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Fast Querying:
Indexing Strategies to Optimize
Muthu Chinnasamy
Senior Solutions Architect
• Introduction
• What is fast Querying?
• Index Types & Properties
• Index Intersection
• Index Monitoring
• New in MongoDB 3.0
MongoDB's unique architecture
• MongoDB uniquely brings the best features of
both RDBMS and NoSQL
Strong consistency
Secondary indexes
Rich query language
When to use an index?
• Indexes are the single biggest tunable
performance factor for an application
• Use for frequently accessed queries
• Use when low latency response time needed
How different are indexes in
Compared to NoSQL stores, MongoDB indexes
•Native in the database and not maintained by
developers in their code
•Strongly consistent - Atomically updated with
the data as part of the same write operation
What is Fast Querying?
The query
Find the zip codes in New York city with population more
than 100,000. Sort the results by population in descending
db.zips.find({state:'NY',city:'NEW YORK',pop:
{"zip" : "10021", "city" : "NEW YORK", "pop" : 106564, "state" : "NY" }
{"zip" : "10025", "city" : "NEW YORK", "pop" : 100027, "state" : "NY" }
No Index – Collection Scan
"cursor" : "BasicCursor"
"n" : 2
"nscannedObjects" : 29470
"nscanned" : 29470
"scanAndOrder" : true
"millis" : 12
29470 documents
29470 documents
Index on a single field
Create Index:
"cursor" : "BtreeCursor state_1"
"n" : 2
"nscannedObjects" : 1596
"nscanned" : 1596
"scanAndOrder" : true
"millis" : 3
Better. Only 1596
documents scanned for
the same result!
Better. Only 1596
documents scanned for
the same result!
Compound Index on two fields
Create Index:
db.zips.ensureIndex({state:1, city:1})
"cursor" : "BtreeCursor state_1_city_1"
"n" : 2
"nscannedObjects" : 40
"nscanned" : 40
"scanAndOrder" : true
"millis" : 0
Much better. Only 40
documents scanned
for the same result!
Much better. Only 40
documents scanned
for the same result!
Compound Index on three fields
Create Index:
db.zips.ensureIndex({state:1, city:1, pop:1})
"cursor" : "BtreeCursor state_1_city_1_pop_1 reverse"
"n" : 2
"nscannedObjects" : 2
"nscanned" : 2
"scanAndOrder" : false
"millis" : 0
2 documents scanned for
the same result. This is fast
querying folks!
2 documents scanned for
the same result. This is fast
querying folks!
Types of Indexes
Types of Indexes
Be sure to remove unneeded
Drop Indexes:
db.zips.dropIndex({state:1, city:1})
Why drop those indexes?
–Not used by mongo for given queries
–Consume space
–Affect write operations
• Reduce data sent back to the client over the network
• Use the projection clause with a 1 to enable and 0 to disable
– Return specified fields only in a query
– Return all but excluded fields
– Use $, $elemMatch, or $slice operators to project array fields
Use projection
// exclude _id and include item & qty fields
> db.inventory.find( { type: 'food' }, { item: 1, qty: 1, _id:0 } )
// project all fields except the type field
> db.inventory.find( { type: 'food' }, { type:0 } )
// project the first two elements of the ratings array & the _id field
> db.inventory.find( { _id: 5 }, { ratings: { $slice: 2 } } )
• Returns data from an index only
– Not accessing the collection in a query
– Performance optimization
– Works with compound indexes
– Invoke with a projection
Covered (Index only) Queries
> db.users.ensureIndex( { user : 1, password :1 } )
> db.user.find({ user: ”Muthu” },
{ _id:0, password:1 } )
Ensure indexes fit in RAM
Index Types & Properties
Indexing Basics
// Create index on author (ascending)
>db.articles.ensureIndex( { author : 1 } )
// Create index on author (descending)
>db.articles.ensureIndex( { author : -1 } )
// Create index on arrays of values on the "tags" field – multi key index.
>db.articles.ensureIndex( { tags : 1 } )
• Index on sub-documents
– Using dot notation
Sub-document indexes
‘_id’ : ObjectId(..),
‘article_id’ : ObjectId(..),
‘section’ : ‘schema’,
‘date’ : ISODate(..),
‘daily’: { ‘views’ : 45,
‘comments’ : 150 }
‘hours’ : {
0 : { ‘views’ : 10 },
1 : { ‘views’ : 2 },
23 : { ‘views’ : 14,
‘comments’ : 10 }
{ “daily.comments” : 1}
{“daily.comments” : { "$gte" : 150} }
• Indexes defined on multiple fields
Compound indexes
//To view via the console
> db.articles.ensureIndex( { author : 1, tags : 1 } )
> db.articles.find( { author : Muthu C’, tags : ‘MongoDB’} )
> db.articles.find( { author : Muthu C’ } )
// you don’t need a separate single field index on "author"
> db.articles.ensureIndex( { author : 1 } )
• Sort doesn’t matter on single field indexes
– We can read from either side of the btree
• { attribute: 1 } or { attribute: -1 }
• Sort order matters on compound indexes
– We’ll want to query on author and sort by date in the application
Sort order
// index on author ascending but date descending
>db.articles.ensureIndex( { ‘author’ : 1, ‘date’ -1 } )
• Uniqueness constraints (unique, dropDups)
• Sparse Indexes
// index on author must be unique. Reject duplicates
>db.articles.ensureIndex( { ‘author’ : 1}, { unique : true } )
// allow multiple documents to not have likes field
>db.articles.ensureIndex( { ‘author’ : 1, ‘likes’ : 1}, { sparse: true } )
* Missing fields are stored as null(s) in the index
Background Index Builds
• Index creation is a blocking operation that can
take a long time
• Background creation yields to other operations
• Build more than one index in background
• Restart secondaries in standalone to build index
// To build in the background
> db.articles.ensureIndex(
{ ‘author’ : 1, ‘date’ -1 },
{background : true}
Other Index Types
• Geospatial Indexes (2d Sphere)
• Text Indexes
• TTL Collections (expireAfterSeconds)
• Hashed Indexes for sharding
• Indexes on geospatial fields
– Using GeoJSON objects
– Geometries on spheres
Geospatial Index - 2dSphere
//GeoJSON object structure for indexing
name: ’MongoDB Palo Alto’,
location: { type : “Point”,
coordinates: [ 37.449157 , -122.158574 ] }
// Index on GeoJSON objects
>db.articles.ensureIndex( { location: “2dsphere” } )
Supported GeoJSON
//Javascript function to get geolocation.
//You will need to translate into GeoJSON
Extended Articles document
• Store the location
article was posted
• Geo location from
Articles collections
'text': 'Article
'date' : ISODate(...),
'title' : ’Indexing
'author' : ’Muthu C’,
'tags' : ['mongodb',
‘location’ : {
‘type’ : ‘Point’,
‘coordinates’ :
[37.449, -122.158]
– Query for locations ’near’ a particular coordinate
Geo Spatial Example
>db.articles.find( {
location: { $near :
{ $geometry :
{ type : "Point”, coordinates : [37.449, -122.158] } },
$maxDistance : 5000
} )
Text Indexes
• Use text indexes to support text search of
string content in documents of a collection
• Text indexes can include any field whose value
is a string or an array of string elements
• Text indexes can be very large
• To perform queries that access the text index,
use the $text query operator
• A collection can at most have one text index
Text Search
• Only one text index
per collection
• $** operator to index
all text fields in the
• Use weight to change
importance of fields
{title: ”text”, content: ”text”}
{ "$**" : “text”,
name : “MyTextIndex”} )
{ "$**" : "text”},
{ weights :
{ ”title" : 10, ”content" : 5},
name : ”MyTextIndex” }
$text, $search, $language,
• Use the $text and $search operators to query
• $meta for scoring results
// Search articles collection
> db.articles.find ({$text: { $search: ”MongoDB" }})
> db.articles.find(
{ $text: { $search: "MongoDB" }},
{ score: { $meta: "textScore" }, _id:0, title:1 } )
{ "title" : "Indexing MongoDB", "score" : 0.75 }
Performance best practices
• MongoDB performs best when the working set
fits in RAM
• When working set exceeds the RAM of a single
server, consider sharding across multiple servers
• Use SSDs for write heavy applications
• Use compression features of wiredTiger
• Absence of values and negation does not use
• Use covered queries that use index only
Performance best practices
• Avoid large indexed arrays
• Use caution indexing low-cardinality fields
• Eliminate unnecessary indexes
• Remove indexes that are prefixes of other
• Avoid regex that are not left anchored or rooted
• Use wiredTiger feature to place indexes on a
separate, higher performance volumes
We recognize customers need help
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Index Intersection
Index Intersection
• Consider the scenario with collection having a Compound Index
{status:1, order_date: -1} & your query is
a. find({order_date:{'$gt': new Date(…)}, status: 'A'}
MongoDB should be able to use this index as the all fields of the
compound index are used in the query
Index Intersection
• Consider the scenario with collection having a Compound Index
{status:1, order_date: -1} & your query is
b. find({status: 'A'})
MongoDB should be able to use this index as the leading field of
the compound index is used in the query
Index Intersection
• Consider the scenario with collection having a Compound Index
{status:1, order_date: -1} & your query is
c. find({order_date:{'$gt': new Date(…)}} //not leading field
MongoDB will not be able to use this index as order_date in the
query is not a leading field of the compound index
Index Intersection
• Consider the scenario with collection having a Compound Index
{status:1, order_date: -1} & your query is
d. find( {} ).sort({order_date: 1}) // sort order is different
MongoDB will not be able to use this index as sort order on the
order_date in the query is different than that of the compound
Index Intersection
Index intersection should be able to resolve all four query
combinations with two separate indexes
a. find({order_date:{'$gt': new Date(…)}, status: 'A'}
b. find({status: 'A'})
c. find({order_date:{'$gt': new Date(…)}} //not leading field
d. find( {} ).sort({order_date: 1}) // sort order is different
Instead of the Compound Index {status:1, order_date: -1}, you
would create two single field indexes on {status:1} and
{order_date: -1}
Index Intersection – How to check?
db.zips.find({state: 'CA', city: 'LOS ANGELES'})
"inputStage" : {
"stage" : "AND_SORTED",
"inputStages" : [
"stage" : "IXSCAN",
"indexName" : "state_1",
"stage" : "IXSCAN",
"indexName" : "city_1",
Index monitoring
The Query Optimizer
• For each "type" of query, MongoDB periodically
tries all useful indexes
• Aborts the rest as soon as one plan wins
• The winning plan is temporarily cached for each
“type” of query (used for next 1,000 times)
• As of MongoDB 2.6 can use the intersection of
multiple indexes to fulfill queries
• Use to evaluate operations and indexes
– Which indexes have been used.. If any.
– How many documents / objects have been scanned
– View via the console or via code
Explain plan
//To view via the console
> db.articles.find({author:’Joe D'}).explain()
Explain() method
• What are the key metrics?
–# docs returned
–# index entries scanned
–Index used? Which one?
–Whether the query was covered?
–Whether in-memory sort performed?
–How long did the query take in millisec?
Explain plan output (no index)
"cursor" : ”BasicCursor",
"n" : 12,
"nscannedObjects" : 25820,
"nscanned" : 25820,
"indexOnly" : false,
"millis" : 27,
Other Types:
• Full collection scan
•Complex Plan
Explain plan output (Index)
"cursor" : "BtreeCursor author_1_date_-
"n" : 12,
"nscannedObjects" : 12,
"nscanned" : 12,
"indexOnly" : false,
"millis" : 0,
Other Types:
• Full collection scan
•Complex Plan
Explain() method in 3.0
• By default .explain() gives query planner verbosity
mode. To see stats use .explain("executionStats")
• Descriptive names used for some key fields
{ …
"nReturned" : 2,
"executionTimeMillis" : 0,
"totalKeysExamined" : 2,
"totalDocsExamined" : 2,
"indexName" : "state_1_city_1_pop_1",
"direction" : "backward",
Explain() method in 3.0
• Fine grained query introspection into query plan and
query execution – Stages
• Support for commands: Count, Group, Delete,
• db.collection.explain().find() – Allows for additional
chaining of query modifiers
– Returns a cursor to the explain result
– var a = db.zips.explain().find({state: 'NY'})
– to return the results
Database Profiler
• Collect actual samples from a running
MongoDB instance
• Tunable for level and slowness
• Can be controlled dynamically
• Enable to see slow queries
– (or all queries)
– Default 100ms
Using Database profiler
// Enable database profiler on the console, 0=off 1=slow 2=all
> db.setProfilingLevel(1, 50)
{ "was" : 0, "slowms" : 50, "ok" : 1 }
// View profile with
> show profile
// See the raw data
New in MongoDB 3.0
Indexes on a separate storage
$ mongod --dbpath DBPATH --storageEngine wiredTiger
•Available only when wiredTiger configured as the
storage engine
•With the wiredTigerDirectoryForIndexes storage engine
• One file per collection under DBPATH/collection
• One file per index under DBPATH/index
•Allows customers to place indexes on a dedicated
storage device such as SSD for higher performance
Index compression
$ mongod --dbpath DBPATH --storageEngine wiredTiger
•Compression is on in wiredTiger by default
•Indexes on disk are compressed using prefix
•Allows indexes to be compressed in RAM
Fine grain control for DBAs
MongoDB 3.0 enhancements allow fine grain control
for DBAs
•wiredTiger storage engine for wide use cases
•Index placement on faster storage devices
•Index compression saving disk and RAM capacity
•Finer compression controls for collections and
indexes during creation time
Register now:
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  • 1. Fast Querying: Indexing Strategies to Optimize Performance Muthu Chinnasamy Senior Solutions Architect
  • 2. Agenda • Introduction • What is fast Querying? • Index Types & Properties • Index Intersection • Index Monitoring • New in MongoDB 3.0
  • 4. MongoDB's unique architecture • MongoDB uniquely brings the best features of both RDBMS and NoSQL RDBMS Strong consistency Secondary indexes Rich query language No SQL Flexibility Scalability Performance
  • 5. When to use an index? • Indexes are the single biggest tunable performance factor for an application • Use for frequently accessed queries • Use when low latency response time needed
  • 6. How different are indexes in MongoDB? Compared to NoSQL stores, MongoDB indexes are •Native in the database and not maintained by developers in their code •Strongly consistent - Atomically updated with the data as part of the same write operation
  • 7. What is Fast Querying?
  • 8. The query Question: Find the zip codes in New York city with population more than 100,000. Sort the results by population in descending order Query: db.zips.find({state:'NY',city:'NEW YORK',pop: {'$gt':100000}}).sort({pop:-1}) Output: {"zip" : "10021", "city" : "NEW YORK", "pop" : 106564, "state" : "NY" } {"zip" : "10025", "city" : "NEW YORK", "pop" : 100027, "state" : "NY" }
  • 9. No Index – Collection Scan Observations: "cursor" : "BasicCursor" "n" : 2 "nscannedObjects" : 29470 "nscanned" : 29470 "scanAndOrder" : true "millis" : 12 29470 documents scanned! 29470 documents scanned!
  • 10. Index on a single field Create Index: db.zips.ensureIndex({state:1}) Observations: "cursor" : "BtreeCursor state_1" "n" : 2 "nscannedObjects" : 1596 "nscanned" : 1596 "scanAndOrder" : true "millis" : 3 Better. Only 1596 documents scanned for the same result! Better. Only 1596 documents scanned for the same result!
  • 11. Compound Index on two fields Create Index: db.zips.ensureIndex({state:1, city:1}) Observations: "cursor" : "BtreeCursor state_1_city_1" "n" : 2 "nscannedObjects" : 40 "nscanned" : 40 "scanAndOrder" : true "millis" : 0 Much better. Only 40 documents scanned for the same result! Much better. Only 40 documents scanned for the same result!
  • 12. Compound Index on three fields Create Index: db.zips.ensureIndex({state:1, city:1, pop:1}) Observations: "cursor" : "BtreeCursor state_1_city_1_pop_1 reverse" "n" : 2 "nscannedObjects" : 2 "nscanned" : 2 "scanAndOrder" : false "millis" : 0 2 documents scanned for the same result. This is fast querying folks! 2 documents scanned for the same result. This is fast querying folks!
  • 15. Be sure to remove unneeded indexes Drop Indexes: db.zips.dropIndex({state:1, city:1}) db.zips.dropIndex({state:1}) Why drop those indexes? –Not used by mongo for given queries –Consume space –Affect write operations
  • 16. • Reduce data sent back to the client over the network • Use the projection clause with a 1 to enable and 0 to disable – Return specified fields only in a query – Return all but excluded fields – Use $, $elemMatch, or $slice operators to project array fields Use projection // exclude _id and include item & qty fields > db.inventory.find( { type: 'food' }, { item: 1, qty: 1, _id:0 } ) // project all fields except the type field > db.inventory.find( { type: 'food' }, { type:0 } ) // project the first two elements of the ratings array & the _id field > db.inventory.find( { _id: 5 }, { ratings: { $slice: 2 } } )
  • 17. • Returns data from an index only – Not accessing the collection in a query – Performance optimization – Works with compound indexes – Invoke with a projection Covered (Index only) Queries > db.users.ensureIndex( { user : 1, password :1 } ) > db.user.find({ user: ”Muthu” }, { _id:0, password:1 } )
  • 19. Index Types & Properties
  • 20. Indexing Basics // Create index on author (ascending) >db.articles.ensureIndex( { author : 1 } ) // Create index on author (descending) >db.articles.ensureIndex( { author : -1 } ) // Create index on arrays of values on the "tags" field – multi key index. >db.articles.ensureIndex( { tags : 1 } )
  • 21. • Index on sub-documents – Using dot notation Sub-document indexes { ‘_id’ : ObjectId(..), ‘article_id’ : ObjectId(..), ‘section’ : ‘schema’, ‘date’ : ISODate(..), ‘daily’: { ‘views’ : 45, ‘comments’ : 150 } ‘hours’ : { 0 : { ‘views’ : 10 }, 1 : { ‘views’ : 2 }, … 23 : { ‘views’ : 14, ‘comments’ : 10 } } } >db.interactions.ensureIndex( { “daily.comments” : 1} } >db.interactions.find( {“daily.comments” : { "$gte" : 150} } )
  • 22. • Indexes defined on multiple fields Compound indexes //To view via the console > db.articles.ensureIndex( { author : 1, tags : 1 } ) > db.articles.find( { author : Muthu C’, tags : ‘MongoDB’} ) //and > db.articles.find( { author : Muthu C’ } ) // you don’t need a separate single field index on "author" > db.articles.ensureIndex( { author : 1 } )
  • 23. • Sort doesn’t matter on single field indexes – We can read from either side of the btree • { attribute: 1 } or { attribute: -1 } • Sort order matters on compound indexes – We’ll want to query on author and sort by date in the application Sort order // index on author ascending but date descending >db.articles.ensureIndex( { ‘author’ : 1, ‘date’ -1 } )
  • 24. Options • Uniqueness constraints (unique, dropDups) • Sparse Indexes // index on author must be unique. Reject duplicates >db.articles.ensureIndex( { ‘author’ : 1}, { unique : true } ) // allow multiple documents to not have likes field >db.articles.ensureIndex( { ‘author’ : 1, ‘likes’ : 1}, { sparse: true } ) * Missing fields are stored as null(s) in the index
  • 25. Background Index Builds • Index creation is a blocking operation that can take a long time • Background creation yields to other operations • Build more than one index in background concurrently • Restart secondaries in standalone to build index // To build in the background > db.articles.ensureIndex( { ‘author’ : 1, ‘date’ -1 }, {background : true} )
  • 26. Other Index Types • Geospatial Indexes (2d Sphere) • Text Indexes • TTL Collections (expireAfterSeconds) • Hashed Indexes for sharding
  • 27. • Indexes on geospatial fields – Using GeoJSON objects – Geometries on spheres Geospatial Index - 2dSphere //GeoJSON object structure for indexing { name: ’MongoDB Palo Alto’, location: { type : “Point”, coordinates: [ 37.449157 , -122.158574 ] } } // Index on GeoJSON objects >db.articles.ensureIndex( { location: “2dsphere” } ) Supported GeoJSON objects: Point LineString Polygon MultiPoint MultiLineString MultiPolygon GeometryCollection
  • 28. //Javascript function to get geolocation. navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(); //You will need to translate into GeoJSON Extended Articles document • Store the location article was posted from…. • Geo location from browser Articles collections >db.articles.insert({ 'text': 'Article content…’, 'date' : ISODate(...), 'title' : ’Indexing MongoDB’, 'author' : ’Muthu C’, 'tags' : ['mongodb', 'database', 'geospatial’], ‘location’ : { ‘type’ : ‘Point’, ‘coordinates’ : [37.449, -122.158] } });
  • 29. – Query for locations ’near’ a particular coordinate Geo Spatial Example >db.articles.find( { location: { $near : { $geometry : { type : "Point”, coordinates : [37.449, -122.158] } }, $maxDistance : 5000 } } )
  • 30. Text Indexes • Use text indexes to support text search of string content in documents of a collection • Text indexes can include any field whose value is a string or an array of string elements • Text indexes can be very large • To perform queries that access the text index, use the $text query operator • A collection can at most have one text index
  • 31. Text Search • Only one text index per collection • $** operator to index all text fields in the collection • Use weight to change importance of fields >db.articles.ensureIndex( {title: ”text”, content: ”text”} ) >db.articles.ensureIndex( { "$**" : “text”, name : “MyTextIndex”} ) >db.articles.ensureIndex( { "$**" : "text”}, { weights : { ”title" : 10, ”content" : 5}, name : ”MyTextIndex” } ) Operators $text, $search, $language, $meta
  • 32. • Use the $text and $search operators to query • $meta for scoring results // Search articles collection > db.articles.find ({$text: { $search: ”MongoDB" }}) > db.articles.find( { $text: { $search: "MongoDB" }}, { score: { $meta: "textScore" }, _id:0, title:1 } ) { "title" : "Indexing MongoDB", "score" : 0.75 } Search
  • 33. Performance best practices • MongoDB performs best when the working set fits in RAM • When working set exceeds the RAM of a single server, consider sharding across multiple servers • Use SSDs for write heavy applications • Use compression features of wiredTiger • Absence of values and negation does not use index • Use covered queries that use index only
  • 34. Performance best practices • Avoid large indexed arrays • Use caution indexing low-cardinality fields • Eliminate unnecessary indexes • Remove indexes that are prefixes of other indexes • Avoid regex that are not left anchored or rooted • Use wiredTiger feature to place indexes on a separate, higher performance volumes
  • 35. We recognize customers need help Rapid Start Consulting Service
  • 37. Index Intersection • Consider the scenario with collection having a Compound Index {status:1, order_date: -1} & your query is a. find({order_date:{'$gt': new Date(…)}, status: 'A'} MongoDB should be able to use this index as the all fields of the compound index are used in the query
  • 38. Index Intersection • Consider the scenario with collection having a Compound Index {status:1, order_date: -1} & your query is b. find({status: 'A'}) MongoDB should be able to use this index as the leading field of the compound index is used in the query
  • 39. Index Intersection • Consider the scenario with collection having a Compound Index {status:1, order_date: -1} & your query is c. find({order_date:{'$gt': new Date(…)}} //not leading field MongoDB will not be able to use this index as order_date in the query is not a leading field of the compound index
  • 40. Index Intersection • Consider the scenario with collection having a Compound Index {status:1, order_date: -1} & your query is d. find( {} ).sort({order_date: 1}) // sort order is different MongoDB will not be able to use this index as sort order on the order_date in the query is different than that of the compound index
  • 41. Index Intersection Index intersection should be able to resolve all four query combinations with two separate indexes a. find({order_date:{'$gt': new Date(…)}, status: 'A'} b. find({status: 'A'}) c. find({order_date:{'$gt': new Date(…)}} //not leading field d. find( {} ).sort({order_date: 1}) // sort order is different Instead of the Compound Index {status:1, order_date: -1}, you would create two single field indexes on {status:1} and {order_date: -1}
  • 42. Index Intersection – How to check? db.zips.find({state: 'CA', city: 'LOS ANGELES'}) "inputStage" : { "stage" : "AND_SORTED", "inputStages" : [ { "stage" : "IXSCAN", … "indexName" : "state_1", … { "stage" : "IXSCAN", … "indexName" : "city_1", …
  • 44. The Query Optimizer • For each "type" of query, MongoDB periodically tries all useful indexes • Aborts the rest as soon as one plan wins • The winning plan is temporarily cached for each “type” of query (used for next 1,000 times) • As of MongoDB 2.6 can use the intersection of multiple indexes to fulfill queries
  • 45. • Use to evaluate operations and indexes – Which indexes have been used.. If any. – How many documents / objects have been scanned – View via the console or via code Explain plan //To view via the console > db.articles.find({author:’Joe D'}).explain()
  • 46. Explain() method • What are the key metrics? –# docs returned –# index entries scanned –Index used? Which one? –Whether the query was covered? –Whether in-memory sort performed? –How long did the query take in millisec?
  • 47. Explain plan output (no index) { "cursor" : ”BasicCursor", … "n" : 12, "nscannedObjects" : 25820, "nscanned" : 25820, … "indexOnly" : false, … "millis" : 27, … } Other Types: •BasicCursor • Full collection scan •BtreeCursor •GeoSearchCursor •Complex Plan •TextCursor
  • 48. Explain plan output (Index) { "cursor" : "BtreeCursor author_1_date_- 1", … "n" : 12, "nscannedObjects" : 12, "nscanned" : 12, … "indexOnly" : false, … "millis" : 0, … } Other Types: •BasicCursor • Full collection scan •BtreeCursor •GeoSearchCursor •Complex Plan •TextCursor
  • 49. Explain() method in 3.0 • By default .explain() gives query planner verbosity mode. To see stats use .explain("executionStats") • Descriptive names used for some key fields { … "nReturned" : 2, "executionTimeMillis" : 0, "totalKeysExamined" : 2, "totalDocsExamined" : 2, "indexName" : "state_1_city_1_pop_1", "direction" : "backward", … }
  • 50. Explain() method in 3.0 • Fine grained query introspection into query plan and query execution – Stages • Support for commands: Count, Group, Delete, Update • db.collection.explain().find() – Allows for additional chaining of query modifiers – Returns a cursor to the explain result – var a = db.zips.explain().find({state: 'NY'}) – to return the results
  • 51. Database Profiler • Collect actual samples from a running MongoDB instance • Tunable for level and slowness • Can be controlled dynamically
  • 52. • Enable to see slow queries – (or all queries) – Default 100ms Using Database profiler // Enable database profiler on the console, 0=off 1=slow 2=all > db.setProfilingLevel(1, 50) { "was" : 0, "slowms" : 50, "ok" : 1 } // View profile with > show profile // See the raw data >db.system.profile.find().pretty()
  • 54. Indexes on a separate storage device $ mongod --dbpath DBPATH --storageEngine wiredTiger --wiredTigerDirectoryForIndexes •Available only when wiredTiger configured as the storage engine •With the wiredTigerDirectoryForIndexes storage engine option • One file per collection under DBPATH/collection • One file per index under DBPATH/index •Allows customers to place indexes on a dedicated storage device such as SSD for higher performance
  • 55. Index compression $ mongod --dbpath DBPATH --storageEngine wiredTiger --wiredTigerIndexPrefixCompression •Compression is on in wiredTiger by default •Indexes on disk are compressed using prefix compression •Allows indexes to be compressed in RAM
  • 56. Fine grain control for DBAs MongoDB 3.0 enhancements allow fine grain control for DBAs •wiredTiger storage engine for wide use cases •Index placement on faster storage devices •Index compression saving disk and RAM capacity •Finer compression controls for collections and indexes during creation time
  • 57. Register now: Super Early Bird Ends April 3! Use Code MuthuChinnasamy for additional 25% Off *Come as a group of 3 or more – Save another 25%
  • 58. MongoDB World is back! June 1-2 in New York. Use code MuthuChinnasamy for 25% off! Come as a Group of 3 or More & Save Another 25%.
  • 59. MongoDB can help you! MongoDB Enterprise Advanced The best way to run MongoDB in your data center MongoDB Management Service (MMS) The easiest way to run MongoDB in the cloud Production Support In production and under control Development Support Let’s get you running Consulting We solve problems Training Get your teams up to speed.

Editor's Notes

  1. Do not use an index hint when you need all or almost all the data in a collection Do not over index - Indexes take space and slow writes Validate effectiveness of each index
  2. No views materialized views, or map reduce behind the scenes
  3. Output section trimmed for brevity
  4. Total document count: 29470
  5. We not only used an index for the query but also to sort the query results. This is an effective strategy whenever feasible.
  6. Use $, $elemMatch, or $slice operators as these are the only way to project array fields. Dot notation for array elements does not help with projection. Inclusion and exclusion cannot be combined with the exception of the _id field
  7. Data not in the working set must be retrieved from the disk When the working set exceeds RAM, you have the options of scaling out(sharding) or scaling up(add more memory).
  8. unique applies a uniqueness constant on duplicate values. dropDups will force the server to create a unique index by only keeping the first document found in natural order with a value and dropping all other documents with that value. dropDups will likely result in data loss!!! Make sure you know what it does before you use it. MongoDB doesn't enforce a schema – documents are not required to have the same fields. Sparse indexes only contain entries for documents that have the indexed field. Without sparse, documents without field 'a' have a null entry in the index for that field. With sparse a unique constraint can be applied to a field not shared by all documents. Otherwise multiple 'null' values violate the unique constraint.
  9. Must have an index on the location field for this query to succeed maxDistance is specified in meters
  10. We at MongoDB recognize customers may need help with professional assistance with schema & index designing. We have a rapid start consulting service offering just for such needs. When to Engage: The planning or early development phase of a project. Outcome: A comprehensive written report that summarizes your application requirements and provides a schema design with a sample document from each planned collection, query structure and proposed indexes. Detailed training materials are also provided for you to reference.
  11. If mongodb used index intersection, explain will show either an AND_SORTED stage or an AND_HASH stage In my example, mongodb did not use index intersection, but considered during execution using two single field indexes
  12. cursor – the type of cursor used. BasicCursor means no index was used. TODO: Use a real example here instead of made up numbers… n – the number of documents that match the query nscannedObjects – the number of documents that had to be scanned nscanned – the number of items (index entries or documents) examined millis – how long the query took Ratio of n to nscanned should be as close to 1 as possible.
  13. cursor – the type of cursor used. BasicCursor means no index was used. TODO: Use a real example here instead of made up numbers… n – the number of documents that match the query nscannedObjects – the number of documents that had to be scanned nscanned – the number of items (index entries or documents) examined millis – how long the query took Ratio of n to nscanned should be as close to 1 as possible.
  14. By default there will be no execution stats. Use verbosity modes: executionStats or allPlansExecution
  15. By default there will be no execution stats. Use verbosity modes: executionStats or allPlansExecution
  16. Do not recommend setting in production unless for a quick troubleshooting exercise
  17. Identical index key prefixes stored only once, per page of memory. Consumes less storage on disk and in memory. Tradeoff: higher cpu for compression but allows a higher working set in RAM
  18. With compression – higher performance per node and reduced storage costs db.createCollection( "col", { storageEngine: {wiredTiger: { configString: "block_compressor=none" }}}) db.coll.createIndex({a:1},{ storageEngine: {wiredTiger: { configString: "block_compressor=zlib"}}})
  19. What We Sell We are the MongoDB experts. Over 1,000 organizations rely on our commercial offerings, including leading startups and 30 of the Fortune 100. We offer software and services to make your life easier: MongoDB Enterprise Advanced is the best way to run MongoDB in your data center. It’s a finely-tuned package of advanced software, support, certifications, and other services designed for the way you do business. MongoDB Management Service (MMS) is the easiest way to run MongoDB in the cloud. It makes MongoDB the system you worry about the least and like managing the most. Production Support helps keep your system up and running and gives you peace of mind. MongoDB engineers help you with production issues and any aspect of your project. Development Support helps you get up and running quickly. It gives you a complete package of software and services for the early stages of your project. MongoDB Consulting packages get you to production faster, help you tune performance in production, help you scale, and free you up to focus on your next release. MongoDB Training helps you become a MongoDB expert, from design to operating mission-critical systems at scale. Whether you’re a developer, DBA, or architect, we can make you better at MongoDB.