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Mobile Banking
Yu: Factors Affecting Individuals to Adopt Mobile Banking
Chian–Son Yu Department of Information Technology and Management Shih Chien University #
70, DaZhi Street, Taipei, Taiwan
ABSTRACT Fast advances in the wireless technology and the intensive penetration of cell phones
have motivated banks to spend large budget on building mobile banking systems, but the adoption
rate of mobile banking is still underused than expected. Therefore, research to enrich current
knowledge about what affects individuals to use mobile banking is required. Consequently, this
study employs the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology ... Show more content on ...
[2011] pointed out that main customer segments of mobile and Internet banking were not
necessarily the same, which might explain why Sadi et al. [2010] distinguished mobile commerce
from other electronic commerce.
Page 104
Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, VOL 13, NO 2, 2012
Therefore, compared to huge online banking studies and relative few research available to help
banks understand the adoption of mobile banking [Suoranta & Mattila 2003; Laukkanen & Pasanen
2008; Puschel et al. 2010], more studies to investigate what influences people to adopt mobile
banking are necessary and demanded. Given that the chance of success in introducing a new product
or service is highly related to the depth of understanding of what influences consumers to adopt this
new product or service, this study employed the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology
(UTAUT) with age and gender as moderating effects to elaborately investigate what affecting
individuals to adopt mobile banking. The findings culled from this research can help banks execute
intricate marketing campaigns and customize service options to cater to specific customer segments
in the context of electronic banking. 2. Literature Review Literature reveals that abundant research
on electronic banking has focused on Internet banking (also called online banking), whereas
research focusing on mobile banking is relative little and receives underrated attention [Suorantia &
Mattila 2004; Laukkanen & Pasanen
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Mobile Commerce
Running Header: Mobile Commerce
Mobile Commerce
Management Information System
December 3rd, 2013
The popularity of m–commerce devices, especially mobile phones among consumers high–lighted a
new source of revenue for businesses. An industry review in mobile commerce found a variety of
current trends and business models that will affect future strategic uses from a project management
perspective. This paper explores m–commerce technology from a business perspective; how it is
similar and differs from e–commerce technically; and tries identifying and exploring potential
strategic uses for this new technology.
The Global Mobile Commerce Forum, which came to include over 100 organisations, had its launch
in ... Show more content on ...
US Revenues from m–commerce in 2009 were $1.2 billion(Maher, 2010) and in 2013 it is $25.4
billion and still growing (Brohan 2013), and as consumers become more comfortable with making
purchases with these smartphones, business generated through m–commerce is expected to continue
to grow. To capture some of this revenue, most wireless mobile providers now offer phones with
marketplaces that deliver ringtones, music and customer applications, and major business firms such
as Ebay, Macy's, Scottstrade, and Bank of America have custom applications. These factors make
m–commerce a new and important form of business technology that firms need to strategically
What is m–commerce? In the past, business typically mass–produced goods and services, selling
them through store, catalogue and phone. In the 90's, the Internet produced a shift to these marketing
strategies; forcing business to reevaluate its own business models and how it communicates its
product and services to customers. This diffusion of commerce through the Internet created e–
commerce, and it unleashed a revolution in buying power. Today, with the rapid production of the
mobile phone market, mobile telephone offers the potential platform for unprecedented penetration
of the Internet and services such as m–commerce. According to Buse and Tiwari (2007) M–
commerce is defined as
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The Success Of A Mobile
The success of a mobile application depends on several factors. But none is more important than its
ability to deliver an amazing User Experience (UX). Many experts have concluded the fact that the
popularity of a mobile app depends exclusively on the level of UX it offers to the users.
So, what are the factors that go into creating an ideal mobile UX? A number of studies conducted on
this aspect has determined a range of expertise and technologies that go into achieving it. Experts
have analyzed that most of the leading apps are able to maximize UX through advanced procedures,
and by following some of the modern best practices. A couple of latest methodologies include
Motivational design and Playful interfaces.
Motivational ... Show more content on ...
The fourth takes a more pragmatic approach and combines both motivational and instructional
designing with the use of omnibus models.
Playful UI is about utilizing the aspects of fun and play into the user interface of a mobile app. The
ideology has been influenced by the gaming industry, which has successfully implemented alluring
interfaces that ideally balance the intriguing facets of functionalism and fun. The methodology
involves a deep understanding of the people's day–to–day life and aims to engage them in a playful
manner. By adding the fascinating attributes of play and enjoyment in their lives, the concept aims
to deliver an interface that can appear much more pleasant and enjoyable to the users.
As mobility continues to mature, the role of the design has increased in importance. Here are some
of the vital tips that can be followed to create advanced mobile UX design:
Flexible Layouts
Developers must focus on eradicating all kinds of rigidity from the layout of the app. In order to
ensure their app displays on screens with various sizes, they must make it fluid and flexible.
Irrespective of the dimension, the layout must match their break–points to avoid looking weird to
the users. A wise usage of the advanced responsive design techniques can be an ideal way to ensure
fluidity in the layouts.
Simplified Navigation
Menus are the primary source for
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Essay On Mobile App
Why You Are Running On Half Engine Without A Mobile App The hottest marketing and publicity
tool around now is a mobile app, this is because of its numerous benefits. In fact, mobiles apps have
become indispensable to businesses of today. The major advantage of having a mobile app is
convenience for your customers. Why would any customer go to your website to order a product or
service when he can order it through a competitor's app? In order words, customers order products
and services through an app with higher speed and more convenience. If your app is developed by
experienced app developers, you will enjoy most of the benefits that come with a mobile app.
Another great reason for getting a mobile app is a quick survey. With a ... Show more content on ...
So, with a single button, your messages and posts can be shared to others. To fully exploit this
initiative, you should always include some humor in whatever you send to your customers be it a
marketing message or an explainer video. The funnier your video is the further it will go. By the
time people know your brand for humor, they will be looking forward to posts from your brand and
they will gradually develop emotional attachment to your brand. Communications between you and
your customers will be faster and easier through your mobile app. For instance, customers can easily
send a feedback even if you don't ask for it. This is because mobile apps provide easy feedback
sending platforms. To get the best from your app, there are a few precautionary measures involved.
The first one is to avoid making your app too clumsy with too many unnecessary features.
Concentrate on the features that are of benefit to your business. Providing chatting platform on your
app is a waste of resources. There apps built specifically for that. The simpler it is to understand
your app the more attractive it is for your customers. Why should anybody download an app that
will require him to take a lecture before using it when there are simpler ones available? Costly
mistakes that lead to the failure of some mobile apps As beneficial as mobile apps are, they may not
yield the expected results if you don't follow the right steps. There are several costly mistakes that
some inexperienced
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The Ubiquitous Mobile Essay
The Ubiquitous Mobile
Snap!Snap!Snap! Your privacy has just been invaded by someone who has taken a photo of you in
the dressing room, with their new camera mobile phone! Is this what the latest technology intended
to provide for us? I don't think so, and this is why I think mobile phones can be a really distracting,
and in this case, an offensive tool, despite being a powerful form of telecommunication. These
always, new–up–and–coming devices can cause financial hardships, by people changing life style
habits just to accommodate the purchase of them. Most people are aware of this, however their
immutable minds doesn't stop reminding them to send that extra SMS– message or dial that extra
number. Mobile phones take over our lives, or ... Show more content on ...
The financial expenses, which have accumilated from mobile phones, have been quite dangerous to
particular people. Like pouring water out of a leaking bottle, money has been wasted out of many
people's banks and financial accounts because of mobiles. Not only can mobile phones be
financially challenging but they can also be physically dangerous. Recent studies have shown that
the high level of radiation coming through the antenna while speaking on the mobile, can critically
affect your body by alpha radiation particles mutating a cell, which goes on to divide and divide,
causing a malignant tumor– cancer. So, when all's said and done, mobile phones do have its negative
side, and in my opinion it's negative side is in complete dominance over its positive attributes. These
types of phones can dramatically change people's life styles or even terminate them!
Life styles have often been altered immensely through many life– changing events such as:
marriage, births and deaths, diseases, disorders and the like. But however, none of these examples
really were in people's will power, and mobile phones are in other people's hands and in people's
strength in mind. So, is it our latest generations which want to modify their good life style habits in
order to make mobile phones their number one priority, because of their eye– catching features and
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Benefits Of Mobile Edge Computing In Mobile Edge Computing
This report will talk about Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) within the Radio Access Network
(RAN). Although not a new concept, this report will explore why MEC is relevant for network
applications and how it can be used to cope with the increasing demand of computing power from
the cloud. It will also explore the potential application scenarios and the benefits it can bring in our
everyday life.
Mobile Edge Computing Background Information:
The number of smart devices connected to the internet is expected to increase significantly over the
next decade. Thus, data generated by these smart devices sent to the remote cloud will also increase
significantly. The European Commission predicts that there will be 50 to 100 billion smart ... Show
more content on ...
MEC is also relevant in the implementation of 5G networks. The benefits that MEC will bring into
the evolution of 5G networks are listed below:
 Compute–intensive applications executed at the network edge will help optimize mobile
resources [3]
 Large data can be processed at the edge before being sent to the clouds [3]
 Context–aware services, such as real–time traffic updates, become available with the help of
RAN information [3]
Networks operators are motivated to maintain quality of experience and generate revenue and
therefore need to efficiently cope with the increasing mobile traffic. As mobile applications and
content migrate to the cloud, the latency of the network to access the cloud becomes a major
concern. For application and content providers to deliver more efficient, secure and low latency
connections, deployment of such applications or content at the edge of the network becomes
essential [4]. According to the European Standards Institute, the market drivers of MEC are:
 Business transformation: Technology improvements and new revenue generating applications
help innovate new business strategies
 Industry collaboration: Collaboration between network operators and application and content
providers is essential for optimal access
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Uses of Mobile Phones
USE OF MOBILE PHONES FOR WHO UNDER AGE 18 –You can keep in contact with your
friends and family! –With a camera phone, you can capture memories! –You can use it for
emergencies when you have no money or in need of help! –It's easy to keep! –You can connect to
the Internet! –You can check your emails! –It can be used worldwide! Gossip is not a trivial
pastime: it is essential to human social, psychological and even physical well–being. Mobile gossip
is good for us Gossip is the human equivalent of 'social grooming' among primates, which has been
shown to stimulate production of endorphins, relieving stress and boosting the immune system.
Two–thirds of all human conversation is gossip, because this 'vocal grooming' is essential to our ...
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We should, however, guard against reading too much psychological significance into variations
which may be largely based on cost factors: it is perhaps no accident that those who tend to have
relatively lower incomes (teenagers, pensioners and women) show a preference for the cheaper
option. When we analysed the preferred 'medium' of gossip by social class, we found that, indeed,
the preference for texting was somewhat higher among the lower–income (C1, C2, DE) groups.
Parent Communication * One of the benefits of allowing cell phones in schools is that it allows
parents to communicate with children at any time. In the past, parents often never knew where their
children were until they came home. With cell phones, parents can check up on kids and arrange
transportation or relay important information if necessary. Read more: Advantages &
Disadvantages of Allowing Cell Phones in School |–allowing–cell–phones–
school.html#ixzz1dqcMM7SG The use of mobile phones in education in Africa is a key topic being
explored as part of the World Bank's eTransform Africa initiative. Global survey of the use of
mobile phones in education (note: this study was restructured in May 2011)
––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– The World Bank has embarked on a
general survey of issues related to the use of mobile phones in education in developing countries.
The study is intended to help to raise awareness among key
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Mobile Phones And Mobile Technology
In a remarkably short period of time, Cell phones and mobile technology have become omnipresent
in the day–to–day life in Bangladesh. People around the country are using their cell phones for a
variety of purposes, especially for calling, texting and taking pictures as well as social awareness
raising, literacy training and skill development. The rapid expansion of mobile phone network has
been accompanied by a growing emphasis on providing more cellular based services and promoting
efficiency and financial sustainability. The recent addition to the list is the mobile banking service.
Literature Review
Mobile technologies are changing economic life in rural areas of Bangladesh, where many people
are using cell phones for a range of financial transactions, such as receiving and sending money
transfers. Indeed, mobile banking is already being used by banks and mobile network operators to
provide millions of unbanked consumers in rural areas as a way to store and access money digitally.
The limited information available suggests that mobile banking is helping these people by providing
access to financial services and the ability to pay and be paid electronically–sometimes for the first
time in their lives. Mobile banking allow unbanked people to use their phones as a bank account: to
deposit, withdraw and transfer money with their handset. People can also use mobile systems to pay
utility bills and pay for goods in merchant shops.
Like other developing countries, Bangladesh is
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Mobile Phones And The Mobile Phone
In this day and age, it is almost impossible to not have a cell phone; the number of people who own
a cell phone is growing every year. "At the end of 2011, there were almost 6 billion mobile
subscriptions. That is a dramatic increase from 5.4 billion in 2010 and 4.7 billion mobile
subscriptions in 2009" (International Tele – communications Union, 2011). With the introduction
into society the cell phone established a convenient way to communicate between individuals, and
they have also connected the world in a way that was thought to be impossible before their
invention. When the mobile phone was first invented its only purpose was to be able to make a
phone call while on the go. The mobile phone has gone through a great deal of technological
advancement throughout the years. The cell phones today are called smartphones, which have the
capabilities of a computer with the features of mobile phones. While society has benefited from
mobile phones, there is a growing concern amongst a group of individuals who argue that with this
influx of cell phone technology people have become too obsessed and dependent with their cell
phone to the point where the device has had a negative impact on many people's social skills. Some
of the issues caused by cell phones are the way people use them as a method for avoiding face to
face interaction, the way texting encourages poor grammar techniques, the numerous distractions
cell phones create. One of the more obvious effects cell phones have on
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Mobile Marketing Essay
Trending Mobile App Marketing Strategies The evolution of mobile applications has been steady in
recent times. Applications are shifting from stand–alone platforms to being integrated into
comprehensive mobile strategies. A lot of app development companies are having a re–think on the
reasons why they began their app development journey in the first place. It is no longer a great deal
to have an application or lots of application just for the sake of having it. The tremendous impact of
mobile has been recognized, and it is now being evaluated as a vital part of the business, but how
mobile application is being promoted has to be reassessed. In the past, a lot of companies built their
app (often by hiring a mobile app development company, ... Show more content on
If what your app offers is not satisfactory, your users will look for a more intuitive app experience
from one of your competitors. Obstacles of Mobile Marketing Even if you are a marketing expert, it
is vital to know that mobile app marketing is an entirely new ball game, with different rules and
strategies. The common challenge faced by marketers is how to promote their app. Therefore, they
need new marketing strategies. Some of the unique challenges faced by marketers when
approaching the arena of mobile apps are targeting problems, unfamiliar channels, app store
rankings, understanding users versus downloads, and much more. To help a mobile app
development company to navigate the arena of mobile app marketing, below are some strategies in
app marketing that are proven to be very effective. Focus On Key Performance Indicators Specific
to the Market of the App While mobile app marketing might be a new field for you, what is familiar
with some other marketing campaigns is the setting up of goals. Your goals should be realistic,
measurable, specific, and so on. What is different is the tactics and means together with the specific
nuances of the app to reach those goals. Mobile app marketing brings an entirely new scope of
concern to the table. Your focus should be directed to the key performance indicators (KPIs) specific
to the marketing of the app. These include loyal and organic user acquisition, app store
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Mobile Application For Mobile Applications
Abstract To date, mobile applications are at the peak of their popularity. The number of mobile
application developers increases, the amount of available applications grows as well as the number
of applications' downloads. More and more companies are interested in developing their application,
which will help them succeed in their industry and beat the competition. Mobile applications have
become one of the main trends in the development of information technology. In 2008, the year of
the App Stores' launch, the mobile application market only has been formed, and at the present time
the market has entered a phase of active growth. The paper is based on the literature review and
describes different issues of the mobile applications' evolution. The brief analysis is provided. After
all, conclusions on the prospects of mobile applications are given. Introduction Mobile applications
are software products designed specifically for mobile devices, smart phones, tablet computers and
other devices. Mobile applications are distributed through app stores, namely Apple App Store,
Google Play, Windows Phone Store, BlackBerry App World, and others. Mobile applications help to
solve various applications ranging from mobile mapping and receive e–mail to highly specialized
functions. Mobile applications as well as its diversity are designed to make life easier for users of
mobile devices. Currently, mobile applications are quickly gaining popularity among users of
personal mobile devices
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Mobile Versions Of The Mobile
version isn't perfect, but is definitely better than the mobile phone version. There is a lot more
information on the desktop version than the mobile. The mobile version only has two images on the
slide instead of four. The mobile version also only has three categories to choose from instead of six.
The user is also unable to access their account on the mobile version. Most mobile versions have a
link at the bottom of the desktop or full site version but it does not work. The full site version link
just opens up another tab that contains the mobile version and not the desktop version like it is
supposed to. The desktop version is the best option out of the two when looking for all of the
information. The site is pretty easily navigated the user can pick a category and see all of the other
categories within the category with ease. The only problem is the words, besides the main
categories, are very tiny. If a user has bad eyesight, it could be very hard for them to see the sub
categories or some of the other links on the websites. Even someone with good eyesight still has to
squint in order to read the words correctly. In order to make the site better they should make the
words bigger and if it being too crowded is the issue they should readjust the sub categories in order
for there to be fewer and make them bigger in order to read them more easily. There is a text size
button that helps to increase the size of the text but not by much and it does make it look more
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Mobile Wallet
Abhinav Sultania B.E. SEM VIII Depart ment of co mputer engineering Bharati Vidyapeeth College
of Engineering, pune m
Mobile wallet system is an innovative and
at any point of time. One of the significant application of mobile applications is
transforming the mobile phone into a mobile wallet with digital cash that supports both as real cash
and security [1]. It is a type of mob ile payment technology in which instead of paying with cash,
checks or cred it cards, a consumer can use a mobile phone to pay for wide range of services and
digital or goods such as:
breakth rough
solution that offers the conveniences of cash–less shopping, as ... Show more content on ...
System Description
While using mobile wallet we should have a mobile phone with NFC enabled in it and one touch
point NFC enabled machine. If we want to buy anything just bring our mobile in contact of touch
point and we can simply do the transaction using our mobile phone by entering the product code in
an application called intelliwal which is present in NFC enabled handset.
NFC has many advantages such as mobile ticketing in public transport, exchange of data etc.
VII. Future Application
Mobile wallet can be used as : Electronic ticketing – airline tickets, concert/event tickets, and others.
Electronic money.
Intelliwal is a smart running mobile phone application which incorporates and extends all the
functionality provided by a conventional physical wallet. History of all the transaction is maintained
in this application.
Travel cards. Identity documents. Mobile co mmerce. Electronic keys – car keys,
house/office keys, hotel room keys, etc [3].
Dig ital online registration and identification system, for short DORIS is mainly fo r security
purpose. DORIS works as tri interface chip is attached to NFC enabled mobile phone which
provides authentication. Currently it is in use in some countries such as US. Fo rging a tie–up with
ICICI Bank and Bharti Airtel it is expected that nearly half of present Indian population will use this
by 2010 [4]. VIII. Conclusion Mobile wallet
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Mobile Devices Security
Mobile Devices Security The importance of mobile phones both to individuals and corporate
organizations can never be underestimated. These devices are put to different uses that would have
been almost impossible without them. Innovation is the order of the day when it comes to mobile
phones as designers seek to meet the different needs of customers in the market. Yet these devices
come with great risks particularly when it comes to corporate data that may be stored in them. The
range of security threats that face mobile phones is as a result of several vulnerabilities found
commonly in the devices. The vulnerabilities are partly the result of poor technical controls and
partly poor user security practices. Besides basic user requirements, other security challenges facing
companies with regard to the use of mobile phones include business to business spaces; business to
customer spaces and business to employees as these devices are different from the common desktop
classic environments. Relevant federal agencies and private companies have tried to take necessary
steps to promote security among the use of this devices which includes making certain control
applications available for users to utilize when they wish and disseminating information about
required mobile security behaviors (Metting, 2013). However, security control systems are not often
implemented consistently and it remains unclear whether mobile phone users even understand the
necessity of
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Mobile Banking for the Unbanked
In many developing countries it's common for a person to have a mobile phone but not a bank
account. In fact, more than 1 billion people fit this description, and the number is only likely to
increase. To that end, many companies are considering how to give residents access to banking
services via their handsets. The GSM Association predicts that by 2012, nearly 300 million of the
previously "unbanked" will be using some form of mobile banking. "The mistake a lot of us make is
to look at the folks at the base of the pyramid and assume that they must need the same types of
services we need." The Harvard Business School case study Mobile Banking for the Unbanked
explores two very different examples of mobile financial service models: ... Show more content on ...
"A subscription model doesn't appeal to the poor at all," Rangan says. "They don't want to pay a fee
for something they might not use." Moreover, more than half of South Africa's population had no
access to a bank account. This was largely because half of the population lived below the poverty
line, and banks, understandably, were not eager to serve a moneyless customer base. "Banks find it
an unprofitable proposition to serve people who make less than three dollars per day," Rangan says.
Still, WIZZIT's founders thought there was a noble and viable business model in bringing banking
to the poor, via a mobile banking platform that could be used on even the most primitive cell phone.
They succeeded in finding an engineer to develop the platform, but quickly ran into a major
regulatory roadblock. Per the South African government, only licensed banks were allowed to take
deposits. The cost of a license was the equivalent of $34 million–a hefty fee for a startup–and the
South African Reserve Bank was wary of issuing new permits. Hence, the WIZZIT execs began
searching for an established banking partner. Time and again the top–tier banks turned
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T-Mobile Essay
T–mobile is a leader in Hungary compared to the other providers, since it has existed the longest in
Hungary and the other two providers are the followers Brief history of the company
The begining
The company was found in 1989 by the american U.S. WEST and the
Hungarian Telecommunications Corporation. Its first company name was
Westel telefon Ltd.. This company introduced an entirely new type of phone, which can be used for
telecomunication at any place from home. It is true that in the beginning, very few people lived with
this opportunity. There were two basic reasons for this: the narrow endowment (practically only in
Budapest), and the extremely high price, which was over quarter million forints.
Westel took a ... Show more content on ...
The name of this magazine used to be Westel Talsok but due to the latest changes it is called simply
Talsok. A while later, westel started to produce the different kinds of re–fillable sim cards (Domino
Cards) , which helped the people not to pass limits, so to say keeping controll over their expences.
At the end of this year, more than 360.000 people were using the services of the company.
From 1998 westel was focusing totally on the new millenium. All of its actions were related to that
5.1.2 T–Mobile (Westel) today
First of all we would like to clear the different names of the company, because in the past years the
name of the company has changed many times. First, from Westel 900 GSM to Westel Mobil Rt. It
was necessary, because they were not opareating only on 900 network, but also on 1800 as well. At
that time the number of customers already exceeded 1,5 million , which at that time was the greatest
comparing to its competitors. The next change in their name happened in 2004
May, to T–Mobile Magyarorszg Tsi Rrsasg. Mobile
Hungary Telecommunication Company Ltd. is the leading mobile operator of Hungary. As part of
the T'Mobile group the number of customers of the company – offering high quality services to its
subscribers – exceeded 3.8 million in May 2004.
T'Mobile, as the leading, innovative operator offers top quality services to its pre–paid and postpaid
customers and in addition to
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Mobile Phones And Electronics Particularly On Mobile Devices
In this digital age we have a tendency to be extensively dependent on electronics particularly on
mobile devices. There are various mobile electronic devices: laptop, tablet, and cellular phone to
name a few. In the early 1990's even with the bulkiness students started bringing cellular phones to
school back then. Schools began to place a restriction on the use of mobile phones in the classroom.
Initially, the cell phone was only able to make calls and receive calls. Now, the cell phone or more
commonly named smart phone is the most favorable with students since they are able to stay
connected to a wide variety of social media. For example, "Students can access the Internet, send or
receive text messages, check email, and even video chat with others quite literally from the palm of
their hand" (Kuznekoff, Titsworth 234). With this in mind, a person is able to keep their credit card
information, bank online, shop online, play games, watch videos, the list goes on. Students of all
ages carry their mobile (smart) phones with them when they go to school to make phone calls, text
message or simply just listen to music. It appears very few students engaged in modern education
today are not equipped with a mobile communication device. For instance, take a walk through the
quad and within 5o feet there is a probability of a half dozen or more people walking and talking or
texting on the cell phone. In fact the smart phone has a numerous amount of features and
applications. "Mobile
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Mobile Phone Addiction
The problem of mobile phone addiction (1010words) Nomophobia, the fear of being out of mobile
phone contact. The phrase was coined by a U.K. study commissioned by SecurEnvoy as an
abbreviation for no–mobile–phone phobia. According to an article, 77% of the 18–24 age group
revealed nomophobia. If a person doesn't have his or her cell phone, and feels uncomfortable trying
to respond to real life situations without it, experts warn this is addiction. In Hong Kong, it is not
hard to find teenagers using their phones. Traveling on vehicles, having lunch in restaurants, you can
see youths using their phones wherever and whenever their hands are free. They cannot refrain from
using mobile phones, many of them even use their mobile in class ... Show more content on ...
Secondary schools could forbid students to use mobile phones in the school campus, otherwise will
receive a warning. Students are forced to change their habits under this penalty system. This solution
is only applicable in secondary school, but not university. As university is the study of adulthood,
advocating freedom and rights, so they cannot use this one–way communication and treat the
university students like children. However, students may use their phones secretly, under the table or
in the toilet. Teachers cannot monitor the students everywhere and every second. They have many
things to do in class, such as giving out notes to students, and writing important words onto the
blackboard. So, this may not be an effective way to solve the problem. The best solution is that the
schools add a compulsory course related to mobile phone use. Firstly, the course may show an
analysis about the reasons why teens are holding their phones all the times, and the ways to correct
their bad habit pinpointing to the reasons. For example, self–esteem is one of the reasons of the
addiction–like behavior. Some teens think that receiving a phone call or a text message implies that
'somebody wants me'. It boosts the receivers' self esteem and self worth. Then, the school may need
to think of a solution to this reason, may be to boost the teens' self–esteem in another way. Aside
from that, the course may also include the bad
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Mobile Phones
Mobile Phones: A boon or a bane By Ankita S., ahmedabad, India More by this author Email me
when Ankita S. contributes work Image Credit: Joseph S., San Anselmo, CA Is a knife useful
instrument or a perilous weapon? It depends on how it is used. Same implies with the case of
technology. The greatest invention are those which affect the mass of people; and of those greatest
invention is cell phones .It would be very ungrateful on our parts not to recognise how imperative
are they to us. Cell phones have revolutionised the human existence .This is possible only because
they are getting cheaper and cheaper day by day. Discounted cell phones accessories have made it
even easier to keep the phone intact and give it a longer life. ... Show more content on ...
Plain and pleasure are a result of modern technology . Usage of cell phones as a boon or a bane ; the
answer lies in our hands! Why mobile phone is a Bane? The other day, my daddy was telling me his
childhood stories. He shared his evergreen memories of having a great time with his relatives. In the
olden days, people used to visit friends and relatives often. But look at about our generation. How
often we get to see our relatives? We just make a phone call to talk to them instead of visiting. We
call our grandparents through phones to check if they are doing okay. We wish them Merry
Christmas and Happy New Year by sending a text message. We are living in a fast moving world
where social life is centered around the mobile phones. Mobile phones are the No:1 culprit in
damaging our social life and family life. People have started Texting instead of talking and visiting.
What more, I have seen people talking through phone to the family members in the next room
instead of just getting up from the chair and walking over there. Leave aside the social life. Think
about the health problems because of excessive use of mobile phones. It is a scientific fact that cell
phones emit radio frequency energy, a form of radiation, which can be absorbed by tissues in your
body. The nervous system of children is still developing and is more vulnerable to factors that may
cause cancer. Considering the fact that over 7 billion people use cell
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Mobile Phone
Study of Mobile Phone Usage Among the Teenagers And Youth In Philippines An undergraduate
Thesis Presented to The Faculty of College of Management and Business Technology In partial
Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Subject Research I By: CHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM AND
ITS BACKGROUND 1.1 Introduction Mobile phones have become very popular in recent years and
their development has been amazing. It is no wonder why they have become irreplaceable. With all
applications which go with them they have gained a huge popularity with the people nowadays
especially the teenagers. A mobile phone (also known as a cellular phone, cell phone and a hand
phone) is a device which can make and receive telephone calls over a radio ... Show more content
on ...
In addition, not possessing mobile phone/s is higher in the age bracket 15–16 year olds when
compared to 13–14 olds. The spread of mobile communication among teenagers has been markedly
rapid during the latter half of the 1990s. Young people have created and developed a communication
culture that incorporates many special features, such as a rise in the use of text–based
communication channels. Teenagers' intersecting and selective use of communication channels has
generated multimedia communication. From the theoretical standpoint provided by symbolic
interactions, we can ask whether communication through new media technologies generates new
forms of social interaction. If this is the case, how could we describe and analyze these new forms of
interaction? The media landscapes created by teenagers serve to articulate their personal space, as
well as enabling their presentation of self and defining their relationships to others. The quality of
sleep of almost half of 16 year olds may be affected by text messaging on mobile phones, a study
from Belgium says. The sleep of one in four 13 year olds could be affected too, says the researchers,
who looked at the effects of text messaging on sleep interruption in teenagers (Journal of Sleep
Research (2003:12:263). In the
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Mobile Phone Addiction
Has it happened to you that sometimes you go out but forgot your cell phone at home and so you're
not feeling complete. There's a feeling somewhere inside that you're missing something, a sense of
insecurity sometimes prevails... welcome to the world of cell phone addiction! Mobile Phones Boon
Or Bane Since the dawn of human civilisation man has been creating things to meet his needs.
Mobile phone is one such , portable electronic device. They are now inexpensive, easy to use,
comfortable and equipped with almost every latest feature we desire such as calculator internet
games camera and many more. They are also known as lifesavers as they can help people in
emergencies. Moreover Psychiatrists believe that mobile phone addiction is ... Show more content
on ...
After all that trouble you are normally bothered and frustrated. Things like these can created
accidents and even death. The possibility of brain tumors is also increasing with the use of cellular
phones. Radiation is enormously hazardous to Сеll –рhоne users. The more cell phone uses, the
greater chances become for brain cancer. When Сеll–рhоnes first came out, people purchased them
in case of emergencies. Now, people bring their Сеll–рhоnes everyplace they go and use them for
pleasure, not essentially for purpose. As convenient as Сеll–рhоnes may seem, there is more to it.
Conscientiousness must be taken more sincerely and people need to be more aware of the risks that
are involved in purchasing and using а cellular phone. Cell phones are having a great influence in
our live and are very convenient to keep with us. Cell phones are a faster and more effective way to
transfer information. Indeed, it is a resource that gives its user's great advantages. It is for a fact that
having a mobile phone now a days is a sort of a necessity and it is an inevitable truth that mobile
industry is taking everyone by a
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Mobile And Mobile Essay
When we talk about cell phone or mobile phones we are talking about a portable telephone or device
that can be used to make and receive calls and text messages with another cell phone user provided
they are within a telephone service area. As of its time of production it was considered a great
technology but as time began to change along with people and the environment there was an
increase in demand for more functionalities on the cell phone which led to the development of a new
mobile which we know of today as a smart phone which could handle the demand for more
functionalities. With the release of smart phones came an increase in application and with the
availability of social application on smart phone it became a worldwide phenomenon in quick time
due to its usefulness in almost every sector e.g. business sector, financial sector, entertainment sector
and even the educational sector. This means that seeing student with smartphone device should not
come as a surprise to anyone. Smartphone as a device has wireless connectivity and when that is
combined with social application and is customized for learning leads to open doors for both staff
and students, granting them access to information that may have been out of their reach before but
now stand at the tip of their fingers to be accessed anytime. As we look around the educational
sector in the world today we see that incorporation of student owned gadget into the classroom is
turning into a solution to the problems of
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Mobile Payments
Mobile Transactions and Payment Processing Ashok Goudar Senior Enterprise Architect White
Paper Contents Introduction Mobile Commerce – Business Context Mobile Commerce Strategy
Mobile Channel Strategy Mobile Marketing Mobile Sales Mobile Service Mobile Payment Mobile
Wallets Mobile Commerce Transaction Mobile Banking and Mobile Money Mobile Commerce
Transformation Roadmap Mobile Commerce – Payment Business Scenarios Card based Mobile
User to Business – Payments (CM2B) Mobile – Wallet – User to Business – Payments (M2B)
Mobile – Wallet Mobile Users to Mobile User – Payments (M2M) – Remittance Services Mobile –
Wallet CrossBorderM2M Mobile – Wallet Cross Border M2Account. Mobile Commerce – Payment
Processing Models Card based ... Show more content on ...
Keeping with the growth in the mobile communication technology, the software vendors, service
providers and industry forums, have been offering newer and enhanced mobile operating systems
(Windows mobile 7.0, Android OS, Symbian, Blackberry OS, Apple IOs4 etc), APIs (J2ME,
Window 7 mobile SDK, Android SDK etc), development tools (along with emulators) and
technology standards for mobile computing, making it possible to develop and host a variety of
mobile transaction processing solutions for mobile commerce. In this context, this paper further
discusses solution architecture of a target mobile transaction and payment processing framework for
mobile commerce transaction processing. The paper also briefly touches upon various mobile
commerce business models and solution architecture for business scenarios (conducted on different
mobile communication technologies), that are addressed by the target mobile transaction and
payment processing solution framework. 4 I Mobile Transactions and Payment Processing I White
Paper Mobile Commerce – Business Context Mobile commerce is not only an extension of an
eCommerce business model but also an
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Mobile Phones And The Mobile Phone Industry
Apple Inc. People have become more and more comfortable with and reliant on digital
communication solutions, including the mobile phone. In fact, there are now more mobile phone
subscribers in the world (2.4 billion), than there are landline phones subscribers. The mobile phone
is becoming a primary means of communication, not only for voice but also for digital services,
email, digital photos, navigation, etc. Worldwide over 350 billion text messages, also known as
"SMS Messages," are exchanged across the world's mobile networks every month. The global cell
phone industry had a growth momentum in (2011–2015) that reached an estimated $334.8 billion,
with an annual growth rate of 6.8% over the next five years (2015–2020). Developing regions are
expected to register significant growth. Increase in population and rising urbanization in developing
regions are the key drivers for industry growth. The cell phone industry comprises establishments
primarily engaged in the manufacturing of mobile phones. The industry includes leading global cell
phone handset manufacturers by their segment revenues. The cell phone industry is highly
concentrated. The competitive landscape has changed significantly during the last five years. Three
new companies have emerged as top five players. Motorola Mobility Holdings Inc., Nokia, and LG
Electronics Inc. Apple Inc., Sony, and Samsung have displaced all as top five players in 2014. Apple
Incorporation is an American multinational American company
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Mobile Apps
Mobile Apps Business Strategy Short Marketing Analysis of the Mobile Apps Market Every modern
business needs its own mobile app in order to attract new customers and drive away the competitors
without their own mobile apps. 36% of construction companies utilized more than 5 mobile business
apps in 2014 (Business–Apps, 2015). In other words, software development becomes more
profitable year by year. On the one hand, employers significantly reduced the paperwork and manual
data processing with the help of the mobile apps. 23 percent of huge construction companies use ten
or even more mobile business apps in 2014. Mobile apps cut costs on inspections (61%), checklists
(31%) and work orders (49%). 69 ... Show more content on ...
Some apps are cross–platform, and some are not. Free software offering can be a smart move for
attracting new clients. Software–as–a–service (SaaS) offerings help avoiding app management and
development costs. The websites such as and Microsoft Dynamics help solving
problems related to mobile relationship management (CRM). Salesforce's monthly subscription
costs $125, and Microsoft Dynamics CRM's monthly subscription is $65. MobileFabric enterprise
apps subscriptions cost $80 monthly for up to 10 apps. Subscription for the unlimited apps worth
$150. Kony's subscription worth $29 for 5 apps monthly. Paradoxically, but the free games must be
the most profitable mobile apps (Mirani, 2015). The point is that users start playing games for free,
but then they purchase additional items/coupons within the games. Nearly 93 percent of the mobile
games are free at the beginning (the so called "free–to–play" games (FTP)). These games eventually
generate about $220 billion annually while pre–paid mobile games generate only $10 billion, or 4.55
percent of the free–to–play market. As a conclusion, every mobile app must have its clear audience
(students, employers, businessmen, software developers, jobless,
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Mobile Application Development : The Mobile Improving System
This project involves the mobile application development using the swift programming language in
IOS which includes advanced functionalities such as speech recognition with voice transcription and
search functionality using the built in "Spotlight" search function. Users are able record their
memories that they have for a particular photo from their gallery. The recorded voice will then be
transcribe into text and will be searchable. When users exit the app, they can then quickly use the
"Spotlight" search function that is built in the IOS environment to search for their photos that have
been recorded. The aim of this project is to utilise our understanding in the MVC framework to
build an IOS app using Apple's Code IDE and using Apple's ... Show more content on ...
Users can access to the particular system anytime and anyplace with just few keys to press due to its
convenience as well as the utilization of latest software and equipment. The main language for this
program is Swift 3. Zero, which a programming language is created by Apple. Apart from, several
history databases for all recommendations is going to be used. The golden objective of this
application is to give the most accurate calculation within BMR as well as recommend ideal
nutrition and workout programs for different individuals based on their very own body
measurements. In the future, Helpful trainer can be upgraded simply by which includes more add–
on features as well as improving the directories for more exact results. Furthermore, sending ideas
and notices to customers will be the absolute goal for further growth. 2 Rationale There is a rise in
the use of mobile application in this day and age particularly because of the spike in the number of
smartphone users. In 2016, Apple owns a market share of about 14.5% in smartphones sales. The
company reported selling about 78.3 million iPhones. Figure 1 – Global Smartphone Vendor
Shipments and Market share in Q4 2016 With a steady rise of sales from smartphones companies,
there will be a huge market in mobile applications development utilising the latest and greatest
technologies offered by these tech giants. With every new iteration of SDK (Software Development
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T Mobile
MRKT 5000 Online Course T–Mobile Promotes with Celebrity Sidekicks Case Summary: T–
Mobile is the fourth largest cell phone provider in the United States. AT&T plans to pay $39
billion to buy Deutsche Telekom 's T–Mobile USA in a deal that is expected to attract intense
regulatory scrutiny as it creates a new U.S. mobile market leader. Key Marketing Issues Product T–
Mobile provides a wide range of mobile phones with different features which target customers in
terms of their communication needs and wants. Price T–Mobile consistently offers cheaper plans
than its competitors Placement Operates in six different companies including the United States
Competitors Sprint, Verizon, and AT&T (however merger was ... Show more content on ...
"As one of the fastest growing wireless carriers, T–Mobile has permeated pop–culture to become
relevant and meaningful to the lifestyles of their young consumers," said Heidi Ueberroth, NBA
Executive Vice President. "We are confident that this wide–reaching partnership will further
accelerate their growth in the wireless space." T–Mobile is confident that these partnerships will
broaden its exposure and enhance its youth–targeted image. 4. In what ways is T–Mobile supporting
its personal selling activities at the retail level? T–Mobile mission is not only to remain at the top of
its industry in customer service but also to eventually become the most highly respected service
company across industries. To achieve this goal, T–Mobile's CEO Robert Dotson and Chief
Marketing Officer Mike Butler visit a large number of T–Mobile stores every quarter. Butler says
the purpose of the visits is not to lecture employees but to learn from them: "We come away with a
list of items we're going to address to help deliver better customer service in the future." Many of
the ideas expressed by T–Mobile employees have been incorporated by the company. 5. T–Mobile
promotes its highly rated customer service as a selling point. Do you think it is effective against
competitors that promote high–tech multimedia features? Explain. Although T–Mobile
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Mobile Telephone Call : A Mobile Device Essay
Mobile telephone call: A mobile device initiates a call by sending the number of the called device on
the preselected setup channel. In this process, the the mobile device firstly checks whether the setup
channel is idle by examining information that comes from the BS channel. If it finds that the setup
channel is idle, the mobile device may transmit the information of number to the BS. The BS then
sends the request to the MTSO.
Mobile device paging: The MTSO then tries to complete the connection to the called mobile device.
In this process, the MTSO sends a paging message to certain BSs by examining the mobile number.
Each BS sends the paging message on the setup channel, including the information of number.
Telephone Call connected: The called mobile device monitors the setup channel and finds its
number in the paging message. And then it responds to the BS, which transmits the response to the
MTSO. The MTSO sets up a connection between the calling and called BSs. And then the MTSO
tries to find an available traffic channel within each BS's cell. If the MTSO find available traffic
channel, it will notify each BS, which in turn notifies the mobile devices. The two mobile devices
tune to their respective assigned channels.
Call in connection: When the connection is maintained between two mobile devices, voice or data
signals are exchanged between the two mobile devices, through their corresponding BSs and the
Handover: If a mobile device moves out of the scope of one
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Mobile Programming And The Market Needs Mobile Developers
Assignment 1
Nansi Surlekova, Student ID: 13006763
Section 1
It is noticeable that the market needs mobile developers. Recently, mobile programming has grown
10 times faster than desktop programming. Even though this is going on and on for years now and a
lot of people started participating in this area of business, there is still place for more. After
researching a few websites for job opportunities I came across 3 interesting posts.
The first job is about a Junior Mobile Application Developer. The posts states that you will be
mentored, but still, you need to have enough experience so you can manage things on your own. The
skills required for this position are as expected: "A working knowledge of .NET, C#, Java, HTML5,
... Show more content on ...
As you can see I am going up, one step at a time. The requirements for this position are longer than
the whole information given in the two previous posts. "Do you have at least 5 years professional
software development experience?" – No. "Do you have at least 3 years professional Android
development experience?" – No. You should have experience in almost every field that is connected
in some way with mobile development, examples are: Java, Android SDK, Eclipse ADB,
Knowledge of Android– specific UI patterns and affordances, IOS, PHP, JQuery etc., oh and let's not
forget about the degree in computer science. So if we say that you become a Junior developer, wait a
few years, then go up to just being a developer and take your life in your hands by reading books
and coding more than you breathe, yes, you might be able to apply for a position like that in about
30 years.
The chart below sums up the main skills that are required in order to launch your career in Mobile
Development. How does that fit my skill set? Barely. But a good amount of time and effort can
easily fix that. An example of a way to start building up my skill set is by actually starting to work
on an app. At first thought it all seems scary, to be honest, but if a selected field interests you,
everything can be accomplished. Most required skills
18% 20%
14% 17%
Android SDK Java jQuery PHP
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Mobile Phones And Mobile Phone Industry
Do you still remember the "old days" of flip phones and low bandwidth? How many apps did you
installed in your smartphone today? The mobile phone industry has been firmly growing at a nearly
geometric pace, and it shows no signs of slowing. Since the middle of the 20th century, the mobile
phone industry, including apps, software, and web interactivity, has been designed and developed in
a imaginable way. Mobile phones have changed from being simple functional communication tools
into being fully functional pocket–sized personal computers. Today, the mobile phone industry
shows immense advantages. The development of 3G, 4G and wireless network helps mobile phone
market to outstrip use of landline phones. People are becoming more and ... Show more content on ...
The company was formed in Cupertino, California, in 1976. Steve Jobs was the founder of the
company and was the most charismatic leader in the world of business today. Other founders include
Ronald Wayne and Steve Wozniak.
The company's famous hardware products are the iPod, Mac computers, the iPhone, and the iPad.
Apple has been able to create a distinctive reputation in the global consumer electronics industry
through its philosophy of detailed aesthetic design and unique advertising campaigns. Besides, the
company has created a consumer base that is loyal to the brand and company, especially in the U S.
According to Fortune magazine, Apple is the most "liked" company in the US in 2008, and globally
in 2008, 2009, and 2010. The company operates in four industries such as computer hardware,
digital distribution, computer software, and consumer electronics. According to Fortune magazine,
Apple has been the most admired company for eight years in a row. In addition to that, the company
has been performing In the fourth quarter of 2015, Apple has made $51 billions in revenue and
$11.1 billion in profits (WSJ).
Apple uses product differentiation and premium pricing strategies. According to Apple, the company
sells quality phones to provide a great experience. The company's pillars include focussing on the
high end, prioritizing
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Mobile Shopping In Mobile E-Commerce
With evolving technologies and digital innovation, mobile e–commerce is rapidly growing. Mobile
devices, especially smartphones, have revolutionized the online shopping experience with time and
seems like it's just the beginning to the frontier.
M–commerce is shopping through a mobile device – smartphones or tablets. This experience is
becoming a habit for many consumers. According to a study among 1,000 US merchants, 16% of
them already have an established mobile shopping channel and 32% of them are on strategic phase
to start selling products through mobile within a year (Meola, 2016).
The mobile shopping is expected to grow bigger and bigger. As per the US Census Bureau and
comScore, in 2014, m–commerce was 11.6% of the $303 billion USA e–commerce total and
estimated to increase to 45% of the total e–commerce value by 2020 (Meola, 2016).A large market
share with potential to grow into a billion dollars
Industry and constant technological advancements in Android and iOS operating systems will
transform m–commerce very soon. This makes it critical to evaluate this EC initiative and obtain a
more holistic picture about shopping from a touch of a button.
Evolution of Mobile Commerce
Mobile commerce is the ability to do business transactions between two parties through a mobile
device. The underlying principle is mobile computing, a technology that enables wireless devices to
transmit data without any physical internet connection. Rahimi (2014) mentioned that
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T-Mobile: Shake Up The Mobile Industry
Over the past few years, T–Mobile has done a lot to shake up the mobile industry. They were the
first big carrier to do away with contracts, and were one of the first carriers to give customers the
ability to buy phones outright through a monthly payment plan that allowed them to upgrade
whenever they wanted. On Tuesday Sprint's latest earnings call confirmed that T–Mobile had
officially surpassed Sprint as the third largest mobile carrier in the nation. T–Mobile Has 58.9
Million Subscribers In the report, Sprint indicated that the company gained an additional 675,000
subscribers over the past quarter, boosting its overall subscriber total up to 56.8 million. Last month,
T–Mobile reported that it was up to 58.9 million customers, which puts
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Designing Mobile Applications For Mobile Phones For Their...
The Concept Our company currently specialises in Web Technologies (i.e. Websites) We customize
and create websites of the highest quality and deliver quickly with our highly accomplished staff. I
would like to propose my new idea about expanding out to designing mobile applications for our
clientele that will do all the things needed from the website at ease and accessibility of using a
mobile phone, and lets face it everyone now–a–days has a mobile phone that can run applications
which would make some things a lot easier such as banking, store locating etc. In this proposal i will
be researching how efficiently the competitors are creating apps for mobile phones for their clients,
how much on average it costs to produce an app and how ... Show more content on
They will ask you questions on how you want your app made and make logical decisions to make it
the best it will be with the options available. They will quickly and precisely make your application
or web page in the desired time and up to professional standards. AppMakr® – AppMakr is more of
a one person app creating team. They give you all the templates and codes to create your own app
you just chose what you like and add your information to it. They will publish your created apps for
free but it isn 't as professional and doesn 't have as much customization as other websites or as
business orientated but is a fast reliable way to create apps quickly and efficiently. This is more of a
option to people who have little time to create apps and want to have the main role in deciding what
goes in the app but it is all up to the person creating it. Application development costs and
timeframes So there is no simple definitive answer for this question, an app can range between a few
weeks to 8 months depending on the team who develops it and depending on what content the app
will have and what you want the app to do. Also things to be considered are the design do you want
a simple User Interface which only takes a week or so or a custom User Interface which can take up
to 3+ weeks depending on what you
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Mobile Market in Bangladesh
Bangladesh – Telecoms, Mobile, Broadband and Forecasts The outstanding success of the mobile
market, however, has been achieved in a Bangladesh that continues to struggle with its lowly
economic status, its frequent natural disasters such cyclones and floods and the slow implementation
of much–needed economic reforms. This state of affairs is reflected in the fixed–line segment of the
local telecom market which remains stagnant with a teledensity of less than 1%, the lowest in South
Asia. With almost 99% of homes lacking a telephone and with a substantial waiting list for fixed–
line services, the country is still struggling with some of the most underdeveloped
telecommunications infrastructure in the world. Interestingly, about 80% of ... Show more content
on ...
This was preceded by a significant three–year period in which the country saw mobile subscriber
numbers more than treble as the market expanded rapidly. The well–known investment bank,
Morgan Stanley, anticipates an expansion to 40 percent mobile phone penetration in the country
within a few years. By 2015, Bangladesh will witness an even greater growth of penetration –– it is
estimated to be around 50 mobile sets per 100 inhabitants. An increasing number of mobile phone
operators are showing eagerness to invest in the Bangladesh market, which demonstrates the country
's huge potential in mobile phone growth for many years to come. Grameenphone was far and away
the leading mobile operator, claiming around 21 million subscribers, or 47% of the total mobile
subscriber base, as at mid–2009, despite the best commercial efforts of its five competitors. Internet
penetration remains low (0.4%
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Mobile Application For Mobile Applications
Table of Contents
Introduction 2
Mobile Devices 2
Smart–Phones 2 iPhone 3
Samsung Galaxy 3
Microsoft Lumia 950 XL 4
Mobile Operating Systems 5
Apple (iOS) 5
Android 6
Windows 10 Mobile 7
References 8
Mobile applications are now capable of running on many different forms of hardware. At first they
were commonly deployed onto the first "smartphones" however today, a mobile application can be
found on anything from a Television to a Watch. In basic a brief definition of a mobile application
would be
"A mobile application, most commonly referred to as an app, is a type of application software
designed to run on a mobile device, such as a smartphone or tablet computer. Mobile applications
frequently serve to provide users ... Show more content on ...
(How–To–Geek, 2014) iPhone The iPhone is a mobile phone which was released by apple in 2007,
to date there has been 9 different models (10 including the 5c). The latest version of the iPhone is
called the iPhone 6s, it launched on 25th September 2015. The phone comes in two versions, 6s and
6s Plus. The 6s Plus, is a larger phone. Due to the increase in sizes there is some technical
advantages to having it. The larger phone allows for a bigger battery, giving the phone an extra 56
minutes of use. However it takes 15 minutes longer to charge. The 6s sports a 5.5 inch led backlit
display. With a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels. With 401 Pixels per Inch. The phone has 2 GB of
LPDDR4 ram, and a 1.85 GHz dual core ARMv8–A CPU, running apples A9 processor and M9
motion coprocessor. The 6s runs apples iOS operating system, the latest version of which is 9.2.1.
(Wikipedia, 2016)
Samsung Galaxy
The Samsung Galaxies are a series of mobile devices first released in June 2009. The leading range
of which are the S editions, of which there has been 6 main releases with 16 variants. The latest
version is the Samsung Galaxy S6 it was released on the 10th April 2015. The Samsung Galaxy S6
was similarly designed to previous models however it features a metal Unibody frame instead of a
plastic one like previous versions and has a glass backing instead of a plastic one like previous
models. The S6 has a variant called the S6 edge
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Mobile Phone
Ever–changing technologies have indeed created its demand in the world today. Many people are so
dependent on technology that they have unknowingly become the slaves of technology. It has also
helped to create convenience to the people. To date, many people are using their mobile phone as
their personal digital assistant, one example is Smartphone. Smartphone is a combination of mobile
phones and personal digital assistant. As a mobile phone, it can be used to make phone calls, update
contact list, personal calendar and task list. With technology enhancements, its role as a personal
digital assistant will help to create access of electronic email, web pages and Microsoft applications.
Thus, it infiltrating the ... Show more content on ...
First of all, instead of carrying two separate devices one for work and other for personal interaction,
Smartphone is the best suitable device for the employee. Smartphone is handy and small enough to
tuck into pockets which are convenient for employee to travel around. For this reason, it will add to
the efficiency gain of mobile access to email and keep in touch with customer's query.
Another area is Smartphone have applications software that specialized to the business requirement.
With this basis, employee can access back–end data sources through Smartphone. And it also creates
real–time communication and fast decision making in the workforce. And I believed this would
eventually lead to an increase in employee's competency and capabilities in the work. Smartphone
application software also supports a single rationalized device platform, where then reduces the need
for IT to services the device. For employee who uses their personal Smartphone for work–related
duties, they will be assigned for corporate mobile security a policy that includes password
protection. As a result, IT will enforce a security baseline for user–owned Smartphone.
On the other hand, organization capitalizes on employee's enthusiasm for the technology (Appendix
2). As social networking is the trend in the climate, more people will use Smartphone to associate
with one another. These provide the interaction of organization to the employee and also creating
awareness of the
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Difference Between Mobile Media And Mobile Privatization
Name: Yujie Fan
Instructor: Jeremy Packer
Course Title: CCT109H5 TUT0112
Date: Nov. 28, 2017
Mobile Media and Mobile Privatization As the growth of the society, mobile media continued to
develop the mass media. Social media has grown a new sense of mobile privatization, which has
brought a more intensified community involvement. Social network itself can be defined as the
expansion of the users' circle through a more advanced technology. This paper is going to use the
concept of mobile privatization and flow 2.0 to discuss the similarities and the differences between
the citizen band ratio and smartphone.
CB radio is a two–way radio system that opens to the citizens used to get communication with the
outside world at home. At last century CB radios are use by long–distance truck drivers, because of
the speed limit, they share the road conditions information to avoid police. Also, do the underlying
social and friendly chats. "The CB absence speaks to a number of biases within a field that tends to
focus either on communications technologies whose content can be quantified or textually
interpreted or on the ownership and distribution networks of corporate industry giants said to
dominate media production, reception, and meaning creation" (Packer, J. 2008) The appear of CB
radio leads people to have their own bias, give citizens the ability to create an individually oriented
culture that allowed people more free speech, unlike in the past, people only listen to what
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Mobile Banking
Mobile Banking
The last time that technology had a major impact in helping banks service their customers was with
the introduction of the Internet banking. Internet Banking helped give the customer's anytime access
to their banks. Customer's could check out their account details, get their bank statements, perform
transactions like transferring money to other accounts and pay their bills sitting in the comfort of
their homes and offices. However the biggest limitation of Internet banking is the requirement of a
PC with an Internet connection, not a big obstacle if we look at the US and the European countries,
but definitely a big barrier if we consider most of the developing countries of Asia like China and ...
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For service providers, Mobile banking offers the next surest way to achieve growth. Countries like
Korea where mobile penetration is nearing saturation, mobile banking is helping service providers
increase revenues from the now static subscriber base. Also service providers are increasingly using
the complexity of their supported mobile banking services to attract new customers and retain old
The scale at which Mobile banking has the potential to grow can be gauged by looking at the pace
users are getting mobile in these big Asian economies. The explosion as most analysts say, is yet to
come as India has about one of the biggest untapped markets, China and South Korea all three of
these countries have seen gradual roll–out of mobile banking services, the most aggressive being
Korea which is now witnessing the roll–out of some of the most advanced services like using mobile
phones to pay bills in shops and restaurants.
 Mobile banking is well utilized in countries of Europe and even Japan, yet it is slow to catch up in
America. A study by Forrester Research found that only 10% of Americans like the idea of m
banking while 35% already bank online
 Citibank had designed its own mobile banking software that can be downloaded and installed on
more than 100 handsets over any carrier's network
 Citibank has developed mobile
... Get more on ...
Mobile Phones And The Internet
1) Telecommunications is an industry that is rapidly growing and changing. Any communication
using technology can be considered telecommunications, but the phone and internet are the two
most commonly thought of forms. It is becoming increasingly common for both internet and phone
features to be accessed on a single device. Smartphones, mobile phones that are internet capable,
have only been available for a relatively short time. Despite this, their popularity has exploded and
their features are changing the world in many ways. Much like with mobile phones in general,
consumers were quick to adopt smartphones. In 1984 only 92,000 Americans subscribed to mobile
phone services; 16 years later almost 110 million were subscribed to these same services. As of the
end of 2008, about 270 million Americans were using mobile phone services (Federal
Communications Commission, 2010). Recent research indicates that smartphones now outsell
mobile phones that aren't able to access the internet and make up 53.6 percent of total mobile phone
sales (Gartner, Inc., 2014). The popularity and capabilities of these new smartphones are opening up
new markets and changing the ways that businesses are attempting to reach consumers. It is
estimated that half of Americans over the age of 18 currently own a smartphone and that half of
them access social media with these devices (Armstrong & Kotler, 2014). This has created a new
and effective way of marketing to consumers that many companies are
... Get more on ...

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Mobile Banking

  • 1. Mobile Banking Yu: Factors Affecting Individuals to Adopt Mobile Banking FACTORS AFFECTING INDIVIDUALS TO ADOPT MOBILE BANKING: EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE FROM THE UTAUT MODEL Chian–Son Yu Department of Information Technology and Management Shih Chien University # 70, DaZhi Street, Taipei, Taiwan ABSTRACT Fast advances in the wireless technology and the intensive penetration of cell phones have motivated banks to spend large budget on building mobile banking systems, but the adoption rate of mobile banking is still underused than expected. Therefore, research to enrich current knowledge about what affects individuals to use mobile banking is required. Consequently, this study employs the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology ... Show more content on ... [2011] pointed out that main customer segments of mobile and Internet banking were not necessarily the same, which might explain why Sadi et al. [2010] distinguished mobile commerce from other electronic commerce. Page 104 Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, VOL 13, NO 2, 2012 Therefore, compared to huge online banking studies and relative few research available to help banks understand the adoption of mobile banking [Suoranta & Mattila 2003; Laukkanen & Pasanen 2008; Puschel et al. 2010], more studies to investigate what influences people to adopt mobile banking are necessary and demanded. Given that the chance of success in introducing a new product or service is highly related to the depth of understanding of what influences consumers to adopt this new product or service, this study employed the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) with age and gender as moderating effects to elaborately investigate what affecting individuals to adopt mobile banking. The findings culled from this research can help banks execute intricate marketing campaigns and customize service options to cater to specific customer segments in the context of electronic banking. 2. Literature Review Literature reveals that abundant research on electronic banking has focused on Internet banking (also called online banking), whereas research focusing on mobile banking is relative little and receives underrated attention [Suorantia & Mattila 2004; Laukkanen & Pasanen
  • 2. ... Get more on ...
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  • 6. Mobile Commerce Running Header: Mobile Commerce Mobile Commerce Management Information System December 3rd, 2013 Abstract The popularity of m–commerce devices, especially mobile phones among consumers high–lighted a new source of revenue for businesses. An industry review in mobile commerce found a variety of current trends and business models that will affect future strategic uses from a project management perspective. This paper explores m–commerce technology from a business perspective; how it is similar and differs from e–commerce technically; and tries identifying and exploring potential strategic uses for this new technology. Introduction The Global Mobile Commerce Forum, which came to include over 100 organisations, had its launch in ... Show more content on ... US Revenues from m–commerce in 2009 were $1.2 billion(Maher, 2010) and in 2013 it is $25.4 billion and still growing (Brohan 2013), and as consumers become more comfortable with making purchases with these smartphones, business generated through m–commerce is expected to continue to grow. To capture some of this revenue, most wireless mobile providers now offer phones with marketplaces that deliver ringtones, music and customer applications, and major business firms such as Ebay, Macy's, Scottstrade, and Bank of America have custom applications. These factors make m–commerce a new and important form of business technology that firms need to strategically consider. What is m–commerce? In the past, business typically mass–produced goods and services, selling them through store, catalogue and phone. In the 90's, the Internet produced a shift to these marketing strategies; forcing business to reevaluate its own business models and how it communicates its product and services to customers. This diffusion of commerce through the Internet created e– commerce, and it unleashed a revolution in buying power. Today, with the rapid production of the mobile phone market, mobile telephone offers the potential platform for unprecedented penetration of the Internet and services such as m–commerce. According to Buse and Tiwari (2007) M– commerce is defined as ... Get more on ...
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  • 10. The Success Of A Mobile The success of a mobile application depends on several factors. But none is more important than its ability to deliver an amazing User Experience (UX). Many experts have concluded the fact that the popularity of a mobile app depends exclusively on the level of UX it offers to the users. So, what are the factors that go into creating an ideal mobile UX? A number of studies conducted on this aspect has determined a range of expertise and technologies that go into achieving it. Experts have analyzed that most of the leading apps are able to maximize UX through advanced procedures, and by following some of the modern best practices. A couple of latest methodologies include Motivational design and Playful interfaces. Motivational ... Show more content on ... The fourth takes a more pragmatic approach and combines both motivational and instructional designing with the use of omnibus models. Playful UI is about utilizing the aspects of fun and play into the user interface of a mobile app. The ideology has been influenced by the gaming industry, which has successfully implemented alluring interfaces that ideally balance the intriguing facets of functionalism and fun. The methodology involves a deep understanding of the people's day–to–day life and aims to engage them in a playful manner. By adding the fascinating attributes of play and enjoyment in their lives, the concept aims to deliver an interface that can appear much more pleasant and enjoyable to the users. As mobility continues to mature, the role of the design has increased in importance. Here are some of the vital tips that can be followed to create advanced mobile UX design: Flexible Layouts Developers must focus on eradicating all kinds of rigidity from the layout of the app. In order to ensure their app displays on screens with various sizes, they must make it fluid and flexible. Irrespective of the dimension, the layout must match their break–points to avoid looking weird to the users. A wise usage of the advanced responsive design techniques can be an ideal way to ensure fluidity in the layouts. Simplified Navigation Menus are the primary source for ... Get more on ...
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  • 14. Essay On Mobile App Why You Are Running On Half Engine Without A Mobile App The hottest marketing and publicity tool around now is a mobile app, this is because of its numerous benefits. In fact, mobiles apps have become indispensable to businesses of today. The major advantage of having a mobile app is convenience for your customers. Why would any customer go to your website to order a product or service when he can order it through a competitor's app? In order words, customers order products and services through an app with higher speed and more convenience. If your app is developed by experienced app developers, you will enjoy most of the benefits that come with a mobile app. Another great reason for getting a mobile app is a quick survey. With a ... Show more content on ... So, with a single button, your messages and posts can be shared to others. To fully exploit this initiative, you should always include some humor in whatever you send to your customers be it a marketing message or an explainer video. The funnier your video is the further it will go. By the time people know your brand for humor, they will be looking forward to posts from your brand and they will gradually develop emotional attachment to your brand. Communications between you and your customers will be faster and easier through your mobile app. For instance, customers can easily send a feedback even if you don't ask for it. This is because mobile apps provide easy feedback sending platforms. To get the best from your app, there are a few precautionary measures involved. The first one is to avoid making your app too clumsy with too many unnecessary features. Concentrate on the features that are of benefit to your business. Providing chatting platform on your app is a waste of resources. There apps built specifically for that. The simpler it is to understand your app the more attractive it is for your customers. Why should anybody download an app that will require him to take a lecture before using it when there are simpler ones available? Costly mistakes that lead to the failure of some mobile apps As beneficial as mobile apps are, they may not yield the expected results if you don't follow the right steps. There are several costly mistakes that some inexperienced ... Get more on ...
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  • 18. The Ubiquitous Mobile Essay The Ubiquitous Mobile Snap!Snap!Snap! Your privacy has just been invaded by someone who has taken a photo of you in the dressing room, with their new camera mobile phone! Is this what the latest technology intended to provide for us? I don't think so, and this is why I think mobile phones can be a really distracting, and in this case, an offensive tool, despite being a powerful form of telecommunication. These always, new–up–and–coming devices can cause financial hardships, by people changing life style habits just to accommodate the purchase of them. Most people are aware of this, however their immutable minds doesn't stop reminding them to send that extra SMS– message or dial that extra number. Mobile phones take over our lives, or ... Show more content on ... The financial expenses, which have accumilated from mobile phones, have been quite dangerous to particular people. Like pouring water out of a leaking bottle, money has been wasted out of many people's banks and financial accounts because of mobiles. Not only can mobile phones be financially challenging but they can also be physically dangerous. Recent studies have shown that the high level of radiation coming through the antenna while speaking on the mobile, can critically affect your body by alpha radiation particles mutating a cell, which goes on to divide and divide, causing a malignant tumor– cancer. So, when all's said and done, mobile phones do have its negative side, and in my opinion it's negative side is in complete dominance over its positive attributes. These types of phones can dramatically change people's life styles or even terminate them! Life styles have often been altered immensely through many life– changing events such as: marriage, births and deaths, diseases, disorders and the like. But however, none of these examples really were in people's will power, and mobile phones are in other people's hands and in people's strength in mind. So, is it our latest generations which want to modify their good life style habits in order to make mobile phones their number one priority, because of their eye– catching features and "miraculous" ... Get more on ...
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  • 22. Benefits Of Mobile Edge Computing In Mobile Edge Computing Introduction: This report will talk about Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) within the Radio Access Network (RAN). Although not a new concept, this report will explore why MEC is relevant for network applications and how it can be used to cope with the increasing demand of computing power from the cloud. It will also explore the potential application scenarios and the benefits it can bring in our everyday life. Mobile Edge Computing Background Information: The number of smart devices connected to the internet is expected to increase significantly over the next decade. Thus, data generated by these smart devices sent to the remote cloud will also increase significantly. The European Commission predicts that there will be 50 to 100 billion smart ... Show more content on ... MEC is also relevant in the implementation of 5G networks. The benefits that MEC will bring into the evolution of 5G networks are listed below:  Compute–intensive applications executed at the network edge will help optimize mobile resources [3]  Large data can be processed at the edge before being sent to the clouds [3]  Context–aware services, such as real–time traffic updates, become available with the help of RAN information [3] Networks operators are motivated to maintain quality of experience and generate revenue and therefore need to efficiently cope with the increasing mobile traffic. As mobile applications and content migrate to the cloud, the latency of the network to access the cloud becomes a major concern. For application and content providers to deliver more efficient, secure and low latency connections, deployment of such applications or content at the edge of the network becomes essential [4]. According to the European Standards Institute, the market drivers of MEC are:  Business transformation: Technology improvements and new revenue generating applications help innovate new business strategies  Industry collaboration: Collaboration between network operators and application and content providers is essential for optimal access ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. Uses of Mobile Phones USE OF MOBILE PHONES FOR WHO UNDER AGE 18 –You can keep in contact with your friends and family! –With a camera phone, you can capture memories! –You can use it for emergencies when you have no money or in need of help! –It's easy to keep! –You can connect to the Internet! –You can check your emails! –It can be used worldwide! Gossip is not a trivial pastime: it is essential to human social, psychological and even physical well–being. Mobile gossip is good for us Gossip is the human equivalent of 'social grooming' among primates, which has been shown to stimulate production of endorphins, relieving stress and boosting the immune system. Two–thirds of all human conversation is gossip, because this 'vocal grooming' is essential to our ... Show more content on ... We should, however, guard against reading too much psychological significance into variations which may be largely based on cost factors: it is perhaps no accident that those who tend to have relatively lower incomes (teenagers, pensioners and women) show a preference for the cheaper option. When we analysed the preferred 'medium' of gossip by social class, we found that, indeed, the preference for texting was somewhat higher among the lower–income (C1, C2, DE) groups. Parent Communication * One of the benefits of allowing cell phones in schools is that it allows parents to communicate with children at any time. In the past, parents often never knew where their children were until they came home. With cell phones, parents can check up on kids and arrange transportation or relay important information if necessary. Read more: Advantages & Disadvantages of Allowing Cell Phones in School |–allowing–cell–phones– school.html#ixzz1dqcMM7SG The use of mobile phones in education in Africa is a key topic being explored as part of the World Bank's eTransform Africa initiative. Global survey of the use of mobile phones in education (note: this study was restructured in May 2011) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– The World Bank has embarked on a general survey of issues related to the use of mobile phones in education in developing countries. The study is intended to help to raise awareness among key ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. Mobile Phones And Mobile Technology In a remarkably short period of time, Cell phones and mobile technology have become omnipresent in the day–to–day life in Bangladesh. People around the country are using their cell phones for a variety of purposes, especially for calling, texting and taking pictures as well as social awareness raising, literacy training and skill development. The rapid expansion of mobile phone network has been accompanied by a growing emphasis on providing more cellular based services and promoting efficiency and financial sustainability. The recent addition to the list is the mobile banking service. Literature Review Mobile technologies are changing economic life in rural areas of Bangladesh, where many people are using cell phones for a range of financial transactions, such as receiving and sending money transfers. Indeed, mobile banking is already being used by banks and mobile network operators to provide millions of unbanked consumers in rural areas as a way to store and access money digitally. The limited information available suggests that mobile banking is helping these people by providing access to financial services and the ability to pay and be paid electronically–sometimes for the first time in their lives. Mobile banking allow unbanked people to use their phones as a bank account: to deposit, withdraw and transfer money with their handset. People can also use mobile systems to pay utility bills and pay for goods in merchant shops. Like other developing countries, Bangladesh is ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Mobile Phones And The Mobile Phone In this day and age, it is almost impossible to not have a cell phone; the number of people who own a cell phone is growing every year. "At the end of 2011, there were almost 6 billion mobile subscriptions. That is a dramatic increase from 5.4 billion in 2010 and 4.7 billion mobile subscriptions in 2009" (International Tele – communications Union, 2011). With the introduction into society the cell phone established a convenient way to communicate between individuals, and they have also connected the world in a way that was thought to be impossible before their invention. When the mobile phone was first invented its only purpose was to be able to make a phone call while on the go. The mobile phone has gone through a great deal of technological advancement throughout the years. The cell phones today are called smartphones, which have the capabilities of a computer with the features of mobile phones. While society has benefited from mobile phones, there is a growing concern amongst a group of individuals who argue that with this influx of cell phone technology people have become too obsessed and dependent with their cell phone to the point where the device has had a negative impact on many people's social skills. Some of the issues caused by cell phones are the way people use them as a method for avoiding face to face interaction, the way texting encourages poor grammar techniques, the numerous distractions cell phones create. One of the more obvious effects cell phones have on ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Mobile Marketing Essay Trending Mobile App Marketing Strategies The evolution of mobile applications has been steady in recent times. Applications are shifting from stand–alone platforms to being integrated into comprehensive mobile strategies. A lot of app development companies are having a re–think on the reasons why they began their app development journey in the first place. It is no longer a great deal to have an application or lots of application just for the sake of having it. The tremendous impact of mobile has been recognized, and it is now being evaluated as a vital part of the business, but how mobile application is being promoted has to be reassessed. In the past, a lot of companies built their app (often by hiring a mobile app development company, ... Show more content on ... If what your app offers is not satisfactory, your users will look for a more intuitive app experience from one of your competitors. Obstacles of Mobile Marketing Even if you are a marketing expert, it is vital to know that mobile app marketing is an entirely new ball game, with different rules and strategies. The common challenge faced by marketers is how to promote their app. Therefore, they need new marketing strategies. Some of the unique challenges faced by marketers when approaching the arena of mobile apps are targeting problems, unfamiliar channels, app store rankings, understanding users versus downloads, and much more. To help a mobile app development company to navigate the arena of mobile app marketing, below are some strategies in app marketing that are proven to be very effective. Focus On Key Performance Indicators Specific to the Market of the App While mobile app marketing might be a new field for you, what is familiar with some other marketing campaigns is the setting up of goals. Your goals should be realistic, measurable, specific, and so on. What is different is the tactics and means together with the specific nuances of the app to reach those goals. Mobile app marketing brings an entirely new scope of concern to the table. Your focus should be directed to the key performance indicators (KPIs) specific to the marketing of the app. These include loyal and organic user acquisition, app store ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Mobile Application For Mobile Applications Abstract To date, mobile applications are at the peak of their popularity. The number of mobile application developers increases, the amount of available applications grows as well as the number of applications' downloads. More and more companies are interested in developing their application, which will help them succeed in their industry and beat the competition. Mobile applications have become one of the main trends in the development of information technology. In 2008, the year of the App Stores' launch, the mobile application market only has been formed, and at the present time the market has entered a phase of active growth. The paper is based on the literature review and describes different issues of the mobile applications' evolution. The brief analysis is provided. After all, conclusions on the prospects of mobile applications are given. Introduction Mobile applications are software products designed specifically for mobile devices, smart phones, tablet computers and other devices. Mobile applications are distributed through app stores, namely Apple App Store, Google Play, Windows Phone Store, BlackBerry App World, and others. Mobile applications help to solve various applications ranging from mobile mapping and receive e–mail to highly specialized functions. Mobile applications as well as its diversity are designed to make life easier for users of mobile devices. Currently, mobile applications are quickly gaining popularity among users of personal mobile devices ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Mobile Versions Of The Mobile version isn't perfect, but is definitely better than the mobile phone version. There is a lot more information on the desktop version than the mobile. The mobile version only has two images on the slide instead of four. The mobile version also only has three categories to choose from instead of six. The user is also unable to access their account on the mobile version. Most mobile versions have a link at the bottom of the desktop or full site version but it does not work. The full site version link just opens up another tab that contains the mobile version and not the desktop version like it is supposed to. The desktop version is the best option out of the two when looking for all of the information. The site is pretty easily navigated the user can pick a category and see all of the other categories within the category with ease. The only problem is the words, besides the main categories, are very tiny. If a user has bad eyesight, it could be very hard for them to see the sub categories or some of the other links on the websites. Even someone with good eyesight still has to squint in order to read the words correctly. In order to make the site better they should make the words bigger and if it being too crowded is the issue they should readjust the sub categories in order for there to be fewer and make them bigger in order to read them more easily. There is a text size button that helps to increase the size of the text but not by much and it does make it look more crowded. ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Mobile Wallet MOBILE WALLET Abhinav Sultania B.E. SEM VIII Depart ment of co mputer engineering Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, pune m Abstract Mobile wallet system is an innovative and at any point of time. One of the significant application of mobile applications is transforming the mobile phone into a mobile wallet with digital cash that supports both as real cash and security [1]. It is a type of mob ile payment technology in which instead of paying with cash, checks or cred it cards, a consumer can use a mobile phone to pay for wide range of services and digital or goods such as: revolutionary breakth rough mobile commerce solution that offers the conveniences of cash–less shopping, as ... Show more content on ... System Description While using mobile wallet we should have a mobile phone with NFC enabled in it and one touch point NFC enabled machine. If we want to buy anything just bring our mobile in contact of touch point and we can simply do the transaction using our mobile phone by entering the product code in an application called intelliwal which is present in NFC enabled handset. NFC has many advantages such as mobile ticketing in public transport, exchange of data etc. VII. Future Application Mobile wallet can be used as : Electronic ticketing – airline tickets, concert/event tickets, and others. Electronic money.
  • 51. Intelliwal is a smart running mobile phone application which incorporates and extends all the functionality provided by a conventional physical wallet. History of all the transaction is maintained in this application. Travel cards. Identity documents. Mobile co mmerce. Electronic keys – car keys, house/office keys, hotel room keys, etc [3]. Dig ital online registration and identification system, for short DORIS is mainly fo r security purpose. DORIS works as tri interface chip is attached to NFC enabled mobile phone which provides authentication. Currently it is in use in some countries such as US. Fo rging a tie–up with ICICI Bank and Bharti Airtel it is expected that nearly half of present Indian population will use this by 2010 [4]. VIII. Conclusion Mobile wallet ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Mobile Devices Security Mobile Devices Security The importance of mobile phones both to individuals and corporate organizations can never be underestimated. These devices are put to different uses that would have been almost impossible without them. Innovation is the order of the day when it comes to mobile phones as designers seek to meet the different needs of customers in the market. Yet these devices come with great risks particularly when it comes to corporate data that may be stored in them. The range of security threats that face mobile phones is as a result of several vulnerabilities found commonly in the devices. The vulnerabilities are partly the result of poor technical controls and partly poor user security practices. Besides basic user requirements, other security challenges facing companies with regard to the use of mobile phones include business to business spaces; business to customer spaces and business to employees as these devices are different from the common desktop classic environments. Relevant federal agencies and private companies have tried to take necessary steps to promote security among the use of this devices which includes making certain control applications available for users to utilize when they wish and disseminating information about required mobile security behaviors (Metting, 2013). However, security control systems are not often implemented consistently and it remains unclear whether mobile phone users even understand the necessity of ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Mobile Banking for the Unbanked In many developing countries it's common for a person to have a mobile phone but not a bank account. In fact, more than 1 billion people fit this description, and the number is only likely to increase. To that end, many companies are considering how to give residents access to banking services via their handsets. The GSM Association predicts that by 2012, nearly 300 million of the previously "unbanked" will be using some form of mobile banking. "The mistake a lot of us make is to look at the folks at the base of the pyramid and assume that they must need the same types of services we need." The Harvard Business School case study Mobile Banking for the Unbanked explores two very different examples of mobile financial service models: ... Show more content on ... "A subscription model doesn't appeal to the poor at all," Rangan says. "They don't want to pay a fee for something they might not use." Moreover, more than half of South Africa's population had no access to a bank account. This was largely because half of the population lived below the poverty line, and banks, understandably, were not eager to serve a moneyless customer base. "Banks find it an unprofitable proposition to serve people who make less than three dollars per day," Rangan says. Still, WIZZIT's founders thought there was a noble and viable business model in bringing banking to the poor, via a mobile banking platform that could be used on even the most primitive cell phone. They succeeded in finding an engineer to develop the platform, but quickly ran into a major regulatory roadblock. Per the South African government, only licensed banks were allowed to take deposits. The cost of a license was the equivalent of $34 million–a hefty fee for a startup–and the South African Reserve Bank was wary of issuing new permits. Hence, the WIZZIT execs began searching for an established banking partner. Time and again the top–tier banks turned ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. T-Mobile Essay T–mobile is a leader in Hungary compared to the other providers, since it has existed the longest in Hungary and the other two providers are the followers Brief history of the company The begining The company was found in 1989 by the american U.S. WEST and the Hungarian Telecommunications Corporation. Its first company name was Westel telefon Ltd.. This company introduced an entirely new type of phone, which can be used for telecomunication at any place from home. It is true that in the beginning, very few people lived with this opportunity. There were two basic reasons for this: the narrow endowment (practically only in Budapest), and the extremely high price, which was over quarter million forints. Westel took a ... Show more content on ... The name of this magazine used to be Westel Talsok but due to the latest changes it is called simply Talsok. A while later, westel started to produce the different kinds of re–fillable sim cards (Domino Cards) , which helped the people not to pass limits, so to say keeping controll over their expences. At the end of this year, more than 360.000 people were using the services of the company. From 1998 westel was focusing totally on the new millenium. All of its actions were related to that ocassion. 5.1.2 T–Mobile (Westel) today First of all we would like to clear the different names of the company, because in the past years the name of the company has changed many times. First, from Westel 900 GSM to Westel Mobil Rt. It was necessary, because they were not opareating only on 900 network, but also on 1800 as well. At that time the number of customers already exceeded 1,5 million , which at that time was the greatest comparing to its competitors. The next change in their name happened in 2004 May, to T–Mobile Magyarorszg Tsi Rrsasg. Mobile Hungary Telecommunication Company Ltd. is the leading mobile operator of Hungary. As part of the T'Mobile group the number of customers of the company – offering high quality services to its subscribers – exceeded 3.8 million in May 2004. T'Mobile, as the leading, innovative operator offers top quality services to its pre–paid and postpaid customers and in addition to
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  • 68. Mobile Phones And Electronics Particularly On Mobile Devices In this digital age we have a tendency to be extensively dependent on electronics particularly on mobile devices. There are various mobile electronic devices: laptop, tablet, and cellular phone to name a few. In the early 1990's even with the bulkiness students started bringing cellular phones to school back then. Schools began to place a restriction on the use of mobile phones in the classroom. Initially, the cell phone was only able to make calls and receive calls. Now, the cell phone or more commonly named smart phone is the most favorable with students since they are able to stay connected to a wide variety of social media. For example, "Students can access the Internet, send or receive text messages, check email, and even video chat with others quite literally from the palm of their hand" (Kuznekoff, Titsworth 234). With this in mind, a person is able to keep their credit card information, bank online, shop online, play games, watch videos, the list goes on. Students of all ages carry their mobile (smart) phones with them when they go to school to make phone calls, text message or simply just listen to music. It appears very few students engaged in modern education today are not equipped with a mobile communication device. For instance, take a walk through the quad and within 5o feet there is a probability of a half dozen or more people walking and talking or texting on the cell phone. In fact the smart phone has a numerous amount of features and applications. "Mobile ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Mobile Phone Addiction The problem of mobile phone addiction (1010words) Nomophobia, the fear of being out of mobile phone contact. The phrase was coined by a U.K. study commissioned by SecurEnvoy as an abbreviation for no–mobile–phone phobia. According to an article, 77% of the 18–24 age group revealed nomophobia. If a person doesn't have his or her cell phone, and feels uncomfortable trying to respond to real life situations without it, experts warn this is addiction. In Hong Kong, it is not hard to find teenagers using their phones. Traveling on vehicles, having lunch in restaurants, you can see youths using their phones wherever and whenever their hands are free. They cannot refrain from using mobile phones, many of them even use their mobile in class ... Show more content on ... Secondary schools could forbid students to use mobile phones in the school campus, otherwise will receive a warning. Students are forced to change their habits under this penalty system. This solution is only applicable in secondary school, but not university. As university is the study of adulthood, advocating freedom and rights, so they cannot use this one–way communication and treat the university students like children. However, students may use their phones secretly, under the table or in the toilet. Teachers cannot monitor the students everywhere and every second. They have many things to do in class, such as giving out notes to students, and writing important words onto the blackboard. So, this may not be an effective way to solve the problem. The best solution is that the schools add a compulsory course related to mobile phone use. Firstly, the course may show an analysis about the reasons why teens are holding their phones all the times, and the ways to correct their bad habit pinpointing to the reasons. For example, self–esteem is one of the reasons of the addiction–like behavior. Some teens think that receiving a phone call or a text message implies that 'somebody wants me'. It boosts the receivers' self esteem and self worth. Then, the school may need to think of a solution to this reason, may be to boost the teens' self–esteem in another way. Aside from that, the course may also include the bad ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Mobile Phones Mobile Phones: A boon or a bane By Ankita S., ahmedabad, India More by this author Email me when Ankita S. contributes work Image Credit: Joseph S., San Anselmo, CA Is a knife useful instrument or a perilous weapon? It depends on how it is used. Same implies with the case of technology. The greatest invention are those which affect the mass of people; and of those greatest invention is cell phones .It would be very ungrateful on our parts not to recognise how imperative are they to us. Cell phones have revolutionised the human existence .This is possible only because they are getting cheaper and cheaper day by day. Discounted cell phones accessories have made it even easier to keep the phone intact and give it a longer life. ... Show more content on ... Plain and pleasure are a result of modern technology . Usage of cell phones as a boon or a bane ; the answer lies in our hands! Why mobile phone is a Bane? The other day, my daddy was telling me his childhood stories. He shared his evergreen memories of having a great time with his relatives. In the olden days, people used to visit friends and relatives often. But look at about our generation. How often we get to see our relatives? We just make a phone call to talk to them instead of visiting. We call our grandparents through phones to check if they are doing okay. We wish them Merry Christmas and Happy New Year by sending a text message. We are living in a fast moving world where social life is centered around the mobile phones. Mobile phones are the No:1 culprit in damaging our social life and family life. People have started Texting instead of talking and visiting. What more, I have seen people talking through phone to the family members in the next room instead of just getting up from the chair and walking over there. Leave aside the social life. Think about the health problems because of excessive use of mobile phones. It is a scientific fact that cell phones emit radio frequency energy, a form of radiation, which can be absorbed by tissues in your body. The nervous system of children is still developing and is more vulnerable to factors that may cause cancer. Considering the fact that over 7 billion people use cell ... Get more on ...
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  • 80. Mobile Phone Study of Mobile Phone Usage Among the Teenagers And Youth In Philippines An undergraduate Thesis Presented to The Faculty of College of Management and Business Technology In partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Subject Research I By: CHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND 1.1 Introduction Mobile phones have become very popular in recent years and their development has been amazing. It is no wonder why they have become irreplaceable. With all applications which go with them they have gained a huge popularity with the people nowadays especially the teenagers. A mobile phone (also known as a cellular phone, cell phone and a hand phone) is a device which can make and receive telephone calls over a radio ... Show more content on ... In addition, not possessing mobile phone/s is higher in the age bracket 15–16 year olds when compared to 13–14 olds. The spread of mobile communication among teenagers has been markedly rapid during the latter half of the 1990s. Young people have created and developed a communication culture that incorporates many special features, such as a rise in the use of text–based communication channels. Teenagers' intersecting and selective use of communication channels has generated multimedia communication. From the theoretical standpoint provided by symbolic interactions, we can ask whether communication through new media technologies generates new forms of social interaction. If this is the case, how could we describe and analyze these new forms of interaction? The media landscapes created by teenagers serve to articulate their personal space, as well as enabling their presentation of self and defining their relationships to others. The quality of sleep of almost half of 16 year olds may be affected by text messaging on mobile phones, a study from Belgium says. The sleep of one in four 13 year olds could be affected too, says the researchers, who looked at the effects of text messaging on sleep interruption in teenagers (Journal of Sleep Research (2003:12:263). In the ... Get more on ...
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  • 84. Mobile Phone Addiction Has it happened to you that sometimes you go out but forgot your cell phone at home and so you're not feeling complete. There's a feeling somewhere inside that you're missing something, a sense of insecurity sometimes prevails... welcome to the world of cell phone addiction! Mobile Phones Boon Or Bane Since the dawn of human civilisation man has been creating things to meet his needs. Mobile phone is one such , portable electronic device. They are now inexpensive, easy to use, comfortable and equipped with almost every latest feature we desire such as calculator internet games camera and many more. They are also known as lifesavers as they can help people in emergencies. Moreover Psychiatrists believe that mobile phone addiction is ... Show more content on ... After all that trouble you are normally bothered and frustrated. Things like these can created accidents and even death. The possibility of brain tumors is also increasing with the use of cellular phones. Radiation is enormously hazardous to Сеll –рhоne users. The more cell phone uses, the greater chances become for brain cancer. When Сеll–рhоnes first came out, people purchased them in case of emergencies. Now, people bring their Сеll–рhоnes everyplace they go and use them for pleasure, not essentially for purpose. As convenient as Сеll–рhоnes may seem, there is more to it. Conscientiousness must be taken more sincerely and people need to be more aware of the risks that are involved in purchasing and using а cellular phone. Cell phones are having a great influence in our live and are very convenient to keep with us. Cell phones are a faster and more effective way to transfer information. Indeed, it is a resource that gives its user's great advantages. It is for a fact that having a mobile phone now a days is a sort of a necessity and it is an inevitable truth that mobile industry is taking everyone by a ... Get more on ...
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  • 88. Mobile And Mobile Essay When we talk about cell phone or mobile phones we are talking about a portable telephone or device that can be used to make and receive calls and text messages with another cell phone user provided they are within a telephone service area. As of its time of production it was considered a great technology but as time began to change along with people and the environment there was an increase in demand for more functionalities on the cell phone which led to the development of a new mobile which we know of today as a smart phone which could handle the demand for more functionalities. With the release of smart phones came an increase in application and with the availability of social application on smart phone it became a worldwide phenomenon in quick time due to its usefulness in almost every sector e.g. business sector, financial sector, entertainment sector and even the educational sector. This means that seeing student with smartphone device should not come as a surprise to anyone. Smartphone as a device has wireless connectivity and when that is combined with social application and is customized for learning leads to open doors for both staff and students, granting them access to information that may have been out of their reach before but now stand at the tip of their fingers to be accessed anytime. As we look around the educational sector in the world today we see that incorporation of student owned gadget into the classroom is turning into a solution to the problems of ... Get more on ...
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  • 92. Mobile Payments Mobile Transactions and Payment Processing Ashok Goudar Senior Enterprise Architect White Paper Contents Introduction Mobile Commerce – Business Context Mobile Commerce Strategy Mobile Channel Strategy Mobile Marketing Mobile Sales Mobile Service Mobile Payment Mobile Wallets Mobile Commerce Transaction Mobile Banking and Mobile Money Mobile Commerce Transformation Roadmap Mobile Commerce – Payment Business Scenarios Card based Mobile User to Business – Payments (CM2B) Mobile – Wallet – User to Business – Payments (M2B) Mobile – Wallet Mobile Users to Mobile User – Payments (M2M) – Remittance Services Mobile – Wallet CrossBorderM2M Mobile – Wallet Cross Border M2Account. Mobile Commerce – Payment Processing Models Card based ... Show more content on ... Keeping with the growth in the mobile communication technology, the software vendors, service providers and industry forums, have been offering newer and enhanced mobile operating systems (Windows mobile 7.0, Android OS, Symbian, Blackberry OS, Apple IOs4 etc), APIs (J2ME, Window 7 mobile SDK, Android SDK etc), development tools (along with emulators) and technology standards for mobile computing, making it possible to develop and host a variety of mobile transaction processing solutions for mobile commerce. In this context, this paper further discusses solution architecture of a target mobile transaction and payment processing framework for mobile commerce transaction processing. The paper also briefly touches upon various mobile commerce business models and solution architecture for business scenarios (conducted on different mobile communication technologies), that are addressed by the target mobile transaction and payment processing solution framework. 4 I Mobile Transactions and Payment Processing I White Paper Mobile Commerce – Business Context Mobile commerce is not only an extension of an eCommerce business model but also an ... Get more on ...
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  • 96. Mobile Phones And The Mobile Phone Industry Apple Inc. People have become more and more comfortable with and reliant on digital communication solutions, including the mobile phone. In fact, there are now more mobile phone subscribers in the world (2.4 billion), than there are landline phones subscribers. The mobile phone is becoming a primary means of communication, not only for voice but also for digital services, email, digital photos, navigation, etc. Worldwide over 350 billion text messages, also known as "SMS Messages," are exchanged across the world's mobile networks every month. The global cell phone industry had a growth momentum in (2011–2015) that reached an estimated $334.8 billion, with an annual growth rate of 6.8% over the next five years (2015–2020). Developing regions are expected to register significant growth. Increase in population and rising urbanization in developing regions are the key drivers for industry growth. The cell phone industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in the manufacturing of mobile phones. The industry includes leading global cell phone handset manufacturers by their segment revenues. The cell phone industry is highly concentrated. The competitive landscape has changed significantly during the last five years. Three new companies have emerged as top five players. Motorola Mobility Holdings Inc., Nokia, and LG Electronics Inc. Apple Inc., Sony, and Samsung have displaced all as top five players in 2014. Apple Incorporation is an American multinational American company ... Get more on ...
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  • 100. Mobile Apps Mobile Apps Business Strategy Short Marketing Analysis of the Mobile Apps Market Every modern business needs its own mobile app in order to attract new customers and drive away the competitors without their own mobile apps. 36% of construction companies utilized more than 5 mobile business apps in 2014 (Business–Apps, 2015). In other words, software development becomes more profitable year by year. On the one hand, employers significantly reduced the paperwork and manual data processing with the help of the mobile apps. 23 percent of huge construction companies use ten or even more mobile business apps in 2014. Mobile apps cut costs on inspections (61%), checklists (31%) and work orders (49%). 69 ... Show more content on ... Some apps are cross–platform, and some are not. Free software offering can be a smart move for attracting new clients. Software–as–a–service (SaaS) offerings help avoiding app management and development costs. The websites such as and Microsoft Dynamics help solving problems related to mobile relationship management (CRM). Salesforce's monthly subscription costs $125, and Microsoft Dynamics CRM's monthly subscription is $65. MobileFabric enterprise apps subscriptions cost $80 monthly for up to 10 apps. Subscription for the unlimited apps worth $150. Kony's subscription worth $29 for 5 apps monthly. Paradoxically, but the free games must be the most profitable mobile apps (Mirani, 2015). The point is that users start playing games for free, but then they purchase additional items/coupons within the games. Nearly 93 percent of the mobile games are free at the beginning (the so called "free–to–play" games (FTP)). These games eventually generate about $220 billion annually while pre–paid mobile games generate only $10 billion, or 4.55 percent of the free–to–play market. As a conclusion, every mobile app must have its clear audience (students, employers, businessmen, software developers, jobless, ... Get more on ...
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  • 104. Mobile Application Development : The Mobile Improving System This project involves the mobile application development using the swift programming language in IOS which includes advanced functionalities such as speech recognition with voice transcription and search functionality using the built in "Spotlight" search function. Users are able record their memories that they have for a particular photo from their gallery. The recorded voice will then be transcribe into text and will be searchable. When users exit the app, they can then quickly use the "Spotlight" search function that is built in the IOS environment to search for their photos that have been recorded. The aim of this project is to utilise our understanding in the MVC framework to build an IOS app using Apple's Code IDE and using Apple's ... Show more content on ... Users can access to the particular system anytime and anyplace with just few keys to press due to its convenience as well as the utilization of latest software and equipment. The main language for this program is Swift 3. Zero, which a programming language is created by Apple. Apart from, several history databases for all recommendations is going to be used. The golden objective of this application is to give the most accurate calculation within BMR as well as recommend ideal nutrition and workout programs for different individuals based on their very own body measurements. In the future, Helpful trainer can be upgraded simply by which includes more add– on features as well as improving the directories for more exact results. Furthermore, sending ideas and notices to customers will be the absolute goal for further growth. 2 Rationale There is a rise in the use of mobile application in this day and age particularly because of the spike in the number of smartphone users. In 2016, Apple owns a market share of about 14.5% in smartphones sales. The company reported selling about 78.3 million iPhones. Figure 1 – Global Smartphone Vendor Shipments and Market share in Q4 2016 With a steady rise of sales from smartphones companies, there will be a huge market in mobile applications development utilising the latest and greatest technologies offered by these tech giants. With every new iteration of SDK (Software Development ... Get more on ...
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  • 108. T Mobile MRKT 5000 Online Course T–Mobile Promotes with Celebrity Sidekicks Case Summary: T– Mobile is the fourth largest cell phone provider in the United States. AT&T plans to pay $39 billion to buy Deutsche Telekom 's T–Mobile USA in a deal that is expected to attract intense regulatory scrutiny as it creates a new U.S. mobile market leader. Key Marketing Issues Product T– Mobile provides a wide range of mobile phones with different features which target customers in terms of their communication needs and wants. Price T–Mobile consistently offers cheaper plans than its competitors Placement Operates in six different companies including the United States Competitors Sprint, Verizon, and AT&T (however merger was ... Show more content on ... "As one of the fastest growing wireless carriers, T–Mobile has permeated pop–culture to become relevant and meaningful to the lifestyles of their young consumers," said Heidi Ueberroth, NBA Executive Vice President. "We are confident that this wide–reaching partnership will further accelerate their growth in the wireless space." T–Mobile is confident that these partnerships will broaden its exposure and enhance its youth–targeted image. 4. In what ways is T–Mobile supporting its personal selling activities at the retail level? T–Mobile mission is not only to remain at the top of its industry in customer service but also to eventually become the most highly respected service company across industries. To achieve this goal, T–Mobile's CEO Robert Dotson and Chief Marketing Officer Mike Butler visit a large number of T–Mobile stores every quarter. Butler says the purpose of the visits is not to lecture employees but to learn from them: "We come away with a list of items we're going to address to help deliver better customer service in the future." Many of the ideas expressed by T–Mobile employees have been incorporated by the company. 5. T–Mobile promotes its highly rated customer service as a selling point. Do you think it is effective against competitors that promote high–tech multimedia features? Explain. Although T–Mobile ... Get more on ...
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  • 112. Mobile Telephone Call : A Mobile Device Essay Mobile telephone call: A mobile device initiates a call by sending the number of the called device on the preselected setup channel. In this process, the the mobile device firstly checks whether the setup channel is idle by examining information that comes from the BS channel. If it finds that the setup channel is idle, the mobile device may transmit the information of number to the BS. The BS then sends the request to the MTSO. Mobile device paging: The MTSO then tries to complete the connection to the called mobile device. In this process, the MTSO sends a paging message to certain BSs by examining the mobile number. Each BS sends the paging message on the setup channel, including the information of number. Telephone Call connected: The called mobile device monitors the setup channel and finds its number in the paging message. And then it responds to the BS, which transmits the response to the MTSO. The MTSO sets up a connection between the calling and called BSs. And then the MTSO tries to find an available traffic channel within each BS's cell. If the MTSO find available traffic channel, it will notify each BS, which in turn notifies the mobile devices. The two mobile devices tune to their respective assigned channels. Call in connection: When the connection is maintained between two mobile devices, voice or data signals are exchanged between the two mobile devices, through their corresponding BSs and the MTSO. Handover: If a mobile device moves out of the scope of one ... Get more on ...
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  • 116. Mobile Programming And The Market Needs Mobile Developers Assignment 1 Nansi Surlekova, Student ID: 13006763 Section 1 It is noticeable that the market needs mobile developers. Recently, mobile programming has grown 10 times faster than desktop programming. Even though this is going on and on for years now and a lot of people started participating in this area of business, there is still place for more. After researching a few websites for job opportunities I came across 3 interesting posts. The first job is about a Junior Mobile Application Developer. The posts states that you will be mentored, but still, you need to have enough experience so you can manage things on your own. The skills required for this position are as expected: "A working knowledge of .NET, C#, Java, HTML5, ... Show more content on ... As you can see I am going up, one step at a time. The requirements for this position are longer than the whole information given in the two previous posts. "Do you have at least 5 years professional software development experience?" – No. "Do you have at least 3 years professional Android development experience?" – No. You should have experience in almost every field that is connected in some way with mobile development, examples are: Java, Android SDK, Eclipse ADB, Knowledge of Android– specific UI patterns and affordances, IOS, PHP, JQuery etc., oh and let's not forget about the degree in computer science. So if we say that you become a Junior developer, wait a few years, then go up to just being a developer and take your life in your hands by reading books and coding more than you breathe, yes, you might be able to apply for a position like that in about 30 years. The chart below sums up the main skills that are required in order to launch your career in Mobile Development. How does that fit my skill set? Barely. But a good amount of time and effort can easily fix that. An example of a way to start building up my skill set is by actually starting to work on an app. At first thought it all seems scary, to be honest, but if a selected field interests you, everything can be accomplished. Most required skills 18% 20% 8%
  • 117. 12% 7% 14% 17% Android SDK Java jQuery PHP ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Mobile Phones And Mobile Phone Industry Do you still remember the "old days" of flip phones and low bandwidth? How many apps did you installed in your smartphone today? The mobile phone industry has been firmly growing at a nearly geometric pace, and it shows no signs of slowing. Since the middle of the 20th century, the mobile phone industry, including apps, software, and web interactivity, has been designed and developed in a imaginable way. Mobile phones have changed from being simple functional communication tools into being fully functional pocket–sized personal computers. Today, the mobile phone industry shows immense advantages. The development of 3G, 4G and wireless network helps mobile phone market to outstrip use of landline phones. People are becoming more and ... Show more content on ... The company was formed in Cupertino, California, in 1976. Steve Jobs was the founder of the company and was the most charismatic leader in the world of business today. Other founders include Ronald Wayne and Steve Wozniak. The company's famous hardware products are the iPod, Mac computers, the iPhone, and the iPad. Apple has been able to create a distinctive reputation in the global consumer electronics industry through its philosophy of detailed aesthetic design and unique advertising campaigns. Besides, the company has created a consumer base that is loyal to the brand and company, especially in the U S. According to Fortune magazine, Apple is the most "liked" company in the US in 2008, and globally in 2008, 2009, and 2010. The company operates in four industries such as computer hardware, digital distribution, computer software, and consumer electronics. According to Fortune magazine, Apple has been the most admired company for eight years in a row. In addition to that, the company has been performing In the fourth quarter of 2015, Apple has made $51 billions in revenue and $11.1 billion in profits (WSJ). Apple uses product differentiation and premium pricing strategies. According to Apple, the company sells quality phones to provide a great experience. The company's pillars include focussing on the high end, prioritizing ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. Mobile Shopping In Mobile E-Commerce Introduction With evolving technologies and digital innovation, mobile e–commerce is rapidly growing. Mobile devices, especially smartphones, have revolutionized the online shopping experience with time and seems like it's just the beginning to the frontier. M–commerce is shopping through a mobile device – smartphones or tablets. This experience is becoming a habit for many consumers. According to a study among 1,000 US merchants, 16% of them already have an established mobile shopping channel and 32% of them are on strategic phase to start selling products through mobile within a year (Meola, 2016). The mobile shopping is expected to grow bigger and bigger. As per the US Census Bureau and comScore, in 2014, m–commerce was 11.6% of the $303 billion USA e–commerce total and estimated to increase to 45% of the total e–commerce value by 2020 (Meola, 2016).A large market share with potential to grow into a billion dollars Industry and constant technological advancements in Android and iOS operating systems will transform m–commerce very soon. This makes it critical to evaluate this EC initiative and obtain a more holistic picture about shopping from a touch of a button. Evolution of Mobile Commerce Mobile commerce is the ability to do business transactions between two parties through a mobile device. The underlying principle is mobile computing, a technology that enables wireless devices to transmit data without any physical internet connection. Rahimi (2014) mentioned that ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. T-Mobile: Shake Up The Mobile Industry Over the past few years, T–Mobile has done a lot to shake up the mobile industry. They were the first big carrier to do away with contracts, and were one of the first carriers to give customers the ability to buy phones outright through a monthly payment plan that allowed them to upgrade whenever they wanted. On Tuesday Sprint's latest earnings call confirmed that T–Mobile had officially surpassed Sprint as the third largest mobile carrier in the nation. T–Mobile Has 58.9 Million Subscribers In the report, Sprint indicated that the company gained an additional 675,000 subscribers over the past quarter, boosting its overall subscriber total up to 56.8 million. Last month, T–Mobile reported that it was up to 58.9 million customers, which puts ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Designing Mobile Applications For Mobile Phones For Their... The Concept Our company currently specialises in Web Technologies (i.e. Websites) We customize and create websites of the highest quality and deliver quickly with our highly accomplished staff. I would like to propose my new idea about expanding out to designing mobile applications for our clientele that will do all the things needed from the website at ease and accessibility of using a mobile phone, and lets face it everyone now–a–days has a mobile phone that can run applications which would make some things a lot easier such as banking, store locating etc. In this proposal i will be researching how efficiently the competitors are creating apps for mobile phones for their clients, how much on average it costs to produce an app and how ... Show more content on ... They will ask you questions on how you want your app made and make logical decisions to make it the best it will be with the options available. They will quickly and precisely make your application or web page in the desired time and up to professional standards. AppMakr® – AppMakr is more of a one person app creating team. They give you all the templates and codes to create your own app you just chose what you like and add your information to it. They will publish your created apps for free but it isn 't as professional and doesn 't have as much customization as other websites or as business orientated but is a fast reliable way to create apps quickly and efficiently. This is more of a option to people who have little time to create apps and want to have the main role in deciding what goes in the app but it is all up to the person creating it. Application development costs and timeframes So there is no simple definitive answer for this question, an app can range between a few weeks to 8 months depending on the team who develops it and depending on what content the app will have and what you want the app to do. Also things to be considered are the design do you want a simple User Interface which only takes a week or so or a custom User Interface which can take up to 3+ weeks depending on what you ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. Mobile Market in Bangladesh Bangladesh – Telecoms, Mobile, Broadband and Forecasts The outstanding success of the mobile market, however, has been achieved in a Bangladesh that continues to struggle with its lowly economic status, its frequent natural disasters such cyclones and floods and the slow implementation of much–needed economic reforms. This state of affairs is reflected in the fixed–line segment of the local telecom market which remains stagnant with a teledensity of less than 1%, the lowest in South Asia. With almost 99% of homes lacking a telephone and with a substantial waiting list for fixed– line services, the country is still struggling with some of the most underdeveloped telecommunications infrastructure in the world. Interestingly, about 80% of ... Show more content on ... This was preceded by a significant three–year period in which the country saw mobile subscriber numbers more than treble as the market expanded rapidly. The well–known investment bank, Morgan Stanley, anticipates an expansion to 40 percent mobile phone penetration in the country within a few years. By 2015, Bangladesh will witness an even greater growth of penetration –– it is estimated to be around 50 mobile sets per 100 inhabitants. An increasing number of mobile phone operators are showing eagerness to invest in the Bangladesh market, which demonstrates the country 's huge potential in mobile phone growth for many years to come. Grameenphone was far and away the leading mobile operator, claiming around 21 million subscribers, or 47% of the total mobile subscriber base, as at mid–2009, despite the best commercial efforts of its five competitors. Internet penetration remains low (0.4% ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Mobile Application For Mobile Applications Table of Contents Introduction 2 Mobile Devices 2 Smart–Phones 2 iPhone 3 Samsung Galaxy 3 Microsoft Lumia 950 XL 4 Mobile Operating Systems 5 Apple (iOS) 5 Android 6 Windows 10 Mobile 7 References 8 Introduction Mobile applications are now capable of running on many different forms of hardware. At first they were commonly deployed onto the first "smartphones" however today, a mobile application can be found on anything from a Television to a Watch. In basic a brief definition of a mobile application would be "A mobile application, most commonly referred to as an app, is a type of application software designed to run on a mobile device, such as a smartphone or tablet computer. Mobile applications frequently serve to provide users ... Show more content on ... (How–To–Geek, 2014) iPhone The iPhone is a mobile phone which was released by apple in 2007, to date there has been 9 different models (10 including the 5c). The latest version of the iPhone is called the iPhone 6s, it launched on 25th September 2015. The phone comes in two versions, 6s and 6s Plus. The 6s Plus, is a larger phone. Due to the increase in sizes there is some technical advantages to having it. The larger phone allows for a bigger battery, giving the phone an extra 56 minutes of use. However it takes 15 minutes longer to charge. The 6s sports a 5.5 inch led backlit display. With a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels. With 401 Pixels per Inch. The phone has 2 GB of LPDDR4 ram, and a 1.85 GHz dual core ARMv8–A CPU, running apples A9 processor and M9 motion coprocessor. The 6s runs apples iOS operating system, the latest version of which is 9.2.1. (Wikipedia, 2016) Samsung Galaxy The Samsung Galaxies are a series of mobile devices first released in June 2009. The leading range of which are the S editions, of which there has been 6 main releases with 16 variants. The latest version is the Samsung Galaxy S6 it was released on the 10th April 2015. The Samsung Galaxy S6
  • 142. was similarly designed to previous models however it features a metal Unibody frame instead of a plastic one like previous versions and has a glass backing instead of a plastic one like previous models. The S6 has a variant called the S6 edge ... Get more on ...
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  • 146. Mobile Phone Introduction Ever–changing technologies have indeed created its demand in the world today. Many people are so dependent on technology that they have unknowingly become the slaves of technology. It has also helped to create convenience to the people. To date, many people are using their mobile phone as their personal digital assistant, one example is Smartphone. Smartphone is a combination of mobile phones and personal digital assistant. As a mobile phone, it can be used to make phone calls, update contact list, personal calendar and task list. With technology enhancements, its role as a personal digital assistant will help to create access of electronic email, web pages and Microsoft applications. Thus, it infiltrating the ... Show more content on ... First of all, instead of carrying two separate devices one for work and other for personal interaction, Smartphone is the best suitable device for the employee. Smartphone is handy and small enough to tuck into pockets which are convenient for employee to travel around. For this reason, it will add to the efficiency gain of mobile access to email and keep in touch with customer's query. Another area is Smartphone have applications software that specialized to the business requirement. With this basis, employee can access back–end data sources through Smartphone. And it also creates real–time communication and fast decision making in the workforce. And I believed this would eventually lead to an increase in employee's competency and capabilities in the work. Smartphone application software also supports a single rationalized device platform, where then reduces the need for IT to services the device. For employee who uses their personal Smartphone for work–related duties, they will be assigned for corporate mobile security a policy that includes password protection. As a result, IT will enforce a security baseline for user–owned Smartphone. On the other hand, organization capitalizes on employee's enthusiasm for the technology (Appendix 2). As social networking is the trend in the climate, more people will use Smartphone to associate with one another. These provide the interaction of organization to the employee and also creating awareness of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 150. Difference Between Mobile Media And Mobile Privatization Name: Yujie Fan Instructor: Jeremy Packer Course Title: CCT109H5 TUT0112 Date: Nov. 28, 2017 Mobile Media and Mobile Privatization As the growth of the society, mobile media continued to develop the mass media. Social media has grown a new sense of mobile privatization, which has brought a more intensified community involvement. Social network itself can be defined as the expansion of the users' circle through a more advanced technology. This paper is going to use the concept of mobile privatization and flow 2.0 to discuss the similarities and the differences between the citizen band ratio and smartphone. CB radio is a two–way radio system that opens to the citizens used to get communication with the outside world at home. At last century CB radios are use by long–distance truck drivers, because of the speed limit, they share the road conditions information to avoid police. Also, do the underlying social and friendly chats. "The CB absence speaks to a number of biases within a field that tends to focus either on communications technologies whose content can be quantified or textually interpreted or on the ownership and distribution networks of corporate industry giants said to dominate media production, reception, and meaning creation" (Packer, J. 2008) The appear of CB radio leads people to have their own bias, give citizens the ability to create an individually oriented culture that allowed people more free speech, unlike in the past, people only listen to what ... Get more on ...
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  • 154. Mobile Banking Report On Mobile Banking Introduction The last time that technology had a major impact in helping banks service their customers was with the introduction of the Internet banking. Internet Banking helped give the customer's anytime access to their banks. Customer's could check out their account details, get their bank statements, perform transactions like transferring money to other accounts and pay their bills sitting in the comfort of their homes and offices. However the biggest limitation of Internet banking is the requirement of a PC with an Internet connection, not a big obstacle if we look at the US and the European countries, but definitely a big barrier if we consider most of the developing countries of Asia like China and ... Show more content on ... For service providers, Mobile banking offers the next surest way to achieve growth. Countries like Korea where mobile penetration is nearing saturation, mobile banking is helping service providers increase revenues from the now static subscriber base. Also service providers are increasingly using the complexity of their supported mobile banking services to attract new customers and retain old ones. The scale at which Mobile banking has the potential to grow can be gauged by looking at the pace users are getting mobile in these big Asian economies. The explosion as most analysts say, is yet to come as India has about one of the biggest untapped markets, China and South Korea all three of these countries have seen gradual roll–out of mobile banking services, the most aggressive being Korea which is now witnessing the roll–out of some of the most advanced services like using mobile phones to pay bills in shops and restaurants. Facts  Mobile banking is well utilized in countries of Europe and even Japan, yet it is slow to catch up in America. A study by Forrester Research found that only 10% of Americans like the idea of m banking while 35% already bank online  Citibank had designed its own mobile banking software that can be downloaded and installed on more than 100 handsets over any carrier's network  Citibank has developed mobile
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  • 159. Mobile Phones And The Internet 1) Telecommunications is an industry that is rapidly growing and changing. Any communication using technology can be considered telecommunications, but the phone and internet are the two most commonly thought of forms. It is becoming increasingly common for both internet and phone features to be accessed on a single device. Smartphones, mobile phones that are internet capable, have only been available for a relatively short time. Despite this, their popularity has exploded and their features are changing the world in many ways. Much like with mobile phones in general, consumers were quick to adopt smartphones. In 1984 only 92,000 Americans subscribed to mobile phone services; 16 years later almost 110 million were subscribed to these same services. As of the end of 2008, about 270 million Americans were using mobile phone services (Federal Communications Commission, 2010). Recent research indicates that smartphones now outsell mobile phones that aren't able to access the internet and make up 53.6 percent of total mobile phone sales (Gartner, Inc., 2014). The popularity and capabilities of these new smartphones are opening up new markets and changing the ways that businesses are attempting to reach consumers. It is estimated that half of Americans over the age of 18 currently own a smartphone and that half of them access social media with these devices (Armstrong & Kotler, 2014). This has created a new and effective way of marketing to consumers that many companies are ... Get more on ...