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The Tryptophan Solution
     for Restful Sleep and Mental
      and Emotional Well-Being
             Mark Mandela                         My uncle Jack had
          Clinical Nutritionist              many emotional problems
                                             over the years, which we

     grew up in a family that had
     a variety of mental disorders,          now have traced to his
     including bi-polar, anxiety,            sleeping disorder. He
obsessive-compulsive disorder, and           would stay up all night and
                                                                                     he tragic passing of Heath Ledger over a
sleep disturbances. Little did I know
that nutrition, especially Tryptophan
                                             cat-nap throughout the
                                             day. He was medically dis-           T  year ago was caused by an accidental over-
                                                                                 dose of painkillers combined with anti-depres-
and B-complex, would play a critical         charged from the Army
                                             and received multiple               sants and sleeping pills—one of our greatest
role in reducing many of these
                                             shock treatments because            losses of young acting talent in this decade. All
symptoms for my family.
                                             of this condition. He didn’t        of these problems could have been addressed
      It all started just as I was com-                                          nutritionally. Let’s not allow this to happen to
                                             like taking the medication
pleting my degree in nutrition, when                                             our young people! Let’s teach them what their
                                             the doctors prescribed, so
my uncle Jack was visiting during                                                bodies and brains need to feel and stay well.
                                             he suffered with this
Christmas break and went into a
                                             condition most of his life.
mental breakdown. He started yelling
at us, became incoherent and would-               I tried to use nutrition               with Tylenol), it would have been
n’t let anyone touch him. He was             with my uncle over the years, with          back on the market ASAP!
disoriented and went outside in the          partial success. But I will say one               There are many kinds of pain we
ten-below-zero cold. My mother               thing for him, whenever he came             all deal with... But those who struggle
started crying and asked me to do            down to visit, he would ask for those       with the confusion and shame of
something. So I got my Tryptophan            Tryptophan and B-complex supple-            mental and emotional disorders are
formula and B-complex supplements,           ments. If only I had known about the        among those who suffer the most—
went outside, and pleaded with him           power of the Moringa oleifera back          often alone, and with few options for
loudly over and over until he swal-          then! I truly believe, with all the         real solutions. A friend of mine said
lowed them. Fifteen minutes later, he        people I have helped, using the             recently, “Overcoming depression
decided to come inside. We all chose         Moringa for sleep deprivation, anxi-        without the necessary Serotonin in
not to look at him or treat him any          ety and depression (and a long list of      your system is like trying to start
differently, but were watching him           other conditions), that this would          your car without any gas!”
from the corner of our eyes... After         have changed my uncle’s life and he
                                                                                               I believe the removal of
15 more minutes, he returned to              would still be alive today.
                                                                                         Tryptophan from the marketplace has
                   normal. It was a mira-         In 1992, the supplement                been one of the greatest injustices
                    cle! He was laughing     Tryptophan was removed from the             ever perpetrated on the American
                      and telling jokes      market when a Japanese manufactur-          public, causing untold suffering. It
                      like his old self.     er sent a contaminated batch to the         still remains against the law even
                      The funny thing        US (see sidebar). It makes me won-          after they found it was not the
                      was that he didn’t     der how drug manufacturers could            Tryptophan itself, but a mistake by
                        even remember        get away with manipulating a 20-            the manufacturer.
                            going through    year-old mistake into a multi-billion-
                                                                                               But now, here comes the Moringa
                                the break-   dollar, profit-making ban on this
                                                                                         oleifera “miracle tree” with the high-
                                     down.   natural food supplement. If this had
                                                                                         est known levels of Tryptophan of
                                             been Tylenol (and this did happen
                                                                                         any plant food—to the rescue!

28                                                  www.naturallife n ew s . c o m   • Natural Life News & D i re c t o ry
What’s Better—                       available to the brain by blocking its   Zija™ Moringa
   Nutrition or Medicine?                  reuptake with adjoining neurons,
                                           thereby leaving more in the synapse      TESTIMONIALS
  W      hile Tryptophan is the scarcest
         of the essential amino acids
  (“essential” means that our body
                                           to act as a neurotransmitter. But this
                                           chemical solution involves “rerout-      RESTFUL, RESTORATIVE SLEEP
                                           ing” what little Serotonin the body        haven’t slept properly in years and
  can’t make it and needs to get it
  from an outside food source), it is
                                           has in storage, and this tactic can
                                           lead to Serotonin “bankruptcy.”
                                                                                    I have been treated with bio-identical
                                                                                    hormones. I am now off almost everything
  the only substance that can be con-      According to Breggin’s research,         in less then 2 months. Zija has helped me
  verted into Serotonin, which in turn,    many users have become emotional-        sleep, and helped with my digestion as well.
  is converted into Melatonin. But         ly disturbed and have even commit-       My face has gotten tighter and I look ten
  which Serotonin route is better—         ted suicide or murder while on           years younger!
  nutritional or medicinal? Let’s take     Prozac.2                                                               —Diane Digsby
  a look...
                                                But Serotonin’s function in the
       Originally developed to treat                                                DAU G H T E R WITH BIPOLAR
                                           brain can be elevated in the way
  depression in humans, psychoactive                                                    arlier this week, I received a phone call
  drugs like Prozac, Zoloft and Praxil
                                           nature intended, namely, by provid-
                                           ing more of Serotonin’s precursor in     E   from my 49-year-old daughter. She start-
                                                                                    ed the conversation by saying that she had
  are now commonly prescribed for a        our diet. Tryptophan occurs natural-
  variety of mental and emotional                                                   something to tell me. I braced myself for
                                           ly in foods like turkey and soy, and     what was to come. My daughter was diag-
  disorders, plus migraines, sleep dis-    again, at higher levels in the           nosed as bipolar many years ago and her
  turbances, weight loss, PMS, PTSD,       Moringa oleifera. Of this tree’s many    road in life has been difficult, and a great
  obesity, and even back pain. But the     blessings, I feel this is one of it’s    challenge for me. My daughter continued
  FDA approved it only for depression      most important contributions for all     the conversation by saying that she woke
  and obsessive-compulsive disorder.       of us who deal with stress daily.        up that morning feeling energetic and great!
       These drugs all work along the      Increasing the Serotonin pathway         She said she woke up feeling really good
              same principle. Selective                                             yesterday but today she felt even better!
                                           levels through proper eating habits
                Serotonin Reuptake                                                  She said that her normal morning for a
                                           is a far superior method of balancing    very long time was to wake up depressed
                 Inhibitors (SSRIs)        mood and sleep patterns than the         with the desire to go back to sleep.
                 work by increasing the    quick fixes, side effects, and hazards         What my daughter is experiencing is a
                 level of Serotonin        of drugs.3                               major breakthrough in her life. Had her
                                                                                    doctor prescribed a new drug for the bipo-
                                                                                    lar disorder? No, not at all! A month ago, I

                            T    ryptophan is an essential amino acid
                                that is required for the production of
                           niacin (vitamin B3) and serotonin (the neuro-
                                                                                    gave her a box of Zija Smart Mix to try. I
                                                                                    kept her supplied with more Zija as she
                                                                                    used it. A week ago, I recommended that
                                                                                    she increase her intake of the Moringa
                           transmitter involved in relaxation and sleep)
                                                                                    oleifera mix. It was Zija that brought about
                           among others. Therefore, Tryptophan helps to             the major change for my daughter. Zija has
   L-TRYPTOPHAN            control depression and insomnia, stabilizes              given my daughter a new start in life. I con-
                           emotional moods, eases the perception of                 sider it miraculous!
pain, and might combat inflammation. It also aids to control hyperac-                                                           —Larry
tivity in children and alleviates stress. Since some migraine sufferers
have abnormally low levels of Tryptophan, it is believed that it can also           NO MORE SLEEP APNEA ~
ease the pains associated with certain types of migraines.                          NO MORE SLEEP MEDICATIONS
                                                                                      have several clients using the Moringa and
    Although Tryptophan is the rarest of all amino acids to be found in
protein’s composition, it plays an important role in reducing stress-
                                                                                    I showing improved sleep, and in one situa-
                                                                                    tion, the end of sleep apnea. After a week
related mood disorders, in aiding relaxation, and improving the quality             of taking one serving per day, one client is
of our sleep. We all need some extra Tryptophan sometimes!                          now sleeping through the night for the first
                                                                                    time in years, and has ceased taking an
     Supplements of Tryptophan are not approved in the US, so we have               over-the-counter sleep medication that he
to get it from food. Moringa is an excellent plant source of Tryptophan.            required before finding Moringa. A second
Its concentration in the leaves exceeds the concentration found in soy-             client, after 3 weeks of consuming Zija, is
beans. (Soy has 13 mg/g protein vs. 21 mg/g protein in Moringa.                     finding she awakes feeling refreshed and
                                                                                    energized after decades of fitful, non-
Soybeans were, up to now, considered to have the highest levels of
                                                                                    restorative sleep.
Tryptophan.)1            —Monica Marcu, Ph.D., Pharmacologist                            —Cheryl Laures, RN, Personal Wellness Consultant
                             from Moringa oleifera: The Miracle Tree           • (509) 965-7272

May-June 2009                                                                                                                     29
rare and potentially fatal
                                                    B    ehind the Scenes...
ANXIETY, DEPRESSION                                      The essential amino acid            disease, Eosinophilia-Myalgia
       y daughter called me at 3 am, hysterically                                            Syndrome (EMS). Following
M      crying from a medication that had trig-
gered pain on her left leg, stomach cramping,
                                                    L-tryptophan is used by the
                                                    brain to manufacture                     the outbreak of EMS, L-tryp-
                                                    Serotonin. Since the late                tophan was taken off the
mood swings, and panic attacks—all at ounce.
When I got there she was a mess emotionally         1960s, it was used as a                  market, and then banned by
and physically. She told me she had been trying     safe, inexpensive, non-                  the FDA in 1992. Even
to sleep but was too anxious and could not.         prescription alternative to              though the problem was
I had one dose of Zija left and gave it to her.                                              eventually traced to a specif-
                                                    psychiatric drugs for such
I told her to swish the Zija around in her
                                                    disorders as insomnia,                   ic contaminated batch pro-
mouth with every sip.Within 20 minutes she
was relaxed enough to fall soundly asleep.          depression and anxiety.                  duced in Japan, all L-trypto-
      My daughter has been fighting anxiety and     When Lilly and other drug                phan remains banned.
depression for years.We have decided to keep        companies began promoting                    Those who look critically
her on Zija to see how it does. I have noticed      their expensive, dangerous               at the FDA and the psycho-
that she is handling her college work well and      serotonergic agents, millions            pharmaceutical complex
her sleeping patterns are improving, along with
relief of what we thought was irritable bowel
                                                    of people had already been               have voiced concerns that
syndrome.                                           using L-tryptophan for many              the continuation of the L-
      I will keep you posted but, so far, this is   years.                                   tryptophan ban has forced
looking like the light at the end of years of           In 1989, the ingestion of            people to use Prozac and
health problems for my daughter and our                                                      other SSRIs instead.2
                                                    the food supplement L-tryp-
whole family.Thank you, Mark, for introducing
                                                    tophan was associated with                               —Dr. Peter Breggin,
Zija to us!
                      —Alfredo Rios                 more than 1500 cases of a                                        Psychiatrist

                      SENSE OF                          The Teeter-Totter                    They push their bodies to the
                       WELL-BEING                                                            max and over-stimulate their
                                                        between Cortisol
                       Zija cured my road                                                    adrenals with refined carbohy-
                       rage! “So, you want to
                                                         and Serotonin
                                                                                             drates (sugars, junk food) and
                       cut me off? Sure, go
                      ahead! What, you too?
                    Why not? I’m not in
                                                    W       hen we were young, we
                                                            typically abused our
                                                    resilient bodies. We constantly
                                                                                             intense stimulators (coffee,
                                                                                             Red Bull, nicotine and drugs).
                                                                                             Eventually, the early signs of
                 a hurry any more!” —M. M.          “robbed Peter to pay Paul.” We           unbalanced Cortisol levels start
                                                    stayed up late at night, we ate          to appear.
                                                    anything we liked, and we did all             Cortisol is an adrenal hor-
 PICK UP ZIJA™ BEVERAGES                            kinds of things because we had           mone that gives us energy and
 LOCALLY      AT   THESE LOCATIONS                  energy to burn. But as we contin-        wakes us up, usually triggered by
  ~ Zija Independent Distr ibutors ~                ued to overtax our reserves, this        the stress response. Accumulated
                                                    lifestyle eventually threw our           stress causes our exhausted adre-
               BIG SKY
                                                    bodies out of balance.                   nal glands to produce too much
     Sara Gibbs • 4 0 6 - 9 9 5 - 4 5 9 2
                                                              Youngsters have little         Cortisol, both day and night.
                BUTTE                                            regard for the long-        Over time, high Cortisol levels,
   Kelli Robinson • 4 0 6 - 4 9 8 - 2 8 5 5                         term “credit-card        and depleted Serotonin levels,
            H A M I LT O N                                             effect” (charge       cause sleep disruption and brain
   Art Andreasen • 4 0 6 - 3 6 0 - 1 8 9 2                                now, pay later).   dysfunction, which then lead to
                                                                                             mental and emotional problems.
   One Wellness • 4 0 6 - 2 0 2 - 1 8 2 2                                                         By providing our brains and
                                                                                             bodies with Tryptophan-rich
            KALISPELL                                                                        foods, especially when we are
Withey’s Health Fds • 4 0 6 - 7 5 5 - 5 2 6 0                                                experiencing elevated stress, we
            MISSOULA                                                                         can protect our sleep patterns and
     Jeff Blake • 4 0 6 - 5 5 0 - 0 4 5 6                                                     our well-being. But because of
                                                                                              this Cortisol vs. Serotonin imbal-
     P A R A D I S E VA L L E Y
                                                                                               ance in our bodies today, we are
  Denis Ouellette • 4 0 6 - 3 3 3 - 4 1 0 3
                                                                                               seeing more sick people at an
WHITE SULPHUR SPGS.                                                                          earlier age than ever before.
   Darcie Stroud • 4 0 6 - 5 4 7 - 2 2 9 9
                                                  • Natural Life News & D i re c t o ry
More young people are blindly       Nature created it for ready accept-           REFERENCES:
turning to drugs to relax, to get        ance and uptake into our bodies.4             1. Moringa oleifera:The Miracle Tree,
relief from pain and inflammation,       This synergy ensures the rapid                Monica Marcu, Ph.D. Pharmacology.
to help them sleep, and to deal with     passage of these vital nutrients into         2. Talking Back to Prozac: What Doctors
the anxieties of life, when all they     the brain (through the blood-brain            Aren’t Telling You About Today’s Most
have to do is take better nutritional    barrier) and to all the cells of the          Controversial Drug, Dr. Peter R. Breggin,
care of their bodies!                    body.                                         Psychiatrist. See also his book,
                                                                                       Toxic Psychiatry.
     As we pay more attention to             So, my challenge to you today is
                                                                                       3. Excerpts adapted from, From
avoiding the lifestyle that constantly   to experiment with the Moringa in             Tryptophan to Serotonin to Melatonin, by
stimulates the stress hormones, and      your diet. Take 15 to 30 grams per            Jon Zwayer, CMT,West Baden Springs,
as we increase Serotonin production      day for the next ten days, and watch          IN, published at http://home.bluemar-
by eating good food sources of           the amazing changes that will take  
Tryptophan, we will find a healthy,      place. I suspect you’ll be lovin’ life        tonintomelatonin.html
natural solution to many of the men-     again soon! ■                                              4. See contact info to request
tal and emotional problems and                                                                      a list of all the verified nutri-
sleep disorders that are plaguing our                                                               ents contained in the Moringa
                                                       Mark Mandela                                 oleifera.
society. In my own family, and now
                                             Bio... bio... bio... vBio... bio...
in my clinical practice, I have wit-                                                               These statements have not been
                                             bio... Bio... bio... bio... vBio...                   evaluated by the Food and Drug
nessed the remarkable results of
                                            bio... bio... vvBio... bio... bio...                   Administration.This product is not
adding Tryptophan, especially as              Bio... bio... bio... bio... Bio...                   intended to diagnose, treat, cure or
found in the Moringa oleifera                bio... bio... vBio... bio... bio...                   prevent any disease.
“miracle tree.”                               Bio... bio... bio... Bio... bio...
     And Moringa is not only rich in                 bio... Bio... bio... bio...
Tryptophan, but in ALL the essential                                                             FOR MORE ON
                                         Mark can be reached at (703) 725-9989,
(and many non-essential) amino           or by e-mail at          THE MORINGA “MIRACLE
acids—the building blocks of             Listen to Mark’s nationwide conference
                                                                                       TREE” see Parts 1 & 2 of this
protein. These are combined with         call, “Zija the Healthy Way” and bring        series. For free copies (PDF) visit
other co-factors (vitamins, minerals,    your health questions, on Thursdays at See
antioxidants, anti-inflammatories,       2:15 pm and 5:30 pm (Mountain Time),          contact info to order, or pick up,
etc.) in a synergistic blend as Mother   at (512) 597-6200, PIN 9671111#.              the Zija Moringa beverages today...

                                                                                                      The Smart Drink
A    Life Worth Living...                will never approach the fulfill-
                                         ment of their potential. Instead                             Ready to drink refreshing
      The dangers of the over-                                                                        nourishment in a 5.5 oz. can
use of psychoactive drugs for            of struggling through the                                    with food-grade plastic lining.
the individual and society can-          painful processes of working
not be exaggerated. Beyond               out their personal relationship                                           The Smart Mix
causing physical side effects,           with themselves and others,                                             15 grams of Moringa
                                                                                                               powder. Delicious. Just
drugs almost always blunt and            they will—like the proverbial
                                                                                                        add to water, shake and drink.
confuse our emotional                    square pegs—be forced into
response—our internal signal             round holes. Their edges will                            New! Zija™ XM3
system. For the child or young           be shaved smooth in the                             • Appetite & Weight Control
adult, this means delaying and           process, and with it, their                             • Natural Energy Boost
                                                                                                • Pure Moringa Nutrition
ultimately stunting the process          uniqueness will be sacrificed.
                                                                                                      with organic Green
of psychosocial growth and                     For any age person, resort-                         Tea, Ginseng & more
development during the years             ing to psychiatric drugs causes
when self and identity are               a more emotionally shallow
being formed.                            life. Users become less in                     Ask about an    8-DAY TRIAL PACK ($3/day)
     Our mettle is forged in the         touch with reality, less caring
                                         and less loving. It has been                         Z ij a I n d e p e n d e n t D i s t r i b u t o r
heat of human emotion and
conflict, and drugs dampen               said that the unexamined life
and put out the fire. For socie-         is not worth living. But what
ty, this means that many of our          about the unfelt life? Is it a life
most creative young people               at all?2
                                                                        —Dr. Breggin

May-June 2009                                                                                                                           31

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  • 1. PART 3 Moringa THE MIRACLE TREE The Tryptophan Solution for Restful Sleep and Mental and Emotional Well-Being Mark Mandela My uncle Jack had Clinical Nutritionist many emotional problems over the years, which we I grew up in a family that had a variety of mental disorders, now have traced to his including bi-polar, anxiety, sleeping disorder. He obsessive-compulsive disorder, and would stay up all night and he tragic passing of Heath Ledger over a sleep disturbances. Little did I know that nutrition, especially Tryptophan cat-nap throughout the day. He was medically dis- T year ago was caused by an accidental over- dose of painkillers combined with anti-depres- and B-complex, would play a critical charged from the Army and received multiple sants and sleeping pills—one of our greatest role in reducing many of these shock treatments because losses of young acting talent in this decade. All symptoms for my family. of this condition. He didn’t of these problems could have been addressed It all started just as I was com- nutritionally. Let’s not allow this to happen to like taking the medication pleting my degree in nutrition, when our young people! Let’s teach them what their the doctors prescribed, so my uncle Jack was visiting during bodies and brains need to feel and stay well. he suffered with this Christmas break and went into a condition most of his life. mental breakdown. He started yelling at us, became incoherent and would- I tried to use nutrition with Tylenol), it would have been n’t let anyone touch him. He was with my uncle over the years, with back on the market ASAP! disoriented and went outside in the partial success. But I will say one There are many kinds of pain we ten-below-zero cold. My mother thing for him, whenever he came all deal with... But those who struggle started crying and asked me to do down to visit, he would ask for those with the confusion and shame of something. So I got my Tryptophan Tryptophan and B-complex supple- mental and emotional disorders are formula and B-complex supplements, ments. If only I had known about the among those who suffer the most— went outside, and pleaded with him power of the Moringa oleifera back often alone, and with few options for loudly over and over until he swal- then! I truly believe, with all the real solutions. A friend of mine said lowed them. Fifteen minutes later, he people I have helped, using the recently, “Overcoming depression decided to come inside. We all chose Moringa for sleep deprivation, anxi- without the necessary Serotonin in not to look at him or treat him any ety and depression (and a long list of your system is like trying to start differently, but were watching him other conditions), that this would your car without any gas!” from the corner of our eyes... After have changed my uncle’s life and he I believe the removal of 15 more minutes, he returned to would still be alive today. Tryptophan from the marketplace has normal. It was a mira- In 1992, the supplement been one of the greatest injustices cle! He was laughing Tryptophan was removed from the ever perpetrated on the American and telling jokes market when a Japanese manufactur- public, causing untold suffering. It like his old self. er sent a contaminated batch to the still remains against the law even The funny thing US (see sidebar). It makes me won- after they found it was not the was that he didn’t der how drug manufacturers could Tryptophan itself, but a mistake by even remember get away with manipulating a 20- the manufacturer. going through year-old mistake into a multi-billion- But now, here comes the Moringa the break- dollar, profit-making ban on this oleifera “miracle tree” with the high- down. natural food supplement. If this had est known levels of Tryptophan of been Tylenol (and this did happen any plant food—to the rescue! 28 www.naturallife n ew s . c o m • Natural Life News & D i re c t o ry
  • 2. What’s Better— available to the brain by blocking its Zija™ Moringa Nutrition or Medicine? reuptake with adjoining neurons, thereby leaving more in the synapse TESTIMONIALS W hile Tryptophan is the scarcest of the essential amino acids (“essential” means that our body to act as a neurotransmitter. But this chemical solution involves “rerout- RESTFUL, RESTORATIVE SLEEP ing” what little Serotonin the body haven’t slept properly in years and can’t make it and needs to get it from an outside food source), it is has in storage, and this tactic can lead to Serotonin “bankruptcy.” I have been treated with bio-identical hormones. I am now off almost everything the only substance that can be con- According to Breggin’s research, in less then 2 months. Zija has helped me verted into Serotonin, which in turn, many users have become emotional- sleep, and helped with my digestion as well. is converted into Melatonin. But ly disturbed and have even commit- My face has gotten tighter and I look ten which Serotonin route is better— ted suicide or murder while on years younger! nutritional or medicinal? Let’s take Prozac.2 —Diane Digsby a look... But Serotonin’s function in the Originally developed to treat DAU G H T E R WITH BIPOLAR brain can be elevated in the way depression in humans, psychoactive arlier this week, I received a phone call drugs like Prozac, Zoloft and Praxil nature intended, namely, by provid- ing more of Serotonin’s precursor in E from my 49-year-old daughter. She start- ed the conversation by saying that she had are now commonly prescribed for a our diet. Tryptophan occurs natural- variety of mental and emotional something to tell me. I braced myself for ly in foods like turkey and soy, and what was to come. My daughter was diag- disorders, plus migraines, sleep dis- again, at higher levels in the nosed as bipolar many years ago and her turbances, weight loss, PMS, PTSD, Moringa oleifera. Of this tree’s many road in life has been difficult, and a great obesity, and even back pain. But the blessings, I feel this is one of it’s challenge for me. My daughter continued FDA approved it only for depression most important contributions for all the conversation by saying that she woke and obsessive-compulsive disorder. of us who deal with stress daily. up that morning feeling energetic and great! These drugs all work along the Increasing the Serotonin pathway She said she woke up feeling really good same principle. Selective yesterday but today she felt even better! levels through proper eating habits Serotonin Reuptake She said that her normal morning for a is a far superior method of balancing very long time was to wake up depressed Inhibitors (SSRIs) mood and sleep patterns than the with the desire to go back to sleep. work by increasing the quick fixes, side effects, and hazards What my daughter is experiencing is a level of Serotonin of drugs.3 major breakthrough in her life. Had her doctor prescribed a new drug for the bipo- lar disorder? No, not at all! A month ago, I T ryptophan is an essential amino acid that is required for the production of niacin (vitamin B3) and serotonin (the neuro- gave her a box of Zija Smart Mix to try. I kept her supplied with more Zija as she used it. A week ago, I recommended that she increase her intake of the Moringa transmitter involved in relaxation and sleep) oleifera mix. It was Zija that brought about among others. Therefore, Tryptophan helps to the major change for my daughter. Zija has L-TRYPTOPHAN control depression and insomnia, stabilizes given my daughter a new start in life. I con- emotional moods, eases the perception of sider it miraculous! pain, and might combat inflammation. It also aids to control hyperac- —Larry tivity in children and alleviates stress. Since some migraine sufferers have abnormally low levels of Tryptophan, it is believed that it can also NO MORE SLEEP APNEA ~ ease the pains associated with certain types of migraines. NO MORE SLEEP MEDICATIONS have several clients using the Moringa and Although Tryptophan is the rarest of all amino acids to be found in protein’s composition, it plays an important role in reducing stress- I showing improved sleep, and in one situa- tion, the end of sleep apnea. After a week related mood disorders, in aiding relaxation, and improving the quality of taking one serving per day, one client is of our sleep. We all need some extra Tryptophan sometimes! now sleeping through the night for the first time in years, and has ceased taking an Supplements of Tryptophan are not approved in the US, so we have over-the-counter sleep medication that he to get it from food. Moringa is an excellent plant source of Tryptophan. required before finding Moringa. A second Its concentration in the leaves exceeds the concentration found in soy- client, after 3 weeks of consuming Zija, is beans. (Soy has 13 mg/g protein vs. 21 mg/g protein in Moringa. finding she awakes feeling refreshed and energized after decades of fitful, non- Soybeans were, up to now, considered to have the highest levels of restorative sleep. Tryptophan.)1 —Monica Marcu, Ph.D., Pharmacologist —Cheryl Laures, RN, Personal Wellness Consultant from Moringa oleifera: The Miracle Tree • (509) 965-7272 May-June 2009 29
  • 3. rare and potentially fatal B ehind the Scenes... RELIEF F RO M MOOD SWINGS ~ ANXIETY, DEPRESSION The essential amino acid disease, Eosinophilia-Myalgia y daughter called me at 3 am, hysterically Syndrome (EMS). Following M crying from a medication that had trig- gered pain on her left leg, stomach cramping, L-tryptophan is used by the brain to manufacture the outbreak of EMS, L-tryp- Serotonin. Since the late tophan was taken off the mood swings, and panic attacks—all at ounce. When I got there she was a mess emotionally 1960s, it was used as a market, and then banned by and physically. She told me she had been trying safe, inexpensive, non- the FDA in 1992. Even to sleep but was too anxious and could not. prescription alternative to though the problem was I had one dose of Zija left and gave it to her. eventually traced to a specif- psychiatric drugs for such I told her to swish the Zija around in her disorders as insomnia, ic contaminated batch pro- mouth with every sip.Within 20 minutes she was relaxed enough to fall soundly asleep. depression and anxiety. duced in Japan, all L-trypto- My daughter has been fighting anxiety and When Lilly and other drug phan remains banned. depression for years.We have decided to keep companies began promoting Those who look critically her on Zija to see how it does. I have noticed their expensive, dangerous at the FDA and the psycho- that she is handling her college work well and serotonergic agents, millions pharmaceutical complex her sleeping patterns are improving, along with relief of what we thought was irritable bowel of people had already been have voiced concerns that syndrome. using L-tryptophan for many the continuation of the L- I will keep you posted but, so far, this is years. tryptophan ban has forced looking like the light at the end of years of In 1989, the ingestion of people to use Prozac and health problems for my daughter and our other SSRIs instead.2 the food supplement L-tryp- whole family.Thank you, Mark, for introducing tophan was associated with —Dr. Peter Breggin, Zija to us! —Alfredo Rios more than 1500 cases of a Psychiatrist SENSE OF The Teeter-Totter They push their bodies to the WELL-BEING max and over-stimulate their between Cortisol Zija cured my road adrenals with refined carbohy- rage! “So, you want to and Serotonin drates (sugars, junk food) and cut me off? Sure, go ahead! What, you too? Why not? I’m not in W hen we were young, we typically abused our resilient bodies. We constantly intense stimulators (coffee, Red Bull, nicotine and drugs). Eventually, the early signs of a hurry any more!” —M. M. “robbed Peter to pay Paul.” We unbalanced Cortisol levels start stayed up late at night, we ate to appear. anything we liked, and we did all Cortisol is an adrenal hor- PICK UP ZIJA™ BEVERAGES kinds of things because we had mone that gives us energy and LOCALLY AT THESE LOCATIONS energy to burn. But as we contin- wakes us up, usually triggered by ~ Zija Independent Distr ibutors ~ ued to overtax our reserves, this the stress response. Accumulated lifestyle eventually threw our stress causes our exhausted adre- BIG SKY bodies out of balance. nal glands to produce too much Sara Gibbs • 4 0 6 - 9 9 5 - 4 5 9 2 Youngsters have little Cortisol, both day and night. BUTTE regard for the long- Over time, high Cortisol levels, Kelli Robinson • 4 0 6 - 4 9 8 - 2 8 5 5 term “credit-card and depleted Serotonin levels, H A M I LT O N effect” (charge cause sleep disruption and brain Art Andreasen • 4 0 6 - 3 6 0 - 1 8 9 2 now, pay later). dysfunction, which then lead to mental and emotional problems. HELENA One Wellness • 4 0 6 - 2 0 2 - 1 8 2 2 By providing our brains and bodies with Tryptophan-rich KALISPELL foods, especially when we are Withey’s Health Fds • 4 0 6 - 7 5 5 - 5 2 6 0 experiencing elevated stress, we MISSOULA can protect our sleep patterns and Jeff Blake • 4 0 6 - 5 5 0 - 0 4 5 6 our well-being. But because of this Cortisol vs. Serotonin imbal- P A R A D I S E VA L L E Y ance in our bodies today, we are Denis Ouellette • 4 0 6 - 3 3 3 - 4 1 0 3 seeing more sick people at an WHITE SULPHUR SPGS. earlier age than ever before. Darcie Stroud • 4 0 6 - 5 4 7 - 2 2 9 9 • Natural Life News & D i re c t o ry
  • 4. More young people are blindly Nature created it for ready accept- REFERENCES: turning to drugs to relax, to get ance and uptake into our bodies.4 1. Moringa oleifera:The Miracle Tree, relief from pain and inflammation, This synergy ensures the rapid Monica Marcu, Ph.D. Pharmacology. to help them sleep, and to deal with passage of these vital nutrients into 2. Talking Back to Prozac: What Doctors the anxieties of life, when all they the brain (through the blood-brain Aren’t Telling You About Today’s Most have to do is take better nutritional barrier) and to all the cells of the Controversial Drug, Dr. Peter R. Breggin, care of their bodies! body. Psychiatrist. See also his book, Toxic Psychiatry. As we pay more attention to So, my challenge to you today is 3. Excerpts adapted from, From avoiding the lifestyle that constantly to experiment with the Moringa in Tryptophan to Serotonin to Melatonin, by stimulates the stress hormones, and your diet. Take 15 to 30 grams per Jon Zwayer, CMT,West Baden Springs, as we increase Serotonin production day for the next ten days, and watch IN, published at http://home.bluemar- by eating good food sources of the amazing changes that will take Tryptophan, we will find a healthy, place. I suspect you’ll be lovin’ life tonintomelatonin.html natural solution to many of the men- again soon! ■ 4. See contact info to request tal and emotional problems and a list of all the verified nutri- sleep disorders that are plaguing our ents contained in the Moringa Mark Mandela oleifera. society. In my own family, and now Bio... bio... bio... vBio... bio... in my clinical practice, I have wit- These statements have not been bio... Bio... bio... bio... vBio... evaluated by the Food and Drug nessed the remarkable results of bio... bio... vvBio... bio... bio... Administration.This product is not adding Tryptophan, especially as Bio... bio... bio... bio... Bio... intended to diagnose, treat, cure or found in the Moringa oleifera bio... bio... vBio... bio... bio... prevent any disease. “miracle tree.” Bio... bio... bio... Bio... bio... And Moringa is not only rich in bio... Bio... bio... bio... Tryptophan, but in ALL the essential FOR MORE ON Mark can be reached at (703) 725-9989, (and many non-essential) amino or by e-mail at THE MORINGA “MIRACLE acids—the building blocks of Listen to Mark’s nationwide conference TREE” see Parts 1 & 2 of this protein. These are combined with call, “Zija the Healthy Way” and bring series. For free copies (PDF) visit other co-factors (vitamins, minerals, your health questions, on Thursdays at See antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, 2:15 pm and 5:30 pm (Mountain Time), contact info to order, or pick up, etc.) in a synergistic blend as Mother at (512) 597-6200, PIN 9671111#. the Zija Moringa beverages today... The Smart Drink A Life Worth Living... will never approach the fulfill- ment of their potential. Instead Ready to drink refreshing The dangers of the over- nourishment in a 5.5 oz. can use of psychoactive drugs for of struggling through the with food-grade plastic lining. the individual and society can- painful processes of working not be exaggerated. Beyond out their personal relationship The Smart Mix causing physical side effects, with themselves and others, 15 grams of Moringa powder. Delicious. Just drugs almost always blunt and they will—like the proverbial add to water, shake and drink. confuse our emotional square pegs—be forced into response—our internal signal round holes. Their edges will New! Zija™ XM3 system. For the child or young be shaved smooth in the • Appetite & Weight Control adult, this means delaying and process, and with it, their • Natural Energy Boost • Pure Moringa Nutrition ultimately stunting the process uniqueness will be sacrificed. with organic Green of psychosocial growth and For any age person, resort- Tea, Ginseng & more development during the years ing to psychiatric drugs causes when self and identity are a more emotionally shallow being formed. life. Users become less in Ask about an 8-DAY TRIAL PACK ($3/day) Our mettle is forged in the touch with reality, less caring and less loving. It has been Z ij a I n d e p e n d e n t D i s t r i b u t o r heat of human emotion and conflict, and drugs dampen said that the unexamined life and put out the fire. For socie- is not worth living. But what ty, this means that many of our about the unfelt life? Is it a life most creative young people at all?2 —Dr. Breggin May-June 2009 31