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Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Metric Misuse
Chris Green - StrategiQ Marketing
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
What is metric misuse?
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Over-reliance on the wrong numbers
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Why does it happen?
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Just because it's a number...
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
... doesn't mean it's true
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Arguments should be supported by data
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Not moulded to fit them
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
In this webinar we'll cover
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - marketing starts with a strategy
10 frequently misused metrics
in digital marketing
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
1. Rankings
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
One of the most misunderstood
“SEO metrics”
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
What we're measuring
isn't so easy to measure
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Put simply -
What's the weather like outside?
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Now phone someone in a different timezone
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
It won't always be the same
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
It won't always be the same
(Okay, so maybe that is a bit simple)
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - marketing starts with a strategy
Rankings aren't universal:
Personalisation, search location, etc
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Rankings are a good benchmark
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
They can monitor progress
and trouble-shoot issues
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Why are you tracking rankings?
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Because they == traffic?
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Because they == traffic?
Is traffic your goal?
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
It can be useful, but use the data wisely
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Next, another "SEO Metric”
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
2. New/Lost links
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
An example...
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
"My rankings dropped on the 2nd"
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
"I've checked and saw we lost some links
around then"
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
"That’s why..."
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Which tool did you use?
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
How does that tool discover backlinks?
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Will it crawl the same links as Google at the
same time?
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Probably not - and there's the problem
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - marketing starts with a strategy
New/Lost links is a good(ish) benchmark if you
check the same source
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
It's not a good way at diagnosing rankings
changes over short periods
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Look for trends over longer periods
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Onto less "SEO" metrics
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
3. Ave monthly traffic (keyword)
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
From Google or Bing for example
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Presents an approximate search volume as
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
It can be very useful, with some caveats
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
It shows the past, but not the future
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Very, very rough numbers, lots of rounding
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Can be particularly hard to judge on lower
search-weight terms
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - marketing starts with a strategy
(Remember - these figures are from tools which
help you spend your money)
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
“If I get into x position I'll get x traffic”
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
But SERPs for different keywords are different
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Click through rates are different
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
These search volumes show all the traffic, not
just those who click on ads or organic listings
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
On to my “favourite”
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
4. Bounce rate
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - marketing starts with a strategy
Probably the most commonly misused stat - it
could almost have gone unsaid
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - marketing starts with a strategy
Probably the most commonly misused stat - it
could almost have gone unsaid
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
But it's important to understand why bounce
rate is misunderstood
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Not just because a "bounce" isn't always bad
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
But because the method of measurement is
not fool-proof
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
"the percentage of visitors to a particular website
who navigate away from the site after viewing
only one page."
- Google
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Google Analytics tracking loads
when a page loads
a bounce is when the code
is only loaded once
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
But there are other reasons this might happen
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
"Google Analytics doesn't register multiple
pageviews unless users reload that page"
- (also) Google
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Bad news for one-page sites
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
The second pageview needs to be made within
the same "Session"
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Sessions, as tracked by GA can expire
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
After 30 minutes of inactivity and/or at
30 mins 00:00
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Spend too long inactive - that's a bounce too
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
How to making bounce rate
more meaningful
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Event tracking
on buttons/links, scroll depth or time on page
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - marketing starts with a strategy
Bounce can be a useful metric, but it’s only the
start of a question, not an answer
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
This moves on nicely to...
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
5. Average time on site
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Slightly less well known, but equally misused
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - marketing starts with a strategy
Because of what it is
(or isn't) measuring
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
If a bounce is when you only hit one page
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Time on site can only be measured (in GA)
when you view more than one page
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
80% bounce rate with average time on site of
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
That's 5 mins for the 20% of people who didn't
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Spend 4 mins on page 1, 3 mins on page 2,
then exit - how long is that recorded?
Page 1
Page 2
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
4 mins
Because the time on the second page is "lost"
when you exited
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
This can be solved in the same way as a
bounce, you need to track engagement better
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Or at minimum be aware how limited
this data can be
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
6. Pageviews
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Not a massive misuse case, but worth noting
when it can go wrong
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
When do pageviews not measure pageviews?
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
When you have tracking setup problems
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Common scenario I've seen...
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
GTM added without removing Universal
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Double pageviews - also very low bounce rate
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
But it could also be related to how you track
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Virtual pageviews - unsurprising really
just be aware
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
7. Impressions
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
A stat that leaves me conflicted, here's why...
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
"120,000 people saw your ad"
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Great, but did they? What does it even mean?
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
That's not to say # of
impressions is a bad stat...
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
But buying impressions is cheap and pointless
if done for the sake of impressions.
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - marketing starts with a strategy
Think about what an impression means to your
campaign goals - use wisely
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
8. Site Conversion rate
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
This is more as a caution to how conversions
are conveyed in GA
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Any goal which triggers on your site (time on
site, contact submission, pageview) is a
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
But there's a crucial difference between
Macro/Micro conversions
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
A site conversion rate of 30% is great, but as
Avinash Says ...
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
A "site's success is bigger than just that one
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
So a site-level conversion rate will be woefully
inadequate at telling your story
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
9. Referrals (ref spam)
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Something that catches out a casual user
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - marketing starts with a strategy
Ref Spam ruins data - it makes pageviews/users
more than they really are
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
It also pollutes user/engagement data too
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Filter it out (using advanced segments)
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Hope Google finds a better option soon!
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
10. Cost Per Click
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
An easy measurement to misuse
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
The wallet does most of the talking here
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Ever compared cost per click of adwords
keywords, or Facebook and LinkedIN Ads?
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Apples and oranges really - it comes down to...
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
What is an "expensive" click?
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
To answer that you first need to know what a
click is worth
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
"I'm not going to do LinkedIN ads because it
costs ten times more than Facebook"
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
I'd rather a fraction of the clicks if each one
was 10 times more likely to buy
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - marketing starts with a strategy
An expensive click is one which doesn't give you
anything back
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
But to understand the value here, you need to
be able to measure what a click brings
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Contact forms, phone leads, footfall… etc
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - marketing starts with a strategy
So how do you pick the right metrics?
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Understand what your objective is and work
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
We can measure a lot, success can be easy to
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
But it's also very easy to be over-confident
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Or make big decisions on bad data
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Be just as sure of what you don't know as what
you do.
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 -
StrategiQ Marketing -
My Twitter -
My Email -
Google Analytics Academy -
Ref Spam Segments -
Better data from GA -
Macro & Micro Conversions -

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Metric Misuse

  • 1. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Metric Misuse Chris Green - StrategiQ Marketing
  • 2. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - What is metric misuse?
  • 3. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Over-reliance on the wrong numbers
  • 4. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Why does it happen?
  • 5. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Misunderstanding
  • 6. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Just because it's a number...
  • 7. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - ... doesn't mean it's true
  • 8. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Arguments should be supported by data
  • 9. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Not moulded to fit them
  • 10. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - In this webinar we'll cover
  • 11. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - marketing starts with a strategy 10 frequently misused metrics in digital marketing
  • 12. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - 1. Rankings
  • 13. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - One of the most misunderstood “SEO metrics”
  • 14. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - What we're measuring isn't so easy to measure
  • 15. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Put simply - What's the weather like outside?
  • 16. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Now phone someone in a different timezone
  • 17. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - It won't always be the same
  • 18. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - It won't always be the same (Okay, so maybe that is a bit simple)
  • 19. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - marketing starts with a strategy Rankings aren't universal: Personalisation, search location, etc
  • 20. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Rankings are a good benchmark
  • 21. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - They can monitor progress and trouble-shoot issues
  • 22. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Why are you tracking rankings?
  • 23. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Because they == traffic?
  • 24. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Because they == traffic? Is traffic your goal?
  • 25. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - It can be useful, but use the data wisely
  • 26. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Next, another "SEO Metric”
  • 27. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - 2. New/Lost links
  • 28. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - An example...
  • 29. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - "My rankings dropped on the 2nd"
  • 30. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - "I've checked and saw we lost some links around then"
  • 31. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - "That’s why..." *sulk*
  • 32. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Which tool did you use?
  • 33. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - How does that tool discover backlinks?
  • 34. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Will it crawl the same links as Google at the same time?
  • 35. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Probably not - and there's the problem
  • 36. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - marketing starts with a strategy New/Lost links is a good(ish) benchmark if you check the same source
  • 37. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - It's not a good way at diagnosing rankings changes over short periods
  • 38. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Look for trends over longer periods
  • 39. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Onto less "SEO" metrics
  • 40. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - 3. Ave monthly traffic (keyword)
  • 41. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - From Google or Bing for example
  • 42. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Presents an approximate search volume as reported
  • 43. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - It can be very useful, with some caveats
  • 44. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - It shows the past, but not the future
  • 45. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Very, very rough numbers, lots of rounding
  • 46. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Can be particularly hard to judge on lower search-weight terms
  • 47. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - marketing starts with a strategy (Remember - these figures are from tools which help you spend your money)
  • 48. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - “If I get into x position I'll get x traffic”
  • 49. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Sometimes...
  • 50. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - But SERPs for different keywords are different
  • 51. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Click through rates are different
  • 52. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - These search volumes show all the traffic, not just those who click on ads or organic listings
  • 53. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - On to my “favourite”
  • 54. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - 4. Bounce rate
  • 55. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - marketing starts with a strategy Probably the most commonly misused stat - it could almost have gone unsaid
  • 56. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - marketing starts with a strategy Probably the most commonly misused stat - it could almost have gone unsaid Almost.
  • 57. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - But it's important to understand why bounce rate is misunderstood
  • 58. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Not just because a "bounce" isn't always bad
  • 59. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - But because the method of measurement is not fool-proof
  • 60. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - "the percentage of visitors to a particular website who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page." - Google
  • 61. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Google Analytics tracking loads when a page loads a bounce is when the code is only loaded once
  • 62. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - But there are other reasons this might happen
  • 63. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - "Google Analytics doesn't register multiple pageviews unless users reload that page" - (also) Google
  • 64. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Bad news for one-page sites
  • 65. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - The second pageview needs to be made within the same "Session"
  • 66. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Sessions, as tracked by GA can expire
  • 67. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - After 30 minutes of inactivity and/or at midnight 30 mins 00:00 OR
  • 68. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Spend too long inactive - that's a bounce too
  • 69. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - How to making bounce rate more meaningful
  • 70. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Event tracking on buttons/links, scroll depth or time on page
  • 71. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - marketing starts with a strategy Bounce can be a useful metric, but it’s only the start of a question, not an answer
  • 72. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - This moves on nicely to...
  • 73. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - 5. Average time on site
  • 74. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Slightly less well known, but equally misused
  • 75. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - marketing starts with a strategy Because of what it is (or isn't) measuring
  • 76. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - If a bounce is when you only hit one page
  • 77. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Time on site can only be measured (in GA) when you view more than one page
  • 78. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - 80% bounce rate with average time on site of 5mins
  • 79. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - That's 5 mins for the 20% of people who didn't bounce
  • 80. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Spend 4 mins on page 1, 3 mins on page 2, then exit - how long is that recorded? Page 1 04:02 Page 2 03:18
  • 81. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - 4 mins Because the time on the second page is "lost" when you exited
  • 82. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - This can be solved in the same way as a bounce, you need to track engagement better
  • 83. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Or at minimum be aware how limited this data can be
  • 84. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - 6. Pageviews
  • 85. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Not a massive misuse case, but worth noting when it can go wrong
  • 86. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - When do pageviews not measure pageviews?
  • 87. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - When you have tracking setup problems
  • 88. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Common scenario I've seen...
  • 89. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - GTM added without removing Universal Analytics
  • 90. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Double pageviews - also very low bounce rate too
  • 91. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - But it could also be related to how you track goals
  • 92. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Virtual pageviews - unsurprising really just be aware
  • 93. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - 7. Impressions
  • 94. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - A stat that leaves me conflicted, here's why...
  • 95. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - "120,000 people saw your ad"
  • 96. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Great, but did they? What does it even mean?
  • 97. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - That's not to say # of impressions is a bad stat...
  • 98. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - But buying impressions is cheap and pointless if done for the sake of impressions.
  • 99. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - marketing starts with a strategy Think about what an impression means to your campaign goals - use wisely
  • 100. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - 8. Site Conversion rate
  • 101. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - This is more as a caution to how conversions are conveyed in GA
  • 102. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Any goal which triggers on your site (time on site, contact submission, pageview) is a conversion
  • 103. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - But there's a crucial difference between Macro/Micro conversions
  • 104. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - A site conversion rate of 30% is great, but as Avinash Says ...
  • 105. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - A "site's success is bigger than just that one number"
  • 106. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - So a site-level conversion rate will be woefully inadequate at telling your story
  • 107. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - 9. Referrals (ref spam)
  • 108. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Something that catches out a casual user
  • 109. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - marketing starts with a strategy Ref Spam ruins data - it makes pageviews/users more than they really are
  • 110. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - It also pollutes user/engagement data too
  • 111. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Filter it out (using advanced segments)
  • 112. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Hope Google finds a better option soon!
  • 113. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - 10. Cost Per Click
  • 114. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - An easy measurement to misuse
  • 115. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - The wallet does most of the talking here
  • 116. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Ever compared cost per click of adwords keywords, or Facebook and LinkedIN Ads?
  • 117. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Apples and oranges really - it comes down to...
  • 118. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - What is an "expensive" click?
  • 119. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - To answer that you first need to know what a click is worth
  • 120. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - "I'm not going to do LinkedIN ads because it costs ten times more than Facebook"
  • 121. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - I'd rather a fraction of the clicks if each one was 10 times more likely to buy
  • 122. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - marketing starts with a strategy An expensive click is one which doesn't give you anything back
  • 123. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - But to understand the value here, you need to be able to measure what a click brings
  • 124. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Contact forms, phone leads, footfall… etc
  • 125. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - marketing starts with a strategy So how do you pick the right metrics?
  • 126. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Understand what your objective is and work backwards
  • 127. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - We can measure a lot, success can be easy to express
  • 128. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - But it's also very easy to be over-confident
  • 129. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Or make big decisions on bad data
  • 130. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Be just as sure of what you don't know as what you do.
  • 131. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - Questions?
  • 132. Successful marketing starts with a strategy. @chrisgreen87 - References: StrategiQ Marketing - My Twitter - My Email - Google Analytics Academy - Ref Spam Segments - Better data from GA - Macro & Micro Conversions - measure-macro-and-micro-conversions/