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The Magazine for Agile Developers and Agile Testers

Testing challenges for distributed team                                         February 2012   free digital version   made in Germany   ISSN 2191-1320   issue 9
Management of Development Team
 by Piotr Trojanowski

 The whole range of different approaches for Project Managers             bers focus on individual tasks that get assigned to them. This
 (PM) for managing development teams extends between two                  is very uncomfortable for individual team members as it signifi-
 extremes: PM-centric micromanagement and PM encouraged                   cantly limits their natural need to make use of their intellectual
 self-organization. One may expect that junior PMs tend to more           potential. At the same time they focus less on the business goals
 often start from the former one. Junior PMs stick strictly to con-       that a product owner wants to achieve. They shift this responsibil-
 trolling execution of all micro-tasks as a result of their lacking       ity to the PM as s/he keeps it all under control. Some individuals
 an appropriate level of trust and/or courage to delegate work to         actually like this kind of set-up because it lets them stick to their
 development teams. As time elapses and junior PMs gain more              comfort zones. Others, however, do not like such set-ups as they,
 experience, they gradually shift towards the latter option of mod-       in some sense, feel uncomfortable about competing with the PM
 eling self-organization of development teams facilitated by task         for responsibility, especially if they feel they are in a better posi-
 delegation and self-organization moderation techniques. The              tion to handle a particular area of the project. Both cases are
 difference between these two approaches boils down to the dif-           harmful to the project. Such environments, created by an over-
 ference between feeding starving people with fish or providing           acting PM, seriously decrease the development team’s empower-
 them with a fishing rod. A variety of intermediate approaches for        ment and commitment. A team can never become more mature
 managing development teams exist between these two extremes              under the above circumstances – it is simply not given a chance
 – the road to mastership takes time.                                     to improve its maturity.

 Let’s have a closer look at the two extreme approaches first be-         This mode of PM work is called the micromanagement1 approach
 fore switching to discussing Scrum’s built-in team management            to development team management and project management
 model and organizational aspects, which need to be considered            in general. (In my opinion, Wikipedia takes it too extreme, refer-
 when deciding on the appropriate approach of development                 ring to an obsessive-compulsive personality disorder as the root
 management for a particular project.                                     cause for micromanagement practices and behaviors). Person-
                                                                          ally, I also call this approach PM-centric management as op-
 Micromanagement                                                          posed to team-centric management. It is needless to say that
 The first approach – micromanagement – focuses on address-               micromanagement has destructive results in the long term, not
 ing the current project’s and development team members’ needs            only negative connotations. In fact, micromanagement is one of
 and current matters. The PM is highly involved in all current is-        the classic managerial anti-patterns.
 sues irrespective of how minor they are. S/he tries to cover all as-
 pects of a project and be involved in literally every activity within    Please note that a need for micromanagement may originate not
 the project. This is a natural approach for beginners who person-        only from the PM, but also from the development team. Usually
 ally commit to deliver a project. However, such an approach cre-         this is the case with recently-created teams that are still pro-
 ates handicaps for other participants of the project. First of all, it   gressing on their way to establishing some initial self-organiza-
 means that decision making gets fully centralized on the PM. As          tion, or teams that expect to be micro-managed based on past
 a result, the team will lack in motivation for proactive behavior,       experience. The former case is pretty healthy – a development
 as nothing is likely to happen without the PM’s knowledge and            team can and should expect a PM to support them towards
 decision. The team switches to a passive role and waits to be as-        mature self-organization. After all, it is one of the major goals
 signed successive technical tasks. The development team mem-

of a PM’s work. The latter case, on the contrary, is a clear sign      resolution of core managerial issues and process improvements.
of a malformed organization culture, and solving it is more of         A PM’s mind is relieved of the burden of low-level detail and free
a matter of organizational effort that is required to change the       to focus on core aspects of the work. Still, the PM remains 100%
existing culture. A PM should discuss the limitations s/he sees        responsible for moderating the process of the development
in the current model and the proposals for change via the chan-        team’s self-organization. See Mike Cohn’s book Succeeding with
nels and mechanisms existing in a company for these purposes,          Agile2 in which the PM’s options to influence the team’s self-or-
rather than starting a lonely struggle with introducing the culture    ganization are discussed.
change locally.
                                                                       Scrum’s built-in approach
Notice that as long as the former PM’s approach will be perceived      The agile methodologies rely deeply on the notion of self-organ-
well as a proactive action to building the company’s culture, the      izing teams. In fact, self-organization is a core building block for
latter approach can be assessed as an individual battle against        all of them. There is a clear shift of responsibility down to the in-
the rest of the world. Any attempts of a PM to change the culture      dividual members of the development team. The world is not PM-
locally – exclusively in his projects – must be undertaken very        driven and not PM-centric anymore – the world is team-driven
carefully, and will as a matter of fact have limited chances to be     and team-centric. The PM is not a member of the team anymore.
successful. Such attempts may result in tensions between a PM          This is only possible through the empowerment of individuals
and those development team members who have become used                and acceptance of responsibility by them. As a result, the PM’s
to the prevailing reality. They will hide their impedance for change   position is, by design, in the area of facilitating the above notions
and preference to stay in their comfort zone behind arguments          more than anywhere else. Yes, Agile defines self-organization as
praising the value of existing processes and culture. For them it      its built-in development team management model, not leaving
is more of a PM problem to adjust to the existing organization         much space for PMs to choose their favorite development man-
culture. This is all understandable. Avoiding change is quite natu-    agement model. Agile PMs fall into the PM-moderated/encour-
ral for some of us, and one of the quite reasonable approaches         aged self-organization approach by the mere nature of things, or
to change management. My recommendation in such cases is               should I say by the nature of the agile development management
to start work on altering organizational culture using existing        model.
company channels dedicated for such purposes. The changes to
existing reality will be much easier to push through and commu-        So far, so good – here comes the difficult part: Self-organization
nicated to teams by people / committees / bodies who are widely        is not granted for free to every organization starting from day one;
recognized as accountable for an area of organization culture,         Agile does not work out-of-the-box; one cannot switch from wa-
i.e., heads of departments or heads of project management,             terfall to Agile with a single managerial decision. Why? Because
PMOs, etc.                                                             Agile needs mature teams that are ready to accept responsibility
                                                                       as decisions will no longer be coming from the PM in a ready-
Self-organization of development team                                  to-process form. Your development team may not be ready for
The second approach – PM encouraged or PM moderated self-or-           this. For some reasons a development team may not be mature
ganization – is the complete opposite of the micromanagement           enough to accept the challenge. The root cause may be either
approach. This is a team-centric approach. In this approach a PM       some reason internal to the team, e.g. lack of experience, stick-
lets the development team take full ownership of technical as-         ing to good-old habits, or equally well shortcomings of a PM not
pects of a project. The PM herself stays at a level of business re-    fully facilitating agile management responsibilities.
quirements and not their technical solutions. In other words, the
PM’s duty is to answer question of what and when, and develop-         One of my favorite quotations, originating from eastern culture
ment team’s duty is to answer questions of how. From the devel-        says: Achieving your goal does not matter; it is getting there
opment team’s perspective, such an approach opens doors for            which matters. The whole journey of getting there to the stage of
all the good things. It values the intelligence of individual team     mature self-organization of development teams in its full extent
members and lets them reveal their intellectual potential. It gives    starts from the team’s initial immaturity and complete reliance
individual team members a chance to become fully productive            on a project manager. Getting there is a process that takes time
and empowered. At the same time, the ability to make decisions         and needs sponsors, and as such getting there should be treated
leverages everybody’s commitment and responsibility to deliver         as a long-term investment in the ability of the organization to de-
high quality software.                                                 liver quality software. There is no doubt about it – the way to a
                                                                       mature team’s self-organization is a process that needs to take
The above work environment models a team’s world according             place at the organization level and be conducted as a change of
to one of the key principles for managers to transform business        organizational culture.
effectiveness given back in the 1980s by W. Edward Deming: it
removes barriers that rob people in engineering of their right to      So before overeagerly claiming that your organization is agile, (as
pride of workmanship.                                                  too many organizations do nowadays), just because daily stand-
                                                                       ups are implemented here and there, I recommend you to take
From a PM’s perspective, the team’s self-organization takes the
PM’s thinking a few levels higher to a wider timescale perspec-        Wesley-Signature/dp/0321579364/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=13
tive which allows focusing attention to the systematic long-term       18024887&sr=1-2%29

a conscious and responsible approach to take a step back and           The classic Hersey’s and Blanchard’s team leadership model –
 see where you are. The first step is to accept the fact that getting   Situational Leadership theory3 may be of help. The SL model de-
 there needs practice towards reaching the state where the self-        fines four phases of a team’s evolution and the PM’s involvement
 organization has a chance to succeed.                                  in leadership:

                                                                        ■    Telling – Team’s full reliance on PM and his instructions,
 Self-organizing teams – preparation
 It would be really optimistic to assume that the process of lead-      ■    Selling – PM gradually buys individuals into the decision
 ing your team to full maturity is your individual decision and that         process,
 it can happen during project execution at an arbitrary time of         ■    Participating – shared decision making between PM and
 your choice. More realistically, however, various factors need to           team, and
 be taken into account. It matters whether you work for a software
 vendor or in an internal IT department of a non-IT company. It         ■    Delegation – Team fully responsible for decisions
 matters what delivery model you are obliged to follow; this can
 be anything between “Fixed Price Fixed Time” and “Time & Mate-         As one can see, the Telling level corresponds to the microman-
 rial”. Finally, it matters who your sponsor is and what his needs      agement approach while the Delegation level corresponds to
 are. What is the sponsor’s level of awareness with regard to the       Agile’s PM encouraged self-organization approach. Selling and
 goals of the transformation? Is your sponsor ready to accept ad-       Participating intermediate phases let you drive the transforma-
 ditional time and money being spent to go through a transfor-          tion more smoothly.
 mation process that will pay off in the long term by increasing
 the ability of your team to deliver quality software? The key pre-     In parallel, Tuckman’s stages of group development, also known
 requisite factors of the transformation process that need to be        as Forming-Storming-Norming-Performing model4 of group devel-
 agreed up-front are:                                                   opment, may be of help. Again, the model is based on four phas-
                                                                        es in which the corresponding PM’s role is defined, as described
 1.   recognition of the transformation process as a long-term
                                                                        at Wikipedia:
      investment at the organizational level,
                                                                        ■    Forming – the forming of the team takes place; Supervi-
 2.   conscious execution of the transformation as part of a
                                                                             sors of the team tend to need to be directive during this
      particular carefully selected project,
 3.   project sponsors that are fully aware of the attempted
                                                                        ■    Storming – different ideas compete for consideration;
                                                                             Supervisors of the team during this phase may be more
 4.   well defined sponsors of the transformation, and                       accessible, but tend to remain directive in their guidance of
 5.   a level of transformation transparency that is agreed with             decision-making and professional behavior.
      project sponsors.                                                 ■    Norming – The team manages to have one goal and come
                                                                             to a mutual plan for the team at this stage.
 In my opinion, it takes a very conscious and mature client to
 understand long-term benefits of the transformation. It is even        ■    Performing – It is possible for some teams to reach the
 harder to find a sponsor who, understanding the need, decides to            performing stage. These high-performing teams are able
 go for it; very rarely are the sponsors themselves rewarded with            to function as a unit as they find ways to get the job done
 long-term results. Speaking from my own experience, after 10+               smoothly and effectively without inappropriate conflict or
 years of Scrum on the scene, it is still difficult to come across           the need for external supervision. By this time, they are
 such mature clients and organizations. Agile became attractive              motivated and knowledgeable. The team members are now
 and well perceived as a sales item in Requests for Proposals                competent, autonomous and able to handle the decision-
 (RFPs), but this is rarely reflected at project management level.           making process without supervision. Supervisors of the
                                                                             team during this phase are almost always participative. The
 One other thing is worth noting as a side note when considering             team will make most of the necessary decisions.
 the transformation. In the aforementioned book, Cohn is able to
 plot a diagram showing the level of a Scrum Master’s involve-          The backbone idea driving the above models is that Team has a
 ment throughout a process of the team’s way to full maturity. As       lifespan: it needs time to grow mature and it needs help on its
 one can expect, the initial involvement starts at the highest level    way to maturity. Please note that the kind of help they need has
 and falls down to the lowest levels when the transformation is         nothing to do with micromanagement. The process of growing
 done.                                                                  mature is not driven by any sort of a PM – it is a natural process.
                                                                        All they need from a PM and an Organization is encouragement,
 Self-organizing teams – Getting there                                  motivation, freedom, moderation and support.
 If you are given a chance from project sponsors to grow your
 team, take it; it may not occur a second time. You may wish to         3
 make the change in steps.

During the transformation you need to constantly take into ac-          turity level. Having identified the match, one then needs to find a
count that getting there needs changes to the organization’s            PM capable of managing the development team according to the
culture as well as mental changes of individuals. You may need          above parameters.
organizational help in this aspect.
                                                                        Side note 2: Attempts of unification
Summary                                                                 As usual, one needs to be careful and resist the temptation of
Scrum as well as other agile development methodologies, like            assuming that projects are executed uniformly across the or-
Kanban, are based on the most mature team development                   ganization. I think it is much safer and feasible to assume the
phase. The underlying scientific models of the team evolution           opposite. A degree of formalization of project management and
were created back in the 1970s by behavioral scientists. I would        software delivery methodologies does not influence the uniform-
not be surprised if this is an eye-opener for many of you. I must       ity of project execution much. Except from the factors that can
say, it was for me! One may ask: But wait, weren’t we told that         be made uniform like delivery methodologies, there are other
Agile is a simplified version of managing development? That it is       factors that cannot be made uniform. I can see at least three
all lightweight and straightforward to use?! Well, yes, I am sure       different groups: 1. The above-mentioned human nature specific
you were told all this... I am just not sure you were ever told about   factors characterizing individual PMs, 2. Human nature specific
the work and time necessary to build a team’s maturity level high       factors characterizing individual team members, and 3. A variety
enough to fulfill Scrum’s pre-requisites, and – most importantly        of business domains and characteristics of clients for which pro-
– how to get there.                                                     jects are executed.

I personally believe that this work is only necessary because of        Unification of project execution should focus on pointing PMs in
bad-old habits – the way organizations got used to working. For         the right place on the whole spectrum of choices rather than on
years people were told exactly the opposite – to follow the in-         nailing down a list of uniform rules and / or processes. The ap-
structions of the boss and not to think too much about the wider        proach to development management selected on the scale of op-
perspective – the exact copy from Ford’s production model. Luck-        tions should be the one most closely corresponding to the com-
ily, some of you work in organizations which understand the need        pany’s reality at the current level of growth and maturity.
for continuous improvement and are willing to invest time and
money in researching ways to improve business effectiveness.            Note that the approach of producing lists of uniform rules / pro-
If you are not that lucky, find some time to re-think your current      cesses that is not recommended is also based on an assessment
professional situation.                                                 of the best matching project execution model from the same
                                                                        spectrum of choices. However, the assessment is not done by
Side note 1: Planning management of development team in                 a PM and is made implicit to a PM. Instead, the PM is given a
an organization                                                         hardcoded list of processes produced based on the implicit as-
Having said that there is a whole spectrum of approaches to man-        sessment. As a result, the PM does not have a chance to grasp
aging a development team, one needs to bear in mind that every          the full picture and underlying layers of logic, but is limited to fol-
PM has his/her own preferred approach to managing teams. This           lowing the already processed information. This can be and usu-
is something s/he has worked out throughout his/her career. It is       ally is quite misleading and, even worse, leads to nowhere in the
a very individual thing originating from a mixture of factors char-     long term.
acterizing an individual PM: domain knowledge, personality and
experience in terms of work environments, teams, methodolo-
gies, contractual models, etc.
                                                                          > About the author
On the other hand each organization has worked out its level of
maturity throughout the years of its existence. Again, it is quite                                    Piotr Trojanowski
an individual thing originating from a mixture of factors: how pro-                                   has been leading agile
jects were executed in the past, how mature teams are, and also                                       software projects for 4
the company’s culture.                                                                                years. As Scrum practition-
                                                                                                      er (since 2006) and CSM
A team’s maturity always reflects the company’s maturity. The                                         (since 2009), he special-
same is also true for a team’s culture. There are differences be-                                     izes in agile software devel-
tween individual teams, but the correlation with the company’s                                        opment management and
maturity and culture is always there.                                                                 agile project management.
                                                                                                      He authors a popular blog
So how should an organization plan the management of develop-                                         on agile software project
ment teams in order to execute projects successfully or at least            management:       http://agile-software-management.
in a controllable manner?                                          You may contact him at piotrtrojanow-
First, one needs to select a development team management ap-
proach corresponding to the assessed development team’s ma-


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Management of Development Team

  • 1. The Magazine for Agile Developers and Agile Testers Testing challenges for distributed team February 2012 free digital version made in Germany ISSN 2191-1320 issue 9
  • 2. Management of Development Team by Piotr Trojanowski The whole range of different approaches for Project Managers bers focus on individual tasks that get assigned to them. This (PM) for managing development teams extends between two is very uncomfortable for individual team members as it signifi- extremes: PM-centric micromanagement and PM encouraged cantly limits their natural need to make use of their intellectual self-organization. One may expect that junior PMs tend to more potential. At the same time they focus less on the business goals often start from the former one. Junior PMs stick strictly to con- that a product owner wants to achieve. They shift this responsibil- trolling execution of all micro-tasks as a result of their lacking ity to the PM as s/he keeps it all under control. Some individuals an appropriate level of trust and/or courage to delegate work to actually like this kind of set-up because it lets them stick to their development teams. As time elapses and junior PMs gain more comfort zones. Others, however, do not like such set-ups as they, experience, they gradually shift towards the latter option of mod- in some sense, feel uncomfortable about competing with the PM eling self-organization of development teams facilitated by task for responsibility, especially if they feel they are in a better posi- delegation and self-organization moderation techniques. The tion to handle a particular area of the project. Both cases are difference between these two approaches boils down to the dif- harmful to the project. Such environments, created by an over- ference between feeding starving people with fish or providing acting PM, seriously decrease the development team’s empower- them with a fishing rod. A variety of intermediate approaches for ment and commitment. A team can never become more mature managing development teams exist between these two extremes under the above circumstances – it is simply not given a chance – the road to mastership takes time. to improve its maturity. Let’s have a closer look at the two extreme approaches first be- This mode of PM work is called the micromanagement1 approach fore switching to discussing Scrum’s built-in team management to development team management and project management model and organizational aspects, which need to be considered in general. (In my opinion, Wikipedia takes it too extreme, refer- when deciding on the appropriate approach of development ring to an obsessive-compulsive personality disorder as the root management for a particular project. cause for micromanagement practices and behaviors). Person- ally, I also call this approach PM-centric management as op- Micromanagement posed to team-centric management. It is needless to say that The first approach – micromanagement – focuses on address- micromanagement has destructive results in the long term, not ing the current project’s and development team members’ needs only negative connotations. In fact, micromanagement is one of and current matters. The PM is highly involved in all current is- the classic managerial anti-patterns. sues irrespective of how minor they are. S/he tries to cover all as- pects of a project and be involved in literally every activity within Please note that a need for micromanagement may originate not the project. This is a natural approach for beginners who person- only from the PM, but also from the development team. Usually ally commit to deliver a project. However, such an approach cre- this is the case with recently-created teams that are still pro- ates handicaps for other participants of the project. First of all, it gressing on their way to establishing some initial self-organiza- means that decision making gets fully centralized on the PM. As tion, or teams that expect to be micro-managed based on past a result, the team will lack in motivation for proactive behavior, experience. The former case is pretty healthy – a development as nothing is likely to happen without the PM’s knowledge and team can and should expect a PM to support them towards decision. The team switches to a passive role and waits to be as- mature self-organization. After all, it is one of the major goals signed successive technical tasks. The development team mem- 1 68
  • 3. of a PM’s work. The latter case, on the contrary, is a clear sign resolution of core managerial issues and process improvements. of a malformed organization culture, and solving it is more of A PM’s mind is relieved of the burden of low-level detail and free a matter of organizational effort that is required to change the to focus on core aspects of the work. Still, the PM remains 100% existing culture. A PM should discuss the limitations s/he sees responsible for moderating the process of the development in the current model and the proposals for change via the chan- team’s self-organization. See Mike Cohn’s book Succeeding with nels and mechanisms existing in a company for these purposes, Agile2 in which the PM’s options to influence the team’s self-or- rather than starting a lonely struggle with introducing the culture ganization are discussed. change locally. Scrum’s built-in approach Notice that as long as the former PM’s approach will be perceived The agile methodologies rely deeply on the notion of self-organ- well as a proactive action to building the company’s culture, the izing teams. In fact, self-organization is a core building block for latter approach can be assessed as an individual battle against all of them. There is a clear shift of responsibility down to the in- the rest of the world. Any attempts of a PM to change the culture dividual members of the development team. The world is not PM- locally – exclusively in his projects – must be undertaken very driven and not PM-centric anymore – the world is team-driven carefully, and will as a matter of fact have limited chances to be and team-centric. The PM is not a member of the team anymore. successful. Such attempts may result in tensions between a PM This is only possible through the empowerment of individuals and those development team members who have become used and acceptance of responsibility by them. As a result, the PM’s to the prevailing reality. They will hide their impedance for change position is, by design, in the area of facilitating the above notions and preference to stay in their comfort zone behind arguments more than anywhere else. Yes, Agile defines self-organization as praising the value of existing processes and culture. For them it its built-in development team management model, not leaving is more of a PM problem to adjust to the existing organization much space for PMs to choose their favorite development man- culture. This is all understandable. Avoiding change is quite natu- agement model. Agile PMs fall into the PM-moderated/encour- ral for some of us, and one of the quite reasonable approaches aged self-organization approach by the mere nature of things, or to change management. My recommendation in such cases is should I say by the nature of the agile development management to start work on altering organizational culture using existing model. company channels dedicated for such purposes. The changes to existing reality will be much easier to push through and commu- So far, so good – here comes the difficult part: Self-organization nicated to teams by people / committees / bodies who are widely is not granted for free to every organization starting from day one; recognized as accountable for an area of organization culture, Agile does not work out-of-the-box; one cannot switch from wa- i.e., heads of departments or heads of project management, terfall to Agile with a single managerial decision. Why? Because PMOs, etc. Agile needs mature teams that are ready to accept responsibility as decisions will no longer be coming from the PM in a ready- Self-organization of development team to-process form. Your development team may not be ready for The second approach – PM encouraged or PM moderated self-or- this. For some reasons a development team may not be mature ganization – is the complete opposite of the micromanagement enough to accept the challenge. The root cause may be either approach. This is a team-centric approach. In this approach a PM some reason internal to the team, e.g. lack of experience, stick- lets the development team take full ownership of technical as- ing to good-old habits, or equally well shortcomings of a PM not pects of a project. The PM herself stays at a level of business re- fully facilitating agile management responsibilities. quirements and not their technical solutions. In other words, the PM’s duty is to answer question of what and when, and develop- One of my favorite quotations, originating from eastern culture ment team’s duty is to answer questions of how. From the devel- says: Achieving your goal does not matter; it is getting there opment team’s perspective, such an approach opens doors for which matters. The whole journey of getting there to the stage of all the good things. It values the intelligence of individual team mature self-organization of development teams in its full extent members and lets them reveal their intellectual potential. It gives starts from the team’s initial immaturity and complete reliance individual team members a chance to become fully productive on a project manager. Getting there is a process that takes time and empowered. At the same time, the ability to make decisions and needs sponsors, and as such getting there should be treated leverages everybody’s commitment and responsibility to deliver as a long-term investment in the ability of the organization to de- high quality software. liver quality software. There is no doubt about it – the way to a mature team’s self-organization is a process that needs to take The above work environment models a team’s world according place at the organization level and be conducted as a change of to one of the key principles for managers to transform business organizational culture. effectiveness given back in the 1980s by W. Edward Deming: it removes barriers that rob people in engineering of their right to So before overeagerly claiming that your organization is agile, (as pride of workmanship. too many organizations do nowadays), just because daily stand- ups are implemented here and there, I recommend you to take From a PM’s perspective, the team’s self-organization takes the 2 PM’s thinking a few levels higher to a wider timescale perspec- Wesley-Signature/dp/0321579364/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=13 tive which allows focusing attention to the systematic long-term 18024887&sr=1-2%29 69
  • 4. a conscious and responsible approach to take a step back and The classic Hersey’s and Blanchard’s team leadership model – see where you are. The first step is to accept the fact that getting Situational Leadership theory3 may be of help. The SL model de- there needs practice towards reaching the state where the self- fines four phases of a team’s evolution and the PM’s involvement organization has a chance to succeed. in leadership: ■ Telling – Team’s full reliance on PM and his instructions, Self-organizing teams – preparation It would be really optimistic to assume that the process of lead- ■ Selling – PM gradually buys individuals into the decision ing your team to full maturity is your individual decision and that process, it can happen during project execution at an arbitrary time of ■ Participating – shared decision making between PM and your choice. More realistically, however, various factors need to team, and be taken into account. It matters whether you work for a software vendor or in an internal IT department of a non-IT company. It ■ Delegation – Team fully responsible for decisions matters what delivery model you are obliged to follow; this can be anything between “Fixed Price Fixed Time” and “Time & Mate- As one can see, the Telling level corresponds to the microman- rial”. Finally, it matters who your sponsor is and what his needs agement approach while the Delegation level corresponds to are. What is the sponsor’s level of awareness with regard to the Agile’s PM encouraged self-organization approach. Selling and goals of the transformation? Is your sponsor ready to accept ad- Participating intermediate phases let you drive the transforma- ditional time and money being spent to go through a transfor- tion more smoothly. mation process that will pay off in the long term by increasing the ability of your team to deliver quality software? The key pre- In parallel, Tuckman’s stages of group development, also known requisite factors of the transformation process that need to be as Forming-Storming-Norming-Performing model4 of group devel- agreed up-front are: opment, may be of help. Again, the model is based on four phas- es in which the corresponding PM’s role is defined, as described 1. recognition of the transformation process as a long-term at Wikipedia: investment at the organizational level, ■ Forming – the forming of the team takes place; Supervi- 2. conscious execution of the transformation as part of a sors of the team tend to need to be directive during this particular carefully selected project, phase. 3. project sponsors that are fully aware of the attempted ■ Storming – different ideas compete for consideration; transformation, Supervisors of the team during this phase may be more 4. well defined sponsors of the transformation, and accessible, but tend to remain directive in their guidance of 5. a level of transformation transparency that is agreed with decision-making and professional behavior. project sponsors. ■ Norming – The team manages to have one goal and come to a mutual plan for the team at this stage. In my opinion, it takes a very conscious and mature client to understand long-term benefits of the transformation. It is even ■ Performing – It is possible for some teams to reach the harder to find a sponsor who, understanding the need, decides to performing stage. These high-performing teams are able go for it; very rarely are the sponsors themselves rewarded with to function as a unit as they find ways to get the job done long-term results. Speaking from my own experience, after 10+ smoothly and effectively without inappropriate conflict or years of Scrum on the scene, it is still difficult to come across the need for external supervision. By this time, they are such mature clients and organizations. Agile became attractive motivated and knowledgeable. The team members are now and well perceived as a sales item in Requests for Proposals competent, autonomous and able to handle the decision- (RFPs), but this is rarely reflected at project management level. making process without supervision. Supervisors of the team during this phase are almost always participative. The One other thing is worth noting as a side note when considering team will make most of the necessary decisions. the transformation. In the aforementioned book, Cohn is able to plot a diagram showing the level of a Scrum Master’s involve- The backbone idea driving the above models is that Team has a ment throughout a process of the team’s way to full maturity. As lifespan: it needs time to grow mature and it needs help on its one can expect, the initial involvement starts at the highest level way to maturity. Please note that the kind of help they need has and falls down to the lowest levels when the transformation is nothing to do with micromanagement. The process of growing done. mature is not driven by any sort of a PM – it is a natural process. All they need from a PM and an Organization is encouragement, Self-organizing teams – Getting there motivation, freedom, moderation and support. If you are given a chance from project sponsors to grow your team, take it; it may not occur a second time. You may wish to 3 make the change in steps. 4 ment 70
  • 5. During the transformation you need to constantly take into ac- turity level. Having identified the match, one then needs to find a count that getting there needs changes to the organization’s PM capable of managing the development team according to the culture as well as mental changes of individuals. You may need above parameters. organizational help in this aspect. Side note 2: Attempts of unification Summary As usual, one needs to be careful and resist the temptation of Scrum as well as other agile development methodologies, like assuming that projects are executed uniformly across the or- Kanban, are based on the most mature team development ganization. I think it is much safer and feasible to assume the phase. The underlying scientific models of the team evolution opposite. A degree of formalization of project management and were created back in the 1970s by behavioral scientists. I would software delivery methodologies does not influence the uniform- not be surprised if this is an eye-opener for many of you. I must ity of project execution much. Except from the factors that can say, it was for me! One may ask: But wait, weren’t we told that be made uniform like delivery methodologies, there are other Agile is a simplified version of managing development? That it is factors that cannot be made uniform. I can see at least three all lightweight and straightforward to use?! Well, yes, I am sure different groups: 1. The above-mentioned human nature specific you were told all this... I am just not sure you were ever told about factors characterizing individual PMs, 2. Human nature specific the work and time necessary to build a team’s maturity level high factors characterizing individual team members, and 3. A variety enough to fulfill Scrum’s pre-requisites, and – most importantly of business domains and characteristics of clients for which pro- – how to get there. jects are executed. I personally believe that this work is only necessary because of Unification of project execution should focus on pointing PMs in bad-old habits – the way organizations got used to working. For the right place on the whole spectrum of choices rather than on years people were told exactly the opposite – to follow the in- nailing down a list of uniform rules and / or processes. The ap- structions of the boss and not to think too much about the wider proach to development management selected on the scale of op- perspective – the exact copy from Ford’s production model. Luck- tions should be the one most closely corresponding to the com- ily, some of you work in organizations which understand the need pany’s reality at the current level of growth and maturity. for continuous improvement and are willing to invest time and money in researching ways to improve business effectiveness. Note that the approach of producing lists of uniform rules / pro- If you are not that lucky, find some time to re-think your current cesses that is not recommended is also based on an assessment professional situation. of the best matching project execution model from the same spectrum of choices. However, the assessment is not done by Side note 1: Planning management of development team in a PM and is made implicit to a PM. Instead, the PM is given a an organization hardcoded list of processes produced based on the implicit as- Having said that there is a whole spectrum of approaches to man- sessment. As a result, the PM does not have a chance to grasp aging a development team, one needs to bear in mind that every the full picture and underlying layers of logic, but is limited to fol- PM has his/her own preferred approach to managing teams. This lowing the already processed information. This can be and usu- is something s/he has worked out throughout his/her career. It is ally is quite misleading and, even worse, leads to nowhere in the a very individual thing originating from a mixture of factors char- long term. acterizing an individual PM: domain knowledge, personality and experience in terms of work environments, teams, methodolo- gies, contractual models, etc. > About the author On the other hand each organization has worked out its level of maturity throughout the years of its existence. Again, it is quite Piotr Trojanowski an individual thing originating from a mixture of factors: how pro- has been leading agile jects were executed in the past, how mature teams are, and also software projects for 4 the company’s culture. years. As Scrum practition- er (since 2006) and CSM A team’s maturity always reflects the company’s maturity. The (since 2009), he special- same is also true for a team’s culture. There are differences be- izes in agile software devel- tween individual teams, but the correlation with the company’s opment management and maturity and culture is always there. agile project management. He authors a popular blog So how should an organization plan the management of develop- on agile software project ment teams in order to execute projects successfully or at least management: http://agile-software-management. in a controllable manner? You may contact him at piotrtrojanow- First, one needs to select a development team management ap- proach corresponding to the assessed development team’s ma- 71