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Mental Disorders And Violent Behavior
In recent years, there has been an increase in occurrence of individuals with mental disorders and
violent crimes committed by those with mental illnesses. A major challenge in contemplating the
relationship between mental disorders and violent behavior lies within how the two offer large
portions of the same danger variables. Offenders with mental health issues have a tendency to
participate in more deviant types of criminal acts than those without such issues. This paper is
sought to synthesize the relationship among individuals who are mentally ill and why there are
criminal acts followed by certain behaviors. The essential objective is to identify the problems,
symptoms, and treatments for individuals who suffer from mental disorders. ... Show more content
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Mental Illness alludes to a variety of mental health conditions. A mental health concern becomes a
mental illness when ongoing signs and symptoms cause frequent stress and affect the ability to
function (Vinkers, Beurs, Barendregt, Rinne, & Hoek, 2011). The suffrage of any mental disorder
can cause a person to become miserable and may cause health issues in the individual's daily life.
The term mental illness will be held for non–substance related issues, typically major dysfunctional
behaviors, such as, schizophrenia or depression. Mental illness can be defined as a disease that
causes mild to severe interferences in thoughts and behaviors (Gruber & Kring, 2008). In the US
alone, there are more than 200 classified forms of mental illness, such as: schizophrenia, bipolar
disorder, anxiety disorders, dementia, depression, and many more (Capps & Hinckly, 2013). Mental
health conditions may be associated with excessive stressing relating to one particular situation or a
series of events (Gruber & Kring, 2008). There are many warning signs and symptoms that correlate
to mental illnesses such as those of: delusions, hallucinations, social withdrawal, denial and obvious
problems, confused thinking, strong feelings of anger, and substance abuse; substance abuse being
the rate raiser for committing violence and also is a major determinant of violence (Kamperman,
Henrichs, Bogaerts, Lesaffre, Wierdsman, Ghauharali, & Mulder, 2014). Substance abuse
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Bipolar Disorder And Cognitive Functioning And Behavior
Bipolar Disorder and Impairments in Cognitive Functioning and Behavior Bipolar disorder is
behavior disorder that results in shifts of mood, lack of energy, low activity levels, and difficulty
performing day–to–day tasks. There are two types of Bipolar disorder. Bipolar 1 Disorder, is when
the primary symptom is manic, or cycling episodes of mania and depression. Bipolar 2 Disorder is
reoccurring depression alongside hypomanic episodes. Manic episodes are periods of elevated,
expansive, or irritable mood that may occur for at least a week. In contrast, depressive episodes are
intensely unhappy or hopeless states. Emotional and drastic changes from the individual's standard
behavior that may occur randomly are called mood episodes. These mood episodes are the reason
that bipolar disorder is sometimes referred to as manic–depressive illness. According to the National
Institute of Mental Health, symptoms during manic episodes include talking quickly, racing
thoughts, little sleep, inflated self esteem, and low attention spans. During depressive episodes,
individuals have diminished ability in remembering, indecisiveness, lack of energy to engage in
activities, reduced interest in activities, guilt, feeling valueless, and suicidal thoughts or sometimes
in extreme cases, attempts at suicide. Besides these common symptoms, researchers have found that
bipolar disorder may also cause memory dysfunctions, attention deficits, and learning problems. The
impairments in cognitive
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Four Functions Of Behavior Of Students With Autism...
Four Functions of Behavior Looking at behavior of students with Autism Spectrum Disorders it can
often be categorized in four broad categories. Attention/access is behavior that occurs so the child
can obtain something that they want. (Heflin & Alaimo, 2011) Avoidance/Escape is a behavior that
allows the child to escape something that is undesirable. (Heflin & Alaimo, 2011) Sensory–based is
behavior that occurs to solicit pleasurable feedback. (Heflin & Alaimo, 2011) Pain attenuation is a
behavior that so that a pain does not hurt so much not seen a lot in education. (Heflin & Alaimo,
2011) Three of the four behaviors will be addressed in how they manifest in the classroom,
examples of these behaviors and recommendations to deal with behaviors. Attention/access behavior
is when a student acts out to get something they want or want to participate in doing. One of the
students in our classroom yells to seek attention. He loves to listen to music on his I–pod. During
instruction time in the classroom he is not allowed to listen to his I–pod. He may yell out trying to
seek attention to obtain the I–pod which he desires. The intervention that we incorporate to decrease
this behavior is not always affective. Most teachers can attest to the fact that students use
inappropriate or problem behavior to seek attention from the teacher or peers. ("Strategies to address
different functions of a student's behavior," n.d.) My student has learned over a pattern of many
years if he yells
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Behavior Disorders
Behavior Disorders (Emotional Disturbance Pg 207–210) I. Facts: * Behavior disorders include
mental health problems with a focus on behaviors that both identify emotional problems and create
interpersonal and social problems for children and adolescents in the course of their development. *
Currently, students with such disorders are categorized as having a serious emotional disturbance,
which is defined under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Public Law 101–
476, as follows: "...a condition exhibiting one or more of the following characteristics over a long
period of time and to a marked degree that adversely affects educational performance–– A. An
inability to learn that cannot be explained by ... Show more content on ...
Teaching Methods: 1. Design the classroom environment and formulate lesson plans to encourage
social interaction and cooperation– Social withdrawal among students with the disorder may cause
isolation or students stay away from the child with the disorder. To avoid this, classroom
environment and instructional activities can foster appropriate interpersonal contact. 2. Prompt and
reinforce appropriate socal interactions– A prompt is a stimulus that draws out a desired response
and positive reinforcement involves giving the student a positive reinforcer (something the student
wants) immediately after a desired behavior. 3. Train other students to initiate social interactions–
Because the time of a teacher is limited, getting students involved will be a great benefit to helping
out the teacher in the classroom. 4. Design the classroom environment to reduce the probability of
disruptive behavior– Teachers who deal with it directly and consistently greatly reduce the
frequency of it happening over and over. 5. Reinforce appropriate behavior, and, if necessary, punish
inappropriate behavior– Three effective techniques include contingency contracts, token economies
and fines, and time outs. 6. Use group contingency–management techniques– Rewarding the whole
class when the aggressive student behaves makes the aggressive student the hero and help them to
foster better peer relationships. * School districts have researched and tried many methods in an
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Disruptive Behavior Disorders: A Case Study
Disruptive Behaviour Disorders Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) and conduct Disorder are
often referred to in the literature as disruptive behaviour disorders (DBD).This is due to the fact that
children who have these disorders tend to disrupt those around them (Gathright and Tyler 2014).
Disruptive Behaviour disorders are characterised by a repetitive and persistent pattern of antisocial,
aggressive or defiant conduct. Such behaviour is more severe than ordinary childish mischief or
adolescent rebelliousness, and it goes beyond isolated antisocial acts (NICE 2012). Children
suffering from conduct disorder often act inappropriately, violate the behavioural expectations of
others and infringe on the rights of others ( Grey and Zide 2013).
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REM Behavior Disorder (RBD)
REM behavior disorder (RBD) is a neurodegenerative brain disorder that causes abnormal sleep
phenomenon in which individuals act out their dreams. Individuals RBD have been observed flailing
their arms and legs as if defending themselves against imaginary enemies. In some severe cases,
people with RBD have gotten out of bed, driven cars, harmed themselves, and assaulted family
members. In one of the more frightening cases of RBD discussed during the lecture, a police officer
awoke with his gun pointed at a door, as if defending himself against an intruder. This disorder has
even been used, both successfully and unsuccessfully, in court as a murder defense. There are five
phases of sleep which are, stages 1, 2, 3, 4, and REM sleep or, rapid ... Show more content on ...
During the 1930s there was extensive use of this technology in caring for victims of the polio
epidemic. These iron lungs were cumbersome, and provided little access to provide patient care.
Recent advancements however, have made negative pressure ventilation a viable option in non–
invasive mechanical ventilation. The "modern" iron lung consists of a flexible cuirass, or shell,
which is designed to fit over the anterior of the chest. On inspiration, a negative pressure helps to
pull the rib cage up and forward, increasing the space in the thoracic cavity, facilitating better air
flow and ventilation. Expiration is achieved by passive recoil. These latest devices offer many of the
same ventilatory modes as positive pressure vents do, as well as, high frequency chest wall
oscillation and cough assistance. The HFCWO assists patient in mobilizing secretions much the
same way the vest works in chest physiotherapy. The cuirass can also provide peep by providing a
continuous negative distending pressure baseline. This negative extrathoracic pressure provides a
new functional reserve capacity (FRC) from which the patient can breathe from. Biphasic cuirass
ventilation can also provide a positive pressure to assist in assist in exhalation. This positive phase
decreases the potential for large end expiratory lung volumes which may facilitate gas trapping or
barotrauma to compromised lung
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Children Exhibit Behaviors That Are Associated With...
Children exhibit behaviors that are associated with Bipolar Disorder (BPD) as early as 2 years of
age. However, many children are not diagnosed until older due to the subjectivity of diagnosing
children with mental disorders while their brains are still developing. This leads to a prolonged
delay in diagnosis and treatment. However, with recent research, we are able to view and compare
brain structures of those with BPD to those who are not affected by BPD. By MRI and fMRI scans,
there are regions in the brain that are associated with BPD at certain sizes and activity levels.
Individuals with Bipolar show decreased brain volumes in emotion related neurocircuitry, such as
the amygdala and the prefrontal cortical regions (Marrus, Bell, & Luby, 2014). With being able to
see structural abnormalities within the brain we are also able to determine if treatments for these
disorders are effective. With the use of proper medication, volumetric differences occur in the
regions of the brain that are associated with BPD and therefore provide evidence that brain structure
abnormalities can be "normalized" with medication. However, even with treatment, individuals with
BPD tend to follow the trend that they are still more susceptible to drug abuse, aggressive behavior,
and binge drinking later on in life (Swendsen et al., 2010). Additionally, BPD used to always be
considered the sole mental illness an individual had but recently it has been shown that BPD is
comorbid with other diseases,
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Behavior Disorders And Attention Deficit Hyperactivity...
Behavior disorder is defined as "Any of various forms of behavior that are considered inappropriate
by members of the social group to which an individual belongs." (The American Heritage Stedman
's Medical Dictionary, 2015) Due to its broad definition, methods of identification, diagnosis, and
treatments are varied and controversial. After my son was diagnosed with Sensory Processing
Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in November of 2012, I recognized a stigma
within the community surrounding behavior disorders that made it difficult to find the appropriate
support for my son and my family. This paper will discuss the causes of behavior disorders, methods
for proper identification, and problems that can arise in the home, school, and community of a child
with a behavior disorder. Behavior disorders vary in symptoms and name, and can be divided into
several classifications, including anxiety disorders, disruptive behavior disorders, emotional
disorders, dissociative disorders, and pervasive developmental disorders. In addition to Sensory
Processing Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Bipolar Disorder and Autism fall
under the behavior umbrella. Like many other mental illnesses, direct causes of these disorders are
hard to pinpoint. "Although the exact cause of most mental illnesses is not known, it is becoming
clear through research that many of these conditions are caused by a combination of biological,
psychological and
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Behavior Disorders in the Shinning Essay
The Shining
The Shinning, a horror movie that was released in 1980, featured Jack Nicholson, as a writer who is
left in charge of the Overlook hotel during the winter. During this time Jack began to developed
schizophrenia among many other personality and mood disorders and attempts to murder his own
family. After reviewing this film it became apparent that there was a mixture of accuracy and
exaggeration of the development of schizophrenia. Jack had this disorder, but also had symptoms of
other personality and mood disorders. For the sake of Hollywood the film did take schizophrenia to
entirely new levels. Some of this hype was generated around Jack becoming a full fledge killer. The
delusions that he suffered from were undeniably ... Show more content on ...
Jack also starts to develop an obsessive compulsive behavior personality disorder by writing pages
and pages of manuscript that read, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." This form of
receptiveness might even imply that Jack was entering a type of Schizoid behavior because of his
detachment from others. He became very isolated from everyone. He had little movement and little
speech and was completely engrossed in his writing, which was not amounting to anything. Jack had
many delusions in the thick of his mental breakdown. One in particular was a man named Grady
who continuously told him to get rid (murder) of his wife and son. Some of his other delusions
occurred while he would sit at the bar and drink with the bartender Lloyd, or see a strange woman in
room 217, who later seduces him. Some of these delusions could have been "ghost," however, they
were never really told whether they were, or were not. Jack could have developed these delusions
himself in order to gain control of life. The bartender served him alcohol, which became his
dependent and courage to follow through on his actions. The woman in room 217 could have taken
his mind off of his wife so he could get the job done, and Grady could have been his strength to
follow through with his actions. Jack also had a strong sense of paranoia. He constantly
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The Behavior Of Eating Disorders
Introduction In today 's society, teenagers desire the stereotypical "perfect body." Most girls want to
be tiny and twig like, just like the models portrayed in the media. Frequently, the desire to become
thin becomes an obsession and girls perceive thinness as being an essential trait. The obsession over
weight has led to an increasing number of individual 's who have developed eating disorders due to
low self–esteem or other related issues. According to a 2002 survey, 1.5% of Canadian women aged
15–24 years have had an eating disorder. Although, children are influenced by numerous external
factors that are destroying their bodies, parents play the most significant role in the avoidance of
eating disorders. During a child 's life, on no occasion should food be used as a reward or
punishment. In order for a child to have a healthy life physically, socially, emotionally and
financially parents must be role models as a child is heavily influence by their parents. Factors such
as overall appearance, the ability to form a family, anxiety, academic performance, and the ability to
financially support oneself are all influenced by the support children receive from their parents.
Grocery shopping together, eating together, encouraging new interests and avoiding comments that
directly target physical appearance are essential steps parents should consider. "An eating disorder is
an illness that causes serious disturbances to ones everyday diet, such as eating extremely small
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Influence on Behavior and Psychological Disorders Essay
Influences on Behavior and Psychological Disorders Presentation
Jocelyn F. Oatman & Sofia Moran
University of Phoenix
Introduction to Psychology
PSY 103
Michelle McCoy–Williams
October 29, 2008
Influences on Behavior and Psychological Disorders Presentation The previous evaluation on the
pathophysiology of anxiety constantly records the requirement for more examination on biological
characteristics of childhood social phobia, separation anxiety disorder, and generalized anxiety
disorder. The recent evaluation encapsulates biological examination that is appropriate to these three
disorders. In the earliest component of the analysis, difficulties that ... Show more content on ...
These conclusions indicate that a genetic aspect, probably triggered in combination with life
experiences, predisposes some individuals to these disorders. Since signs of anxiety disorders are
often reduced by drugs that maintain quantities of chemicals in the brain, scientists think that brain
chemistry seems to play a role in the beginning of anxiety disorders. Researchers think that
personality may play a role in the growth of an anxiety disorder, observing that individuals who
have low self–esteem and weak managing skills may be more prone. On the contrary, anxiety
disorders that start in childhood may itself play a role to the growth of low self–esteem. Researchers
think that the connection between anxiety disorders and long–term contact to abuse, aggression, or
hardship is an essential section for further study, as life experience may influence a human being's
vulnerability to these disorders. Occasionally, anxiety may be initiated by using street drugs like
amphetamines, LSD, or Ecstasy. Still the caffeine in coffee can be sufficient to make some of us
experience awkwardly nervous. The anxiety disorders consist of panic disorder (with and without a
history of agoraphobia), agoraphobia (with and without a history of panic disorder), generalized
anxiety disorder, specific phobia, social phobia, obsessive–compulsive disorder,
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Cognitive Behavior Therapy For Generalized Anxiety...
Cognitive behavioral therapy has established itself as an effective treatment for generalized anxiety
disorder. However, anxiety is a disorder that can affect a person most, if not all, of their lives. As
people age, their needs change when it comes to treatment for many disorders, including anxiety. Is
Cognitive behavior therapy for generalized anxiety disorder as effective in adults of working age
and older adults? The database used in this search was Google Scholar. The keywords used were
cognitive behavior therapy, anxiety, and generalized anxiety disorder. The article selected was
"Cognitive behavior therapy for generalized anxiety disorder: Is CBT equally efficacious in adults of
working age and older adults?"(Kishita and Laidlaw ... Show more content on ...
The people in the studies must also be randomly assigned a "treatment" or a "placebo" (Kishita &
Laidlaw, 2017, p.126) After these criteria were applied, the number of studies decreased to "15"
(Kishita & Laidlaw, 2017, p.127). Information on "participants' age range and mean age, the type of
treatment condition, the type of control condition, format of the therapy, the number of sessions, the
primary outcome measure,the type of analyses, and means,standard deviations, and sample size for
the primary outcome measure in each condition" was recorded for each study (Kishita & Laidlaw,
2017, p.127)
Limitations and Sponsorships
The study has a narrow focus on GAD only and cannot provide any information on other anxiety
disorders (Kishita & Laidlaw 2017). The age groups included in the studies both included people
aged from 55 to 60 because of an overlap in the age group classification (Kishita & Laidlaw 2017)
There is also an apparent lack of patients older than 65. The study also only included articles that
used "non–active psychological controls," which created a varied group of controls (Kishita &
Laidlaw, 2017, p.133).
The analysis found that the majority of treatments used for adults of working age were "traditional
CBT techniques" (Kishita & Laidlaw, 2017, p.128). The rest of the studies used newer techniques
(Kishita & Laidlaw 2017). In
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Infant-Mother Attachment and Eating Disorder Behavior Essay
Mary S. Ainsworth was fascinated in the association between infants and their mothers that she later
coined the theory of infant–mother attachment. According to Ainsworth, there are three evident
attachment patterns that will develop, secure, anxious and avoidant infants. Ainsworth felt it was
substantially necessary for a child to transition out from a mother's attachment and vulnerability to
autonomy and independence as a factor in normal development in personality. One of the key points
of Ainsworth security theory is that infants need to "develop a sense of direction and secure
dependence on parents" before leaving the nest into a strange and unfamiliar situation (Bretherton,
1992). According to Ainsworth, "Familial security in the ... Show more content on
In order for children to thrive, infants need to experience healthy nurturing relationships with their
mother or caregiver. Nevertheless, without a mother infant attachment bond the growth and
development of personality would be non–existent to the infant or child. For the explanation if
attachment, family factors do play an imperative role for positive development in a mother infant
attachment bond. Studies show that an individual who has a healthy relationship with parent s will
have a positive or nurturing relationship with their peers (Richters & Walters, 1991). Individuals
who are alienated growing up are more prone to the development of eating disorders or self–harm
behaviors that had negative experiences growing up in a house hold with conflicts, or the lack of
socialization skills (Richters & Walters, 1992).
Relationship between attachment and eating disorders
Many theorists believe that family dynamics of those suffering from eating disorders may have
contributed to their illness. For instance, anorexic families have sought to be closely related, with
perfectionistic attitudes, and higher socioeconomic status. Cole–Detke & Konak (1996) described
anorexic families as dependent on their child which results in the sufferer being tired to their needy
parents by stopping their daughter from actually developing her own autonomy and sense of
separation into the world. According to attachment theory, disordered eating behaviors and the
attempt to control
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Eating Disorders : Eating Behavior And Weight Regulation
Eating disorders feature serious disturbances in eating behavior and weight regulation. Associated
with a wide range of adverse psychological, physical, and social consequences; eating disorders
include severe distress or concern about body weight and shape. Eating disorders are more than
simply watching your weight or dieting, they include characteristics such as skipping meals,
excessive exercise and overeating. Eating disorders are serious emotional and physical issues with
life–threatening consequences. Three of the most common eating disorders are: anorexia nervosa,
binge eating and bulimia nervosa. Research has shown that one in every five women struggle with
an eating disorder and 50% of girls use unhealthy weight control behaviors.
Anorexia nervosa is categorized by abnormally low body weight, intense fear or gaining weight, and
a distorted perception of body weight. Not entirely about food, anorexia nervosa is an unhealthy
way to cope with emotional problems. Physical signs and symptoms are related to starvation;
extreme weight loss, fatigue, severe dehydration, absence of menstruation, dehydration, yellow skin.
Emotional and behavioral symptoms include restricting food intake, excessive exercise, self–
induced vomiting with the use of laxatives, suicidal, flat mood, social withdrawal and an intense fear
of gaining weight. Causes of anorexia nervosa include peer pressure, society, OCD tendencies, and
media. Some complications of anorexia nervosa are heart
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Mental Disorders And Criminal Behavior
Mental Disorders and Criminal Behavior
Courtney Edwards
Thomas University
The purpose of this research paper is to provide information on the distinct types of mental illnesses
as they correlate with criminal behavior. There are so many disorders in which exist in today's
society. These include: schizophrenia, delusional disorders, bipolar disorders, obsessive compulsive
disorders, and so much more. Through compulsive research and findings from several case studies,
it is safe to say that many mental disorders play a huge role in criminal behavior. Though there may
be a limit as to how much mental illnesses play in criminal behaviors, there is still to some effect a
correlation in which I chose to make between the two. In this paper, the audience will be able to
identify the different mechanisms of criminal behavior through their own statistics. There is also
many different statistics of criminal behavior made in which distinguishes female from male, ethnic
backgrounds, and everyday behavior. Once a person has been diagnosed with a mental illness, the
person can decide to use it as a clutch for criminal behavior, or make the best out of it. From several
resources, I have conducted distinctive research from the mental illnesses depicted in the paper, and
simply analyzed their own individual characteristics in which will be prone to my topic.
Mental illness is always a topic in which is
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School Shooting : A Person Suffering From Chronic Mental...
Haley Schmidt VanHorn Composition and Grammar April 25th, 2015 Newtown School Shooting
Psychopath: a person suffering from chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social
behavior. This defines 20–year–old Adam Lanza who shot his way through the locked front entrance
of Sandy Hook Elementary School with a Bushmaster AR–15 on the morning of Dec. 14, 2012 (Los
Angeles Times). The results of this horrific massacre took the lives of 20 children and six adult staff
members. This shooting changed the way society controls security, mental health and overall
personal awareness towards these events. Newtown is a town of Fairfield County, Connecticut,
located sixty miles outside of New York City. In the town there are approximately 27,560 people,
and 8,325 households, with 44.5% of those households containing children under eighteen (Los
Angeles Times). With this being said, Newtown is a fairly active community and never expected
anything like this to come its way. Mass murderer, Lanza, shot his mom on his way to the school to
then have access to her household guns. Around 9:30 A.M. he entered the school holding a
Bushmaster XM15–E2S rifle, openly firing his way in towards the main office (Sandy). He was
dressed in all black clothes, a green utility vest, yellow earplugs and sunglasses. Principle, Dawn
Hochsprung and school psychologist Mary Sherlach were meeting with other staff members when
they heard the gunshots. Hochsprung, Sherlach, and teacher Natalie Hammond went
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Anorexia Nervosa Is A Disorder Characterized By Abnormal...
Anorexia nervosa is a disorder characterized by abnormal eating behaviors. People with anorexia
have a fear of gaining weight which causes them to try and maintain a low weight. They will do
anything to prevent weight gain. This includes starvation and exercising too much. They do this
because not only do they have the fear of gaining weight they have a distorted body image which
means even if they are extremely thin they will believe that they are overweight. (Ehrlich, 2015).
Anorexia is not really about food and weight at its core. Many eating disorders are much more
complicated than that and they run a lot deeper than just appearance. The real cause of the disorder
could be depression, loneliness, insecurity or feeling out of control. Typically, things that just weight
loss cannot cure. (Smith and Segal, 2015). It is an emotional disorder that focuses on food. People
with anorexia believe that their self worth is tied to how thin they are. Anorexia is common
especially in young woman in industrialized countries where cultural ideals encourage woman to be
thin. Anorexia is also affecting a growing number of men, particularly athletes and those in the
military who wish to be thin. (Ehrlich, 2015).
The exact causes of Anorexia Nervosa are unknown since many factors may be involved. Genes and
hormones may be involved, also social attitudes that promote thin body types may also be involved.
Risk factors for anorexia include being ore worried about weight and shape, having an
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Disruptive Behavior Disorder : Aggression
Disruptive Behavior Disorder: Aggression in Toddlers "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I
understood as a child, I thought as a child . . . . . "(I Corinthians 13:11, King James Version).
Children are unique and there are no two children that are alike. They are different in their thinking
and their actions. I have been working with children for over twenty–one years and I have notice
that the behavior in children appear to be more aggressive. I believe that if the children's behavior is
corrected early than it can be manage when they are older. Therefore, if we build trusting
relationships, teach the children self–control in the early years and help the families find
intervention, and then our children will become productive citizens and make a difference in their
community. "Despite its common occurrence in toddlerhood, aggressive behavior in this age group
is often over looked (Vecchio, 2006). This behavior in toddlers is often called the "terrible twos" and
parents sometimes feel that their children are just going through a phase. According to our text, on
page 277, it states that "Children who are loved and securely attached and receive appropriate
physical affection are less likely to exhibit aggressive behaviors" (Witmer, 2013). Teaching the
children how to problem solve and talk about how they feel can be a rewarding experience. Parents
and caregivers must build a trusting relationship with the children. According to Erikson's Theory on
page 266 of our
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Personality Disorders Are Pervasive And Enduring Patterns...
Personality Disorders are pervasive and enduring patterns of thoughts and behaviors that deviate
significantly from the expectations of a person's culture (American Psychiatric Association, 2013).
The inner experiences or behaviors are expressed in at least two of the following areas: Cognition,
affectivity, interpersonal functioning, or impulse control. These patterns are inflexible and stable
over time, cause significant impairment or distress, and have an onset typically occurring in
adolescence or early adulthood. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual – 5th Edition (DSM–5)
includes ten specific personality disorders, classified into three clusters based on similar
characteristics (APA, 2013). Cluster A disorders exhibit odd or strange characteristics and include
Paranoid, Schizoid, and Schizotypal personality disorders. Cluster B disorders encompass wild or
dramatic qualities and include Antisocial, Borderline, Histrionic, and Narcissistic personality
disorders. Lastly, Cluster C disorders express anxious or worried features and include Avoidant,
Dependent, and Obsessive–Compulsive personality disorders. Due to the breadth and
comprehensiveness of personality disorders, this review with concentrate on the treatment of Cluster
B disorders, specifically Borderline Personality Disorder.
Psychopathology of Borderline Personality Disorder According to the DSM–5 (APA, 2013),
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a persistent pattern of instability in interpersonal
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The Relationship Between Mental Disorders And How It Can...
This paper will discuss the relationship between mental disorders and how it can be conducive to
criminal behavior. Throughout the years humans have been blighted with the inability to control
their impulsive behavior. Therefore, creating violent episodes with the need to want to hurt others.
There are several reasons why some individuals turn to crime, but the question is, how is it that the
human mind works, and is it really that difficult to differ right from wrong? There are various
reasons why so many seem to fall into the vicious cycle of psychosis. Some people may not have
control over the "way of life" that they were born into, others simply don't want to recover from
their illness, and there are those which it is too late for because they've fallen into a deep depression
that they just can't escape. For many years genetics, inadequate parenting skills, and financial
instability have all been a factor in the evolution of mental disorders. They have contributed to the
lack of self–control that is required in order to fight off the urges to commit crimes. All around the
world, millions of people suffer from mental disorders. "Mental illness impacts the lives of at least
one in four adults and one in 10 children across the United States" Botzakis, S. (2014). Whether it
be from antisocial personality, schizophrenia, or postpartum depression, they all seem to drive the
individual to commit violent crimes. On the other hand, some acts of violence may very well be
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Antisocial Personality Disorders and Criminal Behavior
Abstract Antisocial personality disorder is a mental health condition characterized by various
behavioral symptoms (including impulsivity or failure to plan ahead, disregard for the safety of
others and irresponsibility), interpersonal symptoms (deceitfulness), affective symptoms (including
a lack of remorse) and other symptoms (such as irritability and aggressiveness, repeated behaviors
that are grounds for arrest, and the onset of conduct disorder prior to the age of 15 years). Although
laws differ from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, this mental health condition may be grounds for a
defense against criminal charges provided an accurate and timely diagnosis of the disorder is made.
The diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder, though, is frequently confounded by the presence of
a broad spectrum of comorbid disorders. Because there is often a great deal at stake, the accurate
diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder in criminal cases has become the focus on an increasing
amount of research in recent years, an issue that also forms the focus of this study. An overview of
antisocial personality disorder is followed by a discussion concerning what instruments are typically
used for diagnosing antisocial personality disorder and the implications of these diagnoses. Finally,
a summary of the research and important findings are presented in the study's conclusion. Key
words: Abnormal, antisocial, criminal behavior Antisocial Personality Disorders and Criminal
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Dialectical Behavior Therapy As A Treatment For Borderline...
Dialectical Behavior Therapy as a Treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder
What is Borderline Personality Disorder? Personality disorders are characterized by the Diagnostic
and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders–5 (DSM–5; American Psychiatric Association, 2013) as
disorders where impulsivity is the main deficit and without treatment, it acquires new symptoms as
time progresses. The four core features that are prevalent in all personality disorders include
dysfunctional thinking, emotion dysfunction, impulsivity and interpersonal difficulties (Hurt,
Clarkin, Monroe–Blum, and Marziali, 1992). The ten different personality disorders fall into three
different clusters (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Many maladaptive behaviors are
characteristics of those suffering from personality disorders such as suicide tendencies, self–harm
behavior, engaging in substance use and/or criminal activities. This paper focuses on one of the most
significant personality disorders, Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). Borderline personality
disorder, is described of starting in early adulthood, showing immense instability in several factors
of the diagnosed individual. Within the criteria for personality disorders, there are specific patterns
to the interesting disorder being discussed here. The specifications of borderline personality disorder
depend on the severity of impairment in the individual. Most of the nine symptoms should be
present: (1)
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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is an anxiety...
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is an anxiety disorder that affects the behavior of many
people. ADHD symptoms such as impulsiveness and inattentiveness may begin in childhood and
continue into adulthood. Almost 60% of children who are diagnosed with ADHD remain with this
symptom through adulthood. Interpreted into simpler terms, about eight million adults in the U.S.
have this life–affecting indication throughout their lives (–
adhd/guide/adhd–adults). In order for someone to be considered ADHD, abnormal behaviors
including lack of focus must last for at least six months in two environments or more. Attention
deficit hyperactivity disorder is not just another condition that can be looked down upon, but ...
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By year eight socioeconomic status and family structure were the only predictive variables for
ADHD treatment. A separate study highlighted the influence that nonclinical factors such as family
size may have in mediating the use of pharmacologic therapies for children with ADHD. The most
common stimulant medications are methylphenidate (Ritalin), dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine), and
mixed amphetamine salts (Adderall). Atomoxetine (Strattera), guanfacine (Intuniv) and clonidine
(Kapvay) are non–stimulant drugs approved for the treatment of ADHD. Other medications which
may be prescribed off–label include certain antidepressants such as tricyclic antidepressants
(Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). ADHD is best managed not just through medications but
also with social interactions. ADHD is a symptom that can affect every one of all ages and genders,
even people without this disorder. Although it may affect the person with ADHD much more
severely than others, the people around him or her can be negatively affected as well. People with
ADHD may be hated and ignored because of their disorder. In our world today, if one has a certain
disorder, they will most likely be rejected from the rest of the crowd. This can lead to further
troubles such as depression. ADHD is something that can annoy people in the surrounding
environment. The negative correlations and effects ADHD brings along affects many people in
multiple ways.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
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Dialectical Behavior Therapy : An Evidence Based Treatment...
Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is an evidence–based treatment for borderline personality
disorder (BPD) and PTSD (Cukor, 2009). The therapy focuses on a balance between change and
acceptance. DBT is combined with individual psychotherapy and building skills groups to regulate
emotion, mindfulness and distress tolerance. There are two stages associated with DBT. The first
entails the use of DBT for individuals with BPD with significant trauma histories and PTSD (Welch
& Rothbaum, 2007). Patients who have completed Stage 1 treatments targets severe behavior
decontrol but must stay on Stage 1, if they continue to experience emotion dysregulation. In Stage II
DBT, individuals begin exposure to their trauma experience. No data has been accumulated studying
this application (Welch & Rothbaum, 2007). Dialectical behavior therapies teach the patient
techniques for managing strong emotions through trauma–focused methods.
Prolonged Exposure therapy
The article for the VA national center, Cognitive Changes during Prolonged Exposure versus
Prolonged Exposure plus Cognitive Restructuring in Female Assault Survivors with Posttraumatic
Stress Disorder, Schnurr examined the prolonged exposure treatments for female veterans after the
war. Paula Schnurr explained the new series of using prolonged exposure training. The practice was
used four days a week with two patients. The results of the exercise compared to other treatments
showed that patients who completed at least eight sessions
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Influence on Behaviors and Psychological Disorders Outline
Influence on behaviors and Psychological Disorders Outline PSY/103 Influence on behaviors and
Psychological Disorders Outline I. Introduction "Recent data estimate the overall prevalence of
depression at about 11.1% of the American population, or nearly 35 million individuals (Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, 2011). A predictive models suggest that up to 50% of the
population will experience at least one episode of depression during their lives" (Life Extension,
2014). Depression has negatively affected the lives of many individuals throughout the world. Look
around you there may even be someone close to you that is demonstrating signs of its stifling
affects. Depression does not discriminate with its suffocating ... Show more content on ...
Overview of: Depression There are several types of depression some of them are but may not be
limited to: Major Depression one is said to experience this most days of the week. Bipolar Disorder,
these individuals experience mood episodes that can result in high energy to low depressive periods.
Seasonal Affective Disorder is said to affect one mostly during the winter months when one is
unable to obtain as much sunlight due to the days growing shorter. Postpartum Depression is a major
depression that may affect some women in the weeks and months after birthing a child.
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder may affect some women at the start of their menstrual cycles each
month. 'Situational' Depression may affect an individual when they are having trouble managing a
stressful event in their life, such as a death in the family, a divorce, or losing a job. People with
psychotic depression have the symptoms of major depression along with "psychotic" symptoms. For
some one having atypical depression, a positive event can temporarily improve your mood
(WebMD, 2014). This disease is devastating for both the individual it affects as well as his/her
environment. Someone suffering from depression
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Essay about Educating Students With Emotional and Behavior...
In reading chapter seven of the textbook, the education of students with emotional and behavior
disorders was not common before the turn of the twentieth century. Before children were thought of
as having mental illnesses, many researchers thought that this was only diagnosed in adults. For a
child to be known to have a mental issue back in the nineteenth century was said to be evil or
satanic. It was very challenging to study emotional behavior disorders in children. Unfortunately,
there was no way to describe the disorder. Doctors and professional were terrified to admit that
children could have mental illnesses. In the 1960's, schools began to service students with emotional
behavior disorders but they were generally still considered to ... Show more content on ...
Unlike the terms being used differently, there are two federal definitions of emotional disturbance
one by IDEA and the second coined by the National Mental Health and Special Education Coalition.
In the medical profession, emotional behaviors deal with other existing factors. Some emotional and
behavior disorders are described in the medical profession as mental illnesses. These disorders
include conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, and mood disorders. Students that are
identified with emotional and behavior disorders have two types of behaviors internalizing and
externalizing behaviors. However, many students with these behaviors have underlying factors such
as signs of depression, poor social skills and low or average intellectual ability. As with other
disabilities, students with emotional and behavior disorders are diagnosed with learning disabilities
and ADHD. Research cannot prove this, but there are more males diagnosed with emotional
disorders than females. When qualifying a child in public schools as having an emotional
disturbance they must be assessed informally and formally. In order for a student to meet eligibility
for this disorder, the team along with the parents must meet to see if the child meets one or more of
the characteristics to qualify.
After students qualify IDEA requires that schools use specific procedures that can be documented to
help educate
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Anxiety Disorder : Effects Of Cognitive Behavior Therapy...
Hedman et al. (2013) have written article "Shame and Guilt in Social Anxiety Disorder: Effects of
Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Association with Social Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms" about
how research on whether or not cognitive behavior therapy, CBT, can reduce internal shame in
patients with social anxiety disorder, SAD. The authors attempt to convince the audience that this
research is important by explainig the seriousness of this disease, the complexity of the treatment,
and by using a few adapting strategies. This article appears in PLOS magazine which is the largest
journal in the world for scientific articles (Media kit). Hedman et al. (2013) make a convincing
argument that previous studies, while quite good, have failed to ... Show more content on ...
The study is about how two groups of individuals the first group is individuals with Social Anxiety
Disorder and the second group is the healthy controls. These two groups were asked to take a variety
tests, these tests measured levels of shame and guilt, social anxiety levels, depressive symptoms, and
diagnostic assessment as to whether or not the individuals met the criteria for SAD (Hedman et al.,
2013, p. 1). After these two groups were given these tests, all individuals with SAD were given
cognitive behavior treatment. One group was given group therapy and another group was given
individual therapy. After therapy was given these individuals had a one year follow up where they
take the same tests they took before treatment. The results were statistically analyzed. The
conclusion from this studied that CBT did improve the effect internal shame in individuals with
SAD, even though CBT does not directly target internal shame.
This research article appears in the PLOS ONE Journal. PLOS ONE has articles on new research in
a variety of scientific fields. PLOS ONE also caters to millions of people around the world, and as a
bonus is free (PLOS ONE). Since the millions of people who read articles from this journal come
from a variety of disciplines the articles in these journals have to be interesting and capture the
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Behavior Disorders in Children: A Look at ADD & ADHD Essay
In today's society children can be super ramped up especially with all the sugar and junk food lying
around. Most parents may start to wonder if sugar or a short temper is all that is affecting their child.
A child can exhibit multiple signs of anything when observed closely enough. Many parents do not
want to acknowledge that their child may have an issue far beyond their control. According to the
article, "Children Who Have Attentional Disorders: Diagnosis and Evaluation." which can be found
in Pediatrics in Review, children who have Attention Deficit demonstrate basic signs of inattention,
impulsivity, and over activity. The majorities of these behaviors are not appropriate for the child's
age and does not let them reach their ... Show more content on ...
So how can one differentiate? Excessive amounts of sugar usually have a tendency to dissipate
whereas ADHD definitely does not. A few other symptoms have to be checked before a correct final
diagnosis can be given. Does the child have poor impulse control? For example, is having patience
or waiting for their turn a difficulty for the child? If a child has symptoms that correlate with all of
the above, testing may need to be performed to see if the child has this particular attention disorder.
If the child has tested positive for ADHD, then more testing is completed and evaluated to see which
category the child's behaviors will fall in. According to Marina Katz of the website and
author of "Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: symptoms of adhd." ADHD is divided into three
categories; "combined ADHD (the most common type), which involves all of the symptoms,
inattentive ADHD (previously known as ADD), which is marked by impaired attention and
concentration, and hyperactive–impulsive ADHD, which is marked by hyperactivity without
inattentiveness. (Katz)" Once this is decided then proper treatment can be conducted to help the
child involved. "Hyperkinesis or hyperactivity is a general term used to describe a behavior disorder
characterized by high
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Autistic Disorder: Sensory Patterns vs. Behavior Responses
When the phrase "sensory processing pattern" is coupled with behavioral responses in autistic
disorder, one might agree that the two belong together. Not knowing much about autistic disorder,
yet very interested in the topic, I found it fascinating that some sensory processing (SP) difficulties
have a high correlation with the behaviors of autism, while other SP difficulties have been found to
have little to do with the disorder. This can be seen in the study that was conducted in 2007 which
was published in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. The article, The Relationship
between Sensory Processing Patterns and Behavioral Responsiveness in Autistic Disorder: a Pilot
Study, investigated the correlation between sensory processing patterns and the social, emotional
and behavioral receptiveness of autistic children. (Baker, Lane, Angley, & Young, 2007).
To understand the study, we must first understand what sensory processing pattern means and how it
can be related to the behaviors of autistic disorder. Sensory processing is the way that our sensory
information is administered in our brains. It is how our brain takes the information given to it via
visual, auditory, or spatial and responses accordingly. However, it has been hypothesized that those
who have been diagnosed with autism do not respond the typical way, a way that will not disrupt
their daily life, when dealing with sensory processing patterns.
Certain patterns that can be seen while observing
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Link Between Post Traumatic Stress Disorder And Criminal...
Link between Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Criminal Behaviour, its impact on law And How
to prevent / treat the sufferers to lessen the impact on society. Introduction The American Psychitric
Association explains Post–Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as "the experience of a traumatic
event that is followed by the persistence of re–experiencing the same or a similar event and results
into the symptoms of two clusters in PTSD i.e. increased arousal and avoidance" (Roberts, 2011).
When a patient develops PTSD then his/her emotions and sensation about the traumatic event lead
them towards a life of suffering. whenever the trauma replays it leads towards the sensations and
increases distress (Hughes, 2011). An example of a factor that can lead to PTSD is sexual abuse.
Research evidenced that a significant proportion of the victims of sexual abuse have become
traumatised which leads them towards PTSD (Bender, 2010). According to Roberts, in the 19th and
20th centuries most of the theories and research have been swung back and forth between the
occasion and predisposition. It is found that the occurrence of PTSD is thought to occur either
because of the existence of a mental illness due to the undesired circumstances affecting the
memories of the victim, or because of the occurrence of similar events frequently (Van der Kolk and
McFarlane, 2012). Most of the people have intrusive thoughts in their memories about what
happened which is followed by the traumatic event
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Autism Spectrum Disorder Impairs Social Skills, Behavior,...
Autism spectrum disorders are a class of developmental disorders that impair social skills, behavior,
and communication (Center for Disease Control). ASDs are considered 'spectrum' disorders because
each patient has a unique experience in the nature and severity of their symptoms (Center for
Disease Control). Under the umbrella of ASDs, there are three types of disorders, including Autistic
disorder, Asperger Syndrome, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified
(Center for Disease Control). Autistic disorder is the most severe of the three, and patients exhibit
significant problems with language, communication, and behavior (Center for Disease Control).
Furthermore, people with Autistic disorder often have some intellectual impairment (Center for
Disease Control). Asperger Syndrome is a milder form of autistic disorder where patients have some
developmental delays, but their language and intellect are not affected (Center for Disease Control).
The mildest of the ASDs is the pervasive developmental disorder. These patients usually don't meet
all of the criteria for autistic disorder, but do show some signs of social and communication
problems (Center for Disease Control). The number of children diagnosed with ASD is growing, and
currently 1 in 88 children fall somewhere on the spectrum (Mari–Bauset et al., 2013). Boys are four
times more likely than girls to have autism, and while the exact cause of these disorders is unknown,
both genetic and
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Effects Of Exercise Behaviors And Body Image And Eating...
Introduction Wellness requires a balance between mental health and physical health. Researching
the effect between exercise behaviors and physical self–esteem on eating behaviors looks at one
facet of this relationship. Exercise behaviors that will be looked at will take into account intensity of
exercise, exercise frequency, and motivations for exercise. Self–esteem is multifaceted, but focusing
on physical self–esteem pinpoints the physical appearance factors. Eating behaviors will be defined
as the presence of significant eating disorder symptomology further detailed in the methods section.
Eating disorder categories covered are anorexia nervosa, bulimia, and orthorexia. For the purpose of
this study binge eating disorder (BED) will ... Show more content on ...
Individuals who have appearance driven motivation for exercise experience a more negative body
image (O'Hara, Cox, & Amorose, 2014). Health centered motivations make it less likely for an
individual to objectify themselves (O'Hara, Cox, & Amorose, 2014). Self–objectification is an
indicator of body dissatisfaction (Stuart, Trepp, Kuhle, Slaugh, & Murtaugh, 2015). One common
measurement used to assess body dissatisfaction is a somatotype scale test. The distance between
what an individual deems to be an ideal somatotype and the somatotype they identify themselves as
having represents their body image. A higher difference in the identified somatotypes indicates a
lower body image. A causation relationship has not been established, but a lower body image is
associated with disorded eating behaviors (Ferreria, Pinto–Gouveia, & Duarte, 2013; Stuart, Trepp,
Kuhle, Slaugh, & Murtaugh, 2015). This connection has been commonly addressed during treatment
sessions for eating disorders. Additionally to further enhance treatment, it has more recently been
seen that amount of exercise is no longer related to body image when motivation has been taken into
account within a non–eating disorder population (Holland, Brown, & Keel, 2014). Proving that this
same relationship exists within an eating disorder population may change treatment tactics. It would
allow focus during exercise therapy to shift from controlling the amount of
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Type A Behavior And Stress, Adjustment Disorders, General...
BA PSYCHOLOGY HONOURS Health Psychology Type A behavior and stress, Adjustment
disorders, General principles of coping and techniques of coping Bhavana Kumarswamy 11/30/2014
Type A Behavior Pattern The concept of stress was first introduced by Hans Selye who was from the
field of physics. He began using the term stress after he got formal medical education from the
University of Montreal in 1920's. During his practice when he saw his patients who were
institutionalized all looked the same and what united was that they looked pale and sick and
according to Selye they were all going through physical stress. According to him stress was when
the body was strained, exhausted and was not doing its normal functions and stress produced stress
hormones in the body. This he termed it ad General Adaptation Syndrome in simple terms meant it
was our body reaction to acute or chronic stress. The main shortcoming of Selye definition of stress
was that it focused on physiological nature of stress but what about the psychological nature of
stress. The psychological nature of stress was explained by a physician named John Mason in his
study which used monkeys. In the two groups both the monkeys were deprived of food thus they
were under physical
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Child Behavior Disorder Research Paper
The three behavior disorders that I will be discussing is attention–deficit/ hyperactivity disorder,
Autism Spectrum Disorder and Oppositional Defiant Disorder. To grasp a deeper, understanding of a
child behavior disorder one must understand the motivation for such disorder whether its biological
or environmental. There are several developmental theories that have different prospective that can
be useful in understanding Autism, ADHD and ODD. For example, Pavlov, Skinner, Watson all
pioneered the Behavior Model; Skinner's behavior theory believes that children begin to learn by
imitating, then people respond to the child's imitation(operant) by reinforcing the behavior (smiling,
saying good job), punishing the behavior (saying no, frowning), ... Show more content on ...
It is important for educators to understand the gender differences of autism to effectively understand
their students. For example, Autism is diagnosed more in males than females in fact the rate is about
3/1 male to female (Bölte, 2012). The study attempt to understand why autism diagnosed more in
males than females and found that gender differences are really understudied and at this time there is
not a clear answer, but may be something to do with a male's Y chromosome and it's a mutation
(Bölte, 2012). However, Professor Bolte research focused on Cognitive sex differences in autism
spectrum disorder by giving a sample of people with autism cognitive tasks that measure attention to
detail and executive functions (planning, being flexible, cognitive control and self–regulation)
(Bölte, 2012). They normally show a lower performance on these tasks than the general population,
however they perform better on attention to detail (Bölte, 2012). The results were compared to their
siblings without autism score Professor Bolte chose to do that because they control, environmental,
social and genetic factors when using siblings (Bölte, 2012). The results of the study found some
difference, for example, when it came to cognitive flexibility female did better than males, however
when it
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Childhood Behaviors, Disorders, And Emotional Issues
Early Childhood Behavior, whether it is good or bad, starts around the age of two. They are patterns
of aggression and disruptive actions. They can be antisocial or defiant behavior. Some behaviors, if
not dealt with appropriately, can carry on into adolescence or even adulthood. There are many
different kinds of behavior problems, disorders, and emotional issues. These problems are a source
of stress for the child and his or her family, and school. Several factors such as biology, environment
or a combination, are reasons for unwanted behaviors. This assignment will state all the different
behaviors, disorders and emotional issues, their causes, and their remedies, if any. It will also
explain child treatments and therapies to help ... Show more content on ...
There are several anxiety disorders such as Phobias, which are unrealistic or overwhelming fears.
The more popular phobias are fear of height, spiders, closed in spaces, and social outings. Second is
generalized anxiety disorder, which causes children to demonstrate a pattern of excessive worry that
cannot be attributed to any recent experience. ( Post–traumatic stress disorder
affects children who have experienced a psychologically distressing event, such as molestation,
witnessing a murder, or natural disasters. Obsessive–compulsive disorder causes children to repeat
thoughts and behaviors too many times. For example, they may count their blocks before putting
them away over and over again.
Depression, or Clinical Depression can occur at any age even if it is more popular with adults.
Studies show two of every 100 children have major depression. ( The child's
emotions tend to be sad or feel worthless. Their motivation declines. Their physical well–being
deteriorates and they lose their appetite. Some children feel as though life is not worth it and they
have no confidence. Suicide is a concern in older children.
Bipolar Disorder demonstrates exaggerated mood swings. Children may show extreme happiness
and then in a matter of minutes cry with sadness or become mean. They may talk non stop and then
not talk at all. This disorder can be treated but it never goes away.
Attention–deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, is very
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The Behavior Therapy For Children With Attention Deficit...
The Behavior Therapy for Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder at school By :
Sarah Alharbi Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), is one of the most well–known
behavioral disorder in children (Madhuri 2015), Which estimated all year at about 3–10% between
children worldwide. A.D.H.D is more commonly observed in boys five times more than girls (
Jonna 2006). There is no doubt that ADHD children exacts an enormous burden on society in terms
of financial cost, stress to families, and adverse academic outcomes. a according to the behavioral
symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity that identified effectively on ADHD
children across the life cycle (Biederman 2005) Non–pharmacological interventions, which have
been explored extensively over the years, are part of treatment guidelines behavioral interventions of
children with DAHD (Anita 2015). Since the early 1990s, the emphasis of evidence–based
treatments for psychological disorders, including ADHD . As part of this movement, behavior
modification has been identified as an evidence–based treatment for ADHD (Andrea 2009). The
fundamental reason for this research is to give a brief outline of the significant part of the behavior
therapy for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in school. and provide the
intervention strategies to modifications the academic instruction, and school communication
programs to improve the daily functioning of the ADHD child by
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Essay Behavior Disorders in Movie The Shining
The Shining
The Shinning, a horror movie that was released in 1980, featured Jack Nicholson, as a writer who is
left in charge of the Overlook hotel during the winter. During this time Jack began to developed
schizophrenia among many other personality and mood disorders and attempts to murder his own
family. After reviewing this film it became apparent that there was a mixture of accuracy and
exaggeration of the development of schizophrenia. Jack had this disorder, but also had symptoms of
other personality and mood disorders. For the sake of Hollywood the film did take schizophrenia to
entirely new levels. Some of this hype was generated around Jack becoming a full fledge killer. The
delusions that he ... Show more content on ...
He became very isolated from everyone. He had little movement and little speech and was
completely engrossed in his writing, which was not amounting to anything.
Jack had many delusions in the thick of his mental breakdown. One in particular was a man named
Grady who continuously told him to get rid (murder) of his wife and son. Some of his other
delusions occurred while he would sit at the bar and drink with the bartender Lloyd, or see a strange
woman in room 217, who later seduces him. Some of these delusions could have been "ghost,"
however, they were never really told whether they were, or were not. Jack could have developed
these delusions himself in order to gain control of life. The bartender served him alcohol, which
became his dependent and courage to follow through on his actions. The woman in room 217 could
have taken his mind off of his wife so he could get the job done, and Grady could have been his
strength to follow through with his actions.
Jack also had a strong sense of paranoia. He constantly thought that his wife Wendy was out to get
him. He thought that she was going to take their son Danny away from him and accuse him of
abuse. I feel that although Jack had more symptoms of schizophrenia it could be justified that he had
an antisocial personality
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Essay on Personality Disorders and Deviant Behavior
Personality Disorders and Deviant Behavior
People who suffer from personality disorders often display deviant behavior. The mental illness
itself is not deviant. They typically have problems with social skills, mood swings, emotional states,
and are often unable to maintain healthy, stable relationships. Many sufferers do not possess the
capability to have genuine emotions, including empathy for others. A personality disorder is the
basis of many circumstances of maladaptive behavior including substance abuse, self–harm, suicide,
and criminality. There are ten different personality disorders, each having specific symptoms, but all
of them share certain characteristics. The first of these characteristics is that an ... Show more
content on ...
They may react to supposed character attracts with learned anger and counterattacks. They often
project blame for their own failures onto other people and become very isolated and closed to
others. Because of the isolation, paranoid personality disorders often turn to alcoholism and drug
use. Another personality disorder that often results in isolation is schizoid personality disorder. This
person chooses solitary activities and takes pleasure in few, if any, activities involving others. Due to
the fact that this person does not desire or enjoy close relationships, other than first–degree relatives,
the interest in sexual experiences with another person is nonexistent. This lack of desire for
attachment results in a show of emotional coldness. The main deviant behavior of a schizoid
personality is the lack of social interaction. They usually have a restricted range of emotions in all
social settings. They often prefer the life of the recluse or the isolated eccentric. This type of
personality disorder often evolves into a serious psychotic condition known as schizophrenia.
Another type of personality disorder that may turn into schizophrenia is schizotypal personality
disorder. A person who displays this type of behavior also is uncomfortable close relationships.
However, this type of personality disorder often displays eccentrics
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Environmental Factors And Biological Factors That...
Environmental Factors and Biological Issues That Predispose People to Habits and Behaviors of
Eating Disorders
Brittany N. Rehberg
There is a direct correlation between environmental factors and the development of eating disorders.
Issues, such as bullying and skeptical comments, have been largely ignored. This thesis will attempt
to show that biological as well as environmental issues correlate with a variety of eating disorders.
Eating disorders would be Anorexia, Bulimia, and Binge Eating. When environmental and
biological factors are both considered, the symptoms and risks of these eating disorders are
Surrounding Influences and Factors that Predispose People to Habits and ... Show more content on ...
Discussion An eating disorder is described as an illness characterized by irregular eating habits and
severe distress or concern about body weight or shape. The most common forms of eating disorders
include Anorexia, Bulimia, and Binge Eating Disorder (About An Eating Disorder: Symptoms,
Signs, Causes, & Articles For Treatment Help, 2017, p. 5). It is largely known that environmental
factors correlate with the existence of eating disorders. For example, bullying and skeptical
comments is the cause of eating disorders. Anything that has to do with pressure from one person to
another to look or feel a certain way is an enormous impact (What Causes Eating Disorders?, 2017,
p. 4). Any person who is severely underweight or obese is at a higher risk for being bullied. This is
when the skeptical comments come into play, especially from loved ones. The media has an even
bigger impact on those who struggle with weight issues and body image. Magazines sitting in the
checkout lines or commercials that portray unrealistic expectations for men and women of the
"perfect" body have a deeper effect on one's self esteem. People will do anything they can to change
how they look in order to differ the feelings they have towards themselves. This is when eating
disorders will develop. The first eating disorder is Anorexia. Anorexia is an obsessive fear of gaining
weight, refusal to maintain weight, and an unrealistic perception of body image. People dealing with
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Mental Disorders And Violent Behavior

  • 1. Mental Disorders And Violent Behavior In recent years, there has been an increase in occurrence of individuals with mental disorders and violent crimes committed by those with mental illnesses. A major challenge in contemplating the relationship between mental disorders and violent behavior lies within how the two offer large portions of the same danger variables. Offenders with mental health issues have a tendency to participate in more deviant types of criminal acts than those without such issues. This paper is sought to synthesize the relationship among individuals who are mentally ill and why there are criminal acts followed by certain behaviors. The essential objective is to identify the problems, symptoms, and treatments for individuals who suffer from mental disorders. ... Show more content on ... Mental Illness alludes to a variety of mental health conditions. A mental health concern becomes a mental illness when ongoing signs and symptoms cause frequent stress and affect the ability to function (Vinkers, Beurs, Barendregt, Rinne, & Hoek, 2011). The suffrage of any mental disorder can cause a person to become miserable and may cause health issues in the individual's daily life. The term mental illness will be held for non–substance related issues, typically major dysfunctional behaviors, such as, schizophrenia or depression. Mental illness can be defined as a disease that causes mild to severe interferences in thoughts and behaviors (Gruber & Kring, 2008). In the US alone, there are more than 200 classified forms of mental illness, such as: schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, dementia, depression, and many more (Capps & Hinckly, 2013). Mental health conditions may be associated with excessive stressing relating to one particular situation or a series of events (Gruber & Kring, 2008). There are many warning signs and symptoms that correlate to mental illnesses such as those of: delusions, hallucinations, social withdrawal, denial and obvious problems, confused thinking, strong feelings of anger, and substance abuse; substance abuse being the rate raiser for committing violence and also is a major determinant of violence (Kamperman, Henrichs, Bogaerts, Lesaffre, Wierdsman, Ghauharali, & Mulder, 2014). Substance abuse ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Bipolar Disorder And Cognitive Functioning And Behavior Bipolar Disorder and Impairments in Cognitive Functioning and Behavior Bipolar disorder is behavior disorder that results in shifts of mood, lack of energy, low activity levels, and difficulty performing day–to–day tasks. There are two types of Bipolar disorder. Bipolar 1 Disorder, is when the primary symptom is manic, or cycling episodes of mania and depression. Bipolar 2 Disorder is reoccurring depression alongside hypomanic episodes. Manic episodes are periods of elevated, expansive, or irritable mood that may occur for at least a week. In contrast, depressive episodes are intensely unhappy or hopeless states. Emotional and drastic changes from the individual's standard behavior that may occur randomly are called mood episodes. These mood episodes are the reason that bipolar disorder is sometimes referred to as manic–depressive illness. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, symptoms during manic episodes include talking quickly, racing thoughts, little sleep, inflated self esteem, and low attention spans. During depressive episodes, individuals have diminished ability in remembering, indecisiveness, lack of energy to engage in activities, reduced interest in activities, guilt, feeling valueless, and suicidal thoughts or sometimes in extreme cases, attempts at suicide. Besides these common symptoms, researchers have found that bipolar disorder may also cause memory dysfunctions, attention deficits, and learning problems. The impairments in cognitive ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Four Functions Of Behavior Of Students With Autism... Four Functions of Behavior Looking at behavior of students with Autism Spectrum Disorders it can often be categorized in four broad categories. Attention/access is behavior that occurs so the child can obtain something that they want. (Heflin & Alaimo, 2011) Avoidance/Escape is a behavior that allows the child to escape something that is undesirable. (Heflin & Alaimo, 2011) Sensory–based is behavior that occurs to solicit pleasurable feedback. (Heflin & Alaimo, 2011) Pain attenuation is a behavior that so that a pain does not hurt so much not seen a lot in education. (Heflin & Alaimo, 2011) Three of the four behaviors will be addressed in how they manifest in the classroom, examples of these behaviors and recommendations to deal with behaviors. Attention/access behavior is when a student acts out to get something they want or want to participate in doing. One of the students in our classroom yells to seek attention. He loves to listen to music on his I–pod. During instruction time in the classroom he is not allowed to listen to his I–pod. He may yell out trying to seek attention to obtain the I–pod which he desires. The intervention that we incorporate to decrease this behavior is not always affective. Most teachers can attest to the fact that students use inappropriate or problem behavior to seek attention from the teacher or peers. ("Strategies to address different functions of a student's behavior," n.d.) My student has learned over a pattern of many years if he yells ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. Behavior Disorders Behavior Disorders (Emotional Disturbance Pg 207–210) I. Facts: * Behavior disorders include mental health problems with a focus on behaviors that both identify emotional problems and create interpersonal and social problems for children and adolescents in the course of their development. * Currently, students with such disorders are categorized as having a serious emotional disturbance, which is defined under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Public Law 101– 476, as follows: "...a condition exhibiting one or more of the following characteristics over a long period of time and to a marked degree that adversely affects educational performance–– A. An inability to learn that cannot be explained by ... Show more content on ... Teaching Methods: 1. Design the classroom environment and formulate lesson plans to encourage social interaction and cooperation– Social withdrawal among students with the disorder may cause isolation or students stay away from the child with the disorder. To avoid this, classroom environment and instructional activities can foster appropriate interpersonal contact. 2. Prompt and reinforce appropriate socal interactions– A prompt is a stimulus that draws out a desired response and positive reinforcement involves giving the student a positive reinforcer (something the student wants) immediately after a desired behavior. 3. Train other students to initiate social interactions– Because the time of a teacher is limited, getting students involved will be a great benefit to helping out the teacher in the classroom. 4. Design the classroom environment to reduce the probability of disruptive behavior– Teachers who deal with it directly and consistently greatly reduce the frequency of it happening over and over. 5. Reinforce appropriate behavior, and, if necessary, punish inappropriate behavior– Three effective techniques include contingency contracts, token economies and fines, and time outs. 6. Use group contingency–management techniques– Rewarding the whole class when the aggressive student behaves makes the aggressive student the hero and help them to foster better peer relationships. * School districts have researched and tried many methods in an ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Disruptive Behavior Disorders: A Case Study Disruptive Behaviour Disorders Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) and conduct Disorder are often referred to in the literature as disruptive behaviour disorders (DBD).This is due to the fact that children who have these disorders tend to disrupt those around them (Gathright and Tyler 2014). Disruptive Behaviour disorders are characterised by a repetitive and persistent pattern of antisocial, aggressive or defiant conduct. Such behaviour is more severe than ordinary childish mischief or adolescent rebelliousness, and it goes beyond isolated antisocial acts (NICE 2012). Children suffering from conduct disorder often act inappropriately, violate the behavioural expectations of others and infringe on the rights of others ( Grey and Zide 2013). ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. REM Behavior Disorder (RBD) REM behavior disorder (RBD) is a neurodegenerative brain disorder that causes abnormal sleep phenomenon in which individuals act out their dreams. Individuals RBD have been observed flailing their arms and legs as if defending themselves against imaginary enemies. In some severe cases, people with RBD have gotten out of bed, driven cars, harmed themselves, and assaulted family members. In one of the more frightening cases of RBD discussed during the lecture, a police officer awoke with his gun pointed at a door, as if defending himself against an intruder. This disorder has even been used, both successfully and unsuccessfully, in court as a murder defense. There are five phases of sleep which are, stages 1, 2, 3, 4, and REM sleep or, rapid ... Show more content on ... During the 1930s there was extensive use of this technology in caring for victims of the polio epidemic. These iron lungs were cumbersome, and provided little access to provide patient care. Recent advancements however, have made negative pressure ventilation a viable option in non– invasive mechanical ventilation. The "modern" iron lung consists of a flexible cuirass, or shell, which is designed to fit over the anterior of the chest. On inspiration, a negative pressure helps to pull the rib cage up and forward, increasing the space in the thoracic cavity, facilitating better air flow and ventilation. Expiration is achieved by passive recoil. These latest devices offer many of the same ventilatory modes as positive pressure vents do, as well as, high frequency chest wall oscillation and cough assistance. The HFCWO assists patient in mobilizing secretions much the same way the vest works in chest physiotherapy. The cuirass can also provide peep by providing a continuous negative distending pressure baseline. This negative extrathoracic pressure provides a new functional reserve capacity (FRC) from which the patient can breathe from. Biphasic cuirass ventilation can also provide a positive pressure to assist in assist in exhalation. This positive phase decreases the potential for large end expiratory lung volumes which may facilitate gas trapping or barotrauma to compromised lung ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Children Exhibit Behaviors That Are Associated With... Children exhibit behaviors that are associated with Bipolar Disorder (BPD) as early as 2 years of age. However, many children are not diagnosed until older due to the subjectivity of diagnosing children with mental disorders while their brains are still developing. This leads to a prolonged delay in diagnosis and treatment. However, with recent research, we are able to view and compare brain structures of those with BPD to those who are not affected by BPD. By MRI and fMRI scans, there are regions in the brain that are associated with BPD at certain sizes and activity levels. Individuals with Bipolar show decreased brain volumes in emotion related neurocircuitry, such as the amygdala and the prefrontal cortical regions (Marrus, Bell, & Luby, 2014). With being able to see structural abnormalities within the brain we are also able to determine if treatments for these disorders are effective. With the use of proper medication, volumetric differences occur in the regions of the brain that are associated with BPD and therefore provide evidence that brain structure abnormalities can be "normalized" with medication. However, even with treatment, individuals with BPD tend to follow the trend that they are still more susceptible to drug abuse, aggressive behavior, and binge drinking later on in life (Swendsen et al., 2010). Additionally, BPD used to always be considered the sole mental illness an individual had but recently it has been shown that BPD is comorbid with other diseases, ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Behavior Disorders And Attention Deficit Hyperactivity... Behavior disorder is defined as "Any of various forms of behavior that are considered inappropriate by members of the social group to which an individual belongs." (The American Heritage Stedman 's Medical Dictionary, 2015) Due to its broad definition, methods of identification, diagnosis, and treatments are varied and controversial. After my son was diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in November of 2012, I recognized a stigma within the community surrounding behavior disorders that made it difficult to find the appropriate support for my son and my family. This paper will discuss the causes of behavior disorders, methods for proper identification, and problems that can arise in the home, school, and community of a child with a behavior disorder. Behavior disorders vary in symptoms and name, and can be divided into several classifications, including anxiety disorders, disruptive behavior disorders, emotional disorders, dissociative disorders, and pervasive developmental disorders. In addition to Sensory Processing Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Bipolar Disorder and Autism fall under the behavior umbrella. Like many other mental illnesses, direct causes of these disorders are hard to pinpoint. "Although the exact cause of most mental illnesses is not known, it is becoming clear through research that many of these conditions are caused by a combination of biological, psychological and ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Behavior Disorders in the Shinning Essay The Shining The Shinning, a horror movie that was released in 1980, featured Jack Nicholson, as a writer who is left in charge of the Overlook hotel during the winter. During this time Jack began to developed schizophrenia among many other personality and mood disorders and attempts to murder his own family. After reviewing this film it became apparent that there was a mixture of accuracy and exaggeration of the development of schizophrenia. Jack had this disorder, but also had symptoms of other personality and mood disorders. For the sake of Hollywood the film did take schizophrenia to entirely new levels. Some of this hype was generated around Jack becoming a full fledge killer. The delusions that he suffered from were undeniably ... Show more content on ... Jack also starts to develop an obsessive compulsive behavior personality disorder by writing pages and pages of manuscript that read, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." This form of receptiveness might even imply that Jack was entering a type of Schizoid behavior because of his detachment from others. He became very isolated from everyone. He had little movement and little speech and was completely engrossed in his writing, which was not amounting to anything. Jack had many delusions in the thick of his mental breakdown. One in particular was a man named Grady who continuously told him to get rid (murder) of his wife and son. Some of his other delusions occurred while he would sit at the bar and drink with the bartender Lloyd, or see a strange woman in room 217, who later seduces him. Some of these delusions could have been "ghost," however, they were never really told whether they were, or were not. Jack could have developed these delusions himself in order to gain control of life. The bartender served him alcohol, which became his dependent and courage to follow through on his actions. The woman in room 217 could have taken his mind off of his wife so he could get the job done, and Grady could have been his strength to follow through with his actions. Jack also had a strong sense of paranoia. He constantly ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. The Behavior Of Eating Disorders Introduction In today 's society, teenagers desire the stereotypical "perfect body." Most girls want to be tiny and twig like, just like the models portrayed in the media. Frequently, the desire to become thin becomes an obsession and girls perceive thinness as being an essential trait. The obsession over weight has led to an increasing number of individual 's who have developed eating disorders due to low self–esteem or other related issues. According to a 2002 survey, 1.5% of Canadian women aged 15–24 years have had an eating disorder. Although, children are influenced by numerous external factors that are destroying their bodies, parents play the most significant role in the avoidance of eating disorders. During a child 's life, on no occasion should food be used as a reward or punishment. In order for a child to have a healthy life physically, socially, emotionally and financially parents must be role models as a child is heavily influence by their parents. Factors such as overall appearance, the ability to form a family, anxiety, academic performance, and the ability to financially support oneself are all influenced by the support children receive from their parents. Grocery shopping together, eating together, encouraging new interests and avoiding comments that directly target physical appearance are essential steps parents should consider. "An eating disorder is an illness that causes serious disturbances to ones everyday diet, such as eating extremely small amounts ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Influence on Behavior and Psychological Disorders Essay Running head: INFLUENCES ON BEHAVIOR AND PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDERS Presentation Influences on Behavior and Psychological Disorders Presentation Jocelyn F. Oatman & Sofia Moran University of Phoenix Introduction to Psychology PSY 103 Michelle McCoy–Williams October 29, 2008 Influences on Behavior and Psychological Disorders Presentation The previous evaluation on the pathophysiology of anxiety constantly records the requirement for more examination on biological characteristics of childhood social phobia, separation anxiety disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder. The recent evaluation encapsulates biological examination that is appropriate to these three disorders. In the earliest component of the analysis, difficulties that ... Show more content on ... These conclusions indicate that a genetic aspect, probably triggered in combination with life experiences, predisposes some individuals to these disorders. Since signs of anxiety disorders are often reduced by drugs that maintain quantities of chemicals in the brain, scientists think that brain chemistry seems to play a role in the beginning of anxiety disorders. Researchers think that personality may play a role in the growth of an anxiety disorder, observing that individuals who have low self–esteem and weak managing skills may be more prone. On the contrary, anxiety disorders that start in childhood may itself play a role to the growth of low self–esteem. Researchers think that the connection between anxiety disorders and long–term contact to abuse, aggression, or hardship is an essential section for further study, as life experience may influence a human being's vulnerability to these disorders. Occasionally, anxiety may be initiated by using street drugs like amphetamines, LSD, or Ecstasy. Still the caffeine in coffee can be sufficient to make some of us experience awkwardly nervous. The anxiety disorders consist of panic disorder (with and without a history of agoraphobia), agoraphobia (with and without a history of panic disorder), generalized anxiety disorder, specific phobia, social phobia, obsessive–compulsive disorder, ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Cognitive Behavior Therapy For Generalized Anxiety... Cognitive behavioral therapy has established itself as an effective treatment for generalized anxiety disorder. However, anxiety is a disorder that can affect a person most, if not all, of their lives. As people age, their needs change when it comes to treatment for many disorders, including anxiety. Is Cognitive behavior therapy for generalized anxiety disorder as effective in adults of working age and older adults? The database used in this search was Google Scholar. The keywords used were cognitive behavior therapy, anxiety, and generalized anxiety disorder. The article selected was "Cognitive behavior therapy for generalized anxiety disorder: Is CBT equally efficacious in adults of working age and older adults?"(Kishita and Laidlaw ... Show more content on ... The people in the studies must also be randomly assigned a "treatment" or a "placebo" (Kishita & Laidlaw, 2017, p.126) After these criteria were applied, the number of studies decreased to "15" (Kishita & Laidlaw, 2017, p.127). Information on "participants' age range and mean age, the type of treatment condition, the type of control condition, format of the therapy, the number of sessions, the primary outcome measure,the type of analyses, and means,standard deviations, and sample size for the primary outcome measure in each condition" was recorded for each study (Kishita & Laidlaw, 2017, p.127) Limitations and Sponsorships The study has a narrow focus on GAD only and cannot provide any information on other anxiety disorders (Kishita & Laidlaw 2017). The age groups included in the studies both included people aged from 55 to 60 because of an overlap in the age group classification (Kishita & Laidlaw 2017) There is also an apparent lack of patients older than 65. The study also only included articles that used "non–active psychological controls," which created a varied group of controls (Kishita & Laidlaw, 2017, p.133). Findings/Conclusions The analysis found that the majority of treatments used for adults of working age were "traditional CBT techniques" (Kishita & Laidlaw, 2017, p.128). The rest of the studies used newer techniques (Kishita & Laidlaw 2017). In ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Infant-Mother Attachment and Eating Disorder Behavior Essay Mary S. Ainsworth was fascinated in the association between infants and their mothers that she later coined the theory of infant–mother attachment. According to Ainsworth, there are three evident attachment patterns that will develop, secure, anxious and avoidant infants. Ainsworth felt it was substantially necessary for a child to transition out from a mother's attachment and vulnerability to autonomy and independence as a factor in normal development in personality. One of the key points of Ainsworth security theory is that infants need to "develop a sense of direction and secure dependence on parents" before leaving the nest into a strange and unfamiliar situation (Bretherton, 1992). According to Ainsworth, "Familial security in the ... Show more content on ... In order for children to thrive, infants need to experience healthy nurturing relationships with their mother or caregiver. Nevertheless, without a mother infant attachment bond the growth and development of personality would be non–existent to the infant or child. For the explanation if attachment, family factors do play an imperative role for positive development in a mother infant attachment bond. Studies show that an individual who has a healthy relationship with parent s will have a positive or nurturing relationship with their peers (Richters & Walters, 1991). Individuals who are alienated growing up are more prone to the development of eating disorders or self–harm behaviors that had negative experiences growing up in a house hold with conflicts, or the lack of socialization skills (Richters & Walters, 1992). Relationship between attachment and eating disorders Many theorists believe that family dynamics of those suffering from eating disorders may have contributed to their illness. For instance, anorexic families have sought to be closely related, with perfectionistic attitudes, and higher socioeconomic status. Cole–Detke & Konak (1996) described anorexic families as dependent on their child which results in the sufferer being tired to their needy parents by stopping their daughter from actually developing her own autonomy and sense of separation into the world. According to attachment theory, disordered eating behaviors and the attempt to control ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Eating Disorders : Eating Behavior And Weight Regulation Eating disorders feature serious disturbances in eating behavior and weight regulation. Associated with a wide range of adverse psychological, physical, and social consequences; eating disorders include severe distress or concern about body weight and shape. Eating disorders are more than simply watching your weight or dieting, they include characteristics such as skipping meals, excessive exercise and overeating. Eating disorders are serious emotional and physical issues with life–threatening consequences. Three of the most common eating disorders are: anorexia nervosa, binge eating and bulimia nervosa. Research has shown that one in every five women struggle with an eating disorder and 50% of girls use unhealthy weight control behaviors. Anorexia nervosa is categorized by abnormally low body weight, intense fear or gaining weight, and a distorted perception of body weight. Not entirely about food, anorexia nervosa is an unhealthy way to cope with emotional problems. Physical signs and symptoms are related to starvation; extreme weight loss, fatigue, severe dehydration, absence of menstruation, dehydration, yellow skin. Emotional and behavioral symptoms include restricting food intake, excessive exercise, self– induced vomiting with the use of laxatives, suicidal, flat mood, social withdrawal and an intense fear of gaining weight. Causes of anorexia nervosa include peer pressure, society, OCD tendencies, and media. Some complications of anorexia nervosa are heart ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Mental Disorders And Criminal Behavior Running head: MENTAL DISORDERS & CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR Mental Disorders and Criminal Behavior Courtney Edwards Thomas University Abstract The purpose of this research paper is to provide information on the distinct types of mental illnesses as they correlate with criminal behavior. There are so many disorders in which exist in today's society. These include: schizophrenia, delusional disorders, bipolar disorders, obsessive compulsive disorders, and so much more. Through compulsive research and findings from several case studies, it is safe to say that many mental disorders play a huge role in criminal behavior. Though there may be a limit as to how much mental illnesses play in criminal behaviors, there is still to some effect a correlation in which I chose to make between the two. In this paper, the audience will be able to identify the different mechanisms of criminal behavior through their own statistics. There is also many different statistics of criminal behavior made in which distinguishes female from male, ethnic backgrounds, and everyday behavior. Once a person has been diagnosed with a mental illness, the person can decide to use it as a clutch for criminal behavior, or make the best out of it. From several resources, I have conducted distinctive research from the mental illnesses depicted in the paper, and simply analyzed their own individual characteristics in which will be prone to my topic. Introduction Mental illness is always a topic in which is ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. School Shooting : A Person Suffering From Chronic Mental... Haley Schmidt VanHorn Composition and Grammar April 25th, 2015 Newtown School Shooting Psychopath: a person suffering from chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior. This defines 20–year–old Adam Lanza who shot his way through the locked front entrance of Sandy Hook Elementary School with a Bushmaster AR–15 on the morning of Dec. 14, 2012 (Los Angeles Times). The results of this horrific massacre took the lives of 20 children and six adult staff members. This shooting changed the way society controls security, mental health and overall personal awareness towards these events. Newtown is a town of Fairfield County, Connecticut, located sixty miles outside of New York City. In the town there are approximately 27,560 people, and 8,325 households, with 44.5% of those households containing children under eighteen (Los Angeles Times). With this being said, Newtown is a fairly active community and never expected anything like this to come its way. Mass murderer, Lanza, shot his mom on his way to the school to then have access to her household guns. Around 9:30 A.M. he entered the school holding a Bushmaster XM15–E2S rifle, openly firing his way in towards the main office (Sandy). He was dressed in all black clothes, a green utility vest, yellow earplugs and sunglasses. Principle, Dawn Hochsprung and school psychologist Mary Sherlach were meeting with other staff members when they heard the gunshots. Hochsprung, Sherlach, and teacher Natalie Hammond went ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Anorexia Nervosa Is A Disorder Characterized By Abnormal... Anorexia nervosa is a disorder characterized by abnormal eating behaviors. People with anorexia have a fear of gaining weight which causes them to try and maintain a low weight. They will do anything to prevent weight gain. This includes starvation and exercising too much. They do this because not only do they have the fear of gaining weight they have a distorted body image which means even if they are extremely thin they will believe that they are overweight. (Ehrlich, 2015). Anorexia is not really about food and weight at its core. Many eating disorders are much more complicated than that and they run a lot deeper than just appearance. The real cause of the disorder could be depression, loneliness, insecurity or feeling out of control. Typically, things that just weight loss cannot cure. (Smith and Segal, 2015). It is an emotional disorder that focuses on food. People with anorexia believe that their self worth is tied to how thin they are. Anorexia is common especially in young woman in industrialized countries where cultural ideals encourage woman to be thin. Anorexia is also affecting a growing number of men, particularly athletes and those in the military who wish to be thin. (Ehrlich, 2015). The exact causes of Anorexia Nervosa are unknown since many factors may be involved. Genes and hormones may be involved, also social attitudes that promote thin body types may also be involved. Risk factors for anorexia include being ore worried about weight and shape, having an ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Disruptive Behavior Disorder : Aggression Disruptive Behavior Disorder: Aggression in Toddlers "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child . . . . . "(I Corinthians 13:11, King James Version). Children are unique and there are no two children that are alike. They are different in their thinking and their actions. I have been working with children for over twenty–one years and I have notice that the behavior in children appear to be more aggressive. I believe that if the children's behavior is corrected early than it can be manage when they are older. Therefore, if we build trusting relationships, teach the children self–control in the early years and help the families find intervention, and then our children will become productive citizens and make a difference in their community. "Despite its common occurrence in toddlerhood, aggressive behavior in this age group is often over looked (Vecchio, 2006). This behavior in toddlers is often called the "terrible twos" and parents sometimes feel that their children are just going through a phase. According to our text, on page 277, it states that "Children who are loved and securely attached and receive appropriate physical affection are less likely to exhibit aggressive behaviors" (Witmer, 2013). Teaching the children how to problem solve and talk about how they feel can be a rewarding experience. Parents and caregivers must build a trusting relationship with the children. According to Erikson's Theory on page 266 of our ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Personality Disorders Are Pervasive And Enduring Patterns... Personality Disorders are pervasive and enduring patterns of thoughts and behaviors that deviate significantly from the expectations of a person's culture (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). The inner experiences or behaviors are expressed in at least two of the following areas: Cognition, affectivity, interpersonal functioning, or impulse control. These patterns are inflexible and stable over time, cause significant impairment or distress, and have an onset typically occurring in adolescence or early adulthood. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual – 5th Edition (DSM–5) includes ten specific personality disorders, classified into three clusters based on similar characteristics (APA, 2013). Cluster A disorders exhibit odd or strange characteristics and include Paranoid, Schizoid, and Schizotypal personality disorders. Cluster B disorders encompass wild or dramatic qualities and include Antisocial, Borderline, Histrionic, and Narcissistic personality disorders. Lastly, Cluster C disorders express anxious or worried features and include Avoidant, Dependent, and Obsessive–Compulsive personality disorders. Due to the breadth and comprehensiveness of personality disorders, this review with concentrate on the treatment of Cluster B disorders, specifically Borderline Personality Disorder. Psychopathology of Borderline Personality Disorder According to the DSM–5 (APA, 2013), Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a persistent pattern of instability in interpersonal ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. The Relationship Between Mental Disorders And How It Can... This paper will discuss the relationship between mental disorders and how it can be conducive to criminal behavior. Throughout the years humans have been blighted with the inability to control their impulsive behavior. Therefore, creating violent episodes with the need to want to hurt others. There are several reasons why some individuals turn to crime, but the question is, how is it that the human mind works, and is it really that difficult to differ right from wrong? There are various reasons why so many seem to fall into the vicious cycle of psychosis. Some people may not have control over the "way of life" that they were born into, others simply don't want to recover from their illness, and there are those which it is too late for because they've fallen into a deep depression that they just can't escape. For many years genetics, inadequate parenting skills, and financial instability have all been a factor in the evolution of mental disorders. They have contributed to the lack of self–control that is required in order to fight off the urges to commit crimes. All around the world, millions of people suffer from mental disorders. "Mental illness impacts the lives of at least one in four adults and one in 10 children across the United States" Botzakis, S. (2014). Whether it be from antisocial personality, schizophrenia, or postpartum depression, they all seem to drive the individual to commit violent crimes. On the other hand, some acts of violence may very well be ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Antisocial Personality Disorders and Criminal Behavior Abstract Antisocial personality disorder is a mental health condition characterized by various behavioral symptoms (including impulsivity or failure to plan ahead, disregard for the safety of others and irresponsibility), interpersonal symptoms (deceitfulness), affective symptoms (including a lack of remorse) and other symptoms (such as irritability and aggressiveness, repeated behaviors that are grounds for arrest, and the onset of conduct disorder prior to the age of 15 years). Although laws differ from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, this mental health condition may be grounds for a defense against criminal charges provided an accurate and timely diagnosis of the disorder is made. The diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder, though, is frequently confounded by the presence of a broad spectrum of comorbid disorders. Because there is often a great deal at stake, the accurate diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder in criminal cases has become the focus on an increasing amount of research in recent years, an issue that also forms the focus of this study. An overview of antisocial personality disorder is followed by a discussion concerning what instruments are typically used for diagnosing antisocial personality disorder and the implications of these diagnoses. Finally, a summary of the research and important findings are presented in the study's conclusion. Key words: Abnormal, antisocial, criminal behavior Antisocial Personality Disorders and Criminal Behavior ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Dialectical Behavior Therapy As A Treatment For Borderline... Dialectical Behavior Therapy as a Treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder What is Borderline Personality Disorder? Personality disorders are characterized by the Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders–5 (DSM–5; American Psychiatric Association, 2013) as disorders where impulsivity is the main deficit and without treatment, it acquires new symptoms as time progresses. The four core features that are prevalent in all personality disorders include dysfunctional thinking, emotion dysfunction, impulsivity and interpersonal difficulties (Hurt, Clarkin, Monroe–Blum, and Marziali, 1992). The ten different personality disorders fall into three different clusters (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Many maladaptive behaviors are characteristics of those suffering from personality disorders such as suicide tendencies, self–harm behavior, engaging in substance use and/or criminal activities. This paper focuses on one of the most significant personality disorders, Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). Borderline personality disorder, is described of starting in early adulthood, showing immense instability in several factors of the diagnosed individual. Within the criteria for personality disorders, there are specific patterns to the interesting disorder being discussed here. The specifications of borderline personality disorder depend on the severity of impairment in the individual. Most of the nine symptoms should be present: (1) ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is an anxiety... Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is an anxiety disorder that affects the behavior of many people. ADHD symptoms such as impulsiveness and inattentiveness may begin in childhood and continue into adulthood. Almost 60% of children who are diagnosed with ADHD remain with this symptom through adulthood. Interpreted into simpler terms, about eight million adults in the U.S. have this life–affecting indication throughout their lives (– adhd/guide/adhd–adults). In order for someone to be considered ADHD, abnormal behaviors including lack of focus must last for at least six months in two environments or more. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is not just another condition that can be looked down upon, but ... Show more content on ... By year eight socioeconomic status and family structure were the only predictive variables for ADHD treatment. A separate study highlighted the influence that nonclinical factors such as family size may have in mediating the use of pharmacologic therapies for children with ADHD. The most common stimulant medications are methylphenidate (Ritalin), dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine), and mixed amphetamine salts (Adderall). Atomoxetine (Strattera), guanfacine (Intuniv) and clonidine (Kapvay) are non–stimulant drugs approved for the treatment of ADHD. Other medications which may be prescribed off–label include certain antidepressants such as tricyclic antidepressants (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). ADHD is best managed not just through medications but also with social interactions. ADHD is a symptom that can affect every one of all ages and genders, even people without this disorder. Although it may affect the person with ADHD much more severely than others, the people around him or her can be negatively affected as well. People with ADHD may be hated and ignored because of their disorder. In our world today, if one has a certain disorder, they will most likely be rejected from the rest of the crowd. This can lead to further troubles such as depression. ADHD is something that can annoy people in the surrounding environment. The negative correlations and effects ADHD brings along affects many people in multiple ways. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Dialectical Behavior Therapy : An Evidence Based Treatment... Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is an evidence–based treatment for borderline personality disorder (BPD) and PTSD (Cukor, 2009). The therapy focuses on a balance between change and acceptance. DBT is combined with individual psychotherapy and building skills groups to regulate emotion, mindfulness and distress tolerance. There are two stages associated with DBT. The first entails the use of DBT for individuals with BPD with significant trauma histories and PTSD (Welch & Rothbaum, 2007). Patients who have completed Stage 1 treatments targets severe behavior decontrol but must stay on Stage 1, if they continue to experience emotion dysregulation. In Stage II DBT, individuals begin exposure to their trauma experience. No data has been accumulated studying this application (Welch & Rothbaum, 2007). Dialectical behavior therapies teach the patient techniques for managing strong emotions through trauma–focused methods. Prolonged Exposure therapy The article for the VA national center, Cognitive Changes during Prolonged Exposure versus Prolonged Exposure plus Cognitive Restructuring in Female Assault Survivors with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Schnurr examined the prolonged exposure treatments for female veterans after the war. Paula Schnurr explained the new series of using prolonged exposure training. The practice was used four days a week with two patients. The results of the exercise compared to other treatments showed that patients who completed at least eight sessions ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Influence on Behaviors and Psychological Disorders Outline Influence on behaviors and Psychological Disorders Outline PSY/103 Influence on behaviors and Psychological Disorders Outline I. Introduction "Recent data estimate the overall prevalence of depression at about 11.1% of the American population, or nearly 35 million individuals (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2011). A predictive models suggest that up to 50% of the population will experience at least one episode of depression during their lives" (Life Extension, 2014). Depression has negatively affected the lives of many individuals throughout the world. Look around you there may even be someone close to you that is demonstrating signs of its stifling affects. Depression does not discriminate with its suffocating ... Show more content on ... Overview of: Depression There are several types of depression some of them are but may not be limited to: Major Depression one is said to experience this most days of the week. Bipolar Disorder, these individuals experience mood episodes that can result in high energy to low depressive periods. Seasonal Affective Disorder is said to affect one mostly during the winter months when one is unable to obtain as much sunlight due to the days growing shorter. Postpartum Depression is a major depression that may affect some women in the weeks and months after birthing a child. Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder may affect some women at the start of their menstrual cycles each month. 'Situational' Depression may affect an individual when they are having trouble managing a stressful event in their life, such as a death in the family, a divorce, or losing a job. People with psychotic depression have the symptoms of major depression along with "psychotic" symptoms. For some one having atypical depression, a positive event can temporarily improve your mood (WebMD, 2014). This disease is devastating for both the individual it affects as well as his/her environment. Someone suffering from depression ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Essay about Educating Students With Emotional and Behavior... In reading chapter seven of the textbook, the education of students with emotional and behavior disorders was not common before the turn of the twentieth century. Before children were thought of as having mental illnesses, many researchers thought that this was only diagnosed in adults. For a child to be known to have a mental issue back in the nineteenth century was said to be evil or satanic. It was very challenging to study emotional behavior disorders in children. Unfortunately, there was no way to describe the disorder. Doctors and professional were terrified to admit that children could have mental illnesses. In the 1960's, schools began to service students with emotional behavior disorders but they were generally still considered to ... Show more content on ... Unlike the terms being used differently, there are two federal definitions of emotional disturbance one by IDEA and the second coined by the National Mental Health and Special Education Coalition. In the medical profession, emotional behaviors deal with other existing factors. Some emotional and behavior disorders are described in the medical profession as mental illnesses. These disorders include conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, and mood disorders. Students that are identified with emotional and behavior disorders have two types of behaviors internalizing and externalizing behaviors. However, many students with these behaviors have underlying factors such as signs of depression, poor social skills and low or average intellectual ability. As with other disabilities, students with emotional and behavior disorders are diagnosed with learning disabilities and ADHD. Research cannot prove this, but there are more males diagnosed with emotional disorders than females. When qualifying a child in public schools as having an emotional disturbance they must be assessed informally and formally. In order for a student to meet eligibility for this disorder, the team along with the parents must meet to see if the child meets one or more of the characteristics to qualify. After students qualify IDEA requires that schools use specific procedures that can be documented to help educate ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Anxiety Disorder : Effects Of Cognitive Behavior Therapy... Hedman et al. (2013) have written article "Shame and Guilt in Social Anxiety Disorder: Effects of Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Association with Social Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms" about how research on whether or not cognitive behavior therapy, CBT, can reduce internal shame in patients with social anxiety disorder, SAD. The authors attempt to convince the audience that this research is important by explainig the seriousness of this disease, the complexity of the treatment, and by using a few adapting strategies. This article appears in PLOS magazine which is the largest journal in the world for scientific articles (Media kit). Hedman et al. (2013) make a convincing argument that previous studies, while quite good, have failed to ... Show more content on ... The study is about how two groups of individuals the first group is individuals with Social Anxiety Disorder and the second group is the healthy controls. These two groups were asked to take a variety tests, these tests measured levels of shame and guilt, social anxiety levels, depressive symptoms, and diagnostic assessment as to whether or not the individuals met the criteria for SAD (Hedman et al., 2013, p. 1). After these two groups were given these tests, all individuals with SAD were given cognitive behavior treatment. One group was given group therapy and another group was given individual therapy. After therapy was given these individuals had a one year follow up where they take the same tests they took before treatment. The results were statistically analyzed. The conclusion from this studied that CBT did improve the effect internal shame in individuals with SAD, even though CBT does not directly target internal shame. This research article appears in the PLOS ONE Journal. PLOS ONE has articles on new research in a variety of scientific fields. PLOS ONE also caters to millions of people around the world, and as a bonus is free (PLOS ONE). Since the millions of people who read articles from this journal come from a variety of disciplines the articles in these journals have to be interesting and capture the ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Behavior Disorders in Children: A Look at ADD & ADHD Essay In today's society children can be super ramped up especially with all the sugar and junk food lying around. Most parents may start to wonder if sugar or a short temper is all that is affecting their child. A child can exhibit multiple signs of anything when observed closely enough. Many parents do not want to acknowledge that their child may have an issue far beyond their control. According to the article, "Children Who Have Attentional Disorders: Diagnosis and Evaluation." which can be found in Pediatrics in Review, children who have Attention Deficit demonstrate basic signs of inattention, impulsivity, and over activity. The majorities of these behaviors are not appropriate for the child's age and does not let them reach their ... Show more content on ... So how can one differentiate? Excessive amounts of sugar usually have a tendency to dissipate whereas ADHD definitely does not. A few other symptoms have to be checked before a correct final diagnosis can be given. Does the child have poor impulse control? For example, is having patience or waiting for their turn a difficulty for the child? If a child has symptoms that correlate with all of the above, testing may need to be performed to see if the child has this particular attention disorder. If the child has tested positive for ADHD, then more testing is completed and evaluated to see which category the child's behaviors will fall in. According to Marina Katz of the website and author of "Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: symptoms of adhd." ADHD is divided into three categories; "combined ADHD (the most common type), which involves all of the symptoms, inattentive ADHD (previously known as ADD), which is marked by impaired attention and concentration, and hyperactive–impulsive ADHD, which is marked by hyperactivity without inattentiveness. (Katz)" Once this is decided then proper treatment can be conducted to help the child involved. "Hyperkinesis or hyperactivity is a general term used to describe a behavior disorder characterized by high ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Autistic Disorder: Sensory Patterns vs. Behavior Responses When the phrase "sensory processing pattern" is coupled with behavioral responses in autistic disorder, one might agree that the two belong together. Not knowing much about autistic disorder, yet very interested in the topic, I found it fascinating that some sensory processing (SP) difficulties have a high correlation with the behaviors of autism, while other SP difficulties have been found to have little to do with the disorder. This can be seen in the study that was conducted in 2007 which was published in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. The article, The Relationship between Sensory Processing Patterns and Behavioral Responsiveness in Autistic Disorder: a Pilot Study, investigated the correlation between sensory processing patterns and the social, emotional and behavioral receptiveness of autistic children. (Baker, Lane, Angley, & Young, 2007). To understand the study, we must first understand what sensory processing pattern means and how it can be related to the behaviors of autistic disorder. Sensory processing is the way that our sensory information is administered in our brains. It is how our brain takes the information given to it via visual, auditory, or spatial and responses accordingly. However, it has been hypothesized that those who have been diagnosed with autism do not respond the typical way, a way that will not disrupt their daily life, when dealing with sensory processing patterns. Certain patterns that can be seen while observing ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Link Between Post Traumatic Stress Disorder And Criminal... Link between Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Criminal Behaviour, its impact on law And How to prevent / treat the sufferers to lessen the impact on society. Introduction The American Psychitric Association explains Post–Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as "the experience of a traumatic event that is followed by the persistence of re–experiencing the same or a similar event and results into the symptoms of two clusters in PTSD i.e. increased arousal and avoidance" (Roberts, 2011). When a patient develops PTSD then his/her emotions and sensation about the traumatic event lead them towards a life of suffering. whenever the trauma replays it leads towards the sensations and increases distress (Hughes, 2011). An example of a factor that can lead to PTSD is sexual abuse. Research evidenced that a significant proportion of the victims of sexual abuse have become traumatised which leads them towards PTSD (Bender, 2010). According to Roberts, in the 19th and 20th centuries most of the theories and research have been swung back and forth between the occasion and predisposition. It is found that the occurrence of PTSD is thought to occur either because of the existence of a mental illness due to the undesired circumstances affecting the memories of the victim, or because of the occurrence of similar events frequently (Van der Kolk and McFarlane, 2012). Most of the people have intrusive thoughts in their memories about what happened which is followed by the traumatic event ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Autism Spectrum Disorder Impairs Social Skills, Behavior,... Autism spectrum disorders are a class of developmental disorders that impair social skills, behavior, and communication (Center for Disease Control). ASDs are considered 'spectrum' disorders because each patient has a unique experience in the nature and severity of their symptoms (Center for Disease Control). Under the umbrella of ASDs, there are three types of disorders, including Autistic disorder, Asperger Syndrome, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (Center for Disease Control). Autistic disorder is the most severe of the three, and patients exhibit significant problems with language, communication, and behavior (Center for Disease Control). Furthermore, people with Autistic disorder often have some intellectual impairment (Center for Disease Control). Asperger Syndrome is a milder form of autistic disorder where patients have some developmental delays, but their language and intellect are not affected (Center for Disease Control). The mildest of the ASDs is the pervasive developmental disorder. These patients usually don't meet all of the criteria for autistic disorder, but do show some signs of social and communication problems (Center for Disease Control). The number of children diagnosed with ASD is growing, and currently 1 in 88 children fall somewhere on the spectrum (Mari–Bauset et al., 2013). Boys are four times more likely than girls to have autism, and while the exact cause of these disorders is unknown, both genetic and ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Effects Of Exercise Behaviors And Body Image And Eating... Introduction Wellness requires a balance between mental health and physical health. Researching the effect between exercise behaviors and physical self–esteem on eating behaviors looks at one facet of this relationship. Exercise behaviors that will be looked at will take into account intensity of exercise, exercise frequency, and motivations for exercise. Self–esteem is multifaceted, but focusing on physical self–esteem pinpoints the physical appearance factors. Eating behaviors will be defined as the presence of significant eating disorder symptomology further detailed in the methods section. Eating disorder categories covered are anorexia nervosa, bulimia, and orthorexia. For the purpose of this study binge eating disorder (BED) will ... Show more content on ... Individuals who have appearance driven motivation for exercise experience a more negative body image (O'Hara, Cox, & Amorose, 2014). Health centered motivations make it less likely for an individual to objectify themselves (O'Hara, Cox, & Amorose, 2014). Self–objectification is an indicator of body dissatisfaction (Stuart, Trepp, Kuhle, Slaugh, & Murtaugh, 2015). One common measurement used to assess body dissatisfaction is a somatotype scale test. The distance between what an individual deems to be an ideal somatotype and the somatotype they identify themselves as having represents their body image. A higher difference in the identified somatotypes indicates a lower body image. A causation relationship has not been established, but a lower body image is associated with disorded eating behaviors (Ferreria, Pinto–Gouveia, & Duarte, 2013; Stuart, Trepp, Kuhle, Slaugh, & Murtaugh, 2015). This connection has been commonly addressed during treatment sessions for eating disorders. Additionally to further enhance treatment, it has more recently been seen that amount of exercise is no longer related to body image when motivation has been taken into account within a non–eating disorder population (Holland, Brown, & Keel, 2014). Proving that this same relationship exists within an eating disorder population may change treatment tactics. It would allow focus during exercise therapy to shift from controlling the amount of ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Type A Behavior And Stress, Adjustment Disorders, General... BA PSYCHOLOGY HONOURS Health Psychology Type A behavior and stress, Adjustment disorders, General principles of coping and techniques of coping Bhavana Kumarswamy 11/30/2014 Type A Behavior Pattern The concept of stress was first introduced by Hans Selye who was from the field of physics. He began using the term stress after he got formal medical education from the University of Montreal in 1920's. During his practice when he saw his patients who were institutionalized all looked the same and what united was that they looked pale and sick and according to Selye they were all going through physical stress. According to him stress was when the body was strained, exhausted and was not doing its normal functions and stress produced stress hormones in the body. This he termed it ad General Adaptation Syndrome in simple terms meant it was our body reaction to acute or chronic stress. The main shortcoming of Selye definition of stress was that it focused on physiological nature of stress but what about the psychological nature of stress. The psychological nature of stress was explained by a physician named John Mason in his study which used monkeys. In the two groups both the monkeys were deprived of food thus they were under physical ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Child Behavior Disorder Research Paper The three behavior disorders that I will be discussing is attention–deficit/ hyperactivity disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder and Oppositional Defiant Disorder. To grasp a deeper, understanding of a child behavior disorder one must understand the motivation for such disorder whether its biological or environmental. There are several developmental theories that have different prospective that can be useful in understanding Autism, ADHD and ODD. For example, Pavlov, Skinner, Watson all pioneered the Behavior Model; Skinner's behavior theory believes that children begin to learn by imitating, then people respond to the child's imitation(operant) by reinforcing the behavior (smiling, saying good job), punishing the behavior (saying no, frowning), ... Show more content on ... It is important for educators to understand the gender differences of autism to effectively understand their students. For example, Autism is diagnosed more in males than females in fact the rate is about 3/1 male to female (Bölte, 2012). The study attempt to understand why autism diagnosed more in males than females and found that gender differences are really understudied and at this time there is not a clear answer, but may be something to do with a male's Y chromosome and it's a mutation (Bölte, 2012). However, Professor Bolte research focused on Cognitive sex differences in autism spectrum disorder by giving a sample of people with autism cognitive tasks that measure attention to detail and executive functions (planning, being flexible, cognitive control and self–regulation) (Bölte, 2012). They normally show a lower performance on these tasks than the general population, however they perform better on attention to detail (Bölte, 2012). The results were compared to their siblings without autism score Professor Bolte chose to do that because they control, environmental, social and genetic factors when using siblings (Bölte, 2012). The results of the study found some difference, for example, when it came to cognitive flexibility female did better than males, however when it ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Childhood Behaviors, Disorders, And Emotional Issues Early Childhood Behavior, whether it is good or bad, starts around the age of two. They are patterns of aggression and disruptive actions. They can be antisocial or defiant behavior. Some behaviors, if not dealt with appropriately, can carry on into adolescence or even adulthood. There are many different kinds of behavior problems, disorders, and emotional issues. These problems are a source of stress for the child and his or her family, and school. Several factors such as biology, environment or a combination, are reasons for unwanted behaviors. This assignment will state all the different behaviors, disorders and emotional issues, their causes, and their remedies, if any. It will also explain child treatments and therapies to help ... Show more content on ... There are several anxiety disorders such as Phobias, which are unrealistic or overwhelming fears. The more popular phobias are fear of height, spiders, closed in spaces, and social outings. Second is generalized anxiety disorder, which causes children to demonstrate a pattern of excessive worry that cannot be attributed to any recent experience. ( Post–traumatic stress disorder affects children who have experienced a psychologically distressing event, such as molestation, witnessing a murder, or natural disasters. Obsessive–compulsive disorder causes children to repeat thoughts and behaviors too many times. For example, they may count their blocks before putting them away over and over again. Depression, or Clinical Depression can occur at any age even if it is more popular with adults. Studies show two of every 100 children have major depression. ( The child's emotions tend to be sad or feel worthless. Their motivation declines. Their physical well–being deteriorates and they lose their appetite. Some children feel as though life is not worth it and they have no confidence. Suicide is a concern in older children. Bipolar Disorder demonstrates exaggerated mood swings. Children may show extreme happiness and then in a matter of minutes cry with sadness or become mean. They may talk non stop and then not talk at all. This disorder can be treated but it never goes away. Attention–deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, is very ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. The Behavior Therapy For Children With Attention Deficit... The Behavior Therapy for Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder at school By : Sarah Alharbi Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), is one of the most well–known behavioral disorder in children (Madhuri 2015), Which estimated all year at about 3–10% between children worldwide. A.D.H.D is more commonly observed in boys five times more than girls ( Jonna 2006). There is no doubt that ADHD children exacts an enormous burden on society in terms of financial cost, stress to families, and adverse academic outcomes. a according to the behavioral symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity that identified effectively on ADHD children across the life cycle (Biederman 2005) Non–pharmacological interventions, which have been explored extensively over the years, are part of treatment guidelines behavioral interventions of children with DAHD (Anita 2015). Since the early 1990s, the emphasis of evidence–based treatments for psychological disorders, including ADHD . As part of this movement, behavior modification has been identified as an evidence–based treatment for ADHD (Andrea 2009). The fundamental reason for this research is to give a brief outline of the significant part of the behavior therapy for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in school. and provide the intervention strategies to modifications the academic instruction, and school communication programs to improve the daily functioning of the ADHD child by ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Essay Behavior Disorders in Movie The Shining The Shining The Shinning, a horror movie that was released in 1980, featured Jack Nicholson, as a writer who is left in charge of the Overlook hotel during the winter. During this time Jack began to developed schizophrenia among many other personality and mood disorders and attempts to murder his own family. After reviewing this film it became apparent that there was a mixture of accuracy and exaggeration of the development of schizophrenia. Jack had this disorder, but also had symptoms of other personality and mood disorders. For the sake of Hollywood the film did take schizophrenia to entirely new levels. Some of this hype was generated around Jack becoming a full fledge killer. The delusions that he ... Show more content on ... He became very isolated from everyone. He had little movement and little speech and was completely engrossed in his writing, which was not amounting to anything. Jack had many delusions in the thick of his mental breakdown. One in particular was a man named Grady who continuously told him to get rid (murder) of his wife and son. Some of his other delusions occurred while he would sit at the bar and drink with the bartender Lloyd, or see a strange woman in room 217, who later seduces him. Some of these delusions could have been "ghost," however, they were never really told whether they were, or were not. Jack could have developed these delusions himself in order to gain control of life. The bartender served him alcohol, which became his dependent and courage to follow through on his actions. The woman in room 217 could have taken his mind off of his wife so he could get the job done, and Grady could have been his strength to follow through with his actions. Jack also had a strong sense of paranoia. He constantly thought that his wife Wendy was out to get him. He thought that she was going to take their son Danny away from him and accuse him of abuse. I feel that although Jack had more symptoms of schizophrenia it could be justified that he had an antisocial personality ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Essay on Personality Disorders and Deviant Behavior Personality Disorders and Deviant Behavior People who suffer from personality disorders often display deviant behavior. The mental illness itself is not deviant. They typically have problems with social skills, mood swings, emotional states, and are often unable to maintain healthy, stable relationships. Many sufferers do not possess the capability to have genuine emotions, including empathy for others. A personality disorder is the basis of many circumstances of maladaptive behavior including substance abuse, self–harm, suicide, and criminality. There are ten different personality disorders, each having specific symptoms, but all of them share certain characteristics. The first of these characteristics is that an ... Show more content on ... They may react to supposed character attracts with learned anger and counterattacks. They often project blame for their own failures onto other people and become very isolated and closed to others. Because of the isolation, paranoid personality disorders often turn to alcoholism and drug use. Another personality disorder that often results in isolation is schizoid personality disorder. This person chooses solitary activities and takes pleasure in few, if any, activities involving others. Due to the fact that this person does not desire or enjoy close relationships, other than first–degree relatives, the interest in sexual experiences with another person is nonexistent. This lack of desire for attachment results in a show of emotional coldness. The main deviant behavior of a schizoid personality is the lack of social interaction. They usually have a restricted range of emotions in all social settings. They often prefer the life of the recluse or the isolated eccentric. This type of personality disorder often evolves into a serious psychotic condition known as schizophrenia. Another type of personality disorder that may turn into schizophrenia is schizotypal personality disorder. A person who displays this type of behavior also is uncomfortable close relationships. However, this type of personality disorder often displays eccentrics ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Environmental Factors And Biological Factors That... Environmental Factors and Biological Issues That Predispose People to Habits and Behaviors of Eating Disorders Brittany N. Rehberg GCC Abstract There is a direct correlation between environmental factors and the development of eating disorders. Issues, such as bullying and skeptical comments, have been largely ignored. This thesis will attempt to show that biological as well as environmental issues correlate with a variety of eating disorders. Eating disorders would be Anorexia, Bulimia, and Binge Eating. When environmental and biological factors are both considered, the symptoms and risks of these eating disorders are heightened. Surrounding Influences and Factors that Predispose People to Habits and ... Show more content on ... Discussion An eating disorder is described as an illness characterized by irregular eating habits and severe distress or concern about body weight or shape. The most common forms of eating disorders include Anorexia, Bulimia, and Binge Eating Disorder (About An Eating Disorder: Symptoms, Signs, Causes, & Articles For Treatment Help, 2017, p. 5). It is largely known that environmental factors correlate with the existence of eating disorders. For example, bullying and skeptical comments is the cause of eating disorders. Anything that has to do with pressure from one person to another to look or feel a certain way is an enormous impact (What Causes Eating Disorders?, 2017, p. 4). Any person who is severely underweight or obese is at a higher risk for being bullied. This is when the skeptical comments come into play, especially from loved ones. The media has an even bigger impact on those who struggle with weight issues and body image. Magazines sitting in the checkout lines or commercials that portray unrealistic expectations for men and women of the "perfect" body have a deeper effect on one's self esteem. People will do anything they can to change how they look in order to differ the feelings they have towards themselves. This is when eating disorders will develop. The first eating disorder is Anorexia. Anorexia is an obsessive fear of gaining weight, refusal to maintain weight, and an unrealistic perception of body image. People dealing with ... Get more on ...