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Mise-en-scene Analysis
Use Of Colour: Here we see Little Mix wearing bright, fun
coloured costume. The colours, pink, purple, turquoise,
yellow and blue are all featured strongly throughout the
image. This gives a real punch of the pop genre through the
entire image. All of the colours are attention grabbing and
exciting, like the genre of pop itself, as it is an upbeat and
fun style of music. By looking at these colours the audience
have a feel of happiness and joy.
Each of the girls in Little Mix each feature a colour which is
worn by another member of the band, to show their unity
and connection between the four. Also, the colours show
that the band are bright, energetic and that they stand out
from the rest. This would attract young, bubbly females
who enjoy having fun.
Facial Expression: Each of the four members are shown smiling, laughing
and singing. This shows that they are fun and bubbly. The fact they all
appear smiling shows they are having a good time and enjoying
themselves, this would reflect their music almost as if, if they are having
a good time, we will by listening to their music. It also reflects them as a
girl band, they are a high energy, young girl band who are living life to
the full. This would attract us as an audience, as we would want to be
having as much fun as them.
Direct Address: The use of direct address has been used in this image, as
we see each of the members looking directly into the camera, directly
into the eyes of the audience. We feel as if they are looking at us, inviting
us to have fun with them. Direct address is important as it allows us to
feel close to the artist and relate to them like we know them.
Hair and Make-up: all of Little Mix’s hair is down and loosely curled. The
fact it is curled and has nothing tying it back or clipping it off their faces
shows how they are free and letting go. This could attract people who
would want to let loose like they do and have as much fun as them. Also,
as they all have curly hair, creates a link between them all, making them
seem similar and look like a girl group.
Although there hair is all similar in style, all the colours of their hair are
different, showing how they are all individual and have their own
personalities. It also highlights their individual role in the band and how
they each bring something different to Little Mix. For example, Jese has a
dark red hair. This gives her a feisty, fiery side to her personality.
Whereas, Jade has dark pink coloured hair, showing she is a typical girly-
girl who loves the colour pink. Yet, the darkness of the pink shows
although she is a girly-girl, she is still feisty and confident. It also,
highlights her youth, as pink is seen usually as a young girls favourite
colour. Suggesting, she is the young one of the group.
Perry is blonde, stereotypically she would be seen as the ‘dumb blonde’
yet it also connotates her innocence, and youth.
Leigh-anne finally, is shown with full, thick, black curly hair making her
look confident and bold. The thickness of the curls, shows how she is eye
catching and makes a statement.
Hair and Makeup: Each of the girls in Little Mix all
have the same pastel pink lipstick on, to link them all
and show they look like a pop band. The colour pink
makes them look young and fun. The colour also
makes them appear sweet and innocent, which would
attract their young girl fans who would aspire and
look up to them.
Apart from the use of pink lipstick the girls all look
fairly natural, with only little make-up. This highlights
their youth as they do not need to wear a lot of make-
up. It also makes them all appear naturally beautiful
which would show how you do not need to wear
makeup to be beautiful.
Costume: Each of the girls are wearing pastel coloured
costume. As they all wear shorts but in different colours, it
highlights how they are similar and how they are a united girl
group. Yet, as the colours are all different shows how they all
have different personalities and different roles in the group.
Jesse is shown wearing dark purple jean shorts, a lilac vest and
an armless lilac jean jacket. The continuity of the purple
throughout her outfit makes her stand out, it also dominates
her as a member of the band. As her singing voice is powerful
and bold like the darkness of the purple.
Jade wears a yellow sleeveless blouse. The vividness of the
yellow grabs attention and highlights her happy and fun
personality. It has been tucked into her shorts to give a smart,
sophisticated look, showing that although she has a high
energy, fun personality she is also sophisticated, intelligent and
understanding. Her light green shorts contrast with the
luminous yellow, as they give a touch of innocence. She also
wears black fitted shorts underneath showing how although
she has a young, playful and fun side to her personality
underneath this she has a dark side.
Perry also wears a similar jacket to Jesse’s, this could link to the
fact they are both similar in voices as they are two of the main
singers in Little Mix as they have the strongest voices out of
the four. It is also a similar colour to Jade’s shorts to again
show unity between them all and finally her pink cropped vest
top is the same colour as Leigh-anne’s. As Perry’s costume
contains a colour of each of the girls costume, it portrays how
she is the main singer of the group, she almost appears like a
mother figure to the other girls and how they look up to her.
Finally Leigh-anne wears bright, sky blue jersey shorts, a
cropped baby pink vest and matching pink boot converse.
Her cropped pink vest makes her appear young and
innocent as we usually associate the colour pink
with delicate objects. The shorts are attention
grabbing and powerful, showing how she stands out
and wants all eyes on her, adding to her confident
and bold personality. Then, the pink converse again
create a more subtle tone to her outfit making her
appear youthful and sweet. Also, as the colour
matches to the pink vest, it creates a theme of
consistency. Although we are presented with lots of
subtle and pastel colours, the dark, blackness of her
socks shows how although she has a sweet and
innocent side, she has a mysterious side to her also.
Each of the girls have a collection of bracelets on their arms. All of the
bracelets are colourful and eye catching. Which links to the clothes they
are wearing. It is also common for pop music magazines to feature gifts
such as bracelets as a young female audience would like this. Therefore, it
attracts their fans. As all of the girls are wearing similar bracelets it again,
links to the continuity and togetherness of the band and how they are all
united. It also makes them appear as good friends, as we associate
matching bracelets with friendship. Finally, as they wear a bunch of
bracelets rather than one makes them appear exciting and fun which links
to their music style and the genre.
The use of props and iconography: In this image we see both Jesse and
Leigh-Anne posing with a microphone. This is an example of iconography
as they are a singing girl group. The use of the microphone makes the
audience get a sense of excitement and fun as, singing makes everyone
have a feeling of happiness. It also makes us believe that they are always
singing as a girl group showing their real passion and love for what they do
by making music. As both Jesse and Leigh-Anne are featured singing into
the microphone it reminds us of karaoke, reminding us of the fun and
excitement it brings to us. It again adds to the closeness of the band as
karaoke is usually played when family and friends are together.
Perry appears to be holding an old fashioned, orange telephone. This gives
the band a vintage look and also an unusual feel. As she sings into the
telephone like it is a microphone, gives the image of a young girl who
dreams of being a singer when she is older. This links to the youthful,
playful side of the band, and would make their audience see them as a fun
and loveable band. Also as it is a bright orange colour it also links again to
the typical colours we associate the genre with, adding to the colourful
tone of the image.
Finally, we see Jade posing with a lollipop. Connotations of lollipops give
us the imagery of young teens and children, fun fairs and circuses. All of
these connotations add to the youthfulness of her personality and how
she would attract a young target audience.
Setting: We see Little Mix standing on a cream sofa,
surrounded with several pillows, one of the pillows is a
berry purple and the other is striped with the colours
black, pink, yellow, white and turquoise. All of the
colours featured on the pillow are the colours which
the girls are wearing creating a symbiotic link between
the setting and the costume of the band. The
creaminess of the sofa gives a subtle tone to the
setting, whilst the vividness of the colourful pillows
reminds us of the pop genre and how it is jam-packed
with fun and excitement.
As they are standing on the sofa, singing and dancing it
gives a child-like, youthful image of the band again,
reminds us of their youth making us want to join them,
as they look like they are having fun.
We get this youthful image as we associate jumping on sofas with young
children, this would attract young fans of the girl group as they can relate
to this and would understand how they are having a fun time.
Lighting: The lighting used in this image is ambient lighting. It makes the
room appear lit up and bright. This is critical for a pop artists image as it
makes them appear even more eye catching and bold. It also allows the
audience to see everything in the frame easily and makes all of the colours
stand out more.
Positioning Of People In The Frame: As Little Mix are a girl band, it is
important that they appear and look like a group. In this image they are
positioned close to one another to highlight unity. It also makes them
appear like a close family, which would attract their fans as they would
appear friendly and loveable. It also makes their friendship appear strong,
which would appeal to their young female target audience as they would
want friends like this, and could possibly make their target audience
become closer to their friend groups. As it is a long shot we can also see
the entire frame and positioning, this is important in a girl group photo-
shoot as we can see their costume and how the band link together.
Costume: In this image of Cheryl, we
see her wearing a black cap, with
gold beading on the front. The cap
makes her look cool, the darkness of
the black also makes it stand out and
shows her mysterious and dark side.
Yet, the gold highlights her
glamorous and luxurious side to her
The cap is also positioned on the side
of her head, the fact she does not
wear it how it is meant to be worn
makes her appear rebellious and how
she is not afraid to do things her way.
The hat also breaks the continuity of the mise-en-scene. It is such an unusual feature. This suggests
that there is another side to Cheryl. She is not just a feminine pop ‘princess’, but has both a strong,
confident side and a fun side.
Cheryl is shown wearing a pale pink jersey t-shirt and grey jersey shorts. We would usually wear this
at home, known as ‘lounge wear’. This suggests how she has a relaxed and homely personality. The
softness of the colours also suggests she is a calm and comforting person. The pale pink also co
notates innocence and femininity, this shows her girly side. The grey shorts reveal a lot of flesh, as
we can see her entire leg. This highlights her confident side to her personality. It also makes her
sexual appearance more, as it would make people look at her and see her as beautiful. Despite the
‘casual’ look to her costume, Cheryl’s costume highlights the beauty of her figure fully and it is still
upholds her sexy star image. This demonstrates how she can look sexually alluring whatever she
Finally, she wears leopard print high heels, with a strap around the ankle. However, unlike normal
stilettos or high heels, these ones do not have the heel, they are curved at the back with a platform
underneath. This makes her appear quirky and different. Which could link to her style of music and
how although it is pop, she has her own style and take on it to make her stand out from the other
pop artist competition. The bold print on her shoes also makes her appear striking and eye catching.
The heels also make her costume look more glamorous, whilst the shorts and the t-shirt dress the
costume down, showing how she enjoys the luxurious lifestyle of being a pop artist however, she
also enjoys chilling out and being herself.
Hair: Cheryl’s hair is a glowing, shiny, long and a light brown colour. It is loosely curled to give a
natural and tasselled effect and look. This is the common length for many female [pop artists to
have their hair as it highlights their femininity side stronger and makes her appear beautiful. It
would also make other people want to look like her and for their hair to be like Cheryl’s. The curls
make her hair appear natural, it would also suggest she is free and fun. It gives her hair more
volume, making her appear powerful and bold. The brown, suggests she has a dark and flirtatious
side to her personality besides the fun and bubbly side.
Make-Up: Her makeup is natural, making her look clean and fresh. Showing how young girls don’t
need too much makeup to look beautiful. Yet, the glossy pink lips grab our attention to her bright
white smile, highlighting her happiness. It also gives her a flirtatious appearance. The pink is also
common in pop artists to feature as it is a bright, vibrant and girly colour linking to her personality
and music. Pink is also thought to be young girls favourite colour (stereotypically) which would
attract young girls to Cheryl as they aspire to be like her. It also highlights Cheryl’s youth and how
she is young and wants to have fun.
Body Language: In this long shot, we
are able to see Cheryl’s entire body
language. She is sitting on a blow up
exercise ball, with her legs slightly
apart, she is slouched over with one
hand on the front of her cap and the
other on the exercise ball in between
her legs.
As her legs are bent over the
exercise ball, they appear elongated,
this highlights her assets and her
sexual features. The light is shining
on them, making them glow which
grabs our attention. This adds to
Cheryl’s sexual attention.
The hand between her legs creates a flirty tone with the audience, as she lures them in with
her flirtatiousness. She is bent over slightly, to make her seem closer to the camera and
therefore closer to us.
The hand on the cap, looks as if she is saluting us, creating a fun and humorous feel again,
adding to the friendly tone.
Facial Expression: Cheryl is shown here smiling and looking directly into the camera. This is an
example of direct address, this is effective as we feel she is looking at us. The fact she is smiling
assures us she is having fun and enjoying herself, making us want to have as much fun as her also.
Setting and Props: We are able to see the setting in this shot due to it being a long shot. Cheryl is in
a bright, inside room with light wooden floor, behind her is a pink and purple wall, alongside the wall
is a silver pot filled with overflowing vibrant purple and dark berry pink flowers. The continuity of the
pink makes the entire setting appear fresh, colourful and feminine. The bursts of colour also suggest
how her music is upbeat and sure to create an impact on those listening.
She sits on a candy pink exercise ball, to create a sense of fun and energy. This prop captures her
sporty, keep-fit routine and how she enjoys exercise. It also makes the image appear fun and
exciting. The exercise ball also gives her height and elongates her legs, to make her appear tall and
elegant adding to her beauty and emphasizing her assets.
Lighting and Colour: Ambient lighting is used in this shot to ensure brightness is illuminated
throughout the entire shot to make sure Cheryl’s beauty is highlighted to its best. The lighting also
gives a glow to her skin to make her appear glowing, shiny and clean highlighting her youth. The
ambient lighting also makes the colours make the different colours stand out and contrast with one
another, to create an image jam-packed with radiant, arresting colours sure to attract her young, fun
and bubbly target audience.
Positioning of people and objects in the frame: Cheryl clearly dominates the frame, as she sits
directly in the middle of the shot, she appears striking and powerful, yet her pose portrays her
femininity and playfulness. The exercise ball also is centre in the frame, yet it does not take away the
attention of Cheryl. The bunch of flowers sits to the left of the frame therefore catches our eye, it
gives a freshness to the image.
Costume: In this image, One Direction are all shown
wearing similar coloured costume. The similarity of
colours show us how they are a united band and how
they share similarity and friendship. The continuity of
colour also reminds us of how they are a boy band,
making them appear professional. In this particular
shot, One Direction are shown all wearing casual
clothing in comparison to a suit for example. This allows
us to see their personality through the costume,
showing how they are relatable to their audience and
how they are just ‘everyday boys’ enjoying everyday life.
It also presents them as laid back, fun and fashionable.
Niall’s costume is revealed to us through a medium
shot, therefore, we can only see the top of his costume.
It is a jersey blue t-shirt, with turned up sleeves. The
washed blue is eye catching and bright, it goes well with
his colour complexion. The neutral colour shows him as
fun and bubbly. The turned up sleeves allow us as an
audience to see his arms, which would attract us to his
muscles are revealed to us. This would attract One Direction’s
target audience as their fan base is mainly young females. They
would love that his arms are revealed as it would highlight how
they would see him as a admirable person.
Next, we see Louis wearing a navy blue round neck, long
sleeved top and acid washed jeans. The sleeves of his top are
rolled up to reveal his arm, this could show his cool personality
and his confidence. The acid washed jeans also give a sense of
style and individuality as none of the other band members are
shown wearing acid wash, it could also represent him as an artist
as he has a unique tone to his voice, which is different to the
other band members.
Zayn is shown centre of the frame, wearing a black bowler hat, a
light denim jacket, over a navy blue hoodie, a white round neck t-
shirt and dark blue skinny jeans.The bowler hat again, gives a
sense of unique style as none of the others are shown wearing a
hat. It also makes him appear quirky and different, reflecting his
personality. The denim jacket gives him a rocky look and with the
hoodie underneath makes it appear stylish and comfortable. As
both of the jackets are undone to reveal his white top it gives a
sense of openness about his personality and how he is a
comforting person, willing to open up to others and there for
others (such as his band mates) if they are in need of advice or
someone to talk to. Also, as it is open to reveal his bright white
top, this contrasts to the blue tones throughout his costume,
showing he has that fun and cheeky element to his personality,
linking to the rest of the band. Furthermore, the sleeves of both
the jacket and the hoody are rolled up to reveal his tattoo on his
This allows the audience to see his tattoo,
making us feel like we know more about Zayn
and that he has an interest in tattoos. It could
also allow the target audience to relate to him as
they may have a tattoo similar to his. It again
links back to his rocky style and personality, this
could also link to the tone of his voice and his
role in One Direction. The rolled up sleeves give
a sense of attitude and rebellion as he wants all
eyes on him, highlighting his confidence.
Harry is shown wearing a white t-shirt which
looks identical to Zayn’s. This could represent
how they play similar roles in the band as they
have similar singing voices. Or it could also
remind us of their similar personalities and how
they are both full of bright, energetic fun, filled
with youth as we usually associate the colour
white with youth and freshness, reminding us of their age. He also
wears blue jeans, however they are slightly hidden through his
body language. Yet, unlike the other members Harry is shown
wearing a silver necklace with a circular pendant on the end. This
makes him appear unique and it gives his costume a decorated
look. This could link to his personality, making him appear
imaginative and creative as he pays attention to his fashion style.
He also wears a watch too, allowing us to understand that he likes
wearing accessories, we usually associate accessories with
females, showing us that he keeps in touch with his more
emotional side.
Finally, Liam is shown wearing a three quarter sleeved grey top
with blue sleeves. His sleeves are too pushed up slightly to reveal
his cool and relaxed personality. The contrast colours of grey and
blue show us that he has two sides to his personality. He is both
calm, collective and intelligent: the connotations we get from the
colour grey. Yet, the vibrant blue highlights his fun, bubbly and
youthful personality. He wears a watch to add a touch of his style,
which would make the costume more exciting.
All together, the band share similar costume to highlight their unity
and similarities. Yet, as the costume is not identical in both colour
and clothing, it allows the audience to see how each member is
individual, playing their own role in One Direction. Without one of
the members, the band would not be the same and would look
unfinished and unprofessional.
Hair: Each member of the band has a unique hairstyle,
however there are similarities within them. For example,
Niall has blonde hair with hints of brown. It has been
styled into a slight quiff. The two colours in his hair
remind us of how he is interesting, how his personality
has various differences, yet the colours go well together,
reminding us that the differences in his personality
complement his personality. The style makes him
appear fashionable, quirky and stylish.
His hairstyle is similar to Liam’s as they have both been
gelled to the side yet they both have an ‘unfinished’ look,
linking to the idea that although they are both stylish,
they do not pay too much attention to their appearance.
This could link to how they may not take things in life so
serious, highlighting their light-hearted personality. All of
the members have this sense of ‘unfinishing’ to their
hair, which could suggest they are all funky and fun. It
also reminds us of having a good time, this could link to
their career as they would attend concerts where they
would be dancing, showing how they have fun up on the
Zayn wears a hat in the image, however his hair is shown sticking out the
front of it. Drawing our attention to the blonde streaks he has through the
front. This contrasts with the darkness of the rest of his hair. It portrays
his rock style personality yet it could also link to how, although he has a
mysterious dark side to him, the blonde reminds us of his quirky, fun and
Harry and Louis both have similar hairstyles as they are both side swept.
The side parting gives them a ‘easy going’ yet quirky and funky person.
Harry’s hair is much curlier and slightly longer making him have a
distinctive and memorable look.
Body Language: In this image, through One Direction’s body language
their brand identity is portrayed strongly. Each of them highlight their
youthful and cheeky personality through their pose. They each look
directly into the camera, this use of direct address shows how they are
looking at us and to their fans, this would appeal to their target audience
as it makes them feel they are personally looking at them as individuals.
Niall is shown crouching down with both his arms elongated and pointing
towards the camera, like he is pointing at us, inviting us to have fun with
him. Louis is bent slightly with one arm over Niall's shoulder and the
other pointing upwards. This highlights the companionship of the band
and how they are close friends as we would usually put our arm round
our friends when taking a group picture for example. Zayn stands strong
and powerful in the centre with both his arms in the air, his hands are
positioned into a typical ‘rock on’ style pose, highlighting his rebellious
and rock God personality. Harry is then shown thrusting his body
forwards like he is singing, as he is leaning towards the camera we feel
close to him. Finally, Liam is shown bent down slightly with his arms and
hand pointing towards us, similarly to Niall’s body language. This again
reminds us of him reaching out to us, almost inviting us to dance and
have fun with him,
Overall, the body language of the band highlights their inviting and
cheeky personality as they appear having a good time, wanting us to
participate with them. Also, the different levels of their body language
give a quirky, interesting and fun look to the image, linking to their
personalities being different individually yet, altogether they are like a big
group of friends coming together to share their love for music.
Facial Expression: Each of the band members facial
expressions highlight strongly their cheeky and youthful
personality. All except Niall are shown with their mouths
opened as if they are singing or shouting, this reminds
us of their lives on the stage when they are performing
in concert with one another, highlighting their fun style of
music and the high energy performance they have on
stage. Zayn however, is shown with his mouth wide and
his tongue out, this gives a humorous, cheeky and
excited look to the frame and reminds their target
audience of Zayn’s funny and rebellious personality.
Setting And Props: In this shot, One Direction are
shown with no props in the frame, this is because the
impact of their high energy personalities is enough to
make the image exciting and interesting, therefore, the
need for props is unnecessary. They are placed in front
of a sky blue screen, this links to the blue and white
theme of their costume, giving a sense of continuity and
tidiness to the frame. The colour blue is often linked to
boys, showing a high gender stereotype here, linking to
their rebellious and boisterous personalities.
As it is a sky blue rather than a dark blue it also reminds us of freshness
and Summer, highlighting how their music will never get old, like their
cheeky personalities. The band will never change and will still be able to
keep their youthful brand identity and music, they will never disappoint
their fans. As it is just a plain setting it again reminds us of the idea that
One Direction do not need an extravagant and eye catching setting as
the only thing their fans are interested in is them as a united band.
Positioning Of People In The Frame:
One Direction’s positioning looks very natural and interesting, as they
look as if this shot has been taken whilst they were singing and dancing
together. The different levels of the individuals gives an interesting look to
the frame, we are able to see each of their faces clearly without anyone
blocking each other, suggesting how no one out shines anyone and they
all play a part to the band. If one member was to be taken out of the shot,
it would not look the same, highlighting their unity and need for one
another. As Zayn is centred and stood higher than the others it could
represent him as a vocalist in the band, as he has a distinct and familiar
voice. They all come together in this photograph, therefore, we are able
to see the true friendship of the band. Also, as they are positioned close
together in a group rather than in a line besides each other, it reminds us
of how they all come together in their similarities, however, the different
heights in the image reminds us of their differences, yet their differences
do not affect them as in a way, their differences complete them.

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Contents page totp
Contents page totpContents page totp
Contents page totp
Front Cover Analysis - 'We Love Pop'
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Front Cover Analysis - 'We Love Pop'
Trailer overview
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Trailer overview
Mise-en-scene Analysis.
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Horror Sub-Genres
Horror Sub-GenresHorror Sub-Genres
Horror Sub-Genres
Chosen Characters.
Chosen Characters.Chosen Characters.
Chosen Characters.
Location Ideas.
Location Ideas.Location Ideas.
Location Ideas.
Introduction To Main Task
Introduction To Main TaskIntroduction To Main Task
Introduction To Main Task
Meet mychosen artists...
Meet mychosen artists...Meet mychosen artists...
Meet mychosen artists...
'We Love Pop' Case Study.
'We Love Pop' Case Study.'We Love Pop' Case Study.
'We Love Pop' Case Study.
'Top Of The Pops' Front Cover Analysis.
'Top Of The Pops'  Front Cover Analysis.'Top Of The Pops'  Front Cover Analysis.
'Top Of The Pops' Front Cover Analysis.
Questionnaire analysis.docx
Questionnaire analysis.docxQuestionnaire analysis.docx
Questionnaire analysis.docx
Magazine overview.
Magazine overview.Magazine overview.
Magazine overview.
Poster Overview
Poster OverviewPoster Overview
Poster Overview

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Mise-en-scene Analysis

  • 2. Use Of Colour: Here we see Little Mix wearing bright, fun coloured costume. The colours, pink, purple, turquoise, yellow and blue are all featured strongly throughout the image. This gives a real punch of the pop genre through the entire image. All of the colours are attention grabbing and exciting, like the genre of pop itself, as it is an upbeat and fun style of music. By looking at these colours the audience have a feel of happiness and joy. Each of the girls in Little Mix each feature a colour which is worn by another member of the band, to show their unity and connection between the four. Also, the colours show that the band are bright, energetic and that they stand out from the rest. This would attract young, bubbly females who enjoy having fun. Facial Expression: Each of the four members are shown smiling, laughing and singing. This shows that they are fun and bubbly. The fact they all appear smiling shows they are having a good time and enjoying themselves, this would reflect their music almost as if, if they are having a good time, we will by listening to their music. It also reflects them as a girl band, they are a high energy, young girl band who are living life to the full. This would attract us as an audience, as we would want to be having as much fun as them. Direct Address: The use of direct address has been used in this image, as we see each of the members looking directly into the camera, directly into the eyes of the audience. We feel as if they are looking at us, inviting us to have fun with them. Direct address is important as it allows us to feel close to the artist and relate to them like we know them. Hair and Make-up: all of Little Mix’s hair is down and loosely curled. The fact it is curled and has nothing tying it back or clipping it off their faces shows how they are free and letting go. This could attract people who would want to let loose like they do and have as much fun as them. Also, as they all have curly hair, creates a link between them all, making them seem similar and look like a girl group. Although there hair is all similar in style, all the colours of their hair are different, showing how they are all individual and have their own personalities. It also highlights their individual role in the band and how they each bring something different to Little Mix. For example, Jese has a dark red hair. This gives her a feisty, fiery side to her personality. Whereas, Jade has dark pink coloured hair, showing she is a typical girly- girl who loves the colour pink. Yet, the darkness of the pink shows although she is a girly-girl, she is still feisty and confident. It also, highlights her youth, as pink is seen usually as a young girls favourite colour. Suggesting, she is the young one of the group. Perry is blonde, stereotypically she would be seen as the ‘dumb blonde’ yet it also connotates her innocence, and youth. Leigh-anne finally, is shown with full, thick, black curly hair making her look confident and bold. The thickness of the curls, shows how she is eye catching and makes a statement.
  • 3. Hair and Makeup: Each of the girls in Little Mix all have the same pastel pink lipstick on, to link them all and show they look like a pop band. The colour pink makes them look young and fun. The colour also makes them appear sweet and innocent, which would attract their young girl fans who would aspire and look up to them. Apart from the use of pink lipstick the girls all look fairly natural, with only little make-up. This highlights their youth as they do not need to wear a lot of make- up. It also makes them all appear naturally beautiful which would show how you do not need to wear makeup to be beautiful. Costume: Each of the girls are wearing pastel coloured costume. As they all wear shorts but in different colours, it highlights how they are similar and how they are a united girl group. Yet, as the colours are all different shows how they all have different personalities and different roles in the group. Jesse is shown wearing dark purple jean shorts, a lilac vest and an armless lilac jean jacket. The continuity of the purple throughout her outfit makes her stand out, it also dominates her as a member of the band. As her singing voice is powerful and bold like the darkness of the purple. Jade wears a yellow sleeveless blouse. The vividness of the yellow grabs attention and highlights her happy and fun personality. It has been tucked into her shorts to give a smart, sophisticated look, showing that although she has a high energy, fun personality she is also sophisticated, intelligent and understanding. Her light green shorts contrast with the luminous yellow, as they give a touch of innocence. She also wears black fitted shorts underneath showing how although she has a young, playful and fun side to her personality underneath this she has a dark side. Perry also wears a similar jacket to Jesse’s, this could link to the fact they are both similar in voices as they are two of the main singers in Little Mix as they have the strongest voices out of the four. It is also a similar colour to Jade’s shorts to again show unity between them all and finally her pink cropped vest top is the same colour as Leigh-anne’s. As Perry’s costume contains a colour of each of the girls costume, it portrays how she is the main singer of the group, she almost appears like a mother figure to the other girls and how they look up to her. Finally Leigh-anne wears bright, sky blue jersey shorts, a cropped baby pink vest and matching pink boot converse.
  • 4. Her cropped pink vest makes her appear young and innocent as we usually associate the colour pink with delicate objects. The shorts are attention grabbing and powerful, showing how she stands out and wants all eyes on her, adding to her confident and bold personality. Then, the pink converse again create a more subtle tone to her outfit making her appear youthful and sweet. Also, as the colour matches to the pink vest, it creates a theme of consistency. Although we are presented with lots of subtle and pastel colours, the dark, blackness of her socks shows how although she has a sweet and innocent side, she has a mysterious side to her also. Each of the girls have a collection of bracelets on their arms. All of the bracelets are colourful and eye catching. Which links to the clothes they are wearing. It is also common for pop music magazines to feature gifts such as bracelets as a young female audience would like this. Therefore, it attracts their fans. As all of the girls are wearing similar bracelets it again, links to the continuity and togetherness of the band and how they are all united. It also makes them appear as good friends, as we associate matching bracelets with friendship. Finally, as they wear a bunch of bracelets rather than one makes them appear exciting and fun which links to their music style and the genre. The use of props and iconography: In this image we see both Jesse and Leigh-Anne posing with a microphone. This is an example of iconography as they are a singing girl group. The use of the microphone makes the audience get a sense of excitement and fun as, singing makes everyone have a feeling of happiness. It also makes us believe that they are always singing as a girl group showing their real passion and love for what they do by making music. As both Jesse and Leigh-Anne are featured singing into the microphone it reminds us of karaoke, reminding us of the fun and excitement it brings to us. It again adds to the closeness of the band as karaoke is usually played when family and friends are together. Perry appears to be holding an old fashioned, orange telephone. This gives the band a vintage look and also an unusual feel. As she sings into the telephone like it is a microphone, gives the image of a young girl who dreams of being a singer when she is older. This links to the youthful, playful side of the band, and would make their audience see them as a fun and loveable band. Also as it is a bright orange colour it also links again to the typical colours we associate the genre with, adding to the colourful tone of the image. Finally, we see Jade posing with a lollipop. Connotations of lollipops give us the imagery of young teens and children, fun fairs and circuses. All of these connotations add to the youthfulness of her personality and how she would attract a young target audience.
  • 5. Setting: We see Little Mix standing on a cream sofa, surrounded with several pillows, one of the pillows is a berry purple and the other is striped with the colours black, pink, yellow, white and turquoise. All of the colours featured on the pillow are the colours which the girls are wearing creating a symbiotic link between the setting and the costume of the band. The creaminess of the sofa gives a subtle tone to the setting, whilst the vividness of the colourful pillows reminds us of the pop genre and how it is jam-packed with fun and excitement. As they are standing on the sofa, singing and dancing it gives a child-like, youthful image of the band again, reminds us of their youth making us want to join them, as they look like they are having fun. We get this youthful image as we associate jumping on sofas with young children, this would attract young fans of the girl group as they can relate to this and would understand how they are having a fun time. Lighting: The lighting used in this image is ambient lighting. It makes the room appear lit up and bright. This is critical for a pop artists image as it makes them appear even more eye catching and bold. It also allows the audience to see everything in the frame easily and makes all of the colours stand out more. Positioning Of People In The Frame: As Little Mix are a girl band, it is important that they appear and look like a group. In this image they are positioned close to one another to highlight unity. It also makes them appear like a close family, which would attract their fans as they would appear friendly and loveable. It also makes their friendship appear strong, which would appeal to their young female target audience as they would want friends like this, and could possibly make their target audience become closer to their friend groups. As it is a long shot we can also see the entire frame and positioning, this is important in a girl group photo- shoot as we can see their costume and how the band link together.
  • 6. Costume: In this image of Cheryl, we see her wearing a black cap, with gold beading on the front. The cap makes her look cool, the darkness of the black also makes it stand out and shows her mysterious and dark side. Yet, the gold highlights her glamorous and luxurious side to her lifestyle. The cap is also positioned on the side of her head, the fact she does not wear it how it is meant to be worn makes her appear rebellious and how she is not afraid to do things her way. The hat also breaks the continuity of the mise-en-scene. It is such an unusual feature. This suggests that there is another side to Cheryl. She is not just a feminine pop ‘princess’, but has both a strong, confident side and a fun side. Cheryl is shown wearing a pale pink jersey t-shirt and grey jersey shorts. We would usually wear this at home, known as ‘lounge wear’. This suggests how she has a relaxed and homely personality. The softness of the colours also suggests she is a calm and comforting person. The pale pink also co notates innocence and femininity, this shows her girly side. The grey shorts reveal a lot of flesh, as we can see her entire leg. This highlights her confident side to her personality. It also makes her sexual appearance more, as it would make people look at her and see her as beautiful. Despite the ‘casual’ look to her costume, Cheryl’s costume highlights the beauty of her figure fully and it is still upholds her sexy star image. This demonstrates how she can look sexually alluring whatever she wears. Finally, she wears leopard print high heels, with a strap around the ankle. However, unlike normal stilettos or high heels, these ones do not have the heel, they are curved at the back with a platform underneath. This makes her appear quirky and different. Which could link to her style of music and how although it is pop, she has her own style and take on it to make her stand out from the other pop artist competition. The bold print on her shoes also makes her appear striking and eye catching. The heels also make her costume look more glamorous, whilst the shorts and the t-shirt dress the costume down, showing how she enjoys the luxurious lifestyle of being a pop artist however, she also enjoys chilling out and being herself. Hair: Cheryl’s hair is a glowing, shiny, long and a light brown colour. It is loosely curled to give a natural and tasselled effect and look. This is the common length for many female [pop artists to have their hair as it highlights their femininity side stronger and makes her appear beautiful. It would also make other people want to look like her and for their hair to be like Cheryl’s. The curls make her hair appear natural, it would also suggest she is free and fun. It gives her hair more volume, making her appear powerful and bold. The brown, suggests she has a dark and flirtatious side to her personality besides the fun and bubbly side. Make-Up: Her makeup is natural, making her look clean and fresh. Showing how young girls don’t need too much makeup to look beautiful. Yet, the glossy pink lips grab our attention to her bright white smile, highlighting her happiness. It also gives her a flirtatious appearance. The pink is also common in pop artists to feature as it is a bright, vibrant and girly colour linking to her personality and music. Pink is also thought to be young girls favourite colour (stereotypically) which would attract young girls to Cheryl as they aspire to be like her. It also highlights Cheryl’s youth and how she is young and wants to have fun.
  • 7. Body Language: In this long shot, we are able to see Cheryl’s entire body language. She is sitting on a blow up exercise ball, with her legs slightly apart, she is slouched over with one hand on the front of her cap and the other on the exercise ball in between her legs. As her legs are bent over the exercise ball, they appear elongated, this highlights her assets and her sexual features. The light is shining on them, making them glow which grabs our attention. This adds to Cheryl’s sexual attention. The hand between her legs creates a flirty tone with the audience, as she lures them in with her flirtatiousness. She is bent over slightly, to make her seem closer to the camera and therefore closer to us. The hand on the cap, looks as if she is saluting us, creating a fun and humorous feel again, adding to the friendly tone. Facial Expression: Cheryl is shown here smiling and looking directly into the camera. This is an example of direct address, this is effective as we feel she is looking at us. The fact she is smiling assures us she is having fun and enjoying herself, making us want to have as much fun as her also. Setting and Props: We are able to see the setting in this shot due to it being a long shot. Cheryl is in a bright, inside room with light wooden floor, behind her is a pink and purple wall, alongside the wall is a silver pot filled with overflowing vibrant purple and dark berry pink flowers. The continuity of the pink makes the entire setting appear fresh, colourful and feminine. The bursts of colour also suggest how her music is upbeat and sure to create an impact on those listening. She sits on a candy pink exercise ball, to create a sense of fun and energy. This prop captures her sporty, keep-fit routine and how she enjoys exercise. It also makes the image appear fun and exciting. The exercise ball also gives her height and elongates her legs, to make her appear tall and elegant adding to her beauty and emphasizing her assets. Lighting and Colour: Ambient lighting is used in this shot to ensure brightness is illuminated throughout the entire shot to make sure Cheryl’s beauty is highlighted to its best. The lighting also gives a glow to her skin to make her appear glowing, shiny and clean highlighting her youth. The ambient lighting also makes the colours make the different colours stand out and contrast with one another, to create an image jam-packed with radiant, arresting colours sure to attract her young, fun and bubbly target audience. Positioning of people and objects in the frame: Cheryl clearly dominates the frame, as she sits directly in the middle of the shot, she appears striking and powerful, yet her pose portrays her femininity and playfulness. The exercise ball also is centre in the frame, yet it does not take away the attention of Cheryl. The bunch of flowers sits to the left of the frame therefore catches our eye, it gives a freshness to the image.
  • 8. Costume: In this image, One Direction are all shown wearing similar coloured costume. The similarity of colours show us how they are a united band and how they share similarity and friendship. The continuity of colour also reminds us of how they are a boy band, making them appear professional. In this particular shot, One Direction are shown all wearing casual clothing in comparison to a suit for example. This allows us to see their personality through the costume, showing how they are relatable to their audience and how they are just ‘everyday boys’ enjoying everyday life. It also presents them as laid back, fun and fashionable. Niall’s costume is revealed to us through a medium shot, therefore, we can only see the top of his costume. It is a jersey blue t-shirt, with turned up sleeves. The washed blue is eye catching and bright, it goes well with his colour complexion. The neutral colour shows him as fun and bubbly. The turned up sleeves allow us as an audience to see his arms, which would attract us to his muscles are revealed to us. This would attract One Direction’s target audience as their fan base is mainly young females. They would love that his arms are revealed as it would highlight how they would see him as a admirable person. Next, we see Louis wearing a navy blue round neck, long sleeved top and acid washed jeans. The sleeves of his top are rolled up to reveal his arm, this could show his cool personality and his confidence. The acid washed jeans also give a sense of style and individuality as none of the other band members are shown wearing acid wash, it could also represent him as an artist as he has a unique tone to his voice, which is different to the other band members. Zayn is shown centre of the frame, wearing a black bowler hat, a light denim jacket, over a navy blue hoodie, a white round neck t- shirt and dark blue skinny jeans.The bowler hat again, gives a sense of unique style as none of the others are shown wearing a hat. It also makes him appear quirky and different, reflecting his personality. The denim jacket gives him a rocky look and with the hoodie underneath makes it appear stylish and comfortable. As both of the jackets are undone to reveal his white top it gives a sense of openness about his personality and how he is a comforting person, willing to open up to others and there for others (such as his band mates) if they are in need of advice or someone to talk to. Also, as it is open to reveal his bright white top, this contrasts to the blue tones throughout his costume, showing he has that fun and cheeky element to his personality, linking to the rest of the band. Furthermore, the sleeves of both the jacket and the hoody are rolled up to reveal his tattoo on his wrist.
  • 9. This allows the audience to see his tattoo, making us feel like we know more about Zayn and that he has an interest in tattoos. It could also allow the target audience to relate to him as they may have a tattoo similar to his. It again links back to his rocky style and personality, this could also link to the tone of his voice and his role in One Direction. The rolled up sleeves give a sense of attitude and rebellion as he wants all eyes on him, highlighting his confidence. Harry is shown wearing a white t-shirt which looks identical to Zayn’s. This could represent how they play similar roles in the band as they have similar singing voices. Or it could also remind us of their similar personalities and how they are both full of bright, energetic fun, filled with youth as we usually associate the colour white with youth and freshness, reminding us of their age. He also wears blue jeans, however they are slightly hidden through his body language. Yet, unlike the other members Harry is shown wearing a silver necklace with a circular pendant on the end. This makes him appear unique and it gives his costume a decorated look. This could link to his personality, making him appear imaginative and creative as he pays attention to his fashion style. He also wears a watch too, allowing us to understand that he likes wearing accessories, we usually associate accessories with females, showing us that he keeps in touch with his more emotional side. Finally, Liam is shown wearing a three quarter sleeved grey top with blue sleeves. His sleeves are too pushed up slightly to reveal his cool and relaxed personality. The contrast colours of grey and blue show us that he has two sides to his personality. He is both calm, collective and intelligent: the connotations we get from the colour grey. Yet, the vibrant blue highlights his fun, bubbly and youthful personality. He wears a watch to add a touch of his style, which would make the costume more exciting. All together, the band share similar costume to highlight their unity and similarities. Yet, as the costume is not identical in both colour and clothing, it allows the audience to see how each member is individual, playing their own role in One Direction. Without one of the members, the band would not be the same and would look unfinished and unprofessional.
  • 10. Hair: Each member of the band has a unique hairstyle, however there are similarities within them. For example, Niall has blonde hair with hints of brown. It has been styled into a slight quiff. The two colours in his hair remind us of how he is interesting, how his personality has various differences, yet the colours go well together, reminding us that the differences in his personality complement his personality. The style makes him appear fashionable, quirky and stylish. His hairstyle is similar to Liam’s as they have both been gelled to the side yet they both have an ‘unfinished’ look, linking to the idea that although they are both stylish, they do not pay too much attention to their appearance. This could link to how they may not take things in life so serious, highlighting their light-hearted personality. All of the members have this sense of ‘unfinishing’ to their hair, which could suggest they are all funky and fun. It also reminds us of having a good time, this could link to their career as they would attend concerts where they would be dancing, showing how they have fun up on the stage. Zayn wears a hat in the image, however his hair is shown sticking out the front of it. Drawing our attention to the blonde streaks he has through the front. This contrasts with the darkness of the rest of his hair. It portrays his rock style personality yet it could also link to how, although he has a mysterious dark side to him, the blonde reminds us of his quirky, fun and happiness. Harry and Louis both have similar hairstyles as they are both side swept. The side parting gives them a ‘easy going’ yet quirky and funky person. Harry’s hair is much curlier and slightly longer making him have a distinctive and memorable look. Body Language: In this image, through One Direction’s body language their brand identity is portrayed strongly. Each of them highlight their youthful and cheeky personality through their pose. They each look directly into the camera, this use of direct address shows how they are looking at us and to their fans, this would appeal to their target audience as it makes them feel they are personally looking at them as individuals. Niall is shown crouching down with both his arms elongated and pointing towards the camera, like he is pointing at us, inviting us to have fun with him. Louis is bent slightly with one arm over Niall's shoulder and the other pointing upwards. This highlights the companionship of the band and how they are close friends as we would usually put our arm round our friends when taking a group picture for example. Zayn stands strong and powerful in the centre with both his arms in the air, his hands are positioned into a typical ‘rock on’ style pose, highlighting his rebellious and rock God personality. Harry is then shown thrusting his body forwards like he is singing, as he is leaning towards the camera we feel close to him. Finally, Liam is shown bent down slightly with his arms and hand pointing towards us, similarly to Niall’s body language. This again reminds us of him reaching out to us, almost inviting us to dance and have fun with him, Overall, the body language of the band highlights their inviting and cheeky personality as they appear having a good time, wanting us to participate with them. Also, the different levels of their body language give a quirky, interesting and fun look to the image, linking to their personalities being different individually yet, altogether they are like a big group of friends coming together to share their love for music.
  • 11. Facial Expression: Each of the band members facial expressions highlight strongly their cheeky and youthful personality. All except Niall are shown with their mouths opened as if they are singing or shouting, this reminds us of their lives on the stage when they are performing in concert with one another, highlighting their fun style of music and the high energy performance they have on stage. Zayn however, is shown with his mouth wide and his tongue out, this gives a humorous, cheeky and excited look to the frame and reminds their target audience of Zayn’s funny and rebellious personality. Setting And Props: In this shot, One Direction are shown with no props in the frame, this is because the impact of their high energy personalities is enough to make the image exciting and interesting, therefore, the need for props is unnecessary. They are placed in front of a sky blue screen, this links to the blue and white theme of their costume, giving a sense of continuity and tidiness to the frame. The colour blue is often linked to boys, showing a high gender stereotype here, linking to their rebellious and boisterous personalities. As it is a sky blue rather than a dark blue it also reminds us of freshness and Summer, highlighting how their music will never get old, like their cheeky personalities. The band will never change and will still be able to keep their youthful brand identity and music, they will never disappoint their fans. As it is just a plain setting it again reminds us of the idea that One Direction do not need an extravagant and eye catching setting as the only thing their fans are interested in is them as a united band. Positioning Of People In The Frame: One Direction’s positioning looks very natural and interesting, as they look as if this shot has been taken whilst they were singing and dancing together. The different levels of the individuals gives an interesting look to the frame, we are able to see each of their faces clearly without anyone blocking each other, suggesting how no one out shines anyone and they all play a part to the band. If one member was to be taken out of the shot, it would not look the same, highlighting their unity and need for one another. As Zayn is centred and stood higher than the others it could represent him as a vocalist in the band, as he has a distinct and familiar voice. They all come together in this photograph, therefore, we are able to see the true friendship of the band. Also, as they are positioned close together in a group rather than in a line besides each other, it reminds us of how they all come together in their similarities, however, the different heights in the image reminds us of their differences, yet their differences do not affect them as in a way, their differences complete them.