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MongoDB at the energy frontier
    Valentin Kuznetsov, Cornell University

    MongoNYC, May, 2012

Monday, May 21, 12                           1

    ✤   CMS :: LHC :: CERN

    ✤   Data Aggregation System and MongoDB

    ✤   Experience

    ✤   Summary

Monday, May 21, 12                            2

         Large Hadron Collider located at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
       CMS is one of the 4 experiments to probe our knowledge of particle
                   interactions and search for a new physics

Monday, May 21, 12                                                          3

                     Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS)

Monday, May 21, 12                                 4

                     Typical proton-proton collision in CMS detector
Monday, May 21, 12                                                     5

    ✤   40 countries, 172 institutions, more then 3000 scientists

    ✤   CMS experiment produces a few PB of real data each year and we
        collect ~TB of meta-data

    ✤   CMS relies on GRID infrastructure for data processing and uses 100+
        computing centers word-wide

    ✤   CMS software consists of 4M lines of C++(framework), 2M lines of
        python (data management), plus Java, perl, etc.

         ✤    ORACLE, MySQL, SQLite, NoSQL

Monday, May 21, 12                                                            6




                                                                  Phedex   How I can find
                                                                             my data?





Monday, May 21, 12                                                                         7
  ✤    Users want to query different
       data services without knowing                        Data Aggregation System
       about their existence

  ✤    Users want to combine
                                               RunSummary                  run          DataQuality                           LumiDB
       information from different data   run, trigger, detector, ...             trigger, ecal, hcal, ...            lumi, luminosity, hltpath

                                                          run,                         run                                lumi
       services                                           lumi

                                                   Phedex                                    DBS
                                                                        block,                               MC id
  ✤    Some users may have domain        block, file, block.replica,
                                         file.replica, se, node, ...     site
                                                                                 run, file, block, site,
                                                                                 config, tier, dataset,
                                                                                 lumi, parameters, ....
                                                                                                                     generator, xsection,
                                                                                                                     process, decay, ...

       knowledge, but they need to
       query X services, using Y                  SiteDB                                 Overview
                                                                                                                       Parameter Set DB
                                         site, admin, site.status, ..            country, node, region, ..           CMSSW parameters
       interface and dealing with Z
       data formats to get our data                                                     Service E
                                                                                 param1, param2, DC
                                                                                         Service ..
                                                                                  param1, param2, .. B
                                                                                    param1, param2, .. A
                                                                                     param1, param2, ..
                                                                                       param1, param2, ..

Monday, May 21, 12                                                                                                                               8
Implementation idea

                     ✤   When we talk we may use different
                         languages (English, French, etc.) or
                         different conventions (pounds vs kg)

                     ✤   In order to establish communication
                         we use translation, dictionary,

Monday, May 21, 12                                              9
Implementation idea

Monday, May 21, 12        10
    ✤   Separate data management from discovery service

    ✤   Data are safe and secure

    ✤   Pluggable architecture (new translations)

    ✤   Users never bother with interface, naming and schema conflicts, data-
        formats, security policies

    ✤   Information is aggregated in a real-time over distributed services

    ✤   Data consistency checks for free

    ✤   DB and API changes are transparent for end-users
Monday, May 21, 12                                                             11
    ✤   DAS does not own the data

         ✤    lots of writes/reads/translations

    ✤   Data-services are real bottleneck

         ✤    nothing is guaranteed, e.g. service can go down, no control of its
              performance, requested data can be really large, etc.

         ✤    cache often and preemptive

                              MongoDB to rescue !!!

Monday, May 21, 12                                                                 12
Data Aggregation System
                      Invoke the same API(params)
                      Update cache periodically
                                                                      DAS robot                    Fetch popular

                      DAS                                          DAS                         DAS                                DAS
                     mapping         Map data-service             cache                        merge                            Analytics
                                     output to DAS

                                                                                                                          record query, API
                                                                                                                          call to Analytics
                      runsum                                mapping               aggregator



                                                                      DAS core
                                                                                                                                DAS web

                      phedex                                          CPU core                        RESTful interface
                                                                      DAS core             UI

                        dbs                                  DAS Cache server

Monday, May 21, 12                                                                                                                            13
Mapping DB
    ✤   Holds translation between user keywords and data-service APIs,
        resolve naming conflicts, etc.

         ✤    city=Ithaca query translates into Google API call

              {'das2api': [{'api_param': 'q', 'das_key': '', 'pattern': ''}],
               'daskeys': [{'key': 'city', 'map': '', 'pattern': ''}],
               'expire': 3600,
               'format': 'JSON',
               'params': {'output': 'json', 'q': 'required'},
               'system': 'google_maps',
               'url': '',
               'urn': 'google_geo_maps'}
Monday, May 21, 12                                                                       14
Analytics DB

    ✤   Keep tracks of user queries, data-service API calls

        {'api': {'params': {'q': 'Ithaca', 'output': 'json'}, 'name': 'google_geo_maps'}, 'qhash':
        '7272bdeac45174823d3a4ea240c124ec', 'system': 'google_maps', 'counter': 5}

    ✤   Used by DAS analytics daemons to pre-fetch “hot” queries

               ✤     ValueHotSpot look-up data by popular values

               ✤     KeyHotSpot look-up data by popular key

               ✤     QueryMaintainer to keep given query always in cache

Monday, May 21, 12                                                                                   15
Caching DB
    ✤   Data coming out from data-service providers are translated into JSON
        and stored into cache collection

         ✤    naming translation are performed at this level

    ✤   Data records from cache collection are processed on common key, e.g., and merged into merge collection
                 cache collection                       merge collection
    {'city': {'name': 'Ithaca',
               'lat':42, 'lng':-76}}           {'city': {'name': 'Ithaca',
                                                          'lat':42, 'lng':-76,
    {'city': {'name': 'Ithaca',

Monday, May 21, 12                                                               16
DAS workflow                                          query

                                                           DAS              DAS
                                                           core           logging
    ✤   Query parser

    ✤   Query DAS merge collection                 yes                      no
                                                         DAS merge

         ✤    Query DAS cache collection                                  yes
                                                                                    DAS cache

               ✤     invoke call to data service          DAS                         DAS           query         DAS
                                                          merge                      cache       data-services   Mapping

               ✤     write to analytics
                                                                     Aggregator                        DAS

    ✤   Aggregate results                                results

    ✤   Represent results on web UI or via               Web UI

        command line interface
Monday, May 21, 12                                                                                                    17

Monday, May 21, 12   18

    ✤   DAS Query Language built on top of MongoDB QL; it represents
        MongoDB QL in human readable form

    ✤   UI level:

        block dataset=/a/b/c | grep block.size | count(block.size)

    ✤   DB level:

        col.find(spec={‘’:‘/a/b/c’}, fields=[block.size]).count()

    ✤   We enrich QL with additional filters (grep, sort, unique) and
        implement set of coroutines for aggregator functions

Monday, May 21, 12                                                              19
DAS & MongoDB

    ✤   DAS works with 15 distributed data-services

         ✤    their size vary, on average O(100GB)

    ✤   DAS uses 40 MongoDB collections

         ✤    caching, mapping, analytics, logging (normal, capped, gridfs cols)

    ✤   DAS inserts/deletes O(1M) records on a daily basis

    ✤   We operate on a single 64-bit Linux node with 8 CPUs, 24 GB of RAM
        and 1TB of disk space, sharding were tested, but it is not enabled

Monday, May 21, 12                                                                 20
MongoDB benefits

    ✤   Fast I/O and schema-less database are ideal for cache implementation

         ✤    you’re not limited by key:value approach

    ✤   Flexible query language allows to build domain specific QL

         ✤    stay on par with SQL

    ✤   No administrative costs with DB

         ✤    easy to install and maintain

Monday, May 21, 12                                                             21
MongoDB issues (ver 2.0.X)
    ✤   We were unable to directly store DAS queries into analytics collection,
        due to the dot constrain, e.g. {‘a.b’:1}

         ✤    queries <=> storage format {‘key’:‘a.b’, ‘value’:1}

    ✤   Scons is not suitable in fully controlled build environment

         ✤    it removes $PATH/$LD_LIBRARY_PATH for compiler commands;
              it forces to use -L/lib64. As a result we used wrappers.

    ✤   Uncompressed field names and limitation with pagination/

         ✤    should be addressed in new MongoDB aggregation framework
Monday, May 21, 12                                                                22

    ✤   Query collisions: DAS does not own the data and there is no
        transactions, we rely on query status and update it accordingly

    ✤   Index choice: initially one per select key, later one per query hash

    ✤   Storage size: we compromise storage vs data flexibility vs naming

    ✤   Speed: we compromise simple data access vs conglomerate of
        restrictions (naming, security policies, interfaces, etc.), but we tuning-
        up our data-service APIs based on query patterns

Monday, May 21, 12                                                                   23

    ✤   The service in production over one year

    ✤   Users authenticated via GRID certificates and DAS uses proxy server
        to pass credentials to back-end services

    ✤   Single query request yields few thousand records and resolved within
        few seconds

    ✤   Pluggable architecture allows to query your service(s)

         ✤    unit tests are done against public data-services, e.g. Google, IP
              look-up, etc.

Monday, May 21, 12                                                                24

    ✤   MongoDB is used by other experiments at CERN

         ✤    logging, monitoring, data analytics

    ✤   MongoDB is not the only NoSQL solution used at CERN

         ✤    One size does not fit all

         ✤    CouchDB, Cassandra, HBase, etc.

    ✤   There is on-going discussion between experiments and CERN IT
        about adoption of NoSQL

Monday, May 21, 12                                                     25
    ✤   CMS experiment built Data Aggregation System as an intelligent
        cache to query distributed data-services

    ✤   MongoDB is used as DAS back-end

    ✤   During first year of operation we did not experience any significant

    ✤   I’d like to thank MongoDB team and its community for their constant

    ✤   Questions? Contact:

Monday, May 21, 12                                                            26
Back-up slides

Monday, May 21, 12   27
From query to results

                                      Data service
                                       generator               Aggreator

                               API    Data service   Merge
                     Query                                     Aggreator
                             lookup    generator     results

                                      Data service             Aggreator

Monday, May 21, 12                                                         28
From query to results

                                      Data service
                                       generator               Aggreator

                               API    Data service   Merge
                     Query                                     Aggreator
                             lookup    generator     results

                                      Data service             Aggreator

Monday, May 21, 12                                                         28
From query to results

                                                       Data service
                                                        generator               Aggreator

                                              API      Data service   Merge
                            Query                                               Aggreator
                                            lookup      generator     results

                                                       Data service             Aggreator
                     block dataset=/a/b/c

                        MongoDB spec

                                       Mapping DB

Monday, May 21, 12                                                                          28
From query to results

                                                       Data service
                                                        generator                  Aggreator

                                              API      Data service      Merge
                            Query                                                  Aggreator
                                            lookup      generator        results

                                                       Data service                Aggreator
                     block dataset=/a/b/c

                        MongoDB spec

                                       Mapping DB       Caching DB
                                           holds            holds
                                       relationships   service records

Monday, May 21, 12                                                                             28
From query to results

                                                       Data service
                                                        generator                       Aggreator

                                              API      Data service       Merge
                            Query                                                       Aggreator
                                            lookup      generator         results

                                                       Data service                     Aggreator
                     block dataset=/a/b/c

                        MongoDB spec

                                       Mapping DB       Caching DB       Merge DB
                                           holds            holds          holds
                                       relationships   service records merged records

Monday, May 21, 12                                                                                  28
From query to results

                                                       Data service
                                                        generator                       Aggreator

                                              API      Data service       Merge
                            Query                                                       Aggreator
                                            lookup      generator         results

                                                       Data service                     Aggreator
                     block dataset=/a/b/c

                        MongoDB spec

                                       Mapping DB       Caching DB       Merge DB
                                           holds            holds          holds
                                       relationships   service records merged records

Monday, May 21, 12                                                                                  28

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MongoDB at the energy frontier

  • 1. MongoDB at the energy frontier Valentin Kuznetsov, Cornell University MongoNYC, May, 2012 Monday, May 21, 12 1
  • 2. Outline ✤ CMS :: LHC :: CERN ✤ Data Aggregation System and MongoDB ✤ Experience ✤ Summary Monday, May 21, 12 2
  • 3. CMS :: LHC :: CERN Large Hadron Collider located at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland CMS is one of the 4 experiments to probe our knowledge of particle interactions and search for a new physics Monday, May 21, 12 3
  • 4. CMS :: LHC :: CERN Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) Monday, May 21, 12 4
  • 5. CMS :: LHC :: CERN Typical proton-proton collision in CMS detector Monday, May 21, 12 5
  • 6. CMS :: LHC :: CERN ✤ 40 countries, 172 institutions, more then 3000 scientists ✤ CMS experiment produces a few PB of real data each year and we collect ~TB of meta-data ✤ CMS relies on GRID infrastructure for data processing and uses 100+ computing centers word-wide ✤ CMS software consists of 4M lines of C++(framework), 2M lines of python (data management), plus Java, perl, etc. ✤ ORACLE, MySQL, SQLite, NoSQL Monday, May 21, 12 6
  • 7. Dilemma GenDB LumiDB Data Quality Phedex How I can find my data? DBS PSetDB SiteDB Overview RunDB Monday, May 21, 12 7
  • 8. Motivations ✤ Users want to query different data services without knowing Data Aggregation System about their existence ✤ Users want to combine RunSummary run DataQuality LumiDB information from different data run, trigger, detector, ... trigger, ecal, hcal, ... lumi, luminosity, hltpath run, run lumi services lumi Phedex DBS block, MC id GenDB ✤ Some users may have domain block, file, block.replica, file.replica, se, node, ... site run, file, block, site, config, tier, dataset, lumi, parameters, .... generator, xsection, process, decay, ... knowledge, but they need to site query X services, using Y SiteDB Overview pset Parameter Set DB site, admin, site.status, .. country, node, region, .. CMSSW parameters interface and dealing with Z data formats to get our data Service E param1, param2, DC Service .. Service param1, param2, .. B Service param1, param2, .. A Service param1, param2, .. param1, param2, .. Monday, May 21, 12 8
  • 9. Implementation idea ✤ When we talk we may use different languages (English, French, etc.) or different conventions (pounds vs kg) ✤ In order to establish communication we use translation, dictionary, thesaurus Monday, May 21, 12 9
  • 11. Pros ✤ Separate data management from discovery service ✤ Data are safe and secure ✤ Pluggable architecture (new translations) ✤ Users never bother with interface, naming and schema conflicts, data- formats, security policies ✤ Information is aggregated in a real-time over distributed services ✤ Data consistency checks for free ✤ DB and API changes are transparent for end-users Monday, May 21, 12 11
  • 12. Cons ✤ DAS does not own the data ✤ lots of writes/reads/translations ✤ Data-services are real bottleneck ✤ nothing is guaranteed, e.g. service can go down, no control of its performance, requested data can be really large, etc. ✤ cache often and preemptive MongoDB to rescue !!! Monday, May 21, 12 12
  • 13. Data Aggregation System Invoke the same API(params) Update cache periodically DAS robot Fetch popular queries/APIs DAS DAS DAS DAS mapping Map data-service cache merge Analytics output to DAS records record query, API call to Analytics runsum mapping aggregator lumidb data-services parser DAS core DAS web plugins phedex CPU core RESTful interface server DAS core UI sitedb dbs DAS Cache server Monday, May 21, 12 13
  • 14. Mapping DB ✤ Holds translation between user keywords and data-service APIs, resolve naming conflicts, etc. ✤ city=Ithaca query translates into Google API call {'das2api': [{'api_param': 'q', 'das_key': '', 'pattern': ''}], 'daskeys': [{'key': 'city', 'map': '', 'pattern': ''}], 'expire': 3600, 'format': 'JSON', 'params': {'output': 'json', 'q': 'required'}, 'system': 'google_maps', 'url': '', 'urn': 'google_geo_maps'} Monday, May 21, 12 14
  • 15. Analytics DB ✤ Keep tracks of user queries, data-service API calls {'api': {'params': {'q': 'Ithaca', 'output': 'json'}, 'name': 'google_geo_maps'}, 'qhash': '7272bdeac45174823d3a4ea240c124ec', 'system': 'google_maps', 'counter': 5} ✤ Used by DAS analytics daemons to pre-fetch “hot” queries ✤ ValueHotSpot look-up data by popular values ✤ KeyHotSpot look-up data by popular key ✤ QueryMaintainer to keep given query always in cache Monday, May 21, 12 15
  • 16. Caching DB ✤ Data coming out from data-service providers are translated into JSON and stored into cache collection ✤ naming translation are performed at this level ✤ Data records from cache collection are processed on common key, e.g., and merged into merge collection cache collection merge collection {'city': {'name': 'Ithaca', 'lat':42, 'lng':-76}} {'city': {'name': 'Ithaca', 'lat':42, 'lng':-76, {'city': {'name': 'Ithaca', 'zip':14850}} 'zip':14850}} Monday, May 21, 12 16
  • 17. DAS workflow query DAS DAS core logging ✤ Query parser parser ✤ Query DAS merge collection yes no query DAS merge ✤ Query DAS cache collection yes query DAS cache no ✤ invoke call to data service DAS DAS query DAS merge cache data-services Mapping ✤ write to analytics Aggregator DAS Analytics ✤ Aggregate results results ✤ Represent results on web UI or via Web UI command line interface Monday, May 21, 12 17
  • 19. DAS QL & MongoDB QL ✤ DAS Query Language built on top of MongoDB QL; it represents MongoDB QL in human readable form ✤ UI level: block dataset=/a/b/c | grep block.size | count(block.size) ✤ DB level: col.find(spec={‘’:‘/a/b/c’}, fields=[block.size]).count() ✤ We enrich QL with additional filters (grep, sort, unique) and implement set of coroutines for aggregator functions Monday, May 21, 12 19
  • 20. DAS & MongoDB ✤ DAS works with 15 distributed data-services ✤ their size vary, on average O(100GB) ✤ DAS uses 40 MongoDB collections ✤ caching, mapping, analytics, logging (normal, capped, gridfs cols) ✤ DAS inserts/deletes O(1M) records on a daily basis ✤ We operate on a single 64-bit Linux node with 8 CPUs, 24 GB of RAM and 1TB of disk space, sharding were tested, but it is not enabled Monday, May 21, 12 20
  • 21. MongoDB benefits ✤ Fast I/O and schema-less database are ideal for cache implementation ✤ you’re not limited by key:value approach ✤ Flexible query language allows to build domain specific QL ✤ stay on par with SQL ✤ No administrative costs with DB ✤ easy to install and maintain Monday, May 21, 12 21
  • 22. MongoDB issues (ver 2.0.X) ✤ We were unable to directly store DAS queries into analytics collection, due to the dot constrain, e.g. {‘a.b’:1} ✤ queries <=> storage format {‘key’:‘a.b’, ‘value’:1} ✤ Scons is not suitable in fully controlled build environment ✤ it removes $PATH/$LD_LIBRARY_PATH for compiler commands; it forces to use -L/lib64. As a result we used wrappers. ✤ Uncompressed field names and limitation with pagination/ aggregation ✤ should be addressed in new MongoDB aggregation framework Monday, May 21, 12 22
  • 23. Tradeoffs ✤ Query collisions: DAS does not own the data and there is no transactions, we rely on query status and update it accordingly ✤ Index choice: initially one per select key, later one per query hash ✤ Storage size: we compromise storage vs data flexibility vs naming conventions ✤ Speed: we compromise simple data access vs conglomerate of restrictions (naming, security policies, interfaces, etc.), but we tuning- up our data-service APIs based on query patterns Monday, May 21, 12 23
  • 24. Results ✤ The service in production over one year ✤ Users authenticated via GRID certificates and DAS uses proxy server to pass credentials to back-end services ✤ Single query request yields few thousand records and resolved within few seconds ✤ Pluggable architecture allows to query your service(s) ✤ unit tests are done against public data-services, e.g. Google, IP look-up, etc. Monday, May 21, 12 24
  • 25. NoSQL @ CERN ✤ MongoDB is used by other experiments at CERN ✤ logging, monitoring, data analytics ✤ MongoDB is not the only NoSQL solution used at CERN ✤ One size does not fit all ✤ CouchDB, Cassandra, HBase, etc. ✤ There is on-going discussion between experiments and CERN IT about adoption of NoSQL Monday, May 21, 12 25
  • 26. Summary ✤ CMS experiment built Data Aggregation System as an intelligent cache to query distributed data-services ✤ MongoDB is used as DAS back-end ✤ During first year of operation we did not experience any significant problems ✤ I’d like to thank MongoDB team and its community for their constant support ✤ Questions? Contact: ✤ Monday, May 21, 12 26
  • 28. From query to results Data service generator Aggreator API Data service Merge Query Aggreator lookup generator results Data service Aggreator generator Monday, May 21, 12 28
  • 29. From query to results Data service generator Aggreator API Data service Merge Query Aggreator lookup generator results Data service Aggreator generator Monday, May 21, 12 28
  • 30. From query to results Data service generator Aggreator API Data service Merge Query Aggreator lookup generator results Data service Aggreator generator block dataset=/a/b/c MongoDB spec Mapping DB holds relationships Monday, May 21, 12 28
  • 31. From query to results Data service generator Aggreator API Data service Merge Query Aggreator lookup generator results Data service Aggreator generator block dataset=/a/b/c MongoDB spec Mapping DB Caching DB holds holds relationships service records Monday, May 21, 12 28
  • 32. From query to results Data service generator Aggreator API Data service Merge Query Aggreator lookup generator results Data service Aggreator generator block dataset=/a/b/c MongoDB spec Mapping DB Caching DB Merge DB holds holds holds relationships service records merged records Monday, May 21, 12 28
  • 33. From query to results Data service generator Aggreator API Data service Merge Query Aggreator lookup generator results Data service Aggreator generator block dataset=/a/b/c MongoDB spec Mapping DB Caching DB Merge DB holds holds holds relationships service records merged records Monday, May 21, 12 28