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Horblit Health Sciences Library Nursing Middle Range Theory
                       & Applications

              visit the Library for articles on these theories
  Middle Range Theory Theorist/s                             Idea                            Application
                                         Complementary Nursing
                                         Therapies for Pain and Stress:
Acute Pain Management                    Relaxation and Music for                       Provide clinicians with
(Adults)                                 Postoperative Pain; Stress and                 prescriptions for pain
                          Goode &        Immunity; and Integrated                       reduction and a
                          Moore          Research Reviews.                              conceptual basis for pain
                                         CHANGE study

                                         Great Lakes GIT
                                         Assist nurses in managing
                                                                                        Provide clinicians
                                         clinical pain and to expand
                                                                                        with prescriptions for
Acute Pain Management Huth &             the knowledge and research
                                                                                        pain reduction and a
(Children)            Moore              base in children's pain.
                                                                                        conceptual basis for
                                                                                        pain interventions.
                                         Escape Artists
                                         Influenced by Roy’s adaptation
Adaptation to Chronic                    model.                                         Adaptation leads to coping
                          Dunn, K
Pain                                                                                    skills.
                                         Karen S Dunn
                                         Focuses on wholeness of person, Examines contemporary
Advancing Technology,                    as influenced by technology.    technology in mainstream
                          Locsin, R
Caring and Nursing                                                                      health care and its impact
                                         Advancing technology, caring, and
                                                                                        on the quality of that care.
                                        Connecting with self-in-relation
                                        through intentional dialogue to                 Patient-centered dialogue
Attentively Embracing
                          Liehr & Smith create ease.                                    as a means to finding
                                         Attentively Embracing Story
                                         Provides framework for
                                         organizing observations of patient
Behavioral systems and                   behavior, increasing consistency Increase interdisciplinary
                          Auger, J       and continuity of care.            communication in
                                         A Patient classification system based on the
                                         behavioral system model of nursing
Caregiver Effectiveness   Smith et al.   Influenced by Roy. Identifies      Promotes proactive
Model                                    factors that influence patient and intervention for increasing
                                         caregiver outcomes when            quality of life.
technology is present.

                                     The Efficiency of Families Providing
                                     Ventilator Care at Home
                                     Grounded in a relational ontology
                                                                       Holistic, family-centered
                                     of being-in-relation, and a world
                                                                       approach in advanced
Caring Theory          Watson, J
                                     view of unity and connectedness
                                     of All.

                                     Loving and Caring
                                                                           Nurses can plan
                                     Provides a framework for              interventions that
                                     understanding and working with        recognize it as a
                       Eakes, Burke, people following a single or          normal reaction,
Chronic Sorrow
                       & Hainsworth ongoing loss.                          promote healthy
                                                                           adaptation, and
                                     Middle-range theory of chronic sorrow provide empathetic
                                     As patients and families are
                                     strengthened by actions of nurses,
Comfort                Kolcaba, K.
                                     they can better engage in health Nurse-sensitive outcomes.
                                     seeking behaviors.

                                     The Comfort Line
                                     Health promotion and disease         Model offers
                                     management strategies can improve opportunities for intensive
Community              Hildebrandt & outcomes through the development of education, assessment,
                                     self-care management, behavior
Empowerment            Persily                                            intervention, and support
                                     change, and skill building. Domestic
                                     Violence and Pregnancy in Rural West
                                                                          throughout healthcare
                                     Virginia                             process.
                                     Specifies focus of inquiry and may
                                     thus lead to the development of Can affect how
Conceptual Model for                 theories which will prove useful nurses care for
                       Adam, E       not only to nurses but to other    patients in a time-
                                     health professionals as well.      effective and cost-
                                                                            efficient manner.
                                     J Adv Nurs. 1983 Jan;8(1):41-5

                                     Stresses teamwork, biocultural
                                                                            Helps the caregiver
                                     ecology and workforce issues, in
                                                                            provide culturally
                                     providing culturally sensitive and
                                                                            acceptable care that
Cultural Competence    Purnell, L    competent care to improve client       improves clients'
                                     outcomes.                              satisfaction and
                                                                            health status.
                                     Purnell's Model
Deliberative Nursing   Orlando, IJ   Sees nursing as the means of           Focuses on
Process                                                                     communication
providing direct assistance to
                                                                                  within the nurse-
                                         individuals to avoid, relieve,
                                                                                  client relationship
                                         diminish, or cure the person's           and identifies the
                                         sense of helplessness.                   validation process as
                                                                                  essential to effective
                                         Ida Jean Orlando's Nursing Process
                                                                                  nursing care.
                                                                                  Nurses alter the
                                         Expresses a new unifying idea
                                                                          environment so
                                         about the phenomenon of peaceful
                                                                          family would have
                           Ruland &      end of life for terminally ill   the privacy with
End of Life Care                         patients.
                           Moore                                          patient or so that
                                                                                  various religious or
                                         Theory construction based on standards
                                                                                cultural customs
                                         of care
                                                                                  could be enacted.
                                         Triangulation of Orem's self-care
                                         deficit theory of nursing, the trans-
                                         theoretical model of exercise         Exercise reduces the
Exercise as Self Care      Ulbrich, S.   behavior, and characteristics of a risk of cardiovascular
                                         population at risk for CVD.           disease (CVD) and
                                                                                  promotes health.
                                         Nursing Practice Theory of Exercise as
                                                                                  Protective factors
                                         Acute stressors, when             help families survive
Family Stress and          LoBiondo-
                                         accumulated, could lead to family multiple contextual
                                         crises.                           stressors, and to
Adaptation                 Wood, G
                                                                              competently parent
                                         ABCX Model of Family Stress (Hill)   despite chronic and
                                                                              acute stressors.
                                                                              A result of studying
                                                                              the adaptation
                                         A personality resource comprising of response of
                                         (a) the commitment dimension, (b) individuals to chronic
Health-related Hardiness Pollock, S.     the control dimension, and (c) the
                                                                              illnesses such as
                                         challenge domain. The health-related
                                         hardiness scale and AU Pollock       diabetes mellitus,
                                                                              hypertension, and
                                                                              rheumatoid arthritis.
                                         Heuristic device that encourages     Can be used as a
                                         scholars to integrate variables that basis for structuring
Health Promotion           Pender, N.
                                         have been shown to impact health     nursing protocols and
                                         behavior. Health Promotion Model     interventions.
Holistic self-care model   Popkess-      Uses Apter’s Reversal Theory as a Combines the
(Weight loss)              Vawter, S     basis for cognitive restructuring to successful physical,
                                         identify negative self-talk that can cognitive, and
                                         lead to overeating.                  psychological
                                                                              essentials of healthy
approaches for
                                                                               weight reduction as a
                                       Concept Analysis: Holism                means of promoting
                                                                               weight control.
                                                                               To help female
                                                                               patients avoid the
                                       A new instrument to measure inner weight gain,
                                       strength in women with chronic          depression, anxiety
                                       illness. Inner strength is defined as a and other issues that
Inner Strength in Women Roux, G
                                       central human resource that promotes commonly occur
                                       well-being and healing. inner strength after cancer
                                       and AU Roux                             treatment and during
                                                                               treatment of other
                                                                               chronic illnesses.
                                       The model defines the                   May identify new
                                       interactive and collective              determinants of
                                       contributions of a survivor,            health-related
                                       family, and provider to                 behavior that can be
                                       adherence to protocols,                 targeted to protect
Interaction Model         Cox, C
                                       reduction of risk behavior,             the health of
                                       and promotion of health-                childhood cancer
                                       protective behavior. A Model of survivors and reduce
                                       Health Behavior to Guide Studies of     their risk of late
                                       Childhood Cancer Survivors              sequelae.
                                                                               Most useful to apply
                                                                               during nursing
                                       Provides framework to facilitate
Interpersonal Relations                                                        practice in order to
                          Peplau, MR   nurse-patient interactions.
Model                                                                          understand nurse-
                                       Interpersonal relations and AU Peplau
                                                                               patient interactive
                                       A theoretical explanation to account
                                       for the process of change; includes Help patients with chronic
Learned Response to                    perceived severity of illness,          illnesses learn to respond
                          Braden, CJ
Chronic Illness Theory                 limitation, uncertainty enabling skill, so that their health
                                       self-help and life quality. Overcoming outcomes improve.
                                       violence, depression and HIV
                                       Explains the mechanisms               Explains why care is
                                       through which suffering               the contextual
                                       affects an individual's sense         framework through
Mastery over stress       Younger, J   of community and                      which alienation is
                                       connectedness with others.            reversed and
                                       Mastery over stress and AU            connectedness
                                       Younger                               achieved.
Maternal Identity         Rubin, R     The stages of MI are (1)              Help patients adjust
                                       seeking safe passage; (2)             to, endure, and
                                       ensuring the acceptance of            usefully integrate
                                       the child by others; (3)              health problem
binding in or bonding with the
                                       fetus; and (4) learning to give
                                       of oneself. Stepping Up: What's New: situations.
                                       Stress in Pregnancy & Motherhood
                                                                            The nurse tries to
                                                                            make sense of his or
                                       This Glasserian grounded theory      her experiences
                                       study utilized volunteer and         through
Moral Reckoning in
                          Nathaniel, A purposive sampling to recruit a      remembering, telling
                                       sample of 21 registered nurses.      the story, examining
                                       Moral reckoning in nursing           conflicts, and living
                                                                            with the
                                        Therapeutic use of self with        Expert nurse's
Nurse As Wounded          Conti-O'Hare, addicted clients in early recovery. mutual health
Healer                    M              The Theory of The Nurse As Wounded patterning with the
                                        Healer                              client.
                                       Dreyfus model of skill
                                       acquisition and applied it to        Unites the practice of
Nursing expertise         Benner, P    nursing, with Lazarus and            nursing and the
                                       Heidegger. nursing expertise         patient’s perspective.
                                       and AU Benner
Nurse-expressed                        Uses Orlando's Theory of the
                          Olson &                                           Faith community, times of
empathy and patient                    Deliberative Nursing Process. Joanne
                          Hanchett                                          transition, public health.
outcomes                               K. Olson
                                       The pivotal role early                Protocols to help
                                       intervention therapy can play         health care workers
                                       in preventing later problems          assess infant
Parent-Child Interaction
                         Barnard, K    in behavior, cognition and            development and
                                       emotional development.                intervene to promote
                                       Parent-Child Interaction (PCI)        parent-infant
                                       Feeding & Teaching Scales             interaction.
                                                                             It is important to
                                       Links psychological processes and the nursing as it offers
                                       immune system.                        underpinning theory
PNI Nursing Theory        Bennett, M
                                       Psychoneuroimmunology and AU to support good
                                       Bennett                               caring and
                                                                             empathetic nursing.
                                       Using Colaizzi's methodology, a
                                       theoretical model of quality that Humanistic approach
Quality of nursing care   Larrabee J   provides a framework for           to improving patient
                                       understanding health care quality. satisfaction.
                                       AU larrabee and quality
Reimaging (body image     Norris, Kunes- Physical alterations in            Assist clients:
appearance or functioning             anticipate potential
                                        have the potential to                 needs or problems,
                         Connel, &      influence self-esteem. Reimaging provide information
disruption)                             after an alteration in appearance or  and support, and
                                        function involved 3 phases with       explore alternative
                                        assimilation, accommodation, and      problem solving
                                        interpretation                        strategies.
                                        Resilience is a four-dimensional Transform stressful
                                        construct consistent with the         experiences of
Resilience               Polk, L        simultaneity paradigm of nursing patients into
                                        science. resilience and theory and    opportunities for
                                        nursing                               increased growth.
                                        Extending primarily from the illness
                                        Constellation Model and Preserving Recovery and
                                        Self, a five-stage model, the theory rehabilitation may be
Responding to Threats to                focuses on the individual and how the
                                                                              used for
                         Morse, J       individual seeks self-comforting
Integrity of Self                                                             understanding and
                                        strategies to mediate the experience.
                                        Insight, Inference, Evidence, and     supporting patient
                                        Verification: Creating a Legitimate   responses.
                                                                               Understanding a
                                        A substantive theory of                client's experience
                                        restructuring identified three while attempting
Restructuring: An                       stages in the process of losing behavior change is
emerging theory on the   Johnson, R     weight. These stages and key crucial for the
                                        elements of the weight loss            development of
process of weight loss
                                        process are presented.                 interventions that
                                        Restructuring and emerging             address difficult and
                                        theory and weight loss                 costly health
                                        To provide appropriate health
                                        care interventions for                 Provide appropriate
                                        nontraditional mothers so              health care
Role Attainment          Mercer, R      they could successfully attain intervention for
                                        a strong maternal identity.            nontraditional
                                        Becoming a mother versus maternal role mothers.
                                        Self-control is a limited and Interventions should
                                        consumable resource much              be aimed at helping
Self Control Strength    O'Connell, K   like the strength of a muscle. quitters conserve
                                        Self-Control Depletion during Smoking their self-control
                                        Cessation                             resources.
Self-efficacy            Resnick, B     Self-efficacy expectations and Help motivate older
                                        outcome are not only                  adults to adhere to
                                        influenced by behavior, but           health care.
                                        also by verbal
encouragement, physiological
                                      sensations and exposure to
                                      role models. Barbara Resnick
                                      Using Martha Rogers' conceptual
                                      model and lifespan developmental          Human beings have
                                      theory to provide the conceptual          the potential to
Self Transcendence      Reed, P
                                      perspective on spirituality in            integrate difficult life
                                      Nursing. self transcendence and AU        situations.
                                        Discrepancy between                      Patient’s distress
                                        expected and experienced                 during and after
                                        physical sensations during a surgery or invasive
Sensation Theory        Johnson, J
                                        threatening experience will              procedures could be
                                        result in distress. Studies and their reduced by patient
                                        Hypotheses                               teaching.
                                                                                 Helping people
                                        Studies the power relationship           recover their
                                                                                 personal story of
                                        between nurses and the people in
Tidal Model             Barker, P                                                distress, as a first
                                        their care. Clarifying the Value Base of step towards
                                        Recovery                                 reclaiming control
                                                                                 over their lives.
                                                                                 Improvements in
                                        The theory explains how                  cognitive reframing,
                                        people construct meaning for cancer knowledge,
                                        illness events, with                     patient-health care
Uncertainty             Mishel, M
                                        uncertainty indicating the               provider
                                        absence of meaning.                      communication, and
                                        uncertainty theory and AU Mishel a variety of coping
                                        Accurate representation of the
                        Lenz, Pugh, complexity and interactive nature of Help patients to
Unpleasant Symptoms     Milligan, Gift, the symptom experience. The middle- better control over
                        & Suppe         range theory of unpleasant symptoms: their symptoms.
                                      an update.
Utilization of Health   Mikhail, B    A person will take a health-related Used with great
Belief Model                          action if that person: feels that a success for almost
                                      negative health condition can be half a century to
                                                                          promote greater
                                      avoided, has a positive expectation
                                                                          condom use, seat
                                      that by taking a recommended        belt use, BSE,
                                      action, she will avoid a negative medical compliance,
                                      health condition, and believes that and health screening
                                      she can successfully take a         use.
                                      recommended health action. Factors
                                      associated with breast self-examination
among Jordanian women.
                                    Conceptualized within
                                    Leininger's caring framework,
                                                                     Help to care for the
Vigilance (Nursing theory           this examines the experience
                          Carr, J                                    patient as well as the
of)                                 of family members staying at
                                                                     loved ones.
                                    the bedside of hospitalized
                                    relatives. vigilance and AU carr

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Middle Range Theory

  • 1. Horblit Health Sciences Library Nursing Middle Range Theory & Applications visit the Library for articles on these theories Middle Range Theory Theorist/s Idea Application Complementary Nursing Therapies for Pain and Stress: Acute Pain Management Relaxation and Music for Provide clinicians with (Adults) Postoperative Pain; Stress and prescriptions for pain Goode & Immunity; and Integrated reduction and a Moore Research Reviews. conceptual basis for pain interventions. CHANGE study Great Lakes GIT Assist nurses in managing Provide clinicians clinical pain and to expand with prescriptions for Acute Pain Management Huth & the knowledge and research pain reduction and a (Children) Moore base in children's pain. conceptual basis for pain interventions. Escape Artists Influenced by Roy’s adaptation Adaptation to Chronic model. Adaptation leads to coping Dunn, K Pain skills. Karen S Dunn Focuses on wholeness of person, Examines contemporary Advancing Technology, as influenced by technology. technology in mainstream Locsin, R Caring and Nursing health care and its impact Advancing technology, caring, and on the quality of that care. nursing Connecting with self-in-relation through intentional dialogue to Patient-centered dialogue Attentively Embracing Liehr & Smith create ease. as a means to finding Story solace. Attentively Embracing Story Provides framework for organizing observations of patient Behavioral systems and behavior, increasing consistency Increase interdisciplinary Auger, J and continuity of care. communication in nursing healthcare. A Patient classification system based on the behavioral system model of nursing Caregiver Effectiveness Smith et al. Influenced by Roy. Identifies Promotes proactive Model factors that influence patient and intervention for increasing caregiver outcomes when quality of life.
  • 2. technology is present. The Efficiency of Families Providing Ventilator Care at Home Grounded in a relational ontology Holistic, family-centered of being-in-relation, and a world approach in advanced Caring Theory Watson, J view of unity and connectedness caring. of All. Loving and Caring Nurses can plan Provides a framework for interventions that understanding and working with recognize it as a Eakes, Burke, people following a single or normal reaction, Chronic Sorrow & Hainsworth ongoing loss. promote healthy adaptation, and Middle-range theory of chronic sorrow provide empathetic support. As patients and families are strengthened by actions of nurses, Comfort Kolcaba, K. they can better engage in health Nurse-sensitive outcomes. seeking behaviors. The Comfort Line Health promotion and disease Model offers management strategies can improve opportunities for intensive Community Hildebrandt & outcomes through the development of education, assessment, self-care management, behavior Empowerment Persily intervention, and support change, and skill building. Domestic Violence and Pregnancy in Rural West throughout healthcare Virginia process. Specifies focus of inquiry and may thus lead to the development of Can affect how Conceptual Model for theories which will prove useful nurses care for Adam, E not only to nurses but to other patients in a time- Nursing health professionals as well. effective and cost- efficient manner. J Adv Nurs. 1983 Jan;8(1):41-5 Stresses teamwork, biocultural Helps the caregiver ecology and workforce issues, in provide culturally providing culturally sensitive and acceptable care that Cultural Competence Purnell, L competent care to improve client improves clients' outcomes. satisfaction and health status. Purnell's Model Deliberative Nursing Orlando, IJ Sees nursing as the means of Focuses on Process communication
  • 3. providing direct assistance to within the nurse- individuals to avoid, relieve, client relationship diminish, or cure the person's and identifies the sense of helplessness. validation process as essential to effective Ida Jean Orlando's Nursing Process nursing care. Theory Nurses alter the Expresses a new unifying idea environment so about the phenomenon of peaceful family would have Ruland & end of life for terminally ill the privacy with End of Life Care patients. Moore patient or so that various religious or Theory construction based on standards cultural customs of care could be enacted. Triangulation of Orem's self-care deficit theory of nursing, the trans- theoretical model of exercise Exercise reduces the Exercise as Self Care Ulbrich, S. behavior, and characteristics of a risk of cardiovascular population at risk for CVD. disease (CVD) and promotes health. Nursing Practice Theory of Exercise as Self-Care Protective factors Acute stressors, when help families survive Family Stress and LoBiondo- accumulated, could lead to family multiple contextual crises. stressors, and to Adaptation Wood, G competently parent ABCX Model of Family Stress (Hill) despite chronic and acute stressors. A result of studying the adaptation A personality resource comprising of response of (a) the commitment dimension, (b) individuals to chronic Health-related Hardiness Pollock, S. the control dimension, and (c) the illnesses such as challenge domain. The health-related hardiness scale and AU Pollock diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and rheumatoid arthritis. Heuristic device that encourages Can be used as a scholars to integrate variables that basis for structuring Health Promotion Pender, N. have been shown to impact health nursing protocols and behavior. Health Promotion Model interventions. Holistic self-care model Popkess- Uses Apter’s Reversal Theory as a Combines the (Weight loss) Vawter, S basis for cognitive restructuring to successful physical, identify negative self-talk that can cognitive, and lead to overeating. psychological essentials of healthy
  • 4. approaches for weight reduction as a Concept Analysis: Holism means of promoting weight control. To help female patients avoid the A new instrument to measure inner weight gain, strength in women with chronic depression, anxiety illness. Inner strength is defined as a and other issues that Inner Strength in Women Roux, G central human resource that promotes commonly occur well-being and healing. inner strength after cancer and AU Roux treatment and during treatment of other chronic illnesses. The model defines the May identify new interactive and collective determinants of contributions of a survivor, health-related family, and provider to behavior that can be adherence to protocols, targeted to protect Interaction Model Cox, C reduction of risk behavior, the health of and promotion of health- childhood cancer protective behavior. A Model of survivors and reduce Health Behavior to Guide Studies of their risk of late Childhood Cancer Survivors sequelae. Most useful to apply during nursing Provides framework to facilitate Interpersonal Relations practice in order to Peplau, MR nurse-patient interactions. Model understand nurse- Interpersonal relations and AU Peplau patient interactive phenomena. A theoretical explanation to account for the process of change; includes Help patients with chronic Learned Response to perceived severity of illness, illnesses learn to respond Braden, CJ Chronic Illness Theory limitation, uncertainty enabling skill, so that their health self-help and life quality. Overcoming outcomes improve. violence, depression and HIV Explains the mechanisms Explains why care is through which suffering the contextual affects an individual's sense framework through Mastery over stress Younger, J of community and which alienation is connectedness with others. reversed and Mastery over stress and AU connectedness Younger achieved. Maternal Identity Rubin, R The stages of MI are (1) Help patients adjust seeking safe passage; (2) to, endure, and ensuring the acceptance of usefully integrate the child by others; (3) health problem
  • 5. binding in or bonding with the fetus; and (4) learning to give of oneself. Stepping Up: What's New: situations. Stress in Pregnancy & Motherhood Readiness. The nurse tries to make sense of his or This Glasserian grounded theory her experiences study utilized volunteer and through Moral Reckoning in Nathaniel, A purposive sampling to recruit a remembering, telling Nursing sample of 21 registered nurses. the story, examining Moral reckoning in nursing conflicts, and living with the consequences. Therapeutic use of self with Expert nurse's Nurse As Wounded Conti-O'Hare, addicted clients in early recovery. mutual health Healer M The Theory of The Nurse As Wounded patterning with the Healer client. Dreyfus model of skill acquisition and applied it to Unites the practice of Nursing expertise Benner, P nursing, with Lazarus and nursing and the Heidegger. nursing expertise patient’s perspective. and AU Benner Nurse-expressed Uses Orlando's Theory of the Olson & Faith community, times of empathy and patient Deliberative Nursing Process. Joanne Hanchett transition, public health. outcomes K. Olson The pivotal role early Protocols to help intervention therapy can play health care workers in preventing later problems assess infant Parent-Child Interaction Barnard, K in behavior, cognition and development and Model emotional development. intervene to promote Parent-Child Interaction (PCI) parent-infant Feeding & Teaching Scales interaction. It is important to Links psychological processes and the nursing as it offers immune system. underpinning theory PNI Nursing Theory Bennett, M Psychoneuroimmunology and AU to support good Bennett caring and empathetic nursing. Using Colaizzi's methodology, a theoretical model of quality that Humanistic approach Quality of nursing care Larrabee J provides a framework for to improving patient understanding health care quality. satisfaction. AU larrabee and quality Reimaging (body image Norris, Kunes- Physical alterations in Assist clients:
  • 6. appearance or functioning anticipate potential have the potential to needs or problems, Connel, & influence self-esteem. Reimaging provide information disruption) after an alteration in appearance or and support, and Stockard function involved 3 phases with explore alternative assimilation, accommodation, and problem solving interpretation strategies. Resilience is a four-dimensional Transform stressful construct consistent with the experiences of Resilience Polk, L simultaneity paradigm of nursing patients into science. resilience and theory and opportunities for nursing increased growth. Extending primarily from the illness Constellation Model and Preserving Recovery and Self, a five-stage model, the theory rehabilitation may be Responding to Threats to focuses on the individual and how the used for Morse, J individual seeks self-comforting Integrity of Self understanding and strategies to mediate the experience. Insight, Inference, Evidence, and supporting patient Verification: Creating a Legitimate responses. Discipline Understanding a A substantive theory of client's experience restructuring identified three while attempting Restructuring: An stages in the process of losing behavior change is emerging theory on the Johnson, R weight. These stages and key crucial for the elements of the weight loss development of process of weight loss process are presented. interventions that Restructuring and emerging address difficult and theory and weight loss costly health behaviors. To provide appropriate health care interventions for Provide appropriate nontraditional mothers so health care Role Attainment Mercer, R they could successfully attain intervention for a strong maternal identity. nontraditional Becoming a mother versus maternal role mothers. attainment Self-control is a limited and Interventions should consumable resource much be aimed at helping Self Control Strength O'Connell, K like the strength of a muscle. quitters conserve Self-Control Depletion during Smoking their self-control Cessation resources. Self-efficacy Resnick, B Self-efficacy expectations and Help motivate older outcome are not only adults to adhere to influenced by behavior, but health care. also by verbal
  • 7. encouragement, physiological sensations and exposure to role models. Barbara Resnick Using Martha Rogers' conceptual model and lifespan developmental Human beings have theory to provide the conceptual the potential to Self Transcendence Reed, P perspective on spirituality in integrate difficult life Nursing. self transcendence and AU situations. Reed Discrepancy between Patient’s distress expected and experienced during and after physical sensations during a surgery or invasive Sensation Theory Johnson, J threatening experience will procedures could be result in distress. Studies and their reduced by patient Hypotheses teaching. Helping people Studies the power relationship recover their personal story of between nurses and the people in Tidal Model Barker, P distress, as a first their care. Clarifying the Value Base of step towards Recovery reclaiming control over their lives. Improvements in The theory explains how cognitive reframing, people construct meaning for cancer knowledge, illness events, with patient-health care Uncertainty Mishel, M uncertainty indicating the provider absence of meaning. communication, and uncertainty theory and AU Mishel a variety of coping skills. Accurate representation of the Lenz, Pugh, complexity and interactive nature of Help patients to Unpleasant Symptoms Milligan, Gift, the symptom experience. The middle- better control over & Suppe range theory of unpleasant symptoms: their symptoms. an update. Utilization of Health Mikhail, B A person will take a health-related Used with great Belief Model action if that person: feels that a success for almost negative health condition can be half a century to promote greater avoided, has a positive expectation condom use, seat that by taking a recommended belt use, BSE, action, she will avoid a negative medical compliance, health condition, and believes that and health screening she can successfully take a use. recommended health action. Factors associated with breast self-examination
  • 8. among Jordanian women. Conceptualized within Leininger's caring framework, Help to care for the Vigilance (Nursing theory this examines the experience Carr, J patient as well as the of) of family members staying at loved ones. the bedside of hospitalized relatives. vigilance and AU carr