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Work related stress
prevention and actions
Module 2 / Unit 3
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the
author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European
Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be
held responsible for them.
Post Pandemic Empowerment Programme © 2023 by Die Berater/
European E-Learning Institute/ BUPNET/ CATRO/ Momentum/ Smart
Revolution/ Eurotraining is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
This unit aims at making SME managers, line managers and HR personnel aware of some “toxic” elements in the
working environment that can favour stress and implement some measures which can help reduce or avoid the
various stress triggers. Some actions must be implemented by the managers while others are more the
employees’ responsibility.
As stated in Unit 2 the employer must:
● evaluate the risk of stress amongst your staff members;
● take action to remove the risk;
● mitigate the risk as much as he/she can if removal is not possible.
So the unit is also meant to give the reader some pieces of advice and guidance on how to implement routines,
actions and behaviours that promote a safe and healthy working setting.
The following unit, namely the fourth one “On the spot intervention”, will provide the learner with preventive
and curative measures and procedures for identifying critical states of wellbeing among employees, providing
immediate help, and sustaining a constant healthy work environment for remote workers. The focus will be
especially on burnout.
Table of contents
Managers’ actions to activate a safe and healthy hybrid working
Work related stress prevention: the setting is key
Stress policy
Employees’ actions to benefit from a safe and healthy hybrid
working environment
04 Self-Assessment
05 Transition to next unit
Learning Outcomes
Components/building blocks of a safe and healthy working environment including good
practices and some tips for its implementation.
SKILLS: Strategies for making a safe and healthy working environment real.
BEHAVIOURS: Being the leader of the team, being present, rewarding workers who perform well,
paying attention to onboarding, promoting a supportive environment also through
communication and learning opportunities, engaging people, balancing workload and
work-life, and making sure both physical and digital environments are comfortable.
ATTITUDES: Positive attitude towards mental health and well-being, and recognise the importance of
conducting work related stress surveys and monitoring stress factors and the team’s
reaction. Empathy.
Work related stress
prevention: the setting
is key
Stress policy
Workers’ stress factors can be found both inside and outside the work settings. Employers and managers can act
to prevent and limit stress at work while it is often out of their sphere of intervention to do something for
people who have some family / serious health concerns.
To prevent stress it is important to set up a positive and psychologically safe work environment promoting
well-being. In it, employees feel comfortable, secure, and at ease when it comes to both their physical and
emotional safety.
Such environments take some time to become a reality and to prosper as they entail habits and changes that are
sometimes difficult to embrace, especially in the case of remote working. In the latter hypothesis, there are
more challenges to cope with such as keeping a sound work-life balance, feeling isolated, lacking face-to-face
communication and in-person contact and lacking visibility. Additionally, when working remotely, colleagues
can avoid each other, adding more fuel to any tension not because with the primary form of communication
being written, there is more chance of misinterpreted tone or message.
1. Work related stress prevention: the setting is key
Work related stress prevention: the importance of a positive and safe work environment
As reported by Mc Kinsey Health Institute in an interview with Poppy Jaman, global CEO of the MindFoward Alliance
and previous CEO of City Mental Health Alliance UK, over the last decade, leaders from all around the world have
asked how to make mental health a business goal and include it on the boardroom agenda. But few have dared to
set in motion a strategy that would last beyond their tenure.
Mental health is not an issue that is going to end within their careers, so the current climate of “short-termism”
has been a real barrier. Now, the pandemic has expanded the need but also enhanced leaders’ courage to lean in
on this agenda, partly because they were all asking the question “How are you?” and listening.
Managers who consider and treat well-being as a material ESG ( Environmental, social, and corporate governance )
topic are positioning their organisations for success.
For further information please see Module 4.
1. Work related stress prevention: the setting is key
A long term strategy to be encompassed in the ESG strategy
A safe and positive work environment decreases stress factors: happy workers mean better work and better
work is better for business. Several other benefits can be listed :
● Fewer days of sickness: employees are less stressed and less vulnerable (mentally and physically);
● Improved retention rates: people want to work where they feel valued, where they can perform at their best,
and where they enjoy spending time. Higher retention rates in turn mean less money spent on recruiting,
onboarding and training.
● Increased likelihood of business success: employees that are given the confidence and space to express
themselves and their ideas will more likely buy into company goals and success and strive to do more to
achieve both individual and team goals.
● Higher levels of innovation: the more people speak up their minds, the greater the number of ideas that will
be brought to the table. People will also have the confidence to come up with more bold and daring thoughts
knowing well that they will be encouraged to be creative.
● A greater reputation vis-à-vis clients, possible new employees and the stakeholders generally speaking
1. Work related stress prevention: the setting is key
Benefits of a safe and positive work environment
Good practices and examples
Patagonia encourages work-life balance by offering
flexible schedules, paid time off for volunteer
work, and on-site childcare.
They’ve operated an on-site child development
centre at their HQ in Ventura, California, for 33
years. The employees give more to the company
because it acts as a partner in life, not an
“At Patagonia, for the past five years, we’ve seen
100 % of moms return to work after maternity
Spring Health provides personalised mental health
care and wellness support designed to make
Microsoft employees and dependents feel good.
Spring Health offers:
● 24/7 phone line;
● A 5-minute mental health assessment and
personalised care plan;
● Professional coaches focused on mental and
emotional wellbeing;
● Medication management consultation;
● Self-guided exercise;
● Work-life resources and referrals
A policy should outline the steps / preventive measures up to managers and to employees and the
associated roles and responsibilities to reduce/eliminate stress when appropriate.
In a company with very few workers, it might not be appropriate to have a written policy but all existing
(and new) staff must be aware of what is planned. A written document might be the best way to do this.
In developing such a policy it is important to ensure:
● that all workers (or, in larger companies, their representatives) have the opportunity to be involved
throughout the development of the policy and in discussing and implementing the steps to be taken.
● that the steps to be taken are evidence-based and clear.
● roles and responsibilities under the policy, together with the steps to be taken in implementing it are
● provision for regular monitoring and review of both possible risks of stress and the steps in place to
manage them.
2. Stress policy
Managers’ actions for
promoting a safe and
healthy working
● Think of what stresses you at work the most. For
instance receiving several phone calls one after the
other, being invited to online meetings without
prior request, getting emailing just for saying “thank
you/ congrats”,...
● Search for a good practice within the SME which
limits stress/ favor a safe and healthy work
environment.For example having fixed tea / coffee
breaks, having a dedicated space/room where to
make phone calls so not to bother the colleagues, …
Self Reflection
Both managers and employees can act to promote a safe and healthy working environment.
In the following slides we’ll give you some suggestions on what to do as a manager and then we’ll cover
what employees can do. In the latter hypothesis the manager shall encourage the team to do so and create the
circumstances for what suggested to happen.
From the manager perspective here is what he/she will find out:
● Leadership and manager’s ”presence”;
● Recognition at work and job security;
● Encouraging lifelong learning;
● Prioritizing onboarding;
● Physical and digital environment.
From the employees’ point of view:
● Workers’ job control and speak up opportunities;
● Job demands;
● Mutual help
● “Sound”, effective and efficient communication;
● Work-life balance and working time.
2. Managers’ actions for promoting a safe and healthy working
Short intro
Leadership is an important prerequisite for addressing stress prevention at work because:
• it brings coordination among employees which helps in effective work and attainment of organisation
• It acts as a motivational tool by showing the right path and bringing confidence in employees. Managers
should lead by example, by being supportive and showing care for their team members. This practice can
lead to rooting for a sound culture of support.
Managers are encouraged to «check in» regularly. In this way employees feel more engaged, not left out and
not gang up on as they are not physically there.
There are several ways of doing so:
• at the coffee machine;
• while waiting for the others to join a meeting (either in the presence or virtually);
• Call dedicated short meetings.
2. Managers’ actions for promoting a safe and healthy working
Leadership and manager’s ”presence”
By properly recognising good work performance and the positive contribution of workers, managers can
show their appreciation. Such positive feedback is beneficial to team members. Practical measures include:
• praising good work by the workers;
• treating women and men equally as well as not making any distinction between people working in the
office or from home;
• providing good career prospects to all the staff;
• encouraging and rewarding employees who demonstrate support towards and care for their colleagues.
Job insecurity is an important factor leading to stress at work. Lack of guaranteed employment in the long
term, precarious forms of contracts and fluctuating employment conditions are known to be factors
increasing work stress. Clarity, in both employment conditions and measures to increase employment
stability, is important for reducing stress at work.
2. Managers’ actions for promoting a safe and healthy working
Recognition at work and job security
Managers shall encourage workers to continuously progress and
learn something useful for themself and the tasks they are
assigned by agreeing and proposing:
• participation in conferences and symposia relevant to the role
covered or possible upgrades;
• attendance of vocational training;
• mentorship and job shadowing;
• staff exchanging within Erasmus for young entrepreneurs and
Erasmus + KA1 mobility opportunities, MSCA staff exchanges
Remember that training can sometimes be found for free or co-funded
under Erasmus + projects, European Social Fund, Chamber of
Commerce or innovation clusters initiatives.
“If I don't study one day, I notice. If I
don't study two days, the audience
(Niccolò Paganini)
2. Managers’ actions for promoting a safe and healthy working
Encouraging lifelong learning
Especially for those starting their new jobs remotely, onboarding can feel daunting, and if done poorly, can
impact retention. In fact, 20% of all employee turnover is likely to occur within the first 45 days of
employment, and onboarding new employees will improve their productivity by over 70%.
An employee’s first two weeks are crucial for creating a positive work environment.
If new employees do not feel supported or engaged during their first two weeks, they may become
disengaged and may not perform at their best. On the other hand, if employers prioritise effective onboarding
and provide new employees with the resources, training, and support they need, they are more likely to feel
confident and engaged in their work.
Ultimately, managers need to create opportunities to help get newbies through the awkward initiation phase
and help them understand their role in the company.
2. Managers’ actions for promoting a safe and healthy working
Prioritising onboarding
You can find out more about onboarding in Module 1, Unit 2, Topic 3 & Module 3, Unit 3, Topic 1.
Some strategies include:
• introducing a buddy system or internal mentors;
• sharing clear expectations for both behaviour and performances, including any policy in hybrid or remote
• ask for feedback on the onboarding experience, ideally within the first month;
• support the new worker to identify the most appropriate balance between the workplace and home, as well
as how to structure their work accordingly;
• clarify how you can work with them as a manager;
• facilitate early meetings (virtually or in person) with colleagues, customers or key stakeholders asap;
• ensure the newcomer has all the technical equipment they need to work effectively from the first day;
• Try to hire workers who have the skills to work successfully in a hybrid context. These skills include
communication, collaboration, organization, digital literacy and time management. If not provide the right
training ASAP.
2. Managers’ actions for promoting a safe and healthy working
Prioritising onboarding
The physical environment is a contributing factor to work stress. Practical measures can be taken based on site-specific
assessment of environmental risks. The following are particularly important for preventing stress related to the
physical environment:
• establish clear procedures for risk assessment and control, emergency procedures and response plans;
• provide a comfortable working environment. This encompasses everything from ergonomic furniture to
temperature-regulated interiors. Adjustable standing desks and well-positioned computer screens can not only
alleviate pain but can also affect employees’ emotional well-being and promote focus;
• eliminate or reduce hazards at their source.
Talking about the digital environment, managers shall pay attention to the following:
• IT devices and the internet connection work fine. If possible provide the staff with a company phone so that they
can more easily disconnect;
• personnel has a minimum of digital literacy so that nobody is left behind simply because he is not a digital native.
If employees are working from home 100% of the time, managers shall consider providing them with a stipend to
spend on home office equipment, as well as a workplace self-assessment and resources on ergonomic safety.
2. Managers’ actions for promoting a safe and healthy working
Physical and digital environment
How to correctly seat
in front of a computer
How to measure the right
distance of the screen of
the computer
Never work in bed,
especially before going
to bed in the evening
2. Managers’ actions for promoting a safe and healthy working
Physical and digital environment
Employees’ actions for a
safe and healthy hybrid
working environment
When workers can control how they do their work, they will enjoy working and be more productive. Work can
get more stressful when employees do not influence the pace of work and working methods.
Some effective measures for giving more job controls to people include:
• engaging workers in decision-making about work organisation;
• Organising regular meetings to discuss workplace problems;
• Encouraging the participation of workers in improving work;
• Giving floor for expressing themselves, thinking out of the box, and being creative (ask directly, notice-
board, brainstorm sessions, …)
3. Employees’ actions for a safe and healthy hybrid working
Workers’ job control and speak up opportunities
Job demands need to be assigned among workers in a balanced manner.
Excessive job demands affecting particular workers must be avoided to prevent
stress at work.
Practical measures that can be taken may include:
• planning achievable deadlines (knowing staff’s competencies and capabilities
and having set priorities);
• clearly defining tasks and responsibilities;
• avoiding under-utilising the capabilities of workers;
• organising regular catch-ups to monitor the advancements and if there are
people who have some «free time» that can help others.
3. Employees’ actions for a safe and healthy hybrid working
Job demands
Supporting one another (in a broad sense) is essential in preventing stress at work as it helps workers cope
with pressures and stress.
The following types of support, among others, seem particularly useful:
• close management–worker relations;
• organisation of social activities;
• provision of direct help when needed;
• mentoring/coaching
Managers are invited to utilise technology, such as instant messaging and video conferencing, to create
virtual support networks for employees who work remotely.
3. Employees’ actions for a safe and healthy hybrid working
Mutual help
Open communication facilitates collaboration as well as the detection and solution of workplace problems while
promoting a positive sense of community. Workers informed about important decisions play an active role in
achieving mutually agreed goals.
Managers must pay attention that communication flows do not become «excessive» and useless. More than ever
workers are «bombarded» with information from different channels, so they must oversee people get only the
needed information to be able to perform their job while feeling part of the corporation. The issue of app
proliferation continues to be a strain on productivity, with knowledge workers spending nearly 3 working weeks
a year switching from one app to another!!! (Source:
Managers shall keep an eye out for negative behaviours such as undermining, passive-aggressive or intimidating
comments and gestures, taking credit for another’s work, excluding colleagues, criticising, blaming and making
unreasonable demands or deadlines. This may lead to bullying which can also be detected by discussing with
third parties or in a psychologically safe environment where other employees can share if they’ve witnessed
any hybrid workplace bullying, without being penalised for doing so.
3. Employees’ actions for a safe and healthy hybrid working
“Sound”, effective and efficient communication
Work-life balance and working-time arrangements are important factors impacting stress at work. Multifaceted
support measures are needed to reduce fatigue, enhance safety and health, and support the maintenance of
family responsibilities.
Practical measures to improve working-time arrangements and work-life balance include:
• involving workers in the design of working hours;
• accommodating the needs of both the work and the workers;
• avoiding excessively long working hours;
• facilitating the maintenance of family responsibilities;
• adjusting breaks and rest time, encouraging workers to disconnect meaningfully when working remotely;
• having some training teaching the importance of disconnecting and setting clear boundaries when
working from home;
• writing some shared policies stressing that not working in presence does not mean that a person can be
reached at any time and that she has the right to pause.
3. Employees’ actions for a safe and healthy hybrid working
Work-life balance and working time
Netflix offers its employees unlimited paid time off,
allowing them to take the time they need to recover and
return to work at their own pace. Netflix also has
implemented an "unlimited vacation" policy, which
allows employees to take as much vacation time as they
want, as long as they get their work done.
Adobe offers its employees a “wellness sabbatical”
program, which allows employees to take up to 12
weeks of paid time off to focus on their mental and
physical well-being.
3. Employees’ actions for a safe and healthy hybrid working
Building a support system among employees - Good case practices
Google has implemented a "20% time" policy, which allows
employees to spend 20% of their work time on projects
that they are passionate about. This helps to increase
employee engagement and reduce burnout.
SAS Institute offers its employees flexible schedules and work
arrangements, such as telecommuting, part-time work and
job sharing, to help them balance work and personal life to
reach better states of wellbeing.
Insurance company Aetna implements a program called
“Mindfulness at Work” which includes on-site meditation
and yoga classes, and webinar workshops on topics such as
stress management and resilience.
3. Employees’ actions for a safe and healthy hybrid working
Programs to implement to minimise burn out - Good case practices
3. Employees’ actions for a safe and healthy hybrid working
Hints to workers for the well-being
• Use time management apps: many time management tools exist to help technology users control how
much time they spend on a given task. Here is a list of the 15 Best Time Management Apps and Tools in
• Address and prevent eye strain: special glasses that block blue light are available, as well as apps such as
F.lux and Eye Pro.
• Establish digital boundaries; Maintaining a solid work-life balance is essential to good employee health.
This balance becomes even more important in a world with instant communication.
f.lux makes the colour of your computer's
display adapt to the time of day, warm at
night and like sunlight during the day.
Eye Pro is another free program with
customisable settings that pops up
notices reminding users to blink.
3. Employees’ actions for a safe and healthy hybrid working
Hints to workers for the well-being
• Use mindfulness and digital well-being apps - Here we mention some.
Through science-backed
meditation and
mindfulness tools, it
helps create life-
changing habits to
support your mental
health and find a
healthier, happier you.
Streaks is the to-do list that
helps you form good
habits. Every day you
complete a task, your
streak is extended. You
can set your habits.
Wakeout helps people become
more mindful of their bodies
and how they feel with
customisable reminders
throughout the day.
It makes it easy to integrate
movement into your life.
3. Employees’ actions for a safe and healthy hybrid working
• Encourage employees to integrate activity into their workstations: whether in a physical office or a home
office, sitting for hours at a time is hard on the body. In either scenario, managers should encourage
employees to move around in whatever way suits them.
• Help employees unwind and disconnect and remind employees to leave work at work: if employees still
have a physical office space, employers and managers shall create a break area where employees can
decompress maybe with some books to read or a pingpong table for a friendly competition. If the team
works from home remind them to take care of themselves for instance by doing some exercises, yoga,
mindfulness or any other activity which is not strictly related to work. Encourage your staff to meet other
people and stay with the family.
3. Employees’ actions for a safe and healthy hybrid working
• Limit digital meetings: meetings can lower employees' productivity and increase their stress. Often, sending an
email or a message through an app such as Teams or Slack can be just as effective and less of an interruption to
an employee's day. Try not to put employees into positions where they need to neglect important work duties
to attend meetings.
• Give employees proper training to learn new technology and equipment: some employees are going to adapt
to workplace changes more easily than others - and that includes the adoption of new technology and practices.
Don't bombard employees with new equipment and technology they need to learn and expect them to master
it by the next day. This will only lead to failure and disappointment for everyone. Instead, set employees up for
success by introducing changes gradually, ensuring that they have the necessary training. Also be sure they
know whom to ask for help if they need it.
Organise a sort of «roleplay» for improving the physical environment
• In the office
- Take two-three pictures of the working environments.
- Call a brainstorming meeting in a relaxed and comfortable space (break room /
meeting room / your office if it is big enough).
- Show the photos you’ve taken and some others of terrible/toxic work environments and cool ones.
- Ask your team for suggestions on how to improve the setting (for example a new coffee machine and a
microwave, an area to play table tennis or table-foot, more plants, new curtains for better protecting of the
eyes while working new paints, …). Say you’ll take some time to evaluate the expenses and then implement
some/all the suggestions.
- After some weeks organise another meeting to assess how the staff likes the changes and if you wish add
the photos on a wall/notice board on how it was before and after.
Other ways for assessing and improving well-being
● Collecting suggestions for the home working environment
- Without taking pictures due to privacy, the person working remotely can
describe to the manager (and eventually other colleagues) where and how
he/she normally works and how he/she spends the breaks.
- Colleagues working remotely or in the office can share their thoughts and
hints and also how they are «organised», what they like most and what they
would like to improve.
- After some weeks such online exchanges can be repeated to double-check if
the situation has somehow improved.
● Meetings to evaluate workload and take action
Conduct one-to-one meetings with all your staff (or the line managers) to ask
them about the workload and also how they are feeling about what they are
currently doing. «Draw» a sort of chart where you write who is the busiest and
who is least busy. Try to re-balance tasks and eventually decide/propose the
employer hire new people if you are lacking workers.
Initiatives to improve communication
Draft a very short survey with a checklist and administer it to all staff members. Questions may be:
• What are the means you use to communicate internally with your colleagues?
• How much time do you normally dedicate to discussing with your colleagues regarding job topics? Does it
often happen that you have to repeat the same things?
• Do you think you miss some key information to perform your task efficiently?
• Do you think you receive too much information which is not needed for what you are supposed to do?
• Do you think that the meetings you are invited to are pertinent and effective?
• Leave a box where they can freely express their thoughts
Depending on the answers you can:
• Propose a communication policy also stating which kind of information shall be given to whom and how
• Decide to adopt collaborative tools to reduce the bulk of information
• Offer some training courses on how to be effective while communicating
Do not forget to inform all your workers about both the outcomes of the survey and the next steps you wish
to follow!
In this unit, you have understood how the work
environment is strictly related to workers’
stress and thus their performances. You have
learned some building blocks, some aspects
to consider and some actions you can
implement to foster a safe and healthy work
Attention shall be given to both “soft” and
“hardware” aspects.
In addition to referring to some concrete
actions in a dedicated policy, employees may
also count on some apps for fostering their
We offer you a short questionnaire for self-
assessment of the extent to which you have
understood the content.
The goal is to check and reinforce what you have
You can take the quiz as many times as you want.
Remember, the quiz is just part of the process
of learning new things!
Question 1:
Which nouns are right to describe a positive
work environment?
Pick up the right ones from the following.
● high levels of trust and support,
● strong communication,
● negativity,
● encouragement,
● compassion,
● distrust,
● underlying level of fear,
● bullying,
● workload,
● empathy.
Question 2:
What is the role of a leader?
Pick up the right answers from the following.
Authoritative, collaborative, coaching, visionary,
focuses on Self rather than Team, sets unrealistic
expectations, democratic, refuses to accept blame,
delegation, avoids conflict, prefers micromanagement
than giving employees the space they need to
effectively complete their work, always
procrastinates, consultative, claims others’ ideas as
his own, transformational, rests when needed, rude,
likes listening to others
Question 3:
What are possible funding sources for training or
where can you get them for free?
Name at least two from the answers underneath.
● Erasmus for young entrepreneurs
● Horizon Europe
● Erasmus + K1 Mobility
● European social fund
● Health insurance companies
● MSCA staff exchanges
● Life programme
● Chambers of commerce
● European Patent Office
● Innovation clusters
● Business associations
Question 4:
Can you name at least two apps for
mindfulness and digital well-being?
● Headspace
● Rooftop
● Streaks
● Sanebox
● Wakeout.
• Slack, 2022, “6 simple ways to foster a positive hybrid work environment”,
• Harvard Business Review, 2017, “A Study of 1,100 Employees Found That Remote
Workers Feel Shunned and Left Out”,
• Mentimeter, 2022, “How to Create a Safe & Positive Work Environment”
• Transformations, 2018, “How Job Insecurity Affects Mental Health and How To
Further Reading
● 2023, “Six reasons why employee onboarding matters”,
● EY, 2020, “How do you ensure wellbeing is at the core of workforce resilience?”
● My Clan, 2021, How to create a healthy workplace environment
● Simon Sinek, 2022, CONNECTION in the Remote Work Era
● TechTarget,4 Digital Wellness Tips for the Workplace
Further Reading / Watching
● wework, 2022, “10 effective brainstorming techniques for teams”,
• International Labor Office- Genova, 2012, “Stress prevention at work”,
• Mckinsey Health Institute, 2022, “Leading with compassion: Prioritizing
workplace mental health”,
● Deloitte, “Well-being: A new cornerstone for ESG strategy and reporting”,
● Deloitte, “Well-being: Moving from Effort to Effect”,
● TechTarget, 2022, “10 tips to promote digital wellness in the workplace”,
"Everyone knows that
prevention is more
necessary than cure, but
few reward acts of
- Nassim Nicholas Taleb
In the next unit, you’ll get to know more about
burnout and how to prevent it and how to
cope with it in case some of your employees
suffer from it.
Some hints will be given on how to detect and
combat burnout.
Thank you for learning with us!
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Module 2 / Unit 3 Work related stress prevention and actions

  • 2. post pandemic empowerment programme Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. Post Pandemic Empowerment Programme © 2023 by Die Berater/ European E-Learning Institute/ BUPNET/ CATRO/ Momentum/ Smart Revolution/ Eurotraining is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
  • 3. програма за овластяване след пандемията Introduction This unit aims at making SME managers, line managers and HR personnel aware of some “toxic” elements in the working environment that can favour stress and implement some measures which can help reduce or avoid the various stress triggers. Some actions must be implemented by the managers while others are more the employees’ responsibility. As stated in Unit 2 the employer must: ● evaluate the risk of stress amongst your staff members; ● take action to remove the risk; ● mitigate the risk as much as he/she can if removal is not possible. So the unit is also meant to give the reader some pieces of advice and guidance on how to implement routines, actions and behaviours that promote a safe and healthy working setting. The following unit, namely the fourth one “On the spot intervention”, will provide the learner with preventive and curative measures and procedures for identifying critical states of wellbeing among employees, providing immediate help, and sustaining a constant healthy work environment for remote workers. The focus will be especially on burnout.
  • 4. post pandemic empowerment programme Table of contents 02 03 01 Managers’ actions to activate a safe and healthy hybrid working environment Work related stress prevention: the setting is key Stress policy Employees’ actions to benefit from a safe and healthy hybrid working environment 04 Self-Assessment 05 Transition to next unit
  • 5. post pandemic empowerment programme KNOWLEDGE: Learning Outcomes Components/building blocks of a safe and healthy working environment including good practices and some tips for its implementation. SKILLS: Strategies for making a safe and healthy working environment real. BEHAVIOURS: Being the leader of the team, being present, rewarding workers who perform well, paying attention to onboarding, promoting a supportive environment also through communication and learning opportunities, engaging people, balancing workload and work-life, and making sure both physical and digital environments are comfortable. ATTITUDES: Positive attitude towards mental health and well-being, and recognise the importance of conducting work related stress surveys and monitoring stress factors and the team’s reaction. Empathy.
  • 7. post pandemic empowerment programme Workers’ stress factors can be found both inside and outside the work settings. Employers and managers can act to prevent and limit stress at work while it is often out of their sphere of intervention to do something for people who have some family / serious health concerns. To prevent stress it is important to set up a positive and psychologically safe work environment promoting well-being. In it, employees feel comfortable, secure, and at ease when it comes to both their physical and emotional safety. Such environments take some time to become a reality and to prosper as they entail habits and changes that are sometimes difficult to embrace, especially in the case of remote working. In the latter hypothesis, there are more challenges to cope with such as keeping a sound work-life balance, feeling isolated, lacking face-to-face communication and in-person contact and lacking visibility. Additionally, when working remotely, colleagues can avoid each other, adding more fuel to any tension not because with the primary form of communication being written, there is more chance of misinterpreted tone or message. 1. Work related stress prevention: the setting is key Work related stress prevention: the importance of a positive and safe work environment
  • 8. post pandemic empowerment programme As reported by Mc Kinsey Health Institute in an interview with Poppy Jaman, global CEO of the MindFoward Alliance and previous CEO of City Mental Health Alliance UK, over the last decade, leaders from all around the world have asked how to make mental health a business goal and include it on the boardroom agenda. But few have dared to set in motion a strategy that would last beyond their tenure. Mental health is not an issue that is going to end within their careers, so the current climate of “short-termism” has been a real barrier. Now, the pandemic has expanded the need but also enhanced leaders’ courage to lean in on this agenda, partly because they were all asking the question “How are you?” and listening. Managers who consider and treat well-being as a material ESG ( Environmental, social, and corporate governance ) topic are positioning their organisations for success. For further information please see Module 4. 1. Work related stress prevention: the setting is key A long term strategy to be encompassed in the ESG strategy
  • 9. post pandemic empowerment programme A safe and positive work environment decreases stress factors: happy workers mean better work and better work is better for business. Several other benefits can be listed : ● Fewer days of sickness: employees are less stressed and less vulnerable (mentally and physically); ● Improved retention rates: people want to work where they feel valued, where they can perform at their best, and where they enjoy spending time. Higher retention rates in turn mean less money spent on recruiting, onboarding and training. ● Increased likelihood of business success: employees that are given the confidence and space to express themselves and their ideas will more likely buy into company goals and success and strive to do more to achieve both individual and team goals. ● Higher levels of innovation: the more people speak up their minds, the greater the number of ideas that will be brought to the table. People will also have the confidence to come up with more bold and daring thoughts knowing well that they will be encouraged to be creative. ● A greater reputation vis-à-vis clients, possible new employees and the stakeholders generally speaking 1. Work related stress prevention: the setting is key Benefits of a safe and positive work environment
  • 10. post pandemic empowerment programme 🌐 HTTPS://SPRINGHEALTH.COM & 🌐 HTTPS://WWW.MICROSOFT.COM/ Good practices and examples 🌐 HTTPS://EU.PATAGONIA.COM/GB/EN/HOME/ Patagonia encourages work-life balance by offering flexible schedules, paid time off for volunteer work, and on-site childcare. They’ve operated an on-site child development centre at their HQ in Ventura, California, for 33 years. The employees give more to the company because it acts as a partner in life, not an obstacle. “At Patagonia, for the past five years, we’ve seen 100 % of moms return to work after maternity leave.” Spring Health provides personalised mental health care and wellness support designed to make Microsoft employees and dependents feel good. Spring Health offers: ● 24/7 phone line; ● A 5-minute mental health assessment and personalised care plan; ● Professional coaches focused on mental and emotional wellbeing; ● Medication management consultation; ● Self-guided exercise; ● Work-life resources and referrals
  • 11. post pandemic empowerment programme A policy should outline the steps / preventive measures up to managers and to employees and the associated roles and responsibilities to reduce/eliminate stress when appropriate. In a company with very few workers, it might not be appropriate to have a written policy but all existing (and new) staff must be aware of what is planned. A written document might be the best way to do this. In developing such a policy it is important to ensure: ● that all workers (or, in larger companies, their representatives) have the opportunity to be involved throughout the development of the policy and in discussing and implementing the steps to be taken. ● that the steps to be taken are evidence-based and clear. ● roles and responsibilities under the policy, together with the steps to be taken in implementing it are clear. ● provision for regular monitoring and review of both possible risks of stress and the steps in place to manage them. 2. Stress policy
  • 13. post pandemic empowerment programme ● Think of what stresses you at work the most. For instance receiving several phone calls one after the other, being invited to online meetings without prior request, getting emailing just for saying “thank you/ congrats”,... ● Search for a good practice within the SME which limits stress/ favor a safe and healthy work environment.For example having fixed tea / coffee breaks, having a dedicated space/room where to make phone calls so not to bother the colleagues, … Self Reflection
  • 14. post pandemic empowerment programme Both managers and employees can act to promote a safe and healthy working environment. In the following slides we’ll give you some suggestions on what to do as a manager and then we’ll cover what employees can do. In the latter hypothesis the manager shall encourage the team to do so and create the circumstances for what suggested to happen. From the manager perspective here is what he/she will find out: ● Leadership and manager’s ”presence”; ● Recognition at work and job security; ● Encouraging lifelong learning; ● Prioritizing onboarding; ● Physical and digital environment. From the employees’ point of view: ● Workers’ job control and speak up opportunities; ● Job demands; ● Mutual help ● “Sound”, effective and efficient communication; ● Work-life balance and working time. 2. Managers’ actions for promoting a safe and healthy working environment Short intro
  • 15. post pandemic empowerment programme Leadership is an important prerequisite for addressing stress prevention at work because: • it brings coordination among employees which helps in effective work and attainment of organisation goals; • It acts as a motivational tool by showing the right path and bringing confidence in employees. Managers should lead by example, by being supportive and showing care for their team members. This practice can lead to rooting for a sound culture of support. Managers are encouraged to «check in» regularly. In this way employees feel more engaged, not left out and not gang up on as they are not physically there. There are several ways of doing so: • at the coffee machine; • while waiting for the others to join a meeting (either in the presence or virtually); • Call dedicated short meetings. 2. Managers’ actions for promoting a safe and healthy working environment Leadership and manager’s ”presence”
  • 16. post pandemic empowerment programme By properly recognising good work performance and the positive contribution of workers, managers can show their appreciation. Such positive feedback is beneficial to team members. Practical measures include: • praising good work by the workers; • treating women and men equally as well as not making any distinction between people working in the office or from home; • providing good career prospects to all the staff; • encouraging and rewarding employees who demonstrate support towards and care for their colleagues. Job insecurity is an important factor leading to stress at work. Lack of guaranteed employment in the long term, precarious forms of contracts and fluctuating employment conditions are known to be factors increasing work stress. Clarity, in both employment conditions and measures to increase employment stability, is important for reducing stress at work. 2. Managers’ actions for promoting a safe and healthy working environment Recognition at work and job security
  • 17. post pandemic empowerment programme Managers shall encourage workers to continuously progress and learn something useful for themself and the tasks they are assigned by agreeing and proposing: • participation in conferences and symposia relevant to the role covered or possible upgrades; • attendance of vocational training; • mentorship and job shadowing; • staff exchanging within Erasmus for young entrepreneurs and Erasmus + KA1 mobility opportunities, MSCA staff exchanges Remember that training can sometimes be found for free or co-funded under Erasmus + projects, European Social Fund, Chamber of Commerce or innovation clusters initiatives. “If I don't study one day, I notice. If I don't study two days, the audience notices.” (Niccolò Paganini) 2. Managers’ actions for promoting a safe and healthy working environment Encouraging lifelong learning
  • 18. post pandemic empowerment programme Especially for those starting their new jobs remotely, onboarding can feel daunting, and if done poorly, can impact retention. In fact, 20% of all employee turnover is likely to occur within the first 45 days of employment, and onboarding new employees will improve their productivity by over 70%. An employee’s first two weeks are crucial for creating a positive work environment. If new employees do not feel supported or engaged during their first two weeks, they may become disengaged and may not perform at their best. On the other hand, if employers prioritise effective onboarding and provide new employees with the resources, training, and support they need, they are more likely to feel confident and engaged in their work. Ultimately, managers need to create opportunities to help get newbies through the awkward initiation phase and help them understand their role in the company. 2. Managers’ actions for promoting a safe and healthy working environment Prioritising onboarding You can find out more about onboarding in Module 1, Unit 2, Topic 3 & Module 3, Unit 3, Topic 1.
  • 19. post pandemic empowerment programme Some strategies include: • introducing a buddy system or internal mentors; • sharing clear expectations for both behaviour and performances, including any policy in hybrid or remote working; • ask for feedback on the onboarding experience, ideally within the first month; • support the new worker to identify the most appropriate balance between the workplace and home, as well as how to structure their work accordingly; • clarify how you can work with them as a manager; • facilitate early meetings (virtually or in person) with colleagues, customers or key stakeholders asap; • ensure the newcomer has all the technical equipment they need to work effectively from the first day; • Try to hire workers who have the skills to work successfully in a hybrid context. These skills include communication, collaboration, organization, digital literacy and time management. If not provide the right training ASAP. 2. Managers’ actions for promoting a safe and healthy working environment Prioritising onboarding
  • 20. post pandemic empowerment programme The physical environment is a contributing factor to work stress. Practical measures can be taken based on site-specific assessment of environmental risks. The following are particularly important for preventing stress related to the physical environment: • establish clear procedures for risk assessment and control, emergency procedures and response plans; • provide a comfortable working environment. This encompasses everything from ergonomic furniture to temperature-regulated interiors. Adjustable standing desks and well-positioned computer screens can not only alleviate pain but can also affect employees’ emotional well-being and promote focus; • eliminate or reduce hazards at their source. Talking about the digital environment, managers shall pay attention to the following: • IT devices and the internet connection work fine. If possible provide the staff with a company phone so that they can more easily disconnect; • personnel has a minimum of digital literacy so that nobody is left behind simply because he is not a digital native. If employees are working from home 100% of the time, managers shall consider providing them with a stipend to spend on home office equipment, as well as a workplace self-assessment and resources on ergonomic safety. 2. Managers’ actions for promoting a safe and healthy working environment Physical and digital environment
  • 21. post pandemic empowerment programme How to correctly seat in front of a computer How to measure the right distance of the screen of the computer Never work in bed, especially before going to bed in the evening 2. Managers’ actions for promoting a safe and healthy working environment Physical and digital environment
  • 22. post pandemic empowerment programme Employees’ actions for a safe and healthy hybrid working environment 03
  • 23. post pandemic empowerment programme When workers can control how they do their work, they will enjoy working and be more productive. Work can get more stressful when employees do not influence the pace of work and working methods. Some effective measures for giving more job controls to people include: • engaging workers in decision-making about work organisation; • Organising regular meetings to discuss workplace problems; • Encouraging the participation of workers in improving work; • Giving floor for expressing themselves, thinking out of the box, and being creative (ask directly, notice- board, brainstorm sessions, …) 3. Employees’ actions for a safe and healthy hybrid working environment Workers’ job control and speak up opportunities
  • 24. post pandemic empowerment programme Job demands need to be assigned among workers in a balanced manner. Excessive job demands affecting particular workers must be avoided to prevent stress at work. Practical measures that can be taken may include: • planning achievable deadlines (knowing staff’s competencies and capabilities and having set priorities); • clearly defining tasks and responsibilities; • avoiding under-utilising the capabilities of workers; • organising regular catch-ups to monitor the advancements and if there are people who have some «free time» that can help others. 3. Employees’ actions for a safe and healthy hybrid working environment Job demands
  • 25. post pandemic empowerment programme Supporting one another (in a broad sense) is essential in preventing stress at work as it helps workers cope with pressures and stress. The following types of support, among others, seem particularly useful: • close management–worker relations; • organisation of social activities; • provision of direct help when needed; • mentoring/coaching Managers are invited to utilise technology, such as instant messaging and video conferencing, to create virtual support networks for employees who work remotely. 3. Employees’ actions for a safe and healthy hybrid working environment Mutual help
  • 26. post pandemic empowerment programme Open communication facilitates collaboration as well as the detection and solution of workplace problems while promoting a positive sense of community. Workers informed about important decisions play an active role in achieving mutually agreed goals. Managers must pay attention that communication flows do not become «excessive» and useless. More than ever workers are «bombarded» with information from different channels, so they must oversee people get only the needed information to be able to perform their job while feeling part of the corporation. The issue of app proliferation continues to be a strain on productivity, with knowledge workers spending nearly 3 working weeks a year switching from one app to another!!! (Source: Managers shall keep an eye out for negative behaviours such as undermining, passive-aggressive or intimidating comments and gestures, taking credit for another’s work, excluding colleagues, criticising, blaming and making unreasonable demands or deadlines. This may lead to bullying which can also be detected by discussing with third parties or in a psychologically safe environment where other employees can share if they’ve witnessed any hybrid workplace bullying, without being penalised for doing so. 3. Employees’ actions for a safe and healthy hybrid working environment “Sound”, effective and efficient communication
  • 27. post pandemic empowerment programme Work-life balance and working-time arrangements are important factors impacting stress at work. Multifaceted support measures are needed to reduce fatigue, enhance safety and health, and support the maintenance of family responsibilities. Practical measures to improve working-time arrangements and work-life balance include: • involving workers in the design of working hours; • accommodating the needs of both the work and the workers; • avoiding excessively long working hours; • facilitating the maintenance of family responsibilities; • adjusting breaks and rest time, encouraging workers to disconnect meaningfully when working remotely; • having some training teaching the importance of disconnecting and setting clear boundaries when working from home; • writing some shared policies stressing that not working in presence does not mean that a person can be reached at any time and that she has the right to pause. 3. Employees’ actions for a safe and healthy hybrid working environment Work-life balance and working time
  • 28. post pandemic empowerment programme Netflix offers its employees unlimited paid time off, allowing them to take the time they need to recover and return to work at their own pace. Netflix also has implemented an "unlimited vacation" policy, which allows employees to take as much vacation time as they want, as long as they get their work done. Adobe offers its employees a “wellness sabbatical” program, which allows employees to take up to 12 weeks of paid time off to focus on their mental and physical well-being. 3. Employees’ actions for a safe and healthy hybrid working environment Building a support system among employees - Good case practices 🌐 HTTPS://WWW.NETFLIX.COM/IT-EN/ 🌐 HTTPS://WWW.ADOBE.COM
  • 29. post pandemic empowerment programme Google has implemented a "20% time" policy, which allows employees to spend 20% of their work time on projects that they are passionate about. This helps to increase employee engagement and reduce burnout. SAS Institute offers its employees flexible schedules and work arrangements, such as telecommuting, part-time work and job sharing, to help them balance work and personal life to reach better states of wellbeing. Insurance company Aetna implements a program called “Mindfulness at Work” which includes on-site meditation and yoga classes, and webinar workshops on topics such as stress management and resilience. 3. Employees’ actions for a safe and healthy hybrid working environment Programs to implement to minimise burn out - Good case practices 🌐 HTTPS://WWW.GOOGLE.COM 🌐 HTTPS://WWW.SAS.COM/EN_GB/HOME.HTML 🌐 HTTPS://WWW.AETNA.COM
  • 30. post pandemic empowerment programme 3. Employees’ actions for a safe and healthy hybrid working environment Hints to workers for the well-being • Use time management apps: many time management tools exist to help technology users control how much time they spend on a given task. Here is a list of the 15 Best Time Management Apps and Tools in 2023. • Address and prevent eye strain: special glasses that block blue light are available, as well as apps such as F.lux and Eye Pro. • Establish digital boundaries; Maintaining a solid work-life balance is essential to good employee health. This balance becomes even more important in a world with instant communication. f.lux makes the colour of your computer's display adapt to the time of day, warm at night and like sunlight during the day. Eye Pro is another free program with customisable settings that pops up notices reminding users to blink. 🌐 HTTPS://JUSTGETFLUX.COM 🌐 HTTPS://PLAY.GOOGLE.COM/STORE/APPS/DETAILS?ID= COM.GLGJING.BLUE.LIGHT.FILTER&HL=EN_US
  • 31. post pandemic empowerment programme 3. Employees’ actions for a safe and healthy hybrid working environment Hints to workers for the well-being • Use mindfulness and digital well-being apps - Here we mention some. Through science-backed meditation and mindfulness tools, it helps create life- changing habits to support your mental health and find a healthier, happier you. Streaks is the to-do list that helps you form good habits. Every day you complete a task, your streak is extended. You can set your habits. Wakeout helps people become more mindful of their bodies and how they feel with customisable reminders throughout the day. It makes it easy to integrate movement into your life. 🌐 HTTPS://WWW.HEADSPACE.COM 🌐 HTTPS://STREAKS.APP 🌐 HTTPS://WAKEOUT.APP
  • 32. post pandemic empowerment programme 3. Employees’ actions for a safe and healthy hybrid working environment • Encourage employees to integrate activity into their workstations: whether in a physical office or a home office, sitting for hours at a time is hard on the body. In either scenario, managers should encourage employees to move around in whatever way suits them. • Help employees unwind and disconnect and remind employees to leave work at work: if employees still have a physical office space, employers and managers shall create a break area where employees can decompress maybe with some books to read or a pingpong table for a friendly competition. If the team works from home remind them to take care of themselves for instance by doing some exercises, yoga, mindfulness or any other activity which is not strictly related to work. Encourage your staff to meet other people and stay with the family.
  • 33. post pandemic empowerment programme 3. Employees’ actions for a safe and healthy hybrid working environment • Limit digital meetings: meetings can lower employees' productivity and increase their stress. Often, sending an email or a message through an app such as Teams or Slack can be just as effective and less of an interruption to an employee's day. Try not to put employees into positions where they need to neglect important work duties to attend meetings. • Give employees proper training to learn new technology and equipment: some employees are going to adapt to workplace changes more easily than others - and that includes the adoption of new technology and practices. Don't bombard employees with new equipment and technology they need to learn and expect them to master it by the next day. This will only lead to failure and disappointment for everyone. Instead, set employees up for success by introducing changes gradually, ensuring that they have the necessary training. Also be sure they know whom to ask for help if they need it.
  • 34. post pandemic empowerment programme Organise a sort of «roleplay» for improving the physical environment • In the office - Take two-three pictures of the working environments. - Call a brainstorming meeting in a relaxed and comfortable space (break room / meeting room / your office if it is big enough). - Show the photos you’ve taken and some others of terrible/toxic work environments and cool ones. - Ask your team for suggestions on how to improve the setting (for example a new coffee machine and a microwave, an area to play table tennis or table-foot, more plants, new curtains for better protecting of the eyes while working new paints, …). Say you’ll take some time to evaluate the expenses and then implement some/all the suggestions. - After some weeks organise another meeting to assess how the staff likes the changes and if you wish add the photos on a wall/notice board on how it was before and after.
  • 35. post pandemic empowerment programme Other ways for assessing and improving well-being ● Collecting suggestions for the home working environment - Without taking pictures due to privacy, the person working remotely can describe to the manager (and eventually other colleagues) where and how he/she normally works and how he/she spends the breaks. - Colleagues working remotely or in the office can share their thoughts and hints and also how they are «organised», what they like most and what they would like to improve. - After some weeks such online exchanges can be repeated to double-check if the situation has somehow improved. ● Meetings to evaluate workload and take action Conduct one-to-one meetings with all your staff (or the line managers) to ask them about the workload and also how they are feeling about what they are currently doing. «Draw» a sort of chart where you write who is the busiest and who is least busy. Try to re-balance tasks and eventually decide/propose the employer hire new people if you are lacking workers.
  • 36. post pandemic empowerment programme Initiatives to improve communication Draft a very short survey with a checklist and administer it to all staff members. Questions may be: • What are the means you use to communicate internally with your colleagues? • How much time do you normally dedicate to discussing with your colleagues regarding job topics? Does it often happen that you have to repeat the same things? • Do you think you miss some key information to perform your task efficiently? • Do you think you receive too much information which is not needed for what you are supposed to do? • Do you think that the meetings you are invited to are pertinent and effective? • Leave a box where they can freely express their thoughts Depending on the answers you can: • Propose a communication policy also stating which kind of information shall be given to whom and how often • Decide to adopt collaborative tools to reduce the bulk of information • Offer some training courses on how to be effective while communicating Do not forget to inform all your workers about both the outcomes of the survey and the next steps you wish to follow!
  • 37. post pandemic empowerment programme In this unit, you have understood how the work environment is strictly related to workers’ stress and thus their performances. You have learned some building blocks, some aspects to consider and some actions you can implement to foster a safe and healthy work environment. Attention shall be given to both “soft” and “hardware” aspects. In addition to referring to some concrete actions in a dedicated policy, employees may also count on some apps for fostering their well-being. SUMMARY OF UNIT 3
  • 38. post pandemic empowerment programme SELF-ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE We offer you a short questionnaire for self- assessment of the extent to which you have understood the content. The goal is to check and reinforce what you have learned. You can take the quiz as many times as you want. Remember, the quiz is just part of the process of learning new things!
  • 39. post pandemic empowerment programme Question 1: Which nouns are right to describe a positive work environment? Pick up the right ones from the following. ● high levels of trust and support, ● strong communication, ● negativity, ● encouragement, ● compassion, ● distrust, ● underlying level of fear, ● bullying, ● workload, ● empathy. Question 2: What is the role of a leader? Pick up the right answers from the following. Authoritative, collaborative, coaching, visionary, focuses on Self rather than Team, sets unrealistic expectations, democratic, refuses to accept blame, delegation, avoids conflict, prefers micromanagement than giving employees the space they need to effectively complete their work, always procrastinates, consultative, claims others’ ideas as his own, transformational, rests when needed, rude, likes listening to others
  • 40. post pandemic empowerment programme Question 3: What are possible funding sources for training or where can you get them for free? Name at least two from the answers underneath. Answers: ● Erasmus for young entrepreneurs ● Horizon Europe ● Erasmus + K1 Mobility ● European social fund ● Health insurance companies ● MSCA staff exchanges ● Life programme ● Chambers of commerce ● European Patent Office ● Innovation clusters ● Business associations Question 4: Can you name at least two apps for mindfulness and digital well-being? Answer: ● Headspace ● Rooftop ● ● Streaks ● Sanebox ● Wakeout.
  • 41. post pandemic empowerment programme • Slack, 2022, “6 simple ways to foster a positive hybrid work environment”, environment • Harvard Business Review, 2017, “A Study of 1,100 Employees Found That Remote Workers Feel Shunned and Left Out”, employees-found-that-remote-workers-feel-shunned-and-left-out • Mentimeter, 2022, “How to Create a Safe & Positive Work Environment” positive-and-safe-work-environment • Transformations, 2018, “How Job Insecurity Affects Mental Health and How To Cope” mental-health-and-how-to-cope Further Reading
  • 42. post pandemic empowerment programme ● 2023, “Six reasons why employee onboarding matters”, matters/ ● EY, 2020, “How do you ensure wellbeing is at the core of workforce resilience?” core-of-workforce-resilience ● My Clan, 2021, How to create a healthy workplace environment ● Simon Sinek, 2022, CONNECTION in the Remote Work Era ● TechTarget,4 Digital Wellness Tips for the Workplace Further Reading / Watching
  • 43. post pandemic empowerment programme ● wework, 2022, “10 effective brainstorming techniques for teams”, brainstorming-techniques • International Labor Office- Genova, 2012, “Stress prevention at work”, safework/documents/instructionalmaterial/wcms_177108.pdf • Mckinsey Health Institute, 2022, “Leading with compassion: Prioritizing workplace mental health”, insights/leading-with-compassion-prioritizing-workplace-mental-health References
  • 44. post pandemic empowerment programme ● Deloitte, “Well-being: A new cornerstone for ESG strategy and reporting”, capital/ca-consulting-human-capital- Eminence_Final_Paper_One_EN_AODA.pdf ● Deloitte, “Well-being: Moving from Effort to Effect”, g/ca-en-well-being-moving-from-effort-to-effect-AODA.pdf ● TechTarget, 2022, “10 tips to promote digital wellness in the workplace”, wellness-in-the-workplace References
  • 45. post pandemic empowerment programme "Everyone knows that prevention is more necessary than cure, but few reward acts of prevention" - Nassim Nicholas Taleb
  • 46. post pandemic empowerment programme In the next unit, you’ll get to know more about burnout and how to prevent it and how to cope with it in case some of your employees suffer from it. Some hints will be given on how to detect and combat burnout. TRANSITION TO THE NEXT UNIT
  • 47. post pandemic empowerment programme Thank you for learning with us! You can find us: ● ● ●