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Marketing Mix Essay
Crafting an essay on the topic of "Marketing Mix" can pose a considerable challenge, requiring a
comprehensive understanding of various components that make up this fundamental concept in
marketing. The Marketing Mix, often referred to as the 4Ps (Product, Price, Place, and
Promotion), demands a thorough exploration of each element and their intricate interplay within
a business strategy.
Firstly, delving into the product aspect involves analyzing the characteristics, features, and
positioning of the product in the market. This requires a keen eye for detail and a nuanced
understanding of consumer needs and preferences. Moving on to the price component, one must
assess pricing strategies, factors influencing pricing decisions, and the overall pricing dynamics
in the industry.
The place element involves understanding distribution channels, logistics, and the strategic
placement of products in the market. A profound knowledge of market trends, consumer
behavior, and geographical considerations is crucial. The promotional aspect entails exploring
diverse communication strategies, advertising mediums, and promotional activities to effectively
reach the target audience.
Additionally, integrating these four elements seamlessly to form a cohesive marketing strategy
requires analytical thinking and strategic planning. The challenge lies in maintaining a delicate
balance among these components to ensure the overall success of the marketing mix.
Research plays a pivotal role in this process, demanding extensive literature review, data analysis,
and the incorporation of relevant case studies to support arguments. Effective communication
skills are also essential to convey complex marketing concepts in a clear and concise manner.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the "Marketing Mix" demands not only a deep understanding
of marketing principles but also analytical and research skills. It requires the ability to connect
various concepts and present them coherently. For those who find this task daunting, seeking
assistance from resources like can provide valuable support. Similar essays
and a myriad of related academic content are available for order on such platforms, offering a
helping hand to navigate the complexities of essay writing.
Marketing Mix EssayMarketing Mix Essay
A Global Warning About Global Warming
James Winning
Professor Hoverman
SOCY 100
26 September 2014
A Global Warning About Global Warming
Global Warning did not really matter to me until the summer of 2014. Before then
global warning was just this thing that you would hear on the news or read in the
newspaper. This idea did not have much meaning to be because it did not impact
my everyday life. One day I began to hear about a Twitter message going viral. The
message was from a climatologist named Jason Box and it read, If even a small
fraction of Arctic sea floor carbon is released to the atmosphere, we re f d. It is
alarming to hear a scientist drop the f bomb. If Jason Box was going for shock
factor, it worked because after reading that I thought, maybe this is more serious then
we are taking it for. I began researching global warming and the data and the
numbers and the consequences are horrifying. I began to ask myself why? Why is
this being overlooked? This is happening and it feels like we are doing nothing
about it. Why? Why is this important? We live on this planet Earth and while it may
be that us as individuals will come and go there will be parts of use that remain.
One of these parts is call a Carbon Footprint. A Carbon Footprint is the amount of
greenhouse gases and specifically carbon dioxide emitted by something during a
given period. (Merriam Webster). You can think of a Carbon Footprint like a diet.
You can tell people that dieting is healthy and tell them all the benefits of dieting but
Whole Foods Company Analysis
Whole Food
Company History
With a $10,000 loan from his father, John Mackey started SaferWay Natural Foods
in Austin, Texas, in 1978. Two years later SaferWay merged with Clarksville
Natural Grocery, and Whole Foods Market was born. Seeking capital to expand
even more, the company raised $23 million by going public in early 1992 with 12
stores. Every competitor in the fragmented health foods industry became a potential
acquisition, and the chain began growing rapidly. In 1998 Whole Foodsopened its
first store in Boulder a 39,000 sq. ft. superstore with amenities such as a juice bar
and a prepared foods section. In 2000 Whole Foods merged its online operations
( with its direct marketing and nutritional ... Show more content on ...
In order to have certified U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) the product must
be at least 95% or 100% organic, and at least 70% organic will not have USDA
label. The industry also provides their customers with natural foods by not adding
these chemical such as: pesticides, antibiotics, hormones, synthetic chemical,
artificial fertilizes preservatives, dyes or additives, or genetic engineering. Another
company s key success factor is that they take great care of their employees by
provided them with stock option, health insurance, dental vision plan, and
employees will have 50% discount. By taking care of employees, the employees
will work harder, focus and employees feel comfortable and enjoyable at their work.
Foods Driving Forces в—Џ Products offered: Whole Food sales high quality natural
and organic Whole food products are fresh, clean, and nutritional. products. Whole
Food products include 30,000 natural, organic and gourmet product. Fresh
produce, organic meat and poultry, fresh seafood, daily baked foods, fine quality
cheeses, dried fruit and nuts, wines and beer, coffee and tea. In addition they offer
body care products, pet food. They sell healthy prepared food, fresh produces, variety
of cheeses, baked goods, wines, organic care products.( book pages C10 C11) в—Џ
Services offered: Depending on the location of the stores and they size of the stores,
Whole foods offer a variety of services. For
Difference Between Modern Building And Modern
One of the most interesting questions to ask is why do buildings look the way the
do, or rather why do buildings of a particular function have a certain form? Now
firstly not all buildings with the same function have the same form, but many
buildings have a certain form which make them instantly recognizable to those who
interact with them. Specifically in respect to the Greek templethey usually took a very
distinct form with a columnar facade, and an inner cella. This allowed the people of
antiquity to interact with any temple in a way that would be familiar to them. While
it is difficult to find a modern comparison to the Greek temple that in any way reflects
the weight behind the temple, the modern skyscraperoffice building provides and
interesting subject to examine. The function of the two buildings is entirely
different, and it would make sense to thus compare the Greek temple with a modern
religious building. However, the physiological effect of the form of the modern
skyscraper has a much similar effect to what the Greek temple would have had in
antiquity. The differing thought processes behind modern buildings and the temples
of ancient Greece are extremely interesting to examine. One of the first subjects to
look into is the building materials. Traditionally Greek Temples were built out of
limestone, or in rare occasions marble (43 RatteМЃ). Stone is an extremely strong
and durable material as clearly demonstrated by the ruins that are left even after
Extraskeletal Osteosarcoma Case Study
Extraskeletal osteosarcoma of the orbit is a disease of the skeletal system. In this
scientific journal a twenty two year old man who had multiple symptoms, including:
increased swelling of the left eye and occasional pain. At first the patient seemed
perfectly healthy with no symptoms indicative of cancer. His vision and ocular
movement were up to par. However, a CT scan revealed a homogeneous mass in the
left orbit. The tumor was not attached to the bone so the diagnosis is extraskeletal
osteosarcoma. The patient underwent left frontal transcranial orbitotomy and
complete removal of the tumor. This type of cancer is usually only present in the
patient s 40th or 50th years of life. Two scientists, Fine and Stout reported a case of
Crotoan Epilogue
We stood on the beach watching the ship sail away from us, they refused to take
us any further. So there we stood watching, waiting, and praying for the best. It
was just us women and children, the men had gone ahead and scouted out the area.
We could still just barely see the ship on the horizon, fading into the distance. None
of us dared to more for fear of losing sight of it, so we stood there, and did not move
until none of us could see it. Then we stood some more, and waited until the men
came back saying it was all clear. We all turned around at the same time and didn t
dare look back, our new life had begun, and that meant we were on our own.
Ah! I screamed falling backwards and crashing into the table.
Orion came ... Show more content on ...
Why can t he just be normal, and what is he doing here anyway? Oh my God! Was
he just standing outside my door like a stalker! No, that s just crazy!
Yes Orion, I replied irritably I m fine.
Good, he said standing up. Because I wanted to talk to you.
Oh NO, no, no, no, no, no. Ugh! Not today, not again! The shock must have shown
on my face, because he quickly said No, not about that, the governor picked me for
the night watch and I just wanted to let you know.
Oh? I said alarmed.
Wow, I can t believe the Governor actually chose HIM of all people to keep us safe.
This must be a joke. Yes, it s just a joke. There is no way Governor Burneswick
would allow Orion, mind you it s ORION, to go on night watch. The Governor s
probably hoping he ll be killed by the Natives. Oh God please help us.
Is it really that surprising? Orion asked.
No, no not at all, I lied I was just was so happy for you I couldn t hide the happiness
on my face.
Oh, ok, He said I ll see you later then?
Yes of course! (Sarcasm folks, sarcasm)
Finally he s gone, Now what was I doing again? I said rubbing my sore toe. Oh! Yes!
That s right. I was...yep, I have no clue what I was
History of the Internet
The Internet is a child of the 1960s. 1969 was when the first network of computers,
ARPANET, communicated with one another. I took a full decade before the Internet
was developed. In 1984, domain names were introduced, bringing with them, the
familiar suffixes of com and org (Anonymous, 2013).
It didn t become widely used until the 1990s when two significant developments
arrived. In 1991, the World Wide Web(Web 1.0) was released, along with hyper
links, which made navigation easier than in previous years, and, in 1993, the first
Web browser, Mosaic, arrived, making for a graphical user experience. By the mid
1990s, an estimated 45 million people were using the Internet (Anonymous, 2013).
However, today s internet use isn t a side activity, it s quite the opposite. It s the
main. Everyone is now connect to the internet around the clock
While yesteryears websites were static, todays are quite dynamic. This vast medium
that is the internet allows users to engage with one another, shop online, bank online,
connect with friends/family/colleagues, create media, do business online, and this list
just keeps on going.
The internet affects the way we live our lives today.
Mobile technology
In 2003 we didn t have what we now class as a smartphone but we had indestructible
phones and slow changes in mobile technology such as the colour screen [Blackberry
7210] (Newman, 2013)
2005 was the year Nokia release what would become the best selling mobile device of
all time,
Similarities And Similarities Between Blues And Jazz
The relation between Blues and Jazz music can be discovered if we look closely
and scrutinize the origins of both the music genres. How one developed can be
found out from the roots of the other as both the separate genres use similar sound
patterns. Both of these genres belong to a different decade/era however, are closely
linked to one another. In this essay I will deliver a brief history of both Bluesand Jazz,
their similarities, and also discuss how the advancement of technology has affected
the way we hear both these genres of music.
Looking back at the history of Blues music, one can see the influence of the African
American community, tradition, and culture very apparent in it. The Blues music
genre came into being from the songs ... Show more content on ...
Blues and Jazz began to share similarities during the 30s and 40s with artists like T
Bone Walker and B.B. King, who combined Jazz techniques with the tonality and
repertoire of their Blues music (Rolling Stone Encyclopedia, 53). In return, Blues
chord progressions such as the twelve bar blues are utilized by Jazz musicians during
the improvisational sections of their music pieces.
To remark on some of the different features of both the styles of music, the main
difference between Blues and Jazz is the fact that Blues is characterized by the
slow, melancholic tempo and lyrics, and the utilization of guitar and piano.
Whereas Jazz music relies on the basic chord structure and breaks off into heavy
improvisational sections being tied back in with the same basic tune. It is true that
the advent of Blues music came well before Jazz, however, the great influence that
Jazz has in the Blues music heard today is astonishing. Similar to the Jazz long
improvisational sections, the Blues of today has adopted that strategy and added
long sections of guitar solos being tied back with the same basic chord structure and
Prosocial Behavior And Prosocial Behaviors
Prosocial behavior may take different forms, including, e.g., helping, sharing,
giving, and comforting (Bierhoff, 2002). For instance, when confronted with the
misfortune of someone, we might want to change the negative emotional state of
that person so that he/she can feels better. This goal can be achieved by conducting
behavior that is directly related to the problem (e.g., offering a solution),
attempting to remove the misfortune by sharing or giving objects, or comforting
the person either verbally or physically (e.g. hugging, patting) (Friedlmeier, 1996;
Staub, 1979; Trommdorff, Friedlmeier, Mayer, 2007; Whiting Whiting, 1975).
Prosocial behaviors can be differentiate based on the source of initiation of a
prosocial act which are requested and spontaneous prosocial behavior (Eisenberg,
Cameron, Tryon, 1984). Those prosocial behaviors that occur without the person
being requested, verbally or nonverbally, are called spontaneous prosocial behaviors
(Eisenberg, Pasternack, Cameron, Tryon, 1984). In contrast, requested prosocial
behaviors are defined as prosocial actions in response to others verbal or nonverbal
request (Eisenberg et al., 1984). Even though spontaneous prosocial behaviors often
occur as the response to situational cues that indicate other person s need, those acts
are self initiated (Eisenberg et al., 1984). Requested prosocial behaviors, in contrast,
are other initiated and involve compliance with recipient s or a third party s request
SAT Top 30 Essay Evidence
P age |1 Top 30 Examples to Use as SAT Essay Evidence An exclusive special report
from By Christian Heath P age |2 Table of Contents Introduction
4 Adventurers and Explorers: Amelia Earhart (Female Aviation Pioneer)
................................................................................................ 5 Christopher Columbus
( Discoverer of the New World?)........................................................................ 7
Sacajawea (Mysterious Native American Guide)... Show more content on ...
57 Jane Goodall (She lived with wild chimpanzees!)
.................................................................................... 59 Marie Curie (Famous female
scientist) ..................................................................................................... 61 Stephen
Hawking (Paralyzed but brilliant astrophysicist)
........................................................................ 63 P age |4 Introduction
Congratulations, and thank you for purchasing Top 30 Examples to Use as SAT
Essay Evidence, an exclusive special report from! This special
report will help enormously in preparing you to write the SAT Essay. In the pages
that follow, you will find 30 examples of evidence that work for the vast majority
of SAT essay prompts. The examples are drawn from all fields of human endeavor,
and there is bound to be evidence that appeals to you, no matter what your interests
are. As a professional SAT tutor, and perfect 12 scoring SAT essay writer, I ve
researched these examples from the point of view of someone about to write the
SAT essay. I ve identified useful themes, inspirational lessons, and relevant facts
there s no wasted words; every detail could come in handy when it s time to write
your SAT essay! In other words, this special report was written specifically to address
Privacy s Perception Of Privacy
This ever present, Big Brother like surveillance messes with people s perceptions
of their privacy. Naturally, when you are constantly being watched by someone or
something, you perceive a loss of privacy. People are concerned about privacy;
they are afraid that the digital systems they use on an everyday basis may bring
unwanted effects into their lives. (Lahlou, 2008, p. 300) In his article, Lahlou
presents an alternate way of viewing privacy that better SOMETHING HERE
Lahlou points out that Privacy was initially understood as the right to be left alone
and sometimes encryption. (Lahlou, 2008, p. 312) This definition seems like it
applies in the case of Harris s experiments, the Panopticon, and the Internet as whole;
we know we... Show more content on ...
A back region or backstage can be defined as a place, relative, to a given
performance, where the impression fostered by the performance is knowingly
contradicted as a matter of course. (Goffman, 1959, p. 69) The information someone
presents about themselves in their front region differs from the information that
person presents in the back region.
Lahlou draws a Goffman s idea of a front and back stage to define what he calls the
face. He defines a face as a sort of expected role. The face is what a subject is at a
given moment. (Lahlour, 2008, p. 317) Different types of faces include expert, a
manager, a project member, a company employee, a friend, etc (Lahlou, 2008,
p.314) He defines being in private when one does not have to wear a specific face.
The transition from face to face could be analogous to the transition between front
stage and backstage. When a person is alone, they are a combination of all of their
faces; they do not have to put any particular face because there is no expected role
when they are alone.
In somewhat of a contrast to the traditional view of privacy, Lahlou claims that
privacy issues emerged from role conflicts between activities. (Lahlou, 2008, p.
Kotter s 8-Step Process For Leading Change
Introduction It is a difficult task when soliciting buy in from subordinates in an
organizational change initiative due to an inherent resistance to change. This
synopsis will present three change tactics that are commonly used to engage
employees in the change process and they are: Kotter s 8 step Process for Leading
Change, the Change ManagementFoundation Model, and Deming s Plan Do Check
Act model. It will also discuss why organizations should use benchmarks in the
change process. This document will conclude with a summary of this discussion.
Change Tactics There are various tactics that are used to get engage employees in the
change process. Presented are three of the most common tactics used in the
engagement process. It must be noted ... Show more content on ...
(2015). Using kotter s eight stage process to manage an organisational change
program: Presentation and practice. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 28(1), 51
66. doi: 014 9317 0
Kinney, R. M. (1992). Leadership through vision. The Journal for Quality and
Participation, 15(4),12. Retrieved from
Bushell, S. (1992). Implementing plan, do, check and act. The Journal for Quality
and Participation,15(5), 58. Retrieved from
Boxwell, R. J. (1994). Benchmarking for Competitive Advantage. New York:
McGraw Hill.
Fifer, R. M. (1989). Cost benchmarking functions in the value chain. Strategy
Leadership, 17(3),
Essay on Dialects in American Literature
Dialects in American Literature
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries dialect was not common in American
Literature. Writers who attempted to accurately capture American dialect and slang
often failed to make it believable. In my essay, Dialects in American Literature, I
will compare and contrast three writers who used dialect in their writings and
explain the difference between effective and ineffective use of dialect. The writers I
will be discussing are Mark Twain, Bret Harte, and William Dean Howells.
The use of dialect in American literature comes from using a combination of realism
and regionalism. According to realism is an inclination toward literal
... Show more content on ...
In The Outcasts of Poker Flat, a group of inappropriate people are thrown out of a
small western town. What I mean by inappropriate, is that they were not liked by the
local citizens. They were considered outcasts. The outcast characters were,
quot;Duchess, also known as quot;Mother Shipton, quot; and quot;Uncle Billy, quot;
a suspected sluice robber and confirmed drunkard. The other character in the story is
Mr. John Oakhurst, a gambler. Bret Harte establishes regionalism through description
of his characters and also the dialogue that he gives his characters. For example,
Uncle Billy says quot;Is this yer a d d picnic? quot; With inward scorn, as he
surveyed the sylvan group, the glancing firelight, and the tethered animals in the
foreground hurst returns to the group he speaks in a particular dialect.
This dialogue Hate uses is a great example of capturing dialect that is local to time
and place. The dialect portrays the way people actually talked. The story takes
original characters and places them in a typical western situation. Harte uses
regionalism through dialect to successfully portray his characters the way they
actually are. I enjoyed reading The Outcasts of Poker Flat, and truly believe that the
use of dialect successfully portrayed the people of the time. According to Edward O
Brien in an essay written in 1923 about the advance of the
Kirsten Cookie Case
Solution to Kristen s Cookie Company (A) Before answering specific questions, it
is useful to make a diagram of the overall process: Note that in this diagram,
activities are arranged in columns to indicate which resources are being used. Inside
each activity symbol are written the capacity (in dozens of cookies) and the cycle
time (in minutes). 1. How long will it take for you to fill a rush order? Assuming this
order is for one dozen cookies, we will need to do the following:
ActivityResourceCycle TimeStart TimeFinish Time Order EntryE mail0
minutes00:0000:00 Wash Bowl, MixSelf6 minutes00:0006:00 Fill TraySelf2
minutes06:0008:00 Prepare OvenRoommate1 minute08:0009:00 BakeOven9
minutes09:0018:00... Show more content on ...
The Gantt chart shows that we are using at most three trays in the filling activity at
any given time (and in fact this is only because this particular plan calls for filling
three trays in rapid succession, after which two of them sit waiting for an
opportunity to get into the oven). There is never more than one tray in the oven at
any given time, nor is there ever any more than one tray cooling. So we could
certainly get by with five trays, and maybe four or even three if we adjust the
mixing and filling part of the operation. On the other hand, trays are cheap, and it
would be a shame if we ever had to keep the oven (the bottleneck) waiting for lack
of a tray. It is reasonable to have plenty of trays on hand, whether that means five,
or ten, or whatever. 6. Are there any changes you can make in your production
plans that will allow you to make better cookies or more cookies in less time or at
lower cost? For example, is there a bottleneck operation in your production process
that you can expand cheaply? What is the effect of adding another oven? How
much would you be willing to pay for an additional oven? The bottleneck is the
oven, which means there is no point in looking at expanding the capacity of any
other resource unless the operation s baking capacity is expanded first. If we had
two ovens, we could make cookies faster. But how much faster? This gets
complicated, but we can think about it by looking at the capacities
Merchant of Venice Antonio
Bigoted and spiteful and well intentioned and loyal , which of these views best
describes the character of Antonio in your question. In Merchant of Venice , Antonio
is the main character as he is the merchant in the story in Venice. As Antonio is a
Christian, he is quite anti Semitic and rude to Shylock, making some people believe
that he is spiteful and bigoted. However, most of the play centers on him being the
victim of the villain of the play, Shylock due to their bond they made. As Antonio is
willing to give everything for Bassanio without any payment and he strikes at any
chance to help Bassanio, I believe Shakespearian and modern audiences would
believe him to be more of a well intentioned and loyal friend. At the start... Show
more content on ...
The word dare shows his bravery in helping Bassanio, seeing as his first time
bounding himself for Bassanio turned out to be a life and death situation. This time,
Antonio doesn t need Shylock or anyone else s taunting to agree to a bond, but for
the sake of Bassanio and Portia s happiness, he is willing to put his soul upon the
forfeit . He not only gives his life, he also gives his soul. This sounds more religious
and important than dying, so Antonio shows his most extreme means and greater
commitment in ensuring Bassanio s happiness. This strongly displays his well
intentions behind his actions. However, this also suggests that this bond will not
end well, because in the first bond, Antonio failed to return the money. All in all,
Antonio is well intentioned and certainly very loyal towards Bassanio, as he helps
his friend as well as he can quite a few times and the only reason behind his actions
is their friendship, showing his benevolence. Even though Antonio is quite mean to
Shylock, showing anti semitism but overall, this main character is surely seen as a
kind hearted and faithful friend in audiences of all ages and
America s Drilling For Oil
Americans have been drilling for oil for more than half of their existence. Before
the 1850 s oil was of little use and had no market for commerce as there was not one
overwhelming use for it. Until around the 1850 s, when technology advanced, with it
sparking search for one of the most sought after natural resources that countries would
later go to war over, petroleumoil. Early inventions like the kerosene lamp provided
a new stable home necessity to live by, increasing the demand for crude oil. This
would be met in part by Colonel Edwin Drake, who drilled the first successful oil well
in 1858. While Drake s invention for extracting crude oil from the ground would
bring about a new era for industrialization, his black gold would bring about an even
larger effect, the environmental disasters caused by man. For over one hundred and
fifty years of drilling for oil, both on shore and offshore, has led to some of the
worst catastrophes to both nature and mankind. While many of these catastrophes
have led to the deaths of hundreds of crew members, they have also led to long
lasting effects on the environment, local and national economies, legislation,
regulations, and human morale. These following effects can be seen in the most
recent and most contaminated marine oil spill in history. To the media and public it
s known as the British Petroleum offshore drilling oil spill in 2010. To grasp the
effects of the British Petroleum oil spill, it s best to start
What Is Body Workout Essay
Something everybody will love: a total body workout anybody can do without
needing to stand up. It is a workout with training you can do in the comfort of your
own Pj s. There s an entire burn and bum work but at least you can avoid the gym.
This discipline is a workout that is effective but also structured in a way to fit in
with your daily life so that couch potatoes have a little less stress when eating too
much and not exercising. People who work and students who do projects sit at
their desk all day long so to be healthy they have to overcomplicate their schedules
and make it a drag when working all day isn t already tiring. This workout can be
done wherever whenever to just workout some of your muscles and maybe get your
heart rate going in between work and having a breather from tasks.
I want with people doing this workout to have realistic expectations, if people set
their goals to high they might just throw in the towel. With this workout the aim is
not to have a Victoria secret model body but gain a healthier lifestyle than before. To
build up confidence and comfort within their bodies. Lazy people usually have no
energy but to get energy we need to exercise a bit, so if at the end of the process
getting up in the morning is a bit easier than that is a goal defiantly achieved. This is
a workout for the long run ... Show more content on ...
As a lay person I needed something to bring energy back into my life seeing that
High school drains you, also wanted to give my body the care tht it deserves
without trying to hurt myself. I know that going to the gym is time consuming and
a trier for e to suddenly be self conscious so I needed a workout which I could do in
the comfort of my own home and which fits into my daily
Patagonia Another Way of Doing Business
1Introduction Patagonia was founded in 1957 by Yvon Chouinard who defines
himself as a reluctant business man. He started his business as a way to climb and
surf year long, seeking to build the best product to satisfy his passion. Build the best
product, cause no unnecessary harm, use business to inspire and implement solutions
to the environmental crisis. Patagonia s Mission Statement Patagonia grew out of a
small company that made tools for climbers. Alpinism remains at the heart of a
worldwide business that still makes clothes for climbing as well as for skiing,
snowboarding, surfing, fly fishing, paddling and trail running. Customers are willing
to pay a premium for the Patagonia brand and environmental ethic. The company s
goal... Show more content on ...
Today with the Common Threads Initiative they are pursuing the exact same
philosophy and trying to push the industry to adopt more ethical business
behaviors. Patagonia s highly public search for a new way of doing business
implies a new kind of relationship with customers, reinforced by unconditional
guarantees, extremely high product quality and an explicit commitment to ethical
codes of behavior (Reinhardt, 2000). For Yvon Chouinard Patagonia is a business
experiment, one of his goals is to run the company so it s here 100 years from now
and always makes the best quality products. Yet he finds that concern for quality
and sustainability doesn t pose a conflict with running a highly successful business.
Every time we do the right thing, our profits go up (Chouinard, 2005). Patagonia is
the perfect example of successful business with high ethics standard, it has led the
company to enjoy an unrivaled reputation among outdoor aficionados, and its green
philosophy is gaining broader appeal as more people embrace sustainable
consumption. 6References Chouinard, Y. (2005). Let My People Go Surfing: The
Education of a Reluctant Businessman. New York, NY: Penguin Press HC. Leonard,
A. (2010). The Story of Stuff: How Our Obsession with Stuff Is Trashing the Planet,
Our Communities, and Our Health and a Vision for Change. New York, NY: Free
Press Simon Schuster. Reinhard L, F. (2000). Down to earth: applying business
principles to environmental
Crisis Circumstance
The observer impact was first decide in the research facility by John Darely and
Bibb Latane in 1968 after they got to be keen on the subject after the homicide Kitty
Genovese in 1964. These analysts dispatched a progression of investigations that
brought about one of the most grounded and most replicable impacts in social brain
science. In a run of the mill analyze, the member is either alone or among a gathering
of different members or confederates. A crisis circumstance is organized and
scientists measure to what extent it takes the members to intercede, in the event that
they mediate. These trials have found that the vicinity of others hinders helping,
regularly by a huge edge. For instance, Bibb LatanГ© and Judith Rodin organized a
test... Show more content on ...
In the event that the individual is to intercede they should first notice the occasion,
they must decipher the circumstance as a crisis, and they must conclude that it is
their own energy to act. At each of that preparatory steps, the spectator to and crisis
can expel themselves from the choice procedure and in this way neglect to offer
assistance. They can neglect to see the occasion, neglect to translate the occasion as
a crisis, or can neglect to expect the obligation to take action.The Kitty Genovese
occurrence spoke to a magnificent turning point ever. Comprehensively, this
stipulates individuals are hesitant to mediate and help a man in need, particularly
when other individuals are available. The observer impact has pulled in much
research consideration. A first point of the present talk was to recognize
circumstances in which the observer impact would be well on the way to happen. A
second point was to blueprint conceivable activities to decrease this and build
selflessness. An audit of the present article uncovered that the observer impact
appears to be destined to happen in the accompanying circumstances: when other
individuals are available; when individuals are worried that their selfless conduct will
be contrarily assessed; when the expenses of interceding exceed expenses identified
with not mediating; and when individuals can t relate to a man needing help.
Suggestions for
The Balance Between Caseworkers And The Innocent Case
The Balance between Caseworkers and the Innocent
Jennifer Collins
Liberty University
28 August 2015
The Balance between Caseworkers and the Innocent
Why our Child Protective Service Caseworkers have a high turnover rate within a
year of taking the job along with an extreme amount of caseloads?
Large caseloads and excessive workloads in many jurisdictions make it difficult for
child welfare workers to serve families effectively (Child Welfare Information
Gateway, 2013). Other reasons that caseworker s leave were due to the danger
involved and extreme stress. Some caseworker were so behind; they were caught
lying to get caught up on the workload.
Children are left at risk when a case is not followed up promptly due to
A Woman, A Nail, And A Hammer
A Woman, A Nail and A Hammer
Judges 3 5
For almost 20 years the Israelites had served Eglon, the wicked king of Moab. Then
Ehud, a man that the Lord had raised up to save the Children of Israel, killed Eglon.
Eglon is the only person in the Bible who is described as being very fat.
Ehud, a Benjamite, was the second judge of Israel. He was a left handed man who
wore a dagger on his right thigh. That s the way he got the Dagger past the security
After Ehud killed Eglon, the Land enjoyed peace for 80 years; however, When Ehud
was dead the Children of Israel again did evil in the sight of the Lord.
Those were the days when everyone did what was right in his own eyes.
Although, the Lord had delivered the nation of Israel on several occasions, they had
gotten careless and sinful again; therefore,
The Lord sold them into the hands of Jabin, king of the Canaanites. That is not the
only time God has judged His people by selling them to the oppression of the enemy
and America needs to wake up before it s too late.
Now, I remind you that this is not a fable; it s a true life story from the Bible, which
contains excellent encouraging lessons for today s Christian. In fact, there are about
a half dozen sermons that I preach from this story, but don t worry; I ll only be using
one of them today.
The Children of Israel were to have driven the Canaanites out of the land, and they
did so to a degree, but not completely. The Israelites swept down across the land
When Preparation Meets Opportunity !
When Preparation Meets Opportunity!
By Pat Mussieux | Submitted On February 13, 2013
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Expert Author Pat Mussieux
How often have you attended an event and found that you were totally overwhelmed
and under prepared? I see it happen all the time and it makes my heart sink because,
seriously, those are missed opportunities that you will never get back.
There are many large, and valuable, events scheduled around North America (and the
world, for that matter) that are a gold mine of opportunity when it comes to learning
and networking. Attending these events is one of the best ways to grow your
business and develop valuable and meaningful contacts, too.
I like to be prepared before arriving at these events whether they are the large, once a
year type, or whether they are regular local networking opportunities. I know that, for
many entrepreneurs, you just don t know what you don t know. I want to share some
of my best tips for seizing the opportunity and really getting the best return on
investment possible.
1. First and foremost, create a plan for the year and decide which events you will be
attending and why. There are so very many choices
A Critical Analysis Of Shirley Jackson s The Lottery
Shirley Jackson s short story The Lottery is set in a small village who relies deeply
on their crops. This story is about a sacrifice that takes place every year in which
the heads of households draw for their families in order to see who wins and saves
the town. The readers grow close to a character named Tessie who decides to speak
her mind when it s too late. In the end, the townsfolk realise that what comes
around goes around. Before the ceremony started, Tessie Hutchinson was almost
late. Instead of apologizing, she joked and acted as if it was nothing. This day is
one of the most important days of the year for the town folk, it should not be easily
forgotten. When she finally arrived the first thing she said was, Clean forgot what
day it was... and then I looked out the window and the kids was gone, and then I
remembered it was the twenty seventh and came a running, instead of formally
addressing the serious situation and apologizing, she gave an inadequate excuse.
Tessie was so late that people knew that her priorities aren t in the right places. By
the time she had gotten there, people started to think she wasn t going to show up
without notice, we can recall a few people saying, Bill, she made it after all. Tessie
had sentenced herself to her death before the ceremony could even start. Shortly after
Tessie arrived she talked with the surrounding people. If talking wasn t enough she
even joked with some of her neighbors saying, Wouldn t have me leave
Is Justified True Belief Knowledge Edmund Gettier
In his 1963 article Is Justified True Belief Knowledge? , Edmund Gettier pointed out
the fault in the traditional definition of knowledge and presented two
counterexamples. The problem created by the two counterexamples is called the
Gettier problem. In detail, the Gettier problem is whether a true beliefbased on invalid
reasons counts as knowledge. My own Gettier counterexample is as follows. One
day, my dad and I went to Costco Gas Station and there were already a lot of cars
waiting for gasoline filling. So we queued in the last. When we were the next one to
use the pump, there were two cars using the pumps, with one in the front and the
other following it. My dad then asked me, of the two cars in front of us, which one
would leave first.... Show more content on ...
The belief cannot be accidentally true. Thus, what qualifies a true belief as
knowledge is its reliable linkage to the facts that make the belief true. A belief
must not only be true but also track the facts . By tracking the facts , we mean it
satisfy the variation and adherence conditions. The variation condition is that if p
were not true, then S would not believe that p. The adherence condition is that if p
were, contrary to fact, true, then S would believe that p. Nozick s account of
knowledge is as the following: S knows that P if and only if P is true, S believes
that P, and S s belief is reliably true. The third condition is consisted of variation
and adherence conditions. He passes each Gettier case to the four conditions to see
which condition does not satisfy. If a case fails any of the four conditions, then it
is not a knowledge and the test does not need to continue any more. Gettier cases
usually fail the variation condition as we can see from Gettier s original example
and the Fake Barn case. In Gettier s original example, if we assume it were false
that the man who will get the job has 10 coins in his pocket, then Smith would still
believe that the man who will get the job has 10 coins in his pocket because the
boss would still say that Jones gets the job. Similarly, in the Fake Barn case, if we
assume it were false that what Henry
Impacts of Climate Change Essay
There is widespread agreement in the scientific community that the climate is
changing and it has likely received contributions from humans in the form of
increased carbon emissions. The Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change has stated that there is ninety percent certainty that human
activity has been the primary cause of temperature rises seen since 1950; if the
climate rises by more than two degrees Celsius, scientists predict dire consequences
to be faced by humans and the world (McMichael and Lindgren, 2011, p. 402).
Changes in climate, no matter how small, bring with it changes in other seemingly
unrelated aspects of life. As current research suggests, climate changewill have
negative effects on... Show more content on ...
1507). Additionally, stress from climate change can also aggravate certain
noninfectious disease (Friel et al., 2010, p. 135). Millions of people suffer from these
conditions and their current medical states may be declining under the climate
change that is currently going on. Those afflicted by these diseases have an
additional motive to help reduce the costs of climate change on the world.
Infectious disease states will be affected as a direct impact of climate change.
Changes in climate can cause alterations in the patterns of certain disease vectors.
This can be seen in Canada, where new populations of ticks are increasing the
incidence of Lyme disease (McMichael and Lindgren, 2011, p. 409). A shift in the
distribution of ticks and consequently Lyme disease threatens new populations that
can increase the incidence and prevalence of Lyme disease in Canada (Mills, Gage
and Khan, 2010, p. 1508.). These new populations facing Lyme disease will be
particularly susceptible since it has not been an issue previously faced in their
vicinity. Other vector borne diseases and infections have seen a recent increase in
population and geographic locations, including the West Nile Fever in Africa
(McMichael and Lindgren, 2011, p. 409). Africa has been affected by climate change
through rising temperatures. These increases in temperature have manifested
themselves in an
Personal Narrative Fiction
My breathing stops. My heart is practically beating out of my chest. I take a step
up the stairs and align myself to the right of the railing. I pull the knife closer to
my chest getting ready to stab the person coming up. I can see the shadow of the
person coming up the stairs my body tense, ready to attack. The shadow turns into
an outline, then into a man. I count the seconds in my head, closing my eyes, I feel a
man s presence. I open my eyes ready to face whatever danger lies until I see a
familiar face. Brown hair and those blue eyes. David. You re alive, he says with a
small look of relief. I look at him. I m alive really? That s all he has to say. After all
the trauma I had just faced. Where the hell was he all this time? Was he trying to
kill me too or did he come to save me?... Show more content on ...
Was I supposed to be dead I asked with sarcasm? No, not at all, but I should really
get you to safety, so let s go David replies. Excuse me, what makes you think I ll go
with you, how do I even know you re not some weird psychopath, you re the only
one in this hospital that I see, and I believe everyone else is dead or AWOL ? I say
to him. Um, because if I wanted to kill you you would have been dead already, he
then says to me. Should I believe him I think to myself? If he wanted to kill me, I
would be currently dead, what s that supposed to mean. That he could kill me
anytime and I wouldn t expect it? I most definitely trust him. Hello! Do you hear
the sarcasm. I let out a sigh. Fair enough, I said. Two can play this game. I put my
knife down and walk down the stairs with him. What happened to everyone, I asked
seriously. I ll tell you everything once I know you re safe he replies. Um... okay, I
Visual Analysis For Milk Life
An advertisement in the September 2016 issue of the health and fitness magazine
Experience Life is inescapable for its fit model holding a glass of milk, with her
bicycle leaning against the fence and partially resting on her knee. The athlete
occupies the foreground; the middle ground features cows and expansive lush green
pasture, while the background is characterized by a farm building with its backdrop
covered of rolling hills and sun rays peeking through the tree line beyond. The Milk
Life advertisement is almost entirely visual, with the entire page covered by the
photograph and the advertisingtext covering over the image. This gives the
impression of the text fading in comparison to the graphic message. Although
seemingly ordinary... Show more content on ...
For instance, it is widely believed that Americans owe it to themselves to strive for
all things that make life better including making the most out of the ordinary
situations. The entire farm landscape, with an exceptional Olympian at the forefront
is a perfect representation of overlooked beauty and strength in a simple and
seemingly ordinary location. The combined imagery, therefore, emphasizes the
possibility of deriving greatness from basic undertakings. There is also a
widespread supposition that Americans are fiercely patriotic. The ad seems to stress
this hypothesis, as is evident from the inclusion of the country s flag, as well as, as a
model donning a jacket bearing the same symbol of patriotism.
Overall, the milk life ad conveys a significant message and appeals to its target
audience not just because of the actual text, but primarily due to the visual elements
coupled with the spatial positioning of said imagery and text. The ad is especially
captivating for patriotic individuals, who take pride in being associated with America
s achievements, as well as, prospective fitness enthusiasts and healthy lifestyle
How I Met My Husband
Patrick Silva
AP Lit
Period 4
Mr. Schmitz
October 11, 2012
How I Met My Husband Thesis Paper The theme of Alice Munro s story How I met
my Husband is Social expectations mold individual circumstances. Edie, a fifteen
year old housemaid in the lower class of society has qualities and talents that
demonstrate a skill set of aristocracy. Have a house without pie, be ashamed until
you die is a quoted statement that Edie s mother used to say to her that Mrs.
Peebles was not very familiar with. Edie was astonished when Mrs. Peebles
admitted that she could not make pie crust and said it was the most amazing thing
she ever heard a woman admit. She of course could make pie crust, along with many
other baking related foods, which was ... Show more content on ...
An interrogation erupted and Ms. Kelling soon dug out answers from Edie, who
was not going to lie, or deny that any intimate action took place. Instead of
releasing her anger at Mr. Watters, who left without warning and cheated on her,
she instantly addresses her anger to Edie with curses along with many other
demeaning words. Ms. Kelling speaks to Edie as she should have known she was
going to take such actions with Mr. Watters, as she said I am not surprised, I knew
by the look of her as soon as I saw her . Ms. Kelling is judging Edie based on her
social class, calling her a little country tramp , inferring that all women of that class
are good for nothing and worthless. When someone is knowledgeable and feels
acquainted with dealing amidst a certain stage or point in life, they tend to be
more successful than someone who feels out of place or inexperienced. In the
story, Edie stated that her parents made the effort and sent her to high school, but
she could not cope with the atmosphere after a year of trying which resulted in her
failure. Edie is a smart girl, although shown as naive in the story, she shines in
places where even the educated might not. She illustrates her experience in cooking
and creativity, where people even of a higher class cannot show. People who are
educated may look down at others and expect them to fail at certain things that they
believe cannot be done by someone who is not knowledgeable.
Short Story Of Jack Brian s Death
How many big toes do you have? I hope you have two. If you don t: drop this paper
and seek out help immediately. It may not be too late for you; you could be saved.
If you have two keep reading and follow these instructions carefully. That is, if you
want to live. It all started on the morning of May 22, 2014 in Long Pond,
Pennsylvania. Fifteen year old Jack Brian woke up to what he thought was a normal
Monday morning. Until he looked in his bathroom mirror and saw a big toe
protruding from his belly button. This sight is enough to make anyone scream at the
top of their lungs, but that didn t happen to Jack. He stood there, horrified at the
disturbing sight. How long the extra phalange had been there, he didn t know. Five,
ten, fifteen minutes... Show more content on ...
Anyone you know could be infected: your family, your friends, or that kid you
never liked but always had to sit next to when the teacher assigned an alphabetical
order seating chart. Trust no one but yourself. Find a cabin in the middle of
woods. It has to be non accessible by road. It has to be somewhere no one can find
you. Also, leave no traces of your existence. The toes are smarter than you think.
They can and will track you down. They will stop at nothing to grow their army. As
I said, seclude yourself. Tell no one where you are going. Since trips to the local
grocery store are out of the question, bring plenty of food and water. Next, you will
have to have a stockpile of food and water. Bring only the essential most basic food,
but bring a lot of it. You will run out eventually, so choose a place where food is
readily available and has a water source close by. You can either hunt animals or
forage for roots and berries; just make sure you never run out. If you have to resort
to collecting your own drinking water, filter it. The disease could advance and
become able to be contracted through water. Take no chances. Take any and every
precaution. You can never be too
Creative Product Promotion Bnd Level 3 Business
Task 1
Introduction to the promotional mix
Every business will require the use of a promotional mix as without this you could
have the best product at the best price but you will never generate any sales.
Businesses need to make use of various above and below the line promotions to sell
their products.
(I have found a quote that backs up my views on the promotional mix and gives
another basic insight for its implicational meaning)
(The combination of personal selling, public relations, advertising, sales promotion,
sponsorships, direct mail, and trade shows that are utilized in promoting a good or
service. The appropriate mix is the combination that produces the best results for a
given budget. Steven Sheridan, Business Promotion) ... Show more content on ...
This business is completely different to Burger King in products, company size and
However Anderson and Wall still advertise their business using above and below the
line promotion techniques, these are listed below:
Above the line
Anderson and Wall often advertise their business on BCR FM this is Bridgwater s
own radio station. This radio station is only listened to by people living in the
Bridgwater area meaning it is relatively cheap to advertise on and it still is herd by
the local target audience.
Local newspaper
Anderson and Wall post a weekly add in the Bridgwater Gazette, this is a small
newspaper meaning it is relatively cheap to advertise in. This form of advertising is
again alike using the radio as it is only seen by people potential local customers.
Anderson and Wall promote their business online as this is very cheap and has a
massive target audience. The internet is a very good source of advertisement as it
allows Anderson and Wall to promote its products to a large target audience, a lot
bigger than their local promotions. An example of this is Anderson and Wall having
an internet shop selling products and posting them to their customers.
Anderson and wall also promote their products in a catalogue; this can be ordered
online from their website. This is a good idea as they are very cheap to
What Factors in the Present Situation of Hong Kong
Often when we talk about culture and belonging, cultural identity is a large
component which follows up the traditions, values and customs practised by a group.
The most prominent concern there is with Hong Kong s political and social situation
is the issue of independence, nationalism and identity. Hong Kongs political identity
and struggle, although has extensive history, prevails today. The identity crisis
began in the year 1997. On July 1st, Hong Kong was handed over back to the People
s Republic of China (PRC); acquiring the title of being a Special Administrative
Region (SAR) of the PRC. This is only a temporary title, however, as on July 1, 2046,
Hong Kong will lose its SAR status, and become a regular state of the PRC. Hence,...
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Places where art really flourishes are those where there are urgent issues that art needs
to deal with. (Ho, 2005). In this statement, we immediately gather that art isn t only
utilised for the purpose of leisure or entertainment, however inspiration comes from
minor things in our surroundings which become greater things in retrospect. Art
holds a much deeper and meaningful message, and is often used to reach out to the
masses. Common examples are propaganda and protest. In the midst of this identity
crisis, Tsou Choi Tsang, a street graffitiartist s work is of great significance today.
The sudden surge of interes in Tsang s work can be explained by its connection to
Hong Kong s society; the process of creating culture, rather than preserving it. Due
to the political and social factors in Hong Kong s society today, Tsang s work is
perpetually relevant. His work highlights the themes of property ownership, post
colonialism, power, and territoriality. Even 17 years after the handover back to
China, and 7 years after Tsou Choi Tsang s death, his work is still powerful and
influential as it covers topics which several locals can relate to. Tsou Choi Tsang,
better recognised by the title of the King of Kowloon came to Hong Kong at the age
of 16. He had very limited education. He worked as a construction worker, however a
tragedy left him living on the support of crutches
Persuasive Essay On Landmines
Landmines are bombs that are left in the ground after a war. It costs three dollars to
make a mine and three hundred dollars to remove (Assistance in Mine Action).
Landmines kill about 4,000 people a year; many innocent people die of a war no one
is fighting any more. In 1992, many non governmental organizations (NGOs) came
together to ban landmines; it was called the Ottawa Treaty. Besides military, children
are those most affected by landmines. Women and girls are victims 12% of the time
when landmines injure people. Djibouti has signed the Ottawa Treaty because
landmines have been hurting their people. Sometimes when people see mines blow
up they ll think that there are mines planted there and not use that land. Because no
humans are living there, animals will go to that land and they ll... Show more content
on ...
Fewer parts of the country will be used for homes, farming and villages. When this
happens in an area, families lose money and can t take care of themselves. Djibouti
has landmines because of a civil war from 1991 1994. Landmines were used in this
war by both the rebel forces and the government supporters. [Djibouti] appears to
have obtained mines in the past from France and Italy (DJIBOUTI). Djibouti has
seen what happens to people near landmines; people lose limbs from mines. When
people lose limbs from mines, then they will need robotic limbs to help them function
correctly. The robotic limbs are expensive
Essay on Sift Cupcake and Dessert Bar Case
Industry and Competitive Analysis
Exhibit 1: Dominant Economic Features
Market Size and Growth Rate
Nationwide cupcake sales projected to rise another 20% between 2009 and 2014
Retail bakery sales expected to grow 8.1% per year on average through 2014
106 cupcakeries in the bay area
Sift estimates net sales of around $961,000 in 2010
Number of Rivals
As of November 1, 2010, there were 106 cupcakeries in the bay area
Hundreds of additional bakeries, dessert bars, and other commercial venues also
selling cupcakes
Grocery stores and big box in store bakeries
Scope of Competitive Rivalry
Most companies compete locally and regionally
Few companies like Sprinkles compete nationally
Number of Buyers
In 2009, customers ... Show more content on ...
The industry is conducive to making a profit but not large attractive profits
The threat of substitutes being strong and the large amount of competitors offering
relatively undifferentiated products makes it difficult for industry members to make
attractive profits
Also the threat of new entrants is moderate because anyone with baking skills can
start a small business with relatively low costs
Exhibit 3: Driving Forces
Increasing growth rate of industry
Emerging new internet capabilities and applications
Growing use of the internet by individuals
Changing ways of advertising through social media sites
Changing societal concerns, attitudes, and lifestyles
Increasing demand of specialty cupcakes
Exhibit 4: Strategic Group Map
High Low
Narrow Broad
Exhibit 5: Strategic Moves of Rivals
Competitors Strategies and Resource Strengths and Weaknesses
Kara s Cupcakes is primary competitor
Have 6 Bay Area locations
Analysis Of She Walks In Beauty By Lord Byron
Born in 1788, George Gordon Byron, commonly known as Lord Byron, was an
English poet and one of the most famous poets of the romantic era. Romanticism was
one of the most influential poetic movements in which brought Lord Byron into the
literary forefront. Although he has many famous literary works, She Walks in
Beauty is one of his most favourable poems. The poem was inspired by a woman
wearing a mourningful dress whilst at a ball. Love is the overarching theme, focusing
mainly on captivating love. This is seen by the overwhelming sense of his attention
that is captivated by her and the fact that the woman seems unobtainable. Through his
work, Lord Byron captured the reader s attention through the way he used literary
devices and the way he represented different genderrepresentations through the nature
of love.
From the very beginning, the nature of love in She Walks in Beauty is alluded to be
captivating. That is that the woman he sees is very attractive or interesting and that
she is taking up all of this thoughts and attention. Typically in this time period, the
beautiful women were blonde and pale, opposite to this is the woman portrayed in
this poem. The comparison to night and day or light and dark, two completely
opposite things, shows one really beautiful thing. In the first line the simile like the
night (Ln 1) established the initial beauty he saw. In addition, the use of the
personification in tender light (Ln 5) shows that through the woman s beauty his
Persuasive Speech About Rosa Parks
Rosa Parks
Rosa Parks was born on February 4, 1913, in Alabama. When she was two she and
her parents moved to another place in Alabama. The same year her baby brother was
born, and her parents shortly separated after that. This sound like a normal childhood,
right? The only thing that made this childhood different, from a childhood today, was
that Rosa Parks was an african american raised at the same times as the Jim Crow
laws. The Jim Crow laws was laws that separated black people and white people. The
black people could only go to certain schools, they could only use toilets for black
people and when they were taking the bus, they could only sit on the seats for black
people. If the bus was to crowded of people, they had to give up their seats for white
people. Rosa Parks is known for doing this little thing, she refused to give up her seat
for a white man. In this text we are going to take a closer ... Show more content on ...
Like, where Rosa Parks ever married? Yes, Rosa Parks was married to a guy called
Raymond Parks. He was born in 1903, and he died in 1977. They got married in
1932, and they marriage ended in 1977 after Raymond died. Why am I talking
about him you may think? Well, he have always supported Rosa Parks in
everything she have done, and he was also fighting against the segregation.
Another thing you may not know about Rosa Parks, is that she was not the first
african american women that got arrested since she refused to give up her seat for
a white person. Only nine months before Parks got arrested, a 15 year old girl,
named Claudette Colvin, got arrested for doing the same thing as Rosa Parks did.
There were also three other african american women how did the same thing. The
only difference is that it got consequences after Parks had done it. Maybe the reason
that it had consequences after Parks did it was because she was a civil rights activist
before she got
Metropolis Growth
The Best Path for Growth in Metropolis: How to Make American Cities Flourish
Over the past thirty years, many cities throughout America have grown from dismal
places into thriving, prosperous, and growing entities. In particular, Boston, Chicago,
and New York have become cities where swarms of affluent individuals both young
and old want to live and work, instead of suburbia. While these cities had previous
ingredients for success, their commitment to education, immigration, business,
development, public transportation, and quality of life all spurred their growth and
population influx. In order for the hypothetical cityof Metropolis to flourish over the
next 20 years into a thriving entity like these cities, it must positively grow its human
... Show more content on ...
Philadelphia receives around 60 percent of its revenue from a wage tax on
employees that inflicts a large financial burden on employers, but keeps residents
appeased through low property taxes (Ehrenhalt 142). The wage tax is a direct
deterrent for companies, and has compelled firms and people to move from
Philadelphia over the past 50 years (Ehrenhalt 145). Without businesses in a city,
there is no economic force encouraging the affluent to live there or spurring
development. Cities that succeed promote business, as evidenced by the fact that
their population equals the number of jobs. While Boston has an equal amount of
people and jobs, Philadelphia has 1.4 million people and only six hundred thousand
jobs (Ehrenhalt 145). Metropolis needs to have sound political leadership that does
not place high taxes on businesses like Philadelphia does. Metropolis should
encourage businesses to come to its city through tax incentives, allowing for
development and an influx of affluent individuals. Policies like these can be difficult
to implement politically, especially if they require residents to have property tax
increases to mitigate lower business taxes, as seen in Philadelphia (Ehrenhalt 155).
Metropolis, however, has to weigh business growth more heavily than residents
concerns over property taxes to
Symbolism In The Torrtilla Curtain
A coyote is not only a wolf like wild dog that is native to North America, it also is a
name for someone who profits from smuggling immigrants across the US border,
typically the Mexican border for a high fee. There s much myth and lure that is
surrounding the coyote dog like animal and there are thousands of stories and
believes about what coyote means. It s the great trickster, it has magical powers, the
medicine dog. The bringer of misfortune, signifying a time when everything
backfires. Indeed, symbolism is extracted from such myths and used to represent
ideas or qualities. The story seems to follow the lure in the way the Coyotes have
many symbolic contexts throughout the story that add a deeper meaning to the The
Tortilla Curtain.
Through metaphors and deeper meaning the book takes on a stark contrast between
Delaney Mossbacher who lives the American Dream and CГЎndido and America
RincГіn who struggle to attempt to reach that dream. The wall symbolizes fear and
segregation from outside elements. and increases racism attitudes towards
immigrants. The Author of The Tortilla Curtain, T.C Boyle also uses the symbolic
messages using wild animals, coyotes are used to create racism throughout the story.
Thus, using animals, physical barriers, food, possessions, and lifestyle Boyle creates
the symbolic meaning of a world of separation.
Boyle in the Tortilla Curtain heavily draws symbolic meaning from the coyotes who
are like the Mexicans sneak around the edges of
Review of Maybe Tomorrow
The book Maybe Tomorrow tells the story of Boori Monty Pryor. It describes the
career path and life story of an Aboriginal in Australia. From being a model to
eventually becoming a writer or like it is called in the aboriginal cultural, a
storyteller. The book is not a typical biography, because it has been written as a one
way conversation between Boori and the reader. Personally I find this somewhat
confusing; jumping from one topic to the other does not feel comfortable to read.
What it definitely does deliver on is giving a better understanding about the aboriginal
culture, the difficulties they face from white Australians in this country and how
every person in this culture needs to adapt to the way of the white men . There are...
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What was also very interesting is the shame indigenous people have against their
own culture. Especially the children, which Boori describes he saw when preforming
in classrooms all over Australia. Children that think they are not really an Aboriginal
because they do not life in the outback, do not play the traditional instruments and do
not look like the stereotypical aboriginal. Therefore they are more white which
means that they are normal. This is very similar to black people outside Australia,
the mind set exist that looking white and acting white is considered better. This
creates a negative stereotypical version of aboriginals, which goes together with
ignorance. For example how Boori describes the reactions of the children in the
classrooms he had visited. One chid expressed that after the performance of Boori,
he was not afraid anymore of aboriginals. Or other child asking him when he started
becoming an aboriginal, I thought this was interesting because it shows how this
child, like some children of aboriginal descent, see only one stereotypical abstract of
an indigenous person. They only have this figure in their mind, which is that
aboriginals are not civilised or educated. A person that is always half naked and
plays traditional aboriginal instruments. That is why some children of aboriginal
descent try to remove themselves from everything that is linked to the Aboriginal
culture, because if you do not act like an
Definition Essay On Mercy
The Meaning of Mercy
What does the word mercy really mean between two people? In many different
situations the meaning of mercy has a different meaning.The word mercy is difficult
to call necessary when really it is more of a choice,but it s still important because
without an understanding we wouldn t know when to show it. In some situations
mercy can be life, while in others mercy can be death. The difference is stark, but in
the end it comes down to a simple common base for how it s defined. In the end, the
core definition of mercy comes down to showing compassion by their own choice to
someone at a disadvantage. Mercy can be shown between two competing parties, by
respecting each other s requests. Recently, in the 2016 American election,... Show
more content on ...
Mercy is only in the person who chooses to give it, and forcing it to happen
invalidates the honest compassion that comes with it. The phrase it blesseth him
that gives, and him that takes means that it would benefit both people to show
mercy. Mercy does not always have to be at the detriment of the person showing it,
but it can help both people, even if only one is at a disadvantage. Portia , the
person talking in the quote, is asking mercy of Shylock, the other party, comparing
it to the gentle rain from heaven . Later she says it becomes the throned monarch
better than his crown , which is comparing mercy to the suiting of a crown, and how
mercy is greater than it in that respect. Those with lots of power should be the ones
with the greatest ability to show mercy, and how that means more than the power of
having the crown. She also says that it blesses him that gives, and him that takes ,
which means that mercy does not only benefit the person who is receiving it, but also
the person giving it. Mercy is something that can help the merciful and the one
receiving mercy, not just one
Social Studies Rebellion Essay
Open protest, conflicting interests, lives changed forever. This is a rebellion. You
re willing to fight the authorities to be heard. Armed rebellion is only justifiable if
nothing else works. The Rebellions of Upper and Lower Canada, Red River
Rebellion, and Northwest Rebellion are all part of Canadian history. They show us
that people can go against the government which usually results in a large loss of life,
but more importantly change.
The Rebellion of Upper and Lower Canada mainly occurred because of land issues,
government inequality, and irresponsibility to the people. Power was held by a small
group of noble elites, they can veto any law that hurts their status. Mainly controlled
by wealthy English aristocrats / businessmen, ... Show more content on ...
Riel was determined to protect the rights of everyone in the settlement. When the
Canadian Party was armed and prepared to attack, he imprisoned them by force. The
belligerent Thomas Scott was executed by a majority vote. Then Riel decided to
negotiate with the Canadian government, which at first refused to recognize him.
Undaunted, the provisional government drafted a proposal for the creation of the
province of Manitoba. Unfortunately, the leader of the Canadian Party escaped and
reached Ottawa first, spreading prejudicial news of the execution and creating
outrage. The delegates from Red River had a hard time getting recognition from
Macdonald s government, but eventually their case was heard and agreed upon. The
Manitoba Act was created granting land rights, as well as making two official
languages and education systems. Overall, the Red River Rebellion was a success, but
they could ve used more peaceful means when dealing with the Canadian Party,
especially since they didn t act beforehand. The Red River Rebellion did not end all
of the Metis problems though.
Changes were sweeping across the Northwest. Newcomers arrived, mainly
Europeans and Canadians looking for more farmland. Unfortunately, the Metis were
denied of their land and self governing rights. They were forced to flee westward and
struggled to survive. Continually pressing for title to
Russian Culture Vs Cuban Culture
Russia is the largest country in the world with a population of 145.3 million people
(Bradford, n.d). Its culture is one that has changed with time but has kept its
traditions and values, the country is one of several others that has experienced both a
communist and a capitalist society. Russian culture puts a lot of emphasis in family
and friends (Bradford, n.d). During communist Russiafriends and family had to help
each other in order to survive the extreme poverty that they had to go through, during
those times collectivism was developed and eventually passed to younger generations
(Bradford, n.d). While is true that Russia today is very different from the days in
which Communism was present people tend to follow the tradition of their parent and
Russian culture is defined by its ethnic diversity, religion, music, arts, and literature
which are admired and respected all over the world. The country currently has close
190 ethnic groups composed of Tartar, Ukrainian, Bashkir, Chuvash, and Chechen
descent (Bradford, n.d). These ethnic groups have contributed their language to the
Russian society among other things. Religion can be considered one of the most
important ... Show more content on ...
Collectivism is somewhat present in both cultures, Cubans like Russians learned to
depend on family and friends in order to survive the poverty that communism
brought to their society. Collectivism in Russia while still present is not as strong as
before, but Cuba still lives under a communist regime which has only made the
collectivist behavior increase in strength. Cuba and Russia were really closed during
the time of the Soviet Union which created an exchange of art and literature that
enriched both cultures. If you go to a bookstore in Cuba you can still find novels
written by Tolstoy and traduced to Spanish. Also you could watch Russian cartoons
on Cuban TV when the Soviet Union was still
Claes Oldenburg
Claes Oldenburg is known for his unique sculptures that reflect the pop culture era.
Born in Sweden, his family moved to the United States when Oldenburg was just a
baby. When Oldenburg got older her attended Yale University and moved to New
York where he met the two people that inspired him artistically, Jim Dine and Allan
Kaprow. With this inspiration, Oldenburg began his career as an artist.
Oldenburg first opened small exhibits around New York filled with sculptures he
created out of paper mache and plaster. From here his art took off and began
catching the attention of people everywhere. In the 1960 s Oldenburg rented out a
space in New York and filled it with sculptures that depicted diner food, cheap
clothing, and other manufactured items. Oldenburg called this The Store . The
sculptures that he created in The Store were called soft sculptures. These types of
sculptures are made from cloth, foam, rubber, paper and other type of soft materials.
These works of art are now known as the first sculptural expression of pop art. With
the popularity stemming from Oldenburg s exhibits, he soon realized he wanted to
expand and ... Show more content on ...
Oldenburg uses bright colors and brings his art to life. I take particular fascination
in his outside sculptures because he truly makes you feel so small compared to his
masterpieces. Oldenburg places his sculptures in many major cities, Philadelphia
being one of them. He created the Paint Torch in 2011 in center city and I have had
the opportunity to pass by this masterpiece many times. It is an enormously tall
paintbrush placed in the middle of the sidewalk. Whenever I pass it I smile because
in a way it reminds me that life does not always have to be so serious, and I believe
that that was one of the goals Claes Oldenburg had in mind when he began creating
his unique
Implementing Environmental Aspects Into Business...
One of the main goals for the design team is to improve the environment and to
achieve sustainable development. A number of tools have been created by LEED in
order to improve the quality in construction projects. These advantages have changed
how buildings are designed, assembled and maintained. During the design phase the
following items need to be deeply thought out to achieve a good quality building:
1)Energy Conservation
2)Comfortable lightening, sound, and temperature
3)Acquisition, Installation, and management of project materials
4)Water efficiency
5)Using natural resources including sunlight and solar energy
6)Indoor environmental quality
It is important to communicate with the owner s needs regarding these factors ...
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The most important standard within the ISO 14000 series is the ISO 14001 standard.
ISO 14001 specifies the requirements of an environmental management system
(EMS) for small to large organizations. The ISO 14001 is based on the Plan Check
DO Review Improve cycle shown in figure 1. Figure 1
In construction, buildings have the capacity to make a major contribution to a more
sustainable future for our planet. Sustainable construction aims to meet present day
needs. Sustainable construction involves major issues such as:
1)Materials performance
2)Operation and maintenance
3)Adherence to ethical standards
4)Flexibility in building use
5)Construction technology and processes
6)Energy and resource efficiency
7)Safety and working conditions
Understanding sustainability construction is key for a better and brighter future in the
construction industry. Based on these issues listed above, and the concept to make
sustainable construction easier to understand, projects today must:
1)Demonstrate innovative approaches to sustainable development, pushing the
envelope of practice and exploring new elements.
2)Adhere to the highest ethical standards.
3)Exhibit a sensible use of natural resources throughout their entire life cycle.
4)Must prove to the owner that it is economically feasible
In the United States most buildings account for total energy use, total electricity use,
total water
Narrative Essay About A Soccer Game
I happened to be on the outdoor sandy field experiencing different mixed emotions
as I saw people with several facial expressions at the end of the big soccer game. It
was exhausting and unforgiving game that got some players injured, and caused the
bad sportsmanship to take place between the coaches, players, and fans. Our fans
and our rival s fans fought each other, and they threw stuff across the stadium as if
they were dealing with a gigantic wild animal. Some of the playerscouldn t fully
focus on their soccer match due to their divided attention, and some of them were
terrified by the fan s unnecessary acts. Whenever I think about this moment, I cry
and smile at the same time because we finally understood the meaning of fair play
of soccer, and happy ending of our game occurred as a result of that. I knew before
the game that the unsportsmanlike conduct would happen, it really did as I thought,
but besides our soccer game s dirty side, it appeared to be more captivating by the
way it was played than any other game. I believe that there were three causes for the
ungentlemanly behavior that we faced during the tournament. Both my team and the
rival team fought to death in order to win the important soccer league because
neither of the teams made it to the final game before. They always face each other
during the knockout games which made them rivals. Finally, the beauty of the game
also had an effect for why the match took place to be played dirty.

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Marketing Mix Essay.pdf

  • 1. Marketing Mix Essay Crafting an essay on the topic of "Marketing Mix" can pose a considerable challenge, requiring a comprehensive understanding of various components that make up this fundamental concept in marketing. The Marketing Mix, often referred to as the 4Ps (Product, Price, Place, and Promotion), demands a thorough exploration of each element and their intricate interplay within a business strategy. Firstly, delving into the product aspect involves analyzing the characteristics, features, and positioning of the product in the market. This requires a keen eye for detail and a nuanced understanding of consumer needs and preferences. Moving on to the price component, one must assess pricing strategies, factors influencing pricing decisions, and the overall pricing dynamics in the industry. The place element involves understanding distribution channels, logistics, and the strategic placement of products in the market. A profound knowledge of market trends, consumer behavior, and geographical considerations is crucial. The promotional aspect entails exploring diverse communication strategies, advertising mediums, and promotional activities to effectively reach the target audience. Additionally, integrating these four elements seamlessly to form a cohesive marketing strategy requires analytical thinking and strategic planning. The challenge lies in maintaining a delicate balance among these components to ensure the overall success of the marketing mix. Research plays a pivotal role in this process, demanding extensive literature review, data analysis, and the incorporation of relevant case studies to support arguments. Effective communication skills are also essential to convey complex marketing concepts in a clear and concise manner. In conclusion, writing an essay on the "Marketing Mix" demands not only a deep understanding of marketing principles but also analytical and research skills. It requires the ability to connect various concepts and present them coherently. For those who find this task daunting, seeking assistance from resources like can provide valuable support. Similar essays and a myriad of related academic content are available for order on such platforms, offering a helping hand to navigate the complexities of essay writing. Marketing Mix EssayMarketing Mix Essay
  • 2. A Global Warning About Global Warming James Winning Professor Hoverman SOCY 100 26 September 2014 A Global Warning About Global Warming Global Warning did not really matter to me until the summer of 2014. Before then global warning was just this thing that you would hear on the news or read in the newspaper. This idea did not have much meaning to be because it did not impact my everyday life. One day I began to hear about a Twitter message going viral. The message was from a climatologist named Jason Box and it read, If even a small fraction of Arctic sea floor carbon is released to the atmosphere, we re f d. It is alarming to hear a scientist drop the f bomb. If Jason Box was going for shock factor, it worked because after reading that I thought, maybe this is more serious then we are taking it for. I began researching global warming and the data and the numbers and the consequences are horrifying. I began to ask myself why? Why is this being overlooked? This is happening and it feels like we are doing nothing about it. Why? Why is this important? We live on this planet Earth and while it may be that us as individuals will come and go there will be parts of use that remain. One of these parts is call a Carbon Footprint. A Carbon Footprint is the amount of greenhouse gases and specifically carbon dioxide emitted by something during a given period. (Merriam Webster). You can think of a Carbon Footprint like a diet. You can tell people that dieting is healthy and tell them all the benefits of dieting but
  • 3. Whole Foods Company Analysis Whole Food Company History With a $10,000 loan from his father, John Mackey started SaferWay Natural Foods in Austin, Texas, in 1978. Two years later SaferWay merged with Clarksville Natural Grocery, and Whole Foods Market was born. Seeking capital to expand even more, the company raised $23 million by going public in early 1992 with 12 stores. Every competitor in the fragmented health foods industry became a potential acquisition, and the chain began growing rapidly. In 1998 Whole Foodsopened its first store in Boulder a 39,000 sq. ft. superstore with amenities such as a juice bar and a prepared foods section. In 2000 Whole Foods merged its online operations ( with its direct marketing and nutritional ... Show more content on ... In order to have certified U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) the product must be at least 95% or 100% organic, and at least 70% organic will not have USDA label. The industry also provides their customers with natural foods by not adding these chemical such as: pesticides, antibiotics, hormones, synthetic chemical, artificial fertilizes preservatives, dyes or additives, or genetic engineering. Another company s key success factor is that they take great care of their employees by provided them with stock option, health insurance, dental vision plan, and employees will have 50% discount. By taking care of employees, the employees will work harder, focus and employees feel comfortable and enjoyable at their work. Foods Driving Forces в—Џ Products offered: Whole Food sales high quality natural and organic Whole food products are fresh, clean, and nutritional. products. Whole Food products include 30,000 natural, organic and gourmet product. Fresh produce, organic meat and poultry, fresh seafood, daily baked foods, fine quality cheeses, dried fruit and nuts, wines and beer, coffee and tea. In addition they offer body care products, pet food. They sell healthy prepared food, fresh produces, variety of cheeses, baked goods, wines, organic care products.( book pages C10 C11) в—Џ Services offered: Depending on the location of the stores and they size of the stores, Whole foods offer a variety of services. For
  • 4. Difference Between Modern Building And Modern Architecture One of the most interesting questions to ask is why do buildings look the way the do, or rather why do buildings of a particular function have a certain form? Now firstly not all buildings with the same function have the same form, but many buildings have a certain form which make them instantly recognizable to those who interact with them. Specifically in respect to the Greek templethey usually took a very distinct form with a columnar facade, and an inner cella. This allowed the people of antiquity to interact with any temple in a way that would be familiar to them. While it is difficult to find a modern comparison to the Greek temple that in any way reflects the weight behind the temple, the modern skyscraperoffice building provides and interesting subject to examine. The function of the two buildings is entirely different, and it would make sense to thus compare the Greek temple with a modern religious building. However, the physiological effect of the form of the modern skyscraper has a much similar effect to what the Greek temple would have had in antiquity. The differing thought processes behind modern buildings and the temples of ancient Greece are extremely interesting to examine. One of the first subjects to look into is the building materials. Traditionally Greek Temples were built out of limestone, or in rare occasions marble (43 RatteМЃ). Stone is an extremely strong and durable material as clearly demonstrated by the ruins that are left even after thousands
  • 5. Extraskeletal Osteosarcoma Case Study Extraskeletal osteosarcoma of the orbit is a disease of the skeletal system. In this scientific journal a twenty two year old man who had multiple symptoms, including: increased swelling of the left eye and occasional pain. At first the patient seemed perfectly healthy with no symptoms indicative of cancer. His vision and ocular movement were up to par. However, a CT scan revealed a homogeneous mass in the left orbit. The tumor was not attached to the bone so the diagnosis is extraskeletal osteosarcoma. The patient underwent left frontal transcranial orbitotomy and complete removal of the tumor. This type of cancer is usually only present in the patient s 40th or 50th years of life. Two scientists, Fine and Stout reported a case of osteogenic
  • 6. Crotoan Epilogue Prologue We stood on the beach watching the ship sail away from us, they refused to take us any further. So there we stood watching, waiting, and praying for the best. It was just us women and children, the men had gone ahead and scouted out the area. We could still just barely see the ship on the horizon, fading into the distance. None of us dared to more for fear of losing sight of it, so we stood there, and did not move until none of us could see it. Then we stood some more, and waited until the men came back saying it was all clear. We all turned around at the same time and didn t dare look back, our new life had begun, and that meant we were on our own. Crotoan Ah! I screamed falling backwards and crashing into the table. Orion came ... Show more content on ... Why can t he just be normal, and what is he doing here anyway? Oh my God! Was he just standing outside my door like a stalker! No, that s just crazy! Yes Orion, I replied irritably I m fine. Good, he said standing up. Because I wanted to talk to you. Oh NO, no, no, no, no, no. Ugh! Not today, not again! The shock must have shown on my face, because he quickly said No, not about that, the governor picked me for the night watch and I just wanted to let you know. Oh? I said alarmed. Wow, I can t believe the Governor actually chose HIM of all people to keep us safe. This must be a joke. Yes, it s just a joke. There is no way Governor Burneswick would allow Orion, mind you it s ORION, to go on night watch. The Governor s probably hoping he ll be killed by the Natives. Oh God please help us. Is it really that surprising? Orion asked. No, no not at all, I lied I was just was so happy for you I couldn t hide the happiness on my face. Oh, ok, He said I ll see you later then? Yes of course! (Sarcasm folks, sarcasm) Bye!
  • 7. Bye. Finally he s gone, Now what was I doing again? I said rubbing my sore toe. Oh! Yes! That s right. I was...yep, I have no clue what I was
  • 8. History of the Internet Internet The Internet is a child of the 1960s. 1969 was when the first network of computers, ARPANET, communicated with one another. I took a full decade before the Internet was developed. In 1984, domain names were introduced, bringing with them, the familiar suffixes of com and org (Anonymous, 2013). It didn t become widely used until the 1990s when two significant developments arrived. In 1991, the World Wide Web(Web 1.0) was released, along with hyper links, which made navigation easier than in previous years, and, in 1993, the first Web browser, Mosaic, arrived, making for a graphical user experience. By the mid 1990s, an estimated 45 million people were using the Internet (Anonymous, 2013). However, today s internet use isn t a side activity, it s quite the opposite. It s the main. Everyone is now connect to the internet around the clock While yesteryears websites were static, todays are quite dynamic. This vast medium that is the internet allows users to engage with one another, shop online, bank online, connect with friends/family/colleagues, create media, do business online, and this list just keeps on going. The internet affects the way we live our lives today. Mobile technology In 2003 we didn t have what we now class as a smartphone but we had indestructible phones and slow changes in mobile technology such as the colour screen [Blackberry 7210] (Newman, 2013) 2005 was the year Nokia release what would become the best selling mobile device of all time,
  • 9. Similarities And Similarities Between Blues And Jazz The relation between Blues and Jazz music can be discovered if we look closely and scrutinize the origins of both the music genres. How one developed can be found out from the roots of the other as both the separate genres use similar sound patterns. Both of these genres belong to a different decade/era however, are closely linked to one another. In this essay I will deliver a brief history of both Bluesand Jazz, their similarities, and also discuss how the advancement of technology has affected the way we hear both these genres of music. Looking back at the history of Blues music, one can see the influence of the African American community, tradition, and culture very apparent in it. The Blues music genre came into being from the songs ... Show more content on ... Blues and Jazz began to share similarities during the 30s and 40s with artists like T Bone Walker and B.B. King, who combined Jazz techniques with the tonality and repertoire of their Blues music (Rolling Stone Encyclopedia, 53). In return, Blues chord progressions such as the twelve bar blues are utilized by Jazz musicians during the improvisational sections of their music pieces. To remark on some of the different features of both the styles of music, the main difference between Blues and Jazz is the fact that Blues is characterized by the slow, melancholic tempo and lyrics, and the utilization of guitar and piano. Whereas Jazz music relies on the basic chord structure and breaks off into heavy improvisational sections being tied back in with the same basic tune. It is true that the advent of Blues music came well before Jazz, however, the great influence that Jazz has in the Blues music heard today is astonishing. Similar to the Jazz long improvisational sections, the Blues of today has adopted that strategy and added long sections of guitar solos being tied back with the same basic chord structure and vocal
  • 10. Prosocial Behavior And Prosocial Behaviors Prosocial behavior may take different forms, including, e.g., helping, sharing, giving, and comforting (Bierhoff, 2002). For instance, when confronted with the misfortune of someone, we might want to change the negative emotional state of that person so that he/she can feels better. This goal can be achieved by conducting behavior that is directly related to the problem (e.g., offering a solution), attempting to remove the misfortune by sharing or giving objects, or comforting the person either verbally or physically (e.g. hugging, patting) (Friedlmeier, 1996; Staub, 1979; Trommdorff, Friedlmeier, Mayer, 2007; Whiting Whiting, 1975). Prosocial behaviors can be differentiate based on the source of initiation of a prosocial act which are requested and spontaneous prosocial behavior (Eisenberg, Cameron, Tryon, 1984). Those prosocial behaviors that occur without the person being requested, verbally or nonverbally, are called spontaneous prosocial behaviors (Eisenberg, Pasternack, Cameron, Tryon, 1984). In contrast, requested prosocial behaviors are defined as prosocial actions in response to others verbal or nonverbal request (Eisenberg et al., 1984). Even though spontaneous prosocial behaviors often occur as the response to situational cues that indicate other person s need, those acts are self initiated (Eisenberg et al., 1984). Requested prosocial behaviors, in contrast, are other initiated and involve compliance with recipient s or a third party s request
  • 11. SAT Top 30 Essay Evidence P age |1 Top 30 Examples to Use as SAT Essay Evidence An exclusive special report from By Christian Heath P age |2 Table of Contents Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 4 Adventurers and Explorers: Amelia Earhart (Female Aviation Pioneer) ................................................................................................ 5 Christopher Columbus ( Discoverer of the New World?)........................................................................ 7 Sacajawea (Mysterious Native American Guide)... Show more content on ... 57 Jane Goodall (She lived with wild chimpanzees!) .................................................................................... 59 Marie Curie (Famous female scientist) ..................................................................................................... 61 Stephen Hawking (Paralyzed but brilliant astrophysicist) ........................................................................ 63 P age |4 Introduction Congratulations, and thank you for purchasing Top 30 Examples to Use as SAT Essay Evidence, an exclusive special report from! This special report will help enormously in preparing you to write the SAT Essay. In the pages that follow, you will find 30 examples of evidence that work for the vast majority of SAT essay prompts. The examples are drawn from all fields of human endeavor, and there is bound to be evidence that appeals to you, no matter what your interests are. As a professional SAT tutor, and perfect 12 scoring SAT essay writer, I ve researched these examples from the point of view of someone about to write the SAT essay. I ve identified useful themes, inspirational lessons, and relevant facts there s no wasted words; every detail could come in handy when it s time to write your SAT essay! In other words, this special report was written specifically to address the
  • 12. Privacy s Perception Of Privacy This ever present, Big Brother like surveillance messes with people s perceptions of their privacy. Naturally, when you are constantly being watched by someone or something, you perceive a loss of privacy. People are concerned about privacy; they are afraid that the digital systems they use on an everyday basis may bring unwanted effects into their lives. (Lahlou, 2008, p. 300) In his article, Lahlou presents an alternate way of viewing privacy that better SOMETHING HERE Lahlou points out that Privacy was initially understood as the right to be left alone and sometimes encryption. (Lahlou, 2008, p. 312) This definition seems like it applies in the case of Harris s experiments, the Panopticon, and the Internet as whole; we know we... Show more content on ... A back region or backstage can be defined as a place, relative, to a given performance, where the impression fostered by the performance is knowingly contradicted as a matter of course. (Goffman, 1959, p. 69) The information someone presents about themselves in their front region differs from the information that person presents in the back region. Lahlou draws a Goffman s idea of a front and back stage to define what he calls the face. He defines a face as a sort of expected role. The face is what a subject is at a given moment. (Lahlour, 2008, p. 317) Different types of faces include expert, a manager, a project member, a company employee, a friend, etc (Lahlou, 2008, p.314) He defines being in private when one does not have to wear a specific face. The transition from face to face could be analogous to the transition between front stage and backstage. When a person is alone, they are a combination of all of their faces; they do not have to put any particular face because there is no expected role when they are alone. In somewhat of a contrast to the traditional view of privacy, Lahlou claims that privacy issues emerged from role conflicts between activities. (Lahlou, 2008, p.
  • 13. Kotter s 8-Step Process For Leading Change Introduction It is a difficult task when soliciting buy in from subordinates in an organizational change initiative due to an inherent resistance to change. This synopsis will present three change tactics that are commonly used to engage employees in the change process and they are: Kotter s 8 step Process for Leading Change, the Change ManagementFoundation Model, and Deming s Plan Do Check Act model. It will also discuss why organizations should use benchmarks in the change process. This document will conclude with a summary of this discussion. Change Tactics There are various tactics that are used to get engage employees in the change process. Presented are three of the most common tactics used in the engagement process. It must be noted ... Show more content on ... (2015). Using kotter s eight stage process to manage an organisational change program: Presentation and practice. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 28(1), 51 66. doi: 014 9317 0 Kinney, R. M. (1992). Leadership through vision. The Journal for Quality and Participation, 15(4),12. Retrieved from / Bushell, S. (1992). Implementing plan, do, check and act. The Journal for Quality and Participation,15(5), 58. Retrieved from / Boxwell, R. J. (1994). Benchmarking for Competitive Advantage. New York: McGraw Hill. Fifer, R. M. (1989). Cost benchmarking functions in the value chain. Strategy Leadership, 17(3),
  • 14. Essay on Dialects in American Literature Dialects in American Literature In the late 19th and early 20th centuries dialect was not common in American Literature. Writers who attempted to accurately capture American dialect and slang often failed to make it believable. In my essay, Dialects in American Literature, I will compare and contrast three writers who used dialect in their writings and explain the difference between effective and ineffective use of dialect. The writers I will be discussing are Mark Twain, Bret Harte, and William Dean Howells. The use of dialect in American literature comes from using a combination of realism and regionalism. According to realism is an inclination toward literal ... Show more content on ... In The Outcasts of Poker Flat, a group of inappropriate people are thrown out of a small western town. What I mean by inappropriate, is that they were not liked by the local citizens. They were considered outcasts. The outcast characters were, quot;Duchess, also known as quot;Mother Shipton, quot; and quot;Uncle Billy, quot; a suspected sluice robber and confirmed drunkard. The other character in the story is Mr. John Oakhurst, a gambler. Bret Harte establishes regionalism through description of his characters and also the dialogue that he gives his characters. For example, Uncle Billy says quot;Is this yer a d d picnic? quot; With inward scorn, as he surveyed the sylvan group, the glancing firelight, and the tethered animals in the foreground hurst returns to the group he speaks in a particular dialect. This dialogue Hate uses is a great example of capturing dialect that is local to time and place. The dialect portrays the way people actually talked. The story takes original characters and places them in a typical western situation. Harte uses regionalism through dialect to successfully portray his characters the way they actually are. I enjoyed reading The Outcasts of Poker Flat, and truly believe that the use of dialect successfully portrayed the people of the time. According to Edward O Brien in an essay written in 1923 about the advance of the
  • 15. Kirsten Cookie Case Solution to Kristen s Cookie Company (A) Before answering specific questions, it is useful to make a diagram of the overall process: Note that in this diagram, activities are arranged in columns to indicate which resources are being used. Inside each activity symbol are written the capacity (in dozens of cookies) and the cycle time (in minutes). 1. How long will it take for you to fill a rush order? Assuming this order is for one dozen cookies, we will need to do the following: ActivityResourceCycle TimeStart TimeFinish Time Order EntryE mail0 minutes00:0000:00 Wash Bowl, MixSelf6 minutes00:0006:00 Fill TraySelf2 minutes06:0008:00 Prepare OvenRoommate1 minute08:0009:00 BakeOven9 minutes09:0018:00... Show more content on ... The Gantt chart shows that we are using at most three trays in the filling activity at any given time (and in fact this is only because this particular plan calls for filling three trays in rapid succession, after which two of them sit waiting for an opportunity to get into the oven). There is never more than one tray in the oven at any given time, nor is there ever any more than one tray cooling. So we could certainly get by with five trays, and maybe four or even three if we adjust the mixing and filling part of the operation. On the other hand, trays are cheap, and it would be a shame if we ever had to keep the oven (the bottleneck) waiting for lack of a tray. It is reasonable to have plenty of trays on hand, whether that means five, or ten, or whatever. 6. Are there any changes you can make in your production plans that will allow you to make better cookies or more cookies in less time or at lower cost? For example, is there a bottleneck operation in your production process that you can expand cheaply? What is the effect of adding another oven? How much would you be willing to pay for an additional oven? The bottleneck is the oven, which means there is no point in looking at expanding the capacity of any other resource unless the operation s baking capacity is expanded first. If we had two ovens, we could make cookies faster. But how much faster? This gets complicated, but we can think about it by looking at the capacities
  • 16. Merchant of Venice Antonio Bigoted and spiteful and well intentioned and loyal , which of these views best describes the character of Antonio in your question. In Merchant of Venice , Antonio is the main character as he is the merchant in the story in Venice. As Antonio is a Christian, he is quite anti Semitic and rude to Shylock, making some people believe that he is spiteful and bigoted. However, most of the play centers on him being the victim of the villain of the play, Shylock due to their bond they made. As Antonio is willing to give everything for Bassanio without any payment and he strikes at any chance to help Bassanio, I believe Shakespearian and modern audiences would believe him to be more of a well intentioned and loyal friend. At the start... Show more content on ... The word dare shows his bravery in helping Bassanio, seeing as his first time bounding himself for Bassanio turned out to be a life and death situation. This time, Antonio doesn t need Shylock or anyone else s taunting to agree to a bond, but for the sake of Bassanio and Portia s happiness, he is willing to put his soul upon the forfeit . He not only gives his life, he also gives his soul. This sounds more religious and important than dying, so Antonio shows his most extreme means and greater commitment in ensuring Bassanio s happiness. This strongly displays his well intentions behind his actions. However, this also suggests that this bond will not end well, because in the first bond, Antonio failed to return the money. All in all, Antonio is well intentioned and certainly very loyal towards Bassanio, as he helps his friend as well as he can quite a few times and the only reason behind his actions is their friendship, showing his benevolence. Even though Antonio is quite mean to Shylock, showing anti semitism but overall, this main character is surely seen as a kind hearted and faithful friend in audiences of all ages and
  • 17. America s Drilling For Oil Americans have been drilling for oil for more than half of their existence. Before the 1850 s oil was of little use and had no market for commerce as there was not one overwhelming use for it. Until around the 1850 s, when technology advanced, with it sparking search for one of the most sought after natural resources that countries would later go to war over, petroleumoil. Early inventions like the kerosene lamp provided a new stable home necessity to live by, increasing the demand for crude oil. This would be met in part by Colonel Edwin Drake, who drilled the first successful oil well in 1858. While Drake s invention for extracting crude oil from the ground would bring about a new era for industrialization, his black gold would bring about an even larger effect, the environmental disasters caused by man. For over one hundred and fifty years of drilling for oil, both on shore and offshore, has led to some of the worst catastrophes to both nature and mankind. While many of these catastrophes have led to the deaths of hundreds of crew members, they have also led to long lasting effects on the environment, local and national economies, legislation, regulations, and human morale. These following effects can be seen in the most recent and most contaminated marine oil spill in history. To the media and public it s known as the British Petroleum offshore drilling oil spill in 2010. To grasp the effects of the British Petroleum oil spill, it s best to start
  • 18. What Is Body Workout Essay Something everybody will love: a total body workout anybody can do without needing to stand up. It is a workout with training you can do in the comfort of your own Pj s. There s an entire burn and bum work but at least you can avoid the gym. This discipline is a workout that is effective but also structured in a way to fit in with your daily life so that couch potatoes have a little less stress when eating too much and not exercising. People who work and students who do projects sit at their desk all day long so to be healthy they have to overcomplicate their schedules and make it a drag when working all day isn t already tiring. This workout can be done wherever whenever to just workout some of your muscles and maybe get your heart rate going in between work and having a breather from tasks. I want with people doing this workout to have realistic expectations, if people set their goals to high they might just throw in the towel. With this workout the aim is not to have a Victoria secret model body but gain a healthier lifestyle than before. To build up confidence and comfort within their bodies. Lazy people usually have no energy but to get energy we need to exercise a bit, so if at the end of the process getting up in the morning is a bit easier than that is a goal defiantly achieved. This is a workout for the long run ... Show more content on ... As a lay person I needed something to bring energy back into my life seeing that High school drains you, also wanted to give my body the care tht it deserves without trying to hurt myself. I know that going to the gym is time consuming and a trier for e to suddenly be self conscious so I needed a workout which I could do in the comfort of my own home and which fits into my daily
  • 19. Patagonia Another Way of Doing Business 1Introduction Patagonia was founded in 1957 by Yvon Chouinard who defines himself as a reluctant business man. He started his business as a way to climb and surf year long, seeking to build the best product to satisfy his passion. Build the best product, cause no unnecessary harm, use business to inspire and implement solutions to the environmental crisis. Patagonia s Mission Statement Patagonia grew out of a small company that made tools for climbers. Alpinism remains at the heart of a worldwide business that still makes clothes for climbing as well as for skiing, snowboarding, surfing, fly fishing, paddling and trail running. Customers are willing to pay a premium for the Patagonia brand and environmental ethic. The company s goal... Show more content on ... Today with the Common Threads Initiative they are pursuing the exact same philosophy and trying to push the industry to adopt more ethical business behaviors. Patagonia s highly public search for a new way of doing business implies a new kind of relationship with customers, reinforced by unconditional guarantees, extremely high product quality and an explicit commitment to ethical codes of behavior (Reinhardt, 2000). For Yvon Chouinard Patagonia is a business experiment, one of his goals is to run the company so it s here 100 years from now and always makes the best quality products. Yet he finds that concern for quality and sustainability doesn t pose a conflict with running a highly successful business. Every time we do the right thing, our profits go up (Chouinard, 2005). Patagonia is the perfect example of successful business with high ethics standard, it has led the company to enjoy an unrivaled reputation among outdoor aficionados, and its green philosophy is gaining broader appeal as more people embrace sustainable consumption. 6References Chouinard, Y. (2005). Let My People Go Surfing: The Education of a Reluctant Businessman. New York, NY: Penguin Press HC. Leonard, A. (2010). The Story of Stuff: How Our Obsession with Stuff Is Trashing the Planet, Our Communities, and Our Health and a Vision for Change. New York, NY: Free Press Simon Schuster. Reinhard L, F. (2000). Down to earth: applying business principles to environmental
  • 20. Crisis Circumstance The observer impact was first decide in the research facility by John Darely and Bibb Latane in 1968 after they got to be keen on the subject after the homicide Kitty Genovese in 1964. These analysts dispatched a progression of investigations that brought about one of the most grounded and most replicable impacts in social brain science. In a run of the mill analyze, the member is either alone or among a gathering of different members or confederates. A crisis circumstance is organized and scientists measure to what extent it takes the members to intercede, in the event that they mediate. These trials have found that the vicinity of others hinders helping, regularly by a huge edge. For instance, Bibb LatanГ© and Judith Rodin organized a test... Show more content on ... In the event that the individual is to intercede they should first notice the occasion, they must decipher the circumstance as a crisis, and they must conclude that it is their own energy to act. At each of that preparatory steps, the spectator to and crisis can expel themselves from the choice procedure and in this way neglect to offer assistance. They can neglect to see the occasion, neglect to translate the occasion as a crisis, or can neglect to expect the obligation to take action.The Kitty Genovese occurrence spoke to a magnificent turning point ever. Comprehensively, this stipulates individuals are hesitant to mediate and help a man in need, particularly when other individuals are available. The observer impact has pulled in much research consideration. A first point of the present talk was to recognize circumstances in which the observer impact would be well on the way to happen. A second point was to blueprint conceivable activities to decrease this and build selflessness. An audit of the present article uncovered that the observer impact appears to be destined to happen in the accompanying circumstances: when other individuals are available; when individuals are worried that their selfless conduct will be contrarily assessed; when the expenses of interceding exceed expenses identified with not mediating; and when individuals can t relate to a man needing help. Suggestions for
  • 21. The Balance Between Caseworkers And The Innocent Case Study The Balance between Caseworkers and the Innocent Jennifer Collins Liberty University 28 August 2015 The Balance between Caseworkers and the Innocent Why our Child Protective Service Caseworkers have a high turnover rate within a year of taking the job along with an extreme amount of caseloads? Large caseloads and excessive workloads in many jurisdictions make it difficult for child welfare workers to serve families effectively (Child Welfare Information Gateway, 2013). Other reasons that caseworker s leave were due to the danger involved and extreme stress. Some caseworker were so behind; they were caught lying to get caught up on the workload. Children are left at risk when a case is not followed up promptly due to
  • 22. A Woman, A Nail, And A Hammer A Woman, A Nail and A Hammer Judges 3 5 For almost 20 years the Israelites had served Eglon, the wicked king of Moab. Then Ehud, a man that the Lord had raised up to save the Children of Israel, killed Eglon. Eglon is the only person in the Bible who is described as being very fat. Ehud, a Benjamite, was the second judge of Israel. He was a left handed man who wore a dagger on his right thigh. That s the way he got the Dagger past the security guard. After Ehud killed Eglon, the Land enjoyed peace for 80 years; however, When Ehud was dead the Children of Israel again did evil in the sight of the Lord. Those were the days when everyone did what was right in his own eyes. Although, the Lord had delivered the nation of Israel on several occasions, they had gotten careless and sinful again; therefore, The Lord sold them into the hands of Jabin, king of the Canaanites. That is not the only time God has judged His people by selling them to the oppression of the enemy and America needs to wake up before it s too late. Now, I remind you that this is not a fable; it s a true life story from the Bible, which contains excellent encouraging lessons for today s Christian. In fact, there are about a half dozen sermons that I preach from this story, but don t worry; I ll only be using one of them today. The Children of Israel were to have driven the Canaanites out of the land, and they did so to a degree, but not completely. The Israelites swept down across the land
  • 23. When Preparation Meets Opportunity ! When Preparation Meets Opportunity! By Pat Mussieux | Submitted On February 13, 2013 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Pat Mussieux How often have you attended an event and found that you were totally overwhelmed and under prepared? I see it happen all the time and it makes my heart sink because, seriously, those are missed opportunities that you will never get back. There are many large, and valuable, events scheduled around North America (and the world, for that matter) that are a gold mine of opportunity when it comes to learning and networking. Attending these events is one of the best ways to grow your business and develop valuable and meaningful contacts, too. I like to be prepared before arriving at these events whether they are the large, once a year type, or whether they are regular local networking opportunities. I know that, for many entrepreneurs, you just don t know what you don t know. I want to share some of my best tips for seizing the opportunity and really getting the best return on investment possible. 1. First and foremost, create a plan for the year and decide which events you will be attending and why. There are so very many choices
  • 24. A Critical Analysis Of Shirley Jackson s The Lottery Shirley Jackson s short story The Lottery is set in a small village who relies deeply on their crops. This story is about a sacrifice that takes place every year in which the heads of households draw for their families in order to see who wins and saves the town. The readers grow close to a character named Tessie who decides to speak her mind when it s too late. In the end, the townsfolk realise that what comes around goes around. Before the ceremony started, Tessie Hutchinson was almost late. Instead of apologizing, she joked and acted as if it was nothing. This day is one of the most important days of the year for the town folk, it should not be easily forgotten. When she finally arrived the first thing she said was, Clean forgot what day it was... and then I looked out the window and the kids was gone, and then I remembered it was the twenty seventh and came a running, instead of formally addressing the serious situation and apologizing, she gave an inadequate excuse. Tessie was so late that people knew that her priorities aren t in the right places. By the time she had gotten there, people started to think she wasn t going to show up without notice, we can recall a few people saying, Bill, she made it after all. Tessie had sentenced herself to her death before the ceremony could even start. Shortly after Tessie arrived she talked with the surrounding people. If talking wasn t enough she even joked with some of her neighbors saying, Wouldn t have me leave
  • 25. Is Justified True Belief Knowledge Edmund Gettier In his 1963 article Is Justified True Belief Knowledge? , Edmund Gettier pointed out the fault in the traditional definition of knowledge and presented two counterexamples. The problem created by the two counterexamples is called the Gettier problem. In detail, the Gettier problem is whether a true beliefbased on invalid reasons counts as knowledge. My own Gettier counterexample is as follows. One day, my dad and I went to Costco Gas Station and there were already a lot of cars waiting for gasoline filling. So we queued in the last. When we were the next one to use the pump, there were two cars using the pumps, with one in the front and the other following it. My dad then asked me, of the two cars in front of us, which one would leave first.... Show more content on ... The belief cannot be accidentally true. Thus, what qualifies a true belief as knowledge is its reliable linkage to the facts that make the belief true. A belief must not only be true but also track the facts . By tracking the facts , we mean it satisfy the variation and adherence conditions. The variation condition is that if p were not true, then S would not believe that p. The adherence condition is that if p were, contrary to fact, true, then S would believe that p. Nozick s account of knowledge is as the following: S knows that P if and only if P is true, S believes that P, and S s belief is reliably true. The third condition is consisted of variation and adherence conditions. He passes each Gettier case to the four conditions to see which condition does not satisfy. If a case fails any of the four conditions, then it is not a knowledge and the test does not need to continue any more. Gettier cases usually fail the variation condition as we can see from Gettier s original example and the Fake Barn case. In Gettier s original example, if we assume it were false that the man who will get the job has 10 coins in his pocket, then Smith would still believe that the man who will get the job has 10 coins in his pocket because the boss would still say that Jones gets the job. Similarly, in the Fake Barn case, if we assume it were false that what Henry
  • 26. Impacts of Climate Change Essay There is widespread agreement in the scientific community that the climate is changing and it has likely received contributions from humans in the form of increased carbon emissions. The Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has stated that there is ninety percent certainty that human activity has been the primary cause of temperature rises seen since 1950; if the climate rises by more than two degrees Celsius, scientists predict dire consequences to be faced by humans and the world (McMichael and Lindgren, 2011, p. 402). Changes in climate, no matter how small, bring with it changes in other seemingly unrelated aspects of life. As current research suggests, climate changewill have negative effects on... Show more content on ... 1507). Additionally, stress from climate change can also aggravate certain noninfectious disease (Friel et al., 2010, p. 135). Millions of people suffer from these conditions and their current medical states may be declining under the climate change that is currently going on. Those afflicted by these diseases have an additional motive to help reduce the costs of climate change on the world. Infectious disease states will be affected as a direct impact of climate change. Changes in climate can cause alterations in the patterns of certain disease vectors. This can be seen in Canada, where new populations of ticks are increasing the incidence of Lyme disease (McMichael and Lindgren, 2011, p. 409). A shift in the distribution of ticks and consequently Lyme disease threatens new populations that can increase the incidence and prevalence of Lyme disease in Canada (Mills, Gage and Khan, 2010, p. 1508.). These new populations facing Lyme disease will be particularly susceptible since it has not been an issue previously faced in their vicinity. Other vector borne diseases and infections have seen a recent increase in population and geographic locations, including the West Nile Fever in Africa (McMichael and Lindgren, 2011, p. 409). Africa has been affected by climate change through rising temperatures. These increases in temperature have manifested themselves in an
  • 27. Personal Narrative Fiction My breathing stops. My heart is practically beating out of my chest. I take a step up the stairs and align myself to the right of the railing. I pull the knife closer to my chest getting ready to stab the person coming up. I can see the shadow of the person coming up the stairs my body tense, ready to attack. The shadow turns into an outline, then into a man. I count the seconds in my head, closing my eyes, I feel a man s presence. I open my eyes ready to face whatever danger lies until I see a familiar face. Brown hair and those blue eyes. David. You re alive, he says with a small look of relief. I look at him. I m alive really? That s all he has to say. After all the trauma I had just faced. Where the hell was he all this time? Was he trying to kill me too or did he come to save me?... Show more content on ... Was I supposed to be dead I asked with sarcasm? No, not at all, but I should really get you to safety, so let s go David replies. Excuse me, what makes you think I ll go with you, how do I even know you re not some weird psychopath, you re the only one in this hospital that I see, and I believe everyone else is dead or AWOL ? I say to him. Um, because if I wanted to kill you you would have been dead already, he then says to me. Should I believe him I think to myself? If he wanted to kill me, I would be currently dead, what s that supposed to mean. That he could kill me anytime and I wouldn t expect it? I most definitely trust him. Hello! Do you hear the sarcasm. I let out a sigh. Fair enough, I said. Two can play this game. I put my knife down and walk down the stairs with him. What happened to everyone, I asked seriously. I ll tell you everything once I know you re safe he replies. Um... okay, I
  • 28. Visual Analysis For Milk Life An advertisement in the September 2016 issue of the health and fitness magazine Experience Life is inescapable for its fit model holding a glass of milk, with her bicycle leaning against the fence and partially resting on her knee. The athlete occupies the foreground; the middle ground features cows and expansive lush green pasture, while the background is characterized by a farm building with its backdrop covered of rolling hills and sun rays peeking through the tree line beyond. The Milk Life advertisement is almost entirely visual, with the entire page covered by the photograph and the advertisingtext covering over the image. This gives the impression of the text fading in comparison to the graphic message. Although seemingly ordinary... Show more content on ... For instance, it is widely believed that Americans owe it to themselves to strive for all things that make life better including making the most out of the ordinary situations. The entire farm landscape, with an exceptional Olympian at the forefront is a perfect representation of overlooked beauty and strength in a simple and seemingly ordinary location. The combined imagery, therefore, emphasizes the possibility of deriving greatness from basic undertakings. There is also a widespread supposition that Americans are fiercely patriotic. The ad seems to stress this hypothesis, as is evident from the inclusion of the country s flag, as well as, as a model donning a jacket bearing the same symbol of patriotism. Overall, the milk life ad conveys a significant message and appeals to its target audience not just because of the actual text, but primarily due to the visual elements coupled with the spatial positioning of said imagery and text. The ad is especially captivating for patriotic individuals, who take pride in being associated with America s achievements, as well as, prospective fitness enthusiasts and healthy lifestyle
  • 29. How I Met My Husband Patrick Silva AP Lit Period 4 Mr. Schmitz October 11, 2012 How I Met My Husband Thesis Paper The theme of Alice Munro s story How I met my Husband is Social expectations mold individual circumstances. Edie, a fifteen year old housemaid in the lower class of society has qualities and talents that demonstrate a skill set of aristocracy. Have a house without pie, be ashamed until you die is a quoted statement that Edie s mother used to say to her that Mrs. Peebles was not very familiar with. Edie was astonished when Mrs. Peebles admitted that she could not make pie crust and said it was the most amazing thing she ever heard a woman admit. She of course could make pie crust, along with many other baking related foods, which was ... Show more content on ... An interrogation erupted and Ms. Kelling soon dug out answers from Edie, who was not going to lie, or deny that any intimate action took place. Instead of releasing her anger at Mr. Watters, who left without warning and cheated on her, she instantly addresses her anger to Edie with curses along with many other demeaning words. Ms. Kelling speaks to Edie as she should have known she was going to take such actions with Mr. Watters, as she said I am not surprised, I knew by the look of her as soon as I saw her . Ms. Kelling is judging Edie based on her social class, calling her a little country tramp , inferring that all women of that class are good for nothing and worthless. When someone is knowledgeable and feels acquainted with dealing amidst a certain stage or point in life, they tend to be more successful than someone who feels out of place or inexperienced. In the story, Edie stated that her parents made the effort and sent her to high school, but she could not cope with the atmosphere after a year of trying which resulted in her failure. Edie is a smart girl, although shown as naive in the story, she shines in places where even the educated might not. She illustrates her experience in cooking and creativity, where people even of a higher class cannot show. People who are educated may look down at others and expect them to fail at certain things that they believe cannot be done by someone who is not knowledgeable.
  • 30. Short Story Of Jack Brian s Death How many big toes do you have? I hope you have two. If you don t: drop this paper and seek out help immediately. It may not be too late for you; you could be saved. If you have two keep reading and follow these instructions carefully. That is, if you want to live. It all started on the morning of May 22, 2014 in Long Pond, Pennsylvania. Fifteen year old Jack Brian woke up to what he thought was a normal Monday morning. Until he looked in his bathroom mirror and saw a big toe protruding from his belly button. This sight is enough to make anyone scream at the top of their lungs, but that didn t happen to Jack. He stood there, horrified at the disturbing sight. How long the extra phalange had been there, he didn t know. Five, ten, fifteen minutes... Show more content on ... Anyone you know could be infected: your family, your friends, or that kid you never liked but always had to sit next to when the teacher assigned an alphabetical order seating chart. Trust no one but yourself. Find a cabin in the middle of woods. It has to be non accessible by road. It has to be somewhere no one can find you. Also, leave no traces of your existence. The toes are smarter than you think. They can and will track you down. They will stop at nothing to grow their army. As I said, seclude yourself. Tell no one where you are going. Since trips to the local grocery store are out of the question, bring plenty of food and water. Next, you will have to have a stockpile of food and water. Bring only the essential most basic food, but bring a lot of it. You will run out eventually, so choose a place where food is readily available and has a water source close by. You can either hunt animals or forage for roots and berries; just make sure you never run out. If you have to resort to collecting your own drinking water, filter it. The disease could advance and become able to be contracted through water. Take no chances. Take any and every precaution. You can never be too
  • 31. Creative Product Promotion Bnd Level 3 Business Task 1 Introduction to the promotional mix Every business will require the use of a promotional mix as without this you could have the best product at the best price but you will never generate any sales. Businesses need to make use of various above and below the line promotions to sell their products. (I have found a quote that backs up my views on the promotional mix and gives another basic insight for its implicational meaning) (The combination of personal selling, public relations, advertising, sales promotion, sponsorships, direct mail, and trade shows that are utilized in promoting a good or service. The appropriate mix is the combination that produces the best results for a given budget. Steven Sheridan, Business Promotion) ... Show more content on ... This business is completely different to Burger King in products, company size and value. However Anderson and Wall still advertise their business using above and below the line promotion techniques, these are listed below: Above the line Radio Anderson and Wall often advertise their business on BCR FM this is Bridgwater s own radio station. This radio station is only listened to by people living in the Bridgwater area meaning it is relatively cheap to advertise on and it still is herd by the local target audience. Local newspaper Anderson and Wall post a weekly add in the Bridgwater Gazette, this is a small newspaper meaning it is relatively cheap to advertise in. This form of advertising is again alike using the radio as it is only seen by people potential local customers. Internet Anderson and Wall promote their business online as this is very cheap and has a massive target audience. The internet is a very good source of advertisement as it allows Anderson and Wall to promote its products to a large target audience, a lot bigger than their local promotions. An example of this is Anderson and Wall having an internet shop selling products and posting them to their customers. Catalogue Anderson and wall also promote their products in a catalogue; this can be ordered online from their website. This is a good idea as they are very cheap to
  • 32. What Factors in the Present Situation of Hong Kong Explain... Often when we talk about culture and belonging, cultural identity is a large component which follows up the traditions, values and customs practised by a group. The most prominent concern there is with Hong Kong s political and social situation is the issue of independence, nationalism and identity. Hong Kongs political identity and struggle, although has extensive history, prevails today. The identity crisis began in the year 1997. On July 1st, Hong Kong was handed over back to the People s Republic of China (PRC); acquiring the title of being a Special Administrative Region (SAR) of the PRC. This is only a temporary title, however, as on July 1, 2046, Hong Kong will lose its SAR status, and become a regular state of the PRC. Hence,... Show more content on ... Places where art really flourishes are those where there are urgent issues that art needs to deal with. (Ho, 2005). In this statement, we immediately gather that art isn t only utilised for the purpose of leisure or entertainment, however inspiration comes from minor things in our surroundings which become greater things in retrospect. Art holds a much deeper and meaningful message, and is often used to reach out to the masses. Common examples are propaganda and protest. In the midst of this identity crisis, Tsou Choi Tsang, a street graffitiartist s work is of great significance today. The sudden surge of interes in Tsang s work can be explained by its connection to Hong Kong s society; the process of creating culture, rather than preserving it. Due to the political and social factors in Hong Kong s society today, Tsang s work is perpetually relevant. His work highlights the themes of property ownership, post colonialism, power, and territoriality. Even 17 years after the handover back to China, and 7 years after Tsou Choi Tsang s death, his work is still powerful and influential as it covers topics which several locals can relate to. Tsou Choi Tsang, better recognised by the title of the King of Kowloon came to Hong Kong at the age of 16. He had very limited education. He worked as a construction worker, however a tragedy left him living on the support of crutches
  • 33. Persuasive Essay On Landmines Landmines are bombs that are left in the ground after a war. It costs three dollars to make a mine and three hundred dollars to remove (Assistance in Mine Action). Landmines kill about 4,000 people a year; many innocent people die of a war no one is fighting any more. In 1992, many non governmental organizations (NGOs) came together to ban landmines; it was called the Ottawa Treaty. Besides military, children are those most affected by landmines. Women and girls are victims 12% of the time when landmines injure people. Djibouti has signed the Ottawa Treaty because landmines have been hurting their people. Sometimes when people see mines blow up they ll think that there are mines planted there and not use that land. Because no humans are living there, animals will go to that land and they ll... Show more content on ... Fewer parts of the country will be used for homes, farming and villages. When this happens in an area, families lose money and can t take care of themselves. Djibouti has landmines because of a civil war from 1991 1994. Landmines were used in this war by both the rebel forces and the government supporters. [Djibouti] appears to have obtained mines in the past from France and Italy (DJIBOUTI). Djibouti has seen what happens to people near landmines; people lose limbs from mines. When people lose limbs from mines, then they will need robotic limbs to help them function correctly. The robotic limbs are expensive
  • 34. Essay on Sift Cupcake and Dessert Bar Case Industry and Competitive Analysis Exhibit 1: Dominant Economic Features Market Size and Growth Rate Nationwide cupcake sales projected to rise another 20% between 2009 and 2014 Retail bakery sales expected to grow 8.1% per year on average through 2014 106 cupcakeries in the bay area Sift estimates net sales of around $961,000 in 2010 Number of Rivals As of November 1, 2010, there were 106 cupcakeries in the bay area Hundreds of additional bakeries, dessert bars, and other commercial venues also selling cupcakes Grocery stores and big box in store bakeries Scope of Competitive Rivalry Most companies compete locally and regionally Few companies like Sprinkles compete nationally Number of Buyers In 2009, customers ... Show more content on ... The industry is conducive to making a profit but not large attractive profits The threat of substitutes being strong and the large amount of competitors offering relatively undifferentiated products makes it difficult for industry members to make attractive profits Also the threat of new entrants is moderate because anyone with baking skills can start a small business with relatively low costs Exhibit 3: Driving Forces Increasing growth rate of industry Emerging new internet capabilities and applications Growing use of the internet by individuals Changing ways of advertising through social media sites Changing societal concerns, attitudes, and lifestyles Increasing demand of specialty cupcakes Exhibit 4: Strategic Group Map High Low Narrow Broad Exhibit 5: Strategic Moves of Rivals Competitors Strategies and Resource Strengths and Weaknesses Kara s Cupcakes is primary competitor
  • 35. Have 6 Bay Area locations
  • 36. Analysis Of She Walks In Beauty By Lord Byron Born in 1788, George Gordon Byron, commonly known as Lord Byron, was an English poet and one of the most famous poets of the romantic era. Romanticism was one of the most influential poetic movements in which brought Lord Byron into the literary forefront. Although he has many famous literary works, She Walks in Beauty is one of his most favourable poems. The poem was inspired by a woman wearing a mourningful dress whilst at a ball. Love is the overarching theme, focusing mainly on captivating love. This is seen by the overwhelming sense of his attention that is captivated by her and the fact that the woman seems unobtainable. Through his work, Lord Byron captured the reader s attention through the way he used literary devices and the way he represented different genderrepresentations through the nature of love. From the very beginning, the nature of love in She Walks in Beauty is alluded to be captivating. That is that the woman he sees is very attractive or interesting and that she is taking up all of this thoughts and attention. Typically in this time period, the beautiful women were blonde and pale, opposite to this is the woman portrayed in this poem. The comparison to night and day or light and dark, two completely opposite things, shows one really beautiful thing. In the first line the simile like the night (Ln 1) established the initial beauty he saw. In addition, the use of the personification in tender light (Ln 5) shows that through the woman s beauty his
  • 37. Persuasive Speech About Rosa Parks Rosa Parks Rosa Parks was born on February 4, 1913, in Alabama. When she was two she and her parents moved to another place in Alabama. The same year her baby brother was born, and her parents shortly separated after that. This sound like a normal childhood, right? The only thing that made this childhood different, from a childhood today, was that Rosa Parks was an african american raised at the same times as the Jim Crow laws. The Jim Crow laws was laws that separated black people and white people. The black people could only go to certain schools, they could only use toilets for black people and when they were taking the bus, they could only sit on the seats for black people. If the bus was to crowded of people, they had to give up their seats for white people. Rosa Parks is known for doing this little thing, she refused to give up her seat for a white man. In this text we are going to take a closer ... Show more content on ... Like, where Rosa Parks ever married? Yes, Rosa Parks was married to a guy called Raymond Parks. He was born in 1903, and he died in 1977. They got married in 1932, and they marriage ended in 1977 after Raymond died. Why am I talking about him you may think? Well, he have always supported Rosa Parks in everything she have done, and he was also fighting against the segregation. Another thing you may not know about Rosa Parks, is that she was not the first african american women that got arrested since she refused to give up her seat for a white person. Only nine months before Parks got arrested, a 15 year old girl, named Claudette Colvin, got arrested for doing the same thing as Rosa Parks did. There were also three other african american women how did the same thing. The only difference is that it got consequences after Parks had done it. Maybe the reason that it had consequences after Parks did it was because she was a civil rights activist before she got
  • 38. Metropolis Growth The Best Path for Growth in Metropolis: How to Make American Cities Flourish Over the past thirty years, many cities throughout America have grown from dismal places into thriving, prosperous, and growing entities. In particular, Boston, Chicago, and New York have become cities where swarms of affluent individuals both young and old want to live and work, instead of suburbia. While these cities had previous ingredients for success, their commitment to education, immigration, business, development, public transportation, and quality of life all spurred their growth and population influx. In order for the hypothetical cityof Metropolis to flourish over the next 20 years into a thriving entity like these cities, it must positively grow its human ... Show more content on ... Philadelphia receives around 60 percent of its revenue from a wage tax on employees that inflicts a large financial burden on employers, but keeps residents appeased through low property taxes (Ehrenhalt 142). The wage tax is a direct deterrent for companies, and has compelled firms and people to move from Philadelphia over the past 50 years (Ehrenhalt 145). Without businesses in a city, there is no economic force encouraging the affluent to live there or spurring development. Cities that succeed promote business, as evidenced by the fact that their population equals the number of jobs. While Boston has an equal amount of people and jobs, Philadelphia has 1.4 million people and only six hundred thousand jobs (Ehrenhalt 145). Metropolis needs to have sound political leadership that does not place high taxes on businesses like Philadelphia does. Metropolis should encourage businesses to come to its city through tax incentives, allowing for development and an influx of affluent individuals. Policies like these can be difficult to implement politically, especially if they require residents to have property tax increases to mitigate lower business taxes, as seen in Philadelphia (Ehrenhalt 155). Metropolis, however, has to weigh business growth more heavily than residents concerns over property taxes to
  • 39. Symbolism In The Torrtilla Curtain A coyote is not only a wolf like wild dog that is native to North America, it also is a name for someone who profits from smuggling immigrants across the US border, typically the Mexican border for a high fee. There s much myth and lure that is surrounding the coyote dog like animal and there are thousands of stories and believes about what coyote means. It s the great trickster, it has magical powers, the medicine dog. The bringer of misfortune, signifying a time when everything backfires. Indeed, symbolism is extracted from such myths and used to represent ideas or qualities. The story seems to follow the lure in the way the Coyotes have many symbolic contexts throughout the story that add a deeper meaning to the The Tortilla Curtain. Through metaphors and deeper meaning the book takes on a stark contrast between Delaney Mossbacher who lives the American Dream and CГЎndido and America RincГіn who struggle to attempt to reach that dream. The wall symbolizes fear and segregation from outside elements. and increases racism attitudes towards immigrants. The Author of The Tortilla Curtain, T.C Boyle also uses the symbolic messages using wild animals, coyotes are used to create racism throughout the story. Thus, using animals, physical barriers, food, possessions, and lifestyle Boyle creates the symbolic meaning of a world of separation. Boyle in the Tortilla Curtain heavily draws symbolic meaning from the coyotes who are like the Mexicans sneak around the edges of
  • 40. Review of Maybe Tomorrow The book Maybe Tomorrow tells the story of Boori Monty Pryor. It describes the career path and life story of an Aboriginal in Australia. From being a model to eventually becoming a writer or like it is called in the aboriginal cultural, a storyteller. The book is not a typical biography, because it has been written as a one way conversation between Boori and the reader. Personally I find this somewhat confusing; jumping from one topic to the other does not feel comfortable to read. What it definitely does deliver on is giving a better understanding about the aboriginal culture, the difficulties they face from white Australians in this country and how every person in this culture needs to adapt to the way of the white men . There are... Show more content on ... What was also very interesting is the shame indigenous people have against their own culture. Especially the children, which Boori describes he saw when preforming in classrooms all over Australia. Children that think they are not really an Aboriginal because they do not life in the outback, do not play the traditional instruments and do not look like the stereotypical aboriginal. Therefore they are more white which means that they are normal. This is very similar to black people outside Australia, the mind set exist that looking white and acting white is considered better. This creates a negative stereotypical version of aboriginals, which goes together with ignorance. For example how Boori describes the reactions of the children in the classrooms he had visited. One chid expressed that after the performance of Boori, he was not afraid anymore of aboriginals. Or other child asking him when he started becoming an aboriginal, I thought this was interesting because it shows how this child, like some children of aboriginal descent, see only one stereotypical abstract of an indigenous person. They only have this figure in their mind, which is that aboriginals are not civilised or educated. A person that is always half naked and plays traditional aboriginal instruments. That is why some children of aboriginal descent try to remove themselves from everything that is linked to the Aboriginal culture, because if you do not act like an
  • 41. Definition Essay On Mercy The Meaning of Mercy What does the word mercy really mean between two people? In many different situations the meaning of mercy has a different meaning.The word mercy is difficult to call necessary when really it is more of a choice,but it s still important because without an understanding we wouldn t know when to show it. In some situations mercy can be life, while in others mercy can be death. The difference is stark, but in the end it comes down to a simple common base for how it s defined. In the end, the core definition of mercy comes down to showing compassion by their own choice to someone at a disadvantage. Mercy can be shown between two competing parties, by respecting each other s requests. Recently, in the 2016 American election,... Show more content on ... Mercy is only in the person who chooses to give it, and forcing it to happen invalidates the honest compassion that comes with it. The phrase it blesseth him that gives, and him that takes means that it would benefit both people to show mercy. Mercy does not always have to be at the detriment of the person showing it, but it can help both people, even if only one is at a disadvantage. Portia , the person talking in the quote, is asking mercy of Shylock, the other party, comparing it to the gentle rain from heaven . Later she says it becomes the throned monarch better than his crown , which is comparing mercy to the suiting of a crown, and how mercy is greater than it in that respect. Those with lots of power should be the ones with the greatest ability to show mercy, and how that means more than the power of having the crown. She also says that it blesses him that gives, and him that takes , which means that mercy does not only benefit the person who is receiving it, but also the person giving it. Mercy is something that can help the merciful and the one receiving mercy, not just one
  • 42. Social Studies Rebellion Essay Open protest, conflicting interests, lives changed forever. This is a rebellion. You re willing to fight the authorities to be heard. Armed rebellion is only justifiable if nothing else works. The Rebellions of Upper and Lower Canada, Red River Rebellion, and Northwest Rebellion are all part of Canadian history. They show us that people can go against the government which usually results in a large loss of life, but more importantly change. The Rebellion of Upper and Lower Canada mainly occurred because of land issues, government inequality, and irresponsibility to the people. Power was held by a small group of noble elites, they can veto any law that hurts their status. Mainly controlled by wealthy English aristocrats / businessmen, ... Show more content on ... Riel was determined to protect the rights of everyone in the settlement. When the Canadian Party was armed and prepared to attack, he imprisoned them by force. The belligerent Thomas Scott was executed by a majority vote. Then Riel decided to negotiate with the Canadian government, which at first refused to recognize him. Undaunted, the provisional government drafted a proposal for the creation of the province of Manitoba. Unfortunately, the leader of the Canadian Party escaped and reached Ottawa first, spreading prejudicial news of the execution and creating outrage. The delegates from Red River had a hard time getting recognition from Macdonald s government, but eventually their case was heard and agreed upon. The Manitoba Act was created granting land rights, as well as making two official languages and education systems. Overall, the Red River Rebellion was a success, but they could ve used more peaceful means when dealing with the Canadian Party, especially since they didn t act beforehand. The Red River Rebellion did not end all of the Metis problems though. Changes were sweeping across the Northwest. Newcomers arrived, mainly Europeans and Canadians looking for more farmland. Unfortunately, the Metis were denied of their land and self governing rights. They were forced to flee westward and struggled to survive. Continually pressing for title to
  • 43. Russian Culture Vs Cuban Culture Russia is the largest country in the world with a population of 145.3 million people (Bradford, n.d). Its culture is one that has changed with time but has kept its traditions and values, the country is one of several others that has experienced both a communist and a capitalist society. Russian culture puts a lot of emphasis in family and friends (Bradford, n.d). During communist Russiafriends and family had to help each other in order to survive the extreme poverty that they had to go through, during those times collectivism was developed and eventually passed to younger generations (Bradford, n.d). While is true that Russia today is very different from the days in which Communism was present people tend to follow the tradition of their parent and grandparents. Russian culture is defined by its ethnic diversity, religion, music, arts, and literature which are admired and respected all over the world. The country currently has close 190 ethnic groups composed of Tartar, Ukrainian, Bashkir, Chuvash, and Chechen descent (Bradford, n.d). These ethnic groups have contributed their language to the Russian society among other things. Religion can be considered one of the most important ... Show more content on ... Collectivism is somewhat present in both cultures, Cubans like Russians learned to depend on family and friends in order to survive the poverty that communism brought to their society. Collectivism in Russia while still present is not as strong as before, but Cuba still lives under a communist regime which has only made the collectivist behavior increase in strength. Cuba and Russia were really closed during the time of the Soviet Union which created an exchange of art and literature that enriched both cultures. If you go to a bookstore in Cuba you can still find novels written by Tolstoy and traduced to Spanish. Also you could watch Russian cartoons on Cuban TV when the Soviet Union was still
  • 44. Claes Oldenburg Claes Oldenburg is known for his unique sculptures that reflect the pop culture era. Born in Sweden, his family moved to the United States when Oldenburg was just a baby. When Oldenburg got older her attended Yale University and moved to New York where he met the two people that inspired him artistically, Jim Dine and Allan Kaprow. With this inspiration, Oldenburg began his career as an artist. Oldenburg first opened small exhibits around New York filled with sculptures he created out of paper mache and plaster. From here his art took off and began catching the attention of people everywhere. In the 1960 s Oldenburg rented out a space in New York and filled it with sculptures that depicted diner food, cheap clothing, and other manufactured items. Oldenburg called this The Store . The sculptures that he created in The Store were called soft sculptures. These types of sculptures are made from cloth, foam, rubber, paper and other type of soft materials. These works of art are now known as the first sculptural expression of pop art. With the popularity stemming from Oldenburg s exhibits, he soon realized he wanted to expand and ... Show more content on ... Oldenburg uses bright colors and brings his art to life. I take particular fascination in his outside sculptures because he truly makes you feel so small compared to his masterpieces. Oldenburg places his sculptures in many major cities, Philadelphia being one of them. He created the Paint Torch in 2011 in center city and I have had the opportunity to pass by this masterpiece many times. It is an enormously tall paintbrush placed in the middle of the sidewalk. Whenever I pass it I smile because in a way it reminds me that life does not always have to be so serious, and I believe that that was one of the goals Claes Oldenburg had in mind when he began creating his unique
  • 45. Implementing Environmental Aspects Into Business... One of the main goals for the design team is to improve the environment and to achieve sustainable development. A number of tools have been created by LEED in order to improve the quality in construction projects. These advantages have changed how buildings are designed, assembled and maintained. During the design phase the following items need to be deeply thought out to achieve a good quality building: 1)Energy Conservation 2)Comfortable lightening, sound, and temperature 3)Acquisition, Installation, and management of project materials 4)Water efficiency 5)Using natural resources including sunlight and solar energy 6)Indoor environmental quality It is important to communicate with the owner s needs regarding these factors ... Show more content on ... The most important standard within the ISO 14000 series is the ISO 14001 standard. ISO 14001 specifies the requirements of an environmental management system (EMS) for small to large organizations. The ISO 14001 is based on the Plan Check DO Review Improve cycle shown in figure 1. Figure 1 In construction, buildings have the capacity to make a major contribution to a more sustainable future for our planet. Sustainable construction aims to meet present day needs. Sustainable construction involves major issues such as: 1)Materials performance 2)Operation and maintenance 3)Adherence to ethical standards 4)Flexibility in building use 5)Construction technology and processes 6)Energy and resource efficiency 7)Safety and working conditions Understanding sustainability construction is key for a better and brighter future in the construction industry. Based on these issues listed above, and the concept to make sustainable construction easier to understand, projects today must: 1)Demonstrate innovative approaches to sustainable development, pushing the envelope of practice and exploring new elements. 2)Adhere to the highest ethical standards. 3)Exhibit a sensible use of natural resources throughout their entire life cycle. 4)Must prove to the owner that it is economically feasible In the United States most buildings account for total energy use, total electricity use, total water
  • 46. Narrative Essay About A Soccer Game I happened to be on the outdoor sandy field experiencing different mixed emotions as I saw people with several facial expressions at the end of the big soccer game. It was exhausting and unforgiving game that got some players injured, and caused the bad sportsmanship to take place between the coaches, players, and fans. Our fans and our rival s fans fought each other, and they threw stuff across the stadium as if they were dealing with a gigantic wild animal. Some of the playerscouldn t fully focus on their soccer match due to their divided attention, and some of them were terrified by the fan s unnecessary acts. Whenever I think about this moment, I cry and smile at the same time because we finally understood the meaning of fair play of soccer, and happy ending of our game occurred as a result of that. I knew before the game that the unsportsmanlike conduct would happen, it really did as I thought, but besides our soccer game s dirty side, it appeared to be more captivating by the way it was played than any other game. I believe that there were three causes for the ungentlemanly behavior that we faced during the tournament. Both my team and the rival team fought to death in order to win the important soccer league because neither of the teams made it to the final game before. They always face each other during the knockout games which made them rivals. Finally, the beauty of the game also had an effect for why the match took place to be played dirty.