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Moringa                                                M    y wish is that everyone will
                                                             understand the extraordi-
                                                        nary value of this plant for
                                                        humanity. Moringa contains hun-
                                                        dreds of substances—vitamins,
THE MIRACLE TREE                                        minerals, enzymes, amino acids,
                                                        essential fats, and specific phyto-
     Mark Mandela, Clinical Nutritionist                chemicals (plant-derived), each
                                                        with clear applications in healing

         here is an amazing tree that grows             and nutrition. I have tried to
                                                        remain objective and impartial,
         in Africa, India, and other almost unin-
                                                        although it is hard not to be excit-
         habitable areas of the Earth, called the
                                                        ed and fascinated by Moringa...
Moringa oleifera. To feed the people living in          You will come to understand why
these barren regions, it’s as if God picked this        they call her a miracle tree.
one tree and packed it with just about every
                                                         — Monica Marcu, Pharm. D., Ph.D., Author of “Miracle Tree”
necessary nutrient and a “pharmacy full” of
natural medicines in bio-available form. With
its 90 nutrients, 46 antioxidants, 36 anti-               The Moringa tree is working in remote areas to solve
inflammatories, and more, Moringa has proven to           hunger and malnutrition. Could it work for us here
be the most nutrient-dense and enzymatically active       too?
botanical known to man. Scientific analysis shows              The Discovery Channel was so impressed with
that Moringa contains 539 beneficial bio-chemical         the Moringa that it created a multi-million-dollar
activities. A few of these are listed below.              documentary on the tree (a first in the TV industry).1
     Moringa was recognized by the National               In fact, watching this feature is what inspired
Institutes of Health as the Botanical of the Year for     Kenneth Brailsford, pioneer herbalist and founder of
2007, and praised again this year. It is valued world-    Nature’s Sunshine®, to start Zija International™. He
wide for its ability to treat over 300 diseases. It has   wanted to bring Moringa to the world. Zija has for-
the ability to retain high concentrations of electrolyte  mulated the Moringa leaf, seed, and fruit into a liq-
minerals, allowing it to stay internally hydrated in      uid supplement that costs about $3 a day. My kids
the driest of conditions. Nations have honored it         love the Smart Drink in its convenient, 5 oz. can.
with names that translate to: “Never Die,” and “The       After doing a five-month clinical review of these two
Only Thing that Grows in the Dry Season,” “The            products with Wanda Dyson, MD, we found that the
Manna Tree” and “Mother’s Milk.” This plant has           powdered version in a single-use packet, the Smart
saved more lives in Third World countries than any        Mix, had extra medicinal value. The company con-
other and is widely used by the Peace Corps.              firms that the powdered version packs almost twice
     It’s an unfortunate fact that our own “civilized”    the amount of Moringa as does the can. You add
food supply no longer feeds us well nutritionally.        8–12 oz. of water, shake and drink it cold.
Our food is comforting, and tastes good, but as far as         Dr. Russ Bianchi, one of the world’s top food sci-
our cells are concerned, too much of what we eat is       entists, is the one who developed the Zija nutritional
over-processed, denatured and acidic, and ends up         products. After more than 140 trials on his way to
                 depleting our bodies—robbing us          perfecting this supplement, he now calls it his great-
                     rather than feeding us. We all need  est achievement. “This organic, whole-food beverage
                      to supplement our diets in the      is the most bio-available and nutritionally dense
                      most efficient and economical       formula I have ever seen—bar none! For long-term
                       means possible.
                                                                      ~ Moringa oleifera ~
                                                            •   Over 90 Nutrients • Packed with Vitamins & Minerals
                                                                • All the Amino Acids • Rich in Protein & Chlorophyll
                                                                  • Rich in Essential Fatty Acids Omegas 3, 6 & 9
                                                                     • 46 Antioxidants & 36 Anti-inflammatories
                                                                        • 539 Medicinal Biochemical Activities

24                                           www.naturallife n ew s . c o m   • Natural Life News & D i re c t o ry
juices. Also, while
                                                                                             Zija™ Moringa
                                                                    the Moringa offers       TESTIMONIALS
                                                                    all the essential
                                                                    amino acids (the         BLADDER CONTROL &
                                                                    building blocks of       MARATHON TRAINING
                                                                    protein) and more             As an active and busy mother of five
                                                                    non-essential            children, I noticed I was constantly inter-
                                                                    aminos, these fruit      rupting my sleep with frequent trips to the
                                                                    drinks offer little or   bathroom at night. Since starting Zija, I now
                                                                                             sleep soundly through the night, with no
                                                                    none. I like to say,     interruptions and I awake fully rested.
We are all familiar with the suffering and death that malnutri-     “Why settle for a        Another advantage Zija gives me is, when I
tion causes around the world.These are the countries where
                                                                    fruit salad when         train for marathons, I am not fatigued dur-
the Moringa grows—almost exactly where malnutrition is at
                                                                    you can have the         ing my runs, I need less recovery time, and
its worst—right where it is needed the most.
                                                                    main course?”            my ankles don’t ache. Zija is wonderful!
                                                                       Many foods and
   health, there is nothing on the                nutritional products have specific
   market globally that gets any-                                                            WEIGHT TRAINING
                                                  bioactive ingredients, but they’re
   where near Zija’s quality and                                                                    I am 17 years old. I really like Zija and
                                                  nowhere near the array of medici-          have enjoyed both physical and mental ben-
   overall benefit.”                              nal, chemical activities found in          efits. I like to weight train, and I have
        As a clinical nutritionist for            the Moringa. Here are just a few           noticed a good change in my physique. I
   25 years, I have studied other,                of the 539 actions that Moringa            only weigh about 115 pounds, but I can
   more expensive, high-antioxidant                                                          now Dead Lift 270 pounds, Bench 170, and
                                                  performs for the body:
   fruit blends on the market, like                                                          Squat 240.That’s more than my friends who
                                                       Antiulcer (9),Vasodilator (9),        are bigger than me. My coach says that he
   goji berries, mangosteen and açai              Hypocholesterolemic (14), Antitumor        has seen some real improvements.
   berries. These berry drinks come               (10), Cancer-preventive (19), Pesticide                       —Soloman
   from a concentrate and are pas-                (13), Antiviral (9), Hypotensive (9),
   teurized, which kills most of the              Diuretic (8), Fungicide (8), Antiseptic    MY DAUGHTER’S BIPOLAR
   enzymes and nutrients, and they                (7), Hepatoprotective (7), Anti-                 My daughter was diagnosed as bipolar
   need to be fortified with other                asthmatic (6), Antiparkinsonian (7),       many years ago. Her road in life has been
                                                     Laxative (5), Antiatherosclerotic       difficult and a great challenge for me. She
                                                     (6), Anxiolytic (6), Hypoglycemic       said that this morning, she woke up feeling
  Gram for gram,                                     (5), Antiherpetic (6),Anti-             energetic and great. She said that for a very
  the Moringa                                        histaminic (5), Antirheumatic (5),      long time her normal morning has been to
                                                     Antifatigue (5), Antimenopausal         wake up depressed with a desire to go
                                                     (4), Sedative (4), Antiprostatitic      back to sleep.
                                                     (4), Anti-depressant (8), Cardio-             What my daughter is experiencing is a
                                                                                             major breakthrough in her life. I asked her,
                                                     protective (8),Anti-osteoporotic
                                                                                             had her doctor prescribed a new drug? No,
                                                     (5)... and 345 more!                    not at all. A month ago, I gave her a box of
                                                     [See references to obtain               Zija Smart Mix to try. I kept her supplied
                                                     the full list.2 ]                       with more Zija as she used it. A week ago, I
                                                                                             recommended that she increase her intake.
                                                          MORINGA                            It was Zija that brought about the change
                                                      AROUND THE WORLD                       for my daughter—a new start in life. I con-
                                                                                             sider that miraculous. —Larry T.

                                                     M      oringa is known and
                                                            prized in 82 countries,
                                                     by 210 different names.
                                                                                             WEIGHT LOSS
                                                                                                   After taking Zija for a couple of weeks
  4x   the Calcium of Milk                           Indigenous and ancient peo-             people started telling me I looked better
  4x   the Vitamin A of Carrots                      ples, including the Roman,              and asked if I had lost weight. I decided to
                                                     Greek, Egyptian, and Indian             see if I had lost weight and to my amaze-
  2x   the Protein of Yog u rt                                                               ment, I lost 14 pounds. I have also been
  3x   the Potassium of Bananas                      (Ayurvedic), have used this
                                                                                             able to turn down the usual sweets that I
                                                     plant for thousands of years,
  7x   the Vitamin C of Oranges                                                              would eat on a regular basis.Thank you Zija
                                                     with known writings dating              International.
  3x   the Iron of Spinach
                                                     back to 150 A.D.                                           —Pablo

 July–August 2010                                                                                                                     25
COPD & ENERGY                                                                              are expensive and inefficient. The
       It is amazing that I am feeling so                                                  recovery of malnourished infants
healthy after being told I had Chronic                                                     can take months. We now have
Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD),
needing to use a nebulizer several times a
                                                                                           replaced these with Moringa, and
day, and Advair® twice a day. I now am                                                     we start seeing great improve-
almost completely off the nebulizer, and                                                   ments within 10 days.”
the Advair use is down to every other                                                           The Moringa tree is propagat-
day. If I continue to improve like this,
I think I may be off both of them soon.
                                                                                           ed from either stem cuttings or
       Also, I am able to function physically                                              seeds, and except for the bark,
around the house doing various jobs that                                                   which can be toxic, every part
need doing.Whereas before, I had a tough                                                   of the tree is edible. The tree is
time getting up the energy to do anything.                                                 pruned, not killed, for harvesting.
I still take short breaks, but that’s to be
                                                                                           It is fast becoming an important,
expected at age 73! The Moringa is
indeed a miracle tree.                                                                     organically grown, cash crop for
My personal experiences prove it!                                                          developing countries.
            —In good health, Larry B.
                                                     Moringa has the highest                    The young, tender, mustard-
                                                protein ratio of any plant identi-         favored leaves are eaten raw in
OUR DOG, CANDIE                                 fied so far. Food scientists once          salads, and cooked to make a
      The vet said she might not make
                                                believed that only soy had protein         tasty spice. The cooked leaves are
it through the night. My husband said,                                                     also placed in soups and curries.
"Why not try that Moringa stuff?" I gave        comparable to meat, dairy
                                                or eggs. Now they have added               The edible flowers taste similar to
her two oral syringes and she liked it. I
gave her two more, and she got up and           Moringa to the top of that                 radish. The fresh or dried flowers
smelled her dog food.Then she practically       very short list. Many consider             or the young leaves can be used
grabbed her treats out of my hand. I gave
                                                Moringa’s protein superior to soy,         for tea. The immature pods are
her more and more. She gained her                                                          cooked whole or the seeds are
weight back, her eyes cleared, and she          as it is more digestible and non-
                                                allergenic. For use in the body,           removed and cooked as peas.
was wagging her tail. My vet could not
believe it! But she was so cancer infested,     animal proteins need to be digest-         Mature seeds are roasted and
and we caught it so late. Still, we got an      ed into their smaller, amino-acid          eaten as nuts. Mature seeds and
extra month of quality time with her.
                                                components. Moringa contains all           pods are also pressed for their
Thanks from the bottom of my heart!                                                        rich oil. The roots can be ground
                 —Diane P.
                                                20 known required amino
                                                acids, including all 8 of the
SWEETS CRAVING &                                essential aminos found in
MUSCLE SORENESS                                 meat. Moringa is one of the
                                                few plants that contains all
      At a recent Christmas party, the row
of desserts at the party didn’t look inter-     8. (Meat is a luxury most
esting to me.That was very unusual. It          people around the world
took me several minutes before I made           cannot afford.) The Omega
the connection to three days of taking          3 and 6 essential fatty acids,
Zija. Since then, my craving for sweets has
                                                also hard to come by and
remained very low to nonexistent.
Frankly, I’m eating less and eating better      deficient in most people,
just because my appetite has changed so         are abundant in the
significantly.                                  Moringa.
      Next, after a heavy snowfall led to            Amadou Ba, director of
two hours of snow shoveling for myself
and my neighbors, I realized I had no
                                                a Senegalese African village
soreness. In fact, I still can’t believe it,    health post, concurs, “We
but I sure do enjoy it!                         were all trained in the
      In a little over five weeks, I’ve had     Western solutions for treat-
many great improvements in my well-             ing malnutrition with
being and physical condition, and that sure
                                                whole-milk powder, sugar,
has improved my attitude, too. It’s been
amazing!                                        vegetable oil, and peanut
                —David F., Ph.D.                butter. But these ingredients

26                                                   www.naturallife n ew s . c o m   • Natural Life News & D i re c t o ry
and used as horseradish. Moringa      renewable, sustainable, and            BLOOD PRESSURE & SLEEP
has no known impurities, and no       biodegradable material for treat-           Zija has helped me normalize my
adverse reactions have ever been      ing global water supplies.             blood pressure. And I am sleeping much
recorded.                                 L. Fuglie, director of the         better since I started drinking Zija.
     The Moringa oil has more         Church World Service in West                               —Lou
impressive                                               Africa, found
                                                                             ANTI-AGING & IMMUNITY
attributes than                                          that powdered
                                                                                   I’ve received so many compliments
olive oil. It is                                         Moringa leaves      from even the first week I started drinking
used in cooking                                          were more read-     Zija. My clients and coworkers were telling
and to moistur-                                          ily embraced by     me my skin was looking younger and my
ize the skin.                                            rural villagers     hair looks healthier.The sides of my hair
                                                                             that were graying have turned back to my
Because it won’t                                         than other
                                                                             original dark color. It’s due to Zija and
spoil or turn                                            dietary aids or     nothing else.
rancid, it is                                            pharmaceuti-              People tell me I always seem to be in
used as a pre-                                           cals, and decid-    an “up mood” and have great energy. Zija
servative, and                                           ed to put it to     has protected me from catching colds and
as a machine                                             the test. After a   flu even when others around me were
                                                                             sick. I’m impressed with the anti-aging
lubricant even                                           two-year pilot
                                                                             and immune strengthening benefits. I am
for fine watch-                                          project in the      proof that the product works. —Ken
es. What’s left                                          villages of
after the oil has                                        Senegal, his
been extracted                                           organization        ENDORSEMENT by
from the seeds                                           recently con-        WANDA DYSON, M.D.
is called seed                                           vinced the gov-       n addition to its high nutritional value,
cake, used                                               ernment to pro-     I Moringa boasts an impressive list of
                                                                             traditional medicinal uses by various
worldwide as                                             mote Moringa
                                                                             cultures around the world. Moringa has
feed to increase milk production      as part of the national diet.
                                                                             fought child death and disease due to mal-
in cows.                                  The lack of Vitamin A due          nutrition in Africa. Moringa, a near perfect
     Lack of drinkable water is one   to malnutrition causes 70%             food, has a niche in staving off the current
of the world’s most serious           of all childhood blindness.            food crisis threatening more than 100
                                                                             million people worldwide.
threats. Roughly 1.2 billion peo-     That translates to 500,000
ple in developing countries sim-      children going blind around the              The launch of the Zija product is cur-
                                                                             rently in its infancy. An amazing business
ply do not have access to clean,      world every year. The Bethesda,        opportunity is available. Over the past few
safe water, leaving them with lit-    Maryland-based International Eye       weeks, due to an overwhelming demand for
tle choice but to drink and wash      Foundation is now using                the product, I have not been able to keep
with contaminated water. This         Moringa, with its high content         it on my shelves. Zija is destined to assume
accounts for 80% of the world’s       of beta-carotene, converting to        its rightful place as a giant in the North
                                                                             American and global marketplaces.
diseases! An estimated 25,000         Vitamin A in the body, to combat
                                                                                   A tree brought from the mind of God
people die from water-borne dis-      childhood blindness.                   to the hands of man. I have personally
eases every day. Yet, a dash of           Doctors are using Moringa to       received many benefits from its use.This
Moringa can make dirty water          treat diabetes in West Africa and      is a product I believe in and endorse whole-
drinkable. When Moringa seeds         high blood pressure in India. It       heartedly without reservation. Enjoy Zija!
are crushed and added to dirty,       can staunch a skin infection, feed
bacteria-laden water, they absorb     livestock, and enrich the soil,        NATIONAL INSTITUTES
the impurities. (This action is       increasing the nutritional value        of HEALTH (NIH):
replicated within our bodies as       and growth of other crops.                   The March 2008 issue of the NIH
the seed cake binds to toxins in      Dozens of humanitarian organiza-       Record praises Moringa oleifera and states
the organs and intestines.)           tions, including the Church            that, “perhaps like no other single
Professor S. A. Muyibi, of the        World Service, the Educational         species, this plant has the potential
International Islamic University      Concerns for Hunger Organiza-          to help reverse multiple major envi-
of Malaysia, believes that Moringa    tions, Trees for Life, and the         ronmental problems and provide
seeds could potentially provide a                                            for many unmet human needs.”
                                      National Science Foundation,

July–August 2010                                                                                                   27
CONSTIPATION, ETC.                                                                               Zija International™ is the world’s
       My wife, Jennifer, and I were married in                                                  largest sustainable grower of
October of 2001. From our early marriage,                                                        organic Moringa. It owns millions
my wife knew that something was wrong                                                            of locally maintained acres in
with my health.There were some days that                                                         India, where climate is optimal for
I was so tired, I would fall asleep in my car                                                    the most nutritionally potent crop.
with it still running when I pulled into my
driveway after work. Many days, all I
seemed to have was the energy to work                                                              8.Triggers the metabolism
and then sleep.                                                                                       (for fat burning and energy
       Fast-forwarding now to May of 2008,                                                            production)
I am at 5’ 9” and weighing only 125 pounds.                                                        9. Supports the immune system
(my low point had been 118 pounds.). I was
                                                                                                      (through detoxification)
now facing many unpleasant realities in my
life. Some nights I would sleep as few as                                                         10. Nourishes the eyes and
two hours or as many as twelve, and I                                                                  brain (Vitamin A, serotonin)
would still wake up exhausted. I would then                                                       11. Supports normal blood glu-
do office work for several hours and be                                                                cose (GTF) for hypoglycemia
totally exhausted and have to lie down.           now produce and/or promote                           and diabetes, with plant hor-
       Some of the health issues other than       the use of Moringa in poverty-                       mones and fatty acids that
this chronic fatigue and insomnia I was
                                                  stricken areas. The World Health                     reactivate pancreatic insulin
facing included: constipation, painful joints,
blurry vision, irritable bowel syndrome,          Organization (WHO) estimates               12. Promotes natural serum choles-
and memory loss (where I was not even             that 80% of the world’s popula-                terol (for heart and artery
completing thoughts when speaking). I had         tion relies on traditional medi-               health)
absolutely no sense of well-being! I also had     cine (i.e., plants rather than             13. Promotes normal liver and
the urge to use the rest room as many as
                                                  drugs) for their primary health-               kidney function
40 times a day.
       I couldn’t find the help I needed from     care needs.3                               14. Normalizes blood pressure
my local doctor, so we decided to go to the                                                      (with nutrient hydrators and
Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. In June of            WHAT TO EXPECT                               vasodilators) and contains anti-
2008, we were at the Mayo clinic for many            from Drinking Zija’s                        histamine and anti-spasmodic
days. After having them run many tests, from              Moringa                                activities for better respiratory
blood work and seeing the urologist, and                                                         function
spending nearly $4,000 out of my pocket,          1. Over 90 vitamins, minerals, amino
                                                     acids and phytochemicals                15. Improves concentration, clarity
we were at the end of being able to afford
any more tests, with no solutions in sight.
                                                                                                 of thought (nourishes the neuro-
                                                  2. 46 antioxidants, and 36 anti-
                                                                                                 transmitters used to relay, ampli-
       Many people were praying for my               inflammatories, high chlorophyll,
health, and in August of 2008, my brother
                                                                                                 fy, and modulate brain signals)
                                                     and hundreds of other medicinal
Jake introduced me to Zija.The very first            activities.                             16. Promotes deeper REM sleep
night I took Zija, I started seeing immediate                                                    (perfect blend or serotonin
results. I slept like a baby for the first time
                                                  3. Healthier blood circulation (rich
                                                                                                 precursors), with improvement
in over 10 months! It’s now one month                in Omega 3, 6 & 9 fatty acids)
                                                                                                 of sleep apnea (breathing inter-
later, and my weight has gone from 125 to         4. Better overall cellular hydration           ruption during sleep)
141 pounds, without eating any more than             (perfect electrolyte balance of
I did previously. My energy is great and most                                                17. Increased nutrient uptake (due
                                                     potassium, magnesium and calci-
days, I can go without taking a nap. I can                                                       to increased hydration, high
                                                     um) and improved cell structure
now go to bed at 12 midnight and wake up                                                         enzyme activity, and balance of
at 7:00 am feeling refreshed. I’m forgetting      5. Better digestion (high enzyme               amino acids and nutrient ratios)
far fewer things than I had prior to drinking        activity, high mucous cleansing, less
                                                                                             18. Produces far lower lactic acid
Zija.The overactive bladder is healing, and I        burping, bloating and acid reflux)
                                                                                                 levels than eating animal protein
only need to use the rest room several               and elimination (promotes intes-
                                                                                                 (urea cycle support with argi-
times a day instead of 40! The constipation          tinal flora)
and achy joints are gone.                                                                        nine, ornithine, citrulline)
                                                  6. Enhances skin health (fatty acids
       Now for the first time in seven years,                                                19. Stronger phase II liver detoxifica-
                                                     and sulfur amino acids), and
I feel relaxed, without tension, and I have a                                                    tion nutrients (sulfur amino acids
                                                     reduces the appearance of fine
wonderful since of well-being! I am forever                                                      and chlorophyll)
                                                     lines and wrinkles (increased
indebted to you, Mark, and to my brother                                                     20.Active in reduction of harmful
for changing my life with Zija!                      hydration to skin cells)
                                                                                                 bacteria and micro-organisms
                     —Jeremy                       7. Provides a sense of well-being
                                                                                                 (parasites, yeast, fungus, etc.)
                                                      (from complete nutrition)

28                                                    www.naturallife n ew s . c o m   • Natural Life News & D i re c t o ry
CONCLUSION                              The World Watch Institute               2. See contact info for Dr. Duke’s
                                                   reports that the number of                     Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical

  M       oringa may be the “new kid
          on the block,” where mod-
   ern science is concerned, but its
                                                   people who are “overfed but
                                                   undernourished” is at 1.2 billion,
                                                                                                  Database with list of 539 medicinal, bio-
                                                                                                  chemical activities of Moringa oleifera.
                                                                                               3. See contact info to receive a free PDF
   healing presence in the world is                now equaling those starving from               presentation outlining the far-reaching
   ancient and ongoing. It will con-               lack of food. The Moringa tree                 global nutritional and medicinal impact
   tinue to help starving and sick                 could provide real solutions to the            of Moringa.
   people whose lives are more des-                ever rising “epidemics” of dia-             4. Other informative Moringa web sites:
                                                   betes, obesity, and the other        
   perate than ours... But what about                                                             our-initiatives/moringa
   us here in the “developed” coun-                degenerative diseases caused by
   tries, nutritionally “starving” due             nutritional deficiencies. In the               moringahome.html
   to our devalued and highly                      years ahead, we will be hearing a    
   processed food supply?                          lot more about this miracle-tree               studentprojects/moringa.htm
                                                      The testimonials you see here
                      Smart Drink                  were sent in to me. In my clinical
                Ready to drink refreshing
                nourishment in a 5.5 oz. can       practice, I use the Zija products
                with food-grade plastic lining.    as the main source for my clients’                To learn more & to order:
                                                   nutritional rebalancing. Please                 w w w. M y Z i j a . c o m / d e n i s
                                  Smart Mix        join us at our weekly nationwide
                          15 grams of Moringa                                                    ~ Zija Independent Distributor ~
                        powder. Delicious. Just    conference calls, and bring your
                 add to water, shake and drink.    own questions: on Thursdays at                        Denis Ouellette
                                                   6:30 pm MT. Call (512) 597-6200                      Call 406-333-4103
           Zija XM3 Drink
                                                   and enter pin 9671111#.                    
     • Appetite Control &
       Weight Maintenance                          REFERENCES:
     • Natural Energy & Sports                                                                      FOR MORE ON THE
       Performance Enhancer                        1. For a 16-minute excerpt from the
                                                      one-hour Discovery Channel feature on      MORINGA “MIRACLE TREE”
     • Moringa Nutrition with
       Green Tea, Ginseng & more                      Moringa, go to       Read all parts of this article series (FREE
                                                      zijatv_moringa.html.                      PDF downloads) at

              Zija XM3 Caps
                • Weight Management System
                • Powerful, Safe, All-Natural
                • Boosts Energy & Burns Fat        Weight Management
                • Easy, Fun & Effective!
              • 3- Part System along with
     Zija’s Nutritionals & Miracle Detox Tea
                                                    As Easy As 1, 2, 3!
                   Zija Miracle Tea               1) A combination of natural ingredi-
                                                     ents in XM3 Caps activates the
                   • Cleansing & Detoxing
                     Herbal Formula
                                                     neuropeptide cholecystokinin
                      • Essential Factor in the      (CCK) that sends a signal to the                      Lee Williams • Jackson, GA
                        Weight Management            brain of satiety (the feeling of                   NOW 92 Pounds GONE!
                        System                       fullness). The formula also causes
                       • Cleanses Blood, Liver,      the release of digestive enzymes,           ketosis; that is, when the body is
                         Kidneys, Intestines
                         & Colon—It Works!           and safely increases the metabo-            deprived of calories it will burn fat
                                                     lism (thermogenesis).                       for energy.
                  Zija Genm                       2) The XM3 Caps are in a Moringa            3) As fat is broken down, the toxins
N E X T G E N E R AT I O N S K I N C A R E           blend but taking a full daily               stored in the fat are released for
• Cutting-Edge, All-Natural                          portion of Moringa in Zija’s                processing and removal. Drinking
  Organic & Pure!                                    Smart Drink or Smart Mix,                   extra water and using Zija’s Miracle
• Moringa Feeds the Skin                             along with the caps, will provide           Tea will assist with cleansing and
• 7 TREATMENTS: Cleanser,                            the 90+ nutrients from Moringa—             detoxification.
  Moisturizer, Moringa Mist,
  Eye Serum, Masque,                                 but without the calories. (There             These statements have not been evaluated by
  Anti-Aging Night Repair,                           are only 19 calories in one serving          the FDA.These products are not intended to
  & Medicinal Moringa Oil                            of Zija.) This safely activates              diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

   July–August 2010                                                                                                                           29

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Moringa 'the Miracle tree' part1

  • 1. Moringa M y wish is that everyone will understand the extraordi- nary value of this plant for humanity. Moringa contains hun- dreds of substances—vitamins, THE MIRACLE TREE minerals, enzymes, amino acids, essential fats, and specific phyto- Mark Mandela, Clinical Nutritionist chemicals (plant-derived), each with clear applications in healing T here is an amazing tree that grows and nutrition. I have tried to remain objective and impartial, in Africa, India, and other almost unin- although it is hard not to be excit- habitable areas of the Earth, called the ed and fascinated by Moringa... Moringa oleifera. To feed the people living in You will come to understand why these barren regions, it’s as if God picked this they call her a miracle tree. one tree and packed it with just about every — Monica Marcu, Pharm. D., Ph.D., Author of “Miracle Tree” necessary nutrient and a “pharmacy full” of natural medicines in bio-available form. With its 90 nutrients, 46 antioxidants, 36 anti- The Moringa tree is working in remote areas to solve inflammatories, and more, Moringa has proven to hunger and malnutrition. Could it work for us here be the most nutrient-dense and enzymatically active too? botanical known to man. Scientific analysis shows The Discovery Channel was so impressed with that Moringa contains 539 beneficial bio-chemical the Moringa that it created a multi-million-dollar activities. A few of these are listed below. documentary on the tree (a first in the TV industry).1 Moringa was recognized by the National In fact, watching this feature is what inspired Institutes of Health as the Botanical of the Year for Kenneth Brailsford, pioneer herbalist and founder of 2007, and praised again this year. It is valued world- Nature’s Sunshine®, to start Zija International™. He wide for its ability to treat over 300 diseases. It has wanted to bring Moringa to the world. Zija has for- the ability to retain high concentrations of electrolyte mulated the Moringa leaf, seed, and fruit into a liq- minerals, allowing it to stay internally hydrated in uid supplement that costs about $3 a day. My kids the driest of conditions. Nations have honored it love the Smart Drink in its convenient, 5 oz. can. with names that translate to: “Never Die,” and “The After doing a five-month clinical review of these two Only Thing that Grows in the Dry Season,” “The products with Wanda Dyson, MD, we found that the Manna Tree” and “Mother’s Milk.” This plant has powdered version in a single-use packet, the Smart saved more lives in Third World countries than any Mix, had extra medicinal value. The company con- other and is widely used by the Peace Corps. firms that the powdered version packs almost twice It’s an unfortunate fact that our own “civilized” the amount of Moringa as does the can. You add food supply no longer feeds us well nutritionally. 8–12 oz. of water, shake and drink it cold. Our food is comforting, and tastes good, but as far as Dr. Russ Bianchi, one of the world’s top food sci- our cells are concerned, too much of what we eat is entists, is the one who developed the Zija nutritional over-processed, denatured and acidic, and ends up products. After more than 140 trials on his way to depleting our bodies—robbing us perfecting this supplement, he now calls it his great- rather than feeding us. We all need est achievement. “This organic, whole-food beverage to supplement our diets in the is the most bio-available and nutritionally dense most efficient and economical formula I have ever seen—bar none! For long-term means possible. ~ Moringa oleifera ~ • Over 90 Nutrients • Packed with Vitamins & Minerals • All the Amino Acids • Rich in Protein & Chlorophyll • Rich in Essential Fatty Acids Omegas 3, 6 & 9 • 46 Antioxidants & 36 Anti-inflammatories • 539 Medicinal Biochemical Activities 24 www.naturallife n ew s . c o m • Natural Life News & D i re c t o ry
  • 2. juices. Also, while Zija™ Moringa the Moringa offers TESTIMONIALS all the essential amino acids (the BLADDER CONTROL & building blocks of MARATHON TRAINING protein) and more As an active and busy mother of five non-essential children, I noticed I was constantly inter- aminos, these fruit rupting my sleep with frequent trips to the drinks offer little or bathroom at night. Since starting Zija, I now sleep soundly through the night, with no none. I like to say, interruptions and I awake fully rested. We are all familiar with the suffering and death that malnutri- “Why settle for a Another advantage Zija gives me is, when I tion causes around the world.These are the countries where fruit salad when train for marathons, I am not fatigued dur- the Moringa grows—almost exactly where malnutrition is at you can have the ing my runs, I need less recovery time, and its worst—right where it is needed the most. main course?” my ankles don’t ache. Zija is wonderful! —Sheri Many foods and health, there is nothing on the nutritional products have specific market globally that gets any- WEIGHT TRAINING bioactive ingredients, but they’re where near Zija’s quality and I am 17 years old. I really like Zija and nowhere near the array of medici- have enjoyed both physical and mental ben- overall benefit.” nal, chemical activities found in efits. I like to weight train, and I have As a clinical nutritionist for the Moringa. Here are just a few noticed a good change in my physique. I 25 years, I have studied other, of the 539 actions that Moringa only weigh about 115 pounds, but I can more expensive, high-antioxidant now Dead Lift 270 pounds, Bench 170, and performs for the body: fruit blends on the market, like Squat 240.That’s more than my friends who Antiulcer (9),Vasodilator (9), are bigger than me. My coach says that he goji berries, mangosteen and açai Hypocholesterolemic (14), Antitumor has seen some real improvements. berries. These berry drinks come (10), Cancer-preventive (19), Pesticide —Soloman from a concentrate and are pas- (13), Antiviral (9), Hypotensive (9), teurized, which kills most of the Diuretic (8), Fungicide (8), Antiseptic MY DAUGHTER’S BIPOLAR enzymes and nutrients, and they (7), Hepatoprotective (7), Anti- My daughter was diagnosed as bipolar need to be fortified with other asthmatic (6), Antiparkinsonian (7), many years ago. Her road in life has been Laxative (5), Antiatherosclerotic difficult and a great challenge for me. She (6), Anxiolytic (6), Hypoglycemic said that this morning, she woke up feeling Gram for gram, (5), Antiherpetic (6),Anti- energetic and great. She said that for a very the Moringa histaminic (5), Antirheumatic (5), long time her normal morning has been to Antifatigue (5), Antimenopausal wake up depressed with a desire to go delivers: (4), Sedative (4), Antiprostatitic back to sleep. (4), Anti-depressant (8), Cardio- What my daughter is experiencing is a major breakthrough in her life. I asked her, protective (8),Anti-osteoporotic had her doctor prescribed a new drug? No, (5)... and 345 more! not at all. A month ago, I gave her a box of [See references to obtain Zija Smart Mix to try. I kept her supplied the full list.2 ] with more Zija as she used it. A week ago, I recommended that she increase her intake. MORINGA It was Zija that brought about the change AROUND THE WORLD for my daughter—a new start in life. I con- sider that miraculous. —Larry T. M oringa is known and prized in 82 countries, by 210 different names. WEIGHT LOSS After taking Zija for a couple of weeks 4x the Calcium of Milk Indigenous and ancient peo- people started telling me I looked better 4x the Vitamin A of Carrots ples, including the Roman, and asked if I had lost weight. I decided to Greek, Egyptian, and Indian see if I had lost weight and to my amaze- 2x the Protein of Yog u rt ment, I lost 14 pounds. I have also been 3x the Potassium of Bananas (Ayurvedic), have used this able to turn down the usual sweets that I plant for thousands of years, 7x the Vitamin C of Oranges would eat on a regular basis.Thank you Zija with known writings dating International. 3x the Iron of Spinach back to 150 A.D. —Pablo July–August 2010 25
  • 3. COPD & ENERGY are expensive and inefficient. The It is amazing that I am feeling so recovery of malnourished infants healthy after being told I had Chronic can take months. We now have Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), needing to use a nebulizer several times a replaced these with Moringa, and day, and Advair® twice a day. I now am we start seeing great improve- almost completely off the nebulizer, and ments within 10 days.” the Advair use is down to every other The Moringa tree is propagat- day. If I continue to improve like this, I think I may be off both of them soon. ed from either stem cuttings or Also, I am able to function physically seeds, and except for the bark, around the house doing various jobs that which can be toxic, every part need doing.Whereas before, I had a tough of the tree is edible. The tree is time getting up the energy to do anything. pruned, not killed, for harvesting. I still take short breaks, but that’s to be It is fast becoming an important, expected at age 73! The Moringa is indeed a miracle tree. organically grown, cash crop for My personal experiences prove it! developing countries. —In good health, Larry B. Moringa has the highest The young, tender, mustard- protein ratio of any plant identi- favored leaves are eaten raw in OUR DOG, CANDIE fied so far. Food scientists once salads, and cooked to make a The vet said she might not make believed that only soy had protein tasty spice. The cooked leaves are it through the night. My husband said, also placed in soups and curries. "Why not try that Moringa stuff?" I gave comparable to meat, dairy or eggs. Now they have added The edible flowers taste similar to her two oral syringes and she liked it. I gave her two more, and she got up and Moringa to the top of that radish. The fresh or dried flowers smelled her dog food.Then she practically very short list. Many consider or the young leaves can be used grabbed her treats out of my hand. I gave Moringa’s protein superior to soy, for tea. The immature pods are her more and more. She gained her cooked whole or the seeds are weight back, her eyes cleared, and she as it is more digestible and non- allergenic. For use in the body, removed and cooked as peas. was wagging her tail. My vet could not believe it! But she was so cancer infested, animal proteins need to be digest- Mature seeds are roasted and and we caught it so late. Still, we got an ed into their smaller, amino-acid eaten as nuts. Mature seeds and extra month of quality time with her. components. Moringa contains all pods are also pressed for their Thanks from the bottom of my heart! rich oil. The roots can be ground —Diane P. 20 known required amino acids, including all 8 of the SWEETS CRAVING & essential aminos found in MUSCLE SORENESS meat. Moringa is one of the few plants that contains all At a recent Christmas party, the row of desserts at the party didn’t look inter- 8. (Meat is a luxury most esting to me.That was very unusual. It people around the world took me several minutes before I made cannot afford.) The Omega the connection to three days of taking 3 and 6 essential fatty acids, Zija. Since then, my craving for sweets has also hard to come by and remained very low to nonexistent. Frankly, I’m eating less and eating better deficient in most people, just because my appetite has changed so are abundant in the significantly. Moringa. Next, after a heavy snowfall led to Amadou Ba, director of two hours of snow shoveling for myself and my neighbors, I realized I had no a Senegalese African village soreness. In fact, I still can’t believe it, health post, concurs, “We but I sure do enjoy it! were all trained in the In a little over five weeks, I’ve had Western solutions for treat- many great improvements in my well- ing malnutrition with being and physical condition, and that sure whole-milk powder, sugar, has improved my attitude, too. It’s been amazing! vegetable oil, and peanut —David F., Ph.D. butter. But these ingredients 26 www.naturallife n ew s . c o m • Natural Life News & D i re c t o ry
  • 4. and used as horseradish. Moringa renewable, sustainable, and BLOOD PRESSURE & SLEEP has no known impurities, and no biodegradable material for treat- Zija has helped me normalize my adverse reactions have ever been ing global water supplies. blood pressure. And I am sleeping much recorded. L. Fuglie, director of the better since I started drinking Zija. The Moringa oil has more Church World Service in West —Lou impressive Africa, found ANTI-AGING & IMMUNITY attributes than that powdered I’ve received so many compliments olive oil. It is Moringa leaves from even the first week I started drinking used in cooking were more read- Zija. My clients and coworkers were telling and to moistur- ily embraced by me my skin was looking younger and my ize the skin. rural villagers hair looks healthier.The sides of my hair that were graying have turned back to my Because it won’t than other original dark color. It’s due to Zija and spoil or turn dietary aids or nothing else. rancid, it is pharmaceuti- People tell me I always seem to be in used as a pre- cals, and decid- an “up mood” and have great energy. Zija servative, and ed to put it to has protected me from catching colds and as a machine the test. After a flu even when others around me were sick. I’m impressed with the anti-aging lubricant even two-year pilot and immune strengthening benefits. I am for fine watch- project in the proof that the product works. —Ken es. What’s left villages of after the oil has Senegal, his been extracted organization ENDORSEMENT by from the seeds recently con- WANDA DYSON, M.D. is called seed vinced the gov- n addition to its high nutritional value, cake, used ernment to pro- I Moringa boasts an impressive list of traditional medicinal uses by various worldwide as mote Moringa cultures around the world. Moringa has feed to increase milk production as part of the national diet. fought child death and disease due to mal- in cows. The lack of Vitamin A due nutrition in Africa. Moringa, a near perfect Lack of drinkable water is one to malnutrition causes 70% food, has a niche in staving off the current of the world’s most serious of all childhood blindness. food crisis threatening more than 100 million people worldwide. threats. Roughly 1.2 billion peo- That translates to 500,000 ple in developing countries sim- children going blind around the The launch of the Zija product is cur- rently in its infancy. An amazing business ply do not have access to clean, world every year. The Bethesda, opportunity is available. Over the past few safe water, leaving them with lit- Maryland-based International Eye weeks, due to an overwhelming demand for tle choice but to drink and wash Foundation is now using the product, I have not been able to keep with contaminated water. This Moringa, with its high content it on my shelves. Zija is destined to assume accounts for 80% of the world’s of beta-carotene, converting to its rightful place as a giant in the North American and global marketplaces. diseases! An estimated 25,000 Vitamin A in the body, to combat A tree brought from the mind of God people die from water-borne dis- childhood blindness. to the hands of man. I have personally eases every day. Yet, a dash of Doctors are using Moringa to received many benefits from its use.This Moringa can make dirty water treat diabetes in West Africa and is a product I believe in and endorse whole- drinkable. When Moringa seeds high blood pressure in India. It heartedly without reservation. Enjoy Zija! are crushed and added to dirty, can staunch a skin infection, feed bacteria-laden water, they absorb livestock, and enrich the soil, NATIONAL INSTITUTES the impurities. (This action is increasing the nutritional value of HEALTH (NIH): replicated within our bodies as and growth of other crops. The March 2008 issue of the NIH the seed cake binds to toxins in Dozens of humanitarian organiza- Record praises Moringa oleifera and states the organs and intestines.) tions, including the Church that, “perhaps like no other single Professor S. A. Muyibi, of the World Service, the Educational species, this plant has the potential International Islamic University Concerns for Hunger Organiza- to help reverse multiple major envi- of Malaysia, believes that Moringa tions, Trees for Life, and the ronmental problems and provide seeds could potentially provide a for many unmet human needs.” National Science Foundation, July–August 2010 27
  • 5. CHRONIC FATIGUE, CONSTIPATION, ETC. Zija International™ is the world’s My wife, Jennifer, and I were married in largest sustainable grower of October of 2001. From our early marriage, organic Moringa. It owns millions my wife knew that something was wrong of locally maintained acres in with my health.There were some days that India, where climate is optimal for I was so tired, I would fall asleep in my car the most nutritionally potent crop. with it still running when I pulled into my driveway after work. Many days, all I seemed to have was the energy to work 8.Triggers the metabolism and then sleep. (for fat burning and energy Fast-forwarding now to May of 2008, production) I am at 5’ 9” and weighing only 125 pounds. 9. Supports the immune system (my low point had been 118 pounds.). I was (through detoxification) now facing many unpleasant realities in my life. Some nights I would sleep as few as 10. Nourishes the eyes and two hours or as many as twelve, and I brain (Vitamin A, serotonin) would still wake up exhausted. I would then 11. Supports normal blood glu- do office work for several hours and be cose (GTF) for hypoglycemia totally exhausted and have to lie down. now produce and/or promote and diabetes, with plant hor- Some of the health issues other than the use of Moringa in poverty- mones and fatty acids that this chronic fatigue and insomnia I was stricken areas. The World Health reactivate pancreatic insulin facing included: constipation, painful joints, blurry vision, irritable bowel syndrome, Organization (WHO) estimates 12. Promotes natural serum choles- and memory loss (where I was not even that 80% of the world’s popula- terol (for heart and artery completing thoughts when speaking). I had tion relies on traditional medi- health) absolutely no sense of well-being! I also had cine (i.e., plants rather than 13. Promotes normal liver and the urge to use the rest room as many as drugs) for their primary health- kidney function 40 times a day. I couldn’t find the help I needed from care needs.3 14. Normalizes blood pressure my local doctor, so we decided to go to the (with nutrient hydrators and Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. In June of WHAT TO EXPECT vasodilators) and contains anti- 2008, we were at the Mayo clinic for many from Drinking Zija’s histamine and anti-spasmodic days. After having them run many tests, from Moringa activities for better respiratory blood work and seeing the urologist, and function spending nearly $4,000 out of my pocket, 1. Over 90 vitamins, minerals, amino acids and phytochemicals 15. Improves concentration, clarity we were at the end of being able to afford any more tests, with no solutions in sight. of thought (nourishes the neuro- 2. 46 antioxidants, and 36 anti- transmitters used to relay, ampli- Many people were praying for my inflammatories, high chlorophyll, health, and in August of 2008, my brother fy, and modulate brain signals) and hundreds of other medicinal Jake introduced me to Zija.The very first activities. 16. Promotes deeper REM sleep night I took Zija, I started seeing immediate (perfect blend or serotonin results. I slept like a baby for the first time 3. Healthier blood circulation (rich precursors), with improvement in over 10 months! It’s now one month in Omega 3, 6 & 9 fatty acids) of sleep apnea (breathing inter- later, and my weight has gone from 125 to 4. Better overall cellular hydration ruption during sleep) 141 pounds, without eating any more than (perfect electrolyte balance of I did previously. My energy is great and most 17. Increased nutrient uptake (due potassium, magnesium and calci- days, I can go without taking a nap. I can to increased hydration, high um) and improved cell structure now go to bed at 12 midnight and wake up enzyme activity, and balance of at 7:00 am feeling refreshed. I’m forgetting 5. Better digestion (high enzyme amino acids and nutrient ratios) far fewer things than I had prior to drinking activity, high mucous cleansing, less 18. Produces far lower lactic acid Zija.The overactive bladder is healing, and I burping, bloating and acid reflux) levels than eating animal protein only need to use the rest room several and elimination (promotes intes- (urea cycle support with argi- times a day instead of 40! The constipation tinal flora) and achy joints are gone. nine, ornithine, citrulline) 6. Enhances skin health (fatty acids Now for the first time in seven years, 19. Stronger phase II liver detoxifica- and sulfur amino acids), and I feel relaxed, without tension, and I have a tion nutrients (sulfur amino acids reduces the appearance of fine wonderful since of well-being! I am forever and chlorophyll) lines and wrinkles (increased indebted to you, Mark, and to my brother 20.Active in reduction of harmful for changing my life with Zija! hydration to skin cells) bacteria and micro-organisms —Jeremy 7. Provides a sense of well-being (parasites, yeast, fungus, etc.) (from complete nutrition) 28 www.naturallife n ew s . c o m • Natural Life News & D i re c t o ry
  • 6. CONCLUSION The World Watch Institute 2. See contact info for Dr. Duke’s reports that the number of Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical M oringa may be the “new kid on the block,” where mod- ern science is concerned, but its people who are “overfed but undernourished” is at 1.2 billion, Database with list of 539 medicinal, bio- chemical activities of Moringa oleifera. 3. See contact info to receive a free PDF healing presence in the world is now equaling those starving from presentation outlining the far-reaching ancient and ongoing. It will con- lack of food. The Moringa tree global nutritional and medicinal impact tinue to help starving and sick could provide real solutions to the of Moringa. people whose lives are more des- ever rising “epidemics” of dia- 4. Other informative Moringa web sites: betes, obesity, and the other perate than ours... But what about our-initiatives/moringa us here in the “developed” coun- degenerative diseases caused by tries, nutritionally “starving” due nutritional deficiencies. In the moringahome.html to our devalued and highly years ahead, we will be hearing a processed food supply? lot more about this miracle-tree studentprojects/moringa.htm superfood.4 proceedings1996/v3-002.html#Moringa The The testimonials you see here Smart Drink were sent in to me. In my clinical Ready to drink refreshing nourishment in a 5.5 oz. can practice, I use the Zija products with food-grade plastic lining. as the main source for my clients’ To learn more & to order: The nutritional rebalancing. Please w w w. M y Z i j a . c o m / d e n i s Smart Mix join us at our weekly nationwide 15 grams of Moringa ~ Zija Independent Distributor ~ powder. Delicious. Just conference calls, and bring your add to water, shake and drink. own questions: on Thursdays at Denis Ouellette 6:30 pm MT. Call (512) 597-6200 Call 406-333-4103 Zija XM3 Drink and enter pin 9671111#.  • Appetite Control & Weight Maintenance REFERENCES: • Natural Energy & Sports FOR MORE ON THE Performance Enhancer 1. For a 16-minute excerpt from the one-hour Discovery Channel feature on MORINGA “MIRACLE TREE” • Moringa Nutrition with Green Tea, Ginseng & more Moringa, go to Read all parts of this article series (FREE zijatv_moringa.html. PDF downloads) at Zija XM3 Caps • Weight Management System • Powerful, Safe, All-Natural • Boosts Energy & Burns Fat Weight Management • Easy, Fun & Effective! • 3- Part System along with Zija’s Nutritionals & Miracle Detox Tea As Easy As 1, 2, 3! Zija Miracle Tea 1) A combination of natural ingredi- ents in XM3 Caps activates the • Cleansing & Detoxing Herbal Formula neuropeptide cholecystokinin • Essential Factor in the (CCK) that sends a signal to the Lee Williams • Jackson, GA Weight Management brain of satiety (the feeling of NOW 92 Pounds GONE! System fullness). The formula also causes • Cleanses Blood, Liver, the release of digestive enzymes, ketosis; that is, when the body is Kidneys, Intestines & Colon—It Works! and safely increases the metabo- deprived of calories it will burn fat lism (thermogenesis). for energy. Zija Genm 2) The XM3 Caps are in a Moringa 3) As fat is broken down, the toxins N E X T G E N E R AT I O N S K I N C A R E blend but taking a full daily stored in the fat are released for • Cutting-Edge, All-Natural portion of Moringa in Zija’s processing and removal. Drinking Organic & Pure! Smart Drink or Smart Mix, extra water and using Zija’s Miracle • Moringa Feeds the Skin along with the caps, will provide Tea will assist with cleansing and • 7 TREATMENTS: Cleanser, the 90+ nutrients from Moringa— detoxification. Moisturizer, Moringa Mist, Eye Serum, Masque, but without the calories. (There These statements have not been evaluated by Anti-Aging Night Repair, are only 19 calories in one serving the FDA.These products are not intended to & Medicinal Moringa Oil of Zija.) This safely activates diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. July–August 2010 29