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大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構
   National Institute of Informatics

Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data

Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise
JIST2011, 12.05.2011, Hangzhou
Introduction        Mid-Ontology Learning Approach         Experimental Evaluation    Related Work     Conclusion and Future Work



   Mid-Ontology Learning Approach

   Experimental Evaluation

   Related Work

   Conclusion and Future Work

       大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構              Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 2
       National Institute of Informatics
Introduction        Mid-Ontology Learning Approach         Experimental Evaluation    Related Work     Conclusion and Future Work

   Linked Open Data
      295 data sets, 31 billion RDF triples (as of Sep. 2011)
      7 domains (cross-domain, geographic, media, life sciences,
      government, user-generated content, and publications)
      Interlinked Instances (owl:sameAs)

       大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構              Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 3
       National Institute of Informatics
Introduction        Mid-Ontology Learning Approach         Experimental Evaluation    Related Work     Conclusion and Future Work


   Challenging Problem
      Each data set has specific ontology schema
           Time-consuming to learn all the ontology schema
                  DBpedia: 320 classes and thousands of properties.
           Heterogeneity of ontology schema

       大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構              Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 4
       National Institute of Informatics
Introduction        Mid-Ontology Learning Approach         Experimental Evaluation    Related Work     Conclusion and Future Work



   Collected data based on “”.
    Predicate                                                Object
    http : // /property /name                     Berlin
    http : // /property /population               3439100
    http : // /property /plz                      10001-14199
    http : // /ontology /postalCode               10001-14199
    http : // /ontology /populationTotal          3439100
    ......                                                   ......
    http : //www /ontology #alternateName      Berlin
    http : //www /ontology #alternateName      Berlyn@af
    http : //www /ontology #population         3426354
    ......                                                   ......
    http : //www .w /2004/02/skos/core#prefLabel       Berlin (Germany)
    http : // use              2004-09-12
    http : // use            2010-06-13

       大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構              Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 5
       National Institute of Informatics
Introduction        Mid-Ontology Learning Approach         Experimental Evaluation    Related Work     Conclusion and Future Work


   Simple ontology for various data sets: Mid-Ontology
      Investigation on linked instances
                  owl:sameAs links identical or related instances
                  Scale down the data set
           Automatic ontology learning
                  Integrate ontologies from diverse domain data sets
                  Automate the ontology construction process
                  Adapt to linked open data sets

       大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構              Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 6
       National Institute of Informatics
Introduction        Mid-Ontology Learning Approach         Experimental Evaluation    Related Work     Conclusion and Future Work

  Mid-Ontology Learning Approach

       大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構              Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 7
       National Institute of Informatics
Introduction        Mid-Ontology Learning Approach         Experimental Evaluation    Related Work     Conclusion and Future Work

  Data Collection

   We scale down the data sets by collecting only linked instances,
   from which we can extract related information.
           Extract data linked with owl:sameAs
                  Select a core data set (inward & outward links)
                  Collect all instances that have owl:sameAs
           Remove noisy instances of the core data set
                  Noisy instances: without any meaningful triple
           Collect predicates and objects
                  collect <predicate, object> (PO) pairs from collected instances
                  collect PO pairs from linked instances (other data sets)

       大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構              Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 8
       National Institute of Informatics
Introduction        Mid-Ontology Learning Approach         Experimental Evaluation    Related Work     Conclusion and Future Work

  An Example of Collected Data
           dbpedia:Berlin owl:sameAs
  owl:sameAs dbpedia:Berlin

   Collected data based on “”.
    Predicate                                                Object
    http : // /property /name                     Berlin
    http : // /property /population               3439100
    http : // /property /plz                      10001-14199
    http : // /ontology /postalCode               10001-14199
    http : // /ontology /populationTotal          3439100
    ......                                                   ......
    http : //www /ontology #alternateName      Berlin
    http : //www /ontology #alternateName      Berlyn@af
    http : //www /ontology #population         3426354
    ......                                                   ......
    http : //www .w /2004/02/skos/core#prefLabel       Berlin (Germany)
    http : // use              2004-09-12
    http : // use            2010-06-13

       大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構              Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 9
       National Institute of Informatics
Introduction        Mid-Ontology Learning Approach         Experimental Evaluation    Related Work     Conclusion and Future Work

  Mid-Ontology Learning Approach

       大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構              Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 10
       National Institute of Informatics
Introduction        Mid-Ontology Learning Approach         Experimental Evaluation    Related Work     Conclusion and Future Work

  Predicate Grouping

   Grouping related predicates from different ontology schema,
   because many similar or related predicates actually refer to the
   same thing.
           Group predicates by exact matching
           Prune groups by similarity matching
           Refine groups using extracted relations

       大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構              Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 11
       National Institute of Informatics
Introduction        Mid-Ontology Learning Approach         Experimental Evaluation    Related Work     Conclusion and Future Work

  Predicate Grouping

   Grouping related predicates from different ontology schema,
   because many similar or related predicates actually refer to the
   same thing.
           Group predicates by exact matching
                  One predicate may have various objects
                  Different predicates may have the same object value
           Prune groups by similarity matching
           Refine groups using extracted relations

       大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構              Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 12
       National Institute of Informatics
Introduction        Mid-Ontology Learning Approach         Experimental Evaluation    Related Work     Conclusion and Future Work

  Group Predicates by Exact Matching
   Create initial groups (Gi ) of PO pairs
   e.g. Gi .predicates = { db-prop:name, geo-onto:alternateName }
        Gi .objects    = { Berlin, Berlyn@af }
   Collected data based on “”.
    Predicate                                                Object
    http : // /property /name                     Berlin
    http : // /property /population               3439100
    http : // /property /plz                      10001-14199
    http : // /ontology /postalCode               10001-14199
    http : // /ontology /populationTotal          3439100
    ......                                                   ......
    http : //www /ontology #alternateName      Berlin
    http : //www /ontology #alternateName      Berlyn@af
    http : //www /ontology #population         3426354
    ......                                                   ......
    http : //www .w /2004/02/skos/core#prefLabel       Berlin (Germany)
    http : // use              2004-09-12
    http : // use            2010-06-13

       大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構              Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 13
       National Institute of Informatics
Introduction        Mid-Ontology Learning Approach         Experimental Evaluation    Related Work     Conclusion and Future Work

  Predicate Grouping

   Grouping related predicates from different ontology schema,
   because many similar or related predicates actually refer to the
   same thing.
           Group predicates by exact matching
           Prune groups by similarity matching
           Exact matching may ignore
                  Terms of predicates or objects written in different languages
                  Semantically identical or related predicates
           Refine groups using extracted relations

       大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構              Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 14
       National Institute of Informatics
Introduction        Mid-Ontology Learning Approach         Experimental Evaluation    Related Work     Conclusion and Future Work

  Prune Groups by Similarity Matching

   Ontology similarity matching at the concept level
      String-based similarity measure: StrSim(O(Gi ), O(Gj ))
                  O(Gi ): objects in Gi
                  Prefix, Suffix, Levenshtein distance, and n-gram.
           Knowledge-based similarity measure: WNSim(T (Gi ), T (Gj ))
                  T (Gi ): pre-processed terms of predicates in Gi
                  Natural Language Processing: tokenizing terms, removing stop words,
                  and stemming.
                  WordNet-based similarity measures: LCH, RES, HSO, JCN, LESK,
                  PATH, WUP, LIN, and VECTOR

       大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構              Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 15
       National Institute of Informatics
Introduction        Mid-Ontology Learning Approach           Experimental Evaluation    Related Work     Conclusion and Future Work

  Prune Groups by Similarity Matching

   Similarity between initial groups {G1 , G2 , . . . Gk }

                                           StrSim(O(Gi ), O(Gj )) + WNSim(T (Gi ), T (Gj ))
      Sim(Gi , Gj ) =
   Prune initial groups Gi
           If Sim(Gi , Gj ) is higher than the predefined similarity threshold, we
           merge Gi and Gj .
           If an initial group Gi has not been merged and has only one PO
           pair, we remove Gi .

       大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構                Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 16
       National Institute of Informatics
Introduction        Mid-Ontology Learning Approach              Experimental Evaluation     Related Work    Conclusion and Future Work

  An Example of Similarity Calculation

                    Group             Predicate                                                              Object
                    Gi                http : // /property /population                             3439100
                                      http : // /ontology /populationTotal                        3439100
                    Gj                http : //www /ontology #population                       3426354

   Example of String-based similarity measures on pairwise objects.
     Pairwise Objects                                   prefix          suffix               Levenshtein distance               n-gram
     “3439100”, “3426354”                                0.29             0                                  0                  0.29

   Example of WordNet-based similarity measures on pairwise terms.
     Pairwise Terms                        LCH   RES       HSO      JCN      LESK     PATH       WUP       LIN   VECTOR
     population, population                  1      1           1      1         1           1       1       1           1
     population, total                     0.4      0           0   0.06      0.03        0.11    0.33       0        0.06

                                                           0.145 + 0.5825
                                 Sim(Gi , Gj ) =                          = 0.36375

       大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構                Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 17
       National Institute of Informatics
Introduction        Mid-Ontology Learning Approach         Experimental Evaluation    Related Work     Conclusion and Future Work

  Predicate Grouping

   Grouping related predicates from different ontology schema,
   because many similar or related predicates actually refer to the
   same thing.
           Group predicates by exact matching
           Prune groups by similarity matching
           Refine groups using extracted relations
                  Divide pruned groups according to rdfs:domain and rdfs:range.
                  Keep groups with high frequency

       大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構              Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 18
       National Institute of Informatics
Introduction        Mid-Ontology Learning Approach         Experimental Evaluation    Related Work     Conclusion and Future Work

  Mid-Ontology Learning Approach

       大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構              Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 19
       National Institute of Informatics
Introduction        Mid-Ontology Learning Approach         Experimental Evaluation    Related Work     Conclusion and Future Work

  Mid-Ontology Construction
   Select terms for Mid-Ontology
           Collect all the terms of predicates in each refined group Gi .
           Collect all the pre-processed terms of P(Gi ) (predicates in Gi ).
           Choose one term, which has the highest frequency and longest
           e.g. “area” and “areaCode” are totally different
   Construct Relations
           mo-prop:hasMembers to link Mid-Ontology classes and integrated
   Construct Mid-Ontology
           Automatically construct Mid-Ontology using selected terms and

       大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構              Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 20
       National Institute of Informatics
Introduction        Mid-Ontology Learning Approach         Experimental Evaluation    Related Work     Conclusion and Future Work

  Experimental Evaluation

   Evaluate the Mid-Ontology approach from four different aspects:
           Evaluation of Data Reduction
           Evaluation of Ontology Quality
           Evaluation with A SPARQL Example
           Analysis of Mid-Ontology Approach

       大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構              Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 21
       National Institute of Informatics
Introduction        Mid-Ontology Learning Approach         Experimental Evaluation    Related Work     Conclusion and Future Work


           Linux Ubuntu 10.10, 16GB Memory, 1 TB Disk
           Core i7 CPU 880 3.07GHz
           Java, Netbeans 6.9
           High-performance server for RDF storage
           SPARQL query endpoint
           Implemented in Perl
           Knowledge-based similarity measures

       大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構              Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 22
       National Institute of Informatics
Introduction        Mid-Ontology Learning Approach         Experimental Evaluation    Related Work     Conclusion and Future Work

  Experimental Data
           DBpedia: cross-domain, 3.5 million things, 8.9 million URIs
           Geonames: geographical domain, 7 million URIs
           NYTimes: media domain, 10,467 subject news

   Choose DBpedia as the core data set, because of its wealth of inward
   and outward links to other data sets.
       大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構              Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 23
       National Institute of Informatics
Introduction        Mid-Ontology Learning Approach         Experimental Evaluation    Related Work     Conclusion and Future Work

  Evaluation of Data Reduction
   Evaluate the effectiveness of data reduction during the data
   collection phase by comparing the number of instances.
   Number of distinct instances during data collection phase.
    Data set     Before reduction       owl:sameAs retrieval                                Noisy data removal
    DBpedia              8,955,728          135,749 (1.52%)                                    88,506 (0.99%)
    Geonames             7,479,714          128,961 (1.72%)                                    82,054 (1.10%)
    NYTimes                 10,467           9,226 (88.14%)                                    8,535 (81.54%)

   Evaluation Analysis
      The data sets are dramatically scaled down by keeping only
      linked instances that share related information.
      Successfully removed noisy instances, which may affect the
      quality of the Mid-Ontology.
      e.g. Removed instances with only db-prop:hasPhotosCollection
      (broken link) and owl:sameAs link.
       大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構              Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 24
       National Institute of Informatics
Introduction        Mid-Ontology Learning Approach         Experimental Evaluation    Related Work     Conclusion and Future Work

  Evaluation of Ontology Quality
   Evaluate the quality of Mid-Ontology by validating whether
   predicates in each class share related information.

   Accuracy of Mid-Ontology
                                                           n   |Correct Predicates in Ci |
                                                           i=1            |Ci |
                                ACC (MO) =
   n: the number of classes
   |Ci |: the number of predicates in class Ci .


                                                          |Number of Predicates|
                                    Cardinality =
                                                            |Number of Classes|
       大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構              Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 25
       National Institute of Informatics
Introduction        Mid-Ontology Learning Approach         Experimental Evaluation    Related Work     Conclusion and Future Work

  Evaluation of Ontology Quality
   Improvement achieved by our approach
           MO no p r: with exact matching (without the pruning and
           refining processes)
           MO: with both pruning and refining processes

        MO                         Number of Classes          Number of Predicates           Cardinality      Accuracy
        MO no p r                  11                         300                            27.27            68.78%
        MO                         29                         180                            6.21             90.10%

   Evaluation Analysis
      Significantly improved the accuracy
      Decreased the cardinality (Less number of predicates and more
      Successfully removed unrelated predicates
       大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構              Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 26
       National Institute of Informatics
Introduction        Mid-Ontology Learning Approach         Experimental Evaluation    Related Work     Conclusion and Future Work

  Evaluation with A SPARQL Example

   Evaluate the effectiveness of information retrieval with the
   Mid-Ontology constructed with our approach.

   Predicates grouped in mo-onto:population.
    <rdf:Description rdf:about=“mid-onto:population”>
    <mo-prop:hasMembers rdf:resource=“”/>
    <mo-prop:hasMembers rdf:resource=“”/>
    <mo-prop:hasMembers rdf:resource=“”/>
    <mo-prop:hasMembers rdf:resource=“”/>
    <mo-prop:hasMembers rdf:resource=“”/>
    <mo-prop:hasMembers rdf:resource=“”/>

       大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構              Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 27
       National Institute of Informatics
Introduction        Mid-Ontology Learning Approach         Experimental Evaluation    Related Work     Conclusion and Future Work

  Evaluation with A SPARQL Example
   SPARQL: Find places with a population of more than 10 million.
    WHERE{ mid-onto:population mo-prop:hasMembers ?prop.
              ?places ?prop ?population.
              FILTER (xsd:integer(?population) > 10000000). }

     Single property for population                                             Number of Results                                          177                                             1                                     107                                     129                                             1                                     244

   Evaluation Analysis
      Find 517 places with mid-onto:population.
      Less results with each single predicate under the same
       大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構              Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 28
       National Institute of Informatics
Introduction        Mid-Ontology Learning Approach         Experimental Evaluation    Related Work     Conclusion and Future Work

  Analysis of Mid-Ontology Approach
   Analyze whether we can successfully identify how data sets are
   Sample classes in the Mid-Ontology
     DBpedia                               DBpedia & Geonames                DBpedia & Geonames & NYTimes
     mo-onto:birthdate                     mo-onto:population                mo-onto:name
     mo-onto:deathdate                     mo-onto:prominence                mo-onto:long
     mo-onto:motto                         mo-onto:postal

   Evaluation Analysis
      Predicates in DBpedia are heterogeneous.
      Linked instances between DBpedia and Geonames are about
      Linked instances among DBpedia, Geonames, and NYTimes
      are about events, persons, or places.
       大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構              Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 29
       National Institute of Informatics
Introduction        Mid-Ontology Learning Approach         Experimental Evaluation    Related Work     Conclusion and Future Work

    Possible Application

   Find missing owl:sameAs links
      e.g. Find missing owl:sameAs link with mo-onto:population
                      db-prop:population     “119549”
                      db-prop:name           “Cyclades”
                           geo-onto:population    “119549”
                           geo-onto:alternateName “Cyclades”

       大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構              Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 30
       National Institute of Informatics
Introduction        Mid-Ontology Learning Approach         Experimental Evaluation    Related Work     Conclusion and Future Work

  Possible Application

   Find missing owl:sameAs links
      e.g. Find missing owl:sameAs link with mo-onto:population
                      db-prop:population     “119549”
                      db-prop:name           “Cyclades”
                           geo-onto:population    “119549”
                           geo-onto:alternateName “Cyclades”
           Add owl:sameAs link

       大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構              Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 31
       National Institute of Informatics
Introduction        Mid-Ontology Learning Approach         Experimental Evaluation    Related Work     Conclusion and Future Work

  Related Work

           Construct intermediate-layer ontology from geospatial, zoology,
           and genetics data resources. [Parundekar, et al.,2010]
                  Limited to a specific domain
           Construct intermediate-level ontology by enriching upper
           ontology (by adding new classes and properties). [Damova, et
           al., 2010]
                  Still too large
           Analysis of basic properties of SameAs network,
           Pay-Level-Domain network and Class-Level Similarity network.
           [Ding, et al., 2010]
                  Only frequent types are considered to analyze how data are connected

       大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構              Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 32
       National Institute of Informatics
Introduction        Mid-Ontology Learning Approach         Experimental Evaluation    Related Work     Conclusion and Future Work

  Conclusion and Future Work
           Learning heterogeneous ontology schema in the linked open
           data sets is not feasible.
           An automatic Mid-Ontology learning approach can solve the
           heterogeneity problem by integrating related predicates.
           The Mid-Ontology has a high accuracy, and effective to search
           from various data sets.
           A simple Mid-Ontology can be constructed without learning
           the entire ontology schema.
   Future Work
      Billion Triple Challenge (BTC) data set
      Crawl links at two or three depths without a core data set
       大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構              Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 33
       National Institute of Informatics
                                     Lihua Zhao,
                                    Ryutaro Ichise,

大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構              Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 34
National Institute of Informatics

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Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data @JIST2011

  • 1. 大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構 国立情報学研究所 National Institute of Informatics Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise JIST2011, 12.05.2011, Hangzhou
  • 2. Introduction Mid-Ontology Learning Approach Experimental Evaluation Related Work Conclusion and Future Work Outline Introduction Mid-Ontology Learning Approach Experimental Evaluation Related Work Conclusion and Future Work 大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構 Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 2 国立情報学研究所 National Institute of Informatics
  • 3. Introduction Mid-Ontology Learning Approach Experimental Evaluation Related Work Conclusion and Future Work Introduction Linked Open Data 295 data sets, 31 billion RDF triples (as of Sep. 2011) 7 domains (cross-domain, geographic, media, life sciences, government, user-generated content, and publications) Interlinked Instances (owl:sameAs) 大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構 Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 3 国立情報学研究所 National Institute of Informatics
  • 4. Introduction Mid-Ontology Learning Approach Experimental Evaluation Related Work Conclusion and Future Work Introduction Challenging Problem Each data set has specific ontology schema DBpedia: Geonames: Time-consuming to learn all the ontology schema DBpedia: 320 classes and thousands of properties. Heterogeneity of ontology schema 大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構 Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 4 国立情報学研究所 National Institute of Informatics
  • 5. Introduction Mid-Ontology Learning Approach Experimental Evaluation Related Work Conclusion and Future Work Introduction Objective Collected data based on “”. Predicate Object http : // /property /name Berlin http : // /property /population 3439100 http : // /property /plz 10001-14199 http : // /ontology /postalCode 10001-14199 http : // /ontology /populationTotal 3439100 ...... ...... http : //www /ontology #alternateName Berlin http : //www /ontology #alternateName Berlyn@af http : //www /ontology #population 3426354 ...... ...... http : //www .w /2004/02/skos/core#prefLabel Berlin (Germany) http : // use 2004-09-12 http : // use 2010-06-13 大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構 Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 5 国立情報学研究所 National Institute of Informatics
  • 6. Introduction Mid-Ontology Learning Approach Experimental Evaluation Related Work Conclusion and Future Work Introduction Simple ontology for various data sets: Mid-Ontology Investigation on linked instances owl:sameAs links identical or related instances Scale down the data set Automatic ontology learning Integrate ontologies from diverse domain data sets Automate the ontology construction process Adapt to linked open data sets 大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構 Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 6 国立情報学研究所 National Institute of Informatics
  • 7. Introduction Mid-Ontology Learning Approach Experimental Evaluation Related Work Conclusion and Future Work Mid-Ontology Learning Approach 大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構 Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 7 国立情報学研究所 National Institute of Informatics
  • 8. Introduction Mid-Ontology Learning Approach Experimental Evaluation Related Work Conclusion and Future Work Data Collection We scale down the data sets by collecting only linked instances, from which we can extract related information. Extract data linked with owl:sameAs Select a core data set (inward & outward links) Collect all instances that have owl:sameAs Remove noisy instances of the core data set Noisy instances: without any meaningful triple Collect predicates and objects collect <predicate, object> (PO) pairs from collected instances collect PO pairs from linked instances (other data sets) 大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構 Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 8 国立情報学研究所 National Institute of Informatics
  • 9. Introduction Mid-Ontology Learning Approach Experimental Evaluation Related Work Conclusion and Future Work An Example of Collected Data dbpedia:Berlin owl:sameAs owl:sameAs dbpedia:Berlin Collected data based on “”. Predicate Object http : // /property /name Berlin http : // /property /population 3439100 http : // /property /plz 10001-14199 http : // /ontology /postalCode 10001-14199 http : // /ontology /populationTotal 3439100 ...... ...... http : //www /ontology #alternateName Berlin http : //www /ontology #alternateName Berlyn@af http : //www /ontology #population 3426354 ...... ...... http : //www .w /2004/02/skos/core#prefLabel Berlin (Germany) http : // use 2004-09-12 http : // use 2010-06-13 大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構 Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 9 国立情報学研究所 National Institute of Informatics
  • 10. Introduction Mid-Ontology Learning Approach Experimental Evaluation Related Work Conclusion and Future Work Mid-Ontology Learning Approach 大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構 Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 10 国立情報学研究所 National Institute of Informatics
  • 11. Introduction Mid-Ontology Learning Approach Experimental Evaluation Related Work Conclusion and Future Work Predicate Grouping Grouping related predicates from different ontology schema, because many similar or related predicates actually refer to the same thing. Group predicates by exact matching Prune groups by similarity matching Refine groups using extracted relations 大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構 Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 11 国立情報学研究所 National Institute of Informatics
  • 12. Introduction Mid-Ontology Learning Approach Experimental Evaluation Related Work Conclusion and Future Work Predicate Grouping Grouping related predicates from different ontology schema, because many similar or related predicates actually refer to the same thing. Group predicates by exact matching One predicate may have various objects Different predicates may have the same object value Prune groups by similarity matching Refine groups using extracted relations 大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構 Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 12 国立情報学研究所 National Institute of Informatics
  • 13. Introduction Mid-Ontology Learning Approach Experimental Evaluation Related Work Conclusion and Future Work Group Predicates by Exact Matching Create initial groups (Gi ) of PO pairs e.g. Gi .predicates = { db-prop:name, geo-onto:alternateName } Gi .objects = { Berlin, Berlyn@af } Collected data based on “”. Predicate Object http : // /property /name Berlin http : // /property /population 3439100 http : // /property /plz 10001-14199 http : // /ontology /postalCode 10001-14199 http : // /ontology /populationTotal 3439100 ...... ...... http : //www /ontology #alternateName Berlin http : //www /ontology #alternateName Berlyn@af http : //www /ontology #population 3426354 ...... ...... http : //www .w /2004/02/skos/core#prefLabel Berlin (Germany) http : // use 2004-09-12 http : // use 2010-06-13 大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構 Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 13 国立情報学研究所 National Institute of Informatics
  • 14. Introduction Mid-Ontology Learning Approach Experimental Evaluation Related Work Conclusion and Future Work Predicate Grouping Grouping related predicates from different ontology schema, because many similar or related predicates actually refer to the same thing. Group predicates by exact matching Prune groups by similarity matching Exact matching may ignore Terms of predicates or objects written in different languages Semantically identical or related predicates Refine groups using extracted relations 大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構 Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 14 国立情報学研究所 National Institute of Informatics
  • 15. Introduction Mid-Ontology Learning Approach Experimental Evaluation Related Work Conclusion and Future Work Prune Groups by Similarity Matching Ontology similarity matching at the concept level String-based similarity measure: StrSim(O(Gi ), O(Gj )) O(Gi ): objects in Gi Prefix, Suffix, Levenshtein distance, and n-gram. Knowledge-based similarity measure: WNSim(T (Gi ), T (Gj )) T (Gi ): pre-processed terms of predicates in Gi Natural Language Processing: tokenizing terms, removing stop words, and stemming. WordNet-based similarity measures: LCH, RES, HSO, JCN, LESK, PATH, WUP, LIN, and VECTOR 大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構 Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 15 国立情報学研究所 National Institute of Informatics
  • 16. Introduction Mid-Ontology Learning Approach Experimental Evaluation Related Work Conclusion and Future Work Prune Groups by Similarity Matching Similarity between initial groups {G1 , G2 , . . . Gk } StrSim(O(Gi ), O(Gj )) + WNSim(T (Gi ), T (Gj )) Sim(Gi , Gj ) = 2 Prune initial groups Gi If Sim(Gi , Gj ) is higher than the predefined similarity threshold, we merge Gi and Gj . If an initial group Gi has not been merged and has only one PO pair, we remove Gi . 大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構 Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 16 国立情報学研究所 National Institute of Informatics
  • 17. Introduction Mid-Ontology Learning Approach Experimental Evaluation Related Work Conclusion and Future Work An Example of Similarity Calculation Group Predicate Object Gi http : // /property /population 3439100 http : // /ontology /populationTotal 3439100 Gj http : //www /ontology #population 3426354 Example of String-based similarity measures on pairwise objects. Pairwise Objects prefix suffix Levenshtein distance n-gram “3439100”, “3426354” 0.29 0 0 0.29 Example of WordNet-based similarity measures on pairwise terms. Pairwise Terms LCH RES HSO JCN LESK PATH WUP LIN VECTOR population, population 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 population, total 0.4 0 0 0.06 0.03 0.11 0.33 0 0.06 0.145 + 0.5825 Sim(Gi , Gj ) = = 0.36375 2 大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構 Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 17 国立情報学研究所 National Institute of Informatics
  • 18. Introduction Mid-Ontology Learning Approach Experimental Evaluation Related Work Conclusion and Future Work Predicate Grouping Grouping related predicates from different ontology schema, because many similar or related predicates actually refer to the same thing. Group predicates by exact matching Prune groups by similarity matching Refine groups using extracted relations Divide pruned groups according to rdfs:domain and rdfs:range. Keep groups with high frequency 大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構 Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 18 国立情報学研究所 National Institute of Informatics
  • 19. Introduction Mid-Ontology Learning Approach Experimental Evaluation Related Work Conclusion and Future Work Mid-Ontology Learning Approach 大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構 Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 19 国立情報学研究所 National Institute of Informatics
  • 20. Introduction Mid-Ontology Learning Approach Experimental Evaluation Related Work Conclusion and Future Work Mid-Ontology Construction Select terms for Mid-Ontology Collect all the terms of predicates in each refined group Gi . Collect all the pre-processed terms of P(Gi ) (predicates in Gi ). Choose one term, which has the highest frequency and longest term. e.g. “area” and “areaCode” are totally different Construct Relations mo-prop:hasMembers to link Mid-Ontology classes and integrated predicates Construct Mid-Ontology Automatically construct Mid-Ontology using selected terms and mo-prop:hasMembers. 大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構 Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 20 国立情報学研究所 National Institute of Informatics
  • 21. Introduction Mid-Ontology Learning Approach Experimental Evaluation Related Work Conclusion and Future Work Experimental Evaluation Evaluate the Mid-Ontology approach from four different aspects: Evaluation of Data Reduction Evaluation of Ontology Quality Evaluation with A SPARQL Example Analysis of Mid-Ontology Approach 大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構 Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 21 国立情報学研究所 National Institute of Informatics
  • 22. Introduction Mid-Ontology Learning Approach Experimental Evaluation Related Work Conclusion and Future Work Implementation Environment Linux Ubuntu 10.10, 16GB Memory, 1 TB Disk Core i7 CPU 880 3.07GHz Java, Netbeans 6.9 Virtuoso High-performance server for RDF storage SPARQL query endpoint WordNet::Similarity Implemented in Perl Knowledge-based similarity measures 大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構 Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 22 国立情報学研究所 National Institute of Informatics
  • 23. Introduction Mid-Ontology Learning Approach Experimental Evaluation Related Work Conclusion and Future Work Experimental Data DBpedia: cross-domain, 3.5 million things, 8.9 million URIs Geonames: geographical domain, 7 million URIs NYTimes: media domain, 10,467 subject news Choose DBpedia as the core data set, because of its wealth of inward and outward links to other data sets. 大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構 Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 23 国立情報学研究所 National Institute of Informatics
  • 24. Introduction Mid-Ontology Learning Approach Experimental Evaluation Related Work Conclusion and Future Work Evaluation of Data Reduction Evaluate the effectiveness of data reduction during the data collection phase by comparing the number of instances. Number of distinct instances during data collection phase. Data set Before reduction owl:sameAs retrieval Noisy data removal DBpedia 8,955,728 135,749 (1.52%) 88,506 (0.99%) Geonames 7,479,714 128,961 (1.72%) 82,054 (1.10%) NYTimes 10,467 9,226 (88.14%) 8,535 (81.54%) Evaluation Analysis The data sets are dramatically scaled down by keeping only linked instances that share related information. Successfully removed noisy instances, which may affect the quality of the Mid-Ontology. e.g. Removed instances with only db-prop:hasPhotosCollection (broken link) and owl:sameAs link. 大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構 Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 24 国立情報学研究所 National Institute of Informatics
  • 25. Introduction Mid-Ontology Learning Approach Experimental Evaluation Related Work Conclusion and Future Work Evaluation of Ontology Quality Evaluate the quality of Mid-Ontology by validating whether predicates in each class share related information. Accuracy of Mid-Ontology n |Correct Predicates in Ci | i=1 |Ci | ACC (MO) = n n: the number of classes |Ci |: the number of predicates in class Ci . Cardinality |Number of Predicates| Cardinality = |Number of Classes| 大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構 Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 25 国立情報学研究所 National Institute of Informatics
  • 26. Introduction Mid-Ontology Learning Approach Experimental Evaluation Related Work Conclusion and Future Work Evaluation of Ontology Quality Improvement achieved by our approach MO no p r: with exact matching (without the pruning and refining processes) MO: with both pruning and refining processes MO Number of Classes Number of Predicates Cardinality Accuracy MO no p r 11 300 27.27 68.78% MO 29 180 6.21 90.10% Evaluation Analysis Significantly improved the accuracy Decreased the cardinality (Less number of predicates and more classes) Successfully removed unrelated predicates 大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構 Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 26 国立情報学研究所 National Institute of Informatics
  • 27. Introduction Mid-Ontology Learning Approach Experimental Evaluation Related Work Conclusion and Future Work Evaluation with A SPARQL Example Evaluate the effectiveness of information retrieval with the Mid-Ontology constructed with our approach. Predicates grouped in mo-onto:population. <rdf:Description rdf:about=“mid-onto:population”> <mo-prop:hasMembers rdf:resource=“”/> <mo-prop:hasMembers rdf:resource=“”/> <mo-prop:hasMembers rdf:resource=“”/> <mo-prop:hasMembers rdf:resource=“”/> <mo-prop:hasMembers rdf:resource=“”/> <mo-prop:hasMembers rdf:resource=“”/> </rdf:Description> 大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構 Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 27 国立情報学研究所 National Institute of Informatics
  • 28. Introduction Mid-Ontology Learning Approach Experimental Evaluation Related Work Conclusion and Future Work Evaluation with A SPARQL Example SPARQL: Find places with a population of more than 10 million. SELECT DISTINCT ?places WHERE{ mid-onto:population mo-prop:hasMembers ?prop. ?places ?prop ?population. FILTER (xsd:integer(?population) > 10000000). } Single property for population Number of Results 177 1 107 129 1 244 Evaluation Analysis Find 517 places with mid-onto:population. Less results with each single predicate under the same condition. 大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構 Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 28 国立情報学研究所 National Institute of Informatics
  • 29. Introduction Mid-Ontology Learning Approach Experimental Evaluation Related Work Conclusion and Future Work Analysis of Mid-Ontology Approach Analyze whether we can successfully identify how data sets are connected. Sample classes in the Mid-Ontology DBpedia DBpedia & Geonames DBpedia & Geonames & NYTimes mo-onto:birthdate mo-onto:population mo-onto:name mo-onto:deathdate mo-onto:prominence mo-onto:long mo-onto:motto mo-onto:postal Evaluation Analysis Predicates in DBpedia are heterogeneous. Linked instances between DBpedia and Geonames are about places. Linked instances among DBpedia, Geonames, and NYTimes are about events, persons, or places. 大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構 Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 29 国立情報学研究所 National Institute of Informatics
  • 30. Introduction Mid-Ontology Learning Approach Experimental Evaluation Related Work Conclusion and Future Work Possible Application Find missing owl:sameAs links e.g. Find missing owl:sameAs link with mo-onto:population db-prop:population “119549” db-prop:name “Cyclades” geo-onto:population “119549” geo-onto:alternateName “Cyclades” 大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構 Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 30 国立情報学研究所 National Institute of Informatics
  • 31. Introduction Mid-Ontology Learning Approach Experimental Evaluation Related Work Conclusion and Future Work Possible Application Find missing owl:sameAs links e.g. Find missing owl:sameAs link with mo-onto:population db-prop:population “119549” db-prop:name “Cyclades” geo-onto:population “119549” geo-onto:alternateName “Cyclades” Add owl:sameAs link owl:sameAs owl:sameAs 大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構 Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 31 国立情報学研究所 National Institute of Informatics
  • 32. Introduction Mid-Ontology Learning Approach Experimental Evaluation Related Work Conclusion and Future Work Related Work Construct intermediate-layer ontology from geospatial, zoology, and genetics data resources. [Parundekar, et al.,2010] Limited to a specific domain Construct intermediate-level ontology by enriching upper ontology (by adding new classes and properties). [Damova, et al., 2010] Still too large Analysis of basic properties of SameAs network, Pay-Level-Domain network and Class-Level Similarity network. [Ding, et al., 2010] Only frequent types are considered to analyze how data are connected 大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構 Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 32 国立情報学研究所 National Institute of Informatics
  • 33. Introduction Mid-Ontology Learning Approach Experimental Evaluation Related Work Conclusion and Future Work Conclusion and Future Work Conclusion Learning heterogeneous ontology schema in the linked open data sets is not feasible. An automatic Mid-Ontology learning approach can solve the heterogeneity problem by integrating related predicates. The Mid-Ontology has a high accuracy, and effective to search from various data sets. A simple Mid-Ontology can be constructed without learning the entire ontology schema. Future Work Billion Triple Challenge (BTC) data set Crawl links at two or three depths without a core data set 大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構 Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 33 国立情報学研究所 National Institute of Informatics
  • 34. Questions? Lihua Zhao, Ryutaro Ichise, 大学共同利用機関法人 情報・システム研究機構 Lihua Zhao and Ryutaro Ichise | Mid-Ontology Learning from Linked Data | 34 国立情報学研究所 National Institute of Informatics