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Final Version Dated November 8, 2013

Dr. Michael H. Yeager
“My 40 Day Journey”
“Our 40 Day Journey”
“A LifeStyle > > > > >”
40 Days
Friday, September 27, 2013 to Tuesday, November 5, 2013
A catalogue of the Facebook journal entries of Mike Yeager, pastor of Jesus Is
Lord Ministries, located in Cashtown, PA, on Route 30 near Gettysburg.
Prepared by:
James Barbush
Linglestown, PA 17112
Cell 717-514-5549

Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager
Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey

Page 1 of 85
Final Version Dated November 8, 2013

A unique, dynamic, preacher and pastor is Michael Yeager from Jesus Is Lord Ministries, located in
Cashtown, PA, on Route 30 near Gettysburg. In my experience, there are few who teach and preach like
Michael Yeager.
I became familiar with Pastor Yeager in 1989/90, when I was going through a “spiritual revolution” in
which I was learning what God can do with a single person in order to carry out His work. God uses men
and women to be involved in His work. Since, He is no respecter of persons, I was chosen to do a work
of His. But, enough on my experience then. I want to get to the journey that this paper reveals.
In the Summer of 2013, I was again connected with Pastor Yeager. Having listened to many of his
teaching tapes those 23 years ago in 1990, I was interested to see what he was doing today. I had looked
him up on Facebook and found a lot more of the type of preaching I was used to hearing from him. Then,
suddenly, on September 27, 2013, I saw Pastor Yeager’s open invitation for people to join him on what he
called, “My 40 Day Journey”. Below is the opening paragraph of his invitation. The full invitation
shown early in this catalogue of his journal entries posted on Facebook.
I would like to invite you to come with me on an exciting journey for the next 40 days. In over 38
years of ministry, I have seen God do wonderful, and amazing things. With all that God has done in my
life, in the natural I should be satisfied. But I Am Not! There is within me a hunger, and thirs t that is
overwhelming. I know there is so much more that God wants to do for all of us. But whether we know it
or do not, We Have Limited the Holy One of Israel! God is looking for those who are willing,
wanting, and hungering to die to self, that Christ might be magnified and manifested in the earth.

Further on in his invitation, Pastor Yeager laid out 8 scripturally based guidelines for the 40 Day
Journey, which you can read early in the catalogue of journal entries. On Day 11, Pastor Yeager wrote
what I can say are the desired results of following the guidelines. Here is what he said:
This is my 11th day on my 40 day journey. You will have to read the previous post to really understand
what this journey is all about. It's not about fasting physical food, but striving to give myself completely
over to God. This is an absolute necessity if we are to see a mighty move of the Holy Spirit that
brings conviction, healing, and deliverance. We must seek the Lord with all of our heart, soul, mind,
strength, and being, and then we will find him. Of course, we cannot come to Him, if the Father does
not draw us and call us.

I accepted Pastor Mike’s invitation to go on the 40 Day Journey. Since he proposed to come along
“in What Ever Way God would speak to your heart”, I chose to simply read the daily journal entries on
Facebook. I also determine to catalogue all the entries in one document.
I completed the 40 Day Journey with Pastor Mike Yeager. In this document you will find all the
journal entries by Pastor Yeager, and some by me. At the end of this document, you will find the results
of Mike Yeager’s journey and the results of my journey with him. I found that by simply reading the
daily journal entries, I was engaged, and thus I was changed through the journey. Thus, one of Pastor
Yeager’s goals was accomplished – “to possibly in some way help others in their endeavor to walk
closer with God.” This journey has helped me in my endeavor to walk closer with God.
I encourage you to read the journal entries and read the results. Carefully read the invitation with its
8 scripturally based guidelines. You can treat this as a daily devotional. You can connect with Pastor
Mike on Facebook (DrMichael H Yeager), friend him, listen to his messages (which are probably like
you have never or rarely heard), and read his entries. You can start doing your own journal entries.
For me, Mike’s “My 40 Day Journey” became “Our 40 Day Journey” and became “A Lifestyle”.
Therefore, I invite you, as Pastor Mike invited me and others, to go on this journey, and see your life
change . . . in a closer walk with God. Let me know you are on the journey.

Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager
Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey

Page 2 of 85
Final Version Dated November 8, 2013

I accepted the invitation from Michael Yeager to go along on a 40 Day Journey, a journey that
Michael called, “My 40 Day Journey”. During the journey, I discovered that it had become “Our 40
Day Journey”, a journey of all of us who responded to the invitation. I finished the full 40 days of the
Upon completing the 40 days, I suddenly noticed a difference in my atmosphere , how I was feeling,
what I was doing. I also noticed a sudden change in my wife, Yvonne. There was a countenance on her
that was very supportive and positive; not that she has not been, but noticeably more than she has been.
That change of her directly affected my countenance to her, also being more supportive and positive.
Yvonne mentioned that completing the 40 days of a fast or a commitment is necessary to realize the full
potential of why the sojourner entered the journey in the first place. The purpose of this journey was
“to possibly, in some way, help others in their endeavor to walk closer with God.” That goal appears to
have been attained for me and my family. Something is different. Something is just different. There
seems to have been some sort of release, a release from worry, a release into more trust in God. Though
physical conditions appear the same, there is not worry like there was before taking this journey.
In writing this testimony, I selected the word “sojourner” in the above paragraph to mean “one who is on
a journey”. Looking up that word, sojourner, I find that it means “a person who resides temporarily in a
place” ( Immediately I recalled the journal entry of Mike Yeager
on Day 35, where he said this:
What about my 40 Day Journey? Actually what I have done is taken the bull by the horns, and
decided 40 days is not enough. This must absolutely be a daily lifestyle until I breathe my last.
Once again, I set my heart to seek God. This Must Be a Lifestyle, and not just a 40 day journey!
Mike Yeager determined to go on a journey of a limited time, 40 days, and therefore, was going to be
sojourner residing temporarily in a place, or on a journey. Then, on Day 35, Mike determined that he
should not be a sojourner on a 40 day journey, but he should determine to have a lifestyle of setting his
heart to seek God, and do this on a permanent basis. He said, “40 days is not enough. This must
absolutely be a daily lifestyle until I breathe my last”. I agree.
It is good to be a sojourner going to a temporary place to accomplish a worthy task. But in this case, that
which was expected to be temporary has become permanent, even before the 40 days was finished.
I went through to the 40th Day to bring a certain closure for me and others who responded to the invitation
to take this journey. Though I also desire this to be a lifestyle for me and my family, but I also want to
complete this documentary of the journey for the full 40 days, and I have done so.
So, the journey, though planned for 40 days, continues beyond the 40 days. The sojourner, a traveler
temporarily in a place, has become a perpetual traveler, one who has a lifestyle and a philosophy
(a Christian philosophy for the believer).
Now get this. Another interesting definition discovered. A perpetual traveler is one who “lives in such a
way that they are not considered a legal resident of any of the countries in which they spend time.” As Christians, we are passing through this world
(a temporary place) and are citizens of another kingdom, God’s Kingdom. Thus, we are perpetual
travelers in this world.
Today does not have a number, but is another day of living a lifestyle of seeking God, endeavoring
to walk closer with Him. Though this world is a temporary place for us, His people, to sojourn, we are
perpetual travelers who will ultimately be with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, in His Heavenly Kingdom
perpetually (eternally). Would you like to take a journey?
Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager
Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey

Page 3 of 85
Final Version Dated November 8, 2013

DrMichael H Yeager
“My 40 Day Journey”
“Our 40 Day Journey”
“A LifeStyle >>>>>>”
Day 1.
Day 2.
Day 3.
Day 4.
Day 5.
Day 6.
Day 7.
Day 8.
Day 9.
Day 10.


September 27
September 28
September 29
September 30
October 01
October 02
October 03
October 04
October 05
October 06
October 07
October 08
October 09
October 10
October 11
October 12
October 13
October 14
October 15
October 16
October 17
October 18
October 19
October 20
October 21
October 22
October 23
October 24
October 25
October 26
October 27
October 28
October 29
October 30
October 31
October 31
November 01
November 02
November 03
November 04
November 05
November 05


Includes 8 Guiding Principles and Corresponding Scriptures

No Entry

Review 8 Guiding Principles and Scriptures

No Entry
No Entry

No Entry
No Entry
No Entry
No Entry
No Entry
No Entry
The Last Entry by Pastor Mike Yeager
Repentance Means Change Your Heart And Life
Endeavor To Be Like Christ, Not A Copy Of Someone Else
No Entry
No Entry
No Entry

Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager
Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey

Page 4 of 85
Final Version Dated November 8, 2013

DrMichael H Yeager
Journal Entry on Facebook
September 27, 2013, @ 9:08am near Gettysburg, PA ·

My 40 Day Journey
Day 1, Morning
Friday, September 27, 2013, 9:08 am
In over 38 years of ministry I have seen God do wonderful, and amazing things. With all that God has
done in my life, in the natural I should be satisfied. But I Am Not! There is within me a hunger, and
thirst that is overwhelming. I know there is so much more that God wants to do for all of us. But whether
we know it or do not, We Have Limited the Holy One of Israel! God is looking for those who are
willing, wanting, and hungering to die to self, that Christ might be magnified and manifested in the
2 Chronicles 16:9 For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew
himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him.
I'm inviting you to come along with me, in What Ever Way, God would speak to your heart. Maybe
it is simply to pray that Mike Yeager will die, that Christ might live. I'm using this journal as a
motivation to complete the journey. Not in any way, form, or fashion am I endeavoring to impress people
with my spirituality. I am hoping and praying, that maybe in some way my feeble endeavor will help
others see that it is possible for us to walk with the saints of old have lived and moved! I simply
realize that we desperately need a divine intervention of God in our generation like never before. I
believe scripturally biblically it has been promised to us. Let me once again state what the purpose of this
journal is for, to possibly in some way help others in their endeavor to walk closer with God.
There are a number of things that God is quickened to my heart, (by his grace and mercy) that
must be established on this journey. These are simply things that God is convicting my heart of.
#1. During these 40 days,
I must fast my words.
What does this mean? I must speak as little as possible. And strive only to speak that which God
quickens to my heart. Jesus said that He only spoke with the Father told Him to speak. Now I'm
not Jesus, but he is our example.
Mark 11:23
For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be
thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart,
but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall
have whatsoever he saith.

Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager
Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey

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Final Version Dated November 8, 2013
#2. During These 40 Days,
I must give myself as much as possible to the word of God, and prayer.
I must seek the Lord with my whole heart.
It cannot be a lukewarm, lackadaisical, or laid-back attitude. The violent take it by force!
Acts 6:4
But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word.
#3. During these 40 days,
I must cut off any knowledge, information, or unnecessary functions that would interfere with
my endeavor to draw close to God.
This does not mean that I ignore my necessary responsibilities or relationships.
James 1:21
Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive
with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls.
#4. During these 40 days,
I must determine in my heart to not grieve the Holy Spirit by speaking evil, thinking evil, doing
evil in any given situation.
Of course I realize that none of these endeavors can be accomplished within my flesh. But I must
completely give myself to trust and confidence in God. And the minute that I miss the will of God, I
repent, and get back up, and keep on going.
Ephesians 4:29 29 Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is
good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. 30 And
grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of
redemption. 31 Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil
speaking, be put away from you, with all malice:
#5. During these 40 days,
I must instantly (as much as lies within me) obey the leading of the Holy Spirit.
I must become sensitive to the word of God, the spirit of God, in His endeavors to reveal to me
His perfect will.
James 1:22
But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.
#6. During these 40 days,
I must with violent faith take a hold of the Divine Nature Of the Father.
I must yield myself to the fruits of the spirit, the character and nature Of the Holy Trinity!
Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness,
goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
#7. During these 40 days,
I will endeavor to bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.
Every emotion, attitude, response must be filled with the gentleness, humility, kindness and meekness
of Jesus. This must be a moment by moment endeavor. (Jesus please help me, for without you I can
do nothing!)
1 Peter 2:23
Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened
not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously:
#8. During these 40 days,
I must truly exercise faith in God, in Christ.
I must truly believe that God is going to reward this endeavor to draw close to him.
I must do these things in order to help others discover the amazing, awesome, and wonderful
things God has for those who seek him with their whole heart.
Hebrews 11:6
But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must
believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager
Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey

Page 6 of 85
Final Version Dated November 8, 2013
I will endeavor as the Holy Spirit moves upon my heart to share with you that which God is doing
every day. My heart is filled with great expectation, knowing in whom I believe. That surely rivers of
living water will come forth not because of my feeble efforts, but because of the great and precious
promises God has given to them who seek him with her whole heart.
Now - I truly believe that there are some of you as you are reading these words, that God is quickening it
to your heart to join me, as much as it lies within you. I believe with my whole heart that we are on the
edge of the greatest revival, awakening, movement of the spirit the world has ever known.
This journey began for me early this morning on September 27, 2007. This great endeavor, great
battle, great fight of faith has begun. May Christ now be exalted and all that we do and say, for the
glory of God the Father!
Luke 14:27-29
27 And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple. 28 For
which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he
have sufficient to finish it?29 Lest haply, after he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to finish
it, all that behold it begin to mock him.
James Eugene Barbush That's it! That is it! You have launched on the journey that will truly be
what Matthew 6:33 says. I have been wondering about this verse for many months now, wondering how God
wants us to put it into action, wondering if it can be done, wondering how to do it. It appears that you have shown
the way. ................. I wonder if He will give you a word to go catch a fish, take a gold coin from its mouth, and go
pay your taxes. Sounds possible. "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be
given to you as well." a few seconds ago · Like
James Eugene Barbush I am very much interested in what you are doing and very much wanting to
try and even approach doing what you are doing. I want to join you on this journey as much as I can.

I want to take your daily journals of this journey posted on FB and catalogue them, reading
them, and identifying significant points and events. I can share that result with you if you like.
I want to broadcast what you are do in this and other Social Media, in 2 ways, one with your
name and one without your name, to let people know that there is a way to put Matthew 6:33 into
who knows where this will go. It seems that this has come at a specific point in my life where I
have been seeking about what to do about Matt 6:33. This could be the answer to that seeking.
a few seconds ago
DrMichael H Yeager likes this.
DrMichael H Yeager Visited your sites.
agreement! 25 minutes ago · Like

From what i have heard and seen

James Eugene Barbush Thank you sir. I look forward to these 40 days.

We are in complete

24 minutes ago · Like

DrMichael H Yeager

Musings of a Christian SDV 0481 -yM9qmMrwciDpTbHNIHR_nUcPgAolCw&s=1

Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager
Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey

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Final Version Dated November 8, 2013

James Eugene Barbush shared a status. @ DrMichael H Yeager 6 minutes ago
Pastor Mike
Yesterday, I posted the below message and put it on various FB pages I am associated with.
Then today, I read you post about your 40 Day Journey. After reading your post, I put 2
comments to it. I think you have been led to something here that can change how we Christians
operate in this world, being in the world but not of it.
I find your journey to be quite stirring in me. I have been dwelling on Matthew 6:33 and
related verses for many months, and wondering how to put it into action. I think you have struck
on an answer......been led to an answer.
Here is a presentation I developed several months ago:
Here is my first effort to broadcast a message about Matthew 6:33:
Near as I can tell at this moment, since seeing your post at a little after 9 am this morn,
downloading it, reading it, cataloguing it, commenting on it, and posting this, and it's now
9:55 am, I am on board for the journey to be changed and become a bigger force on this
planet to bring forth His Kingdom in the here and now.
I look forward to reading your daily journals on this journey and becoming part in whatever I can.
Thank you.

James Eugene Barbush

19 hours ago

I have been trying to earn an income to supplement my retirement income, because I need to pay
my bills. I've been doing that for 3 years now. But I question, what does God mean by Matthew
6:33? "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to
you as well." Those things to be added relate to my economy, such as, what I eat, drink, and
wear. He tells me not to worry.
He also says that if we do not work, then we do not eat. So, we must work. Right? But what is
that work? What is that daily task He wants me to do to earn a living?
If I cannot gain a wage in the secular would, can I earn a wage in the spiritual world as a carrier
and broadcaster of the Gospel? Would seem so, if I did it right, if I heard Him right.
So, as I have applied for secular work, thinking that I should, I have also broadcast the things God
has said and shown to me, His truth.
It's time. It's time. It's time to broadcast more and more. The world is a mess and WE have the

Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager
Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey

Page 8 of 85
Final Version Dated November 8, 2013

My 40 Day Journey
8 Guiding Principles Of The Journey
There are a number of things that God is quickened to my heart, (by his grace and mercy) that must be
established on this journey. These are simply things that God is convicting my heart of.
#1. During these 40 days,
I must fast my words.
I must speak as little as possible
I must strive only to speak that which God quickens to my heart
Mark 11:23

For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou
removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall
believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever
he saith.

#2. During These 40 Days,
I must give myself as much as possible to the word of God, and prayer.
I must seek the Lord with my whole heart.
Acts 6:4

But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word.

#3. During these 40 days,
I must cut off any knowledge, information, or unnecessary functions that would interfere with my endeavor
to draw close to God.
James 1:21

Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with
meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls.

#4. During these 40 days,
I must determine in my heart to not grieve the Holy Spirit by speaking evil, thinking evil, doing evil in any
given situation.
Ephesians 4:29

29 Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good
to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. 30 And grieve not
the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption . 31 Let all
bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from
you, with all malice:

#5. During these 40 days,
I must instantly (as much as lies within me) obey the leading of the Holy Spirit.
I must become sensitive to the word of God, the spirit of God, in His endeavors to reveal to me His perfect
James 1:22

But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.

#6. During these 40 days,
I must with violent faith take a hold of the Divine Nature Of the Father.
I must yield myself to the fruits of the spirit, the character and nature Of the Holy Trinity!
Galatians 5:22-23

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness,
faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

#7. During these 40 days,
I will endeavor to bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.
1 Peter 2:23

Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not;
but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously:

#8. During these 40 days,
I must truly exercise faith in God, in Christ.
I must truly believe that God is going to reward this endeavor to draw close to him.
I must do these things in order to help others discover the amazing, awesome, and wonderful things God
has for those who seek him with their whole heart.
Hebrews 11:6

But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must
believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager
Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey

Page 9 of 85
Final Version Dated November 8, 2013

My 40 Day Journey
8 Guiding Principles Of The Journey
There are a number of things that God is quickened to my heart, (by his grace and mercy) that must
be established on this journey. These are simply things that God is convicting my heart of.
#1. Fast words.
Speak little as possible
Strive ...........................only to speak that which God quickens to my heart
#2. Give ..............................myself as much as possible to the Word of God and prayer.
Seek .............................The Lord with my whole heart.
#3. Cut off .........................any knowledge, information, or unnecessary functions
that would interfere with my endeavor to draw close to God.
#4. Determine my heart to not grieve the Holy Spirit
byspeaking evil, thinking evil, doing evil in any given situation.
#5. Obey ............................the leading of the Holy Spirit, instantly (as much as lies within me).
Become ........................sensitive
to the Word of God,
to the Spirit of God
in His endeavors to reveal to me His perfect will.
#6. Take a hold of ...........the divine nature of the Father with violent faith.
Yield .............................. myself to the fruits of the spirit, the character and nature of the Holy Trinity!
#7. Endeavor bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.
#8. Truly exercise in God, in Christ.
Truly believe .............that God is going to reward this endeavor to draw close to Him.
Do .................................these things in order to help others discover the amazing, awesome, and wonderful
things God has for those who seek Him with their whole heart.

#1. Mark 11:23 .................For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, be thou
removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall
believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever
he saith.
#2. Acts 6:4 ......................But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word.
#3. James 1:21 ..................Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with
meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls.
#4. Ephesians 4:29 .............Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to
the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. 30 And grieve not the
Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. 31 Let all
bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from
you, with all malice:
#5. James 1:22 ..................But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.
#6. Galatians 5:22-23 .......But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness,
faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
#7. 1 Peter 2:23 ................Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not;
but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously:
#8. Hebrews 11:6 .............But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must
believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

My 40 Day Journey
Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager
Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey

Page 10 of 85
Final Version Dated November 8, 2013

Other Recommended Scriptures
Mark Moore Scripture pertaining to #1(word fast)
John 5:19
John 5:30
John 7:18
John 8:26+28
Mark Moore Scripture pertaining to #1(word fast)
John 5:19
John 5:30
John 7:18
John 8:26+28
Mark Moore Scripture pertaining to #2 (word and prayer as much as possible)
M atthew 26:41
Luke 21:34-36
1 Thess. 5:17
1 Peter 4:7
Phillipians 2:16
1 Timothy 4:13+15-16
Joshua 1:8
Mark Moore Scripture pertaining to #3(cut off excess)
M ark 4:24
Psalm 101:2-3
M atthew 5:29-30
Galatians 5:9
Galatians 6:7-8
Mark Moore Scripture pertaining to #4(speak no, think no evil; grieve not the Spirit; get up when u fall)
James 4:11-12
James 5:9
Ephesians 5:15-21
Phillipians 2:14-15
Isaiah 58:9b-10
1Thessalonians 5:19
Proverbs 24:17-18
Proverbs 24:16a
M icah 7:8
DrMichael H Yeager keep them coming mark!
DrMichael H Yeager If you could print them out for me, with whole scripture for i can meditate, medicate on them!
Mark Moore Scripture pertaining to #5(obey the word and guidance of the Spirit)
Romans 8:8
Romans 8:13-14
Galatians 5:16
1 John 2:17
1 John 5:3-4
Acts 5:29
Hebrews 5:9
M atthew 7:21
M atthew 12:50

Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager
Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey

Page 11 of 85
Final Version Dated November 8, 2013

DrMichael H Yeager
Journal Entry on Facebook
September 27, 2013, @ 8:16 pm near Gettysburg, PA ·

My 40 Day Journey
Day 1, Evening
Friday, September 27, 2013, 8:16 pm
Great expectation is coming upon me like waves of the ocean. I truly believe that this is a divine unction that
is motivating me to seek the face of the Lord. I'm not crying out to God for personal gain, recognition, or power.
But my heart is filled with great compassion for the bride of Christ. The belo ved church of Jesus.
It Is Time, It Is Time, It Is Time for a mighty move of the Holy Ghost. I praise the Lord for the response’s I
have received from those of you who have said Yes, I will join you in this great adventure. The Holy Spirit has been
quickening my heart when it comes to this subject of trusting that God is more than able, to do exceedingly
abundantly, above all that we asker or think. God boldly declares that He will give us the desires of our heart, if we
seek Him with all of our heart. Come Holy Spirit pour out your grace and your power upon your beloved church
once again. When I am weak, then He is strong. God desires to do great and mighty things for us, if we would but
simply come to Jesus in faith, believing, trusting, and followin g him all the way. But faith without works is dead!
When Abraham had placed Isaac upon the altar, as he was lifting his knife to sacrifice his son, an Angel of the Lord
called out to him. Do not thy son any harm, because now I know of a surety that you trust me.
God requires us to prove that we mean what we say. He requires evidence of our faith, and active obedience, in
whatever He has called us to do. As we cry out to God for the next 40 days, with all of our hearts, let us believe for
a mighty outpouring. Not because we deserve it, or work for it, but because God desires it more than we desire it.
God is looking for those who are serious, desperate, hungry, thirsty, and will not take no for an answer.
When I used to be a pilot, I had a checklist that I worked off of before I took off down the runway to fly. I have
created this checklist for our spiritual journey in these
8 specific areas that God has quickened to my heart that I must do.
#1 Use ................................................godly wisdom for what I say!
#2 Give ..............................................myself to the word and prayer!
#3 Cut off .........................................all unnecessary information!
#4 Grieve not ..................................the Holy Spirit in any form!
#5 Instantly obey ...........................the spirit and the word!
#6 Violently take a hold of............the divine nature of God!
#7 Endeavor to bring .....................every thought captive to the obedience of Christ!
#8 I must truly walk faith in Christ, in His word, and not by my feelings or emotions!
By God's grace and mercy, and to the best of my knowledge, I have accomplished these things on day one.
From this moment forward until I go to sleep, I will continue by God's grace to follow this divine pattern.
I know from personal experience that this will open the door for God to visit me in visions and dreams, in the night
season. As the spirit of God speaks to me, I will share with those of you who are interested.
Do not think for a moment that because you have not yet joined, or you have failed in any of these areas that now
you can only be a spectator. I say unto you, if the spirit of God is quickening your heart, no matter if it's 40
days, or only one day, jump in, expecting God to reveal himself to you in ways you have not yet experienced
or even knew existed. Thank you for your prayers for me and others in this amazing journey.
James Eugene Barbush
On this first day, it is so easy to see how habits are in place that are in accordance with the 8 points.

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My 40 Day Journey
Review of the 8 Guiding Principles of the Journey
During these 40 days,
#1 Use ......................godly wisdom for what I say!
Mark 11:23 ...........For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou
removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall
believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have
whatsoever he saith.
#2 Give .....................myself to the word and prayer!
Acts 6:4 ................But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word.
#3 Cut off ..................all unnecessary information!
James 1:21 ............Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with
meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls.
#4 Grieve not ...........the Holy Spirit in any form!
Ephesians 4:29 ........29 Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is
good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. 30 And
grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of
redemption. 31 Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil
speaking, be put away from you, with all malice:
#5 Instantly obey ......the spirit and the word!
James 1:22 ............But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.
#6 Violently take a hold of

the divine nature of God!

Galatians 5:22-23 ...But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness,
faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
#7 Endeavor to bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ!
1 Peter 2:23 ...........Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened
not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously:
#8 I must truly walk .by faith in Christ, in His word, and not by my feelings or emotions!
Hebrews 11:6 ........But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must
believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

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DrMichael H Yeager
Journal Entry on Facebook
September 28, 2013, @ 7:32 am
Near Gettysburg, PA ·

My 40 Day Journey
Day 2, Morning
Saturday, September 28, 2013, 7:32 am
A little bit past midnight I finally fell asleep, and then I was awake once again at 5:45 AM . I joined the men at the
church for our regular 6 AM prayer time. There is growing within me a deep urgency, yearning to go much
deeper. I know within my heart that time is running out. Jesus said the time would come when we would not
be able to work. The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few.
God has given to me, and continues, the understanding of my weakness . That without Jesus Christ I realize
that I can do nothing. I'm talking about that which God himself would embrace. He has put these treasures in
earthen vessels that the Excellency of the glory may be of him, and not of us . He said that he will not share his glory
with anyone.
If we are to reach high, then our roots must be very deep. We must be rooted and grounded in the love of Christ.
I really believe that the Lord wanted me to keep this journal to help others. You see if I can be like that of an
experiment (lab rat), then others can have great expectancy. God is not a respecter of people, what he does for one,
he will do for others. If in my feeble attempt to take a hold of God that in order that he may take a hold of me and
this will bring forth his glory, then others will have great hope in God's mercy.
We have many powerful promises that insurers us of results .
It is the Father's pleasure that we bear much fruit.
He said call on to me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things which thou knowest not.
God is not a man that he should lie, nor the Son of Man, that he should repent .
Has he said it, and shall he not do it.
Has he spoken it, and will he not bring it to pass!
No good thing will he withhold from them that walk up righ tly.
Let us lay hold of these promises, by faith, knowing without a shadow of a doubt that God is for us .
He will give to us the early and latter rain.
My checklist is before me once again. May great things transpire through this day. Knowing in the home I trust,
and believe. Let us join our hands together as we cry out to our great King . May His will be done on Earth, as it is
in Heaven.
#1 Use godly wisdom what I say!
#2 Give myself to the word and prayer!
#3 Cut off all unnecessary information!
#4 Grieve not the Holy Spirit in any form!
#5 Instantly obey the spirit and the word!
#6 Violently take a hold of the divine nature of God!
#7 Endeavor to bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ!
#8 I must truly walk by faith in Christ, in his word, and not by my feelings or emotions!

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You and 17 others like this.

James Eugene Barbush We are reminded one again about truth: John8: 31To the Jews who
had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32 Then you will
know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” People are in desparate need of truth. It's conditional,
If/Then. If we do, we will. If we don;t, we won't. Standing with Mike today. Yesterday
7:55am · Like · 2

Arise and Shine - Steve Fry

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DrMichael H Yeager
Journal Entry on Facebook
September 28, 2013, @ 7:44 am near Gettysburg, PA ·

My 40 Day Journey
Day 3, Morning
Sunday, September 29, 2013, 7:09 am
Yesterday by the grace of God I maintained a continual attitude of prayer, meditation upon the
word. Later in the day something took place where I could have easily got into the flesh. Actually it
could have turned out extremely bad, but for the grace of God. I will not elaborate, but one of my
neighbors, who by his natural tendencies is very dangerous, became extremely aggravated at one of my
family members. I went to his house because I knew I had to deal with this. My daughter went along
with me to be a witness. When I arrived at his house, I could see he was extremely angry as he stood
outside. He actually had a gun strapped (a pistol) on his belt. I could see that he was looking for a
confrontation. When I got out of my truck, he headed straight towards me. I really believe he was
looking forward to an opportunity of having a fight. By the way, he is an undercover policeman.
I think he was completely surprised at my response to him. I truly believe the sweetness, and the love
of Christ came forth from my innermost belly. I absolutely had no fear, or trembling of what was about to
happen. A soft word turns away wrath. By the time I was done speaking, I saw his whole
countenance change . And actually as I went to leave, he thanked me for coming. Then he reached out
his hand to shake mine. I am trusting that God is dealing with his heart. I am hoping for his salvation.
I believe that I am on a great adventure, a wonderful journey. Already within 3 days the spirit of
the Lord is taken me in directions that I was not contemplating. He said that he would lead the blind
by a way which they knew not. He said that he would make the darkness light before them. I can truly
say this is what God is doing. Many times we have preconceived ideals of what it is that God wants to
do. But God has his own agenda, and plan. But His will be done!
As I was in prayer this morning with the men, the words sanctification, purification, separation
came to my heart very strongly. As I began to look these words upon my android, it became very
obvious to me, that this is exactly what God has got to do in us. That salvation belongs to those who have
said within their hearts “God I Am Yours”. We are called to come out of the darkness into his glorious
light. We are called to be in the world, but not of the world. And even as the book of Esther gives to us
and elaborate purification system for her to become the bride of the King, even so we are in a process of
being purified, for God's glory and honor.
The declaration of the true believer is this, I am yours Lord! I belong to you! Let your will be done,
and not mine! It must be a complete surrender of our lives over to Christ. Is this not death to self.
No longer I that live, but it is Christ lives within me.
And how is this accomplished? It is by us giving ourselves completely over to Christ and His word, in
thought, deed, and action. We are sanctified, purified, purged, consecrated, separated on to Christ
by the meditation and instant obedience to the word of God. There would be a wonderful
transformation as we completely yield and surrender ourselves to the mind of Christ.
Back in about 1981, completely without realizing what was happening to me, I stepped into this
sanctification, separation, dedication. I was in the process of leaving a church I was pastoring. In those
days there were no such things as the Internet. We did not have a TV in our house. I did not read the
newspaper, or listen to the radio. I simply gave myself to the word of God. I would get up early in the
morning, until late at night and just go over, and over Scriptures that I had written on large cards. It did
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not really seem to a great extent as it was changing my life drastically. Yes it was affecting me, but at the
time I did not realize to what extent. But on the night that I stood up to Minister at a Full Gospel
Business Men's Meeting in Belleville, Pennsylvania, something amazing happened. This is from our
book - Living in the Realm of the Miraculous!
We were preparing to leave the church that we had been pastoring for two years. Because the church
was bringing in new candidates for examination, they did not need me to preach the Word to them
any longer.
As a result, I was able to spend many hours memorizing and meditating on the Bible. A sense of
expectancy grew within my heart. I would walk the mountain behind our parsonage praying and
meditating all day long. This continued for a number of weeks. At the time, I did not realize that I
was about to step into a deeper realm of the Spirit.
My wife and I were scheduled to minister at a number of meetings, and I had been invited previously
to minister at the Mifflin Full Gospel Businessmen’s meeting located in Belleville, Pennsylvania.
We arrived right before the meeting was to start. As I sat at a table with my wife, I remember that I
felt no particular quickening of the Spirit of God on the inside whatsoever. One of the members of
the organization came over and asked me if I would like to pray with some of the members before the
beginning of the meeting. I consented to do so.
They were standing in a circle holding each other’s hands. I simply stepped into this circle and took
the hand of the man on my right and left. The men began to pray, and I prayed very softly, agreeing
with them. During this time of prayer I did not perceive in my heart that I should pray aloud. When
we were done praying, the man on my right, an older gentleman, stared at me. He said, “What in the
world was that?” I said to him, “What do you mean?” He said it was like a streak of lightning came
out of my hand, and up his arm, through his face. You could tell that something really radical had
taken place. I told him that I had not felt anything.
That was the beginning of an unusual night. This same gentleman came to me at the end of the
service, crying. He asked me to look into his eyes. I still remember to this day, his eyes were clear
and glistening. He said to me, “My eyes were covered in cataracts. The minute you touched me, the
cataracts literally melted right off of my eyeballs!” Thank you Jesus!
Right up to the minute before I opened my mouth I was not feeling a single thing spiritually.
However, the minute I began to talk, the river began to flow. I do not remember what I said, but I do
know I was speaking under a strong influence of the Holy Ghost. I flowed right into the gifts of the
Spirit after the teaching of the Word. A very precise word of knowledge began to operate.
I remember looking out over the people and beginning to call specific people out. Many of the
women and men appeared to be Mennonite or Amish.
I began to point to specific people, and call them to come forward. As they came, I would tell them
what it was that was going on in their bodies. When they would get within ten feet of me, they did
not fall forward or backwards, but just begin to crumple. I never have seen anything like it! It was
like they just simply, and very gently went down. As far as I know, all of them were instantly healed.
I do not remember laying hands on anyone that night. The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost were in the
This has been many years ago, and yet God is still the same. What He did then, He is still more than
willing and able to do today. But He is looking for those who will sanctify, separate, and
consecrate themselves to him! Will you be one of them, this is the question! Will I you be one of
them who is willing to come out completely from the world, and give myself 100% to Jesus Christ!
By God's grace may this be so!
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John Woolston Wonderful testimonies! Walking with Jesus is always an adventure!
about an hour ago · Like · 1

DrMichael H Yeager In the past, this same man had hit one of my tenants (a 50-year-old woman) in
the face with his fist, completely bruising the whole side of her face. He stabbed her dog three times
with a knife.
about an hour ago · Like

John Woolston Sounds like a nice guy! I have had very similar experiences with hostile people when I
watched them melt when I did not react, but rather took action by speaking to them and showing them
the love of God! It's called "walking in the spirit!" Love the post! Every Christian should read it and
learn from it!
about an hour ago · Like · 2

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DrMichael H Yeager
Journal Entry on Facebook
September 29, 2013, @ 4:33 pm near Gettysburg, PA ·

My 40 Day Journey
Day 3, Afternoon
Sunday, September 29, 2013, 4:19 pm
We had a wonderful move of God this morning. There was a real freedom in the spirit as sister
Mickey sang about the blood of Christ. Heaven came down, and glory filled our souls. As I opened my
mouth, surely the Lord was filling it. The joy, peace, and love that floods my soul at the revelation, I am
no longer my own. I am His and His alone!
Is this not sanctification, separation, consecration, dedication, and purification, as we give ourselves
completely over to Christ. Is He not coming back for a church that is consumed In Love for Him! Here
it is on day three, on this 40 day journey.
Amazingly, about two months ago, as I was preaching, a prophetic word came of my mouth. And this is
what I heard, “I the Lord would do a quick work. From the time it begins, until its completion will be
40 days. I will perfect my church.”
I do not believe that which I am experiencing right now is those 40 days that the spirit of God spoke of.
But I do believe that by the end of these 40 days my life would never be the same . I have consecrated
myself, and others are joining in every day. It is to be a 40 day journey of separation, consecration,
dedication, and peer (??) fixation. Even as Esther was purified through a lengthy process to make her
worthy of the King, so we are being purified by faith in Christ, by the Holy Ghost, by the spirit of the
living God, by the word of truth to be worthy of the King. Come all of those who are desperate, thirsty,
hungry, and needy. Give yourself to Him that gave His everything. Hold back no longer, would say the
Lord! You are mine and mine alone! Consecrate yourself unto me! Come out from the mist of the
wicked, those who do not seek for Christ. Come and drink from the well that never runs dry. Come
and eat from the flesh of the Passover lamb. Step into life, eternal life, immortal life, everlasting life
that never will end. What is it that the Lord would require for me to do you might ask? Simply die to
yourself, by giving yourself to him, spirit, soul, mind, and body! You will never regret it.
I have listed the 8 simple commitments that I believe will forever bring transformation to your life.
#1 Use godly wisdom what I say!
#2 Give myself to the word and prayer!
#3 Cut off all unnecessary information!
#4 Grieve not the Holy Spirit in any form!
#5 Instantly obeyed the spirit and the word!
#6 Violently take a hold of the divine nature of God!
#7 Endeavor to bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ!

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DrMichael H Yeager
Journal Entry on Facebook
September 29, 2013, @ 10:52 pm near Gettysburg, PA ·

My 40 Day Journey
Day 3, Evening
Sunday, September 29, 2013, 10:30 pm
Came from a powerful service tonight with brother Angel Perez. His sermon was on a good Samaritan.
Probably one of the best sermons I have heard him preach. The evidence of our love for Christ will be
manifested in our love for others.
Actually, I was prepared to minister tonight, forgetting that brother Angel would be with us. But it was
God ordained. After the service, I watched Heidi Baker minister live on the Internet. No matter what
anybody says, or thinks about Heidi and her husband Roland, they are doing an amazing job. Her main
message is loving God and loving people. It is evident in their lives that they do both of these things.
People are beginning to come to me expressing a desire to begin this 40 day journey. I believe it will
bring transformation. Amazingly this Scripture that has been quickened to my heart is Malachi chapter 3
verse 10.
Malachi 3:9 - 11
9 Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation.
10 Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me
now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you
out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.
11 And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your
ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the LORD of hosts.
I know this refers to finances, but if we were to convert finances into its rawest form, it would equate into
time, energy, and life. So, if we take 365 days of the year divide that by 10, it equals 36 days and a half.
Let's throw in an offering, making it 3 1/2 days more, which equates to 40 days that we could look upon
as our tithes and offerings.
So let's just say we do that. Give God 40 days of your life. Not go back, and take a look at what He said
would happen if we would bring in our tithes and our offerings.
10b Prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven,
and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.
11 And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your
ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the LORD of hosts.
I'm telling you, the spirit of God is really hitting me, as I'm sharing this with you. A couple of
months ago, as I was ministering to our local body, a prophetic word came out of my mouth. He said by
my lips, “In 40 days I will complete the transformation. I will purge, purify, sanctify, and cleanse my
church.” (This is basically the understanding I received it).

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I believe, with all my heart, that if you and I will completely commit ourselves to this 40 day
journey we will be utterly and completely transformed. I also strongly suggest you keep a journal of
this journey. Buy a notepad and begin to write down your thoughts every day. But you must take this
very seriously. This commitment that you are making to the Lord is holy unto God. We must be
sanctified, separated, consecrated, set apart in order to be purified during these 40 days. You must take
every one of these points very seriously. I mean, we must take it to heart! These eight convictions,
dedications, commitments are as follows:
#1 Use godly wisdom what I say!
#2 Give myself to the word and prayer!
#3 Cut off all unnecessary information!
#4 Grieve not the Holy Spirit in any form!
#5 Instantly obey the spirit and the word!
#6 Violently take a hold of the divine nature of God!
#7 Endeavor to bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ!
#8 I must truly walk by faith in Christ, in his word, and not by my feelings or emotions!
My heart is filled with great expectation for myself and those who will commit themselves to this 40 day
journey. I can hardly wait to hear your testimonies. Please share them with me on my Facebook page.
Blessings upon you, as you begin a 40 day journey, that will forever change your eternity!

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DrMichael H Yeager
Journal Entry on Facebook
September 30, 2013, @ 7:49 am near Gettysburg, PA ·

My 40 Day Journey
Day 4, Morning
Monday, September 30, 2013, 7:17 am
I fell asleep at about 12:20 AM, and woke up refreshed at about 5:45 AM. The Spirit of God, on this
fourth day of this journey, is truly quickening my mind. Scriptures that I memorized years ago are freely
beginning to flow within my heart and my mind freely. I truly believe that this 40 day journey that God
has set me upon can be used of the Lord to help many be transformed and forever changed. Sometimes,
or should I say many times, the enemy of our soul, the devil, will mess with our heads, telling us that God
will never use us, because who do we think we are?
But the devil is a liar, for you see, God is not a respecter people. He is simply looking for those who have
given themselves completely over to him. I am speaking about those who have renewed their mind by the
meditation of the truth, and bringing every thought captive and subject to the Lord Christ Jesus. In the
Gospel of John, Chapter 17, Jesus said, “Father sanctify them by and through thy truth, thy word is
truth.” God is desiring to open up the floodgates of heaven upon his people, you and me. But until we
are sanctified, cleansed, and washed by the washing of the Word of God, quickened by the Holy Ghost,
He cannot move upon us, transform us, change us into the radical people that He has designed us to be.
I challenge everyone to do a word study from the Old to the New Testament. There must be a purging,
sanctifying, cleansing, purifying work that is accomplished in our hearts and our minds, emotions,
desires, and attitudes. Before He will pour His fire into us, we must completely belong to Him. We must
be completely sold out, lock, stock, and barrel, from top to bottom, we must belong to Jesus Christ. Jesus
Christ Must Be Our Lord!
Oh Father, I pray that this revelation would come upon your people today.
Deuteronomy 8:3 And he humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with manna,
which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know; that he might make thee know that man doth
not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord doth man
This generation of the church has not yet come into the fullness of the revelation of the power of
God's word hidden in the heart and spoken out of the mouth of a sanctified vessel. But God is about
to once again exalt His Word (Jesus) in the earth. God's Word is about to be released upon the earth like
never before through the mouth of holy men and women. There is a remnant in the earth, those who truly
love Jesus Christ, the Father, the Holy Ghost, and the Word! And that word in their hearts and in their
mouth will be like a fire that consumes the stubble, and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces.
If you could just imagine that every Scripture that God has given to us is like an egg, a seed, which has
life within itself. And even as a mother eagle sits upon her nest of eggs, if she will sit long enough, keep
the heat applied, those eggs will begin to hatch. Baby eagles will begin to come forth, which as they
grow more mature, will become just like their mother. Even so, if we will hide the Word of God in our
heart, meditating upon it day and night, giving ourselves to the truth, being doers of the Word, and not
hearers only, the Holy Spirit will quicken the truth to our hearts and the fire will begin to burn.
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I want to challenge you today to begin to set aside the world, the cares and deceitfulness of riches, and
lust of other things. Take this 40 day journey into transformation. Give yourself completely over to God,
Prove Him and see if He will not do a mighty work in you, for you, and through you!
#1 Use godly wisdom with everything I say!
#2 Give myself to the word and prayer!
#3 Cut off all unnecessary information!
#4 Grieve not the Holy Spirit in any form!
#5 Instantly obey the leading of the Holy Spirit and word!
#6 Violently take a hold of the divine nature of God!
#7 Endeavor to bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ!
#8 Walk by faith in Christ, in His Word, and not by feelings or emotions!

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DrMichael H Yeager
Journal Entry on Facebook
October 1, 2013, @ 9:26 pm near Gettysburg, PA ·

My 40 Day Journey
Day 5, Evening
Tuesday, October 1, 2013, 9:00 pm
Once again I went to sleep a little after midnight, as I laid in the bed, I was meditating upon God's
word. The spirit of the Lord quickened my heart at about 5:45 AM to get up. I jumped up out of bed,
heading off to a time of prayer with the men in the church. The reality of Christ is becoming more
real to me every day. As I was praying in our sanctuary, the Holy Spirit began to deal with me
about really giving myself to the meditation of God's word. In the past 38 years, as I have given
myself to the word of God, meditating upon it, I have seen the Holy Spirit show up in powerful ways.
But in this time of prayer this morning, it was like the spirit was speaking to me, telling me he did not
want me to any longer mingle, or mix anything else with God's word. What I'm referring to is any
information that I really do not need. Let everybody else research politics, technology, useless
information, movies, and entertainment. I do not need to. I need to be in harmony and agreement with
God. There was a gentleman by the name of Smith Wigglesworth who also had this kind of radical
commitment. He had only a third grade education. When Smith got filled with the Holy Ghost, the
only thing he ever read was the Bible. As a result of this, and his doing nothing but giving himself
to nothing but the Bible, mighty signs and wonders followed him wherever he went, because God
Always Confirms His Word with signs following!
After prayer, I had to go to the Hershey Medical Center this morning, in order to minister to one of our
parishioners. All the way there I was listening to different books of the Bible, which I have memorized.
They were becoming alive to me once again. I did not go over these books just once, but over, and over,
and over. Before I ever got to the hospital, the Holy Spirit was moving in my heart in a mighty way.
After I had laid my hands upon the brother, believing for complete healing, I headed back home. All the
way home I continued in the meditation of the Scriptures. Truly the fire of God was burning in my heart.
This is only the fifth day of a 40 day journey, in which I believe it led into a lifestyle, that by God's grace ,
I'll continue in, until I meet Jesus Christ face-to-face.
I would like to share with you an experience that I had, when the spirit of the Lord had taken me down
this same path some years ago. But this time, by God's grace, I'll never back off!
In the summer of 1996, the spirit of God dealt very strongly with my heart, with the fact that I really did
not know His word. He literally told me that I was a favorite Scripture preacher. This so convicted my
heart that I shut myself up in my office for weeks on end, and all I did was memorize, meditate, and pray
the word of God. I have written about this to some extent in our book called “Living in the Realm of the
Miraculous”. During this time, I simply gave myself to the word of God. I did not just memorize it, but I
meditated upon it, by speaking it to myself over, and over again, very slowly. As I did this, it felt like
there was a fire shot up in my bones.

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David the psalmist and the king said: as I was musing, the fire burned! This is the Holy Spirit taking the
letter of the word, quickening it, and turning it into spirit. Many made the mistake of simply memorizing
the word of God, and not meditating on it, night and day. It would be like sticking the turkey into the
oven for Thanksgiving, but never turning the oven on to cook that big bird. Of course, on Thanksgiving
morning ,the house would not be filled with the wonderful aroma of the cooking turkey. When you sat
down to eat the turkey, it would be raw, tasteless, and not edible! I truly believe this is what's happening
in many pulpits today, we preachers are not meditating upon God's word. In order for us to present
a living word, it must be alive in us. There must be a fire burning in our hearts as a result of the
meditation of the Scriptures we have been pondering and musing upon.
I informed our congregation, and the local community that I was going to preach, and speak, and minister
on the book of James on Sunday night by memory. I think I gave everyone probably two weeks advance
notice. To my amazement, I think there was over 200 people who showed up. My wife and our worship
team ministered in music. And then we gave the announcements, received the offering. As I stood in the
pulpit to speak the word of God, the Holy Ghost rose up in me in a mighty way. Then I began to preach
underneath a powerful anointing of the Holy Ghost. In the gospel of Mark, the Scripture declares that
God confirms his Word with signs following. It did not take long time for me to go through the book of
James, even though in the midst of it, I was elaborating and exhorting. When I was done speaking, it was
moved upon my heart to give an altar call. What happened next actually surprised me. When I opened up
the altar, I think close to half of all the people that were there came running. I mean they literally came
running, with tears running down their face. It was an old Pentecostal Holy Ghost altar call. Now these
were not sinners, but saints, members of the local church. They fell at the altar, repenting and crying out
to God for mercy. It was the word of God quickened by the Holy Ghost, which first had to be quick
into my heart. After the service one of my elders approached me (Brother Richard) crying. He informed
me with tears rolling down his face that he had never experienced anything like this in all of this life,
where he had felt such conviction and moving upon his heart by the Holy Ghost. May we as ministers of
the gospel come back to the truth, of the power that is in the word of God, as we surrender, submit,
pray, and meditate upon the revelation knowledge of Jesus Christ!
DrMichael H Yeager and 16 others like this.
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Victor Easley You are probably the biggest influence in my life now, Pastor. Keep doing what
you're doing!
23 hours ago · Like
Omotayo Titilope Abundance God's word, the inexhaustible fountain of truth
22 hours ago via mobile · Like
Susan Waldrop amen. so true. The Lord has had me up every morning about 3am this whole
week listening to him. We were talking about the smell of fire in the church on the programs we were
taping yesterday. We were praying in the basement for hours every day when this began happening.
All the Holy Spirit wants is our love and separation to him.
16 hours ago · Like · 1

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DrMichael H Yeager

Glenda Clark amen. a powerful message
Journal Entry on Facebook
October 2, 2013, @ 8:55 pm near Gettysburg, PA ·

My 40 Day Journey
Day 6, Evening
Wednesday, October 2, 2013, 8:05 PM
All last night I kept falling in and out of sleep. I finally rolled out of bed at 5 AM to pray and meditate on
the word of God. And then I headed over to pray with the men at the church. There was great unction in
my heart as I cried out to God. It seemed like I was beginning the day in His holy presence. But then I
had to deal with the realities of life, and this is where the rubber meets the road.
There was a book written many years ago by a Catholic monk, by the name of Brother Lawrence. The
name of the book was called “Practicing the Presence of God”. The monk relates how he finally got into
a place where God's presence was more real for him during times of responsibility, physical labor, than
during his regular prayer times.
As I was communicating with other people through the day, I sensed a great deal of unsettledness in
many people's hearts. There are many today that actually are tormented even though they're born again
believers and are washed in the blood. I know I go through these periods. And yet the Scripture declares
that if our mind is stayed on him, which is Jesus Christ, we will have perfect peace. And this is a constant
fight of faith to keep our eyes are upon Jesus Christ, His will, and His word.
The parable of the sower spreading the seed of the word has been very strong in my heart for the
last day and a half. Some of the seed fell on the road, some on shallow ground, some among the thorns,
briars and weeds, and some in good soil. This is all symbolic of the word of God being sown into our
The word of God must be given the ultimate place of prominence within our hearts. When we allow
any other thoughts, ideals, philosophies, worries, or anxieties to dominate our thoughts, it literally
nullifies the power of God's word. It chokes the life and the power of God's word.
Here's an example :
We know that African elephants when they are mature are extremely large and powerful, but when
they are first conceived in their mother's womb, they are microscopic. That life that is in the
elephant’s womb must be fed and nourished. That life in that mother’s womb must grow until finally
the gestation time is finished and the mother gives birth to her little one. And even at that stage, her
calf must be fed, nourished, protected, guided, and taught. Eventually the little elephant will become
a giant of the jungle, but everything in its due season.
Even so is it with the word of God that is growing in the heart of a believer. You must protect
your heart for out of it flows the issues of life, as Jesus boldly declared. But once the word of
God and faith in His word becomes mature and strong, there is nothing that will be able to
stand against it. And this is the victory that overcomes the world even our faith, our faith in
Paul Gordon Collier Love brother Lawrence. .....significant book in my life

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DrMichael H Yeager
Journal Entry on Facebook
October 2, 2013, 8.32 am near Gettysburg

My 40 Day Journey
Day 6, Morning/Evening
Wednesday, October 2, 2013, 8:32 am
......... just a little story.
Basically I have not watch TV for almost 40 years. But it came into my head that I wanted to watch
ministers. So I signed up for the dish TV network. I sat back to watch some good preaching.
As I laid in my bed, there's this man who looked like he was an Asian came on. He began to preach on
the subject of grace. It was so convoluted, bizarre, and contrary to the context, that I sat there in unbelief.
He had masses and masses of people in his sanctuary. The more he talked on grace, the more sick I
By the time I got done listening to him, my heart was so heavy because
he was not calling people into God's divine character.
He was not calling them into repentance and holiness.
He was not telling them to take up their cross and follow Christ.
He did not tell him that we had to die to live.
That night I took a pair of wire cutters, and cut the line to the dish.
That has been almost 2 years ago. And then I found out members of our church loves this guy's teaching.
I could hardly believe it, after all I have taught based upon biblical principles for 30 years in this church.
This man's name was, Joseph Prince.
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20 people like this.
Paul Gordon Collier Scary

October 2 at 8:36pm via mobile · Like · 1

Prophetic Roundtable Exactly!
Gina Bradnam Good grief

October 2 at 8:37pm via mobile · Like

October 2 at 8:38pm via mobile · Like

Jeremy Jones distgusting October 2 at 8:48pm · Like
Margie Kline Thanks for calling it out. I had purchased his book but could not finish it. Equally alarming
are the other ministers that associate and have him minister in their church. Tbn does not count they will have
anyone including gaysOctober 2 at 9:01pm via mobile · Like · 4

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Sherry Primley I love it, and so does God when the TRUTH is spoken in love~ We all need to be
concerned about such falling away from God's word. Thank you Pastor for warrning the people, I pray they take
heed. October 2 at 9:15pm · Like · 2
Marjorie Grande Kantor strange this came up but I am glad it did, I see him preach on tv but always
change the channell...never listened to him, don't really know much about him...just didn't feel comfortable about
watching him........... October 2 at 9:51pm · Like · 3
Tammy Kinard-Byrge wow October 2 at 9:55pm · Like · 1
MaryAnn Fort spoken like a true shepherd protecting his sheep! Thank you for putting clarity on why it
always seemed to raise my "hackles" when I listened to him. Not many times to realize that I didn't need my
"hackles" up!October 2 at 10:53pm · Like · 2


Cathy Kryszewski-Stewart I felt the same way Marjorie Kantor! Never could watch him, didn't know
Yesterday at 12:58am · Like · 2

Johann G. VD Hoven Sad, heartbreaking and sorrowful isn't Micheal? That is the trend and the craving of
the hour as millions "need" to hear this kind of teaching and celebrate these type of polluted ideologies from the
mind of men. How greatly this stirs and fuels the hearts of those who are truly called and who in this hour stand in
the gap! How great the responsibility to sound the alarm and make sure that its sound is clear, one for all to hear!
May God give us wings in His Spirit to run as Elijah did, unrestrained fuelled only in His Power! Yesterday
3:45am · Edited · Like · 2
Resi Peterson His message is a great message and filled with truth...but no balance. Grace is there, his
name is Jesus Christ and He has made a way to come up to a higher standard of living. Moving on to that higher
standard is where Joseph Prince is unbalanced. Still God is using him to bring many into the Kingdom. The Holy
Spirit will bring them the rest of the way....
Yesterday at 6:33am via mobile · Like · 1
Doug Frano The grace message is so needed today but in fullness of truth and the balance of scriptures.
Not just a seeker friendly watered down, gutted of truth version, that gives people a license to keep on living in sin.
Yesterday at 7:20am · Like · 3
DrMichael H Yeager ........ I actually had a brother who has been in the church I pastor for many years tell
me: the reason why I like Joseph Prince is because he never makes me feel bad! Is that not what Paul told Timothy
would happen at the last days. They would preach a gospel that tickled the ears of the people. In Galatians chapter
1, Paul said if anybody preach any other gospel than that which they had preached. Let him be accursed!
Yesterday at 7:26am · Like · 6
Tammy Kinard-Byrge There does need to be a balance Yesterday at 7:26am via mobile · Like 1
DrMichael H Yeager ...........People who have embraced this false grace, have no fear of the Lord, no
holiness, no dying to self. Yesterday at 7:27am · Like · 2

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DrMichael H Yeager ........The Lord spoke to me many years ago, saying to me, if you preach a message,
with absolutely no warning, it is another gospel. Every epistle, and every gospel, and every book in the Bible, is
filled with warnings. Even Paul said to the church, I did not stop warning you with tears, for the space of three
years. He said: work out your own salvation, with fear and trembling!!!
Yesterday at 7:30am · Like · 3


Doug Frano The fruits of a ministry or a person's life tell us what they are listening too and connected
Yesterday at 7:31am · Like · 1

Resi Peterson In my experience, most ministries or ministers are out if balance, they are either leaning
heavy on Word, or heavy on Spirit. I heard The Lord say "I'm going to sandwich this nation in My Word and My
Spirit". That was 3 years ago, I am beginning to see the changes now. But we must be able to embrace each
other, some are stronger in one area of The ways of God and His truth than others. None of us have it all
together. Some are called to preach Grace others are called to Preach repentance, still others the constitution of the
Kingdom ( Torah ) . They all have their place and God uses them for His purpose. We must break down the walls if
our denominations and become the grafted in Bride that God originally intended.Yesterday at 7:46am via mobile ·
Like · 1
DrMichael H Yeager .......Dear Resi, let me share with you my thoughts. Back in the mid-70s I began to
hear this teaching that everyone in the body (that is the fivefold ministry) had specific things ever supposed to teach
on. For instance faith, deliverance, finances. In him realities....... you get the drift? but as the spirit of God began
have the memorize the epistles, and study the Gospels of Jesus, I discovered this was not God. If you will study the
epistles, they are not three point servant was. They of the amazingly cover much ground. From A to Z when it
comes to the will of God. For instance look at the epistles of Paul, he covers of massive amount of information in
Ephesians. Yes, he preached faith, but love, but obedience, but spiritual warfare, but the fivefold ministry, but
grace, but calling, but the power of God, but a ball all Jesus Christ. Do you know that it approximately 1,700
Scriptures in the New Testament, the writers spoke of Jesus in a personal way over 10,000 times! is time we begin
to disconnect ourselves from the philosophy that I am called only to Minister on one attribute of God, or one
dimension. Paul said I preached unto you the whole counsel of God! that is every ministers responsibility.
Otherwise we become totally on a balance, because most people have their favorite preachers. This is what has
caused such lopsidedness. Even when my children were little babies, we Rotating in their cribs, for their little heads
would not be lopsided. This belief that every one of us ministers are called only to Minister on certain aspects of the
Bible is truly of deception, that many have bought into. God has allowed me put together over 7,000 sermon
outlines. I cover close to 30 different subjects within the Scriptures. What a smorgasbord of truth is in the word of
God! in the Passover they were required to eat the whole lamb, every bit of him, from head to toe. This is symbolic
of what God requires us to do when it comes to his word! Yesterday at 7:58am · Like · 1
Resi Peterson Please don't get me wrong, I agree with you. I know that we as a whole are out of balance.
I am saying that the grace message is a great starting point for those who need God. They need that message. Then
The Holy Spirit will finish the work that was started in them. Just like He ( grace ) did for you and me, only then
can we move on to The ways of God. Yesterday at 8:04am via mobile Like 1
DrMichael H Yeager .........what is your definition of grace? It is Jesus Christ alive and living in me.
It is the divine ability to fulfill the will of the father. It is the Greek word charis, where we get our word
charisma, which is used in the supernatural gifts of the spirit. So you might say it's the supernatural enablement
of God, that is released and thus by faith, in Christ Jesus. Therefore it takes away all of our excuses for not being
able to do the will of God, in mind, word, deed and action! would you agree with this? but much of the grace I am
hearing now, his confused with the word mercy, or favor, or forgiveness. These are not the same! Yesterday
8:15am · Like · 1

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Resi Peterson For those who have been walking with God for years, Grace is Ezekiel 36:26-28. For those
who are just coming into the kingdom James 4;6-12 Yesterday at 8:27am via mobile · Like
Susan Waldrop Dear My Brothers and Sisters, I understand, being involved with media ministers in the
past, and also just regular ministers in the 90's I thought my heart was grieving but then realized it was the spirit of
God that was grieved. I interviewed one time a famous man, and his wife. Long story short is this, I scheduled an
interview because of his 'celebritism' thinking surely he must be a wonderful man with the Lord. 'WRONG'. Here
is the rest of the story in video I shared years ago, if you are interested of what GOD did and DIDN'T do. Shame on
me. I have seen so much in ministry working with these people, dreams of warnings for pastors which the Lord
showed me they would not and what happened? They lost the whole flock. one other pastor let an oak tree the Lord
told Steven and I to give him DIE, no WATER and it was a GIFT from GOD. I could go on and on but you get the
drift. So these other ones that are on television that are running in the 'A list' preachers are no way perfect. Few
pastors I know have the gift of discernment, fewer still are not afraid of prophetic people because they are afraid of
losing CONTROL..... so sad. Yet I am far from perfect, I cry out and pray I am doing the best I can. The devils are
attacking even so...... greater, yet GOD saves me ... I do not watch much Christian television, I try not to point my
finger even though my heart and spirit are grieved, I keep coming back to the scripture 'work out your own salvation
with fear and trembling'...... I do not understand why these preachers are doing what they're doing, I find myself
coming back to 'help them father, do whatever it takes to bring them BACK'.... I am rambling, here is the link, long
story short, I do understand, I have been around them, they are FAR from perfect., but I know I have things in my
own mind every day I must nail to the cross.. btw, Michael, I am finally post editing today 2 programs to get to you
for the schedule, shall I put them in dropbox and send you the link? Blessings all, in
His precious name.
Great segment
of how everything went wrong when Susan did an interview without
asking the Lord before she did it. What a lesson for us all.
Yesterday at
8:49am · Like · 2
DrMichael H Yeager Yes put them in drop box. email info!
Yesterday at 8:58am · Like · 1
Mary June Rockwell Once you have given birth to a child, when
does that child cease to be yours?? Yesterday at 9:03am · Like
DrMichael H Yeager That child never ceases to be yours, and that's what's frightening. Just read the
prodigal son. That father said his son was dead. Did you know in the genealogies that Adam is called the son of
God. That means that all the human race, our sons and daughters. But they must be resurrected after they've
committed sin. Yesterday at 9:06am · Like · 1
Errica Muriel With love and kindness has He drawn us.. Yesterday at 9:07am via mobile · Like
DrMichael H Yeager ..........the background, like the darkness of the heavens above for the stars glitter, is
the judgments of God. like I said, are you going to throw away possibly two thirds of the Bible? why do we not just
embrace all that God is? Yesterday at 9:09am · Like · 1
Ann Wolfrays People need to rightly divide the Word of Truth.Yes God is a God of grace ,but we are not
to take advantage of it.
22 hours ago · Like
Dan Todd Sr I know who you're talking thanks. I have really been blessed by your posts and
preaching...thank you!21 hours ago · Like · 1
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Dan Todd Sr I haven't watched TBN in years and years. A friend and I happened to be in Dallas for
business a couple of years ago and pulled into their parking lot. Wow...we both got sick to our stomachs and had to
leave. DARKNESS even in the parking lot. 21 hours ago · Like · 2
Enid Fye Crentsil Most worrying - 21 hours ago · Like
Elder Reginald Turner Hmm...thank you for sharing this. The Apostle Paul was known for
naming/marking those who made a mockery of the cross or hindered the Kingdom. Thanks for doing likewise! 20
hours ago via mobile · Like · 1
Jennifer Sin I am an Asian living in Singapore and I was saved thru Pastor Prince's New Creation church.
Subsequently, I was led to bring my family and some friends to the church and they too were saved. However my
message to them was and still the same today, that they are to follow the leading of God, not the church nor its
pastors. 7 hours ago via mobile · Like
Jennifer Sin I do agree with Reci that each church has its duties be it they lean too much on Word, Grace,
or condemnation, the Holy Spirit who is in us will finish the work.. therefore I am not too concerned about churches
or its pastors. I just follow His guidance.
7 hours ago via mobile · Like
Jennifer Sin Shortly about after a year into the salvation, I was led to another church, new season if
growth. I thank God for His churches which has fed me to be where I am with God today. Thank you Dr Michael
for your posts, perhaps we need you to pray for him and the flock. Singaporeans live alot under the law as its
government adopts Meritocracy in its governance. They need the grace message since most constantly feel
condemned, judged and stressed within. Perhaps Pastor Prince has gone too far...... 7 hours ago via mobile · Like

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DrMichael H Yeager
Journal Entry on Facebook
October 3, 2013, @ 10:35 pm near Gettysburg, PA ·

My 40 Day Journey
Day 7, Evening
Thursday, October 3, 10:09 PM
I was up early once again seeking the face of God. At about 6 AM, I joined the men at the church to pray.
During this particular time in prayer, the Lord kept bringing back to my mind, Scriptures dealing with
trusting Him, following, and obeying him.
Faith is the victory that overcomes the world. We are talking about a fight of faith, especially when
everything in your body and your mind is contradictory to what the word of God says. Yesterday the
enemy began to afflict my body, with congestion, head pressure, and throat irritation. This morning when
I was able to get up, it was compounded five times worse. When these things begin to happen I can do
one of two things, I can either give in to them, or rise up and resist it. That's exactly what I did this
morning. And I'm still doing tonight!
As I sit here sharing with you the seventh day of my journey, I do not feel at all spiritual. And if
you could see me, I do not look spiritual. But let God be true, and everything else a lie.
This 40 day journey is to be a time of giving myself completely to God, in word, deed, thought, and
action. I have not been completely successful, but thank God for the blood of Christ. This morning I
began to share a little bit of biblical truths on Facebook. I did receive all good responses, but some that
seem to be contrary to the word of God. Before I knew it the time was flying by as I was trying to share
biblical truths that could help people get set free from the false doctrines. Sometimes I do not know if
this is a waste of time or not.
One thing that is so evident today is that people have their favorite preachers. Even in the day that
Paul lived he said that people had their favorite ministers. He also said that they were carnal. I must
admit that I do have a favorite preacher. I just can't help it. I have decided to follow Him wherever he
may go. I actually worship the ground He walks on. He can do no wrong. Of course, I'm talking about
Jesus Christ. He is my only, and I mean only, favorite preacher.
We need to take a hold of Him, by faith, following Him, every day, wherever He may lead. This is
one thing I find very strange right now in the modern day church. You do not hear very many ministers
quoting the teachings of Jesus Christ. And yet his doctrines, and teachings, which came right from the
father, are the foundation upon which the church is built. He is the rock that the gates of hell will not and
cannot prevail against.
I see my utter and absolute need for more of Him, and less of me. He is and must be my all in all!
I remember as a little boy, reading a lot of comic books. All of these different superheroes were very
real and important to me. I remember my mom even making me a little outfit. It was a Superman outfit
that I would wear wherever I went. I can still remember the red cape with the big letter S on it, flying
behind me as I would run around the house, outside, and down the street. I'm sure that my neighbors
thought it was cute, but actually it was pretty stupid. There's something within the heart of man that
wants to look up to someone who is a hero.
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On February 18, 1975, I found my hero. I want to be just like Him, and I can be, because He lives
inside of me. His name is Jesus Christ, the King of kings and the Lord of lords. As I drink His blood,
and eat His flesh, I am transformed into His likeness and into His very image. This is what this 40 day
journey is all about. I want to be more like Jesus. I need a deeper revelation knowledge that Christ
Himself lives in me. Therefore, I have no excuse of why I cannot overcome the world, the flesh, and the
On the seventh day of my journey, I cry out to the one who's more than enough, to carry me across the
finish line, victorious. By God's grace, I will lay my head down on the pillow tonight, thinking upon my
hero, my Champion, my Lord, and my God, Jesus Christ. God has given me His word, that I can use it in
order to renew my mind and be transformed, so that I can prove to all what is the good the acceptable and
perfect will of God.
Let the journey continue!

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DrMichael H Yeager
Journal Entry on Facebook
October 4, 2013, @ 8:31 am near Gettysburg, PA ·

My 40 Day Journey
Day 8, Morning
Friday, October 4, 8:00 am
Through the night I was coming in and out of sleep.
God gave me a tremendous breakthrough when it came to the congestion that was in my chest and
head. I woke up with much relief. Thank God his word never fails. Yes I'm still walking out my
healing, it's mine, Christ took my sicknesses and diseases. I know, that I know, that I know By His
Stripes I Am Healed!
Had a wonderful time of prayer this morning with some of the men in the church. Every morning
we gather at 6 AM to pray crying out to God for the body of Christ. We are crying out to God for a
mighty move of the Holy Ghost, and the gathering of the harvest.
I used to be a fisherman in Alaska and off of the coast of Oregon and the state of Washington. In
Alaska when the salmon runs would begin it was the most amazing thing I
ever saw. One day you would see just a couple fins of the salmon going up
the river. But when you would get up the next morning all of a sudden all
you saw was the fins of hundreds of thousands of salmon headed up the
river, back to where they were spawned. I truly believe with all my heart
we are about to see this when it pertains to the harvest of souls of men
and women. The book of James chapter 5 boldly declares that the Lord of
the harvest is patient until he receives the early and latter rain. And because the Lord of the harvest is
patient, we must be also.
The Scriptures declare that they will begin to say where is his returning? They do not have the
revelation or the reality of what it is God is wanting and waiting for. And yes the tares and the wheat
have been growing together, the goats and sheep. But there will be a separation from the harlot church,
and the holy church. Those are operating in the love of money, and the pleasures of sin within the church,
and those who are simply loving, following, and striving to obey God.
It is the spirit of God that moves upon our heart to begin to fast, pray, seek God's face and meditate
upon his word. There is a gestation period where the life in the womb must grow, or the seed in the
ground must germinate. But in the appointed time it will come forth. What do we do in the meantime?
We keep pressing toward the Mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
We keep walking and living moment by moment in his divine will.
Today on this eighth day of my journey I just keep pressing in. I keep meditating, praying, and
renewing my mind, bringing every thought subject to the authority of Christ. Knowing within my
heart that within any moment, there might be a suddenly.
Sincerely: doc

Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager
Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey

Page 34 of 85
Final Version Dated November 8, 2013

DrMichael H Yeager
Journal Entry on Facebook
October 4, 2013, @ 10:30 pm near Gettysburg, PA ·

My 40 Day Journey
Day 8, Evening
Friday, October 4, 2013, 10:10 pm
Here it is coming to the end of my eighth day on this 40 day journey. We are not to be surprised at
the fiery trial which is about to try us, but sometimes we are. Jesus said do not worry about tomorrow,
because sufficient is the evil thereof today. Whenever you set your heart and your mind to go after God I
guarantee the enemy is going to be there to mess you up, or should I say try to mess you up.
I had the opportunity today to speak at our 10 AM service, and the 7 PM service. You see for over a year
now we've been having three services every day, not including our 6 AM time of prayer. I had to step in
to fill some empty spaces, but I'm not complaining. The Lord had me speak on the subject of sowing and
reaping. It is the law of Genesis!
Every seed will produce after its own kind, whether it be flesh or spirit. This law works whether you
believe it or not. In Galatians Paul said, whatsoever, yes whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also
reap. This law can either be a tremendous blessing, or a terrible curse. How do we sow seeds? By
everything we do, say, think, speak, respond, and in every regards. And yes, we will reap if we continue
in that process, whether it be on to life or be on to death! If you have been sowing seeds to the flesh, you
can repent, but you still have to deal with the repercussions. Here is a simple illustration, if you are
driving 45 miles an hour in a 25 mile an hour zone and the police officer catches you, most likely you still
will pay a fine.
Now you could be saying, Lord I repent, please forgive me! Yes, God does forgive you, but you still
have to pay the fine. Do you get that? You are forgiven, but there still natural repercussions to your
offense. That's why Paul says, be not deceived, God is not mocked, whatever we sow, we will reap.
Chapter 5 is speaking about the flesh and the spirit.
You might say, O but Pastor Mike do you not realize I'm a new creature in Christ Jesus. Okay, if you
are, you better live like it, because being born again does not exempt you from the law of sowing and
reaping. Give and it shall be given to you, good measure, pressed down, and shaken together. This
doesn't matter if it's flesh or spirit.
Help me Lord, on this eighth day of my journey, to have a revelation, a reality that I will reap
whatever I sow. And that you are a rewarder of them that diligently seek you!

Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager
Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey

Page 35 of 85
Dr. Michael H. Yeager - "My 40 Day Journey"
Dr. Michael H. Yeager - "My 40 Day Journey"
Dr. Michael H. Yeager - "My 40 Day Journey"
Dr. Michael H. Yeager - "My 40 Day Journey"
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Dr. Michael H. Yeager - "My 40 Day Journey"
Dr. Michael H. Yeager - "My 40 Day Journey"
Dr. Michael H. Yeager - "My 40 Day Journey"
Dr. Michael H. Yeager - "My 40 Day Journey"
Dr. Michael H. Yeager - "My 40 Day Journey"
Dr. Michael H. Yeager - "My 40 Day Journey"
Dr. Michael H. Yeager - "My 40 Day Journey"
Dr. Michael H. Yeager - "My 40 Day Journey"
Dr. Michael H. Yeager - "My 40 Day Journey"
Dr. Michael H. Yeager - "My 40 Day Journey"
Dr. Michael H. Yeager - "My 40 Day Journey"
Dr. Michael H. Yeager - "My 40 Day Journey"
Dr. Michael H. Yeager - "My 40 Day Journey"
Dr. Michael H. Yeager - "My 40 Day Journey"
Dr. Michael H. Yeager - "My 40 Day Journey"
Dr. Michael H. Yeager - "My 40 Day Journey"
Dr. Michael H. Yeager - "My 40 Day Journey"
Dr. Michael H. Yeager - "My 40 Day Journey"
Dr. Michael H. Yeager - "My 40 Day Journey"
Dr. Michael H. Yeager - "My 40 Day Journey"
Dr. Michael H. Yeager - "My 40 Day Journey"
Dr. Michael H. Yeager - "My 40 Day Journey"
Dr. Michael H. Yeager - "My 40 Day Journey"
Dr. Michael H. Yeager - "My 40 Day Journey"
Dr. Michael H. Yeager - "My 40 Day Journey"
Dr. Michael H. Yeager - "My 40 Day Journey"
Dr. Michael H. Yeager - "My 40 Day Journey"
Dr. Michael H. Yeager - "My 40 Day Journey"
Dr. Michael H. Yeager - "My 40 Day Journey"
Dr. Michael H. Yeager - "My 40 Day Journey"
Dr. Michael H. Yeager - "My 40 Day Journey"
Dr. Michael H. Yeager - "My 40 Day Journey"
Dr. Michael H. Yeager - "My 40 Day Journey"
Dr. Michael H. Yeager - "My 40 Day Journey"
Dr. Michael H. Yeager - "My 40 Day Journey"
Dr. Michael H. Yeager - "My 40 Day Journey"
Dr. Michael H. Yeager - "My 40 Day Journey"
Dr. Michael H. Yeager - "My 40 Day Journey"
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Dr. Michael H. Yeager - "My 40 Day Journey"

  • 1. Final Version Dated November 8, 2013 Dr. Michael H. Yeager “My 40 Day Journey” Became “Our 40 Day Journey” Became “A LifeStyle > > > > >” 40 Days Friday, September 27, 2013 to Tuesday, November 5, 2013 A catalogue of the Facebook journal entries of Mike Yeager, pastor of Jesus Is Lord Ministries, located in Cashtown, PA, on Route 30 near Gettysburg. Prepared by: James Barbush Linglestown, PA 17112 Cell 717-514-5549 Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey Page 1 of 85
  • 2. Final Version Dated November 8, 2013 INTRODUCTION A unique, dynamic, preacher and pastor is Michael Yeager from Jesus Is Lord Ministries, located in Cashtown, PA, on Route 30 near Gettysburg. In my experience, there are few who teach and preach like Michael Yeager. I became familiar with Pastor Yeager in 1989/90, when I was going through a “spiritual revolution” in which I was learning what God can do with a single person in order to carry out His work. God uses men and women to be involved in His work. Since, He is no respecter of persons, I was chosen to do a work of His. But, enough on my experience then. I want to get to the journey that this paper reveals. In the Summer of 2013, I was again connected with Pastor Yeager. Having listened to many of his teaching tapes those 23 years ago in 1990, I was interested to see what he was doing today. I had looked him up on Facebook and found a lot more of the type of preaching I was used to hearing from him. Then, suddenly, on September 27, 2013, I saw Pastor Yeager’s open invitation for people to join him on what he called, “My 40 Day Journey”. Below is the opening paragraph of his invitation. The full invitation shown early in this catalogue of his journal entries posted on Facebook. I would like to invite you to come with me on an exciting journey for the next 40 days. In over 38 years of ministry, I have seen God do wonderful, and amazing things. With all that God has done in my life, in the natural I should be satisfied. But I Am Not! There is within me a hunger, and thirs t that is overwhelming. I know there is so much more that God wants to do for all of us. But whether we know it or do not, We Have Limited the Holy One of Israel! God is looking for those who are willing, wanting, and hungering to die to self, that Christ might be magnified and manifested in the earth. Further on in his invitation, Pastor Yeager laid out 8 scripturally based guidelines for the 40 Day Journey, which you can read early in the catalogue of journal entries. On Day 11, Pastor Yeager wrote what I can say are the desired results of following the guidelines. Here is what he said: This is my 11th day on my 40 day journey. You will have to read the previous post to really understand what this journey is all about. It's not about fasting physical food, but striving to give myself completely over to God. This is an absolute necessity if we are to see a mighty move of the Holy Spirit that brings conviction, healing, and deliverance. We must seek the Lord with all of our heart, soul, mind, strength, and being, and then we will find him. Of course, we cannot come to Him, if the Father does not draw us and call us. I accepted Pastor Mike’s invitation to go on the 40 Day Journey. Since he proposed to come along “in What Ever Way God would speak to your heart”, I chose to simply read the daily journal entries on Facebook. I also determine to catalogue all the entries in one document. I completed the 40 Day Journey with Pastor Mike Yeager. In this document you will find all the journal entries by Pastor Yeager, and some by me. At the end of this document, you will find the results of Mike Yeager’s journey and the results of my journey with him. I found that by simply reading the daily journal entries, I was engaged, and thus I was changed through the journey. Thus, one of Pastor Yeager’s goals was accomplished – “to possibly in some way help others in their endeavor to walk closer with God.” This journey has helped me in my endeavor to walk closer with God. I encourage you to read the journal entries and read the results. Carefully read the invitation with its 8 scripturally based guidelines. You can treat this as a daily devotional. You can connect with Pastor Mike on Facebook (DrMichael H Yeager), friend him, listen to his messages (which are probably like you have never or rarely heard), and read his entries. You can start doing your own journal entries. For me, Mike’s “My 40 Day Journey” became “Our 40 Day Journey” and became “A Lifestyle”. Therefore, I invite you, as Pastor Mike invited me and others, to go on this journey, and see your life change . . . in a closer walk with God. Let me know you are on the journey. Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey Page 2 of 85
  • 3. Final Version Dated November 8, 2013 A TESTIMONY OF A SOJOURNER I accepted the invitation from Michael Yeager to go along on a 40 Day Journey, a journey that Michael called, “My 40 Day Journey”. During the journey, I discovered that it had become “Our 40 Day Journey”, a journey of all of us who responded to the invitation. I finished the full 40 days of the journey. Upon completing the 40 days, I suddenly noticed a difference in my atmosphere , how I was feeling, what I was doing. I also noticed a sudden change in my wife, Yvonne. There was a countenance on her that was very supportive and positive; not that she has not been, but noticeably more than she has been. That change of her directly affected my countenance to her, also being more supportive and positive. Yvonne mentioned that completing the 40 days of a fast or a commitment is necessary to realize the full potential of why the sojourner entered the journey in the first place. The purpose of this journey was “to possibly, in some way, help others in their endeavor to walk closer with God.” That goal appears to have been attained for me and my family. Something is different. Something is just different. There seems to have been some sort of release, a release from worry, a release into more trust in God. Though physical conditions appear the same, there is not worry like there was before taking this journey. In writing this testimony, I selected the word “sojourner” in the above paragraph to mean “one who is on a journey”. Looking up that word, sojourner, I find that it means “a person who resides temporarily in a place” ( Immediately I recalled the journal entry of Mike Yeager on Day 35, where he said this: What about my 40 Day Journey? Actually what I have done is taken the bull by the horns, and decided 40 days is not enough. This must absolutely be a daily lifestyle until I breathe my last. Once again, I set my heart to seek God. This Must Be a Lifestyle, and not just a 40 day journey! Mike Yeager determined to go on a journey of a limited time, 40 days, and therefore, was going to be sojourner residing temporarily in a place, or on a journey. Then, on Day 35, Mike determined that he should not be a sojourner on a 40 day journey, but he should determine to have a lifestyle of setting his heart to seek God, and do this on a permanent basis. He said, “40 days is not enough. This must absolutely be a daily lifestyle until I breathe my last”. I agree. It is good to be a sojourner going to a temporary place to accomplish a worthy task. But in this case, that which was expected to be temporary has become permanent, even before the 40 days was finished. I went through to the 40th Day to bring a certain closure for me and others who responded to the invitation to take this journey. Though I also desire this to be a lifestyle for me and my family, but I also want to complete this documentary of the journey for the full 40 days, and I have done so. So, the journey, though planned for 40 days, continues beyond the 40 days. The sojourner, a traveler temporarily in a place, has become a perpetual traveler, one who has a lifestyle and a philosophy (a Christian philosophy for the believer). Now get this. Another interesting definition discovered. A perpetual traveler is one who “lives in such a way that they are not considered a legal resident of any of the countries in which they spend time.” As Christians, we are passing through this world (a temporary place) and are citizens of another kingdom, God’s Kingdom. Thus, we are perpetual travelers in this world. Today does not have a number, but is another day of living a lifestyle of seeking God, endeavoring to walk closer with Him. Though this world is a temporary place for us, His people, to sojourn, we are perpetual travelers who will ultimately be with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, in His Heavenly Kingdom perpetually (eternally). Would you like to take a journey? Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey Page 3 of 85
  • 4. Final Version Dated November 8, 2013 DrMichael H Yeager “My 40 Day Journey” Became “Our 40 Day Journey” Became “A LifeStyle >>>>>>” Day 1. Day 2. Day 3. Day 4. Day 5. Day 6. Day 7. Day 8. Day 9. Day 10. Day11. Day12. Day13. Day14. Day15. Day16. Day17. Day18. Day19. Day20. Day21. Day22. Day23. Day24. Day25. Day26. Day27. Day28. Day29. Day30. Day31. Day32. Day33. Day34. Day35. Day35. Day36. Day37. Day38. Day39. Day40. Day40. Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Tuesday September 27 September 28 September 29 September 30 October 01 October 02 October 03 October 04 October 05 October 06 October 07 October 08 October 09 October 10 October 11 October 12 October 13 October 14 October 15 October 16 October 17 October 18 October 19 October 20 October 21 October 22 October 23 October 24 October 25 October 26 October 27 October 28 October 29 October 30 October 31 October 31 November 01 November 02 November 03 November 04 November 05 November 05 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 Includes 8 Guiding Principles and Corresponding Scriptures No Entry Review 8 Guiding Principles and Scriptures No Entry No Entry No Entry No Entry No Entry No Entry No Entry No Entry The Last Entry by Pastor Mike Yeager Repentance Means Change Your Heart And Life Endeavor To Be Like Christ, Not A Copy Of Someone Else No Entry No Entry No Entry RESULTS Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey Page 4 of 85
  • 5. Final Version Dated November 8, 2013 DrMichael H Yeager Journal Entry on Facebook September 27, 2013, @ 9:08am near Gettysburg, PA · My 40 Day Journey Day 1, Morning Friday, September 27, 2013, 9:08 am I WOULD LIKE TO INVITE YOU TO COME WITH ME ON AN EXCITING JOURNEY FOR THE NEXT 40 DAYS. In over 38 years of ministry I have seen God do wonderful, and amazing things. With all that God has done in my life, in the natural I should be satisfied. But I Am Not! There is within me a hunger, and thirst that is overwhelming. I know there is so much more that God wants to do for all of us. But whether we know it or do not, We Have Limited the Holy One of Israel! God is looking for those who are willing, wanting, and hungering to die to self, that Christ might be magnified and manifested in the earth. 2 Chronicles 16:9 For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. I'm inviting you to come along with me, in What Ever Way, God would speak to your heart. Maybe it is simply to pray that Mike Yeager will die, that Christ might live. I'm using this journal as a motivation to complete the journey. Not in any way, form, or fashion am I endeavoring to impress people with my spirituality. I am hoping and praying, that maybe in some way my feeble endeavor will help others see that it is possible for us to walk with the saints of old have lived and moved! I simply realize that we desperately need a divine intervention of God in our generation like never before. I believe scripturally biblically it has been promised to us. Let me once again state what the purpose of this journal is for, to possibly in some way help others in their endeavor to walk closer with God. There are a number of things that God is quickened to my heart, (by his grace and mercy) that must be established on this journey. These are simply things that God is convicting my heart of. #1. During these 40 days, I must fast my words. What does this mean? I must speak as little as possible. And strive only to speak that which God quickens to my heart. Jesus said that He only spoke with the Father told Him to speak. Now I'm not Jesus, but he is our example. Mark 11:23 For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey Page 5 of 85
  • 6. Final Version Dated November 8, 2013 #2. During These 40 Days, I must give myself as much as possible to the word of God, and prayer. I must seek the Lord with my whole heart. It cannot be a lukewarm, lackadaisical, or laid-back attitude. The violent take it by force! Acts 6:4 But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word. #3. During these 40 days, I must cut off any knowledge, information, or unnecessary functions that would interfere with my endeavor to draw close to God. This does not mean that I ignore my necessary responsibilities or relationships. James 1:21 Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls. #4. During these 40 days, I must determine in my heart to not grieve the Holy Spirit by speaking evil, thinking evil, doing evil in any given situation. Of course I realize that none of these endeavors can be accomplished within my flesh. But I must completely give myself to trust and confidence in God. And the minute that I miss the will of God, I repent, and get back up, and keep on going. Ephesians 4:29 29 Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. 30 And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. 31 Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: #5. During these 40 days, I must instantly (as much as lies within me) obey the leading of the Holy Spirit. I must become sensitive to the word of God, the spirit of God, in His endeavors to reveal to me His perfect will. James 1:22 But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. #6. During these 40 days, I must with violent faith take a hold of the Divine Nature Of the Father. I must yield myself to the fruits of the spirit, the character and nature Of the Holy Trinity! Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. #7. During these 40 days, I will endeavor to bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. Every emotion, attitude, response must be filled with the gentleness, humility, kindness and meekness of Jesus. This must be a moment by moment endeavor. (Jesus please help me, for without you I can do nothing!) 1 Peter 2:23 Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously: #8. During these 40 days, I must truly exercise faith in God, in Christ. I must truly believe that God is going to reward this endeavor to draw close to him. I must do these things in order to help others discover the amazing, awesome, and wonderful things God has for those who seek him with their whole heart. Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey Page 6 of 85
  • 7. Final Version Dated November 8, 2013 I will endeavor as the Holy Spirit moves upon my heart to share with you that which God is doing every day. My heart is filled with great expectation, knowing in whom I believe. That surely rivers of living water will come forth not because of my feeble efforts, but because of the great and precious promises God has given to them who seek him with her whole heart. Now - I truly believe that there are some of you as you are reading these words, that God is quickening it to your heart to join me, as much as it lies within you. I believe with my whole heart that we are on the edge of the greatest revival, awakening, movement of the spirit the world has ever known. This journey began for me early this morning on September 27, 2007. This great endeavor, great battle, great fight of faith has begun. May Christ now be exalted and all that we do and say, for the glory of God the Father! Luke 14:27-29 27 And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple. 28 For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?29 Lest haply, after he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to finish it, all that behold it begin to mock him. COMMENTS James Eugene Barbush That's it! That is it! You have launched on the journey that will truly be what Matthew 6:33 says. I have been wondering about this verse for many months now, wondering how God wants us to put it into action, wondering if it can be done, wondering how to do it. It appears that you have shown the way. ................. I wonder if He will give you a word to go catch a fish, take a gold coin from its mouth, and go pay your taxes. Sounds possible. "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." a few seconds ago · Like James Eugene Barbush I am very much interested in what you are doing and very much wanting to try and even approach doing what you are doing. I want to join you on this journey as much as I can. FIRST, I want to take your daily journals of this journey posted on FB and catalogue them, reading them, and identifying significant points and events. I can share that result with you if you like. SECOND, I want to broadcast what you are do in this and other Social Media, in 2 ways, one with your name and one without your name, to let people know that there is a way to put Matthew 6:33 into action. THIRD, who knows where this will go. It seems that this has come at a specific point in my life where I have been seeking about what to do about Matt 6:33. This could be the answer to that seeking. a few seconds ago DrMichael H Yeager likes this. DrMichael H Yeager Visited your sites. agreement! 25 minutes ago · Like From what i have heard and seen James Eugene Barbush Thank you sir. I look forward to these 40 days. We are in complete 24 minutes ago · Like DrMichael H Yeager Musings of a Christian SDV 0481 -yM9qmMrwciDpTbHNIHR_nUcPgAolCw&s=1 Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey Page 7 of 85
  • 8. Final Version Dated November 8, 2013 James Eugene Barbush shared a status. @ DrMichael H Yeager 6 minutes ago Pastor Mike Yesterday, I posted the below message and put it on various FB pages I am associated with. Then today, I read you post about your 40 Day Journey. After reading your post, I put 2 comments to it. I think you have been led to something here that can change how we Christians operate in this world, being in the world but not of it. I find your journey to be quite stirring in me. I have been dwelling on Matthew 6:33 and related verses for many months, and wondering how to put it into action. I think you have struck on an answer......been led to an answer. Here is a presentation I developed several months ago: Here is my first effort to broadcast a message about Matthew 6:33: Near as I can tell at this moment, since seeing your post at a little after 9 am this morn, downloading it, reading it, cataloguing it, commenting on it, and posting this, and it's now 9:55 am, I am on board for the journey to be changed and become a bigger force on this planet to bring forth His Kingdom in the here and now. I look forward to reading your daily journals on this journey and becoming part in whatever I can. Thank you. James Eugene Barbush 19 hours ago WHAT TO DO? WHAT TO DO? I have been trying to earn an income to supplement my retirement income, because I need to pay my bills. I've been doing that for 3 years now. But I question, what does God mean by Matthew 6:33? "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Those things to be added relate to my economy, such as, what I eat, drink, and wear. He tells me not to worry. He also says that if we do not work, then we do not eat. So, we must work. Right? But what is that work? What is that daily task He wants me to do to earn a living? If I cannot gain a wage in the secular would, can I earn a wage in the spiritual world as a carrier and broadcaster of the Gospel? Would seem so, if I did it right, if I heard Him right. So, as I have applied for secular work, thinking that I should, I have also broadcast the things God has said and shown to me, His truth. It's time. It's time. It's time to broadcast more and more. The world is a mess and WE have the answers. Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey Page 8 of 85
  • 9. Final Version Dated November 8, 2013 My 40 Day Journey 8 Guiding Principles Of The Journey There are a number of things that God is quickened to my heart, (by his grace and mercy) that must be established on this journey. These are simply things that God is convicting my heart of. #1. During these 40 days, I must fast my words. I must speak as little as possible I must strive only to speak that which God quickens to my heart Mark 11:23 For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. #2. During These 40 Days, I must give myself as much as possible to the word of God, and prayer. I must seek the Lord with my whole heart. Acts 6:4 But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word. #3. During these 40 days, I must cut off any knowledge, information, or unnecessary functions that would interfere with my endeavor to draw close to God. James 1:21 Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls. #4. During these 40 days, I must determine in my heart to not grieve the Holy Spirit by speaking evil, thinking evil, doing evil in any given situation. Ephesians 4:29 29 Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. 30 And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption . 31 Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: #5. During these 40 days, I must instantly (as much as lies within me) obey the leading of the Holy Spirit. I must become sensitive to the word of God, the spirit of God, in His endeavors to reveal to me His perfect will. James 1:22 But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. #6. During these 40 days, I must with violent faith take a hold of the Divine Nature Of the Father. I must yield myself to the fruits of the spirit, the character and nature Of the Holy Trinity! Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. #7. During these 40 days, I will endeavor to bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. 1 Peter 2:23 Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously: #8. During these 40 days, I must truly exercise faith in God, in Christ. I must truly believe that God is going to reward this endeavor to draw close to him. I must do these things in order to help others discover the amazing, awesome, and wonderful things God has for those who seek him with their whole heart. Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey Page 9 of 85
  • 10. Final Version Dated November 8, 2013 My 40 Day Journey 8 Guiding Principles Of The Journey There are a number of things that God is quickened to my heart, (by his grace and mercy) that must be established on this journey. These are simply things that God is convicting my heart of. DURING THESE 40 DAYS, I MUST #1. Fast words. Speak little as possible Strive ...........................only to speak that which God quickens to my heart #2. Give ..............................myself as much as possible to the Word of God and prayer. Seek .............................The Lord with my whole heart. #3. Cut off .........................any knowledge, information, or unnecessary functions that would interfere with my endeavor to draw close to God. #4. Determine my heart to not grieve the Holy Spirit byspeaking evil, thinking evil, doing evil in any given situation. #5. Obey ............................the leading of the Holy Spirit, instantly (as much as lies within me). Become ........................sensitive to the Word of God, to the Spirit of God in His endeavors to reveal to me His perfect will. #6. Take a hold of ...........the divine nature of the Father with violent faith. Yield .............................. myself to the fruits of the spirit, the character and nature of the Holy Trinity! #7. Endeavor bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. #8. Truly exercise in God, in Christ. Truly believe .............that God is going to reward this endeavor to draw close to Him. Do .................................these things in order to help others discover the amazing, awesome, and wonderful things God has for those who seek Him with their whole heart. SUPPORTING SCRIPTURES #1. Mark 11:23 .................For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. #2. Acts 6:4 ......................But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word. #3. James 1:21 ..................Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls. #4. Ephesians 4:29 .............Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. 30 And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. 31 Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: #5. James 1:22 ..................But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. #6. Galatians 5:22-23 .......But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. #7. 1 Peter 2:23 ................Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously: #8. Hebrews 11:6 .............But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. My 40 Day Journey Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey Page 10 of 85
  • 11. Final Version Dated November 8, 2013 Other Recommended Scriptures Mark Moore Scripture pertaining to #1(word fast) John 5:19 John 5:30 John 7:18 John 8:26+28 Mark Moore Scripture pertaining to #1(word fast) John 5:19 John 5:30 John 7:18 John 8:26+28 Mark Moore Scripture pertaining to #2 (word and prayer as much as possible) M atthew 26:41 Luke 21:34-36 1 Thess. 5:17 1 Peter 4:7 Phillipians 2:16 1 Timothy 4:13+15-16 Joshua 1:8 Mark Moore Scripture pertaining to #3(cut off excess) M ark 4:24 Psalm 101:2-3 M atthew 5:29-30 Galatians 5:9 Galatians 6:7-8 Mark Moore Scripture pertaining to #4(speak no, think no evil; grieve not the Spirit; get up when u fall) James 4:11-12 James 5:9 Ephesians 5:15-21 Phillipians 2:14-15 Isaiah 58:9b-10 1Thessalonians 5:19 Proverbs 24:17-18 Proverbs 24:16a M icah 7:8 DrMichael H Yeager keep them coming mark! DrMichael H Yeager If you could print them out for me, with whole scripture for i can meditate, medicate on them! Mark Moore Scripture pertaining to #5(obey the word and guidance of the Spirit) Romans 8:8 Romans 8:13-14 Galatians 5:16 1 John 2:17 1 John 5:3-4 Acts 5:29 Hebrews 5:9 M atthew 7:21 M atthew 12:50 Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey Page 11 of 85
  • 12. Final Version Dated November 8, 2013 DrMichael H Yeager Journal Entry on Facebook September 27, 2013, @ 8:16 pm near Gettysburg, PA · My 40 Day Journey Day 1, Evening Friday, September 27, 2013, 8:16 pm Great expectation is coming upon me like waves of the ocean. I truly believe that this is a divine unction that is motivating me to seek the face of the Lord. I'm not crying out to God for personal gain, recognition, or power. But my heart is filled with great compassion for the bride of Christ. The belo ved church of Jesus. It Is Time, It Is Time, It Is Time for a mighty move of the Holy Ghost. I praise the Lord for the response’s I have received from those of you who have said Yes, I will join you in this great adventure. The Holy Spirit has been quickening my heart when it comes to this subject of trusting that God is more than able, to do exceedingly abundantly, above all that we asker or think. God boldly declares that He will give us the desires of our heart, if we seek Him with all of our heart. Come Holy Spirit pour out your grace and your power upon your beloved church once again. When I am weak, then He is strong. God desires to do great and mighty things for us, if we would but simply come to Jesus in faith, believing, trusting, and followin g him all the way. But faith without works is dead! When Abraham had placed Isaac upon the altar, as he was lifting his knife to sacrifice his son, an Angel of the Lord called out to him. Do not thy son any harm, because now I know of a surety that you trust me. God requires us to prove that we mean what we say. He requires evidence of our faith, and active obedience, in whatever He has called us to do. As we cry out to God for the next 40 days, with all of our hearts, let us believe for a mighty outpouring. Not because we deserve it, or work for it, but because God desires it more than we desire it. God is looking for those who are serious, desperate, hungry, thirsty, and will not take no for an answer. When I used to be a pilot, I had a checklist that I worked off of before I took off down the runway to fly. I have created this checklist for our spiritual journey in these 8 specific areas that God has quickened to my heart that I must do. #1 Use ................................................godly wisdom for what I say! #2 Give ..............................................myself to the word and prayer! #3 Cut off .........................................all unnecessary information! #4 Grieve not ..................................the Holy Spirit in any form! #5 Instantly obey ...........................the spirit and the word! #6 Violently take a hold of............the divine nature of God! #7 Endeavor to bring .....................every thought captive to the obedience of Christ! #8 I must truly walk faith in Christ, in His word, and not by my feelings or emotions! By God's grace and mercy, and to the best of my knowledge, I have accomplished these things on day one. From this moment forward until I go to sleep, I will continue by God's grace to follow this divine pattern. I know from personal experience that this will open the door for God to visit me in visions and dreams, in the night season. As the spirit of God speaks to me, I will share with those of you who are interested. Do not think for a moment that because you have not yet joined, or you have failed in any of these areas that now you can only be a spectator. I say unto you, if the spirit of God is quickening your heart, no matter if it's 40 days, or only one day, jump in, expecting God to reveal himself to you in ways you have not yet experienced or even knew existed. Thank you for your prayers for me and others in this amazing journey. James Eugene Barbush On this first day, it is so easy to see how habits are in place that are in accordance with the 8 points. Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey Page 12 of 85
  • 13. Final Version Dated November 8, 2013 My 40 Day Journey Review of the 8 Guiding Principles of the Journey During these 40 days, #1 Use ......................godly wisdom for what I say! Mark 11:23 ...........For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. #2 Give .....................myself to the word and prayer! Acts 6:4 ................But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word. #3 Cut off ..................all unnecessary information! James 1:21 ............Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls. #4 Grieve not ...........the Holy Spirit in any form! Ephesians 4:29 ........29 Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. 30 And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. 31 Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: #5 Instantly obey ......the spirit and the word! James 1:22 ............But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. #6 Violently take a hold of the divine nature of God! Galatians 5:22-23 ...But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. #7 Endeavor to bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ! 1 Peter 2:23 ...........Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously: #8 I must truly walk .by faith in Christ, in His word, and not by my feelings or emotions! Hebrews 11:6 ........But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey Page 13 of 85
  • 14. Final Version Dated November 8, 2013 DrMichael H Yeager Journal Entry on Facebook September 28, 2013, @ 7:32 am Near Gettysburg, PA · My 40 Day Journey Day 2, Morning Saturday, September 28, 2013, 7:32 am A little bit past midnight I finally fell asleep, and then I was awake once again at 5:45 AM . I joined the men at the church for our regular 6 AM prayer time. There is growing within me a deep urgency, yearning to go much deeper. I know within my heart that time is running out. Jesus said the time would come when we would not be able to work. The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few. God has given to me, and continues, the understanding of my weakness . That without Jesus Christ I realize that I can do nothing. I'm talking about that which God himself would embrace. He has put these treasures in earthen vessels that the Excellency of the glory may be of him, and not of us . He said that he will not share his glory with anyone. If we are to reach high, then our roots must be very deep. We must be rooted and grounded in the love of Christ. I really believe that the Lord wanted me to keep this journal to help others. You see if I can be like that of an experiment (lab rat), then others can have great expectancy. God is not a respecter of people, what he does for one, he will do for others. If in my feeble attempt to take a hold of God that in order that he may take a hold of me and this will bring forth his glory, then others will have great hope in God's mercy. We have many powerful promises that insurers us of results . It is the Father's pleasure that we bear much fruit. He said call on to me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things which thou knowest not. God is not a man that he should lie, nor the Son of Man, that he should repent . Has he said it, and shall he not do it. Has he spoken it, and will he not bring it to pass! No good thing will he withhold from them that walk up righ tly. Let us lay hold of these promises, by faith, knowing without a shadow of a doubt that God is for us . He will give to us the early and latter rain. My checklist is before me once again. May great things transpire through this day. Knowing in the home I trust, and believe. Let us join our hands together as we cry out to our great King . May His will be done on Earth, as it is in Heaven. #1 Use godly wisdom what I say! #2 Give myself to the word and prayer! #3 Cut off all unnecessary information! #4 Grieve not the Holy Spirit in any form! #5 Instantly obey the spirit and the word! #6 Violently take a hold of the divine nature of God! #7 Endeavor to bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ! #8 I must truly walk by faith in Christ, in his word, and not by my feelings or emotions! Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey Page 14 of 85
  • 15. Final Version Dated November 8, 2013 You and 17 others like this. James Eugene Barbush We are reminded one again about truth: John8: 31To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” People are in desparate need of truth. It's conditional, If/Then. If we do, we will. If we don;t, we won't. Standing with Mike today. Yesterday at 7:55am · Like · 2 James Eugene Barbush IT'S GONNA HAPPEN IN OUR GENERATION Arise and Shine - Steve Fry Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey Page 15 of 85
  • 16. Final Version Dated November 8, 2013 DrMichael H Yeager Journal Entry on Facebook September 28, 2013, @ 7:44 am near Gettysburg, PA · My 40 Day Journey Day 3, Morning Sunday, September 29, 2013, 7:09 am Yesterday by the grace of God I maintained a continual attitude of prayer, meditation upon the word. Later in the day something took place where I could have easily got into the flesh. Actually it could have turned out extremely bad, but for the grace of God. I will not elaborate, but one of my neighbors, who by his natural tendencies is very dangerous, became extremely aggravated at one of my family members. I went to his house because I knew I had to deal with this. My daughter went along with me to be a witness. When I arrived at his house, I could see he was extremely angry as he stood outside. He actually had a gun strapped (a pistol) on his belt. I could see that he was looking for a confrontation. When I got out of my truck, he headed straight towards me. I really believe he was looking forward to an opportunity of having a fight. By the way, he is an undercover policeman. I think he was completely surprised at my response to him. I truly believe the sweetness, and the love of Christ came forth from my innermost belly. I absolutely had no fear, or trembling of what was about to happen. A soft word turns away wrath. By the time I was done speaking, I saw his whole countenance change . And actually as I went to leave, he thanked me for coming. Then he reached out his hand to shake mine. I am trusting that God is dealing with his heart. I am hoping for his salvation. I believe that I am on a great adventure, a wonderful journey. Already within 3 days the spirit of the Lord is taken me in directions that I was not contemplating. He said that he would lead the blind by a way which they knew not. He said that he would make the darkness light before them. I can truly say this is what God is doing. Many times we have preconceived ideals of what it is that God wants to do. But God has his own agenda, and plan. But His will be done! As I was in prayer this morning with the men, the words sanctification, purification, separation came to my heart very strongly. As I began to look these words upon my android, it became very obvious to me, that this is exactly what God has got to do in us. That salvation belongs to those who have said within their hearts “God I Am Yours”. We are called to come out of the darkness into his glorious light. We are called to be in the world, but not of the world. And even as the book of Esther gives to us and elaborate purification system for her to become the bride of the King, even so we are in a process of being purified, for God's glory and honor. The declaration of the true believer is this, I am yours Lord! I belong to you! Let your will be done, and not mine! It must be a complete surrender of our lives over to Christ. Is this not death to self. No longer I that live, but it is Christ lives within me. And how is this accomplished? It is by us giving ourselves completely over to Christ and His word, in thought, deed, and action. We are sanctified, purified, purged, consecrated, separated on to Christ by the meditation and instant obedience to the word of God. There would be a wonderful transformation as we completely yield and surrender ourselves to the mind of Christ. Back in about 1981, completely without realizing what was happening to me, I stepped into this sanctification, separation, dedication. I was in the process of leaving a church I was pastoring. In those days there were no such things as the Internet. We did not have a TV in our house. I did not read the newspaper, or listen to the radio. I simply gave myself to the word of God. I would get up early in the morning, until late at night and just go over, and over Scriptures that I had written on large cards. It did Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey Page 16 of 85
  • 17. Final Version Dated November 8, 2013 not really seem to a great extent as it was changing my life drastically. Yes it was affecting me, but at the time I did not realize to what extent. But on the night that I stood up to Minister at a Full Gospel Business Men's Meeting in Belleville, Pennsylvania, something amazing happened. This is from our book - Living in the Realm of the Miraculous! GOING DEEPER We were preparing to leave the church that we had been pastoring for two years. Because the church was bringing in new candidates for examination, they did not need me to preach the Word to them any longer. As a result, I was able to spend many hours memorizing and meditating on the Bible. A sense of expectancy grew within my heart. I would walk the mountain behind our parsonage praying and meditating all day long. This continued for a number of weeks. At the time, I did not realize that I was about to step into a deeper realm of the Spirit. My wife and I were scheduled to minister at a number of meetings, and I had been invited previously to minister at the Mifflin Full Gospel Businessmen’s meeting located in Belleville, Pennsylvania. We arrived right before the meeting was to start. As I sat at a table with my wife, I remember that I felt no particular quickening of the Spirit of God on the inside whatsoever. One of the members of the organization came over and asked me if I would like to pray with some of the members before the beginning of the meeting. I consented to do so. They were standing in a circle holding each other’s hands. I simply stepped into this circle and took the hand of the man on my right and left. The men began to pray, and I prayed very softly, agreeing with them. During this time of prayer I did not perceive in my heart that I should pray aloud. When we were done praying, the man on my right, an older gentleman, stared at me. He said, “What in the world was that?” I said to him, “What do you mean?” He said it was like a streak of lightning came out of my hand, and up his arm, through his face. You could tell that something really radical had taken place. I told him that I had not felt anything. That was the beginning of an unusual night. This same gentleman came to me at the end of the service, crying. He asked me to look into his eyes. I still remember to this day, his eyes were clear and glistening. He said to me, “My eyes were covered in cataracts. The minute you touched me, the cataracts literally melted right off of my eyeballs!” Thank you Jesus! Right up to the minute before I opened my mouth I was not feeling a single thing spiritually. However, the minute I began to talk, the river began to flow. I do not remember what I said, but I do know I was speaking under a strong influence of the Holy Ghost. I flowed right into the gifts of the Spirit after the teaching of the Word. A very precise word of knowledge began to operate. I remember looking out over the people and beginning to call specific people out. Many of the women and men appeared to be Mennonite or Amish. I began to point to specific people, and call them to come forward. As they came, I would tell them what it was that was going on in their bodies. When they would get within ten feet of me, they did not fall forward or backwards, but just begin to crumple. I never have seen anything like it! It was like they just simply, and very gently went down. As far as I know, all of them were instantly healed. I do not remember laying hands on anyone that night. The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost were in the house. This has been many years ago, and yet God is still the same. What He did then, He is still more than willing and able to do today. But He is looking for those who will sanctify, separate, and consecrate themselves to him! Will you be one of them, this is the question! Will I you be one of them who is willing to come out completely from the world, and give myself 100% to Jesus Christ! By God's grace may this be so! 5 people like this. Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey Page 17 of 85
  • 18. Final Version Dated November 8, 2013 John Woolston Wonderful testimonies! Walking with Jesus is always an adventure! about an hour ago · Like · 1 DrMichael H Yeager In the past, this same man had hit one of my tenants (a 50-year-old woman) in the face with his fist, completely bruising the whole side of her face. He stabbed her dog three times with a knife. about an hour ago · Like John Woolston Sounds like a nice guy! I have had very similar experiences with hostile people when I watched them melt when I did not react, but rather took action by speaking to them and showing them the love of God! It's called "walking in the spirit!" Love the post! Every Christian should read it and learn from it! about an hour ago · Like · 2 Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey Page 18 of 85
  • 19. Final Version Dated November 8, 2013 DrMichael H Yeager Journal Entry on Facebook September 29, 2013, @ 4:33 pm near Gettysburg, PA · My 40 Day Journey Day 3, Afternoon Sunday, September 29, 2013, 4:19 pm We had a wonderful move of God this morning. There was a real freedom in the spirit as sister Mickey sang about the blood of Christ. Heaven came down, and glory filled our souls. As I opened my mouth, surely the Lord was filling it. The joy, peace, and love that floods my soul at the revelation, I am no longer my own. I am His and His alone! Is this not sanctification, separation, consecration, dedication, and purification, as we give ourselves completely over to Christ. Is He not coming back for a church that is consumed In Love for Him! Here it is on day three, on this 40 day journey. Amazingly, about two months ago, as I was preaching, a prophetic word came of my mouth. And this is what I heard, “I the Lord would do a quick work. From the time it begins, until its completion will be 40 days. I will perfect my church.” I do not believe that which I am experiencing right now is those 40 days that the spirit of God spoke of. But I do believe that by the end of these 40 days my life would never be the same . I have consecrated myself, and others are joining in every day. It is to be a 40 day journey of separation, consecration, dedication, and peer (??) fixation. Even as Esther was purified through a lengthy process to make her worthy of the King, so we are being purified by faith in Christ, by the Holy Ghost, by the spirit of the living God, by the word of truth to be worthy of the King. Come all of those who are desperate, thirsty, hungry, and needy. Give yourself to Him that gave His everything. Hold back no longer, would say the Lord! You are mine and mine alone! Consecrate yourself unto me! Come out from the mist of the wicked, those who do not seek for Christ. Come and drink from the well that never runs dry. Come and eat from the flesh of the Passover lamb. Step into life, eternal life, immortal life, everlasting life that never will end. What is it that the Lord would require for me to do you might ask? Simply die to yourself, by giving yourself to him, spirit, soul, mind, and body! You will never regret it. I have listed the 8 simple commitments that I believe will forever bring transformation to your life. #1 Use godly wisdom what I say! #2 Give myself to the word and prayer! #3 Cut off all unnecessary information! #4 Grieve not the Holy Spirit in any form! #5 Instantly obeyed the spirit and the word! #6 Violently take a hold of the divine nature of God! #7 Endeavor to bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ! Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey Page 19 of 85
  • 20. Final Version Dated November 8, 2013 DrMichael H Yeager Journal Entry on Facebook September 29, 2013, @ 10:52 pm near Gettysburg, PA · My 40 Day Journey Day 3, Evening Sunday, September 29, 2013, 10:30 pm Came from a powerful service tonight with brother Angel Perez. His sermon was on a good Samaritan. Probably one of the best sermons I have heard him preach. The evidence of our love for Christ will be manifested in our love for others. Actually, I was prepared to minister tonight, forgetting that brother Angel would be with us. But it was God ordained. After the service, I watched Heidi Baker minister live on the Internet. No matter what anybody says, or thinks about Heidi and her husband Roland, they are doing an amazing job. Her main message is loving God and loving people. It is evident in their lives that they do both of these things. People are beginning to come to me expressing a desire to begin this 40 day journey. I believe it will bring transformation. Amazingly this Scripture that has been quickened to my heart is Malachi chapter 3 verse 10. Malachi 3:9 - 11 9 Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation. 10 Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. 11 And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the LORD of hosts. I know this refers to finances, but if we were to convert finances into its rawest form, it would equate into time, energy, and life. So, if we take 365 days of the year divide that by 10, it equals 36 days and a half. Let's throw in an offering, making it 3 1/2 days more, which equates to 40 days that we could look upon as our tithes and offerings. So let's just say we do that. Give God 40 days of your life. Not go back, and take a look at what He said would happen if we would bring in our tithes and our offerings. 10b Prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. 11 And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the LORD of hosts. I'm telling you, the spirit of God is really hitting me, as I'm sharing this with you. A couple of months ago, as I was ministering to our local body, a prophetic word came out of my mouth. He said by my lips, “In 40 days I will complete the transformation. I will purge, purify, sanctify, and cleanse my church.” (This is basically the understanding I received it). Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey Page 20 of 85
  • 21. Final Version Dated November 8, 2013 I believe, with all my heart, that if you and I will completely commit ourselves to this 40 day journey we will be utterly and completely transformed. I also strongly suggest you keep a journal of this journey. Buy a notepad and begin to write down your thoughts every day. But you must take this very seriously. This commitment that you are making to the Lord is holy unto God. We must be sanctified, separated, consecrated, set apart in order to be purified during these 40 days. You must take every one of these points very seriously. I mean, we must take it to heart! These eight convictions, dedications, commitments are as follows: #1 Use godly wisdom what I say! #2 Give myself to the word and prayer! #3 Cut off all unnecessary information! #4 Grieve not the Holy Spirit in any form! #5 Instantly obey the spirit and the word! #6 Violently take a hold of the divine nature of God! #7 Endeavor to bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ! #8 I must truly walk by faith in Christ, in his word, and not by my feelings or emotions! My heart is filled with great expectation for myself and those who will commit themselves to this 40 day journey. I can hardly wait to hear your testimonies. Please share them with me on my Facebook page. Blessings upon you, as you begin a 40 day journey, that will forever change your eternity! Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey Page 21 of 85
  • 22. Final Version Dated November 8, 2013 DrMichael H Yeager Journal Entry on Facebook September 30, 2013, @ 7:49 am near Gettysburg, PA · My 40 Day Journey Day 4, Morning Monday, September 30, 2013, 7:17 am I fell asleep at about 12:20 AM, and woke up refreshed at about 5:45 AM. The Spirit of God, on this fourth day of this journey, is truly quickening my mind. Scriptures that I memorized years ago are freely beginning to flow within my heart and my mind freely. I truly believe that this 40 day journey that God has set me upon can be used of the Lord to help many be transformed and forever changed. Sometimes, or should I say many times, the enemy of our soul, the devil, will mess with our heads, telling us that God will never use us, because who do we think we are? But the devil is a liar, for you see, God is not a respecter people. He is simply looking for those who have given themselves completely over to him. I am speaking about those who have renewed their mind by the meditation of the truth, and bringing every thought captive and subject to the Lord Christ Jesus. In the Gospel of John, Chapter 17, Jesus said, “Father sanctify them by and through thy truth, thy word is truth.” God is desiring to open up the floodgates of heaven upon his people, you and me. But until we are sanctified, cleansed, and washed by the washing of the Word of God, quickened by the Holy Ghost, He cannot move upon us, transform us, change us into the radical people that He has designed us to be. I challenge everyone to do a word study from the Old to the New Testament. There must be a purging, sanctifying, cleansing, purifying work that is accomplished in our hearts and our minds, emotions, desires, and attitudes. Before He will pour His fire into us, we must completely belong to Him. We must be completely sold out, lock, stock, and barrel, from top to bottom, we must belong to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ Must Be Our Lord! Oh Father, I pray that this revelation would come upon your people today. Deuteronomy 8:3 And he humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with manna, which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know; that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord doth man live. This generation of the church has not yet come into the fullness of the revelation of the power of God's word hidden in the heart and spoken out of the mouth of a sanctified vessel. But God is about to once again exalt His Word (Jesus) in the earth. God's Word is about to be released upon the earth like never before through the mouth of holy men and women. There is a remnant in the earth, those who truly love Jesus Christ, the Father, the Holy Ghost, and the Word! And that word in their hearts and in their mouth will be like a fire that consumes the stubble, and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces. If you could just imagine that every Scripture that God has given to us is like an egg, a seed, which has life within itself. And even as a mother eagle sits upon her nest of eggs, if she will sit long enough, keep the heat applied, those eggs will begin to hatch. Baby eagles will begin to come forth, which as they grow more mature, will become just like their mother. Even so, if we will hide the Word of God in our heart, meditating upon it day and night, giving ourselves to the truth, being doers of the Word, and not hearers only, the Holy Spirit will quicken the truth to our hearts and the fire will begin to burn. Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey Page 22 of 85
  • 23. Final Version Dated November 8, 2013 I want to challenge you today to begin to set aside the world, the cares and deceitfulness of riches, and lust of other things. Take this 40 day journey into transformation. Give yourself completely over to God, Prove Him and see if He will not do a mighty work in you, for you, and through you! #1 Use godly wisdom with everything I say! #2 Give myself to the word and prayer! #3 Cut off all unnecessary information! #4 Grieve not the Holy Spirit in any form! #5 Instantly obey the leading of the Holy Spirit and word! #6 Violently take a hold of the divine nature of God! #7 Endeavor to bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ! #8 Walk by faith in Christ, in His Word, and not by feelings or emotions! Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey Page 23 of 85
  • 24. Final Version Dated November 8, 2013 DrMichael H Yeager Journal Entry on Facebook October 1, 2013, @ 9:26 pm near Gettysburg, PA · My 40 Day Journey Day 5, Evening Tuesday, October 1, 2013, 9:00 pm Once again I went to sleep a little after midnight, as I laid in the bed, I was meditating upon God's word. The spirit of the Lord quickened my heart at about 5:45 AM to get up. I jumped up out of bed, heading off to a time of prayer with the men in the church. The reality of Christ is becoming more real to me every day. As I was praying in our sanctuary, the Holy Spirit began to deal with me about really giving myself to the meditation of God's word. In the past 38 years, as I have given myself to the word of God, meditating upon it, I have seen the Holy Spirit show up in powerful ways. But in this time of prayer this morning, it was like the spirit was speaking to me, telling me he did not want me to any longer mingle, or mix anything else with God's word. What I'm referring to is any information that I really do not need. Let everybody else research politics, technology, useless information, movies, and entertainment. I do not need to. I need to be in harmony and agreement with God. There was a gentleman by the name of Smith Wigglesworth who also had this kind of radical commitment. He had only a third grade education. When Smith got filled with the Holy Ghost, the only thing he ever read was the Bible. As a result of this, and his doing nothing but giving himself to nothing but the Bible, mighty signs and wonders followed him wherever he went, because God Always Confirms His Word with signs following! After prayer, I had to go to the Hershey Medical Center this morning, in order to minister to one of our parishioners. All the way there I was listening to different books of the Bible, which I have memorized. They were becoming alive to me once again. I did not go over these books just once, but over, and over, and over. Before I ever got to the hospital, the Holy Spirit was moving in my heart in a mighty way. After I had laid my hands upon the brother, believing for complete healing, I headed back home. All the way home I continued in the meditation of the Scriptures. Truly the fire of God was burning in my heart. This is only the fifth day of a 40 day journey, in which I believe it led into a lifestyle, that by God's grace , I'll continue in, until I meet Jesus Christ face-to-face. I would like to share with you an experience that I had, when the spirit of the Lord had taken me down this same path some years ago. But this time, by God's grace, I'll never back off! WHEN THE POWER OF GOD FELL In the summer of 1996, the spirit of God dealt very strongly with my heart, with the fact that I really did not know His word. He literally told me that I was a favorite Scripture preacher. This so convicted my heart that I shut myself up in my office for weeks on end, and all I did was memorize, meditate, and pray the word of God. I have written about this to some extent in our book called “Living in the Realm of the Miraculous”. During this time, I simply gave myself to the word of God. I did not just memorize it, but I meditated upon it, by speaking it to myself over, and over again, very slowly. As I did this, it felt like there was a fire shot up in my bones. Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey Page 24 of 85
  • 25. Final Version Dated November 8, 2013 David the psalmist and the king said: as I was musing, the fire burned! This is the Holy Spirit taking the letter of the word, quickening it, and turning it into spirit. Many made the mistake of simply memorizing the word of God, and not meditating on it, night and day. It would be like sticking the turkey into the oven for Thanksgiving, but never turning the oven on to cook that big bird. Of course, on Thanksgiving morning ,the house would not be filled with the wonderful aroma of the cooking turkey. When you sat down to eat the turkey, it would be raw, tasteless, and not edible! I truly believe this is what's happening in many pulpits today, we preachers are not meditating upon God's word. In order for us to present a living word, it must be alive in us. There must be a fire burning in our hearts as a result of the meditation of the Scriptures we have been pondering and musing upon. I informed our congregation, and the local community that I was going to preach, and speak, and minister on the book of James on Sunday night by memory. I think I gave everyone probably two weeks advance notice. To my amazement, I think there was over 200 people who showed up. My wife and our worship team ministered in music. And then we gave the announcements, received the offering. As I stood in the pulpit to speak the word of God, the Holy Ghost rose up in me in a mighty way. Then I began to preach underneath a powerful anointing of the Holy Ghost. In the gospel of Mark, the Scripture declares that God confirms his Word with signs following. It did not take long time for me to go through the book of James, even though in the midst of it, I was elaborating and exhorting. When I was done speaking, it was moved upon my heart to give an altar call. What happened next actually surprised me. When I opened up the altar, I think close to half of all the people that were there came running. I mean they literally came running, with tears running down their face. It was an old Pentecostal Holy Ghost altar call. Now these were not sinners, but saints, members of the local church. They fell at the altar, repenting and crying out to God for mercy. It was the word of God quickened by the Holy Ghost, which first had to be quick into my heart. After the service one of my elders approached me (Brother Richard) crying. He informed me with tears rolling down his face that he had never experienced anything like this in all of this life, where he had felt such conviction and moving upon his heart by the Holy Ghost. May we as ministers of the gospel come back to the truth, of the power that is in the word of God, as we surrender, submit, pray, and meditate upon the revelation knowledge of Jesus Christ! DrMichael H Yeager and 16 others like this. View 5 more comments Victor Easley You are probably the biggest influence in my life now, Pastor. Keep doing what you're doing! 23 hours ago · Like Omotayo Titilope Abundance God's word, the inexhaustible fountain of truth 22 hours ago via mobile · Like Susan Waldrop amen. so true. The Lord has had me up every morning about 3am this whole week listening to him. We were talking about the smell of fire in the church on the programs we were taping yesterday. We were praying in the basement for hours every day when this began happening. All the Holy Spirit wants is our love and separation to him. 16 hours ago · Like · 1 Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey Page 25 of 85
  • 26. Final Version Dated November 8, 2013 DrMichael H Yeager Glenda Clark amen. a powerful message Journal Entry on Facebook October 2, 2013, @ 8:55 pm near Gettysburg, PA · My 40 Day Journey Day 6, Evening Wednesday, October 2, 2013, 8:05 PM All last night I kept falling in and out of sleep. I finally rolled out of bed at 5 AM to pray and meditate on the word of God. And then I headed over to pray with the men at the church. There was great unction in my heart as I cried out to God. It seemed like I was beginning the day in His holy presence. But then I had to deal with the realities of life, and this is where the rubber meets the road. There was a book written many years ago by a Catholic monk, by the name of Brother Lawrence. The name of the book was called “Practicing the Presence of God”. The monk relates how he finally got into a place where God's presence was more real for him during times of responsibility, physical labor, than during his regular prayer times. As I was communicating with other people through the day, I sensed a great deal of unsettledness in many people's hearts. There are many today that actually are tormented even though they're born again believers and are washed in the blood. I know I go through these periods. And yet the Scripture declares that if our mind is stayed on him, which is Jesus Christ, we will have perfect peace. And this is a constant fight of faith to keep our eyes are upon Jesus Christ, His will, and His word. The parable of the sower spreading the seed of the word has been very strong in my heart for the last day and a half. Some of the seed fell on the road, some on shallow ground, some among the thorns, briars and weeds, and some in good soil. This is all symbolic of the word of God being sown into our hearts. The word of God must be given the ultimate place of prominence within our hearts. When we allow any other thoughts, ideals, philosophies, worries, or anxieties to dominate our thoughts, it literally nullifies the power of God's word. It chokes the life and the power of God's word. Here's an example : We know that African elephants when they are mature are extremely large and powerful, but when they are first conceived in their mother's womb, they are microscopic. That life that is in the elephant’s womb must be fed and nourished. That life in that mother’s womb must grow until finally the gestation time is finished and the mother gives birth to her little one. And even at that stage, her calf must be fed, nourished, protected, guided, and taught. Eventually the little elephant will become a giant of the jungle, but everything in its due season. Even so is it with the word of God that is growing in the heart of a believer. You must protect your heart for out of it flows the issues of life, as Jesus boldly declared. But once the word of God and faith in His word becomes mature and strong, there is nothing that will be able to stand against it. And this is the victory that overcomes the world even our faith, our faith in Christ! Paul Gordon Collier Love brother Lawrence. .....significant book in my life Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey Page 26 of 85
  • 27. Final Version Dated November 8, 2013 DrMichael H Yeager Journal Entry on Facebook October 2, 2013, 8.32 am near Gettysburg My 40 Day Journey Day 6, Morning/Evening Wednesday, October 2, 2013, 8:32 am ......... just a little story. Basically I have not watch TV for almost 40 years. But it came into my head that I wanted to watch ministers. So I signed up for the dish TV network. I sat back to watch some good preaching. As I laid in my bed, there's this man who looked like he was an Asian came on. He began to preach on the subject of grace. It was so convoluted, bizarre, and contrary to the context, that I sat there in unbelief. He had masses and masses of people in his sanctuary. The more he talked on grace, the more sick I became. By the time I got done listening to him, my heart was so heavy because he was not calling people into God's divine character. He was not calling them into repentance and holiness. He was not telling them to take up their cross and follow Christ. He did not tell him that we had to die to live. That night I took a pair of wire cutters, and cut the line to the dish. That has been almost 2 years ago. And then I found out members of our church loves this guy's teaching. I could hardly believe it, after all I have taught based upon biblical principles for 30 years in this church. This man's name was, Joseph Prince. 2Like · · Share 20 people like this. Paul Gordon Collier Scary October 2 at 8:36pm via mobile · Like · 1 Prophetic Roundtable Exactly! Gina Bradnam Good grief October 2 at 8:37pm via mobile · Like October 2 at 8:38pm via mobile · Like Jeremy Jones distgusting October 2 at 8:48pm · Like Margie Kline Thanks for calling it out. I had purchased his book but could not finish it. Equally alarming are the other ministers that associate and have him minister in their church. Tbn does not count they will have anyone including gaysOctober 2 at 9:01pm via mobile · Like · 4 Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey Page 27 of 85
  • 28. Final Version Dated November 8, 2013 Sherry Primley I love it, and so does God when the TRUTH is spoken in love~ We all need to be concerned about such falling away from God's word. Thank you Pastor for warrning the people, I pray they take heed. October 2 at 9:15pm · Like · 2 Marjorie Grande Kantor strange this came up but I am glad it did, I see him preach on tv but always change the channell...never listened to him, don't really know much about him...just didn't feel comfortable about watching him........... October 2 at 9:51pm · Like · 3 Tammy Kinard-Byrge wow October 2 at 9:55pm · Like · 1 MaryAnn Fort spoken like a true shepherd protecting his sheep! Thank you for putting clarity on why it always seemed to raise my "hackles" when I listened to him. Not many times to realize that I didn't need my "hackles" up!October 2 at 10:53pm · Like · 2 why! Cathy Kryszewski-Stewart I felt the same way Marjorie Kantor! Never could watch him, didn't know Yesterday at 12:58am · Like · 2 Johann G. VD Hoven Sad, heartbreaking and sorrowful isn't Micheal? That is the trend and the craving of the hour as millions "need" to hear this kind of teaching and celebrate these type of polluted ideologies from the mind of men. How greatly this stirs and fuels the hearts of those who are truly called and who in this hour stand in the gap! How great the responsibility to sound the alarm and make sure that its sound is clear, one for all to hear! May God give us wings in His Spirit to run as Elijah did, unrestrained fuelled only in His Power! Yesterday at 3:45am · Edited · Like · 2 Resi Peterson His message is a great message and filled with truth...but no balance. Grace is there, his name is Jesus Christ and He has made a way to come up to a higher standard of living. Moving on to that higher standard is where Joseph Prince is unbalanced. Still God is using him to bring many into the Kingdom. The Holy Spirit will bring them the rest of the way.... Yesterday at 6:33am via mobile · Like · 1 Doug Frano The grace message is so needed today but in fullness of truth and the balance of scriptures. Not just a seeker friendly watered down, gutted of truth version, that gives people a license to keep on living in sin. Yesterday at 7:20am · Like · 3 DrMichael H Yeager ........ I actually had a brother who has been in the church I pastor for many years tell me: the reason why I like Joseph Prince is because he never makes me feel bad! Is that not what Paul told Timothy would happen at the last days. They would preach a gospel that tickled the ears of the people. In Galatians chapter 1, Paul said if anybody preach any other gospel than that which they had preached. Let him be accursed! Yesterday at 7:26am · Like · 6 Tammy Kinard-Byrge There does need to be a balance Yesterday at 7:26am via mobile · Like 1 DrMichael H Yeager ...........People who have embraced this false grace, have no fear of the Lord, no holiness, no dying to self. Yesterday at 7:27am · Like · 2 Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey Page 28 of 85
  • 29. Final Version Dated November 8, 2013 DrMichael H Yeager ........The Lord spoke to me many years ago, saying to me, if you preach a message, with absolutely no warning, it is another gospel. Every epistle, and every gospel, and every book in the Bible, is filled with warnings. Even Paul said to the church, I did not stop warning you with tears, for the space of three years. He said: work out your own salvation, with fear and trembling!!! Yesterday at 7:30am · Like · 3 with. Doug Frano The fruits of a ministry or a person's life tell us what they are listening too and connected Yesterday at 7:31am · Like · 1 Resi Peterson In my experience, most ministries or ministers are out if balance, they are either leaning heavy on Word, or heavy on Spirit. I heard The Lord say "I'm going to sandwich this nation in My Word and My Spirit". That was 3 years ago, I am beginning to see the changes now. But we must be able to embrace each other, some are stronger in one area of The ways of God and His truth than others. None of us have it all together. Some are called to preach Grace others are called to Preach repentance, still others the constitution of the Kingdom ( Torah ) . They all have their place and God uses them for His purpose. We must break down the walls if our denominations and become the grafted in Bride that God originally intended.Yesterday at 7:46am via mobile · Like · 1 DrMichael H Yeager .......Dear Resi, let me share with you my thoughts. Back in the mid-70s I began to hear this teaching that everyone in the body (that is the fivefold ministry) had specific things ever supposed to teach on. For instance faith, deliverance, finances. In him realities....... you get the drift? but as the spirit of God began have the memorize the epistles, and study the Gospels of Jesus, I discovered this was not God. If you will study the epistles, they are not three point servant was. They of the amazingly cover much ground. From A to Z when it comes to the will of God. For instance look at the epistles of Paul, he covers of massive amount of information in Ephesians. Yes, he preached faith, but love, but obedience, but spiritual warfare, but the fivefold ministry, but grace, but calling, but the power of God, but a ball all Jesus Christ. Do you know that it approximately 1,700 Scriptures in the New Testament, the writers spoke of Jesus in a personal way over 10,000 times! is time we begin to disconnect ourselves from the philosophy that I am called only to Minister on one attribute of God, or one dimension. Paul said I preached unto you the whole counsel of God! that is every ministers responsibility. Otherwise we become totally on a balance, because most people have their favorite preachers. This is what has caused such lopsidedness. Even when my children were little babies, we Rotating in their cribs, for their little heads would not be lopsided. This belief that every one of us ministers are called only to Minister on certain aspects of the Bible is truly of deception, that many have bought into. God has allowed me put together over 7,000 sermon outlines. I cover close to 30 different subjects within the Scriptures. What a smorgasbord of truth is in the word of God! in the Passover they were required to eat the whole lamb, every bit of him, from head to toe. This is symbolic of what God requires us to do when it comes to his word! Yesterday at 7:58am · Like · 1 Resi Peterson Please don't get me wrong, I agree with you. I know that we as a whole are out of balance. I am saying that the grace message is a great starting point for those who need God. They need that message. Then The Holy Spirit will finish the work that was started in them. Just like He ( grace ) did for you and me, only then can we move on to The ways of God. Yesterday at 8:04am via mobile Like 1 DrMichael H Yeager .........what is your definition of grace? It is Jesus Christ alive and living in me. It is the divine ability to fulfill the will of the father. It is the Greek word charis, where we get our word charisma, which is used in the supernatural gifts of the spirit. So you might say it's the supernatural enablement of God, that is released and thus by faith, in Christ Jesus. Therefore it takes away all of our excuses for not being able to do the will of God, in mind, word, deed and action! would you agree with this? but much of the grace I am hearing now, his confused with the word mercy, or favor, or forgiveness. These are not the same! Yesterday at 8:15am · Like · 1 Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey Page 29 of 85
  • 30. Final Version Dated November 8, 2013 Resi Peterson For those who have been walking with God for years, Grace is Ezekiel 36:26-28. For those who are just coming into the kingdom James 4;6-12 Yesterday at 8:27am via mobile · Like Susan Waldrop Dear My Brothers and Sisters, I understand, being involved with media ministers in the past, and also just regular ministers in the 90's I thought my heart was grieving but then realized it was the spirit of God that was grieved. I interviewed one time a famous man, and his wife. Long story short is this, I scheduled an interview because of his 'celebritism' thinking surely he must be a wonderful man with the Lord. 'WRONG'. Here is the rest of the story in video I shared years ago, if you are interested of what GOD did and DIDN'T do. Shame on me. I have seen so much in ministry working with these people, dreams of warnings for pastors which the Lord showed me they would not and what happened? They lost the whole flock. one other pastor let an oak tree the Lord told Steven and I to give him DIE, no WATER and it was a GIFT from GOD. I could go on and on but you get the drift. So these other ones that are on television that are running in the 'A list' preachers are no way perfect. Few pastors I know have the gift of discernment, fewer still are not afraid of prophetic people because they are afraid of losing CONTROL..... so sad. Yet I am far from perfect, I cry out and pray I am doing the best I can. The devils are attacking even so...... greater, yet GOD saves me ... I do not watch much Christian television, I try not to point my finger even though my heart and spirit are grieved, I keep coming back to the scripture 'work out your own salvation with fear and trembling'...... I do not understand why these preachers are doing what they're doing, I find myself coming back to 'help them father, do whatever it takes to bring them BACK'.... I am rambling, here is the link, long story short, I do understand, I have been around them, they are FAR from perfect., but I know I have things in my own mind every day I must nail to the cross.. btw, Michael, I am finally post editing today 2 programs to get to you for the schedule, shall I put them in dropbox and send you the link? Blessings all, in His precious name. WaldropFamilyTVShow2 Great segment of how everything went wrong when Susan did an interview without asking the Lord before she did it. What a lesson for us all. Yesterday at 8:49am · Like · 2 DrMichael H Yeager Yes put them in drop box. email info! Yesterday at 8:58am · Like · 1 Mary June Rockwell Once you have given birth to a child, when does that child cease to be yours?? Yesterday at 9:03am · Like DrMichael H Yeager That child never ceases to be yours, and that's what's frightening. Just read the prodigal son. That father said his son was dead. Did you know in the genealogies that Adam is called the son of God. That means that all the human race, our sons and daughters. But they must be resurrected after they've committed sin. Yesterday at 9:06am · Like · 1 Errica Muriel With love and kindness has He drawn us.. Yesterday at 9:07am via mobile · Like DrMichael H Yeager ..........the background, like the darkness of the heavens above for the stars glitter, is the judgments of God. like I said, are you going to throw away possibly two thirds of the Bible? why do we not just embrace all that God is? Yesterday at 9:09am · Like · 1 Ann Wolfrays People need to rightly divide the Word of Truth.Yes God is a God of grace ,but we are not to take advantage of it. 22 hours ago · Like Dan Todd Sr I know who you're talking thanks. I have really been blessed by your posts and preaching...thank you!21 hours ago · Like · 1 Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey Page 30 of 85
  • 31. Final Version Dated November 8, 2013 Dan Todd Sr I haven't watched TBN in years and years. A friend and I happened to be in Dallas for business a couple of years ago and pulled into their parking lot. Wow...we both got sick to our stomachs and had to leave. DARKNESS even in the parking lot. 21 hours ago · Like · 2 Enid Fye Crentsil Most worrying - 21 hours ago · Like Elder Reginald Turner Hmm...thank you for sharing this. The Apostle Paul was known for naming/marking those who made a mockery of the cross or hindered the Kingdom. Thanks for doing likewise! 20 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1 Jennifer Sin I am an Asian living in Singapore and I was saved thru Pastor Prince's New Creation church. Subsequently, I was led to bring my family and some friends to the church and they too were saved. However my message to them was and still the same today, that they are to follow the leading of God, not the church nor its pastors. 7 hours ago via mobile · Like Jennifer Sin I do agree with Reci that each church has its duties be it they lean too much on Word, Grace, or condemnation, the Holy Spirit who is in us will finish the work.. therefore I am not too concerned about churches or its pastors. I just follow His guidance. 7 hours ago via mobile · Like Jennifer Sin Shortly about after a year into the salvation, I was led to another church, new season if growth. I thank God for His churches which has fed me to be where I am with God today. Thank you Dr Michael for your posts, perhaps we need you to pray for him and the flock. Singaporeans live alot under the law as its government adopts Meritocracy in its governance. They need the grace message since most constantly feel condemned, judged and stressed within. Perhaps Pastor Prince has gone too far...... 7 hours ago via mobile · Like Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey Page 31 of 85
  • 32. Final Version Dated November 8, 2013 DrMichael H Yeager Journal Entry on Facebook October 3, 2013, @ 10:35 pm near Gettysburg, PA · My 40 Day Journey Day 7, Evening Thursday, October 3, 10:09 PM I was up early once again seeking the face of God. At about 6 AM, I joined the men at the church to pray. During this particular time in prayer, the Lord kept bringing back to my mind, Scriptures dealing with trusting Him, following, and obeying him. Faith is the victory that overcomes the world. We are talking about a fight of faith, especially when everything in your body and your mind is contradictory to what the word of God says. Yesterday the enemy began to afflict my body, with congestion, head pressure, and throat irritation. This morning when I was able to get up, it was compounded five times worse. When these things begin to happen I can do one of two things, I can either give in to them, or rise up and resist it. That's exactly what I did this morning. And I'm still doing tonight! As I sit here sharing with you the seventh day of my journey, I do not feel at all spiritual. And if you could see me, I do not look spiritual. But let God be true, and everything else a lie. This 40 day journey is to be a time of giving myself completely to God, in word, deed, thought, and action. I have not been completely successful, but thank God for the blood of Christ. This morning I began to share a little bit of biblical truths on Facebook. I did receive all good responses, but some that seem to be contrary to the word of God. Before I knew it the time was flying by as I was trying to share biblical truths that could help people get set free from the false doctrines. Sometimes I do not know if this is a waste of time or not. One thing that is so evident today is that people have their favorite preachers. Even in the day that Paul lived he said that people had their favorite ministers. He also said that they were carnal. I must admit that I do have a favorite preacher. I just can't help it. I have decided to follow Him wherever he may go. I actually worship the ground He walks on. He can do no wrong. Of course, I'm talking about Jesus Christ. He is my only, and I mean only, favorite preacher. We need to take a hold of Him, by faith, following Him, every day, wherever He may lead. This is one thing I find very strange right now in the modern day church. You do not hear very many ministers quoting the teachings of Jesus Christ. And yet his doctrines, and teachings, which came right from the father, are the foundation upon which the church is built. He is the rock that the gates of hell will not and cannot prevail against. I see my utter and absolute need for more of Him, and less of me. He is and must be my all in all! I remember as a little boy, reading a lot of comic books. All of these different superheroes were very real and important to me. I remember my mom even making me a little outfit. It was a Superman outfit that I would wear wherever I went. I can still remember the red cape with the big letter S on it, flying behind me as I would run around the house, outside, and down the street. I'm sure that my neighbors thought it was cute, but actually it was pretty stupid. There's something within the heart of man that wants to look up to someone who is a hero. Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey Page 32 of 85
  • 33. Final Version Dated November 8, 2013 On February 18, 1975, I found my hero. I want to be just like Him, and I can be, because He lives inside of me. His name is Jesus Christ, the King of kings and the Lord of lords. As I drink His blood, and eat His flesh, I am transformed into His likeness and into His very image. This is what this 40 day journey is all about. I want to be more like Jesus. I need a deeper revelation knowledge that Christ Himself lives in me. Therefore, I have no excuse of why I cannot overcome the world, the flesh, and the devil. On the seventh day of my journey, I cry out to the one who's more than enough, to carry me across the finish line, victorious. By God's grace, I will lay my head down on the pillow tonight, thinking upon my hero, my Champion, my Lord, and my God, Jesus Christ. God has given me His word, that I can use it in order to renew my mind and be transformed, so that I can prove to all what is the good the acceptable and perfect will of God. Let the journey continue! Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey Page 33 of 85
  • 34. Final Version Dated November 8, 2013 DrMichael H Yeager Journal Entry on Facebook October 4, 2013, @ 8:31 am near Gettysburg, PA · My 40 Day Journey Day 8, Morning Friday, October 4, 8:00 am Through the night I was coming in and out of sleep. God gave me a tremendous breakthrough when it came to the congestion that was in my chest and head. I woke up with much relief. Thank God his word never fails. Yes I'm still walking out my healing, it's mine, Christ took my sicknesses and diseases. I know, that I know, that I know By His Stripes I Am Healed! Had a wonderful time of prayer this morning with some of the men in the church. Every morning we gather at 6 AM to pray crying out to God for the body of Christ. We are crying out to God for a mighty move of the Holy Ghost, and the gathering of the harvest. I used to be a fisherman in Alaska and off of the coast of Oregon and the state of Washington. In Alaska when the salmon runs would begin it was the most amazing thing I ever saw. One day you would see just a couple fins of the salmon going up the river. But when you would get up the next morning all of a sudden all you saw was the fins of hundreds of thousands of salmon headed up the river, back to where they were spawned. I truly believe with all my heart we are about to see this when it pertains to the harvest of souls of men and women. The book of James chapter 5 boldly declares that the Lord of the harvest is patient until he receives the early and latter rain. And because the Lord of the harvest is patient, we must be also. The Scriptures declare that they will begin to say where is his returning? They do not have the revelation or the reality of what it is God is wanting and waiting for. And yes the tares and the wheat have been growing together, the goats and sheep. But there will be a separation from the harlot church, and the holy church. Those are operating in the love of money, and the pleasures of sin within the church, and those who are simply loving, following, and striving to obey God. It is the spirit of God that moves upon our heart to begin to fast, pray, seek God's face and meditate upon his word. There is a gestation period where the life in the womb must grow, or the seed in the ground must germinate. But in the appointed time it will come forth. What do we do in the meantime? We keep pressing toward the Mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. We keep walking and living moment by moment in his divine will. Today on this eighth day of my journey I just keep pressing in. I keep meditating, praying, and renewing my mind, bringing every thought subject to the authority of Christ. Knowing within my heart that within any moment, there might be a suddenly. Sincerely: doc Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey Page 34 of 85
  • 35. Final Version Dated November 8, 2013 DrMichael H Yeager Journal Entry on Facebook October 4, 2013, @ 10:30 pm near Gettysburg, PA · My 40 Day Journey Day 8, Evening Friday, October 4, 2013, 10:10 pm Here it is coming to the end of my eighth day on this 40 day journey. We are not to be surprised at the fiery trial which is about to try us, but sometimes we are. Jesus said do not worry about tomorrow, because sufficient is the evil thereof today. Whenever you set your heart and your mind to go after God I guarantee the enemy is going to be there to mess you up, or should I say try to mess you up. I had the opportunity today to speak at our 10 AM service, and the 7 PM service. You see for over a year now we've been having three services every day, not including our 6 AM time of prayer. I had to step in to fill some empty spaces, but I'm not complaining. The Lord had me speak on the subject of sowing and reaping. It is the law of Genesis! Every seed will produce after its own kind, whether it be flesh or spirit. This law works whether you believe it or not. In Galatians Paul said, whatsoever, yes whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. This law can either be a tremendous blessing, or a terrible curse. How do we sow seeds? By everything we do, say, think, speak, respond, and in every regards. And yes, we will reap if we continue in that process, whether it be on to life or be on to death! If you have been sowing seeds to the flesh, you can repent, but you still have to deal with the repercussions. Here is a simple illustration, if you are driving 45 miles an hour in a 25 mile an hour zone and the police officer catches you, most likely you still will pay a fine. Now you could be saying, Lord I repent, please forgive me! Yes, God does forgive you, but you still have to pay the fine. Do you get that? You are forgiven, but there still natural repercussions to your offense. That's why Paul says, be not deceived, God is not mocked, whatever we sow, we will reap. Chapter 5 is speaking about the flesh and the spirit. You might say, O but Pastor Mike do you not realize I'm a new creature in Christ Jesus. Okay, if you are, you better live like it, because being born again does not exempt you from the law of sowing and reaping. Give and it shall be given to you, good measure, pressed down, and shaken together. This doesn't matter if it's flesh or spirit. Help me Lord, on this eighth day of my journey, to have a revelation, a reality that I will reap whatever I sow. And that you are a rewarder of them that diligently seek you! Journal Entries for “My 40 Day Journey – Mike Yeager Published by James Eugene Barbush, A Follower on The Journey Page 35 of 85