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Mahashibir Day 4 Notes: Mahashivir - 2020 | Day 4 - Everything About Gurutattva | गुरुतत्त्व - YouTube
Disclaimer: These notes are not a direct translation of the Shibir. These are just my personal notes that
I am sharing in the hopes that they will be useful for someone in some capacity as a reminder. But,
they are no substitute for the original videos with Swamiji’s vibrations and energies. Pease take some
time to rewatch the original videos on the Gurutattva youtube channel if possible.
• Guru and Bhrama and all of these are energies that are present in one tattva, that is Parmatma.
And we can attain this tattva through the Guru. The body of the Guru is the medium for this
tattva (element) to flow. That is why we say ‘Guru Sakshat Parabhrama’: The storehouse of all
there energies is within the Guru.
• Guru is known as Bhrama (lord of creation) because the Guru is the one who gives you self
realization and gives birth to your soul. He is the mother of your soul.
• Guru is known as Vishnu (Lord of preservation) because he nurtures your soul. He doesn’t just
leave you after giving you self-realization. He continually inspires your body to practice
Dhyan/meditation. Meditation means to nurture your soul, to increase/grow at the soul level
and to create an environment suitable for the soul.
• Guru is known as Mahesh (Lord of Destruction) because he destroys your past sins and your past
slowly. The past has a large place in our Yoni (species). The past keeps taking you back to the
physical level/ body-level.
• All of these three shaktis (energies) are present in the Guru and manifest as the form of
Parmatma. And in their own time, they slowly do their work. They give birth once, they
nurture and they destroy- the destruction is for regeneration, to destroy your past and bring
you into the present.
• Guru speaks at his level, and the disciple listens to it at his level. There is a large difference in
levels. The disciple is only able to understand it after time has passed and this gap in levels been
• Just this way, Swamiji has said that the coming time is very important for Dhyanyog. In the
future, we will have to be free of our body consciousness and physical feelings. We will have
to learn to live at the level of soul consciousness. Hence the Guru-energies have given you an
opportunity so that you cannot make the excuse that you don’t know Dhyan, you don’t know
how to be inward-looking. Parmatma is not giving you any opportunities for excuses.
• Why are you not joining the collective? Why have you made your existence separate? Just as
we don’t say the name of Ram at the Pandharpur wari where there is a collectivity of Lord
• You just need to join the collectivity with a silent and calm chitta and sit down. You don’t need
to do anything. Don’t even have the expectation that you will be able to meditate or go into
Dhyan. Even this expectation is wrong. Every expectation brings you to the physical level while
Dhyan is the bond between the soul/atma and Parmatma.
• We are joined to Swamiji at the soul level. Whatever we do during meditation, Swamiji gets to
• There is a large umbrella of collectivity here. Don’t do anything different. Don’t try to separate
yourself from the collectivity.
• Don’t apply your brains, don’t apply your knowledge, don’t apply your beliefs. Leave everything.
• Also, don’t be lazy and get left behind.
• If you fall behind the collectivity, you will not get the benefit of collectivity. If you go ahead of
the collectivity, you will also not get the benefit of collectivity. You will have to come under the
umbrella of collectivity only. And this opportunity is not going to come to you again and again.
• Don’t apply anything thing, don’t join anything of yours, don’t leave anything. If everyone is
sitting with a calm chitta, just sit there with a calm chitta and don’t do anything else.
• Just say what you are saying with complete feeling (bhav). When you say that ‘Meain ek
pavitra aatma hu. Mein ek shudh atma hu’, you should really feel that you are a pure soul, you
are a holy soul.
• Just say what you are saying with full emotion. Keep the feeling that I really am a pure soul
who has taken numerous births, in different races, in different nations in different methods of
worship, and despite that my purity was there yesterday, my purity is there today and my
purity will also be there tomorrow.
• The more emotion you are able to bring in, the better your state of Dhyan will be.
• And when you say ‘Mein ek shudh atma hu”, it is not enough to say it. You must have full faith
and feeling when saying it, that I am only a shudh attma and nothing apart from that.
• Forget about which post you on, forget your occupation, relationships etc. Forget everything,
even you gender. Even this is at the physical level only.
• There used to be an incorrect belief that women are obstacles to spiritual progress. However,
the truth is that at the soul level there is no difference, all differences are at the physical level.
At the soul level women are just as pure, if not more pure since they give birth to other pure
• If you practice Dhyan, then all the wrong beliefs will be dropped automatically. You will not
have to leave anything.
• In the same way, all the addictions will also be dropped. All these beliefs and addictions are on
the physical level. As soon as your aatmabhaav (soul consciousness) awakens within, your
beliefs and presumptions, your addictions will all be dropped.
• But you must first reach that level.
• Don’t just say that Mein ek Pavitra aatma hu, mein ek shudh aatma hu (I am a pure soul, I am a
holy soul). Shudh aatma aap ho hi (You definitely are a pure and holy soul). You just need to
sense it and feel it, realize it. Until you realize it, the purity of your soul won’t be there.
o Around you ,there is all the trash of the world, all the bad beliefs form all over the
world, all the bad sanskars (bad values) from all over the world. In the midst of all of
this, the aatma (soul) is suffering badly. Free your soul from all of that.
• First feel and realize that you are a soul. As you feel this, it will slowly start getting strong and
capable. And after it becomes capable, all the wrong presumptions will break automatically.
• And how will it become capable? With the collectivity of pure and holy souls. When you stay
with this collectivity, all of these presumptions will be dropped and you will feel that
Parmatma is a universal consciousness that is spread all of the Universe.
• We have only one Dharma, and that is the dharma of humanity.
• Our method of worship is not permanent. It can change every birth. In the Himalayas, the rishi-
munis did not pay much attention to the method of worship. What meaning was there of
ascribing much importance to something that changes every birth.
• When there is Guru-aagya, one should not get distracted for even a moment. Follow it exactly.
• Parmatma’s specialty is that he gives everyone equally. Everyone receives the same experiences.
• Moreover, what we are getting was not easy for Swamiji to attain. Swamiji got it through a lot
of efforts, a lot of prayers and after a long period of efforts. However, it is not so for us. We
are getting self-realization and soul experiences sitting at home. What Swamiji is doing is
equivalent to going to a nice orchard, breaking good apples, washing them, peeling them,
cutting it into small pieces, and then coming to your home, to your bed, and putting the piece
of fruit into your mouth.
• Don’t underestimate the value of what you are receiving. It is invaluable, incomparable. It
cannot be priced, hence it is being given for free.
• Learn to value it, keep it safe, nurture and grow it. Swamiji’s task was only to give us the
diamonds, the rest of the work is ours only.
• Swamiji has given every soul a diamond in the form of self-realization. Now if you value it as a
diamond or think of it as a piece of glass it is up to you only.
• Only time will tell how much you have been able to grow it and how much you have not been
able to grow it. Then you will remember it later when time passes. Don’t waste time. Don’t let it
• The most important wealth is Time.
• To do work for others with no selfish interest is the biggest virtue of humanity. Selfless work
is the largest virtue of humanity. You will not find this virtue in any animal or birds. If we do
not use this virtue, if we do not work with benevolence and selflessness, then there will be no
difference between you and animals. It is therefore necessary to first be a human, and when
you become a human, then this bhaav (emotion) will develop inside you, and slowly you will
develop the qualities of the soul inside you, and when you develop these qualities, your life
will be in accordance with your soul. Your sharir bhav (physical consciousness) will come to an
• This is the need of the present time. We need to be more in soul consciousness, and not at the
physical level. We need to form a protective shield and keep ourselves secure and make
others secure as well.
• Swamiji obtained everything with great difficulties, but he obtained it through a single bhav.
“Guru ke pas kuch amangal ho hi nahi sakta. Guru ke sanidhya me, kuch amangal ho hi nahi
sakta”—Nothing inauspicious can happen in the presence of the Guru.
• A Guru can never harm you, it just cannot happen. He is a sewing machine, how will he do the
work of scissors? He will do the work to help you, to nurture you, to make you stronger.
• Guru cannot give aatmagyan (soul knowledge), and the disciple cannot receive aatmagyan. This
Gyan is beyond the ordinary knowledge that we have. In the famous epic of Mahabharata,
Eklavya went to Guru Dronacharya to learn the art of weaponry. But Guru Dronacharya refused
as he only thought Royal children. But Eklavya was not disappointed. He built a statue and
believed it to be Guru Dronacharya.
• He believed. Believing is a large thing. During Satnarayan Puja we believe in a supari (beetle
nut) to be Lord Ganesha. We offer water to the Sun every water, but we believe that, we have
the bhaav that I am offering this to Surya Dev and this water is reaching the Sun.
• All of the Soul’s progress is dependent on Bhaav.
• Similarly, Eklavya believed that his Guru is Dronacharya, and he is himself sitting in front of him.
And slowly, with practice, Ekalavya’s soul got synchronized to Guru Dronacharya’s soul. As their
soul’s got connected, all of the Gyan, all of the knowledge within Guru Dronacharya’s soul
automatically came into Ekalavya. Guru Dronacharya did not give it and Ekalyva did not take it.
It just got transferred.
• The Guru has not obtained the spiritual knowledge through the body and so he has no right on
it. Only when the two soul’s intertwine, then the Gyan obtained through the soul can be
transferred. So you, too, will have to become a soul, and after becoming a soul you will have
to synchronize with your Guru. Only then can the knowledge which the Guru has obtained
from his Guru can be transferred.
• But for this you will have to reach the soul level, and only then can you join with the Guru’s soul.
Then you will be able to gain the spiritual knowledge.
• This is a totally different channel of knowledge. The knowledge of spiritual experience is
• Gurus have this special quality that they can never keep anything to themselves. Whatever
knowledge or information he gets, he will immediately distribute it. And then after that,
whether you accept it or not, is not his field, that is up to you only. A Guru cannot control that.
• Guru is not someone who is totally different and odd. Our imagination is something like that.
But that is because we are taking the picture of a 5 year old and then going out to search for him
after 20 years. Even if he comes in front of you how will you recognize him? He would be a 25
year old man by now. Similarly, we take the images of the Gurus of the past and their image,
and we try to find the Guru of the present with those images. Those Gurus are there, but they
are there in the Himalayas. And you cannot reach the Himalayas and they cannot reach society.
So they will choose a medium to reach you in society.
• How will you recognize the medium? You feel good in his presence, that is the first sign. This is
the biggest sign of their aura. The tej (or glow) we speak of is not of the body. It is of the soul
and the soul’s vibrations. Hence, the tej is an energy to be experienced.
• A Guru is not something to be seen, a Guru is not to be heard, a Guru is to be experienced.
• There is only one way to make good sue of the proximity of a Guru: How introversive
(antarmukhi) can you be in his presence?
• Don’t pay attention to what he is saying, his appearance, clothes etc. Concentrate all of your
mind on the Chaitanya (consciousness) and energy emanating from him. The more you pay
attention to this energy, the more helpful it will be in making you introversive.
• All the roads in the world take you towards the outside. The only one to make you
introversive, to take you inside is only one: And that is the Mother of your Soul.
• Just as there is only one mother who gives birth to your body, there is only one mother who
gives birth to your Soul.
• Find that Mother of your Soul, and after that all your searching will end, and you will
experience an internal satisfaction and peace that you have been searching for all your life.
• Story of the press reporter who asked Swamiji how and why she was able to receive experience
in Swamiji’s presence. The answer: Imagine there is a large peak that everyone wants to climb,
but there is one person who has reached the top after 60 years of his own efforts. And he didn’t
remain sitting there. His target was to make everyone reach the top. So, he did not remain
sitting at the top, he came back down and made a way on his way down. He removed the thorns
and stones on the path, and came down and made a gate. There are many ways to reach the
top, but Swamiji has made a direct road for us. He has removed all the stones and thorns on
the route to the top. And this road goes directly to the top. It is Swamiji’s wish that everyone
who wishes to reach the top, should be able to do so.
• Now that lakhs of people have adopted the path, the path has become a highway.
• Between us and Swamiji there is no difference of the physical body. But the soul is different.
Swamiji’s soul is linked to a collectivity of lakhs of pure and holy souls. The soul is not alone, it
has a large collectivity of pure and holy souls. So when you are sitting with Swamiji, you are not
sitting with a human, you are sitting with lakhs of pure and holy souls. This power of collectivity
is the difference in our souls. A Guru is not different, but the soul inside is different as it is linked
to lakhs of pure and holy souls.
• In your life, you may have seen someone’s spiritual progress. Even with a a lot of disturbance,
you might have seen someone sitting calmly and thought that how can this person remain calm
even with all this disturbance, how can so many tasks happen successfully at the hands of such a
person? You might have seen all of this and you might have had a desire inside you: To be such a
person, to have such a state where you have attained everything in your life, where there is
nothing left to be attained.
• Looking at this person, you would have the inspiration of the complete state of satisfaction.
Life’s biggest satisfaction is that ‘I have attained Parmatma’.
• Looking at such a person, you too would have had the wish that you too would have the full
satisfaction, that I have attained Parmatma. After this, the chitta stops going outside and the
inner journey commences.
• You also feel that you should receive the inner peace. You try to put in physical efforts, you
perform karmas, pujas etc, and try to attain peace and you don’t get it. You get peace for some
time, but then you don’t get it permanently.
• Then after that, once your physical efforts end, then prayer is born, and you pray to Parmatma,
that “Hey Parmatma, I should also get the state of complete satisfaction after attaining which,
there should be nothing else left to attain in life; Hey Parmatma, I hope to also attain the peace
in my life which I have always been searching for; Hey Parmatma, I also hope to attain the
eternal joy to attain which I have been suffering all my life.” Once such prayers start coming out
from inside you, then an incident takes place.
• A Guru enters your life and gives you self-realization and spiritual experience. He connects your
body to the divine power. Just as an electrician connects your house to the power station. After
that he leaves and it is up to you whether you wish to switch on a 40 Watt bulb or a 100 Watt
bulb, or floodlights, or leave the place in darkness. The electrician leaves after making your
connection with the power station. The house is your body and the electrician is the Guru who
connects you to Parmatma, the power station. Once the connection is done, with regular Dhyan,
you can light up your house. But there will only be light in your house, when you practice Dhyan.
• Similarly, once the connection is established the role of the Guru is over. That too, because you
had prayed to Parmatma for inner peace and happiness. You had pleaded for this. That is why
the Guru was sent into your life.
• The Guru is like a big highway. We can move fast there, and there are no obstacles, but we
cannot build our house on the highway.
• Similarly, the Guru is also a highway. Take his proximity and help for some time, and make
your own progress and become self-sufficient.
• Because of the large collectivity with the Guru, you will make rapid progress. In this period itself,
make your soul your friend. Make your soul your Guru. If you do this, then your soul will guide
you through the smallest of lanes and find a way to the destination. And in your last
moments, only your soul will be with you.
• Use the Guru and reach your destination. Just as you don’t park your car on a highway, don’t
stick to the Guru. Don’t stay near as nothing can happen there.
• There is an illusion (maya) near the Guru. It will not allow your attention to go where it should
be going. Stay far away and remain connected to the subtle body, the spiritual body formed
through spiritual practices.
• If you have learnt to place your chitta (attention) on the Guru’s soul, on his energy, his soul, and
to be introversive, then go near the Guru. Else never go near the Guru, don’t even come for
darshan. Stay far away, the further you stay the better will be your spiritual progress.
• The day you think of your Guru as an ordinary person, your receiving is over. He looks ordinary,
but his soul is not ordinary, he is connected to a collectivity of lakhs of pure souls. If you don’t
have the Gyan (knowledge) and ability to look at this, it is better to stay away from the Guru.
• You should never think of your Guru as an ordinary person. You should value him immensely.
• It is just like while a mother is alive, you do not understand her value. Her real value is
understood after his death. Similarly, a Guru is understood only after his death. While he is
living, he cannot really be understood.
• The physical body of the Guru and disciple are like two walls. It is difficult to reach beyond both
these walls. Once the Guru becomes samadhist, then one wall falls down and it becomes
possible for the disciple to understand the Guru.
• That is why it is best to stay away from the Guru’s physical body as there is an illusion around it
that distracts you. The more you are able to link with the subtle body, the more helpful it will be
in making you introversive.
• The Parmatma you were searching for outside, you will feel that Parmatma within you. And then
you will get all the peace from inside yourself only.
• You will have to choose a medium of Parmatma in your life time only. The ones of the past or
future are of no use. You will have to gain self-realization in this life itself.
• For all of this, having the power of desire (icha-shakti) is necessary. You should pray
continuously, that may I find the medium of Parmatma, after meeting whom, my search for
Parmatma comes to an end. Pray like this every day. Instead, you pray for your daughter’s
wedding, for your son to get a job, for your business to go well: Just form a relationship with
the divine. All of these are by products. And this has been experienced thousands and lakhs of
• Establish the energies of Parmatma, and then you will be capable of doing all of your tasks.
• Why do you sit around and ask for a single chocolate when He is ready to give you the whole
• All of your small tasks will get done automatically when your soul establishes a relationship
with Parmatma. Then you will receive Parmatma’s energies directly.
• You will become your own Guru. Then you will not need any medium. You should become
independent. In the spiritual field, you should be strong. Swamiji is here to make us strong
and independent. He is here to make us self-standing. Don’t be dependent on Swamiji.
• In the Himalayas, there are different areas for different Gurus. All of these Gurus seem different
from the outside, but the guru-element that flows within them is the same. Guru means shape,
but the Guru-tattva (Guru element) means formless.
• We need to concentrate not on the Guru, but the Guru-element within them. You can see and
hear the Guru, but you can neither see nor hear the Guru-element. The Guru-element can only
be experienced. When you meet a Guru, your chitta should not be on the Guru, but on the flow
of the Guru-element. The Guru-element, is a form of Parmatma’s Chaitanya, Parmatma’s
energies. So our chitta should only be on the Guru-element.
• Moreover, while sitting for meditation, the more bhaav (feeling) with which you join in, the
more inner happiness you will obtain.
• The intellect takes us outside, but bhaav is of the soul. It helps take us deeper and deeper inside.
• The words of the Gurus are blessings. It contains all the powers of his spiritual penance in
subtle form. With that much respect and reverence, if you chant that mantra which the Guru
has given you, you will be able to experience the collectivity attached to the mantra. The
mantra is simple but it is attached to a large collectivity.

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  • 1. Mahashibir Day 4 Notes: Mahashivir - 2020 | Day 4 - Everything About Gurutattva | गुरुतत्त्व - YouTube Disclaimer: These notes are not a direct translation of the Shibir. These are just my personal notes that I am sharing in the hopes that they will be useful for someone in some capacity as a reminder. But, they are no substitute for the original videos with Swamiji’s vibrations and energies. Pease take some time to rewatch the original videos on the Gurutattva youtube channel if possible. • Guru and Bhrama and all of these are energies that are present in one tattva, that is Parmatma. And we can attain this tattva through the Guru. The body of the Guru is the medium for this tattva (element) to flow. That is why we say ‘Guru Sakshat Parabhrama’: The storehouse of all there energies is within the Guru. • Guru is known as Bhrama (lord of creation) because the Guru is the one who gives you self realization and gives birth to your soul. He is the mother of your soul. • Guru is known as Vishnu (Lord of preservation) because he nurtures your soul. He doesn’t just leave you after giving you self-realization. He continually inspires your body to practice Dhyan/meditation. Meditation means to nurture your soul, to increase/grow at the soul level and to create an environment suitable for the soul. • Guru is known as Mahesh (Lord of Destruction) because he destroys your past sins and your past slowly. The past has a large place in our Yoni (species). The past keeps taking you back to the physical level/ body-level. • All of these three shaktis (energies) are present in the Guru and manifest as the form of Parmatma. And in their own time, they slowly do their work. They give birth once, they nurture and they destroy- the destruction is for regeneration, to destroy your past and bring you into the present. • Guru speaks at his level, and the disciple listens to it at his level. There is a large difference in levels. The disciple is only able to understand it after time has passed and this gap in levels been bridged. • Just this way, Swamiji has said that the coming time is very important for Dhyanyog. In the future, we will have to be free of our body consciousness and physical feelings. We will have to learn to live at the level of soul consciousness. Hence the Guru-energies have given you an opportunity so that you cannot make the excuse that you don’t know Dhyan, you don’t know how to be inward-looking. Parmatma is not giving you any opportunities for excuses. • Why are you not joining the collective? Why have you made your existence separate? Just as we don’t say the name of Ram at the Pandharpur wari where there is a collectivity of Lord Vitthal. • You just need to join the collectivity with a silent and calm chitta and sit down. You don’t need to do anything. Don’t even have the expectation that you will be able to meditate or go into Dhyan. Even this expectation is wrong. Every expectation brings you to the physical level while Dhyan is the bond between the soul/atma and Parmatma. • We are joined to Swamiji at the soul level. Whatever we do during meditation, Swamiji gets to know. • There is a large umbrella of collectivity here. Don’t do anything different. Don’t try to separate yourself from the collectivity. • Don’t apply your brains, don’t apply your knowledge, don’t apply your beliefs. Leave everything. • Also, don’t be lazy and get left behind.
  • 2. • If you fall behind the collectivity, you will not get the benefit of collectivity. If you go ahead of the collectivity, you will also not get the benefit of collectivity. You will have to come under the umbrella of collectivity only. And this opportunity is not going to come to you again and again. • Don’t apply anything thing, don’t join anything of yours, don’t leave anything. If everyone is sitting with a calm chitta, just sit there with a calm chitta and don’t do anything else. • Just say what you are saying with complete feeling (bhav). When you say that ‘Meain ek pavitra aatma hu. Mein ek shudh atma hu’, you should really feel that you are a pure soul, you are a holy soul. • Just say what you are saying with full emotion. Keep the feeling that I really am a pure soul who has taken numerous births, in different races, in different nations in different methods of worship, and despite that my purity was there yesterday, my purity is there today and my purity will also be there tomorrow. • The more emotion you are able to bring in, the better your state of Dhyan will be. • And when you say ‘Mein ek shudh atma hu”, it is not enough to say it. You must have full faith and feeling when saying it, that I am only a shudh attma and nothing apart from that. • Forget about which post you on, forget your occupation, relationships etc. Forget everything, even you gender. Even this is at the physical level only. • There used to be an incorrect belief that women are obstacles to spiritual progress. However, the truth is that at the soul level there is no difference, all differences are at the physical level. At the soul level women are just as pure, if not more pure since they give birth to other pure souls. • If you practice Dhyan, then all the wrong beliefs will be dropped automatically. You will not have to leave anything. • In the same way, all the addictions will also be dropped. All these beliefs and addictions are on the physical level. As soon as your aatmabhaav (soul consciousness) awakens within, your beliefs and presumptions, your addictions will all be dropped. • But you must first reach that level. • Don’t just say that Mein ek Pavitra aatma hu, mein ek shudh aatma hu (I am a pure soul, I am a holy soul). Shudh aatma aap ho hi (You definitely are a pure and holy soul). You just need to sense it and feel it, realize it. Until you realize it, the purity of your soul won’t be there. o Around you ,there is all the trash of the world, all the bad beliefs form all over the world, all the bad sanskars (bad values) from all over the world. In the midst of all of this, the aatma (soul) is suffering badly. Free your soul from all of that. • First feel and realize that you are a soul. As you feel this, it will slowly start getting strong and capable. And after it becomes capable, all the wrong presumptions will break automatically. • And how will it become capable? With the collectivity of pure and holy souls. When you stay with this collectivity, all of these presumptions will be dropped and you will feel that Parmatma is a universal consciousness that is spread all of the Universe. • We have only one Dharma, and that is the dharma of humanity. • Our method of worship is not permanent. It can change every birth. In the Himalayas, the rishi- munis did not pay much attention to the method of worship. What meaning was there of ascribing much importance to something that changes every birth. • When there is Guru-aagya, one should not get distracted for even a moment. Follow it exactly. • Parmatma’s specialty is that he gives everyone equally. Everyone receives the same experiences.
  • 3. • Moreover, what we are getting was not easy for Swamiji to attain. Swamiji got it through a lot of efforts, a lot of prayers and after a long period of efforts. However, it is not so for us. We are getting self-realization and soul experiences sitting at home. What Swamiji is doing is equivalent to going to a nice orchard, breaking good apples, washing them, peeling them, cutting it into small pieces, and then coming to your home, to your bed, and putting the piece of fruit into your mouth. • Don’t underestimate the value of what you are receiving. It is invaluable, incomparable. It cannot be priced, hence it is being given for free. • Learn to value it, keep it safe, nurture and grow it. Swamiji’s task was only to give us the diamonds, the rest of the work is ours only. • Swamiji has given every soul a diamond in the form of self-realization. Now if you value it as a diamond or think of it as a piece of glass it is up to you only. • Only time will tell how much you have been able to grow it and how much you have not been able to grow it. Then you will remember it later when time passes. Don’t waste time. Don’t let it pass. • The most important wealth is Time. • To do work for others with no selfish interest is the biggest virtue of humanity. Selfless work is the largest virtue of humanity. You will not find this virtue in any animal or birds. If we do not use this virtue, if we do not work with benevolence and selflessness, then there will be no difference between you and animals. It is therefore necessary to first be a human, and when you become a human, then this bhaav (emotion) will develop inside you, and slowly you will develop the qualities of the soul inside you, and when you develop these qualities, your life will be in accordance with your soul. Your sharir bhav (physical consciousness) will come to an end. • This is the need of the present time. We need to be more in soul consciousness, and not at the physical level. We need to form a protective shield and keep ourselves secure and make others secure as well. • Swamiji obtained everything with great difficulties, but he obtained it through a single bhav. “Guru ke pas kuch amangal ho hi nahi sakta. Guru ke sanidhya me, kuch amangal ho hi nahi sakta”—Nothing inauspicious can happen in the presence of the Guru. • A Guru can never harm you, it just cannot happen. He is a sewing machine, how will he do the work of scissors? He will do the work to help you, to nurture you, to make you stronger. • Guru cannot give aatmagyan (soul knowledge), and the disciple cannot receive aatmagyan. This Gyan is beyond the ordinary knowledge that we have. In the famous epic of Mahabharata, Eklavya went to Guru Dronacharya to learn the art of weaponry. But Guru Dronacharya refused as he only thought Royal children. But Eklavya was not disappointed. He built a statue and believed it to be Guru Dronacharya. • He believed. Believing is a large thing. During Satnarayan Puja we believe in a supari (beetle nut) to be Lord Ganesha. We offer water to the Sun every water, but we believe that, we have the bhaav that I am offering this to Surya Dev and this water is reaching the Sun. • All of the Soul’s progress is dependent on Bhaav. • Similarly, Eklavya believed that his Guru is Dronacharya, and he is himself sitting in front of him. And slowly, with practice, Ekalavya’s soul got synchronized to Guru Dronacharya’s soul. As their soul’s got connected, all of the Gyan, all of the knowledge within Guru Dronacharya’s soul
  • 4. automatically came into Ekalavya. Guru Dronacharya did not give it and Ekalyva did not take it. It just got transferred. • The Guru has not obtained the spiritual knowledge through the body and so he has no right on it. Only when the two soul’s intertwine, then the Gyan obtained through the soul can be transferred. So you, too, will have to become a soul, and after becoming a soul you will have to synchronize with your Guru. Only then can the knowledge which the Guru has obtained from his Guru can be transferred. • But for this you will have to reach the soul level, and only then can you join with the Guru’s soul. Then you will be able to gain the spiritual knowledge. • This is a totally different channel of knowledge. The knowledge of spiritual experience is incomparable. • Gurus have this special quality that they can never keep anything to themselves. Whatever knowledge or information he gets, he will immediately distribute it. And then after that, whether you accept it or not, is not his field, that is up to you only. A Guru cannot control that. • Guru is not someone who is totally different and odd. Our imagination is something like that. But that is because we are taking the picture of a 5 year old and then going out to search for him after 20 years. Even if he comes in front of you how will you recognize him? He would be a 25 year old man by now. Similarly, we take the images of the Gurus of the past and their image, and we try to find the Guru of the present with those images. Those Gurus are there, but they are there in the Himalayas. And you cannot reach the Himalayas and they cannot reach society. So they will choose a medium to reach you in society. • How will you recognize the medium? You feel good in his presence, that is the first sign. This is the biggest sign of their aura. The tej (or glow) we speak of is not of the body. It is of the soul and the soul’s vibrations. Hence, the tej is an energy to be experienced. • A Guru is not something to be seen, a Guru is not to be heard, a Guru is to be experienced. • There is only one way to make good sue of the proximity of a Guru: How introversive (antarmukhi) can you be in his presence? • Don’t pay attention to what he is saying, his appearance, clothes etc. Concentrate all of your mind on the Chaitanya (consciousness) and energy emanating from him. The more you pay attention to this energy, the more helpful it will be in making you introversive. • All the roads in the world take you towards the outside. The only one to make you introversive, to take you inside is only one: And that is the Mother of your Soul. • Just as there is only one mother who gives birth to your body, there is only one mother who gives birth to your Soul. • Find that Mother of your Soul, and after that all your searching will end, and you will experience an internal satisfaction and peace that you have been searching for all your life. • Story of the press reporter who asked Swamiji how and why she was able to receive experience in Swamiji’s presence. The answer: Imagine there is a large peak that everyone wants to climb, but there is one person who has reached the top after 60 years of his own efforts. And he didn’t remain sitting there. His target was to make everyone reach the top. So, he did not remain sitting at the top, he came back down and made a way on his way down. He removed the thorns and stones on the path, and came down and made a gate. There are many ways to reach the top, but Swamiji has made a direct road for us. He has removed all the stones and thorns on
  • 5. the route to the top. And this road goes directly to the top. It is Swamiji’s wish that everyone who wishes to reach the top, should be able to do so. • Now that lakhs of people have adopted the path, the path has become a highway. • Between us and Swamiji there is no difference of the physical body. But the soul is different. Swamiji’s soul is linked to a collectivity of lakhs of pure and holy souls. The soul is not alone, it has a large collectivity of pure and holy souls. So when you are sitting with Swamiji, you are not sitting with a human, you are sitting with lakhs of pure and holy souls. This power of collectivity is the difference in our souls. A Guru is not different, but the soul inside is different as it is linked to lakhs of pure and holy souls. • In your life, you may have seen someone’s spiritual progress. Even with a a lot of disturbance, you might have seen someone sitting calmly and thought that how can this person remain calm even with all this disturbance, how can so many tasks happen successfully at the hands of such a person? You might have seen all of this and you might have had a desire inside you: To be such a person, to have such a state where you have attained everything in your life, where there is nothing left to be attained. • Looking at this person, you would have the inspiration of the complete state of satisfaction. Life’s biggest satisfaction is that ‘I have attained Parmatma’. • Looking at such a person, you too would have had the wish that you too would have the full satisfaction, that I have attained Parmatma. After this, the chitta stops going outside and the inner journey commences. • You also feel that you should receive the inner peace. You try to put in physical efforts, you perform karmas, pujas etc, and try to attain peace and you don’t get it. You get peace for some time, but then you don’t get it permanently. • Then after that, once your physical efforts end, then prayer is born, and you pray to Parmatma, that “Hey Parmatma, I should also get the state of complete satisfaction after attaining which, there should be nothing else left to attain in life; Hey Parmatma, I hope to also attain the peace in my life which I have always been searching for; Hey Parmatma, I also hope to attain the eternal joy to attain which I have been suffering all my life.” Once such prayers start coming out from inside you, then an incident takes place. • A Guru enters your life and gives you self-realization and spiritual experience. He connects your body to the divine power. Just as an electrician connects your house to the power station. After that he leaves and it is up to you whether you wish to switch on a 40 Watt bulb or a 100 Watt bulb, or floodlights, or leave the place in darkness. The electrician leaves after making your connection with the power station. The house is your body and the electrician is the Guru who connects you to Parmatma, the power station. Once the connection is done, with regular Dhyan, you can light up your house. But there will only be light in your house, when you practice Dhyan. • Similarly, once the connection is established the role of the Guru is over. That too, because you had prayed to Parmatma for inner peace and happiness. You had pleaded for this. That is why the Guru was sent into your life. • The Guru is like a big highway. We can move fast there, and there are no obstacles, but we cannot build our house on the highway. • Similarly, the Guru is also a highway. Take his proximity and help for some time, and make your own progress and become self-sufficient.
  • 6. • Because of the large collectivity with the Guru, you will make rapid progress. In this period itself, make your soul your friend. Make your soul your Guru. If you do this, then your soul will guide you through the smallest of lanes and find a way to the destination. And in your last moments, only your soul will be with you. • Use the Guru and reach your destination. Just as you don’t park your car on a highway, don’t stick to the Guru. Don’t stay near as nothing can happen there. • There is an illusion (maya) near the Guru. It will not allow your attention to go where it should be going. Stay far away and remain connected to the subtle body, the spiritual body formed through spiritual practices. • If you have learnt to place your chitta (attention) on the Guru’s soul, on his energy, his soul, and to be introversive, then go near the Guru. Else never go near the Guru, don’t even come for darshan. Stay far away, the further you stay the better will be your spiritual progress. • The day you think of your Guru as an ordinary person, your receiving is over. He looks ordinary, but his soul is not ordinary, he is connected to a collectivity of lakhs of pure souls. If you don’t have the Gyan (knowledge) and ability to look at this, it is better to stay away from the Guru. • You should never think of your Guru as an ordinary person. You should value him immensely. • It is just like while a mother is alive, you do not understand her value. Her real value is understood after his death. Similarly, a Guru is understood only after his death. While he is living, he cannot really be understood. • The physical body of the Guru and disciple are like two walls. It is difficult to reach beyond both these walls. Once the Guru becomes samadhist, then one wall falls down and it becomes possible for the disciple to understand the Guru. • That is why it is best to stay away from the Guru’s physical body as there is an illusion around it that distracts you. The more you are able to link with the subtle body, the more helpful it will be in making you introversive. • The Parmatma you were searching for outside, you will feel that Parmatma within you. And then you will get all the peace from inside yourself only. • You will have to choose a medium of Parmatma in your life time only. The ones of the past or future are of no use. You will have to gain self-realization in this life itself. • For all of this, having the power of desire (icha-shakti) is necessary. You should pray continuously, that may I find the medium of Parmatma, after meeting whom, my search for Parmatma comes to an end. Pray like this every day. Instead, you pray for your daughter’s wedding, for your son to get a job, for your business to go well: Just form a relationship with the divine. All of these are by products. And this has been experienced thousands and lakhs of devotes. • Establish the energies of Parmatma, and then you will be capable of doing all of your tasks. • Why do you sit around and ask for a single chocolate when He is ready to give you the whole box? • All of your small tasks will get done automatically when your soul establishes a relationship with Parmatma. Then you will receive Parmatma’s energies directly. • You will become your own Guru. Then you will not need any medium. You should become independent. In the spiritual field, you should be strong. Swamiji is here to make us strong and independent. He is here to make us self-standing. Don’t be dependent on Swamiji.
  • 7. • In the Himalayas, there are different areas for different Gurus. All of these Gurus seem different from the outside, but the guru-element that flows within them is the same. Guru means shape, but the Guru-tattva (Guru element) means formless. • We need to concentrate not on the Guru, but the Guru-element within them. You can see and hear the Guru, but you can neither see nor hear the Guru-element. The Guru-element can only be experienced. When you meet a Guru, your chitta should not be on the Guru, but on the flow of the Guru-element. The Guru-element, is a form of Parmatma’s Chaitanya, Parmatma’s energies. So our chitta should only be on the Guru-element. • Moreover, while sitting for meditation, the more bhaav (feeling) with which you join in, the more inner happiness you will obtain. • The intellect takes us outside, but bhaav is of the soul. It helps take us deeper and deeper inside. • The words of the Gurus are blessings. It contains all the powers of his spiritual penance in subtle form. With that much respect and reverence, if you chant that mantra which the Guru has given you, you will be able to experience the collectivity attached to the mantra. The mantra is simple but it is attached to a large collectivity.