum Association. She has contributed to the industry as a course facilitator, speaker and participated in various industry recognition programmes both locally and globally. For the past nine years, Thabisile had been with Sibanye-Stillwater, holding various positions, and is currently the Executive Vice President for Stakeholder Relations in the Southern Africa region. Her extensive experience in the mining industry, spanning over 22 years, had allowed her to specialize in her field and take advantage of growth opportunities and challenges that helped her find her niche. Through her journey, Thabisile learned a lot about herself, particularly her strengths and limitations, which shaped her into today's leader. Driving the Change Thabisile's field centers on people, relationships, and creating meaningful impacts through collaboration. Over the years, she had been privileged to meet individuals from diverse backgrounds who have worked with her and her colleagues toward sustainable outcomes. In her current position as the Executive Vice President for Stakeholder Relations in the Southern Africa region at Sibanye-Stillwater, Thabisile is responsible for co-creating programs that directly impacted people's lives. These programs are delivered as part of the company's social investment initiatives, which focus on creating social value which includes developing critical social infrastructure in areas around the company's operations, such as schools and clinics. Thabisile recognizes the importance of such programs in improving the quality of life for people living in these areas and is passionate about ensuring their success. Through her work, Thabisile continues to leverage relationships towards a shared vision, working with others to create a lasting positive impact on the communities she serves. Values to the Core For Thabisile, fairness and transparency are the core values that guide her career. Working in different contexts with conflicting stakeholder interests, she believes it essential to always maintain transparency and fairness in dealings with all parties involved. These values are critical in building trust and credibility, enabling her to navigate complex situations effectively. Thabisile holds the same values in her personal life and believes they are essential in fostering positive relationships and creating a just and equitable society. For her, these values were not just principles to uphold at work but a way of life that reflected her character and integrity. Tech To Go Thabisile acknowledged that technology had significantly bridged the resource and information divide, enabling progress and ease of doing business or engaging with stakeholders. However, in her operating context, she recognizes the need to address the issue of digital exclusion, which was still prevalent in many developing countries. Despite technology becoming more accessible, significant barriers still prevent many
  • 13. rough her journey, abisile learned a lot about herself, particularly her strengths and limitations, which shaped her into today's leader.
  • 14. people from accessing it, including poverty, lack of infrastructure, and limited digital literacy. As a result, Thabisile knew that she needed to be mindful of these challenges when developing programs that aimed to incorporate technology as a tool for change. She believed it was essential to ensure that no one was left behind and everyone had access to the tools and resources needed to participate fully in the digital age. Through her work, Thabisile continues to advocate for digital inclusion, recognizing its potential to transform lives and create opportunities for people in her community. Waving the Magic Wand As a member of the WFCA which has enhanced her understanding of global public relations (PR),Thabisile believes that PR remains more relevant today than it did in the past. She recognizes that PR allows organizations to collaborate more with stakeholders toward achieving sustainable and mutually beneficial business goals. However, she is concerned that practitioners seem to be surrendering PR strategies to technological advancements. Thabisile believes that practitioners needed to continue proactively adopting and integrating technology into their PR strategies. She recognizes that technology is constantly evolving and advancing, but she thinks that solid PR strategies must remain the driving force for the practice. Thabisile's wish is for practitioners to stay on the front foot of technology, constantly exploring new ways to incorporate it into their work while maintaining a strong focus on strategy, ethics, and best practices in PR. Thabisile remains committed to staying at the forefront of the industry through continually seeking new and innovative ways to deliver results for her organization while upholding the values underpinning her practice. She says, "I think the biggest shift is multi-dimensional PR, which means that corporations have to be content with the fact that they no longer hold the prime position in driving their PR strategies, and therefore require a significant paradigm shift towards an integrated approach that takes to account the plurality of the operating context and multiple players." Looking Beyond Thabisile had always envisioned herself as an academic in the long run; therefore, she had plans to return to school to transition into that space eventually. She has been fortunate enough to have the opportunity to participate in the academic space part-time. This included collaborating as a co-editor of a book titled Strategic Communication: South African Perspectives. Through her involvement in academia, Thabisile gained valuable experience and knowledge that would be instrumental in her pursuit of a career in academia. She remaines committed to learning and growing in her profession, and she is eager to transition into academia when the time is right. Bequeathing Guidance Thabisile believes that the PR sector required constant innovation to remain relevant, and she sees this as an opportunity for those who cement themselves in the profession. She understood that by staying at the forefront of industry trends and developments, she could thrive in her career and contribute to shaping the profession's future. Thabisile is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest advancements in technology and communication and exploring new and innovative ways of engaging with stakeholders. She knew that by embracing change and taking a proactive approach, she could continue to make meaningful contributions to the PR sector and her organization. abisile had always envisioned herself as an academic in the long run; therefore, she has plans to return to school to transition into that space eventually.
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  • 17. All Insiders P ublic Relations is a sector that deals with activities ensuring the organization has a strong brand image. Moreover, in today’s fast-paced world, where information travels faster than lightning speed, organizations must have a solid plan to be the king of the PR market. Whether it is a launch of a new product, managing a crisis or simply trying to build brand awareness, primary aspects of PR make all the difference and are essential to know about. As the name suggests, people are the most important factors of the PR industry and planned as well as sustained PR activity helps organizations to create a social climate favorable for its growth. For the survival of any organization, the primary factors of any PR strategy are important to understand and this article takes you on a tour of knowing the aspects of PR, a reputation protector. Successful Relationship with the Public In the world of public relations, building strong relationships is crucial. Sometimes the general public creates a bad opinion of any company. To tackle this situation, establishing strong public relations, which promotes stronger relationships with the public, this mentality could be modified. Whether it’s with clients, journalists or other industry professionals, having a network of trusted contacts can make all the difference in achieving success. By nurturing these relationships, organizations can gain valuable insights, access new opportunities and ultimately build a stronger brand. While building as well as maintaining healthy relationships with the public, knowing the public, | June 2023 | 15
  • 18. its pain points and requirements has the utmost importance. For that, PR professionals must discover the characteristics of the perfect client by conducting research. Based on these traits, they can set the campaigns. Effective Communication Effective communication is the cornerstone of successful public relations. It involves not only conveying a message clearly but also understanding the audience of any organization and tailoring customized messages to their needs and interests. In order to be an effective communicator, it’s important to listen actively, ask questions and be open to feedback. Improving communication skills includes practising active listening; repeating what has been heard and understanding the message correctly. Another key aspect of effective communication is choosing the right channels to reach your audience. Whether it’s social media, email or face-to-face meetings, each channel has its own strengths and weaknesses. By understanding the right audience and their preferences, organizations can choose the channels that will be most effective in reaching them. Additionally, it’s important to be consistent in message contexts and contents across all channels to avoid confusion or mixed messages. It is beneficial to create a message that highlights these issues and explains precisely how offered products are making a significant difference in their lives. Additionally, it is important to reach out to the audience using the language and medium they are most inclined to consume. Knowing the Competition While mastering the art of PR, having knowledge of the competition in the same industry can be worth its weight in Gold. It is the most crucial aspect of the PR industry and understanding the competition can give organizations a major advantage in this field. By studying competitors, they can also gain valuable insights into their strategies, strengths and weaknesses. This knowledge can help them stay ahead of the game, develop better strategies and adapt to changes in the market. By analyzing what works and what doesn’t work for competitors, organizations can create more effective campaigns that resonate with their target audience. Staying up to date with the competition is essential in the PR industry. By monitoring competitors’ actions, organizations can identify trends and changes in the market that may affect their own strategies. Crisis Management In today’s fast-paced world, crises can occur at any time. Whether it’s a natural disaster, a data breach or a scandal involving any organization, having a crisis management plan in place is essential. A crisis management plan outlines the steps that the organization will take in the event of a crisis, helping it to respond quickly and effectively. When creating a crisis management plan, it’s important to consider all possible scenarios and develop a plan for each one. This includes identifying key stakeholders, establishing clear lines of communication and outlining specific actions that need to be taken. It’s also important to regularly review and update the plan to ensure that it remains relevant and effective. Success Measurement Measuring the success of a PR campaign is crucial for determining whether the effort put in has yielded positive results or not. Metrics and analytics play a vital role in measuring the effectiveness of PR efforts. One way to measure the success of a PR campaign is through media monitoring. This involves tracking mentions of the brand or company in the media, such as online news articles, social media posts and blogs. By analyzing the sentiment of these mentions, the organization can determine whether the overall perception of its brand has improved or not. Conclusion Building strong relationships is the foundation of successful public relations. By communicating effectively and having a crisis management plan in place, organizations can navigate any situation with confidence. Moreover, by measuring success through metrics and analytics, they can continue to improve and grow. It is just not this; PR professionals have the power to shape perceptions, influence decisions and make a difference in the world creating positive change. | June 2023 | 16
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  • 20. Emergence of in the Women Leadership Dynamic Industry n today's fast-paced and ever-evolving world, the Idemand for diverse leadership has never been greater. As industries become increasingly complex and interconnected, fresh perspectives and varied skills have become essential. Women leaders have emerged as catalysts, driving the growth of women's leadership in dynamic industries. Their impact is felt not only within their organizations but also in inspiring future generations of women to fearlessly pursue leadership roles. Breaking Stereotypes and Overcoming Challenges The emergence of women leaders in dynamic industries marks a significant departure from traditional gender roles and stereotypes. They have defied societal expectations and risen to prominent positions across diverse sectors such as technology, finance, healthcare, and more. Through their accomplishments, they have demonstrated that leadership knows no gender boundaries. However, the path to success for women leaders has not been without challenges. Deep-rooted biases, glass ceilings, and unconscious prejudices have hindered their progress. Nevertheless, they have shown remarkable resilience, determination, and exceptional competence in navigating these obstacles. By doing so, they have shattered the glass ceiling and opened doors for countless aspiring women leaders. Promoting Diversity and Inclusion One of the significant contributions of women leaders in dynamic industries is their unwavering commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion. They understand that diverse teams, with equal representation, lead to better outcomes. By fostering environments that encourage participation from individuals of all genders, backgrounds, and cultures, they create a sense of belonging. Initiatives like the "Lean In" movement, led by Sheryl Sandberg, Chief Operating Officer of Facebook, empower women to overcome biases and pursue their ambitions. Women leaders drive innovation, creativity, and problem-solving capabilities, giving dynamic industries a competitive edge. By championing diversity and inclusion, women leaders have created a sense of belonging for their teams. They have empowered employees to bring their unique perspectives to the table, leading to increased innovation, creativity, and problem-solving capabilities. In turn, this has given dynamic industries a competitive edge in an increasingly global and interconnected marketplace. Mentoring and Empowering Future Generations Women leaders, including myself, actively participate in mentorship programs to empower and uplift the next generation of leaders. I have had the privilege of being involved in mentoring programs such as the Accelerate HER program by DIFC FinTech Hive and the Start AD program by NYUAD - an Academy for Women Entrepreneurs Program, which focuses on nurturing women entrepreneurs, and the vision for accelerating business incubators startups. Through these initiatives, I have witnessed first-hand the transformative power of mentorship. | June 2023 | 18
  • 21. CXO By sharing knowledge, experiences, and expertise, we inspire and guide young women to overcome challenges and fearlessly pursue leadership roles in dynamic industries. By actively participating in mentoring programs, we strive to create a supportive ecosystem that fosters the growth and success of aspiring women leaders. Driving Organizational Success Safra Catz, the CEO of Oracle Corporation, has spearheaded significant growth and innovation, keeping the company at the forefront of the technology landscape. Women leaders play a crucial role in driving organizational success. Their unique leadership styles, characterized by collaboration, empathy, and effective communication, foster positive work cultures and cohesive teams. Research consistently shows that gender-diverse leadership teams deliver superior financial performance and higher levels of innovation. Women leaders bring fresh perspectives, alternative problem-solving approaches, and a holistic understanding of stakeholder needs. Their inclusive leadership style engages and empowers teams, resulting in higher employee satisfaction, retention, and productivity. Women leaders act as catalysts in the emergence of women's leadership in dynamic industries. They break barriers, challenge stereotypes, and drive positive change. Their contributions transcend their organizations, inspiring future generations of women leaders and transforming the industry landscape. Moving forward, it is essential for organizations and society as a whole to recognize and support the advancement of women leaders. By fostering an environment of equality, diversity, and inclusion, we can harness the full potential of talented women. Let us create a future where dynamic industries thrive with women leaders at the forefront, driving innovation and shaping a more inclusive and successful world. | June 2023 | 19
  • 23. Tech-Talks echnology has spread far and wide around the Tglobe covering each possible sector, enhancing the operations and smoothening processes. The Public Relations industry, not being an exception, has also started incorporating technological advancements into its processes. The concept is both fascinating and crucial to adapt and implement and this intersection of technology and PR is more important than ever for companies to stay ahead of the curve. Embracing new technologies in order to effectively communicate with the audiences, the technology has revolutionized the field of PR including the rise of social media to the use of data analytics and automation. It is mandatory for PR professionals to implement these technologies, adapt to the changes in their industry and stay up to date with the latest trends and tools. This article sheds light on how technology has impacted the PR sector and enhanced its operations to give better results. Social Media In the PR sector, communication is perhaps more important than anything else. As a result, the majority of communication-related technologies have historically had an impact on the development of the public relations sector in one way or another. For instance, the expansion of social media networks has permitted the emergence of micro- influencers, who have significant public perception and | June 2023 | 21
  • 24. positioning power over any business. Anyone who can build and maintain a following on social media like Facebook or Twitter is considered to have some kind of influence, including the capacity to improve or damage a company’s reputation. With the introduction of ‘unfiltered’ or ‘less-scripted content,’ the pandemic accelerated the appeal of ‘micro- influencers.’ The influencer marketing industry is huge and incredibly lucrative for brands since it allows them to connect with audiences and potential customers that traditional PR strategies cannot. A few easy words here and there can enhance the brand’s trustworthiness, reputation and ability to draw in new clients. And hence, with this, regular customers are serving as excellent brand ambassadors. There are software programs made specifically for influencer marketing including Klear, Upfluence, Creator.Co, Grin, etc. With these tools, the metrics of any influencer campaign are evaluated and measured. Big Data With the introduction of technology, the PR industry has experienced a digital upheaval. Media research and monitoring have been the most crucial aspects of PR and technology improvements have completely changed the method of achieving the same. Instead of tiring traditional methods, today’s PR professionals are focusing on online impressions and reputations; big data is a big help here. Big data can be defined as huge, varied collections of numbers, facts and information that can only be discovered, gathered and assessed digitally. Big data analysis provides incredibly valuable insights into the field of public relations. And hence, PR professionals are better comprehending long-term market trends and anticipating future changes by delving deeply into big data research. Accurate and exact forecasting is enabling companies or brands to prepare a successful PR strategy. Digital Marketing Any PR plan must prioritize its target audience in target demographics as engagement is a vital part of a strong PR strategy. Today, internet advancements foster brand awareness and because of a big paradigm change, digital marketing is taking a huge space in the enhancement of PR processes. Ranking well on search engines is crucial since Google and other search engines like Bing and Yahoo provide significant traffic to websites. For that, a strong Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) plan that uses a variety of approaches is needed. Today’s PR professionals are implementing these digital strategies for their brand recognition and client business growth. They focus on relevant recognized keywords, updating content that suits consumer requirements, metadata, URL, alt tags, back-linking, etc. AR and VR Today, PR consultancies increasingly draw from sources other than just images, TV shows and interviews. The game for brands and the way they interact with the audience has been radically altered by streaming. Holograms, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are currently making a steady comeback in PR strategies. Brands and companies have already employed AR-driven filters, which were made popular by Snapchat and are now being used by Instagram to create memorable content. AR and VR are used to highlight a product’s special qualities or show how it works. Brand stories are told using AR and VR in a more interesting and participatory way. Games and other interactive experiences that engage customers and increase brand awareness are made using AR and VR. For customers or employees, they are used to provide immersive training and educational experiences. Moreover, events, events, trade exhibitions and other brand activations are using AR and VR for their brand awareness. Final Words Anyone can share information. However, effective delivery is the key toward success and the PR industry with technological advancements is the best example of it. Technology has not only enhanced PR processes but also become the most vital part of any brand’s success. Technology is the next frontier for the best PR experiences, which is a timeless talent. It has permanently changed the public relations industry, especially in recent years with successful PR plans and campaigns and seen potential growth. | June 2023 | 22