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Managing and Sharing
  Research Data:
Good Practices for an Ideal World…
        in the Real World

              Martin Donnelly
           Digital Curation Centre
           University of Edinburgh
              University of Sheffield
                19 January 2012
Running Order
1.   Introduction
2.   What is meant by managing research data?
3.   Research data management and research ethics/integrity
4.   Context and policy
5.   The Why
      Pt. 1 – It’s A Good Thing
      Pt. 2 – Carrots
      Pt. 3 – Sticks
6.   Practicalities and Moving Forward
7.   Sheffield Stories
8.   Last Words
9.   Q+A
Running Order
1.   Introduction
2.   What is meant by managing research data?
3.   Research data management and research ethics/integrity
4.   Context and policy
5.   The Why
      Pt. 1 – It’s A Good Thing
      Pt. 2 – Carrots
      Pt. 3 – Sticks
6.   Practicalities and Moving Forward
7.   Sheffield Stories
8.   Last Words
9.   Q+A
Digital Curation Centre
- Founded in 2004 to support research in UK higher and further
  education in the preservation, curation and management of
  digital resources
- Major funder is JISC
- Original focus on publications / biblio; now more emphasis on
  research data management
- Support to JISC projects, especially the two Managing Research
  Data programmes...
- Tools, training, guidance, consultancy, other resources/studies…
- Three partner sites: Edinburgh (lead), Bath and Glasgow
Running Order
1.   Introduction
2.   What is meant by managing research data?
3.   Research data management and research ethics/integrity
4.   Context and policy
5.   The Why
      Pt. 1 – It’s A Good Thing
      Pt. 2 – Carrots
      Pt. 3 – Sticks
6.   Practicalities and Moving Forward
7.   Sheffield Stories
8.   Last Words
9.   Q+A
What is meant by managing
              research data?
Lots of strands…
- Ensuring physical integrity of files and helping to preserve them
- Ensuring safety of content (data protection, ethics, etc)
- Describing the data (via metadata) and recording its history
- Providing or enabling appropriate access at the right time, or
  restricting access, as appropriate
- Transferring custody at some point, and possibly destroying
    In short, RDM means meeting funder, institutional,
    disciplinary and other requirements/norms across various
    areas and at different times, in sympathy with the nature
    of the data itself, for the benefit of yourself, your
    institution, and the wider community, as appropriate.
Running Order
1.   Introduction
2.   What is meant by managing research data?
3.   Research data management and research ethics/integrity
4.   Context and policy
5.   The Why
      Pt. 1 – It’s A Good Thing
      Pt. 2 – Carrots
      Pt. 3 – Sticks
6.   Practicalities and Moving Forward
7.   Sheffield Stories
8.   Last Words
9.   Q+A
RDM and research ethics/integrity
- RDM is increasingly seen as a core research competency, along with things
  like writing and referencing (see RCUK Common Principles >>)
Policy Streamlining
RCUK Common Principles on Data Policy

Key messages:

    1.   Data are a public good
    2.   Adherence to community standards and best practice
    3.   Metadata for discoverability and access
    4.   Recognise constraints on what data to release
    5.   Permit embargo periods delaying data release
    6.   Acknowledgement of / compliance with T&Cs
    7.   Data management and sharing activities should be explicitly funded
RDM and research ethics/integrity
- RDM is increasingly seen as a core research competency, along with things
  like writing and referencing (see RCUK principles >>)
- Research outputs (which constitute the scientific record) are often based on
  the collection, analysis and processing of data / sources / information
- Reproducibility and verifiability are fundamental principles in many
  disciplines. In other disciplines, including those where research cannot be
  replicated such as social and environmental sciences, the longevity of the
  data from which the findings are derived is equally crucial
- Some data is unique and cannot be replaced if destroyed or lost, yet only by
  referring to trustworthy data can research be judged as sound
- Therefore data must be accessible and comprehensible in order to back up
  claims, and enable third parties to reproduce (or validate) results
- Additionally, there is increasing demand for public (or Open) access to
  publicly-funded research outputs, including data, but more on that later…
Running Order
1.   Introduction
2.   What is meant by managing research data?
3.   Research data management and research ethics/integrity
4.   Context and policy
5.   The Why
      Pt. 1 – It’s A Good Thing
      Pt. 2 – Carrots
      Pt. 3 – Sticks
6.   Practicalities and Moving Forward
7.   Sheffield Stories
8.   Last Words
9.   Q+A
Institutional and funder perspectives
- Research today is technology enabled and data intensive
- Data as long-term asset; identify and preserve
- The fragility and cost of digital data; curate to reuse and
- Data sharing: research pooling, cross-disciplinary and global
  partnering, new research from old, the wealth of knowledge
- The cost of technology and human infrastructures
- Pressure to show return on public investment of £3.5bn
- Compliance with legislation and funder policies
- The data deluge: volume and complexity, not just in HEIs
- Financial and human consequences from lost data
- The cost of administering unmanaged datasets

             “For science to effectively function, and for society to
             reap the full benefits from scientific endeavours, it is
             crucial that science data be made open”

Surfing the Tsunami
Science, 11 February 2011

RCUK Policy and Code of Conduct on the Governance
ofEPSRCResearchall those institutions it October 2011)
  Good expects Conduct, 2008 (updated funds
UNACCEPTABLEroadmap that aligns theirmismanagement or
to develop a RESEARCH CONDUCT includes policies and
inadequate preservation of data and/or primary materials,st May 2012;
processes with EPSRC’s expectations by 1 including failure
to be fully compliantrecords these expectations by 1st May
    keep clear and accurate
                              with of the research procedures followed and the
2015. obtained, including interim results;
Compliance securely inmonitored andform;
    hold records will be paper or electronic non-compliance
investigated. primary data and research evidence accessible to others for
    make relevant
Failure to share research data could result datathe normally
    reasonable periods after the completion of the research:
                                                             in should
    be preserved and accessible for 10 yrs (in some cases 20 yrs or longer);
imposition of sanctions. research funder‟s data policy and all relevant
    manage data according to the
    wherever possible, deposit data permanently within a national collection.
Responsibility for proper management and preservation of data and primary
materials is shared between the researcher and the research organisation.
Running Order
1.   Introduction
2.   What is meant by managing research data?
3.   Research data management and research ethics/integrity
4.   Context and policy
5.   The Why
      Pt. 1 – It’s A Good Thing
      Pt. 2 – Carrots
      Pt. 3 – Sticks
6.   Practicalities and Moving Forward
7.   Sheffield Stories
8.   Last Words
9.   Q+A
The Why (pt. 1)
It’s A Good Thing

  – Data as a public good (see RCUK Shared Principles)
  – Others can build upon your work (the Shoulders of
    Giants, Newton) and it may be useful in ways you did
    not foresee, beyond your discipline (‘fresh eyes and
    new techniques or approaches’)
  – Passing custody enables you to leave the preservation
    legwork to the specialists
  – You won’t be around forever, but your work might be
The Why (pt. 2)
Incentives, or “Why Should I Spend Time On This
When I Have Other Things To Worry About?”

- Impact. Linking papers to data increases citation rates,
  see for example Henneken & Accomazzi, Smithsonian
  Astrophysical Observatory:
  1.pdf (pre-print)
- Warning! Some numbers follow…
Institutional cost saving

 Researcher career benefits

Growing popularity of re-use

       Sharing as a catalyst
               for discovery

Early results: public data archiving
increases scientific contribution by
one third
- Making data accessible increases citation rates
- Better for authors; better for publishers
- Piwowar, Day & Fridsma (2007):
      - 45% of studies make data accessible
      - They receive 85% of citations
- N.B correlation is not causation…

                     4th DCC Roadshow - Oxford. Kevin Ashley,
2011-09-14                                                      21
                                 DCC, CC-BY-SA
Key findings
     - 2.98 more publications per
         dataset if archived
     - 2.77 more if „informally
         shared‟                              2.5

    “TheOr correct forof social science research: The use and reuse of primary
     - enduring value some                      2
    research data”                                                           Archived
         confounding factors…
    Amy M. Pienta, George Alter, Jared Lyle   1.5
     - 2.42 more if archived                    1
                                                                             Not shared1
    Presented in Torino, April 2010: “Organisation, Economics and Policy of Scientific
    Research”more if informally
     - 2.31                                   0.5
         shared                                 0
                                                                 Raw             Corrected

2011-09-14                     4th DCC Roadshow - Oxford. Kevin Ashley, DCC, CC-BY-SA        22
The Why (pt. 2)
More incentives…

- Increased citations help with the
  Research Excellence Framework
- Research councils are increasingly
  rejecting submissions on the basis of
  poor data management plans
- So you get more funding if you do
  this right…
The Why (pt. 3)

- Some funders require you to make your data available for many
  years after project funding has ceased. So laying adequate data
  preservation foundations should be near the top of your list
  when planning any new research project.
- Funder rejections on basis of poor data management.
- EPSRC roadmap requirement (N.B. It is likely that DMPs will form
  part of many institutional infrastructures) - the institution has
  overall responsibility for this, but everyone will need to play a
  part, and EPSRC is an important funder at Sheffield. Others may
  follow suit…
The Why (pt. 3)
Government pressure on RCs…
6.9 The Research Councils expect the researchers they fund to deposit published
articles or conference proceedings in an open access repository at or around the
time of publication. But this practice is unevenly enforced. Therefore, as an
immediate step, we have asked the Research Councils to ensure the researchers
they fund fulfil the current requirements. Additionally, the Research Councils
have now agreed to invest £2 million in the development, by 2013, of a UK
‘Gateway to Research’. In the first instance this will allow ready access to
Research Council funded research information and related data but it will be
designed so that it can also include research funded by others in due course. The
Research Councils will work with their partners and users to ensure information is
presented in a readily reusable form, using common formats and open standards.
The Why (pt. 3)
-      In addition to funders and institutions, prestige journals like Science and Nature already
       have data policies in place, and the tendency is towards increasing requirements and
       scrutiny here as well as with the funders…
Nature and Science data policies
Such material must be hosted on an accredited independent site (URL and accession numbers to be provided by the author), or sent to the Nature journal
at submission, either uploaded via the journal's online submission service, or if the files are too large or in an unsuitable format for this purpose, on
CD/DVD (five copies). Such material cannot solely be hosted on an author's personal or institutional web site.[4]
Nature requires the reviewer to determine if all of the supplementary data and methods have been archived. The policy advises reviewers to consider
several questions, including: "Should the authors be asked to provide supplementary methods or data to accompany the paper online? (Such data might
include source code for modelling studies, detailed experimental protocols or mathematical derivations.)"[5]
‘’’Database deposition policy’’’ – Science supports the efforts of databases that aggregate published data for the use of the scientific community.
Therefore, before publication, large data sets (including microarray data, protein or DNA sequences, and atomic coordinates or electron microscopy
maps for macromolecular structures) must be deposited in an approved database and an accession number provided for inclusion in the published
‘’’Materials and methods’’’ – Science now requests that, in general, authors place the bulk of their description of materials and methods online as
supporting material, providing only as much methods description in the print manuscript as is necessary to follow the logic of the text. (Obviously, this
restriction will not apply if the paper is fundamentally a study of a new method or technique.)[7]


^"Availability of Data and Materials: The Policy of Nature Magazine[4]
^ "Guide to Publication Policies of the Nature Journals," published March 14, 2007.[5]
^ "General Policies of Science Magazine" [6]
^ ”Preparing Your Supporting Online Material” [7]

-      Finally, a data management plan requirement is very likely to feature in EC FP8 (“Horizon
Running Order
1.   Introduction
2.   What is meant by managing research data?
3.   Research data management and research ethics/integrity
4.   Context and policy
5.   The Why
      Pt. 1 – It’s A Good Thing
      Pt. 2 – Carrots
      Pt. 3 – Sticks
6.   Practicalities and Moving Forward
7.   Sheffield Stories
8.   Last Words
9.   Q+A
         …or, Areas Where The DCC Can Help

- Assessing Need
- Delivering Support
- Developing Strategic Institutional
  Research Data Management Support

                         -   Policy
                         -   Advocacy
                         -   Planning
                         -   Tools
                         -   Training
Three areas for thought
1. Documentation and metadata
2. Backup
3. Depositing data for the long term
Documentation and Metadata
- Could you, or someone else, make sense of
  your data five years from now? What about
  five minutes from now?
- Metadata is ‘data about data’
- Simple documentation (study level)
  – Use consistent file names and informative labels
  – Version control
  – E.g. ABC_Study4_output_2012-01-19_v1.xls
Documentation and Metadata
- You may wish to maintain a separate log of high
  level metadata about each dataset (text file,
  spreadsheet or database)
  -   Research context (when, where, who)
  -   Data history (preparation, processing)
  -   Where and how to access the data
  -   Access rights and permissions
  -   Link to supplementary materials, related data,
      documents, publications
- Wherever possible, use standardised
  vocabularies and metadata formats
- What would happen to your data if there was a
  fire in your office tonight?
- Automatic backup
  - Find out if this is available in your Department or
  - Best practice is at least one automatic off-site
- Manual backup
  - Set repeat reminders, e.g. via online calendar
- N.B. Backup and archiving are not same thing!
Depositing Data for the Long Term
- Check copyright, consent and Data Protection
- Identify the appropriate archive / data centre
- Submit form/sample data/supporting
  documentation for review
- If accepted, sign Licence Agreement
- Deposit data
- Dissemination?
That’s a lot to remember…
It is, but the DCC’s Checklist
for a Data Management Plan
provides a comprehensive list
of issues you might need to

Not all of it will be relevant to
your work. Start with the
section headings, and use
DMP Online to make your life
Moving Forward
Moving Forward
There are lots of guidance resources
available already, e.g.
and and
Research Data MANTRA

… and Sheffield-focused resources are on the
Running Order
1.   Introduction
2.   What is meant by managing research data?
3.   Research data management and research ethics/integrity
4.   Context and policy
5.   The Why
      Pt. 1 – It’s A Good Thing
      Pt. 2 – Carrots
      Pt. 3 – Sticks
6.   Practicalities and Moving Forward
7.   Sheffield Stories
8.   Last Words
9.   Q+A

                                           Save our Soils
         (Prof Steve Banwart, Department of Civil and
                    Structural Engineering)

20/01/2012 © The University of Sheffield

           (Banwart & Menon, Department of Civil and
                    Structural Engineering)

20/01/2012 © The University of Sheffield

     (Dr Bethan Thomas, Department of Geography)

20/01/2012 © The University of Sheffield

                                           HRI Digital
                            (Humanities Research Institute)

20/01/2012 © The University of Sheffield
Running Order
1.   Introduction
2.   What is meant by managing research data?
3.   Research data management and research ethics/integrity
4.   Context and policy
5.   The Why
      Pt. 1 – It’s A Good Thing
      Pt. 2 – Carrots
      Pt. 3 – Sticks
6.   Practicalities and Moving Forward
7.   Sheffield Stories
8.   Last Words
9.   Q+A
Last Words
- You may be in a small group with not much capacity for
  huge changes, but no one expects miracles

- Starting with incremental changes now is better than
  burying your head in the sand and hitting a brick wall

- You’re not alone! There are lots of resources available,
  both institutionally and at a national level
Running Order
1.   Introduction
2.   What is meant by managing research data?
3.   Research data management and research ethics/integrity
4.   Context and policy
5.   The Why
      Pt. 1 – It’s A Good Thing
      Pt. 2 – Carrots
      Pt. 3 – Sticks
6.   Practicalities and Moving Forward
7.   Sheffield Stories
8.   Last Words
9.   Q+A
FAQ’s pt. 1

   Q. I don’t have time for all of this.
   A. You should have: the RCUK councils explicitly state that data management
   activities should be included as part of funding applications, and institutions
   are bound to meet their obligations. It’s not necessary for every researcher to
   become an expert in all aspects of RDM, just to know what their role is in the
   bigger picture.
   Q. How are data management plans actually assessed?
   A. It varies from funder to funder. The AHRC has a technical review college,
   and ADS has internal guidance on what to look for when marking. All funders
   provide markers' guidelines which probably say something about DMPs, but
   these tend not to be public documents. A notable exception is ESRC, where
   markers’ guidance is produced by the UK Data Archive. We’re hearing more
   and more stories of bids rejected on the basis of poor DMPs, so the review
   processes may soon become more transparent. Interestingly, the AHRC crops
   up in this context more often than the others.
FAQ’s pt. 2

   Q. Won’t sharing my data mean people can steal my work?
   A. No. Others might find things you didn’t (or weren’t looking for), but you
   should receive proper attribution. Additionally, most funders permit
   embargo periods to enable the original data collectors/creators to benefit
   from their work. The risk of plagiarism is the same as publishing a paper.
   Q. How could I possibly share confidential data?
   A. If it’s confidential, you probably shouldn’t! Techniques such as
   anonymisation and aggregation can be applied in order to safeguard
   personal information, and data with commercial significance may also be
   protected. It depends on policies and consortium agreements etc, which
   should be clearly communicated. ESRC/UKDA, for example, provide advice
   on ‘What to tell participants’ re. confidentiality /
Thank you
                                                         Martin Donnelly
                                                      Digital Curation Centre
                                                      University of Edinburgh
                                                           Twitter: @mkdDCC

     This work is licensed under the Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
             2.5 UK: Scotland License.                                                                                      Image credits:
      To view a copy of this license, (a) visit                               slide 12 -
 sa/2.5/scotland/; or (b) send a letter to Creative
  Commons, 543 Howard Street, 5th Floor, San                                                                                Slide credits:
         Francisco, California, 94105, USA.                    Kevin Ashley and Graham Pryor, DCC Edinburgh; Andrew McHugh, DCC Glasgow

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Managing and Sharing Research Data: Good practices for an ideal the real world.

  • 1. Managing and Sharing Research Data: Good Practices for an Ideal World… in the Real World Martin Donnelly Digital Curation Centre University of Edinburgh University of Sheffield 19 January 2012
  • 2. Running Order 1. Introduction 2. What is meant by managing research data? 3. Research data management and research ethics/integrity 4. Context and policy 5. The Why  Pt. 1 – It’s A Good Thing  Pt. 2 – Carrots  Pt. 3 – Sticks 6. Practicalities and Moving Forward 7. Sheffield Stories 8. Last Words 9. Q+A
  • 3. Running Order 1. Introduction 2. What is meant by managing research data? 3. Research data management and research ethics/integrity 4. Context and policy 5. The Why  Pt. 1 – It’s A Good Thing  Pt. 2 – Carrots  Pt. 3 – Sticks 6. Practicalities and Moving Forward 7. Sheffield Stories 8. Last Words 9. Q+A
  • 4. Digital Curation Centre - Founded in 2004 to support research in UK higher and further education in the preservation, curation and management of digital resources - Major funder is JISC - Original focus on publications / biblio; now more emphasis on research data management - Support to JISC projects, especially the two Managing Research Data programmes... agement/managingresearchdata.aspx - Tools, training, guidance, consultancy, other resources/studies… - Three partner sites: Edinburgh (lead), Bath and Glasgow
  • 5. Running Order 1. Introduction 2. What is meant by managing research data? 3. Research data management and research ethics/integrity 4. Context and policy 5. The Why  Pt. 1 – It’s A Good Thing  Pt. 2 – Carrots  Pt. 3 – Sticks 6. Practicalities and Moving Forward 7. Sheffield Stories 8. Last Words 9. Q+A
  • 6. What is meant by managing research data? Lots of strands… - Ensuring physical integrity of files and helping to preserve them - Ensuring safety of content (data protection, ethics, etc) - Describing the data (via metadata) and recording its history - Providing or enabling appropriate access at the right time, or restricting access, as appropriate - Transferring custody at some point, and possibly destroying In short, RDM means meeting funder, institutional, disciplinary and other requirements/norms across various areas and at different times, in sympathy with the nature of the data itself, for the benefit of yourself, your institution, and the wider community, as appropriate.
  • 7. Running Order 1. Introduction 2. What is meant by managing research data? 3. Research data management and research ethics/integrity 4. Context and policy 5. The Why  Pt. 1 – It’s A Good Thing  Pt. 2 – Carrots  Pt. 3 – Sticks 6. Practicalities and Moving Forward 7. Sheffield Stories 8. Last Words 9. Q+A
  • 8. RDM and research ethics/integrity - RDM is increasingly seen as a core research competency, along with things like writing and referencing (see RCUK Common Principles >>)
  • 9. Policy Streamlining RCUK Common Principles on Data Policy Key messages: 1. Data are a public good 2. Adherence to community standards and best practice 3. Metadata for discoverability and access 4. Recognise constraints on what data to release 5. Permit embargo periods delaying data release 6. Acknowledgement of / compliance with T&Cs 7. Data management and sharing activities should be explicitly funded
  • 10. RDM and research ethics/integrity - RDM is increasingly seen as a core research competency, along with things like writing and referencing (see RCUK principles >>) - Research outputs (which constitute the scientific record) are often based on the collection, analysis and processing of data / sources / information - Reproducibility and verifiability are fundamental principles in many disciplines. In other disciplines, including those where research cannot be replicated such as social and environmental sciences, the longevity of the data from which the findings are derived is equally crucial - Some data is unique and cannot be replaced if destroyed or lost, yet only by referring to trustworthy data can research be judged as sound - Therefore data must be accessible and comprehensible in order to back up claims, and enable third parties to reproduce (or validate) results - Additionally, there is increasing demand for public (or Open) access to publicly-funded research outputs, including data, but more on that later…
  • 11. Running Order 1. Introduction 2. What is meant by managing research data? 3. Research data management and research ethics/integrity 4. Context and policy 5. The Why  Pt. 1 – It’s A Good Thing  Pt. 2 – Carrots  Pt. 3 – Sticks 6. Practicalities and Moving Forward 7. Sheffield Stories 8. Last Words 9. Q+A
  • 12. Institutional and funder perspectives - Research today is technology enabled and data intensive - Data as long-term asset; identify and preserve - The fragility and cost of digital data; curate to reuse and preserve - Data sharing: research pooling, cross-disciplinary and global partnering, new research from old, the wealth of knowledge - The cost of technology and human infrastructures - Pressure to show return on public investment of £3.5bn - Compliance with legislation and funder policies - The data deluge: volume and complexity, not just in HEIs - Financial and human consequences from lost data - The cost of administering unmanaged datasets
  • 13. Context “For science to effectively function, and for society to reap the full benefits from scientific endeavours, it is crucial that science data be made open” Surfing the Tsunami Science, 11 February 2011
  • 15. Policy RCUK Policy and Code of Conduct on the Governance ofEPSRCResearchall those institutions it October 2011) Good expects Conduct, 2008 (updated funds UNACCEPTABLEroadmap that aligns theirmismanagement or to develop a RESEARCH CONDUCT includes policies and inadequate preservation of data and/or primary materials,st May 2012; processes with EPSRC’s expectations by 1 including failure to: to be fully compliantrecords these expectations by 1st May keep clear and accurate with of the research procedures followed and the 2015. obtained, including interim results; results Compliance securely inmonitored andform; hold records will be paper or electronic non-compliance investigated. primary data and research evidence accessible to others for make relevant Failure to share research data could result datathe normally reasonable periods after the completion of the research: in should be preserved and accessible for 10 yrs (in some cases 20 yrs or longer); imposition of sanctions. research funder‟s data policy and all relevant manage data according to the legislation; wherever possible, deposit data permanently within a national collection. Responsibility for proper management and preservation of data and primary materials is shared between the researcher and the research organisation.
  • 16. Running Order 1. Introduction 2. What is meant by managing research data? 3. Research data management and research ethics/integrity 4. Context and policy 5. The Why  Pt. 1 – It’s A Good Thing  Pt. 2 – Carrots  Pt. 3 – Sticks 6. Practicalities and Moving Forward 7. Sheffield Stories 8. Last Words 9. Q+A
  • 17. The Why (pt. 1) It’s A Good Thing – Data as a public good (see RCUK Shared Principles) – Others can build upon your work (the Shoulders of Giants, Newton) and it may be useful in ways you did not foresee, beyond your discipline (‘fresh eyes and new techniques or approaches’) – Passing custody enables you to leave the preservation legwork to the specialists – You won’t be around forever, but your work might be
  • 18. The Why (pt. 2) Incentives, or “Why Should I Spend Time On This When I Have Other Things To Worry About?” - Impact. Linking papers to data increases citation rates, see for example Henneken & Accomazzi, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory: 1.pdf (pre-print) - Warning! Some numbers follow…
  • 19. Institutional cost saving Researcher career benefits Growing popularity of re-use Sharing as a catalyst for discovery
  • 20. Early results: public data archiving increases scientific contribution by one third
  • 21. Impact - Making data accessible increases citation rates - Better for authors; better for publishers - Piwowar, Day & Fridsma (2007): - 45% of studies make data accessible - They receive 85% of citations - N.B correlation is not causation… doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0000308 4th DCC Roadshow - Oxford. Kevin Ashley, 2011-09-14 21 DCC, CC-BY-SA
  • 22. Key findings - 2.98 more publications per dataset if archived 3 - 2.77 more if „informally shared‟ 2.5 “TheOr correct forof social science research: The use and reuse of primary - enduring value some 2 research data” Archived confounding factors… Amy M. Pienta, George Alter, Jared Lyle 1.5 Shared - 2.42 more if archived 1 Not shared1 Presented in Torino, April 2010: “Organisation, Economics and Policy of Scientific Research”more if informally - 2.31 0.5 shared 0 Raw Corrected 2011-09-14 4th DCC Roadshow - Oxford. Kevin Ashley, DCC, CC-BY-SA 22
  • 23. The Why (pt. 2) More incentives… - Increased citations help with the Research Excellence Framework - Research councils are increasingly rejecting submissions on the basis of poor data management plans - So you get more funding if you do this right…
  • 24. The Why (pt. 3) Sticks… - Some funders require you to make your data available for many years after project funding has ceased. So laying adequate data preservation foundations should be near the top of your list when planning any new research project. - Funder rejections on basis of poor data management. - EPSRC roadmap requirement (N.B. It is likely that DMPs will form part of many institutional infrastructures) - the institution has overall responsibility for this, but everyone will need to play a part, and EPSRC is an important funder at Sheffield. Others may follow suit…
  • 25. The Why (pt. 3) Government pressure on RCs… 6.9 The Research Councils expect the researchers they fund to deposit published articles or conference proceedings in an open access repository at or around the time of publication. But this practice is unevenly enforced. Therefore, as an immediate step, we have asked the Research Councils to ensure the researchers they fund fulfil the current requirements. Additionally, the Research Councils have now agreed to invest £2 million in the development, by 2013, of a UK ‘Gateway to Research’. In the first instance this will allow ready access to Research Council funded research information and related data but it will be designed so that it can also include research funded by others in due course. The Research Councils will work with their partners and users to ensure information is presented in a readily reusable form, using common formats and open standards. and-research-strategy-for-growth.pdf
  • 26. The Why (pt. 3) - In addition to funders and institutions, prestige journals like Science and Nature already have data policies in place, and the tendency is towards increasing requirements and scrutiny here as well as with the funders… Nature and Science data policies Nature Such material must be hosted on an accredited independent site (URL and accession numbers to be provided by the author), or sent to the Nature journal at submission, either uploaded via the journal's online submission service, or if the files are too large or in an unsuitable format for this purpose, on CD/DVD (five copies). Such material cannot solely be hosted on an author's personal or institutional web site.[4] Nature requires the reviewer to determine if all of the supplementary data and methods have been archived. The policy advises reviewers to consider several questions, including: "Should the authors be asked to provide supplementary methods or data to accompany the paper online? (Such data might include source code for modelling studies, detailed experimental protocols or mathematical derivations.)"[5] Science ‘’’Database deposition policy’’’ – Science supports the efforts of databases that aggregate published data for the use of the scientific community. Therefore, before publication, large data sets (including microarray data, protein or DNA sequences, and atomic coordinates or electron microscopy maps for macromolecular structures) must be deposited in an approved database and an accession number provided for inclusion in the published paper.[6] ‘’’Materials and methods’’’ – Science now requests that, in general, authors place the bulk of their description of materials and methods online as supporting material, providing only as much methods description in the print manuscript as is necessary to follow the logic of the text. (Obviously, this restriction will not apply if the paper is fundamentally a study of a new method or technique.)[7] REFERENCES ^"Availability of Data and Materials: The Policy of Nature Magazine[4] ^ "Guide to Publication Policies of the Nature Journals," published March 14, 2007.[5] ^ "General Policies of Science Magazine" [6] ^ ”Preparing Your Supporting Online Material” [7] - Finally, a data management plan requirement is very likely to feature in EC FP8 (“Horizon
  • 27. Running Order 1. Introduction 2. What is meant by managing research data? 3. Research data management and research ethics/integrity 4. Context and policy 5. The Why  Pt. 1 – It’s A Good Thing  Pt. 2 – Carrots  Pt. 3 – Sticks 6. Practicalities and Moving Forward 7. Sheffield Stories 8. Last Words 9. Q+A
  • 28. Practicalities …or, Areas Where The DCC Can Help - Assessing Need - Delivering Support - Developing Strategic Institutional Research Data Management Support - Policy - Advocacy - Planning - Tools - Training
  • 29. Three areas for thought 1. Documentation and metadata 2. Backup 3. Depositing data for the long term
  • 30. Documentation and Metadata - Could you, or someone else, make sense of your data five years from now? What about five minutes from now? - Metadata is ‘data about data’ - Simple documentation (study level) – Use consistent file names and informative labels – Version control – E.g. ABC_Study4_output_2012-01-19_v1.xls
  • 31. Documentation and Metadata - You may wish to maintain a separate log of high level metadata about each dataset (text file, spreadsheet or database) - Research context (when, where, who) - Data history (preparation, processing) - Where and how to access the data - Access rights and permissions - Link to supplementary materials, related data, documents, publications - Wherever possible, use standardised vocabularies and metadata formats
  • 32. Backup - What would happen to your data if there was a fire in your office tonight? - Automatic backup - Find out if this is available in your Department or School - Best practice is at least one automatic off-site backup - Manual backup - Set repeat reminders, e.g. via online calendar - N.B. Backup and archiving are not same thing!
  • 33. Depositing Data for the Long Term - Check copyright, consent and Data Protection status - Identify the appropriate archive / data centre - Submit form/sample data/supporting documentation for review - If accepted, sign Licence Agreement - Deposit data - Dissemination?
  • 34. That’s a lot to remember… It is, but the DCC’s Checklist for a Data Management Plan provides a comprehensive list of issues you might need to consider… Not all of it will be relevant to your work. Start with the section headings, and use DMP Online to make your life easier…
  • 37. Moving Forward There are lots of guidance resources available already, e.g. and and Research Data MANTRA … and Sheffield-focused resources are on the way.
  • 38. Running Order 1. Introduction 2. What is meant by managing research data? 3. Research data management and research ethics/integrity 4. Context and policy 5. The Why  Pt. 1 – It’s A Good Thing  Pt. 2 – Carrots  Pt. 3 – Sticks 6. Practicalities and Moving Forward 7. Sheffield Stories 8. Last Words 9. Q+A
  • 39. 39 Save our Soils (Prof Steve Banwart, Department of Civil and Structural Engineering) 20/01/2012 © The University of Sheffield
  • 40. 40 SoilTrEC (Banwart & Menon, Department of Civil and Structural Engineering) 20/01/2012 © The University of Sheffield
  • 41. 41 SASI (Dr Bethan Thomas, Department of Geography) 20/01/2012 © The University of Sheffield
  • 42. 42 HRI Digital (Humanities Research Institute) 20/01/2012 © The University of Sheffield
  • 43. Running Order 1. Introduction 2. What is meant by managing research data? 3. Research data management and research ethics/integrity 4. Context and policy 5. The Why  Pt. 1 – It’s A Good Thing  Pt. 2 – Carrots  Pt. 3 – Sticks 6. Practicalities and Moving Forward 7. Sheffield Stories 8. Last Words 9. Q+A
  • 44. Last Words - You may be in a small group with not much capacity for huge changes, but no one expects miracles - Starting with incremental changes now is better than burying your head in the sand and hitting a brick wall later - You’re not alone! There are lots of resources available, both institutionally and at a national level
  • 45. Running Order 1. Introduction 2. What is meant by managing research data? 3. Research data management and research ethics/integrity 4. Context and policy 5. The Why  Pt. 1 – It’s A Good Thing  Pt. 2 – Carrots  Pt. 3 – Sticks 6. Practicalities and Moving Forward 7. Sheffield Stories 8. Last Words 9. Q+A
  • 46. Q+A FAQ’s pt. 1 Q. I don’t have time for all of this. A. You should have: the RCUK councils explicitly state that data management activities should be included as part of funding applications, and institutions are bound to meet their obligations. It’s not necessary for every researcher to become an expert in all aspects of RDM, just to know what their role is in the bigger picture. Q. How are data management plans actually assessed? A. It varies from funder to funder. The AHRC has a technical review college, and ADS has internal guidance on what to look for when marking. All funders provide markers' guidelines which probably say something about DMPs, but these tend not to be public documents. A notable exception is ESRC, where markers’ guidance is produced by the UK Data Archive. We’re hearing more and more stories of bids rejected on the basis of poor DMPs, so the review processes may soon become more transparent. Interestingly, the AHRC crops up in this context more often than the others.
  • 47. Q+A FAQ’s pt. 2 Q. Won’t sharing my data mean people can steal my work? A. No. Others might find things you didn’t (or weren’t looking for), but you should receive proper attribution. Additionally, most funders permit embargo periods to enable the original data collectors/creators to benefit from their work. The risk of plagiarism is the same as publishing a paper. Q. How could I possibly share confidential data? A. If it’s confidential, you probably shouldn’t! Techniques such as anonymisation and aggregation can be applied in order to safeguard personal information, and data with commercial significance may also be protected. It depends on policies and consortium agreements etc, which should be clearly communicated. ESRC/UKDA, for example, provide advice on ‘What to tell participants’ re. confidentiality / anonymisation ethics/consent?index=7
  • 48. Thank you Martin Donnelly Digital Curation Centre University of Edinburgh Twitter: @mkdDCC This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 UK: Scotland License. Image credits: To view a copy of this license, (a) visit slide 12 - sa/2.5/scotland/; or (b) send a letter to Creative Commons, 543 Howard Street, 5th Floor, San Slide credits: Francisco, California, 94105, USA. Kevin Ashley and Graham Pryor, DCC Edinburgh; Andrew McHugh, DCC Glasgow

Editor's Notes

  1. I’ll return to these in more detail shortly….