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MGMT 591 Final Guide
Leadership & Organization
Behavior Keller
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MGMT 591 Final Exam Leadership & Organization Behavior Keller 
(TCO F) Eagle Standard A Inc. (ESI) a major engineering firm specialized in
designing aircraft parts for government contracts. ESI employees project
managers and 42 engineers who are divided into project group of 6-7
members. The majority of project team leaders have spent time in France and
Britain learning new technology. The Eagle 6 project team consisting of 6
engineers is developing new equipment for a jet fighter. The project has been
ongoing for 18 months and all 6 engineers have been with this project group
since its inception working together on all projects. Eagle 6 works well
However, the Eagle 6 team has the most technical project and its engineers
have been working too much overtime. The senior project manager, Bruce
Chanick interviewed and hired a new engineer to help out Richard Hue. Rich
has good qualifications and seems to be knowledgeable and motivated. The
work is challenging and gives him the opportunity to showcase his computer
skills and engineering knowledge. Two weeks in he quickly became a
contributing member of the team showing initiative and the willingness to
work overtime and weekends to research possible solutions to potential
problems. Richard was particularly adept with the computer system and Bruce
is ecstatic about his new hire Richard is a loner on and off the job. He is from
country x a small island with a high power-distance culture all of the other
members of the team member felt Richard flouts his education and knowledge
and none of them like him in fact can’t stand him.
Bruce told Tim that Richard thinks that the rest of the team are slackers who
talk about bowling and sport instead of working Richard thinks he is disliked
because he’s from Country X. Bruce Wants to keep everyone in the company
and more importantly within the team so how should Bruce handle this
problem? Detail what he should do by applying at least two conflict
management methods to enhance group and team performance include roles
and decision making in our response. (Points: 45)
Two conflict management methods that Bruce can use are force and collaboration. As
the team lead, Bruce can create opportunities that will allow the engineers to work in a
more collaborative environment. For example, he can assign some engineers to pair up
with Richard on a particular project task and Richard can be paired with different
engineers for…
(TCO B) Faxco Incorporated is a business with 500 employees. The CEO of the
company has recently learned based on employee surveys. That the employees
are not very happy with the company in fact the CEO is starting to believe that
this may be the reason why Faxco is experiencing slower sales and a recent
budget crisis which threatens to shut down the company in 3 years if it is not
You are a consultant and the CEO has asked you to visit the company for a
week and analyze what might be going wrong. Here is your notes form the
week (1) Attended manager 1’s staff meeting. He has 200 employees working
under him Manager 1 talking about the recent budget problems that Faxco is
having. He said it’s not like we didn’t know this was coming. The company
makes a junky product compared to our competitor and half the time. I think
the manufacturing department is cutting corners. Overheard manager 1 tells
an employee. I don’t blame anyone if they are looking for work elsewhere.
(2) Overhead three employees talking after Manager 1’s staff meeting
Employees are upset about the idea that the manufacturing department is
cutting corners and creating junky products. The company advertises its
products as having the finest quality and durability.
(3) Attended Manger 2’s staff meeting he runs the Tech department and has
20 employees. He was very upset with the Marketing department. He stated
someone over in marketing reported to the CEO that a computer technician
from this department was rude to them. I did not even ask who it was that
was supposedly being rude. I know we’re all techies in this customers do is
complain. It us versus them apparently so we have to watch out. In light of
what you learned in MGMT 591 about Diversity job satisfaction and attitudes
please write up a neatly organized analysis for the CEO. (Points: 45)
The attitudes of the employees affect their behavior, which in turn affects their job
performance and the company’s productivity level. In particular, their attitudes are
influenced by their belief that the company is making poor quality products. This is
particularly true for the employees under Manager 1. On the other hand, the employees
under Manager…
(TCO E, F) Neff Incorporated is a small business with 100 employees and 4
Susan and Bob work are co-workers at Neff Incorporated. Ever since they
were both assigned to work on Project X, they have been arguing about how
to meet the goals of that project.
On Monday they get into a very loud argument about Project X, in the cafeteria
during lunch break. Manager 1 is told about the argument and he sends out an
email which says: “Greetings everyone. I heard that there may have been a
small disagreement in the cafeteria at lunchtime. I just want you all to know
that I appreciate the good work you are all doing on Project X. I know that
everyone here really gets along even though a little workplace stress can
sometimes build up. It is good that we have such a warm, friendly group of
employees working here at Neff Incorporated”.
On Tuesday, Susan and Bob get into another argument about Project X at
lunchtime. Manager 2 decides that she will deal with the situation this time.
She sends them an email stating: “Susan and Bob, you have both worked here
at Neff for 5 years and you have worked on many projects together. I know
you are both passionate about our mission and goals here at Neff. I also know
that you sometimes disagree with each other on how to meet those goals, but
we need to look at the big picture. You are both on the same team and both
working towards the same goals. Please do not let small disagreements get in
the way of this.”
On Wednesday, Susan and Bob get into a third argument about Project X, in
the cafeteria again. Manager 3 decides he is going to handle the situation this
time. He sends them an email stating, “Susan and Bob, if you cannot get along
and maintain professionalism here at Neff Incorporated, I will have no choice
but to terminate you both. Consider this your written warning. These loud
arguments in public must stop now”.
On Thursday, Susan finds that a small cup of water has spilled on her desk.
She thinks it may have been Bob who did it but she is not sure. She quietly
tells Manager 4 about the situation. Manager 4 asks Susan and Bob to come
into her office. She says, “Ok, I understand that on Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday of this week you two had loud arguments in the cafeteria about
Project X. Let’s talk this through in an orderly and respectful fashion. I’m
handing you both a sheet of paper. Please list your disagreements about the
Project and we will deal with them one by one. Let’s get this resolved today.
“Please list and discuss the conflict management strategies that are at play in
this situation. Please state whether you think each of the strategies used by
the managers here were appropriate and used in the proper order. Please
defend your answer based on your analysis of the situation. (Points : 45)
Manager 1 used avoidance in that he or she downplayed the disagreement and failed to
participate in the situation, He or she stayed neutral. However, this was an
inappropriate conflict management strategy for this situation as it doesn’t lead to the…
(TCO D) Identify the five stages of team development, and explain what
happens at each stage. Give a specific example from your own experience to
highlight one of the stages. (Points : 45)
The five stages of team development are the forming, storming, norming, performing,
and adjourning stages.
The forming stage is when the members first join the team. At this stage, the members
get to know each other in efforts to find a common ground. In addition, they will be
interested to find out what the team’s goals are and what they will obtain from
(TCO A, B) Define organizational behavior and list the four emotional
intelligence competencies that contribute to understanding ourselves and
others within the organizational behavior environment. (Points : 10)
Organizational behavior is a culture that is a shared set of beliefs and values within an
Organization (Schermerhorn et al., 2012, p. 9). It influences the way people act and
feel in organizations. For example, an authoritarian culture restricts the employees
from innovating or acting on their own. On the other hand, employees are able to…
(TCOs A& B) What is organizational learning? Why is it important for firms to
emphasize organizational learning? (Points: 10)
Organizational learning is an organization-wide ongoing process that improves its
collective ability to accept, make sense of, and respond to external and internal change.
It requires the collective interpretation and systematic integration of new…
(TCOs A& B) OB defines stress in terms of both work stressors and life
stressors. Please identify four common sources of stress at work. (Points : 10)
Four common sources of stress at work are task demands, ethical dilemmas,
interpersonal problems, and physical setting. Task demands pertain to when the
employee has either too much or too little workload. In particular, too much workload
(TCO D) Referring to the team decision-making process, define consensus and
unanimity and explain the difference between the two.(Points : 10)
Consensus is a group or teams that consist of people who come from different
backgrounds and who have different values, personalities and skills, different opinions
and approaches may arise with regards to the resolution of problems, an example of
which is how best to…
(TCO D) There are six methods that teams use to make decisions. Identify and
define three of the five. (Points : 10)
Three of the methods that teams use in making decisions are through authority rule;
through a consensus; and through unanimity.
Decision-making through authority rule occurs when a leader, manager, or chairperson
decides for the team. While this method enables…
(TCO E, F) Although conflict is usually considered a negative experience to be
avoided, it actually has the potential to produce positive organizational
outcomes. Please identify three ways in which conflict can be a positive
influence. (Points : 10)
Three ways that conflict can be a positive influence is the information that is represent
by a member can be beneficial to the company. If something isn’t going right and it
has been noted by the person causing the conflict, his solution may benefit the…
(TCO A, B) An organization is a collection of people working together within a
given structure and culture to achieve a common purpose. Identify and
describe the three components that assist the organization in meeting its
goals and list any three of the five components of job satisfaction that
contribute to a company meeting these goals. (Points: 10)
Three components that assist the organization in meeting its goal include an
organizational identity, a long-rage strategic plan, and staff development and
organizational culture. The organization’s identity consists of its mission, vision, and…
(TCOs E & F) Please identify and give examples of four of the five direct
conflict management strategies. (Points : 10)
Four of the five direct conflict management strategies are accommodation or
smoothing, collaboration and problem solving, compromise, and avoidance.
Avoidance is when no one assertively acts…
(TCO G) There are six sources of position power in organizational settings.
Identify and define three of these sources. (Points : 10)
The six sources of position power are legitimate, reward, coercive, process, information,
and representative power. The reward power allows a manager to use extrinsic and
intrinsic rewards to control other people. Some examples would…
(TCO G) Define power from an organizational behavior perspective. What is
the difference between power and influence? (Points : 10)
Power is defined as the “ability to get someone to do something you want done or the
ability to make things happen or get things done the way you want” (Schermerhorn et
al., 2012, p. 264) whileinfluence is the “behavioral response to the exercise of power”
(Schermerhorn et al., 2012, p. 264). The essence of power is the…
(TCO H, I, J) The senior executive team at, after a strategy
review session with the Board of Directors, has decided that it’s time to invest
some time and capital in improving the corporate culture. The company has
rebounded from a near calamity two years ago, and while it was a great
scramble, the company survived and is in the strongest position ever. They
knew that the culture had been strained by the episode and wanted sincerely
to work to bring things back to “normal.” With the assistance of local HR
offices, a case was made to the employee population that certain aspects of
their current culture might have suffered over the past few years and that it
was time to think about change. They announced that they would be
undergoing an organizational culture review and that everyone’s opinion was
valued. A whopping 79% of the employees participated in the survey that they
administered. Senior management had worked with the consultants for a few
months before the survey was given and had determined their “Ideal” scores.
The survey confirmed their suspicions.
The table below provides you with the percentile scores from the employee
population, the ideal scores from management, and the percentage point
difference between management’s ideal and the actual results. The typical
ideal score for companies is also given as a reference point. The overall
cultural grouping for the individual cultural norms is also identified.
Referencing the information presented above, please analyze the current
culture at
 Identify and describe the cultural aspects that management cites as
important and contrast them to the cultural attributes that employees
report as being expected. Also, compare and contrast management’s ideal
results with the typical ideal results.
 Identify the most significant gaps between management’s ideal and the
actual results.
 What conclusions do you draw taking into account all of the facts
presented and your analysis?
 Provide your recommendations for the next two steps in the change process.
 How would you prioritize and sequence the necessary change?
(Points : 40)
Management feels that constructive styles are important yet the employees result
display a passive defensive style as being prominent. The management ideal results
indicate that perfectionist, competitive, achievement, and self-actualization are
preferred. The employee results indicate that avoidance, perfectionist, competitive,
approval, conventional, and…
(TCO C) As a manager you are in a situation where a key employee seems to
have lost his excitement about the job. The employee’s familiar positive tone
and high energy approach to the job and the workplace seem to be on the
wane. You really don’t know what is going on with this person. But, you can
try to start to understand this employee by examining various motivation
theories. Use elements from each of Maslow’s theory, Herzberg’s Two-Factor
theory, and Equity theory and assemble your own motivation theory to help
you to start understanding this employee. Be sure to fully explain and define
all elements that you use in your new model of motivation. Finally, compose a
short case to demonstrate how your motivation model can actually be applied.
(Points : 40)
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory offers appear amid the psychological, safety, social,
esteem, and self-accusation needs. The higher needs are identified as self-accusation,
and a steam. Self-actualization is regarded as the highest need…
(TCO G) The Michigan and Ohio State studies represent seminal research on
leadership theory. Both studies identified two basic forms of leader behaviors.
What were the similarities in the findings from these two studies and what
was the significance of the research? (Points : 30)
In the late 1940s, researchers at the University of Michigan sought to identify the
leadership pattern that results in an effective performance. From interviews of high and
low performing groups in different organizations the researchers derived two basic
forms of leadership behaviors: employee centered and production…
(TCO A, B) In order to meet organizational goals and objectives management
must comprehend organizational behavior in relationship to the functions of
management. List and describe the management process functions and
describe how the five personality traits contribute to the management
process. (Points : 30)
The management process includes planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. The
functions describe what managers are supposed to do in respect to:
Planning-defining goals, setting specific performance objectives, and identifying the
actions needed to achieve them.
Organizing-creating work structures and…
(TCO D) Define the concept of social loafing. Why does social loafing occur?
Give an example of social loafing and a suggestion for how to prevent
it. (Points : 20)
Social loafing, also known as the Ringlemann effect, is a tendency of people to work
less hard in a group then they would individually. Ringlemann suggest that people may
not work as hard in groups because their individual contributions are less noticeable in
the group context and because they preferred to see others carry the workload.
An example of social loafing is when a group of volunteers are gathered to fill…

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Mgmt 591 final guide leadership & organization behavior keller

  • 1. MGMT 591 Final Guide Leadership & Organization Behavior Keller Click Link Below To Buy: keller/ Or Visit Product Description MGMT 591 Final Exam Leadership & Organization Behavior Keller    (TCO F) Eagle Standard A Inc. (ESI) a major engineering firm specialized in designing aircraft parts for government contracts. ESI employees project managers and 42 engineers who are divided into project group of 6-7 members. The majority of project team leaders have spent time in France and Britain learning new technology. The Eagle 6 project team consisting of 6 engineers is developing new equipment for a jet fighter. The project has been ongoing for 18 months and all 6 engineers have been with this project group since its inception working together on all projects. Eagle 6 works well together. However, the Eagle 6 team has the most technical project and its engineers have been working too much overtime. The senior project manager, Bruce Chanick interviewed and hired a new engineer to help out Richard Hue. Rich has good qualifications and seems to be knowledgeable and motivated. The work is challenging and gives him the opportunity to showcase his computer skills and engineering knowledge. Two weeks in he quickly became a contributing member of the team showing initiative and the willingness to work overtime and weekends to research possible solutions to potential
  • 2. problems. Richard was particularly adept with the computer system and Bruce is ecstatic about his new hire Richard is a loner on and off the job. He is from country x a small island with a high power-distance culture all of the other members of the team member felt Richard flouts his education and knowledge and none of them like him in fact can’t stand him. Bruce told Tim that Richard thinks that the rest of the team are slackers who talk about bowling and sport instead of working Richard thinks he is disliked because he’s from Country X. Bruce Wants to keep everyone in the company and more importantly within the team so how should Bruce handle this problem? Detail what he should do by applying at least two conflict management methods to enhance group and team performance include roles and decision making in our response. (Points: 45) Two conflict management methods that Bruce can use are force and collaboration. As the team lead, Bruce can create opportunities that will allow the engineers to work in a more collaborative environment. For example, he can assign some engineers to pair up with Richard on a particular project task and Richard can be paired with different engineers for…   (TCO B) Faxco Incorporated is a business with 500 employees. The CEO of the company has recently learned based on employee surveys. That the employees are not very happy with the company in fact the CEO is starting to believe that this may be the reason why Faxco is experiencing slower sales and a recent budget crisis which threatens to shut down the company in 3 years if it is not fixed. You are a consultant and the CEO has asked you to visit the company for a week and analyze what might be going wrong. Here is your notes form the week (1) Attended manager 1’s staff meeting. He has 200 employees working under him Manager 1 talking about the recent budget problems that Faxco is having. He said it’s not like we didn’t know this was coming. The company makes a junky product compared to our competitor and half the time. I think the manufacturing department is cutting corners. Overheard manager 1 tells an employee. I don’t blame anyone if they are looking for work elsewhere. (2) Overhead three employees talking after Manager 1’s staff meeting Employees are upset about the idea that the manufacturing department is cutting corners and creating junky products. The company advertises its products as having the finest quality and durability.
  • 3. (3) Attended Manger 2’s staff meeting he runs the Tech department and has 20 employees. He was very upset with the Marketing department. He stated someone over in marketing reported to the CEO that a computer technician from this department was rude to them. I did not even ask who it was that was supposedly being rude. I know we’re all techies in this customers do is complain. It us versus them apparently so we have to watch out. In light of what you learned in MGMT 591 about Diversity job satisfaction and attitudes please write up a neatly organized analysis for the CEO. (Points: 45) The attitudes of the employees affect their behavior, which in turn affects their job performance and the company’s productivity level. In particular, their attitudes are influenced by their belief that the company is making poor quality products. This is particularly true for the employees under Manager 1. On the other hand, the employees under Manager…   (TCO E, F) Neff Incorporated is a small business with 100 employees and 4 managers. Susan and Bob work are co-workers at Neff Incorporated. Ever since they were both assigned to work on Project X, they have been arguing about how to meet the goals of that project. On Monday they get into a very loud argument about Project X, in the cafeteria during lunch break. Manager 1 is told about the argument and he sends out an email which says: “Greetings everyone. I heard that there may have been a small disagreement in the cafeteria at lunchtime. I just want you all to know that I appreciate the good work you are all doing on Project X. I know that everyone here really gets along even though a little workplace stress can sometimes build up. It is good that we have such a warm, friendly group of employees working here at Neff Incorporated”. On Tuesday, Susan and Bob get into another argument about Project X at lunchtime. Manager 2 decides that she will deal with the situation this time. She sends them an email stating: “Susan and Bob, you have both worked here at Neff for 5 years and you have worked on many projects together. I know you are both passionate about our mission and goals here at Neff. I also know that you sometimes disagree with each other on how to meet those goals, but we need to look at the big picture. You are both on the same team and both working towards the same goals. Please do not let small disagreements get in the way of this.”
  • 4. On Wednesday, Susan and Bob get into a third argument about Project X, in the cafeteria again. Manager 3 decides he is going to handle the situation this time. He sends them an email stating, “Susan and Bob, if you cannot get along and maintain professionalism here at Neff Incorporated, I will have no choice but to terminate you both. Consider this your written warning. These loud arguments in public must stop now”. On Thursday, Susan finds that a small cup of water has spilled on her desk. She thinks it may have been Bob who did it but she is not sure. She quietly tells Manager 4 about the situation. Manager 4 asks Susan and Bob to come into her office. She says, “Ok, I understand that on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week you two had loud arguments in the cafeteria about Project X. Let’s talk this through in an orderly and respectful fashion. I’m handing you both a sheet of paper. Please list your disagreements about the Project and we will deal with them one by one. Let’s get this resolved today. “Please list and discuss the conflict management strategies that are at play in this situation. Please state whether you think each of the strategies used by the managers here were appropriate and used in the proper order. Please defend your answer based on your analysis of the situation. (Points : 45) Manager 1 used avoidance in that he or she downplayed the disagreement and failed to participate in the situation, He or she stayed neutral. However, this was an inappropriate conflict management strategy for this situation as it doesn’t lead to the…   (TCO D) Identify the five stages of team development, and explain what happens at each stage. Give a specific example from your own experience to highlight one of the stages. (Points : 45) The five stages of team development are the forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning stages. The forming stage is when the members first join the team. At this stage, the members get to know each other in efforts to find a common ground. In addition, they will be interested to find out what the team’s goals are and what they will obtain from becoming…   (TCO A, B) Define organizational behavior and list the four emotional intelligence competencies that contribute to understanding ourselves and others within the organizational behavior environment. (Points : 10)
  • 5. Organizational behavior is a culture that is a shared set of beliefs and values within an Organization (Schermerhorn et al., 2012, p. 9). It influences the way people act and feel in organizations. For example, an authoritarian culture restricts the employees from innovating or acting on their own. On the other hand, employees are able to…   (TCOs A& B) What is organizational learning? Why is it important for firms to emphasize organizational learning? (Points: 10) Organizational learning is an organization-wide ongoing process that improves its collective ability to accept, make sense of, and respond to external and internal change. It requires the collective interpretation and systematic integration of new…   (TCOs A& B) OB defines stress in terms of both work stressors and life stressors. Please identify four common sources of stress at work. (Points : 10) Four common sources of stress at work are task demands, ethical dilemmas, interpersonal problems, and physical setting. Task demands pertain to when the employee has either too much or too little workload. In particular, too much workload can…   (TCO D) Referring to the team decision-making process, define consensus and unanimity and explain the difference between the two.(Points : 10) Consensus is a group or teams that consist of people who come from different backgrounds and who have different values, personalities and skills, different opinions and approaches may arise with regards to the resolution of problems, an example of which is how best to…   (TCO D) There are six methods that teams use to make decisions. Identify and define three of the five. (Points : 10) Three of the methods that teams use in making decisions are through authority rule; through a consensus; and through unanimity.
  • 6. Decision-making through authority rule occurs when a leader, manager, or chairperson decides for the team. While this method enables…   (TCO E, F) Although conflict is usually considered a negative experience to be avoided, it actually has the potential to produce positive organizational outcomes. Please identify three ways in which conflict can be a positive influence. (Points : 10) Three ways that conflict can be a positive influence is the information that is represent by a member can be beneficial to the company. If something isn’t going right and it has been noted by the person causing the conflict, his solution may benefit the…   (TCO A, B) An organization is a collection of people working together within a given structure and culture to achieve a common purpose. Identify and describe the three components that assist the organization in meeting its goals and list any three of the five components of job satisfaction that contribute to a company meeting these goals. (Points: 10) Three components that assist the organization in meeting its goal include an organizational identity, a long-rage strategic plan, and staff development and organizational culture. The organization’s identity consists of its mission, vision, and…   (TCOs E & F) Please identify and give examples of four of the five direct conflict management strategies. (Points : 10) Four of the five direct conflict management strategies are accommodation or smoothing, collaboration and problem solving, compromise, and avoidance. Avoidance is when no one assertively acts…   (TCO G) There are six sources of position power in organizational settings. Identify and define three of these sources. (Points : 10) The six sources of position power are legitimate, reward, coercive, process, information, and representative power. The reward power allows a manager to use extrinsic and intrinsic rewards to control other people. Some examples would…
  • 7. (TCO G) Define power from an organizational behavior perspective. What is the difference between power and influence? (Points : 10) Power is defined as the “ability to get someone to do something you want done or the ability to make things happen or get things done the way you want” (Schermerhorn et al., 2012, p. 264) whileinfluence is the “behavioral response to the exercise of power” (Schermerhorn et al., 2012, p. 264). The essence of power is the…   (TCO H, I, J) The senior executive team at, after a strategy review session with the Board of Directors, has decided that it’s time to invest some time and capital in improving the corporate culture. The company has rebounded from a near calamity two years ago, and while it was a great scramble, the company survived and is in the strongest position ever. They knew that the culture had been strained by the episode and wanted sincerely to work to bring things back to “normal.” With the assistance of local HR offices, a case was made to the employee population that certain aspects of their current culture might have suffered over the past few years and that it was time to think about change. They announced that they would be undergoing an organizational culture review and that everyone’s opinion was valued. A whopping 79% of the employees participated in the survey that they administered. Senior management had worked with the consultants for a few months before the survey was given and had determined their “Ideal” scores. The survey confirmed their suspicions. The table below provides you with the percentile scores from the employee population, the ideal scores from management, and the percentage point difference between management’s ideal and the actual results. The typical ideal score for companies is also given as a reference point. The overall cultural grouping for the individual cultural norms is also identified.   Referencing the information presented above, please analyze the current culture at  Identify and describe the cultural aspects that management cites as important and contrast them to the cultural attributes that employees report as being expected. Also, compare and contrast management’s ideal results with the typical ideal results.
  • 8.  Identify the most significant gaps between management’s ideal and the actual results.  What conclusions do you draw taking into account all of the facts presented and your analysis?  Provide your recommendations for the next two steps in the change process.  How would you prioritize and sequence the necessary change? (Points : 40) Management feels that constructive styles are important yet the employees result display a passive defensive style as being prominent. The management ideal results indicate that perfectionist, competitive, achievement, and self-actualization are preferred. The employee results indicate that avoidance, perfectionist, competitive, approval, conventional, and…   (TCO C) As a manager you are in a situation where a key employee seems to have lost his excitement about the job. The employee’s familiar positive tone and high energy approach to the job and the workplace seem to be on the wane. You really don’t know what is going on with this person. But, you can try to start to understand this employee by examining various motivation theories. Use elements from each of Maslow’s theory, Herzberg’s Two-Factor theory, and Equity theory and assemble your own motivation theory to help you to start understanding this employee. Be sure to fully explain and define all elements that you use in your new model of motivation. Finally, compose a short case to demonstrate how your motivation model can actually be applied. (Points : 40) Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory offers appear amid the psychological, safety, social, esteem, and self-accusation needs. The higher needs are identified as self-accusation, and a steam. Self-actualization is regarded as the highest need…   (TCO G) The Michigan and Ohio State studies represent seminal research on leadership theory. Both studies identified two basic forms of leader behaviors. What were the similarities in the findings from these two studies and what was the significance of the research? (Points : 30) In the late 1940s, researchers at the University of Michigan sought to identify the leadership pattern that results in an effective performance. From interviews of high and
  • 9. low performing groups in different organizations the researchers derived two basic forms of leadership behaviors: employee centered and production…   (TCO A, B) In order to meet organizational goals and objectives management must comprehend organizational behavior in relationship to the functions of management. List and describe the management process functions and describe how the five personality traits contribute to the management process. (Points : 30) The management process includes planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. The functions describe what managers are supposed to do in respect to: Planning-defining goals, setting specific performance objectives, and identifying the actions needed to achieve them. Organizing-creating work structures and…   (TCO D) Define the concept of social loafing. Why does social loafing occur? Give an example of social loafing and a suggestion for how to prevent it. (Points : 20) Social loafing, also known as the Ringlemann effect, is a tendency of people to work less hard in a group then they would individually. Ringlemann suggest that people may not work as hard in groups because their individual contributions are less noticeable in the group context and because they preferred to see others carry the workload. An example of social loafing is when a group of volunteers are gathered to fill…