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Department of Education  Republic of the Philippines
.Net Technology -Senior High School Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Basic Competencies
Module 1: The Principles and Concepts in Performing Computer
Lesson 1: Introduction to Computer
Lesson 2: Computer System
Lesson 3: Computer Hardware and Its Functions
Lesson 4: Computer Devices
Lesson 5: Types of software
What This Module is About
Welcome to .Net Technology!
Computers have become an integral part of our lives because they can
accomplish easy tasks repeatedly without getting bored and complex ones repeatedly
without committing errors. In this module we will discuss in detail about the different parts
of computer that enable it to carry out tasks efficiently and correctly. We will also discuss
about the brief history of computers, what programming is all about, and the different
types of programming languages.
This module is designed for students to understand the basic concepts of what a
computer is and how it functions.
General Instructions
To do well in this module, you need to remember the following:
1. Read texts carefully so that you can easily comprehend what you are
2. Answer questions with all honesty. Success does not come from
copying from others. It is made possible by trying hard on your own
so that you can learn even from your mistakes.
3. Review your answers. It is safe to go back and think about what you
have written. This can help you lessen if not avoid errors.
4. Follow instructions given and ask if there is something that you did
not understand.
5. Do the tasks given and do not delay in submitting requirements. This
can help you avoid having a pile of unfinished activities.
6. Feel free to communicate with your teacher. There is no harm in
asking for clarification so that you will not be lost in the discussion.
7. Remember to review every time you are done answering the activities.
8. Have fun as you learn. This course is very important. When you’re
having fun, you can easily learn the lessons.
Icons of this Module
What I Need to
This part contains learning objectives that
are set for you to learn as you go along
the module.
What I know This will assess your level of knowledge
to the subject matter at hand, it meant
specifically to gauge prior related
What’s In This part connects previous lesson with
that of the current one.
What’s New An introduction of the new lesson through
various activities, before it will be
presented to you
What is It These are discussions of the activities
as a way to deepen your discovery
and understanding of the concept.
What’s More These are follow-up activities that are
intended for you to practice further in
order to master the competencies.
What I Have
Activities designed to process what you
have learned from the lesson
What I can do These are tasks that are designed to
showcase your skills and knowledge
gained, and help you to apply it to real-
life concerns and situations.
Introduction to Computers
What I Need to Know
At the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:
1. Understand the brief history of computer.
2. Identify the different types of programming languages
Let us check your prior knowledge about this module’s coverage.
Directions: Match Column A with Column B. Write the letter of the correct
answer on your answer sheet.
Column A Column B
1. Device used in third generation of computer A. Lady Ada
2. First counting device originated from Egypt B. Vacuum Tubes
3. First Computer Programmer C. Charles Babbage
4. Device used in first Generation of computer
5. Father of computer
D. Integrated Circuit
E. Abacus
F. Blaise Pascal
What I Know
Learning about the history of computer will make
you understand more how & when computer machine was
invented. This time you will learn about the history of
computer and some career opportunities by studying this
course .Net Technology.
Directions: Arrange the following in chronological order. Write 1-5.
____ Artificial Intelligence
____ Microprocessor
____ Vacuum Tubes
____ Integrated Circuits
____ Transistors
 Computer - it is an electronic, programmable device that can process,
store and retrieve data.
 hardware - refers to the physical, tangible computer equipment and
 software - known as programs or applications
 liveware - computer user
 data - a collection of raw facts, figures and symbols, such as numbers,
words, images, video and sound, given to the computer during
the input phase
 information - data that is organized, meaningful, and useful
 Motherboard- contains different computer parts.
 RAM – Random Access Memory
 ROM – Read Only Memory
A computer is an electronic, programmable device that can process, store
and retrieve and controls data or "information." It can store, recover, and
process information. You can utilize a PC to type reports, send email, and surf
the Internet. You can likewise utilize it to deal with spreadsheets, bookkeeping,
What’s New
What Is It
Key Terminologies
What’s In
database the executives, introductions, games, and that's only the tip of the
It was the math procedure of Abacus which was originated in Egypt and
popularized in China that prompted the improvement of computers. In 1642,
the Pascaline, a mechanical calculating device was invented by the French
philosopher and mathematician Blaise Pascal. It has eight movable dials on
wheels that could perform only addition and subtraction. While math device is
an old ascertaining device, computers are present day devices, which performs
numerous capacities. The PCs have become an integral part of individuals. Math
device can likewise be called as the most seasoned PC.
Regardless of whether you understand it or not, PCs assume a significant
job in our lives. At the point when you pull back money from an ATM, examine
staple goods at the store, or utilize an adding machine, you're utilizing a kind of
Charles Babbage is considered to be the father of computer while Lady
Ada is the first computer programmer. Computer are divided into 5 generations
First Generation: Vacuum Tubes (1940-1956)
Initially discovered by Thomas Edison, the vacuum tube formed the
building block for the entire electronics industry. Vacuum tubes were later used
as electron valves in the 20th century to build the first electronic computers.
The primary PC frameworks utilized vacuum tubes for hardware and
attractive drums for memory, and were frequently gigantic, occupying whole
spaces. These PCs were over the top expensive to work and notwithstanding
utilizing a lot of power, the primary PCs created a great deal of warmth, which
was regularly the reason for breakdowns.
Original PCs depended on machine language, the least level programming
language comprehended by PCs, to perform tasks, and they could just take care
of each issue in turn. It would take administrators days or even a long time to
set-up another issue. Info depended on punched cards and paper tape, and
yield was shown on printouts. Punched cards were used by the French weaver
Joseph Jacquard in 1810. The cards carried weaving instructions for the looms,
later this idea offered a great use for storing information.
Second Generation: Transistors (1956-1963)
The world would see transistors supplant vacuum tubes in the second era
of PCs. The transistor was imagined at Bell Labs in 1947 yet didn't see broad
use in PCs until the late 1950s.
The transistor was far better than the vacuum tube, permitting PCs to
decrease, quicker, less expensive, more vitality productive and more solid than
their original ancestors. In spite of the fact that the transistor despite everything
created a lot of warmth that exposed the PC to harm, it was a tremendous
improvement over the vacuum tube. Second-age PCs despite everything
depended on punched cards for information and printouts for yield.
Third Generation: Integrated Circuits (1964-1971)
The advancement of the coordinated circuit was the sign of the third era
of PCs. Transistors were scaled down and put on silicon chips, called
semiconductors, which definitely sped up and productivity of PCs.
Rather than punched cards and printouts, clients communicated with
third era PCs through consoles and screens and interfaced with a working
framework, which permitted the gadget to run a wide range of utilizations one
after another with a focal program that observed the memory. PCs just because
got open to a mass crowd since they were littler and less expensive than their
Fourth Generation: Microprocessors/Microchips (1971-Present)
The microprocessor brought the fourth era of PCs, as a large number of
coordinated circuits were constructed onto a solitary silicon chip. What in the
original occupied a whole room could now fit in the palm of the hand. The Intel
4004 chip, created in 1971, found all the parts of the PC—from the focal
preparing unit and memory to enter/yield controls—on a solitary chip.
Fifth Generation: Artificial Intelligence (Present and Beyond)
Fifth era figuring gadgets, in view of artificial intelligence, are still being
developed, however there are a few applications, for example, voice
acknowledgment, that are being utilized today. The utilization of equal handling
and superconductors is assisting with making man-made reasoning a reality.
Computer programming is the process of designing and building an
executable computer program for accomplishing and building an executable
computer program for accomplishing a specific computing task. Programming
involves tasks such as: analysis, generating algorithms, profiling algorithms’
accuracy and resource consumption, and the implementation of algorithms in
a chosen programming language (commonly referred to as coding). The source
code of a program is written in one or more languages that are intelligible to
programmers, rather than machine code, which is directly executed by the
central processing unit. The purpose of programming is to find a sequence of
instructions that will automate the performance of a task (which can be as
complex as an operating system) on a computer, often for solving a given
problem. The process of programming thus often requires expertise in several
different subjects, including knowledge of the application domain, specialized
algorithms, and formal logic.
1. Machine and Assembly Languages - is a low-level programming
language. It is a group of languages. It implements a symbolic
representation of the machine code.
2. Algorithmic Languages – are used to design mathematical or symbolic
computations. It is used to express algebraic operations. This is the first
high-level language.
3. Business-Oriented Languages - is a high-level programming language
that is used for business applications. It is used to design the operating
system agnostic and in many business applications today.
4. Education-Oriented Languages - are some Education-oriented
languages like BASIC, Pascal, Logo etc.
5. Scripting Languages – is a scripting language can be defined as a
programming language is used for integrating and communicating with
other programming languages. JavaScript, VB Script, PHP, Perl are the
most used scripting language.
6. Document Formatting Languages - is used to specify the organization
of printed text and graphics. This mark-up describes the intended
function of portions of a document.
7. Declarative Languages - is a very high-level programming languages. It
is also known as the non-procedural programming language.
8. Object-Oriented Languages - is a computer programming language that
revolves around the concept of an object.
A computer programmer creates the code for software applications and
operating systems. After a software developer designs a computer program, the
programmer writes code that converts that design into a set of instructions a
computer can follow. They test the program to look for errors and then rewrite
it until it is error-free. The programmer continues to evaluate programs that are
in use, making updates and adjustments as needed.
Programmer Description Example
The system programmer
installs, customizes, and
maintains the operating
system, and also installs
or upgrades products that
run on the system.
CAD Engineer
System Engineers
DevOps Developer
Software Developer
A web developer is a
programmer who engaged
in, the development of
World Wide
Web applications, or
applications that are run
from a web server to a
web browser.
Frontend Developer
Backend Developer
Full stack web
A game programmer is a
programmer who develops
codebases for video games
or related software, such
Game Designer
Audio Engineer
as game development
tools. Game
programming has many
specialized disciplines, all
of which fall under the
“game programmer”.
The application
programmer is a
programmer who is
responsible for designing
and testing program logic,
coding programs, program
documentation and
preparation of programs for
computer operations.
Software Engineer
Directions: Write down 5 uses of computer. Explain each.
The evolution of computer started when people started
to use the Abacus, a manual counting device originated
form Babylon (Egypt) and popularized in China. There are
five generations of computer wherein different devices was
Directions: Since computer has five generations, enumerate the year and
devices used for each generation.
Directions: From the types of programmer, which of them would you like to
be after taking this course/strand. Explain your answer.
What’s More
What I Have Learned
What I Can Do
Computer System
What I Need to Know
At the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:
1. Name the basic parts of a computer
2. Identify the components of a computer system
3. Give reasons why a computer is powerful
Let us check your prior knowledge about this lesson.
A. Directions: Name the basic parts of a computer. Write your answer on your
answer sheet.
What I Know
B. Directions: Create a flow of operation of a computer system from the
symbols and words below.
In the previous lesson, you have learned about the history of computers
and the career opportunities of studying programming languages. This
time, you are going to identify the parts of the computer and learn the
components of a computer system.
A computer is an electronic device, operating under the control of
instructions (software) stored in its own memory unit, that can accept data
(input), manipulate data (process), and produce information (output) from the
processing. Generally, the term is used to describe a collection of devices that
function together as a system.
What Is It
What’s In
Basic Parts of a Computer
Computers can perform four general operations
 Input
 Process
 Output
 Storage
Data and Information
All computer processing requires data, which is a collection of raw facts,
figures and symbols, such as numbers, words, images, video and sound, given
to the computer during the input phase. Computers manipulate data to create
information. Information is data that is organized, meaningful, and useful.
During the output Phase, the information that has been created is put into some
form, such as a printed report. The information can also be put in computer
storage for future use.
It is a collection of entities (hardware, software and liveware) that are
designed to receive, process, manage and present information in a meaningful
 Computer hardware - Are physical parts/ intangible parts of a
computer. eg Input devices, output devices, central processing unit and
storage devices
 Computer software - also known as programs or applications. They are
classified into two classes namely - system software and application
 Liveware - is the computer user. Also known as orgware or the
humanware. The user commands the computer system to execute on
System Unit
What are the primary components of a computer hardware?
 Input devices
 Central Processing Unit (containing the control unit and the
arithmetic/logic unit)
 Memory
 Output devices
 Storage devices
Uses of Microcomputer
 Word Processing
 Home entertainment
 Home banking
 Printing
 Surfing the internet
Directions: Give 5 reasons why a computer is so powerful.
A computer is a complex machine. While most of it works on a
microscopic level, it certainly has recognizable macroscopic components that
contribute to its uses. A computer can be used to do just about anything from
simple calculations to preparing reports to sending rockets into space to simulating
the spread of cancer in body organs.
What’s More
Directions: Read each item carefully and write the letter of the correct
answer on your answer sheet.
1. Which part of the computer shows you information coming from the
A. Keyboard B. Screen C. Monitor D. Camera
2. Which part of the computer is the "brains" of the computer?
A. Keyboard B. Monitor C. Central Processing Unit D. Hard drive
3. The CPU is found in what part of the computer?
A. CD ROM B. Printer C. Monitor D. System Unit
4. Which of the following is a hardware?
A. Facebook B. Windows C. Router D. Notepad
5. Which of the following is a software?
A. MSWord B. Hard disk C. Motherboard D. Printer
Directions: Research on the different hardware and software. List 5 for each
and give its uses.
Hardware Uses Software Uses
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
What I Have Learned
What I Can Do
Different Computer Hardware and
its Functions
What I Need to Know
At the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:
1. Define computer hardware
2. Identify the parts of a motherboard
Let us check your prior knowledge about this lesson.
Direction: Fill in the blanks. Write your answer on your answer sheet.
______________1. It is the heart and brain of the computer.
______________2. It is also known as the primary memory.
______________3. It is considered as secondary storage device.
______________4. Tangible part of computer.
______________5. Responsible for the supply of current in the computer.
In the previous lesson, you were able to know the different basic parts
of the computer. After reading the discussion you be able to know the
functions of the different hardware components of a computer and its
What I Know
What’s In
What is Computer Hardware?
Computer hardware is the physical components that a computer system
requires to function. It encompasses everything with a circuit board that
operates within a PC or laptop; including the motherboard, graphics card, CPU
(Central Processing Unit), ventilation fans, webcam, power supply, and so on.
What Is It
What is a Motherboard?
The motherboard is at the focal point of what
makes a PC work. It houses the CPU and is a
center that all other equipment goes through. The
motherboard goes about as a mind; designating
power where it's required, speaking with and
planning over every single other segment – making
it one of the most significant bits of equipment in
a PC. A motherboard contains the different components of computer.
What is a CPU (Central Processing/Processor Unit)?
The CPU (Central Processing Unit or processor) is
answerable for preparing all data from programs
run by your PC. The 'clock speed', or the speed at
which the processor forms data, is estimated in
gigahertz (GHz). This implies a processor
publicizing a high GHz rating will probably perform
quicker than a correspondingly determined
processor of a similar brand and age. It is the heart and brain of the computer.
What is RAM?
Random Access Memory, or RAM, is hardware found in
the memory openings of the motherboard. The job of
RAM is to briefly store on-the-fly data made by programs
and to do as such that makes this information promptly
open. The assignments that require irregular memory could be; rendering
pictures for visual communication, altered video or photos, performing various
tasks with numerous applications open (for instance, running a game on one
screen and visiting by means of Discord on the other).
What is a Hard Drive?
The hard drive is a capacity gadget answerable for putting away
lasting and impermanent information. This information comes
in a wide range of structures, however is basically anything
spared or introduced to a PC: for instance, PC programs, family
photographs, working framework, word-handling archives, etc.
What is a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)?
Particularly significant for 3D rendering, the GPU does precisely what its name
proposes and forms enormous batches of realistic information. You will find
that your PC's illustrations card has at any rate one GPU. Instead of the
essential on-board realistic abilities that PC motherboards gracefully,
committed designs cards interface with the motherboard by means of a
development space to work only on realistic rendering. This likewise implies you
can overhaul your illustrations card in the event that you need to get more
execution from your PC.
What is a Power Supply Unit (PSU)?
A power supply unit, ordinarily condensed as PSU,
accomplishes something beyond flexibly your PC with
power. It is the point where force enters your
framework from an outside force source and is then
dispensed by the motherboard to singular part
equipment. Not all power supplies are made similarly
be that as it may, and without the correct wattage PSU, your framework will
neglect to work.
Directions: Open this link/site to answer questions about computer
hardware. Enjoy and have fun.
What’s More
Computers are having 3 general components and one of which is the hardware.
Hardware is the tangible part of computer which means that you can see and touch.
Each computer hardware as a special function to make the computer work accordingly.
Directions: Tell whether the following statements is True of False, write T for
True and write F for false in the blank provided.
______________1. Hardware is intangible part of computer.
______________2. Memory is the primary storage device.
______________3. The motherboard houses the CPU.
______________4. CPU is the heart and brain of the computer.
______________5. PSU stands for power sink unit.
Direction: List down 10 computer hardware and give its functions.
What I Have Learned
What I Can Do
Computer Peripheral Devices
What I Need to Know
At the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:
1. Define peripheral devices
2. Classify devices as input, output, or storage device
3. Name some computer peripheral devices
Let us check your prior knowledge about this lesson.
A. Directions: Classify the following devices as input, output or storage. Write Input,
Output, Storage on your answer sheet.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
In the previous lesson, you were able to know the basic parts of a
computer hardware and its function. In this lesson, you will learn what are
the different computer peripheral devices.
A peripheral device connects to a computer system to add functionality.
Examples are a mouse, keyboard, monitor, printer and scanner. Learn about
the different types of peripheral devices and how they allow you to do more with
What I Know
What Is It
What’s In
your computer.
A computer peripheral is a device that is connected to a computer but
is not part of the core computer architecture. The core elements of a computer
are the central processing unit, power supply, motherboard and the computer
case that contains those three components. Technically speaking, everything
else is considered a peripheral device. However, this is a somewhat narrow view,
since various other elements are required for a computer to actually function,
such as a hard drive and random-access memory (or RAM).
Most people use the term peripheral more loosely to refer to a device
external to the computer case. You connect the device to the computer to expand
the functionality of the system. For example, consider a printer. Once the printer
is connected to a computer, you can print out documents. Another way to look
at peripheral devices is that they are dependent on the computer system. For
example, most printers can't do much on their own, and they only become
functional when connected to a computer system.
Types of Peripheral Devices
There are many different peripheral devices, but they fall into three
general categories:
1. Input devices, such as a mouse and a keyboard
2. Output devices, such as a monitor and a printer
3. Storage devices, such as a hard drive or flash drive
Some devices fall into more than one category. Consider a CD-ROM drive;
you can use it to read data or music (input), and you can use it to write data to
a CD (output).
Peripheral devices can be external or internal. For example, a printer is
an external device that you connect using a cable, while an optical disc drive is
typically located inside the computer case. Internal peripheral devices are also
referred to as integrated peripherals. When most people refer to peripherals,
they typically mean external ones.
The concept of what exactly is 'peripheral' is therefore somewhat fluid.
For a desktop computer, a keyboard and a monitor are considered peripherals
- you can easily connect and disconnect them and replace them if needed. For
a laptop computer, these components are built into the computer system and
can't be easily removed.
The term 'peripheral' also does not mean it is not essential for the function
of the computer. Some devices, such as a printer, can be disconnected and the
computer will keep on working just fine. However, remove the monitor of a
desktop computer and it becomes pretty much useless.
1. INPUT DEVICE - device used for entering data or instructions to the
central processing unit
Classification of input devices according to the method they use to enter data.
A. KEYING DEVICES - devices used to enter data into the computer using
a set of Keys e.g. Keyboard, key-to- storage and keypad.
ex. keyboard
B. POINTING DEVICES - devices that enter data and instructions into the
computer using a pointer that appears on the screen. The items to be
entered are selected by either pointing to or clicking on them. e.g mice,
joystick, touch sensitive screen, trackballs
ex. mouse
C. SCANNING DEVICES - devices that capture an object or a document
directly from the source. They are classified according to the technology
used to capture data e.g. Scanners and Document readers.
ex. scanners, document readers, bar code readers, optical scanner
2. OUTPUT DEVICE - any piece of computer hardware equipment which
converts information into human-readable form. It can
be text, graphics, tactile, audio, and video.
ex. Monitor, Printer, Graphic Output devices, Plotters, Speakers
3. STORAGE DEVICE - refers to a computing hardware used to store
information permanently or temporarily
The device can be external or internal to a computer, server, and other
computing systems. Storage devices are also known as storage medias or
storage medium.
Two types of storage device
1. secondary storage device - has a larger storage capacity and can store
data permanently
Ex. compact disk, USB flash drive, hard disk
2. primary storage device - quite smaller in size and it’s designed to
capture or hold data for a temporary period
Ex. Cache memory and RAM
Directions: In the Venn Diagram, classify the following devices
as output, input, or both (input or output).
1. Monitor 6. Track Ball
2. Mouse 7. Digital camera
3. Headphone 8. Light pen
4. Touch Screen 9. Scanner
5. Keyboard 10. Printer
What’s More
There are three type of peripheral devices: input, output, and
storage devices.
Directions: Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the best answer.
1. I am an input device which allows user to transmit letters, number
and symbols.
A. Camera B. Keyboard C. Mouse D. Printer
2. I am a storage device which stores many files, photos and videos.
A. USB Drive B. Keyboard C. Monitor D. Speakers
3. I am an output device that allows a user to have a paper copy of
what is on the screen.
A. Printer B. Keyboard C. Monitor D. Game Controller
4. I am an output device that allows a user a person to listen to
A. Headphones B. Keyboard C. Monitor D. Mouse
5. A monitor is
A. An input device that shows images of what is happening in
the computer
B. A computer
C. An output device that shows images of what is happening in
the computer
D. A storage device
6. I am a device that allows user to touch me to input information, but
also output images of what my system is doing.
A. Mouse B. Touch Screen C. Monitor D. Headphones
7. What data does a webcam transmit to a computer?
A. Pictures/Videos C. Sounds
B. Letters/Numbers D. Clicks and movement
8. What data does a microphone transmit to a computer?
A. Pictures/Videos C. Sounds
B. Letters/Numbers D. Clicks and movement
9. Where are your files permanently stored?
A. Hard Drive B. Floppy Drive C. CD Drive D. RAM
10. A pointing and input device that allow the user to move a cursor
around the screen and select items with the click of a button.
A. Mouse B. CPU C. Memory (RAM) D. laptop
What I Have Learned
Types of Software
What I Need to Know
At the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:
1. Define software
2. Identify the two types of software
Let us check your prior knowledge about this lesson.
Directions: Write T if the statement is True and F if the statement is false.
1. Software is a program which consists of a set of instructions that tells
the computer how to perform an operation.
2. Microsoft Windows is an example of an application software.
3. Microsoft Word is an example of a system software.
4. System software is a type of software that enables a computer and its
peripheral devices to function smoothly.
5. The two categories of software are system software and application
6. A computer will still function smoothly even without a system
7. Each computer is only able to have one application software.
8. Database program, spreadsheet and graphics software are example of
utility software.
9. We can have more than 5 application software.
10. A computer will still be able to function smoothly without an
application software.
What I Know
In the previous lesson, you learn about the different peripheral
devices. In this lesson, you will learn the intangible part of a computer
and its classification.
What is Software?
• Software is a set of electronic instructions that tells the computer
how to do certain tasks. A set of instructions is often called a
• When a computer is using a particular program, it is said to be
running or executing the program.
Computer software is the key to productive use of computers. Software can be
categorized into two types:
 System software
 Application software.
System software
It is a software that exists primarily for the computer itself, to help the
computer perform specific functions. One major type of system software is the
operating system (OS). All computers require an operating system. The OS tells
the computer how to interact with the user and its own devices. Operating
system software tells the computer how to perform the functions of loading,
storing and executing an application and how to transfer data. Today, many
computers use an operating system that has a graphical user interface (GUI)
that provides visual clues such as icon symbols to help the user. Microsoft
Windows 10 is a widely used graphical operating system. DOS (Disk Operating
System) is an older but still widely used operating system that is text-based.
Ex. Windows, the Macintosh OS, OS/2, and UNIX .
Application Software
Application software consists of programs that tell a computer how to
produce information. It tells the computer how to accomplish tasks the user
requires, such as creating a document or editing a graphic image. Some of the
more commonly used packages are:
What Is It
What’s In
• Word processing programs Spreadsheet software
• Database management Presentation graphics programs
• Graphics programs Networking software
• Web design tools and browsers Internet applications
• Communications programs Utilities
• Entertainment and education Multimedia authoring
Word Processing
 Word Processing software is used to create and print documents. A key
advantage of word processing software is that users easily can make
changes in documents.
Electronic Spreadsheet
 Electronic spreadsheet software allows the user to add, subtract, and
perform user-defined calculations on rows and columns of numbers.
These numbers can be changed and the spreadsheet quickly recalculates
the new results.
Database Software
 Allows the user to enter, retrieve, and update data in an organized and efficient
manner, with flexible inquiry and reporting capabilities.
Presentation Graphics
 Presentation graphic software allows the user to create documents called slides
to be used in making the presentations. Using special projection devices, the
slides display as they appear on the computer screen.
Directions: Research on the following applications. Identify what type of
application software it is.
1. AutoCAD
2. MSExcel
3. MCAfee Antivirus
4. WordPress
5. Google Slides
What’s More
Software is a set of electronic instructions that tells the
computer how to do certain tasks. It is categorized into two types: system
software and application software. Application software consists of programs
that tell a computer how to produce information. System software is a software
that exists primarily for the computer itself, to help the computer perform
specific functions.
Directions: Identification
1. It is a series of instructions that tells the computer hardware what to do
and how to do it.
2. It consists of programs that perform specific tasks for users.
3. It allows users to create and print documents.
4. It is used to create website.
5. It tells the computer how to perform the functions of loading, storing
and executing an application and how to transfer data
Give the importance of software in the computer system.
What I Have Learned
What I Can Do

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Module 1 basic competencies

  • 1. SENIOR .NET TECHNOLOGY SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Department of Education  Republic of the Philippines
  • 2. .Net Technology -Senior High School Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 1 – Basic Competencies Module 1: The Principles and Concepts in Performing Computer Operations Lesson 1: Introduction to Computer Lesson 2: Computer System Lesson 3: Computer Hardware and Its Functions Lesson 4: Computer Devices Lesson 5: Types of software What This Module is About Welcome to .Net Technology! Computers have become an integral part of our lives because they can accomplish easy tasks repeatedly without getting bored and complex ones repeatedly without committing errors. In this module we will discuss in detail about the different parts of computer that enable it to carry out tasks efficiently and correctly. We will also discuss about the brief history of computers, what programming is all about, and the different types of programming languages. This module is designed for students to understand the basic concepts of what a computer is and how it functions. General Instructions To do well in this module, you need to remember the following: 1. Read texts carefully so that you can easily comprehend what you are reading. 2. Answer questions with all honesty. Success does not come from copying from others. It is made possible by trying hard on your own so that you can learn even from your mistakes. 3. Review your answers. It is safe to go back and think about what you have written. This can help you lessen if not avoid errors. 4. Follow instructions given and ask if there is something that you did not understand. 5. Do the tasks given and do not delay in submitting requirements. This can help you avoid having a pile of unfinished activities. 6. Feel free to communicate with your teacher. There is no harm in asking for clarification so that you will not be lost in the discussion. 7. Remember to review every time you are done answering the activities. 8. Have fun as you learn. This course is very important. When you’re having fun, you can easily learn the lessons. i
  • 3. Icons of this Module What I Need to Know This part contains learning objectives that are set for you to learn as you go along the module. What I know This will assess your level of knowledge to the subject matter at hand, it meant specifically to gauge prior related knowledge What’s In This part connects previous lesson with that of the current one. What’s New An introduction of the new lesson through various activities, before it will be presented to you What is It These are discussions of the activities as a way to deepen your discovery and understanding of the concept. What’s More These are follow-up activities that are intended for you to practice further in order to master the competencies. What I Have Learned Activities designed to process what you have learned from the lesson What I can do These are tasks that are designed to showcase your skills and knowledge gained, and help you to apply it to real- life concerns and situations. ii
  • 4. Introduction to Computers What I Need to Know At the end of the lesson, learners should be able to: 1. Understand the brief history of computer. 2. Identify the different types of programming languages Let us check your prior knowledge about this module’s coverage. Directions: Match Column A with Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet. Column A Column B 1. Device used in third generation of computer A. Lady Ada 2. First counting device originated from Egypt B. Vacuum Tubes 3. First Computer Programmer C. Charles Babbage 4. Device used in first Generation of computer 5. Father of computer D. Integrated Circuit 1 E. Abacus F. Blaise Pascal What I Know
  • 5. Learning about the history of computer will make you understand more how & when computer machine was invented. This time you will learn about the history of computer and some career opportunities by studying this course .Net Technology. Directions: Arrange the following in chronological order. Write 1-5. ____ Artificial Intelligence ____ Microprocessor ____ Vacuum Tubes ____ Integrated Circuits ____ Transistors  Computer - it is an electronic, programmable device that can process, store and retrieve data.  hardware - refers to the physical, tangible computer equipment and devices  software - known as programs or applications  liveware - computer user  data - a collection of raw facts, figures and symbols, such as numbers, words, images, video and sound, given to the computer during the input phase  information - data that is organized, meaningful, and useful  Motherboard- contains different computer parts.  RAM – Random Access Memory  ROM – Read Only Memory A computer is an electronic, programmable device that can process, store and retrieve and controls data or "information." It can store, recover, and process information. You can utilize a PC to type reports, send email, and surf the Internet. You can likewise utilize it to deal with spreadsheets, bookkeeping, 2 What’s New What Is It Key Terminologies What’s In
  • 6. database the executives, introductions, games, and that's only the tip of the iceberg. It was the math procedure of Abacus which was originated in Egypt and popularized in China that prompted the improvement of computers. In 1642, the Pascaline, a mechanical calculating device was invented by the French philosopher and mathematician Blaise Pascal. It has eight movable dials on wheels that could perform only addition and subtraction. While math device is an old ascertaining device, computers are present day devices, which performs numerous capacities. The PCs have become an integral part of individuals. Math device can likewise be called as the most seasoned PC. Regardless of whether you understand it or not, PCs assume a significant job in our lives. At the point when you pull back money from an ATM, examine staple goods at the store, or utilize an adding machine, you're utilizing a kind of PC. Charles Babbage is considered to be the father of computer while Lady Ada is the first computer programmer. Computer are divided into 5 generations namely: First Generation: Vacuum Tubes (1940-1956) Initially discovered by Thomas Edison, the vacuum tube formed the building block for the entire electronics industry. Vacuum tubes were later used as electron valves in the 20th century to build the first electronic computers. The primary PC frameworks utilized vacuum tubes for hardware and attractive drums for memory, and were frequently gigantic, occupying whole spaces. These PCs were over the top expensive to work and notwithstanding utilizing a lot of power, the primary PCs created a great deal of warmth, which was regularly the reason for breakdowns. Original PCs depended on machine language, the least level programming language comprehended by PCs, to perform tasks, and they could just take care of each issue in turn. It would take administrators days or even a long time to set-up another issue. Info depended on punched cards and paper tape, and yield was shown on printouts. Punched cards were used by the French weaver Joseph Jacquard in 1810. The cards carried weaving instructions for the looms, later this idea offered a great use for storing information. Second Generation: Transistors (1956-1963) The world would see transistors supplant vacuum tubes in the second era of PCs. The transistor was imagined at Bell Labs in 1947 yet didn't see broad use in PCs until the late 1950s. 3
  • 7. The transistor was far better than the vacuum tube, permitting PCs to decrease, quicker, less expensive, more vitality productive and more solid than their original ancestors. In spite of the fact that the transistor despite everything created a lot of warmth that exposed the PC to harm, it was a tremendous improvement over the vacuum tube. Second-age PCs despite everything depended on punched cards for information and printouts for yield. Third Generation: Integrated Circuits (1964-1971) The advancement of the coordinated circuit was the sign of the third era of PCs. Transistors were scaled down and put on silicon chips, called semiconductors, which definitely sped up and productivity of PCs. Rather than punched cards and printouts, clients communicated with third era PCs through consoles and screens and interfaced with a working framework, which permitted the gadget to run a wide range of utilizations one after another with a focal program that observed the memory. PCs just because got open to a mass crowd since they were littler and less expensive than their antecedents. Fourth Generation: Microprocessors/Microchips (1971-Present) The microprocessor brought the fourth era of PCs, as a large number of coordinated circuits were constructed onto a solitary silicon chip. What in the original occupied a whole room could now fit in the palm of the hand. The Intel 4004 chip, created in 1971, found all the parts of the PC—from the focal preparing unit and memory to enter/yield controls—on a solitary chip. Fifth Generation: Artificial Intelligence (Present and Beyond) Fifth era figuring gadgets, in view of artificial intelligence, are still being developed, however there are a few applications, for example, voice acknowledgment, that are being utilized today. The utilization of equal handling and superconductors is assisting with making man-made reasoning a reality. COMPUTER PROGRAMMING Computer programming is the process of designing and building an executable computer program for accomplishing and building an executable computer program for accomplishing a specific computing task. Programming involves tasks such as: analysis, generating algorithms, profiling algorithms’ accuracy and resource consumption, and the implementation of algorithms in a chosen programming language (commonly referred to as coding). The source code of a program is written in one or more languages that are intelligible to programmers, rather than machine code, which is directly executed by the central processing unit. The purpose of programming is to find a sequence of instructions that will automate the performance of a task (which can be as complex as an operating system) on a computer, often for solving a given problem. The process of programming thus often requires expertise in several 4
  • 8. different subjects, including knowledge of the application domain, specialized algorithms, and formal logic. TYPES OF COMPUTER PROGRAMMING 1. Machine and Assembly Languages - is a low-level programming language. It is a group of languages. It implements a symbolic representation of the machine code. 2. Algorithmic Languages – are used to design mathematical or symbolic computations. It is used to express algebraic operations. This is the first high-level language. 3. Business-Oriented Languages - is a high-level programming language that is used for business applications. It is used to design the operating system agnostic and in many business applications today. 4. Education-Oriented Languages - are some Education-oriented languages like BASIC, Pascal, Logo etc. 5. Scripting Languages – is a scripting language can be defined as a programming language is used for integrating and communicating with other programming languages. JavaScript, VB Script, PHP, Perl are the most used scripting language. 6. Document Formatting Languages - is used to specify the organization of printed text and graphics. This mark-up describes the intended function of portions of a document. 7. Declarative Languages - is a very high-level programming languages. It is also known as the non-procedural programming language. 8. Object-Oriented Languages - is a computer programming language that revolves around the concept of an object. COMPUTER PROGRAMMER A computer programmer creates the code for software applications and operating systems. After a software developer designs a computer program, the programmer writes code that converts that design into a set of instructions a computer can follow. They test the program to look for errors and then rewrite it until it is error-free. The programmer continues to evaluate programs that are in use, making updates and adjustments as needed. 5
  • 9. MOST POPULAR TYPES OF A PROGRAMMER Programmer Description Example System Programmers The system programmer installs, customizes, and maintains the operating system, and also installs or upgrades products that run on the system. CAD Engineer System Engineers DevOps Developer Software Developer Web Programmers A web developer is a programmer who engaged in, the development of World Wide Web applications, or applications that are run over HTTP, CSS OR HTML from a web server to a web browser. Frontend Developer Backend Developer Full stack web developer Game Programmers A game programmer is a programmer who develops codebases for video games or related software, such Game Designer Audio Engineer as game development tools. Game programming has many specialized disciplines, all of which fall under the “game programmer”. Lead- Programmer(Games) Animators(Games) Application Programmers The application programmer is a programmer who is responsible for designing and testing program logic, coding programs, program documentation and preparation of programs for computer operations. SDE1 SDE2 Software Engineer 6
  • 10. ACTIVITY : Directions: Write down 5 uses of computer. Explain each. The evolution of computer started when people started to use the Abacus, a manual counting device originated form Babylon (Egypt) and popularized in China. There are five generations of computer wherein different devices was used. Directions: Since computer has five generations, enumerate the year and devices used for each generation. Directions: From the types of programmer, which of them would you like to be after taking this course/strand. Explain your answer. 7 What’s More What I Have Learned What I Can Do
  • 11. Computer System What I Need to Know At the end of the lesson, learners should be able to: 1. Name the basic parts of a computer 2. Identify the components of a computer system 3. Give reasons why a computer is powerful Let us check your prior knowledge about this lesson. A. Directions: Name the basic parts of a computer. Write your answer on your answer sheet. 8 What I Know 2
  • 12. B. Directions: Create a flow of operation of a computer system from the symbols and words below. Input Store Output Process In the previous lesson, you have learned about the history of computers and the career opportunities of studying programming languages. This time, you are going to identify the parts of the computer and learn the components of a computer system. Computer A computer is an electronic device, operating under the control of instructions (software) stored in its own memory unit, that can accept data (input), manipulate data (process), and produce information (output) from the processing. Generally, the term is used to describe a collection of devices that function together as a system. 9 What Is It What’s In
  • 13. Basic Parts of a Computer Computers can perform four general operations  Input  Process  Output  Storage Data and Information All computer processing requires data, which is a collection of raw facts, figures and symbols, such as numbers, words, images, video and sound, given to the computer during the input phase. Computers manipulate data to create information. Information is data that is organized, meaningful, and useful. During the output Phase, the information that has been created is put into some form, such as a printed report. The information can also be put in computer storage for future use. COMPUTER SYSTEM It is a collection of entities (hardware, software and liveware) that are designed to receive, process, manage and present information in a meaningful format. COMPONENTS OF COMPUTER SYSTEM  Computer hardware - Are physical parts/ intangible parts of a computer. eg Input devices, output devices, central processing unit and storage devices  Computer software - also known as programs or applications. They are classified into two classes namely - system software and application software  Liveware - is the computer user. Also known as orgware or the humanware. The user commands the computer system to execute on instructions. 10 Printer Scanner Speaker Monitor System Unit Headphone Mouse
  • 14. What are the primary components of a computer hardware?  Input devices  Central Processing Unit (containing the control unit and the arithmetic/logic unit)  Memory  Output devices  Storage devices Uses of Microcomputer  Word Processing  Home entertainment  Home banking  Printing  Surfing the internet ACTIVITY : Directions: Give 5 reasons why a computer is so powerful. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A computer is a complex machine. While most of it works on a microscopic level, it certainly has recognizable macroscopic components that contribute to its uses. A computer can be used to do just about anything from simple calculations to preparing reports to sending rockets into space to simulating the spread of cancer in body organs. 11 What’s More
  • 15. Directions: Read each item carefully and write the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet. 1. Which part of the computer shows you information coming from the computer? A. Keyboard B. Screen C. Monitor D. Camera 2. Which part of the computer is the "brains" of the computer? A. Keyboard B. Monitor C. Central Processing Unit D. Hard drive 3. The CPU is found in what part of the computer? A. CD ROM B. Printer C. Monitor D. System Unit 4. Which of the following is a hardware? A. Facebook B. Windows C. Router D. Notepad 5. Which of the following is a software? A. MSWord B. Hard disk C. Motherboard D. Printer Directions: Research on the different hardware and software. List 5 for each and give its uses. Hardware Uses Software Uses 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5. 12 What I Have Learned What I Can Do
  • 16. Different Computer Hardware and its Functions What I Need to Know At the end of the lesson, learners should be able to: 1. Define computer hardware 2. Identify the parts of a motherboard Let us check your prior knowledge about this lesson. Direction: Fill in the blanks. Write your answer on your answer sheet. ______________1. It is the heart and brain of the computer. ______________2. It is also known as the primary memory. ______________3. It is considered as secondary storage device. ______________4. Tangible part of computer. ______________5. Responsible for the supply of current in the computer. In the previous lesson, you were able to know the different basic parts of the computer. After reading the discussion you be able to know the functions of the different hardware components of a computer and its functions. 13 What I Know 3 What’s In
  • 17. What is Computer Hardware? Computer hardware is the physical components that a computer system requires to function. It encompasses everything with a circuit board that operates within a PC or laptop; including the motherboard, graphics card, CPU (Central Processing Unit), ventilation fans, webcam, power supply, and so on. 14 What Is It
  • 18. What is a Motherboard? The motherboard is at the focal point of what makes a PC work. It houses the CPU and is a center that all other equipment goes through. The motherboard goes about as a mind; designating power where it's required, speaking with and planning over every single other segment – making it one of the most significant bits of equipment in a PC. A motherboard contains the different components of computer. 15
  • 19. What is a CPU (Central Processing/Processor Unit)? The CPU (Central Processing Unit or processor) is answerable for preparing all data from programs run by your PC. The 'clock speed', or the speed at which the processor forms data, is estimated in gigahertz (GHz). This implies a processor publicizing a high GHz rating will probably perform quicker than a correspondingly determined processor of a similar brand and age. It is the heart and brain of the computer. What is RAM? Random Access Memory, or RAM, is hardware found in the memory openings of the motherboard. The job of RAM is to briefly store on-the-fly data made by programs and to do as such that makes this information promptly open. The assignments that require irregular memory could be; rendering pictures for visual communication, altered video or photos, performing various tasks with numerous applications open (for instance, running a game on one screen and visiting by means of Discord on the other). 16
  • 20. What is a Hard Drive? The hard drive is a capacity gadget answerable for putting away lasting and impermanent information. This information comes in a wide range of structures, however is basically anything spared or introduced to a PC: for instance, PC programs, family photographs, working framework, word-handling archives, etc. What is a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)? Particularly significant for 3D rendering, the GPU does precisely what its name proposes and forms enormous batches of realistic information. You will find that your PC's illustrations card has at any rate one GPU. Instead of the essential on-board realistic abilities that PC motherboards gracefully, committed designs cards interface with the motherboard by means of a development space to work only on realistic rendering. This likewise implies you can overhaul your illustrations card in the event that you need to get more execution from your PC. What is a Power Supply Unit (PSU)? A power supply unit, ordinarily condensed as PSU, accomplishes something beyond flexibly your PC with power. It is the point where force enters your framework from an outside force source and is then dispensed by the motherboard to singular part equipment. Not all power supplies are made similarly be that as it may, and without the correct wattage PSU, your framework will neglect to work. Directions: Open this link/site to answer questions about computer hardware. Enjoy and have fun. ec4e54dafac0 17 What’s More ACTIVITY :
  • 21. Computers are having 3 general components and one of which is the hardware. Hardware is the tangible part of computer which means that you can see and touch. Each computer hardware as a special function to make the computer work accordingly. Directions: Tell whether the following statements is True of False, write T for True and write F for false in the blank provided. ______________1. Hardware is intangible part of computer. ______________2. Memory is the primary storage device. ______________3. The motherboard houses the CPU. ______________4. CPU is the heart and brain of the computer. ______________5. PSU stands for power sink unit. Direction: List down 10 computer hardware and give its functions. 18 What I Have Learned What I Can Do
  • 22. Computer Peripheral Devices What I Need to Know At the end of the lesson, learners should be able to: 1. Define peripheral devices 2. Classify devices as input, output, or storage device 3. Name some computer peripheral devices Let us check your prior knowledge about this lesson. A. Directions: Classify the following devices as input, output or storage. Write Input, Output, Storage on your answer sheet. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. In the previous lesson, you were able to know the basic parts of a computer hardware and its function. In this lesson, you will learn what are the different computer peripheral devices. A peripheral device connects to a computer system to add functionality. Examples are a mouse, keyboard, monitor, printer and scanner. Learn about the different types of peripheral devices and how they allow you to do more with 19 What I Know What Is It 4 What’s In
  • 23. your computer. A computer peripheral is a device that is connected to a computer but is not part of the core computer architecture. The core elements of a computer are the central processing unit, power supply, motherboard and the computer case that contains those three components. Technically speaking, everything else is considered a peripheral device. However, this is a somewhat narrow view, since various other elements are required for a computer to actually function, such as a hard drive and random-access memory (or RAM). Most people use the term peripheral more loosely to refer to a device external to the computer case. You connect the device to the computer to expand the functionality of the system. For example, consider a printer. Once the printer is connected to a computer, you can print out documents. Another way to look at peripheral devices is that they are dependent on the computer system. For example, most printers can't do much on their own, and they only become functional when connected to a computer system. Types of Peripheral Devices There are many different peripheral devices, but they fall into three general categories: 1. Input devices, such as a mouse and a keyboard 2. Output devices, such as a monitor and a printer 3. Storage devices, such as a hard drive or flash drive Some devices fall into more than one category. Consider a CD-ROM drive; you can use it to read data or music (input), and you can use it to write data to a CD (output). Peripheral devices can be external or internal. For example, a printer is an external device that you connect using a cable, while an optical disc drive is typically located inside the computer case. Internal peripheral devices are also referred to as integrated peripherals. When most people refer to peripherals, they typically mean external ones. The concept of what exactly is 'peripheral' is therefore somewhat fluid. For a desktop computer, a keyboard and a monitor are considered peripherals - you can easily connect and disconnect them and replace them if needed. For a laptop computer, these components are built into the computer system and can't be easily removed. The term 'peripheral' also does not mean it is not essential for the function of the computer. Some devices, such as a printer, can be disconnected and the computer will keep on working just fine. However, remove the monitor of a desktop computer and it becomes pretty much useless. 1. INPUT DEVICE - device used for entering data or instructions to the central processing unit 20
  • 24. Classification of input devices according to the method they use to enter data. A. KEYING DEVICES - devices used to enter data into the computer using a set of Keys e.g. Keyboard, key-to- storage and keypad. ex. keyboard B. POINTING DEVICES - devices that enter data and instructions into the computer using a pointer that appears on the screen. The items to be entered are selected by either pointing to or clicking on them. e.g mice, joystick, touch sensitive screen, trackballs ex. mouse C. SCANNING DEVICES - devices that capture an object or a document directly from the source. They are classified according to the technology used to capture data e.g. Scanners and Document readers. ex. scanners, document readers, bar code readers, optical scanner readers 2. OUTPUT DEVICE - any piece of computer hardware equipment which converts information into human-readable form. It can be text, graphics, tactile, audio, and video. ex. Monitor, Printer, Graphic Output devices, Plotters, Speakers 3. STORAGE DEVICE - refers to a computing hardware used to store information permanently or temporarily The device can be external or internal to a computer, server, and other computing systems. Storage devices are also known as storage medias or storage medium. Two types of storage device 1. secondary storage device - has a larger storage capacity and can store data permanently Ex. compact disk, USB flash drive, hard disk 2. primary storage device - quite smaller in size and it’s designed to capture or hold data for a temporary period Ex. Cache memory and RAM Directions: In the Venn Diagram, classify the following devices as output, input, or both (input or output). 1. Monitor 6. Track Ball 2. Mouse 7. Digital camera 3. Headphone 8. Light pen 4. Touch Screen 9. Scanner 5. Keyboard 10. Printer 21 What’s More INPUT OUTPUT
  • 25. There are three type of peripheral devices: input, output, and storage devices. Directions: Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the best answer. 1. I am an input device which allows user to transmit letters, number and symbols. A. Camera B. Keyboard C. Mouse D. Printer 2. I am a storage device which stores many files, photos and videos. A. USB Drive B. Keyboard C. Monitor D. Speakers 3. I am an output device that allows a user to have a paper copy of what is on the screen. A. Printer B. Keyboard C. Monitor D. Game Controller 4. I am an output device that allows a user a person to listen to music/sounds. A. Headphones B. Keyboard C. Monitor D. Mouse 5. A monitor is A. An input device that shows images of what is happening in the computer B. A computer C. An output device that shows images of what is happening in the computer D. A storage device 6. I am a device that allows user to touch me to input information, but also output images of what my system is doing. A. Mouse B. Touch Screen C. Monitor D. Headphones 7. What data does a webcam transmit to a computer? A. Pictures/Videos C. Sounds B. Letters/Numbers D. Clicks and movement 8. What data does a microphone transmit to a computer? A. Pictures/Videos C. Sounds B. Letters/Numbers D. Clicks and movement 9. Where are your files permanently stored? A. Hard Drive B. Floppy Drive C. CD Drive D. RAM 10. A pointing and input device that allow the user to move a cursor around the screen and select items with the click of a button. A. Mouse B. CPU C. Memory (RAM) D. laptop 22 What I Have Learned
  • 26. Types of Software What I Need to Know At the end of the lesson, learners should be able to: 1. Define software 2. Identify the two types of software Let us check your prior knowledge about this lesson. Directions: Write T if the statement is True and F if the statement is false. 1. Software is a program which consists of a set of instructions that tells the computer how to perform an operation. 2. Microsoft Windows is an example of an application software. 3. Microsoft Word is an example of a system software. 4. System software is a type of software that enables a computer and its peripheral devices to function smoothly. 5. The two categories of software are system software and application software. 6. A computer will still function smoothly even without a system software. 7. Each computer is only able to have one application software. 8. Database program, spreadsheet and graphics software are example of utility software. 9. We can have more than 5 application software. 10. A computer will still be able to function smoothly without an application software. 23 What I Know 5
  • 27. In the previous lesson, you learn about the different peripheral devices. In this lesson, you will learn the intangible part of a computer and its classification. What is Software? • Software is a set of electronic instructions that tells the computer how to do certain tasks. A set of instructions is often called a program. • When a computer is using a particular program, it is said to be running or executing the program. Computer software is the key to productive use of computers. Software can be categorized into two types:  System software  Application software. System software It is a software that exists primarily for the computer itself, to help the computer perform specific functions. One major type of system software is the operating system (OS). All computers require an operating system. The OS tells the computer how to interact with the user and its own devices. Operating system software tells the computer how to perform the functions of loading, storing and executing an application and how to transfer data. Today, many computers use an operating system that has a graphical user interface (GUI) that provides visual clues such as icon symbols to help the user. Microsoft Windows 10 is a widely used graphical operating system. DOS (Disk Operating System) is an older but still widely used operating system that is text-based. Ex. Windows, the Macintosh OS, OS/2, and UNIX . Application Software Application software consists of programs that tell a computer how to produce information. It tells the computer how to accomplish tasks the user requires, such as creating a document or editing a graphic image. Some of the more commonly used packages are: 24 What Is It What’s In
  • 28. • Word processing programs Spreadsheet software • Database management Presentation graphics programs • Graphics programs Networking software • Web design tools and browsers Internet applications • Communications programs Utilities • Entertainment and education Multimedia authoring Word Processing  Word Processing software is used to create and print documents. A key advantage of word processing software is that users easily can make changes in documents. Electronic Spreadsheet  Electronic spreadsheet software allows the user to add, subtract, and perform user-defined calculations on rows and columns of numbers. These numbers can be changed and the spreadsheet quickly recalculates the new results. 25
  • 29. Database Software  Allows the user to enter, retrieve, and update data in an organized and efficient manner, with flexible inquiry and reporting capabilities. Presentation Graphics  Presentation graphic software allows the user to create documents called slides to be used in making the presentations. Using special projection devices, the slides display as they appear on the computer screen. Directions: Research on the following applications. Identify what type of application software it is. 1. AutoCAD 2. MSExcel 3. MCAfee Antivirus 4. WordPress 5. Google Slides 26 What’s More
  • 30. Software is a set of electronic instructions that tells the computer how to do certain tasks. It is categorized into two types: system software and application software. Application software consists of programs that tell a computer how to produce information. System software is a software that exists primarily for the computer itself, to help the computer perform specific functions. Directions: Identification 1. It is a series of instructions that tells the computer hardware what to do and how to do it. 2. It consists of programs that perform specific tasks for users. 3. It allows users to create and print documents. 4. It is used to create website. 5. It tells the computer how to perform the functions of loading, storing and executing an application and how to transfer data Give the importance of software in the computer system. References: computer-technology/ ntroduction.htm computer-definition-examples-types.html 27 What I Have Learned What I Can Do