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Mobile Marketing Plan
Lorena Berghezan
Full Sail University
Mobile Marketing Plan
1. Introduction:
Sponnie Threads is a company that sells adaptive clothing for kids that focus on products for
stoma, feeding tube, and diabetes care and currently the company has a website where they offer
their products and testimonials to incorporate self-expression from their customers in the creation
of a product that meets individual needs.
This Mobile Marketing Plan has the purpose of creating a mobile app for Sponnie Threads as
an extension of their website focusing on mobile and emerging technologies; I will start with a
list of goals followed by a unique value proposition and a SWOT analysis. In this plan, I will
also discuss subjects that include mobile UI/UX, expectations in mobile app experience, AI and
mobile automation, VR and wearable technologies, and other emerging technologies.
2. Goals
Sell Products
With a mobile app, customers can have easy access to purchase the products they are
looking for and the company can keep track of their customers and send personalized
promotions. AR has the power to redefine a brand’s digital customer experience and has the
power to convert sales at a higher rate.
Mobile Marketing Plan
Deliver an efficient onboarding experience to our customers
This will not only attract my target audience but also retain them. There are several
actions I can implement in my app to attract and retain users: first, providing an easy user
interface where the information is easy to digest, easy to navigate, the buttons are easy to tap,
and there is consistency within all pages in the app; second, providing ways for users to receive
support and assistant that can include FAQs and live chats because by providing great support
will help my prototype mobile app to gain retention, loyalty, and referrals; finally, an important
expectation in my mobile app prototype will be assuring security and trustworthiness by asking
for permissions only in context, like for instance when asking for permission to access the
camera, making sure people feel comfortable granting those permissions.
Improving share rates on social media
By adding social plugins so it will be very easy for people to log in and with one-touch
start using the application and sharing Sponnie threads products on their social media platforms.
3. Unique Value Proposition
“Sponnie Threads helps special needs parents and caregivers who want fun and functional
adaptative feeding tube clothes by offering the best quality products and affordable prices which
ultimately leads to a happy feeding experience”
Mobile Marketing Plan
4. Competitor SWOT analysis
Sponnie threads close competitors are Kozie Clothes
(,Strawberry kids (, and The
Charlotte Letter (, which is the only competitor that has a mobile
app, although the app isn’t working at this time due to maintenance. According to that, I have
created a SWOT analysis:
Mobile Marketing Plan
5. Assumptions
Consumers nowadays use mobile devices more than they use desktops, and laptop
computers, therefore, the importance of offering a responsive design so users can keep coming
back. A responsive design is one that responds or changes according to its user’s needs and
according to the device and screen size.
Gestures will be helpful for my prototype because they will enable better user interaction.
I will incorporate a pinch gesture that will be used for performing interactive zoom, especially
when looking at the product details. The swiping gesture will be incorporated in my prototype
when customers are looking at the different products by placing their finger on the screen and
sliding it across the screen.
Geofencing and location-based services for my prototype in terms of adding acquisition
systems like layers through push notifications when entering a certain location and also knowing
the context in which our audiences are in will be crucial to have an idea of how they will
perceive our messages and to add some hooks to attract them to our app and services.
There are many advantages when using SMS that including instant delivery and high open
rates. I would like to implement text messages to my prototype using behavioral economics with
the fear of missing out on product sales and to have personalized communication with the users.
Mobile Marketing Plan
6. Mobile app wireframe
The mobile app for Sponnie Threads customers will be on the consideration stage of the
buyer’s journey as they have already identified their problem, their frustrations, and have done
research on what products will be helpful to solve their problems. Sponnie threads customers are
special needs parents and caregivers that have previously spent time on the awareness stage;
therefore, the app will aim to provide a fast and easy interaction that provides a solution to their
problem and ultimately make a final purchase decision.
App Prototype
Mobile Marketing Plan
Mobile Marketing Plan
7. UI/UX analysis
User interface refers to the interaction of a person with a digital information system through
screens, pages, and visual elements to maximize responsiveness, accessibility, and efficiency
between the person and the device. UX: User experience is determined by how easy or difficult
is to interact with the User interface.
Mobile Marketing Plan
From a mobile technology standpoint, is important to know the significance of UI/UX design
in a mobile app because it attracts users ensuring they spend as much time on the app as possible
and turning them into buyers; creates a good impression for any small business; if users get a
good UI/UX the app will be featured in app stores; and finally, a good UI/UX will make users
It is important to understand what our customers want, what aspects of the UI/UX design in a
mobile app will be easy, what aspects will be difficult, and how customers will respond.
App Design, graphics, and videos can significantly impact responsive design and mobile speed,
but some content management systems like WordPress have a lot of plugins and development
tools to help with design, graphics, and video sizes. Mobile speed and round-trip time (RTT)
affect consumers’ interaction with a business positively when prioritizing features, removing
clutter, using legible text and contrast, and taking into consideration Google Page Speed
3D touch and biometrics are features in a mobile app design. 3D allows mobile users to
“peek” into an action before performing it showing more features that include calendar, email
messages, and camera; biometrics, also known as user authentication, is used to access a mobile
device, to access passwords, and used as login through touch ID or face ID.
Responsive design affects mobile consumers’ interaction positively when simplifying website
navigation, resizing text, images, and videos. It prevents users from having to pinch to zoon and
takes mobile speed into account.
Mobile Marketing Plan
Sponnie Threads target audience is special needs parents and caregivers who most of the time
are tired or frustrating; therefore, the mobile app will incorporate the business brand into the user
experience by providing with a responsive design, biometrics with a touch ID for easier and
faster access.
8. AI and mobile automation
With the developing and fast-changing technology, marketing strategies have also changed to
meet the demands and needs of consumers; Artificial Intelligence is a tool that helps businesses
to keep up with the changing marketing landscape by responding to customer inquiries faster,
improving prospect targeting, and determining action plans. “In the last 60 years, marketing has
turned from product-oriented to consumer-centered and then to humanity issues from
consumers.” (Makalesi, 2020). As we know the digital world is powered by data, AI can
extrapolate information and process data faster than humans can, including details such as
demographics, interests, and pain points, giving marketers insights into their potential customers;
it can also provide an excellent customer experience by customer service chatbots; social media
monitoring; advertising; and product recommendations based on customer searches.
One example of marketing uses for AI is chatbots, based on AI, chatbots basically learn how
humans ask the same questions in various ways and offer instant customer service. For instance,
a cosmetic retailer incorporates a chatbot to interview customers about their makeup preferences
and recommends certain products. Chatbots provide excellent customer service with clear
answers that result in happy customers and more sales.
Mobile Marketing Plan
Another example of marketing uses for AI in computer vision which provides creative ways to
connect with your target market by for example letting people try your virtual product in your
home or try different hairstyles or clothes. Computer vision also helps with face recognition and
that can be incorporated in a personalized customer experience, for instance when your
customers walk into your store.
“Using AI, you can truly define the way a website visitor or a prospect sees your brand,
services, and/or products at different stages of the sales funnel and can also help in reducing
marketing costs.” (Mishra, 2020). In the awareness stage, it can help extract vast amounts of data
to develop effective strategies and tactics; communication development, and personalization of
ads; in the consideration stage, AI can help with differentiation on how consumers experience
the brand online by providing a great website experience, for instance, Netflix doesn’t have 2
users with a similar website experience based on their past viewing of content. AI can be used in
the purchase stage by providing recommendation engines, voice search, and voice shopping.
Finally, AI can be used to improve consumer loyalty by predicting consumer preferences and
offering discounts to existing customers.
AI might relate to my micro-business by incorporating Natural Language Processing (NLP)
to compare blog posts from competitors and make recommendations about improving appeal,
readability, and google ranking; to capture what customers say when they talk about my
business; to track social media to find people that mention my products and based on what they
say to find out if they are happy or not, and to reveal important marketing trends. I can
Mobile Marketing Plan
incorporate chatbots for users to receive support and assistance, and computer vision when trying
on products.
9. VR/AR and wearable technologies
Integrating emerging technology like AR that combines real and virtual into the micro-
business prototype can help reach new customers, provide an engaging brand experience and
higher conversion rates.
“Today almost 84 million people in the US use AR on many social media platforms like TikTok
and Instagram. That accounts for 15% of the population.”
According to research from Snap and Deloitte, “Interacting with products that have AR leads to a
94% higher conversion rate”.
I want to use AR to provide shoppers with a true sense of the size, and detail of products
they are looking at. This will help with brand awareness, increase sales, and reduce returns.
Customers will be able to virtually try on clothing according to their children needs in three
categories” “Clothes for feeding tubes” “Clothes for diabetics care” “clothes for stoma”
AR will support customer decisions and get them into the sales funnel. It will also help with
promotion because people will be able to share it with their friends, family, and followers.
We can measure performance using a call to action, time spent with the AR experience, and the
times that people will share it.
Mobile Marketing Plan
VR is the term used to describe a digital environment that can be explored and
experienced by a person. For VR experience to be successful, it needs to be believable,
interactive, explorable, and immersive. Virtual reality requires the use of wearable devices,
sensors to track position and movement, and stereo headphones to produce surround sound.
For Sponnie Threads micro-business, VR as a marketing tool can provide value by integrating
step-by-step virtual tutorials in the app for the care, education, and training of certain health
equipment like in the case of G-tubes. turning information into experiences can make so many
aspects of special needs parents’ lives more fulfilling.
The wearables market includes smartwatches and health or fitness activity trackers.
Smartwatches are the ideal candidate for workplace assistance and business incorporation.
Smart glasses and VR headsets in education can significantly improve the way teachers and
professors hold their lectures. These can be broadened to also provide virtual class trips to
historically significant places. Professional and public services such as police and firefighters use
wearable technology to help alleviate some of the risks of their daily working routine and help
them do their job to the best of their ability. Smartwatches, smart cams, body cameras.
As Sponnie threads deal with a variety of health conditions, we can integrate a wearable device
with the app that will monitor Glucose, Heart Rate, and pulse.
10. Other emerging technologies
Mobile Marketing Plan
A computerized virtual assistant is an application program that understands natural language
voice commands and can assist users by answering questions and performing tasks. Some virtual
assistants are Amazon’s Alexa, Google Assistant, Apple’s Siri, and Microsoft’s Cortana. “Smart
speakers are now a common household item, with more than 133 million in use in the US and
about 26 percent of US consumers owning smart speakers. Amazon is the market leader with 61
percent of market share of smart speakers, while Google takes 24 percent of the market.” (Shih
& Rivero, 2020).
Sponnie Threads customers are already using digital tools regularly to connect, be
entertained, share experiences, and shop; therefore, implementing an emerging technology like a
computerized virtual assistant will help create engagement and convert sales at a higher rate.
With a preconstructed set of questions and answers, a virtual assistant for my micro-business will
be able to provide Real-time customer service and answer questions related to the products or
issues with payment at checkout 24/7. For a level 4 deeply integrated intelligent Virtual
Assistant, the price set up starts at $10,000. The monthly fee for using the platform is in the
$5,000 - $15,000 range. The price includes a Natural Language Understanding Intelligent Virtual
Assistant (IVA) which is smarted than a regular chatbot and can understand multiple languages;
IVA is able to authenticate users through free text interactions and provide them personalized
answers. IVAs are most often connected to websites through a chat widget, and they can be
connected to most messaging apps. Some of the advantages of implementing a virtual assistant
include better customer engagement and trust, especially if a virtual assistant is there 24/7 and
provides a personalized customer experience; improved accuracy, virtual assistants can both give
Mobile Marketing Plan
customers complete answers with robust topic understanding and can resolve and escalate issues
faster than some direct conversations; virtual assistants are adaptable to customer needs and can
keep a conversation; and, within an organization, a virtual assistant can improve efficiency and
offer support to employees so they can spend time on other tasks.
11. Summary
People use their mobile devices to save time or to waste time. Delivering an onboarding
experience starts with the first screen value that users see in the app, to catch their attention with
things that relate to them. Social plug-ins will make it very easy for people to log in and access
different social networking sites, Excellent customer support will cultivate loyal customers.
Everything can, and should, be available via mobile including AI, mobile automation, VR/AR
and other emerging technologies.
Mobile Marketing Plan
Babich, N. (2016). The Art of Minimalism in Mobile App UI Design.
Cousins, C. (2015). How to implement gestures into your mobile design.
Eslinger, T. Mobile Magic: The Saatchi and Saatchi Guide to Mobile Marketing and Design.
Deloitte. (n.d). Five Things you need to know about AI Virtual Assistants.
Even, A. (2016). Mobile app UX design: What strategies work and why.
Gilliam Haije, E. (2017). What makes a good user experience for my mobile app?
Hackl, C. (2021, October 25). Augmented Reality Marketing. [Video File].
Locke, M. (2014, August 11). How to Get Started in Mobile UI Design (iPhone, iPad, Android,
Microsoft Tablet, etc.) [Video File].
Makalesi, A. (2020). The Place and Future of Artificial Intelligence in Marketing
Strategies. EBSCOhost. https://web-p-ebscohost-
Mobile Marketing Plan
Moatti, SC. (2016). 7 Strategies to Save Time and Money with Your Mobile Launch (or Re-
Launch). O’Reilly Media, Inc.
Shih, W., & Rivero, E. (2020). Virtual Voice Assistants. EBSCOhost. https://web-p-ebscohost-
[24]7. ai. (2021). What is an AI Virtual Assistant?
Tolub,Y. (2016). These 5 Businesses Rock the Mobile App Experience.
Vainu, I. (2022). Chatbot Pricing – How Much Does A Chatbot Cost in 2022?
White, S. (2017). What is Geofencing? Putting Location to Work.
Wilkinson, D. (2018). MMS vs SMS Messaging: How Are They Different?
Wankhede, C. (2021). What is NFC and how does it work? Everything you need to know.
Mobile Marketing Plan

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Mobile and Emerging Technology Marketing Plan

  • 1. Mobile Marketing Plan Lorena Berghezan Full Sail University
  • 2. Mobile Marketing Plan 1 1. Introduction: Sponnie Threads is a company that sells adaptive clothing for kids that focus on products for stoma, feeding tube, and diabetes care and currently the company has a website where they offer their products and testimonials to incorporate self-expression from their customers in the creation of a product that meets individual needs. This Mobile Marketing Plan has the purpose of creating a mobile app for Sponnie Threads as an extension of their website focusing on mobile and emerging technologies; I will start with a list of goals followed by a unique value proposition and a SWOT analysis. In this plan, I will also discuss subjects that include mobile UI/UX, expectations in mobile app experience, AI and mobile automation, VR and wearable technologies, and other emerging technologies. 2. Goals Sell Products With a mobile app, customers can have easy access to purchase the products they are looking for and the company can keep track of their customers and send personalized promotions. AR has the power to redefine a brand’s digital customer experience and has the power to convert sales at a higher rate.
  • 3. Mobile Marketing Plan 2 Deliver an efficient onboarding experience to our customers This will not only attract my target audience but also retain them. There are several actions I can implement in my app to attract and retain users: first, providing an easy user interface where the information is easy to digest, easy to navigate, the buttons are easy to tap, and there is consistency within all pages in the app; second, providing ways for users to receive support and assistant that can include FAQs and live chats because by providing great support will help my prototype mobile app to gain retention, loyalty, and referrals; finally, an important expectation in my mobile app prototype will be assuring security and trustworthiness by asking for permissions only in context, like for instance when asking for permission to access the camera, making sure people feel comfortable granting those permissions. Improving share rates on social media By adding social plugins so it will be very easy for people to log in and with one-touch start using the application and sharing Sponnie threads products on their social media platforms. 3. Unique Value Proposition “Sponnie Threads helps special needs parents and caregivers who want fun and functional adaptative feeding tube clothes by offering the best quality products and affordable prices which ultimately leads to a happy feeding experience”
  • 4. Mobile Marketing Plan 3 4. Competitor SWOT analysis Sponnie threads close competitors are Kozie Clothes (,Strawberry kids (, and The Charlotte Letter (, which is the only competitor that has a mobile app, although the app isn’t working at this time due to maintenance. According to that, I have created a SWOT analysis:
  • 5. Mobile Marketing Plan 4 5. Assumptions Consumers nowadays use mobile devices more than they use desktops, and laptop computers, therefore, the importance of offering a responsive design so users can keep coming back. A responsive design is one that responds or changes according to its user’s needs and according to the device and screen size. Gestures will be helpful for my prototype because they will enable better user interaction. I will incorporate a pinch gesture that will be used for performing interactive zoom, especially when looking at the product details. The swiping gesture will be incorporated in my prototype when customers are looking at the different products by placing their finger on the screen and sliding it across the screen. Geofencing and location-based services for my prototype in terms of adding acquisition systems like layers through push notifications when entering a certain location and also knowing the context in which our audiences are in will be crucial to have an idea of how they will perceive our messages and to add some hooks to attract them to our app and services. There are many advantages when using SMS that including instant delivery and high open rates. I would like to implement text messages to my prototype using behavioral economics with the fear of missing out on product sales and to have personalized communication with the users.
  • 6. Mobile Marketing Plan 5 6. Mobile app wireframe The mobile app for Sponnie Threads customers will be on the consideration stage of the buyer’s journey as they have already identified their problem, their frustrations, and have done research on what products will be helpful to solve their problems. Sponnie threads customers are special needs parents and caregivers that have previously spent time on the awareness stage; therefore, the app will aim to provide a fast and easy interaction that provides a solution to their problem and ultimately make a final purchase decision. App Prototype
  • 8. Mobile Marketing Plan 7 7. UI/UX analysis User interface refers to the interaction of a person with a digital information system through screens, pages, and visual elements to maximize responsiveness, accessibility, and efficiency between the person and the device. UX: User experience is determined by how easy or difficult is to interact with the User interface.
  • 9. Mobile Marketing Plan 8 From a mobile technology standpoint, is important to know the significance of UI/UX design in a mobile app because it attracts users ensuring they spend as much time on the app as possible and turning them into buyers; creates a good impression for any small business; if users get a good UI/UX the app will be featured in app stores; and finally, a good UI/UX will make users loyal. It is important to understand what our customers want, what aspects of the UI/UX design in a mobile app will be easy, what aspects will be difficult, and how customers will respond. App Design, graphics, and videos can significantly impact responsive design and mobile speed, but some content management systems like WordPress have a lot of plugins and development tools to help with design, graphics, and video sizes. Mobile speed and round-trip time (RTT) affect consumers’ interaction with a business positively when prioritizing features, removing clutter, using legible text and contrast, and taking into consideration Google Page Speed Insights. 3D touch and biometrics are features in a mobile app design. 3D allows mobile users to “peek” into an action before performing it showing more features that include calendar, email messages, and camera; biometrics, also known as user authentication, is used to access a mobile device, to access passwords, and used as login through touch ID or face ID. Responsive design affects mobile consumers’ interaction positively when simplifying website navigation, resizing text, images, and videos. It prevents users from having to pinch to zoon and takes mobile speed into account.
  • 10. Mobile Marketing Plan 9 Sponnie Threads target audience is special needs parents and caregivers who most of the time are tired or frustrating; therefore, the mobile app will incorporate the business brand into the user experience by providing with a responsive design, biometrics with a touch ID for easier and faster access. 8. AI and mobile automation With the developing and fast-changing technology, marketing strategies have also changed to meet the demands and needs of consumers; Artificial Intelligence is a tool that helps businesses to keep up with the changing marketing landscape by responding to customer inquiries faster, improving prospect targeting, and determining action plans. “In the last 60 years, marketing has turned from product-oriented to consumer-centered and then to humanity issues from consumers.” (Makalesi, 2020). As we know the digital world is powered by data, AI can extrapolate information and process data faster than humans can, including details such as demographics, interests, and pain points, giving marketers insights into their potential customers; it can also provide an excellent customer experience by customer service chatbots; social media monitoring; advertising; and product recommendations based on customer searches. One example of marketing uses for AI is chatbots, based on AI, chatbots basically learn how humans ask the same questions in various ways and offer instant customer service. For instance, a cosmetic retailer incorporates a chatbot to interview customers about their makeup preferences and recommends certain products. Chatbots provide excellent customer service with clear answers that result in happy customers and more sales.
  • 11. Mobile Marketing Plan 10 Another example of marketing uses for AI in computer vision which provides creative ways to connect with your target market by for example letting people try your virtual product in your home or try different hairstyles or clothes. Computer vision also helps with face recognition and that can be incorporated in a personalized customer experience, for instance when your customers walk into your store. “Using AI, you can truly define the way a website visitor or a prospect sees your brand, services, and/or products at different stages of the sales funnel and can also help in reducing marketing costs.” (Mishra, 2020). In the awareness stage, it can help extract vast amounts of data to develop effective strategies and tactics; communication development, and personalization of ads; in the consideration stage, AI can help with differentiation on how consumers experience the brand online by providing a great website experience, for instance, Netflix doesn’t have 2 users with a similar website experience based on their past viewing of content. AI can be used in the purchase stage by providing recommendation engines, voice search, and voice shopping. Finally, AI can be used to improve consumer loyalty by predicting consumer preferences and offering discounts to existing customers. AI might relate to my micro-business by incorporating Natural Language Processing (NLP) to compare blog posts from competitors and make recommendations about improving appeal, readability, and google ranking; to capture what customers say when they talk about my business; to track social media to find people that mention my products and based on what they say to find out if they are happy or not, and to reveal important marketing trends. I can
  • 12. Mobile Marketing Plan 11 incorporate chatbots for users to receive support and assistance, and computer vision when trying on products. 9. VR/AR and wearable technologies Integrating emerging technology like AR that combines real and virtual into the micro- business prototype can help reach new customers, provide an engaging brand experience and higher conversion rates. “Today almost 84 million people in the US use AR on many social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram. That accounts for 15% of the population.” According to research from Snap and Deloitte, “Interacting with products that have AR leads to a 94% higher conversion rate”. I want to use AR to provide shoppers with a true sense of the size, and detail of products they are looking at. This will help with brand awareness, increase sales, and reduce returns. Customers will be able to virtually try on clothing according to their children needs in three categories” “Clothes for feeding tubes” “Clothes for diabetics care” “clothes for stoma” AR will support customer decisions and get them into the sales funnel. It will also help with promotion because people will be able to share it with their friends, family, and followers. We can measure performance using a call to action, time spent with the AR experience, and the times that people will share it.
  • 13. Mobile Marketing Plan 12 VR is the term used to describe a digital environment that can be explored and experienced by a person. For VR experience to be successful, it needs to be believable, interactive, explorable, and immersive. Virtual reality requires the use of wearable devices, sensors to track position and movement, and stereo headphones to produce surround sound. For Sponnie Threads micro-business, VR as a marketing tool can provide value by integrating step-by-step virtual tutorials in the app for the care, education, and training of certain health equipment like in the case of G-tubes. turning information into experiences can make so many aspects of special needs parents’ lives more fulfilling. The wearables market includes smartwatches and health or fitness activity trackers. Smartwatches are the ideal candidate for workplace assistance and business incorporation. Smart glasses and VR headsets in education can significantly improve the way teachers and professors hold their lectures. These can be broadened to also provide virtual class trips to historically significant places. Professional and public services such as police and firefighters use wearable technology to help alleviate some of the risks of their daily working routine and help them do their job to the best of their ability. Smartwatches, smart cams, body cameras. As Sponnie threads deal with a variety of health conditions, we can integrate a wearable device with the app that will monitor Glucose, Heart Rate, and pulse. 10. Other emerging technologies
  • 14. Mobile Marketing Plan 13 A computerized virtual assistant is an application program that understands natural language voice commands and can assist users by answering questions and performing tasks. Some virtual assistants are Amazon’s Alexa, Google Assistant, Apple’s Siri, and Microsoft’s Cortana. “Smart speakers are now a common household item, with more than 133 million in use in the US and about 26 percent of US consumers owning smart speakers. Amazon is the market leader with 61 percent of market share of smart speakers, while Google takes 24 percent of the market.” (Shih & Rivero, 2020). Sponnie Threads customers are already using digital tools regularly to connect, be entertained, share experiences, and shop; therefore, implementing an emerging technology like a computerized virtual assistant will help create engagement and convert sales at a higher rate. With a preconstructed set of questions and answers, a virtual assistant for my micro-business will be able to provide Real-time customer service and answer questions related to the products or issues with payment at checkout 24/7. For a level 4 deeply integrated intelligent Virtual Assistant, the price set up starts at $10,000. The monthly fee for using the platform is in the $5,000 - $15,000 range. The price includes a Natural Language Understanding Intelligent Virtual Assistant (IVA) which is smarted than a regular chatbot and can understand multiple languages; IVA is able to authenticate users through free text interactions and provide them personalized answers. IVAs are most often connected to websites through a chat widget, and they can be connected to most messaging apps. Some of the advantages of implementing a virtual assistant include better customer engagement and trust, especially if a virtual assistant is there 24/7 and provides a personalized customer experience; improved accuracy, virtual assistants can both give
  • 15. Mobile Marketing Plan 14 customers complete answers with robust topic understanding and can resolve and escalate issues faster than some direct conversations; virtual assistants are adaptable to customer needs and can keep a conversation; and, within an organization, a virtual assistant can improve efficiency and offer support to employees so they can spend time on other tasks. 11. Summary People use their mobile devices to save time or to waste time. Delivering an onboarding experience starts with the first screen value that users see in the app, to catch their attention with things that relate to them. Social plug-ins will make it very easy for people to log in and access different social networking sites, Excellent customer support will cultivate loyal customers. Everything can, and should, be available via mobile including AI, mobile automation, VR/AR and other emerging technologies.
  • 16. Mobile Marketing Plan 15 References Babich, N. (2016). The Art of Minimalism in Mobile App UI Design. Cousins, C. (2015). How to implement gestures into your mobile design. Eslinger, T. Mobile Magic: The Saatchi and Saatchi Guide to Mobile Marketing and Design. Wiley. the/9781118855140/xhtml/Chapter04.html#sec12 Deloitte. (n.d). Five Things you need to know about AI Virtual Assistants. virtual-assistants.html Even, A. (2016). Mobile app UX design: What strategies work and why. Gilliam Haije, E. (2017). What makes a good user experience for my mobile app? Hackl, C. (2021, October 25). Augmented Reality Marketing. [Video File]. modernize-your- marketing?autoAdvance=true&autoSkip=false&autoplay=true&resume=true&u=50813145 Locke, M. (2014, August 11). How to Get Started in Mobile UI Design (iPhone, iPad, Android, Microsoft Tablet, etc.) [Video File]. Makalesi, A. (2020). The Place and Future of Artificial Intelligence in Marketing Strategies. EBSCOhost. https://web-p-ebscohost-
  • 17. Mobile Marketing Plan 16 8a40689baf37%40redis Moatti, SC. (2016). 7 Strategies to Save Time and Money with Your Mobile Launch (or Re- Launch). O’Reilly Media, Inc. to/9781491959145/ Shih, W., & Rivero, E. (2020). Virtual Voice Assistants. EBSCOhost. https://web-p-ebscohost- dfa13ce6d39b%40redis [24]7. ai. (2021). What is an AI Virtual Assistant? Tolub,Y. (2016). These 5 Businesses Rock the Mobile App Experience. experience/ Vainu, I. (2022). Chatbot Pricing – How Much Does A Chatbot Cost in 2022? White, S. (2017). What is Geofencing? Putting Location to Work. Wilkinson, D. (2018). MMS vs SMS Messaging: How Are They Different? Wankhede, C. (2021). What is NFC and how does it work? Everything you need to know.