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Malaysia Promotes
                  Excellence in English
                                                   BY VINODINI MURUGESAN

                                                   Today, however, Bahasa Malaysia is solidly

        nglish is one legacy of more than a                                                           Malaysian public.
        century's worth of British colonial rule   and irrevocably established as the official
        in Malaysia. It is the most important      language of Malaysia, thus clearing the way        English in Education
foreign language in Malaysia and is used           for a new emphasis on the importance of            Malaysian students usually receive English
extensively in practically all aspects of daily    English without posing a threat to the status of   instruction in two distinct ways. Most of them
life, from conducting business transactions to     the official language in any way. The gov-         attend the public English language education
labeling products to writing jingles for tele-     ernment has issued a nationwide exhortation        system in government schools during the day,
vision advertisements. English and the official    to the people to achieve a high standard of        and depending on need, background and
language of Malaysia, Bahasa Malaysia, both        proficiency in English, providing incentives       preference, receive instruction from either
play a vital role in binding together a            and encouragement in various forms.                private language centers or qualified freelance
multicultural nation made up largely of three            As the primary foreign language in           teachers in the evenings. Of course, some
separate and distinct races-the Malay, the         Malaysia (often labeled "second language"          students exclusively attend private schools
Chinese and the Indians. These groups differ       due to its importance and not always from a        where English is the language of instruction.
in both appearance and mother tongue and           strictly pedagogic perspective), English is              English is a compulsory subject in both
rely on one or both of these shared languages      evident everywhere. Most people use it-or                          primary and secondary school,
to communicate outside their                                                                                          and is generally taught in
ethnic groups (in some cases                                                                                          mainstream public schools from
even within them). English and                                                                                        the first year of school until the
Bahasa Malaysia help unite                                                                                            last (eleven years in all). There
people and create a unique                                                                                            are usually five periods of
national consciousness.                                                                                               English in a week, totaling up to
                                                                                                                      200 minutes or roughly three
The Role of English                                                                                                   and a half hours.
in Malaysia                                                                                                                 There are three major
The importance of the English                                                                                         examinations throughout the
language as a global lingua                                                                                           school years, all of which fea-
franca has always been a major                                                                                        ture English as a core paper.
motivating factor in the learning                                                                                     The first is at the end of primary
and use of the language in                                                                                            school in Year Six (UPSR or
Malaysia, especially as a vehicle                                                                                     Primary School Evaluation
to gain information in science                                                                                        Certificate), the second at the
and technology. Also, as a                                                                                            end of lower secondary in Form
member of the world order                                                                                             Three      (PMR       or    Lower
increasingly embracing global-                                                                                        Secondary School Certificate),
ization via the Internet and the                                                                                      and the third at
Information Age, Malaysia is                                                                                          the end of upper secondary in
aware of the vital need to be lit                                                                     Form Five (SPM or Malaysian School
erate in English in order to access the wealth     a uniquely Malaysian colloquial form of it         Certificate). After taking this last exam, stu-
of data available and achieve a reasonable         called Malaysian English or "Manglish"-to          dents may choose to enter Form Six, which is
measure of success and stature in trade and        hold ordinary conversations, give ordinary         comprised of two years' work and leads to the
industry.                                          directions or make ordinary remarks.               STPM examination (the Higher Malaysian
      Despite its history, Malaysia has recently         Local television channels screen a wide      School Certificate), and thenceforward on to
seen a sharp decline in English language           variety of English cartoons, serials, dramas       university. Other options include continuing
proficiency, which has provoked the imple-         and films in the original language, often sub-     education at private colleges or entering one of
mentation of certain measures calculated to        titled in Bahasa Malaysia, while cinemas           the many post-school matriculation programs
check this and prevent its recurrence. The         usually add Chinese and Tamil subtitles to         available according to interest.
decline is largely due to a backwash effect        English movie releases as well. A few English            Competence in English is highly prized
from a change implemented in the early 1960s       language films and sitcoms have also been          whatever the field of interest, and students are
and 1970s when Bahasa Malaysia replaced            written and produced locally, featuring local      aware that getting a good grade in English
English as the medium of instruction in            actors, and these have been quite successful.      greatly increases the chances of acceptance at
schools and as the language used for official      No English language entertainment import is        both local and foreign universities as well as
matters. In the early days of Malaysia's           ever dubbed; this treatment is usually reserved    providing a coveted edge in the workplace.
independence, it was necessary for this            for Japanese, Korean or Latin American soap             In addition to mainstream public prima
fledgling multiracial and multicultural nation     operas. A good proportion of local radio
to establish an official language to manifest      stations broadcast exclusively in English, and
and reinforce its sovereignty.                     these are very popular with the

26                                                                                                           ESL MAGAZINE. MARCH/APRIL 2003
ry schools, Malaysia has a substantial number       speaking skills.                                     class, although the figure can drop to as low
of vernacular primary schools in which                    Recently, the Ministry of Education            as 35 or rise to as high as 45.
lessons are conducted using either Chinese or       announced its intention to implement a radical
Tamil as the medium of instruction. In these        step to improve the standard of English in       The Teachers
schools, one hour of English must be taught         Malaysia-i.e., shifting the medium of            Most of the English teachers in the Malaysian
per week at the very minimum, beginning in          instruction for the subjects of science and      public school system are graduates of
Year Four through to Year Six. (From 2003           mathematics back to English. The change is to    government universities or teacher training
onwards, however, English lessons will begin        take place gradually over the next few years,    institutes, which offer a wide range of courses
in Year One.) Schools are given autonomy to         implemented in a carefully planned               from English language and linguistics to
decide if they will only fulfill this minimum       "staggered" way to allow time for students       TESL (Teaching of English as a Second
or allot more time to English. There are no         and teachers to fully adjust to the change       Language) to English literature degrees. Many
vernacular secondary schools, however, and          before the national examinations are official:   university graduates from other fields like
students must fulfill an extra year of school       ly held in English for these two core subjects.  science and geography as well as English
focusing on an intensive study of both Bahasa       The rationale behind this rather controversial   language graduates with B.A.s instead of
Malaysia and English before they are                (but potentially extremely effective) method is  B.Ed.s enter the teaching profession after
integrated into a mainstream secondary              that students will learn English while gaining   completing a post-degree teaching certificate
school. This year of transition between             knowledge in science and mathematics, thus       in a teacher-training college. The government
primary and secondary education is called the       providing a much greater exposure to English     has also conducted scholarship programs for
Remove Form and is compulsory for all               as a language as compared to merely learning     twin degrees between local teacher training
students of vernacular primary schools.             it as one subject with limited class time. This  institutes and foreign universities in Britain
      Some years ago, basic requirements for a      will     also     prevent      students     from and New Zealand in an effort to maintain an
passing grade in both the PMR and SPM were          compartmentalizing         English       as    anadequate number of fully qualified ESL
upgraded, as were the papers themselves, in         unnecessary or too-difficult subject (which      teachers with a correspondingly high standard
an effort to redress the plummeting standards       often happens in rural schools with limited      of the language.
of English. The SPM 322 examination was             exposure to the language) as well as prevent           English language teaching methodology
conjoined with the Cambridge 1119 "0" Level         students from taking English lightly since       is exhaustively covered as part of B.Ed. degree
paper to produce a hybrid which was                 their academic performance will be severely      requirements, together with a plethora of
altogether far more challenging than the old        jeopardized if they do not master the actual     related skills like educational theory,
model. A few years later, a literature              science and mathematics subject matter. Also,    linguistics, phonetics and teaching techniques.
component was added to both papers,                 the creation of a new generation of graduates    Although short practical teaching stints are
including a carefully selected range of poetry      who are fluent in English not only as a          interspersed regularly throughout the course, a
and prose to further jumpstart student interest     communicative device but as a technical and      final three-month teaching practicum is
in the language. The SPM English                                                                     conducted at the end of the academic session,
                                                    scientific tool will greatly facilitate Malaysia's
examination incorporating this component            aim of becoming a fully industrialized nation    and a reasonably high grade in this component
made its debut in 2000 while the PMR paper          by the year 2020.                                is essential before the degree can be awarded.
did so in 2002. Students were, of course,                                                            This provides the student-teacher with an
given two years to prepare themselves for the       The Students                                     invaluable hands-on experience with English
new element in the language paper. Teachers         By the time English lessons are formally language teaching, so that both pedagogic
attended in-service courses organized by the        taught in public schools, most pupils are rea- theory and practical teaching guidelines can be
Education Ministry to help them cope                sonably proficient in their first languages, optimally merged in the language classroom.
with the change in examination format and to        which influences their learning of English in
ground them in the basics of understanding          either a positive or a negative way. First lan-
and teaching literature.                            guage interference is to be expected in such a
      Up to 2002, the SPM examination had an        melting pot of languages and cultures, and The Classroom and Syllabus
oral examination component which was                teachers must be prepared to select and utilize Malaysian public school students usually stay
graded based on the candidate's comprehen-          the best teaching approaches to negate or        in a classroom, and subject teachers move
sion of a dialogue and ability to respond to        counteract it.          .                        between the classes, except in certain subjects
pictorial stimuli. However, this test was found           In general, location and background play like science or living skills which may require
to be woefully inadequate since students'           an important part in determining students' laboratory facilities. Most classrooms have
proficiency in speaking English continued to        attitudes towards English. Urban pupils have notice boards along the walls where the
drop to the point where prospective employers       more exposure to the language as well as language teacher can put up any charts or
in both government and private                      more opportunities to use it. In fact, there are visual aids, and the students can display their
sectors complained about the inability of           a growing number of children whose first work.
graduates to converse in even the most rudi-        language is English and who may be termed              English is generally taught using gov-
mentary situations. This year, a new oral exam      native speakers since their parents have ernment issued textbooks which have been
was designed and implemented, aimed at truly        chosen to use only English in the home prepared according to the national English
improving students' verbal skills by                instead of their ethnic languages. Children language syllabus guidelines set out by the
continuous assessment over a period of two          living in rural areas tend to have little expo- Ministry of Education, although teachers are
years rather than a single test, in which the       sure to English except whatever is available encouraged to diversify their materials and use
examiners are the students' English teachers at     through the radio or television, and so tend to sources other than the textbook alone as long
their own schools. Students are given a choice      be more negative towards learning the lan- as they achieve the language teaching
of what form their oral test takes (i.e.,           guage.                                           objectives for each language lesson. Schools
individual presentation, group discussion,                These differences in background result in set out the annual scope of work at the begin-
dialogue, etc.) and they are allowed to take the    mixed-ability groups in the English language ning of each academic year to synchronize
tests as often as they wish to in order to gain a   classroom, with students ranging from highly what is taught so that examinations may be set
better score. It is hoped that this will prove      proficient to complete beginners. Classes are fairly. Nevertheless, teachers must still decide
more practical than the previous oral exam          not streamed according to levels of English on the level of language work given for each
and provide a growing Malaysian workforce           proficiency, so teachers have to deal with the individual class within a particular topic and
with at least basic English                         range of abilities as best they can. Class sizes within a particular skill, depending on
                                                    average 40 students per                          students' language proficiency in a partic

ESL MAGAZINE. MARCH/APRIL 2003                                                                                                                     27

ular class. Students usually have their own       Board, based on competence levels in the four     ficiency among graduates. Malaysia has high
dictionaries, and most language teachers use      linguistic skills.                                numbers of foreign students taking local
some form of workbook for classwork or                 Other centers offer English for academic     degrees since Malaysian education is recog-
homework. Schools usually have their own          purposes, usually attended by foreign students    nized worldwide and is comparatively more
libraries and language laboratories. Some         who find it difficult to keep up with academic    affordable. The government aspires to make
schools have special self-access learning         courses due to a lack of proficiency in           Malaysia "The Regional Centre for
centers where students can go to improve their    English. Examples of these courses are the        Educational Excellence" in accordance with
linguistic skills whenever they are free.         intensive English program (IEP) and the semi-     its Vision 2020.
      The syllabus is based on a communica-       intensive English program offered at most              There are a number of off-shore cam-
tive model of teaching English according to a     centers. Most language centers also offer the     puses of foreign universities in Malaysia
skill-based approach. The four language skills    basic English language tests needed for           offering degree courses in English studies.
(reading, writing, listening and speaking) are    entrance into both local and foreign uni-         Monash University of Australia is one of
specifically targeted by sequenced activities,    versities-the TOEFL, IELTS or Cambridge           these, as well as the University of Nottingham
although lately, a new system based on            1119 English. Basically, it is the private lan-   (U.K.) and Curtin University of Technology in
"multiple intelligences" instead of the four      guage centers' ability to prepare students for    Sarawak. All these universities offer degree
skills is being used to increase language         these internationally recognized language         courses and selected postgraduate degrees in
competence among Malaysian students. These        examinations that ensures their status in the     English.
"multiple intelligences" are roughly divided      eyes of the public.
into three domains: informational use of the            Concurrently, teachers in private English   Opportunities for
language, aesthetic appreciation of the           language centers are reputed to be more highly    Teachers in Malaysia
language, and language for interpersonal          specialized than those in the public sector,      Malaysia remains one of the most open places
communication. In this way, students are          some holding post-graduate degrees in ESL or      in the world when it comes to job
expected to gain a holistic knowledge of the      EFL. Many expatriates work as language            opportunities. While the public school system
language as well as the ability to employ it      teachers in private schools, and since most are   is only open to those with an excellent
towards any purpose.                              native speakers of English from developed         command of Bahasa Malaysia, since that is
                                                  nations, this provides much of the impetus        the medium of instruction, the private school
Inservice Support                                 which prompts locals to send their children to    system as well as the colleges, language cen-
Teachers receive a great deal of support from     these centers for English lessons. Any parent     ters and universities welcome any qualified
the Ministry of Education, which regularly        would prefer his child to learn English from a    teacher into their ranks.
conducts inservice training courses, seminars,    native speaker rather than someone who has
conferences and workshops on various topics       acquired it as a second language, despite paper   Vinodini Murugesan has been an English
of pedagogic interest when the need arises.       qualifications which bear witness to an equal     language teacher in a rural public secondary
The Ministry of Education has recently            level of English language proficiency.            school in Malaysia for the past four years.
established the English Language Teaching                                                           Her classes include Form Three (15 year
                                                   English and Tertiary Education                   olds) and Form Five (17 year olds). Her spe-
Center specifically to provide inservice
training programs to update and upgrade            With sixteen fully                               cial interests include literature and drama.
English language classroom teachers' skills        funded      government
and expertise.                                     universities offering a
                                                   wide range of courses
Private English Language Education                 in English (linguistics
Apart from being a compulsory subject in
government public schools, private English         as well as education
language centers found in all major cities and     degrees), there is no
most towns in Malaysia offer English               shortage of English
language courses tailored to meet the indi-        degrees available to the
vidual needs of people, whether personal or        public. The oldest and
professional. Private primary and secondary
                                                   largest university, the
schools that use English as the medium of
instruction in all subjects are open to all who    University of Malaya,
can afford the fees. These schools are usually     has the largest English
attended by students whose parents feel that       department     and     a
they would prefer an English-medium                separate        English
instruction for their children instead of the
                                                   literature       degree
public school system which generally employs
Bahasa Malaysia as the language of                 offered under the arts
instruction. Private schools like Garden           and social sciences
International School are popular with both         department.        Post-
Malaysians as well as expatriates.                 graduate degrees in
      There are language centers offering
                                                   English     are     also
English courses for specific purposes, usually
patronized by those eager to improve their         available at many
command of the language for advancement in         government
a specific career or in a specific field (i.e.,    universities.
communicative English or CEP, business                   In    1999,   the
communication, company contract training,          Malaysian government
etc). For instance, employers who want to          introduced          the
evaluate their staff's level of language profi-    Malaysian University
ciency for any purpose can register them for       English Test (MUET)
the English Language Skills Assessment             as a prerequisite for
(ELSA) conducted by the London Chamber of          students planning to
Commerce and Industry Examinations                 study at local universi-
                                                   ties in order to estab-
28                                                                                                         ESL MAGAZINE. MARCH/APRIL 2003
                                                   lish and maintain a
                                                   high     standard    of
                                                   English language pro

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malaysia promotes excellence in english

  • 1. Malaysia Promotes Excellence in English BY VINODINI MURUGESAN Today, however, Bahasa Malaysia is solidly E nglish is one legacy of more than a Malaysian public. century's worth of British colonial rule and irrevocably established as the official in Malaysia. It is the most important language of Malaysia, thus clearing the way English in Education foreign language in Malaysia and is used for a new emphasis on the importance of Malaysian students usually receive English extensively in practically all aspects of daily English without posing a threat to the status of instruction in two distinct ways. Most of them life, from conducting business transactions to the official language in any way. The gov- attend the public English language education labeling products to writing jingles for tele- ernment has issued a nationwide exhortation system in government schools during the day, vision advertisements. English and the official to the people to achieve a high standard of and depending on need, background and language of Malaysia, Bahasa Malaysia, both proficiency in English, providing incentives preference, receive instruction from either play a vital role in binding together a and encouragement in various forms. private language centers or qualified freelance multicultural nation made up largely of three As the primary foreign language in teachers in the evenings. Of course, some separate and distinct races-the Malay, the Malaysia (often labeled "second language" students exclusively attend private schools Chinese and the Indians. These groups differ due to its importance and not always from a where English is the language of instruction. in both appearance and mother tongue and strictly pedagogic perspective), English is English is a compulsory subject in both rely on one or both of these shared languages evident everywhere. Most people use it-or primary and secondary school, to communicate outside their and is generally taught in ethnic groups (in some cases mainstream public schools from even within them). English and the first year of school until the Bahasa Malaysia help unite last (eleven years in all). There people and create a unique are usually five periods of national consciousness. English in a week, totaling up to 200 minutes or roughly three The Role of English and a half hours. in Malaysia There are three major The importance of the English examinations throughout the language as a global lingua school years, all of which fea- franca has always been a major ture English as a core paper. motivating factor in the learning The first is at the end of primary and use of the language in school in Year Six (UPSR or Malaysia, especially as a vehicle Primary School Evaluation to gain information in science Certificate), the second at the and technology. Also, as a end of lower secondary in Form member of the world order Three (PMR or Lower increasingly embracing global- Secondary School Certificate), ization via the Internet and the and the third at Information Age, Malaysia is the end of upper secondary in aware of the vital need to be lit Form Five (SPM or Malaysian School erate in English in order to access the wealth a uniquely Malaysian colloquial form of it Certificate). After taking this last exam, stu- of data available and achieve a reasonable called Malaysian English or "Manglish"-to dents may choose to enter Form Six, which is measure of success and stature in trade and hold ordinary conversations, give ordinary comprised of two years' work and leads to the industry. directions or make ordinary remarks. STPM examination (the Higher Malaysian Despite its history, Malaysia has recently Local television channels screen a wide School Certificate), and thenceforward on to seen a sharp decline in English language variety of English cartoons, serials, dramas university. Other options include continuing proficiency, which has provoked the imple- and films in the original language, often sub- education at private colleges or entering one of mentation of certain measures calculated to titled in Bahasa Malaysia, while cinemas the many post-school matriculation programs check this and prevent its recurrence. The usually add Chinese and Tamil subtitles to available according to interest. decline is largely due to a backwash effect English movie releases as well. A few English Competence in English is highly prized from a change implemented in the early 1960s language films and sitcoms have also been whatever the field of interest, and students are and 1970s when Bahasa Malaysia replaced written and produced locally, featuring local aware that getting a good grade in English English as the medium of instruction in actors, and these have been quite successful. greatly increases the chances of acceptance at schools and as the language used for official No English language entertainment import is both local and foreign universities as well as matters. In the early days of Malaysia's ever dubbed; this treatment is usually reserved providing a coveted edge in the workplace. independence, it was necessary for this for Japanese, Korean or Latin American soap In addition to mainstream public prima fledgling multiracial and multicultural nation operas. A good proportion of local radio to establish an official language to manifest stations broadcast exclusively in English, and and reinforce its sovereignty. these are very popular with the 26 ESL MAGAZINE. MARCH/APRIL 2003
  • 2. ry schools, Malaysia has a substantial number speaking skills. class, although the figure can drop to as low of vernacular primary schools in which Recently, the Ministry of Education as 35 or rise to as high as 45. lessons are conducted using either Chinese or announced its intention to implement a radical Tamil as the medium of instruction. In these step to improve the standard of English in The Teachers schools, one hour of English must be taught Malaysia-i.e., shifting the medium of Most of the English teachers in the Malaysian per week at the very minimum, beginning in instruction for the subjects of science and public school system are graduates of Year Four through to Year Six. (From 2003 mathematics back to English. The change is to government universities or teacher training onwards, however, English lessons will begin take place gradually over the next few years, institutes, which offer a wide range of courses in Year One.) Schools are given autonomy to implemented in a carefully planned from English language and linguistics to decide if they will only fulfill this minimum "staggered" way to allow time for students TESL (Teaching of English as a Second or allot more time to English. There are no and teachers to fully adjust to the change Language) to English literature degrees. Many vernacular secondary schools, however, and before the national examinations are official: university graduates from other fields like students must fulfill an extra year of school ly held in English for these two core subjects. science and geography as well as English focusing on an intensive study of both Bahasa The rationale behind this rather controversial language graduates with B.A.s instead of Malaysia and English before they are (but potentially extremely effective) method is B.Ed.s enter the teaching profession after integrated into a mainstream secondary that students will learn English while gaining completing a post-degree teaching certificate school. This year of transition between knowledge in science and mathematics, thus in a teacher-training college. The government primary and secondary education is called the providing a much greater exposure to English has also conducted scholarship programs for Remove Form and is compulsory for all as a language as compared to merely learning twin degrees between local teacher training students of vernacular primary schools. it as one subject with limited class time. This institutes and foreign universities in Britain Some years ago, basic requirements for a will also prevent students from and New Zealand in an effort to maintain an passing grade in both the PMR and SPM were compartmentalizing English as anadequate number of fully qualified ESL upgraded, as were the papers themselves, in unnecessary or too-difficult subject (which teachers with a correspondingly high standard an effort to redress the plummeting standards often happens in rural schools with limited of the language. of English. The SPM 322 examination was exposure to the language) as well as prevent English language teaching methodology conjoined with the Cambridge 1119 "0" Level students from taking English lightly since is exhaustively covered as part of B.Ed. degree paper to produce a hybrid which was their academic performance will be severely requirements, together with a plethora of altogether far more challenging than the old jeopardized if they do not master the actual related skills like educational theory, model. A few years later, a literature science and mathematics subject matter. Also, linguistics, phonetics and teaching techniques. component was added to both papers, the creation of a new generation of graduates Although short practical teaching stints are including a carefully selected range of poetry who are fluent in English not only as a interspersed regularly throughout the course, a and prose to further jumpstart student interest communicative device but as a technical and final three-month teaching practicum is in the language. The SPM English conducted at the end of the academic session, scientific tool will greatly facilitate Malaysia's examination incorporating this component aim of becoming a fully industrialized nation and a reasonably high grade in this component made its debut in 2000 while the PMR paper by the year 2020. is essential before the degree can be awarded. did so in 2002. Students were, of course, This provides the student-teacher with an given two years to prepare themselves for the The Students invaluable hands-on experience with English new element in the language paper. Teachers By the time English lessons are formally language teaching, so that both pedagogic attended in-service courses organized by the taught in public schools, most pupils are rea- theory and practical teaching guidelines can be Education Ministry to help them cope sonably proficient in their first languages, optimally merged in the language classroom. with the change in examination format and to which influences their learning of English in ground them in the basics of understanding either a positive or a negative way. First lan- and teaching literature. guage interference is to be expected in such a Up to 2002, the SPM examination had an melting pot of languages and cultures, and The Classroom and Syllabus oral examination component which was teachers must be prepared to select and utilize Malaysian public school students usually stay graded based on the candidate's comprehen- the best teaching approaches to negate or in a classroom, and subject teachers move sion of a dialogue and ability to respond to counteract it. . between the classes, except in certain subjects pictorial stimuli. However, this test was found In general, location and background play like science or living skills which may require to be woefully inadequate since students' an important part in determining students' laboratory facilities. Most classrooms have proficiency in speaking English continued to attitudes towards English. Urban pupils have notice boards along the walls where the drop to the point where prospective employers more exposure to the language as well as language teacher can put up any charts or in both government and private more opportunities to use it. In fact, there are visual aids, and the students can display their sectors complained about the inability of a growing number of children whose first work. graduates to converse in even the most rudi- language is English and who may be termed English is generally taught using gov- mentary situations. This year, a new oral exam native speakers since their parents have ernment issued textbooks which have been was designed and implemented, aimed at truly chosen to use only English in the home prepared according to the national English improving students' verbal skills by instead of their ethnic languages. Children language syllabus guidelines set out by the continuous assessment over a period of two living in rural areas tend to have little expo- Ministry of Education, although teachers are years rather than a single test, in which the sure to English except whatever is available encouraged to diversify their materials and use examiners are the students' English teachers at through the radio or television, and so tend to sources other than the textbook alone as long their own schools. Students are given a choice be more negative towards learning the lan- as they achieve the language teaching of what form their oral test takes (i.e., guage. objectives for each language lesson. Schools individual presentation, group discussion, These differences in background result in set out the annual scope of work at the begin- dialogue, etc.) and they are allowed to take the mixed-ability groups in the English language ning of each academic year to synchronize tests as often as they wish to in order to gain a classroom, with students ranging from highly what is taught so that examinations may be set better score. It is hoped that this will prove proficient to complete beginners. Classes are fairly. Nevertheless, teachers must still decide more practical than the previous oral exam not streamed according to levels of English on the level of language work given for each and provide a growing Malaysian workforce proficiency, so teachers have to deal with the individual class within a particular topic and with at least basic English range of abilities as best they can. Class sizes within a particular skill, depending on average 40 students per students' language proficiency in a partic ESL MAGAZINE. MARCH/APRIL 2003 27
  • 3. !.:!' ular class. Students usually have their own Board, based on competence levels in the four ficiency among graduates. Malaysia has high dictionaries, and most language teachers use linguistic skills. numbers of foreign students taking local some form of workbook for classwork or Other centers offer English for academic degrees since Malaysian education is recog- homework. Schools usually have their own purposes, usually attended by foreign students nized worldwide and is comparatively more libraries and language laboratories. Some who find it difficult to keep up with academic affordable. The government aspires to make schools have special self-access learning courses due to a lack of proficiency in Malaysia "The Regional Centre for centers where students can go to improve their English. Examples of these courses are the Educational Excellence" in accordance with linguistic skills whenever they are free. intensive English program (IEP) and the semi- its Vision 2020. The syllabus is based on a communica- intensive English program offered at most There are a number of off-shore cam- tive model of teaching English according to a centers. Most language centers also offer the puses of foreign universities in Malaysia skill-based approach. The four language skills basic English language tests needed for offering degree courses in English studies. (reading, writing, listening and speaking) are entrance into both local and foreign uni- Monash University of Australia is one of specifically targeted by sequenced activities, versities-the TOEFL, IELTS or Cambridge these, as well as the University of Nottingham although lately, a new system based on 1119 English. Basically, it is the private lan- (U.K.) and Curtin University of Technology in "multiple intelligences" instead of the four guage centers' ability to prepare students for Sarawak. All these universities offer degree skills is being used to increase language these internationally recognized language courses and selected postgraduate degrees in competence among Malaysian students. These examinations that ensures their status in the English. "multiple intelligences" are roughly divided eyes of the public. into three domains: informational use of the Concurrently, teachers in private English Opportunities for language, aesthetic appreciation of the language centers are reputed to be more highly Teachers in Malaysia language, and language for interpersonal specialized than those in the public sector, Malaysia remains one of the most open places communication. In this way, students are some holding post-graduate degrees in ESL or in the world when it comes to job expected to gain a holistic knowledge of the EFL. Many expatriates work as language opportunities. While the public school system language as well as the ability to employ it teachers in private schools, and since most are is only open to those with an excellent towards any purpose. native speakers of English from developed command of Bahasa Malaysia, since that is nations, this provides much of the impetus the medium of instruction, the private school Inservice Support which prompts locals to send their children to system as well as the colleges, language cen- Teachers receive a great deal of support from these centers for English lessons. Any parent ters and universities welcome any qualified the Ministry of Education, which regularly would prefer his child to learn English from a teacher into their ranks. conducts inservice training courses, seminars, native speaker rather than someone who has conferences and workshops on various topics acquired it as a second language, despite paper Vinodini Murugesan has been an English of pedagogic interest when the need arises. qualifications which bear witness to an equal language teacher in a rural public secondary The Ministry of Education has recently level of English language proficiency. school in Malaysia for the past four years. established the English Language Teaching Her classes include Form Three (15 year English and Tertiary Education olds) and Form Five (17 year olds). Her spe- Center specifically to provide inservice training programs to update and upgrade With sixteen fully cial interests include literature and drama. English language classroom teachers' skills funded government and expertise. universities offering a wide range of courses Private English Language Education in English (linguistics Apart from being a compulsory subject in government public schools, private English as well as education language centers found in all major cities and degrees), there is no most towns in Malaysia offer English shortage of English language courses tailored to meet the indi- degrees available to the vidual needs of people, whether personal or public. The oldest and professional. Private primary and secondary largest university, the schools that use English as the medium of instruction in all subjects are open to all who University of Malaya, can afford the fees. These schools are usually has the largest English attended by students whose parents feel that department and a they would prefer an English-medium separate English instruction for their children instead of the literature degree public school system which generally employs Bahasa Malaysia as the language of offered under the arts instruction. Private schools like Garden and social sciences International School are popular with both department. Post- Malaysians as well as expatriates. graduate degrees in There are language centers offering English are also English courses for specific purposes, usually patronized by those eager to improve their available at many command of the language for advancement in government a specific career or in a specific field (i.e., universities. communicative English or CEP, business In 1999, the communication, company contract training, Malaysian government etc). For instance, employers who want to introduced the evaluate their staff's level of language profi- Malaysian University ciency for any purpose can register them for English Test (MUET) the English Language Skills Assessment as a prerequisite for (ELSA) conducted by the London Chamber of students planning to Commerce and Industry Examinations study at local universi- ties in order to estab- 28 ESL MAGAZINE. MARCH/APRIL 2003 lish and maintain a high standard of English language pro