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Patrick Chanezon, @chanezon
Build your own container-based system with the
September 2017
Software Plumber
San Francisco
Developer Relations
The world needs
tools of mass innovation
A programmable Internet would be the ultimate
tool of mass innovation
Docker is building a stack to program the Internet
EEA commercial product,
built on
a development platform,
built on
built on
enterprise edition
Windows 10
community edition
Windows Server
Red Hat
Oracle Linux
Image Registry
Security scan
& sign
Third Party
docker store
Control Plane
Docker EE Container Platform to Modernize Traditional Apps
and beyond
More Info:
Container Runtime
Infrastructure Management
Container Platform Layers
Application Services
Docker is a platform made of components
Raft Store
Swarm Orchestration
Application Services
An open and reliable container runtime
A Brief History
APRIL 2016 Containerd “0.2” announced, Docker 1.11
DECEMBER 2016Announce expansion of containerd OSS project
Management/Supervisor for the OCI runc executor
Containerd 1.0: A core container runtime project for the industry
MARCH 2017 Containerd project contributed to CNCF
Why Containerd 1.0?
▪ Continue projects spun out
from monolithic Docker engine
▪ Expected use beyond Docker
engine (Kubernetes CRI)
▪ Donation to foundation for
broad industry collaboration
▫ Similar to runc/libcontainer
and the OCI
Technical Goals/Intentions
▪ Clean gRPC-based API + client library
▪ Full OCI support (runtime and image spec)
▪ Stability and performance with tight, well-
defined core of container function
▪ Decoupled systems (image, filesystem,
runtime) for pluggability, reuse
- A la carte: use only what is required
- Runtime agility: fits into different platforms
- Pass-through container configuration (direct OCI)
- Decoupled
- Use known-good technology
- OCI container runtime and images
- gRPC for API
- Prometheus for Metrics
Use cases
- Docker (moby)
- Kubernetes (cri-
- SwarmKit (experimental)
- LinuxKit
- BuildKit
- IBM Cloud/Bluemix
- OpenFaaS
- {your project here}
A toolkit for building secure, portable and lean
operating systems for containers
What is LinuxKit?
A toolkit for building secure, portable and lean operating systems for
● uses Moby tooling to build system images
● everything is a container
● runs with Containerd 1.0 branch for over four months
● lightweight, fully customizable
Some metrics
● 75 contributors!
● first new maintainer appointed from the community
● 50 commits a week since DockerCon
Arm64 support
Thanks to Dennis Chen at ARM
● multi arch base images so system containers can be built
● signed multiarch manifests - thanks to IBM for all their work
● thanks to for providing ARM64 machines
● ongoing work on EFI boot that works cross platform
● other architectures now easy to add
Linux Containers on Windows
● as announced at DockerCon
● LinuxKit provides build images in blueprints/lcow.yml
● ultra minimal system only 13MB
● blog post soon with HOWTO instructions
● ongoing work with Microsoft on shipping this
Platform support
The community added support for so many platforms...
● Azure
● OpenStack
● VMware and vCenter
● Vultr
● IBM Bluemix
... and improved AWS, GCP, Hyperkit, KVM, Hyper-V...
Lots of smaller improvements
● TPM support
● containers to run on clean shutdown
● fully immutable images, eg CD-ROM images
● 4.10, 4.11, 4.12 kernels, 4.13 coming soon
● namespace sharing for system containers
● rewrote a lot of shell scripts in Go for better maintainability
● OCI runtime spec 1.0
● static PIE binaries everywhere
● many more tests
WireGuard graduated from projects
● fast secure modern VPN tunnel based on Noise framework
● added to the LinuxKit kernels
● now easy to construct network tunnels between system containers
● prototype next stage of container networking
Kubernetes about to graduate from projects
● initial port contributed by Weave for DockerCon launch
● maintained since then
● also working on CRI-Containerd support, with shared system containerd
● more work ongoing
● full testing and validation planned
LinuxKit Security SIG
• okernel, protecting kernel integrity
• Kernel Self Protection Project
• Alpine Linux
• WireGuard fast, modern, secure vpn tunnel
• Opportunistic Privilege Separation (OPS)
• Landlock LSM (C -> eBPF)
• MirageSDK, Type Safe daemons
LinuxKit Use Cases
● Linux Containers on Windows - announced at DockerCon, in the works
● Docker for Mac: shipping in edge release soon
● Kubernetes with shared system containerd
● Secure appliances
● Network function virtualization
Get Started with LinuxKit
An open framework to assemble specialized
container systems without reinventing the wheel.
Scaling the Docker production model: share components AND
It’s time to take our ecosystem to the next level…
By collaborating on components AND COMMON ASSEMBLIES.
– Library of 80+ components
– Package your own
components as containers
– Reference assemblies
deployed on millions of nodes
– Create your own assemblies
or start from an existing one
A framework to assemble
specialized container
systems without
reinventing the wheel.
Docker uses Moby for its
– Thousands of contributors,
hundreds of patches/week
– Component development
– Specialized assembly
– Integration tests
– Architecture design
– Integration with other projects
– Experimentation and bleeding
edge features
Docker uses Moby for its
and so can you!
– Community-run
– Open governance inspired by
the Fedora project
– Plays well with existing
projects - no donation
Moby and Docker
What it means for you
Moby helps you
innovate without tying
you to Docker
System BuildersDocker Users
Docker will better leverage
the ecosystem to innovate
faster for you
Moby transforms multi-month R&D
projects into weekend projects.
project #4:
for Windows
for Mac
for bare metal
bare metal
Kubernetes on
the Mac
project #6:
Getting Started
- Blog
- Twitter @moby
- Github moby/moby
Let’s take containers mainstream!
Notary & TUF
A Framework for trusted content distribution.
What is Notary?
- Framework for trusted content
- Golang implementation of The
Update Framework (TUF)
- Created by a group of NYU
- Based on the TOR updater Thandy
Proposal to contribute to CNCF June 20
- Still waiting for vote
- Proposal and discussion at
TUF core concepts
- Compromise-resilient software distribution
- Principled, graceful degradation of security
- Focus on key revocation / partial compromise of infrastructure
- Applies security best practices: separation of privilege (roles), threshold signatures,
minimizing risk, selective delegation of trust, etc.
- Flexibility
- Does not prescribe exactly how to perform a task
- Works with existing deployments constraints
TUF in the Cloud Native Ecosystem
- Solves trusted data distribution problem.
- Specific opinionated implementations, or uses of existing tools like Notary
can solve vast majority of content trust problems.
- Abstract solution aiming for best security.
- Sets the bar for high expectation of security in ecosystem.
TUF Use Cases
TUF Community
- Open source since 2010
- 517 GitHub stars, 74 forks
- 26+ Contributors
- 5 maintainers
- 2700+ commits
Notary in the Cloud Native Ecosystem
Notary Architecture
Notary in the Cloud Native Ecosystem
- Solves the problem of image provenance
- Can be more generally applied:
- OS/VM images
- Updates/patches
- Shared filesystems
- External resources
- Every piece of deployed code from the OS to the application should be signed
Notary Use Cases
- Signing container images for trusted distribution.
- Docker, Quay, Huawei, Motorola, VMWare
- Signing system components/packages for system updates.
- LinuxKit
- Signing filesystem integrity checksums
- moby
- Threshold signing to require quorum for validity
- Docker Data Center, Quay
- Signing service definitions
- Docker Swarm, Kubernetes
Notary Community
- Open Sourced at DockerCon SF 2015
- 865 GitHub stars, 156 forks
- 45 Contributors
- 8 maintainers from 3 Companies; Docker, CoreOS, Huawei
- 2600+ commits, 34 releases
Notary Community
Alignment with CNCF
- Provides state of the art trust and provenance for content distribution.
- Uses existing CNCF projects
- Prometheus
- Enhances existing CNCF projects
- Can provide trusted content acquisition for containerd, kubernetes, rkt
A toolkit for building declarative, self-healing
What is it?
• Launched at LinuxCon, Berlin in October, 2016.
• Toolkit for building declarative, self-managing distributed
• Active management with active controllers
• scaling groups, rolling updates
• monitoring / health checks
• connecting nodes to L4 / ingress
• Declarative infrastructure
• Proposal to contribute to CNCF 6/20, too soon
What is InfraKit
• Toolkit for infrastructure automation
• Provisioning and management services for
higher-level systems
• Focus on patterns and automation:
• Convergence to declarative specification
• Scaling groups, rolling updates
• Infrastructure metadata, events
• Immutable infrastructure
Application Definition/ Development
Orchestration & Management
Infrastructure (Bare Metal/Cloud)
InfraKit in a Cloud Native Ecosystem
• Immutable nodes + attached storage
• OS Images - LinuxKit integration
• Devops Deployment Tooling &
• Infrastructure Automation
• Compute - rolling updates, scaling
• Storage
• Network
Provisioning layer + infrastructure automation services
InfraKit Use Cases
• Day-0 (install), Day-1 (configure) of container orchestrators
• Docker Swarm - Docker for GCP, AWS, Appcelerator/AMP
• Kubernetes
• Day-N automation of infrastructure - provisioning, rolling
updates and capacity scaling.
• A cloud provider for Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler
• GPU cluster provisioning
• LinuxKit integration for building, deployment of custom OS on
bare-metal or virtualized infrastructure (video).
InfraKit Architecture
Group Controller
Metadata Exporter
Instance Plugin (T3)
Infrastructure API
Flavor Plugin (F2)
Spec Store
infrakit CLI
Templates Playbooks
Event Publisher
Resource Controller
Application / Orchestration API
Node 1 (T1)
Node 1 (T3)
Node 1 (T1)
Node 1 (T1)
Node (T3)
Instance Plugin (T2)
Instance Plugin (T1)
Flavor Plugin (F1)
instance (T2)
instance (T2)
Volume (T2) Network (T1)
Application Definition/ Development
Orchestration & Management
Infrastructure (Bare Metal/Cloud)
Metadata Plugin (M1)
Event Plugin (E1)
Event Plugin (E1)
Metadata Plugin (M1)
● Active controllers
● Modular, plugin-based
● Defined SPI
● Customizable, contextual
InfraKit Deployment
Control Plane
• High availability, single leader
• Can share leader election / spec
storage with higher-level systems:
• Docker swarm mode
• etcd (k8s)
• As Docker or containerd / oci
• Typically “embedded” in control plane
of higher systems as “system”
containers (e.g. LinuxKit image)
InfraKit Community: active and growing
• Made public at LinuxCon, Berlin in October, 2016
•1.5K Github stars, 140+ forks
•16 infrastructure providers
•4 maintainers, 4 companies (Docker, IBM, NTT, Axway)
•25 contributors total, 200+ members on slack
•460+ commits, 7 releases, ~50 commits / month
•Meetups: Moby Project Summit, April 20, 2017;
Next: June 19, 2017
InfraKit Community
InfraKit - Why CNCF
• Aligned with CNCF goals
– Cloud-native: container packaged, micro-services oriented
– Dynamic, self-healing for cloud-native, distributed services
• Enhancing & complementary to CNCF projects
– Common infrastructure provisioning and automation
– Kubernetes: cluster autoscaler
– Prometheus: infrastructure monitoring & automated
Status in May 2017
Support more platforms
• Compute:
• Bare-metal: HP OneView, MAAS, RackHD
• Public cloud: AWS, GCP
• MacOS X (HyperKit); Docker containers
• Coming soon: Azure, IBM, Digital Ocean,
Packet, libvirt
• Other resource types
• AWS - vpc, subnets, gateways, etc.
Improve usability
• Templates
• Complex scripts and configuration in any format;
no more escape quotes in JSON
• Fetch templates from remote repositories
• Playbooks
• CLI - flags, prompts — config driven and
• Share “playbooks” from remote repositories
Improve core system
• High Availability — Swarm Mode or etcd
• New Plugin types — Metadata and Events
• Metadata: cluster-wide sysfs and reflection
• Events - publish / subscribe
• Remote client access:
infrakit -H host:port to remote cluster
Use Cases
• Support container orchestration
• bootstrapping + day N management
• API for cluster autoscaling
• k8s, Docker Swarm Mode
• Bare-metal + GPU provisioning
• IoT — LinuxKit integration / custom kernel
Status September 2017
Infrakit Update - September, 2017
• Provision AWS spot instances
(672 @YujiOshima)
• Multi-Zone / Multi-Cloud / Multi-Tiered provisioning
(652, 671 @chungers, 668 @YujiOshima)
• Improved Kubernetes support
(676 @YujiOshima)
• Improved Terraform integration
(651, 663, 670 @kaufers)
• Docker Swarm Ingress controller (621 @chungers)
Example: build an autoscaling group
● Pick a plugin to create instances
● Add flavor plugin
● Embed config inside definition of a group.
ID: group/workers
Plugin: terraform
// terraform config here
Plugin: kubernetes/worker
// config add-on, etc.
kubernetes configs
infrastructure API
… across zones / clouds
● Wrap instance plugins with Selector
● Selector selects plugin to provision,
based on weights or spread evenly.
ID: group/workers
Plugin: selector/weighted
Options: - aws-us-east:80
- gcp-us-central:20
Plugin: kubernetes/worker
// config add-on, etc.
kubernetes configs
80% 20%
… with provisioning priorities
● Tiered selector is just another Instance
● Selects one option after another until
provisioning succeeds.
ID: group/workers
Plugin: selector/tiered
Plugin: vsphere/on-prem-workers:
Properties: // ...
Plugin: aws/ec2-spot-instance:
Properties: // spot price...
Plugin: aws/ec2-instance:
Properties: // on-demand…
Plugin: kubernetes/worker ...
on-prem: vsphere
kubernetes configs
cloud: AWS spot
cloud: AWS on-demand
Get involved
Learn More at OSS Summit
- Wednesday, September 13 • 4:00pm - 4:40pm
Unikernels: Where Are They Now? - Amir Chaudhry,
- Thursday, September 14 • 9:00am - 12:10pm
Tutorial: Docker Container Orchestration: Building
Clusters in Production - Bret Fisher, DevOps Sysadmin
and Docker Captain & Laura Frank, Codeship
Moby Summit at OSS NA
Thursday, September 14, 2017
“An open framework to assemble specialized
container systems without reinventing the
Bella Center, Copenhagen
16-19 October, 2017
10% discount code: CaptainPhil

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Moby Open Source Summit North America 2017

  • 1. Patrick Chanezon, @chanezon Build your own container-based system with the September 2017
  • 4. The world needs tools of mass innovation
  • 5. A programmable Internet would be the ultimate tool of mass innovation
  • 6. Docker is building a stack to program the Internet CE EEA commercial product, built on a development platform, built on infrastructure, built on standards.
  • 7. enterprise edition Ubuntu Fedora Mac Azure CentOS Windows 10 AWS Debian community edition Ubuntu Windows Server Azure CentOS Suse Red Hat AWS Oracle Linux
  • 8. Image Registry CI/CD Security scan & sign Traditional Third Party Microservices docker store DEVELOPERS IT OPERATIONS Control Plane Docker EE Container Platform to Modernize Traditional Apps and beyond More Info:
  • 10. Docker is a platform made of components Raft Store Node Identity Secrets Routing Mesh Overlay Networking Swarm Orchestration Engine Application Services
  • 11. containerd An open and reliable container runtime
  • 12. A Brief History APRIL 2016 Containerd “0.2” announced, Docker 1.11 DECEMBER 2016Announce expansion of containerd OSS project Management/Supervisor for the OCI runc executor Containerd 1.0: A core container runtime project for the industry MARCH 2017 Containerd project contributed to CNCF
  • 13. runc containerd Why Containerd 1.0? ▪ Continue projects spun out from monolithic Docker engine ▪ Expected use beyond Docker engine (Kubernetes CRI) ▪ Donation to foundation for broad industry collaboration ▫ Similar to runc/libcontainer and the OCI
  • 14. Technical Goals/Intentions ▪ Clean gRPC-based API + client library ▪ Full OCI support (runtime and image spec) ▪ Stability and performance with tight, well- defined core of container function ▪ Decoupled systems (image, filesystem, runtime) for pluggability, reuse
  • 15. Requirements - A la carte: use only what is required - Runtime agility: fits into different platforms - Pass-through container configuration (direct OCI) - Decoupled - Use known-good technology - OCI container runtime and images - gRPC for API - Prometheus for Metrics
  • 16. Use cases - CURRENT - Docker (moby) - Kubernetes (cri- containerd) - SwarmKit (experimental) - LinuxKit - BuildKit - FUTURE/POTENTIAL - IBM Cloud/Bluemix - OpenFaaS - {your project here}
  • 17. LinuxKit A toolkit for building secure, portable and lean operating systems for containers
  • 18. What is LinuxKit? A toolkit for building secure, portable and lean operating systems for containers. ● uses Moby tooling to build system images ● everything is a container ● runs with Containerd 1.0 branch for over four months ● lightweight, fully customizable
  • 19. Some metrics ● 75 contributors! ● first new maintainer appointed from the community ● 50 commits a week since DockerCon
  • 20. Arm64 support Thanks to Dennis Chen at ARM ● multi arch base images so system containers can be built ● signed multiarch manifests - thanks to IBM for all their work ● thanks to for providing ARM64 machines ● ongoing work on EFI boot that works cross platform ● other architectures now easy to add
  • 21. Linux Containers on Windows ● as announced at DockerCon ● LinuxKit provides build images in blueprints/lcow.yml ● ultra minimal system only 13MB ● blog post soon with HOWTO instructions ● ongoing work with Microsoft on shipping this
  • 22. Platform support The community added support for so many platforms... ● Azure ● OpenStack ● VMware and vCenter ● ● Vultr ● IBM Bluemix ... and improved AWS, GCP, Hyperkit, KVM, Hyper-V...
  • 23. 23
  • 24. Lots of smaller improvements ● TPM support ● containers to run on clean shutdown ● fully immutable images, eg CD-ROM images ● 4.10, 4.11, 4.12 kernels, 4.13 coming soon ● namespace sharing for system containers ● rewrote a lot of shell scripts in Go for better maintainability ● OCI runtime spec 1.0 ● static PIE binaries everywhere ● many more tests
  • 25. WireGuard graduated from projects ● fast secure modern VPN tunnel based on Noise framework ● added to the LinuxKit kernels ● now easy to construct network tunnels between system containers ● prototype next stage of container networking
  • 26. Kubernetes about to graduate from projects ● initial port contributed by Weave for DockerCon launch ● maintained since then ● also working on CRI-Containerd support, with shared system containerd ● more work ongoing ● full testing and validation planned
  • 27. LinuxKit Security SIG • okernel, protecting kernel integrity • Kernel Self Protection Project • Alpine Linux • WireGuard fast, modern, secure vpn tunnel • Opportunistic Privilege Separation (OPS) • Landlock LSM (C -> eBPF) • MirageSDK, Type Safe daemons
  • 28. LinuxKit Use Cases ● Linux Containers on Windows - announced at DockerCon, in the works ● Docker for Mac: shipping in edge release soon ● Kubernetes with shared system containerd ● Secure appliances ● Network function virtualization
  • 30. Moby An open framework to assemble specialized container systems without reinventing the wheel.
  • 31. Scaling the Docker production model: share components AND ASSEMBLIES.
  • 32. It’s time to take our ecosystem to the next level… By collaborating on components AND COMMON ASSEMBLIES.
  • 33.
  • 34. – Library of 80+ components – Package your own components as containers – Reference assemblies deployed on millions of nodes – Create your own assemblies or start from an existing one A framework to assemble specialized container systems without reinventing the wheel.
  • 35. Docker uses Moby for its open-source – Thousands of contributors, hundreds of patches/week – Component development – Specialized assembly development – Integration tests – Architecture design – Integration with other projects – Experimentation and bleeding edge features
  • 36. Docker uses Moby for its open-source... and so can you! – Community-run – Open governance inspired by the Fedora project – Plays well with existing projects - no donation necessary!
  • 38. What it means for you Moby helps you innovate without tying you to Docker System BuildersDocker Users Docker will better leverage the ecosystem to innovate faster for you
  • 39. Moby transforms multi-month R&D projects into weekend projects.
  • 44. Getting Started - Blog - - Twitter @moby - Github moby/moby
  • 45. Let’s take containers mainstream!
  • 46.
  • 47. Notary & TUF A Framework for trusted content distribution.
  • 48. What is Notary? - Framework for trusted content distribution. - Golang implementation of The Update Framework (TUF) - Created by a group of NYU researchers. - Based on the TOR updater Thandy
  • 49. Proposal to contribute to CNCF June 20 - Still waiting for vote - Proposal and discussion at
  • 50. TUF core concepts - Compromise-resilient software distribution - Principled, graceful degradation of security - Focus on key revocation / partial compromise of infrastructure - Applies security best practices: separation of privilege (roles), threshold signatures, minimizing risk, selective delegation of trust, etc. - Flexibility - Does not prescribe exactly how to perform a task - Works with existing deployments constraints
  • 51. TUF in the Cloud Native Ecosystem - Solves trusted data distribution problem. - Specific opinionated implementations, or uses of existing tools like Notary can solve vast majority of content trust problems. - Abstract solution aiming for best security. - Sets the bar for high expectation of security in ecosystem.
  • 53. TUF Community - Open source since 2010 - 517 GitHub stars, 74 forks - 26+ Contributors - 5 maintainers - 2700+ commits
  • 54. Notary in the Cloud Native Ecosystem image
  • 56. Notary in the Cloud Native Ecosystem - Solves the problem of image provenance - Can be more generally applied: - OS/VM images - Updates/patches - Shared filesystems - External resources - Every piece of deployed code from the OS to the application should be signed
  • 57. Notary Use Cases - Signing container images for trusted distribution. - Docker, Quay, Huawei, Motorola, VMWare - Signing system components/packages for system updates. - LinuxKit - Signing filesystem integrity checksums - moby - Threshold signing to require quorum for validity - Docker Data Center, Quay - Signing service definitions - Docker Swarm, Kubernetes
  • 58. Notary Community - Open Sourced at DockerCon SF 2015 - 865 GitHub stars, 156 forks - 45 Contributors - 8 maintainers from 3 Companies; Docker, CoreOS, Huawei - 2600+ commits, 34 releases
  • 60. Alignment with CNCF - Provides state of the art trust and provenance for content distribution. - Uses existing CNCF projects - GRPC - Prometheus - Enhances existing CNCF projects - Can provide trusted content acquisition for containerd, kubernetes, rkt
  • 61. InfraKit A toolkit for building declarative, self-healing infrastructure.
  • 62. What is it? 62 • Launched at LinuxCon, Berlin in October, 2016. • Toolkit for building declarative, self-managing distributed applications • Active management with active controllers • scaling groups, rolling updates • monitoring / health checks • connecting nodes to L4 / ingress • Declarative infrastructure • Proposal to contribute to CNCF 6/20, too soon
  • 63. What is InfraKit 63 • Toolkit for infrastructure automation • Provisioning and management services for higher-level systems • Focus on patterns and automation: • Convergence to declarative specification • Scaling groups, rolling updates • Infrastructure metadata, events • Immutable infrastructure Application Definition/ Development Orchestration & Management Runtime Provisioning Infrastructure (Bare Metal/Cloud)
  • 64. InfraKit in a Cloud Native Ecosystem 64 • Immutable nodes + attached storage • OS Images - LinuxKit integration • Devops Deployment Tooling & Provisioning • Infrastructure Automation • Compute - rolling updates, scaling groups • Storage • Network Provisioning layer + infrastructure automation services
  • 65. InfraKit Use Cases 65 • Day-0 (install), Day-1 (configure) of container orchestrators • Docker Swarm - Docker for GCP, AWS, Appcelerator/AMP • Kubernetes • Day-N automation of infrastructure - provisioning, rolling updates and capacity scaling. • A cloud provider for Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler • GPU cluster provisioning • LinuxKit integration for building, deployment of custom OS on bare-metal or virtualized infrastructure (video).
  • 66. InfraKit Architecture 66 Group Controller Metadata Exporter Instance Plugin (T3) Infrastructure API Manager Flavor Plugin (F2) Spec Store infrakit CLI Leadership Templates Playbooks Event Publisher Resource Controller Application / Orchestration API Dependency Graph Template Processor Node 1 (T1) Node 1 (T3) Node 1 (T1) Node 1 (T1) Node (T3) Instance Plugin (T2) Instance Plugin (T1) Flavor Plugin (F1) instance (T2) instance (T2) Volume (T2) Network (T1) Application Definition/ Development Orchestration & Management Runtime Provisioning Infrastructure (Bare Metal/Cloud) Metadata Plugin (M1) Event Plugin (E1) Event Plugin (E1) Metadata Plugin (M1) scale drain join provision/ configure destroy ● Active controllers ● Modular, plugin-based ● Defined SPI ● Customizable, contextual CLI
  • 67. InfraKit Deployment 67 CLI API Control Plane • High availability, single leader • Can share leader election / spec storage with higher-level systems: • Docker swarm mode • etcd (k8s) • As Docker or containerd / oci containers • Typically “embedded” in control plane of higher systems as “system” containers (e.g. LinuxKit image)
  • 68. InfraKit Community: active and growing • Made public at LinuxCon, Berlin in October, 2016 •1.5K Github stars, 140+ forks •16 infrastructure providers •4 maintainers, 4 companies (Docker, IBM, NTT, Axway) •25 contributors total, 200+ members on slack •460+ commits, 7 releases, ~50 commits / month •Meetups: Moby Project Summit, April 20, 2017; Next: June 19, 2017 68
  • 70. InfraKit - Why CNCF • Aligned with CNCF goals – Cloud-native: container packaged, micro-services oriented – Dynamic, self-healing for cloud-native, distributed services • Enhancing & complementary to CNCF projects – Common infrastructure provisioning and automation – Kubernetes: cluster autoscaler – Prometheus: infrastructure monitoring & automated remediation 70
  • 72. Support more platforms 72 • Compute: • Bare-metal: HP OneView, MAAS, RackHD • Public cloud: AWS, GCP • MacOS X (HyperKit); Docker containers • Coming soon: Azure, IBM, Digital Ocean, Packet, libvirt • Other resource types • AWS - vpc, subnets, gateways, etc.
  • 73. Improve usability 73 • Templates • Complex scripts and configuration in any format; no more escape quotes in JSON • Fetch templates from remote repositories • Playbooks • CLI - flags, prompts — config driven and dynamic • Share “playbooks” from remote repositories
  • 74. Improve core system 74 • High Availability — Swarm Mode or etcd • New Plugin types — Metadata and Events • Metadata: cluster-wide sysfs and reflection • Events - publish / subscribe • Remote client access: infrakit -H host:port to remote cluster
  • 75. Use Cases 75 • Support container orchestration • bootstrapping + day N management • API for cluster autoscaling • k8s, Docker Swarm Mode • Bare-metal + GPU provisioning • IoT — LinuxKit integration / custom kernel deployment
  • 77. Infrakit Update - September, 2017 • Provision AWS spot instances (672 @YujiOshima) • Multi-Zone / Multi-Cloud / Multi-Tiered provisioning (652, 671 @chungers, 668 @YujiOshima) • Improved Kubernetes support (676 @YujiOshima) • Improved Terraform integration (651, 663, 670 @kaufers) • Docker Swarm Ingress controller (621 @chungers)
  • 78. Example: build an autoscaling group ● Pick a plugin to create instances ● Add flavor plugin ● Embed config inside definition of a group. ID: group/workers Properties: Instance: Plugin: terraform Properties: // terraform config here Flavor: Plugin: kubernetes/worker Properties: // config add-on, etc. terraform kubernetes configs Group RPC API infrastructure API Client
  • 79. … across zones / clouds ● Wrap instance plugins with Selector ● Selector selects plugin to provision, based on weights or spread evenly. ID: group/workers Properties: Instance: Plugin: selector/weighted Properties: aws-us-east/workers: gcp-us-central/workers: Options: - aws-us-east:80 - gcp-us-central:20 Flavor: Plugin: kubernetes/worker Properties: // config add-on, etc. aws-us-east kubernetes configs Group RPC API Client gcpaws gcp-us-central 80% 20%
  • 80. … with provisioning priorities ● Tiered selector is just another Instance ● Selects one option after another until provisioning succeeds. ID: group/workers Properties: Instance: Plugin: selector/tiered Properties: Plugin: vsphere/on-prem-workers: Properties: // ... Plugin: aws/ec2-spot-instance: Properties: // spot price... Plugin: aws/ec2-instance: Properties: // on-demand… Flavor: Plugin: kubernetes/worker ... on-prem: vsphere kubernetes configs Group RPC API Client cloud: AWS spot cloud: AWS on-demand
  • 82. Learn More at OSS Summit - Wednesday, September 13 • 4:00pm - 4:40pm Unikernels: Where Are They Now? - Amir Chaudhry, Docker - Thursday, September 14 • 9:00am - 12:10pm Tutorial: Docker Container Orchestration: Building Clusters in Production - Bret Fisher, DevOps Sysadmin and Docker Captain & Laura Frank, Codeship
  • 83. Moby Summit at OSS NA Thursday, September 14, 2017 “An open framework to assemble specialized container systems without reinventing the wheel.” Tickets:
  • 84. Bella Center, Copenhagen 16-19 October, 2017 10% discount code: CaptainPhil

Editor's Notes

  1. Docker has its roots in dev productivity still lot of work to do solve it by listening to devs, solving all their pbs one by one let’s talk about dev problems.
  2. our job is to give you the best tools to take your app to prod securely 3 rules we follow usability, portability, scalability usable security so that devs don't bypass it scale, automation Docker suite of tools for security in production tools deliver security that is usable scalable portable not getting in the way of operators help developers make applications be more secure has to be easy and portable so that developers will use it. Security never ends, continuous process We made a lot of progress this year 4 features I want to talk about
  3. reason that Docker is so componentized because of open dev model we adopted partnered with an ecosystem that grew around it several phases ---- docker is a container platform solve pb for our users develop new components, or improve existing components open dev model, 12 oss projects produce one comp of a container platform any one project useless on its own
  4. This is compared to “container systems of the past” that were monolithic and tightly coupled Example: hard to reuse components; e.g. take a Docker graphdriver and use it to implement a volume driver
  5. introduced assemblies allowed docker to scale internally allowed us to ramp up to 12 editions of docker complexity duplication of effort, design allowed docker to scale internally allowed us to ramp up to 12 editions of docker introduced an additional level of collaboration, assembly, cpatures what is common and that teams can use for their environments
  6. looks like this, moby origin, assembly we use to create editions of docker all of our assembly dev will take place in moby project if want close derivative to docker platform, join dev of moby origin want diofferent assembly, fork moby-origin partners Introducing a new project where Docker does 100% of its oss work
  7. all components all assemblies inviting users, partners the whole ecosystem to join this project and together take container ecosystem to the mainstream seed this project with 12s of components, an assembly that is very stable and deployed in prod on 1000s nodes the most important project we have introduced since 2014 not a foundation moby does not own projects any project can come collab and retain ownership of their code
  8. all components all assemblies inviting users, partners the whole ecosystem to join this project and together take container ecosystem to the mainstream seed this project with 12s of components, an assembly that is very stable and deployed in prod on 1000s nodes the most important project we have introduced since 2014 not a foundation moby does not own projects any project can come collab and retain ownership of their code
  9. all components all assemblies inviting users, partners the whole ecosystem to join this project and together take container ecosystem to the mainstream seed this project with 12s of components, an assembly that is very stable and deployed in prod on 1000s nodes the most important project we have introduced since 2014 not a foundation moby does not own projects any project can come collab and retain ownership of their code
  10. platform based on containers
  11. Docker uses Moby to innovate in the open. Each version of Docker will innovate faster Moore innovation/more choice
  12. all components all assemblies inviting users, partners the whole ecosystem to join this project and together take container ecosystem to the mainstream seed this project with 12s of components, an assembly that is very stable and deployed in prod on 1000s nodes the most important project we have introduced since 2014 not a foundation moby does not own projects any project can come collab and retain ownership of their code
  13. platform based on containers
  14. platform based on containers
  15. TUF is used in production by Docker, LEAP, App Container with integrations on-going into multiple other large projects. It is standardized by Python for deployment in their community repository. The automotive industry has begun integrating a TUF-variant called Uptane. You can buy Uptane from two suppliers, with an OEM currently integrating Uptane. It has been security audited by multiple groups.
  16. InfraKit is designed to automate setup and management of infrastructure in support of distributed systems and higher-level container orchestration systems. These are the use cases we currently focus on.
  17. Maintainers from a diverse set of companies: Docker, IBM, NTT, and Axway. Used in Docker Editions (Docker for AWS, Docker for GCP), Axway Appcelerator Instance plugin implementation ⇒ to different platform providers. Diverse set of platforms from bare-metal provisioning (HP OneView, Dell/EMC RackHD) to public clouds (AWS, Alibaba Cloud). Even includes integration with Terraform for even more platform coverage.