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Minimalism describes movements in
various forms of art and design,
especially visual art and music, where the
work is set out to expose the essence or
identity of a subject through eliminating all
non-essential forms, features or concepts.
Minimalism is reducing your work to the
essential and using less to do more. In order
to do minimalism well we need a strong
understanding of basic design principles. When
we master minimalism we master design.
As a specific movement in the arts it is
identified with developments in post–World
War II Western Art, most strongly with
American visual arts in the 1960s and early
1970s. Prominent artists associated with this
movement include Donald Judd, John
McCracken, Agnes Martin, Dan Flavin, Robert
Morris, Anne Truitt, and Frank Stella. It is
rooted in the reductive aspects of Modernism,
and is often interpreted as a reaction
against Abstract expressionism and a bridge
to Postminimal art practices.
Minimalism emerged in the late 60′s in New York,
but its roots are anchored in Europe, in the early
ideas of German architect Ludwig Mies Van Der
Rohe, one of the most important architects of this
century. Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe develops his
ideas about the purity of the forms (precursor of
minimalism) during his tenure in the direction of the
School of Art and Design at the Bauhaus in
Germany in the late 30′s. After the second world
war, he emigrated to the United States, a country
where it was known as an influential architect and
designer, and became a U.S. citizen.
Minimalism is something we take for granted.
The idea that there is virtue in stripping away,
that simplicity can be beautiful, and give rise
to its own special kind of complexity, is one
that feels as old as the world itself – but it’s
relatively new.
Purity in art can be achieved through simplicity and
unity. Minimalism is a primarily American art movement
often characterized as a reaction to the Second World
Minimalism in Literature
      -”less is more”
Minimalism always doesn’t mean things in
   small quantities , it is ,keeping the

eg:The famous one-word imaginary poem:

           -by Aram Saroya
        The word describes itself
Minimalism in literature in simple terms:
• A sentence should contain no unnecessary words.
• A paragraph no unnecessary sentences
  ( for the same reason that a drawing shouldhave no
   unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts. )
• Minimalism, in essence, is describing the
  most, in the least words possible.
• Minimalist authors abstain adverbs and
  prefer allowing context to dictate meaning.
• The main essence of minimalism : it allows
  the reader to take active role in creation of
  the story.
• Allows readers to choose sides based on
  oblique hint, rather than reacting to the
  direction of the author.
• Minimalism makes specific demands,
  with its specific narrative techniques :
  Reading “less” demands that the
  reader do more.
• Minimalist short stories refuses to
  provide easy answer to the many
  question it raises.
Elements of minimalistic writing:
• Reduced vocabulary
• Shorter sentences
• Slight narratives which reveal more than
• Use of unadorned language.
• Fewer adjectives and when used, not
  extravagant .
• Showing , not telling the reader, as a
  primary means of communicating
• Reticence towards the expression of a
  characters thoughts or feelings.
•   An example of such writing would be like this:
    Unabridged - I yearned for a break, so I stood up
    and walked over to the coffee machine. Grabbing a
    cup of coffee, I walked back to my desk, to find out
    that someone had turned on the fan above my desk.
    Minimalist - I took a coffee break. Walking back to
    my desk, I heard the fan.
• Here, the emotion of yearning has been toned down to
  almost nothing as the character simply 'takes a break'.
  Turning on the fan can be written as 'hearing the fan'.
  This relies on the reader's sense of logic, as hearing the
  fan will be related to it being turned on.

A simple example of minimalist poetry is one by George
                                M SS NG

• The art of literary minimalism seeded around 1960s and
  1970s, a result of the then ongoing meta-fiction trend.
• There are some beliefs that minimalism in prose was actually
  initiated by the
   1940s crime-fiction writers
   like James M. Cain, the
   writings of whom were
   imbued with the least of
   words and yet put forth
   a description of many.
• However, literary minimalism was
  brought to center-stage through
  the guiding hands of authors such
  as Ernest Hemingway’s “cat in the
  rain” (his collection of short-stories
  and works earlier than the 70s),
  Raymond Carver’s “A Small,
  Good Thing”, Ann Beattie and
  many more around the 1970s.
• Minimalist authors, or those who are
  identified with minimalism during certain
  periods of their writing careers, include the
• Raymond Carver, Bret Easton
  Ellis, Charles Bukowski, K. J.
  Stevens, Amy Hempel, Bobbie Ann
  Mason, Tobias Wolff, Grace
  Paley, Sandra Cisneros, Mary
  Robison, Frederick Barthelme, Richard
  Ford, Patrick Holland and Alicia Erian
“You can kill people with sound. And if you
can kill, then maybe there is also the sound
that is opposite of killing. And the distance
 between these two points is very big. And
    you are free--you can choose. In art
everything is possible, but everything is not
                ― Arvo Pärt
The term "minimal music" was derived around 1970
by Michael Nyman from the concept of minimalism,
which was earlier applied to the visual arts.The idea
that there is virtue in stripping away, that simplicity
can be beautiful, and give rise to its own special kind
of complexity, is one that feels as old as the world
itself – but it’s relatively new.
In music in particular, minimalism was the single most
important idea of the last century, the one that made
possible virtually all that we now listen to and hold
dear, from punk and techno to ambient and grime.
Minimalism wasn’t just a movement, it was a
paradigm shift: it brought about a sea change in the
way that sound is made, heard and thought of.
Stephen Michael
"Steve" Reich is an
American composer who
is one of the pioneering
composers of minimal
music along with La
Monte Young,Terry
Riley, and Philip Glass.
.he was keen to find a
new musical language
that truthfuly
reflected ,as he put
it ,”the real contex of
tailfins ,chuckberry,and
millions of burgers sold”
For Come Out (1966), Reich re-
recorded a fragment of Daniel
Hamm (of the falsely accused
Harlem Six) speaking the words
“come out to show them” on
two channels, initially playing
them in unison. They quickly slip
out of sync; gradually the
discrepancy widens and
becomes a reverberation. The
two voices then split into four,
looped continuously, then eight,
and so on, until the actual words
are unintelligible, deconstructed
into tiny rhythmic and tonal
Philip Glass is an American
composer. He is often said to be
one of the most influential
composers of the late 20th
century.His music is also often
controversially described as
minimalist, along with the work of
the other "major minimalists" La
Monte Young, Terry Riley and
Steve Reich.Hearing Reich’s Piano
Phase in 1967, and like him
drawing influence from the
musics of India and Africa, Philip
Glass simplified his own
compositional style, and set
about creating works that relied
upon phasing and loop patterns.
• Early works tended to be
  abstract, but from the
  mid-1970s his attention
  shifted towards the stage.
  His first operatic triumph,
  Einstein on the Beach, did
  much to reinvigorate the
  contemporary opera
  scene. Profoundly
  interested in traditional
  cultures, Glass often
  draws on Eastern
  traditions, as in Monsters
  of Grace (1997), a
  multimedia collaboration
  based on the writings of
A year later Reich
unveiled his own first
major work, It’s Gonna
Rain, based around
recordings of a sermon
about the end of the
world given by a black
Pentecostal street-
preacher. Reich
transferred the sermon
to multiple tape loops
played in and out of
phase, with segments
cut and rearranged.
The effect was

Minimalism in movie posters is something that is becoming
more and more popular, as we can clearly see from the examples
showcased above, there are many more minimal posters from
recent years compared to the amount seen in the 90 ′ s and
This Batman
Returns poster
from 1992 is
one of favorite
posters in this
showcase, as it
totally depends
on brand
identity and the
familiarity of
the infamous
Minimalism, chiefly American
movement in the visual arts and music
originating in New York City in the
late 1960s and characterized by extreme
simplicity of form and a literal, objective

                                               & decors
Minimal art, also called ABC art, is the culmination of reductionist
tendencies in modern art that first surfaced in the 1913 composition
by the Russian painter Kasimir Malevich of a black square on a white
ground. The primary structures of the minimalist sculptors Donald
Judd,Carl Andre, Dan Flavin, Tony Smith, Anthony Caro, Sol
LeWitt, John McCracken, Craig Kaufman, Robert Duran, and
Robert Morris and the hard-edge painting of Jack
Youngerman, Ellsworth Kelly,Frank Stella, Kenneth Noland, Al
Held, and Gene Davis grew out of these artists’ dissatisfaction with
Action painting, a branch of American Abstract Expressionism based
on intuitive, spontaneous gesture that had dominated American avant-
garde art through much of the 1950s.
The minimalists, who believed that Action painting was too personal and
insubstantial, adopted the point of view that a work of art should not refer
to anything other than itself. For that reason they attempted to rid their
works of any extra-visual association.

                                            Use of the hard edge, the simple
                                            form, and the linear rather than
                                            painterly approach was
                                            intended to emphasize two-
                                            dimensionality and to allow the
                                            viewer an immediate, purely
                                            visual response. They turned for
                                            inspiration to the impassive,
                                            quiet works of Barnett
                                            Newman and Ad Reinhardt,
                                            exponents of the colour-field
                                            branch of Abstract
                                            Expressionist painting.
Minimal Art emerged as a movement in the 1950s and
continued through the Sixties and Seventies. It is a term used
to describe paintings and sculpture that thrive on simplicity
in both content and form, and seek to remove any sign of
personal expressivity. The aim of Minimalism is to allow the
viewer to experience the work more intensely without the
distractions of composition, theme and so on. There are
examples of the Minimalist theory being exercised as early as
the 18th century when Goethe constructed an Altar of Good
Fortune made simply of a stone sphere and cube. But the
20th century sees the movement come into its own.
Minimal Art is related to a number of other
movements such as Conceptual Art in the way the
finished work exists merely to convey a theory,
Pop Art in their shared fascination with the
impersonal and Land Art in the construction of
simple shapes. Minimal Art proved highly successful
and has been enormously influential on the
development of art in the 20th century.
Minimalism is an art movement, born
in the twentieth century, which describes
various forms of art, music, literature,
design and architecture, where the work is
reduced to the bare essentials.
In web design, minimalism refers to the
use of the smallest amount of images,
colors, shapes, values and lines. The site is
stripped down to the fundamentals required
to convey the message. Minimalist web
designs generally rely on type and simple
shapes to do the communicating.
Robert Morris, an influential theorist and artist, wrote a
three part essay, "Notes on Sculpture 1-3", originally
published across three issues of Artforumin 1966. In these
essays, Morris attempted to define a conceptual framework
and formal elements for himself and one that would
embrace the practices of his contemporaries. These essays
paid great attention to the idea of the gestalt - "parts...
bound together in such a way that they create a maximum
resistance to perceptual separation." Morris later described
an art represented by a "marked lateral spread and no
regularized units or symmetrical intervals..." in "Notes on
Sculpture 4: Beyond Objects", originally published
in Artforum, 1969, continuing to say that "indeterminacy
of arrangement of parts is a literal aspect of the physical
existence of the thing."
Minimal sculpture is composed
of extremely simple,
monumental geometric forms
made of fibreglass, plastic, sheet
metal, or aluminum, either left
raw or solidly painted with
bright industrial colours. Like
the painters, minimalist
sculptors attempted to make
their works totally objective,
unexpressive, and
In both music and the visual arts, minimalism was an attempt to
explore the essential elements of an art form. In minimalist visual
arts, the personal, gestural elements were stripped away in order to
reveal the objective, purely visual elements of painting and
sculpture. In minimalist music, the traditional treatment of form
and development was rejected in favour of explorations of timbre
and rhythm—musical elements largely unfamiliar to Western listeners.
Minimalist photography is known to be the
art of less. Such calm pictures focus mainly
on a few essential elements for composing the
perfect shot. This type of photography art
provides a challenge — by arranging only one
or two elements in a scene to share a
particular message across.
Men’s Fashion: The Art of Minimalism
Many renowned designers have
seemingly more simple design.
pushed their ideas and feelings onto
the catwalk with the resounding
message being that less is
more; and with that, fewer colours
and patterns create an overall more
subdued yet elegant aesthetic. It
would be confused to infer designers
have not put as much effort into
creating garments with all sorts of
elaborate detailing and textures, with
those that have crafted a less cluttered
Casual Minimalism
   Minimalism does not only pertain
 smart clothing. Casual minimalism is
one just as easily achieved as a tailored
   approach, but is most likely aimed
more at post-grads and older. Dressing
for the weekend can be as simple as a
 good pair of shoes or ‘adult’ trainers
(clean, obviously), coupled with good
  quality jeans and shirt underneath a
   V-neck or cardigan, one of which
   should be the same colour as your
             shoes or jeans.
Details are of the utmost
importance when you are not
wearing any bold statement
pieces. Therefore acquiring or utilising
accessories will add a touch of flavour to
your outfit which can only make it more
interesting. An idea might be for your
clothes to be one of two colours, and to
have one statement accessory to add a
more obvious point of interest to your
look. A true minimalist might worry
that such a ploy could shade the
minimalistic aspect of the rest of the look
– as he might if you also had too many
accessories – which is why sensibly
picking one or two intriguing
details is vital
  1. Develop your personal style.  
  2. Don’t chase trends.
  3. Don’t read fashion magazines.
  4. Realize you’re not in the spotlight.  
  5. Be aware of the impact.
  6. Think timeless. .
  7. Shop your closet.  
According to the American Heritage Dictionary, one of the
definitions of "minimalism" is the "use of the fewest and barest
essentials or elements, as in the arts, literature, or design". You
may be interested in having a minimalist wardrobe because it is
low maintenance. Perhaps you notice that people in minimalist
clothes tend to look simple and sophisticated. Applying minimalism
to your wardrobe is about choosing quality over quantity. It's
not just about black and white.
A Minimalist’s Train of Thought
•Less money spent means more money saved
•More money saved means the longer you can live in
financial peace and security
•Financial peace and security comes from owning less
•Less stuff owned means less to carry around, move or have
to travel with
•Less responsibility for your stuff also means less
maintenance and more time
•The more time you have, the more relaxed you will feel
•The more relaxed you are, the less you will care about
If you care less about stuff, it means you’ll care less about image
If you care less about image, you will care more about experiences and
If you care more about experiences and memories, you will be happier
with less
If you are happier with less, you’ll never want or need for more
The less you want or need for more, the more you will feel free
- The Everyday Minimalist
Assumed criterion:
1.Business casual during the week
2.Fun on the weekends (possibly with or without children)
3.Also attend events such as weddings & dinners on occasion
4.You do laundry weekly, because as a minimalist, you will not have many (clean)
outfits to last for months without laundry
5.Live in a place with 4 seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn & Winter
Minimalist design
       • Minimalist design dates to the work
         of Dutch De Stijl artists from early
       • These furniture builders created pieces
         that promote harmony, order and
         were simple in nature.

       • The movement was led by architect
         Ludwig Miles van der Rohe whose
         design motto was "less is more."

       Other significant minimalist designers
         were :
       • Buckminster Fuller, whose goal was
         "doing more with less,"
       • Dieter Rams whose motto was "less is
Van der Rohe – ‘Less Is More’
             • Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (1886
               to 1969) was a German architect
               who was considered a pioneer
               of modern architecture.
             • His architectural style during
               post-World War I laid the
               groundwork for minimalist
             • Van der Rohe strived for
               simplicity and clarity in his
               architectural designs by:
             • Using modern materials like steel
               and plates of glass
             • Having a minimal structural
             • Including lots of open space.
Tadao Ando
    • The Japanese architect Tadao Ando
      creates buildings, in which light,
      water, wind and concrete co-exist to
      perfection. Ando uses mainly
      concrete and glass.
    • The Famous Minimalist Architect uses
      the natural resources to their full
      extent, so as to restore the natural
      binding between the building and
      nature, lost in the cities’
      modernization process.
    • One of his favourite elements is
      water. That’s why he builds his
      buildings close to water areas, added
      naturally and harmoniously to the
    • Ascetically clean shapes, where
      beauty is the only leading power –
      this is a characteristic element of
      Tadao Ando’s minimalistic style.
Alvaro Catalan de Ocon
          • Alvaro Catalán de Ocón's Candil
            Milano aims to create a focus on the
            beauty of light by reducing all other
            components to enhance the sensory
          • While the technical principle remains
            the same, reducing the lamp to its
            three basic elements, in this case the
            use of materials reflects on the
            different physical properties
            necessary to make the electrical
            apparatus work.
          • Copper and brass are optimum
            conductors, while wood acts as a
            perfect insulator.
Bruna Canepa- minimalistic
   Bruna Canepa’s collection of
  minimalistic renderings,
  reminiscent of Dutch abstract
  artist Piet Mondrian
• Bruna Canepa is a São Paulo-
  based illustrator and architect
  student, fascinated with space
  and buildings from her native
• Her diagrams combine clean
  geometrics with simple yet
  effective coloration to create
  these exploded view drawings.
• With her innovative
  illustrations and futuristic style,
  Canepa is certainly one to
Alexander Wang
       • FOOTWEAR, NYFW, S/S 13, S/S
         2013, WOMEN
       • Alexander Wang’s minimalist lines
         shined in his new S/S 13 collection.
       • For Spring, the NY-based designer
         proposes sleek single-sole sandals
         as base for geometric T-strap
       • His touch of irreverence is
         manifested through supporting
         “garters” that emerge from the
         counter and buckle just below the
       • A polished and semi-gloss surface
         adds to the minimal approach to
         Wang’s footwear selections, which
         appear in stark basics such as black,
         white and silver.
Yigal Azrouël
           SEPTEMBER 9, 2012
           NEW YORK, S/S 2013, WOMEN

           Yigal Azrouël continued to move
           in a minimalist direction for S/S
           13, stating “nature’s
           architecture” as inspiration for
           the collection that felt more
           monastic than organic.

        • Simplicity was taken to an
          extreme — silhouettes were
          either tents or columns, and a
          limited assortment of fabrics in
          a neutral palette maintained the
          calm effect.
CUTLINE Collection
• Designed by Alessandro Busana, the CUTLINE Collection is
  predominantly minimalist aside from its quirky dissection.
  Made out of wood that has been painted a light gray, the
  radical cuts expose the natural grain.
Palladium Introduces Lite
 Technology for Spring
               • MARCH 23, 2012
                 Palladium has unveiled
                 a minimal
                 technology for their
                 upcoming spring and fall
               • As longtime fans of the
                 Palladium brand, it’s
                 surprising – at first – to
                 hear that a company
                 who started making
                 rubber tires for the
                 1920′s aviation industry
                 would be introducing
                 a super lightweight
                 technology in to their
                 well-known sturdy
                 lugged soles.
Alberto Campo Baeza
         • Alberto Campo Baeza is among
           the minimalist architects whose
           unique blend answers to any and
           all preferences, as it includes
           hints, characteristic of many
           different cultures, most notably
           the Italian and Japanese
           architectural trends.
         • One of his most famous projects is
           the minimalist architecture
           house Casa Guerrero, built in
           Cádiz, Spain.
         • Through his works, Alberto Campo
           Baeza has established himself as a
           master of minimalism.
         • His ideas are renowned worldwide
           and go on to influence the
           entire Spanish  architecture and
           worldwide minimalist architects .
What were the influences
     on Minimalism?
• Although radical, and rejecting many of the
  concerns of the immediately preceding Abstract
  Expressionist movement, like all art movements
  Minimalism did not emerge out of nowhere.
  While Minimalism abandoned the gestural
  expressionism of the previous generation, the
  Abstract Expressionists' emphasis on formal
  qualities, such as the structure of the canvas
  surface and nature of the medium, over those of
  representation, paved the way for the
• As one of the pioneers
  of Minimalism, Dan Flavin is
  best known for works that
  are entirely constructed
  with fluorescent light tubes.
  He might be considered as
  the first artist who
  physically employed
  electronic lighting into art.
  His works also established a
  new tradition of perceiving
  art and a new way of
  adapting specific work to       •   “One might not think of light as a
  specific places through             matter of fact, but I do. And it is, as I
  various forms of installation       said, as plain and open and direct an art
  and what was later known            as you will ever find.” —
  as environmental art.               Dan Flavin
Robert Morris (born 9 February 1931,
Kansas City, Missouri) is an American
sculptor, conceptual artist and writer.
He is regarded as one of the most
prominent theorists of Minimalism
along with Donald Judd but he has also
made important contributions to the
development of performance art,
minimalism, land art, the Process Art
movement and installation art.
  “Notes on Sculpture 1-3,” originally
published across three issues of
Artforum in 1966. In these essays,
Morris attempted to define a conceptual
framework and formal elements for
himself and one that would embrace the
practices of his contemporaries.
• Donald Judd was an
  American born painter,
  writer and sculptor. His work
  placed him at the forefront
  of the Minimalist movement
  of the 1960s and 1970s.
• Judd rejected Abstract
  Expressionism through lack
  of imagery, composition,
  and by reducing painting and
  sculpture to its basic
  elements through using
  natural light, simple lines,
  industrial materials, and
  solid colors on flat surfaces.
• Fountain is a 1917 work widely
  attributed to Marcel Duchamp.
  The scandalous work was a
  porcelain urinal, which was
  signed "R.Mutt" and titled
  Fountain. Submitted for the
  exhibition of the Society of
  Independent Artists in 1917,
  Fountain was rejected by the
  committee, even though the
  rules stated that all works
  would be accepted from artists
  who paid the fee.

• Fountain was displayed and
  photographed at Alfred
  Stieglitz’s studio, and the photo
  published in The Blind Man, but
  the original has been lost.
• Mr. McCracken approached
  Minimalism — known for its
  literal-mindedness, industrial
  fabrication and resistance to
  interpretation — with a sense of
  play, craft and spirituality that
  was distinctly his own while also
  reflecting his California roots.
• He was one of the few artists
  affiliated with the movement
  who did not object to its name
  and who made most of his work
  by hand, sanding and polishing
  his enamel, lacquer or resin
  surfaces until their colors
  achieved a flawless and reflective
• To designers, Dieter Rams
  should be an even more familiar
  name. Rams is a German
  industrial designer who was
  born in 1932 and was head
  designer at the Braun company,
  where he helped design things
  like record players, radios,
  calculators, and consumer
• Rams heavily pursued minimalist
  design, focusing on including
  only the essential aspects of a
  product so that it’s not filled
  with non-essentials. Rams’ self-
  described design approach is:
• Less, but better.


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  • 4. DEFINITIO N: Minimalism describes movements in various forms of art and design, especially visual art and music, where the work is set out to expose the essence or identity of a subject through eliminating all non-essential forms, features or concepts.
  • 5. Minimalism is reducing your work to the essential and using less to do more. In order to do minimalism well we need a strong understanding of basic design principles. When we master minimalism we master design.
  • 7. As a specific movement in the arts it is identified with developments in post–World War II Western Art, most strongly with American visual arts in the 1960s and early 1970s. Prominent artists associated with this movement include Donald Judd, John McCracken, Agnes Martin, Dan Flavin, Robert Morris, Anne Truitt, and Frank Stella. It is rooted in the reductive aspects of Modernism, and is often interpreted as a reaction against Abstract expressionism and a bridge to Postminimal art practices.
  • 8. Minimalism emerged in the late 60′s in New York, but its roots are anchored in Europe, in the early ideas of German architect Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe, one of the most important architects of this century. Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe develops his ideas about the purity of the forms (precursor of minimalism) during his tenure in the direction of the School of Art and Design at the Bauhaus in Germany in the late 30′s. After the second world war, he emigrated to the United States, a country where it was known as an influential architect and designer, and became a U.S. citizen.
  • 9. STEVE REICH  Minimalism is something we take for granted. The idea that there is virtue in stripping away, that simplicity can be beautiful, and give rise to its own special kind of complexity, is one that feels as old as the world itself – but it’s relatively new.
  • 10. Purity in art can be achieved through simplicity and unity. Minimalism is a primarily American art movement often characterized as a reaction to the Second World War.
  • 11. Minimalism in Literature -”less is more” Minimalism always doesn’t mean things in small quantities , it is ,keeping the essentials. eg:The famous one-word imaginary poem: Lighght -by Aram Saroya The word describes itself
  • 12. Minimalism in literature in simple terms: • A sentence should contain no unnecessary words. • A paragraph no unnecessary sentences ( for the same reason that a drawing shouldhave no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts. )
  • 13. • Minimalism, in essence, is describing the most, in the least words possible. • Minimalist authors abstain adverbs and prefer allowing context to dictate meaning. • The main essence of minimalism : it allows the reader to take active role in creation of the story. • Allows readers to choose sides based on oblique hint, rather than reacting to the direction of the author.
  • 14. • Minimalism makes specific demands, with its specific narrative techniques : Reading “less” demands that the reader do more. • Minimalist short stories refuses to provide easy answer to the many question it raises.
  • 15. Elements of minimalistic writing: • Reduced vocabulary • Shorter sentences • Slight narratives which reveal more than resolve • Use of unadorned language. • Fewer adjectives and when used, not extravagant .
  • 16. • Showing , not telling the reader, as a primary means of communicating information. • Reticence towards the expression of a characters thoughts or feelings.
  • 17. An example of such writing would be like this: Unabridged - I yearned for a break, so I stood up and walked over to the coffee machine. Grabbing a cup of coffee, I walked back to my desk, to find out that someone had turned on the fan above my desk. Minimalist - I took a coffee break. Walking back to my desk, I heard the fan.
  • 18. • Here, the emotion of yearning has been toned down to almost nothing as the character simply 'takes a break'. Turning on the fan can be written as 'hearing the fan'. This relies on the reader's sense of logic, as hearing the fan will be related to it being turned on. A simple example of minimalist poetry is one by George Swede: M SS NG Thiiief!
  • 19. • The art of literary minimalism seeded around 1960s and 1970s, a result of the then ongoing meta-fiction trend. • There are some beliefs that minimalism in prose was actually initiated by the 1940s crime-fiction writers like James M. Cain, the writings of whom were imbued with the least of words and yet put forth a description of many.
  • 20. • However, literary minimalism was brought to center-stage through the guiding hands of authors such as Ernest Hemingway’s “cat in the rain” (his collection of short-stories and works earlier than the 70s), Raymond Carver’s “A Small, Good Thing”, Ann Beattie and many more around the 1970s.
  • 21. • Minimalist authors, or those who are identified with minimalism during certain periods of their writing careers, include the following: • Raymond Carver, Bret Easton Ellis, Charles Bukowski, K. J. Stevens, Amy Hempel, Bobbie Ann Mason, Tobias Wolff, Grace Paley, Sandra Cisneros, Mary Robison, Frederick Barthelme, Richard Ford, Patrick Holland and Alicia Erian
  • 23. “You can kill people with sound. And if you can kill, then maybe there is also the sound that is opposite of killing. And the distance between these two points is very big. And you are free--you can choose. In art everything is possible, but everything is not necessary.” ― Arvo Pärt
  • 24. The term "minimal music" was derived around 1970 by Michael Nyman from the concept of minimalism, which was earlier applied to the visual arts.The idea that there is virtue in stripping away, that simplicity can be beautiful, and give rise to its own special kind of complexity, is one that feels as old as the world itself – but it’s relatively new. In music in particular, minimalism was the single most important idea of the last century, the one that made possible virtually all that we now listen to and hold dear, from punk and techno to ambient and grime. Minimalism wasn’t just a movement, it was a paradigm shift: it brought about a sea change in the way that sound is made, heard and thought of.
  • 25. STEVE REICH Stephen Michael "Steve" Reich is an American composer who is one of the pioneering composers of minimal music along with La Monte Young,Terry Riley, and Philip Glass. .he was keen to find a new musical language that truthfuly reflected ,as he put it ,”the real contex of tailfins ,chuckberry,and millions of burgers sold”
  • 26. For Come Out (1966), Reich re- recorded a fragment of Daniel Hamm (of the falsely accused Harlem Six) speaking the words “come out to show them” on two channels, initially playing them in unison. They quickly slip out of sync; gradually the discrepancy widens and becomes a reverberation. The two voices then split into four, looped continuously, then eight, and so on, until the actual words are unintelligible, deconstructed into tiny rhythmic and tonal patterns.
  • 27. PHILIP GLASS Philip Glass is an American composer. He is often said to be one of the most influential composers of the late 20th century.His music is also often controversially described as minimalist, along with the work of the other "major minimalists" La Monte Young, Terry Riley and Steve Reich.Hearing Reich’s Piano Phase in 1967, and like him drawing influence from the musics of India and Africa, Philip Glass simplified his own compositional style, and set about creating works that relied upon phasing and loop patterns.
  • 28. • Early works tended to be abstract, but from the mid-1970s his attention shifted towards the stage. His first operatic triumph, Einstein on the Beach, did much to reinvigorate the international contemporary opera scene. Profoundly interested in traditional cultures, Glass often draws on Eastern traditions, as in Monsters of Grace (1997), a multimedia collaboration based on the writings of Rumi.
  • 29. A year later Reich unveiled his own first major work, It’s Gonna Rain, based around recordings of a sermon about the end of the world given by a black Pentecostal street- preacher. Reich transferred the sermon to multiple tape loops played in and out of phase, with segments cut and rearranged. The effect was astonishing
  • 30. MINIMALISM IN MOVIES Minimalism in movie posters is something that is becoming more and more popular, as we can clearly see from the examples showcased above, there are many more minimal posters from recent years compared to the amount seen in the 90 ′ s and earlier.
  • 31. This Batman Returns poster from 1992 is one of favorite posters in this showcase, as it totally depends on brand identity and the familiarity of the infamous Batman silhouette.
  • 45. Minimalism, chiefly American movement in the visual arts and music originating in New York City in the late 1960s and characterized by extreme simplicity of form and a literal, objective approach. Minimalist garments & decors
  • 46. Minimal art, also called ABC art, is the culmination of reductionist tendencies in modern art that first surfaced in the 1913 composition by the Russian painter Kasimir Malevich of a black square on a white ground. The primary structures of the minimalist sculptors Donald Judd,Carl Andre, Dan Flavin, Tony Smith, Anthony Caro, Sol LeWitt, John McCracken, Craig Kaufman, Robert Duran, and Robert Morris and the hard-edge painting of Jack Youngerman, Ellsworth Kelly,Frank Stella, Kenneth Noland, Al Held, and Gene Davis grew out of these artists’ dissatisfaction with Action painting, a branch of American Abstract Expressionism based on intuitive, spontaneous gesture that had dominated American avant- garde art through much of the 1950s.
  • 47. The minimalists, who believed that Action painting was too personal and insubstantial, adopted the point of view that a work of art should not refer to anything other than itself. For that reason they attempted to rid their works of any extra-visual association. Use of the hard edge, the simple form, and the linear rather than painterly approach was intended to emphasize two- dimensionality and to allow the viewer an immediate, purely visual response. They turned for inspiration to the impassive, quiet works of Barnett Newman and Ad Reinhardt, exponents of the colour-field branch of Abstract Expressionist painting.
  • 48. Minimal Art emerged as a movement in the 1950s and continued through the Sixties and Seventies. It is a term used to describe paintings and sculpture that thrive on simplicity in both content and form, and seek to remove any sign of personal expressivity. The aim of Minimalism is to allow the viewer to experience the work more intensely without the distractions of composition, theme and so on. There are examples of the Minimalist theory being exercised as early as the 18th century when Goethe constructed an Altar of Good Fortune made simply of a stone sphere and cube. But the 20th century sees the movement come into its own.
  • 49. Minimal Art is related to a number of other movements such as Conceptual Art in the way the finished work exists merely to convey a theory, Pop Art in their shared fascination with the impersonal and Land Art in the construction of simple shapes. Minimal Art proved highly successful and has been enormously influential on the development of art in the 20th century.
  • 50. Minimalism is an art movement, born in the twentieth century, which describes various forms of art, music, literature, design and architecture, where the work is reduced to the bare essentials. In web design, minimalism refers to the use of the smallest amount of images, colors, shapes, values and lines. The site is stripped down to the fundamentals required to convey the message. Minimalist web designs generally rely on type and simple shapes to do the communicating.
  • 51. Robert Morris, an influential theorist and artist, wrote a three part essay, "Notes on Sculpture 1-3", originally published across three issues of Artforumin 1966. In these essays, Morris attempted to define a conceptual framework and formal elements for himself and one that would embrace the practices of his contemporaries. These essays paid great attention to the idea of the gestalt - "parts... bound together in such a way that they create a maximum resistance to perceptual separation." Morris later described an art represented by a "marked lateral spread and no regularized units or symmetrical intervals..." in "Notes on Sculpture 4: Beyond Objects", originally published in Artforum, 1969, continuing to say that "indeterminacy of arrangement of parts is a literal aspect of the physical existence of the thing."
  • 52. Minimal sculpture is composed of extremely simple, monumental geometric forms made of fibreglass, plastic, sheet metal, or aluminum, either left raw or solidly painted with bright industrial colours. Like the painters, minimalist sculptors attempted to make their works totally objective, unexpressive, and non-referential.
  • 53. In both music and the visual arts, minimalism was an attempt to explore the essential elements of an art form. In minimalist visual arts, the personal, gestural elements were stripped away in order to reveal the objective, purely visual elements of painting and sculpture. In minimalist music, the traditional treatment of form and development was rejected in favour of explorations of timbre and rhythm—musical elements largely unfamiliar to Western listeners.
  • 54. Minimalist photography is known to be the art of less. Such calm pictures focus mainly on a few essential elements for composing the perfect shot. This type of photography art provides a challenge — by arranging only one or two elements in a scene to share a particular message across.
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  • 57. Men’s Fashion: The Art of Minimalism
  • 58. ON THE RUNAWAYS: Many renowned designers have seemingly more simple design. pushed their ideas and feelings onto the catwalk with the resounding message being that less is more; and with that, fewer colours and patterns create an overall more subdued yet elegant aesthetic. It would be confused to infer designers have not put as much effort into creating garments with all sorts of elaborate detailing and textures, with those that have crafted a less cluttered and
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  • 60. Casual Minimalism Minimalism does not only pertain smart clothing. Casual minimalism is one just as easily achieved as a tailored approach, but is most likely aimed more at post-grads and older. Dressing for the weekend can be as simple as a good pair of shoes or ‘adult’ trainers (clean, obviously), coupled with good quality jeans and shirt underneath a V-neck or cardigan, one of which should be the same colour as your shoes or jeans.
  • 61. Accessories Details are of the utmost importance when you are not wearing any bold statement pieces. Therefore acquiring or utilising accessories will add a touch of flavour to your outfit which can only make it more interesting. An idea might be for your clothes to be one of two colours, and to have one statement accessory to add a more obvious point of interest to your look. A true minimalist might worry that such a ploy could shade the minimalistic aspect of the rest of the look – as he might if you also had too many accessories – which is why sensibly picking one or two intriguing details is vital
  • 63.   FASHION TRENDS FROM YOUR MINIMALIST LIFE 1. Develop your personal style.   2. Don’t chase trends. 3. Don’t read fashion magazines. 4. Realize you’re not in the spotlight.   5. Be aware of the impact. 6. Think timeless. . 7. Shop your closet.   According to the American Heritage Dictionary, one of the definitions of "minimalism" is the "use of the fewest and barest essentials or elements, as in the arts, literature, or design". You may be interested in having a minimalist wardrobe because it is low maintenance. Perhaps you notice that people in minimalist clothes tend to look simple and sophisticated. Applying minimalism to your wardrobe is about choosing quality over quantity. It's not just about black and white.
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  • 76. A Minimalist’s Train of Thought •Less money spent means more money saved •More money saved means the longer you can live in financial peace and security •Financial peace and security comes from owning less •Less stuff owned means less to carry around, move or have to travel with •Less responsibility for your stuff also means less maintenance and more time •The more time you have, the more relaxed you will feel •The more relaxed you are, the less you will care about stuff
  • 77. If you care less about stuff, it means you’ll care less about image If you care less about image, you will care more about experiences and memories If you care more about experiences and memories, you will be happier with less If you are happier with less, you’ll never want or need for more The less you want or need for more, the more you will feel free - The Everyday Minimalist STANDARD, CLASSIC WARDROBE OF A MINIMALIST MEN Assumed criterion: 1.Business casual during the week 2.Fun on the weekends (possibly with or without children) 3.Also attend events such as weddings & dinners on occasion 4.You do laundry weekly, because as a minimalist, you will not have many (clean) outfits to last for months without laundry 5.Live in a place with 4 seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn & Winter
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  • 81. Minimalist design A BRIEF HISTORY • Minimalist design dates to the work of Dutch De Stijl artists from early 1900s. • These furniture builders created pieces that promote harmony, order and were simple in nature. • The movement was led by architect Ludwig Miles van der Rohe whose design motto was "less is more." Other significant minimalist designers were : • Buckminster Fuller, whose goal was "doing more with less," • Dieter Rams whose motto was "less is better."
  • 82. Van der Rohe – ‘Less Is More’ • Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (1886 to 1969) was a German architect who was considered a pioneer of modern architecture. • His architectural style during post-World War I laid the groundwork for minimalist design. • Van der Rohe strived for simplicity and clarity in his architectural designs by: • Using modern materials like steel and plates of glass • Having a minimal structural framework • Including lots of open space.
  • 83. Tadao Ando • The Japanese architect Tadao Ando creates buildings, in which light, water, wind and concrete co-exist to perfection. Ando uses mainly concrete and glass. • The Famous Minimalist Architect uses the natural resources to their full extent, so as to restore the natural binding between the building and nature, lost in the cities’ modernization process. • One of his favourite elements is water. That’s why he builds his buildings close to water areas, added naturally and harmoniously to the exterior. • Ascetically clean shapes, where beauty is the only leading power – this is a characteristic element of Tadao Ando’s minimalistic style.
  • 84. Alvaro Catalan de Ocon CANDIL MILANO LAMP • Alvaro Catalán de Ocón's Candil Milano aims to create a focus on the beauty of light by reducing all other components to enhance the sensory experience. • While the technical principle remains the same, reducing the lamp to its three basic elements, in this case the use of materials reflects on the different physical properties necessary to make the electrical apparatus work. • Copper and brass are optimum conductors, while wood acts as a perfect insulator.
  • 85. Bruna Canepa- minimalistic renderings Bruna Canepa’s collection of minimalistic renderings, reminiscent of Dutch abstract artist Piet Mondrian • Bruna Canepa is a São Paulo- based illustrator and architect student, fascinated with space and buildings from her native city. • Her diagrams combine clean geometrics with simple yet effective coloration to create these exploded view drawings. • With her innovative illustrations and futuristic style, Canepa is certainly one to watch.
  • 86. Alexander Wang • FOOTWEAR, NYFW, S/S 13, S/S 2013, WOMEN • Alexander Wang’s minimalist lines shined in his new S/S 13 collection. • For Spring, the NY-based designer proposes sleek single-sole sandals as base for geometric T-strap uppers. • His touch of irreverence is manifested through supporting “garters” that emerge from the counter and buckle just below the knee. • A polished and semi-gloss surface adds to the minimal approach to Wang’s footwear selections, which appear in stark basics such as black, white and silver.
  • 87. Yigal Azrouël MONASTIC MINIMALISM SEPTEMBER 9, 2012 NEW YORK, S/S 2013, WOMEN Yigal Azrouël continued to move in a minimalist direction for S/S 13, stating “nature’s architecture” as inspiration for the collection that felt more monastic than organic. • Simplicity was taken to an extreme — silhouettes were either tents or columns, and a limited assortment of fabrics in a neutral palette maintained the calm effect.
  • 88. CUTLINE Collection • Designed by Alessandro Busana, the CUTLINE Collection is predominantly minimalist aside from its quirky dissection. Made out of wood that has been painted a light gray, the radical cuts expose the natural grain.
  • 89. Palladium Introduces Lite Technology for Spring • MARCH 23, 2012 Palladium has unveiled a minimal technology for their upcoming spring and fall collections. • As longtime fans of the Palladium brand, it’s surprising – at first – to hear that a company who started making rubber tires for the 1920′s aviation industry would be introducing a super lightweight technology in to their well-known sturdy lugged soles.
  • 90. Alberto Campo Baeza • Alberto Campo Baeza is among the minimalist architects whose unique blend answers to any and all preferences, as it includes hints, characteristic of many different cultures, most notably the Italian and Japanese architectural trends. • One of his most famous projects is the minimalist architecture house Casa Guerrero, built in Cádiz, Spain. • Through his works, Alberto Campo Baeza has established himself as a master of minimalism. • His ideas are renowned worldwide and go on to influence the entire Spanish  architecture and worldwide minimalist architects .
  • 92. What were the influences on Minimalism? • Although radical, and rejecting many of the concerns of the immediately preceding Abstract Expressionist movement, like all art movements Minimalism did not emerge out of nowhere. While Minimalism abandoned the gestural expressionism of the previous generation, the Abstract Expressionists' emphasis on formal qualities, such as the structure of the canvas surface and nature of the medium, over those of representation, paved the way for the Minimalists.
  • 93. DAN FLAVIN • As one of the pioneers of Minimalism, Dan Flavin is best known for works that are entirely constructed with fluorescent light tubes. He might be considered as the first artist who physically employed electronic lighting into art. His works also established a new tradition of perceiving art and a new way of adapting specific work to • “One might not think of light as a specific places through matter of fact, but I do. And it is, as I various forms of installation said, as plain and open and direct an art and what was later known as you will ever find.” — as environmental art. Dan Flavin
  • 94. ROBERT MORRIS Robert Morris (born 9 February 1931, Kansas City, Missouri) is an American sculptor, conceptual artist and writer. He is regarded as one of the most prominent theorists of Minimalism along with Donald Judd but he has also made important contributions to the development of performance art, minimalism, land art, the Process Art movement and installation art. “Notes on Sculpture 1-3,” originally published across three issues of Artforum in 1966. In these essays, Morris attempted to define a conceptual framework and formal elements for himself and one that would embrace the practices of his contemporaries.
  • 95. DONALD JUDD • Donald Judd was an American born painter, writer and sculptor. His work placed him at the forefront of the Minimalist movement of the 1960s and 1970s. • Judd rejected Abstract Expressionism through lack of imagery, composition, and by reducing painting and sculpture to its basic elements through using natural light, simple lines, industrial materials, and solid colors on flat surfaces.
  • 96. MARCEL DUCHAMP • Fountain is a 1917 work widely attributed to Marcel Duchamp. The scandalous work was a porcelain urinal, which was signed "R.Mutt" and titled Fountain. Submitted for the exhibition of the Society of Independent Artists in 1917, Fountain was rejected by the committee, even though the rules stated that all works would be accepted from artists who paid the fee. • Fountain was displayed and photographed at Alfred Stieglitz’s studio, and the photo published in The Blind Man, but the original has been lost.
  • 97. JOHN MCCRAKEN • Mr. McCracken approached Minimalism — known for its literal-mindedness, industrial fabrication and resistance to interpretation — with a sense of play, craft and spirituality that was distinctly his own while also reflecting his California roots. • He was one of the few artists affiliated with the movement who did not object to its name and who made most of his work by hand, sanding and polishing his enamel, lacquer or resin surfaces until their colors achieved a flawless and reflective perfection.
  • 98. DIETER RAMS • To designers, Dieter Rams should be an even more familiar name. Rams is a German industrial designer who was born in 1932 and was head designer at the Braun company, where he helped design things like record players, radios, calculators, and consumer appliances. • Rams heavily pursued minimalist design, focusing on including only the essential aspects of a product so that it’s not filled with non-essentials. Rams’ self- described design approach is: • Less, but better.