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By: Mary Grace Abuan
     Lisa McCaie
Tuesday April 2, 2013
A  child who is diagnosed with epilepsy
 Her mom is pregnant
 After Zenna’s mom was told that her
  daughter has epilepsy, she cried,and her
  doctor told her to take bed rest due to her
  pregnancy and is at risk of giving birth to her
  unborn child prematurely.
 Resources to help Zenna’s mom about
  epilepsy and what she can do to help her
 Support from people around her (extended
 Attention for her needs
 Not to feel unwanted or left out by people
  around her
 A close watch on her or alertness just in case
  of a seizure(s) were to occur.
 Epilepsy   has been around from as far as 2000
 It has been called as a sacred disease because
  of the belief that people who are suffering
  from epilepsy are being “seized” by gods
 People from back in the ancient times thought
  it could be treated with diets and medications
  or drugs.
 It also has been mention in the holy bible
 According to the ancient Ayurvedic medical
  system of India, they describe Epilepsy as
  physical disorder.
 According   to this website,
 epilepsy Epilepsy is, a
 neurological condition, which
 affects the nervous system.
 Epilepsy is also known as a
 seizure disorder. It is usually
 diagnosed after a person has had
 at least two seizures that were
 not caused by some known
 medical condition like alcohol
 withdrawal, extremely low blood
 sugar, heart problems or some
 other medical condition.
 Anxiety,
 Weakness
 Staring
 Purposeless or Repetitive Movements
 Loss of Consciousness
 Contraction, or Jerking, of Body Muscles

* Depending on the type of seizure a
  child, person have experience the symptoms
  may vary.
There are three types of Epilepsy:
1. Idiopathic Epilepsy: There isn’t really a cause
   compare to the other types. But it may have
   something to do in the cellular level. This type runs
   in family, in other words it has relation into
   genetics. However this seizure can be outgrown.
2. Symptomatic epilepsy: between 25-45% of epilepsy
   are most likely symptomatic. Unlike Idiopathic,
   symptomatic is cause by structural abnormalities,
   damage in the brain and underlying diseases such as
   stroke or injury/trauma.
3. Cryptogenic epilepsy: The cause of cryptogenic is
   hidden. It is not obvious to see. Thought of the
   cause is brain lesion.
   According to the About Kids Health website there are
    about 10 types of seizures.
1. Absence Seizures: They may be unresponsive for a
    short amount of and it can occur many time
    throughout the day. There is typical or atypical. In
    the typical absence seizures the child her eyes will
    roll up. She/he will not response when someone is
    talking to her or him. The seizure last about 10
    seconds. In Atypical absence seizure it is harder to
    tell, the child may just stare for a long time. It last
    about 5-10 seconds. The child mostly likely to
    become confused after a seizure has occurred.
2. Tonic, Clonic, and Tonic-Clonic Seizures: This type of
  seizure is recognized dating back in 700 BC in the
  Egyptian hieroglyphic. Tonic seizure is when the
  muscles starts to stiffen and become thickened or
  shortened. Clonic seizures the muscle starts to twitch
  or starts to have spasm. It move involuntarily. Tonic-
  clonic seizures is a mixture of the tonic and clonic
  which are involuntarily muscle movement and the
  stiffening and contracting of muscles.
3. Myoclonic Seizures: It is a quick, short, shock-like
  contraction in his/her muscle. It often occur within the
  first year.
4. Atonic Seizures: This type of seizure occur in all ages
  but more often in children. this type of seizure is when
  the muscle loses its stability. the child may become
  wobbly and weak therefore making the child fall on
  the floor.
5. Simple partial: According to the About Kids Health
  website, depending on which are in the brain is
  affected, Simple partial seizure are in many;
  motor seizures- change in muscle activity (such as
  jerking or twitching)
  sensory seizures, involving a change in sensation
  (such as tingling, numbness, or prickling in a body
  part, or seeing or hearing things that are not there)
  autonomic seizures, involving a change in the
  autonomic functions of the body (the child may
  blush, sweat, or feel nausea or a “rising” sensation in
  her stomach)
  psychic seizures, involving a change in
  thinking, feeling or experience (such as déjà vu)
6. Complex Partial Seizures: Complex partial
  seizures affects a part of the brain then starts to
  start affect the other parts. Depending on what
  part of the brain is affected, the symptoms may
  vary. But complex partial seizures the child is will
  seem like he or she is aware of his or her
  surrounding but may not actually know what is
7. Status Epilepticus: Status epilepticus is when a
  seizure occurs for a long period of time or one
  seizure after the other leaving no time for one to
  recover from the previous seizure. In the course
  of time, this type of seizure can cause brain
  damage. It can also affect the organ functions
  and unfortunately death.
8. Neonatal Seizures: This type of seizure is a
  seizure that occurs in babies about 28 days old or
  less. Babies who have this type of seizure may not
  exactly have Epilepsy when they grown however
  they have a greater chance of developing
9. Provoked Seizures: This type of seizure may
  likely be experience because of a head injury,
  infections, high fever, lost of oxygen in the brain.
  It most likely will not happen again.
10. Febrile Seizures: Common in child of age range
  from 3 month to 5 years of age. Just like provoke
  seizures, this type of seizure occurs when a child
  has a high fever. It then disappear by itself.
 When diagnosing a seizure or
  Epilepsy, because seizure are
  less like to occur when doctor
  are present, the information
  given to the doctor must be
  accurate in order to define
  they type of Epilepsy and or
  seizure so that appropriate
  medication and treatment can       CT scan
  be given to child or person.
 The doctor may ask for any
  medical history of the child, or
  person, then he will have to
  some blood tests, EEG tests,
  and brain imaging tests such as
  CT and MRI scans. This may be
  repeated for better diagnosis.
Who to go to?
•When  someone has an
episode, they should go to the
family doctor for testing. A
series of different testing will
be taken to see if there are
any abnormalities in the brain
and then the doctor may refer
the family to a specialist for
example a neurologist. A
neurologist specializes in
disorder of the brain, in which
epilepsy is included.
   There are many ways of treatment
    for Epilepsy, one is by medication.
    In most cases, this would be the
    first choice for most people but if
    the medication or drug isn’t as
    effective for the patient then the
    doctor will provide more
    medication for the child or whom
    ever has. Medication usually help
    the patient. However, if medication
    helping the child or patient then
    they may need to do other
    treatment such as, surgery or
    ketogenic diet or bagus nerve
    stimulation. Discuss with the child,
    the doctor to help decide which
    treatment would be best.
 Finding out that your child is diagnosed with
  epilepsy can devastating, many will feel sad,
  angry, worry and leaving you with questions
  as to why? why my child? what did I do
  wrong? Should I tell my child, is she/he old
  enough to know?
 When disclosing to a child, the information
  you wish to share will depend on the age of
  your child, is she/he old enough to
  understand, and personality.
 In daycare setting, a child with epilepsy will
  need to be watch very carefully because he or
  she might have an episode or series of episode
  while they are in the daycare.
 Having the child with epilepsy climb or to go on
  the slide may not be a good idea because they
  may have a seizure while climbing and therefore
  will fall.
 Some parents may worry about their child being
  in danger. For example playing with other
  children, catching ball, but a child shouldn’t not
  forbidden to play and be active just because
  they have epilepsy but they will need very good
  supervision, alertness.
   A child with epilepsy may have difficulty in school setting she or
    he may have learning disabilities because of seizures that she had
    or it could be an affect of his or her medication.
   They may have difficulty in academic performance like math or
    reading. He or she may have language delay. He or she may not
    progress as fast as other children.
   I would use the simplifying strategy from the ConnectABILITY-
    Adaptive Play Materials Workshop. It would help the child so that he
    or she may not be overwhelmed with the materials that is being use
    for example using 4 piece puzzle rather than 9 pieces. And when the
    child is progressed on that level then I could try a higher level
 Strategy I could use is labeling. I would label
  object around the classroom and say them
  out loud. I could also invite other children to
  join and say it. It would help if I its done
Learning new skills
 Strategy I would use is
  prompting and fading. It
  would allow the child to
  slowly learn a new skill.
  it will also allow me to
  learn about where the
  child level is at.
Day to Day activities
   A strategy I could do for the child with epilepsy in my classroom
    is asking parents and communicating with parents what works and
    what doesn’t work when they are at home. Because parents are
    the ones who know their child really well, their capabilities,
    strength , weakness. I could tell them strategies I use in the
    classroom and try it in their homes
 providing extra time, accommodation to
  activities that is developmentally
  appropriate base on the ages and stages,
  follow through. Creating buddy system,
  encourage other children to include one
Here are some resources or agencies where
  families can go to:
 Epilepsy Canada
 Epilepsy Toronto
 Sick Kids Epilepsy Classroom
   They are a non profit                  2255B Queen St E, Suite 336 Tel:
    organization. They help people         1-877-734-0873
    who are affected by epilepsy to        Toronto, ON, M4E 1G3 Fax: 905-
    mission is to embellish the            513-9461
    quality of by                          Charity Registration Number :
    promoting, supporting                  13117 6042 RR0001
    research, raising awareness to         email:
    help better understand and
    accept epilepsy.
   They depend on the help of the
    people and corporate support to
    continue research and education
 They are a non-profit agency. They help those
  people who are living with epilepsy through
  support programs and services. They are free of
  charge. They also do events giving people
  information about epilepsy.
 They provide services such as counselling,
  employment support, advocacy and education to
  help people with epilepsy live well.
 They help adults, and children. they have individual and
  couple/family counselling. they have a number of support
 The following are some of the support groups;
Parents of Young Adults and Teens Support Group:
    Generally held the last Wednesday of every month.
    7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
    Epilepsy Toronto - 468 Queen St. East (just west of Sumach St.), Suite 210.

Support Group for Parents with Epilepsy:
    Once a month on Thursday evenings.
    7:00- 8:30 p.m.
    Epilepsy Toronto - 468 Queen St. East (just west of Sumach St.), Suite 210
Epilepsy Surgery Support Network:
    468 Queen St. East
    Suite 210
Epilepsy Toronto
      468 Queen St. East
      Suite 210
      Toronto, ON
      M5A 1T7
      Phone: (416) 964-9095
      Fax: (416) 964-2492
   Sick Kids Epilepsy Classroom
                                     helps with the learning, nee of
                                     children with severe or
                                     difficult epilepsy. This means
                                     that a child who suffers seizure
                                     often even with medication.
                                     There are 23 section
                                     classroom. They work with the
555 University Avenue                TDSB for programming.
Toronto, Ontario                     Referral form must be filled
Canada                               out by parent, teacher,
M5G 1X8                              caregiver or expert(doctor) for
                                     the child to be enrolled. The
                                     child must be from grade 1-8

    "Epilepsy." Sickkids - hospital. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Mar. 2013.
    "Home - Epilepsy Canada." Home - Epilepsy Canada. N.p.,
    n.d. Web. 25 Mar. 2013. <
    "All About Epilepsy & Seizures |" Epilepsy and
    seizure information for patients and health professionals | N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Mar. 2013.
   Category. "Symptoms of Epilepsy - What are Symptoms of
    Epilepsy." Epilepsy - Seizures - What Is Epilepsy - Seizure
    Disorders. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Mar. 2013.
   "Epilepsy Toronto | Epilepsy Ontario."Epilepsy
    Ontario | Serving Ontario Since 1956. N.p., n.d.
    Web. 26 Mar. 2013.
   "Seizures in Children: Diagnosis, Causes, Signs,
    Treatments." WebMD - Better information. Better
    health.. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Mar. 2013.
   McAllister, Mark. "EPILEPSY TORONTO » Home
    Page." EPILEPSY TORONTO » Home Page. N.p., n.d. Web.
    29 Mar. 2013. <
   Appleton, Richard, and Anthony G. Marson. Epilepsy.
    3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. Print.
   Bjorklund, Ruth. Epilepsy. New York: Marshall
    Cavendish Benchmark, 2007. Print.
   Class note, connectABILITY-prompting and fading
   Class note, connectABILITY– adaptive play materials
   Class Notes, Adaptive Learning Environments.
 (image)
    / (image)
    activities.html (image)
    conversation-a-hybrid-events-hit-at-ts%C2%B2-tradeshow/ (image)
 (image)
    / (image)
    m/ (image)
   assignment package (image)

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Meeting the needs of children and families

  • 1. By: Mary Grace Abuan ECEP233-064 Lisa McCaie Tuesday April 2, 2013
  • 2. A child who is diagnosed with epilepsy  Her mom is pregnant  After Zenna’s mom was told that her daughter has epilepsy, she cried,and her doctor told her to take bed rest due to her pregnancy and is at risk of giving birth to her unborn child prematurely.
  • 3. MOM:  Resources to help Zenna’s mom about epilepsy and what she can do to help her child.  Support from people around her (extended families) Zenna:  Attention for her needs  Not to feel unwanted or left out by people around her  A close watch on her or alertness just in case of a seizure(s) were to occur.
  • 4.  Epilepsy has been around from as far as 2000 BC  It has been called as a sacred disease because of the belief that people who are suffering from epilepsy are being “seized” by gods  People from back in the ancient times thought it could be treated with diets and medications or drugs.  It also has been mention in the holy bible  According to the ancient Ayurvedic medical system of India, they describe Epilepsy as physical disorder.
  • 5.  According to this website, epilepsy Epilepsy is, a neurological condition, which affects the nervous system. Epilepsy is also known as a seizure disorder. It is usually diagnosed after a person has had at least two seizures that were not caused by some known medical condition like alcohol withdrawal, extremely low blood sugar, heart problems or some other medical condition.
  • 6.  Anxiety,  Weakness  Staring  Purposeless or Repetitive Movements  Loss of Consciousness  Contraction, or Jerking, of Body Muscles * Depending on the type of seizure a child, person have experience the symptoms may vary.
  • 8. There are three types of Epilepsy: 1. Idiopathic Epilepsy: There isn’t really a cause compare to the other types. But it may have something to do in the cellular level. This type runs in family, in other words it has relation into genetics. However this seizure can be outgrown. 2. Symptomatic epilepsy: between 25-45% of epilepsy are most likely symptomatic. Unlike Idiopathic, symptomatic is cause by structural abnormalities, damage in the brain and underlying diseases such as stroke or injury/trauma. 3. Cryptogenic epilepsy: The cause of cryptogenic is hidden. It is not obvious to see. Thought of the cause is brain lesion.
  • 9. According to the About Kids Health website there are about 10 types of seizures. 1. Absence Seizures: They may be unresponsive for a short amount of and it can occur many time throughout the day. There is typical or atypical. In the typical absence seizures the child her eyes will roll up. She/he will not response when someone is talking to her or him. The seizure last about 10 seconds. In Atypical absence seizure it is harder to tell, the child may just stare for a long time. It last about 5-10 seconds. The child mostly likely to become confused after a seizure has occurred.
  • 10. 2. Tonic, Clonic, and Tonic-Clonic Seizures: This type of seizure is recognized dating back in 700 BC in the Egyptian hieroglyphic. Tonic seizure is when the muscles starts to stiffen and become thickened or shortened. Clonic seizures the muscle starts to twitch or starts to have spasm. It move involuntarily. Tonic- clonic seizures is a mixture of the tonic and clonic which are involuntarily muscle movement and the stiffening and contracting of muscles. 3. Myoclonic Seizures: It is a quick, short, shock-like contraction in his/her muscle. It often occur within the first year. 4. Atonic Seizures: This type of seizure occur in all ages but more often in children. this type of seizure is when the muscle loses its stability. the child may become wobbly and weak therefore making the child fall on the floor.
  • 11. 5. Simple partial: According to the About Kids Health website, depending on which are in the brain is affected, Simple partial seizure are in many; motor seizures- change in muscle activity (such as jerking or twitching) sensory seizures, involving a change in sensation (such as tingling, numbness, or prickling in a body part, or seeing or hearing things that are not there) autonomic seizures, involving a change in the autonomic functions of the body (the child may blush, sweat, or feel nausea or a “rising” sensation in her stomach) psychic seizures, involving a change in thinking, feeling or experience (such as déjà vu)
  • 12. 6. Complex Partial Seizures: Complex partial seizures affects a part of the brain then starts to start affect the other parts. Depending on what part of the brain is affected, the symptoms may vary. But complex partial seizures the child is will seem like he or she is aware of his or her surrounding but may not actually know what is happening. 7. Status Epilepticus: Status epilepticus is when a seizure occurs for a long period of time or one seizure after the other leaving no time for one to recover from the previous seizure. In the course of time, this type of seizure can cause brain damage. It can also affect the organ functions and unfortunately death.
  • 13. 8. Neonatal Seizures: This type of seizure is a seizure that occurs in babies about 28 days old or less. Babies who have this type of seizure may not exactly have Epilepsy when they grown however they have a greater chance of developing epilepsy. 9. Provoked Seizures: This type of seizure may likely be experience because of a head injury, infections, high fever, lost of oxygen in the brain. It most likely will not happen again. 10. Febrile Seizures: Common in child of age range from 3 month to 5 years of age. Just like provoke seizures, this type of seizure occurs when a child has a high fever. It then disappear by itself.
  • 14. EEG TEST  When diagnosing a seizure or Epilepsy, because seizure are less like to occur when doctor are present, the information given to the doctor must be accurate in order to define they type of Epilepsy and or seizure so that appropriate medication and treatment can CT scan be given to child or person.  The doctor may ask for any medical history of the child, or person, then he will have to some blood tests, EEG tests, and brain imaging tests such as CT and MRI scans. This may be repeated for better diagnosis.
  • 15. Who to go to? •When someone has an episode, they should go to the family doctor for testing. A series of different testing will be taken to see if there are any abnormalities in the brain and then the doctor may refer the family to a specialist for example a neurologist. A neurologist specializes in disorder of the brain, in which epilepsy is included.
  • 16. There are many ways of treatment for Epilepsy, one is by medication. In most cases, this would be the first choice for most people but if the medication or drug isn’t as effective for the patient then the doctor will provide more medication for the child or whom ever has. Medication usually help the patient. However, if medication helping the child or patient then they may need to do other treatment such as, surgery or ketogenic diet or bagus nerve stimulation. Discuss with the child, the doctor to help decide which treatment would be best.
  • 17.  Finding out that your child is diagnosed with epilepsy can devastating, many will feel sad, angry, worry and leaving you with questions as to why? why my child? what did I do wrong? Should I tell my child, is she/he old enough to know?  When disclosing to a child, the information you wish to share will depend on the age of your child, is she/he old enough to understand, and personality.
  • 18.  In daycare setting, a child with epilepsy will need to be watch very carefully because he or she might have an episode or series of episode while they are in the daycare.  Having the child with epilepsy climb or to go on the slide may not be a good idea because they may have a seizure while climbing and therefore will fall.  Some parents may worry about their child being in danger. For example playing with other children, catching ball, but a child shouldn’t not forbidden to play and be active just because they have epilepsy but they will need very good supervision, alertness.
  • 19. A child with epilepsy may have difficulty in school setting she or he may have learning disabilities because of seizures that she had or it could be an affect of his or her medication.  They may have difficulty in academic performance like math or reading. He or she may have language delay. He or she may not progress as fast as other children.
  • 20. Play  I would use the simplifying strategy from the ConnectABILITY- Adaptive Play Materials Workshop. It would help the child so that he or she may not be overwhelmed with the materials that is being use for example using 4 piece puzzle rather than 9 pieces. And when the child is progressed on that level then I could try a higher level
  • 21. Reading  Strategy I could use is labeling. I would label object around the classroom and say them out loud. I could also invite other children to join and say it. It would help if I its done repeatedly.
  • 22. Learning new skills  Strategy I would use is prompting and fading. It would allow the child to slowly learn a new skill. it will also allow me to learn about where the child level is at.
  • 23. Day to Day activities  A strategy I could do for the child with epilepsy in my classroom is asking parents and communicating with parents what works and what doesn’t work when they are at home. Because parents are the ones who know their child really well, their capabilities, strength , weakness. I could tell them strategies I use in the classroom and try it in their homes
  • 24. Routines  providing extra time, accommodation to activities that is developmentally appropriate base on the ages and stages, follow through. Creating buddy system, encourage other children to include one another
  • 25. Here are some resources or agencies where families can go to:  Epilepsy Canada  Epilepsy Toronto  Sick Kids Epilepsy Classroom
  • 26. They are a non profit 2255B Queen St E, Suite 336 Tel: organization. They help people 1-877-734-0873 who are affected by epilepsy to Toronto, ON, M4E 1G3 Fax: 905- mission is to embellish the 513-9461 quality of by Charity Registration Number : promoting, supporting 13117 6042 RR0001 research, raising awareness to email: help better understand and accept epilepsy.  They depend on the help of the people and corporate support to continue research and education programs.
  • 27.  They are a non-profit agency. They help those people who are living with epilepsy through support programs and services. They are free of charge. They also do events giving people information about epilepsy.  They provide services such as counselling, employment support, advocacy and education to help people with epilepsy live well.
  • 28.  They help adults, and children. they have individual and couple/family counselling. they have a number of support group.  The following are some of the support groups; Parents of Young Adults and Teens Support Group: Generally held the last Wednesday of every month. 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Epilepsy Toronto - 468 Queen St. East (just west of Sumach St.), Suite 210. Support Group for Parents with Epilepsy: Once a month on Thursday evenings. 7:00- 8:30 p.m. Epilepsy Toronto - 468 Queen St. East (just west of Sumach St.), Suite 210 Epilepsy Surgery Support Network: 468 Queen St. East Suite 210 Toronto
  • 29. Epilepsy Toronto 468 Queen St. East Suite 210 Toronto, ON M5A 1T7 Phone: (416) 964-9095 Fax: (416) 964-2492 E-mail: Website:
  • 30. Sick Kids Epilepsy Classroom helps with the learning, nee of children with severe or difficult epilepsy. This means that a child who suffers seizure often even with medication. There are 23 section classroom. They work with the 555 University Avenue TDSB for programming. Toronto, Ontario Referral form must be filled Canada out by parent, teacher, M5G 1X8 caregiver or expert(doctor) for the child to be enrolled. The child must be from grade 1-8 ilepsy-Classroom/Classroom-details/index.html
  • 31. "Epilepsy." Sickkids - hospital. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Mar. 2013. < l>  "Home - Epilepsy Canada." Home - Epilepsy Canada. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Mar. 2013. < CA/Home.html>.  "All About Epilepsy & Seizures |" Epilepsy and seizure information for patients and health professionals | N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Mar. 2013.  Category. "Symptoms of Epilepsy - What are Symptoms of Epilepsy." Epilepsy - Seizures - What Is Epilepsy - Seizure Disorders. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Mar. 2013. toms.htm  "Epilepsy Toronto | Epilepsy Ontario."Epilepsy Ontario | Serving Ontario Since 1956. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Mar. 2013.
  • 32. "Seizures in Children: Diagnosis, Causes, Signs, Treatments." WebMD - Better information. Better health.. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Mar. 2013. children  McAllister, Mark. "EPILEPSY TORONTO » Home Page." EPILEPSY TORONTO » Home Page. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Mar. 2013. <  Appleton, Richard, and Anthony G. Marson. Epilepsy. 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. Print.  Bjorklund, Ruth. Epilepsy. New York: Marshall Cavendish Benchmark, 2007. Print.  Class note, connectABILITY-prompting and fading  Class note, connectABILITY– adaptive play materials Workshop  Class Notes, Adaptive Learning Environments.
  • 33. (image)  (image)  / (image)  activities.html (image)  conversation-a-hybrid-events-hit-at-ts%C2%B2-tradeshow/ (image)  (image)  (image)  / (image)  (image)  m/ (image)  assignment package (image)