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Master Of Finance Essay Sample
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Master Of Finance Essay Sample Master Of Finance Essay Sample
Quiz 1 STAT 302
Question 1 of 20 1.0/ 1.0 Points A scatterplot allows one to see: A.whether there is any
relationship between two variables B.what type of relationship there is between two variables
C.Both (a) and (b) are correct D.Neither (a) nor (b) is correct Answer Key: C Question 2 of 20
1.0/ 1.0 Points The length of the box in the boxplot portrays the A.mean B.median C.interquartile
range D.range Answer Key: C Question 3 of 20 1.0/ 1.0 Points A variable is classified as ordinal
if: A.the data arise from continuous measurements B.there is no natural ordering of categories
C.there is a natural ordering of categories D.we track the variable through a period... Show more
content on ...
Complex numbers should be in the form (a + bi) where a and b need to have explicitly stated
values. For example: {1+1i} is valid whereas {1+i} is not. {0+9i} is valid whereas {9i} is not. A
sample of 150 students at a State University was taken after the final business statistics exam to
ask them whether they went partying the weekend before the final or spent the weekend
studying, and whether they did well or poorly on the final. The following table contains the
result. Did Well on Exam Did Poorly on Exam Studying for Exam 60 15 Went Partying 22 53 If
the sample is a good representation of the population, what percentage of those who did poorly
on the final exam should we expect to have spent the weekend studying? Place your answer in
the blank, rounded to 2 decimal places. Do not use a percentage sign (%). For example, 44.44
would be a legitmate answer. 22.06 Answer Key: 22.06 Question 17 of 20 1.0/ 1.0 Points
Accepted characters: numbers, decimal point markers (period or comma), sign indicators ( ),
spaces (e.g., as thousands separator, 5 000), E or e (used in scientific notation). NOTE: For
scientific notation, a period MUST be used as the decimal point marker. Complex numbers
should be in the form (a + bi) where a and b need to have explicitly stated values. For example:
{1+1i} is valid whereas {1+i} is not. {0+9i} is valid whereas {9i} is not. The histogram
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Monument Informative Speech
Many of us live for the present and anxiously wait for the future but, we often put aside our past.
We all know if we don t learn from our past it will repeat itself. Learning our history is essential,
we see it displayed everywhere; books, monuments, holidays, parades, etc. Memorializing an event
or person and creating a monumenttakes up a lot of time, a location, and need to have a powerful
reason so not all our historical events will be qualified to be displayed with monuments, holidays or
parades but by just acknowledging the past.
Memorializing an event/person and creating a monument takes plenty of time. Time and dedication
is a huge role, monuments especially take some extra time since they re usually made by hand.
Waiting for Crazy ... Show more content on ...
We would all love to memorialize something or someone and love even more to make a
monument for someone but where it would happen is hard to find. The location is relevant to
everything because it needs to fit perfectly and has to connect to the audience. Finding the
location is very complicated because you need do a lot of paperwork and have to buy the land
or talk to the landowners. Savage Kirk wrote a book about the monuments in Washington D.C,
stated The public monument speaks to a deep need for attachment that can be met only in a real
place, where the imagined community actually materializes and the existence of the nation is
confirmed in a simple but powerful way. When making a monument, keep in mind if it will be
public or private and who your audience are so your location fits. You want it to be a place
where the monument has enough space to have plenty of people to come visit it, the location
should also be a place where you feel a connection/bond, you can t provide that so make sure you
choose carefully. The audience should feel welcomed to come and be able to enjoy it comfortable
and peacefully. Christine Musser, a writer and journalist wrote a expert Preserving Memory;
National Holocaust Memorial Controversy . The expert mentioned The controversy grew from
Jewish and non Jewish communities, primarily
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Why Did The Athens Build The Parthenon
The Athenians built the Parthenon in 447 BC, as a replacement of their first temple and a
monument of victory after leading the Greeks to victory against the Persians. Funded by the
wealthy members of the society and money appropriated by the recently moved from the Bank of
Delian league, the Parthenon stood as political statement of democracy in addition to its religious
function. Geographically located at the highest point of the city and within proximity of the
acropolis, Athenians and visitors would be able to witness the grandeur of Athenian wealth during
their height of power. Being a cultural center for art and the leaders of the other Greek City States
during the war, the Athenian claim to being the most quintessential Greeks. Through... Show more
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Starting at the eye level of the viewer is the myth of Pandora s creation, where as the first woman
she brought about everything that calls men misery. An example of the consequences of Pandora
and the burden of women is shown in the souls of Athena s shoes, slightly higher than the base.
During the Centauromachy the men had to protect women from the centaurs misconduct and
uncontrollable sexual urges which shows the societal views as men as protectors. By being born
solely as a product of a man, any positive accomplishments of Athena can be attributed to her
masculinity and any flaws from her being a female. Athena as a goddess is also unable to
represent proper Greek women as a virgin that has given up her right to motherhood. Additionally,
in the same way that she is always by the side of Zeus, Athena will always side with men who
maintain a sense of logic and the men of her
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Theme Of Animal Imagery In Macbeth
Shakespeare is unarguably famous for his creative and vivid use of imagery in his acclaimed plays.
Animal imagery is one literary device he uses often to develop theme and characterize individuals in
his plays. One of his most prominent tragedies, Macbeth, contains many examples of animal
imagery, most of which characterizes Macbethhimself. Animal imagery at the beginning of the
tragedy, such as the comparison of Macbeth to an eagle and a lion, characterize him as loyal,
brave, and honorable. As the play develops, however, the animal imagery used, like a predatory
bird and a ferocious beast, begins to characterize him as power hungry, violent, and truly inhumane.
In his tragedy Macbeth, William Shakespeareuses animal imagery to reflect... Show more content
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Falcons are usually predators to smaller and less threatening birds such as mousing owls, and not
considered their prey. In this unnatural scenario, however; the falcon is the prey, and the mousing
owl is the predator. Macbeth is symbolic of the mousing owl, conquering the more powerful and
usually predatory falcon, represented by Duncan. Although this may be a success in Macbeth s
eyes, it signifies the beginning of his callous nature as he now turns against his once revered and
powerful king without regret or emotion.
Shakespeare demonstrates Macbeth s downfall to a king trapped in his madness in the latter
portion of Macbeth by comparing Macbeth to a predatory bird and a fierce bear. In Act 4,
Macduff, one of Macbeth s enemies, has fled to England, and Shakespeare describes Lady
Macduff as the poor wren, the most diminutive of birds, will fight, her young ones in the nest,
against the owl (4.2.12 13). Lady Macduff is the innocuous prey, while Macbeth is the owl, a
cruel predator; turning merciless, devoid of emotion. and choosing to kill an innocent lady and
her children. Macbeth s reckless ruthlessness shows his decline in emotion, he isn t killing for
honor and as a job anymore. He will not come back from this cruel behavior, as it has obtained
control of his mind; therefore, his actions are plagued by coldness and brutality. When Malcolm,
Macduff, and their soldiers from England are about to attack
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Overview of Lutron Electronics Company s Operations and...
Operations Supply Chain Many companies and business entities achieve higher levels of market
success through extensive supply chain management. Market success within these industries and
companies is possible through implementation of mass customization strategy. Mass Customization
represents an approach within the business entity that seeks to be innovative, enhance quality,
minimize cycle time, improve agility, and generate consumers who want to only associate with the
firm or organization. The main objective of the mass customization strategy rests on the provision
of products and services to satisfy unique tastes and preferences at affordable prices that relate
effectively with target groups. A visit to Lutron Organization generates clear indication of how
mass customization applies in relation to its application in business entities. Lutron organization
adopts the strategy of mass customization to meet the needs and expectation of the consumers.
Mass Customization is also effective and efficient in developing competitive advantage over other
entities within the same industry. The approach of maximizing revenue while expanding the market
coverage by Lutron draws from new technologies and knowledge in relation to forces of consumers
and company demands. The main aim of the strategy within Lutron is to enable consumers acquire
any product or service they want, anytime, in any way, and anywhere while enhancing the profit
levels. Lutron Electronics Company engages in
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Oskar And The Eight Blessings Analysis
Oskar and the Eight Blessings was a short picture book originally written by Tanya and Richard
Simon. The play, however, was directed and choreographed by Marcie Shapiro. It took place on
December 8th and 9th, in the Mountain View Center of Performing Arts, and used the second stage.
The play began in Germany, a few days before Hanukkah, and ended in New York, on the first
day of Hanukkah. The first scene showed a young Jewish boy named Oskar (played by a girl)
and his parents lighting the Menorah. Right after this, their house was invaded by the Nazi s. In
order to protect their child, Oskar s parents sent him to New York to live with his aunt. Armed
with only a picture of his relative and barely any money in his pocket, Oskar boarded a ferry and
arrived in America. Once there, he received eight blessings , or people showing compassion during
the holiday season.
A young actor named Naomi Shanson played Oskar, and her performance was incredible. The play
did not have many lines; instead, it had a lot of background music. Due to this, everyone in the cast,
especially the main character, had to be extra expressive. Naomi did this amazingly; she conveyed
intense feelings of sadness, wonder, relief and nervousness clearly, while barely speaking.
Something that really struck me was how she used her entire body to show emotion. For example,
she swung her arms, skipped and tilted her head side to side to show excitement when it snowed. In
another scene, Naomi had just been given a
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Essay On The Paradox Of The Reformation
The Paradox of the Reformation in Ireland: Why it is Essential in Spite of its Failure
1.Introduction While the Protestant Reformation was a movement that was influenced, and even
caused by events prior to 1517; a domino effect was unleashed when, on October 31, 1517, a
young German monk named Martin Luther nailed his work, The Ninety Five Theses, to the door of
All Saints Church in Wittenberg, Germany. Although Luther had never intended it to do so; his
exploit acted as a catalyst for what was a nearly perfect formula for this reformation to ensue. In the
years following that night; what started out as an intended scholarly objection, led to disputes, and
disputes to rebellion, and eventually, those rebellions into what could be categorized... Show more
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Edward VI sought to continue to reform but now he did so in the form of new religious policies.
These attempts were futile, short lived, and overshadowed by Edward s short reign and his half
sister Mary s rise to the throne and actions as queen. On her succession, Roman Catholic worship
was reinstated not only in Ireland but in Great Britain as well. This however did also not last
long as Mary passed away five years after ascending to the throne at which point in time her sister
Elizabeth took her place. Elizabeth immediately reverted to the ways of her late brother and father,
as she was Protestant. When she came to the throne, Elizabeth had the Act of Supremacy and Act of
Uniformity sent through parliament they both passed. The former was an act that her father had
passed in order to gain authority of the church. She had to replace it because it was repealed by her
sister Mary while she was Queen. The latter made attendance at church mandatory and established
fines for missing. From that point forward the Church of Ireland, the Anglican church, was the
established church of Ireland; this irritated much of the population because they were not a part of
the privileged minority of the established
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The Overcoat Rationalization
Society, an organized group of persons associated together for religious, cultural, scientific,
political or other purposes are tied up to sets of morals that people agree to when creating it;
however, what will happen when either party tries to rationalize, meaning, trying to justify or
explain a behavior or an attitude with logical reasons, even if these are not appropriate. Gogol and
Dostoevsky analyzed the effect that rationalization has on individuals, but also in society through
their works The Overcoat and Crime and Punishment . They postulate questions such as, to what
point can rules be broken? will that have any repercussion later in history? is the idea of
judgement being applied the way is supposed to be or is there any... Show more content on ...
Raskolnikov, in the novel, acted on his first instinct that he so much tough of and will not give it
up. He could justify his actions by thinking of him as being above the law or as he calls himself
extraordinary, which means to be on a position that is morally acceptable to act upon, since the
barriers that unify society seem to be irrational and therefore destructible. Raskolnikov can be
said to be thinking as a utilitarian, who thinks that the actions he takes will benefit everyone else
even if what they do may not seem as morally acceptable. It can also be said that it is promoting
to take actions influenced by our own free will, instead of moral rules, which can work
sometimes, because us humans can transcend any barrier created by traditional morality by
denying it or giving it a different meaning, however If people do not make wise decisions based
upon the morality of society, then the future of society is sure to suffer (wordks.dokland).
Raskolnikov was right and wrong in his view of morality, he was wrong in overlooking the pros
and cons of society and thinking that reasoning will always be correct, however Dostoevsky was
able to point out this individualism that every human has and found that thinking that reason will
always be right was wrong, since even
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Drug Resistance to Tuberculosis
For years now drug resistance is increasing and not just in one or two strands of bacteria, it is in all
of them. This resistance makes treating a patient with the infection more difficult to the point where
some strands require surgery. Tuberculosis is not a bacterium that you can easily remove from the
body though. It takes time and medication for the tuberculosisto be eradicated from the body. The
problem is with the advancements of medicine bacterium, like tuberculosis, are starting to
produce resistance to not just one or two drugs here or there, but the bacteria is producing
resistance for multiple drugs at one time. Tuberculosis does show any different physical signs
than regular tuberculosis. Both forms of tuberculosis show coughing for more than 3 weeks,
coughing up blood or mucus, chest pain, fatigue/weakness, weight loss and loss of appetite,
fever, and chills (1). Tuberculosis is easily caught by a new patient because the air that is
contaminated by a carrier of the bacteria who has been in the room for a rather long time.
Meaning if a person visits the carrier and goes into the carrier s bedroom for an extended length of
time, then that person could possibly contract tuberculosis. Not only is immediate contact a key
factor in developing tuberculosis, health, where a person lives, and if that person developed
tuberculosis in the past. These factors all accumulate and help in the spread of the disease from
person to person. The way that tuberculosis spreads
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Federal Bureau Of Investigation Agent Essay
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI Agent)
Associate Dean once said It just dispelled all of the bad things I d ever heard about the FBI... that
the FBI was sneaky and out to get people. The career of the FBI is a remarkable and exciting
career, because of the endless possibility of helping the world get better in any kind of way . The
research will describe the career of Federal Bureau of Investigation , what is required to become a
Federal Bureau of Investigation agent a successful career and the impact this career has on has
on society. The Federal Bureau of Investigation hires an agent to act as the lead investigators in
the United States. The duty of an FBI is to guard the United States from Terrorists and Foreign
intelligence threats, also to provide leadership and criminal justice services. The FBI has to
develop effective work plans. They need to arrange resources to accomplish goals. The FBI has
an investigative partnership with cops, sheriffs, etc. The FBI investigates spies, hackers,
pedophiles, mobsters, gang leaders and serial killers, they investigate everything that can be a
threat to the country or other people. FBI agent is able to carry firearms and most of the time are
only called when they need to find a high profile criminal. Agents might sometimes run into
dangerous situations. They have to travel extensively, they re lifestyles are very sudden they can be
on the go at any time. FBI agent are in charge of investigating more than 200 different
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Personal Interest Project
Personal Interest Project: Beauty and the Beasts.
Animal welfare refers to the dominant ideology surrounding animal use in western cultures. The
term assumes that humans have the right to use animals in ways that are detrimental and
sometimes fatal to them; for purposes such as food, clothing or the testing of medicinal or cosmetic
products; although it also stipulates that humans should acknowledge the animal s inherent right, as
a sentient creature, not to be treated with unnecessary cruelty within those already accepted uses
and behaviours.
It has been a long standing argument as to whether the use of animals to ensure the safety or
effectiveness of products for human consumption is synonymous with the term Animal Welfare. ...
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Due to my location and the location of the people whom I wished to interview, these were
conducted through email which although provided some extremely useful information it
restricted my ability to ask follow up questions and enabled my subjects to tailor their response
in a way that may have inhibited the true meaning of their words. In conducting an email
interveiw I also had to I feel ensure that the questions were not able to be easily misinterpreted
and did not rely on tone of voice to obtain their full meaning. The interviews were undertaken by
two infuencial organisations; People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and Speaking
of Research, and one cosmetic and personal care company, LUSH Australia, which has a strong
voice in this debate. The interviews was tailored to the organisation with the questions for PETA
and Speaking of Research being quite similar to ensure that I could represent both organisations, as
they hold opposing opinions, equally. I also wanted to obtain an interview from a company that
does test on animals but many only do so when required by law and would therefore not answer any
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Real and Accrual Based Earnings Management
Advanced Accounting Theory Final Paper
April 28, 2014
Real and Accrual Based Earnings Management
1.1 Introduction The most important item in the financial statements of a company is earnings.
Earnings indicate the amount of value added activities a company has engaged in over a period
of time, as well as assist in the direction of resource allocation in capital markets. Just as the eyes
are the window to the soul, earnings are the window to a company s value. Increasing earnings
represent an increasing company value, while the opposite can be said about decreasing earnings.
Seeing how important earnings are to a company s value, it comes to no surprise that management
has a strong incentive to report earnings in their maximum ... Show more content on
These techniques are defined briefly as follows:
Big Bath: a technique where a one time charge is taken against income to reduce assets, resulting in
lower future expenses. The write off allows the asset to be reduced or removed from the financial
statements, ultimately resulting in a lower net income in that year. The idea is to take a big bath
to wash the books, resulting in an increased net income for future years. An example would be if a
manager shifted profits forward by prepaying expenses, or delaying the realization of revenues.
Creative Acquisition Accounting: when a company allocates a large portion of an acquisition
price as being in process . An example would be using R D as a large one time write off charge.
Cookie Jar Reserves: a technique where a company portray unlikely assumptions when they are
calculating estimates for loan losses, warranty costs, or sales returns for example. Accruals are
hidden away in the cookie jar during good times and the jar is empty during bad times.
Immaterial Mis sapplications of Accounting Principles: when a company records errors within a
defined percentage ceiling and rationalizes the implied errors on the profits being too small to be
material to increase earnings.
Premature Recognition of Revenue: when companies
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WPU Concert Critique
Musical Critique On November 9th, I attended the fall semester concert of William Penn
University Department of Fine at the MTC. The WPU singers were directed by Anita Meinert and
the WPU Jazz Ensemble was directed by Scott Cressley. I was mislead by the online website, it had
the wrong time posted. Consequently, I arrived about a half hour into the concert. Of course I didn t
know this at the time. I simply thought everyone had gotten there early so they started a bit
before the time the website had posted. I was soon told by another classmate that I was in fact
very late. But, what I did hear of the concert surprised me. The songs performed by the Jazz
ensemble were Time Check arranged by Don Menza. L il Basie by Mike Carubia. Blue... Show
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As stated before I was blown away to see the talent here, I had no idea. However, I am not sure if
it was the room or the speakers, but everything seemed a little too loud. I have a hard time
hearing, I am a bit deaf in my left ear, but I sure could here what was being played that night. So
much so that it made my eyes squint a little. Especially, when the band was in full swing and really
feeling the music. Like I said it didn t sound bad it was just loud and I was even sitting towards
the back of the room. So I could only imagine how blown away literally the front row was. The
set itself was simple and to the point. It was held at the Musco Technology Center also known as
the MTC. The room was for a more intimate audience you could see by looking around that
people were having a good time. For the most part it looked like it mostly brought out an older
crowd as do most production in this town. I don t understand why more people from my
generation don t go out and experience these type of things. However, I liked that it had high
ceilings and the room seemed pretty filled. I personally think that the lights should have been
dimed, it would have added to the mood of the whole
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Dengue Fever And Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever
Dengue is believed to have originated in primates before jumping to humans via an insect vector
100 800 years ago in either Southeast Asia or Africa. ( Dengue
became a prevalent issue during the 20th century as a result of the Second World War inadvertently
transporting the insect vector from place to place along with cargo. (
/epidemiology) This caused outbreaks in Thailand and the Philippines in the 1950 s and in the 80 s
cases began to crop up in Latin America and the Caribbean. (
Dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever are caused by a family of four similar viruses that have
been appropriately dubbed; dengue 1 4. ( The insect vector ... Show
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( These include a high fever in conjunction with two or all
of these symptoms; joint pain, rash, severe headache and/or eye pain, low leukocyte count and mild
bleeding of the gums, nose, petechiae, and sometimes bruising. (
/index.html) The real danger can occur when the patient is beginning to seem to be on the road to
recovery. After about a week of infection the fever can suddenly begin to decline and leads to what
clinicians call a 48 hour critical window when the patient begins to show the symptoms of dengue
hemorrhagic fever. (
Family members caring for a dengue infected patient need to keep vigil over the person and bring
them to hospital immediately if they begin to complain of severe abdominal pain with or without
vomiting, vomiting blood, tarry stools, bleeding from the gums or nose red patches on the skin, and
signs of shock such as pale, cold, clammy skin, difficulty breathing, drowsiness and/or irritability.
The cause of these severe symptoms is during the 48 hour window; even the smallest vessels of the
body begin to leak and can lead to catastrophic fluid loss, leading to hypovolemic shock and death.
( Dengue can only rarely be passed from person to person
directly through blood transfusions and mother to fetus transmissions. (
/index.html) That is why in conjunction with monitor the person
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Summary Of The Superfluous Woman By Vera Brittain
At the outbreak of World War One, British women were tied to a life of domesticity in the home.
However, as their men headed out to the battlefields, women had to keep the home front moving.
The war created opportunities for women to join the workforce and to fill in the vacant jobs left
by the men that went off to fight. The role of women in society became more than just cooking
and cleaning. It gave them a more active role rather than passive. Women were essential to the war
efforts, yet Britain was so fixated on the fact that there was an abundance of females in the country.
The Great War was responsible for the death of several hundred thousand men, many of which were
young and unmarried. The loss of these men left women single and/or widowed. Vera Brittain, poet
of The Superfluous Woman, was a victim of the war. Like many other women, she felt that her
options were now more than ever limited due to her fiance dying in the war. Vera Brittain (1893
1970), born in Newcastle under Lyme, was the daughter of middle class parents, Arthur Brittain and
Edith Bervon. Her only brother, Edward, and Roland Leighton, friend of Edward, joined the British
Army at the start of World War I. Vera wanted to get involved in the war efforts. She served as a
nurse and joined the Voluntary Aid Detachment. Vera became engaged to Ronald in August of
1915. Unfortunately, four months after she accepted his proposal, Ronald passed away in the
trenches. Moreover, her brother died only a few months
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Grounded Nursing Theory
What is the importance of nursing science grounded in nursing theory? What does it mean to be a
nurse scholar? How does the Conceptual Theoretical Empirical approach strength the consistency of
nursing research? The importance of nursing science grounded in nursing theory is that the
knowledge base for the discipline of nursing is drawn from nursing theories. Nursing theories serve
as the foundation from which nurses use to guide, describe, predict, and generate further
knowledge to be applied in nursing practice to help guide everyday nurses and research to help
nurses understand and move forward in the development of theoretical knowledge and education
(Smith Parker, 2015). To be a nurse scholar according to the Position Statement
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Quebec And Appalachian Mountains In Canada
Quebec is the providence in Canada, covering nearly 600,000 square miles. The notable landmasses
found within Quebec include the Canadian Shield and the Appalachian Mountains. The
Encyclopedia of Britannica reveals that the Canadian Shield has ice smoothed hills, and is the most
massive area containing exposed Precambrian rock (Behiels). The Appalachian Mountains are the
separating feature distinguishing the Quebec s borders from Main, Vermont, and New Hampshire (
Quebec Mountains ). The St. Lawrence River flows southwest of Lake Ontario to the northeast.
Attractions involving the river include the QuГ©bec LГ©vis ferry, cruises, and strolls on the
Promenade Samuel De Champlain (Quebec).
Quebec falls in the Eastern Time Zone, so any travels from ... Show more content on ...
Ontario, New York, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland border
Quebec. Unoriginally, the capital is also Quebec. However, Quebec Cityis not the most populated
city and falls second on the list. The population census conducted in May 2016 reports that the top
five major cities are Montreal with 1.7 million people, Quebec with 5.3 hundred thousand people,
Laval with over 4.2 hundred thousand people, Gatineau with more than 2.5 hundred thousand
people, and Longueuil with 2.4 thousand people ( Canada: Quebec: Major
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The Pony Express
The Pony Express was an extremely important event in history for three profoundly reasons. All
together, it helped the farther east states to keep in contact with the West with all the news of
what was happening, important documents, and sometimes small packages and family letters
that were being sent from different states. It helped for new and more improved ideas of how
could the spreading of news could be spread faster and safer. The good reason of keeping all the
states in contact with all the others is because families moved or members of a family moved to
further states for jobs. Travelers went in search for wealth and land and with the California Gold
Rushpeople went to get a better life. But with the rush to go find gold, that left many people in
need to know what was going and if their love ones found anything and what documents are being
passed because of the California Gold rush. Especially when California became a state it put
extreme pressure upon the citizens, business, and all miners alike for electing U.S government
representatives. Furthermore people wanted to keep in touch with their friends, family, and
companies. As the tremendous threat of the Civil War about to break out and the Southern states
rebelling because of the refusing to give up slavery and with other things causing the Civil War to
happen. It opened up the eyes of many companies. Some seen what could become of their success
if the Civil War did happen and the companies wanted a way
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The Most Abundant Type Of Cell Is Bacteria Essay
The most abundant type of cell is bacteria. It is a single celled organism that rapidly multiplies and
lives on almost all aspects of the environment. Most bacteria were discovered and studied in
laboratories during the 20th century. However, more recently scientists have been able to study
bacteria in its natural environment due to advancements in technology, such as microscopes. With
advancements in equipment, along with scientists, it is now known that most bacteria live in
complex communities called biofilm. The study of biofilms has grown exponentially in recent years
due to increased awareness of its impact on natural and manufactured systems, as well as human
health. It is reported that biofilm cost the U.S. billions of dollars every year in product
contamination, energy losses, equipment damage and medical infections (Montana State
University CBE, retrieved 2016). To understand the important of biofilm it is necessary to
understand that it is a form of bacteria that is densely packed in communities of microbial cells that
grow together and adhere to a moist surface. These complex communities of bacteria contain many
strains and include a multistep formation that is vital. Oral biofilms contain communities of disease
causing bacteria and if left uncontrolled can be related to periodontal disease. For the dental
hygienist understanding what biofilm is will be just as important as understanding its formation.
Discovering and Understanding Biofilm
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Essay about The Mirror Neuron and its Role in Action...
Although the control of action in humans is fairly well understood, the processes that underlie
action understanding from observation are much more unclear. In general, action understanding
refers to the ability to recognize the purpose of an action performed by another person (Hickok
2008). Two prominent theories exist to explain this phenomenon. The first posits that action
understanding is an inferential process that integrates contextual clues to determine the goal of a
movement. In contrast, the second theory asserts that action understanding arises from the
simulation of the observed action in the motor areas of the viewer (Brass et al. 2007). While the
inferential process theory enjoyed a period of general acceptance, the... Show more content on ...
The researchers concluded that this indicated mirror neurons coded not just for action, but the goals
of action. Kohler and colleagues (2007) expanded on this idea, showing that some neurons were
activated with the mere sound of the result of an intended action (i.e. cracking a peanut). The
authors asserted that this indicated that mirror neurons were so tuned to goals that the sound of an
action reaching its goal was enough for the macaque to understand the entire action that would have
been involved. The results of both studies were said to apply neatly to humans as well. That is, if
action understanding is supported by the mirror neuron system of macaques, it is most likely
supported by the human mirror neuron system (hMNS). There are two major problems with this
view. First, it has been shown that human mirror neurons are much more broadly tuned than
monkeys. There is not enough evidence to generalize macaque studies to humans in this way
(Hickok 2008). Second, both of these studies fail to acknowledge that the activation of mirror
neurons may have been the result, or a byproduct, of understanding rather than the cause. Their
activity, then, may only have reflected understanding earlier in processing.
If action understanding in humans is predominantly reliant on mirror neurons, then these neurons
should respond preferentially to the ends of an action rather than the means; however, this is not
the case. Hesse and
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The Birth Of The League Of Nations
Karyn Hogu
Analytical Paper
IR 349 Section G1
The Birth of the League of Nations
The Great War, now commonly referred to as World War One, ended on November 11th, 1918.
In its wake lied a tremendously devastated Europe, which was where the majority of the carnage
took place. Following World War One, Europeans were struggling to restore some sense of
normalcy for themselves and their families. To do that, maintaining peace was imperative. Europe
s economy was in shambles, their land was left greatly damaged and citizens were emotionally
scarred from the abundant fatality of the war. Thousands of European soldiers died and left behind
families who were mourning while trying to overcome the widespread poverty that remained in the
wake of ... Show more content on ...
Though they understood that countries needed to have some artillery on hand in case of
emergency, they recognized the fine line between self defense and militarization and how it
needed to be treated carefully. It was clear that Europe s sense of security was fragile and any
actions that could be interpreted as aggression would be taken seriously. The language of Article 11
of the Covenant of the League of Nations emphasized just how serious threats to international
peace, particularly European peace, will be taken. And the tone echoed the fear and uncertainty that
most Europeans had. Although former President of the United States, Woodrow Wilson may of
intended for the League of Nations to be an international body whose purpose was to afford mutual
guarantees of political independence and territorial integrity for its members, it was no such thing.
Instead, it was an insurance policy whose signatories motivation for joining was fear, not to
cooperate and foster interdependence.
Many times when covering the creation of the League of Nations, history books make the mistake
of romanticizing the reality that brought forth this organization. In actuality, European countries
were not thinking about how they can create new partnerships and solidify their old ones at the end
of WWI. European leaders were not thinking of how to protect the political independence of
sovereign nations. They were terrified and
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In the start of Fahrenheit 451, Montag’s thoughts are that...
In the start of Fahrenheit 451, Montag s thoughts are that fire is good for society. He burns books
for a living, and never thought twice about doing his job. That is until he meets characters such as
Clarisse, Beatty, and the academics. Montag s understanding of the nature of fire changes as he
becomes enlightened through his relationships.
It was a pleasure to burn (1). Montag never thought much of his job, to him, it was merely his
duty. Meeting Clarisse starts Montag s revision of life. Her interest and questioning is so unique
that Montag is intrigued by her. He had never met someone who asks why instead of how. Soon,
Clarisse disappears, and is then presumably dead for the rest of the book. Shortly after his
disappearance, ... Show more content on ...
Beatty supports this by saying since he has read some himself, he can affirm that they are
worthless and contradictory. Through this experience, Montag has a new understanding of his
profession. Although he is still skeptical, he knows more than he did before, and most
importantly, Beatty has started to get Montag s mind thinking. An important quote from this
conversation is, We must all be alike. Not everyone born free and equal, as the constitution says,
but everyone made equal. . . . A book is a loaded gun in the house next door. Burn it. This is
when Beatty is confiding in Montag, making him finally piece together what he has been doing
all of these years as a fireman. He finally can begin to comprehend the society he is in, and what
measures the government has taken to subdue the population. Later on in the book, Beatty and
Montag face each other once more. After Montag is brought to his own house and told to burn it
down, and facing no escape due to the hound, he burns it down. After burning down his own home,
Beatty tells him he is under arrest, and begins to provoke him. As Beatty clearly intended, Montag
kills him, turning him into a charred corpse. The fact that he died by fire, and knowingly chose to
die by the flamethrower is interesting. Nevertheless, this is the point of no return for Montag,
knowing that he did what he had to do, and that he was now an enemy of the state. At this point,
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Human Factors Influencing Polices In The Workplace
Human factors influence polices in the BYOD practice in the workplace because for the most
part employees are comfortable and prefer using their own devices compared to company issued
devices as they can often multitask between personal and business access. The use of mobile
devices comes with the consequences of the device being stolen, lost and exposed to threats. The
possibility of these devices falling in the wrong hands or stranger not authorized access to data
could result to harmful software application being uploaded or downloaded which could infect the
device and compromise the network. The use of public and unsecure WIFI connection is also an
easy avenue for mobile devices to get infected with viruses, malware and even hacked, therefore
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Parking Spaces In Miami
All the residents of Miami are facing the problem of finding a perfect parking space. It is either
the parking lot is full, or it is way too expensive. People are considering, as the community, we
need to increase the parking spaces by building new ones, but it would encourage more cars on
the road, which will become an endless circle of problems. City planners are thinking of new
ways of extending the parking spaces without giving any reasons to the people of buying more
cars in Miami. Seems the only solution is to encourage people to use their cars less, but with 2.7
million residents, it is impossible. In the 2017 Global Parking Index report compiled by
Parkopedia, Miami ranked 19th in a list of the top 25 cities for weekday
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Last Mile Essay
another matter that is to be decided if it s worth pursuing in gaining the consumer with and their
trust in the company, or if the additional cost that will be added to shipping is too much for the
effort for other retailers. As logistics of the last mile has been successfully evolving over the years,
there are still more issues that retailers want to resolve. One of the most significant issue is the fact
that the last mileis actually still a few hundreds of miles from the destination port to the stores, and
it is difficult to manage. Along with the growth in the evolving industry, there are pressures for
retailers to manage stock and provide efficient delivery. Managing stock from one distribution
center to another, and finally managing stock when the retailers are actually online business only
could be difficult.
The whole process comes down to the last mile and because it is also where the majority of
shipment s cost and complexity is, the last mile in the shipping process is where the growing
burden on the retailers exist. Retailers and logistics firms are forced to have fast delivery, with low
prices and great quality to compete with other retailers in the same industry. With more growth in
the industry, there are problems of managing stock. In 2013, products ordered online generated
just over one billion deliveries. By 2018, this number is expected to grow by 28.8% to 1.35
billion. Because of that, retailers and logistics firms similarly need to
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How Modbus Is A Type Of Communication
Modbus is a type of communication among many devices connected to the same network, for
example a system that measures temperature and humidity and communicates the results to a
computer. Modbus is often used to connect a supervisory computer with a remote terminal unit
(RTU) in supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems. [17]
In simple words, it can be explained as a method used for transmitting information over the lines
between electronic devices. The device asks the information is called the Modbus Master and the
devices supply information is Modbus Slaves. In a standard Modbus network, there is one Master
and up to 247 Slaves, each with a unique Slave Address from 1 to 247. The Master can also write
information to the ... Show more content on ...
This number tells the slave which table to be accessed. It also decides whether to read from or
write to the table.
3.2 Internet Protocol
The Internet Protocol (IP) is the method or protocol by which data is sent from one computer to
another on the Internet. Each computer (known as a host) on the Internet has at least one IP address
that uniquely identifies it from all other computers on the Internet.[18]
While data transferred in a network, is sent or received(for simple understanding, an e mail note
or a Web page), the message is divided into little pieces called packets. Each of these packets
includes both the sender s internet address and also the receiver s internet address. A packet is
firstly sent to a gateway computer which is the first station of the Internet. The gateway computer
reads the destination address and forwards the packet to an higher gateway which reads the
destination address and transfer it over the internet until one gateway recognizes the packet as
belonging to a computer within its area or domain. The packet then is sent by gateway directly to
the computer which address is specified.
3.2.1 Subnet
A subnet represents all the devices found at one location. It can be a building or the same local
area network (LAN). If a company s network are divided into subnets that allows everyone to
connect to the Internet with a single shared network address. If there is no
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Addison s Disease Research Paper
Addison s disease
Addison s disease
Sierra Payne
Addison s disease
Addison s disease is a rare disorder that occurs when the adrenal glands do not produce enough
hormones. It occurs in all age groups and affects all genders equally. This disorder is characterized
by weight loss, muscle weakness, fatigue, and low blood pressure and oftentimes darkening of the
skin in both exposed and unexposed parts of the body.
Thomas Addison first described the clinical presentation of primary adrenocortical insufficiency
(Addison s Disease) in 1855 in his classic paper, On the Constitutional and Local Effects of
Diseases of the Supra Renal Capsules.
Addison s disease occurs when the adrenal glands do not produce enough of the hormone cortisol.
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This can be done with once or twice daily tablets of hydrocortisone, a steroid hormone. If needed,
aldosterone can be replaced with a synthetic steroid, fludrocortisone acetate, which is taken orally
once a day. These medications need to be increased during times of stress, infection, surgery, or
injury. With hormone therapy, many people with Addison s disease are able to lead a nearly
normal life.
Although it is a relatively rare disease, occurring in only about 1 in 100,000 people, there are
multiple online support groups via the NADF, National Adrenal Disease Foundation website and on
social media websites such as
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The Energy Supply Of India Essay
Abstract The development of a nation is also measured on the parameters like the adequacy of
electrical energy. To make a nation as the developed nation, the energy supply should have a
reach to the extreme parts too. As India is an agricultural nation and so sorts of agricultural left
outs are accessible here. Along these lines, this immense measure of agricultural wastes can be
an input resource for power production in Indian villages. Rice husk is one of the potential
agricultural wastes which can be utilized as an input source to generate electricity, conditioned
that it will be handled and processed effectively. The reason for this paper is to bring the focus
on the alternative power generation methods in the rural part. The rice husk plants are generally
small and medium scaled efficient enough to supply or to meet the basic need of a village. In
this piece, the main focus is to show the available rice husk in India, the distinctive possibilities
and the procedure with which it can be utilized to generate power. Finally, a decrease in
competition in supply by the larger plant may lead to the decrease in the cost. But various issues
related to investment as the risk of failing of plant, monopoly on the supply side of husk from
various rice mills, institutional challenges related to the distributional area. 1. Introduction Even
with the increase in the demand for electricity globally, India s peak demand of electricity is
165253 MW and we have a surplus supply.
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Walt Disney Media Conglomerate Analysis
Walt Disney: Media
Introduction/Random Information
The Walt Disney Company is the world s largest media conglomerate. The company has the ability
to be a successful conglomerate due to its Board of Directors, content theme of quality, as well as
customer ordination in all its operating segments. The company has television holdings in ABC and
ten other broadcasting stations, as well as cable networks including; ABC Family, A amp;E (37%),
and ESPN (80%).
Each of these divisions that Disney owns and operates are leaders in their respective industries and
capitalize multiple channels that have been created to additional products and other tangible goods
account for 10% of Walt Disney s revenue.
Media Networks $17,162,000,000 is up 6% ... Show more content on ...
The plan is to market these 3D releases by debuting in the consumer home with select Sony 3D
products. This launching would be during the high traffic holiday retail season which will be
featured nationwide in the United States.
Disney recently announced it was launching eight mobile games for the iPhone, Android,
Blackberry and Java/Brew. Both companies are motivated by what seems to be a booming casual
gaming market.
Another Disney invention is the soon to be released netbook, a Netpal for 6 12 year olds. Made
by netbook pioneer Asustek and selling for $350 at Toys R Us starting in late July. A version
with more storage and a longer battery will go through and other retailers. The
widget should go international by the end of the year. The Walt Disney Company is also now
one of the biggest players in the fast growing social gaming business. Recently the company said
it had agreed to acquire Playdom the outfit behind games like Social City, Sorority Life, and
Market Street for up to $763 million. Under the terms of the deal, Disney (DIS) will pay $563.2
million for Playdom up front and an additional $200 million if the social gaming company meets
certain unspecified growth thresholds. For Disney purchasing Playdom, the No. 4 social gaming
company on Facebook (and No. 1 on MySpace), is a quick and easy way to extend its characters
and brands to social games, a market that could be worth $1.5 billion within three years.
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The Ethics Of Psychological Studies
In this essay, the ethics of psychological studies carried out in the past will be reviewed. In the
current contemporary environment many psychological studies are now seen as being unethical
by many psychologists. Both theory and information relating to the psychology studies will be
addressed. This essay will also outline the ethical responsibilities of the psychologists carrying
out psychological research studies. The two psychological studies that would not be considered
ethical today that will be discussed in this essay is the renowned Milgram obedience experiment
and Harlow s monkey experiment testing infant dependency on monkeys. These two studies will
be discussed and journals will be reviewed to identify the overall opinion of the studies. The
studies that will be discussed are marginally different from one another with one identifying the
authority one feels and how ones behavior is affected by an authority figure while the other
questions the needs of individuals and the attachment theory. Stanley Milgram, one of the most
influential social psychologists of his time was particularly fascinated by the dangers of group
behaviors. His experiment is one of the most famous psychological studies in history. The aim of
the experiment was to identify the effects of obedience under authority. An example of influential
behavior is during the war years where thousands of Jews were prosecuted by the Nazi s. Milgram
wanted to look further into the Nazi s behavior. The results
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Narcotics Anonymous Meeting Research Paper
Narcotics Anonymous Meeting De aqui soy, is the name of the group that I visited last week.
This group is located on pacific coast high way in Wilmington, CA. The duration of the meeting
is 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Last Thursday round 8:00 pm, I decided to attend NA meeting. (Narcotics
Anonymous) I thought that the time was the same like AA meetings. (Alcoholics Anonymous)
However, when I arrived to NA, the meeting was on. With respect, I set myself in one of the
empty sits in the back of the room. There were 11 people in the meeting. All of them were Latinos
or Spanish speakers. The ages were mix from 21 to 60, I think. The history of substance was
variable depending the person. They talked about cocaine, crystal, marijuana, crack, etc...... Show
more content on ...
As member of alcoholics anonymous for 2 years, I could see that Narcotics Anonymous have the
same structure as Alcoholics Anonymous. To illustrate, in Narcotics Anonymous ware people
that told me the differences between them and AA. They told me that because AA meeting
became mix, and the program was for specific issue that is alcohol. The members of Alcoholics
Anonymous suggested to Narcotics to start their own program based in the 12 steps of
Alcoholics Anonymous. That is why in the 1950s, Narcotics Anonymous emerged. In addition, I
noticed that both programs open and close each meeting the same way. Members let people talk
in front of them, and they let them have therapy if they need it. The duration is the same time
for both meetings, 1 hour and 30 min. They have sponsor if someone need it. In my opinion,
those programs are important for personal recovery. I could experience by myself. I see the work
that this programs develop in each human been when we face some issues. Sometimes, we do not
have the advice that we need in our families to recover our self from addiction. Sheltering us with
the hope that one day someone will comes, and helps us to recover from the pain and addiction that
we are passing through; there were Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous to rescue our souls from
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The Attorney For The Damned
On August 22, 1924 the famous orator Clarence Darrow, dubbed the attorney for the damned.
begins his 12 hour long closing arguments, for the most covered news story since World War I.
Darrow mixes ethos and logos appeals, bringing tears to the eyes of the judge and many in the
courtroom, to serve justice by saving his clients, Leopold and Loebfrom the death penalty. Darrow
implores the Judge to spare the lives of Leopold and Loeb. As Darrow said, I am pleading for
life...I am pleading that we overcome cruelty with kindness and hatred with love. (Placeholder1;
Three months prior on Wednesday, May 22, 1924; two college boys ignite one of the most
stunning Mass Media events of the Twentieth Century. Nathan Babe Leopold born to wealthy
immigrant Jewish Germans is a 19 year old, child prodigy with an intelligence score of 210. He
has already completed an undergraduate degree at the University of Chicago with Phi Beta
Kappa honors and plans to begin studies at Harvard Law School upon returning from a family
trip to Europe. (Placeholder1; Linder) Richard Dickie Loeb an 18 year old whose father is a Jewish
lawyer and also the Vice president of the Sears and Roebucks Company, his mother is Catholic.
Loeb skipped several grades in school. He holds the distinction of being University of Michigan s
youngest graduate at the age of 17. Loeb described as unmotivated , lazy and obsessed with crime
and spends most of his time reading crime novels, a popular
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Dish Network s Business Performance
Dish Network s business performance in primary practices
Dish Network has a focused and clear business strategy, which articulates their goal and provides
the way to achieve it. Dish Network describes their strategy as to be the best provider of video
services in the United States by providing products with the best technology, outstanding customer
service, and great value in their annual report (Dish Network, 2015). Dish Network further explains
the reason for their strategy by emphasizing the unsatisfied demand of high quality and reasonably
priced products and services from television services subscribers. Their strategy can be well
understood since it focuses on consumers needs and is closely related to the success of their
business. As a result, being clear about what the strategy is and consistently communicating it to
consumers, employees, and shareholders enable Dish Network devise and maintain an excellent
strategy, which is the key to their business achievements (Nohria, Joyce, Roberson, 2003).
Dish Network s leadership team always puts consumers first when conducting business and states
that perfection is their standard. To achieve this goal, Dish Network follows the principles of
double checking their work and doing what they say they will do to fulfill the consumers needs
and delight them. Dish Network runs a 24/7/365 operation in order to take care of all their
consumers all the time. Dish Network keeps exploring in the cable and pay
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A Research Report On Saudi Arabia
This study is taking a quantitative approach contain analysis and for that selecting three
representative newspapers and journalists in the Saudi Arabia, which are Al Riyadh, Sabq, Asharq
Al‑Awsat and Twitter accounts of three journalists on Twitter to collect the required data.
Moreover, this method is more suitable because it is creating an observation on the newsposted by
the newspapers that we have selected. Furthermore, it is important to note down that how
journalists are publishing the breaking news or retweet the breaking news from newspapers or
other journalists. From a review of previous research shows that many of the researchers relied on
the content analysis because it gives accurate results through observation and monitoring of the
variables that are used in the research questions. Content analysis will be used instead of a survey,
longitudinal analysis, or a secondary analysis because it is difficult to get accurate results from of
previous research. Additionally, Saudi Arabiais a new area in new media and there is not much of
the previous research in this area about the new media in Saudi Arabia. The questionnaire may be
suitable for this study, but perhaps does not respond to the questionnaire will be the right way,
because most of the people do not consider survey as an important thing and they do not answer it
clearly. So, as I pointed out earlier content analysis is the best for this study.
The keyword for search will be (breaking news) All the news
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Japanese Internment Research Paper
It became routine for me to line up three times a day to eat lousy food in a noisy mess hall. It
became normal for me to go with my father to bathe in a mass shower. Being in a prison, a barbed
wire prison camp, became my normality (Takei). This except from George Takei s personal account
of living in internment, displays the grimness of internment. Just as thousands of other Japanese
Americans, he and his family were forced from their home during World War II, sent to Internment
prison, and stripped of their American rights. Many actions and ideas led to the unjust internment
and betrayal of over 110,000 Japanese Americans. Fear caused Americans to unjustly act against
Japanese Americans during WWII. During this time of war, Americans knew their enemy the
Japanese and felt as though the enemy lived amongst them when they saw Japanese Americans.
These Americans, with Japanese ancestry, were viewed as enemies of America, due to the fact that
they looked like the enemy. Americans feared the Japanese Americans as their enemies and
believed that they acted as spies for Japan in America. They supposed, solely based on race, that the
Japanese Americans held their loyalty to Japan instead of America. The belief that the end justifies
the means also aided in Japanese internment. Known as military necessary,... Show more content on ...
In February of 1942, President Franklin Roosevelt signed executive order #9066 to combat
American s feelings toward the people that they were at war with. It said that anyone potentially
harmful to the United States living in military areas, as designated by the president, must evacuate.
This order, at the time, was looked at as a protection against espionage, sabotage, and the enemy on
their own turf. Roosevelt s signing of this order stripped thousands of Americans of their rights and
ripped them from their homes, belonging, clothes, money, friends, family, jobs, and the lives that
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Fourth Of July Analysis
Wow, wow, wow! After arriving on the island, I could not contain my excitement. I m actually
here! I sprinted towards the statue to get a better look and Alfred was following behind me
telling me to wait up. After the conversation, Alfred said he was celebrating his birthday by
himself. He had a sad look when I asked him about celebrating with his friends and family so I
guess he really was celebrating alone. Poor guy and he s a cheerful one too. Feeling sorry for
him I offered him to tag along with me on my Fourth of July expedition to the statue. He
objected it at first because he doesn t want to get in my way, but as I was travelling alone, I change
his mind. Really, dudette! I won t get in your way? No, of course not. Besides, I m traveling by
myself, so a company would be nice and it s your special day too so I ll celebrate it with you So
here s me and Alfred s Fourth of July slash birthday expedition to the statue.... Show more content
on ...
It was so big that everybody else were tiny. I ve been wanting to come here for a long time and
finally my dream is here. The gift France gave to America was magnificent. How they made the
statue, the design by the artist and the people of New York contribution in funding this amazing
Goddess standing with pride, history thoughts were running through me. And due to my
formerly Percy Jackson obsession, I thought if the Gods were actually this size. I brought my
sketch pad for today so I can draw her up later and probably take some photos too as I also brought
my camera along. Waa! I m so excited. I didn t even realised that I was smiling to myself and that
Alfred has caught up with
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Bullying Rhymes
Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me . This is one of the English
language children s rhymes. It encourages children to ignore verbal insults, persuading them to
stay calm and to not retaliate. The literal translation of this seems to be: You can say what you
want, you can insult me verbally as much as you want. Words does not matter to me. I will go over
it and I will forget. I will stay calm to show how strong I am . This is not as simple as it appears to
These few simple words became so significant that I decided to use them as an introduction to the
problem that this essay will be talking about, namely bullying. According to the definition, bullying
is the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively dominate others. There
are four different types of bullying including physical, verbal, emotional and cyber bullying. This
essay will mainly focus on the verbal bullying that, despite the implication of the rhyme mentioned
at the beginning of the introduction, causes a significant impact on individuals sanity and plays the
huge role in shaping individuals personalities. Additionally, there is a big connection between
children who are bullied and their suicidal thoughts. This is one of the most significant problems
that exists among teenagers in American schools. In order to have a better understanding of the
poem it is worthed to look at the social context in which the poem was ... Show more content on ...
Therefore, in this essay I will try to show how spoken word poetry which is underestimated in
21th century can make a change in the world. This essay will give the answer to the research
question which is how does Canadian poet Shane Koyczan use a spoken word poem as a device to
confront the problem of bullying and its impact on an individual in America in the poem To this
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Effective Negotiation Conflict Resolution
Tamaris Purvines
Assignment Three
LDR 404
Assignment Three
Part One There are several different processes, ideas, and efforts that go into the overall practices
of effective negotiation and conflict resolution. Yet no productive negotiation could be possible
without the valuable use of skills. Two types of skills can help a successful negotiator. The first
type is hard skills, which are guidelines, strategic measures, or anything that can be copied down
onto paper and taught. The second type is soft skills, which are the skills acquired through
practicing negotiation that can t necessarily be taught. To get a better idea of the definition and
examples of each type of skill, it is better to discuss them each ... Show more content on ...
Throughout the process problems arise that are situation specific. Knowing when one party is
bluffing or trying to trick the other party are skills that come with learning through experience.
The delivery of statements and ideas are definitely situation specific. Discussing an issue with a
church group may not be the same type of discussion that may be necessary with a theater group.
Individuals respond differently to how phrases are stated. Only through working with similar
groups does a negotiator learn how best to phrase their ideas to parties in any given situation.
Learning how to best reframe a harsh or inappropriate statement into the truth of the statement is
also a soft skill that is highly beneficial to negotiators. The only way to learn how to accomplish
this difficult skill is by practicing it. It takes years of practicing and using this skill in negotiation
processes to truly learn how to effectively hone it.
Being able to determine the best possible solution to the problem for both parties involved in a
negotiation is also something that cannot be learned. Each negotiation is going to be different and
have different circumstances. Even after years of working with groups in negotiation or mediation
situations, it is still difficult to help both sides create a mutually beneficial solution to their
problem. This is something that almost comes as a talent to negotiators. It takes a certain gift
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Custom Millwork
Serving a wide variety of purposes in a myriad of places and sporting almost unlimited potential
for customization, quality millwork is the premiere way to modernize your office. Make a
statement about your office or business by adding the astonishing quality and appeal of custom
cabinetry to your workspace. You ll see an immediate response from your employees and clients
when you bring the stylish and welcoming accommodations of custom millwork into your office.
Aesthetics may seem trivial in the world of business but you d be surprised to find out that the way
your office looks actually says a lot about you. When clients step into a warm and welcoming
office with quality furnishings and a confident appeal they are more likely to feel secure in their
business and place trust in you and your company. Additionally, it s a well known fact that
employees ... Show more content on ...
From providing neutral and functional millwork for government offices and buildings to building
artful and stylized cabinets for tech offices, the wide scope of quality millwork is ever expanding.
Even the most prestigious and luxurious offices have utilizes the incredible prowess of custom
Custom cabinetry comes in a sprawling variety of styles that can be customized and crafted to
meet the particular desires of each specific client. Additionally, millwork has a catalog of beautiful
finishes that can be applied to generate a large spectrum of moods and appearances sure to please
the eye of any client or employee.
Be sure to fully research the company you re interested in doing architectural casework for you
before you begin any project. Researching your cabinetry company in advance is the best way to
ensure that you get a quality product for an affordable price. The credentials and experience of the
company you hire correlate directly to the outcome of your
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The Importance Of Residential Schools In Canada
In the 1870 s, the Canadian government partnered partnered with churches such as the Anglican,
Catholic, and United churches to establish residential schools for Aboriginal children.
Residential schools were first established after the Indian act which passed in 1876 and lasted up
until 1996 when the last residential school in Saskatchewan, Canada was shut down due to lack of
respect for the culture and the harsh mistreatment that the youth suffered.
The official reasons given to the country for establishing residential schools was that the Canadian
government believed that it had the responsibility of educating and caring for the aboriginal people.
They believed that learning English and adopting christianity was their best chance for success. ...
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Former students received 10,000 for the first year plus 3000 for each subsequent year they
attended. As of 2013, over 1.3 billion had been paid to students and foundations representing
over 100,000 cases. Aside from the CEP, the government funded a commemoration initiative,
which consisted of events, projects, memorials and many other things. The Aboriginal Healing
Foundation was established in 1998 and received 350 million from Northern Affairs Canada to
help former residential school students who were abused physically and mentally, however, the
funding ended in 2010. The IRSSA funded 960 million to the Independent Assessment Process
(IAP). IAP was a settlement fund for students who filed claims for sexual, physical and other
wrong abuse.By 2012, over 1.7 billion was paid through IAP. Lastly, the Truth and Reconciliation
Commission (TRC). The IRSSA allocated over 60 million for the TRC to document and preserve
the experiences of the survivors in order to let their story be heard and cared about, so that the
world does not make the same mistake again. By 2012, the TRC released over 900 thousand
documents that recorded the experiance of the
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Essay On Overpopulation
The world we live in is becoming increasingly overpopulated due to migrates and births. With an
increase in population, there will become a decrease in resources over time. Furthermore, not
being able to provide the quality of life due to the decline of resources can create a war and an
unbalanced world. There is no way this should be allowed to happen without a plan of action for
the future due to the impact. Just because we can reproduce does not mean we should go
overboard with it as well as we do not need to accept in this country all migrants. The
overpopulated world will soon suffer from this impact due to the lack of food, energy, and jobs.
There is no life without a food source, we need to have enough food to sustain us until, our ... Show
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According to Emmett (2009), he believes overpopulation poses no threat to the environment
because human ingenuity and free markets will restrain population growth. The Neo Institutionalists
are the people who believe a free market based society will be able to balance the population and
the economy with growth and improve environmental quality. Neo Institutionalist policies focus on
the institution and consequences of reform, rather than on the reform of human nature Although,
the economic growth can lower the fertility rates some believe that this can restrain population
growth (Bailey, 2006). If we can use science as a tool, science can create energy that can be
utilized to create and harvest food, hence the more people the more minds can be utilized for
developing new ideas and provide more information to a long stable environment. Furthermore, the
overall increase in population will lead to a decline in pollution, due to the creative minds of
human. While population growth means more people to feed, it also means that we have more
people to devote their creativity and imagination to solve the problems of transforming resources
into useful goods and services (Emmett, 2009). The standard of living has risen along with the size
of the world s population since the beginning of recorded time; However, there is no convincing
economic reason why these trends toward a better life should not continue indefinitely.
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12 Angry Men Trial Essay
I am writing to tell you about my conclusion of whether justice was served on the Twelve Angry
Men trial, in which the jurors presented a verdict of not guilty . I believe that the verdict could
be wrong, and that reopening the case with a retrial would be the best course of action possible.
To remind you about the case, a sixteen year old boy was accused of fatally stabbing his father
with a switch knife. The witnesses were an old man who lived underneath the room where the
murder took place, and a woman across the street with a window right opposite the kid s. The old
man claimed to have heard loud noises (that sounded like a fight) upstairs at approximately 12:10
and later heard the kid shout I m going to kill you . Shortly afterwards,... Show more content on ...
As a few of the jurors pointed out, the boy had lived in the slum. His mother had died when he
was nine, and he had spent a year and a half in an orphanage due to fact that his father was
serving a jail term at the time. The boy would regularly be beat by his father ever since he was
five, and had been hit several times before storming out of the house on the night of the murder.
In the nurture aspect of the nature or nurture theory, he may have been negatively affected by his
harsh environment, as his record shows. The boy had been in Children s Court when he was ten
for throwing a rock at his teacher, attended Reform School when he was fourteen, stole a car was
arrested for mugging, and was picked up twice for trying to wound another teenager with a knife.
This may have been caused by the series of unfortunate events experienced by the kid, but that
should not excuse his violent behavior or murderous tendencies , as worded by a psychologist who
had tested the child. With a blemished record like this, it does not seem impossible for the boy to
have committed a murder; after all, he had seriously attempted to injure other people multiple
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Shakespeare s Othello
The Detrimental Theme of Jealousy
Othello is a classic Shakespearean tragedy that consists of many underlying themes depicted in the
story. One of the most significant themes portrayed in this play revolve around the aspect of
jealousy. Jealousy is a strong feeling of resentment that can overpower a person s good will and
compel them to take involuntary action against one. During the course of this play, we see three
main characters that possess this idea of a jealous nature. The theme of jealousy is recognized in the
villainous Iago which exposes his true self, the pathetic Roderigo, who in turn faces severe
consequences, and the great Othello himself whom jealousy devours, leading him to make rash
Firstly, the antagonist of the play, whom we know as Iago, plays a major role in conveying the
theme of jealousy from his words and actions. As jealously engulfs him, Iago s true intentions are
revealed and we come to realize the type of character he really is. His jealous nature is noticed at
the very beginning of the play when he states,
One Micheal Cassio, a Florentine...
That never set a squadron in the field,
Nor the division of a battle knows
More than a spinster unless the bookish theoric,
Wherein he toged consuls can propose
As masterly as he. Mere prattle without practice
Is all his soldiership. But he, sir, had th election
And I, of whom his eyes had seen the proof
At Rhodes, at Cyprus, and on other grounds
Christian and heathen, must be belee d and
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Drug Addiction In Junky And Naked Lunch
The images that Burroughs presented in Junky, and The Yage Letters about drug addiction is
totally different from the one he presented in Naked Lunch. In the previous books, Burroughs
only showed the good party like side of drug addiction, it made him hallucinates but took away all
the worries and fears he had. He traveled to Mexico, Columbia and Morocco because he wanted to
freely do heroinand all the drugs he could get. He mentioned casually the side effects of drugs but
it was normal for him and he wouldn t stop doing it because of that. In addition, in the other
books he was telling the story from the point of view of a rich man who had money to afford the
life of a Junky, he could travel, he had a family and even though he killed his wife while under the
influence of drugs he didn t blame it on that.... Show more content on ...
However, in the Naked Lunch drug addiction is presented as a disease, it destroys the souls of
users and leave them as ghosts. They have no family, no friends, no jobs, and are only occupied
and obsessed by their needs of heroin. I am a ghost wanting what every ghost wants a body after
the Long Time moving through odorless alleys of space where no life is only the colorless no
smell of death....Nobody can breathe and smell it through pink convolutions of gristle laced with
crystal snot, time shit and black blood filters of flesh (Charters 131). In Naked Lunch he was
exploring both the physical and emotional change that happen to addicts. How weak their bodies
become, and they turn against each other because of drugs. Moreover, it seems like he hates the
addicts and their empty lives. While in his previous books he loved the excitement that came with
using drugs. He didn t insults the friends that sold him the drugs or the people he sold
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Life Of Pi Reflection
Imagine having to survive 227 days aboard a small, unsteady lifeboat with a 450 pound Bengal
Tiger. It seems unrealistic, right? In the Novel Life of Pi, an Indian boy named Pi shipwrecks into
the Pacific Ocean and finds himself aboard a lifeboat with a predatory animal. To Pi, surviving this
journey with a tigerseems impossible at first, but over time, his view of the tiger is drastically
changed. Richard Parker, the tiger, serves as three things over the course of the journey: a teacher,
an antagonist, and a companion.
Despite being an animal, Richard Parker serves as a teacher for Pi on their journey across the
Pacific Ocean. When Pi is a child, his father finds it necessary to teach him a scarring lesson
about the savageness of predatory animals. He places a goat in the cage of a hungry tiger and
makes sure Pi and his brother, Ravi, see how fast the goat is devoured. The purpose of his lesson
was to teach the boys that, Every animal is ferocious and dangerous (Martel 38). On the journey
with Richard Parker, Pi remembers the lesson his father had taught him as a child and becomes
aware that the tiger is to be respected. When aboard the lifeboat, Pi attempts to train Richard
Parker to abide on one side of the boat so that Pi may remain aboard the boat also. While
attempting to train the tiger, Pi recollects from his father s lesson and from his experience of
owning a zoo that, The animal in front of you must know where it stands, whether above you or
below you (43). When Pi succeeds in training the tiger, the confidence he needed to survive is
boosted. The principle lesson Richard Parker teaches Pi is that he is to be respected and left alone.
Once aboard the lifeboat, Richard Parker is seen as threat, or rather an antagonist, to Pi. An
antagonist in a story is defined as someone or something that provides an obstacle for the
protagonist. Before Pi realizes that he needs to remain situated on the lifeboat, his fear of Richard
Parker compels him to stay as far away as possible from the lifeboat. When Richard Parker is
swimming towards the lifeboat, Pi yells to him, Leave me alone. Get lost. Drown! Drown (99). As
the tiger mounts the boat, Pi s first instinct is to jump off the boat into the roaring
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Pro Choice Vs. Abortion
Introduction Pro Choice is an opposing position against the pro life that completely and clearly
advocates that every women in the world has equal rights of having abortion and there will no
legal or religious restriction against electing an abortion in routine life. Many of social religious,
civil and national federations raised a slogan against abortionand in the support of this opposition
all of these communities and people also run Pro life movement, United States. This movement
opposes Pro choice and many people considered in early days that abortion is an illegal
phenomenon, while the religious communities strongly believed this would be an evil and would
also cause of God s anger. When USA Supreme Court in 1973 announced its final decision in case
of Roe v. Wadeabout the right of having an abortion, then most of country laws and legislations
were stuck down in many of American States. After this, it was declared that would be no legal
penalty to a woman for having an elective abortion after having a sex (Kerns,....... Steinauer, 2012).
Discussion Pro choice is just for advocacy and supporting the women s rights to have abortion
whenever they want. This part of assignment will illustrate some of reasons, facts, statistics and
ethical arguments about the right of women to have an elective abortion according to situations and
their physical conditions.
1) Reasons of Pro Choice As there are sound reasons of pro life in health industry, so there are also
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Johnny And Cush
The book, With Every Drop of Blood, by James Lincoln Collier, and Christopher Collier, is a
Civil War based fiction book. The authors are brothers who have both written several books
before. This book is not based on a true story, but follows similar events during the Civil War.
The authors were able to take real life information from the Civil War, and make it into a story.
Readers from seventh to eighth grade would be able to read this story. While it is easy to read and
follow, the content might be too mature for any younger reader. FollettBound Platinum is the
publisher, and it was published in January of 1994. Johnny and Cush are the main two characters
in this book. Johnny is a brave, stubborn young boy. He cares very much about his familyand does a
lot to earn money for them in the story.He is very hardworking in whatever task he has to do, as
well as clever. Johnny lives in the South while Cush is a soldier in the North. Cush is a runaway
slave who is now a soldier for the North. He is a tough boy who just wants to have the same
rights as Johnny, and to learn how to read. Cush was separated from his family because they were
traded away when he was a slave. The start of the book begins at Johnny s home on a farm.... Show
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He was shot in battle, which caused him to develop an infection and soon die. His dad made
Johnny promise to never join the war, but to stay with the family. Johnny finds a way to make
money by transporting supplies from town to town, but it is technically part of the war. He
keeps telling himself that it is okay, but things do not work out. The band of wagons he was
with, were attacked by Northern soldiers. Johnny tries to escape through a field, but that is where
Cush finds him and kidnaps him. Since Johnny was raised to think African Americans were below
him, he was very upset to know that he was to take orders from Cush. Johnny has to try to make a
plan to get back to his
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Her Movie
Her is a romantic comedy drama movie written and directed by Spike Jonze, starring Joaquin
Phoenix, Amy Adams and Scarlett Johansson. In the near future Theodore Twombly works as a
professional love letter writer. He writes letters for others. Ironically, Theodore is about to divorce
his wife. He is having a hard time dealing with the end of an important period of his life. One day,
he comes across an advertisement about an artificially intelligent operating system. Theodore buys
this OS, Samantha, which is extremely smart and evolves like a human. First, she only functions as
a personal assistant but with the passing of time she becomes not just a good friend but the loveof
Theodore. The movie guides us through their growing relationship... Show more content on ...
This movie is touching and thought provoking at the same time. I cared about Theodore and
Samantha s relationship and I gradually became more tolerant and supportive of their love.
Regarding the cast, Joaquin Phoenix amazingly impersonates the character of a weird, but
loveable man. In addition, Scarlett Johansson played very well with her voice and although she
was not present physically on screen, she still managed to be a character of full value. The
soundtrack and the atmosphere of the movie beautifully reflect the emotions of the lovers. The
song that stands out the most is a piano composition, called the Photograph. I also liked that the
director did not try to over romanticize the story, every scene was credible in a sense, although
some of them seemed pointless and made the movie unnecessarily long. Her may not be
everyone s cup of tea, but it undoubtedly makes people feel something, whether it is discomfort,
loneliness or a warm fuzzy feeling inside. Moreover, it triggers self assessment and makes us
think differently about people and love. I would recommend this movie for those who are open to
new ideas and want to be part of an interesting love
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3. Why Do Chlorine And Sodium Have Charges After Electron...
Chemical Bonding
To complete this worksheet, select:
Module: Foundations Activity: Animations Title: Chemical Bonding
1.Why are chemical bonds important? They form the structure and function of molecules in the body
2.a.Describe atomic structure. Whether or not the atom is positive or negative, the ions orbiting
around the atom.
b.Explain the importance of the outer (valence) electrons relative to bonding.
combine to form chemical bonds
Covalent Bonds
3.First, explore covalent bonds.
a.Describe the electron activity. Formed when two atoms fill the outermost shell from sharing
b.Describe an oxygen molecule as an example. Two oxygen atoms share the outermost electrons ...
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Describe the electron activity. Formed when electrons move from atom to atom to form ions
b.Why do chlorine and sodium have charges after electron transfer? Sodium atom lost an electron
now it has a positive charge because the protons are greater than electrons. Chloride gains the
electron so there is a negative charge because electrons are greater than protons.
c.What causes the attraction between ions forming an ionic bond? By opposite charges of both ions
d.Describe the strength of ionic bonds. Use salt as your example. Ionic bonds are weak, that s why
salt can dissolve in liquids
e.How common is ionic bonding in the body? Extremely common. Our teeth and bones are aided
by ionic bonding
f.How are ions important to the body? Examine each of the following in your research.
Nerve impulses ions generate nerve impulses pH regulation each ion has a positive or negative
charge that helps in keeping our PH normal
Bone formation each ion composes the correct amount of bonds to form bones and teeth
Hydrogen Bonds
1.Explain why water molecules have positive and negative poles. The oxygen electrons are
attracted to like electrons creation some negative charge on the oygen and positive on
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Self Reflection On My Writing And Learning Process Essay
Self reflection on my Writing and Learning Process
I think self reflection, or a careful cogitation of one s personal work, is very important. It will
help me think about my strengths and weaknesses in my writing skills and learning process, so
that I can improve my weaknesses in the future and become a better writer. I believe, I have many
strengths and many weaknesses that can be seen transparently through my drafts, revisions, and
final essays, or writings, this semester. My overall strength includes the ability to pick out good
examples from articles and the ability to construct good development of my body paragraphs after
my revisions. On the other hand, my overall weakness includes having some unclear explanation of
thoughts, unclear topic sentences, confusing thesis statements, having undefined terms, difficulties
transitioning from one idea to another. I have learned that to have a good essay, I must revisemy
papers more than once because there are always flaws that can be fixed or improved. My writing
process has evolved from having difficulties writing down or explaining my thought process to
being able to explain and clarify examples to help support my thesis statement.
I am good at picking quotes that will support my argument. This skill can be seen through multiple
drafts that I have written. For instance, in assignment 1, draft 1, I claimed that Richard Rodriguez
is rude when describing his opponents. For my quotes, I pulled negative words that Rodriguez used
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Lucky Red Casino Research Paper
Title: Login Lucky Red Casino to Enjoy Ultimate iGaming
Description: With the lucky Red Casino login page, everyone is given the chance to enjoy proper
iGaming, lucrative rewards, and top notch online gaming.
Keyword: Lucky Red Casino login
Want to experience unmatched online gaming endeavors? It s simple! Simple register and log in
Lucky Red Casino to unearth some of the best gaming and gaming related services today. The
login page is your way if accessing the tremendous offerings of Lucky Red, which allows you to
manage your settings, deposit and withdraw credits, and of course, play cutting edge casino games.
In order to login and play at Lucky Red Casino, you can download and install the free software
directly on your computer or ... Show more content on ...
This gives players the chance to revel in quality games from premium software providers through
web browsers, including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari.
Register to Log In
Take note that users under the age of 21 are not permitted to play for real money, and please go
through the terms and conditions page to determine the legality of online gaming in your local
Once you have decided on a platform, you will then be required to register an account with Lucky
Red Casino. Proceed to the registration page and fill out the form with your personal information,
contact details, and a unique username and password. Once you complete this step, the registered
account will act as your permanent account throughout your entire journey with the casino.
Customer Support
Meanwhile, if you face any difficulties with your Lucky Red Casino login process, you may
contact the customer support team via toll free hotline, live chat, e mail, or snail mail. The support
crew is more than happy to cater to your queries or any issues that may
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Analysis Of The Song Viva La Vida
This sonnet is a remarkable pastiche of the song Viva la Vida by Coldplay, which has been
modified by Erik Didriksen. The poet rewrite[s] pop songs as sonnets in [a]n exciting and fun
project that demonstrates the ongoing appeal of the English sonnet titled as Pop Sonnets (David
Hadbawnik). Seeing that the poem is written as a Shakespearean sonnet; it is consisted of 14 lines
that are grouped into three quatrains: 4 lines, and one couplet: 2 lines, and is written in an iambic
pentameter. The rhyme scheme of the poem is ababcdcdefefgg, which is called cross rhyme. All the
quatrains are end stopped, which is the opposite of enjambment, punctuation ending the sense with
the lines, however, the quatrains have internal enjambments (Lennard
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Impeachments For Senators
The requirements for Senators are an interesting point in the Constitution, and it surprises me that
they remain identical to this day. Each senator serves for six years. It s interesting that each
elected Senator serves for three times as long as a Representative and for two years more than the
President, without re election of course. Senators are required to be five years older than
Representatives, but five years younger than the president, and they are also responsible for the
Impeachment process. It s interesting that Treason requires at least two eye witness to overt
treason, or open admission within court, and the punishment can only be against the person who
committed the crime, and not their associates or family. George Mason,
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Research Paper On Chaos Theory
In 1961, computers were still infancy, and the race to the moon had just begun. Edward Lorenz one
of the first proponents of chaos theory developed a weather prediction model and found out that the
smallest changes at the one millionth of the decimal point can make his predictions useless, he
called this result as butterfly effect. The butterfly effect is a theoretical example of chaos theory.
The main premise of latter is that small changes in initial condition results in vast differences in
final outcome. The term butterfly effect is a metaphorical example of a hurricane being influenced
by flapping of the wings of a distant butterfly several years earlier by creating tiny changes in the
atmosphere. This could accelerate or even prevent the... Show more content on ...
He predicted that the movement of the simplified solar system consisting of The sun , The moon
and The earth is governed by the Newtonian laws of motion. He found out that even this simple
system behaves in an unpredictable manner and hence the three body problem is unsolvable. For
understanding this solar system and other complex systems such as earth s weather system we
would have to go in a different direction. That new direction is a new brand of science called THE
1.2) What is Chaos Theory
Chaos theory is the field of study that studies about the behavior of the dynamical systems which
are highly sensitive to initial conditions. This theory proposes that even small changes in initial
conditions (such as rounding off of errors in numerical computation) results in vast differences in
final outcomes for such systems. It is valid for deterministic systems also. Deterministic systems are
those systems whose future behavior is fully determined by their initial conditions, no random
elements are involved. This feature is known as deterministic chaos, or simply
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Master Of Finance Essay Sample. Online assignment writing service.

  • 1. Master Of Finance Essay Sample 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Master Of Finance Essay Sample Master Of Finance Essay Sample
  • 2. Quiz 1 STAT 302 Question 1 of 20 1.0/ 1.0 Points A scatterplot allows one to see: A.whether there is any relationship between two variables B.what type of relationship there is between two variables C.Both (a) and (b) are correct D.Neither (a) nor (b) is correct Answer Key: C Question 2 of 20 1.0/ 1.0 Points The length of the box in the boxplot portrays the A.mean B.median C.interquartile range D.range Answer Key: C Question 3 of 20 1.0/ 1.0 Points A variable is classified as ordinal if: A.the data arise from continuous measurements B.there is no natural ordering of categories C.there is a natural ordering of categories D.we track the variable through a period... Show more content on ... Complex numbers should be in the form (a + bi) where a and b need to have explicitly stated values. For example: {1+1i} is valid whereas {1+i} is not. {0+9i} is valid whereas {9i} is not. A sample of 150 students at a State University was taken after the final business statistics exam to ask them whether they went partying the weekend before the final or spent the weekend studying, and whether they did well or poorly on the final. The following table contains the result. Did Well on Exam Did Poorly on Exam Studying for Exam 60 15 Went Partying 22 53 If the sample is a good representation of the population, what percentage of those who did poorly on the final exam should we expect to have spent the weekend studying? Place your answer in the blank, rounded to 2 decimal places. Do not use a percentage sign (%). For example, 44.44 would be a legitmate answer. 22.06 Answer Key: 22.06 Question 17 of 20 1.0/ 1.0 Points Accepted characters: numbers, decimal point markers (period or comma), sign indicators ( ), spaces (e.g., as thousands separator, 5 000), E or e (used in scientific notation). NOTE: For scientific notation, a period MUST be used as the decimal point marker. Complex numbers should be in the form (a + bi) where a and b need to have explicitly stated values. For example: {1+1i} is valid whereas {1+i} is not. {0+9i} is valid whereas {9i} is not. The histogram ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Monument Informative Speech Many of us live for the present and anxiously wait for the future but, we often put aside our past. We all know if we don t learn from our past it will repeat itself. Learning our history is essential, we see it displayed everywhere; books, monuments, holidays, parades, etc. Memorializing an event or person and creating a monumenttakes up a lot of time, a location, and need to have a powerful reason so not all our historical events will be qualified to be displayed with monuments, holidays or parades but by just acknowledging the past. Memorializing an event/person and creating a monument takes plenty of time. Time and dedication is a huge role, monuments especially take some extra time since they re usually made by hand. Waiting for Crazy ... Show more content on ... We would all love to memorialize something or someone and love even more to make a monument for someone but where it would happen is hard to find. The location is relevant to everything because it needs to fit perfectly and has to connect to the audience. Finding the location is very complicated because you need do a lot of paperwork and have to buy the land or talk to the landowners. Savage Kirk wrote a book about the monuments in Washington D.C, stated The public monument speaks to a deep need for attachment that can be met only in a real place, where the imagined community actually materializes and the existence of the nation is confirmed in a simple but powerful way. When making a monument, keep in mind if it will be public or private and who your audience are so your location fits. You want it to be a place where the monument has enough space to have plenty of people to come visit it, the location should also be a place where you feel a connection/bond, you can t provide that so make sure you choose carefully. The audience should feel welcomed to come and be able to enjoy it comfortable and peacefully. Christine Musser, a writer and journalist wrote a expert Preserving Memory; National Holocaust Memorial Controversy . The expert mentioned The controversy grew from Jewish and non Jewish communities, primarily ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Why Did The Athens Build The Parthenon The Athenians built the Parthenon in 447 BC, as a replacement of their first temple and a monument of victory after leading the Greeks to victory against the Persians. Funded by the wealthy members of the society and money appropriated by the recently moved from the Bank of Delian league, the Parthenon stood as political statement of democracy in addition to its religious function. Geographically located at the highest point of the city and within proximity of the acropolis, Athenians and visitors would be able to witness the grandeur of Athenian wealth during their height of power. Being a cultural center for art and the leaders of the other Greek City States during the war, the Athenian claim to being the most quintessential Greeks. Through... Show more content on ... Starting at the eye level of the viewer is the myth of Pandora s creation, where as the first woman she brought about everything that calls men misery. An example of the consequences of Pandora and the burden of women is shown in the souls of Athena s shoes, slightly higher than the base. During the Centauromachy the men had to protect women from the centaurs misconduct and uncontrollable sexual urges which shows the societal views as men as protectors. By being born solely as a product of a man, any positive accomplishments of Athena can be attributed to her masculinity and any flaws from her being a female. Athena as a goddess is also unable to represent proper Greek women as a virgin that has given up her right to motherhood. Additionally, in the same way that she is always by the side of Zeus, Athena will always side with men who maintain a sense of logic and the men of her ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Theme Of Animal Imagery In Macbeth Shakespeare is unarguably famous for his creative and vivid use of imagery in his acclaimed plays. Animal imagery is one literary device he uses often to develop theme and characterize individuals in his plays. One of his most prominent tragedies, Macbeth, contains many examples of animal imagery, most of which characterizes Macbethhimself. Animal imagery at the beginning of the tragedy, such as the comparison of Macbeth to an eagle and a lion, characterize him as loyal, brave, and honorable. As the play develops, however, the animal imagery used, like a predatory bird and a ferocious beast, begins to characterize him as power hungry, violent, and truly inhumane. In his tragedy Macbeth, William Shakespeareuses animal imagery to reflect... Show more content on ... Falcons are usually predators to smaller and less threatening birds such as mousing owls, and not considered their prey. In this unnatural scenario, however; the falcon is the prey, and the mousing owl is the predator. Macbeth is symbolic of the mousing owl, conquering the more powerful and usually predatory falcon, represented by Duncan. Although this may be a success in Macbeth s eyes, it signifies the beginning of his callous nature as he now turns against his once revered and powerful king without regret or emotion. Shakespeare demonstrates Macbeth s downfall to a king trapped in his madness in the latter portion of Macbeth by comparing Macbeth to a predatory bird and a fierce bear. In Act 4, Macduff, one of Macbeth s enemies, has fled to England, and Shakespeare describes Lady Macduff as the poor wren, the most diminutive of birds, will fight, her young ones in the nest, against the owl (4.2.12 13). Lady Macduff is the innocuous prey, while Macbeth is the owl, a cruel predator; turning merciless, devoid of emotion. and choosing to kill an innocent lady and her children. Macbeth s reckless ruthlessness shows his decline in emotion, he isn t killing for honor and as a job anymore. He will not come back from this cruel behavior, as it has obtained control of his mind; therefore, his actions are plagued by coldness and brutality. When Malcolm, Macduff, and their soldiers from England are about to attack ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Overview of Lutron Electronics Company s Operations and... Operations Supply Chain Many companies and business entities achieve higher levels of market success through extensive supply chain management. Market success within these industries and companies is possible through implementation of mass customization strategy. Mass Customization represents an approach within the business entity that seeks to be innovative, enhance quality, minimize cycle time, improve agility, and generate consumers who want to only associate with the firm or organization. The main objective of the mass customization strategy rests on the provision of products and services to satisfy unique tastes and preferences at affordable prices that relate effectively with target groups. A visit to Lutron Organization generates clear indication of how mass customization applies in relation to its application in business entities. Lutron organization adopts the strategy of mass customization to meet the needs and expectation of the consumers. Mass Customization is also effective and efficient in developing competitive advantage over other entities within the same industry. The approach of maximizing revenue while expanding the market coverage by Lutron draws from new technologies and knowledge in relation to forces of consumers and company demands. The main aim of the strategy within Lutron is to enable consumers acquire any product or service they want, anytime, in any way, and anywhere while enhancing the profit levels. Lutron Electronics Company engages in ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Oskar And The Eight Blessings Analysis Oskar and the Eight Blessings was a short picture book originally written by Tanya and Richard Simon. The play, however, was directed and choreographed by Marcie Shapiro. It took place on December 8th and 9th, in the Mountain View Center of Performing Arts, and used the second stage. The play began in Germany, a few days before Hanukkah, and ended in New York, on the first day of Hanukkah. The first scene showed a young Jewish boy named Oskar (played by a girl) and his parents lighting the Menorah. Right after this, their house was invaded by the Nazi s. In order to protect their child, Oskar s parents sent him to New York to live with his aunt. Armed with only a picture of his relative and barely any money in his pocket, Oskar boarded a ferry and arrived in America. Once there, he received eight blessings , or people showing compassion during the holiday season. A young actor named Naomi Shanson played Oskar, and her performance was incredible. The play did not have many lines; instead, it had a lot of background music. Due to this, everyone in the cast, especially the main character, had to be extra expressive. Naomi did this amazingly; she conveyed intense feelings of sadness, wonder, relief and nervousness clearly, while barely speaking. Something that really struck me was how she used her entire body to show emotion. For example, she swung her arms, skipped and tilted her head side to side to show excitement when it snowed. In another scene, Naomi had just been given a ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Essay On The Paradox Of The Reformation The Paradox of the Reformation in Ireland: Why it is Essential in Spite of its Failure 1.Introduction While the Protestant Reformation was a movement that was influenced, and even caused by events prior to 1517; a domino effect was unleashed when, on October 31, 1517, a young German monk named Martin Luther nailed his work, The Ninety Five Theses, to the door of All Saints Church in Wittenberg, Germany. Although Luther had never intended it to do so; his exploit acted as a catalyst for what was a nearly perfect formula for this reformation to ensue. In the years following that night; what started out as an intended scholarly objection, led to disputes, and disputes to rebellion, and eventually, those rebellions into what could be categorized... Show more content on ... Edward VI sought to continue to reform but now he did so in the form of new religious policies. These attempts were futile, short lived, and overshadowed by Edward s short reign and his half sister Mary s rise to the throne and actions as queen. On her succession, Roman Catholic worship was reinstated not only in Ireland but in Great Britain as well. This however did also not last long as Mary passed away five years after ascending to the throne at which point in time her sister Elizabeth took her place. Elizabeth immediately reverted to the ways of her late brother and father, as she was Protestant. When she came to the throne, Elizabeth had the Act of Supremacy and Act of Uniformity sent through parliament they both passed. The former was an act that her father had passed in order to gain authority of the church. She had to replace it because it was repealed by her sister Mary while she was Queen. The latter made attendance at church mandatory and established fines for missing. From that point forward the Church of Ireland, the Anglican church, was the established church of Ireland; this irritated much of the population because they were not a part of the privileged minority of the established ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The Overcoat Rationalization Society, an organized group of persons associated together for religious, cultural, scientific, political or other purposes are tied up to sets of morals that people agree to when creating it; however, what will happen when either party tries to rationalize, meaning, trying to justify or explain a behavior or an attitude with logical reasons, even if these are not appropriate. Gogol and Dostoevsky analyzed the effect that rationalization has on individuals, but also in society through their works The Overcoat and Crime and Punishment . They postulate questions such as, to what point can rules be broken? will that have any repercussion later in history? is the idea of judgement being applied the way is supposed to be or is there any... Show more content on ... Raskolnikov, in the novel, acted on his first instinct that he so much tough of and will not give it up. He could justify his actions by thinking of him as being above the law or as he calls himself extraordinary, which means to be on a position that is morally acceptable to act upon, since the barriers that unify society seem to be irrational and therefore destructible. Raskolnikov can be said to be thinking as a utilitarian, who thinks that the actions he takes will benefit everyone else even if what they do may not seem as morally acceptable. It can also be said that it is promoting to take actions influenced by our own free will, instead of moral rules, which can work sometimes, because us humans can transcend any barrier created by traditional morality by denying it or giving it a different meaning, however If people do not make wise decisions based upon the morality of society, then the future of society is sure to suffer (wordks.dokland). Raskolnikov was right and wrong in his view of morality, he was wrong in overlooking the pros and cons of society and thinking that reasoning will always be correct, however Dostoevsky was able to point out this individualism that every human has and found that thinking that reason will always be right was wrong, since even ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Drug Resistance to Tuberculosis For years now drug resistance is increasing and not just in one or two strands of bacteria, it is in all of them. This resistance makes treating a patient with the infection more difficult to the point where some strands require surgery. Tuberculosis is not a bacterium that you can easily remove from the body though. It takes time and medication for the tuberculosisto be eradicated from the body. The problem is with the advancements of medicine bacterium, like tuberculosis, are starting to produce resistance to not just one or two drugs here or there, but the bacteria is producing resistance for multiple drugs at one time. Tuberculosis does show any different physical signs than regular tuberculosis. Both forms of tuberculosis show coughing for more than 3 weeks, coughing up blood or mucus, chest pain, fatigue/weakness, weight loss and loss of appetite, fever, and chills (1). Tuberculosis is easily caught by a new patient because the air that is contaminated by a carrier of the bacteria who has been in the room for a rather long time. Meaning if a person visits the carrier and goes into the carrier s bedroom for an extended length of time, then that person could possibly contract tuberculosis. Not only is immediate contact a key factor in developing tuberculosis, health, where a person lives, and if that person developed tuberculosis in the past. These factors all accumulate and help in the spread of the disease from person to person. The way that tuberculosis spreads ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Federal Bureau Of Investigation Agent Essay Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI Agent) Associate Dean once said It just dispelled all of the bad things I d ever heard about the FBI... that the FBI was sneaky and out to get people. The career of the FBI is a remarkable and exciting career, because of the endless possibility of helping the world get better in any kind of way . The research will describe the career of Federal Bureau of Investigation , what is required to become a Federal Bureau of Investigation agent a successful career and the impact this career has on has on society. The Federal Bureau of Investigation hires an agent to act as the lead investigators in the United States. The duty of an FBI is to guard the United States from Terrorists and Foreign intelligence threats, also to provide leadership and criminal justice services. The FBI has to develop effective work plans. They need to arrange resources to accomplish goals. The FBI has an investigative partnership with cops, sheriffs, etc. The FBI investigates spies, hackers, pedophiles, mobsters, gang leaders and serial killers, they investigate everything that can be a threat to the country or other people. FBI agent is able to carry firearms and most of the time are only called when they need to find a high profile criminal. Agents might sometimes run into dangerous situations. They have to travel extensively, they re lifestyles are very sudden they can be on the go at any time. FBI agent are in charge of investigating more than 200 different ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Personal Interest Project Personal Interest Project: Beauty and the Beasts. Introduction Animal welfare refers to the dominant ideology surrounding animal use in western cultures. The term assumes that humans have the right to use animals in ways that are detrimental and sometimes fatal to them; for purposes such as food, clothing or the testing of medicinal or cosmetic products; although it also stipulates that humans should acknowledge the animal s inherent right, as a sentient creature, not to be treated with unnecessary cruelty within those already accepted uses and behaviours. It has been a long standing argument as to whether the use of animals to ensure the safety or effectiveness of products for human consumption is synonymous with the term Animal Welfare. ... Show more content on ... Due to my location and the location of the people whom I wished to interview, these were conducted through email which although provided some extremely useful information it restricted my ability to ask follow up questions and enabled my subjects to tailor their response in a way that may have inhibited the true meaning of their words. In conducting an email interveiw I also had to I feel ensure that the questions were not able to be easily misinterpreted and did not rely on tone of voice to obtain their full meaning. The interviews were undertaken by two infuencial organisations; People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and Speaking of Research, and one cosmetic and personal care company, LUSH Australia, which has a strong voice in this debate. The interviews was tailored to the organisation with the questions for PETA and Speaking of Research being quite similar to ensure that I could represent both organisations, as they hold opposing opinions, equally. I also wanted to obtain an interview from a company that does test on animals but many only do so when required by law and would therefore not answer any ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Real and Accrual Based Earnings Management Advanced Accounting Theory Final Paper April 28, 2014 Real and Accrual Based Earnings Management 1.1 Introduction The most important item in the financial statements of a company is earnings. Earnings indicate the amount of value added activities a company has engaged in over a period of time, as well as assist in the direction of resource allocation in capital markets. Just as the eyes are the window to the soul, earnings are the window to a company s value. Increasing earnings represent an increasing company value, while the opposite can be said about decreasing earnings. Seeing how important earnings are to a company s value, it comes to no surprise that management has a strong incentive to report earnings in their maximum ... Show more content on ... These techniques are defined briefly as follows: Big Bath: a technique where a one time charge is taken against income to reduce assets, resulting in lower future expenses. The write off allows the asset to be reduced or removed from the financial statements, ultimately resulting in a lower net income in that year. The idea is to take a big bath to wash the books, resulting in an increased net income for future years. An example would be if a manager shifted profits forward by prepaying expenses, or delaying the realization of revenues. Creative Acquisition Accounting: when a company allocates a large portion of an acquisition price as being in process . An example would be using R D as a large one time write off charge. Cookie Jar Reserves: a technique where a company portray unlikely assumptions when they are calculating estimates for loan losses, warranty costs, or sales returns for example. Accruals are hidden away in the cookie jar during good times and the jar is empty during bad times. Immaterial Mis sapplications of Accounting Principles: when a company records errors within a defined percentage ceiling and rationalizes the implied errors on the profits being too small to be material to increase earnings. Premature Recognition of Revenue: when companies ... Get more on ...
  • 14. WPU Concert Critique Musical Critique On November 9th, I attended the fall semester concert of William Penn University Department of Fine at the MTC. The WPU singers were directed by Anita Meinert and the WPU Jazz Ensemble was directed by Scott Cressley. I was mislead by the online website, it had the wrong time posted. Consequently, I arrived about a half hour into the concert. Of course I didn t know this at the time. I simply thought everyone had gotten there early so they started a bit before the time the website had posted. I was soon told by another classmate that I was in fact very late. But, what I did hear of the concert surprised me. The songs performed by the Jazz ensemble were Time Check arranged by Don Menza. L il Basie by Mike Carubia. Blue... Show more content on ... As stated before I was blown away to see the talent here, I had no idea. However, I am not sure if it was the room or the speakers, but everything seemed a little too loud. I have a hard time hearing, I am a bit deaf in my left ear, but I sure could here what was being played that night. So much so that it made my eyes squint a little. Especially, when the band was in full swing and really feeling the music. Like I said it didn t sound bad it was just loud and I was even sitting towards the back of the room. So I could only imagine how blown away literally the front row was. The set itself was simple and to the point. It was held at the Musco Technology Center also known as the MTC. The room was for a more intimate audience you could see by looking around that people were having a good time. For the most part it looked like it mostly brought out an older crowd as do most production in this town. I don t understand why more people from my generation don t go out and experience these type of things. However, I liked that it had high ceilings and the room seemed pretty filled. I personally think that the lights should have been dimed, it would have added to the mood of the whole ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Dengue Fever And Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Dengue is believed to have originated in primates before jumping to humans via an insect vector 100 800 years ago in either Southeast Asia or Africa. ( Dengue became a prevalent issue during the 20th century as a result of the Second World War inadvertently transporting the insect vector from place to place along with cargo. ( /epidemiology) This caused outbreaks in Thailand and the Philippines in the 1950 s and in the 80 s cases began to crop up in Latin America and the Caribbean. ( Dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever are caused by a family of four similar viruses that have been appropriately dubbed; dengue 1 4. ( The insect vector ... Show more content on ... ( These include a high fever in conjunction with two or all of these symptoms; joint pain, rash, severe headache and/or eye pain, low leukocyte count and mild bleeding of the gums, nose, petechiae, and sometimes bruising. ( /index.html) The real danger can occur when the patient is beginning to seem to be on the road to recovery. After about a week of infection the fever can suddenly begin to decline and leads to what clinicians call a 48 hour critical window when the patient begins to show the symptoms of dengue hemorrhagic fever. ( Family members caring for a dengue infected patient need to keep vigil over the person and bring them to hospital immediately if they begin to complain of severe abdominal pain with or without vomiting, vomiting blood, tarry stools, bleeding from the gums or nose red patches on the skin, and signs of shock such as pale, cold, clammy skin, difficulty breathing, drowsiness and/or irritability. The cause of these severe symptoms is during the 48 hour window; even the smallest vessels of the body begin to leak and can lead to catastrophic fluid loss, leading to hypovolemic shock and death. ( Dengue can only rarely be passed from person to person directly through blood transfusions and mother to fetus transmissions. ( /index.html) That is why in conjunction with monitor the person ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Summary Of The Superfluous Woman By Vera Brittain At the outbreak of World War One, British women were tied to a life of domesticity in the home. However, as their men headed out to the battlefields, women had to keep the home front moving. The war created opportunities for women to join the workforce and to fill in the vacant jobs left by the men that went off to fight. The role of women in society became more than just cooking and cleaning. It gave them a more active role rather than passive. Women were essential to the war efforts, yet Britain was so fixated on the fact that there was an abundance of females in the country. The Great War was responsible for the death of several hundred thousand men, many of which were young and unmarried. The loss of these men left women single and/or widowed. Vera Brittain, poet of The Superfluous Woman, was a victim of the war. Like many other women, she felt that her options were now more than ever limited due to her fiance dying in the war. Vera Brittain (1893 1970), born in Newcastle under Lyme, was the daughter of middle class parents, Arthur Brittain and Edith Bervon. Her only brother, Edward, and Roland Leighton, friend of Edward, joined the British Army at the start of World War I. Vera wanted to get involved in the war efforts. She served as a nurse and joined the Voluntary Aid Detachment. Vera became engaged to Ronald in August of 1915. Unfortunately, four months after she accepted his proposal, Ronald passed away in the trenches. Moreover, her brother died only a few months ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Grounded Nursing Theory What is the importance of nursing science grounded in nursing theory? What does it mean to be a nurse scholar? How does the Conceptual Theoretical Empirical approach strength the consistency of nursing research? The importance of nursing science grounded in nursing theory is that the knowledge base for the discipline of nursing is drawn from nursing theories. Nursing theories serve as the foundation from which nurses use to guide, describe, predict, and generate further knowledge to be applied in nursing practice to help guide everyday nurses and research to help nurses understand and move forward in the development of theoretical knowledge and education (Smith Parker, 2015). To be a nurse scholar according to the Position Statement ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Quebec And Appalachian Mountains In Canada Quebec is the providence in Canada, covering nearly 600,000 square miles. The notable landmasses found within Quebec include the Canadian Shield and the Appalachian Mountains. The Encyclopedia of Britannica reveals that the Canadian Shield has ice smoothed hills, and is the most massive area containing exposed Precambrian rock (Behiels). The Appalachian Mountains are the separating feature distinguishing the Quebec s borders from Main, Vermont, and New Hampshire ( Quebec Mountains ). The St. Lawrence River flows southwest of Lake Ontario to the northeast. Attractions involving the river include the QuГ©bec LГ©vis ferry, cruises, and strolls on the Promenade Samuel De Champlain (Quebec). Quebec falls in the Eastern Time Zone, so any travels from ... Show more content on ... Ontario, New York, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland border Quebec. Unoriginally, the capital is also Quebec. However, Quebec Cityis not the most populated city and falls second on the list. The population census conducted in May 2016 reports that the top five major cities are Montreal with 1.7 million people, Quebec with 5.3 hundred thousand people, Laval with over 4.2 hundred thousand people, Gatineau with more than 2.5 hundred thousand people, and Longueuil with 2.4 thousand people ( Canada: Quebec: Major ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The Pony Express The Pony Express was an extremely important event in history for three profoundly reasons. All together, it helped the farther east states to keep in contact with the West with all the news of what was happening, important documents, and sometimes small packages and family letters that were being sent from different states. It helped for new and more improved ideas of how could the spreading of news could be spread faster and safer. The good reason of keeping all the states in contact with all the others is because families moved or members of a family moved to further states for jobs. Travelers went in search for wealth and land and with the California Gold Rushpeople went to get a better life. But with the rush to go find gold, that left many people in need to know what was going and if their love ones found anything and what documents are being passed because of the California Gold rush. Especially when California became a state it put extreme pressure upon the citizens, business, and all miners alike for electing U.S government representatives. Furthermore people wanted to keep in touch with their friends, family, and companies. As the tremendous threat of the Civil War about to break out and the Southern states rebelling because of the refusing to give up slavery and with other things causing the Civil War to happen. It opened up the eyes of many companies. Some seen what could become of their success if the Civil War did happen and the companies wanted a way ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Most Abundant Type Of Cell Is Bacteria Essay Introduction The most abundant type of cell is bacteria. It is a single celled organism that rapidly multiplies and lives on almost all aspects of the environment. Most bacteria were discovered and studied in laboratories during the 20th century. However, more recently scientists have been able to study bacteria in its natural environment due to advancements in technology, such as microscopes. With advancements in equipment, along with scientists, it is now known that most bacteria live in complex communities called biofilm. The study of biofilms has grown exponentially in recent years due to increased awareness of its impact on natural and manufactured systems, as well as human health. It is reported that biofilm cost the U.S. billions of dollars every year in product contamination, energy losses, equipment damage and medical infections (Montana State University CBE, retrieved 2016). To understand the important of biofilm it is necessary to understand that it is a form of bacteria that is densely packed in communities of microbial cells that grow together and adhere to a moist surface. These complex communities of bacteria contain many strains and include a multistep formation that is vital. Oral biofilms contain communities of disease causing bacteria and if left uncontrolled can be related to periodontal disease. For the dental hygienist understanding what biofilm is will be just as important as understanding its formation. Discovering and Understanding Biofilm Complex ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Essay about The Mirror Neuron and its Role in Action... Although the control of action in humans is fairly well understood, the processes that underlie action understanding from observation are much more unclear. In general, action understanding refers to the ability to recognize the purpose of an action performed by another person (Hickok 2008). Two prominent theories exist to explain this phenomenon. The first posits that action understanding is an inferential process that integrates contextual clues to determine the goal of a movement. In contrast, the second theory asserts that action understanding arises from the simulation of the observed action in the motor areas of the viewer (Brass et al. 2007). While the inferential process theory enjoyed a period of general acceptance, the... Show more content on ... The researchers concluded that this indicated mirror neurons coded not just for action, but the goals of action. Kohler and colleagues (2007) expanded on this idea, showing that some neurons were activated with the mere sound of the result of an intended action (i.e. cracking a peanut). The authors asserted that this indicated that mirror neurons were so tuned to goals that the sound of an action reaching its goal was enough for the macaque to understand the entire action that would have been involved. The results of both studies were said to apply neatly to humans as well. That is, if action understanding is supported by the mirror neuron system of macaques, it is most likely supported by the human mirror neuron system (hMNS). There are two major problems with this view. First, it has been shown that human mirror neurons are much more broadly tuned than monkeys. There is not enough evidence to generalize macaque studies to humans in this way (Hickok 2008). Second, both of these studies fail to acknowledge that the activation of mirror neurons may have been the result, or a byproduct, of understanding rather than the cause. Their activity, then, may only have reflected understanding earlier in processing. If action understanding in humans is predominantly reliant on mirror neurons, then these neurons should respond preferentially to the ends of an action rather than the means; however, this is not the case. Hesse and ... Get more on ...
  • 22. The Birth Of The League Of Nations Karyn Hogu Analytical Paper IR 349 Section G1 The Birth of the League of Nations The Great War, now commonly referred to as World War One, ended on November 11th, 1918. In its wake lied a tremendously devastated Europe, which was where the majority of the carnage took place. Following World War One, Europeans were struggling to restore some sense of normalcy for themselves and their families. To do that, maintaining peace was imperative. Europe s economy was in shambles, their land was left greatly damaged and citizens were emotionally scarred from the abundant fatality of the war. Thousands of European soldiers died and left behind families who were mourning while trying to overcome the widespread poverty that remained in the wake of ... Show more content on ... Though they understood that countries needed to have some artillery on hand in case of emergency, they recognized the fine line between self defense and militarization and how it needed to be treated carefully. It was clear that Europe s sense of security was fragile and any actions that could be interpreted as aggression would be taken seriously. The language of Article 11 of the Covenant of the League of Nations emphasized just how serious threats to international peace, particularly European peace, will be taken. And the tone echoed the fear and uncertainty that most Europeans had. Although former President of the United States, Woodrow Wilson may of intended for the League of Nations to be an international body whose purpose was to afford mutual guarantees of political independence and territorial integrity for its members, it was no such thing. Instead, it was an insurance policy whose signatories motivation for joining was fear, not to cooperate and foster interdependence. Many times when covering the creation of the League of Nations, history books make the mistake of romanticizing the reality that brought forth this organization. In actuality, European countries were not thinking about how they can create new partnerships and solidify their old ones at the end of WWI. European leaders were not thinking of how to protect the political independence of sovereign nations. They were terrified and ... Get more on ...
  • 23. In the start of Fahrenheit 451, Montag’s thoughts are that... In the start of Fahrenheit 451, Montag s thoughts are that fire is good for society. He burns books for a living, and never thought twice about doing his job. That is until he meets characters such as Clarisse, Beatty, and the academics. Montag s understanding of the nature of fire changes as he becomes enlightened through his relationships. It was a pleasure to burn (1). Montag never thought much of his job, to him, it was merely his duty. Meeting Clarisse starts Montag s revision of life. Her interest and questioning is so unique that Montag is intrigued by her. He had never met someone who asks why instead of how. Soon, Clarisse disappears, and is then presumably dead for the rest of the book. Shortly after his disappearance, ... Show more content on ... Beatty supports this by saying since he has read some himself, he can affirm that they are worthless and contradictory. Through this experience, Montag has a new understanding of his profession. Although he is still skeptical, he knows more than he did before, and most importantly, Beatty has started to get Montag s mind thinking. An important quote from this conversation is, We must all be alike. Not everyone born free and equal, as the constitution says, but everyone made equal. . . . A book is a loaded gun in the house next door. Burn it. This is when Beatty is confiding in Montag, making him finally piece together what he has been doing all of these years as a fireman. He finally can begin to comprehend the society he is in, and what measures the government has taken to subdue the population. Later on in the book, Beatty and Montag face each other once more. After Montag is brought to his own house and told to burn it down, and facing no escape due to the hound, he burns it down. After burning down his own home, Beatty tells him he is under arrest, and begins to provoke him. As Beatty clearly intended, Montag kills him, turning him into a charred corpse. The fact that he died by fire, and knowingly chose to die by the flamethrower is interesting. Nevertheless, this is the point of no return for Montag, knowing that he did what he had to do, and that he was now an enemy of the state. At this point, Guy ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Human Factors Influencing Polices In The Workplace Human factors influence polices in the BYOD practice in the workplace because for the most part employees are comfortable and prefer using their own devices compared to company issued devices as they can often multitask between personal and business access. The use of mobile devices comes with the consequences of the device being stolen, lost and exposed to threats. The possibility of these devices falling in the wrong hands or stranger not authorized access to data could result to harmful software application being uploaded or downloaded which could infect the device and compromise the network. The use of public and unsecure WIFI connection is also an easy avenue for mobile devices to get infected with viruses, malware and even hacked, therefore ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Parking Spaces In Miami All the residents of Miami are facing the problem of finding a perfect parking space. It is either the parking lot is full, or it is way too expensive. People are considering, as the community, we need to increase the parking spaces by building new ones, but it would encourage more cars on the road, which will become an endless circle of problems. City planners are thinking of new ways of extending the parking spaces without giving any reasons to the people of buying more cars in Miami. Seems the only solution is to encourage people to use their cars less, but with 2.7 million residents, it is impossible. In the 2017 Global Parking Index report compiled by Parkopedia, Miami ranked 19th in a list of the top 25 cities for weekday ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Last Mile Essay another matter that is to be decided if it s worth pursuing in gaining the consumer with and their trust in the company, or if the additional cost that will be added to shipping is too much for the effort for other retailers. As logistics of the last mile has been successfully evolving over the years, there are still more issues that retailers want to resolve. One of the most significant issue is the fact that the last mileis actually still a few hundreds of miles from the destination port to the stores, and it is difficult to manage. Along with the growth in the evolving industry, there are pressures for retailers to manage stock and provide efficient delivery. Managing stock from one distribution center to another, and finally managing stock when the retailers are actually online business only could be difficult. The whole process comes down to the last mile and because it is also where the majority of shipment s cost and complexity is, the last mile in the shipping process is where the growing burden on the retailers exist. Retailers and logistics firms are forced to have fast delivery, with low prices and great quality to compete with other retailers in the same industry. With more growth in the industry, there are problems of managing stock. In 2013, products ordered online generated just over one billion deliveries. By 2018, this number is expected to grow by 28.8% to 1.35 billion. Because of that, retailers and logistics firms similarly need to ... Get more on ...
  • 27. How Modbus Is A Type Of Communication Modbus is a type of communication among many devices connected to the same network, for example a system that measures temperature and humidity and communicates the results to a computer. Modbus is often used to connect a supervisory computer with a remote terminal unit (RTU) in supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems. [17] In simple words, it can be explained as a method used for transmitting information over the lines between electronic devices. The device asks the information is called the Modbus Master and the devices supply information is Modbus Slaves. In a standard Modbus network, there is one Master and up to 247 Slaves, each with a unique Slave Address from 1 to 247. The Master can also write information to the ... Show more content on ... This number tells the slave which table to be accessed. It also decides whether to read from or write to the table. 3.2 Internet Protocol The Internet Protocol (IP) is the method or protocol by which data is sent from one computer to another on the Internet. Each computer (known as a host) on the Internet has at least one IP address that uniquely identifies it from all other computers on the Internet.[18] While data transferred in a network, is sent or received(for simple understanding, an e mail note or a Web page), the message is divided into little pieces called packets. Each of these packets includes both the sender s internet address and also the receiver s internet address. A packet is firstly sent to a gateway computer which is the first station of the Internet. The gateway computer reads the destination address and forwards the packet to an higher gateway which reads the destination address and transfer it over the internet until one gateway recognizes the packet as belonging to a computer within its area or domain. The packet then is sent by gateway directly to the computer which address is specified. 3.2.1 Subnet A subnet represents all the devices found at one location. It can be a building or the same local area network (LAN). If a company s network are divided into subnets that allows everyone to connect to the Internet with a single shared network address. If there is no ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Addison s Disease Research Paper Addison s disease Addison s disease Sierra Payne Addison s disease Addison s disease is a rare disorder that occurs when the adrenal glands do not produce enough hormones. It occurs in all age groups and affects all genders equally. This disorder is characterized by weight loss, muscle weakness, fatigue, and low blood pressure and oftentimes darkening of the skin in both exposed and unexposed parts of the body. Thomas Addison first described the clinical presentation of primary adrenocortical insufficiency (Addison s Disease) in 1855 in his classic paper, On the Constitutional and Local Effects of Diseases of the Supra Renal Capsules. Addison s disease occurs when the adrenal glands do not produce enough of the hormone cortisol. ... Show more content on ... This can be done with once or twice daily tablets of hydrocortisone, a steroid hormone. If needed, aldosterone can be replaced with a synthetic steroid, fludrocortisone acetate, which is taken orally once a day. These medications need to be increased during times of stress, infection, surgery, or injury. With hormone therapy, many people with Addison s disease are able to lead a nearly normal life. Although it is a relatively rare disease, occurring in only about 1 in 100,000 people, there are multiple online support groups via the NADF, National Adrenal Disease Foundation website and on social media websites such as ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The Energy Supply Of India Essay Abstract The development of a nation is also measured on the parameters like the adequacy of electrical energy. To make a nation as the developed nation, the energy supply should have a reach to the extreme parts too. As India is an agricultural nation and so sorts of agricultural left outs are accessible here. Along these lines, this immense measure of agricultural wastes can be an input resource for power production in Indian villages. Rice husk is one of the potential agricultural wastes which can be utilized as an input source to generate electricity, conditioned that it will be handled and processed effectively. The reason for this paper is to bring the focus on the alternative power generation methods in the rural part. The rice husk plants are generally small and medium scaled efficient enough to supply or to meet the basic need of a village. In this piece, the main focus is to show the available rice husk in India, the distinctive possibilities and the procedure with which it can be utilized to generate power. Finally, a decrease in competition in supply by the larger plant may lead to the decrease in the cost. But various issues related to investment as the risk of failing of plant, monopoly on the supply side of husk from various rice mills, institutional challenges related to the distributional area. 1. Introduction Even with the increase in the demand for electricity globally, India s peak demand of electricity is 165253 MW and we have a surplus supply. ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Walt Disney Media Conglomerate Analysis Walt Disney: Media Introduction/Random Information The Walt Disney Company is the world s largest media conglomerate. The company has the ability to be a successful conglomerate due to its Board of Directors, content theme of quality, as well as customer ordination in all its operating segments. The company has television holdings in ABC and ten other broadcasting stations, as well as cable networks including; ABC Family, A amp;E (37%), and ESPN (80%). Each of these divisions that Disney owns and operates are leaders in their respective industries and capitalize multiple channels that have been created to additional products and other tangible goods account for 10% of Walt Disney s revenue. Media Networks $17,162,000,000 is up 6% ... Show more content on ... The plan is to market these 3D releases by debuting in the consumer home with select Sony 3D products. This launching would be during the high traffic holiday retail season which will be featured nationwide in the United States. Disney recently announced it was launching eight mobile games for the iPhone, Android, Blackberry and Java/Brew. Both companies are motivated by what seems to be a booming casual gaming market. Another Disney invention is the soon to be released netbook, a Netpal for 6 12 year olds. Made by netbook pioneer Asustek and selling for $350 at Toys R Us starting in late July. A version with more storage and a longer battery will go through and other retailers. The widget should go international by the end of the year. The Walt Disney Company is also now one of the biggest players in the fast growing social gaming business. Recently the company said it had agreed to acquire Playdom the outfit behind games like Social City, Sorority Life, and Market Street for up to $763 million. Under the terms of the deal, Disney (DIS) will pay $563.2 million for Playdom up front and an additional $200 million if the social gaming company meets certain unspecified growth thresholds. For Disney purchasing Playdom, the No. 4 social gaming company on Facebook (and No. 1 on MySpace), is a quick and easy way to extend its characters and brands to social games, a market that could be worth $1.5 billion within three years. Social ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The Ethics Of Psychological Studies In this essay, the ethics of psychological studies carried out in the past will be reviewed. In the current contemporary environment many psychological studies are now seen as being unethical by many psychologists. Both theory and information relating to the psychology studies will be addressed. This essay will also outline the ethical responsibilities of the psychologists carrying out psychological research studies. The two psychological studies that would not be considered ethical today that will be discussed in this essay is the renowned Milgram obedience experiment and Harlow s monkey experiment testing infant dependency on monkeys. These two studies will be discussed and journals will be reviewed to identify the overall opinion of the studies. The studies that will be discussed are marginally different from one another with one identifying the authority one feels and how ones behavior is affected by an authority figure while the other questions the needs of individuals and the attachment theory. Stanley Milgram, one of the most influential social psychologists of his time was particularly fascinated by the dangers of group behaviors. His experiment is one of the most famous psychological studies in history. The aim of the experiment was to identify the effects of obedience under authority. An example of influential behavior is during the war years where thousands of Jews were prosecuted by the Nazi s. Milgram wanted to look further into the Nazi s behavior. The results ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Narcotics Anonymous Meeting Research Paper Narcotics Anonymous Meeting De aqui soy, is the name of the group that I visited last week. This group is located on pacific coast high way in Wilmington, CA. The duration of the meeting is 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Last Thursday round 8:00 pm, I decided to attend NA meeting. (Narcotics Anonymous) I thought that the time was the same like AA meetings. (Alcoholics Anonymous) However, when I arrived to NA, the meeting was on. With respect, I set myself in one of the empty sits in the back of the room. There were 11 people in the meeting. All of them were Latinos or Spanish speakers. The ages were mix from 21 to 60, I think. The history of substance was variable depending the person. They talked about cocaine, crystal, marijuana, crack, etc...... Show more content on ... As member of alcoholics anonymous for 2 years, I could see that Narcotics Anonymous have the same structure as Alcoholics Anonymous. To illustrate, in Narcotics Anonymous ware people that told me the differences between them and AA. They told me that because AA meeting became mix, and the program was for specific issue that is alcohol. The members of Alcoholics Anonymous suggested to Narcotics to start their own program based in the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. That is why in the 1950s, Narcotics Anonymous emerged. In addition, I noticed that both programs open and close each meeting the same way. Members let people talk in front of them, and they let them have therapy if they need it. The duration is the same time for both meetings, 1 hour and 30 min. They have sponsor if someone need it. In my opinion, those programs are important for personal recovery. I could experience by myself. I see the work that this programs develop in each human been when we face some issues. Sometimes, we do not have the advice that we need in our families to recover our self from addiction. Sheltering us with the hope that one day someone will comes, and helps us to recover from the pain and addiction that we are passing through; there were Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous to rescue our souls from the ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The Attorney For The Damned On August 22, 1924 the famous orator Clarence Darrow, dubbed the attorney for the damned. begins his 12 hour long closing arguments, for the most covered news story since World War I. Darrow mixes ethos and logos appeals, bringing tears to the eyes of the judge and many in the courtroom, to serve justice by saving his clients, Leopold and Loebfrom the death penalty. Darrow implores the Judge to spare the lives of Leopold and Loeb. As Darrow said, I am pleading for life...I am pleading that we overcome cruelty with kindness and hatred with love. (Placeholder1; Linder) Three months prior on Wednesday, May 22, 1924; two college boys ignite one of the most stunning Mass Media events of the Twentieth Century. Nathan Babe Leopold born to wealthy immigrant Jewish Germans is a 19 year old, child prodigy with an intelligence score of 210. He has already completed an undergraduate degree at the University of Chicago with Phi Beta Kappa honors and plans to begin studies at Harvard Law School upon returning from a family trip to Europe. (Placeholder1; Linder) Richard Dickie Loeb an 18 year old whose father is a Jewish lawyer and also the Vice president of the Sears and Roebucks Company, his mother is Catholic. Loeb skipped several grades in school. He holds the distinction of being University of Michigan s youngest graduate at the age of 17. Loeb described as unmotivated , lazy and obsessed with crime and spends most of his time reading crime novels, a popular ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Dish Network s Business Performance Dish Network s business performance in primary practices Strategy Dish Network has a focused and clear business strategy, which articulates their goal and provides the way to achieve it. Dish Network describes their strategy as to be the best provider of video services in the United States by providing products with the best technology, outstanding customer service, and great value in their annual report (Dish Network, 2015). Dish Network further explains the reason for their strategy by emphasizing the unsatisfied demand of high quality and reasonably priced products and services from television services subscribers. Their strategy can be well understood since it focuses on consumers needs and is closely related to the success of their business. As a result, being clear about what the strategy is and consistently communicating it to consumers, employees, and shareholders enable Dish Network devise and maintain an excellent strategy, which is the key to their business achievements (Nohria, Joyce, Roberson, 2003). Execution Dish Network s leadership team always puts consumers first when conducting business and states that perfection is their standard. To achieve this goal, Dish Network follows the principles of double checking their work and doing what they say they will do to fulfill the consumers needs and delight them. Dish Network runs a 24/7/365 operation in order to take care of all their consumers all the time. Dish Network keeps exploring in the cable and pay ... Get more on ...
  • 35. A Research Report On Saudi Arabia This study is taking a quantitative approach contain analysis and for that selecting three representative newspapers and journalists in the Saudi Arabia, which are Al Riyadh, Sabq, Asharq Al‑Awsat and Twitter accounts of three journalists on Twitter to collect the required data. Moreover, this method is more suitable because it is creating an observation on the newsposted by the newspapers that we have selected. Furthermore, it is important to note down that how journalists are publishing the breaking news or retweet the breaking news from newspapers or other journalists. From a review of previous research shows that many of the researchers relied on the content analysis because it gives accurate results through observation and monitoring of the variables that are used in the research questions. Content analysis will be used instead of a survey, longitudinal analysis, or a secondary analysis because it is difficult to get accurate results from of previous research. Additionally, Saudi Arabiais a new area in new media and there is not much of the previous research in this area about the new media in Saudi Arabia. The questionnaire may be suitable for this study, but perhaps does not respond to the questionnaire will be the right way, because most of the people do not consider survey as an important thing and they do not answer it clearly. So, as I pointed out earlier content analysis is the best for this study. The keyword for search will be (breaking news) All the news ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Japanese Internment Research Paper It became routine for me to line up three times a day to eat lousy food in a noisy mess hall. It became normal for me to go with my father to bathe in a mass shower. Being in a prison, a barbed wire prison camp, became my normality (Takei). This except from George Takei s personal account of living in internment, displays the grimness of internment. Just as thousands of other Japanese Americans, he and his family were forced from their home during World War II, sent to Internment prison, and stripped of their American rights. Many actions and ideas led to the unjust internment and betrayal of over 110,000 Japanese Americans. Fear caused Americans to unjustly act against Japanese Americans during WWII. During this time of war, Americans knew their enemy the Japanese and felt as though the enemy lived amongst them when they saw Japanese Americans. These Americans, with Japanese ancestry, were viewed as enemies of America, due to the fact that they looked like the enemy. Americans feared the Japanese Americans as their enemies and believed that they acted as spies for Japan in America. They supposed, solely based on race, that the Japanese Americans held their loyalty to Japan instead of America. The belief that the end justifies the means also aided in Japanese internment. Known as military necessary,... Show more content on ... In February of 1942, President Franklin Roosevelt signed executive order #9066 to combat American s feelings toward the people that they were at war with. It said that anyone potentially harmful to the United States living in military areas, as designated by the president, must evacuate. This order, at the time, was looked at as a protection against espionage, sabotage, and the enemy on their own turf. Roosevelt s signing of this order stripped thousands of Americans of their rights and ripped them from their homes, belonging, clothes, money, friends, family, jobs, and the lives that they ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Fourth Of July Analysis Wow, wow, wow! After arriving on the island, I could not contain my excitement. I m actually here! I sprinted towards the statue to get a better look and Alfred was following behind me telling me to wait up. After the conversation, Alfred said he was celebrating his birthday by himself. He had a sad look when I asked him about celebrating with his friends and family so I guess he really was celebrating alone. Poor guy and he s a cheerful one too. Feeling sorry for him I offered him to tag along with me on my Fourth of July expedition to the statue. He objected it at first because he doesn t want to get in my way, but as I was travelling alone, I change his mind. Really, dudette! I won t get in your way? No, of course not. Besides, I m traveling by myself, so a company would be nice and it s your special day too so I ll celebrate it with you So here s me and Alfred s Fourth of July slash birthday expedition to the statue.... Show more content on ... It was so big that everybody else were tiny. I ve been wanting to come here for a long time and finally my dream is here. The gift France gave to America was magnificent. How they made the statue, the design by the artist and the people of New York contribution in funding this amazing Goddess standing with pride, history thoughts were running through me. And due to my formerly Percy Jackson obsession, I thought if the Gods were actually this size. I brought my sketch pad for today so I can draw her up later and probably take some photos too as I also brought my camera along. Waa! I m so excited. I didn t even realised that I was smiling to myself and that Alfred has caught up with ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Bullying Rhymes Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me . This is one of the English language children s rhymes. It encourages children to ignore verbal insults, persuading them to stay calm and to not retaliate. The literal translation of this seems to be: You can say what you want, you can insult me verbally as much as you want. Words does not matter to me. I will go over it and I will forget. I will stay calm to show how strong I am . This is not as simple as it appears to be. These few simple words became so significant that I decided to use them as an introduction to the problem that this essay will be talking about, namely bullying. According to the definition, bullying is the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively dominate others. There are four different types of bullying including physical, verbal, emotional and cyber bullying. This essay will mainly focus on the verbal bullying that, despite the implication of the rhyme mentioned at the beginning of the introduction, causes a significant impact on individuals sanity and plays the huge role in shaping individuals personalities. Additionally, there is a big connection between children who are bullied and their suicidal thoughts. This is one of the most significant problems that exists among teenagers in American schools. In order to have a better understanding of the poem it is worthed to look at the social context in which the poem was ... Show more content on ... Therefore, in this essay I will try to show how spoken word poetry which is underestimated in 21th century can make a change in the world. This essay will give the answer to the research question which is how does Canadian poet Shane Koyczan use a spoken word poem as a device to confront the problem of bullying and its impact on an individual in America in the poem To this ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Effective Negotiation Conflict Resolution Tamaris Purvines Assignment Three LDR 404 07/29/2012 Assignment Three Part One There are several different processes, ideas, and efforts that go into the overall practices of effective negotiation and conflict resolution. Yet no productive negotiation could be possible without the valuable use of skills. Two types of skills can help a successful negotiator. The first type is hard skills, which are guidelines, strategic measures, or anything that can be copied down onto paper and taught. The second type is soft skills, which are the skills acquired through practicing negotiation that can t necessarily be taught. To get a better idea of the definition and examples of each type of skill, it is better to discuss them each ... Show more content on ... Throughout the process problems arise that are situation specific. Knowing when one party is bluffing or trying to trick the other party are skills that come with learning through experience. The delivery of statements and ideas are definitely situation specific. Discussing an issue with a church group may not be the same type of discussion that may be necessary with a theater group. Individuals respond differently to how phrases are stated. Only through working with similar groups does a negotiator learn how best to phrase their ideas to parties in any given situation. Learning how to best reframe a harsh or inappropriate statement into the truth of the statement is also a soft skill that is highly beneficial to negotiators. The only way to learn how to accomplish this difficult skill is by practicing it. It takes years of practicing and using this skill in negotiation processes to truly learn how to effectively hone it. Being able to determine the best possible solution to the problem for both parties involved in a negotiation is also something that cannot be learned. Each negotiation is going to be different and have different circumstances. Even after years of working with groups in negotiation or mediation situations, it is still difficult to help both sides create a mutually beneficial solution to their problem. This is something that almost comes as a talent to negotiators. It takes a certain gift ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Custom Millwork Serving a wide variety of purposes in a myriad of places and sporting almost unlimited potential for customization, quality millwork is the premiere way to modernize your office. Make a statement about your office or business by adding the astonishing quality and appeal of custom cabinetry to your workspace. You ll see an immediate response from your employees and clients when you bring the stylish and welcoming accommodations of custom millwork into your office. Aesthetics may seem trivial in the world of business but you d be surprised to find out that the way your office looks actually says a lot about you. When clients step into a warm and welcoming office with quality furnishings and a confident appeal they are more likely to feel secure in their business and place trust in you and your company. Additionally, it s a well known fact that employees ... Show more content on ... From providing neutral and functional millwork for government offices and buildings to building artful and stylized cabinets for tech offices, the wide scope of quality millwork is ever expanding. Even the most prestigious and luxurious offices have utilizes the incredible prowess of custom cabinetry. Custom cabinetry comes in a sprawling variety of styles that can be customized and crafted to meet the particular desires of each specific client. Additionally, millwork has a catalog of beautiful finishes that can be applied to generate a large spectrum of moods and appearances sure to please the eye of any client or employee. Be sure to fully research the company you re interested in doing architectural casework for you before you begin any project. Researching your cabinetry company in advance is the best way to ensure that you get a quality product for an affordable price. The credentials and experience of the company you hire correlate directly to the outcome of your ... Get more on ...
  • 41. The Importance Of Residential Schools In Canada In the 1870 s, the Canadian government partnered partnered with churches such as the Anglican, Catholic, and United churches to establish residential schools for Aboriginal children. Residential schools were first established after the Indian act which passed in 1876 and lasted up until 1996 when the last residential school in Saskatchewan, Canada was shut down due to lack of respect for the culture and the harsh mistreatment that the youth suffered. The official reasons given to the country for establishing residential schools was that the Canadian government believed that it had the responsibility of educating and caring for the aboriginal people. They believed that learning English and adopting christianity was their best chance for success. ... Show more content on ... Former students received 10,000 for the first year plus 3000 for each subsequent year they attended. As of 2013, over 1.3 billion had been paid to students and foundations representing over 100,000 cases. Aside from the CEP, the government funded a commemoration initiative, which consisted of events, projects, memorials and many other things. The Aboriginal Healing Foundation was established in 1998 and received 350 million from Northern Affairs Canada to help former residential school students who were abused physically and mentally, however, the funding ended in 2010. The IRSSA funded 960 million to the Independent Assessment Process (IAP). IAP was a settlement fund for students who filed claims for sexual, physical and other wrong abuse.By 2012, over 1.7 billion was paid through IAP. Lastly, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). The IRSSA allocated over 60 million for the TRC to document and preserve the experiences of the survivors in order to let their story be heard and cared about, so that the world does not make the same mistake again. By 2012, the TRC released over 900 thousand documents that recorded the experiance of the ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Essay On Overpopulation The world we live in is becoming increasingly overpopulated due to migrates and births. With an increase in population, there will become a decrease in resources over time. Furthermore, not being able to provide the quality of life due to the decline of resources can create a war and an unbalanced world. There is no way this should be allowed to happen without a plan of action for the future due to the impact. Just because we can reproduce does not mean we should go overboard with it as well as we do not need to accept in this country all migrants. The overpopulated world will soon suffer from this impact due to the lack of food, energy, and jobs. There is no life without a food source, we need to have enough food to sustain us until, our ... Show more content on ... According to Emmett (2009), he believes overpopulation poses no threat to the environment because human ingenuity and free markets will restrain population growth. The Neo Institutionalists are the people who believe a free market based society will be able to balance the population and the economy with growth and improve environmental quality. Neo Institutionalist policies focus on the institution and consequences of reform, rather than on the reform of human nature Although, the economic growth can lower the fertility rates some believe that this can restrain population growth (Bailey, 2006). If we can use science as a tool, science can create energy that can be utilized to create and harvest food, hence the more people the more minds can be utilized for developing new ideas and provide more information to a long stable environment. Furthermore, the overall increase in population will lead to a decline in pollution, due to the creative minds of human. While population growth means more people to feed, it also means that we have more people to devote their creativity and imagination to solve the problems of transforming resources into useful goods and services (Emmett, 2009). The standard of living has risen along with the size of the world s population since the beginning of recorded time; However, there is no convincing economic reason why these trends toward a better life should not continue indefinitely. At ... Get more on ...
  • 43. 12 Angry Men Trial Essay I am writing to tell you about my conclusion of whether justice was served on the Twelve Angry Men trial, in which the jurors presented a verdict of not guilty . I believe that the verdict could be wrong, and that reopening the case with a retrial would be the best course of action possible. To remind you about the case, a sixteen year old boy was accused of fatally stabbing his father with a switch knife. The witnesses were an old man who lived underneath the room where the murder took place, and a woman across the street with a window right opposite the kid s. The old man claimed to have heard loud noises (that sounded like a fight) upstairs at approximately 12:10 and later heard the kid shout I m going to kill you . Shortly afterwards,... Show more content on ... As a few of the jurors pointed out, the boy had lived in the slum. His mother had died when he was nine, and he had spent a year and a half in an orphanage due to fact that his father was serving a jail term at the time. The boy would regularly be beat by his father ever since he was five, and had been hit several times before storming out of the house on the night of the murder. In the nurture aspect of the nature or nurture theory, he may have been negatively affected by his harsh environment, as his record shows. The boy had been in Children s Court when he was ten for throwing a rock at his teacher, attended Reform School when he was fourteen, stole a car was arrested for mugging, and was picked up twice for trying to wound another teenager with a knife. This may have been caused by the series of unfortunate events experienced by the kid, but that should not excuse his violent behavior or murderous tendencies , as worded by a psychologist who had tested the child. With a blemished record like this, it does not seem impossible for the boy to have committed a murder; after all, he had seriously attempted to injure other people multiple ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Shakespeare s Othello The Detrimental Theme of Jealousy Othello is a classic Shakespearean tragedy that consists of many underlying themes depicted in the story. One of the most significant themes portrayed in this play revolve around the aspect of jealousy. Jealousy is a strong feeling of resentment that can overpower a person s good will and compel them to take involuntary action against one. During the course of this play, we see three main characters that possess this idea of a jealous nature. The theme of jealousy is recognized in the villainous Iago which exposes his true self, the pathetic Roderigo, who in turn faces severe consequences, and the great Othello himself whom jealousy devours, leading him to make rash decisions. Firstly, the antagonist of the play, whom we know as Iago, plays a major role in conveying the theme of jealousy from his words and actions. As jealously engulfs him, Iago s true intentions are revealed and we come to realize the type of character he really is. His jealous nature is noticed at the very beginning of the play when he states, One Micheal Cassio, a Florentine... That never set a squadron in the field, Nor the division of a battle knows More than a spinster unless the bookish theoric, Wherein he toged consuls can propose As masterly as he. Mere prattle without practice Is all his soldiership. But he, sir, had th election And I, of whom his eyes had seen the proof At Rhodes, at Cyprus, and on other grounds Christian and heathen, must be belee d and ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Drug Addiction In Junky And Naked Lunch The images that Burroughs presented in Junky, and The Yage Letters about drug addiction is totally different from the one he presented in Naked Lunch. In the previous books, Burroughs only showed the good party like side of drug addiction, it made him hallucinates but took away all the worries and fears he had. He traveled to Mexico, Columbia and Morocco because he wanted to freely do heroinand all the drugs he could get. He mentioned casually the side effects of drugs but it was normal for him and he wouldn t stop doing it because of that. In addition, in the other books he was telling the story from the point of view of a rich man who had money to afford the life of a Junky, he could travel, he had a family and even though he killed his wife while under the influence of drugs he didn t blame it on that.... Show more content on ... However, in the Naked Lunch drug addiction is presented as a disease, it destroys the souls of users and leave them as ghosts. They have no family, no friends, no jobs, and are only occupied and obsessed by their needs of heroin. I am a ghost wanting what every ghost wants a body after the Long Time moving through odorless alleys of space where no life is only the colorless no smell of death....Nobody can breathe and smell it through pink convolutions of gristle laced with crystal snot, time shit and black blood filters of flesh (Charters 131). In Naked Lunch he was exploring both the physical and emotional change that happen to addicts. How weak their bodies become, and they turn against each other because of drugs. Moreover, it seems like he hates the addicts and their empty lives. While in his previous books he loved the excitement that came with using drugs. He didn t insults the friends that sold him the drugs or the people he sold ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Life Of Pi Reflection Imagine having to survive 227 days aboard a small, unsteady lifeboat with a 450 pound Bengal Tiger. It seems unrealistic, right? In the Novel Life of Pi, an Indian boy named Pi shipwrecks into the Pacific Ocean and finds himself aboard a lifeboat with a predatory animal. To Pi, surviving this journey with a tigerseems impossible at first, but over time, his view of the tiger is drastically changed. Richard Parker, the tiger, serves as three things over the course of the journey: a teacher, an antagonist, and a companion. Despite being an animal, Richard Parker serves as a teacher for Pi on their journey across the Pacific Ocean. When Pi is a child, his father finds it necessary to teach him a scarring lesson about the savageness of predatory animals. He places a goat in the cage of a hungry tiger and makes sure Pi and his brother, Ravi, see how fast the goat is devoured. The purpose of his lesson was to teach the boys that, Every animal is ferocious and dangerous (Martel 38). On the journey with Richard Parker, Pi remembers the lesson his father had taught him as a child and becomes aware that the tiger is to be respected. When aboard the lifeboat, Pi attempts to train Richard Parker to abide on one side of the boat so that Pi may remain aboard the boat also. While attempting to train the tiger, Pi recollects from his father s lesson and from his experience of owning a zoo that, The animal in front of you must know where it stands, whether above you or below you (43). When Pi succeeds in training the tiger, the confidence he needed to survive is boosted. The principle lesson Richard Parker teaches Pi is that he is to be respected and left alone. Once aboard the lifeboat, Richard Parker is seen as threat, or rather an antagonist, to Pi. An antagonist in a story is defined as someone or something that provides an obstacle for the protagonist. Before Pi realizes that he needs to remain situated on the lifeboat, his fear of Richard Parker compels him to stay as far away as possible from the lifeboat. When Richard Parker is swimming towards the lifeboat, Pi yells to him, Leave me alone. Get lost. Drown! Drown (99). As the tiger mounts the boat, Pi s first instinct is to jump off the boat into the roaring ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Pro Choice Vs. Abortion Introduction Pro Choice is an opposing position against the pro life that completely and clearly advocates that every women in the world has equal rights of having abortion and there will no legal or religious restriction against electing an abortion in routine life. Many of social religious, civil and national federations raised a slogan against abortionand in the support of this opposition all of these communities and people also run Pro life movement, United States. This movement opposes Pro choice and many people considered in early days that abortion is an illegal phenomenon, while the religious communities strongly believed this would be an evil and would also cause of God s anger. When USA Supreme Court in 1973 announced its final decision in case of Roe v. Wadeabout the right of having an abortion, then most of country laws and legislations were stuck down in many of American States. After this, it was declared that would be no legal penalty to a woman for having an elective abortion after having a sex (Kerns,....... Steinauer, 2012). Discussion Pro choice is just for advocacy and supporting the women s rights to have abortion whenever they want. This part of assignment will illustrate some of reasons, facts, statistics and ethical arguments about the right of women to have an elective abortion according to situations and their physical conditions. 1) Reasons of Pro Choice As there are sound reasons of pro life in health industry, so there are also strong ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Johnny And Cush The book, With Every Drop of Blood, by James Lincoln Collier, and Christopher Collier, is a Civil War based fiction book. The authors are brothers who have both written several books before. This book is not based on a true story, but follows similar events during the Civil War. The authors were able to take real life information from the Civil War, and make it into a story. Readers from seventh to eighth grade would be able to read this story. While it is easy to read and follow, the content might be too mature for any younger reader. FollettBound Platinum is the publisher, and it was published in January of 1994. Johnny and Cush are the main two characters in this book. Johnny is a brave, stubborn young boy. He cares very much about his familyand does a lot to earn money for them in the story.He is very hardworking in whatever task he has to do, as well as clever. Johnny lives in the South while Cush is a soldier in the North. Cush is a runaway slave who is now a soldier for the North. He is a tough boy who just wants to have the same rights as Johnny, and to learn how to read. Cush was separated from his family because they were traded away when he was a slave. The start of the book begins at Johnny s home on a farm.... Show more content on ... He was shot in battle, which caused him to develop an infection and soon die. His dad made Johnny promise to never join the war, but to stay with the family. Johnny finds a way to make money by transporting supplies from town to town, but it is technically part of the war. He keeps telling himself that it is okay, but things do not work out. The band of wagons he was with, were attacked by Northern soldiers. Johnny tries to escape through a field, but that is where Cush finds him and kidnaps him. Since Johnny was raised to think African Americans were below him, he was very upset to know that he was to take orders from Cush. Johnny has to try to make a plan to get back to his ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Her Movie Her is a romantic comedy drama movie written and directed by Spike Jonze, starring Joaquin Phoenix, Amy Adams and Scarlett Johansson. In the near future Theodore Twombly works as a professional love letter writer. He writes letters for others. Ironically, Theodore is about to divorce his wife. He is having a hard time dealing with the end of an important period of his life. One day, he comes across an advertisement about an artificially intelligent operating system. Theodore buys this OS, Samantha, which is extremely smart and evolves like a human. First, she only functions as a personal assistant but with the passing of time she becomes not just a good friend but the loveof Theodore. The movie guides us through their growing relationship... Show more content on ... This movie is touching and thought provoking at the same time. I cared about Theodore and Samantha s relationship and I gradually became more tolerant and supportive of their love. Regarding the cast, Joaquin Phoenix amazingly impersonates the character of a weird, but loveable man. In addition, Scarlett Johansson played very well with her voice and although she was not present physically on screen, she still managed to be a character of full value. The soundtrack and the atmosphere of the movie beautifully reflect the emotions of the lovers. The song that stands out the most is a piano composition, called the Photograph. I also liked that the director did not try to over romanticize the story, every scene was credible in a sense, although some of them seemed pointless and made the movie unnecessarily long. Her may not be everyone s cup of tea, but it undoubtedly makes people feel something, whether it is discomfort, loneliness or a warm fuzzy feeling inside. Moreover, it triggers self assessment and makes us think differently about people and love. I would recommend this movie for those who are open to new ideas and want to be part of an interesting love ... Get more on ...
  • 50. 3. Why Do Chlorine And Sodium Have Charges After Electron... Chemical Bonding To complete this worksheet, select: Module: Foundations Activity: Animations Title: Chemical Bonding Introduction 1.Why are chemical bonds important? They form the structure and function of molecules in the body 2.a.Describe atomic structure. Whether or not the atom is positive or negative, the ions orbiting around the atom. b.Explain the importance of the outer (valence) electrons relative to bonding. combine to form chemical bonds Covalent Bonds 3.First, explore covalent bonds. a.Describe the electron activity. Formed when two atoms fill the outermost shell from sharing electrons b.Describe an oxygen molecule as an example. Two oxygen atoms share the outermost electrons ... Show more content on ... Describe the electron activity. Formed when electrons move from atom to atom to form ions b.Why do chlorine and sodium have charges after electron transfer? Sodium atom lost an electron now it has a positive charge because the protons are greater than electrons. Chloride gains the electron so there is a negative charge because electrons are greater than protons. c.What causes the attraction between ions forming an ionic bond? By opposite charges of both ions d.Describe the strength of ionic bonds. Use salt as your example. Ionic bonds are weak, that s why salt can dissolve in liquids e.How common is ionic bonding in the body? Extremely common. Our teeth and bones are aided by ionic bonding f.How are ions important to the body? Examine each of the following in your research. Nerve impulses ions generate nerve impulses pH regulation each ion has a positive or negative charge that helps in keeping our PH normal Bone formation each ion composes the correct amount of bonds to form bones and teeth Hydrogen Bonds 1.Explain why water molecules have positive and negative poles. The oxygen electrons are attracted to like electrons creation some negative charge on the oygen and positive on ... Get more on ...
  • 51. Self Reflection On My Writing And Learning Process Essay Self reflection on my Writing and Learning Process I think self reflection, or a careful cogitation of one s personal work, is very important. It will help me think about my strengths and weaknesses in my writing skills and learning process, so that I can improve my weaknesses in the future and become a better writer. I believe, I have many strengths and many weaknesses that can be seen transparently through my drafts, revisions, and final essays, or writings, this semester. My overall strength includes the ability to pick out good examples from articles and the ability to construct good development of my body paragraphs after my revisions. On the other hand, my overall weakness includes having some unclear explanation of thoughts, unclear topic sentences, confusing thesis statements, having undefined terms, difficulties transitioning from one idea to another. I have learned that to have a good essay, I must revisemy papers more than once because there are always flaws that can be fixed or improved. My writing process has evolved from having difficulties writing down or explaining my thought process to being able to explain and clarify examples to help support my thesis statement. I am good at picking quotes that will support my argument. This skill can be seen through multiple drafts that I have written. For instance, in assignment 1, draft 1, I claimed that Richard Rodriguez is rude when describing his opponents. For my quotes, I pulled negative words that Rodriguez used ... Get more on ...
  • 52. Lucky Red Casino Research Paper Title: Login Lucky Red Casino to Enjoy Ultimate iGaming Description: With the lucky Red Casino login page, everyone is given the chance to enjoy proper iGaming, lucrative rewards, and top notch online gaming. Keyword: Lucky Red Casino login Want to experience unmatched online gaming endeavors? It s simple! Simple register and log in Lucky Red Casino to unearth some of the best gaming and gaming related services today. The login page is your way if accessing the tremendous offerings of Lucky Red, which allows you to manage your settings, deposit and withdraw credits, and of course, play cutting edge casino games. Download In order to login and play at Lucky Red Casino, you can download and install the free software directly on your computer or ... Show more content on ... This gives players the chance to revel in quality games from premium software providers through web browsers, including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari. Register to Log In Take note that users under the age of 21 are not permitted to play for real money, and please go through the terms and conditions page to determine the legality of online gaming in your local jurisdiction. Once you have decided on a platform, you will then be required to register an account with Lucky Red Casino. Proceed to the registration page and fill out the form with your personal information, contact details, and a unique username and password. Once you complete this step, the registered account will act as your permanent account throughout your entire journey with the casino. Customer Support Meanwhile, if you face any difficulties with your Lucky Red Casino login process, you may contact the customer support team via toll free hotline, live chat, e mail, or snail mail. The support crew is more than happy to cater to your queries or any issues that may ... Get more on ...
  • 53. Analysis Of The Song Viva La Vida This sonnet is a remarkable pastiche of the song Viva la Vida by Coldplay, which has been modified by Erik Didriksen. The poet rewrite[s] pop songs as sonnets in [a]n exciting and fun project that demonstrates the ongoing appeal of the English sonnet titled as Pop Sonnets (David Hadbawnik). Seeing that the poem is written as a Shakespearean sonnet; it is consisted of 14 lines that are grouped into three quatrains: 4 lines, and one couplet: 2 lines, and is written in an iambic pentameter. The rhyme scheme of the poem is ababcdcdefefgg, which is called cross rhyme. All the quatrains are end stopped, which is the opposite of enjambment, punctuation ending the sense with the lines, however, the quatrains have internal enjambments (Lennard ... Get more on ...
  • 54. Impeachments For Senators The requirements for Senators are an interesting point in the Constitution, and it surprises me that they remain identical to this day. Each senator serves for six years. It s interesting that each elected Senator serves for three times as long as a Representative and for two years more than the President, without re election of course. Senators are required to be five years older than Representatives, but five years younger than the president, and they are also responsible for the Impeachment process. It s interesting that Treason requires at least two eye witness to overt treason, or open admission within court, and the punishment can only be against the person who committed the crime, and not their associates or family. George Mason, ... Get more on ...
  • 55. Research Paper On Chaos Theory In 1961, computers were still infancy, and the race to the moon had just begun. Edward Lorenz one of the first proponents of chaos theory developed a weather prediction model and found out that the smallest changes at the one millionth of the decimal point can make his predictions useless, he called this result as butterfly effect. The butterfly effect is a theoretical example of chaos theory. The main premise of latter is that small changes in initial condition results in vast differences in final outcome. The term butterfly effect is a metaphorical example of a hurricane being influenced by flapping of the wings of a distant butterfly several years earlier by creating tiny changes in the atmosphere. This could accelerate or even prevent the... Show more content on ... He predicted that the movement of the simplified solar system consisting of The sun , The moon and The earth is governed by the Newtonian laws of motion. He found out that even this simple system behaves in an unpredictable manner and hence the three body problem is unsolvable. For understanding this solar system and other complex systems such as earth s weather system we would have to go in a different direction. That new direction is a new brand of science called THE CHAOS THEORY. 1.2) What is Chaos Theory Chaos theory is the field of study that studies about the behavior of the dynamical systems which are highly sensitive to initial conditions. This theory proposes that even small changes in initial conditions (such as rounding off of errors in numerical computation) results in vast differences in final outcomes for such systems. It is valid for deterministic systems also. Deterministic systems are those systems whose future behavior is fully determined by their initial conditions, no random elements are involved. This feature is known as deterministic chaos, or simply ... Get more on ...