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Outline of the Module

  I    • WFP HIV/TB Corporate and Project Specific outcomes and indicators

 II    • M&E in Global and National contexts

 III   • Designing a project Logframe

IV     • Designing an M&E Plan

 V     • Designing data collection tools and set a data collection system

VI     • Data analysis for HIV and TB programming

VII    • Reporting on HIV & TB programming

VIII   • Module test


General Introduction to M&E
                                       Result Based Management
Results Chain: Casual sequence for an operation to achieve desired objectives
   INPUTS               ACTIVITIES                               RESULTS
                                               OUTPUTS         OUTCOMES             IMPACT
 Raw materials      Action taken or worked
needed to bring       performed through
about the results      which inputs are
  being sought       mobilised to produce
                        specific outputs

                                                               E.g. Nutritional
 E.g.                      EMOP              E.g. People fed        status
 Equipment                   SO
 Food                                                                              E.g. Reduced
 Cash                                                                               Number of
                                                                                  Hungry people
 Skills and                 PRRO
 Services                   DEV              E.g. People
                                                               E.g. Livelihood
                                             fed; assets         improved
Definition of key terms
                                                            M&E Terminology
              Routine tracking of data on inputs, outputs, process and outcomes within relief,
 Monitoring   recovery, development operations

              Process of using data to ascertain the effectiveness, impact, efficiency, relevance
 Evaluation   and sustainability of an on-going or completed operation

              Long-term developmental gains which an intervention is expected to help achieve.
 Objectives   WFP’s intervention is a necessary but not a sufficient means for reaching the
              objective, and often forms part of a government's overall development strategy

              The positive and negative intended or unintended long-term results produced by
  Impact      an operation, either directly or indirectly

              Medium-term results achieved by an operation. They should be defined in a way
  Outcome     that allow verification of achievement, since they form the basis for evaluating the
              success or failure of the intervention

              Quantitative and qualitative factor or variable that provides a simple and reliable
  Indicator   means to measure achievement or to reflect changes connected with an operation
Definition of key terms
                         WFP Specific M&E Concepts and Terms
M&E strategy in WFP is designed in conjunction with the general project design. It
is composed principally of Logframe, M&E Plan and Reporting flow and formats

   Corporate        Outcomes on which is mandatory to report on within a particular context and thus
   Outcome          according to Programme Category and Programmes operated

                    Additional and Optional outcomes that might be selected on top of the corporate
Project Specific    outcome. They should be chosen according to the project’s objectives as well as the
   Outcome          capacity to collect and analyse data within a particular context

   Corporate        The most robust Indicators found in the SRF aligned with the corporate outcomes and
   Outcome          outputs to be achieved under specific Strategic Objectives
 Project Specific   Indicators aligned with the project specific outcomes that can built up a body of
    Outcome         additional data that provide a more accurate and in-depth performance measurement
   Indicators       and develop a better understanding of the range of factors influencing the outcomes

Overview in HIV and TB
                                      Corporate Outcome and Indicators

          Programme       Strategic            Corporate                 Corporate
           Category      Objectives            Outcomes                  Indicators

                                  C&T-Maintained access to services
      EMOP                                                               •   Default rate
    PRRO (relief)       SO1

                                                                         •   Nutritional recovery
                                  C&T-Improved nutritional recovery
RECOVERY & RELIEF       SO3,                                                 rate
       PRRO           sometimes   M&SN-Adequate food consumption of
                                                                         •   HH Food Consumption
                                  HIV/TB HHs
                         SO1                                                 Score (FCS)

                                                                         •   ART adherence rate
                                  C&T-Improved ART adherence
DEVELOPMENT                                                              •   TB treatment success
                                  and/or Improved TB treatment success
      CP/DEV            SO4       + Improved nutritional recovery        •   Nutritional recovery
                                  M&SN-Adequate food consumption of          rate
                                  HIV/TB HHs                             •   HH FCS
Overview in HIV and TB
             Corporate vs. Project Specific Outcome and Indicators

                                                                  Project                  Project
                                                                  Specific                Specific
                       Outcome                                   Outcomes                Indicators

EMOP/PRRO                                     •   Improved nutritional recovery    •   Nutritional recovery rate
            C&T-Maintained access to
  SO1                                         •   Improved adherence               •   Adherence rate
                                              •   Increased TB treat. success      •   TB treat. success

            C&T-Improved nutritional          •   Reduced default rate
            recovery                          •   Improved adherence               •   Default rate
                                              •   Increased TB treat. success      •   Adherence rate
SO3, SO1    M&SN-Adequate food                                                     •   TB treat. success rate
            consumption of HIV/TB HH          •   Increased access to education,
                                                  human capital develop. of OVC    •   OVC attendance rate

 CP/DEV-    C&T-Improved ART adherence
   SO4      and/or Improved TB treatment      •   Reduced default rate            •    Default rate
            success                           •   Improved adherence to TB treat. •    TB treat. adherence rate
            + Improved nutritional recovery   •   Increased access to education,  •    OVC attendance rate
                                                  human capital develop. of OVC
            M&SN-Adequate food
            consumption of HIV/TB HH                                                                            8
Emergency Settings
        Corporate and Project Specific Outcome and Indicators
  EMERGENCY settings: Essential services for PLHIV or TB clients may be disrupted
  and/or increased barriers to access
   SO1: Save lives and protect livelihoods in an emergency
   Programme category: EMOP and PRRO (relief)

                                                Care and Treatment

        Corporate               Corporate
                                                                  Project Specific      Project Specific
        Outcomes                Indicators                          Outcomes              Indicators

 Maintained access to     Default rate                        Improved ART and/or
                                                                                              ART and/or TB
 services for ART, TB Percentage of clients                       TB treatment
                                                                                         nutritional recovery rate
 treatment, or PMTCT defaulting from ART, TB,                  nutritional recovery
                           or PMTCT programme
                           during reporting time              Improved adherence to     ART and/or TB treatment
                                                             ART and/or TB treatment        adherence rate

                                                              Increased success to TB
          Default occurs when the clients has missed                treatment
 Term                                                                                   TB treatment success rate
          the second consecutive scheduled medical visit
Relief and Recovery Settings-C&T
         Corporate and Project Specific Outcome and Indicators
Relief and Recovery settings: characterized by prolonged conflict or protracted impact of shock
where PLHIV or people infected with TB may be vulnerable to malnutrition or food security
   SO3: Restore and rebuild lives and livelihoods in post-conflict, post disaster, or transition situations
   Programme Category: PRRO
                                                Care and Treatment

   Corporate              Corporate                                   Project               Project
                                                                      Specific             Specific
   Outcomes               Indicators                                 Outcomes             Indicators

Improved ART      Nutritional recovery rate
  and/or TB                                                   Reduced ART, PMTCT or      ART, PMTCT or TB default
 nutritional     % of ART or TB clients found to be          TB treatment default rate
                 malnourished at initiation of food
  recovery       support who are considered to
                 have recovered from malnutrition              Improved adherence to         ART, PMTCT or TB
                 upon completion of food support              ART and/or TB treatment    treatment adherence rate

           Malnutrition  is  determined  using                Increased success to TB    TB treatment success rate
           anthropometric measures that vary                        treatment
 Term      depending on age, gender, and other
           factors                                                                                              10
Relief and Recovery Settings-M&SN
          Corporate and Project Specific Outcome and Indicators
Relief and Recovery settings: characterized by prolonged conflict or protracted impact of shock
where PLHIV or people infected with TB may be vulnerable to malnutrition or food security
  SO3: Restore and rebuild lives and livelihoods in post-conflict, post disaster, or transition situations
  Programme Category: PRRO
                                                 Mitigation and Safety Nets

       Corporate             Corporate                                    Project               Project
                                                                          Specific             Specific
       Outcomes              Indicators                                  Outcomes             Indicators

Adequate food               HH Food Consumption                     Increased access to
                                   Score                           education and human        OVC Attendance rate
consumption of HIV-
                                                                  capital develop. of OVC
or TB- affected HHs      Composite score based on dietary
                         diversity, food frequency, and                                         ART, PMTCT or TB
                                                                  Improved adherence to
                         relative nutritional importance of                                   treatment adherence
                                                                 ART and/or TB treatment
                         different food groups                                                        rate

        While improving HHs food security (measured              Increased success to TB    TB treatment success rate
        with FCS) is the primary objective of M&SN                     treatment
Term    activities, there are parallel individual outcome
        indicators that can be measured                                                                             11
Development Settings-C&T
            Corporate and Project Specific Outcome and Indicators
 Development settings: characterized by an enabling environment for design and support
 sustainable longer-term goals solution, as treatment success (TB) and ART adherence.
      SO4: Reduce chronic hunger and undernutrition
      Programme Category: CP or DEV
                                                      Care and Treatment

         Corporate             Corporate                                        Project Specific      Project Specific
         Outcomes              Indicators                                         Outcomes              Indicators

Improved adherence ART adherence rate
                      % of ART clients achieving >95%
to ART and/or         adherence to medication during
Improved success of the course of previous month                         Reduced ART, PMTCT or          ART, PMTCT or TB default
TB treatment                                                             TB treatment default rate      rate
                     TB treatment success rate
                     85% of TB cases receiving WFP
          +          support registered under DOTS in
 Improve nutritional given year that have successfully                    Improved adherence to         ART, PMTCT or TB
 recovery            completed treatment                                  TB treatment                  treatment adherence rate
                     Nutritional recovery rate

  Term    Adherence refer to how closely the ART client follows the prescribed treatment regimen

           TB Success: % of new smear-positive TB cases under DOTS in a given year that successfully completed treatment (with and 12
 Term      without bacteriological evidence)
Development Settings-M&SN
          Corporate and Project Specific Outcome and Indicators
Development settings: characterized by an enabling environment for design and support
sustainable longer-term goals solution, as treatment success (TB) and ART adherence
  SO4: Reduce chronic hunger and undernutrition
  Programme Category: CP or DEV
                                               Mitigation and Safety Nets

        Corporate          Corporate                                    Project               Project
                                                                        Specific             Specific
        Outcomes           Indicators                                  Outcomes             Indicators

Adequate food             HH Food Consumption                     Increased access to
                                 Score                           education and human      OVC Attendance rate
consumption of HIV-
                                                                capital develop. of OVC
or TB- affected HHs     Composite score based on dietary
                        diversity, food frequency, and         Improved adherence to      ART, PMTCT or TB
                        relative nutritional importance of     ART and/or TB treatment    treatment adherence
                        different food groups                                             rate

                                                               Increased success to TB    TB treatment success rate
           FCS measures the frequency with which
 Term      different food groups are consumed by a
           HH during seven days before the survey

Global and National M&E Context
                          Challenges and Key Considerations
            HIV indicators are not globally harmonised because different stakeholders have
            different information needs and priorities as well as different mandates
            Due to different indicators, it is not consistently possible to compare progress and
            results across countries or programmes, or aggregate results at regional or global level

            Most of key donors (such as GF, PEPFAR, WB) are financing only proposals aligned and
            supportive to the national HIV strategy

            Until recently, food security and nutrition programming was a neglected aspect of
            most national strategic plans related to HIV
            Country’s priorities differ from WFP or/and other partners, and this may lead to
            reduced reporting of WFP key indicators
 CONTEXT    National M&E framework and data collection system may differ from WFP’s and
            other partners’ framework

            National capacity in collecting and analyzing data not always ensured due to lack of
            means and human resources

Global Context for M&E
                                            HIV- and TB- related interventions
                                    Recent developments in the Global Context:

1                                                             2 In response of the World Health Assembly
    Success in achieving food and nutrition
    internationally recognized as critical element               (WHA) request o f reporting on nutrition and
    around treatment, care and support, through                  HIV activities, WHO and PEPFAR, through
    main     international    commitment       and               stakeholder consultations, have identified a
    agreements                                                   set of globally harmonized M&E indicators
           UNAIDS, Division                                      for nutrition and HIV activities that has been
           of Labour        Global Fund            PEPFAR        reviewed by the Monitoring Evaluation
                                                                 Reference Group (MERG) TWG at UNAIDS

                                                               Following some revisions, these indicators will
                                                               likely be included in the UNAIDS Indicator
                                                               Register in 2012. Three set of proposed
                         27th PCB                              indicators resulted, respectively on:
           Political     UNAIDS
           on HIV/AIDS
                                                                    Nutrition Care
                                                                    PMTCT and Infant feeding
                                    Consultative      UBRAF         Food Security                          16
                                    meeting, WHO
National Context for M&E
                               HIV- and TB- related interventions
   A good starting point for thinking about M&E for HIV-related
   interventions at national level

   A set of guiding principles for national authorities, established by
   UNAIDS (and endorsed by Global Fund, the World Bank and all key
   donor countries)

   Donors and various international actors need to adapt their system
   and processes to the national ones that are commonly agreed

1 One agreed HIV/AIDS               2    One national AIDS            3     One agreed-upon
    action framework that                coordinating                       country-level
    provides the basis for               authority, with a                  monitoring and
    coordinating the work                broad-based multi-                 evaluation system
    of all partners                      sectorial mandate

Where a national M&E system is in place it often builds on UN General Assembly Special Session
(UNGASS) indicators, that are not specifically oriented toward food and nutrition, as well as other (non-
UNGASS) indicators suggested by various national stakeholder
WFP Role at National level
                              Building National M&E framework
                Despite significant progress in growing evidence in support of integrated HIV, food
SENSITIZATION   security and nutrition programming, there is still a need for sensitization and
  ADVOCACY      advocacy at national level

                •   Advocate for the inclusion of food and nutrition programming in the
 NATIONAL           development of, and revisions to, national strategic plans
 STRATEGIC      •   Participate to the development of main national strategy, including UNDAF and
   PLAN             Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS in order to ensure food and
                    nutrition is captured in related M&E framework

                Review existing national, UNDAF and other development partners M&E systems
NATIONAL M&E    and where feasible integrate food and nutrition-related specific indicators in the
 FRAMEWORK      national M&E framework

NATIONAL M&E    Acknowledge and understand the national-level reporting systems within the
 REPORTING      country where is operating and contribute where feasible to national data
   SYSTEM       collection systems

    WFP         •   Ensure adequacy with WFP policies and procedures
 M&E SYSTEM     •   Ensure that the link between Programme Category and SOs is preserved
Role of the Government
                             Building National M&E framework

M&E ACTIVITIES   Manage and implement M&E activities

  CAPACITY       Build and strengthen government capacity in data collection, processing
  BUILDING       and analysis to ensure sustainability of programmes

 INTEGRATED      Advocate for a Integrated National Management Systems or other
                 sector wide information system

COLLABORATION    Encourage dynamic participation of government counterpart during the
 PARTNERSHIP     design phase of both M&E framework and reporting system


Key Concepts in M&E

 M&E Strategy

  1   Monitoring and Evaluation should not be seen as an isolated exercise, but should be
      considered a crucial aspect of the larger process of project design and implementation

  2   The development and implementation of the M&E strategy should be led by the
      government with support from WFP and stakeholders

  3   A comprehensive M&E system should outline in detail what data will be collected, how,
      when and by whom it will be collected, the process for data analysis, the responsible
      parties including government and Implementing partners, budgetary requirement and
      other details

  4   M&E strategy in WFP is designed in conjunction with the general project design. It is
      composed principally of i) Logframe, ii) M&E Plan and iii) Reporting flows and formats
What is a logframe?
The starting point in the preparation of M&E strategy
  The logframe or logical framework is
            A management tool used to design projects and programmes, in which
            hierarchy of basic project elements are linked together in a logical cause
            and effect arrangement

            The link between project design and design of M&E system, specifically at
            output and outcome levels

            A matrix document submitted with project document that reflects
            outcome indicators you will be measuring and reporting on

Logical framework analysis is a technique used both for designing an intervention and for
evaluating its effects

What is a Logframe?
                                        Main elements and contents
The original logframe is a 4 columns matrix that contains specific information on programme/project:

       COLUMN 1                 COLUMN 2                  COLUMN 3                    COLUMN 4

                                                                                       It outlines the
                              It outlines how the        It specifics the          external assumptions
      It incorporate a           design will be            source(s) of             and risks related to
    hierarchy of a logic         monitored and          information for              each level of the
    model: Result chain           evaluated :         assessing indicators:            internal logic:
                            Performance Indicators    Means of verification        Assumption and risks

   Impact                   Impact indicators         Programme /project           Risk regarding
                                                      evaluation system
                                                                                   strategic impact
   Outcomes                 Outcomes indicators       Programme/project
                                                      evaluation system, report    Outcome to Impact
                                                      and performance review

                            Outputs indicators        Programme/project
   Outputs                                            supervision, monitoring      Output to Outcome
                                                      system, report and regular
                                                      performance review
   Activities               Inputs/Resources          Monitoring system for
                                                                                   Activity to Output
                                                      validating implementation
WFP Logframe
                                                   Main elements and contents
SRF (2008-2012) has been further refined in 2011 to better demonstrate the results of WFP operations,
and to align definitions of outcomes as medium term results of WFP operations

  Priorities     •   The revised SRF focused on the performance of outcome and output indicators measured
                     and reported at the beneficiary and community levels
                 •   Impact level indicators have been removed from logframe- COs are urged to report impact-
                     level indicators through annual Standard Project Reports (SPRs) exercise, when applicable

  UNDAF &        •   WFP is committed to demonstrate change or impact by linking its performance to MDG
   MDGs              through national MDG progress report, UNDAF mid term review
                 •   For CP and DEV Project, logframe should be aligned with the UN Development Assistance
                     Framework (UNDAF) and its Result Matrix

       COLUMN 1                     COLUMN 2                  COLUMN 3                  COLUMN 4
        Result chain                   Indicators          Means of verification     Assumption and risks

    IMPACT                     Imp. indicators

    OUTCOME                    Outcome Indicators

    OUTPUT                     Output Indicators

    ACTIVITIES                 Inputs/ Resources

WFP Logframe
                         Main Steps for developing Logframe
For each Strategic Objective should be filled a separate logframe

        1     Match Programme category and WFP SOs and, for CP/DEV, UNDAF Outcome
        2     Select appropriate Mandatory Corporate Outcome and additional Project-specific Outcome for
              the SO pertaining to your programme
        3     Define Outputs Strategy for achieving the outcome
        4     Identify appropiate Outcome Indicators per each of the outcomes selected
        5     Ensure that Baseline (if existing), and Targets are provided for each indicators
        6     Ensure connectivity between every Outcome indicator and its corresponding Output Indicator
        7     Add The Monitoring and Evaluation Approach and ensure Data Sources are provided
        8     Identify Assumptions and Risks that may influence success or failure

                                           1      STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES
      Result-Hierarchy           Performance indicators        Means of verification     Assumption and risks
    UNDAF Outcome
2                                                                        7                       8
    Outcomes             4   Outcome indicators
    - Corporate              • Target, Baseline
    - Project Specific                               5
    Outputs              6   Outputs indicators
                             • Target
WFP Logframe Matrix
HIV and TB Programme under EMOP and PRRO-relief
                  STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES: SO1-Save lives and protect livelihood in emergency
 What the operation wants to           How the performance of the operation will be measured             Factors beyond management
          achieve?                                                                                        control affecting operations

     Results-Hierarchy             Performance indicators           Means of verification (MOV)            Assumption and risks
                                         OUTCOMES (Corporate and Project Specific)
1.1 Maintained access to         1.1.1 Default rate                Source:    ART,      TB        or    Risk regarding programme
services   for   ART,  TB        Target: Default rate < 15%        PMTCT/MCHN        registers    at    level impact
treatment and/or PMTCT           (Sphere)                          health   facility   level      or    E.g. Data collection may be
                                                                   treatment centre run           by    affected by the shock
Select appropriate Project Specific Outcomes/Indicators from       partners                             E.g. Stigma discourage
the list                                                                                                people from attending ART
1.2…..                                                                                                  or TB centres

1.1 Food, cash and vouchers      List of indicators provided,      Monitoring system for                Risk regarding design
distributed in sufficient        such as:                          validating operation design          effectiveness
quantity and quality to target   1.1.1 # of women, men, girls      Source: E.g. Monthly WFP Food
group (ART, TB or PMTCT)         and boys received food, C&V       Distribution Reports
1.2 …                            1.1.2. Tonnage of food
                                 distributed…, etc.

              Targets are project and context-specific. They should take into account objectives of the intervention, planned level of
 Targets      inputs, baseline figures, trend observed prior to the start of interventions and the pre-emergency data, counterpart
              capacity, expert judgments and the accomplishments of comparable interventions
WFP Logframe Matrix
  HIV and TB Programme under EMOP and PRRO-relief
   List of appropriate Project Specific Outcomes and related indicators that might be selected
   and included into the Logframe
    Results-Hierarchy         Performance indicators         Means of verification (MOV)     Assumption and risks

                                                              Source: ART or TB registers   Risk regarding programme
1.2 Improved ART or TB        1.2.1 ART or TB nutritional
                                                              at health facility level or   level impact
nutritional recovery          recovery
                              Target: Nutritional recovery    treatment centres run by
                              rate > 75 % (Sphere)            partners

                                                              Source: ART or TB registers   E.g. Data collection may be
1.3 Improved adherence to     1.3.1 ART or TB treatment
                                                              at health facility level or   affected by the shock
ART, TB treatment             adherence rate
                                                              treatment centres run by      E.g. Stigma discourage
                              Target: Context specific
                                                              partners                      people from attending ART
                                                                                            or TB centres
1.4 Increased success of TB   1.4.1 TB treatment success      Source: ART or TB registers
treatment                     rate                            at health facility level or
                              Target: >85% (WHO)              treatment centres run by

WFP Logframe Matrix
                                        HIV and TB Programme under PRRO
                     STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES: SO3-Restore and rebuild lives and livelihood
What the operation wants to          How the performance of the operation will be measured           Factors beyond management
         achieve?                                                                                     control affecting operations

    Results-Hierarchy            Performance indicators           Means of verification (MOV)          Assumption and risks
                                        OUTCOMES (Corporate and Project Specific)
1.1 Improved ART and or       1.1.1 Nutritional recovery rate     Source: Nutritional registers      Risk regarding programme
TB nutritional recovery       Target: Nutritional recovery        and clients card at health         level impact
                              rate > 75%                          facility level or treat. centres
                                                                                                     E.g. Data collection analysis
1.2     Adequate    food                                          Source: Annual monitoring          conducted by health care
consumption of HIV or TB-     1.2.1 HH Food consumption           and/or survey report               providers
affected HHS                  Score                                                                  E.g. External factors may
                                                                                                     influence nutritional status
 Select appropriate Project Specific Outcomes/Indicators
 from the list

1.1 Food, cash and            List of indicators provided, such   Monitoring system for              Risk regarding design
vouchers distributed in       as:                                 validating operation design        effectiveness
sufficient quantity and       1.1.1 # of women, men, girls        Source: E.g. Monthly WFP Food
quality to target group       and boys received food, C&V         Distribution Reports
(ART, TB or PMTCT)            1.1.2. Tonnage of food
1.2 ….                        distributed…, etc.
WFP Logframe Matrix
                                     HIV and TB Programme under PRRO
   List of appropriate Project Specific Outcomes and related indicators that might be selected
   and included into the Logframe
    Results-Hierarchy         Performance indicators          Means of verification (MOV)     Assumption and risks

                              1.3.1 ART, PMTCT or TB           Source: ART or TB registers
1.3 Reduced ART, PMTCT or                                      at health facility level or   Risk regarding programme
TB treatment default rate     treat. default rate                                            level impact
                              Target: < 15%                    treatment centres run by
                              1.4.1.    ART     or     DOTS    Source: ART or TB registers
1.4 Improved adherence to                                                                    E.g. Data collection analysis
                              adherence rate                   at health facility level or
ART, TB treatment                                                                            conducted by health care
                              Target: Context specific         treatment centres run by      providers
                                                               partners                      E.g. External factors may
1.5 Increased success of TB   1.5.1 TB treat. success rate     Source: ART or TB registers   influence nutritional status
treatment                     Target: >85%                     at health facility level or   …..
                                                               treatment centres run by
1.6 Increased access to                                        partners
education and human capital   1.6.1 OVC Attendance rate        Source: School records
development of OVC            Target: 80%

WFP Logframe Matrix
                                     HIV and TB Programme under CP/DEV
                       STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES: SO4-Reduce Chronic Hunger and Undernutrition
       Result-Hierarchy                 Performance indicators               Means of verification            Assumption and risks
IMPACT→ UNDAF OUTCOME                                    UNDAF indicators reported as per mid-term UNDAF review, etc.

                                            OUTCOMES (Corporate and Project Specific)
1.1 Improved adherence to            1.1.1 ART adherence rate            Source: ART or TB registers        Risk regarding    programme
ART                                  Target: Context specific            at health facility level or        level impact
and/or                                                                   treatment centres                  E.g. Data collection analysis
                                     1.2.1 TB treat. success rate        Source: ART or TB registers        conducted by health care
1.2 Improved success of TB
                                     Target: >85%                        at health facility level or        providers
                                                                         treatment centre                   E.g. External factors may
1.3 ART and/or TB Improve            1.3.1 Nutritional recovery rate     Source: Nutritional registers      influence nutritional status
nutritional recovery                 Target: >75%                        and clients card at health         E.g. Burden at health facility
                                                                         facility level or treat. centres   may impact the quality of
1.4       Adequate    food           1.4.1 HH Food Consumption           Source: Annual monitoring
consumption of HIV- and/or           Score                               and/or survey report
TB affected HHs
   Select appropriate Project Specific Outcomes/Indicators from the
1.1 Food, cash and vouchers          List of indicators, as per EMOP:    Source: E.g. Monthly WFP Food      Risk regarding design
distributed in sufficient quantity   1.1.1 # of women, men, girls and    Distribution Reports               effectiveness
and quality to ART, TB or PMTCT      boys received food, C&V…, etc.
clients, OVC and HHs…
WFP Logframe Matrix
                                  HIV and TB Programme under CP/DEV
   List of appropriate Project Specific Outcomes and related indicators that might be selected
   and included into the Logframe
    Results-Hierarchy         Performance indicators      Means of verification (MOV)         Assumption and risks

1.5 Reduced ART, PMTCT or     1.5.1 ART, PMTCT or TB        Source: ART or TB    registers   Risk regarding programme
TB treatment default rate     treat. default rate           at health facility   level or    level impact
                              Target: < 15%                 treatment centres     run by
1.6 Improve adherence to TB   1.6.1 TB adherence rate       Source: ART or TB    registers   E.g. Data collection analysis
treatment                     Target: Context specific      at health facility   level or    conducted by health care
                                                            treatment centres     run by     providers
                                                            partners                         E.g. External factors may
                                                                                             influence nutritional status
1.7 Increased access to       1.7.1 OVC Attendance rate     Source: School records
education and human capital   Target: 80%                                                    …..
development of OVC


Key Concepts in M&E

 M&E Strategy

      Monitoring and Evaluation should not be seen as an isolated exercise, but should be
  1   considered a crucial aspect of the larger process of project design and implementation

      The development and implementation of the M&E strategy should be led by the
  2   government with support from WFP and stakeholders

      A comprehensive M&E system should outline in detail what data will be collected, how,
      when and by whom it will be collected, the process for data analysis, the responsible
  3   parties including government and Implementing partners, budgetary requirement and
      other details

  4   M&E strategy in WFP is designed in conjunction with the general project design. It is
      composed principally of i) Logframe, ii) M&E Plan and, iii) Reporting flows and formats

What is a M&E Plan?
                          Plan to collect and analyse data
 The M&E Plan Matrix
         It sets out arrangements for routine collection of monitoring data and periodic
         evaluation data, based on indicators identified in the logical framework

         It is a matrix or table useful for clearly identifying what data is needed, the
         source of data, how often it will be collected, by whom it will be collected,
         what methods will be used in collection and finally in which reports and forum
         the data will be presented

         It is critical for establishing clear roles and responsibilities of WFP and partners

 M&E PLAN is a tool built upon the information on the logical framework to plan the
 collection, analysis, use and dissemination of performance information

M&E Matrix Plan
                                                            Main elements and contents
               The M&E Plan should include:
                                                                             •    Selected performance indicators
                      LOGICAL FRAMEWORK                                      •    Identified data sources
Result-        Indicators          MoV            Assumptions
                                                                             •    Methods for data collection

                                                                             •    Frequency of data collection
                                          Each expected result               •    Roles and responsibilities
Outcome                                   from the fist column
Output                                        in the Logical                 •    How the information will be used & reported
                                           Framework gets its
Activities                                own monitoring plan

                                                                  M&E Plan Matrix
     Expected Results-
     Key Indicators                                              Mean of Verification                                      Use of
                            Data Source            Collection method      Frequency of Collection   Responsibilities for


M&E Matrix Plan
                              Main Steps for Developing a M&E Plan
                    LOGICAL FRAMEWORK
 Results            Indicators          MoV       Assumptions
                                                                        For each expected result the M&E
                                                                         Plan matrix gives details of how
                                                                        selected indicators will actually be
 Outputs            E.g. Quantity
                    of fortified food

                                                                       M&E Plan Matrix
              Expected Results-
              Key Indicators                                       Mean of Verification                        Use of
                                        Data Source       Collection        Frequency of    Responsibilities
                                                          method            Collection      for collection
              1.1 E.g.
              Quantity of
              fortified food

M&E Matrix Plan
                               Main Steps for Developing a M&E Plan
                     LOGICAL FRAMEWORK
 Results             Indicators            MoV         Assumptions
                                                                                 The Primary and/or Secondary
 Hierarchy                                                                       data source for each indicator is
 Impact                                                                                      located
                                                                          •   Primary data are collected through the use of surveys, meetings,
 Outputs             E.g. Quantity                                            focus group discussions, interviews or other methods that involve
                     of fortified food
                     distributed                                              direct contact with respondents
                                                                          •   Secondary data are existing data that have been or will be
                                                                              collected by WFP or others for another purpose

                                                                          M&E Plan Matrix
              Expected Results-
              Key Indicators                                          Mean of Verification                                  Use of
                                         Data Source         Collection          Frequency of            Responsibilities
                                                             method              Collection              for collection
              1.1 E.g.                   E.g. Monthly WFP
              Quantity of                Food Distribution
              fortified food             Reports

M&E Matrix Plan
                              Main Steps for Developing a M&E Plan
                       LOGICAL FRAMEWORK
                                                         1     Technical process that will be used to
      Results         Indicators          MoV        Assumptions
                                                            collect and analyse data    for each indicator
      Impact                                             2
                                                              For each indicator, stakeholders agree on
      Outcome                                                 how often data will be collected and the
      Outputs         E.g. Quantity                           cost for collection is estimated
                      of fortified food
      Activities                                              Spell out clearly who will do the collection
                                                              and analysis of the data for each indicator

                                                         M&E Plan Matrix
Expected Results-
Key Indicators                                        Mean of Verification                                   Use of
                   Data Source            1 Collection         2 Frequency of        3 Responsibilities
                                            method               Collection            for collection
1.1 E.g.           E.g. Monthly WFP         E.g. Daily food       E.g. Monthly          E.g. Field
Quantity of        Food Distribution        distribution                                Monitoring
fortified food     Reports                  sheet filled at                             Assistance
distributed                                 health facility
M&E Matrix Plan
                               Main Steps for Developing a M&E Plan
                                              M&E Plan Matrix
Expected Results-
Key                                      Mean of Verification                                 Use of
Indicators                                                                                    information
                 Data Source     Collection          Frequency of         Responsibilities
                                 method              Collection           for collection
1.1 E.g.         E.g. Monthly    E.g. Daily food     E.g. Monthly         E.g. Field
Quantity of      WFP Food        distribution                             Monitoring
fortified food   Distribution    sheet filled at                          Assistance
distributed      Reports         health facility


                                                                          Reporting                            Presentation

                                                                In which report(s) the information     At which forums or meetings the
                                                                  will be included (E.g. Quarterly       information or report will be
                                                                      Progress Report; Project           presented and discussed (E.g.
                                                                   Implementation Report, final        Quarterly management meetings;
                                                                           evaluation etc)             annual progress review workshop)


Key Concepts in M&E

 M&E Strategy

      Monitoring and Evaluation should not be seen as an isolated exercise, but should be
  1   considered a crucial aspect of the larger process of project design and implementation

      The development and implementation of the M&E strategy should be led by the
  2   government with support from WFP and stakeholders

      A comprehensive M&E system should outline in detail what data will be collected, how,
      when and by whom it will be collected, the process for data analysis, the responsible
  3   parties including government and Implementing partners, budgetary requirement and
      other details

  4   M&E strategy in WFP is designed in conjunction with the general project design. It is
      composed principally of i) Logframe, ii) M&E Plan and, iii) Reporting flows and formats

Overview of Reporting Flow
                     Data Collection Tools

M&E Plan   Data Collection           Data                  Processing       Reporting

           M&E Plan identifies Mean of Verification, including the data
           collection tools and the reports

           Based on the indicators selected in the logframe, each CO is
           responsible for developing Data Collections tools and Reports
           Data collection tools should be related to the type of reports
           expected to be produced in short- and long-term

Data Collection Tools
              Definitions and Key Concepts
       Data collection tools, the key for adequate monitoring

       • It provides information that allows WFP managers to assess
         planned vs. actual achievements, progress and changes of the

       • The indicators selected in the Logframe are the basis on which
         the data collected tools should be designed

       • Data collection tools/formats (questionnaire, checklist, etc.)
         need to be carefully designed to collect only necessary
         information to ensure efficient use of M&E resource

Data Collection Tools
              HIV and TB Programming
                                                           There are many different data collection tools in use in WFP for HIV and TB
                                                                                        They can be summarised as:
                                                                                                                                                    General Food
                                                             Cooperating Partner General Food Distribution Report
        WFP Sudan

 1. Cooperating Partner Details
 Cooperating Partner                          State, Locality, County Location / Distribution         CP's FLA Number                  Project Number

                                                                                                                                                                                 Distribution monitoring checklist

 Distribution Period / Month                  Distribution Dates                                      Report Date                      Report Number
                                              From……………………..... To………….………………..

 2. Stock Movements
                                                   Opening                                                     Damaged/Sp              Closing         Loss & Damage
       Commodity               S.I. Number                         Receipts   Distributed     Food Returns                    Losses
                                                    Stock                                                         oield                Balance            Reasons
                                                                   World Food Programme Ethiopia
                                                                        Urban HIV/AIDS Project
                                                             Assessment Form for the Graduation of PLHIVs

                                                                                                                                                                                 On-site checklist
                                             Cooperating Partner
                                             Health Facility                                                                                                                 2
 3. Beneficiary Numbers
                                       Girls < 5              Boys <5                Number
                                                                              Girls 5-18     of     Boys 5-18           Women            Men               Total
               IDPs                                                                 months the       Number of                                              Capacity to
           Residents                                                                patient was on months the                               Body Mass       engage in
         Refugees                                                                   the food support patient was on Height (in Weight (in Index (BMI)       daily
         Resettled                       Name of the patient (2)                    (3)              ART(4)         Cm) (5)    Kg) (6)      (7)             activities (8)
 3.1. Beneficiaries
                                       Girls < 5              Boys <5         Girls 5-18           Boys 5-18                Women        Men               Total
 Numbers - Returnees
 Returning IDPs - Transit
 Returning IDPs - Re-
 integration Package
 Returning Refugees - Transit
                                                                                                                                                                             3   Post Distribution Monitoring or Beneficiaries
                                                                                                                                                                                 Contact Monitoring questionnaire
 Returning Refugees - Re-
 integration Package

 Total Beneficiaries

                                                                                                                                                                             4   Cooperating Partners Monthly Reports (stock
                                                                                                                                                                                 movement and actual beneficiaries)

Data Collection Tools
                             Distribution Monitoring Checklist
          Key concepts and information              •   Most distribution are carried          out   by
                                                        Implementing Partners (IPs)
                                                    •   During a food distribution, WFP Field Monitors
                                                        check on random basis whether the distribution
                                                        are been undertaken smoothly and according to
                                                        the plan
                                                    •   Main output and process indicators are
                                                        monitored, such as planned vs. actual numbers
                                                        of targeted beneficiaries, amount of MT
                                                        distributed, appropriate ration size, quality of
     Key elements that may be included                  commodities, etc.
                  General Information
                  Dispatch and Delivery
                 Distribution Timeframe
          Beneficiaries Selection and Enrolment
     Distribution mechanism and Centre management
        Gender, Awareness and Protection Issues
            Quality of food being distributed
                    Stock Movement
                Security, and other issues
Data Collection Tools
                                                                                                  Distribution Monitoring Checklist
  Example of Distribution Monitoring Checklist: Health facility
              Urban HIV/AIDS Input and Process Monitoring
                               Checklist                                                                                                                            General Information

1. General Information                                                                                                         Cooperating Partner………………………..

Name of distribution Site:                                                                                                     Name distribution site                    FMA Name………………………………………..
                                                                                                                                                                   Dispatch and Delivery
Core Cooperating Partner
                                                □ PLHIV ________________            □ PMTCT_____________ □
                                                                                                                               Distribution month and Qty by the
                                                                                                                               Did the distribution site receive       □Yes        No
Number of Beneficiary served at this
distribution site?
                                                                                                                                                                         PLHIV □ PMTCT □ OVC
                                                □ Month ________________             □ Cereals_____________ □                  correct dispatched food ?
Distribution Month and Qty by commodity         Pulses________________
(mt)                                                                           □ CSB     ___________ □ Oil
                                                __________________                                                             If no, explain which commodity/s Distribution Timeframe
                                                                                                                               Distribution date…………………………were          Cereals………..Pulses……….
Distribution Dates
Monitoring Person
                                                                                                                               partially or not completely received?    CSB……………..Oil…………….
                               Name_________________________________ Signature____________________________Date_________
                                                                                                                               Was there any agreed upon schedule for the
                                                                                                                               Indicate the QTY missing in MTs                 Yes     No
2. Dispatch and Delivery
              Question/Indicator                  Control                               Comments
                                                                                                                               distribution to take place?
2.1: Did the distribution site receive the
correct dispatched food ?(Check the way          Yes    No
                                                                                                                               ….                                       Yes        No
bills and Goods Receiving Notes)                                                                                               Did the distribution start on schedule?         Yes     No
                                               Cereals_____________ Pulses________________
2.2: If no, explain which commodity/s were
partially or not completely received? Indicate
                                               CSB _____________ Oil __________________ If you know, the main
the QTY missing in MTs
                                               reason----------------------------------------------------------                Did the distribution end on schedule?            Yes        No
                                                                                                                                                          Beneficiaries Selection and Enrolment
3. Distribution Timeframe
               Question/Indicator                Control                                Comments
3.1: Was there any agreed upon schedule for                                                                                    Do the staff of the CP spent the targeting
                                                                                                                               What is average time know waiting to             Hours…… No
the distribution to take place                 Yes No
3.2: If yes, was it properly communicated                                                                                      receive rations
                                                                                                                               criteria of the project?
with the beneficiaries?                        Yes No
3.3: Did the distribution start on schedule? Yes No

3.4: If no, how late was the start of the
                                             Days ----------------- Hours______ Reason: Delay in food delivery □ Store         Are all PLHIV beneficiaries referred from ART    Yes       No
                                             management □ Beneficiary/Targeting issues □ Food shortage □ Others □
distribution and Why?
                                             (specify) -----------                                                             clinics?
3.5: Did the distribution end on schedule?     Yes No Unknown
                                             Days ---------------- Reason: Delay in food delivery □ Store management □
3.6: If no, how late was the end of the
distribution? Why?
                                             Beneficiary/Targeting issues □ Food shortage □ Others □ (specify) -------------   Are all PLHIV beneficiaries assessed for their   Yes       No
3.7: What is the average time spent waiting
                                            _______ Hours
                                                                                                                               BMI? Who is doing the assessment?
to receive rations?
4. Beneficiary Selection and
                                                                                                                               Are all PMTCT beneficiaries referred from        Yes       No
4.1: Do the staff of the CP know the
                                                  Control                               Comments                               PMTCT clinics?
targetting criteria of the project for the       Yes    No
different beneficiary categories?
                                                                                                                               Does the selection of OVC involve the            Yes       No
4.2: Are all PLHIV beneficiaries referred from
ART clinics?
                                               Yes      No
                                                                                                                               relevant community bodies?
4.3: Are all PLHIV beneficiaries assessed for
                                                 Yes    No Assessed by:
their BMI? Who is doing the assessment?

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1_13_12 LDI/CHIPS Health Policy Seminar-- Building High Value in Health Syste...1_13_12 LDI/CHIPS Health Policy Seminar-- Building High Value in Health Syste...
1_13_12 LDI/CHIPS Health Policy Seminar-- Building High Value in Health Syste...
Agriculture for Improved Nurtition and Health
Agriculture for Improved Nurtition and HealthAgriculture for Improved Nurtition and Health
Agriculture for Improved Nurtition and Health

Module 2 presentations

  • 2. Outline of the Module I • WFP HIV/TB Corporate and Project Specific outcomes and indicators II • M&E in Global and National contexts III • Designing a project Logframe IV • Designing an M&E Plan V • Designing data collection tools and set a data collection system VI • Data analysis for HIV and TB programming VII • Reporting on HIV & TB programming VIII • Module test 2
  • 4. General Introduction to M&E Result Based Management Results Chain: Casual sequence for an operation to achieve desired objectives INPUTS ACTIVITIES RESULTS OUTPUTS OUTCOMES IMPACT Raw materials Action taken or worked needed to bring performed through about the results which inputs are being sought mobilised to produce specific outputs E.g. Nutritional E.g. EMOP E.g. People fed status maintained/ Government improved Equipment SO Food E.g. Reduced Cash Number of Hungry people Skills and PRRO Experience Technology Services DEV E.g. People E.g. Livelihood fed; assets improved gained 4
  • 5. Definition of key terms M&E Terminology Routine tracking of data on inputs, outputs, process and outcomes within relief, Monitoring recovery, development operations Process of using data to ascertain the effectiveness, impact, efficiency, relevance Evaluation and sustainability of an on-going or completed operation Long-term developmental gains which an intervention is expected to help achieve. Objectives WFP’s intervention is a necessary but not a sufficient means for reaching the objective, and often forms part of a government's overall development strategy The positive and negative intended or unintended long-term results produced by Impact an operation, either directly or indirectly Medium-term results achieved by an operation. They should be defined in a way Outcome that allow verification of achievement, since they form the basis for evaluating the success or failure of the intervention Quantitative and qualitative factor or variable that provides a simple and reliable Indicator means to measure achievement or to reflect changes connected with an operation 5
  • 6. Definition of key terms WFP Specific M&E Concepts and Terms M&E strategy in WFP is designed in conjunction with the general project design. It is composed principally of Logframe, M&E Plan and Reporting flow and formats Corporate Outcomes on which is mandatory to report on within a particular context and thus Outcome according to Programme Category and Programmes operated Additional and Optional outcomes that might be selected on top of the corporate Project Specific outcome. They should be chosen according to the project’s objectives as well as the Outcome capacity to collect and analyse data within a particular context Corporate The most robust Indicators found in the SRF aligned with the corporate outcomes and Outcome outputs to be achieved under specific Strategic Objectives Indicator Project Specific Indicators aligned with the project specific outcomes that can built up a body of Outcome additional data that provide a more accurate and in-depth performance measurement Indicators and develop a better understanding of the range of factors influencing the outcomes 6
  • 7. Overview in HIV and TB Corporate Outcome and Indicators Programme Strategic Corporate Corporate Category Objectives Outcomes Indicators EMERGENCY C&T-Maintained access to services EMOP • Default rate PRRO (relief) SO1 • Nutritional recovery C&T-Improved nutritional recovery RECOVERY & RELIEF SO3, rate PRRO sometimes M&SN-Adequate food consumption of • HH Food Consumption HIV/TB HHs SO1 Score (FCS) • ART adherence rate C&T-Improved ART adherence DEVELOPMENT • TB treatment success and/or Improved TB treatment success rate CP/DEV SO4 + Improved nutritional recovery • Nutritional recovery M&SN-Adequate food consumption of rate HIV/TB HHs • HH FCS 7
  • 8. Overview in HIV and TB Corporate vs. Project Specific Outcome and Indicators Project Project Corporate Specific Specific Outcome Outcomes Indicators EMOP/PRRO • Improved nutritional recovery • Nutritional recovery rate C&T-Maintained access to SO1 • Improved adherence • Adherence rate services • Increased TB treat. success • TB treat. success C&T-Improved nutritional • Reduced default rate recovery • Improved adherence • Default rate PRRO • Increased TB treat. success • Adherence rate SO3, SO1 M&SN-Adequate food • TB treat. success rate consumption of HIV/TB HH • Increased access to education, human capital develop. of OVC • OVC attendance rate CP/DEV- C&T-Improved ART adherence SO4 and/or Improved TB treatment • Reduced default rate • Default rate success • Improved adherence to TB treat. • TB treat. adherence rate + Improved nutritional recovery • Increased access to education, • OVC attendance rate human capital develop. of OVC M&SN-Adequate food consumption of HIV/TB HH 8
  • 9. Emergency Settings Corporate and Project Specific Outcome and Indicators EMERGENCY settings: Essential services for PLHIV or TB clients may be disrupted and/or increased barriers to access SO1: Save lives and protect livelihoods in an emergency Programme category: EMOP and PRRO (relief) Care and Treatment Corporate Corporate Project Specific Project Specific Outcomes Indicators Outcomes Indicators Maintained access to Default rate Improved ART and/or ART and/or TB services for ART, TB Percentage of clients TB treatment nutritional recovery rate treatment, or PMTCT defaulting from ART, TB, nutritional recovery or PMTCT programme during reporting time Improved adherence to ART and/or TB treatment ART and/or TB treatment adherence rate Increased success to TB Default occurs when the clients has missed treatment Term TB treatment success rate the second consecutive scheduled medical visit 9
  • 10. Relief and Recovery Settings-C&T Corporate and Project Specific Outcome and Indicators Relief and Recovery settings: characterized by prolonged conflict or protracted impact of shock where PLHIV or people infected with TB may be vulnerable to malnutrition or food security SO3: Restore and rebuild lives and livelihoods in post-conflict, post disaster, or transition situations Programme Category: PRRO Care and Treatment Corporate Corporate Project Project Specific Specific Outcomes Indicators Outcomes Indicators Improved ART Nutritional recovery rate and/or TB Reduced ART, PMTCT or ART, PMTCT or TB default rate nutritional % of ART or TB clients found to be TB treatment default rate malnourished at initiation of food recovery support who are considered to have recovered from malnutrition Improved adherence to ART, PMTCT or TB upon completion of food support ART and/or TB treatment treatment adherence rate Malnutrition is determined using Increased success to TB TB treatment success rate anthropometric measures that vary treatment Term depending on age, gender, and other factors 10
  • 11. Relief and Recovery Settings-M&SN Corporate and Project Specific Outcome and Indicators Relief and Recovery settings: characterized by prolonged conflict or protracted impact of shock where PLHIV or people infected with TB may be vulnerable to malnutrition or food security SO3: Restore and rebuild lives and livelihoods in post-conflict, post disaster, or transition situations Programme Category: PRRO Mitigation and Safety Nets Corporate Corporate Project Project Specific Specific Outcomes Indicators Outcomes Indicators Adequate food HH Food Consumption Increased access to Score education and human OVC Attendance rate consumption of HIV- capital develop. of OVC or TB- affected HHs Composite score based on dietary diversity, food frequency, and ART, PMTCT or TB Improved adherence to relative nutritional importance of treatment adherence ART and/or TB treatment different food groups rate While improving HHs food security (measured Increased success to TB TB treatment success rate with FCS) is the primary objective of M&SN treatment Term activities, there are parallel individual outcome indicators that can be measured 11
  • 12. Development Settings-C&T Corporate and Project Specific Outcome and Indicators Development settings: characterized by an enabling environment for design and support sustainable longer-term goals solution, as treatment success (TB) and ART adherence. SO4: Reduce chronic hunger and undernutrition Programme Category: CP or DEV Care and Treatment Corporate Corporate Project Specific Project Specific Outcomes Indicators Outcomes Indicators Improved adherence ART adherence rate % of ART clients achieving >95% to ART and/or adherence to medication during Improved success of the course of previous month Reduced ART, PMTCT or ART, PMTCT or TB default TB treatment TB treatment default rate rate TB treatment success rate 85% of TB cases receiving WFP + support registered under DOTS in Improve nutritional given year that have successfully Improved adherence to ART, PMTCT or TB recovery completed treatment TB treatment treatment adherence rate Nutritional recovery rate Term Adherence refer to how closely the ART client follows the prescribed treatment regimen TB Success: % of new smear-positive TB cases under DOTS in a given year that successfully completed treatment (with and 12 Term without bacteriological evidence)
  • 13. Development Settings-M&SN Corporate and Project Specific Outcome and Indicators Development settings: characterized by an enabling environment for design and support sustainable longer-term goals solution, as treatment success (TB) and ART adherence SO4: Reduce chronic hunger and undernutrition Programme Category: CP or DEV Mitigation and Safety Nets Corporate Corporate Project Project Specific Specific Outcomes Indicators Outcomes Indicators Adequate food HH Food Consumption Increased access to Score education and human OVC Attendance rate consumption of HIV- capital develop. of OVC or TB- affected HHs Composite score based on dietary diversity, food frequency, and Improved adherence to ART, PMTCT or TB relative nutritional importance of ART and/or TB treatment treatment adherence different food groups rate Increased success to TB TB treatment success rate FCS measures the frequency with which treatment Term different food groups are consumed by a HH during seven days before the survey 13
  • 15. Global and National M&E Context Challenges and Key Considerations HIV indicators are not globally harmonised because different stakeholders have different information needs and priorities as well as different mandates GLOBAL Due to different indicators, it is not consistently possible to compare progress and CONTEXT results across countries or programmes, or aggregate results at regional or global level Most of key donors (such as GF, PEPFAR, WB) are financing only proposals aligned and supportive to the national HIV strategy Until recently, food security and nutrition programming was a neglected aspect of most national strategic plans related to HIV Country’s priorities differ from WFP or/and other partners, and this may lead to reduced reporting of WFP key indicators NATIONAL CONTEXT National M&E framework and data collection system may differ from WFP’s and other partners’ framework National capacity in collecting and analyzing data not always ensured due to lack of means and human resources 15
  • 16. Global Context for M&E HIV- and TB- related interventions Recent developments in the Global Context: 1 2 In response of the World Health Assembly Success in achieving food and nutrition internationally recognized as critical element (WHA) request o f reporting on nutrition and around treatment, care and support, through HIV activities, WHO and PEPFAR, through main international commitment and stakeholder consultations, have identified a agreements set of globally harmonized M&E indicators UNAIDS, Division for nutrition and HIV activities that has been of Labour Global Fund PEPFAR reviewed by the Monitoring Evaluation Reference Group (MERG) TWG at UNAIDS Following some revisions, these indicators will likely be included in the UNAIDS Indicator Register in 2012. Three set of proposed 27th PCB indicators resulted, respectively on: Political UNAIDS Declaration on HIV/AIDS Nutrition Care PMTCT and Infant feeding Consultative UBRAF Food Security 16 meeting, WHO
  • 17. National Context for M&E HIV- and TB- related interventions THE THREE ONES A good starting point for thinking about M&E for HIV-related interventions at national level A set of guiding principles for national authorities, established by UNAIDS (and endorsed by Global Fund, the World Bank and all key donor countries) Donors and various international actors need to adapt their system and processes to the national ones that are commonly agreed 1 One agreed HIV/AIDS 2 One national AIDS 3 One agreed-upon action framework that coordinating country-level provides the basis for authority, with a monitoring and coordinating the work broad-based multi- evaluation system of all partners sectorial mandate Where a national M&E system is in place it often builds on UN General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) indicators, that are not specifically oriented toward food and nutrition, as well as other (non- 17 UNGASS) indicators suggested by various national stakeholder
  • 18. WFP Role at National level Building National M&E framework Despite significant progress in growing evidence in support of integrated HIV, food SENSITIZATION security and nutrition programming, there is still a need for sensitization and ADVOCACY advocacy at national level • Advocate for the inclusion of food and nutrition programming in the NATIONAL development of, and revisions to, national strategic plans STRATEGIC • Participate to the development of main national strategy, including UNDAF and PLAN Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS in order to ensure food and nutrition is captured in related M&E framework Review existing national, UNDAF and other development partners M&E systems NATIONAL M&E and where feasible integrate food and nutrition-related specific indicators in the FRAMEWORK national M&E framework NATIONAL M&E Acknowledge and understand the national-level reporting systems within the REPORTING country where is operating and contribute where feasible to national data SYSTEM collection systems WFP • Ensure adequacy with WFP policies and procedures M&E SYSTEM • Ensure that the link between Programme Category and SOs is preserved 18
  • 19. Role of the Government Building National M&E framework M&E ACTIVITIES Manage and implement M&E activities CAPACITY Build and strengthen government capacity in data collection, processing BUILDING and analysis to ensure sustainability of programmes INTEGRATED Advocate for a Integrated National Management Systems or other HEALTH MANAGEMENT sector wide information system SYSTEM COLLABORATION Encourage dynamic participation of government counterpart during the PARTNERSHIP design phase of both M&E framework and reporting system 19
  • 21. Key Concepts in M&E M&E Strategy 1 Monitoring and Evaluation should not be seen as an isolated exercise, but should be considered a crucial aspect of the larger process of project design and implementation 2 The development and implementation of the M&E strategy should be led by the government with support from WFP and stakeholders 3 A comprehensive M&E system should outline in detail what data will be collected, how, when and by whom it will be collected, the process for data analysis, the responsible parties including government and Implementing partners, budgetary requirement and other details 4 M&E strategy in WFP is designed in conjunction with the general project design. It is composed principally of i) Logframe, ii) M&E Plan and iii) Reporting flows and formats
  • 22. What is a logframe? The starting point in the preparation of M&E strategy The logframe or logical framework is A management tool used to design projects and programmes, in which hierarchy of basic project elements are linked together in a logical cause and effect arrangement The link between project design and design of M&E system, specifically at output and outcome levels A matrix document submitted with project document that reflects outcome indicators you will be measuring and reporting on Logical framework analysis is a technique used both for designing an intervention and for evaluating its effects 22
  • 23. What is a Logframe? Main elements and contents The original logframe is a 4 columns matrix that contains specific information on programme/project: COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 It outlines the It outlines how the It specifics the external assumptions It incorporate a design will be source(s) of and risks related to hierarchy of a logic monitored and information for each level of the model: Result chain evaluated : assessing indicators: internal logic: Performance Indicators Means of verification Assumption and risks Impact Impact indicators Programme /project Risk regarding evaluation system strategic impact Outcomes Outcomes indicators Programme/project evaluation system, report Outcome to Impact and performance review Outputs indicators Programme/project Outputs supervision, monitoring Output to Outcome system, report and regular performance review Activities Inputs/Resources Monitoring system for Activity to Output validating implementation progress 23
  • 24. WFP Logframe Main elements and contents SRF (2008-2012) has been further refined in 2011 to better demonstrate the results of WFP operations, and to align definitions of outcomes as medium term results of WFP operations Priorities • The revised SRF focused on the performance of outcome and output indicators measured and reported at the beneficiary and community levels • Impact level indicators have been removed from logframe- COs are urged to report impact- level indicators through annual Standard Project Reports (SPRs) exercise, when applicable UNDAF & • WFP is committed to demonstrate change or impact by linking its performance to MDG MDGs through national MDG progress report, UNDAF mid term review • For CP and DEV Project, logframe should be aligned with the UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) and its Result Matrix COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 Result chain Indicators Means of verification Assumption and risks IMPACT Imp. indicators OUTCOME Outcome Indicators OUTPUT Output Indicators ACTIVITIES Inputs/ Resources 24
  • 25. WFP Logframe Main Steps for developing Logframe For each Strategic Objective should be filled a separate logframe 1 Match Programme category and WFP SOs and, for CP/DEV, UNDAF Outcome 2 Select appropriate Mandatory Corporate Outcome and additional Project-specific Outcome for the SO pertaining to your programme 3 Define Outputs Strategy for achieving the outcome 4 Identify appropiate Outcome Indicators per each of the outcomes selected 5 Ensure that Baseline (if existing), and Targets are provided for each indicators 6 Ensure connectivity between every Outcome indicator and its corresponding Output Indicator 7 Add The Monitoring and Evaluation Approach and ensure Data Sources are provided 8 Identify Assumptions and Risks that may influence success or failure 1 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Result-Hierarchy Performance indicators Means of verification Assumption and risks 1 UNDAF Outcome 2 7 8 Outcomes 4 Outcome indicators - Corporate • Target, Baseline - Project Specific 5 3 Outputs 6 Outputs indicators • Target 25
  • 26. WFP Logframe Matrix HIV and TB Programme under EMOP and PRRO-relief STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES: SO1-Save lives and protect livelihood in emergency What the operation wants to How the performance of the operation will be measured Factors beyond management achieve? control affecting operations Results-Hierarchy Performance indicators Means of verification (MOV) Assumption and risks OUTCOMES (Corporate and Project Specific) 1.1 Maintained access to 1.1.1 Default rate Source: ART, TB or Risk regarding programme services for ART, TB Target: Default rate < 15% PMTCT/MCHN registers at level impact treatment and/or PMTCT (Sphere) health facility level or E.g. Data collection may be treatment centre run by affected by the shock Select appropriate Project Specific Outcomes/Indicators from partners E.g. Stigma discourage the list people from attending ART 1.2….. or TB centres OUTPUTS 1.1 Food, cash and vouchers List of indicators provided, Monitoring system for Risk regarding design distributed in sufficient such as: validating operation design effectiveness quantity and quality to target 1.1.1 # of women, men, girls Source: E.g. Monthly WFP Food group (ART, TB or PMTCT) and boys received food, C&V Distribution Reports 1.2 … 1.1.2. Tonnage of food distributed…, etc. Targets are project and context-specific. They should take into account objectives of the intervention, planned level of Targets inputs, baseline figures, trend observed prior to the start of interventions and the pre-emergency data, counterpart capacity, expert judgments and the accomplishments of comparable interventions 26
  • 27. WFP Logframe Matrix HIV and TB Programme under EMOP and PRRO-relief List of appropriate Project Specific Outcomes and related indicators that might be selected and included into the Logframe Results-Hierarchy Performance indicators Means of verification (MOV) Assumption and risks Source: ART or TB registers Risk regarding programme 1.2 Improved ART or TB 1.2.1 ART or TB nutritional at health facility level or level impact nutritional recovery recovery Target: Nutritional recovery treatment centres run by rate > 75 % (Sphere) partners Source: ART or TB registers E.g. Data collection may be 1.3 Improved adherence to 1.3.1 ART or TB treatment at health facility level or affected by the shock ART, TB treatment adherence rate treatment centres run by E.g. Stigma discourage Target: Context specific partners people from attending ART or TB centres 1.4 Increased success of TB 1.4.1 TB treatment success Source: ART or TB registers … treatment rate at health facility level or Target: >85% (WHO) treatment centres run by partners 27
  • 28. WFP Logframe Matrix HIV and TB Programme under PRRO STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES: SO3-Restore and rebuild lives and livelihood What the operation wants to How the performance of the operation will be measured Factors beyond management achieve? control affecting operations Results-Hierarchy Performance indicators Means of verification (MOV) Assumption and risks OUTCOMES (Corporate and Project Specific) 1.1 Improved ART and or 1.1.1 Nutritional recovery rate Source: Nutritional registers Risk regarding programme TB nutritional recovery Target: Nutritional recovery and clients card at health level impact rate > 75% facility level or treat. centres E.g. Data collection analysis 1.2 Adequate food Source: Annual monitoring conducted by health care consumption of HIV or TB- 1.2.1 HH Food consumption and/or survey report providers affected HHS Score E.g. External factors may influence nutritional status Select appropriate Project Specific Outcomes/Indicators from the list 1.3….. OUTPUTS 1.1 Food, cash and List of indicators provided, such Monitoring system for Risk regarding design vouchers distributed in as: validating operation design effectiveness sufficient quantity and 1.1.1 # of women, men, girls Source: E.g. Monthly WFP Food quality to target group and boys received food, C&V Distribution Reports (ART, TB or PMTCT) 1.1.2. Tonnage of food 1.2 …. distributed…, etc. 28
  • 29. WFP Logframe Matrix HIV and TB Programme under PRRO List of appropriate Project Specific Outcomes and related indicators that might be selected and included into the Logframe Results-Hierarchy Performance indicators Means of verification (MOV) Assumption and risks 1.3.1 ART, PMTCT or TB Source: ART or TB registers 1.3 Reduced ART, PMTCT or at health facility level or Risk regarding programme TB treatment default rate treat. default rate level impact Target: < 15% treatment centres run by partners 1.4.1. ART or DOTS Source: ART or TB registers 1.4 Improved adherence to E.g. Data collection analysis adherence rate at health facility level or ART, TB treatment conducted by health care Target: Context specific treatment centres run by providers partners E.g. External factors may 1.5 Increased success of TB 1.5.1 TB treat. success rate Source: ART or TB registers influence nutritional status treatment Target: >85% at health facility level or ….. treatment centres run by 1.6 Increased access to partners education and human capital 1.6.1 OVC Attendance rate Source: School records development of OVC Target: 80% 29
  • 30. WFP Logframe Matrix HIV and TB Programme under CP/DEV STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES: SO4-Reduce Chronic Hunger and Undernutrition Result-Hierarchy Performance indicators Means of verification Assumption and risks IMPACT→ UNDAF OUTCOME UNDAF indicators reported as per mid-term UNDAF review, etc. OUTCOMES (Corporate and Project Specific) 1.1 Improved adherence to 1.1.1 ART adherence rate Source: ART or TB registers Risk regarding programme ART Target: Context specific at health facility level or level impact and/or treatment centres E.g. Data collection analysis 1.2.1 TB treat. success rate Source: ART or TB registers conducted by health care 1.2 Improved success of TB Target: >85% at health facility level or providers treatment treatment centre E.g. External factors may 1.3 ART and/or TB Improve 1.3.1 Nutritional recovery rate Source: Nutritional registers influence nutritional status nutritional recovery Target: >75% and clients card at health E.g. Burden at health facility facility level or treat. centres may impact the quality of reporting 1.4 Adequate food 1.4.1 HH Food Consumption Source: Annual monitoring consumption of HIV- and/or Score and/or survey report TB affected HHs Select appropriate Project Specific Outcomes/Indicators from the list 1.5…. OUTPUTS 1.1 Food, cash and vouchers List of indicators, as per EMOP: Source: E.g. Monthly WFP Food Risk regarding design distributed in sufficient quantity 1.1.1 # of women, men, girls and Distribution Reports effectiveness and quality to ART, TB or PMTCT boys received food, C&V…, etc. clients, OVC and HHs… 30
  • 31. WFP Logframe Matrix HIV and TB Programme under CP/DEV List of appropriate Project Specific Outcomes and related indicators that might be selected and included into the Logframe Results-Hierarchy Performance indicators Means of verification (MOV) Assumption and risks 1.5 Reduced ART, PMTCT or 1.5.1 ART, PMTCT or TB Source: ART or TB registers Risk regarding programme TB treatment default rate treat. default rate at health facility level or level impact Target: < 15% treatment centres run by partners 1.6 Improve adherence to TB 1.6.1 TB adherence rate Source: ART or TB registers E.g. Data collection analysis treatment Target: Context specific at health facility level or conducted by health care treatment centres run by providers partners E.g. External factors may influence nutritional status 1.7 Increased access to 1.7.1 OVC Attendance rate Source: School records education and human capital Target: 80% ….. development of OVC 31
  • 33. Key Concepts in M&E M&E Strategy Monitoring and Evaluation should not be seen as an isolated exercise, but should be 1 considered a crucial aspect of the larger process of project design and implementation The development and implementation of the M&E strategy should be led by the 2 government with support from WFP and stakeholders A comprehensive M&E system should outline in detail what data will be collected, how, when and by whom it will be collected, the process for data analysis, the responsible 3 parties including government and Implementing partners, budgetary requirement and other details 4 M&E strategy in WFP is designed in conjunction with the general project design. It is composed principally of i) Logframe, ii) M&E Plan and, iii) Reporting flows and formats 33
  • 34. What is a M&E Plan? Plan to collect and analyse data The M&E Plan Matrix It sets out arrangements for routine collection of monitoring data and periodic evaluation data, based on indicators identified in the logical framework It is a matrix or table useful for clearly identifying what data is needed, the source of data, how often it will be collected, by whom it will be collected, what methods will be used in collection and finally in which reports and forum the data will be presented It is critical for establishing clear roles and responsibilities of WFP and partners M&E PLAN is a tool built upon the information on the logical framework to plan the collection, analysis, use and dissemination of performance information 34
  • 35. M&E Matrix Plan Main elements and contents The M&E Plan should include: • Selected performance indicators LOGICAL FRAMEWORK • Identified data sources Result- Indicators MoV Assumptions Hierarchy • Methods for data collection Impact • Frequency of data collection Each expected result • Roles and responsibilities Outcome from the fist column Output in the Logical • How the information will be used & reported Framework gets its Activities own monitoring plan M&E Plan Matrix Expected Results- Key Indicators Mean of Verification Use of information Data Source Collection method Frequency of Collection Responsibilities for collection 1.1 1.2 1.3 35
  • 36. M&E Matrix Plan Main Steps for Developing a M&E Plan LOGICAL FRAMEWORK Results Indicators MoV Assumptions Hierarchy For each expected result the M&E Impact Plan matrix gives details of how Outcome selected indicators will actually be Outputs E.g. Quantity of fortified food distributed used Activities M&E Plan Matrix Expected Results- Key Indicators Mean of Verification Use of information Data Source Collection Frequency of Responsibilities method Collection for collection 1.1 E.g. Quantity of fortified food distributed 1.2 1.3 36
  • 37. M&E Matrix Plan Main Steps for Developing a M&E Plan LOGICAL FRAMEWORK Results Indicators MoV Assumptions The Primary and/or Secondary Hierarchy data source for each indicator is Impact located Outcome • Primary data are collected through the use of surveys, meetings, Outputs E.g. Quantity focus group discussions, interviews or other methods that involve of fortified food distributed direct contact with respondents • Secondary data are existing data that have been or will be Activities collected by WFP or others for another purpose M&E Plan Matrix Expected Results- Key Indicators Mean of Verification Use of information Data Source Collection Frequency of Responsibilities method Collection for collection 1.1 E.g. E.g. Monthly WFP Quantity of Food Distribution fortified food Reports distributed 1.2 1.3 37
  • 38. M&E Matrix Plan Main Steps for Developing a M&E Plan LOGICAL FRAMEWORK 1 Technical process that will be used to Results Indicators MoV Assumptions collect and analyse data for each indicator Hierarchy Impact 2 For each indicator, stakeholders agree on Outcome how often data will be collected and the Outputs E.g. Quantity cost for collection is estimated of fortified food distributed 3 Activities Spell out clearly who will do the collection and analysis of the data for each indicator M&E Plan Matrix Expected Results- Key Indicators Mean of Verification Use of information Data Source 1 Collection 2 Frequency of 3 Responsibilities method Collection for collection 1.1 E.g. E.g. Monthly WFP E.g. Daily food E.g. Monthly E.g. Field Quantity of Food Distribution distribution Monitoring fortified food Reports sheet filled at Assistance distributed health facility 1.2 38
  • 39. M&E Matrix Plan Main Steps for Developing a M&E Plan M&E Plan Matrix Expected Results- Key Mean of Verification Use of Indicators information Data Source Collection Frequency of Responsibilities method Collection for collection 1.1 E.g. E.g. Monthly E.g. Daily food E.g. Monthly E.g. Field Quantity of WFP Food distribution Monitoring fortified food Distribution sheet filled at Assistance distributed Reports health facility 1.2 Reporting Presentation In which report(s) the information At which forums or meetings the will be included (E.g. Quarterly information or report will be Progress Report; Project presented and discussed (E.g. Implementation Report, final Quarterly management meetings; evaluation etc) annual progress review workshop) 39
  • 41. Key Concepts in M&E M&E Strategy Monitoring and Evaluation should not be seen as an isolated exercise, but should be 1 considered a crucial aspect of the larger process of project design and implementation The development and implementation of the M&E strategy should be led by the 2 government with support from WFP and stakeholders A comprehensive M&E system should outline in detail what data will be collected, how, when and by whom it will be collected, the process for data analysis, the responsible 3 parties including government and Implementing partners, budgetary requirement and other details 4 M&E strategy in WFP is designed in conjunction with the general project design. It is composed principally of i) Logframe, ii) M&E Plan and, iii) Reporting flows and formats 41
  • 42. Overview of Reporting Flow Data Collection Tools M&E Plan Data Collection Data Processing Reporting Tools M&E Plan identifies Mean of Verification, including the data collection tools and the reports Based on the indicators selected in the logframe, each CO is responsible for developing Data Collections tools and Reports Data collection tools should be related to the type of reports expected to be produced in short- and long-term 42
  • 43. Data Collection Tools Definitions and Key Concepts Data collection tools, the key for adequate monitoring • It provides information that allows WFP managers to assess planned vs. actual achievements, progress and changes of the operation • The indicators selected in the Logframe are the basis on which the data collected tools should be designed • Data collection tools/formats (questionnaire, checklist, etc.) need to be carefully designed to collect only necessary information to ensure efficient use of M&E resource 43
  • 44. Data Collection Tools HIV and TB Programming There are many different data collection tools in use in WFP for HIV and TB interventions. They can be summarised as: General Food Cooperating Partner General Food Distribution Report Distribution WFP Sudan 1. Cooperating Partner Details Cooperating Partner State, Locality, County Location / Distribution CP's FLA Number Project Number Distribution monitoring checklist Site 1 Distribution Period / Month Distribution Dates Report Date Report Number From……………………..... To………….……………….. 2. Stock Movements Opening Damaged/Sp Closing Loss & Damage Commodity S.I. Number Receipts Distributed Food Returns Losses Stock oield Balance Reasons World Food Programme Ethiopia Urban HIV/AIDS Project Assessment Form for the Graduation of PLHIVs On-site checklist Comments Cooperating Partner Health Facility 2 3. Beneficiary Numbers Girls < 5 Boys <5 Number Girls 5-18 of Boys 5-18 Women Men Total IDPs months the Number of Capacity to Residents patient was on months the Body Mass engage in Refugees the food support patient was on Height (in Weight (in Index (BMI) daily Resettled Name of the patient (2) (3) ART(4) Cm) (5) Kg) (6) (7) activities (8) 3.1. Beneficiaries Girls < 5 Boys <5 Girls 5-18 Boys 5-18 Women Men Total Numbers - Returnees Returning IDPs - Transit Rations Returning IDPs - Re- integration Package Returning Refugees - Transit Rations 3 Post Distribution Monitoring or Beneficiaries Contact Monitoring questionnaire Returning Refugees - Re- integration Package Total Beneficiaries 4 Cooperating Partners Monthly Reports (stock movement and actual beneficiaries) 44
  • 45. Data Collection Tools Distribution Monitoring Checklist Key concepts and information • Most distribution are carried out by Implementing Partners (IPs) 1 • During a food distribution, WFP Field Monitors check on random basis whether the distribution are been undertaken smoothly and according to the plan • Main output and process indicators are monitored, such as planned vs. actual numbers of targeted beneficiaries, amount of MT distributed, appropriate ration size, quality of Key elements that may be included commodities, etc. General Information Dispatch and Delivery Distribution Timeframe Beneficiaries Selection and Enrolment Distribution mechanism and Centre management Gender, Awareness and Protection Issues Quality of food being distributed Stock Movement Security, and other issues 45
  • 46. Data Collection Tools Distribution Monitoring Checklist Example of Distribution Monitoring Checklist: Health facility Urban HIV/AIDS Input and Process Monitoring Checklist General Information WFP Ethiopia 1. General Information Cooperating Partner……………………….. Town: Name of distribution Site: Name distribution site FMA Name……………………………………….. Dispatch and Delivery Core Cooperating Partner □ PLHIV ________________ □ PMTCT_____________ □ Distribution month and Qty by the Did the distribution site receive □Yes No Number of Beneficiary served at this distribution site? OVC________________ PLHIV □ PMTCT □ OVC □ Month ________________ □ Cereals_____________ □ correct dispatched food ? commodities Distribution Month and Qty by commodity Pulses________________ (mt) □ CSB ___________ □ Oil __________________ If no, explain which commodity/s Distribution Timeframe Distribution date…………………………were Cereals………..Pulses………. Distribution Dates Monitoring Person partially or not completely received? CSB……………..Oil……………. Name_________________________________ Signature____________________________Date_________ Was there any agreed upon schedule for the Indicate the QTY missing in MTs Yes No 2. Dispatch and Delivery Question/Indicator Control Comments distribution to take place? 2.1: Did the distribution site receive the correct dispatched food ?(Check the way Yes No …. Yes No bills and Goods Receiving Notes) Did the distribution start on schedule? Yes No Cereals_____________ Pulses________________ 2.2: If no, explain which commodity/s were partially or not completely received? Indicate CSB _____________ Oil __________________ If you know, the main the QTY missing in MTs reason---------------------------------------------------------- Did the distribution end on schedule? Yes No Beneficiaries Selection and Enrolment 3. Distribution Timeframe Question/Indicator Control Comments 3.1: Was there any agreed upon schedule for Do the staff of the CP spent the targeting What is average time know waiting to Hours…… No Yes the distribution to take place Yes No 3.2: If yes, was it properly communicated receive rations criteria of the project? with the beneficiaries? Yes No 3.3: Did the distribution start on schedule? Yes No 3.4: If no, how late was the start of the Days ----------------- Hours______ Reason: Delay in food delivery □ Store Are all PLHIV beneficiaries referred from ART Yes No management □ Beneficiary/Targeting issues □ Food shortage □ Others □ distribution and Why? (specify) ----------- clinics? 3.5: Did the distribution end on schedule? Yes No Unknown Days ---------------- Reason: Delay in food delivery □ Store management □ 3.6: If no, how late was the end of the distribution? Why? Beneficiary/Targeting issues □ Food shortage □ Others □ (specify) ------------- Are all PLHIV beneficiaries assessed for their Yes No ---- 3.7: What is the average time spent waiting _______ Hours BMI? Who is doing the assessment? to receive rations? 4. Beneficiary Selection and Enrollwmnt: Are all PMTCT beneficiaries referred from Yes No Question/Indicator 4.1: Do the staff of the CP know the Control Comments PMTCT clinics? targetting criteria of the project for the Yes No different beneficiary categories? Does the selection of OVC involve the Yes No 4.2: Are all PLHIV beneficiaries referred from ART clinics? Yes No relevant community bodies? 4.3: Are all PLHIV beneficiaries assessed for Yes No Assessed by: their BMI? Who is doing the assessment? 46

Editor's Notes

  1. Project specific outcomes are optional and they should selected based on the capacity of collecting the information as well as on Project Life Cycle (EMOP-&gt;PRRO-&gt;CP/DEV)
  2. Provide to the audience Hand-outs of the Global Indicators (Annex 3 M&amp;E Guide)
  3. Provide to the audience Hand-outs of the Global Indicators (Annex 2 M&amp;E Guide)
  4. Main Component of an M&amp;E Strategy are: 1) Logframe 2) M&amp;E Plan 3) Reporting flows and formats
  5. Activities: In the WFP logframe information on impact and activities are not provided.
  6. Activities: In the WFP logframe information on impact and activities are not provided.
  7. Activities: In the WFP logframe information on activities are not provided because the SRF is focused mainly on Outcome/Output levels.
  8. This slide needs to be used to introduce another main component of M&amp;E Stategy: M&amp;E Plan
  9. This slide needs to be used to introduce another main component of M&amp;E Stategy: Reporting flow
  10. Remember that under CP/DEV (SO4) there are two main corporate outcomes: 1) improve ART adherence or TB treatment success rate 2) ART or TB treatment Nutritional Recovery rate (already explained before under SO3)
  11. Remember that under CP/DEV (SO4) there are two main corporate outcomes: 1) improve ART adherence or TB treatment success rate 2) ART or TB treatment Nutritional Recovery rate (already explained before under SO3)
  12. In the following slides introduction and explanation, methodology and interpretation of each project specific outcome indicators will be provided. In case where the indicators double as outcome indicators for other contexts no information will be provided. All the other indicators have been already introduced and explained before, in this session only OVC attendance rate and TB treatment adherence rate are explained.
  13. APR=Annual Performance Report PIR= Project Implementation reportsBCM= Beneficiaries Contact Monitoring PPIF= Project Planning Information FormsCAP =Consolidated appeal QPR= Quarterly Progress reportsCOR =Country Office Report SITREP= Situation reportsCOMR =Country Office Management Report PCR= Project Completion reportCP MTE =Country Programme Mid term Evaluation SPR=Standard Project Report IP =Implementing Partners Slide to introduce the SPRSlide to give an overview of the reporting flow. This should be used for introducing SPR (slide 7)