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The Story of a
Leading with a
Customer-Centric Leader
Global Perspective
Qualities and Attributes
Understanding the Different
Approaches to Leadership
see page 14
The Story of a
Leading with a
Customer-Centric Leader
Global Perspective
The Core Elements
Key Aspects of Leaders that
Define Organizational Growth
see page 20
The Most
of the Year
is not about
It is about making
else better.
the best.
Innova on is the driving force behind successful
businesses. The most innova ve leaders are those who
have the ability to inspire and mo vate their teams to
think crea vely, take risks, and embrace change. Innova ve
leaders are visionaries who have a clear understanding of
where they want their business to go. They have a long-
term perspec ve and are able to see beyond the
immediate challenges and obstacles. They are able to
communicate their vision effec vely and inspire their team
to work towards a common goal.
Innova ve leaders are visionaries who have a clear
understanding of where they want their business to go.
They have a long-term perspec ve and are able to see
beyond the immediate challenges and obstacles. They are
able to communicate their vision effec vely and inspire
their team to work towards a common goal.
These leaders are not afraid to take risks. They understand
that failure is a natural part of the innova on process and
are willing to take calculated risks to achieve their goals.
They encourage their teams to experiment, fail fast, and
learn from their mistakes. They create a culture that
celebrates experimenta on and risk-taking, and they
reward those who take bold steps.
Staunch business leaders are agile and adaptable. They are
able to respond quickly to changes in the business
environment and adjust their strategies accordingly. They
are not wedded to a single approach or solu on and are
open to new ideas and perspec ves. They encourage their
teams to be flexible and nimble, and they provide the
resources and support necessary to make quick decisions.
Innova ve leaders understand the importance of
collabora on. They build diverse teams with a range of
skills, backgrounds, and perspec ves. They create an
environment where everyone feels valued and heard. They
encourage open communica on, construc ve feedback,
and construc ve conflict resolu on.
Innova ve leaders foster a culture of collabora on that
encourages team members to share ideas, challenge
assump ons and work together towards a common goal.
They are customer-oriented and understand that the
success of their business depends on mee ng their
customers' needs.
They are able to an cipate and respond to customer needs
and preferences, and they use customer feedback to
inform their decision-making. They create a culture that
values customer feedback and encourages innova on that
benefits their customers. Mapping the journey of these
innova ve leaders, The CIOLeaders shines the limelight on
The Most Innova ve CEO of the Year 2024. Flip through
the pages and delve into the journey of excellence driving
transforma ons in the dynamic business arena.
Have a Deligh ul Read!
A Catalyst Facilitating
A r t i c l e s
Qualities and Attributes
Understanding the Different
Approaches to Leadership
e Core Elements
Key Aspects of Leaders that
Define Organiza onal Growth
The Story of a
Leading with a
Customer-Centric Leader
Global Perspective
Deputy Editor
Executive Editor
Assistant Editor
Art & Design Director
Associate Designer
Senior Sales Manager
Marketing Manager
Technical Head
SME-SMO Executive
Business Development Manager
Sales Executives
Business Development Executives
Digital Marketing Manager
Research Analyst
Circulation Manager
Database Management
Technology Consultant
February, 2024
Merry D'Souza
James Green
Mike Anderson
Anish Miller
David King
Tim Daniels
Sihanee M.
James Sykes
Phil Bristol
Simon Gayle
David, JD
Steve, Joe
Dominique T.
Frank Adams
Robert Brown
Stella Andrew
David Stokes
George Kingston
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The Story of a
Leading with a
Customer-Centric Leader
Global Perspective
Thomas Bargetzi
Thomas Bargetzi brings over 20 years of exper se as
an interna onal specialist in reorganiza on,
restructuring and organiza onal/process change.
With a remarkable track record of handling over 50
mandates across 30 countries on 5 con nents and in 19
diverse industries, Thomas has demonstrated versa lity in
naviga ng a wide range of situa ons.
His professional journey includes roles at prominent
companies such as Pepsi-Cola, NutraSweet, Sunrise
Medical, and Mars Inc., all of which are customer-oriented
organiza ons.
Thomas places a fundamental emphasis on customer
sa sfac on, considering it the cornerstone of any
successful business. His philosophy revolves around the
idea that customers, who ul mately fund the organiza on
through their purchases, should always be the focal point
of a en on. This customer-centric approach is ins lled
across all aspects of the business, from the front desk to
social media interac ons, emphasizing the importance of
every touchpoint in shaping customer experience.
As a leader, Thomas advocates for a mindset where the
phrase "not possible" is never an op on. He believes in
living and embodying this customer-centric mindset in
daily work. According to Thomas, leadership involves being
a visible and ac ve presence for staff and customers, rather
than being confined to administra ve tasks behind a desk.
There is no excuse, in his view, for neglec ng customer
Implemen ng Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) is part of
Thomas's strategy to measure and improve organiza onal
performance. He stresses the importance of sharing these
KPIs with the en re staff, fostering a culture where
employees are ac vely engaged in discussing and
understanding the metrics that drive the business.
Regular expressions of gra tude and recogni on for the
efforts of the team are essen al components of his
leadership philosophy. For Thomas, a KPI is not a secret; it
is a tool to be transparently communicated and discussed
throughout the organiza on.
Restructuring a Construc on Company
One of Thomas' significant challenges involved
restructuring a construc on company in Germany with
substan al financial losses, totaling double-digit millions of
euros over several years. The company, with 3,300
employees, a turnover exceeding 1.3 billion euros, and 354
sites, faced a daun ng task.
Thomas led a project team of 10 people, and he named the
project "the wonder of Bern." Despite widespread
skep cism, he successfully implemented a transforma ve
strategy. His approach involved fostering a football-team-
like spirit within the organiza on, trea ng employees as
individual players with unique strengths and weaknesses.
He encouraged them to realize their ideas, accepted failure
as part of the process, and established a sales organiza on
based on his extensive experience in sales and marke ng
with American companies.
A crucial element of the turnaround was implemen ng a
rigorous repor ng system with precise facts and figures
throughout the organiza on, leaving no room for
interpreta on. A er two years and two months, the
company achieved break-even. Thomas then introduced a
new organiza onal structure, leveraging individuals he
knew from various parts of the organiza on. Six years later,
these individuals con nued to excel, forming the backbone
of a company that was listed on the stock exchange in
Germany. With a turnover of 20 billion € for the en re
group, the part Thomas was heading brought in a turnover
of 1.3 Billion €.
Managing Across Time Zones
Managing a company with a significant me difference
between New Zealand and Germany posed unique
challenges for Thomas. With a 12-hour me gap and being
in different seasons, coordina ng between the two
loca ons became a complex task. One side was in deep
winter, while the other experienced a very hot summer,
adding to the contrast.
The Most Innovative CEO of the Year 2024
With a remarkable track record of
handling over 50 mandates across
30 countries and in 19 diverse
industries, Thomas has
demonstrated versatility in
navigating a wide range of
“ “
To address these challenges, Thomas implemented two key
Ÿ Cultural Translator: Recognizing the behavioral and
working style differences between New Zealand
and Europe, Thomas enlisted the support of a
seasoned individual within the organiza on.
This person had lived in Germany for many
years, providing valuable insights into the
cultural nuances and ac ng as a
"translator" to help bridge the gap in
Ÿ Establishment of an Office in Singapore:
To create a more centralized and
accessible loca on, Thomas set up an
office in Singapore. This strategic move
posi oned the office halfway between New
Zealand and Germany, facilita ng easier
collabora on and communica on. The
Singapore office served as a neutral ground,
minimizing the challenges posed by the
significant me difference and seasonal
varia ons.
These ini a ves not only helped navigate the prac cal
obstacles of me zones and cultural dispari es but also
fostered a more effec ve and harmonious working
rela onship between the teams in
New Zealand and Germany.
Pioneering, Advocacy
and a Passion for
Solu ons
Thomas reflects on
his 22-year journey
in the interim
management field,
emphasizing that
he was among the
pioneers in this
domain. When he
ini ally ventured
into interim
the prevailing
percep on was
that it might
be a
solu on un l
Cover Story
colleagues, founded DSIM, a new associa on dedicated to
shaping the future of interim management.
Thomas clarifies that DSIM is not a pla orm for finding
jobs or mandates but serves as an associa on focused
on promo ng and advancing the concept of interim
He sees interim management as a dynamic and
evolving discipline, offering a unique approach to
providing opera onal support and solu ons for
companies. Acknowledging that not everyone fully
understands the scope of interim management,
Thomas emphasizes the need for increased visibility and
promo on of its poten al in resolving business
To newcomers entering the field, Thomas
imparts the importance of being
passionate about their role in interim
management. Rather than viewing
it as a last resort for employment,
he encourages them to see it as a
fresh avenue for personal
development and,
consequently, a means to
posi vely impact the
companies they engage
with. The guiding
principle, according to
Thomas, is that
"resigna on is never,
never ever an op on."
Interim Management
For Thomas, the
journey into interim
management was
driven by a realiza on
that his management
style aligned more
seamlessly with this field
compared to large corpora ons.
In contrast to corporate
environments that o en-placed
importance on superficial factors
like a re, hobbies, or the pres ge of
one's alma mater, Thomas found interim
management to be a be er fit.
he secured a new job. However, Thomas was resolute in
considering this as his long-term career choice, posi oning
himself between opera onal
management and tradi onal
In the early stages, Thomas
faced the challenge of
convincing both managers and
consultants that interim
management was a valuable
and effec ve solu on in specific
situa ons. This led to the
emergence of "Providers,"
companies facilita ng the hiring
of interim managers. Unhappy
with this development,
Thomas, along with
three business
Drawing from his experience as a highly ranked Swiss Army
officer (now inac ve), Thomas highlights the early lessons
he learned about taking responsibility and striving to
achieve goals. His military background, shaped by
Switzerland's unique system, involved individuals fulfilling
their regular jobs alongside addi onal military services
mandated by law. This dual commitment ins lled in
Thomas a sense of responsibility and a commitment to
excellence from an early stage in his life.
Language as a Bridge
For Thomas, effec ve communica on in various languages
is a key aspect of his work in companies. He fluently
commands communica on in 4 peak languages: German
and French (mother tongue), English and Italian. The ability
to communicate with individuals at all levels, even those
not proficient in other languages, allows him to quickly
iden fy poten al issues from the sources.
Addi onally, he emphasizes the importance of good
behavior, no ng that conversing with people in their
language is a respec ul and considerate approach. This
prac ce extends to interac ng with customers in their
market language, aligning with the expecta on of clear
communica on in the language of the audience.
Commitment to Personalized Service, Transparency and
Strategic Alignment
The decision to name his company "THOMAS BARGETZI"
reflects a commitment to providing a personalized and
direct service. By offering only his exper se, Thomas
ensures a clear and unfiltered communica on style with
clients. He acknowledges that this approach may not
always be easy for customers, but he remains authen c,
openly sharing his perspec ves on the situa on.
The transparency extends to proposing solu ons, outlining
poten al costs and predic ng reac ons. This
straigh orward approach is aimed at providing clients with
the full package of Thomas's experience, enthusiasm, and
drive, ensuring a clear and effec ve collabora on.
For Thomas, aligning opera onal business with strategic
decisions is crucial to achieving goals. Drawing an analogy
with car racing, he emphasizes the importance of
organizing the opera onal aspect of the business in a way
that supports the strategic objec ves. This forward-
thinking approach, ins lled in him through Swiss Army
educa on, involves an cipa ng future steps and bringing
the opera onal side to the next level.
Vast Informa on Landscape for Leaders
Thomas emphasizes the challenge of naviga ng
informa on in the media, given its vast reach to millions of
people. Acknowledging the impossibility of controlling how
individuals interpret informa on, he advises leaders to
limit their informa on sources to 3 to 5 trusted outlets.
Thomas suggests including different levels of news to stay
connected with people from various backgrounds, including
customers and employees. He further recommends that
leaders be selec ve in their reading, focusing on the
informa on that directly impacts their company,
customers, and objec ves. This approach allows leaders to
priori ze their a en on on ma ers that are most relevant
to their responsibili es and goals.
The Agile Fire Brigade
Thomas perceives himself as a “fire brigade,” emphasizing
the need for fast and effec ve solu ons in his role. His
mandates typically last for rela vely short dura ons,
ranging from 6 to 18 months, limi ng the scope for long-
term innova ons.
Instead, Thomas focuses on quickly addressing and
resolving issues within the given meframe. Despite the
short-term nature of his assignments, he con nues to
generate numerous ideas daily to improve and enhance
the companies he works with.
Looking ahead, Thomas envisions con nuing his work for
the next 5 to 7 years, seeking new interna onal challenges
and advoca ng for interim management as a genuine
alterna ve in business strategies.
The transparency extends to
proposing solutions, outlining
potential costs and predicting
“ “
Cover Story
Qualities and Attributes
Understanding the
Different Approaches
to Leadership
eadership is an essen al aspect of organiza onal success, and the style of leadership
Lthat a leader adopts can significantly impact the produc vity, crea vity, and
innova on of their team. Transforma ve leadership is a style of leadership that
focuses on inspiring and mo va ng followers to achieve their full poten al and exceed
their expecta ons.
This leadership style emphasizes crea ng a vision for the future, inspiring followers to work
towards the vision, and empowering them to take ownership of their work. In this ar cle,
we will explore the different approaches to transforma ve leadership and discuss their
benefits and limita ons.
Authen c Leadership
Authen c leadership is a style of leadership that emphasizes being true to oneself and
one's values. Authen c leaders are transparent and open about their values and beliefs,
and they encourage their followers to do the same. Authen c leadership involves crea ng
a sense of trust and openness within the team and fostering an environment where team
members feel comfortable being themselves.
Benefits of Authen c Leadership
Authen c leadership has several benefits, including:
Increased trust and credibility: Authen c leaders are honest and transparent about their
values and beliefs, which can help build trust and credibility with their followers.
Greater engagement and mo va on: Authen c leaders inspire their followers to be
themselves and take ownership of their work, which can increase engagement and
mo va on.
Greater crea vity and innova on: Authen c leaders foster an environment of trust and
openness, which can encourage crea vity and innova on among team members.
Servant Leadership
Servant leadership is a style of leadership that focuses on serving others. Servant leaders
priori ze the needs of their followers and work to help them achieve their goals. Servant
leadership involves being humble, empathe c, and compassionate and working to create a
sense of community and purpose within the team.
February 2024 15
Benefits of Servant Leadership
Servant leadership has several benefits, including:
Increased trust and loyalty: Servant leaders priori ze the
needs of their followers, which can help build trust and
loyalty within the team.
Greater collabora on and teamwork: Servant leaders work
to create a sense of community and purpose within the
team, which can encourage collabora on and teamwork.
Greater crea vity and innova on: Servant leaders
encourage their followers to take ownership of their work,
which can lead to greater crea vity and innova on.
The key characteris cs of servant transforma ve leadership
Focus on serving others: The leader must priori ze the
needs of their followers and be willing to serve them in
whatever way necessary.
Empathy: The leader must be empathe c and able to
understand the needs and concerns of their followers.
Collabora ve mindset: The leader must be able to work
collabora vely with their team to achieve their goals.
Charisma c Leadership
Charisma c leadership is a style of leadership that
emphasizes the personality and charisma of the leader.
Charisma c leaders are seen as inspiring and mo va onal,
and they have a strong vision for the future. Charisma c
leadership involves crea ng a sense of excitement and
enthusiasm within the team and inspiring followers to
work towards a common goal.
Benefits of Charisma c Leadership
Charisma c leadership has several benefits, including:
Increased mo va on and enthusiasm: charisma c leaders
are seen as inspiring and mo va onal, which can increase
mo va on and enthusiasm among followers.
Greater crea vity and innova on: charisma c leaders
inspire followers to think crea vely and come up with new
ideas, which can lead to greater crea vity and innova on.
Greater clarity of vision: charisma c leaders have a strong
vision for the future, which can provide clarity and
direc on for the team.
The key characteris cs of charisma c transforma ve
leadership include:
Charisma c personality: The leader must have a
charisma c personality and be able to inspire followers
through their words, ac ons, and vision.
Visionary thinking: The leader must be able to envision the
future and communicate that vision in a way that inspires
Emo onal intelligence: The leader must be emo onally
intelligent and able to connect with their followers on an
emo onal level.
In conclusion, transforma ve leadership is a style of
leadership that can have a significant impact on
organiza onal success, and there are various approaches to
this leadership style. Charisma c transforma ve leadership
is focused on inspiring and mo va ng followers through
the leader's charisma and vision, while servant
transforma ve leadership priori zes serving the needs of
followers and empowering them to achieve their full
poten al. Authen c transforma ve leadership is focused
on building trust and being true to oneself, while
collabora ve, transforma ve leadership emphasizes
collabora on and teamwork.
Each approach to transforma ve leadership has its benefits
and limita ons, and the most effec ve approach will
depend on the specific organiza onal context and the
needs of the team.
However, by understanding the key characteris cs of each
approach, leaders can be er iden fy the most appropriate
style of transforma ve leadership for their organiza on
and team.
Overall, transforma ve leadership is a powerful leadership
style that can help organiza ons achieve their full poten al
by inspiring and mo va ng followers to do their best work.
By adop ng one of the different approaches to
transforma ve leadership, leaders can create a culture of
innova on, crea vity, and collabora on, which can drive
long-term success and growth for the organiza on.
A leader is one who
knows the way, goes the
way and shows the way.
Leadership is the capacity to
translate vision into reality.
eadership is a cri cal component of any
Lorganiza on's success. The approach and style of
leadership within an organiza on can significantly
influence its growth, adaptability, and overall
performance. One key factor that has gained prominence
in recent years is the importance of diverse leadership
approaches. Diversity in leadership encompasses various
dimensions, such as gender, race, ethnicity, age, and
cogni ve diversity. This ar cle explores the impact of
diverse leadership approaches on organiza onal growth
and why fostering diversity at the top levels of an
organiza on is essen al for long-term success.
Enhanced Crea vity and Innova on
Diverse leadership teams bring together individuals with
different backgrounds, experiences, and perspec ves.
This diversity in thought and approach can lead to
enhanced crea vity and innova on within an
organiza on. When leaders from various backgrounds
collaborate, they can generate a wider range of ideas
and solu ons. This not only helps in addressing
challenges more effec vely but also allows for the
development of innova ve products and services, giving
the organiza on a compe ve edge.
Be er Decision-Making
A diverse leadership team is more likely to make well-
rounded decisions. When leaders with diverse
perspec ves are involved in the decision-making
The Core Elements
February 2024 21
process, they can consider a broader range
of factors and poten al consequences.
This leads to be er-informed and more
balanced decisions, reducing the likelihood
of groupthink and avoiding blind spots that
can hinder organiza onal growth.
Improved Employee Engagement and
Sa sfac on
Employees tend to be more engaged and
sa sfied in organiza ons with diverse
leadership. When employees see leaders
who resemble them in terms of gender,
ethnicity, or other characteris cs, they are
more likely to feel valued and included.
This sense of belonging fosters a posi ve
workplace culture, leading to higher
employee reten on rates and increased
produc vity, which are essen al for
organiza onal growth.
Enhanced Adaptability
Organiza ons led by diverse leadership
teams are o en more adaptable in the
face of change. Diverse leaders bring a
variety of experiences and perspec ves
that can help organiza ons navigate
through different challenges and
opportuni es. This adaptability is crucial in
today's rapidly changing business
environment, where organiza ons must
con nuously evolve to stay compe ve.
Broader Market Understanding
Diverse leadership teams can be er
understand and cater to a diverse
customer base. In an increasingly
globalized world, having leaders who
represent various demographics can
provide insights into different markets and
consumer preferences. This understanding
can lead to more effec ve marke ng
strategies and product development,
ul mately expanding the organiza on's
market reach and growth poten al.
Enhanced Reputa on and Brand Image
Organiza ons that priori ze diversity in leadership are
o en perceived as more socially responsible and inclusive.
This posi ve reputa on can a ract top talent, investors,
and customers who value diversity and inclusivity. A strong
brand image built on diversity and inclusivity can
contribute to sustainable growth and long-term success.
Talent A rac on and Reten on
Diverse leadership can help organiza ons a ract and retain
top talent. When poten al employees see a diverse
leadership team, they are more likely to view the
organiza on as an inclusive and welcoming place to work.
This can lead to a larger pool of qualified candidates to
choose from and reduce turnover, saving both recruitment
and training costs.
Risk Mi ga on
Diverse leadership teams are o en be er equipped to
iden fy and mi gate risks. Different perspec ves can help
uncover poten al risks that might be overlooked in a more
homogenous leadership group. This risk-awareness can be
crucial in preven ng costly mistakes and safeguarding the
organiza on's long-term growth.
Regulatory Compliance and Reputa on Management
In many regions, there are regula ons and policies that
encourage diversity and inclusion in leadership roles.
Organiza ons that demonstrate a commitment to diversity
not only comply with these regula ons but also avoid legal
issues and reputa onal damage. Avoiding diversity-related
controversies can help maintain a posi ve brand image,
which is essen al for long-term growth.
Global Expansion and Cultural Competence
For organiza ons with interna onal aspira ons, diverse
leadership is a significant asset. Leaders with different
cultural backgrounds can provide valuable insights into
global markets and help bridge cultural gaps. They can also
ensure that the organiza on's expansion efforts are
respec ul of local customs and prac ces, reducing the risk
of missteps that could hinder growth.
Long-Term Sustainability
Diverse leadership can contribute to the long-term
sustainability of an organiza on. By promo ng diversity
and inclusion, organiza ons can create a culture of
con nuous learning and improvement. This culture can
help the organiza on adapt to changing market condi ons
and remain relevant in the long run.
Social Responsibility and Stakeholder Sa sfac on
Stakeholders, including customers, investors, and partners,
increasingly value diversity and social responsibility.
Organiza ons with diverse leadership teams are o en seen
as more socially responsible, which can lead to increased
stakeholder sa sfac on and support. Sa sfied stakeholders
are more likely to contribute to the organiza on's growth
through investments, partnerships, and con nued
Diverse leadership approaches have a profound impact on
organiza onal growth. By fostering diversity at the highest
levels of leadership, organiza ons can tap into the benefits
of enhanced crea vity, be er decision-making, improved
employee engagement, and adaptability, among others.
Moreover, diverse leadership is not just about mee ng
diversity quotas; it's about harnessing the power of
different perspec ves and experiences to drive innova on
and long-term success. Embracing diverse leadership is not
only the right thing to do but also a strategic impera ve for
organiza ons looking to thrive in an increasingly complex
and compe ve business landscape.
Don’t worry
about failure;
you only have
to be right
Leadership is not about titles,
positions, or owcharts. It is about
one life inuencing another.

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  • 1. The Story of a Leading with a Customer-Centric Leader Global Perspective Bargetzi Thomas VOL 02 I ISSUE 01 I 2024 L E A D E R S Qualities and Attributes Understanding the Different Approaches to Leadership see page 14 The Story of a Leading with a Customer-Centric Leader Global Perspective Bargetzi Thomas The Core Elements Key Aspects of Leaders that Define Organizational Growth see page 20 The Most Innovative of the Year 2024
  • 2. Leadership is not about being It is about making everyone else better. the best.
  • 3.
  • 5. Innova on is the driving force behind successful businesses. The most innova ve leaders are those who have the ability to inspire and mo vate their teams to think crea vely, take risks, and embrace change. Innova ve leaders are visionaries who have a clear understanding of where they want their business to go. They have a long- term perspec ve and are able to see beyond the immediate challenges and obstacles. They are able to communicate their vision effec vely and inspire their team to work towards a common goal. Innova ve leaders are visionaries who have a clear understanding of where they want their business to go. They have a long-term perspec ve and are able to see beyond the immediate challenges and obstacles. They are able to communicate their vision effec vely and inspire their team to work towards a common goal. These leaders are not afraid to take risks. They understand that failure is a natural part of the innova on process and are willing to take calculated risks to achieve their goals. They encourage their teams to experiment, fail fast, and learn from their mistakes. They create a culture that celebrates experimenta on and risk-taking, and they reward those who take bold steps. Staunch business leaders are agile and adaptable. They are able to respond quickly to changes in the business environment and adjust their strategies accordingly. They are not wedded to a single approach or solu on and are open to new ideas and perspec ves. They encourage their teams to be flexible and nimble, and they provide the resources and support necessary to make quick decisions. Innova ve leaders understand the importance of collabora on. They build diverse teams with a range of skills, backgrounds, and perspec ves. They create an environment where everyone feels valued and heard. They encourage open communica on, construc ve feedback, and construc ve conflict resolu on. Innova ve leaders foster a culture of collabora on that encourages team members to share ideas, challenge assump ons and work together towards a common goal. They are customer-oriented and understand that the success of their business depends on mee ng their customers' needs. They are able to an cipate and respond to customer needs and preferences, and they use customer feedback to inform their decision-making. They create a culture that values customer feedback and encourages innova on that benefits their customers. Mapping the journey of these innova ve leaders, The CIOLeaders shines the limelight on The Most Innova ve CEO of the Year 2024. Flip through the pages and delve into the journey of excellence driving transforma ons in the dynamic business arena. Have a Deligh ul Read! A Catalyst Facilitating Enhancements James฀Green
  • 6. A r t i c l e s 20 14 C O N T E N T S Qualities and Attributes Understanding the Different Approaches to Leadership e Core Elements Key Aspects of Leaders that Define Organiza onal Growth The Story of a Leading with a Customer-Centric Leader Global Perspective 08
  • 8. Editor-in-Chief Deputy Editor Executive Editor Assistant Editor Visualizer Art & Design Director Associate Designer Senior Sales Manager Marketing Manager Technical Head SME-SMO Executive Business Development Manager Sales Executives Business Development Executives Digital Marketing Manager Research Analyst Circulation Manager Database Management Technology Consultant February, 2024 Merry D'Souza James Green Mike Anderson Anish Miller David King Tim Daniels Sihanee M. James Sykes Phil Bristol Simon Gayle Dave Morgan David, JD Steve, Joe Dominique T. Frank Adams Robert Brown Stella Andrew David Stokes George Kingston 4 CREDITS
  • 9. Subscription Global฀ Stay in touch Spotlighting the Icons of Brilliance Subscribe to The CIO Leaders: Your Gateway to a World of Knowledge and Creativity! L E A D E R S
  • 10. The Story of a Leading with a Customer-Centric Leader Global Perspective
  • 12. Thomas Bargetzi brings over 20 years of exper se as an interna onal specialist in reorganiza on, restructuring and organiza onal/process change. With a remarkable track record of handling over 50 mandates across 30 countries on 5 con nents and in 19 diverse industries, Thomas has demonstrated versa lity in naviga ng a wide range of situa ons. His professional journey includes roles at prominent companies such as Pepsi-Cola, NutraSweet, Sunrise Medical, and Mars Inc., all of which are customer-oriented organiza ons. Thomas places a fundamental emphasis on customer sa sfac on, considering it the cornerstone of any successful business. His philosophy revolves around the idea that customers, who ul mately fund the organiza on through their purchases, should always be the focal point of a en on. This customer-centric approach is ins lled across all aspects of the business, from the front desk to social media interac ons, emphasizing the importance of every touchpoint in shaping customer experience. As a leader, Thomas advocates for a mindset where the phrase "not possible" is never an op on. He believes in living and embodying this customer-centric mindset in daily work. According to Thomas, leadership involves being a visible and ac ve presence for staff and customers, rather than being confined to administra ve tasks behind a desk. There is no excuse, in his view, for neglec ng customer care. Implemen ng Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) is part of Thomas's strategy to measure and improve organiza onal performance. He stresses the importance of sharing these KPIs with the en re staff, fostering a culture where employees are ac vely engaged in discussing and understanding the metrics that drive the business. Regular expressions of gra tude and recogni on for the efforts of the team are essen al components of his leadership philosophy. For Thomas, a KPI is not a secret; it is a tool to be transparently communicated and discussed throughout the organiza on. Restructuring a Construc on Company One of Thomas' significant challenges involved restructuring a construc on company in Germany with substan al financial losses, totaling double-digit millions of euros over several years. The company, with 3,300 employees, a turnover exceeding 1.3 billion euros, and 354 sites, faced a daun ng task. Thomas led a project team of 10 people, and he named the project "the wonder of Bern." Despite widespread skep cism, he successfully implemented a transforma ve strategy. His approach involved fostering a football-team- like spirit within the organiza on, trea ng employees as individual players with unique strengths and weaknesses. He encouraged them to realize their ideas, accepted failure as part of the process, and established a sales organiza on based on his extensive experience in sales and marke ng with American companies. A crucial element of the turnaround was implemen ng a rigorous repor ng system with precise facts and figures throughout the organiza on, leaving no room for interpreta on. A er two years and two months, the company achieved break-even. Thomas then introduced a new organiza onal structure, leveraging individuals he knew from various parts of the organiza on. Six years later, these individuals con nued to excel, forming the backbone of a company that was listed on the stock exchange in Germany. With a turnover of 20 billion € for the en re group, the part Thomas was heading brought in a turnover of 1.3 Billion €. Managing Across Time Zones Managing a company with a significant me difference between New Zealand and Germany posed unique challenges for Thomas. With a 12-hour me gap and being in different seasons, coordina ng between the two loca ons became a complex task. One side was in deep winter, while the other experienced a very hot summer, adding to the contrast. The Most Innovative CEO of the Year 2024 With a remarkable track record of handling over 50 mandates across 30 countries and in 19 diverse industries, Thomas has demonstrated versatility in navigating a wide range of situations. “ “
  • 13. To address these challenges, Thomas implemented two key strategies: Ÿ Cultural Translator: Recognizing the behavioral and working style differences between New Zealand and Europe, Thomas enlisted the support of a seasoned individual within the organiza on. This person had lived in Germany for many years, providing valuable insights into the cultural nuances and ac ng as a "translator" to help bridge the gap in understanding. Ÿ Establishment of an Office in Singapore: To create a more centralized and accessible loca on, Thomas set up an office in Singapore. This strategic move posi oned the office halfway between New Zealand and Germany, facilita ng easier collabora on and communica on. The Singapore office served as a neutral ground, minimizing the challenges posed by the significant me difference and seasonal varia ons. These ini a ves not only helped navigate the prac cal obstacles of me zones and cultural dispari es but also fostered a more effec ve and harmonious working rela onship between the teams in New Zealand and Germany. Pioneering, Advocacy and a Passion for Solu ons Thomas reflects on his 22-year journey in the interim management field, emphasizing that he was among the pioneers in this domain. When he ini ally ventured into interim management, the prevailing percep on was that it might be a temporary solu on un l Cover Story
  • 14. colleagues, founded DSIM, a new associa on dedicated to shaping the future of interim management. Thomas clarifies that DSIM is not a pla orm for finding jobs or mandates but serves as an associa on focused on promo ng and advancing the concept of interim management. He sees interim management as a dynamic and evolving discipline, offering a unique approach to providing opera onal support and solu ons for companies. Acknowledging that not everyone fully understands the scope of interim management, Thomas emphasizes the need for increased visibility and promo on of its poten al in resolving business challenges. To newcomers entering the field, Thomas imparts the importance of being passionate about their role in interim management. Rather than viewing it as a last resort for employment, he encourages them to see it as a fresh avenue for personal development and, consequently, a means to posi vely impact the companies they engage with. The guiding principle, according to Thomas, is that "resigna on is never, never ever an op on." Interim Management Journey For Thomas, the journey into interim management was driven by a realiza on that his management style aligned more seamlessly with this field compared to large corpora ons. In contrast to corporate environments that o en-placed importance on superficial factors like a re, hobbies, or the pres ge of one's alma mater, Thomas found interim management to be a be er fit. he secured a new job. However, Thomas was resolute in considering this as his long-term career choice, posi oning himself between opera onal management and tradi onal consultants. In the early stages, Thomas faced the challenge of convincing both managers and consultants that interim management was a valuable and effec ve solu on in specific situa ons. This led to the emergence of "Providers," companies facilita ng the hiring of interim managers. Unhappy with this development, Thomas, along with three business
  • 15. Drawing from his experience as a highly ranked Swiss Army officer (now inac ve), Thomas highlights the early lessons he learned about taking responsibility and striving to achieve goals. His military background, shaped by Switzerland's unique system, involved individuals fulfilling their regular jobs alongside addi onal military services mandated by law. This dual commitment ins lled in Thomas a sense of responsibility and a commitment to excellence from an early stage in his life. Language as a Bridge For Thomas, effec ve communica on in various languages is a key aspect of his work in companies. He fluently commands communica on in 4 peak languages: German and French (mother tongue), English and Italian. The ability to communicate with individuals at all levels, even those not proficient in other languages, allows him to quickly iden fy poten al issues from the sources. Addi onally, he emphasizes the importance of good behavior, no ng that conversing with people in their language is a respec ul and considerate approach. This prac ce extends to interac ng with customers in their market language, aligning with the expecta on of clear communica on in the language of the audience. Commitment to Personalized Service, Transparency and Strategic Alignment The decision to name his company "THOMAS BARGETZI" reflects a commitment to providing a personalized and direct service. By offering only his exper se, Thomas ensures a clear and unfiltered communica on style with clients. He acknowledges that this approach may not always be easy for customers, but he remains authen c, openly sharing his perspec ves on the situa on. The transparency extends to proposing solu ons, outlining poten al costs and predic ng reac ons. This straigh orward approach is aimed at providing clients with the full package of Thomas's experience, enthusiasm, and drive, ensuring a clear and effec ve collabora on. For Thomas, aligning opera onal business with strategic decisions is crucial to achieving goals. Drawing an analogy with car racing, he emphasizes the importance of organizing the opera onal aspect of the business in a way that supports the strategic objec ves. This forward- thinking approach, ins lled in him through Swiss Army educa on, involves an cipa ng future steps and bringing the opera onal side to the next level. Vast Informa on Landscape for Leaders Thomas emphasizes the challenge of naviga ng informa on in the media, given its vast reach to millions of people. Acknowledging the impossibility of controlling how individuals interpret informa on, he advises leaders to limit their informa on sources to 3 to 5 trusted outlets. Thomas suggests including different levels of news to stay connected with people from various backgrounds, including customers and employees. He further recommends that leaders be selec ve in their reading, focusing on the informa on that directly impacts their company, customers, and objec ves. This approach allows leaders to priori ze their a en on on ma ers that are most relevant to their responsibili es and goals. The Agile Fire Brigade Thomas perceives himself as a “fire brigade,” emphasizing the need for fast and effec ve solu ons in his role. His mandates typically last for rela vely short dura ons, ranging from 6 to 18 months, limi ng the scope for long- term innova ons. Instead, Thomas focuses on quickly addressing and resolving issues within the given meframe. Despite the short-term nature of his assignments, he con nues to generate numerous ideas daily to improve and enhance the companies he works with. Looking ahead, Thomas envisions con nuing his work for the next 5 to 7 years, seeking new interna onal challenges and advoca ng for interim management as a genuine alterna ve in business strategies. The transparency extends to proposing solutions, outlining potential costs and predicting reactions. “ “ Cover Story
  • 16. Qualities and Attributes Understanding the Different Approaches to Leadership eadership is an essen al aspect of organiza onal success, and the style of leadership Lthat a leader adopts can significantly impact the produc vity, crea vity, and innova on of their team. Transforma ve leadership is a style of leadership that focuses on inspiring and mo va ng followers to achieve their full poten al and exceed their expecta ons. This leadership style emphasizes crea ng a vision for the future, inspiring followers to work towards the vision, and empowering them to take ownership of their work. In this ar cle, we will explore the different approaches to transforma ve leadership and discuss their benefits and limita ons. Authen c Leadership Authen c leadership is a style of leadership that emphasizes being true to oneself and one's values. Authen c leaders are transparent and open about their values and beliefs, and they encourage their followers to do the same. Authen c leadership involves crea ng a sense of trust and openness within the team and fostering an environment where team members feel comfortable being themselves. Benefits of Authen c Leadership Authen c leadership has several benefits, including: Increased trust and credibility: Authen c leaders are honest and transparent about their values and beliefs, which can help build trust and credibility with their followers. Greater engagement and mo va on: Authen c leaders inspire their followers to be themselves and take ownership of their work, which can increase engagement and mo va on. Greater crea vity and innova on: Authen c leaders foster an environment of trust and openness, which can encourage crea vity and innova on among team members. Servant Leadership Servant leadership is a style of leadership that focuses on serving others. Servant leaders priori ze the needs of their followers and work to help them achieve their goals. Servant leadership involves being humble, empathe c, and compassionate and working to create a sense of community and purpose within the team. 14
  • 18. Benefits of Servant Leadership Servant leadership has several benefits, including: Increased trust and loyalty: Servant leaders priori ze the needs of their followers, which can help build trust and loyalty within the team. Greater collabora on and teamwork: Servant leaders work to create a sense of community and purpose within the team, which can encourage collabora on and teamwork. Greater crea vity and innova on: Servant leaders encourage their followers to take ownership of their work, which can lead to greater crea vity and innova on. The key characteris cs of servant transforma ve leadership include: Focus on serving others: The leader must priori ze the needs of their followers and be willing to serve them in whatever way necessary. Empathy: The leader must be empathe c and able to understand the needs and concerns of their followers. Collabora ve mindset: The leader must be able to work collabora vely with their team to achieve their goals. Charisma c Leadership Charisma c leadership is a style of leadership that emphasizes the personality and charisma of the leader. Charisma c leaders are seen as inspiring and mo va onal, and they have a strong vision for the future. Charisma c leadership involves crea ng a sense of excitement and enthusiasm within the team and inspiring followers to work towards a common goal. Benefits of Charisma c Leadership Charisma c leadership has several benefits, including: Increased mo va on and enthusiasm: charisma c leaders are seen as inspiring and mo va onal, which can increase mo va on and enthusiasm among followers. Greater crea vity and innova on: charisma c leaders inspire followers to think crea vely and come up with new ideas, which can lead to greater crea vity and innova on. Greater clarity of vision: charisma c leaders have a strong vision for the future, which can provide clarity and direc on for the team. The key characteris cs of charisma c transforma ve leadership include: Charisma c personality: The leader must have a charisma c personality and be able to inspire followers through their words, ac ons, and vision. Visionary thinking: The leader must be able to envision the future and communicate that vision in a way that inspires followers. Emo onal intelligence: The leader must be emo onally intelligent and able to connect with their followers on an emo onal level. In conclusion, transforma ve leadership is a style of leadership that can have a significant impact on organiza onal success, and there are various approaches to this leadership style. Charisma c transforma ve leadership is focused on inspiring and mo va ng followers through the leader's charisma and vision, while servant transforma ve leadership priori zes serving the needs of followers and empowering them to achieve their full poten al. Authen c transforma ve leadership is focused on building trust and being true to oneself, while collabora ve, transforma ve leadership emphasizes collabora on and teamwork. Each approach to transforma ve leadership has its benefits and limita ons, and the most effec ve approach will depend on the specific organiza onal context and the needs of the team. However, by understanding the key characteris cs of each approach, leaders can be er iden fy the most appropriate style of transforma ve leadership for their organiza on and team. Overall, transforma ve leadership is a powerful leadership style that can help organiza ons achieve their full poten al by inspiring and mo va ng followers to do their best work. By adop ng one of the different approaches to transforma ve leadership, leaders can create a culture of innova on, crea vity, and collabora on, which can drive long-term success and growth for the organiza on. 16
  • 19. A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way.
  • 20.
  • 21. Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.
  • 22. eadership is a cri cal component of any Lorganiza on's success. The approach and style of leadership within an organiza on can significantly influence its growth, adaptability, and overall performance. One key factor that has gained prominence in recent years is the importance of diverse leadership approaches. Diversity in leadership encompasses various dimensions, such as gender, race, ethnicity, age, and cogni ve diversity. This ar cle explores the impact of diverse leadership approaches on organiza onal growth and why fostering diversity at the top levels of an organiza on is essen al for long-term success. Enhanced Crea vity and Innova on Diverse leadership teams bring together individuals with different backgrounds, experiences, and perspec ves. This diversity in thought and approach can lead to enhanced crea vity and innova on within an organiza on. When leaders from various backgrounds collaborate, they can generate a wider range of ideas and solu ons. This not only helps in addressing challenges more effec vely but also allows for the development of innova ve products and services, giving the organiza on a compe ve edge. Be er Decision-Making A diverse leadership team is more likely to make well- rounded decisions. When leaders with diverse perspec ves are involved in the decision-making 20
  • 23. The Core Elements February 2024 21 process, they can consider a broader range of factors and poten al consequences. This leads to be er-informed and more balanced decisions, reducing the likelihood of groupthink and avoiding blind spots that can hinder organiza onal growth. Improved Employee Engagement and Sa sfac on Employees tend to be more engaged and sa sfied in organiza ons with diverse leadership. When employees see leaders who resemble them in terms of gender, ethnicity, or other characteris cs, they are more likely to feel valued and included. This sense of belonging fosters a posi ve workplace culture, leading to higher employee reten on rates and increased produc vity, which are essen al for organiza onal growth. Enhanced Adaptability Organiza ons led by diverse leadership teams are o en more adaptable in the face of change. Diverse leaders bring a variety of experiences and perspec ves that can help organiza ons navigate through different challenges and opportuni es. This adaptability is crucial in today's rapidly changing business environment, where organiza ons must con nuously evolve to stay compe ve. Broader Market Understanding Diverse leadership teams can be er understand and cater to a diverse customer base. In an increasingly globalized world, having leaders who represent various demographics can provide insights into different markets and consumer preferences. This understanding can lead to more effec ve marke ng strategies and product development, ul mately expanding the organiza on's market reach and growth poten al.
  • 24. Enhanced Reputa on and Brand Image Organiza ons that priori ze diversity in leadership are o en perceived as more socially responsible and inclusive. This posi ve reputa on can a ract top talent, investors, and customers who value diversity and inclusivity. A strong brand image built on diversity and inclusivity can contribute to sustainable growth and long-term success. Talent A rac on and Reten on Diverse leadership can help organiza ons a ract and retain top talent. When poten al employees see a diverse leadership team, they are more likely to view the organiza on as an inclusive and welcoming place to work. This can lead to a larger pool of qualified candidates to choose from and reduce turnover, saving both recruitment and training costs. Risk Mi ga on Diverse leadership teams are o en be er equipped to iden fy and mi gate risks. Different perspec ves can help uncover poten al risks that might be overlooked in a more homogenous leadership group. This risk-awareness can be crucial in preven ng costly mistakes and safeguarding the organiza on's long-term growth. Regulatory Compliance and Reputa on Management In many regions, there are regula ons and policies that encourage diversity and inclusion in leadership roles. Organiza ons that demonstrate a commitment to diversity not only comply with these regula ons but also avoid legal issues and reputa onal damage. Avoiding diversity-related controversies can help maintain a posi ve brand image, which is essen al for long-term growth. Global Expansion and Cultural Competence For organiza ons with interna onal aspira ons, diverse leadership is a significant asset. Leaders with different cultural backgrounds can provide valuable insights into global markets and help bridge cultural gaps. They can also ensure that the organiza on's expansion efforts are respec ul of local customs and prac ces, reducing the risk of missteps that could hinder growth. Long-Term Sustainability Diverse leadership can contribute to the long-term sustainability of an organiza on. By promo ng diversity and inclusion, organiza ons can create a culture of con nuous learning and improvement. This culture can help the organiza on adapt to changing market condi ons and remain relevant in the long run. Social Responsibility and Stakeholder Sa sfac on Stakeholders, including customers, investors, and partners, increasingly value diversity and social responsibility. Organiza ons with diverse leadership teams are o en seen as more socially responsible, which can lead to increased stakeholder sa sfac on and support. Sa sfied stakeholders are more likely to contribute to the organiza on's growth through investments, partnerships, and con nued patronage. Diverse leadership approaches have a profound impact on organiza onal growth. By fostering diversity at the highest levels of leadership, organiza ons can tap into the benefits of enhanced crea vity, be er decision-making, improved employee engagement, and adaptability, among others. Moreover, diverse leadership is not just about mee ng diversity quotas; it's about harnessing the power of different perspec ves and experiences to drive innova on and long-term success. Embracing diverse leadership is not only the right thing to do but also a strategic impera ve for organiza ons looking to thrive in an increasingly complex and compe ve business landscape. 22
  • 25. Don’t worry about failure; you only have to be right once.
  • 26.
  • 27. Leadership is not about titles, positions, or owcharts. It is about one life inuencing another.
  • 28. C L E A D E R S