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Mahashibir Day 8 Notes: Mahashivir - 2020 | Day 8 - Be your own Guru | अपने गुरु बनो - YouTube
Disclaimer: These notes are not a direct translation of the Shibir. These are just my personal notes that
I am sharing in the hopes that they will be useful for someone in some capacity as a reminder. But,
they are no substitute for the original videos with Swamiji’s vibrations and energies. Pease take some
time to rewatch the original videos on the Gurutattva youtube channel if possible.
• Story of Ramu the beggar who was given the mantra “I have now become a King. I have now
become a King…” to stop begging and to start acting like a King. In just the same way, if you
get up every morning and say the soul mantra, then after 45 days, you will actually become a
pure and holy soul.
• This mantra is not just a collection of words. Lakhs of people are joined to it. This mantra is a
medium through which you get the blessings of the Himalayan rishis and the collectivity of
good sadhaks who have been practicing meditation all over the world. You get the collectivity
of the world’s good sadhaks, successful sadhaks.
• And then, no matter what state you are in, your progress happens. It happens because this is
like the case of the 4 horse chariot. Even if one horse if lazy and doesn’t want to go to the
station, the other 3 horses end up pulling him and make him reach the station anyways.
• Similarly, no matter your state, no matter your receiving, no matter your status, the
collectivity of good sadhaks (practitioners) and good souls, and the blessings of the Himalayan
Gurus will help you reach a state where there will be nothing left in your life to attain.
• All you have to do is to say the mantra “I am a pure soul. I am a holy soul” every morning with
full emotion (bhaav) and faith. Then for the whole day, you will stay in the state of the pure soul
for the full day. You will stay in a state where there is no existence for you except the soul. And
this effect will slowly fall on you and the qualities of the soul will slowly develop within you.
• Imagine yourself in the place of Ramu the beggar. This story is actually about you. When you
start meditating from tomorrow morning, you are sitting on the throne from tomorrow
• You are those people who have attended the 8 day shibir and gained self-realization. You are
attached to that meditation that has a collectivity of lacks of pure souls across 100 souls. They
are of different religions, different castes, different languages, genders etc. These are the people
who have gone beyond the boundaries of the physical body. These are all the human made
limitations related to the human body. But you will get a collectivity of souls who have gone
beyond these limitations.
• From tomorrow your examination has started. You are no longer Ramu the beggar. Leave
behind the habit of putting your attention into other people and collecting dirt from other
• Don’t put your chitta into anyone. You will automatically become introversive.
• And if you become introversive, you will start to see your own faults. And as soon as you can
see your own faults, they will start correcting themselves.
• Swamiji’s advice to the young boy going to be a fighter pilot: Some people you meet will be
favorable to you, others will be unfavorable, but you should not pollute your chitta on
anyone. No matter how people behave with you, you should keep a behavior of love towards
everyone, you should keep a good behavior towards others.
• If someone thinks ill of you, let it be, that is their state. You hold your ground and be truthful.
When they rise up to your state one day, they will realize that you were right.
• That is why no matter what anyone says, do not allow your chitta to get polluted. Chitta is the
biggest wealth one has, it is the greatest strength one has.
• We easily give our chitta to other people. No one has done anything to you, no one has said
anything to you. This has happened due to your own inner state.
• No matter what anyone else does, you should not have ill feelings about anyone.
• Keep your mind clean.
• And second, love unconditionally. Choose any one person, any love them unconditionally. Do
not keep an account of how this other person treats you. You simply love unconditionally. If you
learn to love one person, you will be able to love others in the world also. Whatever you give, it
will be returned in this world.
• The world is round—what you give, it will only come back to you.
• Also love selflessly. Loving selflessly in the largest strength of humanity.
• Swamiji is giving us what Swamiji has obtained over 60 years of spiritual penance after
undergoing many difficulties and pains. This has only been possible to give to unknown people
due to the power of love.
• So remember these two things: Do not allow your chitta to be polluted, no matter how difficult
the outside situation is, no matter how bad the situation may be. The chitta is your biggest
wealth. The more you strengthen it, the more spiritual progress you will be able to undergo.
And secondly, love everyone. The more you love, the more it will grow, and you too will
receive what you give.
• Sadhak does not mean one who has attended a shibir or having self-realization. The real
definition of a sadhak is one who has done sadhna and proven himself (become siddh).
• However every person brings some form of ego in with them. Some people keep an ego of their
looks, of their wealth, and others of their post. They will come with their ego and they will also
receive anubhuti (spiritua experience). Then, the form of the ego changes into “I am a sadhak”.
Meaning, that ego has changed its form. It isn’t gone.
• Story of the donkey that costs Rs.2000 more than the others because it had eaten a 2,000 rupee
note. So, don’t be like that donkey. If you are the same just as before, and there has been no
inner change, and you have just gained the ego that ‘I have gained anubhuti, I have become a
sadhak, I have tied a scarf’ etc. Ego changes its colors and forms, but it doesn’t go away. That is
why it’s important to keep the ego under control.
• As the physical consciousness (sharir-bhav) drops, then ego will also drop automatically as it is
part of the body consciousness. As you go within, the ego will be dropped automatically.
• Next, many sadhaks meditate regularly for 6 months and gain very good experiences. Until the
agya chakra you may see visions of whomever you have believed to be God, but if you reach
above that to the sahastrar, then you will not see anything. You may have experiences like
smelling roses or sandalwood. You may hear celestial sounds etc. But all these experiences are
also levels, don’t stop there. Try to go above this as well.
• It happens that sadhaks get good experiences for 6 months. This happens because they sit alone
at home and meditate which makes their chitta clean and pure. But the chitta is not under
control. So the habits they had like Ramu the beggar to put their chitta in others did not go, so
they absorb the dirt of others. The habit still persists.
• This happens because your chitta is not under control. So you need to make your chitta
strong, and also control it. This is just as you need to be able to drive a car fast, but you also
need to be able to control it at speed.
• This control will only come through meditating in collectivity. Even though you are meditating
with a large collectivity you will only be able to feel your own soul, and once you learn to live
with your soul, you will never be alone. You will feel that your soul is always near you in the
form of a Guru. Then you will become self-supporting. You will receive all the knowledge from
• Second, do you think that everything you read on the internet or in books is Gyan? No, it is only
information. All this is information of the past, of what has already happened. Knowledge is
experience, it can only be obtained from within you. And once you obtain that, you will get all
the Gyan/knowledge from within yourself.
• The scope of Yog is very vast. Sitting at one place, you can get complete information about
anyone in the world. Yog is an art of life. It is a way of managing your life. Then your life will
remain happy, content, joyful and positive.
• In the coming days, this positivity will be of utmost importance. Yog makes a man positive. No
matter what the situation is, he will see the positive only.
• In life, whenever something good happens, something bad also happens. What matters is
where your chitta is. If your chitta is in a good place, you will absorb good things; if your chitta
is in a bad place, it will absorb bad things.
• Be quiet and think for a minute—where am I? Then, you will go within yourself. Because
otherwise we are not inside, we are either in the past or in the future. But you can practice
this for yourself. Notice every second, where are you.
• Once you start noticing, you will be able to focus. Your mind will become calm, you will have a
state of thoughtlessness.
• Dhyan is nothing. Living in the present is Dhyan. How much you live in the present, that much is
Dhyan. The more you study, the more you practice, the more you will learn to live in the
present. The more you will live in the present, the more Gyan of anubhuti (knowledge of
experience) you will receive. And this is the type of knowledge that you cannot get from the
internet or any books. You will receive all of this knowledge from within yourself only.
Because you will become your own Guru.
• Niyamit Dhyan and collective meditation are the two cars on which Samarpan Dhyan thrives.
Regular meditation makes your chitta strong and collective meditation teaches you to control
it. And both are necessary. Both of these happen gradually.
• So from tomorrow start the 45 day spiritual practice. Light a Diya, and decide on a fixed time
and place and meditate for 30 minutes. Try this and see what happens. When you decide on a
fixed time for lunch, your body starts feeling hungry right at that time. Similarly, when you
decide on a fixed time for meditation, you will feel the desire to start meditating and will be
able to go into meditation right at that time.
• A fixed place is also important, as when you have a fixed place, an energy gets established
there. And then, as soon as you go into that area, you will be able to go into Dhyan easily.
• This is why a fixed time and fixed place are necessary. So a 45 day anushtan are necessary.
• So write all the problems you are facing on a piece of paper and leave that piece of paper near
whomever you believe in. And then don’t think about the problem for 45 days. Have full faith
that “In 45 days, this problem is definitely going to be solved. A solution will definitely come
out.” Parmatma is in believing and faith, so have full faith in this. The more you trust, the
better results you will receive. So have this kind of firm faith and leave it one that piece of
paper. Then don’t think about it again. You have handed the problem over to Parmatma. We
trust even unknown bus drivers when we get onto a bus. Have faith in Parmatma that he will
DEFINITELY solve your problems within 45 days. The moment we hand our problem over to
Parmatma, then the supreme consciousness does that work. There have been lacks of
experiences of this.
• SO have full faith, that I have handed this problem over to Parmatma, and after handing it
over he will definitely complete it. Then after passing it to Parmatma, have full faith. Don’t ask
questions like “Will he do it or not? Will this problem be over in 45 days or not?”
• Don’t have such doubts. Doubts are against trust and love. We don’t doubt or suspect the one
we love. Doubt and suspicion are both against trust and love. They destroy the energy we
receive from faith and love, they are obstacles that destroy the energy. So don’t have such
suspicion or doubt. Hand it over with full faith. It will definitely get solved.
• Over 25 years, Swamiji has not found even one person who has followed the practice for 45
days with full faith, and not received the solution to their problems and not had a positive
change in their lives. You can take the experience of this for yourself.
• If you are unable to meditate ask Parmatma for forgiveness. He will definitely forgive you. And
believe in the power of mercy. Parmatma is an ocean of mercy, he will forgive all of your
• Human beings have one big problem: they forgive everyone, but they don’t forgive themselves.
Just as you forgive others, forgive yourself. “Because of me this happened, that happened…”
Nothing happened. Forget it. It is the past. Stay in the present.
• How can the man who has fallen in his own sights rise in the eyes of the world. You have
fallen in your own eyes. I am a sinner, I am bad, I have done this etc…
• No one has done anything. Forget everything. Because if you keep thinking about it, you will
never be able to move forward and make progress in life. No matter what sins you have
committed in your life, no matter what bad deeds you have committed, forget everything.
• Remember one thing only—In this life, I have received those parents because of whom I have
been able to gain the energies of self-realization. Be thankful that you got the Mahashibir
through which you received anubhuti. Then thank this time, this shibir ended on Purnima day.
So think about how good this time was, how good this shibir was, how blessed you were to
receive such good parents.
• Think about the positive and remember it. Forget all the bad deeds. Because if you remember
them, you will not be able to progress in life.
• Practice meditations, practice Dhyan, and all of these things will also go away.
• Living in positivity, that is the prime objective of Yog.
• Just as we see that fake coins that do not work in the market, people go and put them in the
temple. Similarly, in Samarpan Dhyan, those fake coins work in Samarpan Dhyan that do not
work elsewhere in the world, that have failed in business and everywhere else in the world.
• Imagine that a businessman’s son does a business and fails at it, and then he falls down one
level; he then does another business and then he falls down another level. Eventually people tell
him to stop trying.
• Why? Because as he keeps failing, the energy of failure becomes so heavy on him, that as soon
as he tries to get up, with force, he falls down again. As soon as he tries to get up, the negative
force of failure pulls him down again.
• If you are such a person, that you have become unsuccessful everywhere in life, then Samarpan
Dhyan is a golden opportunity for you. So what should such people do? First, stop trying to do
anything in life. Why? Because as soon as you try something, you have to leave the place, the
station, you are situated at. And as soon as you let go of your place, the negative force pulls
you down further. So stop all new attempts.
• Stop all new attempts for 45 days. In this time, follow the spiritual practice with full feeling
and dedication.
• Since you have not tried to get up from your place, you will not fall down any further. And
when you meditate, you will be connected with good, successful souls across the world. All
you need to do is to try and cement your current standing and become strong where you are.
You don’t need to try and go any higher. When you get connected to a good collectivity of
successful people, in meditation, in business, in work. When you are connected with a
collectivity of such successful people, whether you want to or not, whether you are eligible or
not, these people will make your progress happen in any case.
• This is just like the 4 horse cart. Even if one does not want to run, the other three will make the
fourth one reach in any case.
• A Guru is one who cannot do anything bad to anyone. You may not feel comfortable with the
path shown by him, you may or may not be able to understand it at the moment because you
think with your intellect and the Guru thinks beyond the limits of the intellect. So, it is necessary
to have faith and follow through.
• Swamiji is not asking us to leave the path we are on, he is not asking us to leave the field we
are on. Stay put. You will find success there only. There is no reason to run. Stay put there.
You need to stay on the path you are on, but after balancing yourself. After balancing oneself,
a human’s efforts are balanced and his results are also balanced.
• To protect yourself from Corona, stay thoughtless, or think positively. By staying thoughtless,
your immunity will increase greatly. But if you think negatively, you may still find yourself in
distress despite following all physical precautions.
• Hence, it is necessary to meditate. By meditating you get a state of thoughtlessness, and
through thoughtlessness, your immunity increases. And if you are positive, then you will see
each and every situation in a positive light. So, join these things to you.
• Vibrating water changes its inherent qualities and energy patterns. If you remember a positive
person and meditate on their energy, and vibrate the water, it gets instilled with positive
vibrations; and if you remember a negative person and vibrate the water, it gets filled with
negative vibrations.
• 70% of the human body is water. If you add positive things into this water, then you will
experience positive results. This will lead to changes in the body. Swamiji wants us to learn how
to do this.
• Put a diya or a candle, meditate and then after meditating take a bottle with a large opening and
give the water full vibrations. You should pray that ___X Person__ should be cured of __Y__
problem through the water. You should know the name of the person and the problem. This will
allow good energy to enter into the water, and the person drinking it will experience a positive
• There are three categories of perception of vibrated water. The first type say it seems a little bit
sweet; the next type, say that they feel some energy; and the third type with very good
receiving, will say that vibrations on the Sahastrar have started.
• Your body is 70% water and if you infuse it with positive thoughts, then it will certainly make a
difference. But it takes two hands to clap. The person receiving also needs to have faith that by
drinking this water, they will definitely get cured of their problem. This increases their receiving.
• If their receiving is good then they will get results fast. If their receiving is not good, then it will
take a longer time, but it will still give good results.
• In this shibir we have learnt that Parmatma is an indestructible force. Parmatma was here
yesterday, Parmatma is there today as well, Parmatma will be there tomorrow as well. This
means that Parmatma cannot be any person, location or place. Parmatma is a universal
energy that is spread everywhere in the universe. As soon as we lose our existence, we merge
with the Universal consciousness.
• But to merge you will have to erase your physical consciousness. When can a seed become a
tree? When it leaves behind its identity of a seed. The same way, when you leave behind the
consciousness of the body, you can merge with the consciousness of Parmatma and the
consciousness spread throughout the universe, you can experience that.
• Normally, our receiving is very less, so we cannot experience the vibrations of Parmatma’s
energy. But where there is a collectivity, where the energy is flowing very rapidly, there we can
recognize it and know it. An ordinary man does not have this knowledge, but he knows that by
going there he feels good.
• The things that we cannot do in our physical state, we don’t have the status to do those things;
but when you try to do them at the soul level, then they get done. An extraordinary task can
happen even through an ordinary man when the man does not do the task through his own
• This is why you should increase your soul strength. You should practice Yog: the merging of your
soul with Parmatma. This gives your whole life a positive perspective. Being positive like this is
what it means to merge with Parmatma.
• Parmatma is upon believing. Someone believes someone to be Parmatma, and others consider
someone else to be Parmatma.
• Parmatma was there yesterday, is there today and will be there tomorrow. Only if we are in
the present, then we will be able to recognize the present medium of Parmatma.
• Parmatma is a shakti/energy. It keeps appearing though some medium. And then we call the
medium Parmatma. In reality, they are also mediums of Parmatma. There is nothing called
Parmatma. These are all mediums.
• What we call Dharma is not actually dharma. Humanity is our only Dharma. Everything else is
a method of worship. And there can be numerous methods of worship. But anubhuti (spiritual
experience) is the same for everyone. Why? Because within everyone, there is the same
aatma, the same soul, the same fragment of Parmatma.
• Parmatma has given every seed the capability of growing into a tree. No matter who wants it,
one can reduce their physical state and learn to live in a spiritual state and anyone can attain
spiritual growth.
• Parmatma’s specialty is that he gives everyone equally.
• Dharma is the knowledge that gives us inspiration to do good work. What is good to do, what is
bad to do, you get that knowledge from within yourself. Why? Because the Dharma within us is
awakened. What we think of as Dharma today are methods of worship and they can be
different. But all our Dharma is the same, it is humanity.
• By doing Yog, the Dharma of Humanity will awaken within you and what you should do, what
you should not do, you will get that Gyan, that knowledge from within yourself.
• And third, Satguru is that path, that medium through which the Universal energy flows and
reaches us.
• We are traditionally only acquainted to knowledge acquired through traditional means. There is
another type of knowledge that is transferred from one soul to another.
• For that you will have to gain self-realization and then make your soul so strong, and you
should know how to join with that soul. Then you can gain the knowledge that the other soul
possesses. Because you cannot take anything and they cannot give anything. It happens
• Not doing anything is meditation. Even when we do nothing, we keep thinking. Doing nothing
with the body, and nothing with the mind is called Dhyan. But we are not acquainted with this.
• In a similar way to the 108 bead rosary on which people do chanting of holy names like Ram,
this 45 day anushtan is like 45 beads on a rosary. Don’t think about whether you are able to
concentrate or not. Regularly meditate for 45 days. It does not matter if you are able to go into
Dhyan. And if you have done yogasans, they will help you here. You will be able to easily sit with
a silent chitta for half an hour. Otherwise the body is not used to sitting still for half and hour.
You may start feeling ticklish or like scratching your body. All of these are signs that the body is
opposing you. You are trying to get the body in one position and the body is not used to it.
• But despite all the opposition of your body. You have to keep your Sankalp (willpower) strong. “I
have to meditate for 45 days, I have to sit for Dhyan for 30 minutes”
• As you keep doing this, you body will come under your control. It will start to cooperate with
• When this message that you are going to sit, no matter what, for the 30 minutes, reaches your
body, it will start cooperating with you and become your slave.
• Then after you get control over the body, you will get so many thoughts that you can’t even
speak of it. All those experiences in your life will come in front of you. If a dirty gutter is left it
doesn’t stink much, but when it starts to get cleaned it smells. This is similar, when the chitta is
cleaned, all the bad experiences you have faced in your life will slowly start to surface in your
mind and this will definitely cause you distress.
• But keep in mind, that those thoughts are going away. The garbage comes out and gets
released. So when you clean the chitta you will see all the bad people and experiences. Just see
it, pay no attention to it. Let it flow away.
• Don’t sit and enjoy the old thoughts. If you remember an old incident, don’t start thinking about
it. Don’t be involved with the thoughts, just watch the thoughts.
• This is the mistake that sadhaks often make. They sit to enjoy the thoughts and start thinking.
The thoughts are not you. 90% of devotees make this mistake.
• You are not the thoughts. You are different and the thoughts are different. You just watch the
thoughts. As soon as your chitta goes onto the thoughts, the thoughts will slowly, slowly,
• Once you have conquered this also, the intellect will awaken and oppose you. It will give you a
lot of problems and remind you of a lot of sanskars and issues and work. But you still need to be
resolute that I need to sit for 30 minutes and I need to sit for 45 days.
• So once you make a strong resolution (Sankalp) and follow through on that first the body will
lose and stop opposing you, then the mind will lose, and then the intellect will also lose.
• Swamiji has told us a method: Donate 30 minutes to Swamiji. And whatever you donate, don’t
ask for it back. So form tomorrow your day will be of 23.5 hours. And if you cut 45 days of 23.5
hours, you will lose 22.5 hours, but in that time you life would have changed. Your life would
have become positive.
• No matter if you are able to go into Dhyan or not, no matter if you are getting lots of thoughts
or what the intellect says, don’t get up for 30 minutes.

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Mahashibir day 8 notes

  • 1. Mahashibir Day 8 Notes: Mahashivir - 2020 | Day 8 - Be your own Guru | अपने गुरु बनो - YouTube Disclaimer: These notes are not a direct translation of the Shibir. These are just my personal notes that I am sharing in the hopes that they will be useful for someone in some capacity as a reminder. But, they are no substitute for the original videos with Swamiji’s vibrations and energies. Pease take some time to rewatch the original videos on the Gurutattva youtube channel if possible. • Story of Ramu the beggar who was given the mantra “I have now become a King. I have now become a King…” to stop begging and to start acting like a King. In just the same way, if you get up every morning and say the soul mantra, then after 45 days, you will actually become a pure and holy soul. • This mantra is not just a collection of words. Lakhs of people are joined to it. This mantra is a medium through which you get the blessings of the Himalayan rishis and the collectivity of good sadhaks who have been practicing meditation all over the world. You get the collectivity of the world’s good sadhaks, successful sadhaks. • And then, no matter what state you are in, your progress happens. It happens because this is like the case of the 4 horse chariot. Even if one horse if lazy and doesn’t want to go to the station, the other 3 horses end up pulling him and make him reach the station anyways. • Similarly, no matter your state, no matter your receiving, no matter your status, the collectivity of good sadhaks (practitioners) and good souls, and the blessings of the Himalayan Gurus will help you reach a state where there will be nothing left in your life to attain. • All you have to do is to say the mantra “I am a pure soul. I am a holy soul” every morning with full emotion (bhaav) and faith. Then for the whole day, you will stay in the state of the pure soul for the full day. You will stay in a state where there is no existence for you except the soul. And this effect will slowly fall on you and the qualities of the soul will slowly develop within you. • Imagine yourself in the place of Ramu the beggar. This story is actually about you. When you start meditating from tomorrow morning, you are sitting on the throne from tomorrow morning. • You are those people who have attended the 8 day shibir and gained self-realization. You are attached to that meditation that has a collectivity of lacks of pure souls across 100 souls. They are of different religions, different castes, different languages, genders etc. These are the people who have gone beyond the boundaries of the physical body. These are all the human made limitations related to the human body. But you will get a collectivity of souls who have gone beyond these limitations. • From tomorrow your examination has started. You are no longer Ramu the beggar. Leave behind the habit of putting your attention into other people and collecting dirt from other people. • Don’t put your chitta into anyone. You will automatically become introversive. • And if you become introversive, you will start to see your own faults. And as soon as you can see your own faults, they will start correcting themselves. • Swamiji’s advice to the young boy going to be a fighter pilot: Some people you meet will be favorable to you, others will be unfavorable, but you should not pollute your chitta on anyone. No matter how people behave with you, you should keep a behavior of love towards everyone, you should keep a good behavior towards others.
  • 2. • If someone thinks ill of you, let it be, that is their state. You hold your ground and be truthful. When they rise up to your state one day, they will realize that you were right. • That is why no matter what anyone says, do not allow your chitta to get polluted. Chitta is the biggest wealth one has, it is the greatest strength one has. • We easily give our chitta to other people. No one has done anything to you, no one has said anything to you. This has happened due to your own inner state. • No matter what anyone else does, you should not have ill feelings about anyone. • Keep your mind clean. • And second, love unconditionally. Choose any one person, any love them unconditionally. Do not keep an account of how this other person treats you. You simply love unconditionally. If you learn to love one person, you will be able to love others in the world also. Whatever you give, it will be returned in this world. • The world is round—what you give, it will only come back to you. • Also love selflessly. Loving selflessly in the largest strength of humanity. • Swamiji is giving us what Swamiji has obtained over 60 years of spiritual penance after undergoing many difficulties and pains. This has only been possible to give to unknown people due to the power of love. • So remember these two things: Do not allow your chitta to be polluted, no matter how difficult the outside situation is, no matter how bad the situation may be. The chitta is your biggest wealth. The more you strengthen it, the more spiritual progress you will be able to undergo. And secondly, love everyone. The more you love, the more it will grow, and you too will receive what you give. • Sadhak does not mean one who has attended a shibir or having self-realization. The real definition of a sadhak is one who has done sadhna and proven himself (become siddh). • However every person brings some form of ego in with them. Some people keep an ego of their looks, of their wealth, and others of their post. They will come with their ego and they will also receive anubhuti (spiritua experience). Then, the form of the ego changes into “I am a sadhak”. Meaning, that ego has changed its form. It isn’t gone. • Story of the donkey that costs Rs.2000 more than the others because it had eaten a 2,000 rupee note. So, don’t be like that donkey. If you are the same just as before, and there has been no inner change, and you have just gained the ego that ‘I have gained anubhuti, I have become a sadhak, I have tied a scarf’ etc. Ego changes its colors and forms, but it doesn’t go away. That is why it’s important to keep the ego under control. • As the physical consciousness (sharir-bhav) drops, then ego will also drop automatically as it is part of the body consciousness. As you go within, the ego will be dropped automatically. • Next, many sadhaks meditate regularly for 6 months and gain very good experiences. Until the agya chakra you may see visions of whomever you have believed to be God, but if you reach above that to the sahastrar, then you will not see anything. You may have experiences like smelling roses or sandalwood. You may hear celestial sounds etc. But all these experiences are also levels, don’t stop there. Try to go above this as well. • It happens that sadhaks get good experiences for 6 months. This happens because they sit alone at home and meditate which makes their chitta clean and pure. But the chitta is not under control. So the habits they had like Ramu the beggar to put their chitta in others did not go, so they absorb the dirt of others. The habit still persists.
  • 3. • This happens because your chitta is not under control. So you need to make your chitta strong, and also control it. This is just as you need to be able to drive a car fast, but you also need to be able to control it at speed. • This control will only come through meditating in collectivity. Even though you are meditating with a large collectivity you will only be able to feel your own soul, and once you learn to live with your soul, you will never be alone. You will feel that your soul is always near you in the form of a Guru. Then you will become self-supporting. You will receive all the knowledge from within. • Second, do you think that everything you read on the internet or in books is Gyan? No, it is only information. All this is information of the past, of what has already happened. Knowledge is experience, it can only be obtained from within you. And once you obtain that, you will get all the Gyan/knowledge from within yourself. • The scope of Yog is very vast. Sitting at one place, you can get complete information about anyone in the world. Yog is an art of life. It is a way of managing your life. Then your life will remain happy, content, joyful and positive. • In the coming days, this positivity will be of utmost importance. Yog makes a man positive. No matter what the situation is, he will see the positive only. • In life, whenever something good happens, something bad also happens. What matters is where your chitta is. If your chitta is in a good place, you will absorb good things; if your chitta is in a bad place, it will absorb bad things. • Be quiet and think for a minute—where am I? Then, you will go within yourself. Because otherwise we are not inside, we are either in the past or in the future. But you can practice this for yourself. Notice every second, where are you. • Once you start noticing, you will be able to focus. Your mind will become calm, you will have a state of thoughtlessness. • Dhyan is nothing. Living in the present is Dhyan. How much you live in the present, that much is Dhyan. The more you study, the more you practice, the more you will learn to live in the present. The more you will live in the present, the more Gyan of anubhuti (knowledge of experience) you will receive. And this is the type of knowledge that you cannot get from the internet or any books. You will receive all of this knowledge from within yourself only. Because you will become your own Guru. • Niyamit Dhyan and collective meditation are the two cars on which Samarpan Dhyan thrives. Regular meditation makes your chitta strong and collective meditation teaches you to control it. And both are necessary. Both of these happen gradually. • So from tomorrow start the 45 day spiritual practice. Light a Diya, and decide on a fixed time and place and meditate for 30 minutes. Try this and see what happens. When you decide on a fixed time for lunch, your body starts feeling hungry right at that time. Similarly, when you decide on a fixed time for meditation, you will feel the desire to start meditating and will be able to go into meditation right at that time. • A fixed place is also important, as when you have a fixed place, an energy gets established there. And then, as soon as you go into that area, you will be able to go into Dhyan easily. • This is why a fixed time and fixed place are necessary. So a 45 day anushtan are necessary. • So write all the problems you are facing on a piece of paper and leave that piece of paper near whomever you believe in. And then don’t think about the problem for 45 days. Have full faith
  • 4. that “In 45 days, this problem is definitely going to be solved. A solution will definitely come out.” Parmatma is in believing and faith, so have full faith in this. The more you trust, the better results you will receive. So have this kind of firm faith and leave it one that piece of paper. Then don’t think about it again. You have handed the problem over to Parmatma. We trust even unknown bus drivers when we get onto a bus. Have faith in Parmatma that he will DEFINITELY solve your problems within 45 days. The moment we hand our problem over to Parmatma, then the supreme consciousness does that work. There have been lacks of experiences of this. • SO have full faith, that I have handed this problem over to Parmatma, and after handing it over he will definitely complete it. Then after passing it to Parmatma, have full faith. Don’t ask questions like “Will he do it or not? Will this problem be over in 45 days or not?” • Don’t have such doubts. Doubts are against trust and love. We don’t doubt or suspect the one we love. Doubt and suspicion are both against trust and love. They destroy the energy we receive from faith and love, they are obstacles that destroy the energy. So don’t have such suspicion or doubt. Hand it over with full faith. It will definitely get solved. • Over 25 years, Swamiji has not found even one person who has followed the practice for 45 days with full faith, and not received the solution to their problems and not had a positive change in their lives. You can take the experience of this for yourself. • If you are unable to meditate ask Parmatma for forgiveness. He will definitely forgive you. And believe in the power of mercy. Parmatma is an ocean of mercy, he will forgive all of your mistakes. • Human beings have one big problem: they forgive everyone, but they don’t forgive themselves. Just as you forgive others, forgive yourself. “Because of me this happened, that happened…” Nothing happened. Forget it. It is the past. Stay in the present. • How can the man who has fallen in his own sights rise in the eyes of the world. You have fallen in your own eyes. I am a sinner, I am bad, I have done this etc… • No one has done anything. Forget everything. Because if you keep thinking about it, you will never be able to move forward and make progress in life. No matter what sins you have committed in your life, no matter what bad deeds you have committed, forget everything. • Remember one thing only—In this life, I have received those parents because of whom I have been able to gain the energies of self-realization. Be thankful that you got the Mahashibir through which you received anubhuti. Then thank this time, this shibir ended on Purnima day. So think about how good this time was, how good this shibir was, how blessed you were to receive such good parents. • Think about the positive and remember it. Forget all the bad deeds. Because if you remember them, you will not be able to progress in life. • Practice meditations, practice Dhyan, and all of these things will also go away. • Living in positivity, that is the prime objective of Yog. • Just as we see that fake coins that do not work in the market, people go and put them in the temple. Similarly, in Samarpan Dhyan, those fake coins work in Samarpan Dhyan that do not work elsewhere in the world, that have failed in business and everywhere else in the world. • Imagine that a businessman’s son does a business and fails at it, and then he falls down one level; he then does another business and then he falls down another level. Eventually people tell him to stop trying.
  • 5. • Why? Because as he keeps failing, the energy of failure becomes so heavy on him, that as soon as he tries to get up, with force, he falls down again. As soon as he tries to get up, the negative force of failure pulls him down again. • If you are such a person, that you have become unsuccessful everywhere in life, then Samarpan Dhyan is a golden opportunity for you. So what should such people do? First, stop trying to do anything in life. Why? Because as soon as you try something, you have to leave the place, the station, you are situated at. And as soon as you let go of your place, the negative force pulls you down further. So stop all new attempts. • Stop all new attempts for 45 days. In this time, follow the spiritual practice with full feeling and dedication. • Since you have not tried to get up from your place, you will not fall down any further. And when you meditate, you will be connected with good, successful souls across the world. All you need to do is to try and cement your current standing and become strong where you are. You don’t need to try and go any higher. When you get connected to a good collectivity of successful people, in meditation, in business, in work. When you are connected with a collectivity of such successful people, whether you want to or not, whether you are eligible or not, these people will make your progress happen in any case. • This is just like the 4 horse cart. Even if one does not want to run, the other three will make the fourth one reach in any case. • A Guru is one who cannot do anything bad to anyone. You may not feel comfortable with the path shown by him, you may or may not be able to understand it at the moment because you think with your intellect and the Guru thinks beyond the limits of the intellect. So, it is necessary to have faith and follow through. • Swamiji is not asking us to leave the path we are on, he is not asking us to leave the field we are on. Stay put. You will find success there only. There is no reason to run. Stay put there. You need to stay on the path you are on, but after balancing yourself. After balancing oneself, a human’s efforts are balanced and his results are also balanced. • To protect yourself from Corona, stay thoughtless, or think positively. By staying thoughtless, your immunity will increase greatly. But if you think negatively, you may still find yourself in distress despite following all physical precautions. • Hence, it is necessary to meditate. By meditating you get a state of thoughtlessness, and through thoughtlessness, your immunity increases. And if you are positive, then you will see each and every situation in a positive light. So, join these things to you. • Vibrating water changes its inherent qualities and energy patterns. If you remember a positive person and meditate on their energy, and vibrate the water, it gets instilled with positive vibrations; and if you remember a negative person and vibrate the water, it gets filled with negative vibrations. • 70% of the human body is water. If you add positive things into this water, then you will experience positive results. This will lead to changes in the body. Swamiji wants us to learn how to do this. • Put a diya or a candle, meditate and then after meditating take a bottle with a large opening and give the water full vibrations. You should pray that ___X Person__ should be cured of __Y__ problem through the water. You should know the name of the person and the problem. This will
  • 6. allow good energy to enter into the water, and the person drinking it will experience a positive effect. • There are three categories of perception of vibrated water. The first type say it seems a little bit sweet; the next type, say that they feel some energy; and the third type with very good receiving, will say that vibrations on the Sahastrar have started. • Your body is 70% water and if you infuse it with positive thoughts, then it will certainly make a difference. But it takes two hands to clap. The person receiving also needs to have faith that by drinking this water, they will definitely get cured of their problem. This increases their receiving. • If their receiving is good then they will get results fast. If their receiving is not good, then it will take a longer time, but it will still give good results. • In this shibir we have learnt that Parmatma is an indestructible force. Parmatma was here yesterday, Parmatma is there today as well, Parmatma will be there tomorrow as well. This means that Parmatma cannot be any person, location or place. Parmatma is a universal energy that is spread everywhere in the universe. As soon as we lose our existence, we merge with the Universal consciousness. • But to merge you will have to erase your physical consciousness. When can a seed become a tree? When it leaves behind its identity of a seed. The same way, when you leave behind the consciousness of the body, you can merge with the consciousness of Parmatma and the consciousness spread throughout the universe, you can experience that. • Normally, our receiving is very less, so we cannot experience the vibrations of Parmatma’s energy. But where there is a collectivity, where the energy is flowing very rapidly, there we can recognize it and know it. An ordinary man does not have this knowledge, but he knows that by going there he feels good. • The things that we cannot do in our physical state, we don’t have the status to do those things; but when you try to do them at the soul level, then they get done. An extraordinary task can happen even through an ordinary man when the man does not do the task through his own identity. • This is why you should increase your soul strength. You should practice Yog: the merging of your soul with Parmatma. This gives your whole life a positive perspective. Being positive like this is what it means to merge with Parmatma. • Parmatma is upon believing. Someone believes someone to be Parmatma, and others consider someone else to be Parmatma. • Parmatma was there yesterday, is there today and will be there tomorrow. Only if we are in the present, then we will be able to recognize the present medium of Parmatma. • Parmatma is a shakti/energy. It keeps appearing though some medium. And then we call the medium Parmatma. In reality, they are also mediums of Parmatma. There is nothing called Parmatma. These are all mediums. • What we call Dharma is not actually dharma. Humanity is our only Dharma. Everything else is a method of worship. And there can be numerous methods of worship. But anubhuti (spiritual experience) is the same for everyone. Why? Because within everyone, there is the same aatma, the same soul, the same fragment of Parmatma. • Parmatma has given every seed the capability of growing into a tree. No matter who wants it, one can reduce their physical state and learn to live in a spiritual state and anyone can attain spiritual growth.
  • 7. • Parmatma’s specialty is that he gives everyone equally. • Dharma is the knowledge that gives us inspiration to do good work. What is good to do, what is bad to do, you get that knowledge from within yourself. Why? Because the Dharma within us is awakened. What we think of as Dharma today are methods of worship and they can be different. But all our Dharma is the same, it is humanity. • By doing Yog, the Dharma of Humanity will awaken within you and what you should do, what you should not do, you will get that Gyan, that knowledge from within yourself. • And third, Satguru is that path, that medium through which the Universal energy flows and reaches us. • We are traditionally only acquainted to knowledge acquired through traditional means. There is another type of knowledge that is transferred from one soul to another. • For that you will have to gain self-realization and then make your soul so strong, and you should know how to join with that soul. Then you can gain the knowledge that the other soul possesses. Because you cannot take anything and they cannot give anything. It happens automatically. • Not doing anything is meditation. Even when we do nothing, we keep thinking. Doing nothing with the body, and nothing with the mind is called Dhyan. But we are not acquainted with this. • In a similar way to the 108 bead rosary on which people do chanting of holy names like Ram, this 45 day anushtan is like 45 beads on a rosary. Don’t think about whether you are able to concentrate or not. Regularly meditate for 45 days. It does not matter if you are able to go into Dhyan. And if you have done yogasans, they will help you here. You will be able to easily sit with a silent chitta for half an hour. Otherwise the body is not used to sitting still for half and hour. You may start feeling ticklish or like scratching your body. All of these are signs that the body is opposing you. You are trying to get the body in one position and the body is not used to it. • But despite all the opposition of your body. You have to keep your Sankalp (willpower) strong. “I have to meditate for 45 days, I have to sit for Dhyan for 30 minutes” • As you keep doing this, you body will come under your control. It will start to cooperate with you. • When this message that you are going to sit, no matter what, for the 30 minutes, reaches your body, it will start cooperating with you and become your slave. • Then after you get control over the body, you will get so many thoughts that you can’t even speak of it. All those experiences in your life will come in front of you. If a dirty gutter is left it doesn’t stink much, but when it starts to get cleaned it smells. This is similar, when the chitta is cleaned, all the bad experiences you have faced in your life will slowly start to surface in your mind and this will definitely cause you distress. • But keep in mind, that those thoughts are going away. The garbage comes out and gets released. So when you clean the chitta you will see all the bad people and experiences. Just see it, pay no attention to it. Let it flow away. • Don’t sit and enjoy the old thoughts. If you remember an old incident, don’t start thinking about it. Don’t be involved with the thoughts, just watch the thoughts. • This is the mistake that sadhaks often make. They sit to enjoy the thoughts and start thinking. The thoughts are not you. 90% of devotees make this mistake.
  • 8. • You are not the thoughts. You are different and the thoughts are different. You just watch the thoughts. As soon as your chitta goes onto the thoughts, the thoughts will slowly, slowly, reduce. • Once you have conquered this also, the intellect will awaken and oppose you. It will give you a lot of problems and remind you of a lot of sanskars and issues and work. But you still need to be resolute that I need to sit for 30 minutes and I need to sit for 45 days. • So once you make a strong resolution (Sankalp) and follow through on that first the body will lose and stop opposing you, then the mind will lose, and then the intellect will also lose. • Swamiji has told us a method: Donate 30 minutes to Swamiji. And whatever you donate, don’t ask for it back. So form tomorrow your day will be of 23.5 hours. And if you cut 45 days of 23.5 hours, you will lose 22.5 hours, but in that time you life would have changed. Your life would have become positive. • No matter if you are able to go into Dhyan or not, no matter if you are getting lots of thoughts or what the intellect says, don’t get up for 30 minutes.