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    Social Media
    with Melissa Morgan (@ememdesign)
    An introduction to gauging the impact of social-media on
    society in this media saturated, hyper-networked, über-
    techie, digitally innovative world.
*I am   ME
The Heart of America Foundation®
*   Click here – Target School Library Makeover Principal

                                       *I am                ME
“Social media is about sociology and
 psychology more than technology”
               - Brain Solis, FutureWorks
1.   What social media accounts do you log into?
     And, how often?
2.   What do you use to connect? (iPhone,
     Blackberry, Android, ipad, laptop,
3.   What are three things you like MOST about
     social media?
4.   What are three things you like LEAST?

Our e-world allows us to:
* Stay in touch with family/friends from afar
* (Re)connect with distant friends
* Get instant info: news, births, passing-ons, events…
* Telecommute / Work remotely (23% workers in 2009)
* Take advantage of time-saving tools
* Express ourselves and causes (blog, email, text message)
* Gather information at our fingertips in mere seconds
* Be ‗green‘ (QR code boarding passes!)
* Learn about others
* Click here
* Make love connections online
* Network professionally

                            *                    Gifts
How has social media impacted/influenced your:
  * daily stress level, health, sleep patterns, ability to focus,
  * political engagement, community activism, awareness of
  * cultural understanding/sensitivity,
  * spending patterns,
  * work environment,
  * social circles,
  * self esteem,
  * relationships?

How do you think it has impacted society in these areas?

* Do you feel isolated or at a loss when you forget your Smartphone at
* Do you check your Facebook account as often (or more) as you eat?
* Do you suffer heart palpitations when you go away for a weekend
 without your laptop or iPad? (or can‘t connect to wifi on an airplane?)
* Have you stood in line for an iPad for hours, just so you could update
 your Facebook status on a bigger screen while on the move?
* Do you TWW (Tweet while walking)? Do you DWT (drive while texting)?
* Do you login to Facebook before you brush your teeth in the a.m.?
* Do you check your Facebook or Twitter updates ‗after‘ going to bed?

Myspace makes me 

                     *Remember when…?
* No longer a fad; embedded in our daily lives
* Reshaping and shrinking our world – it‘s global
* A business investment
* A means to expand our influence
* An avenue to promote awareness
* A powerful and instant communications tool
* Telling of dynamics ―in the street‖
* Now a platform for debate and dissent
* A force (good/bad? You decide)
* Not to be ignored…

                  *Social Media is…
“I hear Youtube, Twitter and Facebook
     are merging to form a super Social
            Media site – YouTwitFace!”
       Conan O‘Brien, The Tonight Show (2009)
                                   Click here
* Facebook is rapidly approaching
      1 billion users - 800M are on
      Facebook (9.3% of the world‘s
    * 200M are on Twitter
    * 100M are on LinkedIn
    * 20M are on Google+

    * The world’s population = 7 billion people

“The addiction, (to social media)
  like crack cocaine has spread”
* 50% of the world‘s population are under age 30
* 96% of them have joined a social network

* >75% Facebook users are outside the US
* >400 million people (>50% of active users) log on to Facebook
  in any given day
* >350 million access Facebook with mobile devices
* 250 million photos uploaded/day on Facebook
* Average Facebook user has 130 friends and is connected to 80
  community pages, groups and events

* Can you name the top 3 websites by traffic (as of last year)?
   * 3- Youtube
   * 2- Facebook
   * 1- Google
* Google released a list of the top 1,000 sites in the world:
   * 1-Facebook, 4-Wikipedia, 12-Wordpress, 18-Twitter
* Fastest growing search engine (with 24B search queries/month)?
   * Twitter
   * Google supports (88B/month) (7.7.10)

* Children under the age of 12 send/receive over 1,000 texts/month
* 45% Americans ages 12-19 have a cell phone
* 37% of which use text messaging
* Teens make 231 calls and 1,742 text messages/month

“(Twitter is) not a social
network…That’s been a myth since the
  beginning…We’re much more like an
   information network or a source of
                   - Biz Stone, Twitter Cofounder (July 2010)
“Sometimes I text my friends Susie and Barbie for hours
      after I go to bed and we talk about everything.”

“I put my phone on vibrate and then I can pass notes to
                 my friend in the class down the hall.”

      “I texted my vote on American Idol and she won.”

           “I couldn’t live without it (text messaging)”

                      – NYU Child Study Center
* Family members text each other in the next room
* (Pre)Teens develop alter-egos/online personalities
* Anonymous online bullying occurs, GLBTQ youth commit
 suicide at alarming rates and hate groups recruit online
* Children are exhibiting long-term pain conditions from
 spending hours repeating the same movements on their
 phones and games
  * (obesity, vision changes, carpal tunnel, tennis elbow, spinal disorders,
    nerve and muscle dysfunction, neck and arm disorders)

* Parents seek out:
  * new technologies address ―sexting‖
  * to ease family tension, lower massive
    cell bills, and uninterrupted dinner and conversations

               *Family Affairs Today
“We Millenials have capitalized on creating a personal
brand that directly correlates with our personalities.
Whether you’ve realized it or not, everything from
your profile picture, personal information, updates,
daily interactions and even your typing style (dO u
Wriite lyk tHiS??) were strategically decided upon on
the basis of one question, “How do I want my peers to
see me?”
* Openess is second nature
* There‘s no better time than NOW!
* There‘s no such thing as a stranger (rank and social order
 are less relevant)
* Less bound than any other generation when it comes to
 access of information and people

* Are our attention spans shrinking?
* Are we losing our ability to empathize?
* Are our identities being eroded?
* Is there a correlation between rise in prescriptions for
 drugs used to treat ADHD with increase of time spent at
* Does social networking cause transient relationships?
* Are we losing social skills?

  * Has social media changed us?
Have you ever?
* Gotten ―sucked in?‖ to mindless, endless
* Felt addicted to your mobile device?
* Lost track of the day while online?
* Digital distractions abound (goodbye
 Solitaire, hello… FarmVille!)
* iPad dinner dates
* Social avoidance (cell phones in cars,
 elevators, waiting rooms,…)
* Less face-to-face/voice-to-voice
* Digital miscommunication

    *                                 [time]
                       [people] [manners]
*Poor penmanship, spelling and grammar ??? “Google
  * Research Finds Text-Messaging Improves Children’s Spelling Skills,, 1.25.11

  * Social media has helped children become more literate according
    to a survey of 3,000 children (The National Literacy Trust, 2010)

*We believe things to be real and true
  * Iffy news ―sources‖
  * Quotations without source validation (MLK quote)
  * Coauthored documents (wikipedia)
  * Deals too good to be true
     * It must be true! > *Click and Share* > :(   oops
  * Dispell online myths at (that‘s if you trust
Have we gone too far?
* It's hard to be separated from the one you love. But a new invention could make it
 possible for you to hear your mate's heartbeat while you sleep (through a heart
 monitor sensor ring)…And they go to sleep hearing each others heartbeat live.
                                                    - NECN/CNN: Jeanne Moos, New York (2011)

                                                    “Oftentimes we like to take
                                                    naps together over Skype,
                                                    but this [pillow] would
                                                    make things so much more

                                                      – Woman separated by her spouse who is on
                                                                           military deployment

                                                        * Introducing:
                                       the Cyber pillow, lol!
What are the implications of blurred boundaries?
* Lines between work and home life are blurred
* The need for constant communication leads to lack of
 social etiquette in public places   (see Muppets)

* Are ―Friends‖ our friends?
* TMI, lack of personal info filters, daily drama updates
* Airing dirty laundry (Google indexes & archives your
 tweets; blog posts are saved for decades)
* Anonymous reviews posted on Yelp and Unvarnished
* Employers google interviewees pre-interview

“A truly human being is never primarily or
 basically concerned with himself or herself, or
anything within himself or herself; but rather is
    reaching out of themselves, into the world,
                  toward a meaning to fulfill…”
                                - Viktor E. Frankl
What are the effects of social media on people’s:

* Personalities and behaviors?
* Compassion, empathy, and emotional intelligence?
* Perceptions of, connection to, and interaction with others?
* Ability to relate to others who are similar or different from them?
* Relationships with their families?
* Awareness of pitfalls of consumer based economies?
* Concepts of and connection to greed?
* Engagement in community-based issues?...politics?...religious

           *                                humanity
“Social Media makes the world smaller,
       and brings our hearts together.”
                             Lori Moreno
* Digital compassion = a new wave of civic involvement; it‘s
 now easier to spread awareness about issues close to our

* Outpouring of global online sympathy and tributes re:
 untimely death of Apple icon, Steve Jobs, dubbed the
 ‗Princess Diana of the Internet‘; other Facebook tribute
 pages exist and help with grieving

* Online communities/groups replace family voids, help people
 to feel they belong, matter and have a voice. (Finestwheat)

*   Mashable
* The President - Social media campaign propelled
 Barack Obama to the White House
* Vets - Iraq & Afghanistan Veterans of America unites
 servicemembers –
* Moms - onesie campaign
* Surfers - Surfrider‘s advocacy –

         *                               Doin’ It
“The revolution will not be televised.”
                          Gil Scott-Heron
* The world was surprised with technology‘s power to
 revolutionize political dissent during the ―Arab Spring of
 2011‖ revolutionary wave of demonstrations and protest in
 the Arab world (12.18.10)
* Anti-govt protesters in Tunisia & Cairo, Egypt used Twitter,
 Facebook, etc. to combat censorship & organize
 demonstrations that ousted presidents, including Mubarak.
* Affected Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Bahrain, Syria, Yemen, Algeria,
 Iraq, Jordan, Morocco, Oman, Kuwait, Lebanon, Mauritania,
 Saudia Arabia, Sudan and Western Sahara

* Power can be contested in social interactions in such a
  way as to bring about widespread cultural and social
* Arab Spring protests shared techniques of civil resistance
  involving strikes, demonstrations, marches and rallies as
  well as use of social media to organize, communicate and
  raise awareness in the face of state attempts of
  oppression and internet censorship.
* Governments now are developing strategies to respond to
  (and control) the new player in the political arena—social
* Govts are investing in social media monitoring tools; US
  State Dept is advising other govts on social media

How often does social media play a role in violence?
* London youth virtually coordinated August looting sprees and arson
* Twitter, Blackberry Messenger and Facebook were blamed for inciting
* Prime Minister Cameron threatened censorship and shutdown of social
  media and messaging platforms in response.
* #RiotCleanup - Nonviolent social media users united to clean up London‘s

* After a shooting by a transit authority police officer, San Francisco‘s BART
 transit system faced anger and accusations of breaching constitutional
 free speech when it sought to shut down cell phone service within the
 system to hinder protests.

Social media is one of the first places that spreads
 information to counter act “official agendas”.
 * Millions (of ‗regular‘ people) can coordinate political
  action quickly via social media
 * Avoids conventional leadership – ―The powers that be‖
  have less control over social media than they do over
  main stream media.
 * This challenges traditional political power structures
 * Viral messaging spreads like wildfire!

Political/Community Action!
* Political repression, economic crises and the widening wealth gap in
 countries could fuel growth in protest triggered by social media

* In effect, major social media companies (Google, Facebook, Twitter)
 could become gatekeepers of debate and dissent.

* Social media-organized protests led to U.S. Occupy Wall Street & other
* European activists have used social media to coordinate mass street
* Russian dissident bloggers have come under cyber attack from hackers
  suspected sympathetic to the Kremlin.
* China monitors and censors online debates.
* In Middle East, some countries arrest or threaten bloggers or those
  accused of spreading ―malicious rumors‖; individuals are sought out and
  made examples of.
* Digital activism in the Middle East

“Thomas Jefferson used newspapers to win the presidency,
 F.D.R. used radio to change the way he governed, J.F.K. was
    the first president to understand television, and Howard
           Dean saw the value of the Web for raising money.”

 “But Senator Barack Obama understood that you could use
    the Web to lower the cost of building a political brand,
        create a sense of connection and engagement, and
        dispense with the command and control method of
governing to allow people to self-organize to do the work.”

* The Obama campaign did not invent
 anything completely new.
* Instead, by bolting together social
 networking applications under the
 banner of a movement, they created
 an unforeseen force to:
  * raise money,
  * organize locally,
  * fight smear campaigns and
  * get out the vote that helped them win.

* We’ve moved from an industrial
                                          to an informational society.
© All rights reserved by RadarDDBuk

                                      * What do you see around you
                                          every day?
                                      *   The world's major brands are engaging with
                                          customers through social media.
                                      *   Old city looks at 2005 list of top 20 global
                                      *   New city sees how those companies stack up
                                          when it comes to social media engagement
                                          plus a new set of companies that are
                                          embracing social media are added

“Interactive will cannibalize
         traditional media.”
  US Interactive Marketing Forecast, 2009 To 2014
Change is in the air:
* Thanks to social media, customers have ever increasing
  power over businesses.

* Google and Bing now place a higher priority on all things
 social (top of search lists)

* Interactive trends will redefine business
  * While social media marketing is currently low cost marketing (many
    tools have free elements), it is estimated that this marketing spending
    will grow from millions (2009) to billions (2014) in the US.
  * Businesses now see it as necessary, not evil and are shifting money
    away from traditional marketing. (bye, bye direct mail, newspapers
    and magazines)
  * Challenge to develop new, innovative services (i.e. USPS)
  * Results in new ways of thinking and advertising - Social Media Case
    Study: Audi – (video)

                        *                           Business
* Used social media to allow questions and comments, free exchange of
  information and rich dialogues.
* Twitter was a hit; Microsoft used links to direct customers directly to answers
  to common questions and issues.
* Blogs helped with free flow of information.
* Users select their language of choice for communication.
* Microsoft monitored and reacted to feedback and results.

* 15% lift in satisfaction ratings in first year; 17% in the second
* 400% increase in traffic to main service internet site (―Home Base‖)
* 30% drop in calls & 54% growth in social media engagement.

      *                                                                   Microsoft
*   Who is being promoted? Who is being hired?
*   Who is being left behind?
*   How does the digital divide factor in?

*   What other concerns are there?
    *   Customer service
    *   loss of jobs
    *   automated services
    *   less human interaction

“On twitter we get excited if someone
  follows us. In real life, we get really
                 scared and run away.”
Safety                       In the Workplace
* 81% of people don‘t have   * Intergenerational
 their Facebook privacy       miscommunication (phone
 settings configured          call doesn‘t mean email)
 properly                    * Work distractions (thanks a
* Identity theft              lot, youtube)
* Inappropriate behavior     * Workplace Social media
 (pedophiles, stalkers,       policies
 violence)                     * People have been fired for
* Texting-while-driving          inappropriate comments on
                                 personal social media sites

              *Beware / Be Aware
“We’re no longer lazy consumers of passive
 messages. Instead we’re active participants.
  We now get news through the network we’ve
created, and the news we pass to one another
                   says something about us.”
                            Mike Laurie (
Social Media has had great influence over societal issues related to:

 * Identity development                       •   Health (mental and physical)
 * Culture of youth                           •   Consumerism
                                              •   Globalism
 * Behavior and risk taking                   •   Government relations
 * Family structures and relationships        •   The US Presidency
 * Human connectivity, intimacy,              •   Mass communications
   interpersonal relationships and            •   Sources of news and information
   communication                              •   Concepts of reality and ―truth‖
                                              •   Business and the work environment
 * Social skills and interactions             •   Work habits
 * Social etiquette, values, boundaries and   •   Educational influences, limitations and
   norms                                          attainment
 * Perceptions of, connection to, and         •   Media (il)literacy
   interaction with others                    •   Personal safety and privacy

 * Empathy and apathy
 * Community activism and digital

 * Political engagement
1.    If you haven‘t yet, accept social      11.   Slow down, write a hand-written
      media for what it is right now at            note and mail it with a stamp
      this moment                            12.   Talk to your partner face-to-face
2.    Embrace it and have some fun           13.   Say hello to people in the elevator
3.    Become one with it – use it to         14.   Invite a friend out to dinner (leave
      your advantage: find inspiration             your iPad home and put your cell
      and information                              phone on vibrate)
4.    Engage/Get active                      15.   Be safe, be smart
5.    Gain an edge in your workplace         16.   Limit your circle of online ―friends‖
6.    Don‘t be fooled (Big Brother                 and adjust your security settings
      knows, be media and marketing-         17.   Google yourself
                                             18.   Think before you press the submit
7.    Balance your news input sources              button
8.    Learn about others                     19.   Put your phone down and drive
9.    Pay attention to youth                 20.   Talk to your children about their
10.   Pay attention to your body                   online id‘s and safety (view their
      (breathe, stretch)                           pictures/posts and friend them)
                                                                       © 2011,

     * 20 Tips to Surviving and Thriving
                                          in Our Digital World
“Google It!”                  *
* Avoiding Identity Theft
* Cyber-Bullying              * Facebook privacy settings
* Online Hate Groups          * Google ―trending‖ topics
* How to focus at work and    * RSS feeds
 avoid digital distractions   *
* How to avoid online         * Twitter Business Best
 miscommunication              Practices
* Social Media Etiquette      *
* Zen in the workplace

Build your “Brand”                        Share
*                                * short links
* (post your resume)         *
* (QR codes)
* (web sites)
* (blog)                    *

Connect                                   Music
*                            *
* (jobs and volunteering)    * (iTunes playlists)
*                           * (what‘s that song?)
* (e-cards and e-invites)
* (volunteer)                   * (what‘s that song?)

* (video calls)
* (video calls)                  Photos
                                          * (collage)
Promote a Cause                           * (share, create and order)
Search                                    * (use your cell phone)

*                       * (make a channel)
* (use # hashtags)
* (search delivery)
* NYU Child Study Center, ―Texting and Talking: Kids and Cell Phones‖
    by Anita Gurian, Ph.D. - ―Social Media for Small Biz: Your HR Survival Guide‖ – Evil HR Lady,
* Forrester‘s Interactive Advertising Models, July 2009
* - ―3 Big Reasons Why Social Media Marketing is Essential for Your
    Business‖ – Jeff Bullas, 5.11.11
* - ―How Obama Tapped Into Social Networks‘ Power‖ – David Carr,
* - ―Insight: Social media – a political tool for good or evil?‖ – Peter Apps,
* – ―Chronic Pain in Kids…A look at what all that ‗texting and
    gaming‘ is doing to their health.‖ – Dr. Blair Lamb, 8.23.11
The impact of social media

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The impact of social media

  • 1. Image: © All rights reserved by linkedmediagrp * Social Media with Melissa Morgan (@ememdesign) An introduction to gauging the impact of social-media on society in this media saturated, hyper-networked, über- techie, digitally innovative world.
  • 2. *I am ME
  • 3. The Heart of America Foundation® * * * * Click here – Target School Library Makeover Principal Group *I am ME
  • 4. “Social media is about sociology and psychology more than technology” - Brain Solis, FutureWorks
  • 5. 1. What social media accounts do you log into? And, how often? 2. What do you use to connect? (iPhone, Blackberry, Android, ipad, laptop, desktop,…) 3. What are three things you like MOST about social media? 4. What are three things you like LEAST? *
  • 6. Our e-world allows us to: * Stay in touch with family/friends from afar * (Re)connect with distant friends * Get instant info: news, births, passing-ons, events… * Telecommute / Work remotely (23% workers in 2009) * Take advantage of time-saving tools * Express ourselves and causes (blog, email, text message) * Gather information at our fingertips in mere seconds * Be ‗green‘ (QR code boarding passes!) * Learn about others * Click here * Make love connections online * Network professionally * Gifts
  • 7. How has social media impacted/influenced your: * daily stress level, health, sleep patterns, ability to focus, * political engagement, community activism, awareness of ―causes‖, * cultural understanding/sensitivity, * spending patterns, * work environment, * social circles, * self esteem, * relationships? How do you think it has impacted society in these areas? *
  • 8. * Do you feel isolated or at a loss when you forget your Smartphone at home? * Do you check your Facebook account as often (or more) as you eat? * Do you suffer heart palpitations when you go away for a weekend without your laptop or iPad? (or can‘t connect to wifi on an airplane?) * Have you stood in line for an iPad for hours, just so you could update your Facebook status on a bigger screen while on the move? * Do you TWW (Tweet while walking)? Do you DWT (drive while texting)? * Do you login to Facebook before you brush your teeth in the a.m.? * Do you check your Facebook or Twitter updates ‗after‘ going to bed? *
  • 9. Myspace makes me  *Remember when…?
  • 10. * No longer a fad; embedded in our daily lives * Reshaping and shrinking our world – it‘s global * A business investment * A means to expand our influence * An avenue to promote awareness * A powerful and instant communications tool * Telling of dynamics ―in the street‖ * Now a platform for debate and dissent * A force (good/bad? You decide) * Not to be ignored… *Social Media is…
  • 11. *
  • 12. “I hear Youtube, Twitter and Facebook are merging to form a super Social Media site – YouTwitFace!” Conan O‘Brien, The Tonight Show (2009) Click here
  • 13. * Facebook is rapidly approaching 1 billion users - 800M are on Facebook (9.3% of the world‘s population*) * 200M are on Twitter * 100M are on LinkedIn * 20M are on Google+ * The world’s population = 7 billion people (2011) *Power
  • 14. “The addiction, (to social media) like crack cocaine has spread”
  • 15. * 50% of the world‘s population are under age 30 * 96% of them have joined a social network * >75% Facebook users are outside the US * >400 million people (>50% of active users) log on to Facebook in any given day * >350 million access Facebook with mobile devices * 250 million photos uploaded/day on Facebook * Average Facebook user has 130 friends and is connected to 80 community pages, groups and events *
  • 16. * Can you name the top 3 websites by traffic (as of last year)? * 3- Youtube * 2- Facebook * 1- Google * Google released a list of the top 1,000 sites in the world: * 1-Facebook, 4-Wikipedia, 12-Wordpress, 18-Twitter * Fastest growing search engine (with 24B search queries/month)? * Twitter * Google supports (88B/month) (7.7.10) * Children under the age of 12 send/receive over 1,000 texts/month * 45% Americans ages 12-19 have a cell phone * 37% of which use text messaging * Teens make 231 calls and 1,742 text messages/month (2010) * (2011)
  • 17. “(Twitter is) not a social network…That’s been a myth since the beginning…We’re much more like an information network or a source of news.” - Biz Stone, Twitter Cofounder (July 2010)
  • 18.
  • 19. “Sometimes I text my friends Susie and Barbie for hours after I go to bed and we talk about everything.” “I put my phone on vibrate and then I can pass notes to my friend in the class down the hall.” “I texted my vote on American Idol and she won.” “I couldn’t live without it (text messaging)” – NYU Child Study Center
  • 20. * Family members text each other in the next room * (Pre)Teens develop alter-egos/online personalities * Anonymous online bullying occurs, GLBTQ youth commit suicide at alarming rates and hate groups recruit online * Children are exhibiting long-term pain conditions from spending hours repeating the same movements on their phones and games * (obesity, vision changes, carpal tunnel, tennis elbow, spinal disorders, nerve and muscle dysfunction, neck and arm disorders) * Parents seek out: * new technologies address ―sexting‖ * to ease family tension, lower massive cell bills, and uninterrupted dinner and conversations *Family Affairs Today
  • 21. “We Millenials have capitalized on creating a personal brand that directly correlates with our personalities. Whether you’ve realized it or not, everything from your profile picture, personal information, updates, daily interactions and even your typing style (dO u Wriite lyk tHiS??) were strategically decided upon on the basis of one question, “How do I want my peers to see me?”
  • 22. * Openess is second nature * There‘s no better time than NOW! * There‘s no such thing as a stranger (rank and social order are less relevant) * Less bound than any other generation when it comes to access of information and people *
  • 23. * Are our attention spans shrinking? * Are we losing our ability to empathize? * Are our identities being eroded? * Is there a correlation between rise in prescriptions for drugs used to treat ADHD with increase of time spent at computers? * Does social networking cause transient relationships? * Are we losing social skills? * Has social media changed us?
  • 24. Have you ever? * Gotten ―sucked in?‖ to mindless, endless browsing? * Felt addicted to your mobile device? * Lost track of the day while online? * Digital distractions abound (goodbye Solitaire, hello… FarmVille!) * iPad dinner dates * Social avoidance (cell phones in cars, elevators, waiting rooms,…) * Less face-to-face/voice-to-voice * Digital miscommunication * [time] [people] [manners]
  • 25. *Poor penmanship, spelling and grammar ??? “Google it!” * Research Finds Text-Messaging Improves Children’s Spelling Skills,, 1.25.11 * Social media has helped children become more literate according to a survey of 3,000 children (The National Literacy Trust, 2010) *We believe things to be real and true * Iffy news ―sources‖ * Quotations without source validation (MLK quote) * Coauthored documents (wikipedia) * Deals too good to be true * It must be true! > *Click and Share* > :( oops * Dispell online myths at (that‘s if you trust them) *
  • 26. Have we gone too far? * It's hard to be separated from the one you love. But a new invention could make it possible for you to hear your mate's heartbeat while you sleep (through a heart monitor sensor ring)…And they go to sleep hearing each others heartbeat live. - NECN/CNN: Jeanne Moos, New York (2011) “Oftentimes we like to take naps together over Skype, but this [pillow] would make things so much more fantastic.” – Woman separated by her spouse who is on military deployment * Introducing: the Cyber pillow, lol!
  • 27. What are the implications of blurred boundaries? * Lines between work and home life are blurred * The need for constant communication leads to lack of social etiquette in public places (see Muppets) * Are ―Friends‖ our friends? * TMI, lack of personal info filters, daily drama updates * Airing dirty laundry (Google indexes & archives your tweets; blog posts are saved for decades) * Anonymous reviews posted on Yelp and Unvarnished * Employers google interviewees pre-interview *omg
  • 28. “A truly human being is never primarily or basically concerned with himself or herself, or anything within himself or herself; but rather is reaching out of themselves, into the world, toward a meaning to fulfill…” - Viktor E. Frankl
  • 29. What are the effects of social media on people’s: * Personalities and behaviors? * Compassion, empathy, and emotional intelligence? * Perceptions of, connection to, and interaction with others? * Ability to relate to others who are similar or different from them? * Relationships with their families? * Awareness of pitfalls of consumer based economies? * Concepts of and connection to greed? * Engagement in community-based issues?...politics?...religious expression? * humanity
  • 30. “Social Media makes the world smaller, and brings our hearts together.” Lori Moreno
  • 31. * Digital compassion = a new wave of civic involvement; it‘s now easier to spread awareness about issues close to our hearts * Outpouring of global online sympathy and tributes re: untimely death of Apple icon, Steve Jobs, dubbed the ‗Princess Diana of the Internet‘; other Facebook tribute pages exist and help with grieving * Online communities/groups replace family voids, help people to feel they belong, matter and have a voice. (Finestwheat) *Digital Compassion
  • 32.
  • 33. * Mashable
  • 34. * The President - Social media campaign propelled Barack Obama to the White House * Vets - Iraq & Afghanistan Veterans of America unites servicemembers – * Moms - onesie campaign * Surfers - Surfrider‘s advocacy – * Doin’ It
  • 35. “The revolution will not be televised.” Gil Scott-Heron
  • 36. * The world was surprised with technology‘s power to revolutionize political dissent during the ―Arab Spring of 2011‖ revolutionary wave of demonstrations and protest in the Arab world (12.18.10) * Anti-govt protesters in Tunisia & Cairo, Egypt used Twitter, Facebook, etc. to combat censorship & organize demonstrations that ousted presidents, including Mubarak. * Affected Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Bahrain, Syria, Yemen, Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Morocco, Oman, Kuwait, Lebanon, Mauritania, Saudia Arabia, Sudan and Western Sahara *Revolution
  • 37. * Power can be contested in social interactions in such a way as to bring about widespread cultural and social change… * Arab Spring protests shared techniques of civil resistance involving strikes, demonstrations, marches and rallies as well as use of social media to organize, communicate and raise awareness in the face of state attempts of oppression and internet censorship. * Governments now are developing strategies to respond to (and control) the new player in the political arena—social media. * Govts are investing in social media monitoring tools; US State Dept is advising other govts on social media *Governing
  • 38. How often does social media play a role in violence? * London youth virtually coordinated August looting sprees and arson * Twitter, Blackberry Messenger and Facebook were blamed for inciting violence * Prime Minister Cameron threatened censorship and shutdown of social media and messaging platforms in response. * #RiotCleanup - Nonviolent social media users united to clean up London‘s streets. * After a shooting by a transit authority police officer, San Francisco‘s BART transit system faced anger and accusations of breaching constitutional free speech when it sought to shut down cell phone service within the system to hinder protests. * #weaponsofmassdestruction #vesselsforgood
  • 39. Social media is one of the first places that spreads information to counter act “official agendas”. * Millions (of ‗regular‘ people) can coordinate political action quickly via social media * Avoids conventional leadership – ―The powers that be‖ have less control over social media than they do over main stream media. * This challenges traditional political power structures * Viral messaging spreads like wildfire! * Web Political/Community Action!
  • 40. * Political repression, economic crises and the widening wealth gap in countries could fuel growth in protest triggered by social media * In effect, major social media companies (Google, Facebook, Twitter) could become gatekeepers of debate and dissent. * Social media-organized protests led to U.S. Occupy Wall Street & other ―Occupies‖- * European activists have used social media to coordinate mass street unrest. * Russian dissident bloggers have come under cyber attack from hackers suspected sympathetic to the Kremlin. * China monitors and censors online debates. * In Middle East, some countries arrest or threaten bloggers or those accused of spreading ―malicious rumors‖; individuals are sought out and made examples of. * Digital activism in the Middle East activism/ *Organizing
  • 41. “Thomas Jefferson used newspapers to win the presidency, F.D.R. used radio to change the way he governed, J.F.K. was the first president to understand television, and Howard Dean saw the value of the Web for raising money.” “But Senator Barack Obama understood that you could use the Web to lower the cost of building a political brand, create a sense of connection and engagement, and dispense with the command and control method of governing to allow people to self-organize to do the work.” -
  • 42. * The Obama campaign did not invent anything completely new. * Instead, by bolting together social networking applications under the banner of a movement, they created an unforeseen force to: * raise money, * organize locally, * fight smear campaigns and * get out the vote that helped them win. *
  • 43. * We’ve moved from an industrial to an informational society. © All rights reserved by RadarDDBuk * What do you see around you every day? * The world's major brands are engaging with customers through social media. * Old city looks at 2005 list of top 20 global companies. * New city sees how those companies stack up when it comes to social media engagement plus a new set of companies that are embracing social media are added * Brandscape
  • 44. “Interactive will cannibalize traditional media.” US Interactive Marketing Forecast, 2009 To 2014
  • 45. Change is in the air: * Thanks to social media, customers have ever increasing power over businesses. * Google and Bing now place a higher priority on all things social (top of search lists) * Interactive trends will redefine business * While social media marketing is currently low cost marketing (many tools have free elements), it is estimated that this marketing spending will grow from millions (2009) to billions (2014) in the US. * Businesses now see it as necessary, not evil and are shifting money away from traditional marketing. (bye, bye direct mail, newspapers and magazines) * Challenge to develop new, innovative services (i.e. USPS) * Results in new ways of thinking and advertising - Social Media Case Study: Audi – (video) media-case-study-audi/ * Business
  • 46. Actions: * Used social media to allow questions and comments, free exchange of information and rich dialogues. * Twitter was a hit; Microsoft used links to direct customers directly to answers to common questions and issues. * Blogs helped with free flow of information. * Users select their language of choice for communication. * Microsoft monitored and reacted to feedback and results. Results: * 15% lift in satisfaction ratings in first year; 17% in the second * 400% increase in traffic to main service internet site (―Home Base‖) * 30% drop in calls & 54% growth in social media engagement. * Microsoft
  • 47. * Who is being promoted? Who is being hired? * Who is being left behind? * How does the digital divide factor in? * What other concerns are there? * Customer service * loss of jobs * automated services * less human interaction *
  • 48. “On twitter we get excited if someone follows us. In real life, we get really scared and run away.”
  • 49. Safety In the Workplace * 81% of people don‘t have * Intergenerational their Facebook privacy miscommunication (phone settings configured call doesn‘t mean email) properly * Work distractions (thanks a * Identity theft lot, youtube) * Inappropriate behavior * Workplace Social media (pedophiles, stalkers, policies violence) * People have been fired for * Texting-while-driving inappropriate comments on personal social media sites *Beware / Be Aware
  • 50. “We’re no longer lazy consumers of passive messages. Instead we’re active participants. We now get news through the network we’ve created, and the news we pass to one another says something about us.” Mike Laurie (
  • 51. Social Media has had great influence over societal issues related to: * Identity development • Health (mental and physical) * Culture of youth • Consumerism • Globalism * Behavior and risk taking • Government relations * Family structures and relationships • The US Presidency * Human connectivity, intimacy, • Mass communications interpersonal relationships and • Sources of news and information communication • Concepts of reality and ―truth‖ • Business and the work environment * Social skills and interactions • Work habits * Social etiquette, values, boundaries and • Educational influences, limitations and norms attainment * Perceptions of, connection to, and • Media (il)literacy interaction with others • Personal safety and privacy * Empathy and apathy * Community activism and digital compassion * * Political engagement
  • 52. 1. If you haven‘t yet, accept social 11. Slow down, write a hand-written media for what it is right now at note and mail it with a stamp this moment 12. Talk to your partner face-to-face 2. Embrace it and have some fun 13. Say hello to people in the elevator 3. Become one with it – use it to 14. Invite a friend out to dinner (leave your advantage: find inspiration your iPad home and put your cell and information phone on vibrate) 4. Engage/Get active 15. Be safe, be smart 5. Gain an edge in your workplace 16. Limit your circle of online ―friends‖ 6. Don‘t be fooled (Big Brother and adjust your security settings knows, be media and marketing- 17. Google yourself literate) 18. Think before you press the submit 7. Balance your news input sources button 8. Learn about others 19. Put your phone down and drive 9. Pay attention to youth 20. Talk to your children about their 10. Pay attention to your body online id‘s and safety (view their (breathe, stretch) pictures/posts and friend them) © 2011, * 20 Tips to Surviving and Thriving in Our Digital World
  • 53. “Google It!” * * Avoiding Identity Theft * Cyber-Bullying * Facebook privacy settings * Online Hate Groups * Google ―trending‖ topics * How to focus at work and * RSS feeds avoid digital distractions * * How to avoid online * Twitter Business Best miscommunication Practices * Social Media Etiquette * * Zen in the workplace *
  • 54. Build your “Brand” Share * * short links * (post your resume) * * (QR codes) * * (web sites) * (blog) * Connect Music * * * (jobs and volunteering) * (iTunes playlists) * * (what‘s that song?) * (e-cards and e-invites) * (volunteer) * (what‘s that song?) * (video calls) * (video calls) Photos * (collage) Promote a Cause * (share, create and order) * * Video * * Search * (use your cell phone) *Favs * * (make a channel) * (use # hashtags) * (search delivery)
  • 55. * NYU Child Study Center, ―Texting and Talking: Kids and Cell Phones‖ by Anita Gurian, Ph.D. - ―Social Media for Small Biz: Your HR Survival Guide‖ – Evil HR Lady, 11.14.11 * * * * Forrester‘s Interactive Advertising Models, July 2009 * - ―3 Big Reasons Why Social Media Marketing is Essential for Your Business‖ – Jeff Bullas, 5.11.11 * - ―How Obama Tapped Into Social Networks‘ Power‖ – David Carr, 11.9.08 * - ―Insight: Social media – a political tool for good or evil?‖ – Peter Apps, 9.28.11 * * * – ―Chronic Pain in Kids…A look at what all that ‗texting and gaming‘ is doing to their health.‖ – Dr. Blair Lamb, 8.23.11 * *

Editor's Notes

  1. Computer loveLaugh trackSociology is the study of society—which uses various methods of empirical investigation and critical analysis to develop a body of knowledge about human social activity. For many sociologists the goal is to conduct research which may be applied directly to social policy and welfare, whilst others focus primarily on refining the theoretical understanding of social processes. Subject matter ranges from the micro level of individual agency and interaction to the macro level of systems and the social structure.[4]Sociology is a very broad discipline. Its traditional focuses have included social stratification, social class, social mobility, religion, secularisation, law, and deviance. As all spheres of human activity are sculpted by social structure and individual agency, sociology has gradually expanded its focus to further subjects, such as health, medical, military and penal institutions, the Internet, and even the role of social activity in the development of scientific knowledge.The Internet is of interest to sociologists in various ways; most practically as a tool for research and as a discussion platform.[98] The sociology of the Internet in the broad sense regards the analysis of online communities (e.g. newsgroups, social networking sites) and virtual worlds. Online communities may be studied statistically through network analysis or interpreted qualitatively through virtual ethnography. Organizational change is catalysed through new media, thereby influencing social change at-large, perhaps forming the framework for a transformation from an industrial to an informational society.For Simmel, culture referred to "the cultivation of individuals through the agency of external forms which have been objectified in the course of history".[57] Whilst early theorists such as Durkheimand Mauss were influential in cultural anthropology, sociologists of culture are generally distinguished by their concern for modern (rather than primitive or ancient) society.A social network is a social structure composed of individuals (or organizations) called "nodes", which are tied (connected) by one or more specific types of interdependency, such as friendship, kinship, financial exchange, dislike, sexual relationships, or relationships of beliefs, knowledge or prestige. Social networks operate on many levels, from families up to the level of nations, and play a critical role in determining the way problems are solved, organizations are run, and the degree to which individuals succeed in achieving their goals. Social network analysis makes no assumption that groups are the building blocks of society: the approach is open to studying less-bounded social systems, from nonlocal communities to networks of exchange. Rather than treating individuals (persons, organizations, states) as discrete units of analysis, it focuses on how the structure of ties affects individuals and their relationships. In contrast to analyses that assume that socialization into norms determines behavior, network analysis looks to see the extent to which the structure and composition of ties affect norms. Unlike most other areas of sociology, social network theory is usually defined in formal mathematics.The sociology of race and of ethnic relations is the area of the discipline that studies the social, political, and economic relations between races and ethnicities at all levels of society. This area encompasses the study of racism, residential segregation, and other complex social processes between different racial and ethnic groups. This research frequently interacts with other areas of sociology such as stratification and social psychology, as well as with postcolonial theory. At the level of political policy, ethnic relations is discussed in terms of either assimilationism or multiculturalism. Anti-racism forms another style of policy, particularly popular in the 1960s and 70s.The sociology of work, or industrial sociology, examines "the direction and implications of trends in technological change, globalization, labour markets, work organization, managerial practices and employment relations to the extent to which these trends are intimately related to changing patterns of inequality in modern societies and to the changing experiences of individuals and families the ways in which workers challenge, resist and make their own contributions to the patterning of work and shaping of work institutions."[114]Historically political sociology concerned the relations between political organization and society. A typical research question in this area might be: "Why do so few American citizens choose to vote?"[102] In this respect questions of political opinion formation brought about some of the pioneering uses of statistical survey research by Paul Lazarsfeld. A major subfield of political sociolgy developed in relation to such questions, which draws on comparative history to analyze socio-political trends. The field developed from the work of Max Weber and MoiseyOstrogorsky,[103].Contemporary political sociology includes these areas of research, but it has been opened up to wider questions of power and politics.[104] Today political sociologists are as likely to be concerned with how identities are formed that contribute to structural domination by one group over another; the politics of who knows how and with what authority; and questions of how power is contested in social interactions in such a way as to bring about widespread cultural and social change. Such questions are more likely to be studied qualitatively. The study of social movements and their effects has been especially important in relation to these wider definitions of politics and power.[105]Family, gender and sexuality form a broad area of inquiry studied in many subfields of sociology. The sociology of the family examines the family, as an institution and unit of socialisation, with special concern for the comparatively modern historical emergence of the nuclear family and its distinct gender roles. The notion of "childhood" is also significant. As one of the more basic institutions to which one may apply sociological perspectives, the sociology of the family is a common component on introductory academic curricula. Feminist sociology, on the other hand, is a normative subfield that observes and critiques the cultural categories of gender and sexuality, particularly with respect to power and inequality. The primary concern of feminist theory is the patriarchy and the systematic oppression of women apparent in many societies, both at the level of small-scale interaction and in terms of the broader social structure. Social psychology of gender, on the other hand, uses experimental methods to uncover the microprocesses of gender stratification. For example, one recent study has shown that resume evaluators penalize women for motherhood while giving a boost to men for fatherhood.[95] Another set of experiments showed that men whose sexuality is questioned compensate by expressing a greater desire for military intervention and sport utility vehicles as well as a greater opposition to gay marriage.[96]As with cultural studies, media studies is a distinct discipline which owes to the convergence of sociology and other social sciences and humanities, in particular, literary criticism and critical theory. Though the production process or the critique of aesthetic forms is not in the remit of sociologists, analyses of socialising factors, such as ideological effects and audience reception, stem from sociological theory and method. Thus the 'sociology of the media' is not a subdiscipline per se, but the media is a common and often-indispensable topic.Areas of SociologySocial organization is the study of the various institutions, social groups, social stratification, social mobility, bureaucracy, ethnic groups and relations, and other similar subjects like family, education, politics, religion, economy, and so on and so forth.Social psychology is the study of human nature as an outcome of group life, social attitudes, collective behavior, and personality formation. It deals with group life and the individual's traits, attitudes, beliefs as influenced by group life, and it views man with reference to group life.Social change and disorganization is the study of the change in culture and social relations and the disruption that may occur in society, and it deals with the study of such current problems in society such as juvenile delinquency, criminality, drug addiction, family conflicts, divorce, population problems, and other similar subjects.Human ecology deals with the nature and behavior of a given population and its relationships to the group's present social institutions. For instance, studies of this kind have shown the prevalence of mental illness, criminality, delinquencies, prostitution, and drug addiction in urban centers and other highly developed places.Population or demography is the study of population number, composition, change, and quality as they influence the economic, political, and social system.Sociological theory and method is concerned with the applicability and usefulness of the principles and theories of group life as bases for the regulation of man's environment, and includes theory building and testing as bases for the prediction and control of man's social environment.Applied sociology utilizes the findings of pure sociological research in various fields such as criminology, social work, community development, education, industrial relations, marriage, ethnic relations, family counseling, and other aspects and problems of daily life.Practical applications of social researchSocial research informs politicians and policy makers, educators, planners, lawmakers, administrators, developers, business magnates, managers, social workers, non-governmental organizations, non-profit organizations, and people interested in resolving social issues in general. There is often a great deal of crossover between social research, market research, and other statistical fields.
  2. CellLifeline cord
  3. CellLifeline cord
  4. (Brian Solis, Principal at FutureWorks)
  5. Where does our humanity meet technology?How does social media help us and limit us?
  6. “The perfect solution is to serve each customer individually. The problem? There are 7 billion of them” Statementafter data was released that marketing directors, officers & dept. heads feel overwhelmed by the constant barrage of info from Twitter and Facebook90% of all clicks to websites occur on the first page of a search engine
  7. See Chronic Pain in Kids article (2010)
  8. Sources: (2011) (2010)
  9. Narcisissm = vanity and entitlementSexism and oppression of women
  11. Social Media Has Changed Us 1.7.10, Mike Laurie
  12. Online narcisissm
  13. Social media has positive and negative results from the ability to spread information. There is a lot of information deliberately being said on the social networks that is incorrect, and even when the information is proved to be totally incorrect, no one corrects the information, and/or once someone believes something whether true or false, no amount of evidence will change their opinion.
  14. The ring monitors the heartbeat and transmits the pulse via the internet to a fabric panel that the other partner puts inside his or her pillow. Ok, maybe the idea of this pillow makes some of you want to gag. But there are plenty of people dying to get their hands and their heads on it.On the company’s Facebook page, Little Riot, would-be customers gush praise for pillow talk and beg for word on when it will go on sale. Many are military couples separated by deployments.One woman wrote "oftentimes we like to take naps together over Skype, but this would make things so much more fantastic." Up until now, most of the quirky pillow action came from Japan with lap pillows and the "boyfriend's arm pillow.”
  15. impersonal communication; Generation Y “Googles it”(and less postal services)Your content is a digital asset that you should be continually investing in as you build up your online properties’ net worth…Unvarnished lets your peers say what they really think of you – in a private beta test (rate on a scale of 1-10 on productivity and integrity…)How do social network ties affect individuals and their relationships? Affect norms?
  16. Intergroup and intra-group relationsUnderstanding of local and global economics?Where does our humanity meet technology?How does social media help us and limit us?
  17. Trends in volunteerism…
  18. – building a more family-friendly – water quality, beach bills, national ocean policy, oil spills…The Humane Society’s Spay Day – online photo contest (Facebook)
  19. Revolutionary wave of demonstrations and protests in the Arab world, began Sat Dec 18, 2010…revolutions occurred in Tunisia, Egypt; civil war in Libya, civil uprisings in Bahrain, Syria and Yemen; major protests in Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Morocco, Oman; minor protests in Kuwait, Lebanon, Mauritania, Saudia Arabia, Sudan and Western Sahara (
  20. how power is contested in social interactions in such a way as to bring about widespread cultural and social changeSocial media organizing blindsided global governments, analysts and marketsDiplomats are being trained to use social media; They listen to what is being said and written in social media outletsGovts want to predict riots/protests at locations, trends and online debate (intelligence and national security agencies)Social media has been used as a tool to debate the Arab Spring, as well as to foster the unprecedented political activism that has emerged in what have been largely politics-deprived societies (
  21. “flash mobs” looting in Montgomery County, MD and Philadelphia, PA (Reported on Fox News)London police asked people to capture images of criminals lootingHow often does social media play a role in violence?Google chairman stated his colleagues face mounting danger of arrest and torture; during Egyptian revolution, Google executive was seized and arrested for involvement in helping organize protestsWho is Google “in bed with”?
  22. Pete Cashmore’s meteoric rise to power with his social news site, Mashable. Stears online conversation towards social good and positive social change, both on and offline.
  23. Protests against cuts in Spain.
  24. And his relationships are not the just traditional ties of Democrats — teachers’ unions, party faithful and Hollywood moneybags — but a network of supporters who used a distributed model of phone banking to organize and get out the vote, helped raise a record-breaking $600 million, and created all manner of media clips that were viewed millions of times. It was an online movement that begot offline behavior, including producing youth voter turnout that may have supplied the margin of victory.All of the Obama supporters who traded their personal information for a ticket to a rally or an e-mail alert about the vice presidential choice, or opted in on Facebook or MyBarackObama can now be mass e-mailed at a cost of close to zero. And instead of the constant polling that has been a motor of presidential governance, an Obama White House can use the Web to measure voter attitudes.
  25. And his relationships are not the just traditional ties of Democrats — teachers’ unions, party faithful and Hollywood moneybags — but a network of supporters who used a distributed model of phone banking to organize and get out the vote, helped raise a record-breaking $600 million, and created all manner of media clips that were viewed millions of times. It was an online movement that begot offline behavior, including producing youth voter turnout that may have supplied the margin of victory.All of the Obama supporters who traded their personal information for a ticket to a rally or an e-mail alert about the vice presidential choice, or opted in on Facebook or MyBarackObama can now be mass e-mailed at a cost of close to zero. And instead of the constant polling that has been a motor of presidential governance, an Obama White House can use the Web to measure voter attitudes.
  26. We’ve moved from an industrial to an informational society
  27. the direction and implications of trends in technological change, globalization, labour markets, work organization, managerial practices and employment relations to the extent to which these trends are intimately related to changing patterns of inequality in modern societies and to the changing experiences of individuals and families the ways in which workers challenge, resist and make their own contributions to the patterning of work and shaping of work institutionsROI = ratio of $ gained/lost relative to initial investmentNecessary, not evilOver the last year, people’s ranking of content on websites and blogs with Fbook likes, Twitter RT’s and Google +1’s have become as valuable as a ranking for searchOur e-world’s impact on customer service (can’t connect to customer service reps, instead deferred to a web site or pre-recorded voice) – how that impacts real-person jobs
  28. Narcisissm = vanity and entitlementSexism and oppression of women
  29. Digital divide, race, class and gender
  30. Generation Y – Millenials (1970’s-2000’s)Social research informs politicians and policymakers, educators, planners, lawmakers, administrators, developers, business magnates, managers, social workers, non-governmental organizations, non-profit organizations, and people interested in resolving social issues in general. There is often a great deal of crossover between social research, market research, and other statistical fields.Your content is a digital asset that you should be continually investing in as you build up your online properties’ net worth…Unvarnished lets your peers say what they really think of you – in a private beta test (rate on a scale of 1-10 on productivity and integrity…)Narcisissm = vanity and entitlement