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Essay on Management and Leadership
Successful organizations have strong leaders and managers that develop, support and encourage
employee longevity within a company. There is a significant difference between leadership and
management however both skills have to be used collectively and both are important to a profitable
organization. Leadership is a notion of communicating an organization's vision, whereas management
is more of the implementation of the organization's vision. The manager typically carries out the
responsibilities written by the organization and has a good team underneath them to carry out the
duties and meet the goals. Most companies have a mission statement that mirrors and supports a
company's vision. When referring leadership and management, the more content...
According to Hersey and Blanchard (1998), there are three areas required for effective leadership.
Technical skills, which includes clinical expertise and knowledge as it pertains to nursing.
Secondly, human skills, which is the ability and judgment to work with people in leadership roles.
And lastly, conceptual skills which is the ability to understand the complexities of overall
organization and figure out how and where one's own strengths of management fits into the overall
organization (Cherry, Jacob 2011). Leadership is unique compared to any other role because of its
responsibility for people. Good leaders are followed merely because they have gained people's trust
and respect.
Management involves the tactical aspect of day to day functions and who keeps control of the
work environment to make sure the organization is moving forward and in the same direction of
the company's vision. Managers are faced with many responsibilities each day, one of which is
managing people. The goal of a successful manager is to achieve the highest productivity of the
organization by way of the people he/she manages. A manager is more of a problem solver and
takes care of work areas relating to people management, time management, decision making etc.
According to Lewin (1951) and White & Lippit (1960), there are three prevalent management
behavior styles: Authoritarian, democratic and laissez–fare (Cherry,
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What is Management? Essay
Essay 1: What is Management?
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the role and function of management in society and the
workforce and to look into how it is implemented. Three main questions will be discussed, outlining,
"What is management? aWhat do managers do? And what skills do managers need?" We will define
management as a profession, look into what managers undertake and deliver in their daily output of
work, different levels of management, and what skills managers need in order to produce the desired
beneficial outcome for their organization.
What is Management?
To begin with lets look at management through the last 30 years. In 1980 management was defined
by Dale S. Beach, The management of people at work (1980, p5), as ' more content...
It could be said that the idea of having both of these methods is both ineffective and inefficient as
they clash on how a manager should go about his/her job, but Mintzberg's model is a more in depth
version of Fayol's model, that takes into consideration the wide variety of daily activities a manager
must perform, not just a basic input/output/review scheme. A Study from the University of Nebraska
by Fred Luthans challenges both Fayol's and Mitzberg's models and puts forward a new concept.
This concept being that there are 4 main roles a manager must undertake, those being
Communication, Traditional management, human resource management and networking (Luthans,
1988). Looking at all three of these models we can depict some similarities; that being that all
models include the basic premise of planning, organizing and implementing, leading and
motivating subordinates and then reviewing progress of both the project as a whole and employee
output and work satisfaction. Depending on a manager's responsibilities held, there are different
levels of management; top manager, middle manager and first level (front line) manager. In
relation to what each of these levels of manager do, front line managers will automatically be more
involved in leading and motivating as their main purpose is to supervise and make sure the job is
being done. Middle managers will be heavily involved in organizing and implementing as they will
delegate to the front line managers what must be done
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Management Planning Essay
The best way to understand the meaning of planning in the perspective of scientific management,
is to follow Taylor (1998, p.17): "The work of every workman is fully planned out by the
management at least one day in advance, and each man receives in most cases complete written
instructions, describing in detail the task which he is to accomplish, as well as the means to be
used in doing the work. And the work planned in advance in this way constitutes a task which is to
be solved, as explained above, not by the workman alone, but in almost all cases by the joint effort
of the workman and the management. This task specifies not only what is to be done but how it is to
be done and the exact time allowed for doing it" more content...
Assuming a correct execution of the task by the worker, the efficiency of the final result depends
heavily on the planning activity. That explains the vision of Taylor that in performing any activity
there is always one best way, and the task of management is to find this one best way to do the
task (Taylor, 1998). Henry Fayol enriched the meaning of planning by considering it one of the five
basic functions of management, at the company level. Changing the level of operation changes the
span of time, from several days to several months, up to one year. Planning became a complex
process which integrates at the level of organization all activities plans, and is based on the whole
company resources and objectives. Yet, planning remains a deterministic process, implemented as a
definite way to perform all activities related to the given objevtives.
The planning process
Planning is a process which integrates activities for setting objectives, specifying how to achieve
them, implementing the plan and evaluating the results (Boddy, 2005; Robbins and DeCenzo, 2005).
Objectives are definite formulations of goals, which reflect desired future states of the organization.
Goals act as attractors for the whole energy and creativity of the organization, and it is the role of
management to design plans in order to attain them. A plan is a written document which contains
one or more
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Management Essay examples
CHAPTER 1– Pg. 26 1. Identify and describe a great manager. What makes him or her stand out
from the crowd?
I believe a great manager is someone who can deal with any situation in a professional manner and
at the same time make sure his workers are taken care of. What I believe makes a great manager
stick out from the crowd, is their personality and their relationship with their subordinates. If you see
that the workers are happy, then that says something about their management. 2. Have you ever seen
or worked for an ineffective manager? Describe the causes and the consequences of the
I have personally worked with an ineffective manager. I believe the manager did not care about his more content...
Once the customer is sold, they speak with a personal banker to get set up.
5. Name a great organization. How do you think management contributes to making it great?
A great organization I feel is 24 Hour Fitness. I feel that the management allows their trainers to do
what they do best, thus making happy workers and happy customers 6. Name an ineffective
organization. What can management do to improve it?
Walmart to me seems to be an ineffective organization, just because the people who work there do
not seem happy. I feel like people in general shop there because it's inexpensive, but I feel
management should care more about their workers. Maybe a pay increase, or more breaks.
PAMS– Pg. 27–29
My total score was 1,068. I feel that I need some improvement on my management skills. I need to
learn to be more assertive and not so lenient when it comes to completing tasks on time.
APPENDIX A– Pg. 40 1. How does today's business world compare with the one of 40 years ago?
What is the difference about today, and what is not so different?
We are far more advance in today's business world than 40 years ago. One major difference in
today's business world, is that women are in high positions and CEO's of companies. That was rare
40 years ago. 2. What is scientific management? How might today's organization use it?
Scientific management was an approach to see what were people's strengths
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Levels Of Management Essay
What are the different levels of management in an organization? Explain responsibilities and
importance of each level with examples. You may choose your current organization or an
organization of your choice to support your answer. [30marks]
In any organization the number of managerial levels largely depends on its size. The term " Levels of
management" is referred to a line of demarcation between various managerial positions in a
business. Basically there are 3 levels of management in an organization namely the top level,
middle level and the first level. "Mary Parker Follet defines management as: The art of getting
things done through people". Moreover each level has their job responsibilities and we have to
make sure that we are operating in an effective way to benefit the organization. It is important to
note that depending on the size of the organization there may be more or less levels of management.
A classical management levels is shown below in figure1.
Figure 1
Top Level more content...
It is also known as the corporate or strategic level. The top level managers includes those who work
as Presidents, Vice President, Chief Executive Officer, Managing director or general managers. At
such level of management, focus is made on long term planning and strategic planning process.
Some of their important areas of responsibility include strategic planning, overall performance
evaluation, facilitating middle managers in achieving the results and selection of key personnel.
Furthermore they have to make policies frame plans to attain objectives, assemble the resources of
money and materials to ensure the planning and establish the objective or goals of the
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Leadership vs. Management Essay
Leadership vs. Management Much has been written about the difference between management and
leadership. In the past, competent management staffs ran effective companies. In light of our
ever–changing world, however, most companies have come to realize that it is much more
important to lead than to manage. In today's world the old ways of management no longer work.
One reason is that the degree of environmental and competitive change we are experiencing is
extreme. Although exciting, the world is also very unstable and confused. In an article entitled
What's the Difference between Your Hospital and the Other? Gary Campbell states that the
difference between a manager and a leader is that the manager "finds himself quite willing
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One idea for creating and maintaining a healthy organizational culture is simply to ensure that
there are processes in place to select and develop the best people available. A great deal of money
and resources should be devoted to carefully screen job applicants, identifying those few whose
values closely match the company's. To be selected to fill a leadership position in the company, a
person would have to possess the passion and skills necessary to keep the culture alive and healthy.
In addition to the resources necessary to ensure optimal staff selection, the company must be focused
on continual employee development. A leader's skills must be fed and cultivated. The leader must be
given this consistent message: change is good... change is vital. According to a leadership article
found on, "The operative assumption today is that someone, somewhere,
has a better idea; and the operative compulsion is to find out who has that better idea, learn it, and
put it into action – fast". I believe that Allstate attempts to abide by this theory but due to its size is
probably not always successful. There are many positions to be filled on a daily basis and it is
probably not practical to think that this large corporation could be selective enough to make sure
that each employee selected fully embodies the company culture. Another key area that should be
considered when maintaining a healthy
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The History of Management Essay
Management in business is the coordination of people to accomplish set goals efficiently and
effectively. It comprises of planning, organising, staffing, leading, and controlling an organisation.
Management itself is also an academic discipline, a social science whose object of study is social
organisation in order to accomplish a mutual goal.
Since the dawning of civilisation, the value of the collaboration of people has been identified as a
powerful method of advancement in all areas. The need, therefore, to organise people and resources
was clearly evident. The concept of 'management' has grown over thousands of years and various
management methods have also evolved in tandem. The historical progression of more
In Renaissance times, successful artists such as Michaelangelo essentially became managers in their
own right when demand became too much for the amount of work they were able to supply
independently. Therefore, it became necessary to become managers and to employ other artists to
complete works such as the Sistine Chapel or the Laurentian Library in Florence. The Building of
The Great Wall of China. Available at: http://www.china
2.The Industrial Revolution
Between 1770 and 1850, during the Industrial Revolution in England, huge changes occurred in
society. In this time, huge Industrial growth occurred due to advancements in power, transport and
communication. Inventions such as the steam engine allowed industries to expand and transport
goods and materials with ease. Communication improved also due to the arrival of the telegraph,
telephone and radio. This industrialisation continued at a rapid pace with the economy in the western
world shifting from mainly agricultural to being involved with manufacturing goods and industrial
markets. This change required more structured and coherent management methods to be created. It
wasn't until the early 1900s however that formal theories of management started to be formulated
with the arrival of classical schools of management. A
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Management Essay
We live and work in a condition with challenging opportunities and dramatic uncertain economic
environment, especially for managers, must have enough skills and knowledge to manage the
changeable business environment. This essay will discuss whether the managers nowadays have the
tendency to focus on economic results at the expense of more important things or not, and yes, the
managers have the tendency to focus on the expense of more important things, the discussion will be
demonstrated from the following concepts: contemporary management challenges–downsizing,
workplace diversity, restructuring, globalisation and quality; organisational culture in Australia,
managers' role in managing organisational culture. Managers today must be more
Quality means the total features and characteristics of a product or service that has effects upon its
ability to satisfy stated or implied needs (Davidson et al. 2006). All the challenges that managers
need to face to are mentioned and defined above, the analysis of the relevance of these challenges
and economic results will be addressed in the next paragraph.
All profit–orientated organisations are focus on strategies to measure the value they produced in
financial terms. In that case, managers need to provide strategies and action plans to achieve
organizational goals, encourage efficient employees, reward good performance, and support risk and
creativity to achieve higher profits (Thach & Thompson 2007). Moreover, satisfy the customer needs
is very important, because their purchasing activities can bring the profit (Thach & Thompson 2007).
Financial performance not only can show whether the business gain or loss money, if gain more
money means the business running well and is successful on financial terms, but also is an
important measurement when evaluating the abilities of the manager. Although financial
performance is important for the organisation, managers should not only focus on it, should also
focus on the
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Essay on Management and Organization
Introduction The management and organizational approaches that are used by various firms play a
critical role in their performance. The adopted management approach is important due to the fact that
it determines the efficiency with which activities are performed. The organizational structure of the
firm on the other hand determines the delegation and application of authority. The organizational
structure is developed by the management. The structure facilitates effective interaction among
employees and helps in directing resources towards achieving the goals of the organization. The
behavior of employees is also influenced by the management and organizational approach (Mullins
3). Thus a firm will only be successful if it adopts the more content...
First, it is based on the assumption that firms operate in a capitalist economy that is associated with
"a free market system" (Perterson 47) in which transactions are facilitated by money. Thus the most
important objective of the firms is profit maximization and improving efficiency levels. Second, the
workers are expected to be rational. This means that they are supposed to work–hard in order to
maximize their earnings. Besides, they are expected to prioritize the goals and objectives of the
organization. Finally, organizations are supposed to increase their production capacities in order to
enjoy the benefits of "division of labor and specialization of tasks" (Daft 56).
The principles of the theory The scientific management theory is based on four principles. The
principles form the basis for designing processes, managing workers and improving productivity.
Thus an organization that uses the scientific management approach will improve its efficiency and
productivity if it follows the principles correctly. The principles are as follows.
Developing a Science for Every Element of Work According to this principle, the old rule–of–thump
should be replaced by clear–cut procedures. Such procedures can be developed through a careful
study of the various processes within the organization in order to "develop the one best way to do
everything" (Cook and Hunsacker 45). In order to identify
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Business Management Essays
Business Management The world of business has undergone radical and dramatic changes in the last
decade changes that present extraordinary challenges for the contemporary manager. A manager is
an organizational member who is responsible for planning, organizing, leading, and controlling the
activities of the organization so that the goals can be achieved. According to a widely referenced
study by Henry Mintzberg, managers serve three primary roles: interpersonal, informational, and
decision–making. Management is process of administrating and coordinating resources effectively
and efficiently in an effort to achieve the goals of the organization. The concept of management
within an organization typically occurs in more content...
Controlling is monitoring the performance of the organization, identifying deviations between
planned and actual results, and taking corrective action when necessary. With all these four
functions that are involved in the process of management, if all are followed correctly the
organization will be properly ran and will have few complications. In every organization there are
managers, and every manager is classed on different levels in terms of the skills they need and the
activities they are involved in. Managers exist at various levels in the organization hierarchy. A
small organization may have one layer of management, where as a large organization may have
several. In most organizations there are three level of managers. The three level of managers are,
first line manager, middle manager, and finally the top–level manager. Managers at different job
levels have different job responsibilities and therefor require different skills. First–line managers
supervise the individuals who are directly responsible for producing the organization's product or
delivering its service. They carry titles such as production supervisor, line manager, section chief, or
account manager. First–line managers along with all the other managers are involved in three skills
conceptual, human, and technical. In each three different levels of management, each one of these
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It Management Essay
Chapter 1. The Information Systems Strategy Triangle
Chapter Overview
This chapter presents a very simple framework, the Information Systems Strategy Triangle, which
links business strategy with organizational strategy and information strategy. The chapter describes
this model, and builds on several other popular strategy models and organizational models. The goal
of this chapter is to make sure every student has a basic understanding of both strategy and
organizations (in many management programs, one or both of these are either reserved for the most
senior students or left out entirely). For students well versed in strategy and organizational behavior,
this chapter is a review of key points from those two fields.
Key more content...
He describes three misconceptions that are created by this effect.
Illustrative Answers to Discussion Questions
This is a summary chapter of the key models for the information systems strategy triangle, so
discussion questions were provided to get students focused on and thinking about using these
models. Below are some sample answers, but expect creative answers from your students that are
not represented here (please send us some of your best answers so we can share them with other
1. Why is it important for business strategy to drive organizational strategy and IS strategy? What
might happen if business strategy was not the driver?
Ans: The primary point in this chapter is that in any well–run organization, the business strategy
drives the rest of the operational strategy, and information systems is no different. However,
typically, managers seem to think that changing or upgrading an information system (or even a
component of an information system) will only positively impact a business. Quite the opposite, in
fact, is true. By making changes in organizational strategy or IT strategy first, the triangle is "out of
balance" and there will be consequences in the affected areas. For example, building a virtual
organization, but not changing the business strategy to something like
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Management Essay
Being a manager takes a great deal of hard work, dedication, and persistence. In order to achieve the
goal of becoming a CEO, necessary skills of a manager must be developed and then achieve the
skills and confidence to succeed. Since managers are leaders, leadership skills and cross–functional
leadership skills must be developed. Lehman Brothers, a global investment bank, emphasizes the
importance of "leadership potential and initiative, as well as problem solving and technical skills."
The management training program will provide a plan of action to strategize and grasp all the
necessary skills in a short time to fulfill the goal of becoming the CEO.
First and foremost, managers must identify weaknesses, polish up strengths, more
By taking the initiative to volunteer to lead the members without being tyrannical, colleagues would
evaluate that I have good overall leadership qualities.
Decision making is the key responsibility of being a leader. A good decision maker knows how to
assess the problems, come up with a variety of solutions and evaluate the most effective solutions.
In learning how to assess conflicts, variables in the company should be addressed to achieve the
best resolution. In order to decipher the factors that are relevant to key decisions, it is imperative to
understand which criterion is more important to Skilos Inc. The company may have factors that are
fixed and unchangeable because they run the key parts of the business. There may be other factors
that are variable and not as important, which could be used as part of solutions. The bottom line is
whether the fixed or variable aspect is eventually changed, it is important to understand all the
elements which are driving the business in order to find the best solution from the big picture. After
finding the answer to the problem the next step would be to discover how to execute decisions
effectively so that the decision would be the greatest conclusion for Skilos Inc. In the end, the
decision must be confidently executed and the evaluation will reflect the detailed planning that has
taken place with the company's goals used as good measure.
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Essay on Evolution of Management
Over the past hundred years management has continuously been evolving. There have been a wide
range of approaches in how to deal with management or better yet how to improve management
functions in our ever changing environment. From as early as 1100 B.C managers have been
struggling with the same issues and problems that manager's face today. Modern managers use many
of the practices, principles, and techniques developed from earlier concepts and experiences.
The evolution of management though the decades can be divided into two major sections. One of the
sections is the classical approach. Under the classical approach efficiency and productivity became a
critical concern of the managers at the turn of the 20th century. One more content...
This was the first major approach to forging informal work relationships and worker satisfaction.
The last approach to classical management was bureaucracy. Bureaucracy was extremely popular in
large organizations because it allows companies to perform many tasks while eliminating judgments
of managers. Although bureaucracy works well with most organizations it may not be the best
approach to organizations that require fast thinking and decision making. The second major section
in the evolution of management is the contemporary approach. The contempary approach has four
types of management that have developed from the time period around World War II to present time.
One of the approaches to contemporary management is quantitative management. Quantitative
management uses math problems to help management with decisions and problems. Managers
typically do not rely on this type of management as a primary approach to decision making. Many
managers rely on their experience or intuition and use this only as a way to compare alternatives or
eliminate weaker options. Another type of contemporary management is organizational behavior
which began to take place during the human relations time period. The basis for this type of
management is that worker productivity and organizational success is based on more than
satisfaction of economic or
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Strategic Management Essay
Strategic Management
To deal effectively with the wide array of factors affecting the ability of a business to grow and
prosper, managers need advanced processes they feel will facilitate the optimal positioning of the
business in its competitive environment. Such positioning is possible with strategic management
because this process improves preparedness for unexpected internal or competitive demands.
Therefore, strategic management is an all–encompassing approach for formulating, implementing
and evaluating managerial decisions in a way that permits the business to reach its objectives.
For a strategic management plan to be successful, however, every manager should:
Clearly see the need for change more content...
John, 44–59).
Understandably, organizations with diverse operations due to multiple products, markets or
technologies also tend to use more complex strategic management systems. Despite differences in
detail and degree of formalization, the basic components of the models used to analyze strategic
management operations are very similar.
The strategic management process is based on the belief that businesses should continually monitor
internal and external events so timely changes can be made. To survive, firms must be able to
identify and adapt to change. This involves timely planning, directing, organizing and controlling of
the strategy–related decisions and actions of the firm (Camerer, 195–219).
The strategic management process is sometimes improperly perceived as a unidirectional flow of
objectives, strategies and decision parameters from management to the employees. In fact, the
process should be highly interactive since it is designed to stimulate input from creative, skilled and
knowledgeable people working at every level of the business.
Tools Used in Strategy Development
This section very briefly describes several key tools that can be used during the course of strategy
development and strategic planning. The list is not intended to be comprehensive but to illustrate
the types of tools
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Management And Leadership Essay example
Management and Leadership
Management and leadership, two words that are considered synonymous and are often used in the
same context, yet they do not mean the same thing and they describe two different concepts.
According to the dictionary, management is 1) The act, manner or practice of managing;
handling, supervision, or control; 2) The person or persons who control or direct a business or other
enterprise; 3) Skill in managing; executive ability; where as leadership is 1) The position or office of
a leader; 2) Capacity or ability to lead; 3) A group of leaders; 4) Guidance; direction. In many
organizations, management is a job description; leadership is a positive trait. Managers tend to think
incrementally, while leaders more content...
Management normally consists of people, who are experienced in their field, and have worked
their way up the company. A manager knows how each layer of the system works and may also
possess a good technical knowledge. Managers are "principally administrators ¬– they write
business plans, set budgets and monitor progress." Additional tasks handled by managers are
problem–solving and facilitating meetings. Managers usually achieve their position through
experience and understanding, and obtain authority through time and loyalty.
In business, leadership is "the ability to influence employees to voluntarily pursue organizational
goals." Leadership is one of the many assets a successful manager should possess. While
management is considered a position, leadership is considered a relationship. Thus, leadership is the
connection between the leader and their subordinates that makes management successful. This
connection can strengthen an organization and make the work more focused and effective.
Leadership is the ability to get people to willingly follow. A person who exhibits the traits of
leadership is called a leader. The role of a leader is to ensure that the desired tasks and guidelines are
implemented throughtout the team. Since managers can not be everywhere at the same time, leaders
are put into place to bridge the gap while echoing managements requirements. Because leaders are
the link between the
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Management Essay

  • 1. Essay on Management and Leadership Successful organizations have strong leaders and managers that develop, support and encourage employee longevity within a company. There is a significant difference between leadership and management however both skills have to be used collectively and both are important to a profitable organization. Leadership is a notion of communicating an organization's vision, whereas management is more of the implementation of the organization's vision. The manager typically carries out the responsibilities written by the organization and has a good team underneath them to carry out the duties and meet the goals. Most companies have a mission statement that mirrors and supports a company's vision. When referring leadership and management, the more content... According to Hersey and Blanchard (1998), there are three areas required for effective leadership. Technical skills, which includes clinical expertise and knowledge as it pertains to nursing. Secondly, human skills, which is the ability and judgment to work with people in leadership roles. And lastly, conceptual skills which is the ability to understand the complexities of overall organization and figure out how and where one's own strengths of management fits into the overall organization (Cherry, Jacob 2011). Leadership is unique compared to any other role because of its responsibility for people. Good leaders are followed merely because they have gained people's trust and respect. Management: Management involves the tactical aspect of day to day functions and who keeps control of the work environment to make sure the organization is moving forward and in the same direction of the company's vision. Managers are faced with many responsibilities each day, one of which is managing people. The goal of a successful manager is to achieve the highest productivity of the organization by way of the people he/she manages. A manager is more of a problem solver and takes care of work areas relating to people management, time management, decision making etc. According to Lewin (1951) and White & Lippit (1960), there are three prevalent management behavior styles: Authoritarian, democratic and laissez–fare (Cherry, Get more content on
  • 2. What is Management? Essay Essay 1: What is Management? The purpose of this paper is to analyze the role and function of management in society and the workforce and to look into how it is implemented. Three main questions will be discussed, outlining, "What is management? aWhat do managers do? And what skills do managers need?" We will define management as a profession, look into what managers undertake and deliver in their daily output of work, different levels of management, and what skills managers need in order to produce the desired beneficial outcome for their organization. What is Management? To begin with lets look at management through the last 30 years. In 1980 management was defined by Dale S. Beach, The management of people at work (1980, p5), as ' more content... It could be said that the idea of having both of these methods is both ineffective and inefficient as they clash on how a manager should go about his/her job, but Mintzberg's model is a more in depth version of Fayol's model, that takes into consideration the wide variety of daily activities a manager must perform, not just a basic input/output/review scheme. A Study from the University of Nebraska by Fred Luthans challenges both Fayol's and Mitzberg's models and puts forward a new concept. This concept being that there are 4 main roles a manager must undertake, those being Communication, Traditional management, human resource management and networking (Luthans, 1988). Looking at all three of these models we can depict some similarities; that being that all models include the basic premise of planning, organizing and implementing, leading and motivating subordinates and then reviewing progress of both the project as a whole and employee output and work satisfaction. Depending on a manager's responsibilities held, there are different levels of management; top manager, middle manager and first level (front line) manager. In relation to what each of these levels of manager do, front line managers will automatically be more involved in leading and motivating as their main purpose is to supervise and make sure the job is being done. Middle managers will be heavily involved in organizing and implementing as they will delegate to the front line managers what must be done Get more content on
  • 3. Management Planning Essay The best way to understand the meaning of planning in the perspective of scientific management, is to follow Taylor (1998, p.17): "The work of every workman is fully planned out by the management at least one day in advance, and each man receives in most cases complete written instructions, describing in detail the task which he is to accomplish, as well as the means to be used in doing the work. And the work planned in advance in this way constitutes a task which is to be solved, as explained above, not by the workman alone, but in almost all cases by the joint effort of the workman and the management. This task specifies not only what is to be done but how it is to be done and the exact time allowed for doing it" more content... Assuming a correct execution of the task by the worker, the efficiency of the final result depends heavily on the planning activity. That explains the vision of Taylor that in performing any activity there is always one best way, and the task of management is to find this one best way to do the task (Taylor, 1998). Henry Fayol enriched the meaning of planning by considering it one of the five basic functions of management, at the company level. Changing the level of operation changes the span of time, from several days to several months, up to one year. Planning became a complex process which integrates at the level of organization all activities plans, and is based on the whole company resources and objectives. Yet, planning remains a deterministic process, implemented as a definite way to perform all activities related to the given objevtives. The planning process Planning is a process which integrates activities for setting objectives, specifying how to achieve them, implementing the plan and evaluating the results (Boddy, 2005; Robbins and DeCenzo, 2005). Objectives are definite formulations of goals, which reflect desired future states of the organization. Goals act as attractors for the whole energy and creativity of the organization, and it is the role of management to design plans in order to attain them. A plan is a written document which contains one or more Get more content on
  • 4. Management Essay examples DROP BOX ASSIGNMENT #1 CHAPTER 1– Pg. 26 1. Identify and describe a great manager. What makes him or her stand out from the crowd? I believe a great manager is someone who can deal with any situation in a professional manner and at the same time make sure his workers are taken care of. What I believe makes a great manager stick out from the crowd, is their personality and their relationship with their subordinates. If you see that the workers are happy, then that says something about their management. 2. Have you ever seen or worked for an ineffective manager? Describe the causes and the consequences of the ineffectiveness I have personally worked with an ineffective manager. I believe the manager did not care about his more content... Once the customer is sold, they speak with a personal banker to get set up. 5. Name a great organization. How do you think management contributes to making it great? A great organization I feel is 24 Hour Fitness. I feel that the management allows their trainers to do what they do best, thus making happy workers and happy customers 6. Name an ineffective organization. What can management do to improve it? Walmart to me seems to be an ineffective organization, just because the people who work there do not seem happy. I feel like people in general shop there because it's inexpensive, but I feel management should care more about their workers. Maybe a pay increase, or more breaks. PAMS– Pg. 27–29 My total score was 1,068. I feel that I need some improvement on my management skills. I need to learn to be more assertive and not so lenient when it comes to completing tasks on time. APPENDIX A– Pg. 40 1. How does today's business world compare with the one of 40 years ago? What is the difference about today, and what is not so different? We are far more advance in today's business world than 40 years ago. One major difference in today's business world, is that women are in high positions and CEO's of companies. That was rare 40 years ago. 2. What is scientific management? How might today's organization use it? Scientific management was an approach to see what were people's strengths Get more content on
  • 5. Levels Of Management Essay What are the different levels of management in an organization? Explain responsibilities and importance of each level with examples. You may choose your current organization or an organization of your choice to support your answer. [30marks] In any organization the number of managerial levels largely depends on its size. The term " Levels of management" is referred to a line of demarcation between various managerial positions in a business. Basically there are 3 levels of management in an organization namely the top level, middle level and the first level. "Mary Parker Follet defines management as: The art of getting things done through people". Moreover each level has their job responsibilities and we have to make sure that we are operating in an effective way to benefit the organization. It is important to note that depending on the size of the organization there may be more or less levels of management. A classical management levels is shown below in figure1. Figure 1 Top Level more content... It is also known as the corporate or strategic level. The top level managers includes those who work as Presidents, Vice President, Chief Executive Officer, Managing director or general managers. At such level of management, focus is made on long term planning and strategic planning process. Some of their important areas of responsibility include strategic planning, overall performance evaluation, facilitating middle managers in achieving the results and selection of key personnel. Furthermore they have to make policies frame plans to attain objectives, assemble the resources of money and materials to ensure the planning and establish the objective or goals of the Get more content on
  • 6. Leadership vs. Management Essay Leadership vs. Management Much has been written about the difference between management and leadership. In the past, competent management staffs ran effective companies. In light of our ever–changing world, however, most companies have come to realize that it is much more important to lead than to manage. In today's world the old ways of management no longer work. One reason is that the degree of environmental and competitive change we are experiencing is extreme. Although exciting, the world is also very unstable and confused. In an article entitled What's the Difference between Your Hospital and the Other? Gary Campbell states that the difference between a manager and a leader is that the manager "finds himself quite willing more content... One idea for creating and maintaining a healthy organizational culture is simply to ensure that there are processes in place to select and develop the best people available. A great deal of money and resources should be devoted to carefully screen job applicants, identifying those few whose values closely match the company's. To be selected to fill a leadership position in the company, a person would have to possess the passion and skills necessary to keep the culture alive and healthy. In addition to the resources necessary to ensure optimal staff selection, the company must be focused on continual employee development. A leader's skills must be fed and cultivated. The leader must be given this consistent message: change is good... change is vital. According to a leadership article found on, "The operative assumption today is that someone, somewhere, has a better idea; and the operative compulsion is to find out who has that better idea, learn it, and put it into action – fast". I believe that Allstate attempts to abide by this theory but due to its size is probably not always successful. There are many positions to be filled on a daily basis and it is probably not practical to think that this large corporation could be selective enough to make sure that each employee selected fully embodies the company culture. Another key area that should be considered when maintaining a healthy Get more content on
  • 7. The History of Management Essay Introduction Management in business is the coordination of people to accomplish set goals efficiently and effectively. It comprises of planning, organising, staffing, leading, and controlling an organisation. Management itself is also an academic discipline, a social science whose object of study is social organisation in order to accomplish a mutual goal. Since the dawning of civilisation, the value of the collaboration of people has been identified as a powerful method of advancement in all areas. The need, therefore, to organise people and resources was clearly evident. The concept of 'management' has grown over thousands of years and various management methods have also evolved in tandem. The historical progression of more content... In Renaissance times, successful artists such as Michaelangelo essentially became managers in their own right when demand became too much for the amount of work they were able to supply independently. Therefore, it became necessary to become managers and to employ other artists to complete works such as the Sistine Chapel or the Laurentian Library in Florence. The Building of The Great Wall of China. Available at: http://www.china ––tourist–attractions /great–wall–china/construction–history/ 2.The Industrial Revolution Between 1770 and 1850, during the Industrial Revolution in England, huge changes occurred in society. In this time, huge Industrial growth occurred due to advancements in power, transport and communication. Inventions such as the steam engine allowed industries to expand and transport goods and materials with ease. Communication improved also due to the arrival of the telegraph, telephone and radio. This industrialisation continued at a rapid pace with the economy in the western world shifting from mainly agricultural to being involved with manufacturing goods and industrial markets. This change required more structured and coherent management methods to be created. It wasn't until the early 1900s however that formal theories of management started to be formulated with the arrival of classical schools of management. A Get more content on
  • 8. Management Essay We live and work in a condition with challenging opportunities and dramatic uncertain economic environment, especially for managers, must have enough skills and knowledge to manage the changeable business environment. This essay will discuss whether the managers nowadays have the tendency to focus on economic results at the expense of more important things or not, and yes, the managers have the tendency to focus on the expense of more important things, the discussion will be demonstrated from the following concepts: contemporary management challenges–downsizing, workplace diversity, restructuring, globalisation and quality; organisational culture in Australia, managers' role in managing organisational culture. Managers today must be more content... Quality means the total features and characteristics of a product or service that has effects upon its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs (Davidson et al. 2006). All the challenges that managers need to face to are mentioned and defined above, the analysis of the relevance of these challenges and economic results will be addressed in the next paragraph. All profit–orientated organisations are focus on strategies to measure the value they produced in financial terms. In that case, managers need to provide strategies and action plans to achieve organizational goals, encourage efficient employees, reward good performance, and support risk and creativity to achieve higher profits (Thach & Thompson 2007). Moreover, satisfy the customer needs is very important, because their purchasing activities can bring the profit (Thach & Thompson 2007). Financial performance not only can show whether the business gain or loss money, if gain more money means the business running well and is successful on financial terms, but also is an important measurement when evaluating the abilities of the manager. Although financial performance is important for the organisation, managers should not only focus on it, should also focus on the Get more content on
  • 9. Essay on Management and Organization Introduction The management and organizational approaches that are used by various firms play a critical role in their performance. The adopted management approach is important due to the fact that it determines the efficiency with which activities are performed. The organizational structure of the firm on the other hand determines the delegation and application of authority. The organizational structure is developed by the management. The structure facilitates effective interaction among employees and helps in directing resources towards achieving the goals of the organization. The behavior of employees is also influenced by the management and organizational approach (Mullins 3). Thus a firm will only be successful if it adopts the more content... First, it is based on the assumption that firms operate in a capitalist economy that is associated with "a free market system" (Perterson 47) in which transactions are facilitated by money. Thus the most important objective of the firms is profit maximization and improving efficiency levels. Second, the workers are expected to be rational. This means that they are supposed to work–hard in order to maximize their earnings. Besides, they are expected to prioritize the goals and objectives of the organization. Finally, organizations are supposed to increase their production capacities in order to enjoy the benefits of "division of labor and specialization of tasks" (Daft 56). The principles of the theory The scientific management theory is based on four principles. The principles form the basis for designing processes, managing workers and improving productivity. Thus an organization that uses the scientific management approach will improve its efficiency and productivity if it follows the principles correctly. The principles are as follows. Developing a Science for Every Element of Work According to this principle, the old rule–of–thump should be replaced by clear–cut procedures. Such procedures can be developed through a careful study of the various processes within the organization in order to "develop the one best way to do everything" (Cook and Hunsacker 45). In order to identify Get more content on
  • 10. Business Management Essays Business Management The world of business has undergone radical and dramatic changes in the last decade changes that present extraordinary challenges for the contemporary manager. A manager is an organizational member who is responsible for planning, organizing, leading, and controlling the activities of the organization so that the goals can be achieved. According to a widely referenced study by Henry Mintzberg, managers serve three primary roles: interpersonal, informational, and decision–making. Management is process of administrating and coordinating resources effectively and efficiently in an effort to achieve the goals of the organization. The concept of management within an organization typically occurs in more content... Controlling is monitoring the performance of the organization, identifying deviations between planned and actual results, and taking corrective action when necessary. With all these four functions that are involved in the process of management, if all are followed correctly the organization will be properly ran and will have few complications. In every organization there are managers, and every manager is classed on different levels in terms of the skills they need and the activities they are involved in. Managers exist at various levels in the organization hierarchy. A small organization may have one layer of management, where as a large organization may have several. In most organizations there are three level of managers. The three level of managers are, first line manager, middle manager, and finally the top–level manager. Managers at different job levels have different job responsibilities and therefor require different skills. First–line managers supervise the individuals who are directly responsible for producing the organization's product or delivering its service. They carry titles such as production supervisor, line manager, section chief, or account manager. First–line managers along with all the other managers are involved in three skills conceptual, human, and technical. In each three different levels of management, each one of these Get more content on
  • 11. It Management Essay Chapter 1. The Information Systems Strategy Triangle Chapter Overview This chapter presents a very simple framework, the Information Systems Strategy Triangle, which links business strategy with organizational strategy and information strategy. The chapter describes this model, and builds on several other popular strategy models and organizational models. The goal of this chapter is to make sure every student has a basic understanding of both strategy and organizations (in many management programs, one or both of these are either reserved for the most senior students or left out entirely). For students well versed in strategy and organizational behavior, this chapter is a review of key points from those two fields. Key more content... He describes three misconceptions that are created by this effect. Illustrative Answers to Discussion Questions This is a summary chapter of the key models for the information systems strategy triangle, so discussion questions were provided to get students focused on and thinking about using these models. Below are some sample answers, but expect creative answers from your students that are not represented here (please send us some of your best answers so we can share them with other instructors). 1. Why is it important for business strategy to drive organizational strategy and IS strategy? What might happen if business strategy was not the driver? Ans: The primary point in this chapter is that in any well–run organization, the business strategy drives the rest of the operational strategy, and information systems is no different. However, typically, managers seem to think that changing or upgrading an information system (or even a component of an information system) will only positively impact a business. Quite the opposite, in fact, is true. By making changes in organizational strategy or IT strategy first, the triangle is "out of balance" and there will be consequences in the affected areas. For example, building a virtual organization, but not changing the business strategy to something like Get more content on
  • 12. Management Essay Being a manager takes a great deal of hard work, dedication, and persistence. In order to achieve the goal of becoming a CEO, necessary skills of a manager must be developed and then achieve the skills and confidence to succeed. Since managers are leaders, leadership skills and cross–functional leadership skills must be developed. Lehman Brothers, a global investment bank, emphasizes the importance of "leadership potential and initiative, as well as problem solving and technical skills." The management training program will provide a plan of action to strategize and grasp all the necessary skills in a short time to fulfill the goal of becoming the CEO. First and foremost, managers must identify weaknesses, polish up strengths, more content... By taking the initiative to volunteer to lead the members without being tyrannical, colleagues would evaluate that I have good overall leadership qualities. Decision making is the key responsibility of being a leader. A good decision maker knows how to assess the problems, come up with a variety of solutions and evaluate the most effective solutions. In learning how to assess conflicts, variables in the company should be addressed to achieve the best resolution. In order to decipher the factors that are relevant to key decisions, it is imperative to understand which criterion is more important to Skilos Inc. The company may have factors that are fixed and unchangeable because they run the key parts of the business. There may be other factors that are variable and not as important, which could be used as part of solutions. The bottom line is whether the fixed or variable aspect is eventually changed, it is important to understand all the elements which are driving the business in order to find the best solution from the big picture. After finding the answer to the problem the next step would be to discover how to execute decisions effectively so that the decision would be the greatest conclusion for Skilos Inc. In the end, the decision must be confidently executed and the evaluation will reflect the detailed planning that has taken place with the company's goals used as good measure. In Get more content on
  • 13. Essay on Evolution of Management Over the past hundred years management has continuously been evolving. There have been a wide range of approaches in how to deal with management or better yet how to improve management functions in our ever changing environment. From as early as 1100 B.C managers have been struggling with the same issues and problems that manager's face today. Modern managers use many of the practices, principles, and techniques developed from earlier concepts and experiences. The evolution of management though the decades can be divided into two major sections. One of the sections is the classical approach. Under the classical approach efficiency and productivity became a critical concern of the managers at the turn of the 20th century. One more content... This was the first major approach to forging informal work relationships and worker satisfaction. The last approach to classical management was bureaucracy. Bureaucracy was extremely popular in large organizations because it allows companies to perform many tasks while eliminating judgments of managers. Although bureaucracy works well with most organizations it may not be the best approach to organizations that require fast thinking and decision making. The second major section in the evolution of management is the contemporary approach. The contempary approach has four types of management that have developed from the time period around World War II to present time. One of the approaches to contemporary management is quantitative management. Quantitative management uses math problems to help management with decisions and problems. Managers typically do not rely on this type of management as a primary approach to decision making. Many managers rely on their experience or intuition and use this only as a way to compare alternatives or eliminate weaker options. Another type of contemporary management is organizational behavior which began to take place during the human relations time period. The basis for this type of management is that worker productivity and organizational success is based on more than satisfaction of economic or Get more content on
  • 14. Strategic Management Essay Strategic Management Introduction To deal effectively with the wide array of factors affecting the ability of a business to grow and prosper, managers need advanced processes they feel will facilitate the optimal positioning of the business in its competitive environment. Such positioning is possible with strategic management because this process improves preparedness for unexpected internal or competitive demands. Therefore, strategic management is an all–encompassing approach for formulating, implementing and evaluating managerial decisions in a way that permits the business to reach its objectives. For a strategic management plan to be successful, however, every manager should: Clearly see the need for change more content... John, 44–59). Understandably, organizations with diverse operations due to multiple products, markets or technologies also tend to use more complex strategic management systems. Despite differences in detail and degree of formalization, the basic components of the models used to analyze strategic management operations are very similar. The strategic management process is based on the belief that businesses should continually monitor internal and external events so timely changes can be made. To survive, firms must be able to identify and adapt to change. This involves timely planning, directing, organizing and controlling of the strategy–related decisions and actions of the firm (Camerer, 195–219). The strategic management process is sometimes improperly perceived as a unidirectional flow of objectives, strategies and decision parameters from management to the employees. In fact, the process should be highly interactive since it is designed to stimulate input from creative, skilled and knowledgeable people working at every level of the business. Tools Used in Strategy Development This section very briefly describes several key tools that can be used during the course of strategy development and strategic planning. The list is not intended to be comprehensive but to illustrate the types of tools Get more content on
  • 15. Management And Leadership Essay example Management and Leadership Management and leadership, two words that are considered synonymous and are often used in the same context, yet they do not mean the same thing and they describe two different concepts. According to the dictionary, management is 1) The act, manner or practice of managing; handling, supervision, or control; 2) The person or persons who control or direct a business or other enterprise; 3) Skill in managing; executive ability; where as leadership is 1) The position or office of a leader; 2) Capacity or ability to lead; 3) A group of leaders; 4) Guidance; direction. In many organizations, management is a job description; leadership is a positive trait. Managers tend to think incrementally, while leaders more content... Management normally consists of people, who are experienced in their field, and have worked their way up the company. A manager knows how each layer of the system works and may also possess a good technical knowledge. Managers are "principally administrators ¬– they write business plans, set budgets and monitor progress." Additional tasks handled by managers are problem–solving and facilitating meetings. Managers usually achieve their position through experience and understanding, and obtain authority through time and loyalty. In business, leadership is "the ability to influence employees to voluntarily pursue organizational goals." Leadership is one of the many assets a successful manager should possess. While management is considered a position, leadership is considered a relationship. Thus, leadership is the connection between the leader and their subordinates that makes management successful. This connection can strengthen an organization and make the work more focused and effective. Leadership is the ability to get people to willingly follow. A person who exhibits the traits of leadership is called a leader. The role of a leader is to ensure that the desired tasks and guidelines are implemented throughtout the team. Since managers can not be everywhere at the same time, leaders are put into place to bridge the gap while echoing managements requirements. Because leaders are the link between the Get more content on