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                              VOL 6 | 2010

the future of value
“Legend. Eco-conceived library / Designed
 by Christophe Delcourt. Designed for you.”

2    Introduction: Hunkering Down

6    Defining the New Value:
     The Hunter-Gatherer Imperative

15   Communicating Value: A Semiotic Analysis

                                                     “Wolves at the Door” (The Economist, Nov. 6, 2008)

                                         “The New Financial Ice Age” (BusinessWeek, Oct. 13, 2008)

               “Holding On for Dear Life: The Economy and You” (TIME, Mar. 9, 2009)

    INTRODUCTION: Hunkering Down
    For months on end, headlines in leading periodicals have spread
    tales of economic gloom and doom. Consumers are waking up
    to news of depleted investment accounts and plummeting home
    values. Gas prices continue to fluctuate, and each trip to the
    grocery store seems to cost more. Major corporations are surviving
    only with the help of massive government bailouts, and more than
    a few well-known institutions have shuttered their doors.

    It’s a scary time for businesses. And it’s a scary     constitutes value. As a first step, the agency
    time for consumers, who have virtually no control      fielded a quantitative study (n=500) in the
    over the economic maelstrom that has descended         United States, the United Kingdom, and France.
    upon them. Yet how much of the consumer                Using our Decipher® tool, we then conducted a
    anxiety in evidence around the globe is a direct       semiotic review of the communication of value,
    response to reduced personal circumstances (e.g.,      analyzed research available online, and conducted
    job loss, home foreclosure) and how much is the        shop-along ethnographies in supermarkets and
    result of a media-created zeitgeist of fear?           malls. This research has afforded us a unique
                                                           perspective on how consumers are responding to
    Beginning in December 2008 and continuing
                                                           current economic realities and how these realities
    into 2009, Euro RSCG Worldwide has investigated
                                                           will likely affect future consumption choices.
    the consumer response to the downturn and its
    impact on purchase behaviors. Our intent was           Note: In the interest of length, only select data tables are
    to determine to what extent consumer attitudes         included in this issue of Prosumer Report.
    and behaviors have changed, with an emphasis
    on understanding changing perceptions of what

    A cheap night in. We’re in.

    Find more good times on a dime at                                                                                                  Ritz. Open for fun.TM ©2009 KF Holdings

                                           Snapshot of Today’s Consumer
                                           Make no mistake, consumers are afraid. As much             In addition to rethinking their retail choices,
                                           as we are in the midst of a financial crisis, of even      more than nine in 10 respondents are taking steps
                                           greater import is the current crisis of confidence.        to curtail household expenses. The most popular
                                           Even those whose incomes have held steady are              strategy: clipping (or downloading) coupons, a
                                           worried about what might befall them in the                tactic that has been adopted by 55 percent of the
                                           next month or year. As a consequence, they are             total sample. In the U.S., coupon redemptions
                                           taking steps today to build a financial defense            were up 15 percent in the fourth quarter of 2008
                                           for tomorrow. Nearly three-quarters of survey              compared with a year earlier, and online coupon
                                           respondents (73 percent) are experiencing moderate         distribution grew 80 percent in 2008, according
                                           to high anxiety over the economy, while only               to the Promotion Marketing Association. In the
                                           3 percent indicated a total absence of such.               U.K., promotions company Valassis reports almost
                                           Importantly, we found virtually no deviation               a third of consumers were more actively seeking
                                           across groups: Men and women of all ages and               promotions in the first quarter of 2009 compared
                                           income levels are equally fearful.                         with a year earlier.
                                           This widespread anxiety is having an effect on             Other popular ways to save money include putting
                                           spending: Fully 86 percent of the sample cut back          off major purchases (54 percent), staying home
                                           on personal and household spending in the final            more (52 percent), and taking steps to lower
                                           few months of 2008, and 91 percent are cutting             in-home energy costs (51 percent). It’s worth
                                           back in 2009. Efforts to reduce expenditures are           noting that these efforts to scrimp and save are
                                           most prevalent in the U.S., with more than half            affecting a broad array of industries, including
                                           the sample indicating they plan to make at least           food and beverage, automotive, travel, and
                                           moderate reductions in spending in the coming year.        household goods. In some categories, consumers
                                           Consumers are taking a multipronged approach               are “trading down,” a trend marketers are taking
                                           to expense reduction. Eight in 10 have made                steps to accommodate. In Europe, for instance,
                                           changes in the types of retailers they frequent,           Danone has created a line of low-cost yogurts
                                           with the top casualties being sit-down restaurants         called “Eco Packs.” In the U.S., Procter & Gamble
                                           (55 percent are reducing visits) and high-end              has met success with its lower-cost lines of
                                           boutiques (53 percent). In contrast, online                Bounty Basic paper towels and Charmin Basic
                                           bargain sites, eBay, and secondhand stores are             toilet paper (“Softness, Strength, and Value Rolled
                                           seeing an uptick in traffic. In the U.S., more than        into One”), both of which were launched prior to
                                           half of shoppers surveyed are increasing their             the current recession. P&G is now rolling out
                                           visits to mega-discounter Walmart.                         Tide Basic laundry detergent in select stores.

                                                                        THE GROWING ALLURE OF PRIVATE LABEL
                                                                                                                                                                   Mr. T in DC/

                                                                        Private label has come a long way from the era of low-cost, unbranded
                                                                        “generics.” According to the Private Label Manufacturers Association, store
                                                                        brands now account for one of every five items sold in U.S. supermarkets,
                                                                        drug chains, and mass merchandisers, with current sales in excess of
                                                                        $83 billion. In the U.K., seven in 10 shoppers surveyed by Ipsos MORI said
                                                                        the private label products they buy are as good as, if not better than, their
                                                                        national brand counterparts (up from five in 10 in 2001).

    How much have you cut back
    on personal and household                          How much do you expect to cut
    spending in the last few months?                   spending in 2009?
    A lot                                              A lot

    t:      P:   m:                                     t:     P:   m:

    17%   17%    17%   23%     14%     15%             18%   18%    18%   22%     14%      18%

    A moderAte Amount                                  A moderAte Amount

    t:      P:   m:                                     t:     P:   m:
    27%   19%    28%   33%     26%     24%             34%   30%    34%   39%     35%      27%

    A little                                           A little

    t:      P:   m:                                     t:     P:   m:

    42%   50%    41%   37%     47%     41%             39%   41%    39%   31%     41%      45%

    none                                               none

    t:      P:   m:                                     t:     P:   m:

    14%   14%    14%   7%      13%     20%              9%   12%    9%     8%      9%      10%

    t: Global Sample—total; P: Global Sample—Prosumers; m: Global Sample—mainstream Consumers
6                         Defining the New Value:
                             The Hunter-Gatherer Imperative
                             The overarching purpose of the study was to determine how, if at all, consumers’
                             definition of value has been affected by the downturn. What we found is that shoppers’
                             focus is now less on the price of individual transactions than on the perceived overall
                             value of the products and the purchase and ownership experience. For some time
                             now, Euro RSCG has studied the shift toward “experiential retail,” looking at such
                             phenomena as the theme-restaurant trend of the 1990s, the increase in in-store
                             diversions, pop-up retail, and multisensory store design. The “value experience”
                             consumers now seek is different in that it has less to do with sensory stimulation than
                             with making the very best choices. Done right, the purchase experience satisfies two
                             need states: hunting (the need for discovery—“Look what I found!”) and gathering
                             (the need for selectivity and trust—“This is a purchase I feel good about”).

                             Satisfying the Hunter
                             More than two-thirds of the sample admit to being
                             consumed with getting the best deal possible.
                                                                                           I am consumed with getting the
                             Evidence of that mindset can be seen in the                   best deal for a service or product
                             aggressive shopping practices taking hold online and          I purchase
                             in the increased visits to such bargain bastions as
                             tag sales and secondhand stores.                              AGreeinG StronGly/SomewhAt

                             Significantly, the appeal of the “hunt” is not just
                                                                                           t:    P:    m:
                             about cost savings. Human psychology tells us
                             that real value is not found, it is discovered. Active        67%   73%   66%   66%    68%     66%
                             value hunters don’t want “something for nothing”;
                             they want to feel they have earned something not
“Knowing something’s         available to the average shopper. They enjoy the
                             process and take pride in the effort they expend to
  a good deal requires       get the best deal.                                           TIPS FOR CONNECTING WITH THE HUNTER
    a transparent price      This hunting instinct has important implications for         • Continuously offer new news—not
         policy.” (France)   product promotion. First and foremost, the experience
                                                                                            just new products, but new stories
                             must offer opportunity for interactivity. This can be as
                             simple as requiring shoppers to register for promotional       and associations.
                             codes or as complicated as creating an ambassador-type
                             program that rewards the most active evangelists with        • Make the most of the Internet—
                             prizes and other incentives. Exclusivity also conveys
                             value: People want to think they are getting a deal
                                                                                            empower consumers (especially
                             available only to those who have made an effort to             prosumers) to evangelize your
                             pursue it. Marketers are catering to this desire with          brand in the digital world.
                             such promotions as “private” and “members only” sales,
                             which convey a sense of exclusivity even when all that’s     • Invent promotions that offer a sense
                             required to qualify is an e-mail signup or prior purchase.
                                                                                            of discovery or require a little effort
                             Earlier this year, a home furnishings company in
                             Connecticut sent out postcards advertising a holiday
                                                                                            (contests, tell-a-friends).
                             weekend promotion. During each day of the three-
                             day sale, discounts deepened, with the best bargains         • Let consumers discover your brand.
                             available on Sunday. The postcards challenged
                             customers to make the “right” choice: Do they visit
                             the stores on Day One, when the greatest selection is
                             available but at the lesser discount, or are they “brave
                             enough” to wait till Day Three, when discounts are
                             steeper but the selection might be more limited? It            t: Global Sample—total
                                                                                            P: Global Sample—Prosumers
                             was a great way to actively involve bargain seekers in
                                                                                            m: Global Sample—mainstream Consumers
                             the thrill of the hunt.
                                                             “A good value means the company listens to me, especially
                                                                  when I’ve got a problem, and helps me fix it.” (France)

                                       Satisfying the Gatherer
                                       Recession-era shoppers aren’t hunting haphazardly,     I buy based on quality, not price
                                       scooping up anything offered at a discount. Rather,
                                                                                              AGreeinG StronGly/SomewhAt
                                       they are shopping more deliberately than in the
                                       past, pondering each purchase and avoiding
                                       impulse buys. We call this careful and methodical      t:    P:    m:
                                       approach to shopping “gathering.” What gatherers       61%   76%   59%   60%    55%     66%
                                       seek to capture is not necessarily the lowest price,
                                       but the best value.
                                       How is that value being defined in the downturn?
                                       According to a majority of respondents (and            Price isn’t the most important
                                       more than three-quarters of prosumers), quality        factor—it is getting exactly what
                                       trumps price, even in the midst of a recession. In     I want
                                       fact, as consumers become savvier shoppers, there
                                       is a growing conviction that low price may be          AGreeinG StronGly/SomewhAt
                                       antithetical to value. In 2008, the International
                                       Council of Shopping Centers cited heavy                t:    P:    m:
                                       discounting as one of the primary causes of the
                                       worst holiday shopping season since 1970. While        59%   69%   57%   60%    58%     58%
                                       low price can be a trigger for sale, leading with
                                       the deal may actually make shoppers suspicious.

“I do not think that up until this year I had given the concept
of ‘good value’ a great deal of thought. It is, of course, always
 pleasing to buy something for less than you thought it would
      cost, but now the idea of durability and a guarantee are                                t: Global Sample—total
                                                                                              P: Global Sample—Prosumers
                            extremely important to me.” (U.K.)                                m: Global Sample—mainstream Consumers

                 Have a hoot.
                  Without a lotta loot.

                 Find more good times on a dime at                                                            Ritz. Open for fun.TM ©2009 KF Holdings

    What’s a Prosumer?
    Prosumers are the most influential men and women within any
    market. Empowered by new technologies and improved access
    to information, they have tipped the scales of power away from
    manufacturers and retailers, and toward themselves. They are
    highly knowledgeable and demanding consumers who expect
    their brand partners to acknowledge their value and treat them
    accordingly. Prosumers typically make up 15 to 25 percent of any
    market. Euro RSCG Worldwide has made them an ongoing focus,
    because, beyond their own economic impact, prosumers influence
    the brand choices of others. Simply put, what prosumers are
    doing today, mainstream consumers are likely to be doing six
    to 18 months from now.

    >> Embrace innovation—curious               >> Are marketing-savvy and plugged in to
      to try new things, challenges,              multiple media sources
      and experiences
                                                >> Demand top-notch customer service
    >> Keen on new technology and gadgets         and access to information
    >> Transport new attitudes, ideas, and      >> Proactively seek to maximize control
      behavior—they are “human media”             over their lives through information,
    >> Pursue timeless value                      communication, and technology

    >> Recognize their value as consumers and   >> Constantly seek information and
                                                  opinions; are eager to share their
      expect brand partners to do likewise        views and experiences with others
         “A good value has to take into account sustainability, protection of the
     environment. It has to not be misleading anymore. Good value is linked to
                                    fairness, to sharing, even to gifting.” (France)

     This is not to say price is unimportant, but simply      traditional value brands are pushing quality of
     that it is but one factor in a broader consideration     product and experience over price. McDonald’s has
     set. When asked how satisfying various “added            perfected the art of “food porn” photography,
     values” are when making a purchase decision, “cost       giving every menu item enormous visual appeal.
     savings” came in at number one among mainstream          JetBlue is a discount airline, but its communications
     consumers; leading-edge prosumers, in contrast,          center not on price but on the quality of the
     placed “top-notch customer service” first. That’s a      experience—from the blue leather seats to the
     clear indication that service is set to become a         name-brand snack selections.
     more important criterion among the mainstream.           differentiates itself from other e-retailers not by
                                                              offering lower prices or a better selection but by
     The shift in focus from low price to high value can      continually searching for ways to “wow” its
     be seen throughout the marketing community. Even         customers through service.

     Cost savings (e.g., sale price, discount                Freebies (e.g., gift with purchase,
     coupon, three for the price of two)                     free samples)
     eXtreme/Quite A Bit                                     eXtreme/Quite A Bit

     t:    P:    m:                                           t:   P:    m:
     68%   72%   67%     71%      71%      60%               54%   62%   53%     58%      59%      44%

     Top-notch customer service                              Item is made by a company I admire
     eXtreme/Quite A Bit
                                                             eXtreme/Quite A Bit

     t:    P:    m:                                           t:   P:    m:
     62%   76%   61%     67%      60%      60%
                                                             37%   48%   36%     45%      33%      33%

     Item is made by a company I trust                       Feeling conscientious/making
     eXtreme/Quite A Bit                                     a difference (e.g., eco-friendly
                                                             product/packaging, % of purchase
     t:    P:    m:
                                                             price goes to a good cause)
     48%   59%   46%     57%      42%      44%
                                                             eXtreme/Quite A Bit

     Item is scarce/hard to find                              t:   P:    m:

     eXtreme/Quite A Bit                                     36%   46%   34%     37%      29%      40%

     t:    P:    m:
                                                            t: Global Sample—total
     42%   63%   39%     47%      43%      36%              P: Global Sample—Prosumers
                                                            m: Global Sample—mainstream Consumers
12                                       “A good value now depends on whether I NEED it,
                                                   not just want it for the given price.” (U.S.)

     The Added Value of Trust in
     Anxious Times
     Significantly, nearly half of the total sample          As we have seen in its returns over the last few
     (48 percent) and around six in 10 prosumers consider    quarters, Walmart has emerged as a hero in these
     purchasing a product from a company they trust as       recessionary times. We would argue this is due, at
     an added value. At a time when so many leaders          least in part, to the fact that the massive discount
     and institutions have proved unreliable, consumers      retailer has come to understand that low prices are
     are looking to brand partners they can count on         not enough. With its new logo—“Save money. Live
     today and over the long term. In the same vein,         better.”—the company is highlighting the positive
     sizable minorities in each market (and just less than   role it plays in people’s lives. Importantly, the
     half of prosumers) derive satisfaction from             brand is not offering some sort of aspirational
     purchasing the goods of companies they admire           fantasyland, but, rather, “real” products sold by
     and from buying items that make them feel               “real” people who live in the “real” world. Through
     socially or environmentally responsible.                its $4 prescriptions and home-centered advertising,
                                                             Walmart speaks to the sense of interconnectedness
     These latter findings speak to what Euro RSCG has       and interdependency people craved even before
     termed the humanization of business. It is no           the downturn. Hyundai has done much the same
     longer enough for companies to produce goods            thing with its Hyundai Assurance guarantee, a
     that are useful and defect-free. Consumers are          tactic that has been broadly imitated in recent
     demanding that the companies behind the                 months. More recently, discount retailer Kmart has
     products act in a more conscientious way. More          expressed its solidarity with the down-and-out by
     than eight in 10 respondents agree that, to be          offering a Smart Assist Savings Card to unemployed
     successful, corporations of the future will need to     residents of hard-hit Michigan. The cards give
     show a more “human face”—meaning they must be           the unemployed a 20-percent price reduction on
     more caring toward people and take a more active        Kmart’s private label goods for six months.
     role in supporting community and social causes.
     A near majority (46 percent) prefer to buy from         More and more, consumers are seeking the added
     companies that share their personal values. In          value of brand partners that treat them in a way
     every country surveyed, this is a trend led by          that is distinctly human. For companies, this
     prosumers.                                              means building a relationship of trust based on
                                                             consistently good product and service quality, and
     It’s easy to spot companies that have built their       interacting with customers on a personal level.
     brands on humanized values; they include such
     icons as Whole Foods Market (“Whole Foods. Whole        Today’s most successful brands are taking steps
     People. Whole Planet.”), Starbucks (Fair Trade,         to satisfy both sides of the modern-day value
     profit sharing), and Google (“Don’t be evil”). In       shopper: the hunter and the gatherer. They make
     speaking with U.S. consumers during the current         shopping an experience of personal discovery,
     recession, however, it was a different sort of          while also reassuring consumers that they are on
     company whose name kept coming up: Walmart.             a shared life journey.

     tiPS for ConneCtinG with the GAtherer

     • Promise a better real life; avoid the untrustworthy fantasyland of aspiration.
     • Celebrate time-tested values; be nostalgic without being old-fashioned.
     • Demonstrate a commitment to all; be a brand for the interdependent “us.”
     • Embrace corporate transparency; admit to your objectives; don’t pretend you’re
       not hurting as well.
     • Customer service! It’s never mattered more.
     • Build a genuine bond of trust.
13   To be successful, corporations of
     the future will need to show a more
     “human” face (meaning they must care               Compared with a few years ago, it’s
     about people—employees, suppliers,                 more important for me to feel good
     customers, etc.—and take a more active             about the companies with which I
     role in community and social causes)               do business
     AGreeinG StronGly/SomewhAt                         AGreeinG StronGly/SomewhAt

     t:    P:    m:                                      t:   P:    m:

     82%   90%   81%   82%      78%     86%             46%   53%   45%    47%     41%      50%

                                                        I am more likely to buy a certain
     Ethical conduct is a key factor for                brand if I admire its parent
     good business                                      company
     AGreeinG StronGly/SomewhAt                         AGreeinG StronGly/SomewhAt

     t:    P:    m:                                      t:   P:    m:

     56%   72%   54%   79%      50%     41%             45%   64%   42%    51%     42%      41%

     The most successful and profitable                 I prefer to buy from companies with
     businesses in the future will be those             a reputation for having a purpose
     that practice sustainability                       other than just profits
     AGreeinG StronGly/SomewhAt                         AGreeinG StronGly/SomewhAt

     t:    P:    m:                                      t:   P:    m:

     53%   71%   50%   63%      54%     40%             38%   46%   37%    47%     38%      31%

                                                        I am willing to pay a bit more for a
     I avoid shopping at stores that don’t              product if a portion of the proceeds
     treat their employees fairly                       goes to a good cause
     AGreeinG StronGly/SomewhAt                         AGreeinG StronGly/SomewhAt

     t:    P:    m:                                      t:   P:    m:

     50%   58%   49%   50%      47%     53%             43%   50%   42%    48%     34%      46%

                                                        I prefer to buy from companies with
     I prefer to buy from companies that                a reputation for being active in
     share my personal values                           social causes
     AGreeinG StronGly/SomewhAt                         AGreeinG StronGly/SomewhAt

     t:    P:    m:                                      t:   P:    m:

     46%   60%   44%   48%      44%     47%             35%   48%   33%    34%     35%      35%

     t: Global Sample—total; P: Global Sample—Prosumers; m: Global Sample—mainstream Consumers
14   the APPeAl of fruGAlity in An erA of mindful ConSumPtion
     The Future of Value confirms findings from two earlier studies by Euro RSCG: The Future of the
     Corporate Brand (2008) and The Future of Shopping (2009). Once again, we see evidence that
     consumers are moving away from mindless spending and toward a more measured, sustainable
     approach to consumption.
     More than a quarter of respondents (26 percent) believe their lives would be better if they owned
     fewer things. This feeling is most prevalent in the U.S., where 31 percent agreed with the statement.
     The extent of American “overownership” can be seen in the boom in self-storage facilities over the
     past quarter century. Of the approximately 58,000 such facilities worldwide, 52,000 are in the U.S.,
     totaling 2.35 billion square feet of storage space. The Self-Storage Association reports that one in
     eight U.S. households now rents a self-storage space—an increase of 75 percent since 1995. This is
     despite the fact that the average U.S. home increased from 1,660 square feet in 1973 to 2,400
     square feet in 2004 (National Association of Homebuilders). That’s a lot of “stuff.”
     After decades of accumulation, many consumers are finding satisfaction in downsizing—whether
     that means minimizing day-to-day expenditures; replacing a gas-guzzler with a hybrid car; moving
     into a smaller, more sustainable home; or growing vegetables in the backyard. These changes are
     not just about saving money; they are also about feeling good. Excess consumption has left a lot of
     people feeling worn out. They are sick of playing the accumulation game.
     In this context, it is easy to see why a majority of Americans (55 percent) are deriving a sense
     of satisfaction from reducing their purchases during the downturn. Near majorities in the U.K.
     and France said the same. This satisfaction is tied, in part, to the overall move toward conscious
     consumption and greener living: 80 percent of prosumers in the total sample and 69 percent of
     others are feeling good about reducing the amount of waste they’re creating. Significantly, four
     in 10 respondents don’t plan to go back to their old shopping patterns even when the economy
     rebounds, and six in 10 are committed to reducing their credit card use over the long term.
     Whether they will stick to these resolutions in flusher times remains to be seen, but the draw of a
     more measured approach to consumption is unmistakable.

     My life would be better if I owned                   I am committed to reducing my use
     fewer things                                         of credit cards over the long term
     AGreeinG StronGly/SomewhAt                           AGreeinG StronGly/SomewhAt

      t:   P:    m:                                        t:    P:      m:

     26%   23%   27%    31%      25%         23%          60%    73%     58%   67%    57%      55%

     I’m getting a sense of satisfaction                  I feel good about reducing the
     from reducing my purchases                           amount of waste I create
     AGreeinG StronGly/SomewhAt                           AGreeinG StronGly/SomewhAt

      t:   P:    m:                                        t:    P:      m:

     48%   50%   48%    55%      46%         43%          70%    80%     69%   73%    72%      65%

                               I won’t go back to my old shopping
                               patterns even when the economy rebounds
                               AGreeinG StronGly/SomewhAt

                                t:     P:     m:
                               41%     41%    41%   47%    38%         38%

       t: Global Sample—total; P: Global Sample—Prosumers; m: Global Sample—mainstream Consumers
15          Communicating Value:
            A Semiotic Analysis
            Decipher® is a methodology Euro RSCG has refined from semiotics, the study of
            visual and verbal signs and cultural codes. It allows us to decode how category
            communications are changing and to anticipate future shifts. As part of the
            study, we applied this tool to the subject of “value.” Here’s what we discovered:

             In the past, communications of value were all       Dolce & Gabbana. Celebrities assure us it is both
             about the price game. Advertisers focused on        smart and stylish to shop at Target, JCPenney,
             cost savings—offering generic products, three for   and other discount venues. Communications are
             the price of two, and other forms of discounting.   centered on shoppers being smart and discerning.
             Underlying the communications was a sense of Us     Every one of us deserves the best.
             vs. Them: “We know you’ve been clobbered by the
             big guys; we’re going to give you the low price     Now our Decipher research has uncovered signs
             you deserve.” More was definitely better.           of another shift, this time toward getting the
                                                                 right bang for one’s buck. Buying Brand A isn’t
             More recently, value communications have focused    just the smart thing to do; it’s the wise thing to
             less on more bang for the buck than on a better     do. Being wise means buying exactly what we
             bang for the buck. The masstige movement has        need—no more and no less. It is about a return
             pushed quality over quantity (“Now you can have     to such traditional values as frugality, temperance,
             what used to be available only to the exclusive     and common sense. Excess consumption is
             few”). And value brands have taken on the codes     out, replaced by a more values-infused way of
             and cues of premium brands: Ads for economy cars    considering goods: “Do I truly need it? Will I
             are now virtually indistinguishable from luxury     get good use of it? Do I trust the company that
             car advertising, and H&M print ads have the look    makes and sells it? Is the purchase ethically
             and feel of advertising for high-end design house   supportable?”

           reSiduAl:                            dominAnt:                        emerGinG:
           More Bang                            Better Bang                      Right Bang
           for Your Buck                        for Your Buck                    for Your Buck

     • Quantity; bigger is better        • Quality; masstige;             • Better experiences
     • Cheap is good; generics                                            • Traditional values
                                         • The way to a great life          rebooted
     • Save because you have to
                                         • Stylish and playful            • Save because it’s the
     • Pile on “extras”—even
                                                                            wise thing to do
       if most of the bells and          • Save because you’re
       whistles will go unused             smart

             “Good value now has a lot more to do with getting good customer service
                 and having a minimal-to-positive impact on the environment. It is no
                              longer just getting the biggest bang for my buck.” (U.S.)
16   emerGent vAlue CodeS

          Experience               Good Enough                      Revivalist                        Wisdom
        (vs. consumption)

      • brand as resource       • voluntary simplicity,        • concern for                  • less about getting
        or tool for richer        conscious consumerism          responsible choices,            one over on the big
        experience                                               relationships,                  brands than about
                                • transparent brand
                                                                 community                       getting to what’s
      • forgoing ownership        personality, real
        and accumulation          product story, simple        • can be about looking
                                  packaging                      to future instead of         • project a more plural,
      • eBay, auction
                                                                 past, taking the old            inclusive, humble,
        culture, Craigslist     • magazines celebrating
                                                                 and making it new               well-adjusted outlook
                                  cool self-reliance,
      • rent a car, not an
                                  pragmatism, DIY              • Obama’s Inaugural;           • YAWN (Young and
        RV; charming hotel,
                                                                 Anne Hathaway,                  Wealthy but Normal);
        not a resort            •, Make, Craft
                                                                 Norah Jones                     Obama

                           “The most important thing a                Brands of all types and sizes are tapping in to this new
                                                                      dynamic:, the popular website for handcrafted
                           company can do to make me                  goods, offers consumers an appealing alternative to
                          feel I have gotten a good deal              mass-produced, impersonal items. American Apparel
                                                                      and other clothing retailers are rediscovering the basic
                          is to provide customer service              T-shirt and pair of khakis. DeBeers is telling
                                                                      women they don’t really need to splurge; a nice
                            that’s free and efficient, fair           pair of diamond stud earrings will do. It’s not about
                         prices, and products of perfect              doing without; on the contrary, it is about finding
                                                                      satisfaction from getting just enough and no more.
                             quality, and to show respect
                                                                      Smart marketers in every consumer-facing industry
                                for the environment and               will find a way to communicate value messages—and
                                   human values.” (France)            values messages—just right for these times. That
                                                                      means emphasizing such essentials as quality and
                                                                      durability, while also promoting a backstory that
                                                                      speaks to traditional values that were all but lost
                                                                      in the conspicuous consumption of recent decades.
                                                                      It also means actively engaging consumers in the
                                                                      hunt for value, giving them the satisfaction of
                                                                      finding or even earning something better than the
                                                                      average person is able to attain. And it means
                                                                      letting consumers know how the brand is making a
                                                                      positive contribution to the broader world—whether
                                                                      that involves surprising and delighting consumers,
                                                                      tackling a hot-button global issue, or something
                                                                      in between.
Prosumer Reports is a series of thought leadership publications by Euro RSCG Worldwide – part of a
global initiative to share information and insights, including our own proprietary research, across the
Euro RSCG network of agencies and client companies.

Euro RSCG Worldwide is a leading integrated marketing communications agency and was the first
agency to be named Global Agency of the Year by both Advertising Age and Campaign in the same year.
Euro RSCG is made up of 233 offices in 75 countries and provides advertising,marketing, corporate
communications, and digital and social media solutions to clients, including, Air France, BNP Paribas,
Charles Schwab, Citigroup, Danone Group, Heineken USA, IBM, Kraft Foods, Lacoste, L’Oréal, Merck,
PSA Peugeot Citroën, Pernod Ricard, Reckitt Benckiser, sanofi-aventis, and Volvo. Headquartered
in New York, Euro RSCG Worldwide is the largest unit of Havas, a world leader in communications
(Euronext Paris SA: HAV.PA).

For more information about Prosumer Reports, please visit or contact
Naomi Troni, global chief marketing officer, at

Follow us on Twitter @prosumer_report

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The Future of Value

  • 1. EURO RSCG WORLDWIDE VOL 6 | 2010 the future of value
  • 2. “Legend. Eco-conceived library / Designed by Christophe Delcourt. Designed for you.”
  • 3. THE FUTURE OF VALUE VOL 6 2 Introduction: Hunkering Down 6 Defining the New Value: The Hunter-Gatherer Imperative 15 Communicating Value: A Semiotic Analysis
  • 4. 2 “Wolves at the Door” (The Economist, Nov. 6, 2008) “The New Financial Ice Age” (BusinessWeek, Oct. 13, 2008) “Holding On for Dear Life: The Economy and You” (TIME, Mar. 9, 2009) INTRODUCTION: Hunkering Down For months on end, headlines in leading periodicals have spread tales of economic gloom and doom. Consumers are waking up to news of depleted investment accounts and plummeting home values. Gas prices continue to fluctuate, and each trip to the grocery store seems to cost more. Major corporations are surviving only with the help of massive government bailouts, and more than a few well-known institutions have shuttered their doors. It’s a scary time for businesses. And it’s a scary constitutes value. As a first step, the agency time for consumers, who have virtually no control fielded a quantitative study (n=500) in the over the economic maelstrom that has descended United States, the United Kingdom, and France. upon them. Yet how much of the consumer Using our Decipher® tool, we then conducted a anxiety in evidence around the globe is a direct semiotic review of the communication of value, response to reduced personal circumstances (e.g., analyzed research available online, and conducted job loss, home foreclosure) and how much is the shop-along ethnographies in supermarkets and result of a media-created zeitgeist of fear? malls. This research has afforded us a unique perspective on how consumers are responding to Beginning in December 2008 and continuing current economic realities and how these realities into 2009, Euro RSCG Worldwide has investigated will likely affect future consumption choices. the consumer response to the downturn and its impact on purchase behaviors. Our intent was Note: In the interest of length, only select data tables are to determine to what extent consumer attitudes included in this issue of Prosumer Report. and behaviors have changed, with an emphasis on understanding changing perceptions of what
  • 5.
  • 6. 4 A cheap night in. We’re in. Find more good times on a dime at Ritz. Open for fun.TM ©2009 KF Holdings Snapshot of Today’s Consumer Make no mistake, consumers are afraid. As much In addition to rethinking their retail choices, as we are in the midst of a financial crisis, of even more than nine in 10 respondents are taking steps greater import is the current crisis of confidence. to curtail household expenses. The most popular Even those whose incomes have held steady are strategy: clipping (or downloading) coupons, a worried about what might befall them in the tactic that has been adopted by 55 percent of the next month or year. As a consequence, they are total sample. In the U.S., coupon redemptions taking steps today to build a financial defense were up 15 percent in the fourth quarter of 2008 for tomorrow. Nearly three-quarters of survey compared with a year earlier, and online coupon respondents (73 percent) are experiencing moderate distribution grew 80 percent in 2008, according to high anxiety over the economy, while only to the Promotion Marketing Association. In the 3 percent indicated a total absence of such. U.K., promotions company Valassis reports almost Importantly, we found virtually no deviation a third of consumers were more actively seeking across groups: Men and women of all ages and promotions in the first quarter of 2009 compared income levels are equally fearful. with a year earlier. This widespread anxiety is having an effect on Other popular ways to save money include putting spending: Fully 86 percent of the sample cut back off major purchases (54 percent), staying home on personal and household spending in the final more (52 percent), and taking steps to lower few months of 2008, and 91 percent are cutting in-home energy costs (51 percent). It’s worth back in 2009. Efforts to reduce expenditures are noting that these efforts to scrimp and save are most prevalent in the U.S., with more than half affecting a broad array of industries, including the sample indicating they plan to make at least food and beverage, automotive, travel, and moderate reductions in spending in the coming year. household goods. In some categories, consumers Consumers are taking a multipronged approach are “trading down,” a trend marketers are taking to expense reduction. Eight in 10 have made steps to accommodate. In Europe, for instance, changes in the types of retailers they frequent, Danone has created a line of low-cost yogurts with the top casualties being sit-down restaurants called “Eco Packs.” In the U.S., Procter & Gamble (55 percent are reducing visits) and high-end has met success with its lower-cost lines of boutiques (53 percent). In contrast, online Bounty Basic paper towels and Charmin Basic bargain sites, eBay, and secondhand stores are toilet paper (“Softness, Strength, and Value Rolled seeing an uptick in traffic. In the U.S., more than into One”), both of which were launched prior to half of shoppers surveyed are increasing their the current recession. P&G is now rolling out visits to mega-discounter Walmart. Tide Basic laundry detergent in select stores. THE GROWING ALLURE OF PRIVATE LABEL Mr. T in DC/ Private label has come a long way from the era of low-cost, unbranded “generics.” According to the Private Label Manufacturers Association, store brands now account for one of every five items sold in U.S. supermarkets, drug chains, and mass merchandisers, with current sales in excess of $83 billion. In the U.K., seven in 10 shoppers surveyed by Ipsos MORI said the private label products they buy are as good as, if not better than, their national brand counterparts (up from five in 10 in 2001).
  • 7. 5 How much have you cut back on personal and household How much do you expect to cut spending in the last few months? spending in 2009? A lot A lot t: P: m: t: P: m: 17% 17% 17% 23% 14% 15% 18% 18% 18% 22% 14% 18% A moderAte Amount A moderAte Amount t: P: m: t: P: m: 27% 19% 28% 33% 26% 24% 34% 30% 34% 39% 35% 27% A little A little t: P: m: t: P: m: 42% 50% 41% 37% 47% 41% 39% 41% 39% 31% 41% 45% none none t: P: m: t: P: m: 14% 14% 14% 7% 13% 20% 9% 12% 9% 8% 9% 10% t: Global Sample—total; P: Global Sample—Prosumers; m: Global Sample—mainstream Consumers
  • 8. 6 Defining the New Value: The Hunter-Gatherer Imperative The overarching purpose of the study was to determine how, if at all, consumers’ definition of value has been affected by the downturn. What we found is that shoppers’ focus is now less on the price of individual transactions than on the perceived overall value of the products and the purchase and ownership experience. For some time now, Euro RSCG has studied the shift toward “experiential retail,” looking at such phenomena as the theme-restaurant trend of the 1990s, the increase in in-store diversions, pop-up retail, and multisensory store design. The “value experience” consumers now seek is different in that it has less to do with sensory stimulation than with making the very best choices. Done right, the purchase experience satisfies two need states: hunting (the need for discovery—“Look what I found!”) and gathering (the need for selectivity and trust—“This is a purchase I feel good about”). Satisfying the Hunter More than two-thirds of the sample admit to being consumed with getting the best deal possible. I am consumed with getting the Evidence of that mindset can be seen in the best deal for a service or product aggressive shopping practices taking hold online and I purchase in the increased visits to such bargain bastions as tag sales and secondhand stores. AGreeinG StronGly/SomewhAt Significantly, the appeal of the “hunt” is not just t: P: m: about cost savings. Human psychology tells us that real value is not found, it is discovered. Active 67% 73% 66% 66% 68% 66% value hunters don’t want “something for nothing”; they want to feel they have earned something not “Knowing something’s available to the average shopper. They enjoy the process and take pride in the effort they expend to a good deal requires get the best deal. TIPS FOR CONNECTING WITH THE HUNTER a transparent price This hunting instinct has important implications for • Continuously offer new news—not policy.” (France) product promotion. First and foremost, the experience just new products, but new stories must offer opportunity for interactivity. This can be as simple as requiring shoppers to register for promotional and associations. codes or as complicated as creating an ambassador-type program that rewards the most active evangelists with • Make the most of the Internet— prizes and other incentives. Exclusivity also conveys value: People want to think they are getting a deal empower consumers (especially available only to those who have made an effort to prosumers) to evangelize your pursue it. Marketers are catering to this desire with brand in the digital world. such promotions as “private” and “members only” sales, which convey a sense of exclusivity even when all that’s • Invent promotions that offer a sense required to qualify is an e-mail signup or prior purchase. of discovery or require a little effort Earlier this year, a home furnishings company in Connecticut sent out postcards advertising a holiday (contests, tell-a-friends). weekend promotion. During each day of the three- day sale, discounts deepened, with the best bargains • Let consumers discover your brand. available on Sunday. The postcards challenged customers to make the “right” choice: Do they visit the stores on Day One, when the greatest selection is available but at the lesser discount, or are they “brave enough” to wait till Day Three, when discounts are steeper but the selection might be more limited? It t: Global Sample—total P: Global Sample—Prosumers was a great way to actively involve bargain seekers in m: Global Sample—mainstream Consumers the thrill of the hunt.
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  • 10. 8 “A good value means the company listens to me, especially when I’ve got a problem, and helps me fix it.” (France) Satisfying the Gatherer Recession-era shoppers aren’t hunting haphazardly, I buy based on quality, not price scooping up anything offered at a discount. Rather, AGreeinG StronGly/SomewhAt they are shopping more deliberately than in the past, pondering each purchase and avoiding impulse buys. We call this careful and methodical t: P: m: approach to shopping “gathering.” What gatherers 61% 76% 59% 60% 55% 66% seek to capture is not necessarily the lowest price, but the best value. How is that value being defined in the downturn? According to a majority of respondents (and Price isn’t the most important more than three-quarters of prosumers), quality factor—it is getting exactly what trumps price, even in the midst of a recession. In I want fact, as consumers become savvier shoppers, there is a growing conviction that low price may be AGreeinG StronGly/SomewhAt antithetical to value. In 2008, the International Council of Shopping Centers cited heavy t: P: m: discounting as one of the primary causes of the worst holiday shopping season since 1970. While 59% 69% 57% 60% 58% 58% low price can be a trigger for sale, leading with the deal may actually make shoppers suspicious. “I do not think that up until this year I had given the concept of ‘good value’ a great deal of thought. It is, of course, always pleasing to buy something for less than you thought it would cost, but now the idea of durability and a guarantee are t: Global Sample—total P: Global Sample—Prosumers extremely important to me.” (U.K.) m: Global Sample—mainstream Consumers Have a hoot. Without a lotta loot. Find more good times on a dime at Ritz. Open for fun.TM ©2009 KF Holdings
  • 11. 9 What’s a Prosumer? Prosumers are the most influential men and women within any market. Empowered by new technologies and improved access to information, they have tipped the scales of power away from manufacturers and retailers, and toward themselves. They are highly knowledgeable and demanding consumers who expect their brand partners to acknowledge their value and treat them accordingly. Prosumers typically make up 15 to 25 percent of any market. Euro RSCG Worldwide has made them an ongoing focus, because, beyond their own economic impact, prosumers influence the brand choices of others. Simply put, what prosumers are doing today, mainstream consumers are likely to be doing six to 18 months from now. KEY PROSUMER TRAITS: >> Embrace innovation—curious >> Are marketing-savvy and plugged in to to try new things, challenges, multiple media sources and experiences >> Demand top-notch customer service >> Keen on new technology and gadgets and access to information >> Transport new attitudes, ideas, and >> Proactively seek to maximize control behavior—they are “human media” over their lives through information, >> Pursue timeless value communication, and technology >> Recognize their value as consumers and >> Constantly seek information and opinions; are eager to share their expect brand partners to do likewise views and experiences with others
  • 12. 10 “A good value has to take into account sustainability, protection of the environment. It has to not be misleading anymore. Good value is linked to fairness, to sharing, even to gifting.” (France) This is not to say price is unimportant, but simply traditional value brands are pushing quality of that it is but one factor in a broader consideration product and experience over price. McDonald’s has set. When asked how satisfying various “added perfected the art of “food porn” photography, values” are when making a purchase decision, “cost giving every menu item enormous visual appeal. savings” came in at number one among mainstream JetBlue is a discount airline, but its communications consumers; leading-edge prosumers, in contrast, center not on price but on the quality of the placed “top-notch customer service” first. That’s a experience—from the blue leather seats to the clear indication that service is set to become a name-brand snack selections. more important criterion among the mainstream. differentiates itself from other e-retailers not by offering lower prices or a better selection but by The shift in focus from low price to high value can continually searching for ways to “wow” its be seen throughout the marketing community. Even customers through service. IN GENERAL, HOW MUCH SATISFACTION DO YOU GET FROM EACH OF THE FOLLOWING “ADDED VALUES” WHEN YOU MAKE A PURCHASE? Cost savings (e.g., sale price, discount Freebies (e.g., gift with purchase, coupon, three for the price of two) free samples) eXtreme/Quite A Bit eXtreme/Quite A Bit t: P: m: t: P: m: 68% 72% 67% 71% 71% 60% 54% 62% 53% 58% 59% 44% Top-notch customer service Item is made by a company I admire eXtreme/Quite A Bit eXtreme/Quite A Bit t: P: m: t: P: m: 62% 76% 61% 67% 60% 60% 37% 48% 36% 45% 33% 33% Item is made by a company I trust Feeling conscientious/making eXtreme/Quite A Bit a difference (e.g., eco-friendly product/packaging, % of purchase t: P: m: price goes to a good cause) 48% 59% 46% 57% 42% 44% eXtreme/Quite A Bit Item is scarce/hard to find t: P: m: eXtreme/Quite A Bit 36% 46% 34% 37% 29% 40% t: P: m: t: Global Sample—total 42% 63% 39% 47% 43% 36% P: Global Sample—Prosumers m: Global Sample—mainstream Consumers
  • 13.
  • 14. 12 “A good value now depends on whether I NEED it, not just want it for the given price.” (U.S.) The Added Value of Trust in Anxious Times Significantly, nearly half of the total sample As we have seen in its returns over the last few (48 percent) and around six in 10 prosumers consider quarters, Walmart has emerged as a hero in these purchasing a product from a company they trust as recessionary times. We would argue this is due, at an added value. At a time when so many leaders least in part, to the fact that the massive discount and institutions have proved unreliable, consumers retailer has come to understand that low prices are are looking to brand partners they can count on not enough. With its new logo—“Save money. Live today and over the long term. In the same vein, better.”—the company is highlighting the positive sizable minorities in each market (and just less than role it plays in people’s lives. Importantly, the half of prosumers) derive satisfaction from brand is not offering some sort of aspirational purchasing the goods of companies they admire fantasyland, but, rather, “real” products sold by and from buying items that make them feel “real” people who live in the “real” world. Through socially or environmentally responsible. its $4 prescriptions and home-centered advertising, Walmart speaks to the sense of interconnectedness These latter findings speak to what Euro RSCG has and interdependency people craved even before termed the humanization of business. It is no the downturn. Hyundai has done much the same longer enough for companies to produce goods thing with its Hyundai Assurance guarantee, a that are useful and defect-free. Consumers are tactic that has been broadly imitated in recent demanding that the companies behind the months. More recently, discount retailer Kmart has products act in a more conscientious way. More expressed its solidarity with the down-and-out by than eight in 10 respondents agree that, to be offering a Smart Assist Savings Card to unemployed successful, corporations of the future will need to residents of hard-hit Michigan. The cards give show a more “human face”—meaning they must be the unemployed a 20-percent price reduction on more caring toward people and take a more active Kmart’s private label goods for six months. role in supporting community and social causes. A near majority (46 percent) prefer to buy from More and more, consumers are seeking the added companies that share their personal values. In value of brand partners that treat them in a way every country surveyed, this is a trend led by that is distinctly human. For companies, this prosumers. means building a relationship of trust based on consistently good product and service quality, and It’s easy to spot companies that have built their interacting with customers on a personal level. brands on humanized values; they include such icons as Whole Foods Market (“Whole Foods. Whole Today’s most successful brands are taking steps People. Whole Planet.”), Starbucks (Fair Trade, to satisfy both sides of the modern-day value profit sharing), and Google (“Don’t be evil”). In shopper: the hunter and the gatherer. They make speaking with U.S. consumers during the current shopping an experience of personal discovery, recession, however, it was a different sort of while also reassuring consumers that they are on company whose name kept coming up: Walmart. a shared life journey. tiPS for ConneCtinG with the GAtherer • Promise a better real life; avoid the untrustworthy fantasyland of aspiration. • Celebrate time-tested values; be nostalgic without being old-fashioned. • Demonstrate a commitment to all; be a brand for the interdependent “us.” • Embrace corporate transparency; admit to your objectives; don’t pretend you’re not hurting as well. • Customer service! It’s never mattered more. • Build a genuine bond of trust.
  • 15. 13 To be successful, corporations of the future will need to show a more “human” face (meaning they must care Compared with a few years ago, it’s about people—employees, suppliers, more important for me to feel good customers, etc.—and take a more active about the companies with which I role in community and social causes) do business AGreeinG StronGly/SomewhAt AGreeinG StronGly/SomewhAt t: P: m: t: P: m: 82% 90% 81% 82% 78% 86% 46% 53% 45% 47% 41% 50% I am more likely to buy a certain Ethical conduct is a key factor for brand if I admire its parent good business company AGreeinG StronGly/SomewhAt AGreeinG StronGly/SomewhAt t: P: m: t: P: m: 56% 72% 54% 79% 50% 41% 45% 64% 42% 51% 42% 41% The most successful and profitable I prefer to buy from companies with businesses in the future will be those a reputation for having a purpose that practice sustainability other than just profits AGreeinG StronGly/SomewhAt AGreeinG StronGly/SomewhAt t: P: m: t: P: m: 53% 71% 50% 63% 54% 40% 38% 46% 37% 47% 38% 31% I am willing to pay a bit more for a I avoid shopping at stores that don’t product if a portion of the proceeds treat their employees fairly goes to a good cause AGreeinG StronGly/SomewhAt AGreeinG StronGly/SomewhAt t: P: m: t: P: m: 50% 58% 49% 50% 47% 53% 43% 50% 42% 48% 34% 46% I prefer to buy from companies with I prefer to buy from companies that a reputation for being active in share my personal values social causes AGreeinG StronGly/SomewhAt AGreeinG StronGly/SomewhAt t: P: m: t: P: m: 46% 60% 44% 48% 44% 47% 35% 48% 33% 34% 35% 35% t: Global Sample—total; P: Global Sample—Prosumers; m: Global Sample—mainstream Consumers
  • 16. 14 the APPeAl of fruGAlity in An erA of mindful ConSumPtion The Future of Value confirms findings from two earlier studies by Euro RSCG: The Future of the Corporate Brand (2008) and The Future of Shopping (2009). Once again, we see evidence that consumers are moving away from mindless spending and toward a more measured, sustainable approach to consumption. More than a quarter of respondents (26 percent) believe their lives would be better if they owned fewer things. This feeling is most prevalent in the U.S., where 31 percent agreed with the statement. The extent of American “overownership” can be seen in the boom in self-storage facilities over the past quarter century. Of the approximately 58,000 such facilities worldwide, 52,000 are in the U.S., totaling 2.35 billion square feet of storage space. The Self-Storage Association reports that one in eight U.S. households now rents a self-storage space—an increase of 75 percent since 1995. This is despite the fact that the average U.S. home increased from 1,660 square feet in 1973 to 2,400 square feet in 2004 (National Association of Homebuilders). That’s a lot of “stuff.” After decades of accumulation, many consumers are finding satisfaction in downsizing—whether that means minimizing day-to-day expenditures; replacing a gas-guzzler with a hybrid car; moving into a smaller, more sustainable home; or growing vegetables in the backyard. These changes are not just about saving money; they are also about feeling good. Excess consumption has left a lot of people feeling worn out. They are sick of playing the accumulation game. In this context, it is easy to see why a majority of Americans (55 percent) are deriving a sense of satisfaction from reducing their purchases during the downturn. Near majorities in the U.K. and France said the same. This satisfaction is tied, in part, to the overall move toward conscious consumption and greener living: 80 percent of prosumers in the total sample and 69 percent of others are feeling good about reducing the amount of waste they’re creating. Significantly, four in 10 respondents don’t plan to go back to their old shopping patterns even when the economy rebounds, and six in 10 are committed to reducing their credit card use over the long term. Whether they will stick to these resolutions in flusher times remains to be seen, but the draw of a more measured approach to consumption is unmistakable. TO WHAT ExTENT DO YOU AGREE WITH THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS? My life would be better if I owned I am committed to reducing my use fewer things of credit cards over the long term AGreeinG StronGly/SomewhAt AGreeinG StronGly/SomewhAt t: P: m: t: P: m: 26% 23% 27% 31% 25% 23% 60% 73% 58% 67% 57% 55% I’m getting a sense of satisfaction I feel good about reducing the from reducing my purchases amount of waste I create AGreeinG StronGly/SomewhAt AGreeinG StronGly/SomewhAt t: P: m: t: P: m: 48% 50% 48% 55% 46% 43% 70% 80% 69% 73% 72% 65% I won’t go back to my old shopping patterns even when the economy rebounds AGreeinG StronGly/SomewhAt t: P: m: 41% 41% 41% 47% 38% 38% t: Global Sample—total; P: Global Sample—Prosumers; m: Global Sample—mainstream Consumers
  • 17. 15 Communicating Value: A Semiotic Analysis Decipher® is a methodology Euro RSCG has refined from semiotics, the study of visual and verbal signs and cultural codes. It allows us to decode how category communications are changing and to anticipate future shifts. As part of the study, we applied this tool to the subject of “value.” Here’s what we discovered: In the past, communications of value were all Dolce & Gabbana. Celebrities assure us it is both about the price game. Advertisers focused on smart and stylish to shop at Target, JCPenney, cost savings—offering generic products, three for and other discount venues. Communications are the price of two, and other forms of discounting. centered on shoppers being smart and discerning. Underlying the communications was a sense of Us Every one of us deserves the best. vs. Them: “We know you’ve been clobbered by the big guys; we’re going to give you the low price Now our Decipher research has uncovered signs you deserve.” More was definitely better. of another shift, this time toward getting the right bang for one’s buck. Buying Brand A isn’t More recently, value communications have focused just the smart thing to do; it’s the wise thing to less on more bang for the buck than on a better do. Being wise means buying exactly what we bang for the buck. The masstige movement has need—no more and no less. It is about a return pushed quality over quantity (“Now you can have to such traditional values as frugality, temperance, what used to be available only to the exclusive and common sense. Excess consumption is few”). And value brands have taken on the codes out, replaced by a more values-infused way of and cues of premium brands: Ads for economy cars considering goods: “Do I truly need it? Will I are now virtually indistinguishable from luxury get good use of it? Do I trust the company that car advertising, and H&M print ads have the look makes and sells it? Is the purchase ethically and feel of advertising for high-end design house supportable?” reSiduAl: dominAnt: emerGinG: More Bang Better Bang Right Bang for Your Buck for Your Buck for Your Buck • Quantity; bigger is better • Quality; masstige; • Better experiences smart/savvy • Cheap is good; generics • Traditional values • The way to a great life rebooted • Save because you have to • Stylish and playful • Save because it’s the • Pile on “extras”—even wise thing to do if most of the bells and • Save because you’re whistles will go unused smart “Good value now has a lot more to do with getting good customer service and having a minimal-to-positive impact on the environment. It is no longer just getting the biggest bang for my buck.” (U.S.)
  • 18. 16 emerGent vAlue CodeS Experience Good Enough Revivalist Wisdom (vs. consumption) • brand as resource • voluntary simplicity, • concern for • less about getting or tool for richer conscious consumerism responsible choices, one over on the big experience relationships, brands than about • transparent brand community getting to what’s • forgoing ownership personality, real important and accumulation product story, simple • can be about looking packaging to future instead of • project a more plural, • eBay, auction past, taking the old inclusive, humble, culture, Craigslist • magazines celebrating and making it new well-adjusted outlook cool self-reliance, • rent a car, not an pragmatism, DIY • Obama’s Inaugural; • YAWN (Young and RV; charming hotel, Anne Hathaway, Wealthy but Normal); not a resort •, Make, Craft Norah Jones Obama “The most important thing a Brands of all types and sizes are tapping in to this new dynamic:, the popular website for handcrafted company can do to make me goods, offers consumers an appealing alternative to feel I have gotten a good deal mass-produced, impersonal items. American Apparel and other clothing retailers are rediscovering the basic is to provide customer service T-shirt and pair of khakis. DeBeers is telling women they don’t really need to splurge; a nice that’s free and efficient, fair pair of diamond stud earrings will do. It’s not about prices, and products of perfect doing without; on the contrary, it is about finding satisfaction from getting just enough and no more. quality, and to show respect Smart marketers in every consumer-facing industry for the environment and will find a way to communicate value messages—and human values.” (France) values messages—just right for these times. That means emphasizing such essentials as quality and durability, while also promoting a backstory that speaks to traditional values that were all but lost in the conspicuous consumption of recent decades. It also means actively engaging consumers in the hunt for value, giving them the satisfaction of finding or even earning something better than the average person is able to attain. And it means letting consumers know how the brand is making a positive contribution to the broader world—whether that involves surprising and delighting consumers, tackling a hot-button global issue, or something in between.
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  • 20. Prosumer Reports is a series of thought leadership publications by Euro RSCG Worldwide – part of a global initiative to share information and insights, including our own proprietary research, across the Euro RSCG network of agencies and client companies. Euro RSCG Worldwide is a leading integrated marketing communications agency and was the first agency to be named Global Agency of the Year by both Advertising Age and Campaign in the same year. Euro RSCG is made up of 233 offices in 75 countries and provides advertising,marketing, corporate communications, and digital and social media solutions to clients, including, Air France, BNP Paribas, Charles Schwab, Citigroup, Danone Group, Heineken USA, IBM, Kraft Foods, Lacoste, L’Oréal, Merck, PSA Peugeot Citroën, Pernod Ricard, Reckitt Benckiser, sanofi-aventis, and Volvo. Headquartered in New York, Euro RSCG Worldwide is the largest unit of Havas, a world leader in communications (Euronext Paris SA: HAV.PA). For more information about Prosumer Reports, please visit or contact Naomi Troni, global chief marketing officer, at Follow us on Twitter @prosumer_report