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Kiev 2018
Absolute Mobile Fest
Kirill Rozov
Android Developer
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
Dependency Injection
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
Inversion of Control (IoC) is a design
principle in which custom-written portions
of a computer program receive the flow of
control from a generic framework
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
Inversion of Control
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
Inversion of Control
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
Inversion of Control
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
Popular DI
• Guice
• Spring DI
• Square Dagger
• Google Dagger 2
• Java EE CDI
• PicoContainer
• Kodein
• Koin
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
val sampleModule = applicationContext {
bean { ComponentA() }
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
val sampleModule = applicationContext {
bean { ComponentA() }
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
val sampleModule = applicationContext {
bean { ComponentA() }
class Application : KoinComponent {
val component by inject<ComponentA>()
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
val sampleModule = applicationContext {
bean { ComponentA() }
class Application : KoinComponent {
val component by inject<ComponentA>()
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
val sampleModule = applicationContext {
bean { ComponentA() }
class Application : KoinComponent {
val component by inject<ComponentA>()
fun main(vararg args: String) {
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
class SampleApplication : Application() {
override fun onCreate() {
startKoin(this, listOf(sampleModule))
fun main(vararg args: String) {
start(listOf(sampleModule)) { … }
fun main(vararg args: String) {
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
fun <T> KoinComponent.inject(name: String) : Lazy<T>
fun <T> KoinComponent.inject(name: String, paras: Parameters) : Lazy<T>
fun <T> String) : T
fun <T> String, defaultValue: T) : T
fun <T> KoinComponent.get(name: String) : T
fun <T> KoinComponent.get(name: String, params: Parameters) : T
fun KoinComponent.setProperty(key: String, value: Any)
fun KoinComponent.releaseContext(name: String)
fun KoinComponent.releaseProperties(vararg keys: String)
interface KoinComponent
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
fun <T> KoinComponent.inject(name: String) : Lazy<T>
fun <T> KoinComponent.inject(name: String, paras: Parameters) : Lazy<T>
fun <T> String) : T
fun <T> String, defaultValue: T) : T
fun <T> KoinComponent.get(name: String) : T
fun <T> KoinComponent.get(name: String, params: Parameters) : T
fun KoinComponent.setProperty(key: String, value: Any)
fun KoinComponent.releaseContext(name: String)
fun KoinComponent.releaseProperties(vararg keys: String)
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
fun <T> ComponentCallbacks.inject(name: String) : Lazy<T>
fun <T> ComponentCallbacks.inject(name: String, paras: Parameters) : Lazy<T>
fun <T> String) : T
fun <T> String, defaultValue: T) : T
fun <T> ComponentCallbacks.get(name: String) : T
fun <T> ComponentCallbacks.get(name: String, params: Parameters) : T
fun ComponentCallbacks.setProperty(key: String, value: Any)
fun ComponentCallbacks.releaseContext(name: String)
fun ComponentCallbacks.releaseProperties(vararg keys: String)
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
Provide dependencies
applicationContext {
bean { ComponentA() }
factory { ComponentB() }
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
Provide dependencies
applicationContext {
bean { ComponentA() }
factory { ComponentB() }
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
Provide dependencies
class ComponentA(c : ComponentB)
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
Provide dependencies
applicationContext {
bean { ComponentB() }
bean { ComponentA(get<ComponentB>()) }
class ComponentA(c : ComponentB)
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
Named dependencies
applicationContext {
bean { ComponentB(…) }
bean { ComponentB(…) }
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
Named dependencies
applicationContext {
bean(“debug”) { ComponentB(…) }
bean(“prod”) { ComponentB(…) }
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
Named dependencies
applicationContext {
bean(“debug”) { ComponentB(…) }
bean(“prod”) { ComponentB(…) }
bean { ComponentA(get(“debug”)) }
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
Named dependencies
applicationContext {
bean(“debug”) { ComponentB() }
bean(“prod”) { ComponentB() }
bean { ComponentA(get(“debug”)) }
class Application : KoinComponent {
val componentProd by inject<ComponentB>(“prod”)
val componentDebug by inject<ComponentB>(“debug”)
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
Type binding
applicationContext {
bean { ComponentImpl() }
bean { ComponentImpl() as Component }
bean { ComponentImpl() } bind Component::class
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
Dependency Parameters
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
class RestService(url: String)
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
applicationContext {
bean { RestService(getProperty(“url”)) }
class RestService(url: String)
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
applicationContext {
bean { RestService(getProperty(“url”)) }
class RestService(url: String)
applicationContext {
bean { RestService(getProperty(“url”, “http://localhost”)) }
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
applicationContext {
bean { RestService(getProperty(“url”)) }
class RestService(url: String)
applicationContext {
bean { RestService(getProperty(“url”, “http://localhost”)) }
val key1Property: String by property(“key1”)
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
startKoin(properties: Map<String, Any> = mapOf(“key” to 1))
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
Properties Sources
• in JAR resources
• in assets
• Environment properties
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
Environment variables
startKoin(useEnvironmentProperties = true)
// Get user name from properties
val key1Property: String by property(“USER”)
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
class NewsDetailPresenter(newsId : String)
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
val presenter: NewsDetailPresenter
by inject { mapOf(NEWS_ID to "sample") }
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
applicationContext {
factory { params: ParametersProvider ->
val presenter: NewsDetailPresenter
by inject { mapOf(NEWS_ID to "sample") }
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
applicationContext {
factory { params: ParametersProvider ->
val presenter: NewsDetailPresenter
by inject { mapOf(NEWS_ID to "sample") }
interface ParametersProvider {
operator fun <T> get(key: String): T
fun <T> getOrNull(key: String): T?
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
applicationContext {
context("main") {
bean { ComponentA() }
bean { ComponentB() }
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
applicationContext {
context("main") {
bean { ComponentA() }
bean { ComponentB() }
class MainActivity : Activity() {
override fun onStop() {
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
Context isolation
applicationContext {
context("A") {
bean { ComponentA() }
context("B") {
bean { ComponentB() }
context("C") {
bean { ComponentС() }
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
Context isolation
applicationContext {
context("A") {
bean { ComponentA() }
context("B") {
bean { ComponentB() }
context("C") {
bean { ComponentС() }
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
Context isolation
applicationContext {
context("A") {
bean { ComponentA() }
context("B") {
bean { ComponentB() }
context("C") {
bean { ComponentС() }
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
Context isolation
applicationContext {
context("A") {
bean { ComponentA() }
context("B") {
bean { ComponentB() }
context("C") {
bean { ComponentС() }
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
class Presenter(repository: Repository)
class Repository(dateSource: DateSource)
interface DateSource
class DebugDataSource() : DateSource
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
applicationContext {
factory { Presenter(get()) }
bean { Repository(get()) }
bean { DebugDataSource() } bind DateSource::class
class Presenter(repository: Repository)
class Repository(dateSource: DateSource)
interface DateSource
class DebugDataSource() : DateSource
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
applicationContext {
factory { Presenter(get()) }
bean { Repository(get()) }
bean { DebugDataSource() } bind DateSource::class
class Presenter(repository: Repository)
class Repository(dateSource: DateSource)
interface DateSource
class DebugDataSource() : DateSource
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
applicationContext {
factory { Presenter(get()) }
bean { Repository(get()) }
bean { DebugDataSource() } bind DateSource::class
(KOIN) :: Resolve [Presenter] ~ Factory[class=Presenter]
(KOIN) :: Resolve [Repository] ~ Bean[class=Repository]
(KOIN) :: Resolve [Datasource] ~ Bean[class=DebugDatasource, binds~(Datasource)]
(KOIN) :: (*) Created
(KOIN) :: (*) Created
(KOIN) :: (*) Created
(KOIN) :: Resolve [Repository] ~ Factory[class=Repository]
(KOIN) :: Resolve [DebugDatasource] ~ Bean[class=DebugDatasource, binds~(Datasource)]
(KOIN) :: (*) Created
class Presenter(repository: Repository)
class Repository(dateSource: DateSource)
interface DateSource
class DebugDataSource() : DateSource
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
Missing dependency
applicationContext {
bean { ComponentA(get()) }
bean { ComponentB(get()) }
class ComponentA(component: ComponentB)
class ComponentB(component: ComponentA)
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
Missing dependency
applicationContext {
bean { ComponentA(get()) }
bean { ComponentB(get()) }
class ComponentA(component: ComponentB)
class ComponentB(component: ComponentA)
No definition found for ComponentC - Check your definitions and contexts visibility
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
Cyclic dependencies
class ComponentA(component: ComponentB)
class ComponentB(component: ComponentA)
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
Cyclic dependencies
applicationContext {
bean { ComponentA(get()) }
bean { ComponentB(get()) }
class ComponentA(component: ComponentB)
class ComponentB(component: ComponentA)
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
Cyclic dependencies
applicationContext {
bean { ComponentA(get()) }
bean { ComponentB(get()) }
class ComponentA(component: ComponentB)
class ComponentB(component: ComponentA)
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
Cyclic dependencies
org.koin.error.BeanInstanceCreationException: Can't create bean Bean[class=ComponentA] due to error :
BeanInstanceCreationException: Can't create bean Bean[class=ComponentB] due to error :
BeanInstanceCreationException: Can't create bean Bean[class=ComponentA] due to error :
DependencyResolutionException: Cyclic dependency detected while resolving class ComponentA
applicationContext {
bean { ComponentA(get()) }
bean { ComponentB(get()) }
class ComponentA(component: ComponentB)
class ComponentB(component: ComponentA)
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
class SampleTest : KoinTest {
val presenter : MyPresenter by inject()
val repository : Repository by inject()
fun before(){
fun testSayHello() {
val hello = repository.giveHello()
assertEquals(hello, presenter.sayHello())
fun after(){
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
class SampleTest : KoinTest {
val presenter : MyPresenter by inject()
val repository : Repository by inject()
fun before(){
fun testSayHello() {
val hello = repository.giveHello()
assertEquals(hello, presenter.sayHello())
fun after(){
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
class SampleTest : KoinTest {
val presenter : MyPresenter by inject()
val repository : Repository by inject()
fun before(){
fun testSayHello() {
val hello = repository.giveHello()
assertEquals(hello, presenter.sayHello())
fun after(){
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
class SampleTest : KoinTest {
val presenter : MyPresenter by inject()
val repository : Repository by inject()
fun before(){
fun testSayHello() {
val hello = repository.giveHello()
assertEquals(hello, presenter.sayHello())
fun after(){
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
Graph validation
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
Graph validation
class ComponentA(component: ComponentB)
class ComponentB(component: ComponentC)
class ComponentC()
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
Graph validation
class ComponentA(component: ComponentB)
class ComponentB(component: ComponentC)
class ComponentC()
val sampleModule = applicationContext {
bean { ComponentA(get()) }
factory { ComponentB(get()) }
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
Graph validation
class ComponentA(component: ComponentB)
class ComponentB(component: ComponentC)
class ComponentC()
val sampleModule = applicationContext {
bean { ComponentA(get()) }
factory { ComponentB(get()) }
class DryRunTest : KoinTest {
fun dryRunTest() {
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
Android Arch Components
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
Default Way
class ListFragment : Fragment() {
val listViewModel =
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
Simpler with Kotlin
class ListFragment : Fragment() {
val listViewModel = getViewModel<ListViewModel>()
inline fun <reified VM : ViewModel> Fragment.getViewModel():VM {
return viewModelProvider.get(
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
ViewModel with arguments
class DetailViewModel(id: String) : ViewModel()
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
ViewModel with arguments
class DetailViewModel(id: String) : ViewModel()
class DetailFactory(val id: String) : ViewModelProvider.Factory {
override fun <T : ViewModel> create(modelClass: Class<T>): T {
if (modelClass == {
return DetailViewModel(id) as T
error("Can't create ViewModel for class='$modelClass'")
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
ViewModel with arguments
class DetailViewModel(id: String) : ViewModel()
class DetailFactory(val id: String) : ViewModelProvider.Factory {
override fun <T : ViewModel> create(modelClass: Class<T>): T {
if (modelClass == {
return DetailViewModel(id) as T
error("Can't create ViewModel for class='$modelClass'")
class ListFragment : Fragment() {
val listViewModel = provideViewModel<DetailViewModel>(DetailFactory(id))
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
Koin Way
applicationContext {
viewModel { params -> DetailViewModel(params["id"]) }
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
Koin Way
applicationContext {
viewModel { params -> DetailViewModel(params["id"]) }
class ListFragment : Fragment() {
val listViewModel
by viewModel<ListViewModel> { mapOf("id" to "sample") }
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
Koin vs Dagger 2
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
What missed from Dagger 2?
• Compile time validation
• Features
• Multibindings
• Async Injection
• Reusable scope
Kiev 2018Insert Koin
Why use Koin?
• Dagger 2 is too complex for start with DI
• No need Dagger 2 advanced features
• Single place of dependencies declaration
• DSL is amazing for dependencies declaration
• Support Kotlin Multiplatform projects
• Faster build time
• Pure Kotlin code
Kiev 2018Insert Koin

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Mobile Fest 2018. Александр Сергиенко. Flutter - что за зверь такой?
Mobile Fest 2018. Fernando Cejas. What Mom Never Told You About Multi-threading
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Mobile Fest 2018. Кирилл Розов. Insert Koin

  • 1. Kiev 2018 Absolute Mobile Fest Kirill Rozov Android Developer
  • 3. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Inversion of Control (IoC) is a design principle in which custom-written portions of a computer program receive the flow of control from a generic framework
  • 7. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Popular DI • Guice • Spring DI • Square Dagger • Google Dagger 2 • Java EE CDI • PicoContainer • Kodein • Koin
  • 10. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Sample val sampleModule = applicationContext { bean { ComponentA() } }
  • 11. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Sample val sampleModule = applicationContext { bean { ComponentA() } }
  • 12. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Sample val sampleModule = applicationContext { bean { ComponentA() } } class Application : KoinComponent { val component by inject<ComponentA>() }
  • 13. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Sample val sampleModule = applicationContext { bean { ComponentA() } } class Application : KoinComponent { val component by inject<ComponentA>() }
  • 14. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Sample val sampleModule = applicationContext { bean { ComponentA() } } class Application : KoinComponent { val component by inject<ComponentA>() } fun main(vararg args: String) { startKoin(listOf(sampleModule)) }
  • 15. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Init class SampleApplication : Application() { override fun onCreate() { startKoin(this, listOf(sampleModule)) } } fun main(vararg args: String) { start(listOf(sampleModule)) { … } } fun main(vararg args: String) { startKoin(listOf(sampleModule)) }
  • 16. Kiev 2018Insert Koin KoinComponent fun <T> KoinComponent.inject(name: String) : Lazy<T> fun <T> KoinComponent.inject(name: String, paras: Parameters) : Lazy<T> fun <T> String) : T fun <T> String, defaultValue: T) : T fun <T> KoinComponent.get(name: String) : T fun <T> KoinComponent.get(name: String, params: Parameters) : T fun KoinComponent.setProperty(key: String, value: Any) fun KoinComponent.releaseContext(name: String) fun KoinComponent.releaseProperties(vararg keys: String) interface KoinComponent
  • 17. Kiev 2018Insert Koin KoinComponent fun <T> KoinComponent.inject(name: String) : Lazy<T> fun <T> KoinComponent.inject(name: String, paras: Parameters) : Lazy<T> fun <T> String) : T fun <T> String, defaultValue: T) : T fun <T> KoinComponent.get(name: String) : T fun <T> KoinComponent.get(name: String, params: Parameters) : T fun KoinComponent.setProperty(key: String, value: Any) fun KoinComponent.releaseContext(name: String) fun KoinComponent.releaseProperties(vararg keys: String)
  • 18. Kiev 2018Insert Koin KoinComponent fun <T> ComponentCallbacks.inject(name: String) : Lazy<T> fun <T> ComponentCallbacks.inject(name: String, paras: Parameters) : Lazy<T> fun <T> String) : T fun <T> String, defaultValue: T) : T fun <T> ComponentCallbacks.get(name: String) : T fun <T> ComponentCallbacks.get(name: String, params: Parameters) : T fun ComponentCallbacks.setProperty(key: String, value: Any) fun ComponentCallbacks.releaseContext(name: String) fun ComponentCallbacks.releaseProperties(vararg keys: String)
  • 19. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Provide dependencies applicationContext { bean { ComponentA() } factory { ComponentB() } }
  • 20. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Provide dependencies applicationContext { bean { ComponentA() } factory { ComponentB() } }
  • 21. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Provide dependencies class ComponentA(c : ComponentB)
  • 22. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Provide dependencies applicationContext { bean { ComponentB() } bean { ComponentA(get<ComponentB>()) } } class ComponentA(c : ComponentB)
  • 23. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Named dependencies applicationContext { bean { ComponentB(…) } bean { ComponentB(…) } }
  • 24. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Named dependencies applicationContext { bean(“debug”) { ComponentB(…) } bean(“prod”) { ComponentB(…) } }
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  • 26. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Named dependencies applicationContext { bean(“debug”) { ComponentB() } bean(“prod”) { ComponentB() } bean { ComponentA(get(“debug”)) } } class Application : KoinComponent { val componentProd by inject<ComponentB>(“prod”) val componentDebug by inject<ComponentB>(“debug”) }
  • 27. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Type binding applicationContext { bean { ComponentImpl() } bean { ComponentImpl() as Component } bean { ComponentImpl() } bind Component::class }
  • 29. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Properties class RestService(url: String)
  • 30. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Properties applicationContext { bean { RestService(getProperty(“url”)) } } class RestService(url: String)
  • 31. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Properties applicationContext { bean { RestService(getProperty(“url”)) } } class RestService(url: String) applicationContext { bean { RestService(getProperty(“url”, “http://localhost”)) } }
  • 32. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Properties applicationContext { bean { RestService(getProperty(“url”)) } } class RestService(url: String) applicationContext { bean { RestService(getProperty(“url”, “http://localhost”)) } } val key1Property: String by property(“key1”)
  • 33. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Properties startKoin(properties: Map<String, Any> = mapOf(“key” to 1))
  • 34. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Properties Sources • in JAR resources • in assets • Environment properties
  • 35. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Environment variables startKoin(useEnvironmentProperties = true) // Get user name from properties val key1Property: String by property(“USER”)
  • 36. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Problem class NewsDetailPresenter(newsId : String)
  • 37. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Parameters val presenter: NewsDetailPresenter by inject { mapOf(NEWS_ID to "sample") }
  • 38. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Parameters applicationContext { factory { params: ParametersProvider -> NewsDetailsPresenter(params[NEWS_ID]) } } val presenter: NewsDetailPresenter by inject { mapOf(NEWS_ID to "sample") }
  • 39. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Parameters applicationContext { factory { params: ParametersProvider -> NewsDetailsPresenter(params[NEWS_ID]) } } val presenter: NewsDetailPresenter by inject { mapOf(NEWS_ID to "sample") } interface ParametersProvider { operator fun <T> get(key: String): T fun <T> getOrNull(key: String): T? }
  • 41. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Contexts applicationContext { context("main") { bean { ComponentA() } bean { ComponentB() } } }
  • 42. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Contexts applicationContext { context("main") { bean { ComponentA() } bean { ComponentB() } } } class MainActivity : Activity() { override fun onStop() { releaseContext("main") } }
  • 43. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Context isolation applicationContext { context("A") { bean { ComponentA() } context("B") { bean { ComponentB() } } } context("C") { bean { ComponentС() } } }
  • 44. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Context isolation applicationContext { context("A") { bean { ComponentA() } context("B") { bean { ComponentB() } } } context("C") { bean { ComponentС() } } }
  • 45. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Context isolation applicationContext { context("A") { bean { ComponentA() } context("B") { bean { ComponentB() } } } context("C") { bean { ComponentС() } } }
  • 46. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Context isolation applicationContext { context("A") { bean { ComponentA() } context("B") { bean { ComponentB() } } } context("C") { bean { ComponentС() } } }
  • 48. Kiev 2018Insert Koin class Presenter(repository: Repository) class Repository(dateSource: DateSource) interface DateSource class DebugDataSource() : DateSource
  • 49. Kiev 2018Insert Koin applicationContext { factory { Presenter(get()) } bean { Repository(get()) } bean { DebugDataSource() } bind DateSource::class } class Presenter(repository: Repository) class Repository(dateSource: DateSource) interface DateSource class DebugDataSource() : DateSource
  • 50. Kiev 2018Insert Koin applicationContext { factory { Presenter(get()) } bean { Repository(get()) } bean { DebugDataSource() } bind DateSource::class } get<Presenter>() get<Presenter>() class Presenter(repository: Repository) class Repository(dateSource: DateSource) interface DateSource class DebugDataSource() : DateSource
  • 51. Kiev 2018Insert Koin applicationContext { factory { Presenter(get()) } bean { Repository(get()) } bean { DebugDataSource() } bind DateSource::class } get<Presenter>() get<Presenter>() (KOIN) :: Resolve [Presenter] ~ Factory[class=Presenter] (KOIN) :: Resolve [Repository] ~ Bean[class=Repository] (KOIN) :: Resolve [Datasource] ~ Bean[class=DebugDatasource, binds~(Datasource)] (KOIN) :: (*) Created (KOIN) :: (*) Created (KOIN) :: (*) Created (KOIN) :: Resolve [Repository] ~ Factory[class=Repository] (KOIN) :: Resolve [DebugDatasource] ~ Bean[class=DebugDatasource, binds~(Datasource)] (KOIN) :: (*) Created class Presenter(repository: Repository) class Repository(dateSource: DateSource) interface DateSource class DebugDataSource() : DateSource
  • 52. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Missing dependency applicationContext { bean { ComponentA(get()) } bean { ComponentB(get()) } } class ComponentA(component: ComponentB) class ComponentB(component: ComponentA) get<ComponentC>()
  • 53. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Missing dependency applicationContext { bean { ComponentA(get()) } bean { ComponentB(get()) } } class ComponentA(component: ComponentB) class ComponentB(component: ComponentA) org.koin.error.DependencyResolutionException: No definition found for ComponentC - Check your definitions and contexts visibility get<ComponentC>()
  • 54. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Cyclic dependencies class ComponentA(component: ComponentB) class ComponentB(component: ComponentA)
  • 55. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Cyclic dependencies applicationContext { bean { ComponentA(get()) } bean { ComponentB(get()) } } class ComponentA(component: ComponentB) class ComponentB(component: ComponentA)
  • 56. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Cyclic dependencies get<ComponentA>() applicationContext { bean { ComponentA(get()) } bean { ComponentB(get()) } } class ComponentA(component: ComponentB) class ComponentB(component: ComponentA)
  • 57. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Cyclic dependencies org.koin.error.BeanInstanceCreationException: Can't create bean Bean[class=ComponentA] due to error : BeanInstanceCreationException: Can't create bean Bean[class=ComponentB] due to error : BeanInstanceCreationException: Can't create bean Bean[class=ComponentA] due to error : DependencyResolutionException: Cyclic dependency detected while resolving class ComponentA applicationContext { bean { ComponentA(get()) } bean { ComponentB(get()) } } class ComponentA(component: ComponentB) class ComponentB(component: ComponentA) get<ComponentA>()
  • 59. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Tests class SampleTest : KoinTest { val presenter : MyPresenter by inject() val repository : Repository by inject() @Before fun before(){ startKoin(listOf(myModule)) } @Test fun testSayHello() { val hello = repository.giveHello() assertEquals(hello, presenter.sayHello()) } @After fun after(){ closeKoin() } }
  • 60. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Tests class SampleTest : KoinTest { val presenter : MyPresenter by inject() val repository : Repository by inject() @Before fun before(){ startKoin(listOf(myModule)) } @Test fun testSayHello() { val hello = repository.giveHello() assertEquals(hello, presenter.sayHello()) } @After fun after(){ closeKoin() } }
  • 61. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Tests class SampleTest : KoinTest { val presenter : MyPresenter by inject() val repository : Repository by inject() @Before fun before(){ startKoin(listOf(myModule)) } @Test fun testSayHello() { val hello = repository.giveHello() assertEquals(hello, presenter.sayHello()) } @After fun after(){ closeKoin() } }
  • 62. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Tests class SampleTest : KoinTest { val presenter : MyPresenter by inject() val repository : Repository by inject() @Before fun before(){ startKoin(listOf(myModule)) } @Test fun testSayHello() { val hello = repository.giveHello() assertEquals(hello, presenter.sayHello()) } @After fun after(){ closeKoin() } }
  • 64. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Graph validation class ComponentA(component: ComponentB) class ComponentB(component: ComponentC) class ComponentC()
  • 65. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Graph validation class ComponentA(component: ComponentB) class ComponentB(component: ComponentC) class ComponentC() val sampleModule = applicationContext { bean { ComponentA(get()) } factory { ComponentB(get()) } }
  • 66. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Graph validation class ComponentA(component: ComponentB) class ComponentB(component: ComponentC) class ComponentC() val sampleModule = applicationContext { bean { ComponentA(get()) } factory { ComponentB(get()) } } class DryRunTest : KoinTest { @Test fun dryRunTest() { startKoin(listOf(sampleModule)) dryRun() } }
  • 67. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Android Arch Components
  • 68. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Default Way class ListFragment : Fragment() { val listViewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this).get( }
  • 69. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Simpler with Kotlin class ListFragment : Fragment() { val listViewModel = getViewModel<ListViewModel>() } inline fun <reified VM : ViewModel> Fragment.getViewModel():VM { return viewModelProvider.get( }
  • 70. Kiev 2018Insert Koin ViewModel with arguments class DetailViewModel(id: String) : ViewModel()
  • 71. Kiev 2018Insert Koin ViewModel with arguments class DetailViewModel(id: String) : ViewModel() class DetailFactory(val id: String) : ViewModelProvider.Factory { override fun <T : ViewModel> create(modelClass: Class<T>): T { if (modelClass == { return DetailViewModel(id) as T } error("Can't create ViewModel for class='$modelClass'") } }
  • 72. Kiev 2018Insert Koin ViewModel with arguments class DetailViewModel(id: String) : ViewModel() class DetailFactory(val id: String) : ViewModelProvider.Factory { override fun <T : ViewModel> create(modelClass: Class<T>): T { if (modelClass == { return DetailViewModel(id) as T } error("Can't create ViewModel for class='$modelClass'") } } class ListFragment : Fragment() { val listViewModel = provideViewModel<DetailViewModel>(DetailFactory(id)) }
  • 73. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Koin Way applicationContext { viewModel { params -> DetailViewModel(params["id"]) } }
  • 74. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Koin Way applicationContext { viewModel { params -> DetailViewModel(params["id"]) } } class ListFragment : Fragment() { val listViewModel by viewModel<ListViewModel> { mapOf("id" to "sample") } }
  • 76. Kiev 2018Insert Koin What missed from Dagger 2? • Compile time validation • Features • Multibindings • Async Injection • Reusable scope
  • 77. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Why use Koin? • Dagger 2 is too complex for start with DI • No need Dagger 2 advanced features • Single place of dependencies declaration • DSL is amazing for dependencies declaration • Support Kotlin Multiplatform projects • Faster build time • Pure Kotlin code
  • 78. Kiev 2018Insert Koin Thanks krlrozov