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For the period August 28 - September 15, 2014 
September 16, 2014
1. The law “On Elections of People's Deputies of Ukraine” in general makes it possible to 
provide elections in accordance with international standards. However, the Law has a 
number of drawbacks. The major drawback is preservation of mixed electoral system to be 
applied for elections of the early parliamentary elections. Procedures, provided by the Law, 
are not fully consistent with correspondent procedures provided by legislation on 
presidential and local elections. Constitutionality of the main provisions of the Law (in 
particular, in section regarding deprivation of the right to vote in majority component of the 
system those citizens who reside or stay abroad or have changed their voting place without 
change of voting address) is questionable. The Law does not provide efficient guarantees of 
safety for conduction of voting in regions of Anti-terrorist operation (ATO). Nor does it 
provide simplified procedure for internally displaced persons from Donetsk and Luhansk 
2. The fact that elections are to be organized by Central Election Commission (CEC), 
commission of the majority of whose members' expired as far back in June 2014, gives rise 
to concern. Extension of CEC member's term of office for undefined period arouses an 
question of the CEC legitimacy as an institution. 
3. Organization of elections on the territories of Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts will be one of 
the most problematic issues of the election process. In Luhansk oblast it is practically 
impossible to hold elections in at least 5 election districts, in Donetsk oblast — in 10 
districts. Aggravation of confrontation with armed groups of separatists and units of the 
Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in these regions may lead to not having elections in 
the overwhelming majority of districts, established within boundaries of these two oblasts. 
Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Security Service of Ukraine, Ministry of Defense 
should in cooperation with the CEC take additional measures in order to reinforce security 
provisions within those territories of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts which are under control 
of the state. 
4. The fact that the CEC had harmonized its previous acts on organization of parliamentary 
elections with requirements of the Law long before the beginning of the election process is 
a positive aspect of the early parliamentary elections process. It will decrease functional 
load on the CEC and provide higher level predictability as for preparations for elections and 
conduction of elections. 
5. The CEC implemented its activities of registering candidates, establishment of District 
election commissions (DECs), according permissions to civic organizations to have official 
election observers in accordance with the Law. Refusals to register were mostly caused by 
inconsistency of documents provided by the candidates (autobiographies, etc) with 
requirements of the Law “On Elections of People's Deputies of Ukraine”. 
6. District election commissions (DECs) were established in time, provided by the Law and in 
accordance with the Law provisions. The same as at previous elections, the main problems 
of DECs activities are: frequent replacements of DECs members, insufficient level of 
commission members' readiness for work in the commissions (in many commissions there 
are less than 50% members with previous experience in election commissions), insufficient 
material and technical provision. Many DECs still do not have plates, installed 
communication tools, office equipment. Some DECs have to hold their meetings in sport 
halls or premises with no working conditions. It is necessary to introduce mechanisms 
aimed to prevent misuse of the right to make changes in DECs composition, as well as to 
provide obligatory training of commission members on election issues. Issue of raising 
salary of election commission members remains topical. 
7. In most regions, main political parties have already started campaigning. Congresses of 
political parties, where candidates were nominated, where held openly in most cases. 
However, the same as on previous elections, there were almost no meaningful discussions
about the nominees, proposed for adoption of the congresses. Negotiations on nomination of 
candidates were mostly behind-the-scenes. It is positive that main parties included to their 
lists many civic activists and journalists, and thus will contribute to renewal of the 
parliament personal composition. 
8. Cases of indirect vote-buying, use of unfair methods of political struggle, though recorded, 
are not yet widespread. Among the reasons – low number of registered candidates in single-mandate 
constituencies. Campaigning of main parties remains to be populist and focuses on 
issues connected with the situation of the East of Ukraine. 
9. It is a trend of the election campaign that candidates of parties in power try to disaffiliate 
themselves from political powers they were affiliated with during recent years. Civic 
organizations should take actions to inform broad public on activities of such candidates in 
10. Level of transparency of the election campaign financing on the early elections of people’s 
deputies of Ukraine remains to be low. Intermediate financial reports of the parties on 
receipts and expenditures of election funds will be published 20 days before E-day (or even 
later), while registration of candidates is finished less than 30 days before E-Day. 
1. Legislative basis for elections 
Early parliamentary elections in 2014 will be conducted on the base of the Law "On Elections of 
People's Deputies of Ukraine" adopted in November 17, 2011, with a number of changes from 
2013. In general, this Law in case of its proper application allows conduct election of people's 
deputies of Ukraine according to international standards. However, the law contains a number 
of significant shortcomings that were not removed in 2013 while making changes. At the same time, 
some of made changes are quite controversial. 
The main disadvantage of the law is that the early elections of People's deputies of Ukraine 
will be held on the base of mixed (so-called "parallel") electoral system. From experience of 
2012-2013 elections, this system (particularly its majoritarian component) creates ground for use of 
administrative resource, vote-buying and distortion of the results of the people's will. Preservation 
of 5% electoral threshold reduces the chances for small parties to come into parliament. 
In 2013 the Law was updated with a number of unreasonable changes. Some of them are 
contrary to international standards. In particular, while in many European countries there are 
essential limits to contributions in support of candidates and parties, according to the current law 
the electoral fund of a party or candidate may actually be formed by one person, whose contribution 
to the campaign fund is limited only with the overall amount of the fund. At the same time, size 
limit of election funds of political parties and candidates (introduced in 2013) were criticized by 
representatives of non-governmental organizations and experts. According to them, the size limit 
strengthens the shady nature of election campaign funding. The law contains no clear definitions of 
the criteria for formation of single-member constituencies: the majority of these criteria should be 
applied if possible. In 2013, the provisions of the Law on issues of voting, counting and tabulation 
of voting results were not changed. Thus, it is possible that after the voting the same problems will 
emerge as in 2012, when repeat elections had to scheduled in five single-member constituencies. 
The reduction of maximum number of PEC members to 14-18 persons is also quite controversial. 
Previous maximum and minimum limits of PEC members were based on functional load at PEC on 
Election Day. Therefore, limiting number of commission members to 18 persons may lead to 
negative effect on the election process. The duty of the CEC, imposed by the parliament, to disclose 
all documents of election commissions on organization of elections, which come from tens of 
thousands of election commissions, can turn out to be impossible. Provisions of the Law that 
impose the order of forming election commissions on early elections also deserve negative
assessment. According to article 107 of the Law, the right to nominate candidates for DECs is given 
to parties which established factions in the Parliament, and also to parties, which had candidates 
registered in the national constituency during the last parliamentary elections in 2012. Such a 
procedure of DEC formation left without DEC representatives a number of parties, which didn't 
nominate candidates on previous elections but have good chances to overcome the electoral 
threshold on the early elections. 
The constitutionality of some provisions of the Law is still doubtful. This refers primarily to 
violation of the constitutional principle of equal vote right, which states that each voter at the same 
election shall have the same number of votes. Instead according to the Law voters in voter lists on 
the territory of Ukraine have two votes (vote in national constituency and vote in relevant single-seat 
constituency), while voters who stay or reside not in Ukraine on Election Day have only one 
vote. Voting rights of citizens are also violated by the procedure of change the place of voting 
without changing voting address, established by the Law. In particular, voters who changed their 
place of voting to another polling station in different single-seat constituency, can not vote for the 
majoritarian component of the mixed system. 
Procedural provisions of the Law are not consistent with the relevant provisions of the Law 
"On Elections of the President of Ukraine" and the Law "On Elections of Deputies of the 
Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local councils and village, town and city mayors" of 2014. 
Particularly two mentioned laws directly prohibit any changes to voter lists on Election Day; 
eliminate a number of gaps in provisions for election commissions, process of vote tabulation and 
establishment of election results. These changes were not applied in the law "On Elections of 
People's Deputies of Ukraine". 
Another shortcoming of the current Law is that the problem of elections in the temporarily 
occupied territories is not clarified, and appropriate conditions for the effective exercise of 
rights of internally displaced persons are not created. The status of these persons should be set 
equal to the status of inhabitants of Crimea (as it was done before the election of the President of 
Ukraine in May 2014), the procedure for changing their place of voting without changing voting 
address should be simplified. The Law also doesn't provide additional security mechanisms while 
transporting electoral documents, voting, votes counting and tabulation of election results. 
Unfortunately, the Parliament didn't make amendments to the legislation on elections and 
parties to ensure transparency of funding of parties and election campaigns. The draft law 
№4846, which implemented additional commitments of transparency in politics, wasn't adopted by 
the Parliament, and it is unlikely to be adopted before the early parliamentary elections in 2014. 
The problem of liability for electoral crimes and administrative violations that enfringe 
citizens' voting rights are also left without consideration in the current legislation. Ministry of 
Internal Affairs of Ukraine in cooperation with non-governmental organizations (including CVU) 
and international experts worked out the draft amendments to the Criminal Code of Ukraine aimed 
at strengthening the responsibility for the most socially dangerous crimes that enfringe the 
established order of will expression, at regulation of some of crimes and so on. However, the draft 
law was rejected. 
Despite constant criticism of national electoral laws by international experts, particularly the 
provisions concerning election campaigns and information coverage of election, ensuring 
balanced representation of genders in the legislative body, the relevant recommendations were 
not properly implemented in the electoral legislation. 
In general, the legislation for early elections is imperfect and should be radically changed
after the elections in 2014. Among these changes, there should be an increase in transparency of 
electoral process (including transparency of campaign activities of political parties and candidates), 
as well as holding elections according to proportional electoral system with open lists. The latter 
was promoted by national experts, civil society activists and international organizations (OSCE / 
ODIHR, Venice Commission). 
1. Activities of the CEC 
One of the positive aspects of the election process for early parliamentary 
election in Ukraine is that the CEC brought all their acts in 
correspondence with the Law “On Elections of People's Deputies of 
Ukraine” long before the start of election process (during March - May 
2014 while preparation for intermediate election in single-seat election 
district № 83). These preparations to some extent reduced functional load 
on the CEC. 
Registration of candidates for 2014 elections was made by the CEC in accordance with the 
Law. A number of candidates in single-member constituencies were denied registration by the CEC 
due to lack of necessary documents (autobiography, documents confirming monetary deposit, etc.) 
or improper compiled documents submitted by prospective candidates (the CEC resolutions №№ 
834, 841, 847-851, 860, 861, 874, 909 -915, 925-928). As of September 15, 2014 the CEC 
registered 108 candidates for People's Deputies of Ukraine. 
District election commissions were formed by the CEC in time and in accordance with the 
Law "On Elections of People's Deputies of Ukraine". On September 4, 2014 the CEC draw lots 
for candidates for DECs from parties, that had candidates registered in the national constituency for 
2012 elections. On September 5, 2014 the CEC established 213 DECs, which included 
representatives of those political parties, which had factions registered in the parliament, as well as 
parties, determined by the draw. DECs were not formed in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and 
the city of Sevastopol, as it was required by legislation on the status of the occupied territories. As 
well as during presidential elections in Ukraine, the CEC made a number of changes to the original 
DEC structure, these changes are likely to be valid during all election process. 
The right to observe the elections was granted by the CEC to 37 non-governmental 
organizations. The decision to grant relevant organizations permits to observe the elections was 
made according to the Law "On Elections of People's Deputies of Ukraine". 
In general as of September 15, 2014 CVU recorded no violations in the CEC activities. 
However, it should be mentioned that the term of office of most CEC members expired in June 
2014. No changes in composition of the CEC and indefinite extension of the term of powers of the 
current CEC members raise questions about the legitimacy of the CEC. 
2. Establishment and start of work of district election commissions (DECs) 
Candidates for DEC members were nominated by the subjects of 
nominations in the period from 28 August to 2 September 2014. The 
nominees were considered by the CEC according to the Law. 
Nominations from the party "Women's Solidarity Ukraine" were left 
without consideration by the CEC as candidates from this party were 
not registered in the national constituency on elections in 2012 and 
therefore the party had no right to nominate candidates to DEC 
members. The CEC also declined nominations to DEC members from
"People's Labour Union of Ukraine" (because of violations of legal requirements for signing the 
relevant applications; after corrective measures candidates from party were included to DEC). 
Candidates for DECs in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol from the 
Radical Party of Oleg Lyashko were also rejected because elections are not held on the temporarily 
occupied territories. The Party "UDAR of Vitaliy Klitschko" received the highest level of 
representation in DECs, the Right sector who participated in the election of 2012 as the Ukrainian 
National Assembly got the smallest representation. 
As during early presidential elections in Ukraine in May 2014, LTOs from CVU recorded a 
number of violations in making nominations to DECs by the parties. There were many cases 
that no statements of consent to participate in DEC from nominated persons were applied, the same 
candidates were nominated from different parties, the requirements on candidates were violated, 
etc. There were many cases that people nominated for DEC member were not aware about their 
nomination. For example, one of DEC № 185 (Kherson oblast) members was replaced, as he lived 
in oblast centre (ninety kilometres away) and didn't even know that he was nominated to this 
particular district election commission. 
Because of changing the procedures of draw on candidates for DEC members in elections in 2014 
nominators got the opportunity to be represented in DEC more or less equally (if relevant 
nominators of candidates for DEC have required number of candidates). 
As in the early presidential elections 2014, changes in DECs started 
immediately after their formation (the CEC resolutions №№ 884, 885, 
906, 918, 932). According to our experience of previous elections these 
changes will last almost until the Election Day. Thus in future right of 
DEC members nominators to replace candidates, who were included in 
the relevant DEC on their submissions, should be limited. 
According to information of CVU long-term observers, most DECs held 
their first meeting in statutory period, and the meetings were mostly attended by the vast 
majority of commission members. Exception are Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, where some DECs 
were either unable to hold the first meeting in statutory period or got their powers without quorum 
at meetings. Thus, in Donetsk oblast 2 of 7 observed commissions did not conduct their first 
meeting within three days since their formation (DECs №49, 59). Other commissions in the oblast 
conducted the first meeting without quorum (DEC №46, 47, 50, 57, 58, 59). In particular, the first 
meeting was attended by 2 persons in DEC №58, 4 persons in DEC №57, 8 people in DEC №50, 9 
people in DEC №46, 47. At the same time, all commissions of the region have maximum quantity 
of members - 18 persons. In general, the issue of proper organization of election commissions 
work, voting, votes tabulation and establishment of election results in areas controlled by 
separatists, is extremely important. (See the map - ANNEX 1) 
Professional skills of DEC members on election issues are inappropriate. For example, in 
Kherson oblast five DECs were formed with eighteen people in each. Only 37 of 90 persons have 
previous work experience in district commissions (only 41%). In DECs of Khmelnitsky oblast only 
29 persons out of 129 DEC members don't have previous work experience in commissions. In DEC 
№98 (Kiev oblast) only one person has previous work experience in election commissions, but this 
person refuses to work in commission because his place of living is far from the DEC location. 
Material and technical support of DECs remains unsatisfactory. The main problem is the lack 
of appropriate premises for work, lack of outdoor signs, communications, office equipment etc. 
Thus, DEC №194, 195, 197 and 199 are not provided with necessary equipment and stationery, and 
DEC №199 (Cherkasy oblast) held their first meeting in the library. DEC № 189 (Khmelnytsky
oblast) doesn't have appropriate location and hold meetings in the building of the district state 
administration. Locations of DECs № 90 and 98 (Kiev oblast) do not meet the specified 
requirements for meeting rooms. The house, where DEC №92 (Kiev oblast) is located, is in poor 
condition after the last parliamentary elections. Location of DEC №131 (Mykolaiv oblast) has no 
telephone and Internet connection; and location of DEC №132 (Mykolaiv oblast) has no telephone, 
Internet connection and appropriate lighting. In DEC №137 (Odesa oblast) premises does not meet 
standards for size, number of rooms; there is no emergency exit. DEC №152 (Rivne oblast) held 
their first meeting in the auditorium of Rivne residential and utilities services organization. DEC № 
14 (Vinnitsa oblast) is located in the building of sports school. 
3. Nomination of candidates and start of campaigning 
Candidates nomination by parties was mostly held on 13-14 
September 2014. In general, party congresses were held 
transparently and their course was covered in the media. However, 
preparation of candidates’ lists traditionally was carried out in secrecy; 
order of inclusion candidates into lists in some cases delegates learned 
after the announcement the contents of lists. 
Although proportional component of the proportional electoral system 
set 5%, electoral threshold for parties, small parties ("Democratic 
Alliance", "Volia", etc.) included their representatives to "walk-through" part of the list, that have 
high chances to overcome electoral threshold. The feature of the early parliamentary elections in 
2014 is that civil society activists (V.Shabunin, V.Syumar, S.Zalischuk, H.Hopko etc.), journalists 
(M.Nayyem, S.Leschenko) were included into the lists, as well as representatives of volunteer 
battalions involved in anti-terrorist operations in the east of the state. 
The main parties (VO "Batkivschyna", "Svoboda" Radical Party of O. Lyashko, Civil Position) 
and some other parties (Strong Ukraine, Block left forces) started active placing of external 
political advertising in the regions. At the same time, there are almost invisible propaganda 
activities of the Communist Party of Ukraine and the Party of Regions (PR will not nominate a list 
of candidates in the national constituency). Since the registration of candidates in the national 
constituency was not conducted, outdoor advertising is hidden character (they use party colours, 
party names mentioned as the message as "... - this is our civil position"). 
As parties congresses were held only at the end of September and potential candidates in single-member 
constituencies negotiated with party leaders about their nomination, campaign activities 
of candidates for elections in single-member constituencies were nearly invisible in most cases. 
In some regions of potential candidates for deputies only drew attention to themselves by placing 
hidden political advertising or greeting parents and pupils on the occasion of September 1. Thus, in 
Kherson oblast (constituency №183) deputy A.Putilov congratulated school pupils of the 
constituency on the occasion of September 1st through own website "Pik" and hanged presents to 
school pupils. In some regions potential candidates started collecting humanitarian aid for soldiers, 
refugees and vulnerable groups of people with wide coverage of relevant events in the media 
(especially in mentioned above Kherson oblast). However, in some oblasts potential candidates hold 
very active propaganda. In particular, in constituency №102 (Kirovohrad oblast) former secretary of 
Kyiv City Council O.Dovhyy conducted active campaign (installation of campaign tents, placing 
hidden political advertising in the media, campaign leaflets, etc.). In constituency №117 (Lviv 
oblast) potential candidate I.Vasiunyk distributed copybooks with his name in one school of Lviv 
city . Also there is information from constituency№102 (Kirovohrad oblast) on attempts of buying 
votes by potential candidate Viktor Boyko, there are statements that heads of village councils, 
social workers and postmen are getting involved in bribery scheme of buying votes for Boyko.
The messages of candidates are mostly oriented to general inquiries of voters and are limited 
to appeals to support the Armed Forces, to fight corruption, to hold lustration etc. 
Cases of so-called "Black PR", indirect bribery of voters and other similar dishonest practices 
were not widespread so far. However, in some constituencies candidates continue making social 
arrangements with voters (Chernihiv oblast), construction / opening of playgrounds, pedestrian 
paths repair (constituency №182, 185, Kherson oblast), replacement of windows in schools, etc. 
(constituency №139, Odesa oblast ). In constituency №116 (Lviv oblast) leaflets calling indirectly 
not to support I.Farion on elections are distributed ("Irina Farion. 25 years with CPSU"), while in 
Vinnitsa oblast on the quite popular site in Internet "dirty" information campaign is 
conducted against the son of the President of Ukraine Mr. Poroshenko Alexei Poroshenko, who is 
supposed by some experts to be a candidate for people's deputy in the constituency №12 ( P. 
Poroshenko constituency since 1998). 
* The map is developed by PR-service of CVU on the base of district maps in 2012 by 
Sergey Vasil'chenko and map of ATO according to the National Security Council as of 

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Report #1 On results of long-term monitoring For the period August 28 - September 15, 2014

  • 1. For the period August 28 - September 15, 2014 Kyiv September 16, 2014
  • 2. SUMMARY 1. The law “On Elections of People's Deputies of Ukraine” in general makes it possible to provide elections in accordance with international standards. However, the Law has a number of drawbacks. The major drawback is preservation of mixed electoral system to be applied for elections of the early parliamentary elections. Procedures, provided by the Law, are not fully consistent with correspondent procedures provided by legislation on presidential and local elections. Constitutionality of the main provisions of the Law (in particular, in section regarding deprivation of the right to vote in majority component of the system those citizens who reside or stay abroad or have changed their voting place without change of voting address) is questionable. The Law does not provide efficient guarantees of safety for conduction of voting in regions of Anti-terrorist operation (ATO). Nor does it provide simplified procedure for internally displaced persons from Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts. 2. The fact that elections are to be organized by Central Election Commission (CEC), commission of the majority of whose members' expired as far back in June 2014, gives rise to concern. Extension of CEC member's term of office for undefined period arouses an question of the CEC legitimacy as an institution. 3. Organization of elections on the territories of Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts will be one of the most problematic issues of the election process. In Luhansk oblast it is practically impossible to hold elections in at least 5 election districts, in Donetsk oblast — in 10 districts. Aggravation of confrontation with armed groups of separatists and units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in these regions may lead to not having elections in the overwhelming majority of districts, established within boundaries of these two oblasts. Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Security Service of Ukraine, Ministry of Defense should in cooperation with the CEC take additional measures in order to reinforce security provisions within those territories of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts which are under control of the state. 4. The fact that the CEC had harmonized its previous acts on organization of parliamentary elections with requirements of the Law long before the beginning of the election process is a positive aspect of the early parliamentary elections process. It will decrease functional load on the CEC and provide higher level predictability as for preparations for elections and conduction of elections. 5. The CEC implemented its activities of registering candidates, establishment of District election commissions (DECs), according permissions to civic organizations to have official election observers in accordance with the Law. Refusals to register were mostly caused by inconsistency of documents provided by the candidates (autobiographies, etc) with requirements of the Law “On Elections of People's Deputies of Ukraine”. 6. District election commissions (DECs) were established in time, provided by the Law and in accordance with the Law provisions. The same as at previous elections, the main problems of DECs activities are: frequent replacements of DECs members, insufficient level of commission members' readiness for work in the commissions (in many commissions there are less than 50% members with previous experience in election commissions), insufficient material and technical provision. Many DECs still do not have plates, installed communication tools, office equipment. Some DECs have to hold their meetings in sport halls or premises with no working conditions. It is necessary to introduce mechanisms aimed to prevent misuse of the right to make changes in DECs composition, as well as to provide obligatory training of commission members on election issues. Issue of raising salary of election commission members remains topical. 7. In most regions, main political parties have already started campaigning. Congresses of political parties, where candidates were nominated, where held openly in most cases. However, the same as on previous elections, there were almost no meaningful discussions
  • 3. about the nominees, proposed for adoption of the congresses. Negotiations on nomination of candidates were mostly behind-the-scenes. It is positive that main parties included to their lists many civic activists and journalists, and thus will contribute to renewal of the parliament personal composition. 8. Cases of indirect vote-buying, use of unfair methods of political struggle, though recorded, are not yet widespread. Among the reasons – low number of registered candidates in single-mandate constituencies. Campaigning of main parties remains to be populist and focuses on issues connected with the situation of the East of Ukraine. 9. It is a trend of the election campaign that candidates of parties in power try to disaffiliate themselves from political powers they were affiliated with during recent years. Civic organizations should take actions to inform broad public on activities of such candidates in 2010-2013. 10. Level of transparency of the election campaign financing on the early elections of people’s deputies of Ukraine remains to be low. Intermediate financial reports of the parties on receipts and expenditures of election funds will be published 20 days before E-day (or even later), while registration of candidates is finished less than 30 days before E-Day. 1. Legislative basis for elections Early parliamentary elections in 2014 will be conducted on the base of the Law "On Elections of People's Deputies of Ukraine" adopted in November 17, 2011, with a number of changes from 2013. In general, this Law in case of its proper application allows conduct election of people's deputies of Ukraine according to international standards. However, the law contains a number of significant shortcomings that were not removed in 2013 while making changes. At the same time, some of made changes are quite controversial. The main disadvantage of the law is that the early elections of People's deputies of Ukraine will be held on the base of mixed (so-called "parallel") electoral system. From experience of 2012-2013 elections, this system (particularly its majoritarian component) creates ground for use of administrative resource, vote-buying and distortion of the results of the people's will. Preservation of 5% electoral threshold reduces the chances for small parties to come into parliament. In 2013 the Law was updated with a number of unreasonable changes. Some of them are contrary to international standards. In particular, while in many European countries there are essential limits to contributions in support of candidates and parties, according to the current law the electoral fund of a party or candidate may actually be formed by one person, whose contribution to the campaign fund is limited only with the overall amount of the fund. At the same time, size limit of election funds of political parties and candidates (introduced in 2013) were criticized by representatives of non-governmental organizations and experts. According to them, the size limit strengthens the shady nature of election campaign funding. The law contains no clear definitions of the criteria for formation of single-member constituencies: the majority of these criteria should be applied if possible. In 2013, the provisions of the Law on issues of voting, counting and tabulation of voting results were not changed. Thus, it is possible that after the voting the same problems will emerge as in 2012, when repeat elections had to scheduled in five single-member constituencies. The reduction of maximum number of PEC members to 14-18 persons is also quite controversial. Previous maximum and minimum limits of PEC members were based on functional load at PEC on Election Day. Therefore, limiting number of commission members to 18 persons may lead to negative effect on the election process. The duty of the CEC, imposed by the parliament, to disclose all documents of election commissions on organization of elections, which come from tens of thousands of election commissions, can turn out to be impossible. Provisions of the Law that impose the order of forming election commissions on early elections also deserve negative
  • 4. assessment. According to article 107 of the Law, the right to nominate candidates for DECs is given to parties which established factions in the Parliament, and also to parties, which had candidates registered in the national constituency during the last parliamentary elections in 2012. Such a procedure of DEC formation left without DEC representatives a number of parties, which didn't nominate candidates on previous elections but have good chances to overcome the electoral threshold on the early elections. The constitutionality of some provisions of the Law is still doubtful. This refers primarily to violation of the constitutional principle of equal vote right, which states that each voter at the same election shall have the same number of votes. Instead according to the Law voters in voter lists on the territory of Ukraine have two votes (vote in national constituency and vote in relevant single-seat constituency), while voters who stay or reside not in Ukraine on Election Day have only one vote. Voting rights of citizens are also violated by the procedure of change the place of voting without changing voting address, established by the Law. In particular, voters who changed their place of voting to another polling station in different single-seat constituency, can not vote for the majoritarian component of the mixed system. Procedural provisions of the Law are not consistent with the relevant provisions of the Law "On Elections of the President of Ukraine" and the Law "On Elections of Deputies of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local councils and village, town and city mayors" of 2014. Particularly two mentioned laws directly prohibit any changes to voter lists on Election Day; eliminate a number of gaps in provisions for election commissions, process of vote tabulation and establishment of election results. These changes were not applied in the law "On Elections of People's Deputies of Ukraine". Another shortcoming of the current Law is that the problem of elections in the temporarily occupied territories is not clarified, and appropriate conditions for the effective exercise of rights of internally displaced persons are not created. The status of these persons should be set equal to the status of inhabitants of Crimea (as it was done before the election of the President of Ukraine in May 2014), the procedure for changing their place of voting without changing voting address should be simplified. The Law also doesn't provide additional security mechanisms while transporting electoral documents, voting, votes counting and tabulation of election results. Unfortunately, the Parliament didn't make amendments to the legislation on elections and parties to ensure transparency of funding of parties and election campaigns. The draft law №4846, which implemented additional commitments of transparency in politics, wasn't adopted by the Parliament, and it is unlikely to be adopted before the early parliamentary elections in 2014. The problem of liability for electoral crimes and administrative violations that enfringe citizens' voting rights are also left without consideration in the current legislation. Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in cooperation with non-governmental organizations (including CVU) and international experts worked out the draft amendments to the Criminal Code of Ukraine aimed at strengthening the responsibility for the most socially dangerous crimes that enfringe the established order of will expression, at regulation of some of crimes and so on. However, the draft law was rejected. Despite constant criticism of national electoral laws by international experts, particularly the provisions concerning election campaigns and information coverage of election, ensuring balanced representation of genders in the legislative body, the relevant recommendations were not properly implemented in the electoral legislation. In general, the legislation for early elections is imperfect and should be radically changed
  • 5. after the elections in 2014. Among these changes, there should be an increase in transparency of electoral process (including transparency of campaign activities of political parties and candidates), as well as holding elections according to proportional electoral system with open lists. The latter was promoted by national experts, civil society activists and international organizations (OSCE / ODIHR, Venice Commission). 1. Activities of the CEC One of the positive aspects of the election process for early parliamentary election in Ukraine is that the CEC brought all their acts in correspondence with the Law “On Elections of People's Deputies of Ukraine” long before the start of election process (during March - May 2014 while preparation for intermediate election in single-seat election district № 83). These preparations to some extent reduced functional load on the CEC. Registration of candidates for 2014 elections was made by the CEC in accordance with the Law. A number of candidates in single-member constituencies were denied registration by the CEC due to lack of necessary documents (autobiography, documents confirming monetary deposit, etc.) or improper compiled documents submitted by prospective candidates (the CEC resolutions №№ 834, 841, 847-851, 860, 861, 874, 909 -915, 925-928). As of September 15, 2014 the CEC registered 108 candidates for People's Deputies of Ukraine. District election commissions were formed by the CEC in time and in accordance with the Law "On Elections of People's Deputies of Ukraine". On September 4, 2014 the CEC draw lots for candidates for DECs from parties, that had candidates registered in the national constituency for 2012 elections. On September 5, 2014 the CEC established 213 DECs, which included representatives of those political parties, which had factions registered in the parliament, as well as parties, determined by the draw. DECs were not formed in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, as it was required by legislation on the status of the occupied territories. As well as during presidential elections in Ukraine, the CEC made a number of changes to the original DEC structure, these changes are likely to be valid during all election process. The right to observe the elections was granted by the CEC to 37 non-governmental organizations. The decision to grant relevant organizations permits to observe the elections was made according to the Law "On Elections of People's Deputies of Ukraine". In general as of September 15, 2014 CVU recorded no violations in the CEC activities. However, it should be mentioned that the term of office of most CEC members expired in June 2014. No changes in composition of the CEC and indefinite extension of the term of powers of the current CEC members raise questions about the legitimacy of the CEC. 2. Establishment and start of work of district election commissions (DECs) Candidates for DEC members were nominated by the subjects of nominations in the period from 28 August to 2 September 2014. The nominees were considered by the CEC according to the Law. Nominations from the party "Women's Solidarity Ukraine" were left without consideration by the CEC as candidates from this party were not registered in the national constituency on elections in 2012 and therefore the party had no right to nominate candidates to DEC members. The CEC also declined nominations to DEC members from
  • 6. "People's Labour Union of Ukraine" (because of violations of legal requirements for signing the relevant applications; after corrective measures candidates from party were included to DEC). Candidates for DECs in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol from the Radical Party of Oleg Lyashko were also rejected because elections are not held on the temporarily occupied territories. The Party "UDAR of Vitaliy Klitschko" received the highest level of representation in DECs, the Right sector who participated in the election of 2012 as the Ukrainian National Assembly got the smallest representation. As during early presidential elections in Ukraine in May 2014, LTOs from CVU recorded a number of violations in making nominations to DECs by the parties. There were many cases that no statements of consent to participate in DEC from nominated persons were applied, the same candidates were nominated from different parties, the requirements on candidates were violated, etc. There were many cases that people nominated for DEC member were not aware about their nomination. For example, one of DEC № 185 (Kherson oblast) members was replaced, as he lived in oblast centre (ninety kilometres away) and didn't even know that he was nominated to this particular district election commission. Because of changing the procedures of draw on candidates for DEC members in elections in 2014 nominators got the opportunity to be represented in DEC more or less equally (if relevant nominators of candidates for DEC have required number of candidates). As in the early presidential elections 2014, changes in DECs started immediately after their formation (the CEC resolutions №№ 884, 885, 906, 918, 932). According to our experience of previous elections these changes will last almost until the Election Day. Thus in future right of DEC members nominators to replace candidates, who were included in the relevant DEC on their submissions, should be limited. According to information of CVU long-term observers, most DECs held their first meeting in statutory period, and the meetings were mostly attended by the vast majority of commission members. Exception are Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, where some DECs were either unable to hold the first meeting in statutory period or got their powers without quorum at meetings. Thus, in Donetsk oblast 2 of 7 observed commissions did not conduct their first meeting within three days since their formation (DECs №49, 59). Other commissions in the oblast conducted the first meeting without quorum (DEC №46, 47, 50, 57, 58, 59). In particular, the first meeting was attended by 2 persons in DEC №58, 4 persons in DEC №57, 8 people in DEC №50, 9 people in DEC №46, 47. At the same time, all commissions of the region have maximum quantity of members - 18 persons. In general, the issue of proper organization of election commissions work, voting, votes tabulation and establishment of election results in areas controlled by separatists, is extremely important. (See the map - ANNEX 1) Professional skills of DEC members on election issues are inappropriate. For example, in Kherson oblast five DECs were formed with eighteen people in each. Only 37 of 90 persons have previous work experience in district commissions (only 41%). In DECs of Khmelnitsky oblast only 29 persons out of 129 DEC members don't have previous work experience in commissions. In DEC №98 (Kiev oblast) only one person has previous work experience in election commissions, but this person refuses to work in commission because his place of living is far from the DEC location. Material and technical support of DECs remains unsatisfactory. The main problem is the lack of appropriate premises for work, lack of outdoor signs, communications, office equipment etc. Thus, DEC №194, 195, 197 and 199 are not provided with necessary equipment and stationery, and DEC №199 (Cherkasy oblast) held their first meeting in the library. DEC № 189 (Khmelnytsky
  • 7. oblast) doesn't have appropriate location and hold meetings in the building of the district state administration. Locations of DECs № 90 and 98 (Kiev oblast) do not meet the specified requirements for meeting rooms. The house, where DEC №92 (Kiev oblast) is located, is in poor condition after the last parliamentary elections. Location of DEC №131 (Mykolaiv oblast) has no telephone and Internet connection; and location of DEC №132 (Mykolaiv oblast) has no telephone, Internet connection and appropriate lighting. In DEC №137 (Odesa oblast) premises does not meet standards for size, number of rooms; there is no emergency exit. DEC №152 (Rivne oblast) held their first meeting in the auditorium of Rivne residential and utilities services organization. DEC № 14 (Vinnitsa oblast) is located in the building of sports school. 3. Nomination of candidates and start of campaigning Candidates nomination by parties was mostly held on 13-14 September 2014. In general, party congresses were held transparently and their course was covered in the media. However, preparation of candidates’ lists traditionally was carried out in secrecy; order of inclusion candidates into lists in some cases delegates learned after the announcement the contents of lists. Although proportional component of the proportional electoral system set 5%, electoral threshold for parties, small parties ("Democratic Alliance", "Volia", etc.) included their representatives to "walk-through" part of the list, that have high chances to overcome electoral threshold. The feature of the early parliamentary elections in 2014 is that civil society activists (V.Shabunin, V.Syumar, S.Zalischuk, H.Hopko etc.), journalists (M.Nayyem, S.Leschenko) were included into the lists, as well as representatives of volunteer battalions involved in anti-terrorist operations in the east of the state. The main parties (VO "Batkivschyna", "Svoboda" Radical Party of O. Lyashko, Civil Position) and some other parties (Strong Ukraine, Block left forces) started active placing of external political advertising in the regions. At the same time, there are almost invisible propaganda activities of the Communist Party of Ukraine and the Party of Regions (PR will not nominate a list of candidates in the national constituency). Since the registration of candidates in the national constituency was not conducted, outdoor advertising is hidden character (they use party colours, party names mentioned as the message as "... - this is our civil position"). As parties congresses were held only at the end of September and potential candidates in single-member constituencies negotiated with party leaders about their nomination, campaign activities of candidates for elections in single-member constituencies were nearly invisible in most cases. In some regions of potential candidates for deputies only drew attention to themselves by placing hidden political advertising or greeting parents and pupils on the occasion of September 1. Thus, in Kherson oblast (constituency №183) deputy A.Putilov congratulated school pupils of the constituency on the occasion of September 1st through own website "Pik" and hanged presents to school pupils. In some regions potential candidates started collecting humanitarian aid for soldiers, refugees and vulnerable groups of people with wide coverage of relevant events in the media (especially in mentioned above Kherson oblast). However, in some oblasts potential candidates hold very active propaganda. In particular, in constituency №102 (Kirovohrad oblast) former secretary of Kyiv City Council O.Dovhyy conducted active campaign (installation of campaign tents, placing hidden political advertising in the media, campaign leaflets, etc.). In constituency №117 (Lviv oblast) potential candidate I.Vasiunyk distributed copybooks with his name in one school of Lviv city . Also there is information from constituency№102 (Kirovohrad oblast) on attempts of buying votes by potential candidate Viktor Boyko, there are statements that heads of village councils, social workers and postmen are getting involved in bribery scheme of buying votes for Boyko.
  • 8. The messages of candidates are mostly oriented to general inquiries of voters and are limited to appeals to support the Armed Forces, to fight corruption, to hold lustration etc. Cases of so-called "Black PR", indirect bribery of voters and other similar dishonest practices were not widespread so far. However, in some constituencies candidates continue making social arrangements with voters (Chernihiv oblast), construction / opening of playgrounds, pedestrian paths repair (constituency №182, 185, Kherson oblast), replacement of windows in schools, etc. (constituency №139, Odesa oblast ). In constituency №116 (Lviv oblast) leaflets calling indirectly not to support I.Farion on elections are distributed ("Irina Farion. 25 years with CPSU"), while in Vinnitsa oblast on the quite popular site in Internet "dirty" information campaign is conducted against the son of the President of Ukraine Mr. Poroshenko Alexei Poroshenko, who is supposed by some experts to be a candidate for people's deputy in the constituency №12 ( P. Poroshenko constituency since 1998). ANNEX 1
  • 9. * The map is developed by PR-service of CVU on the base of district maps in 2012 by Sergey Vasil'chenko and map of ATO according to the National Security Council as of 15/09/2014.