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Michael J. Mangino
This ePortfolio documents the major deliverables I
created for the completion of Successful Teaching Online
Mentoring Program (STOMP) at Harper College. The
contents are as follows:
 Community-Building Activity
 Time Management Tip List
 Final Project: Lesson idea, assessment and rubric
developed using Backwards Design principles
 Final Reflections/Lessons Learned
 Share an asynchonous community-building idea on the Week 2
discussion board (Discussion board link below.) Through reviewing
the resources above, please come up with one community-building
activity that can be implemented in an asynchronous online learning
environment. This activity can be an icebreaker, but it can also be an
activity that makes sense later in the semester when relationships
have already begun to form. When sharing your idea, please include
the following information:
 Title
 Task
 Objective(s)
 Instructions
 How this idea builds community
Title: Cells at Work…Literally!
Task: Identify and equate cellular components to that of a modern day factory that
makes any product of the students choosing.
 Every cell in our body is an individual unit of life and are constantly at
work. One of the fundamental jobs carried out by cells is that of protein
synthesis. Relating complex content to knowledge that is more familiar can
help you to think critically about it.
 In groups of 3-4, work together to achieve the objectives by relating cellular
components to an everyday factory that makes an everyday product of your
choosing. With your group members discuss the steps necessary to make that
product from start to finish - here you don't need to concentrate on the fine
details of each step, but they should include basic aspects such as material
acquisition, waste management, power source, etc.
 To able to make the connections between activities of your factory make sure
that you identify all the components and their functions and look for similarities
between them and the functions of your factory components. Consolidate your
group ideas in a 600-800 word summary and be prepared to share your ideas
with the class.
 Identify cellular components
 Review the process of protein synthesis
 Identify how each component contributes to cell survival
 Describe the interrelation of cellular components
 Explain how cells differ from one another
 Explain how the structure of a cell membrane is related to its
 Explain how substances move into and out of cells
How this builds community:
This activity can build community within a class as it:
 serves as an ice breaker having students work in small groups in the first
few weeks of class.
 allows students to self-delegate responsibilities and equally contribute.
 is graded by me based using a formal rubric and it would also be
reviewed by classmates.
 allows students to contribute a wide range of creative ideas allowing each
student to form their own understanding and also have their own
understanding influenced by their peers' input.
 students are surprised by receiving a small amount of extra credit for
participating in successful completion of the assignment.
 Read through time management strategies for online instructors
from the University of Wisconsin-Stout.
 Create a time management tip list:
 Several methods are presented to more effectively manage time in an
online course, though they may also apply to a Face-to-Face class format
as well.
 The slides to follow presents the framework of the article and consists of
select methods from the article and methods I have utilized and built upon
over my years as an educator.
Handle it Once
 Carry out specific actions or requests of an email promptly to
alleviate the anxiety of having to remember to “do that later.”
 Separate student emails from other email received by creating
specific folders. Name the folders with a specific tag and create an
inbox rule that moves emails with that subject heading directly into
the folder. This prevents emails from getting overlooked and creates
separation of focus when responding to emails.
Handle it Once
 Crete email naming protocols that require students to use only a
school related email account to include specifics in the subject
heading; inform students that emails sent otherwise are likely to not
be responded to or may be marked as Spam by the email server.
 Generate meaningful feedback to students’ discussion posts to
encourage thoughtful participation. If a post is exemplarily, try to say
so citing specifics about the post that stood out. If a post needs
improvement, try to provide specifics about what the student can
improve on in the future.
Handle it Once
 Set aside time to grade assignments and provide meaningful
feedback. Or if it is more applicable to the assignment, grade them
as they arrive. Otherwise, grade assignments within a few days of
the due date, again unless prompt feedback is necessary to complete
other assignments.
 Be honest with students. Instructors are people too; our lives can
sometimes be just as hectic as students’ lives. If a life event is likely
to impact the ability to provide timely feedback, let your students
know. Give students a specific date when you project on being
caught up and maintain that commitment.
 Getting into a daily routine and having set ‘rules’ about eliminating
distractions is important. It is also important to allow yourself time to
do something besides meeting obligations.
Respond to Student Questions Efficiently
 Create inbox rules for student related emails also allows student
questions to be answered efficiently.
 Implement a ‘Q&A’ forum on the discussion board is a great way to
address common questions; chances are, if one student is asking
question, then most students are wondering about it as well. Plus
this provides a means for students to be independent participants in
the course.
Respond to Student Questions Efficiently
 Send relevant announcements. Be sure that the announcement
applies to the entire class and is noteworthy. It may even be worth
while to refer students to the ‘Announcements’ board at the beginning
of class the meeting after posting an important topic.
 Anticipate student questions. This allows you to create relevant
tutorials and demos ahead of time. However, simply doing so often
is insufficient, so be sure to let students know how to access such
‘Billable hours’ in e-Learning
 Make time count. Directing students to check the ‘Q&A’ forum
before emailing questions can prevent an influx of student emails
creating available time to take on more constructive tasks.
 Use keyboard shortcuts to help implement common functions when
creating documents; i.e. Cntrl + B = Bold type
‘Billable hours’ in e-Learning
 Set clear communication boundaries with students at the
beginning of the course. Posting communication guidelines along
with a schedule for availability can help students formulate the proper
expectations in regards to instructor communication.
 Provide an alternative means for communicating in case of
emergencies or a time-sensitive matter. Most Smart phones support
the ability to use Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) to make and
receive calls using a server generated number protecting the privacy
of both the student and the instructor; i.e. Google Voice
Get Organized
 Create a logical file folder hierarchy to expedite file access on your
home computer as well as within an online content manager such as
 Create an online calendar with deadlines and due dates that
students can quickly access.
 Avoid listing due dates within content descriptions to prevent
time consuming maintenance on course duplication.
Student Training Resources
 List available training resources that students can utilize to get
assistance using the required technology.
 Direct student questions to training resources to avoid taking on
the role of ‘IT-Helpdesk.’
 Create demonstration videos containing explanation of course
specific features and tools used; i.e. Blackboard Adaptive Release
This presentation showcases an assessment, rubric and
lesson idea created for my Introduction to Human
Anatomy and Physiology course. This culminating project
demonstrates my ability to apply Backwards Design
principles to lesson plan development. We were asked to
choose 1-2 learning outcomes that fulfill the goal(s) of an
existing course and then create an assessment, rubric
and lesson idea that align with those outcomes.
Course description:
This course provides an introduction to the structures and
functions of each major organ system.
The ultimate goal of the course is to describe how each
body system and its components contribute to
maintaining homeostasis by relating structure and
This portfolio contains a selected sample course outcome
used as the focus for the subsequent objectives,
interactive lesson, and assessments.
Course Outcome:
Describe components of the digestive system in relation
to their respective functions by analyzing the movement
of major food molecules from ingestion to absorption.
Assessments and Outcomes:
Through material presentation of the chapter content, students are given
information to construct a foundational knowledge base to summarize the
anatomical components of the digestive system and generalize the chemical
processes that lead to nutrient absorption.
Students are assessed in a variety of methods from multiple choice,
matching, and labeling questions. Students are also asked to write a
narrative that follows a selected food item from beginning to the end of the
digestive tract. Further, students are asked to investigate the dietary
components of several basic foods and integrate these findings by illustrating
how these nutrients are absorbed and incorporated into various body
systems. Then students are asked to reflect on the overall health impact
from eating insufficient and excessive amounts of their selected food.
Planning Form for Student Learning Objectives
Class Date: 5/01/2016 Lesson/Unit Title: Chapter 15: Digestive System
Learning Level Possible action verbs Student Learning Objective Activities/Techniques to Achieve Objective(s)
Knowledge Describe, Summarize,
Identify, Match, Locate,
- Describe the anatomical components of the digestive
- Identify histology of digestive components
- Summarize dietary components of basic foods
- Match location to each major food molecule breakdown
-Practice drills with flashcards
-Write ordering of components in sequence of digestion
-Draw components of the digestive system
-Depict breakdown of major molecules at each location
-Identify components on models and cadavers
Comprehension Explain, Identify, Locate,
-Classify type of digestion at each location
- Identify major food molecules digested and absorbed
at location
- Explain how histology of location relates to function
-Identify component location using medical terminology and
directional terms to a partner
-Identify component location by tracing out on your own body
-Compare and contrast mechanical vs. chemical digestion in
terms of process
Application Relate, Illustrate,
Demonstrate, Write
-Relate structures of digestive organs to their function -Write a narrative that illustrates the path the selected food item
travels and the fate of its components.
Analysis Diagram, Subdivide,
Categorize, Compare
-Group major organs of the digestive tract
-Compare structures and functions
- With a partner, reconstruct component organization from a
pool of individual plastinated model parts
Synthesis Construct, Write, Design Design a fictitious case scenario -In a small group, design a fictitious case study of a patient
complaining of abdominal pain using medical/directional
terminology and infer possible structures implicated in condition
The following rubric was designed to assess student demonstration of
competency of anatomical components and physiological processes of
the digestive system. The narrative assignment correlated with the
rubric targets use of Evaluation, Synthesis, and Analysis critical thinking
skills according to Bloom’s Taxonomy.
Grading Rubric for Digestive Narrative
Criteria Completely
Accurate (4)
Mostly Accurate (3) Mostly Inaccurate(2) Entirely Inaccurate(0)
All digestive components are
listed and correctly described
Most digestive components are
listed with few incorrect/incomplete
Most digestive components are
missing with few correct/complete
No evidence of achieved
All histological components are
listed and correctly described
Most histological components are
listed with few incorrect/incomplete
Most histological components are
missing with few correct/complete
No evidence of achieved
All anatomical functions are
listed and correctly described
Most anatomical functions are listed
with few incorrect/ incomplete
Most anatomical functions are
missing with few correct/complete
No evidence of achieved
All physiological functions are
listed and correctly described
Most physiological functions are
listed with few incorrect/ incomplete
Most physiological functions are
missing with few correct/complete
No evidence of achieved
Order The order in which structures
and function are presented is
completely correct
The order in which structures and
function are presented is mostly
correct with few items out of
The order in which structures and
function are presented is mostly
incorrect with few items in
No evidence of achieved
The lesson for this course outcome was designed based on the learning
objectives necessary to successfully complete the assessment created
by Backwards Design Theory
The lesson plan contains important chapter learning
objectives students will need to successfully complete the
associated assessment.
The lesson is presented as a self-paced slide show
segmented at the transition between learning objectives
using Soft Chalk web-based learning technologies. Each
segment contains brief, interactive assessment activities
used to check concept retention and comprehension.
Samples from a related chapter are presented in the
following slides.
I. Outline the general structure and functions of the
digestive system
II. Summarize the general structure and function of each
digestive organ
III. Relate the functions of structures associated with the
IV. Distinguish the structure and functions of the digestive
tract wall
V. Relate the structure and function of each digestive gland
to the process of digestion
VI. Explain how the products of digestion are absorbed
VII. Summarize the major sources of dietary carbohydrates,
lipids, and proteins
i. Describe the general structure and functions of the
digestive system
ii. Illustrate the location of each major organ of the
digestive system
iii. Describe the process of digestion and how it relates
to other systems of the human body
i. List the digestive system organs in sequence during
the process of digestion
ii. Outline the general structure of each major digestive
system organ
iii. Describe the function of each major organ of the
digestive system
iv. Describe the relationship between structure and
function of each organ
i. Describe the structure and function of the cheeks,
lips, tongue, and palate.
ii. Compare the processes of mechanical and chemical
iii. Discuss the relationship between mechanical and
chemical digestion
i. Discuss the general functions of the digestive tract
including how it moves food.
ii. Describe the four distinct layers of the digestive tract.
iii. Describe the lumen of the digestive tract
iv. Distinguish between circular and longitudinal fibers
v. Describe the process of peristalsis
i. Discuss the general function of the salivary glands.
ii. Describe the location and function of the parotid
glands, submandibular glands, and sublingual
iii. Describe the major components of gastric juice.
iv. Distinguish between chief cell and parietal cell
v. Locate the liver and pancreas
vi. List the secretions added to the digestive process by
the salivary glands, stomach, liver, and pancreas
i. Describe the mixing and emptying actions of the
ii. Explain how chyme is produced
iii. Discuss the role of the pancreatic enzymes
iv. Explain the functions of bile salts.
v. Give a summary of the major digestive enzymes
vi. Discuss the intestinal absorption of nutrients
i. Review the structure of the four major organic
molecule groups found in living systems
ii. Examine and compare the dietary contents of at least
four different basic foods
The assessment associated with this lesson plan utilizes
several different question formats from multiple choice,
matching, labeling diagrams, ordering/sequencing , and
Questions have been custom designed to assess
students’ critical thinking skills as well as content
retention. For more information regarding this component
of the assessment, please contact me at
The composition portion of the assessment targets
higher-order critical thinking skills of Analysis, Synthesis,
and Evaluation.
Students are asked to investigate the dietary components
of self-chosen basic foods and integrate these findings by
illustrating how these nutrients are absorbed and
incorporated into various body systems. Then students
are asked to reflect on the overall health impact from
eating insufficient and excessive amounts of their
selected food.
From the beginnings of my career as an educator, my teaching
philosophy has been to not only provide students a quality education,
but to inspire student curiosity while encouraging leadership skills and
peer cooperation. It has been my hopes that through practice of this
philosophy, I am preparing students to recognize and overcome
challenges faced with in their prospective careers. Through my years of
teaching experience, I have learned this is easier said than done in a
dynamically changing face of education.
Advancements in new learning technologies, internet accessibility, and
ready availability to a virtually unlimited number of resources are only a
few aspects leading to changes in the way students learn. More and
more significant changes are underway at the primary and secondary
levels of education.
Through many professional development experiences I have learned
how to supplement my pedagogy with technologies adapted to the
changing classroom. More importantly though, I have learned
classrooms are an evolving entity with the diverse culture that surrounds
it. By evolving along side it, I am holding true to my teaching

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Michael Mangino: e-Portfolio

  • 2. This ePortfolio documents the major deliverables I created for the completion of Successful Teaching Online Mentoring Program (STOMP) at Harper College. The contents are as follows:  Community-Building Activity  Time Management Tip List  Final Project: Lesson idea, assessment and rubric developed using Backwards Design principles  Final Reflections/Lessons Learned
  • 3. Instructions:  Share an asynchonous community-building idea on the Week 2 discussion board (Discussion board link below.) Through reviewing the resources above, please come up with one community-building activity that can be implemented in an asynchronous online learning environment. This activity can be an icebreaker, but it can also be an activity that makes sense later in the semester when relationships have already begun to form. When sharing your idea, please include the following information:  Title  Task  Objective(s)  Instructions  How this idea builds community
  • 4. Title: Cells at Work…Literally! Task: Identify and equate cellular components to that of a modern day factory that makes any product of the students choosing. Instructions:  Every cell in our body is an individual unit of life and are constantly at work. One of the fundamental jobs carried out by cells is that of protein synthesis. Relating complex content to knowledge that is more familiar can help you to think critically about it.  In groups of 3-4, work together to achieve the objectives by relating cellular components to an everyday factory that makes an everyday product of your choosing. With your group members discuss the steps necessary to make that product from start to finish - here you don't need to concentrate on the fine details of each step, but they should include basic aspects such as material acquisition, waste management, power source, etc.  To able to make the connections between activities of your factory make sure that you identify all the components and their functions and look for similarities between them and the functions of your factory components. Consolidate your group ideas in a 600-800 word summary and be prepared to share your ideas with the class.
  • 5. Objective(s):  Identify cellular components  Review the process of protein synthesis  Identify how each component contributes to cell survival  Describe the interrelation of cellular components  Explain how cells differ from one another  Explain how the structure of a cell membrane is related to its functions  Explain how substances move into and out of cells
  • 6. How this builds community: This activity can build community within a class as it:  serves as an ice breaker having students work in small groups in the first few weeks of class.  allows students to self-delegate responsibilities and equally contribute.  is graded by me based using a formal rubric and it would also be reviewed by classmates.  allows students to contribute a wide range of creative ideas allowing each student to form their own understanding and also have their own understanding influenced by their peers' input.  students are surprised by receiving a small amount of extra credit for participating in successful completion of the assignment.
  • 7. Instructions:  Read through time management strategies for online instructors from the University of Wisconsin-Stout.  Create a time management tip list:  Several methods are presented to more effectively manage time in an online course, though they may also apply to a Face-to-Face class format as well.  The slides to follow presents the framework of the article and consists of select methods from the article and methods I have utilized and built upon over my years as an educator.
  • 8. Handle it Once  Carry out specific actions or requests of an email promptly to alleviate the anxiety of having to remember to “do that later.”  Separate student emails from other email received by creating specific folders. Name the folders with a specific tag and create an inbox rule that moves emails with that subject heading directly into the folder. This prevents emails from getting overlooked and creates separation of focus when responding to emails.
  • 9. Handle it Once  Crete email naming protocols that require students to use only a school related email account to include specifics in the subject heading; inform students that emails sent otherwise are likely to not be responded to or may be marked as Spam by the email server.  Generate meaningful feedback to students’ discussion posts to encourage thoughtful participation. If a post is exemplarily, try to say so citing specifics about the post that stood out. If a post needs improvement, try to provide specifics about what the student can improve on in the future.
  • 10. Handle it Once  Set aside time to grade assignments and provide meaningful feedback. Or if it is more applicable to the assignment, grade them as they arrive. Otherwise, grade assignments within a few days of the due date, again unless prompt feedback is necessary to complete other assignments.  Be honest with students. Instructors are people too; our lives can sometimes be just as hectic as students’ lives. If a life event is likely to impact the ability to provide timely feedback, let your students know. Give students a specific date when you project on being caught up and maintain that commitment.  Getting into a daily routine and having set ‘rules’ about eliminating distractions is important. It is also important to allow yourself time to do something besides meeting obligations.
  • 11. Respond to Student Questions Efficiently  Create inbox rules for student related emails also allows student questions to be answered efficiently.  Implement a ‘Q&A’ forum on the discussion board is a great way to address common questions; chances are, if one student is asking question, then most students are wondering about it as well. Plus this provides a means for students to be independent participants in the course.
  • 12. Respond to Student Questions Efficiently  Send relevant announcements. Be sure that the announcement applies to the entire class and is noteworthy. It may even be worth while to refer students to the ‘Announcements’ board at the beginning of class the meeting after posting an important topic.  Anticipate student questions. This allows you to create relevant tutorials and demos ahead of time. However, simply doing so often is insufficient, so be sure to let students know how to access such resources.
  • 13. ‘Billable hours’ in e-Learning  Make time count. Directing students to check the ‘Q&A’ forum before emailing questions can prevent an influx of student emails creating available time to take on more constructive tasks.  Use keyboard shortcuts to help implement common functions when creating documents; i.e. Cntrl + B = Bold type
  • 14. ‘Billable hours’ in e-Learning  Set clear communication boundaries with students at the beginning of the course. Posting communication guidelines along with a schedule for availability can help students formulate the proper expectations in regards to instructor communication.  Provide an alternative means for communicating in case of emergencies or a time-sensitive matter. Most Smart phones support the ability to use Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) to make and receive calls using a server generated number protecting the privacy of both the student and the instructor; i.e. Google Voice
  • 15. Get Organized  Create a logical file folder hierarchy to expedite file access on your home computer as well as within an online content manager such as Blackboard.  Create an online calendar with deadlines and due dates that students can quickly access.  Avoid listing due dates within content descriptions to prevent time consuming maintenance on course duplication.
  • 16. Student Training Resources  List available training resources that students can utilize to get assistance using the required technology.  Direct student questions to training resources to avoid taking on the role of ‘IT-Helpdesk.’  Create demonstration videos containing explanation of course specific features and tools used; i.e. Blackboard Adaptive Release Rules
  • 17. This presentation showcases an assessment, rubric and lesson idea created for my Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology course. This culminating project demonstrates my ability to apply Backwards Design principles to lesson plan development. We were asked to choose 1-2 learning outcomes that fulfill the goal(s) of an existing course and then create an assessment, rubric and lesson idea that align with those outcomes.
  • 18. Course description: This course provides an introduction to the structures and functions of each major organ system.
  • 19. The ultimate goal of the course is to describe how each body system and its components contribute to maintaining homeostasis by relating structure and function.
  • 20. This portfolio contains a selected sample course outcome used as the focus for the subsequent objectives, interactive lesson, and assessments. Course Outcome: Describe components of the digestive system in relation to their respective functions by analyzing the movement of major food molecules from ingestion to absorption.
  • 21. Assessments and Outcomes: Through material presentation of the chapter content, students are given information to construct a foundational knowledge base to summarize the anatomical components of the digestive system and generalize the chemical processes that lead to nutrient absorption. Students are assessed in a variety of methods from multiple choice, matching, and labeling questions. Students are also asked to write a narrative that follows a selected food item from beginning to the end of the digestive tract. Further, students are asked to investigate the dietary components of several basic foods and integrate these findings by illustrating how these nutrients are absorbed and incorporated into various body systems. Then students are asked to reflect on the overall health impact from eating insufficient and excessive amounts of their selected food.
  • 22. Planning Form for Student Learning Objectives Class Date: 5/01/2016 Lesson/Unit Title: Chapter 15: Digestive System Learning Level Possible action verbs Student Learning Objective Activities/Techniques to Achieve Objective(s) Knowledge Describe, Summarize, Identify, Match, Locate, - Describe the anatomical components of the digestive system - Identify histology of digestive components - Summarize dietary components of basic foods - Match location to each major food molecule breakdown -Practice drills with flashcards -Write ordering of components in sequence of digestion -Draw components of the digestive system -Depict breakdown of major molecules at each location -Identify components on models and cadavers Comprehension Explain, Identify, Locate, Classify, -Classify type of digestion at each location - Identify major food molecules digested and absorbed at location - Explain how histology of location relates to function -Identify component location using medical terminology and directional terms to a partner -Identify component location by tracing out on your own body surface -Compare and contrast mechanical vs. chemical digestion in terms of process Application Relate, Illustrate, Demonstrate, Write -Relate structures of digestive organs to their function -Write a narrative that illustrates the path the selected food item travels and the fate of its components. Analysis Diagram, Subdivide, Categorize, Compare -Group major organs of the digestive tract -Compare structures and functions - With a partner, reconstruct component organization from a pool of individual plastinated model parts Synthesis Construct, Write, Design Design a fictitious case scenario -In a small group, design a fictitious case study of a patient complaining of abdominal pain using medical/directional terminology and infer possible structures implicated in condition
  • 23. Rubric: The following rubric was designed to assess student demonstration of competency of anatomical components and physiological processes of the digestive system. The narrative assignment correlated with the rubric targets use of Evaluation, Synthesis, and Analysis critical thinking skills according to Bloom’s Taxonomy.
  • 24. Grading Rubric for Digestive Narrative Criteria Completely Accurate (4) Mostly Accurate (3) Mostly Inaccurate(2) Entirely Inaccurate(0) Anatomical Structures All digestive components are listed and correctly described Most digestive components are listed with few incorrect/incomplete descriptions Most digestive components are missing with few correct/complete descriptions No evidence of achieved outcomes Histological Structures All histological components are listed and correctly described Most histological components are listed with few incorrect/incomplete descriptions Most histological components are missing with few correct/complete descriptions No evidence of achieved outcomes Anatomical Function All anatomical functions are listed and correctly described Most anatomical functions are listed with few incorrect/ incomplete descriptions Most anatomical functions are missing with few correct/complete descriptions No evidence of achieved outcomes Physiological Function All physiological functions are listed and correctly described Most physiological functions are listed with few incorrect/ incomplete descriptions Most physiological functions are missing with few correct/complete descriptions No evidence of achieved outcomes Order The order in which structures and function are presented is completely correct The order in which structures and function are presented is mostly correct with few items out of sequence The order in which structures and function are presented is mostly incorrect with few items in sequence No evidence of achieved outcomes TOTAL
  • 25. Lesson: The lesson for this course outcome was designed based on the learning objectives necessary to successfully complete the assessment created by Backwards Design Theory
  • 26. The lesson plan contains important chapter learning objectives students will need to successfully complete the associated assessment. The lesson is presented as a self-paced slide show segmented at the transition between learning objectives using Soft Chalk web-based learning technologies. Each segment contains brief, interactive assessment activities used to check concept retention and comprehension. Samples from a related chapter are presented in the following slides.
  • 27.
  • 28.
  • 29. I. Outline the general structure and functions of the digestive system II. Summarize the general structure and function of each digestive organ III. Relate the functions of structures associated with the mouth IV. Distinguish the structure and functions of the digestive tract wall V. Relate the structure and function of each digestive gland to the process of digestion VI. Explain how the products of digestion are absorbed VII. Summarize the major sources of dietary carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins
  • 30. Objectives i. Describe the general structure and functions of the digestive system ii. Illustrate the location of each major organ of the digestive system iii. Describe the process of digestion and how it relates to other systems of the human body
  • 31. Objectives i. List the digestive system organs in sequence during the process of digestion ii. Outline the general structure of each major digestive system organ iii. Describe the function of each major organ of the digestive system iv. Describe the relationship between structure and function of each organ
  • 32. Objectives i. Describe the structure and function of the cheeks, lips, tongue, and palate. ii. Compare the processes of mechanical and chemical digestion iii. Discuss the relationship between mechanical and chemical digestion
  • 33. Objectives i. Discuss the general functions of the digestive tract including how it moves food. ii. Describe the four distinct layers of the digestive tract. iii. Describe the lumen of the digestive tract iv. Distinguish between circular and longitudinal fibers v. Describe the process of peristalsis
  • 34. Objectives i. Discuss the general function of the salivary glands. ii. Describe the location and function of the parotid glands, submandibular glands, and sublingual glands. iii. Describe the major components of gastric juice. iv. Distinguish between chief cell and parietal cell secretions. v. Locate the liver and pancreas vi. List the secretions added to the digestive process by the salivary glands, stomach, liver, and pancreas
  • 35. Objectives i. Describe the mixing and emptying actions of the stomach ii. Explain how chyme is produced iii. Discuss the role of the pancreatic enzymes iv. Explain the functions of bile salts. v. Give a summary of the major digestive enzymes vi. Discuss the intestinal absorption of nutrients
  • 36. Objectives i. Review the structure of the four major organic molecule groups found in living systems ii. Examine and compare the dietary contents of at least four different basic foods
  • 37. The assessment associated with this lesson plan utilizes several different question formats from multiple choice, matching, labeling diagrams, ordering/sequencing , and composition. Questions have been custom designed to assess students’ critical thinking skills as well as content retention. For more information regarding this component of the assessment, please contact me at
  • 38. The composition portion of the assessment targets higher-order critical thinking skills of Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation. Students are asked to investigate the dietary components of self-chosen basic foods and integrate these findings by illustrating how these nutrients are absorbed and incorporated into various body systems. Then students are asked to reflect on the overall health impact from eating insufficient and excessive amounts of their selected food.
  • 39. From the beginnings of my career as an educator, my teaching philosophy has been to not only provide students a quality education, but to inspire student curiosity while encouraging leadership skills and peer cooperation. It has been my hopes that through practice of this philosophy, I am preparing students to recognize and overcome challenges faced with in their prospective careers. Through my years of teaching experience, I have learned this is easier said than done in a dynamically changing face of education.
  • 40. Advancements in new learning technologies, internet accessibility, and ready availability to a virtually unlimited number of resources are only a few aspects leading to changes in the way students learn. More and more significant changes are underway at the primary and secondary levels of education. Through many professional development experiences I have learned how to supplement my pedagogy with technologies adapted to the changing classroom. More importantly though, I have learned classrooms are an evolving entity with the diverse culture that surrounds it. By evolving along side it, I am holding true to my teaching philosophy.